• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
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Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”


Mac and Dash end up having drinks with a couple they meet in Manehattan. The couple makes some assumptions they shouldn't have about Dash, and she gets her feathers ruffled.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 134 )

That was brilliant :rainbowlaugh:

Well, that happened.

...I want to see more of this.

Maybe a random cameo in a later story where Dash mentions she has a bunch of gay stallion friends?

:rainbowhuh: What even did I just read...?

I mean RainbowMac for real... :rainbowderp:

But seriously this is a great, if only a bit weird, funny little story :rainbowlaugh:

I promise if I write a story with a similar theme soon (which I've been laying out but haven't started writing), I had it planned prior to reading this one. :twilightsheepish:

I will probably approve of that story. Don't let my silly rambling impede you in any way. :ajsmug:

EDIT: Luna's sake, everypony. How you are reading my comment is not what I meant. :derpytongue2:

Very appropriate chapter title. Good to see the misunderstanding was resolved easily. Thank you for an amusing read.

Okay, that went where I wasn't expecting, and I really loved it. Also, MacDash was surprisingly believable once the story got to Fetlock's. But the fact that Dash has a huge problem with being called cute, and no problem at all with being mistaken for a colt, which I'm sure was the whole point of the story—that was just excellent, and felt very in character, to be honest. Especially in how she just moves on to "Hinny of the Hills" at the end.

Nice job all around, even if it is just a tinyfic.

And the thing that gets her riled up isn't being mistaken for a stallion, but being called cute. Ah, Dash, never change.

MLai #11 · Oct 1st, 2015 · · 17 ·

The story didn't need the MacDash. Take that out and it only gets better.

Love Rainbow in this :rainbowlaugh:. I hate being called cute too :twilightblush:

Not really, because most of my point was that you can write Dash in a straight ship without totally changing her personality.

But I'm probably not making MacDash a habit, so don't worry.

Dammit. I want to go to a gay bar now. I just never have the balls to because of social awkwardness and insecurities :fluttershysad: I've been told what I normally wear would attract a fuckton of attention. I guess that's what happens if you wear all black in a really fruity environment? It's, like, you can't hide in the corner. Like, attention is nice, but not too much.


“You better keep an eye on him, too.” Day Trader said to Mac, motioning with his bottle toward Dash. “A twink as cute as he is will catch everypony’s eye.”

I was reminded of the time one of my old bosses hosted a Magic draft and I brought along a friend. When Travis introduced himself, my boss and his friends misheard him say "Trevor" and that's what they called him for like three fourths of the draft, when he finally corrected them. I guess Travis didn't correct them because he might've felt it was impolite or something. I guess I was the same, but mostly distracted by deck building because Zendikar. Ok, I was being a dick and saying nothing to see how long it would take before he thought his name was actually Trevor :B

Also someone drafted a foil Chandra Ablaze and didn't sleeve :flutterrage:

Yeah, don't you love those moments where someone gets something about someone wrong and nobody corrects them for a super long time? Awkward moments are awkward.


Ah, so it's that trope. Not the one I'd expected, but an even dumber and more amusing one. Dash's reaction was perfect.

That was such a good set up! I love it. You can call her a colt, but just don't call her cute!
UVF for you. And I'm passing a reference to a friend as well.:twilightsmile:

This is hilarious! Hey, you can call Dash anything, just don't call her that. Well done. :rainbowlaugh:

Pfft - this was fabulous. I don't know why, but the exchange where Dash says Mac's just shy, and then Day Trader was all "The big ones always are." made me laugh.

Hey, a man can dream. :fluttercry:

But a great little snippet, nonetheless. Stories that only exist to tell s single punchline are usually without any other merit, but you managed to make this a bit more than it needed to be. Mac and Dash were adorable, as were Arch and Trader. It makes me want to read more, but I guess I'll just have to stick with Cap U, KarmaDash, and Bad_Seed for my QuietHorse/FastHorse needs.

If it helps, I do appreciate the ship more now, and will probably add it to my list of potential background or side ships. You just might have to wade through some TwiJack to get it. :ajsmug:

I was legitimately sad when I didn't see an Applejack tag. But, since this is a bookplayer story, I wasn't worried.

Guh, where doe the idea that you can't write RD in a straight relationship come from?

Quite nice little slice of life, and either Big Mac is a worldly stallion or the nightlife in ponyville is better than expected.

Many of the fics I've read that feature Rainbow in a straight relationship seem OOC to me. They tend to play up a very girly side she doesn't have on the show, having her worried about things like cooking dinner or worrying about being pretty enough, or else they rely on a stock tsundere trope.

I find it hard to imagine Dash acting like that in a relationship with anyone, male or female, so I wanted to write a fic where she's still the Dash that I see: enthusiastic, tough, cocky, teasing, and unconcerned with anything that isn't awesome. :rainbowdetermined2:

Soul Killer is the name of my red and black alicorn OC.


Generally, my issue with ships I'm not fond of is similar to this. It's not the ship itself, it's the way it's generally written. For example, Flutterdash with its dominating, bossy Fluttershy and meek Dash. So, when I saw this fic, the fact that's it's a ship I wasn't too fond of was easily outweighed by my trust of you as an author.

(Oh, possible Monday blog topic. Character voice, not just what they say but how they say it. E.g. Rarity is formal and a bit purple when around others, She has a large vocabulary that she uses confidently. Her words often are chosen to draw attention to class...)

...bookie, was this a peace offering to Jake to try and get him to write an AppleDash fic? 'Cause if you made that sacrifice for us, th-then... you. Are. WOMAN-JESUS to me! :pinkiehappy::heart:

6481798 6481342
Nah... First hit's free.

Next one, though... :ajsmug:

6481433 With recent Mac episodes, I thinks it's safe to say that the roles could be completely reversed here, with Mac being the one to worry about his looks and such (Being a preformer for the Ponytones and having contact with Rarity and all) and Dash being the one wearing the trousers, so to speak.

Regardless, this was adorable! Great job! :pinkiehappy:

Site Blogger

This was fun. You keep on keepin' on, bookplayer.

I reviewed this story!

My review can be found here.

Ok in that case, it's ship with a purpose. I can understand that.

Unfortunately, even though your noble purpose was to clean up the Dash ship, it runs afoul of the other misbegotten fanon of Big Mac being some Equestrian don juan which I can't stand.

To quote: "Eeyup"

I'll admit, I didn't see the twist coming. Clever.

Two words... YAS KWEEN!

Cute. I'd better see what else you wrote.


What did you just call this story?

6482524 Typo, sorry. I meant "good."

Good because it's cute, bwahaha everyone fight me :trollestia:

This is brilliant! XD Now why can't I find the fic where Big Mac gets his jimmies rustled?...

Good work. Tons of fics don't even come close to delivering on Dash's personality like this. Be proud of it.

6481433 Alternatively, you could probably have Dash get worried about not being feminine enough to attract a particular stallion - so she would still hate, say, cooking, but try to do it anyways (with disastrous results) because she thinks it's expected. The struggle would be with the expectation, though.

The moral of the tale being, of course, about not changing who you are to please someone else.

Though that is more of a Rarity story.


The moral of the tale being, of course, about not changing who you are to please someone else.
Though that is more of a Rarity story.

Yeah... the thing with Dash (as I see her) is that there's a hard and fast line between "Awesome" and "Not Awesome," and being emotionally soft is always "Not Awesome." It's okay to be Not Awesome sometimes, in private, with someone she really really trusts, but I don't think that in a situation where she felt insecure in her relationship she'd even be willing to try being Not Awesome.

Basically, any relationship where she had to be more feminine to catch or keep the guy, she wouldn't be willing to do it, and if she was comfortable enough to let her soft side show it would be because she knew she didn't need to.

But that's just how it feels in character to me.

I like it, that was cute awesome.

Wait... That was it? Really?
Credits to Amaraw for this gif he posted in my story.

6483005 I'm stealing that gif. I need this for future comments on oneshots I read.

Bookplayer, you nailed this fic perfectly. I thought it was going to get offensive, but I was sorely mistaken. Well done.

Have an upvote and a fave.


6482747 That sounds like it is right on the money to me, although the real fun happens when you force cute on her in public. The awkward squirming and protests just make her even more adorable than she already is for some amusing shenanigans.

A "Dash is straight" fic that doesn't keep beating the reader over the head with "lol Dash is totally straight, deal with it you silly boy"?

Now that is a pleasant surprise. Please, have an upvote.

I liked it. Nuff said.

6480897 Go figure that KarmaDash was the first one to comment on this story.:rainbowlaugh:

Boy, you don't wait around when it comes to MacDash.

:rainbowlaugh: Nice one!

6483545 Damn right I don't, I never miss a beat when it comes to my ship

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