• Published 15th Nov 2018
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Starcraft: Queen and Country - Wanderer D

A seemingly safe experiment is violently interrupted, sending three unwitting innocents through the Void to emerge into a universe at war.

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Chapter 026: Ghost

Starcraft: Queen and Country
By Wanderer D
Chapter 026: Ghost

2505, Koprulu Sector, Planet Agria █

"Greetings! It seems you are investigating zerg space. As you must be aware by now, it is highly inadvisable to try and fly straight through here. If you wish to engage in violent actions, please leave a contact number.

If you need assistance in re-mapping your trajectory, contact your local government for advice, consult the star-charts, or better yet, go back to where you came from. At this time we are not looking for ambassadorial exchanges, trading agreements, or open borders. All tourist attractions in this sector have been closed down for the time being. Thank you!"


"Whatever you do," Nova growled to the communications officer, "do NOT leave a voicemail."

"A-Aye, aye, ma'am!" the man stuttered, slack-jawed like just about everyone else in the ship. "W-we would never!"

"Just make sure of it," Nova replied, massaging her forehead. "Voicemail? Really?" She shook her head. She had heard this zerg queen was odd, but warning off visitors via an automated message like this one was ridiculous. "What kind of idiot would fall for that?"

Nova grunted and focused on her task.

The force accompanying her was as big as the one that was heading over to Research Station EB-103, but quite honestly she would have preferred to be on that mission rather than her current destination.

Raynor had ignored her warnings and sided with Tosh. Kerrigan herself was in EB-103. Those two were the real danger… but instead she had been sent to the edge of the colonies to find a zerg named like some sort of candy.

Still. Nova followed orders, and her orders were to capture or kill the so-called Queen living far away from the center of conflict. It wasn't clear to her why Mengsk was so worried about a random Zerg Queen.

Sure, they could be a problem, but it wasn't something they hadn't dealt with before. It wasn't another Kerrigan.

"I need a review of everything we have on planet Agria in the last few cycles," she ordered.

"There's not much, agent," the first officer of the ship responded, bringing up several holographic screens. "We stationed a permanent force in 2500, and helped them fend off a pirate attack or two. The world is heavily invested in sciences and several individuals of interest had set up labs there."

As he talked, several pictures and names came up. No one she really cared about. Some names sounded familiar, but not in a way that really caught her attention. Probably people that had been on the news at some point.

"During a Zerg invasion in early 2504, we attempted to secure the civilians…"

Nova interrupted him by entering her own input into the console. She smirked. "You mean you tried to escape and left them to die."

The officer coughed. "The planet was deemed lost to the zerg. After we left, all we had were some reports from the news about Raynor crashing in and saving some more civilians before being forced to leave by the new Zerg Queen, Sweetie Belle."

"What a name." Despite her derision at the name, Nova frowned, however. Sweetie Belle had forced Raynor to leave? That was certainly an achievement. Raynor and his troops might not be in her friendly book, but they were no slouches, and Raynor was infamous for being such an effective strategist and leader.

"Since then, other than her appearance at Char, it seems this zerg queen has limited her actions to this specific planetary system. Overall information on her seems to indicate she is a surprisingly peaceful zerg, as that goes, with confidential reports of her earlier appearances citing several instances of mercy and even providing assistance to evacuees."

The officer brought up more reports. "Our long-range systems also detected a Protoss Armada heading toward planet Agria, but nothing has been heard of them since. They were presumed destroyed."

"Even the Protoss?" Nova muttered. "Their defenses must be incredible."

The officer hesitated. "If I can ask, agent, why are we being sent to eliminate this queen in particular? There are reports of other queens that are—"

"The exact reasons are beyond our paygrade, officer," Nova said, narrowing her eyes dangerously. "I cannot disclose all I know, but I am allowed a minimum of information. Do you know of Emil Narud?"

The officer nodded immediately, standing straight. She could sense his distress, but he was holding up admirably. He'd never be worthy of her full respect, but it wasn't often she met someone outside the corps that held themselves well enough.

"Dr. Narud believes that Queen Sweetie Belle is as potentially dangerous as the Queen of Blades herself," she said. "Right now she's weakened, but the aberration in her behavior is and should be concerning to everyone." She looked him straight in the eye. "Zerg destroy. They expand. They don't just stay in a small territory." She paused for effect, studying his reaction. "Understood?"


Seeing that he had acknowledged the importance of the mission, she leaned back, allowing him to breathe a bit more calmly. "Do we have any new information since then?"

The man shook his head. "Our attempts to send ships have failed consistently. Our last spy shuttle was only able to send us a capture of a Leviathan circling the moons of Agria. Monitoring of transmissions between the moon and the planet, indicate that Sweetie Belle is currently on the planet itself, in what used to be one of the largest settlements."

The images brought on screen showed… a normal-looking settlement, not a zerg nest like they had expected. "I don't like working with this minimum amount of information." Nova muttered. "Why is the surface of the planet not completely infected? How old are these?"

"Our satellites caught those almost a month after the invasion, before they were all destroyed by the zerg."

"How about our cloaked ships? Have we sent any?"

The officer shook his head. "They have met the same fate, and there was not much interest in spying on a destroyed world."

"I see." Nova trusted her instincts. Sure, sometimes she had to fight them down when following orders, but when it came to missions, she listened. Especially if it involved the planning stages. And even more so if the enemy had somehow changed their modus-operandi.

A still-functional human settlement on a zerg dominated planet? That was not natural.

"Show me a visual of the scouting missions."

"Ma'am," the officer immediately brought them up and they both stared at them. With Raynor and Kerrigan stirring trouble closer and closer to Mengsk's center of power, there had been little actual interest in Planet Agria once it had been thought lost to the zerg. Therefore there wasn't a wealth of information that they could extrapolate from those few trips, but there was something that stood plenty obvious to her at the moment.

"Do you see it?" she asked.

The man nodded soberly. "All of the entry points have been within the radius of the moons… do you believe there's a zerg base there?"

"It makes the most sense," Nova murmured. "It would normally be a safe assumption that following the dark side of one of the moons would serve as a buffer to the scouts, since it disrupts certain types of scans and obviously line of sight… but if this invasion was planned by first setting a base on one of the moons, then that approach would backfire."

"So what do you suggest?" the officer asked.

Nova pondered the question for a moment. "The lack of information is a big problem, but we have to work with what we have," she stated. "Mengsk has made it very clear that Sweetie Belle is to be eliminated one way or the other. I would have preferred to do it stealthily, but it won't happen, not with a force this size. Still… some modicum of stealth would give us an advantage, however brief."

She brought up a map of the space around the planet, overlapping the routes the scouts had taken and shook her head. Predictability had been the scout's undoing, but it would be to her advantage now. "I have an idea." She activated a simulation and moved their forces into position.

She glanced at the paling officer and, reading his thoughts, she grinned. He understood. This was his chance for glory.

Nova piloted her small infiltrator ship—a short-distance vehicle small enough to not to be identifiable by normal tracking systems—coming into normal space outside Agria on the opposite side of the planet, with her full cloak engaged just in case there were any patrols in the area.

She was going in dark, with the rest of her plan depending on the officer in charge of the battalion keeping a tight grip on time. Of course her success did not hinge on other people doing their job, however.

That would be ridiculous. There was a reason she mostly worked alone, after all, and it certainly wasn't because people were that reliable. No. If things went according to plan, she'd just have an easier time about it, but only an idiot would have considered a single avenue of attack (and retreat).

So far, things seemed to be going well. There were certainly zerg in the planet, and patrols around it, but none were aware of her presence, and the leviathan and other space-faring zerg were currently on the opposite side of her location. If everything went according to plan, they would remain there.

As soon as she crossed into the airspace within Agria's atmosphere, Nova hit her first snag. She had been expecting the type of zerg world she was used to: occasional ruins and few wild nature areas, and vast masses of land covered in zerg Creep and crawling with zerglings and other evolutions… and she certainly spotted a few of those.

But none of them were overwhelming the planet, and there were even large towns completely intact—with humans in them—living right next to the zerg territory! It was surreal.

In fact, if her systems were not lying to her, there were zerg currently in the human towns, but there was no fighting. No calls for aid.

Carefully maneuvering towards the main colony, she encountered more instances of peaceful cooperation between the two species. Reaching the main colony, she set her ship down in a secure area and snuck into the city, shrouded in her camouflage.

Is this what Mengsk is afraid of? What Dr. Narud spoke of when comparing this Queen to Kerrigan? Any other zerg infested world would already be completely overwhelmed. People would be turned into abominations… and there's no denying there's a bit of that… some of the humans seem just… a bit feral. But they act normal.

She had taken to the roofs to avoid potentially bumping into a zerg or human. There was something wrong here and she had knew she couldn't trust humans willing to work with zerg like this.

There seemed to be some sort of event going on in the main plaza. Nova took off in that direction, hoping to find out more about the location of the queen, when she found herself staring across hundreds of people (and zerg) at her mission objective.

She had found Queen Sweetie Belle. And Executor Selendis. And one of the humans of note in the reports. And also Raynor's pet griffon alongside several other Protoss, including a Nezarim.

What the hell was going on?!

There was an air of anticipation as more and more humans and zerg gathered together. Nova narrowed her eyes. What was she witnessing? A declaration of war?

Queen Sweetie Belle raised a hoof and that's when Nova realized she looked different. Less… Zerg. More… unicorn?

The audience of combined species seemed to hold their collective breath as Queen Sweetie Belle smiled. "Happy New Year!"