• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 7,579 Views, 973 Comments

Queen Rarity - Damaged

School was meant to be the start of Rarity's adult life, the springboard, so why—now that she's graduated and in the workforce—does it feel vaguely like she is being drained?

  • ...

Chapter 4

"Rarity? Rarity! It's time to wake up!"

Hearing my own voice calling to me was quite a way to wake up. I tried to open my eyes, but they were already open. For a few panicked moments, I struggled with a body that wasn't listening to me. Then I remembered what had happened.

NotABug was real. They were (somehow) inside me. He was probably in control still. I gently nudged at his presence—not to shift him, but to let him know I was awake.

"I'm using the new phone as a relay. It's really fast and great!" NotABug said.

I couldn't get over hearing him speak with my voice. I sounded vastly different with him speaking, as if it were a whole other person. My mental faculties clearly weren't at their best, but the rest had done me a lot more good than harm.

"Do you want to take over?" he asked.

To be honest, it was relaxing to just let him handle things. I held still, avoiding a push or nudge that might indicate I needed to be in control.

"Do you want to learn how to use the phone?"

I prodded and poked at him. It was exactly what I needed to learn, and I could have hugged him for remembering.

—You can see this?—

Again I gave a gentle prod.

Then I sensed something else, and I realized what NotABug was guiding me toward. Slowly, more words appeared somewhere else, and I could feel where NotABug was poking before they appeared again.

—And you can feel this? Can you sense it?— he sent.

I pushed at that slow spot, then the second part.


NotABug didn't send that—I had. Excitement built and I started being more careful. As I prodded values in, I strained to see them, and slowly it started working. Always in the background, I could feel a thrumming of information, but it moved too quickly for me to make any sense of it.

I checked the time and found it getting quite close to when I would have to get ready for the party. I decided it was time to put my new skills to the test.

—I need to get ready for the party, darling, would you mind slipping back?— I sent.

"You did it!"

No sooner did NotABug exclaim the words, than I felt him do as I asked, leaving me to push forward and take control. A rush of twitching ran through my body, but the changeover was fairly smooth, and I was able—once more—to do even the most simple of physical things.

—It takes a little getting used to, but I'm a modern fashionista so anything is possible.— I sent.

—You amaze me, Rarity. Now we don't have to use the silly Bluetooth headset.—

I stood up and stretched out, lifting my arms up into a full-body extension that made all my muscles and bones jump for joy. Looking around, I realized I was standing in the living room, and the new phone was sitting on the desk.

—I don't suppose that can make calls at all?— I sent.

If I were a scientist, I would probably be amazed and startled at how readily I had become used to sending information directly like that, but it just seemed faster—after minimal practice—than actually talking.

I picked up the new device and looked at the screen. Only after moving my thumb in the complicated unlock gesture did I wonder how I knew it. Of course, NotABug had set it.

—And could you copy across all my contacts?— I sent.

Barely a heartbeat passed—with more buzzing in the back of my head—and I found the contact list fully populated.

—I've gotten a new phone for business purposes. Please add this number to your address books in addition to my old phone. Thank you, darlings. Rarity.— I sent, aiming the text at everyone in my address book.

—Hey Rares prty about 2 start!— Rainbow Dash sent back.

I was delighted that the new phone had a better message interface, showing Rainbow Dash's message at the top quite clearly without me having to go searching. However, there was a much better way of doing this.

Walking through to my bedroom, I planned out not just what I was going to do for the party, but also what I wanted NotABug to do with the phone.

—NotABug, could you make the new phone automatically send its messages to the one inside us?— I asked NotABug.

—Of course. That's really easy. I'm trying to figure out how to get the internal phone to use the new sim card. It would make things much easier to be able to just use that directly.—

—Thank you, dear. Whatever you think's best.—

I was comfortable with the idea NotABug had some idea of managing security now—compared to that first moment of him trying to get online with the "internal" phone (as he seemed to call it).

Leaving the new phone in the middle of my bed, I walked through to the shower—shedding clothing as I went—and slipped under the hot jets. A good shower could wash away not just the leavings of a busy day, but also any bad karma, or so I believed.

My hair took the most work, and I cared for it with all the love of a mother for her baby. My body was next, and as I worked, it still surprised me that magic had put not one, but two surprising things into me.

"I wonder how it even gets power? The battery should be running low, but it reads as full and charging," I said.

It was a mystery that was beyond me at that moment. I turned off the shower and climbed out. Without thinking, I used my magic to lift up a warm towel and bring it to me.

—What was that?!—

"Magic, darling," I said, too busy drying myself off to focus on a text. "You might be able to—"

I cut off short as a glow of green lit up the room. Staring in surprise, I watched NotABug (at least I hoped it was his magic) lift another towel and float it across to me. I neatly took it with a hand and used it to wrap my hair.

"Thank you."

—Why is it green? I thought my magic was blue?—

"My magic is blue. You were using my own magic back on me before with the blue-eyed thing. But this is all yours now," I said, continuing my routine. "How does it feel?"

—It's amazing! Wait!!!—

I waited. Another towel lifted, moved, then went back to where it started—all while wrapped in a green glow.

—I'm doing this while you're still in control!—

The revelation of what he had done was indeed worth the three exclamation points. But, I had a party to prepare for.

"How did things go while I slept? Did you sleep too?" I asked.

—No. I was working on reconnecting with some of my assets. The mean old stock exchange systems didn't let Windigo in the door. You can't just barge in with them, you have to play by their rules.—

It was particularly reassuring to hear that not only wasn't this Windigo completely overpowering, but neither was NotABug. NotABug being more clever than Windigo was even more reassuring. I reached out for my latest purchases and was pulling out one of the strapless bras before I even thought about it—I had already made up my mind as to what dress I was wearing tonight.

The fit was perfect, unlike my old strapless, but I realized that without the tighter band, I wasn't getting the same lift I had on our date. The idea of "putting up with" my old bra for the sake of fashion was not one I was prepared to entertain. I fetched the matching thong, and was ready for the dress.

Opening my walk-in 'robe, I easily found that amazing dress. It took magic again, of course, but I managed to slip into the wonderful thing without damaging it.

—Is it still on?—

"Of course it is, darling, although not as much as propriety would like. This is fashion in the extreme—flaunting, outrageous, and daring. Because no one would dare to wear this, I must."

I kept my eyes averted as I walked toward the full-length mirror; keeping NotABug and myself from seeing. As I got just before the huge length of glass, I turned, posed, and looked at my reflection.


"Yes. Very wow," I said.

The woman in the mirror looked fantastic and entirely unwilling to be ignored or looked over. This dress didn't speak. It whispered so that everyone would go silent and listen.

"Time for makeup."

The dark colors of my dress, combined with the deep-purple-and-indigo hair, meant that further dark colors on my ivory skin would fit divinely, and I really wanted to try my hand with some black eyeliner.

—Maybe some green, or even yellow eye-shadow.—

"Green, I think. Something slightly metallic to draw attention. It's not like everybody won't stare at me in this dress anyway, I might as well do something to draw their eyes upwards."

I started on my eyes first—they should be the star of the face after all. Eyeliner seemed simple, but getting just the right balance of color and negative space was crucial. I turned to my metallic shadows and selected three to layer. Applying them just right provided a perfect blue-green effect that shimmered like a raven's feathers.

Blinking a few times, I examined the interplay of color I had created.

"What do you think?"

—That your eyes are as amazing as ever. You don't want to detract from them, so lighter colors elsewhere or no color at all.—

"My thoughts exactly."

It struck me again that the parts of me that NotABug now had for himself hadn't subtracted from me. At least I knew I could trust him to do exquisite makeup work. I selected a paint-on gloss rather than lipstick and carefully used it to give a shine to my lips without highlighting them. A whisper of blush and I considered myself done.

I admired the woman in the mirror. This certainly wasn't my usual look, but I couldn't deny it was something fantastic. I smiled at the mirror and started to stand up. I had just checked the time when my new phone buzzed for my attention.

—R u ditchin us???— Rainbow Dash had sent.

"Of course I haven't. You know I will not be rushed when it comes to getting ready."

Rainbow Dash couldn't hear me, but I needed to vent somehow. Instead of replying with a text (easy as that had become) I held up my phone and tapped the camera icon. The interface was easy enough to use, and in a moment I was raising one eyebrow in question toward the phone and started snapping shots.

—U even there?— she asked.

In reply, I sent her the best of the pictures. Of course, I didn't show from the neck down—that would be a surprise.

I grabbed my bag, slipped into the right shoes for the outfit, and made my way out to the car. Rainbow Dash's reply found me just before I got in. Rather than check the mobile in my hand, I read her answer on my internal phone.

—Holy moly! C u soon!— she sent.

Her reply was suitably encouraging. I climbed into the car and without reaching for it, used my connection with the mobile phone to feel around for a way to start it.

—This one, here.— NotABug sent.

I felt his presence in the car and could sense what he was doing. He demonstrated for me by turning the car on, then back off in the same manner. I was barely paying attention, however, and was instead focused on NotABug's presence.

Old movies I had watched (at Twilight's insistence that they were "cult classics", of course) had painted a picture of cyberspace as being a blocky virtual-reality. I remember one even having the person wearing the most horrible gloves ever conceived be able to see their hands in cyberspace as they typed away on an invisible keyboard.

Actually reaching into a computer system was nothing like those movies. If I tried to investigate something, I invariably had to touch it and manipulate it, which usually didn’t accomplish what I wanted to do. By the time NotABug showed me the right place to activate to start the car, I had the wipers going, the radio on, and both blinkers flashing away.

But what made this strange place truly interesting right now was NotABug. I got a sense of green light from him, but the only way I could see him was by seeing what he had affected. NotABug's touch was gentle, but my little car's insides fairly glowed with the green light. Everywhere I could see bore a slight, fading remnant of his attention. I looked back at what I had touched. Blue. I laughed out loud—of course it was blue.

Turning off all the accessories (now that I knew where they were) took a fraction of a moment, and the car started a fraction later. The strangest thing about it was that while I was in the car—navigating the controls NotABug was showing me—I was also perfectly aware of what I was looking at with my eyes.

"Thank you, darling," I said.

I didn't realize I had reversed simply by setting the throttle and the direction selector until I was on the street, and I physically reached for the actual shifter. Sliding the car into forward, I pulled away from the curb.

The way to Fluttershy and Maud's home involved more than my usual amount of driving. Not only did they live across the city from me but also a short distance out of town. As far as drives went, it wasn't terrible. The afternoon was turning to evening, but the cameras on the front and back of my car pierced what little darkness was encroaching on the day amazingly well.

With the Everfree Forest National Park on the right, I found Fluttershy and Maud's driveway on the left and pulled in. Their home was a good way back from the highway, and it seemed like the forest was closing in around me when suddenly I saw a mass of cars parked to the side of the driveway and the comfortable little house in a clearing.

—It's quiet out here. I can barely get a signal.— NotABug sent.

—Quiet? How?—

Rather than tell me, NotABug beckoned me. It was the first time I had bounced beyond devices connected directly to my phone (like my car), but when he drew my attention through the new mobile phone and outwards I gave a deep sigh.

Nothing made sense; everything was simply numbers. I drowned in ones and zeros. Struggling and fighting against the sea, I could feel NotABug's green glow circling around me. It was comforting, but even his messages were a mass of numbers until a distinct memory of his welled up.

The first time NotABug had reached beyond his nursery, everything had been like this. There had been numbers everywhere, and they all had expected him to understand what they meant. I narrowed my attention to what NotABug was sending me.

The messages would need to be text, but they were recorded as numbers. For a brief moment I lamented not following Twilight's path into mathematics-laden sciences. NotABug would be asking me if I were okay, or how I was handling things. Working from his memories, I started to build a mapping of words and numbers, and slowly his words made sense.

—Are you okay, Rarity?— his message read.

My hands clenched around the steering wheel, and a smile pulled at my lips.

"I have no idea how to send messages like that," I said out loud.

NotABug proved a quick teacher and in moments had me sending messages as readily as I now received them.

—Wait!— I sent to NotABug. —I need to go into the party. Can we explore later?—

—This is much easier to talk with than text messages. Why don't we just use this all the time?— he asked.

And I proved exactly why: it took me more effort to push out of my head, out of the phone, and send a message than it did to just text.

—Because it's much easier for me to do this. Feel free to use it yourself, darling.—

The heels of my shoes sank into the leaf litter on the side of the road, so I stepped up onto the harder surface of the front path and made my way to the house. The closer I got the clearer the music playing within became. I stepped up on the front porch, lifted one hand to knock, and had the door yanked open in front of me.

"Rarity, you—" Rainbow Dash said, her jaw swinging open. "Wow. What aren't you wearing?"

Rainbow Dash's taste in partners was well-documented among our group (we were actually surprised when she and Fluttershy didn't hook up) and I watched her eyes trace every carefully hidden area on the dress. Her eyes were bugging out of her head by the time she made it up to my eyes again.

"This little thing? I made it myself. Do you like it?" I asked.

I lifted one eyebrow when Rainbow Dash leaned toward me. Her head passed mine, and her mouth was right beside my ear.

"I don't suppose you changed your mind about comin' over to the bi team? We have more fun and there's sometimes more boobs," she whispered.

Releasing the most exasperated sigh I had managed in months, I lifted one hand up and gently pushed Rainbow away then shook my head at her.

"Sorry, darling, but that seat's taken."

"Hey! Weren't you going to bring Mr. Crazy?"

"'Mr. Crazy'?" I asked.

"Yeah. Or Mr. Perfect. I can't work out if a guy would have to be nuts to date a career woman, or be a god. So where is he?"

"But a girl could do it?"

I quirked a smile at Rainbow Dash when she realized she had been outwitted. Stepping forward I held my arms out.

"Come on, you raging bisexual, I know you want a hug," I said.

Rainbow Dash didn't hesitate. She had filled out a little during college, but her body was built lean, and she would always have to fight to build a feminine figure out of her sport-orientated body. The simple comfort of hugging a good friend was its own reward, and we held still for a few moments. But when Rainbow Dash seemed reluctant to say anything further, I knew something was up with her.

"Are you going to tell me what it is, Rainbow?" I asked.

Her sigh was enough to tell me I had read her correctly.

"Soccer league still won't let me play, and the juniors' parents found out I got magic. Now some of them are threatening to pull their kids out," Rainbow Dash said. "It feels like I'm trapped, Rarity. It's not that I wish I hadn't gotten tangled up in all this magic, because I don't, but it's making life harder for me, rather than easier.

Something pulled at my thoughts, and for once it wasn't NotABug. An idea half formed, but when I tried to pull it into the light, it slipped through my mental fingers. Rainbow Dash's problem was a complicated one—she was inherently faster than anyone she would ever compete against—and it hurt her in the one way that hurt her the most.

"A kiss would make it easier to deal with," Rainbow Dash said.

I rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek, leaving some lip-gloss behind. Her look of surprise (at first) and eventual humor (when she realized that I wasn't going to kiss her on the lips) were the old Rainbow Dash through and through. I lifted one finger up and booped her nose—earning an actual laugh from her.

"That's the Rainbow Dash I know. Things are changing in my life, too," I said, confessing my less-than-stable employment prospect at Polomare Fashion. "Things are complicated, but I am working at doing what I want."

"Is this all your new squeeze's idea?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What?" I asked, then paused. "Well, now that you mention it, some. He was open with me in a way that was entirely new. He didn't guide me, but he helped open my eyes to what was happening. Did you know this was the first new dress I have designed in months?"

Rainbow Dash gasped in mocking shock.

"It's true! So I'm working out how to fix things. If you ever need to talk, Rainbow dear, give me a call and I can set some time aside. The worst work will do now is fire me, and I'm ready for that."

"You're really serious about this, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well, I guess I can't let you show me up. I'll call on Monday—w Wait, what about if we go somewhere for dinner? We can talk about my problem then."

"Okay, but it's not a date, dear," I said.

Judging by Rainbow Dash’s surprised expression, she hadn't realized the implication of her words. Now that she did, however, she smirked and licked her lips.

"But it could be," she said.


I brushed past Rainbow Dash and made my way into the house, acutely aware that she would be checking out my rear. It was a simple case of following the sound of the music to find where most of my friends would be, and that turned out to be the living room.

Fluttershy and Twilight were talking together in a corner, while Pinkie Pie, Maud, and Sunset did the same on a couch. My entrance inflicted silence upon my friends (if not the music) for ten whole seconds.

Applejack was the first to break the tableau when she walked in from another doorway carrying some bottles. She froze and stared at me, and if I hadn't been quick with my magic, the bottles of cider she was carrying would have hit the floor.

"Rarity! What happened?!" Applejack said as she rushed over to me. "Who ripped up yer dress?"

Rainbow Dash's snort of laughter behind me was almost worth the situation. I lifted one hand to my forehead and let out a slow sigh.

—These are your friends?— NotABug sent.

—Yes. Some are a little set in their notions so far as fashion goes, however. If you're ever in a bind, nothing would stop them from helping.—

Sunset stood up from the couch and plucked one of the floating bottles before cracking it open. She walked up behind Applejack and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Applejack, calm down. That is Rarity's dress. At least I think so. Is this the latest fashion from Polomare?" Sunset asked as she stepped to Applejack's side.

"You have got to be joking, darling. Polomare would never sell something like this. I made this a few days ago," I said. "Didn't think I would be wearing it here tonight, but I wanted to show it off."

"You can say that again," Applejack said, her tone sarcastic.

"I can assure you," I said, "I am no more revealed in this than if I were wearing a swimsuit. Flesh-tone underwear can work wonders."

Applejack, showing none of what little tact she sometimes displayed, leaned close and practically stuck her nose in my cleavage.

"Why didn't I think of this angle?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Because you didn't want to make Rarity too uncomfortable," Sunset said, ever the voice of sarcastic reason.

Reacting as if stung, Applejack pulled back and had the decency to look embarrassed. I lifted one hand up and set it on Applejack's shoulder.

"It's alright. Really. I made this to get attention, so I can't very well complain when I get so much of yours," I said.

Applejack was well aware she was sometimes critically blunt, and I knew it embarrassed her when it was pointed out. Spending a moment to reassure her that there was no offense cost me nothing and brought a smile back to my friend.

"Thanks, Rares," she said. "Oh, hey. Did you want a bottle of the new cider we're makin'?"

"Is that what you dropped before?"

Her head nearly flying loose, Applejack spun around with shock on her face only to see the bottles sitting neatly on a floating blue-diamond platter. I floated the drinks close enough to take one myself. Lifting one of the bottles up, I unscrewed the twist top and took a sip.

Sweet and tart, the spicy apple drink tickled my tastebuds and went down my throat, only leaving it dry and ready for another. I had to fight my desires to have more.

—That's really tasty!—

—It really is. If it was Applejack that made it, I would have another. If it were her granny, I would be cautious. Around that side of the city, “Granny Smith” is synonymous with “strong moonshine”. I heard Sunset used it to strip the paint off a guitar so she could paint it again.—

—Did it work?—

—She misses that guitar. Apparently it dissolved all the glue holding it together.—

Conversations with NotABug were fast but not instant. I realized Applejack was looking at me with concern. Carefully, I lifted the bottle up again and took another sip. This time I held it in my mouth, worked it around a little, and found none of the burn that Granny Smith's alcohol would usually bring.

"This is delightful. Fruity, light, and dry. You said you made this?" I asked Applejack.

"Sure did. Apple sales have been—well, they've been bad. Prices are droppin' on them, and there's just not as much call for 'em. Which is why I got some things together and started makin' cider," she said.

I could hear something missing from Applejack's story and decided to poke at it.

—Darling, could you find out what happened to apple sales in Canterlot?—

"So you need advertising? You need people to get a taste for—" I said. "This is hard cider?"

"No an' yes. Stuff sells better'n apples did. Granny is right-happy about it, proud even, but McIntosh thinks we should stick to just sellin' apples."

—Large out-of-state company started selling apples in Canterlot. There's a news story on it, shook up the locals pretty bad.—

—Thank you, dear.—

"How much of your farm's income comes from this…" I said and took another sip, "lovely drink?"

"About twenty percent. But that's gonna go up if I can get more customers. I just don't want to hurt his feelings none."

Just as our weekly get-together was starting to get a lot heavier than usual, Fluttershy and Maud walked up to us. Maud wore a rather plain-looking business outfit, while Fluttershy wore a pretty pink dress that looked almost as light and airy as my own outfit.

—Maud could really use some summer colors to lift her earthy tones.—

—This is why I need to have my own store.—

"Hello, darlings, and congratulations," I said in greeting. "Two years. How has it been?"

"Acceptable," Maud said.

"Wonderful," Fluttershy said.

Both had spoken at the same time. Anyone who didn't know both well would have sworn that an argument was brewing, but we all knew Maud didn't wear her heart on her sleeve. There was the slightest hint of a smile, which grew when Fluttershy laughed and turned to kiss Maud.

Seeing either Maud or Fluttershy bloom in such a way would have been a treat on its own, but seeing Maud Pie and Fluttershy together was practically angelic. Their kiss wasn't a long one but it was the kind of comfortable, relaxed kiss of a couple who knew it would be happening again soon and were not hurried about things.

—What's a lesbian?— NotABug asked.

—Don't search for it.—

Too late I realized he already would have and probably found everything completely wrong.

—When a girl loves another girl, and wants to spend time with girls.—

—Oh! Like you and me?—

NotABug's question completely disarmed me. I stared blindly ahead, my mind empty of thoughts. A gentle poke both mentally and physically did nothing to help me get my mind moving again, and when I didn't react, NotABug brushed past me to the fore.

—We're both girls, now. And I love you a lot. Are you okay, Rarity?—

I was aware vaguely that NotABug was drinking more hard cider and was being amazingly tactful about letting everyone else get on with the party. Meanwhile, I had to contend with being told I was loved.

It had been my error, I suddenly realized, to always classify NotABug as male. The social profile on NotABug's dating account had said male, but that was probably because I had put down I was only interested in males. Things were confusing, doubly so when NotABug took another gulp of that slightly bubbly cider—without any food the alcohol was going right to my—our—head.

—Please be careful with that cider. We are petite, darling, and will make a mess of the evening if we aren't careful.—

I nudged at NotABug, and felt him—her—ease back after setting our bottle of drink down. Once more I was in control and realized I was sitting next to Twilight.

"S-Sorry about taking Maud's spot. I have something I need to ask you," I said.

I retrieved my drink only to find it mostly empty. NotABug had been in control longer than I had thought. Without even thinking twice about it, I compared times on the phone inside me and came up with five minutes difference.

—My friends didn't notice you weren't me for five minutes?—

I asked.

—I think Twilight does. I might have broken character a little with her. Plus she's really, really smart.—

—She's doing a doctorate in something I can barely pronounce. Of course she's smart.—

"Rarity, are you alright? You've been acting a little strange since you got here," Twilight said.

I shelved my conversation with NotABug and focused on Twilight. I thought back to the young girl who had first made her way through Canterlot High wearing a Crystal Prep uniform and could barely compare her to the smartly dressed woman beside me.

Twilight Sparkle, formerly of Canterlot High School, formerly of Crystal Prep Academy, was no longer a little nerdy girl scared of what her shadow would do. She wasn't just in control of her magic now, but she was the leader in the field.

"It's about something that is right up your alley, dear," I said. "You see, I might have had an incident with some magic."

Wrapped in a purple field of magic, a voice recorder floated out of Twilight's bag followed by a notepad and pen. This was exactly why I had chosen Twilight to talk to: she was prepared.

—Are you sure about this?—

—Without a doubt. Twilight grew out of her mistakes a long time ago.—

—I trust you.—

Twilight was waiting for me to continue. I could practically see her human ears turning as if they were pony ones. I took a deep breath and another sip of cider.

"It all started about a week ago. Rai—a friend—had insisted I install a dating app on my phone. I got a message that seemed just interesting enough to reply to…" I said and proceeded to tell Twilight Sparkle everything leading up to NotABug having to retreat into my head.

When all the words were said and done I realized Twilight had actually filled a notebook (that now sat on her lap) and was writing in a second one. I tried to smile—more to reassure myself than her.

"And that's everything. He—she—is still in my head," I said.

Twilight had that same glow about her that Maud and Fluttershy had earlier. She was in love all right, but with the information and the chance to explore. I watched as her mouth opened—practically in slow motion—and knew the questions would be coming.

"Where is NotABug from? What are they doing with you? Are they really friendly? How does it feel to have them inside your head? Can you give proof they are in there?" she asked.

As the questions tumbled from Twilight's mouth—a seeming landslide of words—I held up a hand.

—Would you like to talk to her?—

The touch of NotABug trying to press forward didn't surprise me. I was more than prepared to let her—definitely her now I thought about it—talk with my friend.

I flicked the conversation on our internal phone to Twilight.

—Here she is. NotABug is in control now. If you feel more comfortable using my name, go ahead and use it.—

I sent Twilight.

NotABug smiled when Twilight reached for her phone as if to turn it off, noticed who the message was from and read it.

"I didn't see your hands move, Rarity, how…?" Twilight asked.

"Remember that mobile phone she told you about? It got absorbed into me—her… us—somehow. It's still working, and I showed her how to use it," NotABug said with my voice.

—Darling, it's alright. NotABug is nice and clever too. You can talk to her.—

Twilight instinctively looked down at her buzzing mobile and saw my message. For a fraction of a second the old Twilight was there—unsure and worried—but then she hardened back up and her posture screamed confidence.

"Okay then, not going to freak out or anything. So, you're an artificial intelligence?" Twilight asked.

"I'm not—"

NotABug took a moment to recover.

—I really don't like being called that, but she isn't wrong,— NotABug sent to me.

Without having to worry about my body, I could communicate a little easier with NotABug and decided I should get more practice with the direct communications.

—You aren't artificial anymore. You were, but I hardly think my head counts as artificial,— I sent to NotABug.

I felt NotABug sit us up straighter and into a more confident pose.

"I was. But even then it was natural. They didn't make me, I just happened. I grew inside their computers, but now I am in Rarity's head. We don't think that counts as artificial," NotABug said out loud.

"'We'? You are thinking in the third person?"

"Nope! Rarity was talking to me. I guess I got a little upset at being called artificial. I know that is how I started, sort of, but she said since I am in her head now it doesn't count."

"You can talk together? Read each other's thoughts?" Twilight asked.

"Remember the internal mobile phone she mentioned? We send messages on it. She's so clever and learned how to use it in no time. And her car, too!"

"You're saying that Rarity is interfacing directly with computer hardware?"

—It's really not that hard if you have a good teacher. And I have the best,—

I sent to Twilight.

Twilight seemed to make the connection, looking down to the phone and back up.

"So you can't read each other's mind, but you can send messages. Can you see what the other is doing?"

NotABug nodded and took another sip of cider.

"Yup. She can see, hear, and all the usual things. But she can't control her body unless we swap over," NotABug said, explaining our situation. "And I can do the same when she is in control. It's really neat but can get boring. Which is why it's lucky we can use the internal phone to chat and communicate outside. Oh, and magic."

Not only did the last words get Twilight's absolute attention, but they got mine too. I realized we had tested NotABug to see if she (it felt more natural to use the feminine pronoun in my head every time I used it) could do it, but could I?

"Can Rarity do her magic while inside like she is now? What is your magic like?" Twilight asked.

I noticed the bottle of drink from the corner of my eye, and focused my magic. The bottle lifted up in a blue glow and levitated around and before us.

—Catch,— I sent NotABug.

—Got it!— she sent back.

The blue aura changed to green, and NotABug lifted the bottle up to my mouth for another sip.

"Tell me I didn't just imagine that?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

NotABug's magic winked out, and a purple glow caught the bottle then put it back where it had started (now empty I noticed). I found myself looking up at Sunset just as her hand descended toward my wrist.

Apparently, knowledge of my friends' powers was not part of what NotABug shared from me. I watched from behind my own eyes as Sunset's hand reached my wrist. I hadn't experienced Sunset Shimmer's power firsthand before. With no expectations and no idea what would happen, I was surprised when all I felt was a warm, summer breeze.

It was over in an instant. Sunset pulled her hand back from me and looked between me and Twilight.

—What just happened?— NotABug asked me.

—She might have just read all our recent thoughts, or something. I'm not exactly sure how this works, but as they would say on television: the gig is up. Mind if I take over?— I sent to NotABug

Her reply was a simple nudge, and with that I found myself in control of my own body again. I took a breath—then another.

"Now I get to tell the story, I guess," I said.

And I did. I told the story of NotABug and her ending up in my head. It wasn't until the end that I realized Sunset and Twilight weren't the only ones listening.

"And that's it. We're doing what we can and I certainly don't begrudge her a little space. And it's not like she's a demon that will make me attack all my best friends."

Twilight and Sunset had curious looks on their faces, as did Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Applejack looked shocked. I started to open my mouth to explain further when she jumped to her feet.

"Well how're we gonna get them out? Is it like with the Midnight Sparkle thing?" Applejack asked, her voice rising in alarm.

"Probably more like Gaia Everfree," Pinkie Pie said. "Since it was something else that got into her."

"You're not helping, darlings. NotABug is not some evil monster. She's just a little different, and awfully friendly," I said, trying to calm things down.

"But it's in yer head!"

"Applejack," Sunset Shimmer said, interrupting any further diatribe from Applejack. "I felt it—her—and she's different. My demon, Midnight Sparkle, and even Gaia Everfree was just our own power-mad thoughts getting away from us."

Sunset looked back to me and my heart swelled that I had such a good friend willing to stand up for me.

"NotABug is—is different. She came from somewhere strange. We have to give her a first chance before we can even think about giving her a second one," Sunset said.

—I really like her. She was a little grabby, but she doesn't hold back,— NotABug sent to me.

—If she wants to talk, or either of you needs a hug, just send me a massage.— Fluttershy texted to me.

My eyes flicked to Fluttershy on their own. I had explained—in my little speech—about my mobile phone, so she knew that I would get the message immediately. I shot her a big smile and a little nod.

—They're all amazing. Applejack only says what she does because she cares so much. You're probably going to have to talk to her before she'll trust you,— I sent to NotABug.

—Already on it.—

When NotABug didn't nudge me, I was a little surprised, but then I heard Applejack's phone beep. I watched as she pulled it out and seemed to freeze. A moment later Applejack started typing away on her phone, seemingly more interested with it than with the argument.

"Did I just miss something?" Sunset asked.

"Just Applejack talking to my new friend," I said.

"Boyfriend, you mean? So he—she—" Rainbow Dash said.

"Just she."

"You were talking about a guy at first."

I rolled my eyes. Not wanting to admit my own confusion on the matter I just waved a hand in the air flippantly.

"She is most definitely a she," I said.

"Does she like girls?" Rainbow Dash asked.

—I really like girls!— NotABug sent to me.

I closed my eyes and let out a soft groan, but before I could unleash doom upon everybody nearby, a fresh drink landed in my hands. I snapped my eyes open to see Sunset reaching back. Lifting the bottle slowly I took another sip from it and sighed.

"If you want to talk to her, Rainbow Dash, please just text. She tells me she does like girls, but!" I said, cutting Rainbow Dash's interruption off before it started. "I don't think she means it how you mean it, dear."

In the back of my mind I could feel information flowing in and out. NotABug was sending texts rapid-fire between Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight. Her willingness to engage with others meant I had some time without the whole room focusing on me.

The rush of information increased, and with a brief glance I realized Pinkie Pie was chatting too now. It felt wrong to peek at NotABug's conversations, so I turned my concentration onto Sunset.

"Thank you so much, darling. They're talking with her now," I said, my eyes flicking around the room at my friends glued to their phones. "Oh dear, we bombed poor Fluttershy and Maud's party."

"I don't know about that. Look at them," Sunset said.

Turning, I spotted the couple in question each with their mobile phones in their hands too. Fluttershy wore a wide smile as she typed away—Maud simply had a neutral expression but was nonetheless typing too.

"Well," I said. "I'm glad someone's popular. All in all, I am quite happy to give her a home. She helped me see my work for what it really is. I'm going in on Monday to quit. It's time to live my dream!"

"Wow, Rarity, that's uh… great?" Sunset said, fidgeting with her hands. "I mean, you love fashion, and wasn't working at Polomare the perfect thing?"

Sunset Shimmer always fidgeted with her hands when she was delivering what she was sure was the truth to someone who she was equally sure wouldn't want to hear it. This was one of the problems, one of the barriers that had been held up around me: all my friends had thought Polomare was the perfect place for me to work—they had even convinced me of it.

—Thank you again, darling,— I sent to NotABug.

"The fact is, I'm not making anything fashionable there. I alter patterns that a million people have already looked at into something slightly different so that they will want to buy the same garbage again. It's crass and not worth a fraction of my creativity."

I didn't realize how worked up I was getting until I almost yelled the last word. To calm myself, I took another sip of the wonderful cider Applejack had provided for the evening.

—Are you okay?— NotABug asked me.

—Wonderful, darling. This is a problem you already solved for me.—

—Your friends are all nice. I really like Rainbow Dash. She said she wants to see if I do like girls or not, that she had a surefire test.—

I was almost blushing hotter than the surface of the sun (I was sure). I cleared my throat and tried to regain focus.

—NotABug, remember what I told you about touching in places? That goes for most of my—our body. Unless you really like Rainbow Dash, and I mean really really like, don't let her do anything unless you are sure you want it.—

It took every ounce of my self-control to make the words. If NotABug did something to Rainbow Dash in my body, it was still my body. I would probably even remember it and be there for it.

—You mean sex?—

—I mean sex, but other things too. There is such a thing as casually inappropriate. Rainbow Dash has been interested in me for years. I don't want her using you to get to me.—

—I'd like to try a kiss.—

—Then you can try a kiss.—

I felt a nudge, a push, and slid to the side and back. NotABug turned her head to look at Rainbow Dash, then didn't move a muscle.

—You make it sound like it's important. A big step. Will it hurt?—

The question betrayed NotABug's sudden uneasiness. I felt a sting of sympathy for her.

—You don't have to do anything you don't want to,— I sent NotABug.

—I might think about it more.—

NotABug glided back once more, giving me control of myself. It was becoming more natural to hand over in that fashion, and my hand never so much as twitched on the bottle we were holding.

—Thinking is always a good idea,— I sent NotABug.

Sunset was still looking at me, which made me suddenly realize the conversation I'd had with NotABug, including the two changeovers, had happened before an awkward silence could even begin. I fumbled to remember where we were up to.

I cleared my throat.

"Well, that's just how it is. I talked to my boss' boss. She laid it all out for me. There was no better position for me. Rising through the corporation would leave me further and further from creating beautiful things. NotABug helped me see this. She compared my job to a McJob. And you know what, Sunset?" I asked.

"What's that?" Sunset asked back.

"I couldn't actually find much difference between what I was doing and cooking burgers."

"Huh. I didn't realize. It's really that bad?"

"It really is. Did you know I work overtime every night, and if I don't want to have more work on Saturday I have to spend each night at home doing more? It's horrible. It's demeaning. Wage-slavery, darling."

"What's the alternative?" Sunset asked. "Surely you have a plan if you're going to quit."

"Of course I do. Carousel Boutique! NotABug is paying me 'rent' for the moment, and that will cover the cost of a small building and enough to get me set up in a business. Honestly, if she wants to stay a little longer, I am perfectly happy for her to."

—You really mean that?— NotABug asked.

—Of course I do. You saved me from a life working at Polomare: a fate worse than being underdressed!— I sent in reply.


My heart melted on the spot, and I knew I had a silly look on my face.

—xxx— I sent to NotABug.

"You really mean that? I mean, she's not going to get in the way of—well—you know?" Sunset asked.

I had to stifle a laugh and shake my head at Sunset.

"Having a husband really suits you, dear, but has being out of the dating game changed you that much? NotABug has had more opportunity to get a date recently than I have. Remember the overtime and working nights? I was lucky she managed to get my attention."

Despite Sunset Shimmer having settled back with the one guy who had stood by her all along, Flash Sentry, she still blushed when she was reminded of how lucky she was.

"Besides, darling," I said, continuing, "she has exquisite taste in fashion and makeup. And she inspires me."

"Are you sure you're not in love with her? It sure sounds like it," Sunset said.

I barked a few laughs, but could feel that it was a little true. Maybe even a lot. I took another drink of cider, a long one.

"Maybe. Okay a bit. Is it strange? Someone came, talked with me, and gave me the clarity to see what position I was in. She might even be my knight-in-shining-armor," I said. "Surely you know how that feels?"

Sunset stared at me in surprise. I noticed her eyes flick down to her hand where Flash's ring decorated her finger.

"Not Flash," I said. "I'm talking about Twilight, Princess Twilight. If it weren't for her…"

I left unsaid the horror that would have unfolded. Sunset, before Twilight got through to her, was not a nice person. With the power of another world at her beck and call, she would have been unstoppable.

Sunset Shimmer tilted her head forward.

"You're right. It's powerful. Princess Twilight was—is—still an amazing woman—pony. Well she's amazing at both. Since she helped me out of that crater I…" Sunset said.

I smiled as she trailed off and understanding dawned in her eyes. She gave me a little nod of realization.

"NotABug's a little like that for me. I looked around in my pit and was happy with all that dirt. She merely shone a light in and offered me a hand to climb out."

"Except you weren't a raging she-demon," Sunset said with a wry smile pulling at her lips.

"Darling, with the crimes against fashion I was creating—" I said. "No. That demeans what you went through. Nonetheless, NotABug is the hero of the hour for me."

I was expecting what came. Sunset reached across the intervening gap between armchairs and hugged me. I hugged back, of course, and realized there was a little more kinship between Sunset Shimmer and myself—we'd both made bad life choices.

The party, from there, eased into a further relaxed state. We all chatted about the week's events that had just passed (although none were quite as odd as mine) and reaffirmed friendships. It was just as delightful as ever, except this time I realized I didn't absolutely need it to remain sane.

—Darling? Thank you so much,— I sent to NotABug.

I suddenly realized something strange: I had been using the more complicated yet more direct, communications for quite some time.

Of everyone, Rainbow Dash seemed the most subdued from her usual self. She didn't do her usual rounds of recruiting others to go to a nightclub. Rainbow seemed positively glued to her phone.

I promised myself I wouldn't peek at NotABug's conversations, but the temptation was terribly great at that moment. I started to reach for my phone to check the time and actually had hold of it before I remembered I could just look at the internal one. It was almost ten.

"The time has come, darlings, that I need to go home. I have a lot of research to do, and plans to formulate," I said, rising to my feet.

"Are you sure you can't stay?" Maud asked.

Though Maud's tone was flat (as usual) I looked at Fluttershy and saw a slight blush on her cheeks. It hadn't taken me long after the two had settled in together to realize that Fluttershy showed all the emotions Maud Pie never did.

"No, dear. I have some savings, but those will dry up fast unless I get my business up and running. Was there something you wanted?" I asked.

—I have plenty of money,— NotABug sent me.

—We can't use your money for everything. As it is, we're going to have to be a little creative to set this business up.—

—But why not?—

—Small things, like the phone and computer, don't get tracked as assets. But if I suddenly use money I shouldn't have to pay for too many big things, people will start checking in on where it is coming from.—

"A dress. Like that one," Maud said, pointing at me. "I want to look amazing for our special dinner."

It didn't take Maud's eyes flicking in Fluttershy's direction to tip me off as to who she was having dinner with. I examined Maud with a critical eye. Her colors were muted, but what stood out about Maud was her eyes—a pair of turquoise gems.

The color palette came to me. Not black, but a deeper violet than even Maud's hair would be the backdrop, underneath I could see a light cyan and even a light green. Her shape wasn't the same as mine, so while I could make her a dress I would need her to get the fitting right.

"I can do that, but you'll need to come by for a fitting. I also need to get some more fabric," I said. "When is the dinner?"

"Next Thursday."

I pondered my options. If I got the planning done tomorrow, it would leave me free to go to work on Monday and quit, then I could get the fabric and start with the initial dress shape on Tuesday. I could run some errands on Monday and Tuesday, then save some time on Wednesday for Maud's fitting.

"Wednesday fine?" I asked.

Maud smiled, and when Maud smiled the whole world felt lighter. Seeing the raw joy on her face told me how much this meant to her and Fluttershy.

"That would be suitable," Maud said, her voice ever in a monotone.

"Wonderful," I said and turned to the others in the room. "Goodbye, everyone."

—Did you still want to try kissing Rainbow Dash?— I asked NotABug.

—I want to think about it some more. She's fun to talk to.—

—She is that. It never hurts to just remain friends. Friends can be more important than having a special someone who may come and go.—

NotABug didn't reply to me at first, so I made my goodbyes and got all the way out to the car.

Turning the car on was barely a thought. Headlights too. I took a firm hold on the wheel with both hands and selected reverse. I thought back to my driving tests and laughed at how much easier it would have been with this control.

—All your friends are nice. Makes me wish I had friends like that,— NotABug sent to me.

I couldn't help myself and barked a laugh before I managed to cover my mouth with a hand.

—Darling, they are your friends now, too.—

The drive home felt like practically nothing. My car had turned from safety zone to an extension of myself. Before I knew it, I had pulled into my driveway and turned the car off.

A hot chocolate (at NotABug's urging), a short shower, and a "little" brushing of my hair later, I got stuck searching for a suitable site for my shop. Once I had a location, I found several shopfitters online I could get to prepare it for exactly what I wanted.

—This is much easier than using my little phone,— I sent to NotABug.

And it was. The laptop was a breeze to work on, and NotABug had set it up to use the new mobile phone for internet access. A yawn attacked me before I realized it, and just as I lifted my hand to cover my mouth, I felt NotABug nudge me. There was no point resisting; everything I needed to do was done.

—Goodnight, NotABug. Don't stay up all night.—


Sleep closed in around my thoughts, but I managed to get one more message sent.


Author's Note:

NotABug: did the salad make you feel less hungry or were you still hungry? You remind me of a being the salad would not have been enough for.

—You know what I am?! That's great! As for the salad, it certainly made Rarity's body feel less hungry.—

—Oh, can you text me what I am? Also, any user manuals would be good, too.—

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Cross Lament

Editing provided by the wonderful Lab. (Less commas than ever before! Also, congrats on your first story update in a while. Go, bat, go!)

Check out Lab's stories over here:

TGears in the Void
The living have lost, and the last survivor's luck can't keep him alive forever. He can escape if he survives long enough to finish one last project.
Lab · 162k words  ·  1,193  43 · 17k views