• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 8,487 Views, 4,586 Comments

The Olden World - Czar_Yoshi

Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria.

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"The Plains of Harmony," Gerardo muttered as if revealing a great mystery, sipping from his ancient wine. "Few believe in them. Fewer are aware that they actually exist. The mountains that separate them and us are said to be infinite and uncrossable, yet-"

"No offense," Maple broke in, raising a hoof, "but we've actually heard this speech before."

"More importantly," Amber added, hefting a hoof dangerously, "this is exactly why Starlight doesn't want too much heat on her! So if you so much as dare tell anypony else, I swear I'll..." She paused, looking around. "I'll stop being your friend. And that goes triple for you kids!" She pointed dangerously at Alder and Fir. "If you tell, I'll stab you with Gerardo's sword, or something."

Alder's eyes lit up. "That actually sounds really awes-" He was forcibly silenced by his sister's hoof, Fir wearing an apologetic, guilty grin and whispering as hard as she could at him to shut up.

"Oh, you've nothing to fear from me, I assure you," Gerardo promised, eyes on the still-petrified Starlight. "In fact, everything makes much more sense now. I can see far more clearly why you wished to lie low at the docks. A very wise decision, and one I'm glad to have helped with."

Willow blinked herself into slightly more wakefulness. "Kids, go upstairs," she commanded, apparently sensing the conversation was about to route into sensitive territory. "And don't listen in."

Grumbling, they both obeyed, Starlight unfrozen just enough to follow them with her eyes as they left. Her jaw cracked. "I just wanted ponies not to treat me like I'm special..." she mumbled.

"Yeah," Amber added slowly. "How did you know why she wants to be left alone?"

Gerardo's brow furrowed. "Do you mean to say you don't know the reason a potential Harmonian would wish to conceal their identity at all costs?"

The atmosphere in the room chilled slightly, and Starlight clammed back up.

"Then it is... quite fortuitous I found out," Gerardo said, sounding as if he was fighting back a sigh. "Allow me to enlighten you. The Plains of Harmony are the most reclusive nation in the world, covering its entire southern half, and have been since an unknown calamity one thousand years ago prompted them to seal themselves away and sever all ties with the creatures of the north. Entry is blocked by a confounding mountain range some swear to be enchanted. It has never been crossed... ever."

He raised his head, brow shadowed in such a way that it appeared he was looking up at and down on the others at the same time. "Yet, the realm is also said to be the resting place of amazing treasures and ancient powers. That, on top of peace and prosperity that would make any struggling nation envious."

Gerardo sipped once from his glass. "Needless to say, were one truly to have made the pilgrimage across the mountains and lived to tell the tale, it could not be by coincidence... and even if it was, who would believe it? You would suddenly find yourself in possession of knowledge concerning a security flaw in the largest, most isolated nation in the world... the kind of knowledge that wars are fought over. And I think we can all agree that that would be bad."

Starlight was looking at herself as if she were a bomb. Amber appeared similarly shellshocked, while Willow merely blinked sleepily. Maple, however, straightened up with a frustrated expression. "Really?" she huffed. "Are you trying to scare my filly out of her wits? There are so many ways you could have said that less dramatically! Besides, what does it matter when no one can leave this town?"

Gerardo's headcrest drooped. "My apologies. My penchant for drama can do that, sometimes..."

Ignoring him, Maple hugged Starlight close. "It'll be fine," she murmured in her ear. "I'm sure it's not that bad. There's nothing better you could have done if you had known, and nothing you'll need to do different. Things can just stay how they are, and you can stay with me..."

"Indeed," Gerardo agreed. "With this town in the condition it's in, I see no reason to panic. Still, we never know what the future holds! If I may, who else knows about this besides the four of us, Starlight herself, and your foals?" He nodded aside at Willow, who was valiantly propping her eyes open.

"I told Arambai," Starlight muttered weakly. "He found out. He didn't give me a choice..."

"Didn't give you a choice, you say," Gerardo mused, scratching at his chin, wine long forgotten. "He does seem like the type of pony to run everything from the shadows. And that reminds me, I had something else I'd like to inquire about as well. Yes, perhaps we should pay him a visit..."

"It's early afternoon," Amber announced, banging her hooves together. "He doesn't live far away. We could do that right now?" She stood up, turning toward the door and looking back hopefully.

"I trust Arambai," Maple murmured, still hugging Starlight. "But it's probably a good idea..."

"Nnngh... I'm staying here..." Willow yawned and got up. "I should go back to bed..."

"As you wish." Gerardo nodded and bowed, straightening up himself. "In that case, let us be on our way!" Politely, he offered a wing to help Maple and Starlight to their hooves.

Two mares, a griffon and a filly trotted out the front door to Willow's house, Starlight once again riding on her surrogate mother's back. Behind, inside the house, Willow wearily staggered towards the staircase, thinking thoughts of warm bedding and crying foals... when a powerful pair of forelegs reached out and steadied her.

"Unngh... thank you, Faron..." Willow groaned, pulling herself upright until she was standing on her own. "I finally think Yew is growing out of infancy, and then this. I guess I should have just stayed asleep when I had the chance, huh?" She smiled tiredly at him, light reflecting off her eyes.

"Perhaps." The stallion walked carefully at her side as she ascended the staircase, though her footing was more sure and she didn't even stumble. "As long as she brings you happiness, I'm glad we had her. You are too, I hope?"

"Most of the time," she answered, climbing. "Right now, I'm too tired to be anything but tired!" She giggled slightly. "You should come read by the bed while I nap. It would be cozy..."

Faron nodded in agreement as they climbed. However, his head was to the side, looking out a passing window at Gerardo, Maple, Amber and Starlight as they walked away below, an unreadable expression on his face.

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