• Published 26th Oct 2015
  • 4,649 Views, 48 Comments

A Hint of Key Lime - Metool Bard

Limestone Pie gets in on the family bonding action.

  • ...

Why not Limestone?

"So then, we all decided 'Hey, wouldn't it be better if we helped other ponies understand their Cutie Marks instead of just constantly tryin' to get ours?' And just like that, bazam! We all got this little beauty!"

"That's a very touching story."

Limestone Pie couldn't help but snicker as she overheard Maud's deadpan reaction to Apple Bloom's Cutie Mark story. She quickly composed herself and took a look around the room. The Hearth's Warming party was just starting to wind down. The sun outside was setting, the flames in the fireplace burned low, and everypony was lounging about and enjoying each other's company. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were talking about their adventures in far-off lands, Marble and Big Macintosh simply sat in stoic silence, and Granny Smith was blathering on about her own Apple traditions while Igneous and Cloudy Quartz lent an appreciative ear. A warm grin formed on Limestone's face as she watched the beautiful display, and she let out a whimsical sigh. She then cleared her throat.

"Hey, um, I'm gonna go whip up another batch of stone scones," she said. "Does anypony want tea or anything?"

"Sure, that sounds great!"

"You'd be doin' us a great service, young Limestone."

"Tea would be lovely. My throat's still a bit parched from all those carols."



"Great! I'll go put the kettle on," said Limestone. "You guys just, y'know, keep on keeping on and stuff. I'll try not to be too long." She then smiled. "It's really nice seeing everypony getting together like this."

She turned and walked into the kitchen. While everypony continued going about their business, Marble simply watched Limestone leave with a concerned frown on her face. After pondering for a moment, she tapped Big Macintosh on the shoulder and gestured for him to come closer. Big Macintosh obliged, and Marble whispered something in his ear. He nodded a few times before giving Marble a wink and turning to Applejack.

"Hey, AJ?" he said.

Applejack perked up. "Yeah? What is it, Big Mac?"

"Marble reckons that Limestone could use some help in the kitchen."

Applejack took a moment to process this before shrugging her shoulders. "Um, alright. Might as well. You wanna help too, Pink?"

"Um, duh! Of course I'll help out!" Pinkie chirped. "I love baking with my friends, and that goes for my family, too! Hey, we should make this an Apple/Pie family tradition!"

Applejack chuckled. "I certainly wouldn't be opposed to that. C'mon, let's not keep Limestone waitin'."

She got up and walked over to the kitchen with Pinkie bouncing right behind her. As soon as she walked through the door, her nostrils detected the unmistakable odor of baked treats wafting through the room, causing her mouth to water. She could see the scones cooking in the oven, slowly turning a nice golden brown. At the other side of the kitchen, Limestone was filling a kettle with water.

"Hey, Limestone!" Pinkie called.

Applejack braced herself slightly for a curt response, but instead, Limestone simply turned her head and gave her a half-smirk.

"Oh. Hey Pinkie. Hey Applejack," she said. "What's up?"

Applejack quickly found her bearings after being caught off-guard by Limestone's subdued reaction. "Oh, uh, we were just wonderin' if you needed an extra hoof here in the kitchen."

Limestone looked over at the oven, and then at the tea kettle in her hoof. She shrugged. "Well, I kinda have everything covered already, but I suppose some more eyes on the oven can't hurt."

"You got it!" said Pinkie with a salute. In a flash, she rushed right up to the oven door, pressing her face against the glass and licking her lips in anticipation.

"Yeah, I'm with you there, Pinkie," said Applejack, smacking her own lips. "Those scones smell delicious."

Limestone's smile broadened. "Thanks. It's a Pie family recipe. We've been passing it down for generations." Her grin then turned into a secretive sneer as she dipped her voice. "And seeing as you're technically family, I can tell you what the secret ingredient is."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess. It's rocks, right?"

Limestone gave Applejack a blank stare of disbelief. "What? No, it's butterscotch," she said. "What made you think it was rocks?"

Applejack's pupils shrank as she swallowed a large lump in her throat. "W-well, I, uh... I thought that, um..."

"C'mon, spit it out," Limestone snapped, tapping her foot impatiently. "I don't have all day."

Applejack took a moment to wipe a bit of sweat from her brow. After all of the boneheaded stuff she did before, the last thing she wanted to do was add another mistake to the pile and make Limestone mad. However, there was simply no tactful way to say what was on her mind. Mustering up her courage, she took a deep breath and averted her gaze.

"W-well, it's just that, we had rock soup for Hearth's Warming dinner, so I just figured—"

She was interrupted by a hearty guffaw. When she turned back to Limestone, she was surprised to see her chuckling and shaking her head.

"Okay. I see where this confusion is coming from," said Limestone, composing herself. "You're not a rock farmer, so you probably aren't aware of this. But a rule of hoof is that you don't typically want to use rocks in baking."

Applejack blinked. "I would never think to use rocks in my bakin' in the first place."

"And that's why you're not a rock farmer," said Limestone. She moseyed over to the stove and placed the kettle on top. "You see, we have a coal-burning oven. As such, anything we bake is already being flavored by the coal fumes. The problem is that coal has a very unique flavor that doesn't mesh well with other rocks. Therefore, baking with rocks is generally not a good idea. The only exception is rock salt, which is used to enhance the sweetness of pastries and all that."

"But cookin' rocks in general is A-OK?" asked Applejack.

"Sure. The Pie family has loads of rock recipes," said Limestone as she turned on the stove. "You just have to know what rocks to use."

"Uh, if you say so," said Applejack, still struggling to wrap her mind around the whole thing. "Sorry, it's just that before I met y'all, the only rocks I ever ate was rock candy."

Limestone smirked. "Strange. You seemed to like my rock soup just fine."

"It was, good," said Applejack nervously. "I mean, I couldn't eat the rock part, but the soup itself, actually wasn't half bad."

"Waitaminute!" Pinkie jolted up from her oven gazing and whipped her head over to Limestone. "You made the rock soup this year?!"

"Yep. All by myself, too," Limestone said proudly.

Pinkie squealed and gave Limestone a big hug. "Oooh~! I'm so happy for you! You're really growing up!"

"Ack! Air! Pinkie, I need air!" Limestone wheezed, flailing her hooves about.

"Oh. Whoops," said Pinkie, releasing Limestone. Limestone took a moment to catch her breath.

"Th-thanks, Pinkie," she panted. "H-hey, Applejack. Do you mind going to the cupboard and getting the tea while I recuperate?"

"Um, yeah. Sure thing," said Applejack. She trotted over to the cupboard and quickly found a small jar filled with teabags. "Say, uh, you wouldn't happen to have any apple cinnamon tea in here, would you?"

Limestone took a deep breath before answering. "F-funny you should ask that," she said. "That just so happens to be Marble's favorite. There are probably a few bags in there."

"Heh. That's a nice little coincidence there," said Applejack, rummaging through the jar. She then came across an odd-looking teabag that appeared to be hoof-made. She brought it to her nose and took a whiff. The sharp citrus flavor cleared out her sinuses in an instant, and she nearly keeled over.

"Woof~! That's some strong stuff," she said, turning to Limestone. "Hey, Limestone. What's this tea here?"

Limestone turned and gave Applejack a coy smile. "Oh, that's my special blend," she said, trotting over and taking the teabag from Applejack. "Lime tea."

Applejack arched an eyebrow. "I've heard of lemon tea before, but I can't say I've heard of lime tea."

"Like I said, it's my special blend," said Limestone. "I made it myself, actually. It's a bit strong, but Mom swears by it."

"She does?"

"Yep. Every time she takes a sip, she says 'What the bloody hay is this?'"

Pinkie giggled at Limestone's joke. Applejack chuckled a bit herself just to be polite, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was up.

"Hey, uh, Limestone?"


Applejack brushed the back of her head sheepishly. "Don't, take this the wrong way, but you seem a bit, different."

Pinkie tilted her head. "What're you talking about, AJ? This is how Key Lime normally acts."

Limestone's eye twitched as a bulging vein became visible on her forehead. "Pinkie, you know I hate it when you call me that."

"Wait, Key Lime?" asked Applejack.

Limestone let out a defeated sigh. "It's a nickname our nana gave me when I was little. I'm not exactly proud of it, if you couldn't tell." She then gave Pinkie a dirty look and scoffed. "Heck, I'm surprised Pinkie went this long without calling me that."

Pinkie twiddled her hooves. "Well, I saw that you were being all Captain Grumpy and stuff, and I didn't wanna make you mad."

"Yeah, that didn't exactly stop you from climbing on top of Holder's Boulder constantly after I told everypony not to touch him."

"Hold on, everypony. Let's not get all worked up over what happened," Applejack interjected. "That's all in the past, right?"

Limestone snorted. "I suppose." Her expression slowly softened. "Actually, I probably got a bit too worked up about Holder's Boulder. That's what I get for stressing myself out."

Pinkie's face clouded with concern. "Huh? What do you mean, Key Lime?"

Limestone let out a deep sigh. "Since Maud left to earn her rocktorate, this is my first Hearth's Warming being in charge. I had to make sure everything was perfect. I had to cook the food, put up the decorations, give Holder's Boulder a bath, hide the flag in the mines—"

Applejack raised her hoof. "Hold up there, sugarcube. What was that last one?"

"What, hiding the flag?"

"No, before that. You had to give a rock a bath?"

Limestone shrugged. "I don't see why that's so strange. Rocks get dirty just like everything else, and Holder's Boulder had to be presentable. You wash your apples, right?"

"Well, yeah."

"Well, the same applies to rocks."

Applejack placed a hoof to her chin and knitted her brow. "Huh. I, actually never thought of it that way before."

"You can find out a lot when you look at things from another point of view," said Limestone. She then heaved another sigh. "Anyway, I was just trying to live up to our family traditions and make everything run smoothly. This whole celebration was my responsibility, and I didn't want to let anypony down."

Applejack took off her stetson and let out a small snicker. "Actually, I know just how that feels."

Limestone perked up. "You do?"

"Eeyup," said Applejack somberly. "Several moons back, I took it upon myself to organize our own family reunion. Everypony who had the Apple name was there, and I wanted to make it special. But I was so focused on makin' all these fun activities that I lost sight of why we were all there to begin with." She paused. "Come to think of it, I plum made that same darn mistake this time around, too."

Limestone chortled. "Well, hopefully the lesson sticks this time, yeah?"

"Hopefully," said Applejack, putting her stetson back on. "Then again, my stubbornness tends to get me into trouble more often than not."

"Oh, like that one time during Applebuck Season when we made those baked bads?" asked Pinkie.

Applejack blushed and cleared her throat. "Um, yeah. Like that. Point is, I see where you're comin' from, Limestone. And again, I'm awful sorry I tried to force my traditions onto you."

"Ah, that's all water under the bridge," said Limestone. She then let out a self-mocking chuckle. "Heck, if our situations were reversed, I'd probably end up being the jerk foisting my traditions onto you. If anything, I should be thanking you for sparing me the humiliation."

"I suppose so," said Applejack with a laugh of her own.

Just then, Pinkie's left hind leg violently spasmed, her nose itched, and her tongue lolled out. Once the combo was done, she dashed away, grabbed an oven mitt, dashed back, and opened the oven door. The stone scones glittered and glistened, their sweet smell filling up the entire room. Limestone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Saved by the Pinkie Sense," she said. "Nicely done."

"No pwobum," Pinkie replied, her mouth muffled by the oven mitt. She then set the tray on the counter. "Ooh, can I do the glaze? Pretty please~?"

Limestone sniggered. "C'mon, Pinkie. You really think I'm in the mood to say no? Knock yourself out."

"Yay!" Pinkie cheered, getting right to work. Applejack and Limestone shared a laugh.

"Typical Pinkie," they said in unison. Once they realized this, they stared at each other for a bit before letting out another laugh. Just then, a sharp wail echoed throughout the kitchen.

"Whoop! Looks like the tea's done, too," said Limestone, turning off the stove. "Time sure flies when you're having fun, huh Applejack?"

"Sure seems that way," said Applejack. "Well, if you've got everythin' covered, I suppose I can head on back to the others."

"I'll be right behind you," said Limestone, getting some mugs from the cupboard.

"Alright," said Applejack with a tip of her hat. Just as she was about to leave, Limestone pipped up.

"Hey, uh, Applejack?"

Applejack turned around. "Yeah?"

Limestone gave Applejack a warm smile. "Thanks for spending some time with me. It's nice to see everypony bonding and everything, but, well, I couldn't help but feel a bit left out."

"Aw shucks, sugarcube. T'weren't nothin'," said Applejack modestly, crossing her forelegs. "Heck, I'm surprised you didn't say somethin' sooner."

"Yeah, well. Bedside manner's not really my thing," said Limestone sheepishly. "I'm not very good with schmaltzy situations."

"That's okay, Key Lime! We still love you!" Pinkie chirped, giving Limestone another hug.

"Mmph~! Case in point," Limestone grunted, her face turning red. "And seriously, Pinkie! I really wish you'd stop calling me that!"

Applejack chuckled. "You want me to bring the tea out, Limestone?"

"I-it's alright. I've got it covered," said Limestone in a strained tone. "Just as soon as Pinkie gets off of me."

"Oh, whoops! Sorry about that, Key Lime," said Pinkie, releasing Limestone from her grip.

Limestone's eye twitched. "Okay, now I feel like you're making up for lost time just to mess with me."

Applejack simply shook her head and snickered to herself. Pinkie might have a crazy family, but it's a crazy family I have no problem bein' a part of, she thought. And with that, she returned to the living room and left the two sisters to bond.

Author's Note:

Hey look, it's a story based on Hearthbreakers that isn't about shipping Big Macintosh with Marble Pie. Whatever next? :pinkiegasp:

One thing I liked about Hearthbreakers is how the Apples and the Pies became more comfortable with each other once they got to know one another during the flag hunt, meaning Applejack was seeing a problem that wasn't really there. However, Limestone Pie seemed to be left out of the whole bonding session, so I wanted to show her a bit of love. Hence, this small bit of fluff was written.

Comments ( 47 )

Ok I really need to watch the episode. And Key Lime? Has someone been peaking at my hard drive, granted that's the name I gave Granny Pie

Holy poops, this was a really great follow-up to the episode! And I loved it! :yay::heart:

This was cute. Great job fav

Wait, I was supposed to ship Big Mac and Marble in my Hearthbreakers fic? Looks like I didn't get the memo... :twilightoops: A very great and simple story you have!

6568161 No, but that's a pretty neat coincidence. Honestly, I'm surprised Hasbro themselves didn't see the puntastic opportunity with Limestone's name. :duck:

6568438 That's merely the trend of stories I've seen, at least at the time of writing this. I personally think there's a lot more of the episode that's well worth exploring. :twilightsmile:

I see Limestone Pie as a slightly more tougher tsundere type of pony and not an outright grumpy overprotective jerk. Still though I really like this story. :raritywink:

6569341 Yeah, that's kinda how I see her, too. There's a lot of context behind her actions that can easily be glossed over if you're not paying attention. :twistnerd:

6569440 Actually, I thought Marble was spot-on as far as my headcanon is concerned. Shy, introverted, all that jazz. Heck, the pony who was most different was Limestone, and as this story shows, my headcanon and the established canon can easily co-exist. :scootangel:

So I see I wasn't the only one to think Key Limestone Pie should be her full name

This was incredibly adorable. Faved!

I accept this as headcannon. Keylime seemed to be getting portrayed as completely rude, and I think seeing a soft side of her helps to make her much more likeable, especially coming back from reading a bunch of comments about her being a ... :x:misc_Octavia_O_O: meanie.

"C'mon, spit it out," Limestone snapped, tapping her foot impatiently. "I don't have all day."

'Nuff said.

That's the only error I found though, so kudos to you:derpytongue2: This was adorable. Me gusta mucho.

You know, this is a nice side of Limestone! I am glad to see her getting along and having fun! <3

6570731 I honestly don't think the term "foot" in this context is all that egregious. Ponies still have feet, after all. :applejackunsure:

Hey look, it's a story based on Hearthbreakers that isn't about shipping Big Macintosh with Marble Pie. Whatever next? :pinkiegasp:

Lies. You're shipping them in your heart...

Seriously though, this was a nice little slice of Apple-Pie life.
Have like or three.


...No, I'm pretty sure they don't. Their equivalent of 'feet' and 'hands' are hooves.

6570832 , The definition of "hoof" is "the horny part of the foot of an ungulate animal". In essence, to have a hoof, one must first have a foot.

Eh, I guess so. But Limestone would still be tapping her hoof, not her foot.

Hey look, it's a story based on Hearthbreakers that isn't about shipping Big Macintosh with Marble Pie.


Wonderful fic. And she's not forced to submit to anypony for being herself. Nice way to build on what the episode gave us. Though, not that it matters much in fiction, but Lime's actually the oldest. Marble is just minutes younger than Pinkie. Maud is just second oldest.

Limestone > Maud > Pinkie > Marble

I'm surprised you didn't pull a s1 Fluttershy moment with "Pinkie, I'm like a a year older than you!" when Pinkie said that "You're growing up!" part lol

Great little slice of Limestone goodness. :twilightsmile:

This fic made me realize something: Marble seems similar in temperament to Fluttershy, and Limestone seems similar to Gilda. I wonder what Pinkie's treatment of Gilda says about her relationship with her sister?

Very nice story it was fun to read.

Awesome little story. It's nice to see a sweet story like this making Limestone more relatable. Pretty much everyone (myself included) seems to have been skipping over her to focus on Marble, and I'm glad someone grabbed the reins and wrote a nice little piece like this about her. I really like how you personified her, keeping a bit of her edge but making sure to show that that edge isn't all there is to her.

6573115 Well, all that was indeed my intention with this piece (although Marble's still plenty adorable :rainbowkiss: ), so I'm glad I succeed on that front. :scootangel:

It would be typical Pinkie not to realise why Limestone doesn't like a nickname, especially one given by her beloved Granny Pie.

Well done! Absolutely splendid read, darling! Bravo! :raritywink:

A very nice tale all around! You have earned the like for the wholesomeness of it. :pinkiehappy:

Ah the joy of Key Lime Pie. A bit tart when at first but eventually the sweetness comes out.

Great characterisations and an overall nice feel. I feel like this could actually be a part of the episode, which is always a good thing.

Instead of an oven mitt, I'm going to start calling it an oven muzzle.

Nice epilogue :pinkiehappy:

But I have a bit of a question regarding the episode:

I felt something very odd about seeing Holder's Bolder the instant I saw it in the show at 6:47. Then at 18:14, during Granny Smith's story about how Holder's Bolder was found in a dragon's nest and brought to the Pie's home.... Did anyone else get the feeling we're going to see a bit more about this "rock" in an upcoming future episode next season?:twilightoops:

& I bet the dragon that laid it really felt that one! :flutterrage:

...Well that was nice.
What with there being a Fluttershy clone to fawn over now, Limestone really got left outta the loop!
Nice to see you giving her some attention and some rather nice characterization of your own, particularly with the comparisons to Applejack. :ajsmug:

I get that she's shy, but I believe marble was supposed to be more of Big Mac character than a Fluttershy. But hey whatever.

6576497 Maybe so, but if you were to remove Fluttershy from your generic Fluttermac scenario and replace her with Marble and I'm not convinced there'd be much difference. And you know her shy traits are where her popularity's coming from! :rainbowlaugh:
In that way it's kinda genius! New character gets instant popularity, and fandom gets a neat little alternative to Fluttermac!
You clever, clever writers you! :raritywink:

True. When I watched the episode I was like. Okay so Pinkie Pie, Maud, Shy Sister, Jerk Sister, and... Amish People?

Cute story :scootangel:

Now I want to eat key lime pie :rainbowlaugh:

6577183 I think it would be better to have a fluttershy meet marble.Marble is like season 1 fluttershy, just a little less talking.It's kinda like amending the fences but the chapters could display how she is different from fluttershy.But, I don't think this would work well.What do you think?

6581912 I think that's another awesome story idea that the writers could but probably won't do anyway. :fluttershysad:
I just hope we see the other pie's again at all.
Not to worry I'm sure a fanfic writer or two will get on it at some point! :pinkiehappy:


Now I want to eat key lime pie :rainbowlaugh:

Interesting choice of words there, friend

6569448 I can totally imagine canon!Limestone saying, "You have a very slappable face." :rainbowlaugh:

I know I'm late to this party, but this was still a fun read. It's nice to see a version Limestone that adds some sweet to the sour. Thank you for it.

A sweet little story.

Hello! Have a review. Rather a sweet little fic, and I enjoyed the characterisation. Have a like!

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