• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 8,459 Views, 4,586 Comments

The Olden World - Czar_Yoshi

Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria.

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Dock Level Zero

Starlight stared out from the railing as the ship began to turn, circling the grand temple and bringing the city into fuller view. It was built into an intersection between three mountain folds, the city proper and the bulk of its construction laid at the crossroads, even though that wasn't the highest peak. To one direction, directly across from them, the mountain range rose, and it was upon the side and top of this crest that the temple itself was hewn.

Pillars and columns rose from crags, alternately supporting platforms where the mountainside was too steep to build or remaining as natural rock, plazas and interiors cut away around them. The architecture seemed to widen as it rose, an illusion caused by being lit from below, ethereal blue light bathing the stone roads and casting shadows of the pillars on the ceilings above. Most of the light came from luminescent foliage, Starlight saw, carefully cultivated gardens and hedges dominating the city, especially the lower districts. But there were also veins, carved midnight-blue in geometrical patterns and glowing through the rock, pulsing even from a distance with an unearthly brilliance that made her shudder, as if she could see it with more than her eyes. That magic did more than illuminate, she knew beyond any doubt.

"It reminds me of my stop in Wilderwind," Amber remarked, leaning with her hooves folded on the railing.

Maple perked her ears, standing between the two. "Oh? How so?"

"Designed for fliers." Amber pointed a hoof at several points in the city, graduating from residential to the temple proper. "There are walkways, but they're narrow. Look how vertical it is, and how many entrances are open to the air."

Starlight had taken those for balconies or windows, but now that she looked again, the distant forms of ponies could sometimes be seen taking off or landing. The skies weren't full, but they were hardly empty, and she wondered just how many ponies the city held. A thousand? Ten? It was far smaller in diameter than Ironridge's massive crater, but was more dense and engineered, like the Stone District all the way through.

"Captaaain?" Jaxy called, leaning toward the bridge. "Bring us about over thataways! Lower down on the temple proper, if you please?"

They finished skirting the center, flying close enough at times that Starlight could make out the eyes of individual ponies watching them. No one hadn't stopped what they were doing to look up, from gaping stallions to concerned elders to batponies in fancy robes. Anyone not a sarosian was too few and far between for her tell if there were any at all, and a filly on a rooftop frantically waved.

Starlight waved back, slower and slightly awestruck by the civilization below. This wasn't the first time she had been in a city, but Ironridge and Stormhoof had both been sailed into, and Izvaldi was barely a provincial town next to the grand temple. Seeing from above a city that was built for fliers, designed to be seen from the air stirred something in her heart, and she briefly wondered what it would be like to fly too.

Jaxy strolled onto the bridge, and their course corrected again, his and Gerardo's voices emanating from within. Soon, their target became apparent: a dock protruded inside a dip in the larger mountain's side, a short distance above the moonlit cloud layer. A single airship was moored to its side, hanging from a dirigible but elaborate and fancy in design. The sigil on its side, Starlight was sure she recognized, but couldn't place from where.

With a shimmer of harmonic energy, the Immortal Dream drew up along the opposite edge, room enough for two more airships left further down the dock. A contingent of sarosians already awaited them, armed and armored yet looking at ease.

Yesna jumped from the side, soaring to them and barking something Starlight didn't understand. Every one of the ponies stood suddenly at attention, though their curious eyes stayed fixed on the energy comet as they split into two lines. Two hovered out, searching the ship until they found the gangplank and extending it to shore.

"Thank you..." Shinespark nodded, then looked around at everyone assembled. "Alright, ponies! Unless Jaxy says otherwise, we need an away team! More importantly, we need others who will remain here with the ship. Valey, Felicity, Starlight, and one of me or Gerardo should go. Prioritize diplomatic relations and finding us a doctor who can look at Harshwater. Don't worry about our captive until you've determined there's someone ready to take him."

Starlight blinked. "Why me?"

The sarosians on the dock didn't pretend to understand, still standing sharply at attention. Gerardo paced up beside her with a nod, clearing his throat. "Might I recommend I go, and miss Maple as well? That way we'll have everyone sans Harshwater who was in that cave."

"Good thinking." Shinespark bumped his shoulder with a hoof, walking back toward the bridge. "Any other objections?"

Jamjars smugly grinned, leaning against the railing. "I don't need to object when there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Amber sighed and shook her head. "Kid, if you get yourself in bigger trouble than you can get yourself out of, I will lock up all your posters for a week."

Jamjars booed.

"Sounds like you're getting yourselves in order," Jaxy declared, walking past. "Follow me. Whoever will want words with you, we'll find them in a high place."

Gerardo's logic was sound enough for Starlight, though she couldn't help but notice the black sword was missing from his side. Had he decided to leave it behind, given how dangerous it was to the ponies they wanted to be their friends? Would Gerardo actually do that? She thought back, realizing she didn't actually remember any precedents either way. Something about the idea still felt strange to her, but they were going to get Yanavan dealt with once and for all. Everything would make sense after this.

"I'm ready," Starlight declared, hopping up onto Maple's back in a single bound.

"As am I." Gerardo tucked in his wings, taking point on the gangplank.

"Well..." Valey was staring straight up, the sheer cliff face of the mountain fold forming a blue-lined horizon in the distance. "Bananas, let's go, then. Feeling pretty decent about this place." She patted her flank with a wing. "Let's see what happens."

"I'm as game as all of you are," Maple hummed, bringing up the rear. "We'll be back soon!" she promised everyone else with a wave.

The dock led to an angled archway, entering a wide cave room with hewn walls but a smooth floor and ceiling. The team's sarosian escort regarded them curiously, but kept up decorum, Jaxy ruling them with force of presence and the swaying of his fancy armor coat.

After enough distance that the Immortal Dream began to be blurred against the glare from its comet behind them, the room reached an end, several apertures set into the side wall. The door to one was open, a circular floor within easily recognizable as an elevator.

It was spacious enough for everyone, and no one needed any bidding to crowd inside. Starlight tucked in her tail on instinct as stone double doors slid shut behind them, and the elevator shaft hummed with runic energy as the floor lifted and began to rise.

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