• Member Since 20th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Just an adventure/mystery fanfiction-writing brony from the state of Vermont who hopes that you enjoy his work.


The mares and stallions of Manehattan Tanker 45 in Firehouse 9 are amongst the ranks of Manehattan's Bravest, the firefighters who willingly rush into danger to save the lives of others. Hydrant, Bull Run, Smokey Bear and others perform a dangerous job and perform it well.

But when Skybridge Tower is accidentally struck by an airship, they are amongst the first to arrive at the massive fire. And their bravery may cost them all dearly.

Dedicated to firefighters everywhere.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 14 )

Excellent read, may the heroes of 9/11 be remembered

As the song says Where were you when the Wold Stopped Turning. There are moments historical moments where those alive at that time will never forget where they were and what they were doing when it happened. Before 9/11 I heard people say they could remember where they were when the Columbia exploded or JFK died. The idea didn't stick till after 9/11 I will never forget where I was that day

8432940 Working the Help Desk for Bank One as a contractor. Suddenly the calls died off and we heard something going on. We turned on a radio and listened to the news

Thank you for your service (and for the fave and watch)!

I cried when I read this story, because it reminded me of that horrible morning sixteen years ago. Exactly one year later to the day, I wrote this:

A Fateful Day In September
When I woke up that morning
The leaves were changing hues
Then my friend called me
And said turn on the news.
The horrors I saw
I couldn't believe my eyes
At first I was so shocked
I couldn't even cry

It was a fateful day in September
When the trade center fell
Fire and death were all around
And everything was going to hell

I was so confused
I didn't know what to feel
Then I saw the replay
And I knew it was all real
I didn't know
If I was going to live or die
I had mixed emotions
And I felt empty inside

On that fateful day in September
When the trade center fell
Fire and death were all around
And everything was going to hell

I thought that the world
Was coming to an end
But then the voice from the heavens said
"Don't give up hope my friend!"
So that's my advice to you
When you've lost your American Pride
Remember September 11th
And all the people who died

On that fateful day in September
When the trade center fell
When fire and death were all around
And everything was going to hell

That's a lovely poem. Thank you for sharing!

8434030 Anytime. My cousin is a volunteer Fireman, and all I can think about since then is, what if he gets killed on the next call that he goes out on, like the Emergency personnel who died in 9/11.

Hello! Thanks for the follow!

Reading this I realized that it's been(or will be) 20 years this year...

It definitely does not seem like it was that long ago...sitting on dad's lap, watching it on a little 20"ish RCA color TV...then how fast life changed 1,500 miles away.

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