• Published 15th Nov 2018
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Starcraft: Queen and Country - Wanderer D

A seemingly safe experiment is violently interrupted, sending three unwitting innocents through the Void to emerge into a universe at war.

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Chapter 014: Coming to Terms

Starcraft: Queen and Country
By Wanderer D
Chapter 014:

2504, Koprulu Sector, Planet Agria █

Sweetie Belle stood in the meeting room with the terran leader for Agria, Ariel Hanson, and a few other local leaders, all seated except for the scientist.

"You want me to do what?"

"I want you to work for me," Sweetie Belle said, prowling back and forth in front of the human, 'much like a griffon would', she thought, amused. "I want you to heal the injured humans, give up your weapons, and work with the zerg I assign to you to see if we can find common ground."

Ariel crossed her arms. "And why would I do that? You're going to eat us!"

"Maybe," Sweetie acknowledged, "but then again, maybe not. I don't have any particular hatred for humans, and my friend Gallus is hanging out with Raynor… I think the best chance we have to get along together would be with a small control group." She glanced around. "Like say… your colony."

"Why should I believe that you won't just kill us all?" Ariel insisted. "Zergs and Humans have never coexisted together without violence. And then there's the infestation… the more we are exposed to you, the more we're likely to change."

"That is true," Sweetie said, stopping Ariel in her tracks. "But right now, you don't have many choices. I'm trying to save your life and that of your people, but cooperation is needed. You know that you are of no real value to the Dominion, or they would have helped you. This world is considered lost to the Zerg."

Ariel looked thoughtful, so Sweetie continued, trying to channel her inner Twilight Sparkle, "At this time I'm the Zerg Queen in charge of this planet. I want to prove to my queen that we don't have to annihilate everyone in order for things to work in our favor, if we can manage to prove to her that we can survive together this could be the start of a new way of things. Believe me, doing things this way… it needs to work if we want all our species to eventually coexist."

"What about infestations?" Ariel prodded. "Exposure to zerg usually will lead to that, can you control it too? If you don't mean us harm, why can't you let us go?"

"I am not allowed to let any more colonies go." Sweetie weighed her options and sighed."I hate politics."

This drew a snort from someone in the room, but she didn't acknowledge it, even if the other terrans smelled like they were about to die of fear.

"I originally come from a place where we have several different species living on the same planet," Sweetie said, drawing everyone's attention as she approached one of the windows and glanced outside. "It wasn't perfect, but we made it work. Just on my specific species alone we had four distinct physical differences… wings, horns, lack of both, or both included. And then we had over ten completely different species, all sapient, all living on one single planet."

That started a round of murmurs.

"And what happened when the Zerg got there? Did you all get infested?" a man, who Sweetie thought had been identified as the Mayor earlier, spoke up.

"Nothing. We Zerg have never been there," Sweetie said. "There was no infestation in Equestria."

"We don't want to be monsters! Just because you were infested doesn't mean—" Another terran spoke up. Head of agriculture, was it?

"I was turned into a zerg by terrans experimenting on me," Sweetie interrupted, her voice turning cold, "after they shot me and my friends while we were lost."

She glared at him, feeling her pincers twitch in aggravation. She took two steps forward, holding him in place with her eyes, and a voice full of venom. "They drilled and split my horn almost to the root even though I begged them to stop! Terrans stabbed my back with needles the size of your finger! They never stopped even though I cried for help! I screamed for hours! I thought I'd never see my sister again, or anycreature I knew! An—" She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath when she realized she had started shouting. "It was Queen Kerrigan who came for me." Her voice was softer now.

The silence in the room was palpable now. Ariel looked horrified, stuck between wanting to comfort her, and reminding herself that zerg were the enemy.

"Even though that happened," Sweetie continued into that silence, "I held onto the hope that other Terrans were not like that. Twilight, my former teacher, told me to always remember that everyone was different, and deserved a chance. In Equestria we had our own share of sociopaths, monsters, and extremists. But I understood that not all creatures were the same just because of a species or trait."

She snorted. "My first friend here was a protoss by the name of Zeratul," she said, making them lean back in surprise. "He told me that those terrans did not represent all of you." She looked them all in the eye before she walked to the front of the room. "I want to prove Twilight and him right, and I want to prove to the Queen that not all is going to be lost to war or greed."

She stopped pacing and turned to face them. "I'm not going to lie. You will be infested or die, there's no escaping that," she said. "But you can choose to do this willingly and accept that change and evolution are also parts of life. This way you still remain individuals."

She raised her head, looking down at all the seated representatives with a small measure of disdain."If you'd rather think that all you're going to be is monsters after you change, then let me know now. That way, we can do it Kerrigan's way, so when it happens—and it will—you won't remember anything. You will effectively die and be nothing more than mindless beasts merely resembling terrans. It's your choice. Limited as it is."

She walked to the door. "You have two hours to tell me your answer," she said over her shoulder as she closed it behind her.

2504, Koprulu Sector, Hyperion █

Raynor was arguing with Matt and Tychus, but Gallus' mind was not on them. His thoughts were still on Agria, with a certain young zerg queen. The planet had been completely overwhelmed. When they had escaped the atmosphere, he had seen thousands of zerg pods flying down, with several spaceships of the invasive species surrounding the lost world.

A world that Sweetie had conquered for her queen.

It was unreal, but so was the fact that she… she didn't just look vaguely like the Sweetie he knew. It was her. Sure, she looked slightly different… she was taller, for one, and much deadlier, and moved with deceptive sensuality… but more than that… she sounded like her, she talked, laughed, and felt like her.

She had had him in her grasp, there was no way that he could have escaped, and yet she had allowed him to go unchallenged. She had held her zerg back while talking to him, and despite the fact that she was his enemy at the time… she had felt honestly happy to see him. Or at least that was his impression.

He wasn't sure what Raynor's experience with this Kerrigan creature was, but there was no denying to him that Sweetie was there. Maybe a little twisted, maybe looking different, and deadlier, and possibly sexy—he hadn't really made his mind up on that one, on the one claw, scythes; on the other, scythes—yet, underlying those changes was the sweet pony unicorn he had really only started to get to know during their trip.

"So what's the plan, Jimmy?" Tychus' voice made Gallus look up from his musings to study the three terrans around the map.

"We can't do anything here for now… the majority of the fringe worlds have been attacked, and it seems like something's going on in the Meinhoff System, where most of the survivors are gathering," Matt offered, pulling out a holographic display of the planet. "Information is vague, but it seems some sort of plague has hit the colonists that made it there."

"But… we can't just leave here," Gallus blurted out. "What about Agria?"

Raynor sighed. "Kid, we got lucky that we managed to evacuate whoever we could, but the world is completely in the hands of the zerg. We can't help them, or your girlfriend. But we can help others."

Tychus growled, shaking his head. "I don't like it, Jimmy. We should just concentrate on getting our hands on things we can sell to Moebius. All this runnin' around, helping colonists is not going to help us if we can't finance anything."

Gallus was about to say something, but a look at Raynor—who shook his head—made him clamp his beak shut.

"If this is what I think it is, this needs to be contained," Raynor said, locking eyes with Tychus. "We do that, or we risk having far worse things at our back when we carry on with the big fight." He shook his head, turning to Matt. "We failed the people of Agria… it's time to lick our wounds and get back into the action where we can make a difference."

He walked over to Gallus, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We can talk later, for now get some rest."

Gallus sighed. "Right."

When Ariel stepped out of the building where she and the other surviving leaders of the Agria colony had been discussing their options, she had been amazed to see the calm. Humans still looked fearful, but also, in awe… and she couldn't blame them. She could hear a song, seeming to resonate all around them, and what really made that special, was that the zerg… all of the zerg… were simply standing there, swaying to it.

She had never, in her wildest dreams, imagined she'd be less than a block away from a mesmerized Ultralisk that was rocking its head gently to a song.

The song wasn't in a language she knew, but it carried in the wind, clear and warm. It was an odd thing to hear, in this place, at this time, but it was undeniably beautiful. Even other humans were listening to it, although she was glad to notice they weren't mesmerized like the zerg themselves.

She followed it and stopped, once again surprised. Zerg Queen Sweetie Belle, the monster that had conquered their world, trapped them, and given them an ultimatum barely over an hour ago, was sitting on a bench across from the camp's hospital. She was gently stroking the hair of a little girl that had curled up next to her, and somehow fallen asleep.

The look in Sweetie's eyes was so gentle that for a moment, all she could see was a pure white unicorn with a purple and pink mane singing to a lonely, lost child. She gulped, recognizing something else in the zerg's eyes: longing. Sadness. It was just for a second, and then it was gone, along with the song when the queen noticed her and bid her come closer with her other hoof.

Ariel licked her lips nervously, but approached them, noticing that the zerg all around had returned to their normal, threatening behavior.

"Her name is Suzie. She's lost her mother," Sweetie said, glancing down at the little girl. "I don't know if she's here in this world or if she was one of the few that were able to escape with Raynor."

Ariel took a deep breath. "We'll ask around," she said, "but Suzie here won't be the only one."

"I know," Sweetie said. "My queen is pleased with me for now, and eager to see what we make of this place. Since I'll keep authority until told otherwise, I want you to assign people to the effort of reuniting families. If one of their members, parents or children, are injured, they still should be kept aware of their location." She narrowed her eyes. "Children should not be separated from their parents for any reason."

Ariel nodded, but the order itself surprised her. She needed to know more, if she was going to somewhat attempt to trust this creature. "It's an odd order… Throughout history, separating families has been a convenient way of intimidating and controlling others. I'm surprised that as conquerors you wouldn't do that."

"And you call us monsters." Sweetie shook her head, looking down at the little girl. "I know what it's like to be separated against my will from my family. The thought of using a child to threaten parents, or a parent to scare a child… it sickens me."

"You are not like any zerg I've ever heard of," Ariel said, almost chuckling.

"And neither will be you," Sweetie countered, "if you choose to."

Ariel sighed. "We're split. Some of us want to try your way… keep our memories, our individuality and sense of self, but trusting a zerg is very hard. The others don't want to participate in your experiment."

"Suzie!" A voice called, panicked, and a woman came running over to them. She was dressed as a farmer, a bit dirty, but otherwise in good health. She stopped dead when she saw Sweetie over her sleeping daughter, tears and fear in her eyes.

Sweetie let out a tiny sigh, and gently shook Suzie's shoulder. "Suzie? Suzie… someone's here to see you."

"Hmm?" the little girl yawned and cuddled up more into Sweetie's side, making the zerg giggle, and her mother almost screeched in horror. Thankfully, she was able to hold it in, and Sweetie nudged the girl again until she opened her eyes and sat up, rubbing them before staring around and spotting the woman next to Ariel. "Mommy!"

She jumped down from the bench and ran over to hug her mother. "Mommy! I spoke to the Zerg Queen!"

The woman picked her daughter up and, giving Sweetie a look that was an odd mix of horror and gratitude, as well as a small bow, started walking away. But Ariel and Sweetie could still hear her talking.

"She was so nice! Her name is Sweetie Belle! And she can sing!"

The pair watched the walk back into the camp, then Sweetie sighed. "We don't have a choice. We have to make this work… if the leaders cannot make up their minds, then we should ask the people." She turned to look at Ariel. "Reunite the families first, as quickly as possible. Then I want you and the others to join me in front of all the terrans here. We'll give them the choice."

Ariel swallowed, but nodded, watching as Sweetie jumped into the air and flew away. She turned around and headed back to the others, wondering once again what her own choice would be.

End Chapter

Author's Note:

I'm returning to work. This story, as well as Ranger, Sparkle's Number 1 Assistant, Sunset's Isekai and others will be worked on as we go on. I don't have a set schedule, other than I want to publish something every week. Thank you for being patient with me, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and as usual all your comments and feedback are welcome.