• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago


Just an adventure/mystery fanfiction-writing brony from the state of Vermont who hopes that you enjoy his work.


Ponyville is a massive city with its own long history interweaving with the lore of Equestria at large, and each of its four hundred thousand inhabitants has their own stories to tell. Sadly, only a few of them get a chance to tell their tales of hope, tragedy, loss, and love.

Here, they shall get their chance. In this collection, history will be uncovered and many stories will be related where they might never have been told.

The Noireverse has a wide cast of secondary characters, each of which has their own history, personality, and background. Unfortunately, I would never have enough time to cover them all in the main Ponyville Noire series. This collection of short stories allows me to expand the universe "vertically," in a way, by adding on other details and exploring parts of my world that would otherwise never come up. Also, it gives me a chance to write down short story ideas that pop into my head from time to time. I hope you enjoy!

Warnings for profanity and some possible suggestive content.

Chapters (31)
Comments ( 52 )

flash look so cutie in cover artwork

So this is how it started...

And how may I ask is that instructor still on the job with a clearly unprofessional demeanor, not to mention being a massive pervert?


Just adorable. Seriously, during this whole exchange, I got the smell of the pitch, and the CLACK! of the baseball bat hitting a home run.

Oh, Cold...

Also, AJ is best mother hen.

Oh, he got fired soon after. Reenlisted in the army.

Discharged Dishonorably soon after I can hope.

“I state it because it is true,” Suunkii replied. “I was transfixed, utterly focused upon her; the way she moved, her voice, the smile upon her face, were all a joy to behold. In fact, it was not until after the performance was almost over that Phillip pointed out that I had had a…” He blushed furiously and cleared his throat. “Physical reaction to her appearance.”

Daring stared at him. “Physical…?”

Suunkii blushed and glanced down between his hind legs. Daring stared for a moment longer, then burst out laughing. “Oh, my...you…” She planted her face against the table, vibrating with laughter.

“It is a physical reaction, a part of evolution,” Suunkii grumbled. “It was not something that I had any conscious control over.”

Hahahahha, I'm sure.

But you'll have to remind me who Suunkii is. There are so many characters in this story by this point it's hard to keep track. I also had to try so very hard not to mistype that name as Sunkill.


Seriously, that's the only real logic here behind any of this.

He's the zebra forensic scientist at the crime lab.

This one thanks you for the review!

And thanks for reminding me: this story isn't complete, and probably never really will be. I'll keep adding more things to this as time goes on. I hope you enjoy what comes next!

Stand back! I’m going to do a SCIENCE!

Puns solve everything magic can’t :pinkiehappy:

Stand way back.

Like, in the next room back. Or even outside back.

Gallus that cop. Now that will be interesting indeed

Okay. That was adorable

Yeah.... NEVER say the "Q-Word"... It's like asking "How b** can it **?"

Well, we did see him grow up to be a guard in the show, so i was expecting this to go in that direction

So Lion is Red's kid or Trace's?

If I was a stallion in this world I might try asking Wheel or Twilight or Carrot (Apple Pie's new cook) out on a date(a proper one that is), but if they said no, I'd be disappointed but I like to think that I would have enough respect for them to leave it at that.

Pinkie might be a mite more energetic than I could handle (especially early mornings or late at night) but dang if I don't respect her.

Some time ago I came across a blog (That I can't remember the name of go figure) that had all kinds of factoids and trivia info to improve one's M-rated pony fanfictions. One of those facts is that Equines don't have the exact same systems as humans do, so birthing is comparatively painless process, not to say that it's not uncomfortable just it's not a bloody screaming mess like it is for us humans).

I can empathize with Gallus, I work 20-24 some hours a week and as far as my employer is concerned I should consider myself lucky that I get that much. I could always get a second job elsewhere but trying to navigate multiple schedules would be a hassle. The other option would be to go back to school but that's so darned expensive. Unless you have the right job, or know the right people, or just a ton of spit and vinegar (I think that's the correct saying), you can only get so far.

This chapter gave me something I didn't even know I needed until I read it. It's unfortunate we haven't gotten to see very much of Phillip and Colds relationship over the course of the series, it's rather captivating.

This chapter was hilarious. Good stuff.

Ahhh, a chapter focusing on Trace being happy and his life outside of work, you know... alive... I figured there would be at least one chapter touching on this in this story.
And yet being prepared didn't help stop the feels. Why must you hurt me so...?

I like the dynamic of these two a lot. This made me really like two characters that were otherwise forgettable due to how minor a role they play in the main stories.

I originally just intended both of them to be throwaway characters, but they grew on me a little bit, so I promoted them to third-tier characters.

I never hated Flash like many others did, though he definitely didn't interest me very much. He was always just that character that existed and that was it. But I swear, you somehow managed to make Flash one of the best characters in this series. Your take on his character is just so enjoyable to read.

I can’t wait for you to come up this summer.

Holy smokes! Did the entirety of the first two stories only take place over the course of a year to a year and a half? That must have been one crazy year.

There are so many details of the war that have trickled in over the stories that I always enjoy when we get more background on what exactly happened

That means a lot to read! I guess I just have a soft spot for underdeveloped characters, but Flash grew on me quite quickly after I watched the first EQG movie. Now he's one of my favorite parts of the stories!

I regret not being able to go into more depth (lacking time and energy), but I do try to bring in more details when I can.

Hard to be a mortician and not be at least a little strange. Not everyone can stomach cutting into people. I highly doubt I could if given the opportunity.

I appreciate the effort nonetheless :twilightsmile:

The q word is prime fuel for Murphy's law. The police equivalent of the Scottish play.

The idea that it hurts whenever she gets angry or upset kind of fell into the story at some point—I'm not sure when—and I liked it at the time, so I kept it. In hindsight, that's an idea I might not have included if I could do it all over again.

I liked it. Admittedly it wasn't overly needed in the second story, considering the arch of the first, but I enjoyed it all the same. Some pains never fully go away or something like that, I suppose.

My memory tells me it was introduced all the way back in chapter 2, but don't quote me on that.

Excellent story keep up the good work and do you need eny help with your next story

No, but the thought is appreciated. Thank you!

Very well done, and containing a lesson we can all learn from given the insanity happening everywhere these days.

All the hugs for the Steamed Carrot. That's why Pinkie's my favorite.

In a similar vein to Pinkie, I like Mortis and her eccentricity.

ColdFire! :D

Excellent, cozy little story, Josiah.

Ah some cute wholesome moments.

Some good wholesome adorableness.

I did enjoy this vignette. Sparks certainly is in a miserable place in her life now, but there is hope for redemption and a light at the end of the tunnel (and not a freight train coming her way)

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