• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 34,985 Views, 1,466 Comments

Twilight's Twinlight - Autum Breeze

After his sudden death on his way to school due to an idiot driver, Ken Williams wakes up to find himself as a strange quadruped with wings and a horn.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Chapter 8


It takes my brain several long moments to finally pull itself out of the ditch that Celestia's bizarre, yet, when I think about it, sound logic dropped it into. If Twilight and I are the same in every physical way, then that would me, by default, I am related to her and any of her family by blood.

Man, that’s fucked up!

A sudden pair of gasps causes me to shake my head and look towards the trio of family, to notice both Twilight’s parents are looking at me with worry, before glancing to their daughter and back again.

I blink, before pulling a hoof up to my forehead. Right. Two identical ponies in the same room, when both are Alicorns? I can easily guess what they’re thinking.

“You need not worry, my little ponies,” Princess Celestia says, stepping forward, her calm voice drawing the two unicorns’ attention. “I know what you are thinking, but, I can assure you, none of the Alicorns in this room are a Changeling in disguise.”

“But… but then who…?” Twilight’s mother says, looking at me with worry and confusion.

“That… we haven’t actually been able to figure out,” Twilight admits, smiling sheepishly. “All we know for certain is that Ken died in her world and somehow found herself in ours as an exact double of me.”

The two unicorns look from their daughter to each other, then to me.

I wilt a bit under their gazes, pulling my wings tighter against myself.

“We’ve had her tested,” Princess Luna says, joining her sister. “Not only does young Ken match your daughter physically, but magically she has the same power levels as Twilight Sparkle.”

“And finally,” Princess Celestia nods, before looking back to me, “genetically, they are both identical.”

I blink, before frowning. “Wait a minute. How could you have already tested me when this is the first time I’ve been to Canterlot?”

Twilight gives a nervous laugh. “I… may have sent them a few small samples of you feathers and fur that fell out in the tub after you had a bath that first night.”

I stare blankly at her, trying not to think about how creepy that would sound out of context, before frowning. “And how could my magic have been tested? I don’t exactly use it, you know.”

“Your sheets.” I turn to the white Alicorn, confused by her choice of words and she just gives that damn smile of hers. “Twilight sent us some sheets that had your magical residue on them.”

I frown, looking up, before I remember using my magic on some sheets without knowing how.

“Wait, so, if she’s exactly the same as our little Twilight,” I turn to Twilight’s mother as she starts walking towards me an uncertain, yet strangely hopeful expression on her face, “does that mean that she…? Is she our…?”

Princess Celestia nods. “Indeed. Due to circumstances, upon entering our world, Ken became your second daughter.”

“But, if you don’t want to think of me that way, I totally understan—”

I’m cut off when the unicorn pulls me into a tight hug.

“You poor dear,” she murmurs, holding me close, far more sadness in her voice than I’d honestly expected. “I can’t even imagine what it must feel like for you. You are more than welcome to our family, Ken. We’d be happy to have you.”

I can’t respond. I’ve literally frozen in place as I’m struck with conflicting emotions. I don’t want to just take Twilight’s family as my own, feeling it would dishonour my original human family.

But... at the same time, feeling this mare, a mother, hugging me so tenderly, I...

I wrap my forelegs around her, returning the hug and close my eyes as tears slowly start to trail down my cheeks. “I... I don’t know if I could truly think of you as my mother too soon, but... thank you.”

We remain quiet for several moments, giving me time to enjoy the warmth of the mare holding me. I feel... so calmed right now. I... I’d been so afraid after learning I could never see my human family again that I’d never feel this kind of warmth inside, but now... maybe I can at least give this a try.

A small cough pulls me out of my thoughts and I look over my shoulder to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looking at us expectantly.

A bit reluctantly, I pull away from the mare’s tender embrace and turn back to the high rulers of this kingdom.

“I am glad to see you are willing to at least give a chance, Ken,” Princess Celestia says and I can swear I saw something flash in her eyes for a moment, but cast it aside as a trick of the light as she continues. “It will make things much easier once Equestria learns of you.”

“And, perhaps Twilight will find more in you than just a sister,” Princess Luna says, giving a look to Twilight’s mother.

I cock an eyebrow and glance back at the alabaster mare, only to see her eyes have widened and a gleam has appeared in them.

Why do I get a bad feeling about that?


“My little ponies,” Princess Celestia says as she stands on a balcony overlooking a large area, filled with ponies, “today is a day of great joy, for a new princess has come to us.”

I glance at Twilight, who’s standing a little away, since I’m meant to stay out of sight from the crowd until the white Alicorn gives the word. Twilight’s giving me an uncertain look as well. She’s got no idea what her ruler has planned anymore than I do.

Twilight’s friends are here too and they look as confused as we are. My supposed new big brother and a sister-in-law are meant to be here too, but they hadn’t arrived and the princesses had thought they couldn’t put this announcement off much longer.

Apparently they’re coming from some place called the Crystal Empire. The only gem related empire I can think of is the Emerald City from the Wizard of Oz. Could it be this world’s version of that?

Whatever the case, Princess Celestia’s speaking, so I shake off my thoughts and focus on her again.

“Whilst many would jump to the conclusion that she is a Changeling in disguise, I can assure you, she is much a pony as any of us.”

That could be badly interpreted if any of the ponies down there are majorly paranoid when it comes to these Changelings, making them believe the entire city of Canterlot could be filled with changeling imposters.

Having met Blueblood and seen his level of ignorance, I get the bad feeling I may have to handle such a matter in the future.

“You all know of my former student, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” the sun Alicorn goes on, turning my attention back to her. “Having taken on her role as the Princess of Friendship, she has cemented her place among us all and shown us what we can strive for to help make our kingdom all the better.”

“However, what few know is that Twilight Sparkle has always had a twin sister,” Princess Luna takes over for her sister, stepping up next to the taller princess. “What is more, they are twins in every right. Not only do their looks and voices match, but they were born at the exact same time.” She then gives a look of uncertain joking that I can tell is fake. “It wasn’t exactly the easiest of births for Twilight Velvet, two foals coming out at the exact same time.”

I glance at Twilight, who’s looking just as shocked as I am. I can understand why they’d say we’re sisters, but the idea of saying we were born at the same time, unlike other twins who at the least have a few seconds between each other? Definitely a different idea, I’ll give them that.

“This, however, gave Twilight and her twin a unique bond, one that no other siblings in Equestria have, including Luna and myself,” Princess Celestia takes over again. “They’re magic cores are intertwined. Whilst Twilight has more experience with her magic, her sister has just as much power as Twilight herself.”

Huh? Wait, where the heck is she going with this?

“Their bond is likely the reason Twilight’s sister is able to finally join us once again,” Princess Luna says with a bit of grimness in her tone. “Shortly after their birth, a magic surge came from both of them and, when vision returned, Twilight was the only foal remaining.

“It was believed that her sister had merely been teleported, though no sign of her was found. It’s only now that we’ve learned she was sent to another dimension, where, by pure chance, she found a way back to her homeland.”

Wait... they’re not hiding the fact I come from another world... but are making it seem like I only came back from it? Huh. That’s... actually pretty creative.

“Their bond, however, remained intact, despite the dimensional divide between them,” Celestia closing her eyes. “Their bond has meant that, anything that physically or magically effected Twilight, her sister was also affected.”

“Hence why, when you see her, she has the same Cutie Mark as Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Luna looks out to the crowd. “They’re bond caused they’re talents to align, even separated by the dimensions. However, this also meant, when Twilight Sparkle became an Alicorn, so too did her sister.

“This is what we believe caused her to finally return to our world. Once the power of an Alicorn flowed through her, Twilight’s sister unintentionally caused a rift between the worlds and, though it took her some time, she has finally returned to us.”

Whoa, hold on! What? That’s the story they’re going with? Really? Even a five-year-old wouldn’t believe that bullshit. I suddenly feel like explaining who I really am would’ve sounded more believable than this shit.

Celestia opens her eyes again, giving a warm, joyful smile. “So, my little ponies, please welcome, not only a long lost citizen of our kingdom, but your newest princess, Princess Ken.”

With a glance from both celestial princesses, I realize it’s my cue and walk out, Twilight alongside me, to the sound of many gasps from the crowd as we are seen side by side, the only clear difference between us being our mane styles. Everything else is exact in every way.

I look out at the all, waiting for their reaction, though I fear this will not go well with the flimsy back story the princesses have given for me.

Sure, it gives a very good reason as to where my ties lie in this world, but the suspension of disbelief for such a story is way too ridiculously high. There’s no way in hell these ponies are going to believe such a farfetched tale and just accept me us their new—

Twilight quickly uses her magic to close my jaw when it drops open due to the sudden cheers and applause, followed with chants of “Princess Ken! Princess Ken! Princess Ken!”

“Just smile and wave,” Twilight murmurs sheepishly and, in my stunned state, I just do so without even having to think about it.

They... they believed that pile of garbage? They... but, they... and now they just...

“I realize it’s a bit of a shock,” Princess Celesita’s voice comes from next to me and I give a small glance to see her standing there with a small, apologetic smile on her face, “but there will be a small, and I mean small, I know how nobles like making everything big, but this one will be small, reception in the hall shortly after this. After that, we will do our best to help you even further than what we did yesterday, then you’re free to return to Ponyville.”

Good. Because, after this, I think I’m going to need to lock myself in my room and process this world for at least a week, or else I’m going to have an aneurysm.


I sigh as I stand around in the large, for lack of a better word, ballroom as the reception keeps underway. The walls are high and decorated with fancy-looking cloth, whilst the banisters have spiralling flower chains wrapped around them, giving the place an elegant feel.

Princess Celestia said this would be small, but I’m starting to wonder what her idea of small is. There are at least fifty ponies here, not counting all Alicorns and Twilight’s friends and our parents.

Thinking of them as “our parents” and not “Twilight’s parents” is still going to take some getting used to, since I only had a small amount of yesterday to spend time with them between the princesses trying to help me understand a few of the ins and outs of ruling their kingdom.

I barely was able to wrap my head around any of it. I honestly just want this day to be over so I can go back to Ponyville, where things almost make at least a little bit more sense. Almost.

“It is an honour, Your Highness,” a unicorn mare with a stallion I’m guessing is her husband says, giving me a head bow.

I smile, whilst instead I’m scowling. I can tell someone trying to just get something from me, and these two reek of it. Plus, getting a good look at the yellow coat on the mare and the grey coat on the unicorn stallion, I have a damn good idea who they are.

Rarity spoke of them at one point, when telling me of her first full experience in the Canterlot lifestyle and her words had not been kind when referring to these two, Jet Set and Upper Crust.

With a name like Upper Crust, I guess it’s not surprising the mare’s so self-centred.

“A pleasure to meet you,” I reply, though I can’t hide how much of a lie that is from my voice.

If they noticed it, they don’t act like it as they smile, before Upper Crust leans in a little. “Just so you know, Your Highness, there are ponies whom pretend to be of higher class. I would advise watching out for them.”

“Thank you,” I say with a grin that is forced. “But, don’t worry. I can tell the right peop— ponies for myself, thanks.” And I’m looking at two wrong ones right now, I don’t say.

As they move away, I notice I’ve a bit of a lapse in ponies to greet and give another sigh.

“If you want to move about, you’re perfectly fine to,” Princess Celestia whispers as she stands next to me. “You look like you could use a pick-me-up anyway. The punch bowl is over there.”

I glance to where she nods and see a bowl of punch with some cups. Giving the white Alicorn a thankful smile, I nod and walk towards the bowl.

Thankfully, there’s a bartender or something like that, who pours me a cup, so I don’t have to ponder how to do it with still no idea how to freely use my magic, that I take with my hooves and sip from.

As I do, I sense that somepony has come up behind me. Lowering my cup, I turn around to see somepony I honestly could’ve gone my whole life, which apparently is eternal due to being bond to Twilight, without having to see again.

“Princess Ken,” Blueblood says, giving a curt nod.

I return the nod with a glare. “Blueblood.”

His eye twitches, before he closing his eyes and cough. “Prince Blueblood. Though I may not be an Alicorn, I am a royal.”

A royal ass, yeah.

He then gives a smile, leaning in. “I feel we got off on the wrong hoof, last we met—”

Oh, we got off on the wrong of something alright and there’s little chance of it going the other way, pal.

“—so, I thought I’d make you an offer. To... ease the tied, if you will.”

I cock an eyebrow, curious, but highly skeptical. Though, after our first encounter, can you really blame me? “I’m listening.”

He leans forward, that irritating smile from before reappearing. “We both know ruling a kingdom isn’t something you’re comfortable with.”

Well, he’s got me there. I’m still uncertain just what Princess Celestia expects me to do. I was a human from common backgrounds, barely finished with high school. What does she expect someone like me can do?

Blueblood chuckles, the sound making me have to resist whirling around and giving him an encore of our last encounter. “Marry me and I’ll take over all those difficult tasks for you. I have experience in the matters of state, you do not. I would be glad to take such a burden from you.”

I snarl, causing him to wince slightly, the tiniest look of uncertainty entering his eyes. “Yes, I know you would. But, here’s the thing, Blueballs; one, I have no interest in marry a self-centred, ego-influenced jerk like you. Two, I’m not into guys anyway, so you lose there regardless. And three, I know you’d want that power so you could harm Rarity for the most self-centred, stupid reasons imaginable, as well as just inflate your already overblown ego even further. So, in answer, to stuff it, pal. I may not like the idea of being an Alicorn Princess of Equestria, but if you think, for even a second, that I’d willing give that power to some idiot like you, think again. Now,” I push passed him, making sure to shove him with as much force as possible without it looking like I’d meant to, “if you’ll excuse me, there are far better ponies I’d rather speak with than the likes of you.”

With my piece said, I walk off, my head held high. Man, did that feel good. Hope I get the chance to do that with more self-centred ponies here in Canterlot.

As I move through the crowd, I notice a flutter of pink wings. Curious, I move further into the crowd to find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna speaking with a white stallion with a buff physic and a two-tone blue mane and tail. His Cutie Mark catches my attention due to the star symbol on it matching both mine and Twilight’s marks. It’s inside of a blue shield of some sort.

Could this be Twilight’s brother, Shining Armour? Wait, no. he’s my brother now too, right? Man, this is so screwed up in my head.

I move closer and notice Mum and Dad standing there too, along with Twilight.

As I get closer, Shining Armour’s eyes happen to move in my direction and meet mine. We both stare at each other for a moment, myself noticing his body tensing, before the mare next to him brushes one of her pink wings against his shoulder and some of the tension fades from him, but not all.

It was still enough for the other ponies to notice and the all turn to see me as I move closer.

“Ken, good, you’re here,” Twilight gives a slightly sheepish smile, before nodding to the stallion who’s eyes still fixed on me. “Now you can meet my... I mean, our brother. Ken, this is Shining Amour. Shiny, this is Ken, our new sister.”

I move forward, feeling a little bit cowed by the way the white stallion is looking me over.

“And you’re sure she’s not a Changeling?” he says in a tone that says he clearly doesn’t believe it.

At once any nervousness I felt leaves me. I’m really getting sick of the whole Changeling thing being brought up by now, especially when I still don’t know the full story about that.

“You’ll have to forgive my husband,” the pink mare says apologetically. “The Changelings really didn’t leave him with anything positive to consider in regards to them.”

Considering that they literally are able to feed off of emotions, I can’t say I blame him for that.

I blink. Wait. Husband?

Taking a closer look at the mare, I realize she’s an Alicorn. She’s a little shorter than Luna, but still taller than me or Twilight. “You must be Princess Mi Amoré Cadenza, right?”

She gives a light chuckle. “I prefer Princess Cadance, or just Cadance.”

Well thank whatever deity this world has for that. Man, her full name is a mouthful. Glad to have permission to use the shorter version.

Glancing to Shining Armour, I notice he’s still giving me that look.

I roll my eyes, before giving a stern look to him. “Look, Shining Amour, I know being around another pony who looks and sounds just like your sister can’t be easy, but I’m here and, by the looks of things, I’m staying. So, I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t keep giving me the stink eye like I’m gonna turn into a monster right in front of you.”

His right eyebrow rises ever so slightly. “That’s not my problem. Not anymore.”

I cock an eyebrow. “Come again?”

He nods to the two taller Alicorns. “If Celestia and Luna say you’re not a danger, I can accept that.” Her turns to give me a stern expression of his own. “What I will not accept is you pushing yourself into our family.”

“Shining!” Twilight, Cadance and Mum say, all looking shocked.

I just glare at him. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, there, Gleaming Shield,” Where the heck did that insult come from? Wherever from, the twitch of his eyes tells me it works. “I didn’t choose to become an exact double of your sister. I never even meant to end up in this world. I got here by random chance and the fact I, for whatever reason, not only turn into one of your speices, but also your sister’s double, is just as random.

I don’t know why it happened, but your parents and the princesses decided that, since I am biologically the same as Twilight, that makes me a part of your family. I didn’t choose it, they did. If you’ve got a problem with me being in this family, take it up with our parents and the princesses. Leave me out of it.”

With that a whirl around, before glancing back at the pink Alicorn. “It was good meeting your, Cadance. I hope we’ll get chances to speak next time under better circumstances.”

She nods, giving her husband a disapproving look. “As do I.”

With that, I walk off back into the crowd, this time search for Rarity. I need somepony to talk to and see she’s the closest pony I’ve gotten to since coming to this world, she’s a good choice for it.

I just want this reception to end. I’m tired of the nobles and elite trying to brown nose me, I’m sick of Blueblood thinking he’s so high and mighty and I’m sick of being scrutinized for being a double of the Princess of Friendship.

All I want is to get back to Ponyville and relax. Maybe I’ll even take up Rarity on that Spa Day offer. Lord knows I could use it.

Author's Note:

Okay, finally done with this chapter... though i feel i could've done better with the third part of it.

Anyway, i have an announcement. This will be the last update to any of my stories i will likely be making til next year or maybe late december.

My reasons are because i have left a personal story that has nothing to do with any fandom, thus is an original story all it's own, that i have been putting on the back burning for so long. After comments regarding the Time Travel arch and how i was too quick with it, i releized the pacing for my other story had moved too fast as well.

thus, i've decided to return to that for a while and rework the first few chapters, which are set before the Japan Tsunami. Yeah, that's happening in my story and the main character will be caught in the middle of it.

The reworking will also give me a more logical way to work the other three main characters (the main character's best friends) introductions in without them being rushed to be settled before they get caught in the Tsunami due to their class having a field trip to Sendai on that day.

Some may remember which story i'm referring to, as i've spoken about it in past blog, where i ranted about how annoyed i was that Hasbro made me feel like they'd somehow unintentionally stolen my ideas due to two of main characters being a lot like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, before i even knew about FiM. i mean the Rainbow Dash-like character has rainbow hair, moves so fast she leaves a rainbow contrail behind her and even wears cyan clothes when not wearing her school uniform and the Fluttershy-like character has a connection with animals.

Hell, i never mentioned it before, but even the other main character that's the story's full main character's friend, who briefly starts out as her enemy, i might add, after seeing Human Rarity's gem powers in Legend of Everfree, i feel cheated out again, because that is what my characters powers were and still are going to be.

Man, it's annoying.

Anyway, my point is, i'm taking a bit of a break from writing ponies for a bit so that that story can get some of the love it deserves. I mean, i've been working on it since back in high school, and i started high school (year 9, i don't count year 8 as my official starting high school because it was the worst school year of my life) and that was back in 2006, so that story's been on the back burner and gone through rewrites for a long time now.

So, i hope you liked this chapter and will be patient with me about any new ones for this or any of my other fics.

Til next time, and since i likely won't be updating anything for a long while, Happy Hearth's Warming and Happy New Year, everypony