• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 16th



While trying to make her family tree, Rainbow Dash finds her mother's family totally missing from public records. Maybe with Twilight's help, she'll learn something about her ancestry.


Editing and creative help from BionicBrony

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 209 )

Cheeky bugger! That was Amelia Air Heart! So the Bermuda triangle is a portal to equestria eh?

Sorry to say but it looks like you two won't be finding out much more about your ancestor Dash. Except maybe "She came screaming out of the sky one stormy night in this dang metal contraption no right minded pepegsus should ever find themself in and was lucky the only thing she suffered after the crash was an addled brain pan. Poor filly kept going on about 'huemahins', what ever that means. Never could get any of her past outa her, think the poor dear lost it on landing."

Interesting little story, makes me wonder who else that disappeared wound up as a pony.
Who's deceded from Hoffa?

That ending was perfect! I thought I predicted it at first, but you led me astray only to tell me my first instinct was right. Congratulations on fooling me. You also made me want to write about rural ponies at some point.

OH come on. I want to see what Rainbows reaction is when Twilight gets into the Canterlot archives. for " THE REST of THE STORY "

Air Heart's name and personality reminds me of Amelia Earheart. Was that purposeful? :twilightsmile:

Unfortunately, i never learned much about her. It's still surprising, none the less.


Hoffa in Equestria, why has no one done that yet?

She had a co-pilot, Fred Noonan, with her when she disappeared. What happened to him?

Running a Google search on NR160202 was what made it click for me.

As for the lack of Hoffa in Equrestia stories I think it might be that while he's the joke of missing people cases only the most die hard of history nuts know more than "this guy vanished, presumably by the Mafia" about him.
Heck, I don't know that much about him past that and I'm the sort of guy who enjoys looking up odd facts about things. Jimmy just hasn't been one of them. Yet.

Though I'd be more interested in looking for boats and plains that have gone missing, or maybe that (in)famous Lost Roman Legion. I think we had a legioner in Equrestia story but not the whole legion.
Earheart was a good choice though, the name "Air Heart" really should have given it away but it's such a good pony name I didn't even think about it.

Fred Noonan, he was a very distinguished sailor in WW1, before he took up flying. Be pretty easy to pass himself off as a retired barge hand. Maybe just go by Red. marry one of the local farm girls. No more war, no more adventure, just foals and simple living.

Now that Twilight has seen the broken airplane, maybe she will reverse engineer it and make a second branch of Equestria's air force.


I read a fic where Hoffa was Blueblood. It explains why he is so hated.

And awesome fic btw. :)

6332450 The machine is also the model plane used by Amelia Airheart..

so yeah?

Wow, Very interesting. I looked up that serial number and wow. I wonder if Twilight will do anything about that machine they found. Would love to see more of this story, but it's enjoyable. Would love to see if they did find Dash's relative or not. Thanks for the good read. :rainbowkiss:

That was pretty sweet. I liked it - though I don't like having to either Google or read comments for proper closure on a story. Maybe have a small piece at the end with some Earhart searchers wondering about Amelia or somesuch.

Other than that very minor nitpick, I really liked this. A lot.

EDIT: I can't spell 'Earhart' to save my life.

I didn't see it coming until the end. Good job.

A brilliant mystery with a very inventive solution, but it feels like it cut off in the middle and I too hate when a story is not self-contained. Upvoted, but no favorite.


Hah, neat.

6333912 I read your comment and then all of a sudden it hit me. Followed up immediately by my hand, my face is still glowing red.

Oh! Now I get it! I love it when stories make me think about stuff.

God damn it. I was so intent on seeing the wrong twist coming, I didn't see the obvious one. You cheeky bastard.

I approve of the ending, but I have to admit I'm not actually too fond of the rest of the story; it just wasn't interesting enough otherwise.

6333912 Oh.



The idea is very cool, but unfortunately, and I USUALLY pride myself on picking up on these things, I didn't get it until I scanned the comments. I don't know enough about Amelia Earheart's disappearance to understand the numbers. What I think would really fix the problem is, describe the machine more. Say it has propellers and broken wings. All I got was a machine and a number, and that completely lost me. Really good concept, just could be much better with a smidge more clarity. =)


Aye, the story feels incomplete simply because it doesnt give the characters themselves an actual ending. Also... it doesn't much make sense for me. At least, not in a way that makes all the details relevant.

Why the ghost story? Why mention the farm burning down? If the only reason is because that's an Airheart tie in I'm not familiar with then... eh. I do understand the ultimate ending here, but again, without Twilight and Dash discovering it as well it felt meta.

In my opinion, I think this story became/hinted at more than the author up there had set out to accomplish. Feels like it anyway.

It says its complete, are you really thinking of ending it here? that cliff hanger has me wondering


I may write a few chapters where Dash reads through the journal she found. But really, the interesting part of the idea is that Dash's grandmother was Amelia Earhart. It's just another HiE if I tell it from Earhart's PoV.

It just clicked for me when the wreck was mentioned. Air Heart, Earhart. Didnt even need to read the comments. :moustache:

I've got to agree. The story is hinged entirely on the twist, and the lead up was too short to make the story substantial enough. I liked the idea, it was most certainly interesting, but it needs something to solidify it.

6334547 6335009 6334124
I concur, It certainly is well written, and delivers plenty of narrative and feels...
But it stops short of the character's payoff...
Dash has yet to accomplish her goal, and the story is technically about Dash seeking her missing roots.
From her perspective she hasn't addressed it at all before the story ends.

It feels more like a plot bunny, prequel or trailer than a full fledged standalone.

Felt the same about an old fic where alicorn Twilight chats with Discord about resurrecting her long dead friends.
It cuts off after sending the offer to the spirit world, and we don't even know if they received it.

Don't get me wrong, this is GOOD... it just feels like it ended without the characters resolving their plots conflict.

You clever son of a bitch... 9/10 would read again!

I actually agree with this - the POV of Rainbow Dash and Twilight reading an old journal, trying to figure out what happened on Air Heart's side, and generally having an adventure with it? Awesome.

Doing it from Air Heart's perspective? Not so much.

OOoooo. Adventure! Mysteries!
Honest salt of the earth auxillary characters that talk like real people do and are actually engaging!
*smacks tracking button*


He didn't necessarily suggest telling anything from Earheart's perspective, but rather continue the story from where it's currently left off to its logical destination.

Ie, Twilight and Dash hunting down the truth. How far the story goes beyond that is another matter.

I must say, great story! I'm hoping to become a pilot one day and seeing a plane like the Lockheed Electra just urges me to try to find one

6332450 yes, this was meant to be like that

If you read the comics, they actually have planes in Equestria. Well, they're pedal operated, duh, but still flying winged thingies close enough to tell that the "machine" was obviously supposed to be something flyable.

6335182 It's not too hard to think this one's mangled beyond recognition, though, that number being the only thing making it clear to us.

6335202 Well, I can't really imagine the wing being still readable while the rest of the plane just desintegrated, but sure whatever. xD

6335204 I'm not saying disintegrated - I'm just saying "no longer recognizable as a flying contraption".

Also who says the wing's entirely intact? It just has to be readable, which can still be done if it's bent way outta shape.

Just saying, for all they know it's some weird huge-ass farming machine - as unlikely as *that* sounds.

Very nice. Would love to see more, but that was a great ending spot.:yay:


Air-Heart? NR16020? What does that… oh, so there are different portals to equestria then?

Cool story, totally digging the idea, just wish it was a little longer, maybe a couple chapters would of done nicely but I did enjoy the way it ended and the mystery. But it definitely earned its "like" that's for sure. Would love to see more, especially those couple extra chapters of dash going through the journal and having it elude to her grandmothers...un-equestrian origins, without going full on HiE...maybe, lol. Since only us as readers actually came to the conclusion/realization about dashs grandmother I think it could definitely use those extra chapters. In the story Twi and Dash are still left empty hooved about any info on the grandmother or if she has anything to do with that "strange machine" ;) at all and it kinda didn't end for them. But I did have a question about something I noticed. Since the farm burned down and ponies from canterlot came out and checked the farm and put up spells and such...does anypony higher up ALSO possibly know about the mysterious Air Heart and the mystery machine, and learned of its secrets?? Duh duh duhhhhhhh!!!!!

Running a google search on NR16020 explained everything. Nice going. I liked this.

Amelia Airheart was Rainbow Dash's Grandma! :pinkiegasp: I now want a sequel!!! :pinkiehappy:

The only way anyone will find out what the numbers mean is if Twilight recognizes some of the plane's parts as designed for hands and similar appendages and asks Sunset Shimmer if there was such an object on Earth. Cue the Rainbooms freaking out that they know the end Amelia Airheart. Then human Rainbow freaks out because, by some universal shenanigans, she is also techinically related to Airheart.

Indeed. More thought to fledge this story out would have helped. That's why I was wary to read a story with the adventure tag that was a oneshot. I'm not saying it can't be done because I've seen it done, but adventure needs to be drawn out enough to FEEL like an adventure and end with the reader feeling like they've been on an adventure.

This is one of those stories that ends with a, "Oh, that's pretty cool." And that's it.

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