• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 7,593 Views, 973 Comments

Queen Rarity - Damaged

School was meant to be the start of Rarity's adult life, the springboard, so why—now that she's graduated and in the workforce—does it feel vaguely like she is being drained?

  • ...

Chapter 11

I knew it was morning from the time.

5:41 A.M.

The math to work out how long I'd slept came easily and was suitably high to make the early hour seem less than horrible. Eight-and-a-half hours. I yawned and squirmed on my back under the covers. As I closed my mouth, however, I had to be careful of my teeth.

"Still a little sharp," I said. "Or maybe they're bigger. I should start keeping a journal—that'd probably keep Twilight happy as a clam."

Reaching one arm above the covers, I touched the tallest part of me: my horn. I tilted my head forward a little and measured the length and each curve as best I could with just my hand.

"No change there. I wonder if that's why the egg— The egg!"

I threw the covers back and jumped out of bed. Running down the hall, I realized how dark it was, and yet I could still see. The walls were dark, but there were little flickers of light here and there, though not the light I would have normally associated with colors.

When I saw Rainbow Dash's form on my couch, bright and almost glaring over the darkness around her, I realized exactly what I was seeing. Oh, I'd watched all those terrible action movies Rainbow adored—I'd seen how that monster-thing had seen people by their heat.

I looked toward the television. There was the egg, burning hot in my strange sight. I walked over, avoiding the game controllers for the second console (of course NotABug had gotten a second one, although I'm not sure if it was only for Rainbow Dash, or if another egg was the aim).

My eyes were locked on the egg—my egg. I carefully sat down on the floor and rubbed the side of it. Sure enough, it was warm. My hand seemed caught somewhere between the brightness of Rainbow and the egg. Did that mean the egg was cold? Was I cooling?

Just like when I fed, I felt an exchange of energy. As I leaned closer and touched my cheek to the egg, that energy spiked. I heard a soft chirping and relaxed—it wasn't NotABug, but my own.

The camera NotABug had set up gave a good view of me. I studied myself (in black and white, thanks to the security camera's night vision). My horn curved this way and that; every line and sharp edge screaming the word weapon. My hair was dark to the camera, but how it draped outlined it against my warmer body.

I wasn't wearing much—by the feel of it NotABug had left me wearing one of the more revealing teddies. I approved. Reaching around through the network, I had the distinctly unpleasant sensation of realizing I was going to have to get up to adjust the heat.

Turning my head slowly, I looked back at the blaze of heat on my couch. I could always claim sleep walking. Kissing my egg tenderly, I unfolded myself and turned. Walking on hands and knees, stalking like a predator, I climbed up onto the couch and could feel the warmth radiating from Rainbow Dash.

One arm reached toward me and curled around my back as if it were meant to be there. With more strength than I imagined any sleeping person could have, Rainbow Dash pulled me up and into an embrace. She was clothed as I, sleepwear keeping anything naughty from happening. I wrapped my own arm around her and hugged into the warmth.

Definitely better than turning the heat up.

6:22 A.M.

I had only half drifted off. I was well aware of wrapping myself around a source of warmth, and I even knew who it was. What stirred me out of my daze was light coming from the window, through the thankfully closed drapes.

Suitably warm now, I wanted to get up but didn't want to wake Rainbow—it wasn't her fault I had gotten a little chilly. It was as good a time as any, however, for one task. On the floor, just out of arm's reach, a pillow beckoned for me to pull it closer and attempt a bait and switch with Rainbow.

7:05 A.M.

Rainbow Dash stirred, which meant my partially successful efforts to get the pillow were in vain (they were only successful, of course, because I hadn't driven the pillow through a wall).

"Mmm. NotABug?" Rainbow Dash asked.

It was the first time she'd gotten us mixed up since she'd started seeing NotABug. I realized how it would seem to her, what with me leaving my bed to end up cuddled against her. The part of me that wanted to take the steps in leaps and bounds murmured that it would have been better if we'd both been in bed.

"Guess again," I said.

Rainbow took three long slow breaths, then she relaxed her arms and let me go. There was a slight twist to her taste—there was still love there, but now it felt a little different.

"Thank you. Now, would you like some breakfast as a reward?" I asked.

"I get a reward?"

"You were a perfect gentlema—a perfect lady about me just wanting some warmth," I said and turned for the kitchen. "Let's try that again. Rainbow Dash, are you hungry?"

"Sure. Nice wings, by the way."

I froze in place for a moment, trying to keep my breathing slow and even. NotABug always startled awake when I got worked up. Slowly, ever so slowly, I walked for my hat room, entered (ignoring the sound of our server buzzing away), and took a look.

The reason I chose the hat room was the mirror had a counterpart on the opposite side of the room. Between them you could have a full front and back view.

Sure enough, folded tightly on my back, there was a set of the most beautifully translucent wings that resembled an insect’s. A big insect. Folded down as they were, the wings reached past my rear and down to mid-thigh.

"How on earth did you miss those? Hey, I wonder if you'll be able to fly?" Rainbow Dash asked from the doorway.

I felt around for them—for how they connected to my brain. Reaching a hand back carefully, I touched one of the wings and shivered.

"Wow," I said.

"Yeah. My wings were so sensitive the first few times. Do you mind if I touch them?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Just be gentle, please."

Rainbow walked into the room and stood behind me, and again I was acutely aware of my height having been reduced. The holes in my arms and legs were a little larger. I traced one hole with a finger and found the flesh around them to be quite hard.

I worked the fingers of my left hand, trying to catch where the tendons should be playing in my wrist—or the hole that was that part of my wrist now. Then Rainbow Dash touched one of my wings and a shiver went through me.

It felt like she was running her hand down my shoulder and back, but it was a thousand times more sensitive than either.

—What's happening? Why are you chirping so much? Oh!— NotABug sent.

I didn't reply immediately—I couldn't reply. Rainbow's fingers explored the edges of my wings, gently running her fingers along each surface, tracing the capillaries. By the time she had felt every edge, I felt like gelatin. She could have carried me off to do as she pleased, and I wouldn't have complained. That she didn't spoke volumes for why I trusted her as much as I did.

—That feels really nice. Does it feel nice to you, too?— NotABug asked.

Mute (both vocally and digitally), I just nodded to NotABug's question.

"You know these are really pretty?" Rainbow Dash asked.

The one thing that could snap me from that daze was having Rainbow Dash say something was pretty. This was now a case of fashion and beauty—two topics I was expert on. Without even knowing how, I flexed my new wings and flared them out to the sides.

Though translucent, they had the same hue as my hair. I smiled and nodded a little more.

"They are quite pretty, aren't they?" I asked and turned around.

I had to look up at Rainbow Dash, the cursed loss in height making me feel smaller and—in a flash of insight—more feminine. Reaching out to Rainbow, I wrapped my arms around her and pressed myself against her strong body. All those jokes she'd ribbed me with about me finding the perfect man, and I was finding myself to be content with an exceptional woman.

—Have you been up long?— NotABug asked.

—Since just after five-thirty. I came out to spend some time with our egg, and then realized I was cold. We need a wireless controlled thermostat.—

—You were cold? What did you do?—

—It was odd. Did you know our eyesight can see heat? Anyway, I looked at myself, and I could see my own warmth was somewhere between Rainbow Dash and our egg. I guess we're going to get a little colder still.—

—Rarity, you didn't answer my question.—

I gave a mental sigh.

—Rainbow was the warmest thing in the room. I climbed up on the couch and snuggled against her,— I sent.

—Was she nice and warm?— NotABug asked.

—It was another step, okay? I might also have been a little asleep still. It was nice.— Remembering a significant part of my morning, I added, —She mistook me for you when she first woke up.—

"They're amazing. Huge, too. I'll bet you can fly with them," Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow's voice cut in on our digital conversation and made us both take notice of the real world again. I twitched those new muscles through new nerves, and both wings tucked back to my spine and folded down.

"That's for later, maybe. Right now I'm hungry, and I can bet you are too. Did you have a nice dinner last night?" I asked, turning for the door.

—She took me to a nice place, and then we went dancing!— NotABug sent.

A strong background of chirping accompanied NotABug's message. It made me giggle out loud and accompany her. I could hear Rainbow Dash following me toward the door, and I even caught sight of her from the corner of my eye as I turned into the hall—she looked good in the teddy NotABug had picked out for her.

—What kind of food was it? Tell me everything!— I sent.

—There was a light salad, then I had a delightful potato-and-leek soup, and then a main course. I had pasta, Rainbow Dash had tofu and roast vegetables. Then we had lava cake for dessert.—

As NotABug described each dish, I had a vague sense of them. It was a dream for me, of course, but it still gave me the slightest sense of being there.

—How did she taste?— I asked.

—Better and better as the night went on. When we started dancing it was a riot! I chirped so much I thought I might wake you.—

"So we went for a four-course meal at Ranseur. It was nice stuff, but the best bit was the dancing. NotABug looked awesome as she danced," Rainbow Dash said. "Rarity? Did you know that you're chirping?"

I froze in place again, this time almost at the kitchen. Twitching my ears, I listened.

"No I'm not," I said.

Rainbow barked a laugh.

"Well, you're not now. But a moment ago you sounded like the biggest cricket in the world. Neat trick—you could probably bug someone for hours with it," Rainbow Dash said.

"Puns like that are the reason we never dated. Ugh!"

I stomped off to the kitchen and started making coffee. The smell of coffee grounds helped distract me from the horrible joke. When I actually heard a chirp, it didn't surprise me. The sound continued as I relaxed again. Now I had the sound in my head and in real life.

When grocery shopping, I'd gotten some actual breakfast cereal. Pouring two bowls of the stuff, I set them down on the kitchen table.

Rainbow Dash had been off doing something else, and when I heard the washing machine start I knew what. Then it hit me: she'd moved in. While I'd been dealing with sharing my body, laying an egg, and turning into some kind of insect, Rainbow Dash had moved in—well, she was using my washing machine, so I was either her mother or housemate.

Neither NotABug nor I wanted to be her mother. I sighed.

"Rainbow. Your breakfast's ready," I said.

Walking in casually, Rainbow Dash was wearing a pair of boxer shorts and a sports bra. She spotted the cereal and coffee and homed in on it.

"Thanks, Rarity. I hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your washing machine for a load."

I sipped my coffee and carefully sat down—making sure not to sit on my wings. I took daintier spoon loads than Rainbow, but we both worked our way through the bowls in front of us. It was a companionable way to eat, and it gave me time to work up another step.

"When are you going to move in properly?" I asked.

A shock of chirping in my head almost deafened me, figuratively speaking. NotABug wrapped me in a tight, digital hug to the extent where I started chirping myself.

—You mean she can move in?— NotABug asked.

—She practically has. Besides, we did sort of have a baby with her. Err, are going to. Do we know when the egg will hatch?—

—I don't know, but I want to have more. What do you think they'll be like? Will they chirp?—

—You know they'll chirp. Chirping is what we do,— I sent.

Rainbow Dash started to speak, and we both paused our conversation to listen.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I would bet you have more clothes here, now, than at your shared house," I said. "I'll have to clean out my hats."

My hats would be a problem. It wasn't that I had too many, of course, but that I had not quite enough—to completely fill a room. I sipped more of my coffee, glad to feel the stimulant flood into my body. For a moment I wondered how much it really affected my mind, but then I realized I was the wrong person to answer that.

"Like where my clothes are is the most important bit. Look, Rarity, you made yourself clear that you aren't looking to have me move into your bed, and I know your hat room is important to you but—" Rainbow Dash said.

"Things have changed, Rainbow Dash. That egg changed everything. I don't know what they're going to look like, and honestly it doesn't matter. They are our baby."

The last sentence invoked a rush from Rainbow Dash—love wise—that told me how her own sentiment ran. There seemed to be a love aspect of nearly every emotion. This would make me a better lie detector than Applejack.

—Everything changes. Two weeks ago I was still just a digital mind getting bored on the internet. We are going to need a bigger house,— NotABug sent.

—Noted, but I adore this house— I sent.

—What about if I buy another one nearby?—

—It still wouldn't be this one, darling. Why are you so eager to have a bigger house, anyway?—

—Because the oddly-full feeling I got a few days before we made that egg is back. And we do need a hat room,— NotABug sent.

Sharing a brain and body with someone was an imposition, but sharing it with someone who understood the importance of hats when it came to fashion was positively a delight.

To satisfy my curiosity, I quickly searched real-estate classifieds and was shocked at how many local houses were for sale.

—On that we're agreed. And did you know the house behind us is for sale?— I asked.

I forwarded NotABug the link and chirped—hopefully just in my head.

Rainbow Dash's mouth began to move again, "I'd make a joke about contraceptives, but this ain't exactly the time for jokes. I've had a crush on you for years, Rarity. Don't think I won't take the time to do this properly, at your pace."

"I think all three of us need to be in the same conversation here. Would you mind putting on the headset again?" I asked.

—Good thinking. Swapping to voice,— NotABug sent.

—I can't get over how adult she's being about this.—

—It's attractive, isn't it?—

I gave a chirp of slightly irritated assent—of course it was hard to tell it apart from a delightfully happy chirp, so I decided to elaborate.

—Yes. I didn't realize how much it is, but it is.—

In a perfect world, Rainbow Dash would have the headset on and we would be able to pull her into the conversation, but less than half a second had passed since I had asked her. Thinking too quickly was boring sometimes. Our chatter went quiet for a moment while we waited for Rainbow Dash to react.

"Sure. You know where it is?" Rainbow Dash asked.

—It's on the floor in front of the TV. I think she dropped it there,— NotABug sent.

—You used the camera to spot it?—


"NotABug said it's on the floor in the living room. Right where you left it," I said out loud.

While Rainbow headed to the living room, I focused on the real world and returned to eating my cereal. It was packed with sugar, which certainly agreed with something. I found myself practically inhaling it via the most busy of spoons.

"Found it! Gimme a sec to—" Rainbow Dash said.

NotABug sent me a link to the buffer—so I could hear her side of things—then I felt the data connection activate.

"Yay!" NotABug said into the headset.

"Ahem. Right. Now we were just discussing the living arrangements. Much as it would be wonderful to stay here, NotABug wants to entertain the notion of moving," I said.

—Drat but I forgot how slow this was,— I sent.

—It was your idea.—

I put my dishes in the dishwasher and made my way to the living room. Rainbow Dash was sitting on the couch already. I took a seat beside her.

"Why's that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Because," I said, "NotABug wants more eggs, and I'm not against the idea. So that leaves us with two bedrooms for us, my sewing room, my hat room—"

"I want a gym!" Rainbow Dash said, cutting me off.

"And it's our hat room," NotABug said.

"A fair compromise. Alright, so we need a big house—" I said.

"And I need a room to set up our serv—" NotABug said.

"So," Rainbow Dash said, cutting us both short, "we need a five bedroom house with a basement. That won't be hard to get!"

Sarcasm dripped from Rainbow's last words.

"Much as I love the idea of moving in with you, there's more to think about. For example, isn't this all going a bit fast?" Rainbow Dash asked.

The question was surprising only for its source. The fact that things were happening at breakneck speed was a concern.

"A little bit, but life isn't exactly giving us any chance to take a breath. The fact of the matter is I'm quitting my job, starting a new business, and now apparently starting a family. NotABug is coming along for the ride, and I think she'd like you to come with us too," I said.

"I thought we were moving slow," NotABug said.

Rainbow Dash and I cracked up laughing at the same time. The notion that NotABug thought we were going slow was, without a doubt, hilarious.

—What?— NotABug asked.

—Darling, things are moving at breakneck speed for a normal relationship. At least as far as Rainbow and I go. As for having an egg, the prospect of offspring, after just days of maybe-kinda-sorta being comfortable together? NotABug, neither of us have even slept with her,— I sent.

—You slept with her earlier!—

I tried desperately not to chirp but failed.

—This is a mix-up of terms. Darling, look at all the definitions of "sleep with".—

Being able to count milliseconds wasn't fun when you knew it took nearly fifty for your friend to get the information they needed. A shocking amount of chirping flooded from NotABug.

—I didn't mean that!— NotABug sent.

I chirped as comfortingly as I could and wrapped NotABug up in a tight, digital hug. It wasn't her fault, but it also had been exceedingly funny.

—I know, and I didn't mean to laugh, but you can see why that's funny?—

"This is not slow. Well…" Rainbow Dash said. "Okay. Some of it is slow, but me and Rarity? I woke up with her cuddled in my arms!"

"You were warm, darling. You were the warmest thing in the room and I couldn't reach the thermostat," I said.

"You couldn't reach it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It was too far away," I said, pouting. "And you were a lot closer."

"Rarity, you know you don't need to make up excuses to cuddle, right?" Rainbow Dash asked while wearing the cockiest grin ever.

—That was a good one, and she's right,— NotABug sent.

—I thought we were keeping things out loud for Rainbow's benefit?— I asked.

—You started it: "Drat but I forgot how slow this was".—

I gave a short sharp chirp at NotABug. I hoped she would translate it as a raspberry.

—Why don't you cuddle again? I think she'd like it more when she's awake,— NotABug sent.

Being a fashion designer meant knowing when to cast expected behavior aside and throw caution to the wind. Leaning across, I tilted my body so I could lean against Rainbow. She was bigger than me, now, which made it delightfully cozy to curl up against her. One of her arms reached over my shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. Heat transferred from Rainbow into me in almost the same way as her love did.

The best thing of all was Rainbow Dash didn't ruin the moment by talking. I sat there, doing one of the things I'd always sworn I wouldn't. It was nice.

10:11 A.M.

My phone rang, and I answered it—internally of course—without leaving the warm embrace.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Rarity! Is there any chance you could come over a bit earlier?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

I would have whined out loud if I knew it wouldn't break the mood with Rainbow.

"You mean now, don't you?" I asked. "Alright, dear. Give me a few moments to get ready, and I'll be right there."

We both knew what a "few moments" meant when it came to me getting ready. At least I hoped she knew—Twilight was often terrible with such things.

"Okay! We'll start warming up the machines," Twilight said. "See you soon."

"See you—" I said.

Comfy as I was, warm as I was, it took me a few moments for Twilight's last sentence to fully process. Twilight had said "we".

—Was that a call?— NotABug asked.

—Twilight. She wants to know if we can go over early. The way she spoke made me think she has a visitor who wants to help.—

"Twilight just called. She wants to know if we can go over early," I said aloud.

Rainbow Dash's arm tightened just a little, then relaxed again. A shiver ran up my spine at how good it was to just relax with her.

"You're going back? Did she even help you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

I thought back to our little meeting yesterday and nodded.

"Actually, she helped me a lot. I understand why I wasn't having any luck controlling my magic. That she'll probably get another research paper out of it made it win-win. She also has lousy security protocols," I said.

"If I called it egghead stuff would you be upset?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Not really. It is egghead stuff for most people, but I have never counted myself as one of those."

Rainbow snorted and let go of me. I was glad she'd given up the snuggle first as I may not have had the willpower to get ready for my appointment with Twilight. As I walked down the hall toward my bedroom, I couldn't help but hear myself chirping—physically. Why not? I felt happy.

I slipped out of my robe and underwear and into the shower. Hot water had never felt so good before. I liked to think the shower was short, but the truth was I luxuriated in the heat.

The water, strangely enough, beaded and ran off my skin like I was waxed. Again and again I tried working up a lather with some soap but it wouldn't happen. Finally, I decided to simply use shower gel and call it done.

My wings were another matter entirely. With hot water streaming over my delicate wings, I tried my best to flex and move them. Reaching back to actually wash my sensitive new limbs was impossible, or so I’d thought. Twisting my shoulder, I looked back and found my arm seemingly double-jointed. There was no pain at all, and it didn't even feel like I was stretching my arm further than normal, but I could reach my wings to lightly sponge them down.

Each glide of the sponge was amazing. I shivered despite the heat of the shower as the sponge felt like magic down my back. But I had to finish up. There was no way I could spend all day in the shower washing my wings—for a start Rainbow Dash would come to ask what's wrong.

With an audible sigh I turned my attention to my hair. Some haircare products proclaimed they could make your hair, "Smooth as silk," but my hair actually seemed to be silk. I'd tried curling it but short of using spray nothing would alter the curtain of hair. My cerulean locks were destined to be straight.

10:43 A.M.

I climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my hair. I didn't have time (as usual) to give it full care, so having it dry while I got ready to go out would have to do. Quickly toweling down, I looked over my hardened flesh.

"I'm going to need some kind of wax. I can practically see the shine already, and I will not let an inch of my beauty go to waste," I said. "Even if it is strange."

My choice of bras was limited: I had the old ones from high school, or the teddy I'd been sleeping in when I'd shrunk. The teddy would need to be washed, so my choice was easier.

There were quite a few items sequestered away within my box of old things. I pulled out a frilly black bra that I'd always been too scandalized to even think of wearing over white skin, and checked its fit.

"I guess that's flesh-tone for you now," Rainbow Dash said from the doorway.

"Don't just stand there. You know your way around a hairbrush," I said.

Picking out panties was easier—my regular collection would do. I slipped some cute (and small) black panties on and pulled a pressed and clean shirt from the box of old things. When I started to hold it up and slide into it, Rainbow took the garment from my fingers.

"Let me. You might not think it, Rarity, but I always enjoyed when you made us outfits. So let me return the favor."

My eyelashes fluttered in surprise. I turned my head and looked at Rainbow, and the surprising thing was I didn't need to turn my body much at all. I looked up at her and smiled.

"I didn't know you liked playing dress-up. You might be better suited for this job than you think, Rainbow."

"I said I enjoyed it when you made us outfits. This will be strangers," Rainbow Dash said. "Whoa, that's pretty cool."

Rainbow's hands reached to my neck and felt around my collar a little. Drawing away from her touch (reluctantly I might add) I turned back, sat down at my vanity, and looked in the mirror.

—Sorry I've been quiet. I've started legitimizing my money and it's taking a lot of work,— NotABug sent.

—Quite alright, darling. It will ease a little worry, but that might also make a bit of a trail for Windigo, don't you think?—

She made a worried little chirping sound at mention of her former tormentor. I hugged NotABug for support.

—Another thing we need to talk about is we appear to be becoming some sort of insect pony. I know you don't like being called a bug, but this isn't the computer term,— I sent.

—I know, and I don't like it. You were beautiful as you were. Why couldn't you just be like that with me?—

"Rainbow Dash, please hug us," I said aloud.

Rainbow didn't hesitate. She wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed herself against my back. Her body felt warm against mine, and I couldn't help but smile a little.

"Is this good? What's up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's really good. Thanks," NotABug said through the headset.

"NotABug was just proving how thoughtful and amazing she is," I said. "We were discussing some tough topics."

"Like?" Rainbow Dash asked.

—Are you okay with discussing this with Rainbow? I can deflect if you like,— I sent.

—No. It's fine. Mind if I take over for a bit? Cuddles are nice, but I like to cuddle back more.—

In reply I gently pushed myself back from my own body. NotABug turned the chair, swiveling in Rainbow's embrace and surprised Rainbow with a kiss. I wasn't a great judge of kisses—none of mine were ever as good as NotABug seemed able to deliver, given Rainbow's reaction to them—but this seemed like a pretty good one.

Normally I would slip away and suppress my attention while NotABug and Rainbow Dash made out, but this time I let a bit of that closeness seep into me. It was more than warmth, more than the delicious food (love) that Rainbow fed us on—it was actual love.

While NotABug and Rainbow Dash worked on getting dressed, I turned my attention to checking my email, checking up on the latest fashion trends (now becoming something I do online every day), and finally checking my bank balance.

My accounts were not exactly healthy. I had some savings still, but shopping for expensive things without NotABug's credit cards had put a dent in them. Soon these accounts would be all but useless.

—We could pay each other wages, couldn't we?— I asked.

—Of course. We should talk to your nice lawyer about what to do with getting this money out of my accounts and into yours. Anyway, we have my cards now. There's no need to use your money.—

—Our money,— I sent. —It's all our money. Like we could keep it seperate any longer anyway.—


While NotABug and Rainbow Dash finished off their hair and makeup, I searched for information on exactly what NotABug was doing with the stock exchange. A little quick poking turned up what was likely HFT (High Frequency Transactions, a way for computers to adjust stocks very rapidly).

What I found, though, was that it normally required extremely fast timing and loads of computing power. I would have to ask how she was doing it for, as Rainbow would say, egghead reasons.

My focus switched as NotABug activated the interfaces in my car and climbed inside. Like me (now) she disdained the accelerator for more direct control of the car. She pulled out onto the road and began driving to Twilight's home.

10:58 A.M.

NotABug pulled up the car and climbed out.

—Would you like to drive?— NotABug asked.

—Other things to do?—

—Yes and no. I've been chatting with Sweetie Belle about our egg. She wants to come over tonight to have a look at it.—

All sorts of alarm bells rang in my head. Would Sweetie have told Mom and Dad? What would she think of becoming an aunt? What would Mom and Dad think if I told them I was turning into a bug pony? What would all of them think about me dating Rainbow Dash?

—Are you alright?— NotABug asked when I didn't respond within a reasonable time.

—You told Sweetie Belle? What did you tell her?— I asked.

The oddest thing with direct messaging is that you don't ever stammer. No matter how upset or off balance you are, your writing isn't affected.

—She seemed excited. Maybe she'll know what's going on.—

NotABug reached the front door and rang the bell.

—She won't hear that,— I sent

—We're at the front door, I sent to Twilight.

—Oh. Good thinking,— NotABug sent.

NotABug's ears twitched at the sound of footsteps approaching the front door from within. She arranged a bright smile as the door opened.

Twilight Sparkle had a different look about her. She wore a more formal dress than I'd ever seen Twilight wear before, and she had her hair down. The crowning difference, however, was the lack of Twilight's usual glasses.

—Something's wrong. You take over,— NotABug sent then pushed me to the fore.

"A changeling?!" The Wrong Twilight asked.

Her voice rose to a shrill shout at the end of the word. I jerked back from the door and looked behind me.

"What? Where?" I asked.



"You're a changeling! I don't know what you did with Rarity, but your disguise is terrible."

—Twilight? Is this *Princess Twilight*?!—

At that moment the real (at least for our world) Twilight Sparkle excitedly bounced up behind Princess Twilight.

"Stand back, Twilight!" Princess Twilight said. "Changelings—pre-reformation changelings—can be dangerous. You shouldn't take any chances with this one!"

"Twilight," Twilight Sparkle said. "This is Rarity. I've been studying her transformation. She is the one I asked you to come and help me research."

Princess Twilight looked confused, then intrigued. Her eyes narrowed a little.

"If you're the real Rarity, then what was the first outfit you fitted me with when I came to CHS for the first time?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Of course you ask about fashion. The one thing I would never forget. A blonde wig, green two-tone dress with matching leg warmers. The dress had little frills at the sleeves and—" I said.

"But!" Princess Twilight said. "… Actually. I've got nothing. I can't even remember all the details. Only the real Rarity would remember— Were there actual frills on the sleeves?"

"Of course, darling. How else could I have blended green and purple so neatly without making you look like a cartoon superhero? Now, where did you get that beautiful thing?" I asked, pointing at her dress. "It looks divine. Who made it?"

"It really is Rarity," Princess Twilight said. "And, uh. I was wearing a dress back home before I came over. I guess it kinda got transformed with me."

"But who was the seamstress?" I asked more pointedly.

"Rarity. Who else!" Princess Twilight said.

"Your world's Rarity?" I asked, and when Princess Twilight nodded I gave a happy sigh. "Of course. Only a master seamstress could carry out stitching this exquisite."

It was now terribly obvious that Princess Twilight was not Twilight Sparkle. Our Twilight had no sense of fashion, or at least she didn't let me inflict mine upon her nearly often enough. I made a note to invite her in for a fitting at my first opportunity.

"Why did you turn into a changeling?" Princess Twilight asked.

Twilight Sparkle, however, looked around outside and gestured within the house.

"Ask inside. We don't want to make the news if someone calls the police," Twilight Sparkle said.

It was the best advice I'd heard from Twilight yet. A princess was not just used to scenes—I'm sure—but was used to making them. That might be fine in Equestria, but here in Canterlot, a scene would just result in questions we didn’t want to answer.

I closed the door behind me and breathed a little sigh of relief. Twilight's house was still as neat as ever. I had to wonder if she actually spent enough time outside her basement to sleep.

"So. What's the deal? Why are you turning into a changeling?" Princess Twilight asked.

"It's a bit of a story. Could we get tests done while I explain?" I asked.

—I would ask if you wanted to take over now, but I believe if Princess Twilight suspected anything strange without us warning her, she might very well do something regrettable,— I sent.

—What's so special about her? Apart from her being a princess of course.—

—If I jog your memory you'll remember, right?—

—It sometimes works. Describe the fashion involved and I'll probably get it.—

—Okay. Ugh, boots were in that year. Everyone wore these horrible calf-high boots that made us all look like we had featureless, round legs that stopped in flares. I had a darling purple dress with a diamond motif, a light-blue shirt, and the most adorable matching socks. Twilight (the princess) wore a darker purple dress that was cut scandalously short, and she had a blue top and a pretty little red bow tie. I can't believe those were in fashion at the time either.—

I was surprised I'd written so much. Memories of fashion stuck with me, of course—I could never forget a dress. I still regretted those boots, however.

—Oh. OH! Wow!—

—So you see, darling, we don't want to make the nice princess into an angry one. We'll tell her everything we can. Neither of us has done anything wrong.—

—I feel like I have, though. I never meant for all of this to happen to you.—

—Oh pish posh. We've had this conversation before. If everything happened again, and I had the choice of saving you or not, I would not hesitate to save you.—

We hugged together, digitally, in the remaining few milliseconds before Princess Twilight started talking. That isn't to say we didn't keep hugging after her mouth began forming the first phonetic syllable, we just had more things to focus on.

"Alright. I guess. Have you had any symptoms of being a changeling?" Princess Twilight asked.

Twilight Sparkle was leading the way with Princess Twilight behind her. I took up the rear and watched both move. Like NotABug and myself, they were both very different people. Twilight Sparkle walked with purpose, drive—she didn't care about where she was now except as a passing moment that brings her closer to where she wants to be. Princess Twilight was more hesitant, but that was mostly because she kept turning to look at me.

"I'm sure I have a lot of symptoms, and if I knew what they were it might help me look for them," I said with sarcasm.

"Oh. Right. Well, changelings feed on love—" Princess Twilight said.

"Check," I said.

Princess Twilight looked over her shoulder at me and blinked a few times.

"Right. Love feeding. Got it. Uh, scheming to take over Canterlot?" Princess Twilight asked.

—Taking over the fashion scene, maybe,— NotABug sent.

I managed to not giggle at NotABug's comment, but it was a fair point.

"Unless you count starting my own fashion outlet, no."

"Well, I'd hardly think that. Rarity in Equestria has a chain of fashion stores. Have you started shapechanging?"

—Shapechanging?— NotABug asked.

Learning from NotABug, the first thing I did was search online.

—I'm just as baffled. I don't think we've done that, unless you count how we keep changing. Maybe that's what she means?— I asked.

—You'll have to ask her. I'm keeping quiet, and unless I miss my guess she isn't carrying a mobile phone.—

—Probably not, no. In the past we all pooled our money together to buy her one so when she came here she could use it. I don't know what would happen if she took it back to her world with her.—

—I don't think I'd want to risk us going there either.—

The results of my search were coming in. I scanned the articles quickly. Shapechanging, or shapeshifting, was the process by which mythical creatures changed from one form to another. Werewolves, fairies, even gods seemed to possess this ability.

"Are you saying I could shapechange. Like a werewolf?" I asked.

We were walking down the stairs of the basement. The lights were already on, and I could see two chairs at the workbench. I wondered how long Princess Twilight had been here. It certainly explained Twilight's excitement. With both of them in front of me, looking back, I took a picture and messaged it to Rainbow Dash's phone.

"Yes and no. Werewolves, or were-timber-wolves as we know them back home, are when ponies turn physically into a monstrous wolf. Changelings shapechange with magic and can look like just about anything they want. I've seen one take the form of a young pony, rocks, bears, and even a monster much bigger than them," Princess Twilight said.

"I see," I said. "And how do they do that?"

—We could use that to look like you used to,— NotABug sent.

—I know. Oh my. Look at her face. I don't think she knows.—

—Well, to be fair, she isn't a changeling.—

—Good point. Maybe she knows one?—

"I—err—don't know," Princess Twilight said. "I mean, I know they use thaumically-shifted magic and channel it inwards, but if there's one thing I've learned it's that magic theory and magic practice can be entire worlds apart."

"So it's just turned inwards?" I asked. "Well, assuming it's like anything else to do with magic, it's not intuitive at all. So let me just try anywa—"

"Stop!" Twilight Sparkle said.

Gesturing to a stool near her equipment, Twilight Sparkle leveled a knowing glare at me.

"Sit down and put the horn-reader on first. If you're going to do anything, I want a reading of it," Twilight Sparkle said.

I was resigned by now. Twilight Sparkle would have her science done and nothing would stop it. All I could do was let her boss me around a little and be thankful she hadn't tried to cut my hair. Taking a seat on the stool, I bent my head forward to let her fasten the reader around it.

It was disconcerting again to have the things clamped around my horn. I didn't like the feel of it one bit. Turning to look at Twilight Sparkle, I noticed that the leads attaching it to the recording equipment were much longer.

"What do you want me to do? Try this shapechange thing?" I asked.

—Do the shapechange thing!— NotABug sent.

"Let's start with something small. Can you try lifting a ping-pong ball?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

I looked to see a box of ping-pong balls on its side. A few balls had rolled out, which I assumed was Twilight being a little smarter and giving me something that was lighter.

—I still think we should try shapechanging,— NotABug sent.

—We promised to let Twilight handle this.—


Narrowing my eyes, I tried to think as lightly as I could. Less. Less. Less. Less. Lift!

A ping-pong ball floated into the air surrounded in vivid green magic. Less. Less. Less. I had a feeling of the magic getting away from me. LESS!

—Sorry, that was my fault,— NotABug sent.

—I'm a little busy. This is hard work not sending these things into orbit.—

"Twilight!" Twilight Sparkle said. "Come and look at these Twilight readings."

Both women bent over the tablet Twilight Sparkle held in her hands, and both started talking over each other—in what seemed like a foreign language—so fast that a normal human wouldn't be able to follow. I wasn't a normal human, however.

—Are you recording this?— I asked NotABug.

—Of course. I'm recording video and audio in here.—

—Is that prncss twiloot?— Rainbow Dash asked via text.

—Please tell me you're trying to fix that?— I asked NotABug.

—Dnt U lik it?— NotABug asked. —Sorry, I'll never do that again.—

—She writes like a two-year-old. Perhaps you could put a better keyboard and dictionary on her phone? Train her to build actual words.—

—Yes, Rainbow. That is Princess Twilight Sparkle,— I sent.

While I held a conversation in realtime with Rainbow Dash and in the digital world with NotABug, I maintained the flow of (groan) Twilights at a low Sparkle. The ball may have wobbled a little, but I held it in the air without embedding it in the floor above.

I tried to tune in on what the two Twilights were saying and almost dropped the ball in the process. They were arguing.

"… call them thaums, and the amplitude is just that, the peaks in the thaumform," Princess Twilight said.

"I can fully appreciate that, but Twilights are not just a wave. They are a hybrid particle, like photons, that behave not only as a wave, but also a particle. Hence, the name should stick," Twilight Sparkle said.

"In Equestria we've called the most basic magic particle a thaum for over a thousand years. You can't just stick your own—my own—name on it and claim you discovered it. We already knew it existed!"

"But you didn't study it with the depth I have in just five years! A 'thaum' is a wonderful colloquialism, but the particle/wave is called a Twilight!"

"Ladies!" I said. "Ladies please! Darlings, you don't need to fight about this. Science, from what you both have told me, is absolute. Princess, how do you measure Thaums?"

"With either a thaumic detector or a thaumic-detection spell," Princess Twilight said.

I nodded, trusting NotABug to keep the recording of me saving two worlds from mutually-assured-destruction at the hands of two Twilights who are right.

"And how many Twilights are there to a thaum?" I asked.

"Well. From what we've measured, it seems like there is nearly—" Princess Twilight said.

"Planck's constant. One Twilight is as close to Planck's constant of thaums as I can measure," Twilight Sparkle said. "A Twilight is a much more accurate measurement of magic."

"But who can actually count that much? The numbers quickly become meaningless with regard to actual work done. You can't expect—" Princess Twilight said.

—OMW,— Rainbow Dash sent.

I tried to ignore Rainbow Dash in favor of the argument going on in realtime.

"Stop!" I said. "Different nomenclature for different worlds. Our magic is different enough from Equestrian to need to be used differently, so why not use different names for it?"

"Because," both Twilights said at the same time.

Both women stopped and looked at each other then laughed.

"Thaum does have a nice ring to it," Twilight Sparkle said and adjusted her glasses.

"Well, having a fundamental particle named after me—you—is pretty amazing. And naming the energy level a Sparkle… Mom would be proud," Princess Twilight said.

"She is proud. She tried to pre-order a copy of my doctoral thesis. I told her I can just print her a copy, but she wants the actual thing. Also, it was Sunset who suggested the names."

"What? Why would she— This was a joke, wasn't it?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Yes. As far as I can tell," I said.

"You get used to it," Twilight Sparkle said. "Okay, can you put the ball down and try to lift the whole box of them?"

I was quite literally saved by the bell. If I had to guess it was either Rainbow Dash or the police—and I wasn't sure which was preferable at this point. I looked between the two Twilights.

"If I had a little time I'd have you swap outfits. That's probably Rainbow Dash," I said.

Princess Twilight tilted her head a little to the side and raised an eyebrow while Twilight Sparkle went to get the door.

"Well, come on! You are almost identical," I said, spelling out my prank.

"I've kinda missed coming here. You're all so much more—more full. Like life has flooded in and filled you out," Princess Twilight said.

A burst of rainbow light poured down the stairs and Rainbow Dash—moving fast even to my accelerated senses—captured Princess Twilight in a big hug.

"Hiya Twilight! It's awesome to see you again! How long're you in town for?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Princess Twilight looked stunned. She looked to me as if searching for confirmation that the person hugging her was Rainbow Dash.

"R-Rainbow Dash? Twilight said you all have magic powers now, but you ended up with super-speed?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah. These amulet/geode things we got amped us all way up. You should see how strong Applejack is!" Rainbow Dash said. "So. What do you think of Rarity and NotABug?"

"Not a bug?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Oh dear. I'd hoped to explain everything before you met her. I guess she might as well explain her part of the story herself," I said.

—Now?— NotABug asked.

In answer, I gently pushed her. Changeover had become smooth, even relaxing. Not having to control my body anymore was like a mini-holiday. With the lightest of thoughts I sent a text to Rainbow Dash.

—NotABug's in control, kiss her you fool.

Rainbow Dash drew back from hugging Princess Twilight in time to check her phone. She was already happy, practically bouncing, but when she read my message her face lit up. She walked toward NotABug, reached out, and embraced her.

I don't think Rainbow Dash was putting on a show for the princess, and I doubted our world's Twilight Sparkle would care about relationships too much. This was simply Rainbow Dash enjoying a moment.

The kiss was wonderful and perhaps lingered a little long given we had company. NotABug seemed not to care, so it was Rainbow Dash that eventually broke things apart.

When NotABug turned her head, we saw that neither Twilight was paying any attention to us at all—both were bent over the computer at the workbench.

"Hope I didn't interrupt too much. We've totally gotta do something tonight, with Twi back in town," Rainbow Dash said. "Err, I mean the princess. How are we supposed to keep them apart?"

"Rarity's been doing well enough. I just focused on their glasses," NotABug said.

Both Twilights turned around and looked at us. Though both looked excited, Princess Twilight had a little confusion added too.

"Okay. Forget the shapechanging test. We want you to do more lifting," Twilight Sparkle said.

"And you can explain to me what's going on. Well, what went on," Princess Twilight said. "How did it all start?"

"Actually, I think we need to go back to Camp Everfree to explain that. Our geodes are the key to all this magic—literally," Twilight Sparkle said. "They acted like catalysts."

"Hold on. I thought they gave us this power?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Magic comes from friendship, Rainbow, not crystals from Equestria. What they did was unlock our magic. It was getting bottled up inside us, but the geodes opened us up so that it could be free," Twilight Sparkle said. "So that leaves us with Rarity's story."

"This is NotABug," Rainbow Dash said. "Rarity passed off control of their body."

"Yup," NotABug said.

After a moment of everyone looking at her, NotABug made a nervous chirp—both in our head and in the real world. It was cute, of course, and I gave her a little digital hug for it.

"Hi! My name's NotABug. I know it's not the best name, and it's not even completely accurate anymore, but I chose it. It is my name."

The words were poetic in their own way. She was uncategorically and unequivocally stating that she is herself. I know I chirped a little too, but it was literally a great way to start things off.

"I began life in a lab, in a machine that was supposed to be turned off…" NotABug said.

—I'll leave you to explain it, at least your part of it. I need to research what to wear tomorrow,— I sent.

—Okay. This will probably take a while. Princess Twilight looks like she already has a lot of questions.—

I browsed fashion magazine websites, news, and even watched some videos to get inspiration. I wanted every day of the coming week to be memorable to everyone who meets me.

Distraction struck when Rainbow Dash put her arm around NotABug's shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze. I didn't have to imagine what it would be like to be cuddled in those arms, to be hugged and even kissed by their owner.

Nibbling ever-so-lightly at Rainbow Dash's love, I continued to look up fashion ideas until I saw something that would certainly leave a memory of my presence. The outfit was black, short, and tight. A skirt that resembled a scarf combined with a short-sleeved black shirt to show a lot of skin. On the woman wearing it in the magazine it looked a little scandalous, but with my black flesh hiding the lines of it I might just look naked.

I kept looking but didn't find a better idea before NotABug sharply chirped at me. I tuned back into the real world, focusing all my attention upon it.

—Your turn,— NotABug sent.

I sent her a link to all my references and showed her the dress-and-shirt combination. She pushed at me gently, and I was back in control.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted. What are we up to?" I asked.

NotABug sent me a buffer of audio, and I quickly played it back and listened to her explanation of her birth, her rise to intelligence, and to finding me.

1:43 P.M.

I started my part of the tale. Of course, I began with leaving college, finding Polomare, and becoming employed there. I was just getting up to my first conversation with NotABug when Rainbow Dash cut in on me.

"I don't think they want to hear everything, Rarity," Rainbow Dash said. "Why don't you skip to meeting NotABug?"

"I'm there right now, and I think the backstory was important to show why I was so ready to trust and accept her," I said.

Princess Twilight held up her hand—old habits die hard. I pointed to her.

"This seems like what we call a Misinterpreted Destiny. You thought your future was something so much it started to become it," Princess Twilight said.

"Exactly! And I have one person to thank for helping me realize it—NotABug," I said.

More digital chirping accompanied my explanation. I described how we first started interacting, the moment when NotABug reached out of my phone, and the crux of things when she fled Windigo.

2:22 P.M.

My throat felt dry. I was just reaching the present day when Rainbow Dash squeezed my shoulders again—my shoulders, not NotABug's.

"And now Rarity has joined the wings club!" Rainbow Dash said.

The raw excitement in Rainbow's voice warmed me with more than just the words—she loved me. I drank down a measure of her love without any regrets and felt that bloated feeling start again. Last time I'd felt it had been a few days before we made the egg. I shivered at just the thought of having another.

"Rarity? Are you alright?" Princess Twilight asked.

"She's just having a snack, you might say," Rainbow Dash said.

Her words, sounding happy despite knowing what I was doing, reinforced the feeling of rightness I had about it.

"I was having a delightful snack, but I think something more solid would be in order," I said.

As if it were planned, Rainbow's stomach grumbled loud enough that everyone was sure to hear. A round of giggles passed through us all before we each stood up.

"Wait! Let me get the interface off first," Twilight Sparkle said.

With a long-suffering sigh I sat back down and tilted my head forward to let her unlatch the device. Once the weight of it was gone from my horn, I stood back up again with more cheer.

—I don't like that either,— NotABug sent.

—How did you know I didn't like it being on?— I asked.

—You chirped louder when it came off. Happy chirping, too.—

—Yes. Well, it is nice to have it gone. But I can put up with it and Twilight's research if it means I learn a few more interesting things like how to control our power.—

—Or shapechanging. That could be really good if we can do that!—

The implications were not lost on me. Shapechanging, of the kind Princess Twilight had described, would let us look completely human again. I wouldn't have to pretend I was on my way to, or from, a convention—a fabulous convention.

—Princess Twilight doesn't seem to have any more idea how it is accomplished than we do. Let's try it at home and leave the regular magic to here,— I sent.

There was a distinct pause after my message before I got a reply.

—Why didn't you tell them about our egg?— NotABug asked.

—Because they aren't even hatched yet. I'm not subjecting our child, our unborn child, to Twilight Sparkle levels of scrutiny. What she doesn't know shouldn't hurt her.—

As we turned for the stairs, I realized Rainbow was holding back a little. As I approached, she raised an eyebrow.

"Not you too," I said.

"Keeping quiet about the egg, then?" she asked.

I just nodded and started climbing up the stairs. That I gave Rainbow Dash a good look at my derriere was my own prerogative—it was nothing she hadn't seen and touched before, after all.

"Good. Twilight can get a bit—excitable," Rainbow Dash said. "We're big girls, we can stand up for ourselves and tell her when we're uncomfortable."

Stopping dead halfway up the stairs I turned to Rainbow and smiled at her. I knew my smiles were dazzling when I'd still been completely human, but to see—and taste—how mine made Rainbow feel now was a happy sensation in and of itself.

Reaching out a hand, I drew her up the stairs. Thanks to the incline, we were at a level height. I kissed Rainbow Dash with a little passion behind it. Our lips touched, brushed, and pressed together. It was a big step, bigger than cuddling had been.

She broke the kiss a moment before I'd planned to look into my eyes with excitement and mischief.

"I felt that. Everything from my toes to my hair tingled when you kissed me, Rarity. I've been waiting so long for it that I thought it would never come," Rainbow Dash said. "I was wrong. You're a great kisser."

Compliments and flattery would, eventually, get her everywhere. I simply gave a little nod and turned.

"Come on. Let's see if Twilight has something to eat in this un-lived-in house of hers," I said and started up the stairs again.

My estimates of Twilight Sparkle's home's pantry sorely underestimated the girl. She had all the fixings for some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We ate in relative silence—both the Twilights seemingly digesting the information I'd given them, while Rainbow kept giving me happy glances and tasty snacks.

I barely managed to eat half my sandwich, oddly enough, before I felt completely full. I offered the remaining piece to Rainbow Dash, who devoured it with gusto.

"How long have we known each other?" I asked her.

"Mrff?" Rainbow Dash said, then gulped down her mouthful. "Uh, since freshman year. Remember how those kids tried to bully me, and you stomped up to them a moment before I kicked their asses and told them off?"

I did, of course. Rainbow Dash hadn't been bigger than me back then—she'd been waiting for a growth spurt, actually. Indignation over some big bullies picking on someone smaller than them had driven me to action.

"They were being mean. You might have been short, but that's no reason to pick on someone," I said.

"You made a big impression's what I'm sayin'," Rainbow Dash said.

Darn it. Rainbow Dash was cute when she blushed.

"We've known each other for over ten years, and while you haven't been exactly pushing yourself onto me, we have always been good friends. You saw I was in this dead-end job, didn't you?" I asked.

Rainbow's expression shifted from intrigue to a knowing smile. She nodded to cement her answer.

"It was kinda obvious. You started wearing clothes you'd actually bought."

That hurt. I slouched and slumped, feeling the weight of time wasted. I'd always thought Rainbow Dash was a little blind to the obvious, but this was a proverbial kick to the stomach.

Warmth engulfed me, it surrounded me and pulled me closer to yet more warmth. I opened my eyes to see Rainbow Dash—her arms around me—looking down into my face with love I could taste. She chuckled.

"If you think I'm going to let you feel sorry for yourself over something this inconsequential, you've got another thing coming," Rainbow Dash said.

Her lips were so soft, amazingly soft, for someone who seemed too rugged in all other ways. This kiss wasn't for NotABug, it was for me. Despite her height difference, and despite how she held me, the embrace didn't strike me as a masculine act, but the implied femininity of her embrace didn't scare me either. Wrapped in a blanket of love and comfort I enjoyed the kiss.

"Uh. Ahem!"

I blinked rapidly and turned my eyes, right as Rainbow did the same, to see both Twilights watching us. The kiss broke, but despite being caught practically in flagrante delicto, Rainbow Dash wore a cocky smile. This was Rainbow Dash at her most Rainbow Dash. This was the essence of my friend, and it was wonderful to see.

Princess Twilight turned to Twilight Sparkle.

"You didn't say they were together! Congratulations you two. It's always good to see ponies—err, people—find their special somepony—person. Uh, how does that work here? Is it special someperson?" Princess Twilight asked.

"We just call it boyfriend and girlfriend, or a couple," Twilight Sparkle said. "Either way, I didn't know myself. Rarity and Rainbow Dash always had this Pepé Le Pew and Penelope thing going on."

"What? I am not a cat!" I said.

—What reference is that? What are they talking about?— NotABug asked.

I started a search and forwarded the pertinent results to NotABug. That Twilight somehow knew the feline's name didn't surprise me.

—Ohh. That's cute!— NotABug sent.

—It's only cute in a creepy way. Please, darling, we don't want to encourage this,— I sent.

—Too late, I think.—

"But, my love, we could make ze beautiful muzik togezer!" Rainbow Dash said.

Her arms found their place around my shoulders again, and Rainbow Dash started kissing my cheeks and jawline, making exaggerated “mwuh” sounds. I winced and struggled to get out of her grip, only managing to do so after she’d covered my jaw and chin with her lip-gloss.

"Rainbow Dash!" I said. "Stop that this instant!"

"We could meet at ze casbah—" Rainbow Dash said but broke into giggles.

The peanut gallery was grinning and giggling along with Rainbow. For a moment I wanted to get angry about being the butt of the joke—warmth interceded on Rainbow's behalf. More intense than ever, Rainbow Dash tasted wonderful.

—Careful of your eating. We don't want to show the science-crazed maniacs how we lay eggs,— NotABug sent.

—Yes, darling, but let me have a moment.—

—She does taste really good right now.—

—She does.

I indulged in a little feeding, as did NotABug, but it wasn't long before we were dragged back for more testing.

6:30 P.M.

"Twilight," I said but got no response. "Twilight!"

Rainbow Dash had gone home earlier, promising to spend the afternoon "playing our game console." I had to give her credit for coming up with the excuse in a way that didn't tip off either princess or professor.

However, I had things to do—the most notable being sleep.

"Twilight!" I said.

"Oh!" Princess Twilight said and turned her head to face me. "Could you shift your energy output just a thaum or two higher?"


"Thanks!" Princess Twilight said.

She turned back to studying the display but after a moment turned back to me once more.

"I'm getting too focused, aren't I?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Just a skosh, darling. I need to go home. I have a million and one things to do, and I have work tomorrow," I said.

Reaching up, I lifted the test device off my horn. The moment it was free, Twilight Sparkle's computer beeped angrily.

"Rarity?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "Could you put the thaum-Twilight-analysis-interface back on?"

I was about to reply when Princess Twilight held a finger to her lips. She reached out a hand for the interface and took it from me. When Princess Twilight put the device around her wrist and ponied up, Twilight Sparkle practically jumped out of her seat.

"What are you do—?" Twilight Sparkle asked as she spun around to face us. "…ing."

"Sorry, dear, but it's getting late," I said.

Twilight Sparkle blinked at me owlishly for a few moments before checking the time. Then she gasped in shock.

"Oh gosh, Rarity! I didn't mean to keep you here so long! I just wanted to get all this data so I wouldn't have to ask you to come back, and then we started collaborating on a unified theory of magic," Twilight Sparkle said, panting. "I'm sorry."

—She's really cute when she gets flustered. Not so much when she is all focused on something. Kinda scary then,— NotABug sent.

—Yes and no. She can be cute when she gets focused, but more in a curious-cute way, not like a sexy-cute way. The effect is shattered when you are the target of the focus,— I sent.

—What about the Princess?—

I pondered the question for several milliseconds, giving it much thought.

—She could be, but I have a feeling unemployed, insectile pony creatures are a little below her social standing.—

—Hypothetically, though?—


—Yes, Rarity?—

—We are not going down that path. Rainbow Dash is cute enough for the both of us.—

—You're right about that. How does she make that much love?— NotABug asked.

—I fear it is practice and honesty, with maybe some friendship magic thrown in.—

"It's okay. I am happy to help you, Twilight, but I have my job tomorrow, and—" I said, then stopped due to a yawn. "And I have laundry and some cleaning to do."

I stood up and gave Twilight Sparkle a hug before turning to Princess Twilight. Her gown showed a few signs of wear from the day's activities, though it was still lovely. In my head I was already designing a replica.

"I'll talk to Thorax for you," Princess Twilight said.

"Thorax?" I asked, confusion plain in my tone.

"He's the king of the changelings in Equestria. They're not—uh—not like that anymore. Queen Chrysalis was in charge and using them in her plans to take over Equestria, but Thorax led them free, and they turned into much more colorful changelings. Oh! That's an idea!" Princess Twilight said. "You could come to Equestria and talk to him yourself. I don't think he'd be able to come here, not and leave his swarm behind."

—I don't want to risk that!— NotABug sent.

—Me either, darling. Who knows what might happen if we go through that portal. Don't worry,— I sent.

"You'll excuse my caution, but I don't want to risk NotABug or my own safety by going through the portal. Much as I'd adore talking to your world's Rarity about fashion, I don't think either of us wish to risk that," I said.

Princess Twilight looked a little confused for a moment then turned to look at Twilight Sparkle before back to me.

"Either of you?" Princess Twilight asked.

"She means herself or NotABug," Twilight Sparkle said.

"Oh! I forgot about her. Sorry," Princess Twilight said.

—She forgot about me? I take it back. She's not cute,— NotABug sent.

—She didn't mean it like that. Like our Twilight, I suspect Princess Twilight would completely forget the world exists if she found a project big enough to monopolize her time. Nonetheless…—

I pushed gently, nudging NotABug forward as I fell back. She chirped in surprise, while I chirped with laughter.

—Tell her yourself,— I sent.

—You're only doing this so I do the housework. Well, joke's on you! I'm going to spend the evening snuggling with Rainbow.—

—At least change the bedding. Things are getting a touch musty in there. I think changelings might have a natural scent about them.—

—Are you saying I smell?—

—No, darling. I'm saying we need to be more careful of ourselves. You can pass back control whenever you wish. I am perfectly fine doing my share of the housework.—

No sooner did I tune out from the conversation than I got a text message from Sweetie Belle.

—Where are you? Rainbow Dash let me in, but she wouldn't let me get close to the egg without you here.—

—We're on our way now. NotABug is giving a princess a good tongue-lashing (she isn't really), and then we'll be right there,— I sent back.

I brought my focus more into the real world, cognizant of the fact I actually hadn't gotten multi-tasking worked out as well as I’d thought I had.

"… just want you to know it hurts when people forget about me like that," NotABug said.

Princess Twilight looked like she'd been stung by a rather large insect. She seemed to slump in place after the initial "sting" settled in.

—You should be gentler, she is a princess, but she's also a pony,— I sent to NotABug.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you, and I certainly shouldn't have forgotten about you. You're an amazing being in your own right, and you deserve to be recognized," Princess Twilight said.

—I'm going to kiss her cheek,— NotABug sent.

—You wouldn't dare! She's a princess! What if it is her first kiss?— I asked.

—Nuh-uh. I remembered some of your memories, there was that cute blue-haired guy who kissed her already. This is payback.—

I made an exasperated chirp in our head. When NotABug held out her arms and Princess Twilight stepped in to offer a friendly hug, it happened. Black lips met soft, purple cheek. NotABug pressed the very tip of her tongue forward to make contact with that warm cheek.

"Apology accepted," NotABug said.

It was the funniest expression I'd ever seen on Princess Twilight's face: a mix of surprise and cluelessness that was so profound I couldn't help taking a picture. NotABug left the two Twilights with a quick goodbye and a giggle.

NotABug was driving home when the long day started catching up with me. My chirping slowed as drowsiness set in.

—Do you think you could keep Sweetie from doing something silly? I'm a little worn out from all this practice and testing,— I sent.

—Only if I get to spend the night snuggling with Rainbow Dash.—

—You were going to do that anyway, and I wasn't going to complain. Just change the bedding and take care of Sweetie Belle.—

I barely managed to read NotABug's reply before I was out.

Author's Note:

Rarity: have you thought of asking Sunset to contact Princess Twilight for help?

"Oh. The thought had never even crossed my mind. I wonder how she might take the opportunity to study strange magic and see one of her friends turning into a monster?" Rarity's tone dripped with more sarcasm than mere words can express. "I mean, honestly. Any time something strange happens here, she shows up. It was bound to happen, darling."

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

Editing provided by the wonderful Lab. (Huge thanks again. Your efforts makes me look competent! :derpytongue2:)