• Published 7th Jan 2017
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Star Trek Online: Into The Multiverse - Admiral Wyatt Stone

Exploration, science, alliances, all of this the Federation stood for, now their goal has become much larger. Join Admiral Stone and the crew of the U.S.S. Chestnut as they voyage through a universe that stores some unexpected surprises.

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Chapter VI: An Unexpected Rescue

~U.S.S. Equestria~

Time passed faster than usual as Twilight and her friends returned onboard the ship, the trip was just about ready to start, and everypony was quite excited about what to learn about the ships of the Federation, such as finding out that all ships Starfleet had ran on antimatter warp cores, the speed of the ship's warp drive, and that older starships such as the 23rd century Constitution class cruisers were put back into service. A fun and amazing trip to start for Twilight's friends, so much was going to be happening for them all, and nothing was going to get in the way, at least, that's what everyone believed.

The transporter chief had beamed them up when they were about to finish the plans for the tour. "Now, with all of these places on the ship, were going to be splitting up on certain parts of the ship since there's a lot of us, so I'd recommend that at least one guide must be with each group is that understood?" The group nodded before she finished. "Great, now I'm going to assign the guides to your designated gr-"

She was interrupted when her combadge chirped, she stopped and said, "Well, I guess it's going to be a change of plans, then." When she tapped her badge, the voice of Elisa sounded from it, but she didn't sound like she was calm. Something must've gone wrong when she heard her words.

"Chestnut to Equestria, do you copy?" The tone in her voice sounded worried as she answered.

"Twilight here, what's wrong?"

"Power up your shields, the Admiral's been kidnapped!" The group was filled with shock and worry upon hearing this.

"What?! Who's taken him? Where'd the signal come from?!"

"We don't know, Twilight, they must be using a cloaking device on their ship, we don't know who's taken him!"

The group grew looks of worry as they heard this alarming news, a mission of peace turned to one of danger, Wyatt was a respected officer in the Federation, and if a enemy race such as the Elachi or the Romulan Tal Shiar gangs had gotten him, who knows what they would be planning to do with him. Despite her worries, she calmed down so she could speak. "If it's a cloaked ship, is there a way that we could track them?"

Lon's voice then spoke up from the badge. "I believe we have one method, but we've pretty much never used it to our advantage."

Twilight waited for the answer as she spoke. "Let's hear it."

"The Chestnut is a refit variant of the typical cruiser variant starships, and each one comes with an enhanced console that can modify a torpedo to track and attack cloaked starships. Unfortunately, we never got a good chance of using it due to the enemies we faced, so it was pretty much just there for the occasion."

Twilight smiled when she heard this, if the enemy was cloaked, then they could cause a bit of damage to the ship, since the ship couldn't have weapons nor shields functional while cloaked, she then answered. "Let's try that, get as many torpedoes as you can to do the trick."

Lon replied with, "Got it, your Highness, I'll rig some of the Radiant torpedoes we got back in the Iconian War so they can find the target at an easier level."

Twilight then finished with, "Got it, we'll do what we can here, keep us posted if anything changes, Sparkle out." The crowd then gave Twilight a more hopeful look to her, while they hadn't expected to be put into a tense situation for a while, they still felt ready to help out. Bon Bon was the first to speak.

"Pardon me, Twilight, but do you think we could help out?" Her words made Twilight almost smile, but the danger they'd be going into was a bit risky to her.

After thinking for a moment, she answered. "As much as I don't want to take the chance, we'll need all the help we can get. See what you can do about those torpedoes, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, you're with us."

Celestia and Luna also joined in with Twilight's group. "We are coming too, Twilight, we won't let anyone threaten our subjects as long as we stand."

Twilight smiled as she finished. "Thank you, Celestia, we'll need you in this too." And with that said, the two groups made their way to their designated positions, if they were going to get Wyatt back, they had to act fast before their target would escape.....

~I.S.S. Sacramento, the Brig~

Almost an hour had passed as the brig remained filled with a dreadful silence, no one but Admiral Stone and his watchful guard remained in the room. Wyatt started to think about what his crew would do. Whether it'd be to contact Starfleet and warn them of him missing or call in a fleet to investigate, or some other way of getting him back, something had to happen, attacking the guard would be suicide, and he had no weapons to defend himself. He remained buried in his thoughts until the brig door opened to reveal a Terran officer, armed with a rifle, a pistol, and a knife.

"Just wonderful, that damned butcher of a captain has finally decided to end me, eh?" He thought upon seeing the officer, who walked up to the guard and spoke in a English accent.

"The captain has requested that I bring the prisoner to the bridge." Being obedient, the guard started to lower the force field, the officer then stood behind him for a moment before smacking him hard on his neck with his elbow, the second guard attempted to fire at him, but was too late as the officer pulled out his phaser pistol and fired, killing the guard instantly.

Wyatt then got to his feet and said, "Well, that was something I didn't expect."

"Well, it seems I've gotten you out now," He introduced himself before continuing. "Commander David Wiggs, at your service sir."

"Thanks Dave, now how do we get out of here?" Wyatt said before David answered.

"More like how do you get out of here. I've been a spy on this ship for the Terran Task Force, they've heard that the Empire has been building a new weapon to be used against the Alliance, now that I've gotten data on it and saved your flank," he pulled out a datachip and an emergency transport device and handed them to Wyatt before finishing. "I'd say my job is done, and you should get going as soon as you can."

Wyatt looked at the chip and then to David, then handed them back before replying. "As crazy as it may be, you won't last long here, we're getting off together."

While David disliked the idea, he was willing to take the chance, thanks to their advantages. "Well, since there's a shuttlebay close by this brig, I say aye on that, lad. Follow me."

The two then made haste for the doors, and then started to act like a guard and a prisoner so that they could get by the security forces around the ship....


The Captain sat in his chair on the bridge as he waited for the word on the bombs, by now he had gotten impatient and had pulled his knife out and held it, sometimes moving it slighty. after a moment he'd put it away and tried to sit comfortably in his chair until his comms officer spoke.

"Sir, deck 6 reports a disturbance, shall we send a squad down?"

Captain Wyatt growled a little at this and answered. "No, my guards and I will handle this. take the conn."

The officer nodded as he got on his hooves and walked to the turbolift alongside his escorts, entered, and let the doors shut as they went to see what was happening.


The brig was filled with silence, the guard that had gotten knocked out earlier had now regained consciousness, yet he still felt weak, he heard the doors of the brig open, and three beings walked in. When the Captain saw the sight in front of him, he was furious. He turned to his guards and ordered them.

"Get all the squads we have and find them immediately! I want him alive!"

The guard then looked to the injured officer on the floor, and asked him, "And what shall we do with him?"

The Captain, gave a growl before answering. "Kill him."

The guard nodded and pointed his rifle at the officer and fired. The other guard tapped a nearby console and set the ship to Red Alert.


In the hallways, the ship started to blare out with klaxons all throughout the halls, alerting the two escaping officers.

"Dammit, they've discovered our position!" Wyatt said as he grew annoyed.

"You get the doors opened, I'll cover you!" David said as he threw out several mobile emitters out onto the floor, spawning security holograms. Wyatt moved over to the console and began to access it, but was halted when an Imperial squad arrived and opened fire. "Look out, Admiral!" David shouted before the console was hit by a phaser blast, gaining a minor amount of damage.

Wyatt grew angry as he found that the console had now shut down. "Dangnabit! The console's damaged!" He yelled to David.

"Here, use this!" He tossed a Engineering maintenance kit and Wyatt opened it, using a tool and opening the console, he saw what damage he needed to repair The Terrans were amassing every second, as one fell, another would come. They obviously were sending everything they had.

"Okay, I may be a Tactical officer, but hopefully my skills as an engineer will pay off." He thought as he continued fixing the console.

David was loosing hologram support as they provided cover. He turned to Wyatt and yelled, "We're loosing ground here, hurry up with the repairs!"

"Almost there!" He replied. After he fixed the last power cable, he then activated the console and entered his override command code, and thanks to being on a Terran ship, it worked.

"Son of a bitch." He said to himself before yelling, "Come on!" David formed up on him and they entered through the shuttlebay doors. Wyatt went up to the next console and used to shut the doors. Once they shut, David fired his pistol at the seal on the door to prevent it form opening.

"That'll hold them." He said before they both turned around to see several shuttlecraft placed inside the hangar. Wyatt noticed one of them appearing to be a Caitian Stalker class fighter , seeming like the perfect ship, he opened it's cockpit.

"Let's use this one, I'll fly." He said before they hopped into the ship's seats, closed the cockpit doors, and activated the ship's power.

"Alright, engines are online and ready, the guns will take a moment, though."

They looked towards the shuttlebay doors, and Wyatt said, "The doors can be blown away, when the guns are active, well blast through."

David looked to the aft side of the craft, and saw the doors being blasted open. "Come on, guns...."

"What?" Wyatt asked as he turned around and saw the damaged door. "Uh-oh."

Before the doors were blasted open, a large explosion blew the shuttlebay doors into broken pieces of metal, only seconds later did the shuttles themselves start getting sucked out into space. The fighter flew up just in time to evade the now ripped apart interior doors of the shuttlebay, seeing the people they'd fought a moment ago being sucked into space.

"Now's our chance, HANG ON!!!" At full throttle, the fighter shot out of the shuttlebay and flew downwards to the equator of Equestria. Then, seeing their ships, flew directly towards the Chestnut.


The viewscreen showed the fighter above them coming at rapid speed, Elisa then ordered a scan of the fighter. Lon gave his readings, "Two life-signs, one of them's the Admiral!"

"Beam them up, quickly!" She ordered, the fighter was caught in their tractor beam, then the two beings inside vanished from the cockpit.

"I have them, Ma'am!" They looked to the now decloaked-and modified- Odyssey class cruiser that sat above them.

Kapor then alerted the crew, "They're making a run for it!" As he finished, the large cruiser slowly turned away from the planet and sped up, then after reaching a good distance, went to warp before they could get hit again.

"They're gone for the moment, the Admiral says to meet in the briefing room immediately." Nelen said to Elisa as she tapped a button on the command chair.

"Chestnut to Equestria, Admiral Stone has requested a briefing right away."

Celestia spoke over the comm channel. "Understood, we'll be over there in a moment."

Elisa tapped the comms button again, this time shutting it off, and the crew then went away from their stations and went to the turbolift. The doors shut and the lift made it's way to the requested deck. Whatever Wyatt had to say about the Terrans, it couldn't be good news, and they'd have to be ready for whatever they'd send next.....