• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen June 10th


What to say, what to say? Well I live in Utah, and I like Ponies, and Doctor Who, and Doctor Who combined with Ponies.


Princess Celestia is an ageless, immortal being. Almost entirely unique except for her sister Luna, and she was gone for a thousand years. One would assume that no other pony in the entire world could possibly be able to truly relate. One would be wrong. There is one other. He's no all-powerful alicorn. His greatest power is his intelligence. He comes and goes at will, but always seems to be there during her worst moment. Sometimes he has a different face. Once he was a unicorn. And at times, it seems she meets him out of order. But he's a fantastic friend. Simply fantastic.

*Note: Even more than "A Friend of the Night" this story is going to be more along the lines of a series of interconnected short stories. Some chapters might end up being a bit short as a result.*

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 226 )

2. So far so awesome. I look forward to seeing where this goes. The firat well-written Who/Pony crossover I've read.
3. Keep it up!

This story is great! I love the idea of two ancient beings, and how their lives intertwine. I'm not sure of the extent of Celestia's immortality though, I guess it's kind of like Jack Harkness.

Celestia as a friend of the Doctor makes sense, he's friends with a lot of importent people from history.

Dude's on a first-name basis with Churchill and most British queens, having two physical goddesses as friends isn't that far-fetched.
Plus, it means lots of focus around Celestia, in potentially wacky situations (who am I kidding? these are Mandatory with the Doc).

I'm totally following this story. And as I like to say:
"Everypony smiles, Celestia! Just this once! EVERYPONY SMILES!"

I'm loving this and I'm always up for a Doctor Whooves story.

Man, I've got to start watching Doctor Who...

Anyway, I'll be tracking this.

"How about we go about getting you home" dunno if it's intentional, but too much about don't you think?

"At the Doctor's prompting, Celestia climbed on top of the Doctor's back." two times the same name on a sentence can feel repetitive. You could change it for "the stallion" or "the brown-maned pony" or something like that, just to change it a little

Regardless of those above, I'm enjoying this so far. The idea is really cool, Celestia befriending a timelord. Because Trottingham didn't exist yet... I like it :pinkiesmile:

I love the idea of this and wonder why it hasn't been done yet. I actually always thought that the Doctor and Luna first met on the moon.:pinkiehappy:

I liked and favorited it, seems like it's going to be fantastic... Allonsy... Geronimo....

Love the fourth doctor reference!

I noticed a typo there.
“Remenber, Doctor." The n should be an m. There were a few other mistakes in the story. (I can't recall where.)
Anyways this story idea is interesting so now i am tracking it. :pinkiehappy:

Fixed and fixed :twilightsmile:

726936 awesome! :pinkiehappy: looking forward to the next updates :yay:

Awesome story! Tracking, Faved so very hard.

Well, you know, minus the whole 'eventually turning into a giant face in a jar' thing.

Only the first? If I may suggest, you might wish to look up the works of Squeak-Anon and Loyal2Luna.

Now, as for this story, it's very nice not to mention a concept I've been interested to see. Personally I would like if it was a bit longer, to be honest, but I can live with it as it is too.

Oh, don't worry. There's more coming with more Doctors. :rainbowkiss:

Liked and tracked, looking forward to seeing more of this :twilightsmile:

Perfect use of the characters. This is the bit of hope that Celestia needs to stand the next 1000 years.

This is exactly the kind of thing I'd hoped you'd bring with this story :twilightsmile:

Never really got into Doctor Who, but I imagine it would be awesome for a lot of Whoovians if they got one of the Doctors to give a cameo voice appearance. Nice story by the way.

signed the good dr.
P.S. my name has absolutely nothing to do with DW, thought of it long before I even heard of the show.

I began to follow this story for moments like this, and I don't regret this. I can't wait to read more.

Celestia is right.
It was perfect. Just...Just perfect.

You certainly do plan ahead, don't you? Bravo!

Sexy goes where they need to go:twilightsmile:

Cool as that may be, it might be a little too much to ask since Doctor Whooves is entirely fan made and there is BBC related issues that would keep that from happening.
You mean the TARDIS right?


Doctor calls her sexy in the show, like as a nickname when they're alone...she wants him to call her that

That's what I thought you meant, and yeah it kind of is.

Another brilliant chapter. Well done.

effin faved:rainbowkiss:

i am enjoying the story but yopu could do with longer chapters :rainbowhuh:

b'awwwwwww alicorn feels :yay:

And this is when I start to hate never seeing Dr. Who :fluttercry:

>> punisher143 We can dream, can't we? And who know, you may just get lucky.

She certainly knows him, is this before or after Luna's return?

Not bad. Not up there all the way as some doctor stories, but it is getting there.

Before. If we were to assume that Luna returned in the Equestrian version of 2011, then this chapter takes place sometime in the 1960's.

Great chapter as usual :D

My approval, this has it.
Such a shame the system only let's me give you a thumbs up once, though, for I would give another if I could.

I have a lot of classic Doctor Who to catch up on, but I can at least recognize the Third Doctor when I see him.
Awesome as always. :rainbowkiss:

Oh, this is a cute story. I love it!

As soon as a Doctor Who soundtrack song came on I saw this and was all like
Doctor Hooves for the win!

needs more jelly fillies

Cewestia is cute, but I prefer Woona :rainbowkiss:

So far, I'm thinking we've seen Tom Baker, Peter Davison, and now Jon Pertwee.

...Gah, filly Celestia, SO CUTE!

Oh, I get it, instead of a Police Box, the TARDIS is a barn! That's hard to imagine.

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