• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
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Metool Bard

A weaver of tales who enjoys a good story. What more is there to say, really?


Firefly has lived a full life, and she has a lot to be proud of. Not only did she serve her country as a defender of the ponies, but her elite flight squadron stands as one of the greatest accomplishments in equine military history. In fact, their inspiring maneuvers and fierce camaraderie will continue to shape the future of the EUP and Equestrian society in general for generations to come. For now, however, Firefly has other priorities. Old and retired, she has decided that now would be the best time for her to write out her memoirs.

However, this won't be any ordinary autobiography. Just yesterday, Firefly received a gift from the newest Wonderbolt recruit, Private Posey. It is a book that is said to be magic. According to Posey, depending on what you write in it, it will ask you questions. Although skeptical, Firefly is willing to give it a shot, if only to be polite. Besides, she does like the idea of sharing her awesome story with an audience, even if that audience is a book.

And the part of the book will be played by you, dear reader.

That's right, this is an Ask Fic. If you have any questions for the retired Wonderbolt General Firefly, feel free to leave them in the Comments below. Rated Teen for minor swearing, heavy themes, and due to the fact that I have no idea what you guys are going to ask.

Cover art provided by the amazingly talented JazzieQ.

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 70 )

I have a few questions. Have you ever encountered an Emu? If you have, did you defeat it in the resulting battle? If you have, did the battle shake the world with it's intensity? Tell me about it.

This should be interesting. So here's my question:

What do you look for and expect in future Wonderbolt members?

What did you do before the EUP? Why did you join the military? Were there other careers you were interested in?

:derpyderp2: Wow, you answered those pretty fast. Okay, new questions:

Where is Thistle Whistle now?
What was your old squadron like?
Did you have any favorite wingponies or friends?
What are your hobbies?

Have you ever fought anything of considerable size and strength? like say, an ostrich or cassowary? They have deadly kicks. And yes, I am dead serious.

:applejackconfused: Dang Bard, how do you do it so fast?

What was it like forming the Wonderbolts for the first time? How difficult was it?
Did you ever fall in love? Nimble seems pretty interesting.

Have you ever had a pet kiwi? Also, is the reason you're afraid to fight any large ratites because of their imposing size and deadly kicks? Or are you just afraid you'll die from their sheer majesty.


Dang Bard, how do you do it so fast?

Simple. I just have a bunch of free time right now, and I'm making the most of it. :ajsmug:

You have any sons or daughters or any grandkids?

:derpyderp1: I guess that makes sense, what with it being summer and all. I definitely need to make use of some of my newly acquired free-time to work on some of my own stories, as well as reading awesome ones both on and off this site.

This was a great chapter, although that last section will now cause me to have to rethink one of the questions I had in mind.

Here's a riddle for you Firefly: What occurs twice in a week, once in a year, but never in a day?

It seems you've done a lot of traveling. Where else have you gone in the world? How was it different from your home? Did you like it?

What does your sister do?

Did your military career ever take you to a frozen tundra? Did you meet any penguins? I hear they're extremely psychotic.

Have you yet come to terms with your mortality? What do you think lies after death? Also, what would you do to defend yourself if you were suddenly attacked by a Moa?

Being a soldier must be pretty risky and you've had a few close calls, but have you ever lost someone in the line of duty? (Other than Thistle Whistle) If so, what happened? How do you deal with it today?

How would you say you've bucked the trends and stereotypes of society?

Do you have any close friends who are griffons--or any other race for that matter?

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

If you could only keep five of your possessions, what would they be? Also, have you ever seen the skeleton of a Terror bird?

What was your most embarrassing moment growing up?

If there was no need for the EUP before Nightmare Moon, what changed afterwards for it to be absolutely necessary?

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?

What do you want your tombstone to say? Have you heard of the great emu war? And most importantly, how do you defeat a mini Minotaur?

What was it like learning of Nightmare Moon’s rise and subsequent banishment?

You mentioned the Royal Pony Sisters earlier. Who are the ponies in this group and how do they relate to the current rulers like Princess Celestia? What do they do?

How would your friends describe you? What have you always wanted? Did you get it? Also, What do you think of when you hear the words "Elephant Bird?"

Where did you train new Wonderbolt recruits?
What was the most difficult and trying moment in your life?
Paper or Plastic?


While I feel a little sorry for Songbird…yeah, she was a moron. The hell made her think that was a good idea?

Why did you fight a bugbear? What happened?
Did you ever get in trouble as a young filly?
Do you know the Muffin Man?

What did you do for your latest birthday? Did you kill a Rhea?

To what extent did you shape your own destiny, and how much was owed to fate? Also, what's your opinion on New Zealand geese?

You are on a quest to seek the Holy Teapot for the High Princess Celestia. You and your traveling companion come across a great chasm known as the Gorge of Eternal Peril. It is so foggy that you can't see to the other side and have no idea how far it spans. The only way across is a rickety wooden bridge called the Bridge of Death. What do you do?

You approach the bridge and encounter an old goat who guards the bridge. He speaks with a gruff voice:
"Stop! Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side she see."
What do you do?

The goat leans forward and asks his first question:
"What is your name?"

He asks his second question:
"What is your quest?"

He then asks you his third and final question:
"What.......is your favorite color?"

The goat nods and steps aside.
"Very well, you may pass."

You cross the bridge. Once you near the other side, you notice your traveling companion flying through the air--in comedic fashion--into the the gorge for not knowing the capital of Aspuria.

(Bard, here is a clip for reference in case you need it.)

What accomplishment are you most proud of? Your "Moment of Glory," so to speak.

Who is the "Muffin Mare?" Does she live on Drury Lane?

Why do bad things happen to good ponies? Also, why can't you go outside and fight an emu right now?

Hmm, well played at the Bridge of Death Firefly. Very well played indeed. So what would your idea of an epic quest be?

What is your favorite type of muffin? How about your least favorite?

Good morning, how are you today? Anything interesting happen so far?

What were your parents like? Since they weren't in the military, in what other ways did they inspire you and shape your life?

Do you have any guilty pleasures?

When and how did you become a General?

How did your life change when your son was born? How did you and Dragonfly juggle between raising a foal and your respective careers?

Do you only have one son and one grandchild?

Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Congratulations on becoming a grandmother again soon. Is Easyglider excited to get a sibling? What is he hoping for?

What are you doing with Easyglider now?

What about Medley? Did she ever get married and have children and grandchildren?
What would be the best way to woo a mare?

Could you describe your experience going through labor and childbirth?

Once it was all over, how did it feel to see and hold your son for the first time?

Does Dragonfly still go out to see the dragons these days? How about you?

What do you find most interesting about the dragons?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

What do you fear most? Also, If you could fight against any flightless bird, what would you choose?

Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?!
Tell me about Mane! Why does she wear the mask?!
Why would you shoot a mare before throwing her out of a blimp? Or airship. Whatever.
If I pull that off, will you die?
Well congratulations, you got yourself caught! Now what's the next part of your master plan?
Have we started the fire?

Out of all the cadets you've helped train, was there one whose life and career you were more invested in advancing than you would normally and took them under your wing? You know, like a protege?

If you could become young again, what would you do? Would you finally fight an Emu?

Do you have a personal motto that you've used throughout your life? If so, what is it and why? If not, how would you describe your life beliefs in just a few words?

Being the weather production of Equestria, does Cloudsdale experience its own weather?

Do you want to build a snowman?


Could Celestia make a cake so big even she could not eat it?

Do you have any regrets in life?

What is the most amazing thing you've ever seen a pony do?

Why does he ask you how?

Have you ever encountered buffalo? Where exactly do they roam?

Have you ever seen the Kraken? Also, Watch these birds expertly use their magic powers to disarm this bomb:

Do you hear the people sing
Lost in the valley of the night?

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