• Published 7th Jan 2017
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Star Trek Online: Into The Multiverse - Admiral Wyatt Stone

Exploration, science, alliances, all of this the Federation stood for, now their goal has become much larger. Join Admiral Stone and the crew of the U.S.S. Chestnut as they voyage through a universe that stores some unexpected surprises.

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Chapter II: Strange Happenings - Part II


The hallway was ablaze with fire burning the walls and floors of the deck, altering the once clean, harmless air with humid, toxic smoke. The recently detected anomaly sat near a now broken window, the air being trapped by a force field, clouded by the sprouting fires was the impending battle out in space. The portal started to flash a few times, fluctuating rapidly as several beings were shot out of the portal one at a time at irregular points in time. By the time the last two were thrown out of the anomaly it flashed rapidly as it became unstable, then collapsed as it disappeared into nothing but memorable history, leaving seven shocked humanoid beings with different skin colors left in the dangerous, broken hallway.

One of the beings, bearing a light purple skin color started to ask her friends what had just happened. "Girls, I know that we seem to be somewhere that we don't know which way leads, but I think we need to get out of here! It seems dangerous!" Twilight told to her friends as they looked down both of the paths to determined which was safe, neither one brought any thought of an easy escape, so they had to examine the spot they were in to determine another exit, but they quickly lost that thought briefly when they turned to see a opening in the wall, revealing what seemed to be nothing but stars and what seemed to be a few spaceships around them.

Fluttershy almost screamed at the terror-inducing sight. "EEEKK!! WHAT IS THAT?! THE WALL IS BROKE!!!" Applejack calmed her down to prevent the chance of being discovered by beings most likely aboard this spaceship as it was obvious it couldn't run on it's own.

"That's strange, you know, if we're in space, and this wall is broken, how come we aren't getting sucked int-" She was cut off as Pinkie Pie touched the opening, causing some kind of energy field to flash a bit from the sensitivity of Pinkie's hand.

"Ooooohhh! I think it's some kind of force field keeping the air in!" She spoke in a thrilled, but unhappy tone of voice as she jumped at the now invisible field in front of her.

Rainbow Dash started up on the task of escaping as she said, "What in Celestia's name is going on?! Where are we, and how do we get outta here?!"

Twilight herself had started to worry of the group's safety as there was no easy way out of the spot they sat in, they'd have to risk getting burned a bit since there was no fire extinguisher to blast the fires with, not to mention the smoke they would have to inhale as they ran. "Girls, I think we'll have to do this the hard way and run through th-"

She stopped at the sound of footsteps closing on them, slow, creeping footsteps that only a slow person or a zombie would make. "What's wro-" Rarity said before Twilight instantly shushed her.

"SHH! You hear that? I think it's over there." The seven of them turned to the direction where Twilight pointed, the footsteps getting louder as they looked carefully through the smoke. They could barely see anything that they could make out as a living being, but after a moment or two the source of the footsteps were revealed, three humanoid beings slowly walked toward them, the group looking in horror at their appearance; they seemed to have robotic implants merged into their bodies, with two of them bearing an eyepiece sporting a red light flashing through the smoke, their bodies missing small pieces of flesh and being replaced with robotic metal. Their eyes looked soulless as the trio of zombie-like beings came closer, their tools in the air and at the ready.

Fluttershy ran behind her six friends as she whimpered in terror at the sight of the cyborgs, the rest of them stood back in a similar fashion, with Dash, AJ, and despite being not too skilled in melee fighting, Twilight in front of the four with their fists and legs at the ready. If they were ponies, they'd have almost no trouble dealing with these monster-like beings, but they were turned into humans, so fighting with their hands and feet were a bit difficult for Twilight, but Dash and Applejack were better fit for such fights due to their strength. The three drones were about to close on them before a flash of yellow-orange light hit one of the drone's backs, the other two being taken out in a similar fashion, one of them emitting sparks from the damage before falling to the ground, lifeless.

The source of the shots were revealed as a squad of about eight humans wearing differently colored uniforms, along with armor shielding them, ran towards their target. Fluttershy started to whimper and Rarity put her hands up as a sign of surrender, the others doing the same as they reached them. One of the officers walked up to Twilight and started to ask her if she was hurt, as did the other officers. Twilight looked on their uniforms and she could see different sets of metal pins on the collar of each of their uniforms, apparently showing their rank. With the man in front of her having the most pins out of the rest, about three in total, it became obvious that he was the leader of this group.

"Are you okay, ma'am? Did anyone get hurt?" Twilight started to feel a bit hesitant and rushed as she was assaulted with an array of questions involving her and her friends.

Seeing all of this fighting was too much, but she tried to gain her composure and answered with, "I'm OK, so is everyone else. But where are we?"

The officer told her the answer she had expected to hear, "You're all onboard a starship, U.S.S. Omicron, and at a very bad time, too. We're in the middle of a battle with a race called the Borg, like those drones you were about to fight a moment ago."

Fluttershy started to panic as she heard the news, being put into a warzone so quickly mad her tremble, she started to beg the soldiers to get her out of this mess. "A-a battle?! B-but I don't wanna die here! We gotta get out of here!!"

Rarity shushed her as she talked with the guards. "She.... isn't very comfortable with this place, and neither am I. Is there a way to get out of this mess?"

The Commander answered with, "There's a few escape pods remaining nearby, the bridge is gone thanks to a Plasma torpedo blowing the crew into atoms, and they told us to leave immediately, but I felt it was right to find out what was here, and now that it's done, we need to get outta here!" He started to order his officers to put out the fires as he gave his next order with, "Everyone, stick together, take out any drones you see, and follow my lead!"

The group complied as they followed the Commander through the hallways, blasting through drones and falling debris as they raced to safety. One drone tried to grab Applejack and pulled it's arm out as two tube-like objects tried to enter her neck, but she smacked the drone in the face hard, grabbed a piece of metal and smashed it into the drone, ending it instantly. She cringed a bit from the move she made on the cyborg and continued onward with the group.

Out in space, several Alliance starships continued their assault on the few remaining Borg vessels, firing wave after wave of Photon and Plasma torpedoes as the cube sat like a sitting duck in the midst of the chaos. One ship, a Phoenix class escort became caught in a green tractor beam as it failed to avoid the Plasma torpedoes hitting the hull thanks to a shield drain. The ship and her crew were finally put out of their misery as the cube sliced the ship in half with it's cutting beam. Another vessel, a Klingon Hegh'ta Bird of Prey almost became it's next victim, before a rapidly speeding wave of cannon fire impacted on the tractor beam, freeing the warship from it's doom. The ship was revealed as a small, yet vicious starship, with similar shape and configuration to the famous Defiant class escort, on the main hull in front of the bridge read the ship's name; "U.S.S. Enceladus", a Valiant class starship with modified weaponry and an excellent crew as remarked by several other Captains in the Alliance.

The ship once again fired another wave of cannon fire, blazing through and laying waste to the remaining Borg vessels, then tearing apart the second to last cube with Quantum torpedoes and additional weapon fire provided by the other allied ships, sending the cube to Kingdom Come. On the bridge of the powerful little ship, Admiral Wyatt gave orders to his fellow officers as the final cube appeared onscreen, the Omicron sitting below it like an injured puppy. "What's the status of the cube?" The Admiral asked his Science officer, Kapor, as they came close to the ship.

"The cube has been disabled some time ago, we'll only have a few minutes before they're ready to fight again." The amount of time they had would be about as long as the Omicron would last. The ship was lost to the damage she'd taken, and the crew was the only thing they could save.

"And the Omicron? How bad is she?" Kapor gave a mournful expression as he gave the answer.

"The Omicron is lost, sir. Her plasma coils have been damaged and are causing radiation leaks, and her warp core is experiencing a coolant leak, so she'll only have about 4 minutes at most."

The situation was grim at this point, there'd be almost no way they could get onboard, find the remaining survivors, and get out in time. The Admiral decided to change the game with another option; "T'Vrell, scan the ship for survivors, find any that you can and get them out! We can't afford more losses than we already have today." T'Vrell complied as she activated the ship's scanners to find the missing group of crew members. The only thing that they could do now was wait until they found something....

The group of fifthteen people were making their way to the nearby hallway where their most likely only chance of survival rested in the ship's hull. The group came to a stop as they felt the Omicron shake rapidly from an unknown force, something must've gone wrong as they heard what was apparent to the soldiers as an explosion of sufficient magnitude rattling the ship like an earthquake.

"....What was that?! That sounded like a huge explosion over there!" Rarity said as she started to lose her cool.

"That must've been from engineering, if so, then the warp core is going through a coolant leak right now. If it goes on, the core will breach, and we'll be screwed for good! We need to run everyone! Don't stop!"

He yelled as he quickened his pace, the others following suite as Dash replied, "You don't say?!" as they ran to the nearest pod.

Upon reaching the door of the pod, the Commander attempted to open the door, but as soon as he entered his authorization code the computer answered with, "UNABLE TO COMPLY, ESCAPE POD LAUNCHERS HAVE BEEN SEVERELY DAMAGED."

This drained the soldier with fear and despair as he tried over and over again, hoping it was only a malfunction, but to no avail. The rest of the group had understood what had happened as the officer returned his sight to them, sighing sorrowfully as he spoke what he thought would be one of his last sentences. "I... I'm sorry everyone, but I think we're done f-"

He was cut off as a miracle sounded through his pocket, hearing the noise, he tapped on his combadge immediately as he waited for words. "Everyone, stay still, we're getting you out of there! Stand by!"

A female voice sounded as the group complied with the command, but Dash was a bit curious as to why they had to be still. "Um, if I can ask, why should we stand still?"

The Commander replied with his answer. "We're being transported by the ship through Quantum Teleportation, just stay calm."

Although she didn't know a thing or two about what he said, she waited as several waves of blue light encompassed the group separately, remaining for a few moments before they vanished into thin air, leaving nothing in it's place.

They appeared again on another room, with beings similar to their rescuers. The Commander gave his thanks on behalf of his team before having his team brought to Sickbay. The seven remaining humanoids walked up to the security officer as Twilight asked him a question. "Excuse me, but although we just went through a bit of trouble back there, and since we'd like to see the end of this fight, can we please see the commander of this ship?"

The security officer pondered the question for a moment, the normal regulation was that unknown or civilian personnel were not permitted on the bridge until cleared, but seeing the group with no weapons of any kind, he was gonna let them slip by. "Only if I have a few guards follow you, it's just regulations."

Twilight wasn't worried about that as to the fact that she had to have guards around her quite a lot. "No, we don't mind." She said as she looked to her friends, nodding as they followed her into and down the hallway, and eventually into an elevator, leading them up to the bridge.

When the elevator stopped the doors opened to their desired location. This room looked more tidy and fixed up compared to the previous ship, if anything a few minor fires being put out by several officers in black and yellow uniforms. The walls were covered with what seemed to be computer panels, the middle of the room had some more in a different fashion, along with a center seat withholding the commanding officer of the ship.

Wyatt heard the turbolift open as he looked to see a few security officers, six females, and one small male being with large ears. "Admiral, these people have asked to see you, the chief permitted them only if we came with them, sir." The Admiral smiled as he turned his attention to the seven visitors.

"I hope we didn't catch you at a bad time." Twilight said to the human Captain with mutton chops on his face.

"Don't worry, it's about to be taken care of. I hope the guards weren't too harsh with you." She nodded as her friends did the same, signifying that they were alright. Wyatt told the officers to head back to their original station as the seven friends stood by his chair that he soon sat back in.

"Are our Quantum warheads ready, Elisa?" He asked his first officer as the looked at the broken cube.

"All six torpedoes are ready when you are." He was about to give the word when they saw a flash from below the cube, it was the Omicron, the back of the ship started to breach with orange fire and debris as the ship unleashed a blast of exploding antimatter, breaking up into many pieces as the ship was finally finished.

"There she goes, sir." They'd have to mourn later as they had a bit of trash to take out.

"Fire everything we have at the open part of the cube, finish it off." As soon as he cued his order, six blue projectiles shot out at the cube, along with cannon fire and several other weapons from both the Enceladus and a few other ships as the cube was broken apart once more. The cube eventually started to break open with green, fiery explosions as the blocky ship started to blow into bits. It let out one last blast of fire as it exploded in a green blaze of light, small pieces of debris flying outward from the blast as the explosion faded out into space, leaving nothing but star-like dust in it's wake.

The crew cheered a bit in their successful victory as they had destroyed the Borg fleet, preventing Sienae from losing too many lives, despite the few losses from the minor bombardment. "Qapla!!!" Kapor yelled as the crew settled down after almost a minute of celebration. The Admiral then continued the ship's operation as he gave one more order.

"Helm, set a course for the nearest starbase, our job is done." He said as Lon tapped in the coordinates onto the panel before the ship shook for a moment and finally went faster than light as the seven visitors noticed the stars passing the ship at rapid speed, stretching out as they flew to their desired location.

Twilight wondered what her friends were going to do when they arrived at this "starbase" the Admiral spoke of, she wondered if they could be stuck in this place forever, forced to build a new life in this dangerous, yet amazing new universe. She walked up to Wyatt as she started to speak. " Um, Admiral, is there anything we can do after we get back to your base?" The Admiral started to speak in a calm tone as he gave her his answer.

"Well, Starfleet Command is probably going to want to ask you questions about how you got here, as I'm most curious of as well, but I think there'll be something to do afterwards." He opened his uniform up a bit as the recent fight had made the room a bit hot. "By the way, my name's Wyatt. You?"

She felt more welcome as Wyatt started to ask for an introduction for her and her friends. "Oh, yes, my name is Twilight, Twilight Sparkle."


Lyra sighed as she and her best friend snapped out of their thoughts and back to reality as Sweetie Drops started to speak up. "Yeah, what was that portal doing in the middle of the restaurant though? WHERE was it coming from, and what caused it to appear?" Lyra shook her head a bit as she gave her answer.

"Nobody's been able to figure that out. We've even had our best scientists see what it could've been... only for them to say it must've been quick since there was nothing they could do to bring it back into existence. I think we'll have to find another way on keeping our home safe."

Bon Bon sighed as she slowly got up from the bench, asking Lyra something they hadn't done for a bit. "I think I know what might cheer us up, why don't we go see Vinyl and Octavia for a bit? Maybe we can talk with them on this." Lyra nodded as she got up and walked beside Sweetie Drops as they went to their friends' place, hoping to find some comfort at talking to some friends about things other than that horrible incident. Hopefully they could get a bit of happiness into the hearts of their friends today.