• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 8,398 Views, 226 Comments

Of Princesses and Time Chargers - Shotoman

Celestia and the Doctor are friends!

  • ...

The Advisor

Chapter 3

The Advisor

Day court was so very nearly over, and Celestia sighed with relief. True, the day wasn't a complete waste. She had helped several ponies with legitimate needs, and their thanks were enough to remind her why she did this in the first place. But on the other end of the spectrum, she had spent the vast majority of the day dealing with trivial little concerns brought up by overreacting nobles and upper class. The only one of those that did not somehow grate on her nerves was that newcomer to the ranks of big business—what was his name? Fancy Pants? Yes. Fancy Pants. That one was one to watch out for. His business sense and ambition were strong, but only because he legitimately desired to leave Equestria better than he found it, and he simply determined that having both money and social standing would best put him in position to do just that. Oh, Celestia hoped that he would keep that somewhat naïve drive when he inevitably reached his goals.

But now she was getting off track; there was still one more request to see to.

Celestia smiled as a distinguished tan pegasus stallion with an immaculately—though not pretentiously—groomed mane and tail entered the throne room. He wore the uniform of the Equestrian military, and his mustache was carefully groomed to be notable but not garish. He bowed politely for the princess, who smiled warmly in return. “Hello, my dear Brigadier,” she said. “It is a pleasure to see you today.”

The Brigadier himself smiled broadly. “The pleasure, as always, is mine, Princess. Even if my presence here is due to an...unusual circumstance.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow quizzically. Her old friend had certainly caught her attention. “Go on,” she encouraged.

The distinguished pegasus nodded. “Yes, well, no more than two days ago over in Trottingham, we encountered a...” he paused, trying to find a way to accurately describe just what he and his stallions encountered. He apparently gave up and shrugged. “...spot of bother of a very unique sort. The full details will be in the official report, though suffice it to say we likely would not have survived had it not been for the appearance of one, ah, particular stallion.”

The Brigadier had Celestia's full attention now. “This stallion. Is he here with you now?”

“I am,” a new voice said as he entered the throne room. Celestia blinked in surprise. This time he was a unicorn, deeper blue than his previous appearance and much older looking with a curly gray mane and tail. The outfit he wore could almost be overdressed at the Grand Galloping Gala, let alone a relatively private meeting such as this. But, as his hourglass cutie mark and Celestia's own magical senses would attest, the newcomer was indeed the Doctor.

“Why, Doctor, this is a surprise.”

The unicorn before her appeared rather confused. “I'm sorry, but...do you know me?”

Now Celestia was confused—and a bit hurt besides. “Yes. We traveled together for a time. It was centuries ago now, but I would have thought you wouldn't have forgotten.”

The Doctor became surprisingly irate. “Oh, what will I possibly be thinking? It's not like I won't remember this when it happens.” The blue unicorn sighed. “I'm sure I'll have a good reason when the time comes. It is me after all.” The Doctor turned his attention back to the Princess, who was regarding him with a shrewd expression. “Princess, I'm afraid this will be a mite difficult to explain, but if you could bear with me...”

“The Doctor I met in my past is actually you from your future, so while I know you, you have yet to meet me,” Celestia interrupted with her mischievous smile.

The Doctor was actually stunned speechless for a moment. “So you traveled with me for some time, then?”

Celestia's smile deepened. “Oh, yes. We became quite close friends. You helped—or, rather will help; tenses are rather muddled whenever you are involved, aren't they?—me through a rather black point of my life some time ago.”

The Doctor held up a hoof. “We'll have no more of that, thank you. It may be your past, but it's my future, and knowing too much of one's personal time line is a risky business to say the least. Especially when one's time line is as...convoluted as mine.”

“Of course,” Celestia conceded. She turned her attention to the Brigadier. “You don't seem nearly as confused by our conversation as I would have thought, old friend.” Her look became knowing. “You've known the Doctor longer than you've implied, haven't you?”

The pegasus smiled. “I suppose the cat is out of the bag, as it were. I have had a few encounters with our mutual friend in the past...though I do admit this is the first time I've seen him with his current face.”

“Yes, he does that.” Celestia's demeanor became all business. “Now, then. Why have the two of you come before me today? It must be something important if you've so willingly made yourself known to me.”

The Brigadier nodded to the Doctor, who stepped forward. “Before I begin, Princess, are you aware of exactly what I am and where I come from?”

The white alicorn nodded. “Yes, Doctor. I've heard you speak of the Time Chargers of Gallopfrey with equal parts admiration and disdain.”

A smirk appeared on the old unicorn's face. “That certainly does sound like me. And you knowing about my home world does make this much easier. To make a very, very long story short—I have been banished.”

Celestia's expression changed to one of alarm. “Banished? Whatever for?”

“They never did appreciate my adventurous nature. All the meddling I've done in the timestream finally caught up with me, no matter how well intentioned. The Council decided since I liked Equestria so much, I could live the rest of my life here. Now, I'm rather sorry to say the TARDIS is nothing more than a blue box that's bigger on the inside.”

The Princess of the Sun gazed sympathetically at the blue unicorn. “I am so sorry, Doctor. Is there anything I can do?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. Now that I'm, ah, grounded, I could use a place to stay. Things to do. And as I'm sure you probably learned though our travels, your world is an increasingly tempting target for those that would do you harm, due to your wealth in resources and magic, coupled with your comparatively primitive culture.”

“Primitive?” the Brigadier spoke up indignantly.

The Princess nodded understandingly. “I've seen plenty enough to know that though his word choice is blunt the Doctor is nevertheless accurate.” She turned back to the Doctor himself. “Once again, what can I do for you?”

The Doctor's expression was indicative of eating something most sour. “I am here to...offer my services to the crown. If I am to stay here for any length of time, I may as well make myself useful. If you've seen half of what I suspect, you know having me on board will prove most useful.”

Celestia smiled. “Doctor, though you may not know it, I owe you a great debt. I would gladly keep you as a guest of the castle if you so chose, though I know you would never go for such a thing. You're too much the busybody. Instead, I will move forward with a military initiative I've been planning for some time now—we are an inviting target, as you say—and would be honored if you'd sign on as an adviser. Your unique knowledge of the dangers beyond the stars will prove most beneficial, I think. You'll be provided with lodgings and a workplace and anything you may require to get the Old Girl up and running again.”

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. “Princess?”

Celestia's grin was again full of mischief. “I'm the last pony to think something as mundane as banishment would be enough to keep you in one place or time for very long.”