> Twilight's Twinlight > by Autum Breeze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight’s Twinlight Chapter 1 ___________________________________________________________ I sigh, scratching the back of my neck with one hand, while adjusting the strap of my bag with the other as I walk towards the crossing. I honestly wish I didn’t have to go to school today. Aside from Design, I didn’t have any enjoyable lessons for today due to Home Ec being cancelled for the week due to the teacher having to visit a relative. As I get closer to the crossing, maybe a foot or two away, I glance behind me, down the road, over my right shoulder, seeing a car several houses down out of the corner of my eye. I can tell from the distance that I have plenty of time reach the crossing and cross without inconveniencing the driver in their having to slow down. I move to cross the road, my leg reaching out and start putting pressure on it, when something inside me sends off a warning bell. I glance to my right, and see the car right there, about to hit me. The next moment I felt an immense pain as my lower body was slammed by the car’s front, before I was tossed into the air, the world spiraling around in a confusing blur of colours that made me feel ill. Suddenly, the world stops spinning as I feel my head smack hard into something, my vision showing the road for a moment before impact. An immense pain is surging through my body, but only for a few moments, before the world goes black, my last thoughts being the feelings of something warm pooling around my head. ___________________________________________________________ I jerk awake, shocked to feel cold stone beneath me. How is the road that cold? A dripping sound comes from somewhere, my ears twitching, swiveling around in the direction. Something about that doesn’t feel right, but I'm a bit groggy and can't quite focus on it properly. I shift, shivering on the cold rock beneath me. Opening my eyes, I’m met with the same darkness as before. If I didn’t feel my eyes as they’d opened, I’d swear I still had them closed. I shake my head, frowning as my hair flips into my eyes a few times. My hair wasn’t that long before, in fact, I’d had it cut just last week. Also, I was in heaps of pain a moment ago. Why don't I feel like I'm in pain now? That's when I remember. The car, the pain, the blurring colours. That asshole ran me over! Now able to think about that split second before everything became confusing, I see what happened and feel a rage burning up within me. The driver was too far down for him to have gotten to me at the speed he’d been going, so he had to have sped up, which you’re not meant to do at a school crossing, even when no one’s there. That guy had obviously seen me intending to walk in a slight turn towards the crossing and thought “Oh, no. I’m not letting that kid cross before I get there. I need to go passed first. That kid should know this and will stop before I hit them.” Why else would he have decided to speed up to reach the crossing so fast? What a jerk! He hit me and... I wake up in a darkness? Oh, great. Am i dead? well, if death is darkness, it sucks. “Just what’s... going... on?” my frown deepens. My voice sounds really high compared to the usual way it sounds. I lift a hand to my throat, before my eyes widen in fear. I can’t feel my fingers! I try to stand up, only to fall back down. I can’t stand on two legs. I press myself up, finding I can wobbly stay upright on four... a slight bit of fear inching further inside me as I realize my legs and arms are at equal length, which should not be possible. What’s scarier is I’m not on hand and knees, the ends of my arms and legs are both on the floor at even levels. I shiver. Something is seriously wrong here. I feel movement on my back and from above my butt, which causes me to freeze. I feel a thing I can only describe as a tail flick in agitation from behind me. On my back I feel new bones I hadn’t had before and hear a fluttering, making me think of wings. I whimper, I can’t help it. Something is wrong with my body, if I even still have one and am not some solid spirit thing and I can’t even see what. “I wish I had some light to see...” I murmur, the fear in my voice clear to me. Suddenly the darkness is lit by a purple light. It happened so out of nowhere I startle and stumble back, tripping over myself and flopping back, wincing as the things on my back, which I can now confirm are wings, are pressed against me. My eyes shoot open. If I'm dead... I shouldn't be able to feel pain. Unless I'm in Hell, but let's not go down that road of thought until I can think more clearly and rationalize. I look up to where the light is coming from, my forehead. At once, I frown skeptically at what I’m seeing. A horn is sitting in the middle of my forehead. The glow is coming from it. It seems to be surrounded by the light. I want to question why the hell I’ve a horn on my head (if I'd been turned into some kind of demon in Hell, I'm pretty sure there'd be two and look more like goats horns instead of what I'm seeing in the purple light, however, I'm going to go on the theory that I am somehow alive for the sake of my santiy) and why it’s glowing, but it’s giving me light, so I’ll put those thoughts aside for later and assess where I am first, as well as what else has happened to my body. I push myself up and try to sit up normally, but for some reason can’t, so I end up sitting like a dog. I look down at myself in the purple light. I’m suddenly aware that I’m nude, another thought I put aside for later. My body seems to be covered in fur. Looking down at what should be my hands and feet, I learn why I can’t feel either finger or toes. What’s in place of my hands and feet are, what I can best describe as, hooves. I lift my new hooves up to my face and feel it. My mouth is longer, stretched out, sort of like a horse... only my eyes are still centred on my face, while I know horses have their eyes almost on either side of their heads. I deadpan as that thought cements itself. A horse with a horn? Great. I’m a unicorn. No, wait, I’ve wings, so a Pegasus? What do you call a Pegasus with a unicorn’s horn? A pegacorn? Unicus? I sigh. This is just great. I get hit by a car due to some idiot wanting to try beating a school kid to the crossing, and I somehow find myself in a cave as some unicorn-Pegasus freak of nature. I know I’m in a cave from looking around. The light from my horn (now there's something I'd never thought I'd say) shows rocky walls, moist with water, some stalactites and stalagmites dotting the ceiling and floor here and there. There’s a tunnel not too far off, leading I have no idea where. My thoughts about my current form are almost finished... when I freeze, realizing I’m missing something important to my gender. I look down and my eyes widen. I’ve never seen one up close before, but I never wanted the first time to be on my own body! I whimper as I look at what used to be my manhood, now a reminder of my new gender and the implications of that. “Okay,” I say in that new voice of mine, shivering as I hear it leave my own horse lips. “You’ve just woken up after being hit by a car and found you’ve turned into a female horse with wings and a horn in a cave. Nothing to freak out about.” As if. How I’m not freaking out is beyond me, but I know I should be. I’ve turned into a fucking winged horse, for crying out loud! “Who’s there?” an annoyed voices calls from somewhere down the cave tunnel. It sounds female. Wait. Another voice? Joy and dread fill me at the same time. Whoever that voice belongs to can help me out of this cave... but if they see me like this.... I gulp, heading in the direction of the voice, down the left tunnel. It's not like I've any other options. I'll just have to risk this person freaking out at the talking winged and horned horse. However, I immediately realize something as my face goes down to greet the stone floor. I don't know how to walk on four legs. I groan, and try to figure it out. It takes a few minutes, but i eventually get the hang of walking on four legs, walking back and forth where I am, if wobbly. “Is somepony there or not?” the voice says again, sounding a little impatient, which is understandable, since I made the wait so... Wait. Sompony? What an odd thing to say. “Over here!” I call out, moving a little faster, while trying not to lose my footing (hoofing, maybe?) as I move faster. "I was having some trouble walking." I round the corner and find another horse looking back at me. I quick look over causes me to frown in confusion. It’s clearly the female I was hearing. She has a horn, like me, but the glow around hers is light-blue. However, her colouring, as best as I can make out in the light of our horns, doesn’t make sense. From what I can gather, is a sort of pink and her mane, which I can’t help noticing looks more human than horse with it shaped almost like the beehive style, is purple with a single streak of light-blue down the majority, while two streaks were at the very front where her hair was parted by her horn. Her eyes, which were blueish purple in the light of our horns, narrowed at me. “You.” I blink, looking behind me, for some reason thinking I’d find some other horse standing behind me that she was looking at, for a moment. “You’ll pay for ruining what I set out to achieve!” I look back at her words and see her horn’s light has grown brighter. I get a sudden bad feeling. As I step back, a beam the same colour as the light coming from her horn flies from it, hitting me. I squirm, suddenly feeling like something hot is burning at my thighs, trying to pull something not only off my body but from within it. “Stop!” I cry, before a flash of purple light blinds me. When it fades, the unicorn is standing there, looking dazed. I take the chance and bolt down the tunnel, moving around her to avoid her. I don't question how I'm running when I've barely figured out walking in this form. I'm more foucsed on getting the hell away from this mad... mare, i guess? After a few moments, I hear an angry shout from down the way I’d come. I need a way out. Please, someone, anyone, show me the way out and away from that crazy horse! At once my horn flashes and purple dots appear along the floor of the cave. Studying them, they are hoofprints, which I confirm by landing a hoof on one as I run. Nodding to myself, and having nothing else to go on or where to go, I follow them, not stopping for fear of that unicorn catching up. Whatever she’d been doing with that light of hers, it had creeped me out and I wanted to put as much distance between her and myself as possible. ___________________________________________________________ After what feels like forever, I see a light that isn’t from mine, nor thankfully that unicorn’s, horns. It’s natural light. I quicken my pace, coming to the opening of the cave and look out to see snow covered hills and a slightly cloudy sky. I sigh, taking in a long, deep breath of fresh air, cold as it is. It’s the best thing I’ve ever smelt. Being in that cave was nerve-racking, even without the worries that crazed unicorn were bringing into the mix. I suddenly now realize the unicorn spoke, but my brain counters this with, I can speak, so what shouldn’t it? That decided, I walk out and spot my reflection in the frozen ice next to the cave. I blink. My fur is an impossible purple for something living and not artificial. My eyes are purple too. My mane and tail are dark-blue, with a streak of bright pink through the middle. I frown, turning to my side. For some reason, there’s an image of a six-pointed purple star, surrounded by five smaller stars on my thighs. “And I thought talking horses with wings and horns that light up was weird enough already,” I murmur. Now that I think about it, I’d seen an image on that unicorn’s thighs, too. But hers had been a single four-point purple star, more like a fancy square, really, with another white fancy square behind it in a position so you only saw its corners around the purple one, with a light blue trail making it look like a shooting star or a comet. I shake my head. Weird butt marks are something I can worry about later. For now, I need to see if there’s anyone around who can help me, hopefully someone not as crazy as that unicorn. Though there is one thing I can’t ignore. The world kinda looks like a cartoon of some kind. Though, that’s impossible, right? Who ever heard of someone being hit by a car and waking up in a cartoon? I start off down the track, glancing over my shoulder, hoping that loon of a horse stays the hell away from me and inside those caves. After a couple minutes walking, I stop, gulping. There’s a huge gap that leads down to a gorge. I lean over the edge, then scoot back, gulping again. From the looks of it, there used to be a bridge here, but it must have crumbled with time. I look out at the other side. It could lead to civilization, someone who can explain to me just what the heck is going on around here. I look back. Either I go forward or return to the caves and the latter option is definitely out of the question. I frown. How am I suppose to get over to the other side. It’s not like I can fl— I blink, glancing at my back and giving my new wings a few flaps. I frown again. “I’m insane if I think this’ll work.” I sigh, closing my eyes and drooping my head, feeling my ears droop as well, but ignore that. “Not like I have a choice though.” I look out over the large gap between me and the other side. “No way I can work out these things to fly all the way,” I glance back as I hold them both out, then look at the gap. “But... maybe I can glide if I give myself a good enough running start?” I grin nervously. “It’s not that far. I can make it. Probably. Hopefully.” I move back a very long distance, ensuring I have a long running start. I gulp, shake myself, then shoot off in a gallop. Within moments I’m close to the edge, my brain and self-preservation instincts screaming at me to stop, but I blot them out and leap, spreading my wings out as wide and straight as I can, making sure they’re even. After a few seconds with my eyes shut, I feel my front hooves touch ground and relax, letting my wings drop to my sides. I look over my shoulder at the other side of the gorge. I grin and start bouncing around. I made it! I made it! Then it hits me. I flew! Well, technically I glided, but I still went through the air without any technological help! Awesome! I look at the path ahead of me. “Well, nowhere else to go, Ken. Let’s see where this leads.” ___________________________________________________________ After a few minutes of trotting, the snow thins out and I find myself walking along a rocky path, one that eventually leads to an outcrop, overlooking something I’m overjoyed to see. A town! A real town! The houses are all olden style, with thatched rooves and such and they’re lined in two rows. I bound down the road, eager to meet civilization again, before I catch myself and leap behind a bush, looking out. Whether I found civilization or not, I’m still some weird unicorn with wings. That thought process is halted, however, when I see several figures step out of the nearest building. They’re both horses, similar to myself and that unicorn. Though, unlike her or me, they have neither a horn, nor wings. I blink, surprised, before wondering why I’m surprised. The idea of a normal horse shouldn’t surprise me this much. “Hey, Princess!” I leap at the sudden loud voice, toppling out of my bush and flopping down in front of it. I hear something thud in front of me and look up. It’s another horse, a female. She has a darkish-blue coat and a white wind-swept looking mane, with streaks of very light-blue through it. The mark on her thighs is the oddest thing. It looks like a crescent moon, but with another black to show it was soon going to be a new moon. On each side of the moon were small clusters of stars. I blink up at her, frowning. “Are you trying to scare me to death?” She chuckles, holding out a foreleg. I take it and she helps me up. “Sorry. RD told me that if I ever see you again and get the chance, I should try that.” I continue to frown at her. Whoever this RD friend of hers was, I already didn’t like them. Wait. Again? I look at her, an eyebrow raised. “We’ve... met before?” No way is that possible. I’d remember meeting a talking Pegasus horse, especially one as colourful as her. Her grin slips a bit. “Come on, Princess. You can’t have forgotten me that easily. Night Glider, remember?” I shake my head, my frown returning. “I don’t. And why do you keep calling me princess?" I deadpan. "It’s not because I’m female, is it?” It better not be. Insults to my new gender are things I can deal without right now. Her grin fades completely, replaced with confusion and slight worry. “Because you’re a princess of Equestria. Don’t you remember?” Now I’m feeling even more confused than before. Princess of what-now? Equestria? What the hell is that? She looks at me for several moments, before the worry in her eyes deepens. “Do you remember your name?” I almost say, “Yeah. My name’s Ken Williams” but stop myself. She clearly thinks I’m someone else, this princess. Whoever she thinks I am... is it possible I became them somehow? A part of me says playing along would be a really bad idea, but I need help and, if I’m seen as this princess, I might be able to find a way home faster than in trying to explain the misunderstanding. I just have to pray to God that I don’t run into the real princess. Preparing myself for lies I don’t feel comfortable with, I shake my head. “I just remember waking up in some cave and having to run from this crazy unicorn.” Night Glider’s eyes widen in shock. “Starlight Glimmer?! What did she do to you? Are you okay?” “I’m fine, really,” I give a reassuring smile, while inwardly I’m frowning at the unicorn’s name. Starlight Glimmer? Seriously? It sounds like the name a little girl would give her doll. “I got away. Still,” I frown, looking down, “I felt her doing something weird to my thighs. It felt like she was trying to pull something off of them and out of me.” The Pegasus looks at me with greater concern than before, almost pure alarm. “She tried to take your Cutie Mark again?” “Cutie Mark?” Again, huh? So, the princess I now look like (possibly am) has tangled with that loony unicorn before. Noted. She seems even more alarmed by my confusion of the phrase. She points behind me and my eyes fall on the marking on my thighs. “The marks on your flanks. The things that makes you special, what shows your talent. Please tell me you remember that?” I look back at her and shake my head. This isn’t a lie, thankfully. I can’t remember something I didn’t know anything about until just now. She looks like she’s starting to panic. “Oh no. Starlight must have erased your memories! I knew she was horrible, but going that far, and then still trying to take your Cutie Mark?” To my surprise she pulls me into a tight hug. “If she’d gotten you with your memories gone, she could’ve fooled you into thinking you never had it and nopony else should. Like she did to us, before you saved us.” “Um... okay?” I say, patting her back in as reassuring a way as I can. This is really odd. She pulls back, looking me firmly in the eyes. “I need to get you back to Ponyville. Maybe your friends can help you get your memory back.” “Um, sure... Night Glider,” I nod, though not knowing where she’s talking about. Ponyville? What kind of a dumb name is that? She flies up and over to a group of horses. I noticed two of them, males by the looks of it, one horse without horns or wings, the other a unicorn, while the other horse with them, another female, is a unicorn. After Night Glider has a few words with them, she hurries back over to me. “We need to head for the train tracks. We should be able to just catch the next train if we hurry. Can you fly?” I glance back at me wings, still folded at my sides, then look back and shake my head. “I glided earlier, but I don’t think I could fly.” She sighs, but nods. “Okay. Then we’ve gotta run. Follow me!” With that she bolts off. The suddenness stuns me for a moment, before I hurry off after her, shouting, “Hey! Wait up, will ya?” As we run through the small village, a lot more horses come into my sight, including younger ones, foals I believe young horses are called, all of whom wave to me, some calling hellos. I call hello back hurriedly as I move to catch up to Night Glider. Jeez, for a horse with wings she sure is fast on her hooves. After we leave the village, we go through a small forest-like area with a rope bridge leading to the other side. A short run through that and we enter a desert-like area, with train tracks leading off into the distance. As we stop in front of them, I frown. There’s a blocker that I know you put up when something’s either out of bounds, or unfinished. I look to Night Glider, an eyebrow raised skeptically. “I don’t mean to sound rude, but how would the train know to come when there isn’t a train station?” Night Glider gives me a sad smirk, an odd thing to see. “Just wait. The trains somehow know when we’re waiting for them.” We stand waiting for several moments, before a thought occurs to me. I look to Night Glider and ask, “What’s my name?” She saddens at my question and sighs, closing her eyes. “Your name is Twilight Sparkle, princess.” My nose wrinkles at once. Seriously? Twilight Sparkle? So, not only am I turned into some purple winged unicorn, but the name of the one I look like is named after that boring movies series as well as why the vampires in it are seen by so many people at my school as pussies? Great. Just great. I sigh, rolling my eyes. “Well, I can think of worse names,” I mutter so she doesn’t hear. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ When the train does arrive, I’m honestly surprised. One, because it actually came and two, because of its design. It was bright pink, with a front window shaped like a love heart. The first compartment after it looks as if it’s made of gingerbread. Normally, I’d say such a thing can’t be, but, being a purple winged unicorn can open your mind to such things. We board the train, Night Glider giving the ticket horse some kind of golden coins and we move to sit down. I notice a few other horses, varying from the regular ones, pegasi and unicorns. One of the younger ones, a little girl Pegasus, I think, is smiling at me. When she sees me looking, she waves. I smile and give a little wave back, before turning my attention back to Night Glider. “Okay. You need to tell me everything you can. I don’t like being in the dark.” So, Night Glider explains to me, even stuff I didn’t expect; apparently I’m in a land called Equestria and I’m what’s called an Alicorn. Meh. Sounds better than Pegacorn or unicus. Aside from Alicorns, there are three typed of ponies (yeah, turns out I’m a pony, not a horse), unicorns, pegasi and Earth Ponies (that last one's what the ones with no horns or wings are called) and there are four Alicorns in total. I do raise my eyebrow rather high when she tells me to the two oldest of the Alicorns move the sun and moon. That just... how does that even work? ___________________________________________________________ Night Glider finished bringing the princess up on what she seemed to have forgotten, which was, alarmingly pretty much everything. Almost everything she'd said seemed to stun the Alicorn, as if the very idea of what she'd been told sounded beyond bizarre. Not only that, but when she told her about just how Twilight and her friends had saved her town, she'd gotten this odd look about her, as if she didn't like being thanked for what she did. "Princes Twilight?!" both mares glanced to see a Pegasus filly, the same filly Night had seen Twilight wave to when they'd boarded the train, standing before them, the biggest grin on her face. "Um... yes?" the Alicorn said, giving an uneasy smile. Night felt bad for the princess. Meeting new ponies, when you have no memories to fall back on, couldn't be easy. She couldn't even imagine how confused and scared the princess was. Being told she could do all the amazing things she'd done in the village, plus what Night and her fellow villagers had gotten out of thanks Twilight and her six friends after they'd saved them all last time, had put worry on the mare's face. I guess being told you can do things that sound impossible, when you have no memory of it and can't be sure whether to believe it or not is pretty hard to take in all at once, she sighed inwardly. Maybe I shouldn't have told her everything at once. "Princess Twilight, you're my favoritest princess ever!" the voice of the little filly pulled Night Glider from her thoughts and she looked to the interaction between the two ponies. "They way you fought all those Changelings in Canterlot on Princess Cadance's wedding was so cool!" The filly then did poses like a fighter, pretending to attack invisible enemies. "I was... was I?" the Alicorn asked with a nervous chuckle. "Yeah!" the filly cried, bouncing up and hovering in the air. "You were so fast, firing all those spells and punching those monsters!" She made several swift punches in the air. "I could see you from the hiding spot my mommy and me were in! You were AWESOME!" "Uh... glad I could help," the older mare replied, giving Night Glider a look she identified as 'Help me!'. "Hey, kid?" she asked, the younger Pegasus turning to her. "Princess Twilight's had a really rough day and is pretty tired." The filly's eyes saddened and she looked to the Alicorn, who wore an expression Night knew a pony wore when they saw something that was so cute they felt their heart clench. She'd seen (and felt) it pretty much any time a new foal was born in the town. "I'm sorry, Princess!" the filly said, Night Glider quickly noticing an almost panicked tone in her voice and tears welling in her eyes. "I didn't mean to upset you!" "No," the Alicorn said quickly in a reassuring tone, though from her expression, Night Glider guessed she was uncertain of her own words as she spoke them, while trying to be comforting at the same time. "No, you didn't upset me. I'm just... I'm just having a bad day is all. I should be the one saying sorry." The filly sniffled. "Promise?" The lavender mare smiled kindly. "Promise. I've just had a really rough day and just need some rest is all." The little filly instantly brighten and leaped up, giving the princess a tight hug, before scampering off towards her mother. Twilight just sat there, her expression stunned after the sudden hug. Night Glider could only giggle. ___________________________________________________________ After a several hours, the train pulls into the station of a small town, but one far bigger than the one I met Night Glider in. I almost shout my thanks to God when we start heading for the exit. While meeting that little girl (filly, I remind myself Night Glider told me) had been... not bad, what had followed throughout the rest of the trip had made me more uncomfortable with each passing minute. Ponies kept coming up to me and either thanking me for things i barely understood, or saying what an honour it was to get to meet me. I replied politely to them as often as I could, though was thankful to Night Glider for keeping a lot of them away. I hated pretending to be this Princess Twilight Sparkle already, and being thanked for all the things I keep hearing she's done makes me feel even worse. But I know trying to explain who I really am will just be confusing when all anypony sees is the princess, so I'm stuck making due. As we walk out of the train station, I can’t help looking around at all the colourful ponies, wondering just what is up with the fur colours in this world. I even spotted a Pegasus flying around in the sky with a very light-blue coat, but a mane and tail that were coloured like the rainbow. How the hell can something have multi spectrum hair?! It has to be dyed. Is has to be! “So, should we go to your castle?” Night Glider asked from next to me. I look toward the giant eyesore in the distance. It’s a giant tree made of crystal that, in all honesty, I can see as being part of a little girl’s toy set. I’m about to respond, when a voice calls the name I now apparently go by. “Twilight?” Night Glider and I turn to see a unicorn trotting towards us. She has a very dark-purple mane and tail, both looking very well groomed and done in a spiral-like fashion. Her coat is the purest of white and, on her flanks are three blue diamonds. Thanks to Night Glider explaining things to me on the ride here, I know who this is. “Oh, hi... Rarity,” I say, trying to give a convincing smile. As she stops in front of us she gives me a curious frown. “Hello, Night Glider. Good to see you again. Why’re you here? And, Twilight, I thought you were heading over to help at Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres, today?” “Oh,” I blink, a little taken aback by that. “I was?” Night Glider indicates for Rarity to come closer and holds a hoof to her mouth. “Twilight’s lost her memory. She came into the village saying she found herself in the caves we lost Starlight Glimmer in and that she ran into Starlight there,” she whispers, though I hear her very clearly. These new ears are pretty damn good when it comes to sound. Rarity gives what I feel is a very overly dramatic gasp. The Pegasus nods. “I think Starlight somehow ponynapped her and wiped her memory. She was probably going to brainwash Twilight into thinking like she did to us, that Cutie Marks are bad, even if she kept her own.” Rarity looks horrified, before she zips over and pulls me into a really tight hug. “Oh, Twilight! You must have been terrified, being stuck in a dank, dirty cave with that horrible pony.” I was more scared by the fact I’d turned into a purple pony, really, but I’ll kept that to myself for now. “Come on!” she declares, pulling me along towards a path leading out of town, where I can see a farm in the distance. “We must speak with Applejack and explain your reason for not going to help her. She’ll understand, darling.” At once, I panic. While I may look like this Princess Twilight Sparkle, there's no guaranty I've become her. For all I know, I've turned into some weird clone version of her. The fact that Rarity seemed so certain I, or rather, Twilight was at this Sweet Apple Acres, proved the latter more likely than the former. Oh, crap! Night Glider, not to mention several dozen other ponies on the train, had talked about Twilight fighting off a changeling invasion, starting with that filly. Night Glider had then explained what changelings were to me; creatures with a pony-like structure, that could shape-shift, literally look like anyone or anything they desired. The little filly had apparently been talking about something that happened during a wedding, where the Changeling Queen had impersonated one of the four (at that time three) princesses, one with a ridiculously long name, and fed off of the groom's (I squirmed when I learned he was apparently my new big brother) love (yeah, apparently I'm now in a world where there is a creature that can literally feed off of emotions, because that's not a disturbing thought in anyway) for the princess. The invasion had caused quite a panic through the kingdom, with everyone suddenly unsure who was a changeling and who wasn't. Things had died down since then, but the knowledge was haunting for me now as I realized a problem. If the real Princess Twilight and I are ever seen in an area together, anypony will easily think I'm a Changeling and then I'm so fucked! I try to move away, but I suddenly feel like something's holding me, seeing Rarity's horn glowing with a blue aura. Night Glider had explained the concept of magic, the thing I’d done to make my horn light up in the caves, as well as defend myself from Starlight Glimmer when she’d used her own magic to try and take my Cutie Mark away, but I don't know how to work my own at will and I'm pretty sure I'd have to use it to escape Rarity's. Next thing I known I'm being dragged, whilst still standing, along a dirt road towards a farm I can see it the far distance, Night Glider doing her last namesake and gliding alongside as Rarity pulls me to what I hope with be a confused Applejack who will think I'm Twilight, because the only other option will pretty much leave me up shit creak! Several minutes later the three of us are walking and dragged through rows of trees in a whole field of apple trees. Well, Night Glider’s hovering, but that’s beside the point. As we walk, I hear a voice coming towards us on the wind. “Thanks for the help, sugarcube,” a female voice with a western twang is saying as we round the corner. “I was in need o’ an extra pair of hooves.” “Not a problem at all, Applejack,” says a voice that makes me trip over my own hooves if I wasn't being held by Rarity's magic, before i flop forward, whilst Rarity and Night Glider both look at each other with open mouths, Rarity having let go of me, probably out of shock. That... that was my voice. Oh, crap. It’s the real Princess Twilight Sparkle. I should’ve known this would backfire in my face sooner or later. I just didn’t think it’d be this soon. However, I don’t have time to think more than that as the two talking turn to us, one looking up from a hole she’d been digging. Our eyes meet and hers go wide. Time seems to freeze as we both just stare for what feels like hours, before Rarity’s voice screams a word I’d never heard until today, that fills me with dread. “Changeling!” Before I know what’s going on, Night Glider has pressed herself down on my body, stopping me from getting back up, whilst Rarity is back peddling away from me as she’s joined back an orange Earth Pony with a blonde mane and tail, both tied back into a bunch, with green eyes and wearing a Stetson hat (she was Applejack) and a pony that looks just like me. I struggle underneath Night Glider, trying to get out. I freeze, however, as my eyes meet the pony I'd been pretending to be. The real Twilight Sparkle looms over me, her face a glare, causing me to whimper. Having been told how much magic she has by Night Glider and the things she’d done with it in the past by both her and all those ponies who kept wanting to talk to me on the train, I'm really scared of what she’d use it to do to me. Her horn shines with the purple glow I’ve seen from my own and I shut my eyes, waiting for whatever she is about to do to me to happen. I feel all tingly for a few moments, but then it stops. Then all give loud gasps, I open my eyes and look up. They are all staring at me as if I’d just grown another head. “That... that’s not possible,” Applejack states, taking a step back. “If’n she ain’t a Changeling, that means... Twi, what does that mean?” The Alicorn is looking at me with both curiosity and confusion. “Tell me,” she says after a few minutes of thinking, “does the name Canterlot mean anything to you, Canterlot High specifically?” I shake my head. “I only know a bit of it from what Night Glider and other ponies told me on the train here.” I wince as I feel a hoof pressing against the point where one of my wings connects to my body. “Now, can I please get up? This is really uncomfortable.” ___________________________________________________________ “So, you’re sayin’ ya got hit by one o’ them self-movin’ carts in your world, then woke up as a double o’ Twi in them caves?” Applejack asks after I finish explaining what I can about what led up to my being as I am now. I nod, lowering my head and sighing, my ears drooping. “That asshole who hit me with his car probably killed me, at the speed he was going. Though... that doesn’t explain why I’d die in my world and wake up as a copy of Twilight in yours.” Apparently the spell Twilight cast on me when Night Glider was holding me down was a spell that could unmask a Changeling and, since I didn’t change into one after the spell was cast, they wanted to help me now. Talk about an attitude one ninety. Twilight is pacing back and forth, clearing thinking hard. Suddenly she stops, frowning. “I have an idea why.” She lights her horn and a piece of paper and a quill dotted with ink glow in the same light and float over to her. She seems to write something on it quickly, before setting the letter alight with lavender fire. I frown at her. What was the point of writing on some paper if you’re just going to burn it—? Before I can finish thinking, there’s a loud pop and I scream as I wheel back. Standing next to Twilight is some freaky creature that has the arm of a lion, what I think is an eagle, along with a bunch of other animals parts. I point at hoof at it. “What the hell is that?” The creature folds its arms and gives me a scolding frown. “I’m Discord and you are rude.” Wait, Discord? Oh. So this is the reformed Master of Chaos. Huh. Since he just appeared out of nowhere, and Night Glider explained how teleportation required a unicorn's horn to teleport, I can only assume it's Discord's Chaos Magic, as Night Glider put it, that allowed him to just appear like that. He looks to Twilight and shrugs. “Can’t help you here, princess. I don’t know how she got here without my sensing the magical disturbance her arrival should’ve caused, but she did.” Twilight hummed, putting a hoof to her mouth. “Maybe those caves have some kind of magnetic or magical field that makes it hard to senses things within?” Discord shrugs. “You’re guess is as good as mine. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d rather not be here when a certain pink pony learns of your new guest.” He clicks his talon fingers and, to my shock, vanishes from sight. I look around, trying to find where he went. Applejack frowns. “So, this here fella gets done in in his own world an’ wakes up lookin’ like you in ours, Twi?” she looked to the other Alicorn, an eyebrow raised. Twilight shakes her head. “She doesn’t simply look like me. She’s physically just like me, a true Alicorn.” She sighs. “I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to the princess.” I know for a fact she’s talking about Princess Celestia, the Alicorn pony who raises the sun. From what Night Glider told me, she’s the main princess, whom the others look up to, Twilight in particular, having even been her student since the purple pony was a filly. “So, where shall she be staying?” Rarity asks, looking from me to Twilight. “A new Alicorn, one that looks exactly like yourself, can’t exactly just go anywhere without being noticed, darling.” Twilight frowns for a moment, before she gives a small smile. “She can stay at the castle with me. We’ve plenty of rooms to spare.” Applejack nods. “That’s a good idea, Twi. Staying with a pony who can help her like you can would probably be best.” “Thanks for talking about me like I’m not even here,” I say, drawing all their attention, causing them to blush. “Thank you, though, Twilight.” I scratch one front leg with the other. “This is all very odd for me. The sooner we figure out how to send me home and back to normal the better.” All four of them look uncertainly at each other. Twilight takes a deep breath. “Ken, there's... there's a problem with that." I look to her, an eyebrow raised. "Really? I'd think magic could break the barrier between dimensions pretty easily. Espeically if I can fingure out how to use mine. Two Alicorns with a talent magic should have no problem." She just shakes her head sadly. " Ken... you remember how I scanned you again after we found out you weren't a changeling? I nod, feeling a little concerned by her expression and tone. Twilight sighs, looking away. "Well, while I was scanning you, I didn't find any traces of transformation or external connection. As far as I can tell, that is your body now.” I gulp. "But... could you send me home? Maybe there, the people of my world could figure out what to do." I give a nervous grin. "I could even bring magic to my world. It would advance as our evolution by centuries." She shakes her head. "Ken, you remember what I told you about the world linking Equestria to that other world?" I nod. At first, I'd been excited, thinking there was an immediate return home plan, with the bonus of turning me back into a human the moment I got there, but, from what she'd told me, it was a world similar to my own, with humans instead of magical ponies... expect it seemed like a human mirror world of this one, with the humans there basically being human versions of the inhabitants of this one. It wasn't my own world. On top of that, even if it had been my world, I wouldn't return to my original human form upon arrival. I'd only become a humanized form of my current body, so still a copy of Twilight Sparkle. Trying to explain that to my family would've been a lot harder than turning into a talking purple pony... somehow. Twilight sighs, her ears flat against her head. "Ken... That mirror has existed since before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna took the throne. It's made with a magic so ancient there are no mentions of how it functions anywhere in Equestrian history." She closed her eyes, her tone depressed. "Besides which, even if I could find a way to replicate the spells on the mirror that allow it to work as a doorway between the dimensions, we have no way of finding your home dimension." I blink, before slumping to my haunches. “You mean... I can’t go home... ever?” She moves forward and pulls me into a hug. “I’m so sorry, Ken. Your connection to your world is gone. It you still had it, I might be able to find your home dimension, but the connection isn't there. There isn't even a trace of it left." Tears well in my eyes and she holds me tighter. "I promise, you’re welcome to stay with me as long as you like. We’ll find a place for you, here in Equestria. I know it can’t replace everything you’ve lost, but...” “You need a party!” “GAH!” we both shriek, leaping into the air, myself flopping onto the floor, whilst Twilight’s wings caught her and she hovered above me. Standing next to us is a bright-pink pony with a slightly darker-pink mane and tail, both of which were bushy like cotton candy, who I know damn well hadn’t been standing there a moment ago. Okay. I know teleportation isn’t impossible and while I just saw Discord do it twice when he doesn't have a unicorn horn, that is because of his Chaos Magic. Aside from that one exception to the rule that a unicorn horn is needed to teleport, this pony has no horn at all and I have heard nothing about any other being aside from Discord having Chaos Magic, so how the hell did she teleport, as there is no other way she couldn’t have been there a moment ago and now is, without teleport. So how did she do it?! “Pinkie?” Applejack asks, looking only a little confused as opposed to my complete lack of understanding. “What’re you doin’ here?” “Well, my ears got all tingly, meaning a new pony had just come to town. Then I got itchy ankle, followed by droopy ears, meaning somepony was going to be sad. So I came over to tell Twilight’s double that I’m going to throw her a Welcome to Ponyville and Don’t Worry, We’ll all Help You Feel at Home Party!” I’ve barely deciphered any of that, before I’m whisked up by the pink mare’s forelegs and held up to her face. “If you're physically like Twilight, that means you probably like the same things she does taste-wise, right? Right. Okay. So that’s a chocolate cake and blueberry muffins... Though, since you look like Twilight, we’ll need to call you something else, calling both of your Twilight'll get really confusing. Hmm. I know! Twinlight! Okay, now I’ve got to go get the party started! See you there!” And she was gone, dropping me on the floor. Once I’ve finally recovered from... whatever the hell just happened was, I look to Twilight with wide eyes. “How?” is all I can manage. Applejack just shakes her head. “She’s Pinkie.” “But... how?” I ask again, standing up and turning to look between the four of them. “Like she said, darling,” Rarity shakes her head. “She’s Pinkie.” “But HOW?!” I cry, my eyes widening. “Surely there’s a better explanation than just She’s Pinkie? I need some logical explanation that makes sense to the world of science before I can accept whatever the hell just happened there!” Twilight sighs. “Unfortunately for historians all through time after the day of her birth... no. I’ve tried myself, but there’s just no better explanation for Pinkie than that she’s Pinkie. I doubt even Starswirl the Bearded could’ve ever figured her out?” “Who?” I regret the word the moment it leaves my lips as Applejack and Rarity both look at me with pity and shake their heads. Twilight, however, gasps, her eyes shining as she zooms up to be face to face with me. “You don’t know about Starswirl the Bearded? Oh. My. Gosh! Oh, you are going to love this!” I sincerely doubt it, since my self-preservation instincts are now screaming at me to run like hell, though I can’t due to the magic that has suddenly gripped me. I have a strong feeling this will not be pleasant. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 ___________________________________________________________ “And when comparing those adjustments to the formulas presented in Starswirl’s finding—” “STOP!” Twilight pauses after what has been hours of her non-stop talking about the history of Starswirl the Bearded, looking at me with slight annoyance and confusion. I’m splayed out on the over my desk, my hooves in my ears, groaning. When I’d asked just who this Starswirl the Bearded (I still think that is the weirdest name I’ve heard yet in this world) I’d felt a jerking motion followed by a comprising feeling, the world had gone dark for a moment and suddenly found myself in, not Applejack’s living room anymore, but some kind of crystalline room that looked like it had been designed as a lecture room like those in colleges and universities, with myself somehow sitting in one of the rows of seats facing the front of the room. At the front of the room, Twilight stood in front of the biggest blackboard I have ever seen in my life, with writing already on there, but, before I could even get a word out of my mouth, she launched into a lecture about the guy. It felt like hours, but it was probably only a few minutes, before she paused long enough for me to be heard. “Yes, Ken?” she asks, cocking her head. “Is there something you wanted to say?” I groan, sitting up, giving her a deadpan expression. “Just because I look like you, sound like you, am now the same species and gender as you, it doesn’t mean I want to learn this stuff you’re so clearly passionate about.” It was clear to me that Twilight Sparkle is, in every possible definition of the word, a bookworm. The moment she started talking I felt like I had trying to learn things that are common knowledge to me now, but as a child, caused my brain to blank after a few words. Twilight’s expression became slightly panicked. “What? But, how can you not love learning? I’ve never been able to get enough. You mean you don’t like studying?” Was she not just paying attention? I just said our similarities didn’t mean we are exactly alike, didn’t I? I scowl at her. “Twilight, you just told me, before whisking me away in what I can only assume was a teleportation spell— which, up until today, was something I did not think a possibility due to human science not being that advanced, thus having to wrap my head around it being so simple in this reality, which is still a trail, by the way— that I can’t go home!” I narrow my eyes at her. “Even if I did want to learn, do you honestly think I'd want to learn anything about this Starspiral pony when that is on my mind?” She blinks, before frowning. “His name is Starswirl.” She sighs, looking down. “Sorry. I just... the idea of somepony not knowing who Starswirl the Bearded is and having a chance to tell them, somepony who looks and sounds just like me? I just...” she lowers her head. “Sorry.” I sigh, shaking my head. “Twilight, I understand that you clearly like passing on knowledge,” I say, trying to get up, finding the position I’m in makes that hard when I’ve barely figured out this body. “Uh, little help?” “Huh?” she looks up, pulled from whatever train of thought she’d been on and sees me struggle and blushes. “Oh, right. Sorry.” Her horn close and I feel that jerking and compressing again, followed by the darkness, before I suddenly find myself directly across from the mare. She looks away. “I’m really sorry, Ken. I... I completely forgot that you were dealing with the very likely possibility of never seeing you family again—” Jeez. Talk about stating it bluntly. I have a feeling Twilight still needs to work on her social skills. Then again, maybe it’s just the fact I’m a being from another dimension that has an exact copy of her body that’s throwing her off. “—and I’m kinda Starswirl’s biggest fan, so you indicated you had no clue who he was I—” I stop her by putting a hoof over her mouth. I give her a very tired expression. “Twilight... just stop. I know you mean well, but...” I sigh, looking away. “I... I need some time to just take this all in, okay? Is there anywhere I can stay?” She nods and her horn glows. I brace myself for another teleport, but only hear the sound of a door opening. Turning my head, I see a wooden-crystalish door opening at the other end of the room. I lower my hoof and look at her and suddenly feel a twisting of guilt in my gut. The expression Twilight’s wearing is so sad, so depressed, my conscience starts beating me over the head with a rolled up news paper. Sighing, I pull her into a hug. “Twilight, I... I’m sorry. I... I’m just overloaded at the moment, okay?” She nods into my shoulder, before pulling away, her expression still dismayed. “I... I’ll have spike show you around. Spike?” After she calls out I can hear the faint pitter patter of foot— I mean hoofsteps, if the Spike’s a pony, I need to use the right acronym, before a figure scurries into the room. I blink in surprise for several reasons. One, my first term was right, as Spike is not a pony. Two, he’s some kind of lizard thing, with purple scales and a green underbelly. I struggle not to deadpan. A purple pony princess with a purple lizard? What else is purple around here, the food? Spike came in wearing an attentive expression, which turned to shocked confusion when the lizard laid slitted reptilian eyes on the both of us. “Uh... Twilight?” it asks in a voice that sounds male, looking at me. I shook my head, then nodded it towards the mare next to me. He looked from me to her, his confused expression growing with each turn. “Um... did you figure out that duplication spell you pretended to use on Rainbow Dash or is she from the other world?” I look to Twilight, who doesn’t meet my eyes. “Spike, this is Ken. She came from another world, but not the one where Sunset Shimmer is.” A small part of my brain ticks. Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and now Sunset Shimmer? Okay. How are these ponies not related to each other with name’s so God damn similar?! And what the hell is with the naming in this world?! Spike sounds like the most normal name I’ve come across so far. And Spike’s normally the name you give a pet! “Could you show Ken around the castle and find her a room to stay in?” Twilight said, slowly walking passed him towards the door. “Uh... okay?” the little lizard says, looking the mare with concern. “Twilight are... are you okay?” She pauses in the doorway. “I’m... I’m fine, Spike. I’ll be back after I’ve finished helping Applejack, like I promised.” Her horn glows and she blinks out of existence. I stare at where she’d been, feeling like a real jerk. Twilight was only trying to help me and I just went and made her feel bad about it. “So...?” I’m pulled from my musings and look to the purple reptile. “Shall I show you around... Ken?” he shakes his head. “What a weird name?” “Yeah, well, where I come from, Twilight Sparkle is a weird name,” I counter, walking up to him. “And, yeah. I’d really appreciate it.” My head and ears droop. “Since it seems I’m gonna be here a while, I should know my way around this place.” Spike nods and I follow him out the room. ___________________________________________________________ “This is where I’ll be staying?” I stare, my mouth agape as I look around the room. Its size alone is more than twice as big as my own room back home. The wall has a crystalline style, much like the rest of the castle that I’d seen on the way here, like the room Twilight teleported us into as well as the hallway we went down to get to this room. There is a vanity by a triple set of draws, what looks like a study desk in the corner and the bed is the most fancy, four-poster bed I’ve ever seen, with red velvet covers and pillows that look so comfy I have a feeling I’d fall asleep the moment my head touched down on the top one. A nightstand is sitting next to the bed on both sides, each holding a lamp (which I am going to assume runs on magic for the moment), despite there being a large chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. “Well, yeah,” Spike said, shrugging, though looking curiously at me. “You’re the first pony to come and stay. Kinda had to settle into thing, you know, with Tirek attacking and everything?” I blink, before glancing at him in confusion. “Tirek? Who the heck is that?” The next few minutes are spent with Spike exlplain to me the history of a centaur (they have fucking centaurs here, too? What’s next, griffons?) who’d been banished to Tartarus (I paused him so he could explain what that was before metaphorically shitting myself when he explained what sounded a lot like Hell to me) for trying to steal the magic from Equestria’s ponies, then he escaped and did just that, but Twilight and her friends stopped him, restored the magic that had been taken and then Twilight got her castle. “Wait,” I frown, as I look down at the little reptile. “You said this happened days ago, yes?” He nods. “So, what, Twilight’s castle just built itself?” He shakes he head, laughing. “Nah. Castles don't build themselves. That’s just silly.” I sigh. Well, at least some things are making following a sense of logic I can understand in this world. “It grew from the crystal box that came from the Tree of Harmony and grew to all this in a few seconds.” Well, it was nice while it lasted. Before that thought can hold me for long though, I feel a pair of hooves wrap around my neck. “What’re you two still doing here? You’re gonna miss the party?” FUCKING HELL! I’ve somehow leapt up onto the chandelier, all four of my legs wrapped around it, breathing rapidly, my eyes wide. At this rate I’m going to die of a fear-induced heart attack! How the hell did that pink pony just do that? How the fucking hell did she just be behind me a second after I turned around, without my seeing her before? How did she get into this room without myself or Spike ever noticing? “Hey, that looks like fun.” I glance down, only to see said pink mare bouncing bellowing me, the most innocent smile on her face. “But you can’t go to your party up there.” She blinks, then gasps. “Maybe you could. I’ve never thought of a throwing a Hanging on the Chandelier Party. Do you wanna try that for another time?” Is this pony making fun of me, or is she just insane? “Come on!” she cheers, bouncing up, somehow grabbing me and pulling me down, then grabs Spike and bounces, before letting us go again. I turn to her, about to ask what the hell she’s doing... but the words die in my throat and all that comes out is a strained, “Uh?” We’re not in the room in the castle anymore. Where in some kind of wide open area that kind of reminds me of cafes. It’s decorated with streamers and balloons. There’s several table with bowls filled with what looks like punch and another table covered in more pasties than I even thought existed. In the middle of them all was a giant, almost wedding-like cake, covered in brown frosting with purple icing around the edges. I’d be lying if I said my mouth isn’t watering at the sight of that behemoth of a cake. However, those thoughts are drowned out and I go rigid as I hear the pink pony calling out. “Okay, everypony! The guest of honour is here! Everypony say hi to Princess Twinlight!” At once, every eye is on me and I wilt from the gaze of what I now see is a large assortment of ponies, as well as I think a few mauls and two donkeys, and maybe a cow or two? They’re all staring at me with wide eyes, some with fear. It’s not until I hear a voice I am now very familiar with since it is also my own now, squeak from behind me and I realize we’re about to have a repeat of the changeling scene from Applejack’s farm. “No need to panic ponies—” Oh, I think there’s plenty to panic about, you pink whatever you are, “—she’s not a changeling. Twilight cast the spell and proved it. She's also not from the mirror pool, either. She’s just a pony who happens to be Twilight’s double in every physical and magical way.” Oh, yeah. Because that explanation doesn’t sound the least bit unlikely. Not at all. I’m sure every single creature here is going to just accept her saying that and— My jaw drops as I am suddenly assaulted by verbal greetings from everyone within the room, all of them seeming totally okay with what they were just told. My right eye twitches. A copy of one of their rulers just appears out of nowhere, a pink pony tells them everything is fine... and they just go along with it?! No fucking well in hell does this make even the slightest bit of sense! If something like this had happened back home, the government would’ve been called in, maybe even those running Area 51, there would’ve been arguments about forgery, plastic surgery, the works! Why the hell were these ponies just accepting the fact I am in every way aside from mind and soul a copy of the purple Alicorn standing so close to me?! HOW?! My intent to demand an explanation from the pony I am now identical to is cut off, however, but Pinkie Pie suddenly appear in front of me and stuff what feels like cake into my mouth. I’m taken aback, about to spit it out, when my eyes widen and find myself chewing, giving a small hum of delight. Oh. My. God. This is the most delicious, perfect cake I’ve ever tasted in my whole life! It’s moist, yet just enough, sweet, yet so creamy it isn’t too sweet. And the flavour... oh, GOD, the flavor! Never could I have thought a cake could taste like this and, without even thinking, I turn towards the table, intent to try the other confections on offer, to see if my tastebuds can be shown even more delight. ___________________________________________________________ “Oh,” I moan as Spike carries me into the room he’d shown me I’d be staying in on his back. The little guy sure is strong. “Well, that’s what you get for trying to eat like you’re Pinkie Pie,” he half chuckles as we move towards my bed. “Not to mention we shoulda warned you which was the non-alcoholic punch.” The party is honestly a bit of a blur. I remember talking with Twilight and Spike, as well as Applejack and Rarity, plus a bunch of other ponies that I can’t really remember any details about. I do remember someone— somepony, I think it was Rarity, telling me Spike is not some ordinary lizard. He’s a baby dragon. If I wasn’t already out of it thanks to that punch, I’m sure my brain would have given me something quippy to say about that, but it was fuzz then and is at the moment, so nothing yet. Spike laughs as I flop down on the bed, not even moving. “Well, at the very least, after watching how you acted at the party after some punch, the town’s ponies aren’t scared of you like when Pinkie took us there.” “I still can’t understand how she did that,” I finish with a groan, rolling to my side and putting my hooves to my stomach, curling into a ball. Spike laughs again. “Yeah, I’d advise you don’t try. You’ll just give yourself more of a headache, and I don’t think that’d be wise now, or even later.” I grumble something, I’m not even sure what, then just flopped completely on the bed again. “I’m gonna sleep now.” I vaguely see Spike nod from my peripheral vision, before he closes the door, sealing the room in darkness, before my eyes close and I groan one last time as sleep slowly takes me. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 ___________________________________________________________ I whine as I return to consciousness, shivering slightly. Where are the covers of my bed? As I shift, I become aware of how odd my body feels. After a moment, I sigh. So that wasn’t a dream. I really have somehow turned into a purple pony in another dimension. I sigh again, before frowning and glance over my shoulder. My wings are extended, the covers of my bed having been risen by them. Well, at least I know why the covers aren’t on my body... or are they? Does covering just my wings count? I shake my head. That is honestly a question that, had you told me about forty-eight hours ago that I would be thinking, I would have called you crazy. Sighing for the fourth time in less than a minute, I lift myself up, before tumbling off the bed in a splay of limps, a deadpan on my muzzle. This falling over because I’m still getting used to walking as a pony is going to get really old, really fast. “Ken?” A knock on the door is followed by it opening to reveal the baby dragon. He gives a snort. “Uh... what are you doing?” “Trying to learn how to ice-skate,” I deadpan, struggling to right myself and stand on my four legs. Once my balance seems okay, I look to the little drake. “Where’s Twilight?” “Gone to help Fluttershy,” he replies, moving back towards the door. I cock an eyebrow. “Is that another of her friends?” He nods. “Yeah. You met her at the party. She kept confusing the two of you.” He snorts. “It was hilarious how she talked about how grateful she was you agreed to helping her clean her animals today, before she realized who you were.” I cock my head, then nod, vaguely remembering the mare. She had been rather adorable when she hid behind her mane like that. I grimace as I remember the party though. How I don’t have a hangover from whatever that crazy pink mare put in that punch I don’t understand. Maybe it has something to do with being an Alicorn? From what I’ve gathered, they... or I guess for the moment we are the most powerful pony race, so maybe my body is now designed to handle that kind of thing? I shake my head. I’ll chalk this up to magic. The world’s apparently filled with it, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it stops hangovers. Though, if that’s true, that magic must get a serious work out whenever Pinkie throws a party. I follow Spike down the halls into what I can tell is a dining room. It’s pretty sparse, to be perfectly honest. All there really is is a golden table and several golden fancy style seats with plush velvet cushions on them. On the table are two plates, one I’m guessing for Spike and the other myself. Both plates cause me to raise an eyebrow. The one clearly meant for me, as Spike has not sat down in front of it, has a sandwich, but I think there’s a flower inside it? Next to is an apple, not too odd and a glass of water. However, Spike’s plate makes the flower in my sandwich seem less weird. Aside from a glass of water and an apple, he has a small pile of what look like gemstones. Before I can even ponder why they’re there, he lifts one up, a sapphire, I think, and eats it. ... No, I’m serious. He just lifted it to his mouth and bite down, taking a chunk with it and chewed for a moment before swallowing. Spike seems to notice me staring because he glancing at me, an eyebrow raised. “Yeah?” “How...?” I ask, lifting a hoof to point at the gemstone with a massive bite out of it. “How did you...? How...?” Spike glances from the gem to me, before chuckling. “What? Nopony told you dragons can eat gems?” I slowly shake my head. He shrugs, then tosses the remainder of the gem in his mouth and chops away. My brain is protesting greatly at the moment with the logic of this world. Magic, pegasi, unicorns, dragons and now I learn a species can eat gemstones. I know certain Pokémon were said to in the Anime and Pokédex entries in the games, but to meet a creature that can really do that kind of thing? It... I... I turn to my food and lean down, taking a bite of my sandwich without thinking, only remembering a few moments after chewing that there was a flower in between the bread. I’m about to spit it out when I pause, my brain having trouble processing what information it is receiving. The flower tastes... well, like nothing I’ve really had before, to be honest. It’s a light, fluffy flavour, with a freshness I can’t really place. It doesn’t taste bad either. Odd, but not bad. I find myself taking another bite, this time in enthusiasm, before turning to Spike. “So, what happened to Twilight last night? I don’t think she came back with us.” He shrugs as he bites into a green gemstone. “Once the party was over, she insisted on going back to Sweet Apple Acres to help her, seeing as Pinkie’s party plan kinda stopped them from finishing whatever it is they were doing.” I finish the sandwich a short time later as he continues to tell me about the party, moving my tongue around my equine mouth, trying to savour the unusually delicious flavour. However, I am cautious as I look at the apple. I’ve never liked apple skins, preferring to peal an apple first before eating it. However, I don’t think I’m going to have that luxury today, so, sucking it up, lean forward and take a bite of the apple, skin and all. As I chew, however, my eyes widen for several reasons. First, this has to be the most delicious, fresh and juicy apple I’ve ever tasted in my life. Second, I don’t find any discomfort from eating the peal along with the apple. My new pony teeth are making such fine work of it; it’s as if the peal isn’t even there. Not too long after, Spike and I are both finished with our breakfasts. “So... what do we do now?” I ask, as Spike takes the plates, following him to the kitchen where he swiftly cleans them and places them in a holder to dry. He looks to me, grinning. “Twilight told me to show you around town, get you used to the place, ya know?” I cringe a bit. “Uh... Spike? I look just like Twilight. Don’t you think that’ll cause some confusion? I don't want to have to correct everyone... I mean, everypony that calls me Twilight." The little dragon shakes his head, still grinning. “Twilight’s let everypony know how to tell you two apart.” He reaches behind him and pulls a small light-green clip from... somewhere, (off one of his scales and I didn’t notice because it blended in?) and holds it out to me. “She told me if you wear this in your mane, everypony will know which of you is which.” I roll my eyes and move to take it... before remembering something and blushing. “Uh, Spike?” “Yeah?” he asks, still holding out the clip. I look away. “Could... could you put it in my mane, please? I’m still getting used to working with hooves.” He cocks an eyebrow. “Why don’t you use your magic?” I look back to him, this time my expression a deadpan. “Spike, I’ve been an Alicorn for less than two days. I don’t think I’m going to grasp how exactly I’m meant to use magic that quickly.” He looks up as if in thought for a few moments, before nodding and comes over. I lean my head down so he can reach higher and he attaches the clip just above my forehead on the right said, parting my mane up the tiniest fraction there. “There,” he says, stepping back. “Now everypony will know you’re not Twilight.” I glance up at it. “If you say so.” ___________________________________________________________ I glance around as I walk into the town. Twilight’s castle is a little outside the boarder of the town, something I can understand, considering its size, so it took about a minute to walk into town. As I do, I see lots of ponies pause whatever they’re doing, before giving me a friendly smile and wave, some wishing me good morning. Due to years of mental reinforcement to be polite to others due to the walks I would take on my days off back on Earth and go around the neighborhood I’d lived in there, I automatically respond to each greeting, only realizing what I’ve done the moment the words have finished leaving my lips. “Wow, you’re being more friendly than I expected,” Spike comments. I glance over my shoulder at the little drake riding on my back, a slight frown on my face. “I can’t help it. I’ve kinda got a compulsion whenever someone...” I groan, “when somepony greets me to respond. Kinda happens when you do as much walking around as I do back home.” Spike shrugs. “So, where shall I show you to first?” I would point out that, since he’s riding on my back, I’m technically leading him, but put that aside to answer a more obvious mistake with that question. “Spike,” I deadpan, “aside from Sweet Apple Acres and Twilight’s castle, I’ve not been anywhere in Ponyville but the train station. I can’t tell you where to show me when I don’t know a thing about this town.” He blinks, before chuckling. “Yeah, guess you’re right there. Well, technically you’ve also been to Sugar Cube Corner; that’s where Pinkie held your party.” I grimace at the thought. “Yeah. How about we avoid that pony as much as possible when introducing me to this place? I... don’t think I can handle her... at least, not right now.” If ever, I don’t say. Spike nods sagely. “Good point. Then how about we first visit the school? The foals should be out at recess by the time we get there, and we can stop by Bon Bon’s on the way.” I open my mouth to ask, but close it. I’ll just let Spike talk and try not to get too confused. Though, at this rate, that won’t last long. As we walk I can’t help feeling a little less anxious as I look around at the town. The majority of houses have what look like hay for roofing. An odd choice, but I guess I can’t criticize them by comparing my own world. From what I can guess, this world is closer to the medieval era than my own. Making those kinds of comparisons would be completely unfair on this world’s part. Those thoughts and my guessing of era are shattered when we pass a particular house and I see what looks like a refrigerator in the kitchen through an open window. The only response to that my brain can come up with is “Uh?” “Hmm? You say something, Ken?” Spike’s voice snaps me from the downward spiral my brain had just started and I realize I’d spoken out loud. I really need to learn to stop thinking out loud. It’s a habit I got into back during my last two years of primary school and it kinda stuck. As we walk through the park on the way to the school via Spike’s directions, I hear two sets of music and pause, my ears flicking in their direction. I adjust my course, following the sounds until a come to an area where two mares are sitting on the bench, playing instruments. One is a unicorn mare with a really bright green coat with a similarly, if lighter mane and tail with a white streak, with a Cutie Mark that looks like a harp, the very instrument she’s playing. The other is, shockingly enough, and Earth Pony. She has a dark gray mane and tail, a light gray coat. Her Cutie Mark is some kind of note that I think has to do with music, as I remember seeing it a lot during my music classes in primary school, though never learned the name. Around her neck is a pink bow-tie with a white collar. It looks rather nice on her, really. She, however, is playing a large instrument that looks like a large violin. Yeah, I never bothered to learn too much about instrument, so its name eludes me. What also eludes me is how she’s playing it with hooves. This world just loves to keep on defying all senses of logic I know and have been brought up by, doesn't it? I can’t help feeling this won’t be the last time, either. The two are playing in rhythm with each other, the music of the harp and the other instrument blending into a gentle, beautiful melody I’ve never thought I’d hear until now. I would lose myself in the music, but my attention is draw to the small jar by the harpist side of the bench, seeing passing by ponies dropping golden coins into it. “This is rare,” Spike comments from my back. I turn my neck to glance at him. “What is?” “Lyra and Octavia playing together in the park,” he replies, shrugging. I cock an eyebrow. “Why? Do they not get along?” This causes Spike to chuckle. “You kidding? They’re like rivals. From what Bon Bon has told me, Lyra and Octavia would compete in school for the top marks and places in the orchestra. They’re great friends though.” My brain pauses for a moment at the word orchestra, a part questioning that ponies have such things, before I shake it off. With all the other things they have in conjunction with my world, should I really be surprised? I can’t help chuckling at his mention of them being friends though, despite being rivals; reminds me of Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak in the later series of Pokémon. I look back at the ponies, who are still playing the gentle tunes from their musical equipment. “So, who’s who?” “Octavia’s the Earth Pony playing the cello—” well, now I know the name of the instrument, “—and Lyra the unicorn playing the lyre.” My brain halts, my right eye twitching. The pony’s name is Lyra... and she plays a lyre? Okay, Pony World. You’re really pushing it now. What next, I learn Applejack’s family are all named after... I dunno, apples? I take a deep breath, before letting out and decide to leave and return heading towards the school as originally planned, my liking for the music suddenly diminished thanks to that little nick on my brain from Lyra’s naming and her instrument of choice. ___________________________________________________________ Several minutes later I’m walking up towards what I can tell is a school. It’s wooden walls were painted in rich, welcoming reds and they place was surrounded by a lush green yard. Festive hearts decorated the whole building in areas; even the weather vane on the top of the bell tower featured a heart, looking almost like Cupid’s arrow. I could see a playground behind the building, where I can see many young ponies running around and having fun... though I noticed a fair bit of their playground equipment looked kind of hagged. I walk past a flagpole and a hedge sculpture of a pony wearing a square, flat-topped hat with a tassel and move to knock on the door, but a gasp causes me to turn my head. A very small Earth Pony who’s colour scheme I can best describe as that of rocky road ice cream is standing there, a ball in front of him that he’d clearly been about to grab before spotting me. He turns her head back and calls out, “Hey, everypony! It’s the princess!” “Oh no,” Spike and I say in unison. Within moment a horde of small ponies has gathered around us, each spouting off questions too fast for me to even understand one before another is asked of me. “Hold up, everypony!” Spike calls out, holding his claws in the “time out” gesture of sports. “This isn’t Twilight. It’s the other pony, the one Pinkie welcomed yesterday.” That causes gasps throughout the group, before another barrage of questions is thrown my way. These ones I can at least identify, them mostly all being questions of why I look and sound just like Twilight. Others ask where I came from, who my family were or if I’d ever met the other princesses. I try answering a few, telling them I don’t actually know why I’ve become Twilight’s double, which is the honest truth. However, no sooner have I finished explaining my lack of knowledge as to my becoming Twilight’s identical, than I hear a snort, followed by one of the most arrogant voices I’ve ever heard in my life, and I spent a year at St Pauls collage for boys. “She’s not a real princess. I bet her wings aren’t even real.” The young ponies all part to reveal two Earth Ponies. They’re both female, of that I can tell. One is pink with a mixing white and purple colouring of her mane and tail and a Cutie Mark that looks like a five pointed tiara, very much like the one she is wearing. The one next to her has a grey coat, with a silvery mane and tail, the former of which was tied into a long braid. She was wearing blue glasses and her Cutie Mark looked like a silver spoon of some kind. “Yeah,” the grey pony said, smirking along with the pink one, the different voice telling me she wasn’t the first who’d spoken. “I bet she’s just really came from the Mirror Pool and Princess Twilight just doesn’t want anypony to know about it.” Okay, that’s twice now I’ve heard of this Mirror Pool. I can only guess it creates copies of ponies, or anything that goes into it, I guess. “Oh, shut it, Diamond Tiara,” an orange Pegasus with a purple mane and tail said, glaring at the two. “Yeah,” a white unicorn with curling, bubblegum (I guess?) coloured mane and tail says, glaring just as hard. “You two don’t have the right to talk about her like that.” “’Sides,” a yellow Earth Pony with a red mane and tail, the former with a pink bow atop it said, giving a sly smirk, “with how ya’ll an’ Silver Spoon are always actin’ so prissy, Ah have thought tryin’a fool the new princess inta thinkin’ yer nice ponies ta get in her good favour woulda been yer angle.” The two ponies’ faces suddenly become horrified, probably realizing what they’d failed to think themselves, which I could agree with, saying as they’ve already given me a bad impression. However, my mind is halted after hearing their names and being able to figure out who was who... despite my brain screaming in protest. Seriously?! The filly wearing a tiara and with a tiara Cutie Mark’s name is Diamond Tiara? And the filly with a silver spoon for a Cutie Mark is literally named Silver Spoon? I get the feeling I’m going to need medication for headaches whilst I’m in this world, or I’m going to blow a blood vessel! “Hi, there, princess!” the voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I look down to see the yellow pony from before is standing in front of me, smiling. “Ah’m Apple Bloom.” “Hello,” I smile, holding out my hoof, before my mind catches just what she called herself. “You... wouldn’t happen to be related a pony named Applejack, would you?” She nods, taking my hoof and shaking it enthusiastically. “She’s mah big sister. Have ya might mah granny, Granny Smith, or mah brother, Big Macintosh.” My brain is able to answer as I go through those names, processing them. I remember that Macintosh is the name of a computer company... but also that it means apple. This quickly processes along with Granny Smith being linked to an apple by the exact. Same. Name, causing my mind to blank for several moments as it rejoined that tumbling train it had gotten off of moments ago after hearing the other two foals’ names. Seriously?! Applejack’s whole family’s names are apple related?! Are you kidding me?! What the hell is up with the naming system in this world?! “Um... hello?” I jerk, pulled from the spiral my brain was suffering from and look down to see a greyish unicorn. She has a blonde mane and tail, though I notice no Cutie Mark on her. Actually, glancing around, I can see a fair few ponies without Cutie Marks. Huh. It’s a bit odd, really, seeing flanks bare of any markings after seeing all the varying Cutie Marks that I had on the train to Ponyville and our walk to get here. I smile down at the young pony. “Yes?” I ask, putting my discomfort away for now. No need to trouble these kids with my brain suffering from illogical overload. I’ll just let that all out once I get back to the castle and inside my room. The foal glances up at me, giving a warm smile. “Will you play with us, Your Highness?” This is followed by the other foals all agreeing, asking them same. I’m a little taken aback by her question. One, the fact that they’d want to play with me when I’m not only an alien creature from another world that looks like their princess and an adult, but from being called Your Highness. It wasn’t something I’d have expected and if you’d told me I’d be called it two days ago, I would have laughed in your face, calling you crazy. Glancing around at all the eager faces, I can’t help caving in. I never could deny little kids, probably a side effect of having so many younger cousins and siblings as I grew up. We spend a bit of time playing, myself and joining in with games like tag, or ball, with me even pushing a few of the younger ones on the swings. At the point where I was pushing ponies on the swings, they ask what my name is, though I don’t get to answer before all the children start suggesting names, like Nightfall, Nova Star and other names that remind me of space. All in all, it was pleasant and fun, a nice reprieve after all the stress I’d been through in the last forty-eight or so hours. However, when the school bell sounded, they all groaned, before heading inside, their break time having ended. They all called goodbye to me, each calling me by one of the many suggested names, which I replied to in kind, before Spike and I head away to continue my tour of the town. “You sure had fun,” the drake on my back says as we head down the path. I nod, giving a small smile. “I did. I’m glad we came. I needed some stress relief and playing with those foals was just the thing.” ___________________________________________________________ “Is Twilight still helping Fluttershy?” I ask as I look out the window at the setting sun. "How long does it take to bathe animals?" The day had gone by rather well, if I’m honest. After the good time spent with the pony children, Spike had taken me to what was called Carousel Boutique, a name I realized fitted perfectly, as the building had what looked like a carousel on the top. I was pleased to meet with Rarity again. We had a light afternoon tea (I was surprised to learn I like mango flavoured tea, seeing as I thought I hated all tea). I learned that she was a fashion designer, though I inwardly deadpanned when she talked about her fashions going as far as Manehatten and Canterlot. The idea that this world has a version of Manhattan, yet it’s name has a pony pun is annoying enough, but to hear there is a place named so similar to Camelot? No one at home would believe this. Not one person. I did find it interesting to learn that one of the younger ponies I’d played with at the school, the white unicorn, Sweetie Belle, is actually Rarity’s little sister. We both exchanged stories of our sisters, Rarity being interested in my own, since she’d never met humans before until me, regardless of my pony body or not. We both laughed as we recited some of the ridiculous things our sisters had done over the years, she rather intrigued when I told her I had three sisters, not just one. By the time we’d finished our time together, Rarity and I had become rather good friends, I feel. I also almost couldn’t hold back the smirk at knowing Spike at the biggest crush on the unicorn. It was clear as day with how he barely paid attention to what were we saying half the time, his eyes always fixed on the white mare. We’d stopped by an outdoor cafe for lunch, Spike ordering something called hay fries, which, out of curiosity, I ordered too. Hay fries were a lot like normal fries back home, only a bit saltier and with another taste I just couldn’t place. During lunch I’d met two ponies who felt odd to me. One was a grey Pegasus mare with light-grey fur and a blonde mane and tail and seven bubbles for a Cutie Mark. I’d took notice off her yellow eyes, one looking a direction the other wasn’t and gave a warm smile, before inwardly frowning at something I hadn’t noticed til now. Like this mare, I’d had to deal with bad eyesight for a long time, since I was seven. Though, now, my eyesight seemed perfectly fine, better, really. The pony with the mare had been a brown, Earth Pony stallion with a brown coat, darker brown mane and tail, blue eyes and an hourglass for a Cutie Mark. When I looked at him... I don’t know. I got this odd feeling, like I should know him from somewhere. The mare introduced herself as Derpy Hooves and the stallion The Doctor. When he’d said his name my brain had again nagged at me, saying I knew him, but couldn’t figure out why. After that, they’d said their goodbyes and we’d headed on our way... and ran into Pinkie Pie. Thankfully she didn’t do anything as weird as the day before; simply telling me I was invited to a pancake breakfast at the castle tomorrow morning, before zipping off, leaving the two of us very confused. We’d returned to the castle after exploring more of the town at what I estimated was around 4:30pm, which I confirmed when I found a clock... which again reminded me this era wasn’t a medieval, despite the similarities to that era. Spike made a rather delicious vegetarian lasagne for dinner. Despite my not liking a variety of the vegetables he put into it when I was human, I seem to really enjoy them, now that I am a pony. Different tastes, I guess. Now, however, it was getting really late. The sun had set about two hours ago and Twilight was still nowhere in sight. “Should we be worried?” I ask as I glance out the window again. Spike shrugs. “Nah. Twilight usually comes home late these days. Maybe she decided to stay over at Fluttershy’s tonight.” I nod slowly, before heading to my room alone. As a walk down the long halls, I can’t help noticing just how big the place feels. From what Spike and I discussed during lunch, he and Twilight used to live in a library built into a tree (I’ll give this world credit for that joke, putting books inside a tree), but when Tirek destroyed it, they move into the castle. Considering how he talked about the size difference, I can’t help wondering if Twilight feels as small as I do now as I walk towards my room. I will admit I’m looking forward to tomorrow morning, though. Spike said Pinkie was making the pancakes, and, with myself haivng been invited by the pink mare today, I'll be getting to try some too. And if her pancakes are anywhere near as good as her regular cakes... my mouth is already watering at the idea. Once I get inside my room, I close the door, walk over to the bed and lie underneath the covers, ready for sleep... when my wings pop out, lifting the covers off of me. I grunt, using my forelegs to push them down, before the right wing shoots up again. I push that down with a growl, but the left ling pops up a moment later. I push it down and they remain folded, to which I nod and snuggle into the covers... before they both pop up again, flicking the covers into the air before they land on top of me, covering my face. I groan. This is going to be a long night. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 ___________________________________________________________ I yawn as I return to the waking world and sigh as, again I see the whole pony thing was not a dream. Grunting I get up and stretch, noting a second later that I’m doing it like a cat, before shrugging. I’m a quadruped now. Stretching like a human wouldn’t make sense in my current form. I deadpan, however, as I take note that my wings are once again outstretched and that my covers are being held by them. I turn my head, glaring at the covers, which are encased in a purple glow, before lifting off me and flopping onto the bed. I hop down onto the crystal floor, before I realize something. Quickly glancing around the room, I see no sign of the purple pony who is my host. So, if her magic hadn’t been the one to move the covers off of me... I’d done it? I’d used magic? Feeling a thrill go through me, I turn back to my covers and try to move them with my magic again. ... Nothing happens. I frown. What I could do it before and now I can’t? I used it back before running into that Starlight pony and just again a moment ago, so why not now? Do I have to wish for it to work? “I wish those covers would move,” I say, while staring firmly at them, though it yields no results. I’m about to growl in annoyance, I’m a bloody Alicorn like Twilight, shouldn’t magic come naturally or something, but am interrupted by a grumble from my stomach. This pulls my attention for several reasons. One, I now notice I am really hungry. And, two, it had sounded like the kind of grumble you hear from a cartoon character. “Well, at the very least, I’ll always know when I’m hungry,” I try to cheer myself up with. Deciding the rant on why my magic isn’t working can wait, I push the door open (Spike had left it a tiny bit ajar so I wouldn’t be stuck inside due to not knowing how to move stuff with my hooves or magic) and headed down to the dining room. As I approached the room, I could hear the sound of voices, including Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie chatting as noises were made that indicated them sitting down and getting ready to eat were made. “Should we not wait until Ken arrives?” Rarity’s voice asks as I get closer. “Hey. The early bird catches the worm, sugarcube,” Applejack’s voice replies. “But we’re not birds getting worms. We’re ponies getting pancakes,” Pinkie’s voice follows. I have to pause right outside the door at that and face-pa—hoof. Either Pinkie Pie actually doesn’t know the meaning of that phrase, or she likes making dumb jokes. “Who’s this Ken pony you’re talking about, Rares?” a voice I don’t recognize says. “Not to mention, what kind of a name is that, anyway?” I push open the door and walk in. At once, all heads turn to me. While the others all look at me with smiles, I take notice of a pony I don’t know and can guess is the one who’d asked who I was. She’s a Pegasus with a very light-blue coat and magenta eyes, with a Cuite Mark that looks like a rain cloud with a rainbow-coloured lightning bolt coming down from it. However, what startles me is her mane and tail colours. While I have come to accept that ponies have very bright and pastel colours in their hairs, this pony’s mane defies all senses of logic. Her hair consists of six different colours, violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. But, what is more logic-breaking than that is that they are each aligned in a straight line, one after the other. Then I remember, I caught a glimpse of this pony when I first got to Ponyville with Night Glider, but hadn't gotten a good look at the time, so I hadn't noticed just how her colouring looked. That... it... HOW THE BLOODY HELL DOES THAT WORK?! Of course, I don’t get to an answer this question, because the next thing I know I’m being slammed against the wall, with the rainbow-maned pony glaring at me. “Don’t try tricking us, Changeling!” she yells in my face. “Twilight’s right over there, so whatever tricks you’ve got planned, forget—” Thankfully she is cut off when a blue aura surrounds the mare and pulls her back, revealing four very displeased faces. “Guys, what’re you doing?!” the blue mare cries, wriggling around in what I now see is Rarity’s aura. “We’ve a Changeling here and—” “Shoulda known we fergot sumethin’,” Applejack rolls her eyes. “O’ course you don’t know, Dash, ya’ll were outta town yesterday.” “What’s my being outta town gotta do with this?!” the Pegasus demanded, still fighting to break free from Rarity’s magical grip. “This is Ken, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity says. “She arrived a few days ago after waking up in those caves Starlight Glimmer tried to take our Cutie Marks into.” I inwardly groan. Really? The rainbow-haired pony’s name is Rainbow Dash? Why am I surprised by this? Seriously, why? Rainbow frowns at me. “How do you know she’s not really a Changeling and lied about that?” Applejack rolls her eyes. “One, Ah’d know if’n she’d been lyin’. Two, Twilight cast that anti-changeling spell o’ hers the moment we all saw Ken.” Rainbow continues to frown for several moments, before grumbling, “Fine, let me down, will you, Rarity?” The unicorn obliges with the Pegasus’ request, letting her down. Once on her hooves again, Rainbow looks firmly at me. “Care to tell me just how you got here, then, Ken, if that is your real name?” I can’t help rolling my eyes with the others at this. I open my mouth to explain, but another pony manages to beat me to it. “Ken comes from a world full of humans, but not like the kinds Twilight met in that world on the other side of the mirror where Sunset Shimmer lives, but another one altogether. He was heading to school when one of those self-moving carriages slammed into him and for some reason woke up in the caves Starlight Glimmer ran into. Finding he’d turned into a double of Twilight. She then ran out after nearly losing her Cutie Mark to Starlight like we all did, found the town we helped, Night Glider brought her here and ran into Twilight and Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres, where they found out she wasn’t a Changeling and Twilight said she could stay at the castle and now she’s living with us in Ponyville!” I try, I really, really do, but I can’t help but just stare at the pink mare, with my mouth hanging wide open. How... how could she possibly know all that when I’d not told her and know damn well the other few who knew what I could would have told her. But, not only that, how the flipping hell did she say all that IN ONE BREATH?! Even in this world that defies so much logic that it hurts, THAT. SHOULDN’T. BE. POSSIBLE! After several long minutes of silence, Applejack coughs. “Uh... how’s about we start breakfast? Don’t want them pancakes going cold, do we?” We all agree, still slightly in a stupor thanks to... whatever the hell Pinkie Pie just... did and move to the table, Rarity and Rainbow indicating for a seat between the two of them, whilst Rarity levitates over a plate with at least five large pancakes on it, covered in what looked like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, chocolate chips, whipped cream and sprinkles. Not a combo for pancake toppings I’d ever heard of, but I’m willing to give them a try. After all, I’ve already learned several things I hated as a human I like as a pony, so why not? So, we sit down and began eating. At once I found myself proven right. Pinkie Pie made amazing pancakes, not to mention the flavours of the different berries, whipped cream and chocolate chips blended into something I’d never tasted before, but made a mental note to try again in the future. I couldn’t help inwardly chuckling at how Rarity was eating her pancakes in a more refined manner compared to the rest of us, especially Pinkie, who just buried her face in her pancakes. I do note that all of them are somewhat chewing with their mouths open, even Rarity. I guess she would unwind at least a little in the company of friends. "So," Rainbow Dash whispers to me after a bit of her pancakes, "you and Twi are the same in every way, huh?" I glance at her, chewing slowly before swallowing. "Well, psychically and magical, I think so. I haven't really figured out how to use my magic yet, but when I first met Twilight, she did say it would make sense that, since I'm practically her double, I should have the same magical capabilities." Rainbow just rolls her eyes. "And you talk like an egghead, too. You are her double." I frown at that, but she goes on. "So, we've now two Twilights cause of you?" I give her a wary look. "Yes," I say slowly. "Why?" Dash snickers. "I can't tell you what I'm thinking right now." I frown. Something about what she just said sounds familiar for some reason. I open my mouth to demand she tell me, by am cut off by the sound of Applejack swallowing loudly, cuasing me to glance her way as she licks her lips. “These are de-licious, Pinkie Pie.” The pink mare raises her head, her face covered in whipped cream, giving her a Santa Claus like beard for a moment before she... uses her tongue to lick her whole face in a circular motion, before pulling it all inside her mouth with her tongue and gulping. Okay. Is this pony meant to break every single law of physics? Is that her special talent? Can I please get an explanation here?! “Thanks,” she says, pulling me from my thoughts. “Twilight spent all night helping me pick the flavour.” Huh. So that’s where Twilight was last night. I inwardly frown. Wait. How long were they picking? It couldn’t take that long just to pick a flavour for pancakes... can it? “I kept think we found the right one,” Pinkie continues, grabbing several more pancakes from the plate in the centre of the table... with a number of pancakes on it that seriously makes me question how much found this town has to throw away on making pancakes. “But she insisted I make even more t’ try. And more, and more and more and more and more and more.” With each "and more" she adds four more pancakes to her plate, until it's a tower of pancakes. “It was like she never want’d ta—” “Leave?” Fluttershy asked, being the first thing I heard her say since arriving for the breakfast. “Exactly,” Pinkie said, a little more cheery than I’d have expected, before taking a bite out of some of the lower pancakes. Ignore the physical impossibilities brain. Just ignore them. “Eventually we ran out of time so we just went with Every Berry, Any Chip Surprise!” Then the pink mare shot over to Rarity and whispered something in her ear before cheerily saying, “Somepony’s going to get a very special pancake,” before zipping back to her chair, whilst Rarity levitated a few pancakes up, as if looking for something. “Up all night, huh?” Rainbow asked with a slight frown. “Is that why she’s so... uh... out of it?” It’s only now I actually notice Twilight sitting in the seat between Fluttershy and Applejack and see she’s somehow sleeping whilst sitting up, before her head leans back in what, to myself as a former human, looked like a very unnatural position as she continued to give some rather cute snores. On top of that, her mane and tail are all ragged and covered in mud, with some twigs and leaves in them. “Um, I don’t mean to sound unappreciative,” Fluttershy began, pulling all our attention to her, “but has anypony else noticed Twilight’s been a little too helpful lately?” I blink, confused. Had she? As I sit, the girls each talk about how Twilight had recently done something with them. Applejack and Rarity’s situations with this I knew, having gone to Sweet Apple Acres myself the day Twilight went to help out there and Rarity explaining what Twilight had done to me when she thought I was Twilight. When Rainbow Dash mentioned Twilight racing her over and over again, I noticed where they were all going with this. Though, when she finished her tale off by saying she knew hanging out with her was awesome, I got the distinct impression Rainbow Dash has an ego, and clearly a big one. “But it was like she’d rather keep losing than—” “Leave?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah,” Dash nodded. “Who does that?” We all turn to look at Twilight; right before she falls forward and snuggles into her pancakes like a pillow. Okay. I’m not going to lie. It was really cute the way she did it, especially her expression. Still, it didn’t change the fact that something was up. “Not to mention she’s got an alien from another dimension that is a double of herself living with her and she’s not even trying to understand anything about me,” I put my own two cents in. “I mean, who tries all the stuff you girls were talking about when they could learn something like that?” “Somepony who’s avoiding something, that’s who,” Applejack says, causing me to look in her direction... and be slightly impressed by Pinkie Pie flipped her plate, sending her pancakes into the air, before catching them in her mouth. The bulge in her throat as she swallowed them whole, however, made me cringe. “Once she wakes up, we’re gonna find out what?” For some reason Pinkie follows this up by coughing, sending a spoon flying towards Fluttershy, hitting her on the forehead and than standing upright in the Pegasus’ pancakes, before shouting, “I win!” This seems to wake Twilight, who sits up, somehow having gotten a pancake stuck on her horn as she sleepily calls out, “I’m pancake. I mean awake.” The anxious smile she puts on as she finishes just confirms Applejack’s theory a bit more to me, though it could easily just be embarrassment. “Uh, Twilight, is there somethin’ you wanna tell us?” the orange mare asks. Rarity’s aura took the pancake and lifted it off Twilight’s horn as the unicorn walked over to her. “You know we appreciate everything you do for us—” She was interrupted when Pinkie Pie somehow bounced up from underneath where the pancake was, grabbing it in her teeth and going back down, but when I looked, she was sitting in her chair, chewing away. “—and we simply adore having you around,” the unicorn conitued as if the... oddness that was Pinkie Pie hadn’t just happened, “but... we worry you might be... hm, avoiding something else?” Twilight sighed. “Has it been that obvious?” The others all look to each other and nod, Pinkie finishing her with taking a bite of another pancake. “Not to mention I’ve not even seen you since I the day I first arrived til today,” I tell her, giving a bit of a worried look myself. “And I’m living in your house. The fact that Spike and I have barely seen you, when I’m a double of your from another world, which in itself should make you want to hang around, is kinda a clue something’s wrong, Twilight. Some... pony as inquisitive as you wouldn't just ignore something like that.” Twilight looks down, her ears drooping. “I’ve been... the thing is... I know it’s silly but I... I’ve been avoiding... this place,” she finishes, motioning all around us. Rarity reacts with shock before Pinkie Pie points out every reason Twilight might want to avoid the castle as if it was odd, like the high ceilings making one feel small, the cold floors and the long hallways, the latter of those being followed by her voice echoing several times. The pink mare returns from the doorway and leans against the alicorn. “Okay, I get it,” she says in a way that means she actually does get it. “The castle is amazing,” Twilight says as Pinkie backs off to give her some room and Twilight looks to the rest of us. “But it just...” she looks down sadly before sighing. “It doesn’t feel like home.” Rarity, rather rudely in my own opinion, laughs it off, before saying all Twilight needs is to decorate the place. I happen to know damn well that, moving into a new place, Twilight had every right to feel like she does.I myself had moved houses several times back home and it was never easy to just settle into a new place without some hesitations and, with Twilight’s castle being so big, simple decorating would be a very daunting task, Twilight voicing my thoughts moments later. However, my annoyance at Rarity shifts when she tells Twilight she and the others would handle the decorating whilst Twilight went to the Spa (yes, ponies have spas, I really shouldn’t be surprised by this point, yet I am). While the other agreed, I couldn’t help noticing something odd about Rarity’s plan for Twilight to visit the spa whilst they worked on making the castle feel like a home. She hadn’t mentioned what I’d be doing. “Aw no,” the eighteen voice (or seventh since I have the same voice as Twilight?) makes me turn to see Spike standing in the doorway holding what looks like a blanket in one hand and a... plush toy version of Rarity in the other? “Did I miss the pancakes?” He hurries forward, climbing up onto the table as he said, “I sleeplike a baby under that cold, caverness ceiling.” A baby? I can’t help cocking an eyebrow at his choice of words... especially with what he had with him when he came in. The little drake grabs two pancakes and was about to take a bite out of the two whilst holding them like a sandwich when Rarity, said, “Spike, I’m so glad you’re here.” He pauses, looking back to her with a smile. “Really?” Rarity nods. “Yes. You’re taking Twilight to the spa. Ken too.” “Great, I’ve been meaning to get my claws done,” he replies, taking a bite out of his two staked pancakes, before noticing the others all looking expectantly at him. “Oh,” he says with a mouth full of pancake, “you mean now.” He follows this by stuffing the two pancakes he had completely into his mouth, followed by four more, whilst holding another in each hand. I feel a little revolted at the guy’s table manners and was rather surprised Rarity didn’t react to them herself. As Spike leads Twilight out the door, I round on Rarity, my eyes narrowed. “Rarity, what in the hay—” did I just say hay instead of hell? “— do you mean by saying I’m going to the spa with Twilight too? I used to be a guy and I never did that kind of stuff!” “Think of it this way, darling,” the white pony says, putting a hoof on my shoulder. “Now you and Twilight can have that good talk you’ve been meaning to have with her, but haven’t been able to due to her being out so much since you arrived.” I want to argue, but what she says does make some sense. Plus, maybe I can get my mane done a bit differently from Twilight’s while we’re there so ponies with have an easier time telling us apart. Do spa’s do that? I sigh, rolling my eyes and smile. “Okay, Rarity. I’ll go. Just don’t expect me to go all...” Hmm. How best not to say I won’t act like a girl? “Froo-froo?” Applejack and Rainbow suggest at the same time. I blink, before nodding. That word sounded about right. My piece said and done, I hurry out after Twilight and Spike. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 ___________________________________________________________ I catch up to Twilight and Spike just as they’re leaving out the castle doors. I fall in step alongside Twilight as Spike leads us towards the spa Rarity talked about. I think I remember her mentioning something about a spa yesterday when we were having tea. The ponies running it are named Aloe and Lotus. It had taken a lot not to face-hoof at the irony in their naming and the fact they run a spa. I’m honestly thinking this world works in this annoyingly ironic way, that a pony’s name matches them or their job in such a way it would make any human groan. Rarity also had asked if I’d go there for a treatment myself one day, which I denied... and I have to stop myself from face-hoofing as I walk now that I realize she has just coned me into doing just that. As we walk into town, it doesn’t escape my notice that a lot of the ponies keep looking our way. “Twilight, is there something wrong with the... other you?” I blink, before pausing as I look to my right. a white Pegasus with a pink and green mane and tail, both in a style I think looks very similar to Twilight’s, and a single pink flower with its stem for a Cutie Mark. It takes me a moment to realize she’s looking at me, not Twilight. I blink, before it clicks and I shake my head, smiling. “Sorry,” I wave a hoof, “I’m not Twilight. I’m the one who looks like her.” She blinks, before glancing to the very ragged looking Alicorn next to me. “What happened to her?” I shake my head again. “Long story. But, short answer, she needs to relax, so we’re going to the spa with Spike.” This seems to satisfy the mare and she trots off to continue with whatever she’d been doing before stopping to speak to whom she understandably mistake for Twilight. I return to following Twilight and Spike, the former clearly still a bit too out of it to notice the little confusion, and the latter too busy munching of the massive mouthful of pancakes. We arrive at a building that I have to admit, has an odd design compared to everything else I’ve seen. The roofing is comprised of blueish tiles, with small curving bits around the edges of the roof looking a bit like either a mustache or drapes; it’s hard to pick which, the tip being topped with something that looks like a crown. Just a above a red door with a pink heart on the top and bottom is a golden sign in the shape of a love heart with another image of an Earth Pony mare with long flowing mane and tail. “So, this is the spa?” I ask, glancing at Twilight, who nods. “Come on. Let’s have some time to relax.” Well, considering I’ve kinda been a bit stressed with the whole being killed, taken to another dimension, turned into a whole other species and gender, while finding out I’m in a world that breaks the known laws of physics, I could use some relaxation time. Spike stuffs one of the two remaining pancakes he has in his mouth, then opens the door and we head inside. “Welcome, Princesses!” two voice cheer, before I find myself staring at two Earth Pony mares with pulled back manes wearing some kind of collar thing, like those on a shirt, around their necks with a pendant in the centre of the collar and something like a white headband in their hair. The one on the right had a blue coat and a pink mane and blue eyes. Her Cutie Mark was a lotus bloom and, given the way irony works in Equestria from what I’ve seen, I can assume she is Lotus while the other pony is Aloe. Aloe looks a lot like Lotus, only with a colour swap when it comes to her coat and her mane and tail. Her Cutie Mark, unlike her counterpart is not what she’s called, an aloe. Aloe are usually green, but the one on her flank is white, like Lotus’ lotus Cutie Mark. The pendants in their neck collar things are the colour of the other’s coat. “Good morning, Aloe and Lotus,” Twilight smiles, while I inwardly grumble as I realize the fact that the two said “Princesses” to include both of us, reminding me yet again about my loss of my manhood. “We’d like a simple relaxation. Maybe get our manes done, that sort of thing.” “Why of course, princess,” Lotus smiles. “We’re happy to help.” My mouth just hangs open after hearing her speak. What the fuck accent is that? It’s like every Asian comedians’ impression of their mother all rolled into one! How the hell does that even happen?! “Come this way, Princess... um...” the Aloe, who thankfully sounds like a regular American accent, like what I’ve heard from most ponies since first arriving in Equestria. I sigh, before looking at her. “Just call me Ken, please. No princess stuff. One, Princess Ken sounds really dumb and... I’d rather not be called princess, to be honest.” I need to at least someway more my lost manliness, right? She nods, before returning to smiling gently. “Very well. Right this way, pr— um, Ken.” Nodding, I follow her, quickly looking around as I do. The spa seems like a nice place. The walls are a sort of lightish-purple, somewhere between purple and white. There are columns dotting the place here and there that seem to support the structure, that also have swirl-like patterns along them. Looking around, I’m honestly feeling like I’m in one of those spas based on Greece open bathing houses. Aloe leads the two of us ponies towards a wide bathtub thing, before letting us setting down in it. I can’t help sighing as the water flows over my skin and fur. I only now realize, with everything that’s happened in the last few days, this is the first time I’ve properly been in a pool of water... it feels nice. I’m taken aback when I feel a pair of hooves in my mane and glance up to see Lotus rubbing her hooves into my mane and causing bubbles. It takes a second before I remember: this is a spa. Ponies comes her for relaxing treatments and having somepony else wash your hair would fit into that. It feels... odd to me, something I haven’t had happen since I was little, but I decide to try and let it go and just let Lotus do her thing. After a few minutes of rubbing shampoo into our manes, the two ponies get us to rinse out mane out over a bucket. Once that’s done, we’re led over to a pair of cushions under what look like hair driers. Taking the hint, I sit down on one whilst Twilight sits on the other, before the driers are placed on our heads, before both ponies move off to the few other ponies and dragon currently here too. “So... how long do with have to sit here til our manes are dry?” I decide to ask in order to start some conversation. “A couple minutes,” she replies, glancing to me. I notice she’s got a sheepish look in her smile. “What happened?” I sigh. She fiddles with her hooves. How a pony can really do that, I have no clue. “Well, you said you wanted to try a new mane style, so Spike said he’d order the Super Deluxe Mane Blowout, before Lotus started on your mane.” My bored expression turns into a smile. “Oh. Thanks, I’ll have to thank him when he’s done. It’ll be nice to finally have a way to discern the two of us apart without some hair clip.” She seems to relax a bit (I hadn’t even noticed she’d tensed up), before smiling. “I’m glad you’ll be happy. He said I should also try a new mane style. I wonder why mine will be like.” “As long as they don’t give us the same styles, that fine with me,” I grin, closing my eyes. I can put up with having to sit under this thing that make my head feel warm if it means I’ll finally be able to have a way of the two of us being told apart. “So, what did he tell them exactly?” I ask, feeling a bit more chipper. “What kind of styles did he ask them to give us?” Twilight frowns, before I hear her aura and a small book floats over, opening to a page, which she points to. “That one.” I can’t help laughing as I see the Super Deluxe Mane Blowout. The mane style looks similar to the hairdo Yugi Moto has in YU-GI-OH!. I can’t help thinking I’d have preferred that look myself, but if Twilight’s going with it, that’s okay with me, so long as I don’t end up with something like Rarity’s hairdo. “What’s so funny?” the alicorn asks, looking at me with worry. “Do you think it’ll look bad on me?” I move to shake my head, before remembering it’s stuck for a few minutes and just wave a hoof. “No, Twilight. I’m sure it’ll look fine on you. I was just laughing because it reminds me of a hairdo I saw back in my world.” I don’t have to say it was from a cartoon, do I? This seems to reassure her and she sighs, closing her eyes. However, something occurs to me. “Wait. Spike ordered for both of us?” She nods. “Yep.” I remain silent, inwardly shaking my head at Twilight’s response. I’ll dismiss it this time since she has been a bit out of it, so Spike was probably just in a hurry, but, seeing as Twilight and I look the same and he just told Lotus to give the Super Deluxe Mane Blowout, with clearly no other mane style mention, I’m pretty sure the spa ponies just took that as meaning we both get that same mane style. I still feel cheated though, despite trying to forgive him for a simple mistake. I’m no doubt still going to look the same as Twilight after this. Feeling annoyed, my mind trails back to this morning to think about the conversations I overhead, see if anything was worth my currently knowing. The one I had with that Rainbow Dash pony comes to mind. I frown, going over what she’d said to me. Something about it had sounded familiar, but I can’t... I face-hoof, which is missed by Twilight as she has her eyes closed at the time. Now I know why what Dash said sounded familiar. It was the same thing Captain Jack Harkness said in the Doctor Who Season 4 finale after it was revealed that, thanks to Donna Noble, there were technically three Doctors, one of whom was female. While I hadn’t gotten the joke at the time I saw the episode, I’d understood it later on, so now I have a pretty good idea what Dash had been implying when she said that in regards to Twilight and myself. So, a rainbow-maned mare I’ve only just met today has pretty much asked if I wanna get in on a three-way with her and Twilight. Just peachy. “So, Spike took you on a tour of the town yesterday, like I asked?” Twilight’s voice interrupts my train of thought and I have to go over her question several times before I actually realize what she’s asking. “Oh. Uh, yeah, he did,” I say, still trying to erase the image of myself, Twilight and Dash in a pony pile like that out of my head. “He showed me the school and... a few other places. Oh, and we stopped for tea at Rarity’s. Speaking of which,” I gave her a sly smile, “I’d be dead right in saying Spike’s got the most obvious crush on that unicorn, am I right?” Twilight just smirks back. “Yep. He’s been head over hooves for her since we first came to Ponyville.” “You mean he was head over heels,” I say, a bit smugly. “I do believe that, unlike ourselves, Spike has heels, not hooves, hence he could not be head over hooves, as he has no hooves to be over to begin with.” We both give light chuckles. “Oh, I have a feeling we’re going to get along just fine, Ken,” Twilight says cheerily, before that sly look returns. “So, meet anypony you liked yesterday.” I shrug. “Yeah. I met ponies named Lyra and Octavia in the park. Technically I met them when we returned to the park after leaving the school, just as they were wrapping up their performance. They seem nice. And it was amusing hearing a British accent from a pony.” Twilight gives me a raised eyebrow look. “A what accent?” I return the look. “British. You know, the accent one has if they’ve lived long enough in Brittan. Don’t you have that in this world?” Wait. Dumb question. It’s a whole other world, of course they wouldn’t. Then again, they do have cities that sound like ones from my world, only they’ve been pony punned. But what kind of a pun could Brittan have? There’s no way you could ponify that name as far as I can guess. “Well, no,” Twilight says simply. “Octavia’s never mentioned some place by that name. Though she was born it Bitain. They sound similar, right?” I face-hoof. Seriously? Night Glider told me about how the currency of money in Equestria is bits and that’s the pun this world’s Britain is given. That’s just sad. Oh. Wait. Another face-hoof. A bit is something you put in a horse’s mouth when you ride it so you can steer with the reins. So Bitain is a pony pun. Doesn’t make it any less sad a pun though. “So, are you saying that, in the world you came from, the place where Octavia was born was called Brittan. What was the r for?” I shrug. In all honesty, I don’t know how I could understand the reasons for the difference myself other than a pony pun, let alone explain it to her. Twilight frowns, I guess at the fact she wasn’t going to learn anymore about Brittan and this world’s counterpart to it, before her sly smile returns. “Well, we got off the subject. Did you meet anypony you liked? Any stallions for example?” I frown, thinking it over. “Well, yeah, I met a few stallions, sure. While Spike and I were having lunch some Earth Pony called The Doctor—” for a second, I make a connection between that stallion and The Doctor from Doctor Who, before discarding it (crazy as some things in this world have proven themselves, the idea that stallion is the Timelord is just dumb) “who was with a grey Pegasus Spike told me is named Derpy. And we met up with a pony who I learned is Applejack’s big brother, Big Macintosh.” “And what did you think of him?” she asks, still with that sly smile for some reason. I think for a moment. “He’s definitely not much of a talker. Most he said was “Eeyep” or “Ennope”. For somepony so big I’m surprised he doesn’t talk as much as other stallions. He seemed a nice guy though.” Somehow that smile is slyer. “Well, I don’t blame you, Ken. He would certainly be a great stallion to start a herd with.” I blink, cutting myself off at the odd choice of wording. What did she mean by start a herd? The only reason horses, well, I guess ponies too, would start a herd is to start a family— My eyes bug out and I looked at Twilight in shock and anger. “Whoa! Hold it right there, princess!” I glare at her. “I used to be a male. I don’t care that I’m female now, the chances of me going for a stallion, not matter what he’s like, is zero, ya got that? Zilch. Zip. Nada. Not gonna happen in a million years!” Her smile becomes normal again. “So, you’re a fillyfooler then?” My anger takes a backseat for a moment as confusion makes a return. “Fillyfooler? What’re you...?” Wait. Filly means female, though is usually used for the female foals, and I doubt that’s what Twilight would be implying, so it must be the pony term for lesbian. However, I return to my glare. “I don’t intend to fillyfool, either, Twilight. Oh, and what’s the stallion version of fillyfooling?” May as well poke her for info, right? Twilight returns to that annoying sly “Okay, Ken. Whatever you say. And they’re coltcuddlers.” She levitates over a magazine and starts reading, ignoring the heated glare aimed at her head. Why that—! Oh! She would not get away with that! I frown down at my hooves, trying to think of something. Come on, brain. Surely there’s something you can give me. I’ve become an exact copy of Twilight physically, haven’t I? Surely I can think.... of... I blink, before an evil smile plays over my lips. Oh, this will do for a nice little bit of comeback. “So, Twilight?” “Yes?” she asks, her voice filled with innocence that is still laced with slyness. I give her a coy, side-ways smile of my own. “So, what would it be called if we did it?” She blinks, before looking had me with confusion. “Did what?” Wow. Poor girl mustn’t get out as much as her little slyness suggested. Then again, I wasn’t one to talk, even if I knew the ways of it. “I mean,” I say, struggling to keep a straight face, “since we’re the same, if you and I had sex, would that be fillyfooling or just masturbation?” Twilight somehow manages to choke on thin air, her eyes bugging out wide as she stares at me. “Wh-wha? Wh-why would you—? What do you—?” Her face is completely scarlet. Interesting to know ponies can really do that. “What in Equestria makes you ask something like that?!” I smirk. “Don’t go into battle if you don’t anticipate enemy retaliation,” I reply, drinking in her embarrassment. It becomes quiet between us after that, Twilight’s face very slowly loosing it’s new colouring. Meanwhile, I’m wearing the cheekiest grin ever. “Truce, princess?” She gives a very small nod. Oh, that was fun. Wonder what other tricks I can...? The evil grin returns. Rainbow Dash, you will learn to be wary of what you suggest to others. ___________________________________________________________ “I’m glad you like your new mane style, Ken,” Twilight says as we walk out of the spa. “Thanks,” I say, flicking my head up a bit. I have to say, I do like the YU-GI-OH! do, even if Spike doesn’t think it looks good. Twilight had decided she preferred her old look, so, with keeping mine, we could now be told apart quite easily simply from our manes. He might have fooled Twilight when she asked as we should him our, at the time, matching hairdos, but I knew he was lying and he didn’t think they were that good. Why else would he have worn a strained grin when asked a simple question from a friend? Twilight takes a deep breath, before letting it out. “Great suggestion, Spike,” she says calmly, before glancing back at the little dragon trailing behind us. “I feel totally relaxed.” I have to agree. While some of the more girly things I hadn’t enjoyed that much, the soak in the tub and the massage was wonderful. I felt like parts of me were unwound I hadn’t even known were wound, or that I even had. Poor Spike, on the other hand (hoof?) didn’t seem so eased after his Extra Strength, Hot-Stone, Deep-Tissue massage as he stumbled behind us, saying “ow” with each movement. Even I had raised an eyebrow alongside Twilight when he’d said he wanted it, especially now when it seems to have done less relaxing than it apparently should have. “You wanna hop on?” she asks, stopping, myself following suit. “Maybe I can get us to the castle faster.” For some reason Spike looks up at the sky, before jumping, a cracking sound coming from his back, followed by him saying “Ow!” he then glances at us. “I mean, how...” suddenly he pulls a Pinkie Pie and zips from behind us to in front of us at a speed I wouldn’t have thought the little reptile possible of, “nice is this day? I was... hoping we could take the scenic root back.” I glance at Twilight, before she answers, “I don’ know...” “Aw, come on,” Spike says in a somewhat encouraging manner, before rubbing his back. “Walking is good for post-massage circulation.” “Really?” Twilight asks, giving him a sideways look as we turn in another direction. “I’ve never heard that theory.” Me neither, though with Twilight it surprises me. When he first said that, I thought maybe it was something only ponies knew, but if Twilight didn’t know about it... As we walk, we come across some burnt looking tree thing. I learn shortly after this was Twilight and Spike’s former home, the Golden Oak Library. Both of them got really sad at seeing the place, Spike even tried to hide his wiping away a tear. I guess I can understand how they feel. While I’ve never had my home destroyed, I have had it taken away from, with no chance of ever getting it back, just like them and the Golden Oak Library. The three of us come together in a hug, friends who know how it feels to suddenly lose your home and all it held dear to you. It’s during our hug that Twilight gets an idea. We could get some things for myself and Spike to make the castle feel more like home for us too. I’m all for the idea. Anything I can do to add my own touch to the room she’d given me would make it much better. Spike is the same... at first. But when Twilight starts to fly off (obviously forgetting I cannot fly myself), Spike grabs her wings, pulling her down. I want to believe he did that because he at least remembers my current inability to fly, but when Twilight demands to know why he did it, his answer is different from what I expect. I just thought of what I want,” he says, in a voice that sounds a little hesitant for some reason. Then again, he did just intentionally cause Twilight to flop on the ground, so he could be worried about her feelings. “Oh, okay,” she says, seeming to forget her annoyance. “What is it?” “It’s a... well I wanted...” he says, seeming to have trouble saying whatever it is he wants. “It’s... I kinda need a...” then his expression becomes sheepish and he shrugs. “A bed.” I frown along with Twilight at that. “I thought you said you sleep like a baby in the castle?” Spike just scoffs at my words. “Everypony knows babies are terrible sleepers.” Huh. He does have me there, kinda. “Let’s go!” he calls, hurrying off in the direction of another area of town. Twilight just rolls her eyes and I shake my head. Kids are the same in every world, I guess. Looking to each other and chuckling, we follow after Spike. ___________________________________________________________ “Why did that have to take so long?” I grumble under my breath as we return to the castle near sunset. Spike had taken forever to decide what he wanted. For myself, it wasn’t that hard. I found a few posters that looked kinda cool and got some new covers for my bed, not really much. But Spike had taken forever to simply choose a bed, let alone all the other things we ended up getting. Each bed was either too soft, too hard, too lumpy, etc. At one point, it seemed he’d finally chosen one, but then he said it was too squeaky (though I can swear he was just making those squeaking noises himself) and insisted we keep looking. Twilight and I were both in sync with being very tired of it by the time he did, a long, long last, chose a bed and we were able to move to the other things to buy. Even Twilight got a few things for herself, like a microscope, some books, stuff I knew she’d like, even with having only known her for a few days, today being the longest spent with her. When we arrive inside... I’m with Twilight in being disappointed. Nothing had been done as far as I can tell as we walk down the halls. Then, Spike says something that makes me frown. The little lizard had apparently been purposefully changing his mind, just to keep as from coming back. He reason why, and why I will forget about the stress he caused the two of us with his constant change of mind, is when we get to the Map Room Spike had told me about yesterday, whilst the girls explain about how home is about the memories you make while living there and that they'd made something to celebrate those past memories and I see something the girls have changed. Now there was a beautifully designed chandelier above the table, made of some kind of wood, with diamond-shapes ornaments hanging from threads, that Fluttershy says apparently holds all the memories Twilight and her friends had made before the library was destroyed. “And the best part is, it’s made from the roots of the Golden Oak Library,” Applejack says as Twilight moved forward, myself staying where I am as I look up at the chandelier in awe, “so you’ll never forget where you came from.” Wait. They made it from the roots of Twilight’s old home? Wow. That’s... that’s really a wonderful thing for them to have done for their friend. I look to Twilight and notice tears in her eyes, but she smiling. She turns back to look at the others. “It’s exactly what the castle needed.” She runs forwards and we’re all suddenly in a huge, though I’m honestly a little surprised I’ve been pulled into it. “And I am ready to make new memories here,” Twilight says, looking at each of us. “Then let’s start right now with a New Memory Cake!” Pinkie cries, before zipping off, myself and Twilight expressing the same not amused look at her response. She hurries in with a cake from... you know, after today, I don’t think I’ll question it. It has several layer, all coloured like Rainbow’s mane, with red at the top. “Seven layer, What’s that Flavour, Mystery Surprise!” she cheers, pointing to the cake. “These might be chocolate chips, or they might be super spicy black beans.” I shake my head as Twilight leads us to the dining room, before she and I stare open-mouthed. The room had been pretty sparse before, but now there’s strips of cloth along the walls, along with flowers in beautiful designs, two tapestry banners on one of the walls, making it look very elegant, two pedestals with more flowers lovingly arranged atop them and the table has several trays, along with a sculpture of a radiant (if the position is correct in my guessing) unicorn, standing forward, one hoof lifted, her mane billowing behind her. Rarity admits to adding the personal touch, as do the others with certain areas of the castle. I honestly can’t help smiling. They’ve clearly done their best to make the castle an inviting place to live. However, as I open my mouth to voice my thoughts, a loud, odd sound happens, along with a wind blowing at us all and somehow confetti being everywhere. “What was that?” Twilight asks, voice my new thoughts. Applejack sighs, before looking to Pinkie, smiling. “One of Pinkie’s Confetti Cannons.” Looking to the pink mare, I can now see a purple cannon-like thing sticking out of her mane, along with the cake having been blown to smithereens. “What?” Pinkie says, smiling sheepishly. “It’s not my fault I hid them so well.” Technically it is, since she hid would’ve hidden them in the first place, but I’ll let it slide and just smile like the others. Besides, those cupcakes on the table look damn tasty and I’m hungry We all move over to the table and sit down. “By the way, darling,” Rarity says, looking to me. “I do approve of the new mane. Very distinctive.” “Thanks, Rarity,” I smile, before grinning in Spike’s direction. “Spike thought it wasn’t good at all.” “Huh?” Rarity and Twilight ask in unison. “Hey, that’s not true!” Spike glares at me for calling him out in front of his obvious crush. “Then what was with the strained grin you give us when Twilight asked you how you thought it looked?” I ask, giving him a smug smile. The little drake rolls his eyes. “I was trying to think of ways to keep you two at the spa. In truth, I think the new style is cool.” “Oh,” I blink, my face going blank. “Well... thank you, Spike.” With that we all tuck into the foot on the table, ready to help Twilight start making her new memories. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 ___________________________________________________________ I yawn as I stretch, sitting up in bed, glancing over my shoulder and smiling as I see my wings not stretched out. I crick my neck, before hopping down from my bed and exiting, heading for the dinning room. As I walk in, I see Spike setting down some bowls with a box of cereal. I smile. I’ve no problem with cereal... before that smile turns into a frown. I’ve still yet to get the hang of my magic, so either Spike or Twilight will have to feed me, or I’m going to have to eat like an... I inwardly groan. I am an animal, but of course, humans never having existed in Equestria and ponies being one of the dominate species, they didn’t see themselves that way. Sighing, I move over to sit at my spot to eat breakfast, when a sudden banging sound happens behind me. I leap into the air, grabbing onto the chandelier and holding on tight, Spike holding onto my barrel. Twilight hurries in, before stopping and looking around in confusion. “Ken? Spike?” “Up here, Twilight,” I roll my eyes, letting go of the chandelier and kicking off, stretching out my wings. The wind catches in them and I glide down with Spike. “Oh,” Twilight says, looking confused for a moment, before her face lights up and she moves right up into my face. “We’re going to Canterlot!” “Huh?” Spike and I ask, both understandably confused. “Well, I just got a letter from Princess Celestia saying she wants to meet you.” “Uh, you want Ken to go to Canterlot?” Spike asks, sounding as uncertain as I feel about that suggestion. “Don’t you think that might cause some problems?” “Yeah,” I nod, continuing for the dragon. “The ponies here may have taken to me right off the bat... but I’m gonna chalk that up to Pinkie Pie and her... whatever it is she has. Since Canterlot is the capital this kingdom... I doubt the ponies there would react well to seeing two ponies that look like Princess Twilight.” Then I frown. Wait. How can Princess Celestia even know about me, yet? Spike nods. “It’s not like it wouldn’t be hard for them to get the wrong idea and think either one of you or both of you were Changelings.” Twilight just continues to smile. “The princess already thought of that. It’s why she’s sending a coach for us. Nopony will know what’s going on unless they have really good eyesight and the two of us are somehow visible over the edges.” Oh, great. Thanks for calling on Murphy there, O smart Princess of Friendship. Now I’ll have to make sure not to be near the edges at all. Talk about a kick up the flank. I would get to see Canterlot, and from above and now I’ll have to restrain myself to avoid a panic. Twilight blinks, before her eye widen, her grin getting a bit too wide than I’m comfortable with. “Oh Celestia, I just realize how great an opportunity this is!” Before either Spike or myself can ask just what she’s talking about, she teleports away, leaving us glancing at each other in confusion. After we’ve finished breakfast, I take a concerned note that Twilight didn’t return to join us, we cleaned up and headed into the hall, only to find Twilight waiting for us, a saddlebag so full I swear, if this were Earth, logic would have make it explode long ago. She’s hopping from one hoof to the other with excitement. “Come on, come on, you two. This is so great.” I glance down at Spike, an eyebrow raised. He just shrugs and starts forward. After a sigh, I follow. Exiting the castle, I see a large carriage of gold that reminds me of Disney’s Cinderella’s carriage created by her fairy godmother made for her, only gold, with more gems encrusted around it and with a more squared design. I can see four largely built white pegasi wearing golden armour hitched to the front of it. Twilight practically bounds inside it, Spike and myself following at a much more even pace. The moment the door closes I feel my stomach drop as the carriage lurches forward and few seconds after that uneasy feeling of being in the air without any control. Now, I have tried to practice flying a little, mostly gliding, but this makes me very uncomfortable. I understand the logistics of a plane and how it flies such a have weight, but I still don’t understand how for creatures barely tall enough to reach maybe above a full grown human’s chest is able to easily carry this much weight through the air without it falling. I’m sorry, but even after everything else that doesn’t make sense in this world that is what is worrying the most right now. “Alright, we can get started,” Twilight’s voice pulls me from my worried thoughts about the logistics of our transportation and its risks of our deaths and I turn to see her pulling out a large scroll from her over-stuffed saddlebags. I blink, all other thoughts replaced with confusion as I raise an eyebrow at my Alicorn double. “Um... we can get what started, exactly?” She just grins. “You’ve been here for only a few days, but I haven’t learned anything about the culture of the race you used to be. You have to tell me everything!” I feel my eyebrow raise a little bit higher. I know she has access to a world nearly exactly the same as my own, if only a weird human reflection of this world, yet she wants to ask me instead of finding it out first hand, erm, hoof? No, wait, in that world she’d apparently be turned into a human upon entry, so wouldn’t that be hands on? Urg! I think I just gave myself a headache. A tap on my legs causes me to shake my mind from its previous thoughts and look down to Spike, who nods his head towards Twilight, who’s looking at me with more excitement than I’ve ever seen anyone express before. I sigh, slumping a little and leaning onto the wall on my side of the carriage. “Alright, Twilight. Where do you want me to start?” We spend the entire trip with me answering any and all of Twilight’s questions that I could, how our government worked, my people’s culture, the fact that nudity is not viewed well in public, basically anything that could differ from Equestrian life. While she was shocked alone when I told her we don’t have just one kingdom for our whole race, she was gobsmacked when she asked, if none of my kind have magic, who moves the sun and moon and I told her we don’t have anyone doing that because they do it all by themselves. I made the mistake, however, of suggesting maybe it was the same here and Celestia and Luna don’t really move the sun and moon but just say it to assure their subjects. Turns out, no, I was wrong. They do move the celestial bodies, and she knew it personally because, apparently, at one point to save their magic from being taken away, they gave their magic to Twilight and that she herself had needed to move the sun and moon, so she knew damn well that they did do that. I make a mental note not to just say something so blatantly in the future if I could help it. As I finally reach a point where I think I’ll explode if Twilight asks me one more thing, I praise the lord for I feel the carriage descending. Hurrying over to the window, I look at and find myself caught in surprise. Canterlot reminds me of ancient Greece, but with a more modern design. I mean, they even have traffic lights. Why? In a world without cars, just, why? The castle is huge, it overshadows Twilight’s easily. It’s wall shine with a white so bright; you’d think the sun was coming out of the very paint, the spires reaching high into the sky. As we fly closer to the castle, I notice movement from down in the streets and notice many ponies are looking up and, if my eyes aren’t deceiving me, waving up at us. I give an uneasy smile and wave, realizing they think they're seeing Princess Twilight Sparkle. A short while later, the carriage has stopped, hovering in front of a balcony. I’m puzzled as to why we’ve stopped here, before hesitantly following after Twilight and Spike as they step out and hop down onto the marble stone balcony. At once the carriage flies off, causing a breeze that blows my mane and feathers, causing the latter to flinch and the weirdest feeling of freedom mixed with longing to come over me. I blink, shaking my head and fluffing my wings a few times, trying to shake the oddness of it off, before I see Twilight standing in front of what looks like balcony doors into someone’s room. I hesitate, what with the idea of just entering someone’s room unannounced ringing in my mind, but decide, if Spike and Twilight and perfectly fine with just walking into the room, I guess it’s okay. I walk in and glance around. The room is a lot like the one Twilight’s letting me stay in back in the castle, along more lavish and without a crystalline motif. “Welcome, my little ponies... and dragon,” a calm sounding voice, like that of a caring mother says. I turn, before my eyes widen. A pony far taller than myself and Twilight is walking towards us from a nearby fire place. I’d say she’s more the size of a regular horse. Her coat is pure white and her mane and tail, which are coloured pink, green, white and light-blue (if not for Rainbow Dash, I would seriously suspect a dye job) which is literally moving in a wind that isn’t even there. Her eyes, however, are the most striking thing. Just looking into them, you see on the surface compassion and caring the likes of which you probably would never find on Earth, but, when you look beyond that, it’s like seeing something beyond what you can see. These are the eyes of one who has seen millennia pass, countless generations come and go. Glancing towards her flank to get an idea from her Cutie Mark, though everything else is making it pretty obvious anyway, I see a clear picture of a majestic sun, confirming beyond a doubt who this tall mare is; Princess Celestia. Twilight and other ponies in Ponyville may have told me about her, but their words don’t even do this mare justice. Just being in her presence, it’s like I can feel the weight of her years and power emanating from her. As if that weren’t enough, there is another mare with her. While she isn’t quite as tall as the tallest pony, she is still taller than either Twilight or myself. This mare is very different from Celestia. Her coat is a deep dark-blue and, whilst her mane and tail move just like the taller princess’s does, hers looks as if someone just took two chucks of the night sky and slapped them onto her body. She also seems to emanate the same kind of power I can sense from Celestia and her eyes are just the same; behind their kindness and caring, you see the years that they have witnessed. Twilight gives a light bow, before looking towards me. “Princesses, this is Ken. Ken, these are the co-rulers of all Equestria and guardians of the day and night, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Both Alicorns look to me and I feel myself wilt a little under their caring, yet calculating gazes. “Twilight Sparkle has told us of you, Ken,” Princess Luna says, her voice having a commanding tone that makes me have to stop my body from doing a salute. “It is true, you come from another world?” I gulp, nodding. Okay, way more intimidated by these two ponies than I had honestly given myself credit for. I feel like I’m a little kid again and my parents just found out I broke a rule at school or something. The fact that they control celestial bodies isn’t escaping me either. The tallest pony in the room steps forward, her expression showing sympathy and sadness. “I am very sorry you lost your world, my little pony. I also cannot say I understand why you have come to our world as a double of my former student.” Her expression softens and she smiles. “However, be assured you are more than welcome.” “And your place among us will not be ignored, either,” Princess Luna interjects, causing me head to turn in her direction. “Whilst it is odd you become Twilight Sparkle’s exact double, you will be given all rights any pony deserves in our lands. Your stature will also not be overlooked.” “My... place?” I cock an eyebrow, temporarily forgetting my anxiety and glancing down and behind myself at my body, wondering what the darker pony means. “You are an Alicorn,” Princess Celestia’s voice catching my attention, pulling me away from my bodily observations. “Alicorns are the highest of royal authority in our lands. As such, you have a right to such as well.” I blink, before it clicks and my eyes widen, before I shake my head and wave a hoof before me. “No, no, no, Your Highness...es,” I add, glancing at Princess Luna. “Y-you don’t need to do that.” Princess Luna shakes her head. “You are an Alicorn, young Ken. As such, you are royalty.” “Fear not,” Princess Celestia says, her tone gentle and caring. “We shall handle all the arrangements. We have actually been working on them since Twilight informed us of your arrival.” I blink, before glancing at Twilight, confused. “When the heck did you do that? Last I checked, til yesterday, you were helping out everypony in town to the point of it pretty much being the next day. When’d you have time to tell your rulers about me?” Twilight, for her part, has the courtesy to blush. “It was... right after I got back from helping Applejack.” I cock an eyebrow skeptically at her. “And you just... forgot about it the next day?” She giggles nervously. A light chuckle from the white Alicorn pulls my attention back to the taller royals in the room. “My former student has a way of... dealing with things, shall we say.” “Celestia,” Twilight whines, her cheeks reddening further. I can’t help chuckling myself at that, before I take a deep breath and look to the rulers of Equestria, whilst trying not to shit myself with nervousness at the same time. “S-so, how will this work?” Princess Luna decides to answer. “We will announce you as the newest princess of Equestria in a few days, after you have grown more accustomed to the castle.” I frown slightly at that. “You make it sound like I’m moving in here.” “Only for those few days,” Princess Celestia joins in the conversation again. “Whilst I will not place too heavy a burden upon you, similar to my former student, you are a member of royalty now. As such, there are things you will need to learn.” “So, I’m going to be spending a few days here in Princess School?” I ask, before giving a sigh and using as much sarcasm as I dare around the two beings able to move the freaking sun and moon and grumble, “Oh, joy.” The Night Princess gives me a surprising look of sympathy. “Believe me; we know how little joy it is to learn the small ins and outs of ruling the kingdom. I myself had one thousand years to catch up on when I returned” Yeah, but at least you were born into this. I’ve pretty much just had it thrust upon me after less than two decades of living life as a common person and now I’m royalty? Wait. A thousand years to catch up on? Okay, Twilight clearly still needs to inform me of a few matters. “I believe it would also be better if you go by a new name,” the Sun Goddess says, looking to me with a bit of sadness. “While I understand you would likely want to hold onto your name, it being the last thing you have of your world, it would draw too much attention.” I give her a deadpan look, pulling off a good Raven from Teen Titans impersonation. “You mean aside from there now being two Alicorns who look exactly alike aside from their mane styles.” The tiniest of blushes forms on Princess Celestia’s face, though, against her pure white fur, it stands out like a sore thumb. “Well, yes.” The Lunar Princess suddenly is giving her sister a stern frown. “Sister, I must disagree. Ken’s name is fine as it is. Having a name that means knowledge, understanding, cognizance gives no reason for her to change it.” I blink. Wait, my name actually means that? Huh. You learn something new every day. “How exactly are you planning on explaining that, by the way, princess?” Twilight looks to her mentor, curiosity in her eyes. The white Alicorn glances at the blue one and they both share a smirk, Princess Luna answering Twilight’s question. “We have agreed that it will be revealed that young Ken is your long lost sister, whom was lost during your infant years and recently found.” I blink, before my deadpan returns. “Really? That’s your best plan?” I demand, suddenly forgetting I’m talking to royalty and, honestly, not giving a shit. “You honestly expect your subjects to just accept that Twilight had a secret sister, whom nopony has ever heard of, just appearing out of nowhere?! One who’s an Alicorn at that?!” “It worked for me,” Princess Luna smirks. I blink, before frowning. “Come again?” Princess Luna closes her eyes, a mournful expression appear on her face. “A little over a thousand years ago, I allowed myself to give in to jealousy and nearly doomed Equestria. As punishment, I was bound to the moon for a thousand years.” I cock an eyebrow. “Um... aren’t you already bond to the moon? Since you control it, I mean?” Celestia shakes her head, looking just as mournful as her sister. “This was not like our connection to the sun and moon, Ken. Luna was banished to the moon, not able to leave for all those years.” I blink, before my eyes widen in horror. I... Jeez, I can’t even imagine how horrible that must have been for the both of them. this isn’t just moving to another country or something like that, Luna was literally trapped on a celestial body circling the planet. How did either of them manage to bear the pain of being separated for a thousand...? I blink again, before narrowing my eyes slightly. “Wait. A thousand years? You’re both over a thousand years old?” They both seem to hide the sadness of remembering their horrible ordeal and just smile, nodding. I just remain still and silent for several moments, before I sigh, letting my body sag and my ears flop forward. “Why am I surprised by this point? Honestly, why?” The princesses glance at each other in confusion, whilst Twilight gives a nervous laugh. “She finds our world very... different from her own.” “That’s putting it bluntly,” Spike mutters as I have the same thought. I hold up a hoof and take a few deep breaths. After a minute or so, I sigh and bow my head to the princesses. “I will do my best.” They both smile, before turning and indicating for the three us to follow. We walk a little behind them out the doors into a large white marble hall. Standing either side of the doors are a pair of guards like the ones that brought us, only these two or unicorns. The moment I walk out after Twilight, I see confusion play across their faces, before their eyes widen. Seeing that look, I get a sudden flashback to my fist meeting with Twilight and Applejack and cry out, feeling my horn warm up and the sound of several magic auras, before I feel a brief compression and suddenly find myself standing in front of the princesses and Spike. They all pause, glancing over their shoulders to see the two unicorns, who’d banged their heads together when charging me only for me to no longer be there. Luna and Celestia both give stern expression. “She is not a Changeling.” “But, Your Highness—” the one on the left says, glaring to me, his horn glowing. He doesn’t get to finish before a feel a wave of magic pass over me in a way that feels familiar, a second later recognizing it as the spell Twilight had cast upon me back when she’d thought I was a Changeling, like these guards do. “There,” Twilight says in an annoyed tone, giving her own glares to the unicorns. “You know that spell was the one that breaks illusions, including Changeling disguises. Happy, now?” The guards look uncertainly to each other, before giving submissive nods and return to their posts on either side of the door. “My apologies, Ken,” Princess Celestia says as we begin walking again, myself now having to ease my pace to fall back in line with them. “I had thought we had spread the word enough among the guards so that they would all know. It would seem some are still misinformed.” “Though your ability to teleport already is impressive,” Princess Luna comments. I blink, before shaking my head, frowning. “Wait. I thought you said you were keeping me a secret until tomorrow. Why would you tell all your guards? How do you know one of them won’t slip up? Also,” I glance to Princess Luna, “that was pure accident. I didn’t even mean to teleport, I just wanted to get away from those guards before a repeat of my first encounter with Twilight happened.” They pause for a moment, before Celestia chuckles. “Well, in answer to your questions, we informed the guards for just such a reason as we just saw, so none simply mistake you for a Changeling on sight.” “And, as for whether we can trust the guards,” Princess Luna continues, “or any of the castle staff, for that matter, to remain silent about you until tomorrow, all those employed here in the castle can be well trusted. My sister has had a thousand years to be able to tell whom she can trust on our staff and those she cannot.” “Plus, the guards are bound by a vow to serve the princesses,” Spike pipes up, walking alongside me as I fall a little behind. “They know how to keep a secret.” “I guess I’ll trust all your word on that,” I say quietly. “So, Twilight Sparkle,” Princess Luna says, turning to the other purple Alicorn, “we are very interested to learn about Ken’s culture. Have you gained much since she began living with you?” At once, Twilight teleports a large number of scrolls (I notice they’re the ones we left in Celestia’s room) and begins talking excitedly with the princesses about what I told her about my culture. Seeing the conversation has somewhat moved away from me, I pull back a little more, keeping to myself. This is all just so bizarre. Just a few days ago I was a high school kid and now I’m supposed to be a ruler of a whole kingdom? Even if I’m put in the same type of position as Twilight, that’s still way more responsibility than I ever expected to be given in my lifetime. “Ah, Princess Twilight. So glad I found you.” the smooth voice pulls me from my internal thoughts and I stop just before I’d have bumped into a stallion. His coat is pure white and his mane and tail are blonde and look very well-groomed. He’s wearing what I would call a suit, except it’s more like the collar and shirt part of a suit only. He has a stature a bit similar to Applejack’s big brother, Big Macintosh, whom I met the day Spike took me on a tour of Ponyville, though he is a bit leaner than Mac. “You need not worry, Twilight,” he says, giving me a... smile I find myself not liking, “I have made the arrangements. Our weddings will be in but a few days.” I’m move to correct him in that I’m not Twilight— Wait a minute. Did he just say wedding?! Okay, I may not have been living with Twilight for long, but I’m pretty sure either she or Spike would’ve mentioned that she was getting married in a few days, at some point at least mentioning just who the hell this stallion is. “You also, need not fear,” he says in a tone I’m recognizing as really arrogant, yet with the self-assurance that what they say matters, “I have taken the care to arrange for you to live here, in the castle, instead of that one in that mud pit, Ponyville.” Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Mud pit? Just who the hell does this guy think he is? Ponyville’s a lovely place from what I’ve experienced over the last couple days. How dare he insult it like that! “Oh, it will be wonderful,” this arrogant ass continues, moving closer and putting a foreleg around me, making me very uncomfortable. “You will raise our foals whilst I take over your royal duties and start leading Equestria into a true golden age, where the filth know their place and we, the elite are seen as the shining lights we are.” Hang on one fucking minute! Foals? Him taking over the royal duties? Where the filth know their place?! I briefly forget he’s talking about Twilight and start feeling like he’s talking about me. He thinks he can just waltz over, claim I’m going to marry him, force me to give him children and raise them on my own whilst he uses me to push himself higher? Not on my fucking watch, he doesn’t! “And, once we’re wedded and I have the power, I’ll finally punish that Rarity mare for not knowing her place beneath my hoof and daring to think she was better than—” He doesn’t get to finish, getting cut off by my hoof flying up to his jaw, knocking him back. He stumbles and I whirl around, rearing on my forelegs and bucking him, hard! He goes flying, crashing into one of the walls and tumbles down. When he looks up, his eyes watering from pain, fear enters his eyes as I stand over his, glaring down, snarling. “I DON’T CARE WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOUR ARE,” I shout, my voice dripping with venom and going into the Royal Canterlot voice, something Spike had told me about, “BUT IF YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST FORCE ME TO MARRY AND YOU AND TREAT ME LIKE AN OBJECT AND NOT EXPECT ME TO DISAGREE WITH YOU, YOU’VE GOT ANOTHER FUCKING THING COMING, PAL. AND IF YOU EVER THREATEN RARITY IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM AGAIN, I SWEAR I’LL MAKE SURE YOU’LL WISH YOU’D NEVER BEEN BORN! YOU GOT THAT?” He just whimpers in response. “Just what is going on here?” I turn at the sound of Luna’s voice to see the other three Alicorns, dragon, and several guards coming over. Seeing them, I’m able to calm down and remember the situation as it really was, as well as not use the RCV again. Doesn’t stop me being angry, though. I thrust a hoof at the stallion. “This misogynistic bastard thought I was Twilight and dared to just tell me he plans on marrying her in a few days, when Twilight’s never mentioned anything about a fiancée, and talked like she was going to give him all her power whist she stayed home caring for his offspring and even dared to threaten punishing Rarity for something! What, I don’t know, but I doubt it would be legal for him to punish her for it!” There’s several moments of quiet, before Celestia and Luna both give the stallion a cold look. Twilight glares at him, along with Spike. “I already told you, Blueblood, I have no wish to marry you. The fact you think I would even consider it after I made it clear I have no intention of marrying you...” Then her eyes narrow. “And you’re still holding onto the grudge about when Rarity got cake on you at the gala, when your attitude to her gave her full right?!” “Guards,” Celestia says, her voice holding no emotion, “take Blueblood to the infirmary to get his injuries cared for and also keep him there. We shall be speaking with him later.” The guards nod, before moving over and helping the jerk up and leading him down a different corridor. After a few moments, the princesses sigh and we continue on our own original path. “I am sorry you had to experience that, Ken,” Celestia says, looking to her left, where I am now walking alongside Twilight. “I had hoped my nephew would have learned by now. It seems he is still far for understanding.” I blink, before looking to the Sun Princess aghast. “He’s your nephew?” I glance at Luna, silently asking just how she could have spawned such a pony... before I inwardly frown. Wait. He can’t be Luna’s son. If she was gone for a thousand years and he was hers, he’d barely be that old at all. Heck, he’d probably still be a toddler at best. Celestia shakes her head. “When the three tribes came together and Luna and myself began their rulers, the royals of all three tribes were somewhat adopted as our nieces and nephews. It is a bit complicated to fully explain without going over the history of how it all happened.” I hold up a hoof. “Okay, then, never mind. Never was a fan of history back in school and I doubt this subject would improve that view.” I frown, realizing something, before looking to the taller princess again. “Where exactly are we going and why, again?” Her reply is a smile that I can swear is sly as we reach a pair of HUGE golden double doors with carving all over them, two guards stationed either side. “Why, to meet your family, of course.” ... What? The doors open and inside I see two ponies who look like they’ve been waiting for us. The first is a stallion with a blue coat and a dark-blue mane and tail, yellow eyes and a Cutie Mark of a yellow crescent moon with a smaller white crescent moon in the empty space facing in the opposite direction. The other is a mare, her coat being alabaster, with a purple and white mane and tail, blue eyes and three purple stars for a Cutie Mark. “Mom! Dad!” Twilight cheers, rushing forward. “Twilight,” her mother calls out and pulls the Alicorn into a hug. I glance at Celestia with a glare. “I thought you said we were meeting my family,” I growl through gritted teeth. “That wasn’t a funny joke, Celestia!” She just keeps smiling. “I wasn’t lying or joking in any way, Ken. You and Twilight are both the same physically in every way, right? Wouldn’t that then mean you’re biologically related to her? In other words, wouldn’t that make her parents your parents?” My brain literally blanks. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 ___________________________________________________________ It takes my brain several long moments to finally pull itself out of the ditch that Celestia's bizarre, yet, when I think about it, sound logic dropped it into. If Twilight and I are the same in every physical way, then that would me, by default, I am related to her and any of her family by blood. Man, that’s fucked up! A sudden pair of gasps causes me to shake my head and look towards the trio of family, to notice both Twilight’s parents are looking at me with worry, before glancing to their daughter and back again. I blink, before pulling a hoof up to my forehead. Right. Two identical ponies in the same room, when both are Alicorns? I can easily guess what they’re thinking. “You need not worry, my little ponies,” Princess Celestia says, stepping forward, her calm voice drawing the two unicorns’ attention. “I know what you are thinking, but, I can assure you, none of the Alicorns in this room are a Changeling in disguise.” “But… but then who…?” Twilight’s mother says, looking at me with worry and confusion. “That… we haven’t actually been able to figure out,” Twilight admits, smiling sheepishly. “All we know for certain is that Ken died in her world and somehow found herself in ours as an exact double of me.” The two unicorns look from their daughter to each other, then to me. I wilt a bit under their gazes, pulling my wings tighter against myself. “We’ve had her tested,” Princess Luna says, joining her sister. “Not only does young Ken match your daughter physically, but magically she has the same power levels as Twilight Sparkle.” “And finally,” Princess Celestia nods, before looking back to me, “genetically, they are both identical.” I blink, before frowning. “Wait a minute. How could you have already tested me when this is the first time I’ve been to Canterlot?” Twilight gives a nervous laugh. “I… may have sent them a few small samples of you feathers and fur that fell out in the tub after you had a bath that first night.” I stare blankly at her, trying not to think about how creepy that would sound out of context, before frowning. “And how could my magic have been tested? I don’t exactly use it, you know.” “Your sheets.” I turn to the white Alicorn, confused by her choice of words and she just gives that damn smile of hers. “Twilight sent us some sheets that had your magical residue on them.” I frown, looking up, before I remember using my magic on some sheets without knowing how. “Wait, so, if she’s exactly the same as our little Twilight,” I turn to Twilight’s mother as she starts walking towards me an uncertain, yet strangely hopeful expression on her face, “does that mean that she…? Is she our…?” Princess Celestia nods. “Indeed. Due to circumstances, upon entering our world, Ken became your second daughter.” “But, if you don’t want to think of me that way, I totally understan—” I’m cut off when the unicorn pulls me into a tight hug. “You poor dear,” she murmurs, holding me close, far more sadness in her voice than I’d honestly expected. “I can’t even imagine what it must feel like for you. You are more than welcome to our family, Ken. We’d be happy to have you.” I can’t respond. I’ve literally frozen in place as I’m struck with conflicting emotions. I don’t want to just take Twilight’s family as my own, feeling it would dishonour my original human family. But... at the same time, feeling this mare, a mother, hugging me so tenderly, I... I wrap my forelegs around her, returning the hug and close my eyes as tears slowly start to trail down my cheeks. “I... I don’t know if I could truly think of you as my mother too soon, but... thank you.” We remain quiet for several moments, giving me time to enjoy the warmth of the mare holding me. I feel... so calmed right now. I... I’d been so afraid after learning I could never see my human family again that I’d never feel this kind of warmth inside, but now... maybe I can at least give this a try. A small cough pulls me out of my thoughts and I look over my shoulder to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looking at us expectantly. A bit reluctantly, I pull away from the mare’s tender embrace and turn back to the high rulers of this kingdom. “I am glad to see you are willing to at least give a chance, Ken,” Princess Celestia says and I can swear I saw something flash in her eyes for a moment, but cast it aside as a trick of the light as she continues. “It will make things much easier once Equestria learns of you.” “And, perhaps Twilight will find more in you than just a sister,” Princess Luna says, giving a look to Twilight’s mother. I cock an eyebrow and glance back at the alabaster mare, only to see her eyes have widened and a gleam has appeared in them. Why do I get a bad feeling about that? ___________________________________________________________ “My little ponies,” Princess Celestia says as she stands on a balcony overlooking a large area, filled with ponies, “today is a day of great joy, for a new princess has come to us.” I glance at Twilight, who’s standing a little away, since I’m meant to stay out of sight from the crowd until the white Alicorn gives the word. Twilight’s giving me an uncertain look as well. She’s got no idea what her ruler has planned anymore than I do. Twilight’s friends are here too and they look as confused as we are. My supposed new big brother and a sister-in-law are meant to be here too, but they hadn’t arrived and the princesses had thought they couldn’t put this announcement off much longer. Apparently they’re coming from some place called the Crystal Empire. The only gem related empire I can think of is the Emerald City from the Wizard of Oz. Could it be this world’s version of that? Whatever the case, Princess Celestia’s speaking, so I shake off my thoughts and focus on her again. “Whilst many would jump to the conclusion that she is a Changeling in disguise, I can assure you, she is much a pony as any of us.” That could be badly interpreted if any of the ponies down there are majorly paranoid when it comes to these Changelings, making them believe the entire city of Canterlot could be filled with changeling imposters. Having met Blueblood and seen his level of ignorance, I get the bad feeling I may have to handle such a matter in the future. “You all know of my former student, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” the sun Alicorn goes on, turning my attention back to her. “Having taken on her role as the Princess of Friendship, she has cemented her place among us all and shown us what we can strive for to help make our kingdom all the better.” “However, what few know is that Twilight Sparkle has always had a twin sister,” Princess Luna takes over for her sister, stepping up next to the taller princess. “What is more, they are twins in every right. Not only do their looks and voices match, but they were born at the exact same time.” She then gives a look of uncertain joking that I can tell is fake. “It wasn’t exactly the easiest of births for Twilight Velvet, two foals coming out at the exact same time.” I glance at Twilight, who’s looking just as shocked as I am. I can understand why they’d say we’re sisters, but the idea of saying we were born at the same time, unlike other twins who at the least have a few seconds between each other? Definitely a different idea, I’ll give them that. “This, however, gave Twilight and her twin a unique bond, one that no other siblings in Equestria have, including Luna and myself,” Princess Celestia takes over again. “They’re magic cores are intertwined. Whilst Twilight has more experience with her magic, her sister has just as much power as Twilight herself.” Huh? Wait, where the heck is she going with this? “Their bond is likely the reason Twilight’s sister is able to finally join us once again,” Princess Luna says with a bit of grimness in her tone. “Shortly after their birth, a magic surge came from both of them and, when vision returned, Twilight was the only foal remaining. “It was believed that her sister had merely been teleported, though no sign of her was found. It’s only now that we’ve learned she was sent to another dimension, where, by pure chance, she found a way back to her homeland.” Wait... they’re not hiding the fact I come from another world... but are making it seem like I only came back from it? Huh. That’s... actually pretty creative. “Their bond, however, remained intact, despite the dimensional divide between them,” Celestia closing her eyes. “Their bond has meant that, anything that physically or magically effected Twilight, her sister was also affected.” “Hence why, when you see her, she has the same Cutie Mark as Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Luna looks out to the crowd. “They’re bond caused they’re talents to align, even separated by the dimensions. However, this also meant, when Twilight Sparkle became an Alicorn, so too did her sister. “This is what we believe caused her to finally return to our world. Once the power of an Alicorn flowed through her, Twilight’s sister unintentionally caused a rift between the worlds and, though it took her some time, she has finally returned to us.” Whoa, hold on! What? That’s the story they’re going with? Really? Even a five-year-old wouldn’t believe that bullshit. I suddenly feel like explaining who I really am would’ve sounded more believable than this shit. Celestia opens her eyes again, giving a warm, joyful smile. “So, my little ponies, please welcome, not only a long lost citizen of our kingdom, but your newest princess, Princess Ken.” With a glance from both celestial princesses, I realize it’s my cue and walk out, Twilight alongside me, to the sound of many gasps from the crowd as we are seen side by side, the only clear difference between us being our mane styles. Everything else is exact in every way. I look out at the all, waiting for their reaction, though I fear this will not go well with the flimsy back story the princesses have given for me. Sure, it gives a very good reason as to where my ties lie in this world, but the suspension of disbelief for such a story is way too ridiculously high. There’s no way in hell these ponies are going to believe such a farfetched tale and just accept me us their new— Twilight quickly uses her magic to close my jaw when it drops open due to the sudden cheers and applause, followed with chants of “Princess Ken! Princess Ken! Princess Ken!” “Just smile and wave,” Twilight murmurs sheepishly and, in my stunned state, I just do so without even having to think about it. They... they believed that pile of garbage? They... but, they... and now they just... “I realize it’s a bit of a shock,” Princess Celesita’s voice comes from next to me and I give a small glance to see her standing there with a small, apologetic smile on her face, “but there will be a small, and I mean small, I know how nobles like making everything big, but this one will be small, reception in the hall shortly after this. After that, we will do our best to help you even further than what we did yesterday, then you’re free to return to Ponyville.” Good. Because, after this, I think I’m going to need to lock myself in my room and process this world for at least a week, or else I’m going to have an aneurysm. ___________________________________________________________ I sigh as I stand around in the large, for lack of a better word, ballroom as the reception keeps underway. The walls are high and decorated with fancy-looking cloth, whilst the banisters have spiralling flower chains wrapped around them, giving the place an elegant feel. Princess Celestia said this would be small, but I’m starting to wonder what her idea of small is. There are at least fifty ponies here, not counting all Alicorns and Twilight’s friends and our parents. Thinking of them as “our parents” and not “Twilight’s parents” is still going to take some getting used to, since I only had a small amount of yesterday to spend time with them between the princesses trying to help me understand a few of the ins and outs of ruling their kingdom. I barely was able to wrap my head around any of it. I honestly just want this day to be over so I can go back to Ponyville, where things almost make at least a little bit more sense. Almost. “It is an honour, Your Highness,” a unicorn mare with a stallion I’m guessing is her husband says, giving me a head bow. I smile, whilst instead I’m scowling. I can tell someone trying to just get something from me, and these two reek of it. Plus, getting a good look at the yellow coat on the mare and the grey coat on the unicorn stallion, I have a damn good idea who they are. Rarity spoke of them at one point, when telling me of her first full experience in the Canterlot lifestyle and her words had not been kind when referring to these two, Jet Set and Upper Crust. With a name like Upper Crust, I guess it’s not surprising the mare’s so self-centred. “A pleasure to meet you,” I reply, though I can’t hide how much of a lie that is from my voice. If they noticed it, they don’t act like it as they smile, before Upper Crust leans in a little. “Just so you know, Your Highness, there are ponies whom pretend to be of higher class. I would advise watching out for them.” “Thank you,” I say with a grin that is forced. “But, don’t worry. I can tell the right peop— ponies for myself, thanks.” And I’m looking at two wrong ones right now, I don’t say. As they move away, I notice I’ve a bit of a lapse in ponies to greet and give another sigh. “If you want to move about, you’re perfectly fine to,” Princess Celestia whispers as she stands next to me. “You look like you could use a pick-me-up anyway. The punch bowl is over there.” I glance to where she nods and see a bowl of punch with some cups. Giving the white Alicorn a thankful smile, I nod and walk towards the bowl. Thankfully, there’s a bartender or something like that, who pours me a cup, so I don’t have to ponder how to do it with still no idea how to freely use my magic, that I take with my hooves and sip from. As I do, I sense that somepony has come up behind me. Lowering my cup, I turn around to see somepony I honestly could’ve gone my whole life, which apparently is eternal due to being bond to Twilight, without having to see again. “Princess Ken,” Blueblood says, giving a curt nod. I return the nod with a glare. “Blueblood.” His eye twitches, before he closing his eyes and cough. “Prince Blueblood. Though I may not be an Alicorn, I am a royal.” A royal ass, yeah. He then gives a smile, leaning in. “I feel we got off on the wrong hoof, last we met—” Oh, we got off on the wrong of something alright and there’s little chance of it going the other way, pal. “—so, I thought I’d make you an offer. To... ease the tied, if you will.” I cock an eyebrow, curious, but highly skeptical. Though, after our first encounter, can you really blame me? “I’m listening.” He leans forward, that irritating smile from before reappearing. “We both know ruling a kingdom isn’t something you’re comfortable with.” Well, he’s got me there. I’m still uncertain just what Princess Celestia expects me to do. I was a human from common backgrounds, barely finished with high school. What does she expect someone like me can do? Blueblood chuckles, the sound making me have to resist whirling around and giving him an encore of our last encounter. “Marry me and I’ll take over all those difficult tasks for you. I have experience in the matters of state, you do not. I would be glad to take such a burden from you.” I snarl, causing him to wince slightly, the tiniest look of uncertainty entering his eyes. “Yes, I know you would. But, here’s the thing, Blueballs; one, I have no interest in marry a self-centred, ego-influenced jerk like you. Two, I’m not into guys anyway, so you lose there regardless. And three, I know you’d want that power so you could harm Rarity for the most self-centred, stupid reasons imaginable, as well as just inflate your already overblown ego even further. So, in answer, to stuff it, pal. I may not like the idea of being an Alicorn Princess of Equestria, but if you think, for even a second, that I’d willing give that power to some idiot like you, think again. Now,” I push passed him, making sure to shove him with as much force as possible without it looking like I’d meant to, “if you’ll excuse me, there are far better ponies I’d rather speak with than the likes of you.” With my piece said, I walk off, my head held high. Man, did that feel good. Hope I get the chance to do that with more self-centred ponies here in Canterlot. As I move through the crowd, I notice a flutter of pink wings. Curious, I move further into the crowd to find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna speaking with a white stallion with a buff physic and a two-tone blue mane and tail. His Cutie Mark catches my attention due to the star symbol on it matching both mine and Twilight’s marks. It’s inside of a blue shield of some sort. Could this be Twilight’s brother, Shining Armour? Wait, no. he’s my brother now too, right? Man, this is so screwed up in my head. I move closer and notice Mum and Dad standing there too, along with Twilight. As I get closer, Shining Armour’s eyes happen to move in my direction and meet mine. We both stare at each other for a moment, myself noticing his body tensing, before the mare next to him brushes one of her pink wings against his shoulder and some of the tension fades from him, but not all. It was still enough for the other ponies to notice and the all turn to see me as I move closer. “Ken, good, you’re here,” Twilight gives a slightly sheepish smile, before nodding to the stallion who’s eyes still fixed on me. “Now you can meet my... I mean, our brother. Ken, this is Shining Amour. Shiny, this is Ken, our new sister.” I move forward, feeling a little bit cowed by the way the white stallion is looking me over. “And you’re sure she’s not a Changeling?” he says in a tone that says he clearly doesn’t believe it. At once any nervousness I felt leaves me. I’m really getting sick of the whole Changeling thing being brought up by now, especially when I still don’t know the full story about that. “You’ll have to forgive my husband,” the pink mare says apologetically. “The Changelings really didn’t leave him with anything positive to consider in regards to them.” Considering that they literally are able to feed off of emotions, I can’t say I blame him for that. I blink. Wait. Husband? Taking a closer look at the mare, I realize she’s an Alicorn. She’s a little shorter than Luna, but still taller than me or Twilight. “You must be Princess Mi Amoré Cadenza, right?” She gives a light chuckle. “I prefer Princess Cadance, or just Cadance.” Well thank whatever deity this world has for that. Man, her full name is a mouthful. Glad to have permission to use the shorter version. Glancing to Shining Armour, I notice he’s still giving me that look. I roll my eyes, before giving a stern look to him. “Look, Shining Amour, I know being around another pony who looks and sounds just like your sister can’t be easy, but I’m here and, by the looks of things, I’m staying. So, I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t keep giving me the stink eye like I’m gonna turn into a monster right in front of you.” His right eyebrow rises ever so slightly. “That’s not my problem. Not anymore.” I cock an eyebrow. “Come again?” He nods to the two taller Alicorns. “If Celestia and Luna say you’re not a danger, I can accept that.” Her turns to give me a stern expression of his own. “What I will not accept is you pushing yourself into our family.” “Shining!” Twilight, Cadance and Mum say, all looking shocked. I just glare at him. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, there, Gleaming Shield,” Where the heck did that insult come from? Wherever from, the twitch of his eyes tells me it works. “I didn’t choose to become an exact double of your sister. I never even meant to end up in this world. I got here by random chance and the fact I, for whatever reason, not only turn into one of your speices, but also your sister’s double, is just as random. I don’t know why it happened, but your parents and the princesses decided that, since I am biologically the same as Twilight, that makes me a part of your family. I didn’t choose it, they did. If you’ve got a problem with me being in this family, take it up with our parents and the princesses. Leave me out of it.” With that a whirl around, before glancing back at the pink Alicorn. “It was good meeting your, Cadance. I hope we’ll get chances to speak next time under better circumstances.” She nods, giving her husband a disapproving look. “As do I.” With that, I walk off back into the crowd, this time search for Rarity. I need somepony to talk to and see she’s the closest pony I’ve gotten to since coming to this world, she’s a good choice for it. I just want this reception to end. I’m tired of the nobles and elite trying to brown nose me, I’m sick of Blueblood thinking he’s so high and mighty and I’m sick of being scrutinized for being a double of the Princess of Friendship. All I want is to get back to Ponyville and relax. Maybe I’ll even take up Rarity on that Spa Day offer. Lord knows I could use it. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 ___________________________________________________________ I groan, flopping down on the bed of the guest room Twilight and I have been staying in while we’re in Canterlot. Finally, took us over a week, but the princesses at last have said I’m up to date on what I need to know... yet I feel that is not the case at all. This was like cramming overnight for a final exam. I barely understood less than half of what I was being taught and can guarantee I’ve already forgotten more than half of that in itself. Thankfully they’ve told me I won’t be expected to handle anything big. In fact, I’ll be allowed to pretty much do what I want with Twilight guiding me in a few things here and there and only be expected to take part in things in my role as royalty every so often. One major thing is something called the Trade Exchange next year. Dunno what it is, but I’m curious to see it. Spike’s been back in Ponyville the last two days. Something about helping Rarity with finding gems. Which just left Twilight and myself and without Spike around, I didn’t have anyone to really bounce my thoughts off of... which just makes this more draining. I sigh, pushing myself up. “Why do Celestia and Luna honestly think I know what the hell I’d be doing? Twilight had years to learn all this crap, and I’m being crash coursed it in a matter of days!” I mean, just because I’m a princess now doesn’t mean I have to do stuff like they do. Back home, sure, lower royalty would learn a few things about this stuff, but they’d be given time to do it, as well as be free to do whatever they wanted within reason. We’ve still no idea what my real place is here, since I’m an exact double of Purple Smart, so why push this on me. Sooner we can get back to Ponyville and some minor semblance of normal, the better. As I’m going of these thoughts, the door opens and my twin walks in, a cheery smile on her face. “And how’re we doing?” she asks in a way too cheery voice. I grumble an incoherent response into the cushions. “What was that?” Twilight cocks her head slightly. “I couldn’t quite get that, Ken.” “Why are we going to this Gala thing, again?” I ask, bothering to lift my head only enough to look at her. During the last two days, I’ve been informed that some party is being held here in Canterlot and, as a princess, I’m invited to join, not to mention that both Celestia and Luna think it would be a great idea for me to attend. Thankfully, I was able to get Rarity to pop over to help me with an outfit. No way was I going in some fluffy dress. Thankfully, Rarity and I were able to figure something out. My outfit for this gala is a dark-purple silk shirt-like thing (kind of like a leotard, but only the top half) that sparkles, stopping at my waist and front knees (now there’s an odd turn of phrasing I never thought could be used) and a small translucent yellow skirt that stops just below my Cutie Mark. Yes, one could argue having a skirt is girly, but Rarity did it in a way I feel comfortable with. One could also say my outfit is a bit too simple for such a fancy event, especially for royalty to wear. But you know what I say to those who say those things? I say fuck them. I’m bloody royalty and if I wanna wear something simple, I damn well will! If they’ve got a problem with it, they can go suck my dead human balls! Rarity being here is actually why Spike went back. Before she left, she asked if it would be alright if Spike went back to help her with the whole gems thing and Twilight and Spike were perfectly fine with that, Spike more so than Twilight. Twilight shakes her head. “One, it’s because the Grand Galloping Gala is the biggest event of the year. Two, I agree with the princesses, Ken. This is a great opportunity for you to interact with more ponies and get used to them and they you.” I sigh. “At least the others will be here. Why was it Applejack could’ve missed this again?” “She was in Appleloosa for a rodeo since her cousin Braeburn hurt his leg and couldn’t compete,” she replies casually, walking over to a bookshelf. Does Appleloosa count as a pony pun to something? Maybe. I dunno, my brain doesn’t wanna think about that right now. Probably why I’m not even trying to figure out how ponies can have rodeos when they’re equines. Or whether or not, since he’s related to Applejack’s family, if this Braeburn’s name is connected to the fruit in anyway. “At least I’m done with all these princess lessons,” I flop back down on the bed. “Gives me a little bit of rest before this gala.” I lazily look up at her as she continues to search through some books. “What’re your plans til tonight?” “Oh, I’m helping Princess Celestia with the getting the gala ready,” she replies, seeming to find the book she was looking for and turns to head out. “Trust me, Ken. This night will be a lot more fun than you think.” “I sincerely doubt it,” I grumble, returning to head to the pillow and closing my eyes. Whatever, the gala will be Future Ken’s problem. For now, I need some well earned shut-eye. ___________________________________________________________ “I cannot believe I agreed to be here,” I grumble as I follow Twilight to meet with Celestia. I’m wearing the outfit Rarity made me and my hair has been styled so it’s a little sleeker, but still holds the stuff about my DBZ hairstyle that I don’t mind it. Twilight gives me a small smile. “Don’t worry. Things will go fine. I’m the one who’ll be joining Celestia to welcome the guests, not you. You’re free to roam around the part at your leisure.” That’s not too much more enjoyable a prospect, but it is better than being stuck at the top of some stairs, spending the majority of the night just greeting ponies I don’t even know, so I guess I shouldn’t complain too much. We meet with Celestia at the top of the stairs and I part ways to head into the fancy decorated hall. It’s empty for the moment, save the castle staff and the band hired to play during the gala, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Twilight did get us here early so she could greet the guests with Celestia. Glancing around, I can’t help cocking an eyebrow. Where’s Luna? I’d have thought, this being a big event, Celestia’s younger sister and co-ruler would be here. Weird. After a couple minutes guests start arriving. I make a point to avoid being noticed while I wait for the room to fill up. More ponies in here, the less likely I’ll be spotted, despite being the only other pony save Twilight and Celestia with both wings and a horn. As I look around, I can’t help noticing that it seems I’m not the only pony who doesn’t seem to want to be here. There are several ponies wearing expression of annoyance or disinterest. Then again, these could be more of those stuck up nobles I’ve learned about. There do at least seem to be some people who want to be here though. I think those are the kinds I’ll be more likely to interact with tonight. As I move over to the food table to see if there’s anything I’ll wanna eat, I hear the sound of trumpets. I ignore it, probably just some ego-indulgent guy who feels they need to announce their arrival. “We’re here! We’re here! We made it to the Gala!” three young voices I wasn’t expecting to hear chant and I turn to find Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, all dressed up in outfits that aren’t too fancy and seem to match them pretty well, being led by the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Following them is Pinkie Pie and a pony I don’t recognise. She’s an Earth Pony with a grey coat, purple mane and blue eyes, wearing a long-sleeved blue dress with white dots that kinda look like rock minerals patterns that hugs her frame similar to mine, only really seeming like a dress around the area of her legs, and has the most deadpan expression I’ve ever seen. I move over and the group notice me. “Well, howdy there, Ken,” Applejack starts off, nodding. “Been a while now, ain’t it?” I groan, letting myself sag. “Tell me about it. I can’t wait for this night to be over so I can go back to Ponyville already. Rarity, is that offer for a spa day still open?” The white unicorn smiles. “Why, of course, darling. Tomorrow at ten?” “Can we make it eleven?” I ask a little pleadingly. “I really think I need a long sleep.” She nods, her smile never wavering. “Of course, darling. I completely understand.” “Hey, Ken!” Pinkie is just somehow right in my face and I yelp, back peddling to get some space. “I’ve missed you. I wanna introduce you to my big sister, Maud.” She finishes her sentence by putting the grey Earth Pony in front of me. Wait. Big sister? Glancing between the two... you really wouldn’t know it. “Hello there,” Pinkie’s sister says in the most monotone voice I’ve ever heard. “My name is Maud. Nice to meet you.” Huh. I scratch my head. Not sure why, but she reminds me of someone else, but, for the life of me, I can’t remember who or why. Wait. Her name’s Maud? That sounds more like a human name than a pony’s, considering what I’ve been learning since I got here. Man, could this world get any more confusing? “Oh, um, hi,” I hold out a hoof on reflex and we shake hooves. “I’m Ken. I never expected Pinkie had a sister.” “She has three,” Maud replies, still in that same monotone. Her expression hasn’t even changed. Why does my brain keep nagging that she seems familiar? I blink at the new information, glancing to the pink pony. I’m going to have to ask about this later. “I like your outfit,” the mare says, pulling me back to the conversation. “Simple, but nice. It suits you.” “Um, thanks?” I say, not really sure how else to reply to that. “Indeed,” Rarity agrees, smiling at me. “Simple yet refined. A very fitting look for you, Ken.” “Thanks. Well, I hope you all can enjoy this thing,” I wave a hoof to indicate the room. “I doubt I am, unless something big and unexpected happens.” I walk off and glance around, noticing Discord wearing an orange tuxedo of some kind with an orange top hat, hurrying off in the direction off... a giant green blob? I deadpan. Why am I surprised by this? Honestly, why? Actually, I think this is the first I’ve seen the mishmash of animals creature since arriving in Ponyville. At least with him here, whatever that blob is shouldn’t be able to cause any trouble. I’ve seen what living blobs can do in TV shows and movies and since, from what I’ve learned of him from the princesses, Discord can pretty much warp all of reality with a snap of his fingers, that blob wouldn’t be able to stop him even if it tried. Looking in the direction of where Discord had been coming from, I see Fluttershy in a dress that seems themed after a peacock and a hair style that kind of reminds me of Princess Leia from Star Wars, at a table with another pony I don’t recognize. She’s a green Earth Pony with her two-toned red mane done in dreadlocks. Huh. Interesting choice of hairstyle. Her outfit seems sort of like what you’d expect olden time women to wear; it’s a simple pinkish-white and she’s wearing a crown of flowers. I shrug. Well, if Fluttershy is friends with her, she must be already enough to meet. I move over, Fluttershy noticing me. “Oh, hello, Ken. It’s good to see you again.” I smile. “Yeah. It’s good to see you too, Fluttershy. I can’t wait to get back to Ponyville.” I nod my head to the Earth Pony. “Who’s your friend?” “Oh,” Fluttershy’s smile brightens a bit and she indicates to the other mare. “This is my friend, Tree Hugger. We met during my trip to see the Breezies. Tree Hugger, this is Ken, the newest princess.” Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Tree Hugger? Well, isn’t that a name that, back home, would’ve led to a lot of comments? And what the heck are Breezies? Looking to the mare, I smile. “Hi.” “Radical to meet you, princess,” Tree Hugger says in a way that, if this were the real world, I’d swear made it sound like she was high on something. “Just Ken will be fine, Tree Hugger,” I say politely, before giving a small frown as I look away. “I’m not really a fan of the “princess” thing.” The other mare gives a... I wanna say understanding nod. “Totally get yer meaning. Why need a title when everypony is just a pony? The universe’s flow moves no matter where you stand in society.” I blink, before raising an eyebrow. Okay, is Tree Hugger... a hippie? I wasn’t going to say anything before regarding her name sounding like something a hippie would name their child, but, with the way she’s talking, her look and name all together... I’m really starting to think I’ve come across my first Equestrian hippie. “Well, it was nice seeing you again, Fluttershy and meeting you, Tree Hugger,” I say, turning to leave, “but I think I’ll go mingle now.” “Okay,” Fluttershy smiles. “See you later.” “Righteous,” Tree Hugger says, nodding. I move off, a little unsure how I feel. “What else could possibly happen tonight?” ___________________________________________________________ “Princess Celestia expected something like that to happen tonight?!” Twilight asks exasperated as we sit in the train cart heading for Ponyville. To say the night was boring... would be a complete lie. Turns out Discord was the reason that big green blob was at the gala. It was his plus one. It’s called The Smooze, which really is nagging at my brain. I can swear I’ve heard that somewhere before, but, for the life of me, I can’t remember where. The Smooze sure made the night interesting. At one point Discord had started doing what I want to call a stand up comedy routine, but it felt really forced, like he was trying really hard to get everypony laughing at his jokes. I did cock my eye at the references he was somehow making despite this being a world unlike Earth. He was at one point wearing a red leather jacket that looked very similar to one Eddie Murphy wore in his early days as a comedian and also made a reference to the comedian Leo Anthony Gallagher, Jr., a guy known for smashing watermelons with a mallet, which is just what Discord did after a knock knock joke failed miserably. However, his jokes didn’t last long before The Smooze livened things up, somehow having grown huge and flooding the entire room. I managed to avoid getting stuck by leaping into the air and, with a bit of difficulty, keeping myself aloft with my wings. Twilight and Celestia were unable to do anything as, apparently, The Smooze is resistant to magic. Go figure. Then Tree Hugger did this weird thing that sounded like the sound stereotypically made when someone meditates combined with neighing. It was really weird. But, it did manage to calm The Smooze down and it came back together again. Then Discord lost his shit and almost sent the poor mare into another dimension. Turns out he didn’t quite understand that Fluttershy being friends with Tree Hugger didn’t mean that weren’t still friends and that one can have different friends for different things. Weird that he didn’t know that before, but whatever it. It made the night more interesting, that’s for sure and now he and Tree Hugger are friends... I think? Thankfully Discord and The Smooze’s antics also meant I didn’t have to try and avoid running into that damn ass, Blueblood. I’d seen him trying to get near enough to talk every now and then, but thanks to Discord and Smoozy, he never got the chance. I even figured out why Maud seemed so familiar to me. She reminds me of Raven from Teen Titans. Speaks in a monotone, doesn’t show much, if any, emotion. Heck, she even has purple hair, blue eyes and her coat is grey like Raven’s skin. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she was a pony version of Raven. Which is really weird considering, whenever Twilight or I speak in a deadpan voice, we sound just like Raven too. And here I’d thought Equestria couldn't get any weirder. I pat Twilight on the back as Spike sits on her other side, eating some leftover cake from the gala. “Something tells me I’m no longer the only pony who wants to just get back to Ponyville and relax.” She gives me a small frown as I was agreeing with Celestia about the night being way more fun thanks to Discord and The Smooze, before she sighs and lowers her head, closing her eyes. “Yeah. You’re right. a nice relaxing time at home sounds really good right now.” > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 ___________________________________________________________ “HI-YAH!” I shout, thrusting my back legs. They collide with the tree behind me, followed a few seconds later by a shower of apples. I return my hooves to the ground and wipe my forehead. Man, this was a good idea. After we returned from the opening of Rarity’s new store in Canterlot, I asked Twilight for some help figuring out my Earth Pony magic. Luna and Celestia gave me enough training to fly somewhat and use the magic from my horn, but they didn’t have much time to explain how to use my Earth Pony magic. Twilight’s idea of training me to use it, however... was reading up on it. After less than an hour of that, I’d realized it wasn’t going to work that way for me. So, I’d gone to the one Earth Pony I know well enough to give me a few good pointers. Yes, Pinkie Pie is an Earth Pony just like Applejack, but that pink pony makes no sense whatsoever, so I don’t think trying to learn how to harness my Earth Pony traits would go over very well there. Instead, I came out here, to Sweet Apple Acres and asked Applejack to give me a hoof. She was glad for the help. Apparently they’ll soon be holding something called the Sister Hooves Social and with all the prep work needed, they were happy for an extra set of hooves to make up for the slow farm work. And, man, am I glad I chose to do this. Yeah, I’m a bit sweaty and dirty, but this is great. Earth Pony magic comes from being close to the soil and energies of the land itself. It’s why Earth Ponies are able to grow stuff far faster than I know is logically possible if looking at it from a human perspective. Lighting my horn, I pull the now full baskets of apples and start heading back towards the barn to set them with all the others. As I near it, I can hear Apple Bloom’s voice. She sounds... anxious? Huh. Wonder what’s up. Putting my loads down, I move closer in time to hear Applejack saying, “Let me just go over to Twilight’s castle and see what’s what. Maybe it’s just a false alarm.” As I near the door, I’m bowled over by the farm mare as she hurries off in the direction of the castle. “Sorry ’bout that, Ken!” I hear her call as I shake my head to clear the dizziness. Frowning, I tell Big Mac I’m going to head back to the castle and see what’s going on too. He shrugs, so I take that as an okay and head off to the castle. Upon arriving, however, I see Rarity and Applejack leaving, neither looking all too happy. Frowning, I head inside and search for Twilight, eventually finding her sitting in the room with the six thrones and what I like to call the Cutie Map. She’s sitting in her throne, her forelegs on the table, her head propped up by one of her forelegs. Looking to the map, I see Rarity and Applejack’s Cutie Marks hovering around a small area of a suburb of Manehattan. “What’s up, Twilight?” I ask, cocking an eye at her. She groans, before looking at me. “Oh, nothing. Just that the map finally found another friendship problem that needs to be fixed and, again, I’m not one of the ponies summoned to help fix it.” She flops her head forward, the rest of her words muffled a little. “I really wanted to go to Manehatten too. I’m so bored, I’d be happy for anything to do.” I cock an eyebrow. “Um, Twilight, you’re a princess.” She looks up slightly, giving me a deadpan stare, before extending her wings. “Gee, thanks. I never would’ve guessed.” I frown. “No, I mean, why can’t you go to Manehatten? You’re a princess. I doubt there’s a law saying royalty need permission or a special reason to go visit somewhere.” She blinks, before looking at me with an expression as if she just figured out the most amazing thing in the world, but I’m not done. I nod my head towards the mirror surrounded by all the weird gizmos and junk. “Not to mention, you’ve a portal to a whole other dimension. What? You’re bored, but the idea of exploring a whole other world doesn’t sound interesting enough to kill a few hours?” She blinks again, before letting out a gasp more akin to Pinkie Pie than her. Before I can figure out how, because I know damn well she didn’t use a teleport spell, she’s right in front of me, holding my face in her hooves. “Oh. My. Gosh! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I can even introduce you to all my Canterlot High friends and—” She gasps again, her eyes twinkling in a way that kinda worries me. “I can introduce you to Sunset Shimmer! She’ll love meeting you! Not to mention you were a human before all this! You can give us better an understanding of how it all feels! This is amazing!” “Should’ve kept that idea to yerself there, Ken,” Spike mutters and I suddenly feel that I probably agree with him. Twilight drops me, causing my head to bang against the crystal floor, making me dizzy for a moment. “I’ll send Sunset a message to let her know we’re coming and that I’m bringing a special guest. Oh, this is will be so much fun!” Me and my big mouth. ___________________________________________________________ “So… who’s this special guest Twilight’s bringing with her again?” Rainbow asked as the six girls waited next to the horse statue that marked the portal to Equestria. “She didn’t say,” Sunset shrugged, opening her journal again and looking over the message Twilight had sent her about an hour ago. Dear Sunset Shimmer, I can’t believe I didn’t think of coming over sooner. Spike, myself and a very special guest I want you all to meet will be coming through the portal at 12:23:34pm. I hope it’s alright, but I was thinking this time I’d spend a few days with you girls without us all having to worry about the fate of either of our worlds hanging in the balance. Just hang out, you know. Also, I know my special guest will be quite the surprise to you all. In fact, they probably know more about your world than I do, and they’ve never even been there! Will see you all soon, Twilight. “Pretty sudden, if’n ya ask me,” Applejack said, taking her hat off and brushing some of her bang out of her eyes. “But, at least Twi chose the weekend fer this.” Rarity nodded, wearing a curious expression. “I agree with Applejack, it is a bit of a sudden thing for Twilight to do, however, I am quite glad to get to spend some time with her again. Her visits have always been far too short.” “Not to mention there’s always something happening when she comes,” Fluttershy interjected. “Last time it was the sirens and before that, she had to stop Sunset.” Sunset nodded. “Yeah. It will be nice to just hang for once. No need to fear Equestrian Magic on the loose, no Dark Magic forces to contend with, just a fun time hanging with our friend.” The portal began to shimmer, before Twilight stepped out, Spike right on her heels. Cheers rang out as the friends all greeted each other and shared hugs, or in Spike’s case, got petting, belly rubs and ear scratches. “Hold on. This is not a human body.” There was silence for a moment. That had been Twilight’s voice, but Twilight had not spoken those words. The girls and Spike all turned and what they saw made their eyes widen and the jaws of all save the princess and her dog drop. There was another girl there, though her appearance made them all feel like they must be seeing things. She was a girl around the same age as Twilight, had lavender skin and deep purple eyes. That was where the similarities ended, however. Her hair, while the same colours as Twilight’s, was spiky. As for her clothes, they were different too. She was wearing a yellow shirt with Twilight’s Cutie Mark on the on the left hip side underneath a purple vest that stopped just above the star pattern, purple shorts, white socks and black buckle shoes. “Huh?” was Rainbow Dash’s response. “Uh… am Ah seein’ double, or is there another Twilight sittin’ in front of the portal?” Her voice seemed to catch the Twilight double’s attention and she looked up, her eyes widening, before she deadpanned and got up, her legs wobbling a little. “Girls,” Twilight said, holding a hand out towards her double, “I’d like you to meet my new twin sister, Ken.” There was a pause as her last words passed through the other six’s minds, before they all shouted, “WHAT?!” “Since when do you have a sister?” Dash asked. “And how come you never told us about her before?” Applejack asked, unable to stop staring at the second lavender girl. “Well, she only became my sister recently,” Twilight grinned sheepishly, scratching her neck. “Wait, what?” Sunset turned, her eyebrow raised in absolute bewilderment. “How can you have a twin sister and her only become your sister recently? That doesn’t even make sense.” ___________________________________________________________ I brush off my new clothes, feeling confused as I glance from Twilight to myself. She’d explained how when traveling through the portal it would have us come out wearing clothes instead of entering the human world butt naked, but this makes no sense. Twilight is wearing a light-blue, maybe cyan, blouse-shirt with a small purple ribbon tied just before her neck, a purple skirt with her Cutie Mark on the left side and large boots… yet I’m wearing the attire I currently am. I don’t understand. I thought I was an exact double of Twilight in every way save the mind and personality. So, when coming through the portal, shouldn’t I have been wearing the same thing she is? Maybe it’s something to do with our differences in personality? Urgh. Like I needed more magical homework. She’ll probably wanna spend weeks trying to figure it out. “Hi there!” “YAH!” I cry out, reeling back and almost falling back through the portal, this world’s Pinkie Pie just suddenly appearing right in front of my face, our noses almost touching. How the hell did she do that?! She’s not Pony Pinkie! “I’m Pinkie Pie! It’s great to meet you Twilight’s twin sister who only became her sister recently due to turning into a double of Twilight after dying in your world.” There is a long pause of silence as I just stare, my mouth agape at the whatever counts as human in this world pink girl standing before me. How...? She couldn’t...? Twilight never told... And she’s not even... HOW?! “P-Pinkie Pie?” a girl who looks and sounds similar to Fluttershy says nervously. “Wh-what did you mean by saying Twilight’s sister d-died in her world?” I blink for several moments, before I massage my head to stop the migraine coming on already. After several seconds, I sigh, stand up and look to the shy girl. “I come from a world different than Twilight’s. I’m not sure why, but when I died there, I woke up in Equestria as an exact duplicate of Twilight. Cutie Mark, being an Alicorn, voice, all identical.” Twilight nods, taking over. “We still have no idea why, but Ken ended up my double after death and since she’s dead in her world, she’s staying in Equestria with me at the castle as the newest princess... what of though, we’re still unsure. I don’t think being another Princess of Friendship fits her personality.” Ya got that damn right. One of the girls, Sunset Shimmer if I’m not mistaken from how Twilight described her, suddenly looks to me with an odd frown. “Wait. What did you mean earlier? You said something about your body not being human.” I nod. “And I’m sticking by that.” That causes all the girls to frown slightly and look at me. the multi-coloured haired girl who is clearly this world’s Rainbow Dash looks to me with a frown slightly deeper than the others. “Um, what are you talking about. We’re humans. Always have been, always will be. Why would you think that body you’ve got isn’t a human one?” I shrug. “It may resemble one to a degree, but there are several things wrong with it. Sunset cocks an eyebrow in curiosity. “Oh? Like what?” I look at her with a firm expression before I indicate to my newly shaped female body. “For starters, the proportions are all off. The heads are too big, the eyes are waay to big,” I happen to notice a woman with hair that reminds me of Celestia’s mane step out of the school we came out the portal in front of and point to her, “and do you see the legs on that lady over there? It’s like she’s part giraffe!” Sunset’s expression becomes a mixture of confusion and slight concern. “Well, that—” I cut her off by holding one of my arms up, bent at the elbow, pointing to it with my other hand. “And don’t even get me started on the pastel skin colours. In Equestria, I’ve accepted that ponies have off hair colours because it’s a magical world. Humans are another matter all together. Humans may vary widely when it comes to skin tone, but we all generally stay within a set range of hues and looking at just the eight of us, I see only one tone that looks remotely possible and even then that’s a bit of a stretch!” Sunset just stares, as do the rest of the girls, even Twilight and Spike. “I... I don’t even know how to respond to that,” Sunset says, shaking her head. “Wait.” I look to Twilight. “Did you mention at one point while I wasn’t paying attention that the world I come from is also a human world?” The other lavender skinned girl shakes her head slowly. I sigh, before reaching back and scratching my neck. “Guess we should’ve seen that coming. Either way, while you all look somewhat similar to humans, compared to the humans from the world I originally came from, you don’t really look human.” There’s silence for several long minutes. I fold my arms, before my eyes widen and I unfold them, looking down at my chest. “Wow. Totally forgot about these. Hmm. I honestly think it’s less awkward having them around my crotch.” That causes all faces save Spike’s and Twilight’s to go red. “Well...” Applejack says after several long moments of awkwardness, “yer definitely a character, Ken.” “Yes,” Rarity says, coughing slightly as she tries to hide her blush. “You may look a lot like Twilight, but you clearly are very different as well.” I smirk, putting my hands on my hips. “Damn right, I am.” I then blink, looking down at my hands on my hips, unable to hide a grin. On a female body now or not, it feels REALLY good to be able to move like a human again. Now, if only I could stay in this world. Sadly, unlike Equestria, a new human just arriving here isn’t going to be easy to keep covered. And, much as I hate to admit it, I think I’ll have more fun living in Equestria, human body or no human body. Wonder how Sunset pulled it off. “So...” Rainbow Dash says, her tone indicating she’s clearly trying to change the subject. “Twilight. How long were you guys planning on staying?” Twilight turns her attention to Rainbow and smiles. “Well, we were honestly hoping to stay for the whole weekend. Let’s just say things are kinda slow in Equestria right now.” “And, in all honesty, I’m still kinda curious about this world,” I say, folding my arms as I look around. “Despite the similarities with my old one, there’s clearly a lot of differences too. A weekend off here might be nice.” “Alright!” Pinkie cheers, nearly scaring the shits outta me due to having somehow gotten behind me, grabbed my shoulder and pushed herself upwards in a way that physically is not possible without putting pressure on me, yet I feel none whatsoever. “Sleepover at my place!” Trying to recover from the invasion of space and the sudden knowledge that Pinkie is now back among her friends from this world, I blink, a thought crossing my mind. “Pinkie, do you live with the Cakes in this world?” The pink girl turns to me, her smile never fading. “Nope. My sister Maud and I live in a house paid for by our parents. They said we could since Maud’s been studying for her rocktorate and they trust her to watch over me.” I glance at the others, who all give nods in return to my look. I decide to push thoughts on that aside. If Pinkie’s parents are okay with her and her sister living on their own, who am I to question them? Besides, I’ve seen it enough in anime and other TV shows and books to know it’s not too uncommon. “So, how come you’re all not in school?” Twilight asks as we all start to head off in the direction of what I assume is Pinkie and her sister’s home. “It’s Friday. I was honestly expecting us to have to wait until you all got out.” “School was closed for the day due to cleaning.” I glance at Rainbow Dash, finding that a very odd answer. “Trixie was tryin’ a new trick o’ hers early this mornin’, but it backfired and ended up acting more like a stink bomb,” Applejack answers for me. “School was closed for the day so they could get rid o’ the smell.” Hmm. Twilight told me about a pony named Trixie. Must be her human counterpart... and she clearly has as much trouble with her performances going off swimmingly as her pony self. Still, that’s a reasonable explanation for a closure day. Can’t exactly teach your students while the rooms are filled with a horrible stench. After a few minutes we get to an apartment building and head up to the fourth floor, where Pinkie and Maud’s apartment is. we all sit down in the living room, where Pinkie brings out bowls of chips, lollies and cans of soda. Dash dares me to a game I’ve never heard of, but turns out to be like Mario Kart for the N64. While I was never great at it, that was namely due to having to play it under a time limit since it was at a school holidays program and it’s hard to fully enjoy a game when you’re trying to get through as quickly as possible so you get far into it before having to save and quit. Here, however, we have no real time limit, so I’m able to enjoy myself. At first I fall behind the rainbow haired girl as I readjust to controls I haven’t really played with in years. But, I quickly get used to the controls and the races become damn close. She still beats me every time, but it’s alarmingly close. Her words, not mine. Now, you may be wondering how Twilight and I can wear pajamas when we didn’t bring any through the portal with us. Turns out, Rarity made some for Twilight already and around 3pm she takes me down to her boutique to make me some. I wanna pay her, but she says it’s fine. While I am used to Rarity being generous back in Equestria, I don’t want the her of this world to be too giving, so I agree as long as it’s this one time. Next time, I’ll pay her for any attire. How I’d get the money I’m unsure of, but I’m sure I could think of something. When we come back, I sit down and talk with Sunset Shimmer in the kitchen for a while as the girls enjoy a movie who’s title I honestly don’t pay attention to because I want to talk with the bacon haired girl. Turns out she’s a pretty interesting character. I already knew from Twilight that Sunset had also been Princess Celestia’s personal student, but the way she and Twilight studied are very different. While Twilight would learn by studying ancient books and reading tomes, Sunset liked getting out and doing stuff, rolling up her sleeves and getting her hands dirty, you could say. We connected from that, since, after becoming an Alicorn, I found it much easier to get a grip on my new pony body and what it can do by getting out. It’s nice to know there’s someone similar I can talk to. Plus, Sunset gets can understand my situation far more than Twilight ever could, as she herself is in my situation in it’s own unique way. Like me, Sunset is living in a world and body she wasn’t born into and at times still has to adjust to that. I think I’ll want to hang out with Sunset a lot more in future. We just get each other so easily. “So, how’s your relationship with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?” Sunset asks as we slowly eat some of the snack Pinkie left us. I swallow the gummy worm I’d been eating and frown down at the table, folding my arms. “I’m not really sure. I mean, I get along with them fine, but it’s almost like they expect something from me.” Sunset lowers her can of soda from her lips, an eyebrow raised. “What do you mean?” I look at her. “All the time they were trying to teach me how to handle princess stuff, emphasis on the try, it felt like they were really happy to be around me.” Sunset shrugs. “I don’t see why that’s weird. Even though I’d ignored it later on, that’s how I felt around the princess myself.” I shake my head. “No. It wasn’t the happiness of student and teacher. I know what that’s like, even if not on the same personal level you and Twilight had with Celestia. It felt... I dunno. Like they were just really happy to be around me specifically. As if they’d known me before, yet that couldn’t be possible because I only came to their world less than half a year ago.” Sunset puts her can down, scratching her chin, a her brows furrowed. “That does seem a bit odd. Can you compare it to anything? It might help figure things out.” I shake my head. “The only thing I can compare it to is something I’ve seen in TV shows and movies... though it’s a weird idea that doesn’t even make sense.” Sunset indicates for me to go on. I sigh, propping my head up with my right hand. “You’re going to think this is weird, but... it’s like in fiction when a child is reunited with their parent after a really long time.” That causes her expression to blank. “Are you serious?” I sigh. “Told you it sounded weird, but it’s the best example I can come up with, yet it doesn’t even make sense. We both know there’s no way in any world that that could be the reason. I’m far younger than either of them and I came to Equestria after Twilight had been an Alicorn for some time.” Sunset shakes her head. “Well, maybe Princess Luna's just trying to prank you. Their counterparts here are both well known for pranking others. Even Twilight’s been a victim of Luna's pranks from time to time.” I cock an eyebrow, silently asking how she knows this. She shrugs. “She told me in some of her messages to me.” Oh yeah. The magic journal that opened the portal in the first place. Huh. I notice my can of soda is empty, so I get up to grab another from the fridge. As I close it, I hear the door to the apartment open. Sticking my head out the kitchen door, I have to blink as my mind blanks for a moment. For the briefest of seconds, I thought I was looking at Teen Titans’ Raven standing by the door, wearing a gray long shirt that reaches to her waist and black jeans, a gray strap bag wrapped over her right shoulder. Thankfully, my brain starts back up and I realize it’s Maud from this world but... damn. I know I compared her to Raven back when I first met her pony self, but her human self looks even more like Raven. Putting her bag down by the door and locking it, she turns and catches sight of me. Her expression doesn’t change as we stare at each other for a few seconds. “Hello there,” she says in the same monotone voice as her pony counterpart. “Are you related to Pinkie’s friend Twilight Sparkle?” I blink, a little taken aback. “Um, yes, kinda. I’m sort of her twin sister.”I cock an eyebrow. “How could you tell I wasn’t actually her? Most I meet for the first time when Twilight isn’t close by enough to see I’m not her mistake me for her. How come you didn’t?” “Your clothing and hairstyles are very different,” she answers. “From what little I’ve known of her, Twilight Sparkle is too reserved to wear such clothes or have such a hairstyle. Your mannerisms also told me you can’t be her.” But we barely interacted before she asked who I am. How could she tell from so little? I give a slow nod and she turns and moves down the hall, likely heading for her own room. I head back to Sunset, not sure how I feel about that interaction. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 ___________________________________________________________     Twilight gives me an apologetic smile as she blushes and I glare at her as I pull my top back on, myself red-faced for a reason other than anger. We’d just finished a game of Truth or Dare, suggested by my double, after which Dash suggested we play a slightly different version from the original, one she’d come up with herself, after having spend most of the night watching three movies, eating sweets, chips and sodas. Not knowing what I was in for, I’d agreed alongside Twilight to try it, only too late noticing the shaking heads of everyone save Dash. Dash’s version of Truth or Dare works like this, instead of someone being given the option of either truth or dare by one person, when it comes to your turn, you can either ask the whole circle or just one person in particular. This is where my grief comes in, due to it being you have to choose either truth or dare in tandem, meaning if you chose truth the first time you were asked, you had to choose dare the next time and it turns out this world’s Dash thinks along similar lines to her pony counterpart. When it was her turn she aimed at both myself and Twilight instead of the circle. And she was smart about it to get what she wanted. First time either of us was asked, we went truth, knowing Dash for her pranks back in Equestria and not willing to take any chances with her dares. That did not last the next time she aimed at us, though. She dared me to take off my top and keep it off til the end of the game. Now, that in itself isn’t such a bad thing for me to deal with. Sure, since becoming human through the portal I feel a lot more self conscious of the new additions to my chest, but it wasn’t that big of a concern to me as the only actual physical male in the room is Spike and, let’s face it, dog or dragon, he likely still isn’t all too aware of that kind of thing.   What did bring on my grief is when Dash got to Twilight again. Remember how I joked with Twilight about whether it would count as masturbating if she and I did it? Well, Dash seemed to have such a thought on her mind, because her dare to Twilight was to make out for a few minutes... with me. So, since she couldn’t refuse the dare, Twilight lend into me and, for lack of a better term, we started making out... and God is my mind fucked up right now. Since Dash’s dare to me was still in effect, nothing kept Twilight from pressing against my bare chest and holy fuck was I not ready for that. I don’t know how or why and part of me honestly never wants to find out, but I actually started getting turned on by it and it seemed so had Twilight. My only guess as to why, since I know neither of us are into the other, nor are we into that way of thinking (well, I’m not, not sure about Twilight, but she really doesn’t seem the type from what I’ve observed), but we’re both now in teenage human girls’ bodies, with the hormones during puberty and everything going at full swing. Plus, there’s the fact that I’d had someone else groping my breasts. You seriously don’t know how much that can turn you on until it happens to you. I mean, yeah, before getting into the nightwear Rarity made me, I’d gone to have a shower and, well, let’s just say I got curious about my new body and did some experimenting with it, but when it’s another person doing it to you? Holy cow, nothing really prepares you for that. When the time limit of Dash’s dare finally was up, Twilight and I, understandably, switched places in the circle so, not only were we not directly next to each other, but also not directly across from each other either, so as to avoid having to make eye contact for the rest of the game. Thankfully, none of the other girls dared anything of that level to the whole circle or either Twilight or myself separately, but AJ clearly decided to get back at Dash for putting us through that by daring Dash to go completely nude and stand in the doorway of Pinkie’s place for several minutes singing I’m a Little Teapot, motions and all. When Dash returned the red face she was sporting showed she wasn’t going to pull something like that again anytime soon. With the game over, I get up to go brush my teeth and wash off my face. When I come back, Dash apologizes for her dares to myself and my double, seeming genuine. I want to hold it against her, but, she is a teen and lord knows how raunchy my thoughts got back when I was still human. I suppose since she is this world’s Dash and knowing our Dash, I accept her apology under the strictest of conditions that she never pull a stunt like that ever again. With that out of the way, we all settle down, Pinkie turning the lights off. Turns out she’s got a clapper installed.     ___________________________________________________________       “Gotta say, I’m still stumped how much you look and sound like Twilight,” Sunset Shimmer says as the two of us walk back in the direction of where the others are. Being Saturday, we all came down here to the local Canterlot Mall Plaza. We’d recently watched a movie, one that reminded me of the Lion King that had been rereleased. Found myself singing along to some of the songs, causing the girls to look at me with surprise. Evidently, it kept slipping their minds that I came from another world of humans where I grew up with such a movie. Once the movie was over, we’d all decided to get lunch, myself and Sunset volunteering to get the food. Twilight’s was, understandably, a vegetarian meal. I, on the other hand, have taken full advantage of being able to consume meat again and, while nothing fancy, went for a triple cheese burger meal from McDonalds. Oddly enough, they have them here in this world. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t our fellow Equestrians,” a smooth voice says. Pausing, I glance around to see three girls standing nearby, two of them glaring our way. One girl has skin a shade of blue similar to Rainbow’s, if a tad whiter, but with far longer hair that is two toned blue and tied back in a ponytail and eyes maybe a bit deeper a purple than mine and Twilight’s, who is looking uncertainly from Sunset and myself to her two companions. Another of the girls has skin a shade lighter in than mine and Twilight’s and eyes the same in colour to the first girl. Her hair is ridiculously long, like the uncertain girl, but is purple with turquoise highlights, tied up in two massive pigtails. Her expression is anger, but there’s something else there that’s a lot harder for me to figure out. The final of the three, who I can’t help getting a sense of leadership from, has skin a yellow very similar to Sunset’s and, like the other two, the same eye colour. Her hair is the most outrageous of the three, orange with yellow highlights and tied back to almost look like an Afro, if that’s possible to do when tying hair back. Her expression is clear anger. All three are wearing tracksuit pants and black hooded tops. Sunset looks very surprised to see them. “The Dazzlings?” she asks, before her eyes narrow. “What’re you still doing around here?” Wait. Dazzlings? The girls mentioned them last night, as had Twilight a few times back in Equestria when I asked about the portal. They were former sirens (they’re human now, so former fits, I think), who used their singing to cause strife among ponies in Equestria and feeding off the negative energy, before that Starswirl the Bearded guy banished them to this world, where they shouldn’t have had access to their magic, but had retained enough to nearly take over after finding Equestrian Magic around Canterlot High. I smirk. “Sorry. You must be mistaking me for my sister, Twilight. Name’s Ken, wannabe bad guys.” That gets a reaction. All three looked shocked, before the lead girl steps forward. If I remember, Adagio’s her name, the purple one’s Aria and the blue one’s Sonata. “Oh, really? I find it hard to believe you aren’t Twilight Sparkle. Care to prove it?” I glance around and put the tray of food I’d been carrying down on a nearby bench, before turning to Adagio and folding my arms. “Bring it, bitch.” I honestly have to hold back laughter as the three sirens’ jaws drop at my language. Sunset looks a little shocked too. I pay that no mind, though. If these girls are the sirens, I’ve no reason to act polite if they give me no reason to. “Now, I have a question for you, sirens,” I say, lazily pointing a finger at them. “From what I’ve learned of you, you had to keep taking more and more negative energy because, along with wanting all that power, you also had to deal when an unquenchable appetite for said energy. Am I correct?” While Adagio narrows her eyes at me, I see a slight frown of confusion come over Aria’s expression, while Sonata’s eyes widen ever so slightly. “So,” I say, stepping forward and looking the head siren right in the eyes, “my question is, after Sunset, Twilight and the others, as Rainbow Dash to eloquently put it, beat down your asses with a giant rainbow Alicorn, destroying the gems you used to harness that magic and gather energy and negative emotions, how’s that hunger been bothering you since?” Adagio’s glare falters slightly in confusion, while Sonata looks with wide eyes between me, Adagio and Aria, the latter of whom has a look of annoyance that seems directed at Adagio. “S-so, we weren’t just imagining it after all?” Sonata asks nervously, her eyes flicking from Adagio to myself. “I told you, Adagio,” Aria growled slightly, folding her arms. “I told you something felt better since that day.” “But we no longer have our magic!” the yellow girl whirled around, glaring at the other girls. “How are things better without our magic?!” “If you ask me, if I had to choose between having magic and feeling like I’m always starving, or having no magic and never having to feel that, I’d take the latter option,” I retort, before pointing a thumb at Sunset. “I mean, look at Sunset. Sure, she didn’t spend nearly as much time is this world as I’m guessing you have,” since they were sent when Starswirl was still alive, that would mean they’ve been here a fairly long while as the guy’s been dead for centuries, “but she did fine without magic for the last couple years and, unlike you guys, as a unicorn, she’d use it for almost everything.” “But we are dying!” Adagio turns back to me, snarling. I blink, my eyes widening. Wait, what? Dying? What does she mean? Aria groans, sounding annoyed and bored. “For the last time, Adagio, stop being so overly dramatic.” “How are you both so calm about this?!” she return to glaring at her two I’m thinking sisters with how this is sounding. “We’ve been fine for all these centuries in this retched world, but after we got blasted by their Equestrian Magic, we’ve started aging! We’re going to die!” “In seventy to eighty years, maybe,” Aria counters, glaring back at her leader. “For crying out loud, Adagio, we should be thankful we didn’t start aging when we got sent here! Yeah, we’re aging now, but it’s slow, it’s not like our actual ages are catching up to us. We’ve still got plenty of years left.” I glance at Sunset, who’s looking at me uncertainly. This is definitely not going how either of us would’ve expected. As Aria and Adagio’s argument gets more heated, we decide it’s best to just move on. I grab my tray and we turn to leave, only to stop when Sonata steps in front of us, looking down and rubbing her hands together nervously. “Um... I know I don’t really have any rights, but... would it... would it be okay if I... chatted with you... sometime?” I glance at Sunset, who returns my look, before she gives a small smile, puts down her tray, pulls a small pad out of her jacket pocket and writes something down on it, before tearing off the sheet of paper from the pad and handing it to Sonata. “When they’ve calmed down, give me a call or come over, okay?” Sonata gives a small smile, before returning to stand near the still bickering duo. Sunset picking up her tray and we both head off to rejoin the others. Something tells me the rest of this weekend may have gotten more interesting. We spend the rest of the day hanging around the mall. Rarity tries several times to get Twilight and myself to get new outfits, but I point out to her a very key point Twilight told me about. When Twilight first went from this world back to Equestria, she’d been wearing a very fancy dress Rarity had made her for the Fall Formal, however, when Twilight next came to this world, she was wearing the clothes she had been back when she first arrived. This tells me that clothes will not transition well between the worlds, making whoever goes from Equestria to this world; even if they’d been wearing something different when they went back to Equestria, upon returning here would default to the clothes they’d been wearing prior. Either that or the portal was being a troll. Then again, Twilight had left during the natural cycle of the portal’s opening, so maybe, opening it manually had simply reset it, and since Twilight, until that third night, had only been wearing what she was first spewed out with, it chose that for then? Bah! Magic is just confusing. Thankfully, I was able to put enough doubt in Rarity’s mind to deter her from any clothes shopping for those who weren’t staying in this world regularly. We spent a bit of time at an arcade, where Dash and I had some heated gaming. AJ seemed fine with it, despite her apparently being the one who would compete so much with the rainbow haired girl. In fact, she seemed to find it amusing, more often than not likely because I would keep things neck and neck far more than Rainbow was clearly comfortable with. “Pity you aren’t going to be around for the Friendship Games,” Dash says as we finish a racing game, her holding out a fist. I bump it in return, before cocking an eyebrow. “Friendship Games, what’re those?” And that has got to be one of the childish names I’ve ever heard. What, are they games were you compete to see who’s best at making friends? She stretches as we start to head back to where the rest of the girls are waiting for us outside the arcade. “It’s a competition we have every four years against another school called Crystal Prep. Having you on the time might’ve helped us win for once.” I look to her in surprise, my puzzling over whether or not this Crystal Prep is this world’s version of the Crystal Empire being set aside by Dash’s last words. “Wait. You haven’t won them before?” Dash groans, folding her arms. “Not for a long time. And, despite the fact Crystal Prep usually beat us when it comes to pretty much anything, including the games, they gloat about it,” well, doesn’t that sound like someone and somepony I know? “and hold it over our heads like it makes them better than us.” I frown. Okay, yeah, I was joking before, but that last part is a real dick move. Treating another school likes it’s beneath yours just because you always beat it at competitive stuff? Who the hell runs that school that’s okaying this? I know it can’t be Cadance and Shining Armour. Regardless of which world, I know Cadance couldn’t be so cold as a human. Either way, it sounds like the Friendship Games are called that because they’re meant to foster friendship between the schools… though, by the sounds of it, it fails in doing that. We meet up with the others and, noticing the time, decide we’ll meet up again tomorrow at Pinkie’s. Twilight and I wave goodbye to the girls as we follow Sunset, who said we could stay over at her place tonight since we’re all ponies. As we head for the exit, getting sodas from a nearby kiosk, I happen to notice a group of five younger girls sitting at a table nearby who look oddly familiar and it takes a second for it to click and, due to an old habit of mine, end up blurting out, “Is that the CMC?” The other two pause and look where I am, before Sunset nods. “Yeah. That’s them, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.” I cock an eyebrow. “But, the CMC and other two seem to hate each other back in Equestria.” Sunset sighs, folding her arms, her expression souring a little. “Yeah, it used to be that way here too. But, that was before Diamond’s father was arrested for child abuse.” I literally do a spit-take, Twilight quickly patting my back as I cough. Once I’ve got my breathing back under control, I look to Sunset with wide eyes. What? Filthy Rich was arrested for child abuse? Huh? I’ve met Filthy Rich, or at least his pony self, and he’s the nicest business guy I’ve ever met (though, in truth I’ve never met many, but you get my point) and a clearly loving father. Yet his human counterpart has been arrested for child abuse?! “HOW?” I demand, before putting my hands over my mouth. Thankfully, the mall’s so noisy it seems no one noticed. Sunset gives Diamond a sad look, despite the pink girl laughing and smiling along with the other four girls around her. “Turns out that Filthy lived up to his first name. He was making Diamond treat others horribly and kept enforcing on her that she’d join his business, Barnyard Bargains, when she gets older, without asking if that’s what she wanted herself.” I just look from Sunset to Diamond, my mouth open. I can’t be hearing this. “Her mother did her best to shield Diamond from the worst of it, but even though she’s head of the school board, she couldn’t really do anything,” Sunset continues, shaking her head. “In the end it took some anonymous emails to the police before Filthy’s dirty deeds started coming to the surface.” I glance to Sunset, an eyebrow raised. “Anonymous emails?” Sunset nods, a frown of confusing forming. “Yeah. No one’s been able to figure out who it was. When I say it was anonymous, they did leave a name, but no one’s been able to track it down.” “Who sent the emails?” Twilight asks, also interested. Sunset shaking her head. “Someone named Screwball. But, despite all their searching, the police haven’t been able to find anyone with that name who could’ve known about everything Filthy was doing. The only Screwball around is Spoiled Rich’s twin sister, but she’s a recovering mental patient, so there’s no way she could've had the skills to get those emails without leaving a trace beyond her name. They even got skilled hackers to try and trace the emails, but it’s like they came from a server that never even existed.” I fold my arms, cocking an eyebrow. “What, like, it vanished like magic? Sunset, that sound redicu... and I just realized I’m in no position to finish that sentence due to where I live and what I am there,” I finish, scratching the back of my neck. Sunset nods, smirking. “Yeah. The three of us are in no position to deny magic could, even by the smallest chance, be involved. Regardless, after the police confronted Filthy about it, his wife filed for divorce—” Something tells me that was more her taking a chance that finally came to her in order to help keep her daughter safe more than not wanting a husband who it turned out was abusive to her child. “—and, thanks to the charges already against him and Diamond’s testimony, she was able to get full custody of Diamond, as well as a fair amount of money due to Child Support. The two moved out from his big mansion and, while not living in too big a home, moved to a house far away from him. He’s still running his business, but the police have their eye on him so he doesn’t do anything shifty. Not to mention making sure he doesn’t violate the restraining order his now ex-wife has against him that forbids him from coming within eighty yards of either her or Diamond.” Yeesh! So, while Filthy’s a really nice guy and loving father back in Equestria, over here he’s a complete and utter douche bag. Suddenly my theory about whether Cadance must be like her pony self has been put into question. With that done, we head out and walk to Sunset’s apartment. It turns out she lives in the a single building not too far from Pinkie Pie. As we reach the building, however, it’s to find someone sitting on the steps out front, her arms around her legs. It’s that Sonata girl from earlier. As we approach, she looks up and I realize her eyes are red and there are tear-streaks down her face. Without thinking, I hurry over and pull the girl into a hug, which she returns at once, holding onto me tightly. “Sonata?” Sunset asks, sounding shocked as she and Twilight catch up. “What happened? Why’re you here?” Sonata sniffles, burying her face into my shoulder, her voice muffled. “Adagio kicked me out.” Whoa, wait, WHAT?! Aren’t those three sisters? That’s the vibe I got from them with how they were bickering back at the mall, not to mention the fact all three shared the exact same eye colour. And that Adagio, I’m guessing the older sister of the three, just kicked her own flesh and blood out onto the streets?! Seriously?! “What happened?” Twilight asks, her voice full of concern. Sonata sniffles again, before pulling back and looking down at the ground. “After you girls left, Aria and Dagi’s fight got worse. Mall security kicked us out for creating a disturbance and we went home, where they just continued to argue. I tried to mention what you said, Sunset and Dagi snapped at me and, before I knew what was happening, she’d kicked me out, yelling never to come back!” she finishes by bursting into tears. I look to Twilight and Sunset, not sure what to think, let alone do. Before any of us can, there’s a pink blur from behind the two still standing and a voice shouts, “It’s okay, Sonata! You can stay with me and Maud if you want!” My eyes go wide as I register that somehow Pinkie is now hugging Sonata tightly. I... but, she... How did...? Where did...? When did...? “Don’t worry, girls,” Pinkie says, turning to look at us. “She can stay with Maud and me.” Before I really know what’s happened Pinkie and the siren are just... gone. We each look around for several moments, but they’re just gone. I look to Twilight and Sunset, my eyes wide and asking HOW? I don’t understand this at all. How did this world’s Pinkie do that? Was she following us and kept quiet the whole time? Knowing our Pinkie, that doesn’t seem possible. I... she... I put my head in my hands. “My brain hurts. Can we just go inside and go to bed before I have a melt down?” Sunset nods, still looking uncertain herself and we head inside. Her apartment isn’t much. It’s not too big or too small; there is a small combo kitchen and dining area, with another area that looks like a living area, with a large black couch with two smaller couches either side facing in a diagonal position and a flat-screen, sixty inch TV with what look like a PS3 and a PS2, with a small hallway leading to what I’d assume are the bathroom and a door leading to a bedroom with a loft. I look around, before Twilight says exactly what I’m thinking. “Sunset, how can you afford a place like this?” It’s a very valid question. Sunset’s from Equestria. Where did she get the money to pay for all this? Even if she has a part-time job, this apartment seems to nice and it’s not exactly cheap to get that kind of a screen, let alone both a PS3 and PS2 (the latter of which is better, in my personal opinion). Sunset blinks, before chuckling a little sheepishly, scratching her head. “Whilst Princess Celestia didn’t know it, when I went through the portal against her wishes, I’d returned a short while later and grabbed a ton of gems. Once I got back here, undetected by the so-called ever vigilant Royal Guard, mind you, I sold the gems here and have been using the money from them ever since.” Twilight and I just stare, blinking at her, our eyes wide. “B-but you first came to this world four years ago,” Twilight says, flustered. Sunset nods, still smiling sheepishly. I shake my head. “But... to have been living off the money from those gems for so long... just how much did you get for them, and how many did you bring?!” She shrugs. “I honestly had no idea how much the gems were worth in this world until I tried to sell them. I’ve barely used half of them.” Our jaws just hang open. And here I’d thought Sunset had struggled for a living during her time in this world. Man, was I wrong. Having eaten dinner at the mall due to how late it was, we all just take turns bathing before Twilight and I take the spare bedroom, which has two beds and we all turn in for the night. With tomorrow being our last day before heading back to Equestria, I can’t help wondering how crazy it will be. Will Pinkie bring Sontata along? And what about Sonata’s sisters? Are they worried about her? Are they out looking for her? Whatever the case, I know I can’t do anything right now, so I close my eyes and let sleep come to me. Tomorrow’s another day. Let’s see how crazy a day.     > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12 ___________________________________________________________     Twilight, Spike, Sunset and I leave the apartment the next morning. Spike slept at the foot of Twilight’s bed last night. It was too adorable and, thanks to this world having phone cameras, I was able to sneak into Sunset’s room and use her phone to take a pic of him. Come morning, I warned her she’d left her phone unlocked, but make a deal with her that, next time I come to this world, she give me a physical copy of the photo of Spike. We leave the building, heading for the mall. Pinkie texted Sunset as we were having breakfast to say we’d be meeting up with the others at the mall, namely because we now need to figure out what to do about Sonata. Upon reaching the mall, it’s to find all the others save our pink friend and her tag along. “Guess we beat them here,” Spike says, walking by Twilight’s feet as we reach the group. His words are not missed by the others, Applejack giving us an odd look. “Them? Only one we’re missin’ is Pinkie. What do ya mean them?” Oh, boy. This ain’t gonna be easy. “Well, after the four of us left you guys last night,” Sunset starts as we all sit down on two benches that are likely for shoppers that just wanna sit down for a bit, “we found someone outside the apartment building.” Rarity gives a curious raise of an eyebrow. “Really? Who was it, darling?” “HI GUYS!” a very cheery voice yells. We all turn to see Pinkie bouncing through the mall towards us. Following behind her (more like being dragged, really, with how she stumbles with Pinkie pulling her by the hand), is Sonata, who’s dressed in a pallet swap of Pinkie’s normal clothes. Instead of a bright blue short-sleeve vest over a white shirt, a pink skirt and blue boots that reach up to the knee like Pinkie’s, Sonata is wearing a pink short-sleeve vest over a white shirt, a bright blue skirt and boots the same as Pinkie’s. I have to say, the look kinda suits her. The others are all open-jawed as Pinkie reaches us, Sonata, understandably due to her history with these girls, keeping a bit behind the bubbly girl, not meeting any of their eyes. After several moments, it’s Applejack who breaks the relative silence. “Um, Pinkie Pie? Why exactly did you bring one of the sirens with you today?” “Yeah!” Dash glares at the blue girl, snorting, causing Sonata to whimper. “She and her pals tried to brainwash the whole school! Why’s she here?” “Because her fellow sirens kicked her out,” I say defensively. That gives the other four pause as they look to each other, then back to either Sonata and Pinkie or myself. “Sonata didn’t give us all the details,” Sunset says, glancing to her before looking back at the girls as I move a little to give Sonata room to sit down next to me, “but she was in tears when we found her and said Adagio had kicked her out.” “Oh, the poor dear,” Fluttershy says, looking to the siren with a sympathetic expression. “Seriously?” Applejack asks, an odd mixture of skepticism and anger that doesn’t seem directed at Sonata playing across her features. “Ah thought they were sisters! They just tossed their own kin out int’ the streets t’ fend fer herself?” “Seems that way,” Twilight nods solemnly as I put an arm around Sonata, who had started to sob quietly, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Man, I knew the sirens were jerks, but that’s a new low,” Rainbow says, punching a fist into her other hand. “S-Sonata?” The addition of a ninth voice (Twilight and I have an identical voices, so I don’t know whether to count our voices as two different ones in this case), causes us all to turn and see another of the sirens, Aria, standing several feet away, her eyes wide. Though, it’s not the fact that she’s there that shocks us, but her appearance. She looks a wreck. Her clothes, which are the same ones she was wearing yesterday, look ragged and have tares in several places. Her hair, though still in pigtails like yesterday, looks scruffy, with twigs and leafs here and there inside it. She has dirt patches on her jeans and, from the bags under her eyes, it looks like she didn’t get much sleep last night. Before any of us can really respond, she rushes forward and pulls Sonata into a tight hugged, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Are you out of your mind, you stupid idiot? What were you thinking, running off like that? You had me so worried when you didn’t come back!” I look around at the others, all of whom are sharing the same confused expression I know I’m wearing. This just got a bit confusing. “What do you mean running off?” Dash is the first to speak, her arms folded as she gives Aria a stern look. “Sonata told Twilight, Sunset and Ken that your boss kicked her out.” Aria pulls back a bit from Sonata to give Dash a mixed look of annoyance and confusion, before blinking and looking down, sighing. “I guess it might’ve seemed like that to you, huh?” she finished, clearly directly it at Sonata herself. “Okay, Ah think we all need to know just what exactly happened,” Applejack says, folding her arms and looking firmly at Sonata. “Care t’ tell yer side o’ the story?” Aria doesn’t respond for a moment, before she glances at me, nodding her head a little to the side, indicating for me to move so she can sit with her fellow siren. I oblige, getting up and moving to lean against a wall facing the side of the bench. Aria takes the now empty spot, before taking a deep breath. “Well, first off, what exactly did Sonata tell you happened?” “You all got home, you and Adagio got into a fight, Sonata tried to mention what Sunset had told her before we left and Adagio snapped at her, kicking her out,” I state flatly. Yeah. Still pissed at her for doing that. Next time I see that yellow skinned siren in human form, I’ll be giving her a piece of my mind. Aria sighs. “Yeah, sounds about right. Aside from the actually kicking Sonata out part, anyway.” She takes a deep breath, before looking around at us. “Okay, so, yeah, she was right about the two of us fighting. I was just so angry that Adagio wouldn’t accept our hunger for energy being gone wasn't bad thing and we got really heated. Adagio tried to argue about how we’re meant to deal with this world now that we’re completely without magic and Sonata interjected, saying how we could ask you,” she looks to Sunset, “about how you managed it, since you didn’t have any magic until after your purple princess came and Adagio screamed at her, saying if she wanted to have help from the enemy, then she could just leave and never come back.” Man, is Adagio really that hung up on having magic that, despite Sunset only protecting the school, she considers her an enemy? Talk about petty. “After that, Sonata burst into tears and ran out the door,” Aria continues, a frown forming on her face. “It isn’t the first time Adagio made Sonata cry, but this was the first time I’d ever seen that kind of hurt in her expression.” A sad look come over Aria’s face. “I wondered if we should go get her back, but Adagio said Sonata would be back in a while, “Tail between her legs”, she’d said, so I decided to wait.” Her expression becomes haunted. “But, when it was past ten and she still wasn’t back, I got worried and, when Adagio didn’t seem to care either way, I headed out myself. I mean, this isn’t Equestria. The three of us have lived in this world for a long time and we know what this world is like and, a sweet, naive girl like Sonata, out on her own in the streets at night?” She shudders, wrapping her arms around herself. “I was up searching all night, thoughts of the horrible things that could’ve happened to her running through my mind all the time. I even beat up some jerks who mentioned something that sounded like they’d gotten to her, but they’d just been assholes who were looking for that kind of fun.” Well, I have to give her props for that. Beating up assholes like that gets her an okay in my book, especially since it was because she was scared for Sonata. “But, we saw how the two of you treated Sonata back at school,” Dash says, her voice full of skepticism. “You treated her horribly and acted like she was just stupid.” “We’re sisters, what do you expect?” Aria asks a bit defensively. “Siblings always pick on each other. We...” she looks down, shame entering her eyes, “we were just jerks because we were always hungry for more energy and it meant Sonata got on our nerves more easily, so we took it out on her because she was so naive, half the time she never even noticed.” There’s silence for several moments, before she looks around at us with determination. “Sure, she grinds my gears a lot, but she’s still my little sister! I wasn’t just going to abandon her like that!” The others all look around at each other, before everyone yelps as I slam a fist into the wall I’m leaning against, my lips pulled back into a snarl. “So, if I have it right, you were worried about your sister because you know what this world is like, but your other sister didn’t give a shit about it?!” “Um... yeah?” Aria answers nervously, Sonata holding onto her. I growl, before pushing off the wall and turning to face the direction of the mall’s exit. “Show me where you live.” “Huh?” they all ask, sounding both very confused and a little worried. “I wanna have a few words with your older sister,” I say, looking at Sonata and Aria over my shoulder. ___________________________________________________________       Adagio walked over to the table in the dining room/kitchen and sat down, placing a bowl of cereal down along with a glass of orange juice. She was still wearing the white shirt and boxers she’d gone to sleep in the night before. She hadn’t seen any sign of Aria or Sonata this morning. Likely they’d both gotten up before her and left to do whatever. Aria was probably sulking around the mall somewhere and, knowing the ditz Sonata was, she was probably hanging around a pet store or something because of the stupid baby animals. She had no doubts that the dumbest of the three of them had come back after running off crying. She always came back. It wasn’t like any of them had anywhere else to go anyway. Those stupid girls from Canterlot High wouldn’t likely help them. They were the enemy, after all and the enemy never help out their opposition and it wasn’t like they’d have much to do wherever they went. True, centuries of having power over the weak minds of the humans had allowed them to gather a considerable reserve of wealth, which she had managed the use of, so they’d need her to give them something if they’d wanted to do anything in particular that required money, though for the most part they’d just used their voices to get what they want. It had been her who’d had the forethought to gain so much and hide it away for safe keeping, living simply to as not arouse suspicion from the natives of this world that would need more power than their voices had had to sway them from noticing. Their home hadn’t been much anyway. A small unit. Three bedrooms, a bathroom, the combined kitchen/dining room/living room. It barely cost anything and didn’t look anything special, but that was the idea. No one questioned three teenage sisters living on their own in a small house like this. Now, without any magic at all, the money was all they’d have to maintain their lives and she’d be the one managing it. It was both a blessing and a curse no longer having magic to sway the minds of their landlords like they had over the years. The new landlord had only recently started her job and hadn’t met them yet, but, since there was never an official record of the three living in this unit despite paying the rent, something they’d used their magic to ensure every time it came up, she wouldn’t question how the girls had been living there for so many years yet were still teenagers. With the accursed fact that they were indeed aging, it wouldn’t ever need to worried about being brought into question again. Not that it was much of a comfort to begin with. And Aria and Sonata’s attitude towards their immanent deaths was shocking. Were they not afraid of being mortal now? Why must they be so frustrating? she thought to herself, picking at her cereal. If not for me, they’d have been goners long ago without my planning. And now they’re just fine with everything coming to an end like this? Her musings were suddenly interrupted by a loud banging on the front door. She groaned. Only Aria banged on the door like that. She must have forgotten her keys and locked herself out. She decided to wait several minutes, listening to the pounding on the door growing louder and more insistent. Serves her right, she thought with a small smirk. After several minutes, she decided she’d waited long enough. “Alright, alright, I hear you,” she called out lazily, getting up and slowly making her way to the door and unlocking it. “Forget your keys again, Ar—?” She cut herself off upon seeing who was standing on the other side of the door. It was not Aria nor Sonata. Instead, it was the girl who looked like that pony princess save the odd hairstyle, yet claimed she wasn’t her. And now, she could confirm that, for, standing a bit away from said girl, she could see another girl who matched the one from back at Canterlot High perfectly, along with the rest of The Rainbooms and Sonata and Aria. However, her brain didn’t bother to take much time to register that as she was more occupied by the death glare being given by the purple girl standing in her door way. Before Adagio knew what was happening, the girl pulled her arm back, before slamming a fist into the siren’s jaw. She stumbled backward, before the girl came back at her, this time lunging, pushing Adagio to the ground, the look of rage never faltering. Adagio tried to fight back, but it was like this girl had inhuman strength as they rolled across the floor, Adagio taking punch after punch to either the face, chest or stomach. Righting themselves, the girl grabbed her by the neck of her shirt, before slamming Adagio against the wall. They then stood for several long moments, the girl still glaring a look of death to her, while Adagio glared back, but wincing in pain from all the hits she’d taken. “You left your youngest sister out in the world on her own?” the girl asked suddenly, her voice dripping with rage. “You’ve lived in this world for centuries, thus knowing full well what could happen to a defenceless girl like Sonata, yet you just left her out there? You didn’t even think of going to look for her?!” Adagio blinked, confused. Why did she care what happened to Sonata, she wasn’t a siren. What was she anyway? Was she this world’s version of that pony princess? “She could’ve died, you heartless hag!” the girl screamed, spit flying from her mouth and hitting Adagio in the face. “She could’ve been robbed, or kidnapped or raped or even murdered! Don’t you even care about your own sister’s well being?!” Adagio growled, lifting her hands up, trying to pry her attacker’s grip. “She’d be fine. She’d just have to use her voice and—” Adagio cut herself off, her eyes widening. Wait. Sonata couldn’t have used her voice to escape anything. They didn’t have them anymore. She’d not been worrying about it, thinking Sonata would be alright if anything had happened and would come right back, but... she’d forgotten that the naive girl wouldn’t be able to use their magic to escape anything because none of them had any magic. She slumped against the wall, not seeming to notice her captor had let go. She... she’d been so angry about everything, about losing her own magic that... she’d never once considered what could really happen to her youngest sister, out on her own, who also had no magic. She’d watched Sonata run off last night, certain she’d come back, but... what if she had run into something? If she had, despite herself not worrying about it at the time, Sonata wouldn’t have been able to protect herself. Without their magic, they were just regular teenage human girls and she’d let Sonata go off all on her own at night and just gone to bed without a care what happened, because she’d assumed Sonata would be alright. “I... I didn’t...” Feelings she’d ignored for years, aside by her hunger always taking precedence, suddenly returned to the surface. She’d let her sister, her baby sister run off own her own in this world where, unlike in Equestria, crime was a very real thing and, had Sonata run into anything... Her skin palled, suddenly envisioning her turning on the news and hearing about a murder and seeing Sonata’s face appear on the screen. She felt like she was going to be sick. ___________________________________________________________     I watch the yellow skinned human as she slumps to the floor, wrapping her arms around herself, her eyes wide with horror. Walking back out, I nod to the others. Sonata and Aria thank us for everything and say they’ll be in touch, before heading inside, closing the door behind them to ensure their family meeting was private. “Family means a lot to ya, don’ it, Ken?” Applejack asks after several moments of us jsut standing around. I clench and unclench my fists, still trying to get rid of the excess anger still flowing through me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, before looking to the farm girl. “More than you know.” “So... what do we do now?” Dash asks, looking around at our group, that the sirens’ unit. “Should we wait out here t’ find out what happens or...?” Sunset shakes her head. “Let’s just go hang out at Sugar Cube Corner for now. Sonata’s still got my number. If she wants to contact us, she will.” We all agree and head of to the human world version of Pinkie Pie’s home back in Equestria. We hang out at the place for a while, the others attempting to get our minds off of the sirens. Twilight and Sunset talk about magic, while Rainbow and the others discuss a few more things about those Friendship Games and Crystal Prep. Seems Cadance isn’t the head honcho there like I’d originally thought yesterday when Dash mentioned the school. It’s run by a woman called Abacus Cinch and, from the way they each talk about her, it’s clear they don’t have positive opinions of her. Sure hope her pony counterpart is more enjoyable to be around. At around 3pm we decide to call it a day, returning to Canterlot High so Twilight, Spike and I can use the portal to go back to Equestria. We promise to come back soon, myself particularly looking forward to my next visit and pass on through the portal. Time to return to my pony life. “So, any idea for what we can do next?” I ask, stretching as I get used to being on all fours again. Strangely, it feels the tiniest bit easier to me than being in a human body again was. “Well,” Twilight says, smiling at me. “I was thinking maybe you could try getting a little more involved in the official things around Ponyville.” I cock an eyebrow. “Like what? In case you’ve forgotten, Twilight, that isn’t exactly my forte.” She just keeps smiling. “Well, it’s not much, but I thought, maybe, you could help a little with the school. Just a few things here and there, ya know?” I sigh. Knowing Twilihgt, she’ll bug me about at least giving it a try until I cave. So, may as well cut out the middle mare and get it over with. We spend a few minutes going over some things and I decide to sit in on a meeting the Ponyville School Board will be having in a few days, once the students have elected their Student Pony President. Yes, they call them Student Pony President. I can’t help feeling that seems a teeny bit racist. What if a griffon or donkey were attending school in Ponyville? Would they not be allowed to run just because they’re not a pony? Guess that gives me something to bring up at the meeting, at least. Plus, I’ll get a chance to meet pony Spoiled Rich and pony Cinch, since apparently they’re both on the school board here in Equestria. Just hope Cinch is better company than her human counterpart apparently is. I can’t wait to speak with Mrs Rich though. With her human self being so kind a mother and her father in this world being so kind, I’m guessing our Diamond has a better family life than her human self did. Guess having too kind parents left her feeling entitled though, from what I remember of my last encounter with the filly.     > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 ___________________________________________________________     I groan, rubbing my forehead with a hoof. It’s been a few days since we got back from the human mirror world of Equestria. Over that time, Sunset contacted us via the magic journal, informing us what was going on with the sirens. After we’d left the sirens’ home, Adagio had broken down, everything finally hitting her and making her realize what the other two sirens had a while ago. They needed to look out for each other, as well as just what could have happened to Sonata the previous night. The three are going to move out of Canterlot to somewhere else, somewhere they could get a fresh start to try and make whatever many years they now have as normal humans worth it. When I asked why they won’t just stay in Canterlot, Sunset replied that Aria said how there’s just too many bad memories for them in Canterlot, especially after what happened at Canterlot High, so they’re going to move somewhere no one knows them, for a truly new start. They’d be leaving before the end of the month. I admit, that seems pretty sudden to do, but I would hazard to guess they spent the last couple days looking for somewhere to live online and, since they have been around for so long, have enough finances to handle such a thing. Of course, concern about the sirens and how things will go for them now aren’t the only things that have been occupying my mind over the last couple days. Twilight’s been helping me to handle all the official stuff so that I’ll be well informed later today, when I go to the school board meeting at Ponyville School. Something just isn’t adding up though. I keep looking at several forms about the school’s remaining budget for the year, bills parents will owe, the cost of learning materials for the students, field trip plans, those kinds of things. But every time I look over them, I feel like something’s’ wrong, like there’s a big neon sign amongst everything saying “This Doesn’t Make Sense”, but my lack of real understanding of the school’s financing is making it impossible to tell what it is. “Everything going okay in here, Ken?” I look up as Twilight walks into the castle library, Spike next to her. I sigh, before taking all the forms in my magic and levitating them over to her. “I don’t know. I feel like there’s something wrong with these forms, like there’s something that doesn’t make sense about the school’s budget, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out what,” I finish by flopping my head on the table as Twilight takes the forms in her own magic. “Well, no need to worry, Ken,” she replies in a way too chipper mood, walking over as she starts looking at the forms I gave her. “I’m sure you just need a little help to...” Her trailing off causes me to lift my head slightly to look at her. she’s wearing a frown as she looks over the forms. “That can’t be right,” she murmurs after a few minutes. I lift my head and glance to Spike, cocking an eyebrow, but he just shrugs. “What is it, Twilight?” I ask. If she noticed something off about the forms too, then it’s not just me. She doesn’t respond for several moments, going over the forms, muttering to herself in a way neither Spike nor myself can understand her. About five minutes later, she lowers the papers, an eyebrow raised in confusion. “According to these forms, about three weeks ago a huge sum of bits was taken out of the school’s funds for something to do with a statue.” My concerns ease. Oh. Just a statue? That was all? That’s not too uncommon. School’s pay to have statue’s made all the time. “Who or what’s it of?” I ask, feeling glad this is sorted. Can’t believe I wasted so much time over nothing. “Celestia or Luna? A previous teacher or of school faculty member?” Twilight doesn’t respond, before frowning in my direction. “Normally nopony would notice this, but... Ken, Spike, come with me. We’ve some investigating to do.” I look to Spike, very confused, though he seems to share my reaction to this. We spend the next hour tracking down the pony who made the statue that was ordered, a pony called Hard Pick. We question him about the order. He informs us he’d been commissioned by the school to make a statue of Diamond Tiara, of all ponies. “What?” I ask incredulously after he finishes telling us about it. “Why would the school want a statue of that stuck up brat?” I ignore Twilight’s scowl at me talking so rudely about a child. From my first encounter with her and that I’ve been told by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, calling her a brat is being gentle. The stallion just shrugs, “Mrs Rich said it was to commemorate her daughter winning some school election.” I blink, cocking an eyebrow. “You mean the Student Pony President?” He nods. “Yeah. That sounds about right.” I shake my head. “But, Diamond Tiara didn’t win that election. A foal named Pipsqueak did.” Having had to speak with Miss Cheerilee to get the forms to know just what I was doing, I’d been told this by her when she came over late yesterday. He frowns in confusion. “Huh. Bit of an oversight on the school’s part, there. Wonder why they were willing to pay for a statue of a filly for wining something if she hadn’t already won it. Odd.” Twilight frowns. “Wait. They? As in, the school itself paid for that statue?” Hard Pick nods, now frowning in confusion. “Yeah. Seems weird, that I think about it.” “I think I’ll be speaking about this at the board meeting today,” I say firmly, before smiling and nodding to the stallion. “Thank for very much for your help, Hard Pick.” He scratches behind his head, smiling back. “My pleasure, Your Highnesses. Happy to help.” We leave, myself going over in my mind everything I’d just learned. Spoiled Rich, for whatever reason, had used school funds to pay for a statue of her daughter to commemorate Diamond Tiara winning something that she wasn’t guaranteed to win and in the end didn’t. Something really fishy is going on here and I don’t like it.     ___________________________________________________________     I walk into the school to find several ponies gathered there. Spoiled Rich, of course, being head of the school board, but three other ponies. One is a tanned Earth Pony mare with a greying mane and tail, the former tied back in a bun and a Cutie Mark of a pencil and quill. The next is a not too elderly stallion with a completely grey mane cut short like a military hair cut and a Cutie Mark of a bell and hammer. The last is a rather tall mare with a lined, slightly squared face wearing lined glasses, a faded cyan coat that doesn’t look like those you tend to see around Ponyville, a main and tail with a colour scheme that kind of remind me of Twilight’s and my own, but a darker shade, both done back in a bun and a Cutie Mark of a clipboard in front of a trophy. “Uh, Princess Ken,” she says, noticing me and walking over, giving me a slight bow. “An honour to meet you, Your Highness.” I wave a hoof. “No need for that, Miss...” She lifts her head back up, smiling. “Cinch, Your Highness. Abacus Cinch. Along with being a member of the school board, I’m also the principal of a school in the Crystal Empire.” I blink, before wanting to smack myself in the head. That’s why her coat doesn’t match anything you’d see in Ponyville. She’s a Crystal Pony and none of them live here. “Well, it is very nice to meet you, Principal Cinch,” I smile, offering a hoof, which she shakes. I’m quickly introduced to the other two members of the school board, their names Swift Quill and Iron Bell respectively, before we all sit down. Moments later, a very small colt with a white coat with patches of brown in places on his fur and a brown mane sits next to me that I recognize as Pipsqueak. “Greetings, Your Highness,” he says, saluting me in what is honestly quite an adorable fashion. I smile and nod at him and the meeting gets started. It begins rather dull, at first, Cinch and the other two mentioning things about their own schools and referencing connections the schools will all go through over the next year or so. Then it comes time for Pip to speak up as Student Pony President. Strangely, I can swear as he stands up on his chair (namely because he’s so small) to address us all, I notice a dark scowl pass over Spoiled Rich’s face for a moment. It wasn’t an “Annoyed that Child is Being Rude” kind of scowl either. It was a really dark one, the kind you’d give to someone you really don’t like. Pip requests that we use some of the school’s funds to repair the playground equipment, which I had noticed wasn’t in the best of condition, even when I first came to the school and played with the foals. No sooner has Pip finished speaking, however, Spoiled Rich scoffs. “So sorry to inform you, Pipesquake,” she says, and I, for some reason, get the oddest feeling she intentionally got his name wrong there, “but that is not possible.” “What?!” Pip cries in shock. I blink, looking to Mrs Rich with a cocked eyebrow. “Forgive me for speaking out of line here, Mrs Rich, but just why can’t the school do that? I think repairing the playground equipment sounds like a very good idea. We wouldn’t want foals getting hurt playing on damaged equipment, after all.” “I’m afraid Spoiled is correct there, Your Highness,” Cinch says, though her tone sounds very disappointed. “Quill and myself met on the train to Ponyville and went over the recent figures for Ponyville School and there just isn’t enough money in the budget.” “How much would it cost?” I ask, curious. The number I’m given causes me to narrow my eyes for a moment, before hiding it. The amount of bits it would have cost to replace all the playground equipment was a little less than what the statue that had been commissioned with school funds had cost. “But... but I promised the other students that the playground would be fixed,” Pip says, sounding heartbroken. “Well, there’s a lesson for you, there,” Spoiled says and I can swear for a second a saw a cold smirk pass over her face. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” My eyes widen as my ears then pick up her muttering something about “Transplant from Trottingham”. That... that sounded like a racist insult! However, as the other three ponies had been talking amongst themselves, it seems they hadn’t heard it. “Now, run along, little colt,” Spoiled says and I can tell she’s got some kind of joy that makes me uncomfortable dancing in her eyes. “Let the big ponies talk about the things you don’t understand.” I watch with a sad heart as Pip getting down and slowly trots out the room and through the door, closing it behind him. Spoiled huffs, muttering, “Good riddance.” I just stare at the mare. She is such a contrast from the person I saw in the mirror world, it’s shocking. “Now,” Spoiled says a bit louder, catching the other three’s attention, “shall we move on to more important matters?” I grind my teeth. Something is really wrong here. I don’t know why the others haven’t noticed it, but Spoiled’s tones several times have been really cold and I can’t ignore that it all seemed to start after Pipsqueak first started speaking. “There is the matter of the budget,” Spoiled says, wearing a smirk that really is irritating me. “Funny you should mention that, Spoiled Rich,” I say, doing my best to maintain my composure and my voice level, which is really hard, as keeping my cool when I’m irritated or angry is something I’ve always struggled with. “Princess Twilight and myself were going over the finances of the school and we found something... interesting.” I notice something that seems like annoyance flicker in Spoiled’s eyes before she nods, says in a tight voice that I’m surprised she’d use to address royalty, “Yes, Your Highness?” I look to the other three ponies, levitating a sheet of paper up, showing them which one it is, which they also have copies of, so take them out. “Princess Twilight and I went over the recent funds for the school and, as we did so, we noticed something was off about the funds.” Cinch cocks an eyebrow. “Really? Like what?” Lifting a pencil with my magic, a point to several spots on the form. “Notice how, several weeks ago, just a little more money than what would be needed to replace the playground equipment was indeed in the budget, before it seems to have disappeared.” The three ponies frown, before looking back down at their own papers. As they do, I notice that look of annoyance pass over Spoiled’s face again, with a tiny sliver of something else. After several long minutes, Cinch finally speaks up. “Your right, Princess Ken,” she looks to me in confusion. “I never noticed it before, as if somepony tried to hide it among other figures, but, there was indeed a large sum of bits taken out of the school’s funding.” I nod, before lifting several sheets up and passing them around, it not escaping my notice that Spoiled does not even look at the one I pass over to her. “Twilight and I thought it was odd, so we started looking things over and found something very... interesting.” The three look from the papers I gave them to me. I give Spoiled a quick look. “Turns out that one of the town’s sculptors, Hard Pick, was commissioned to do a statue that cost the exact same amount of bits that vanished from the funds.” Spoiled is now glaring at me. Not a normal glare either, it’s the “Shut up, or I’ll make your life miserable” kind of glare. I got them a lot from bullies back on Earth when I was in my late primary school years and several high school years. “That doesn’t sound too odd,” Iron says, looking from the papers to myself. “Just an odd coincidence.” I nod. “True, it sounds like a very odd coincidence. However, mine and Twilight’s curiosity was piqued, so we asked. I believe, since it was royalty asking him, he felt complied to answer any question, even those that he shouldn’t answer.” Spoiled’s glare deepens. I’m struggling not to show my inner expression, though those are waring between anger and smugness, as I’ve figured things out. “He was informed the school made the commission.” Cinch cocks her head. “The school asked for a statue for that much? Was it of an important figure or moment in history?” “That would depend on whom you ask,” I say, looking pointedly at Spoiled now and, while the other two don’t seem to notice it, Cinch does. “As the statue is of the filly Diamond Tiara, to celebrate her winning the election for Student Pony President.” “But that Pipsqueak fellow is the Student Pony President, is he not?” Iron asks, looking very confused. “Why would a statue be made with the school’s funds to celebrate Spoiled Rich’s daughter winning?” “Why indeed,” Cinch asks, her eyes narrowed. “I think we’d best adjourn for a few minutes,” Spoiled says angrily, standing up and walking towards the door. I get up, my expression firm now. I was trying to get her to open up and explain herself without direct confrontation, but that tells me there she’s trying to avoid the subject. Likely, when she returns, she’d change the subject altogether. As Cinch starts to speak with the other two, I follow behind Spoiled, who has suddenly stopped in the doorway. I open my mouth to speak, when she says very louder and sternly, “Diamond Tiara!” I flinch, taken aback, before frowning. “I just happen to be here for the school board meeting and this is what I see when we adjourn?” she says, before stepping out and I noticed all the students are gathered outside, along with Cheerilee.  Spoiled starts walking out towards Diamond Tiara, who is standing in front of the CMC and is starting to look scared and sad. “My daughter interacting with confused, insignificant low lives?” My jaw drops. She... did Spoiled Rich just outright verbally assault three foals?! What the hell?! Not only is that verbal child abuse, but two of those fillies are sisters of heroes of Equestria. I... What the hell?! “Socializing with their kind is not how you move up in Equestria,” Spoiled continues, walking past the CMC, all three of whom are looking shocked by her words, as are all the students and Cheerilee. “Come, Diamond Tiara.” Before I can say anything, however, another voice speaks out against Spoiled. A voice I was not expecting to. Diamond Tiara. “No, Mother!” Spoiled at once turns around, a look of indignation on her face. “Excuse me?” she asks in a tone that says, “You’d better be joking, or you’re in so much trouble”. “You’ve spent your whole life acting like a high horse and raised me to follow in your hoofprints.” My shock wears off and I snarl. I... I don’t believe this. It’s the opposite of what the human Diamond Tiara had to deal with. Instead of an abusive father and loving mother, she has a loving father and abusive mother. I should’ve noticed it sooner. It’s so obvious now. Spoiled was being cold to Pipsqueak during the meeting, talked down to see and outright insulted him, but in a way only those watching her closely would notice. “At first I thought this was fine,” Diamond continues, sounding the tiniest bit unsure, before her voice becomes firm again, “but then I realized I wanted something you don’t have: friends!” The students and Cheerilee gasp, likely because Diamond is standing up to her mother so boldly and I’m defiantly impressed. My opinion of this filly is changing quite rapidly. Spoiled looks around at all those gathered, though apparently hasn’t noticed me yet, before she glares at her daughter. “That’s enough, Diamond Tiara. Step away from those Blank Flanks!” My eyes narrow again. Spike explained what a Blank Flank is. it’s the turn used to quickly explain a pony yet to find their Cutie Mark. But the way Spoiled just said it was like an insult. How much deeper does she want to dig this hole?! Diamond looks away from her mother to the CMC, smiling softly. “These are the Cutie Mark Crusaders and they are my friends.” Wait, what? When did that happen? Man, I’m just being thrown for a loop every which way today, aren’t I? “You need to stop calling them such mean and hurtful names,” Diamond continues, looking back at her mother briefly, before returning to look at the other three fillies. “They are working harder to get their Cutie Marks than anypony I’ve ever seen.” She looks back to her mother. “And they will get them exactly when they discover their true talent, which I can guarantee will be amazing!” She steps forward, before handing over a slip of paper towards Spoiled. “Now, will you please deliver this to Father?” Spoiled looks at her daughter for a moment, before finally noticing I’m standing in the doorway. “Uh... yes, of course, dear,” she says uncertainly, taking the note in her mouth and starting to walk off. I don’t see what else happens, as I quickly go back inside and inform the other ponies I’ll be back after I handle some very important business, hurrying out and flying off towards the castle.   ___________________________________________________________     Spoiled Rich walks into the room, freezing in place when she sees me, with three Royal Guards standing behind me. I’m in the person office of Filthy Rich in his home. After leaving the school, I’d gone back to the castle to find Spike. I’d told him to send a letter to Celestia at once, requesting several Royal Guards be teleported to the Rich home and await me there. After the message was sent, I took Spike with me and we met with Filthy, who’d been very concerned when six Royal Guards just suddenly appeared in front of his house informing him they were there on royal orders. When Filthy demanded to know what was going on, I showed him a visible projection of what I’d witnessed, using my magic. What Spoiled hadn’t known is that, as I’d already been suspicious, I’d used a spell I learned back during my time in Canterlot that allowed one to project their memories as if viewing a video. I’d originally intended to just get evidence of Spoiled having illegally used school funds for a person purchase, but what I got instead was far more incriminating. Filthy was horrified when he saw his own wife verbally abusing the CMC, more so Apple Bloom, since their families had been partners for years. “Why’re these guards in my house?” Spoiled says defensively. Filthy snarls. “Your house? Your house? You have the nerve to call this your house after you verbally assaulted Apple Bloom, not to mention what you’ve been putting our daughter through all this time?!” She blinks, glancing at me, before looking to her husband. “I have no idea what you mean. I have only tried to guide our daughter onto the right path. As for that farmer pony, I was just talking to her as she is.” I can see a vain twitching on Filthy’s forehead. “Out,” he says, very quietly. Spoiled gives him a bored and slightly confused look. “Excuse me?” “Out!” he yells, snarling at her. “Get out of my house, Spoilef! I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I will not let Diamond be harmed by it anymore! Don’t even think of coming back until you’ve gotten whatever help it is you need!” Spoiled’s mouth hangs open in shock, before closing it and glaring at him. “What? How dare you! On what grounds? I’m your wife for Celestia’s sake!” “You’re not my wife!” Filthy spits, shaking his head. “I don’t know who you are! I thought I married a smart, lovely, kind mare! But the mare I see before me is a heartless, money grubbing, foal abusing wench!” “Spoiled Rich,” I say coldly, glaring at her, “as a Princess of Equestria, I hereby place you under arrest for charges embezzling school funds for personal endeavors without clearance and child abuse on several counts.” She starts backing away as the three guards walk past me, only to bump into the other three, who’d been keeping hidden to make sure we could box her in and prevent her escaping. Spoiled starts screaming profanities at both the guards and myself, as well as pleading with Filthy, claiming she was only doing what was right for Diamond, but he ignores her as the guards take her away. Once Spoiled’s voice can no longer be heard, I look to him with a sad expression. “I’m sorry this had to happen, Mr. Rich.” He looks down dejectedly, before shaking his head. “No, Your Highness. It’s my own fault. I should have seen this sooner... protected my Diamond...” I put a hoof on his shoulder, causing his head to jerk up. I give him a small smile. “Rich, don’t blame yourself. You might not have been there enough before, but you can easily make up for that now.” He gives a small smile himself, before wiping his eyes. “She’ll get the help she needs, right?” I nod. “She’ll still face charges for what she did with the school, but I promise, she will get help.” We don’t get any further, however, before one of Filthy’s staff, Randolph, interrupts us. He said Diamond quickly stopped by, thankfully not encountering her mother as said mare was being dragged off, telling us to get to Sugar Cube Corner as fast as possible. Apparently after I’d left to speak with Rich and be ready to arrest his wife upon her returning home, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo all got their Cutie Marks, at the exact same time. Thankful for a much happier thing to keep on our minds, we all head down to the bakery, where Pinkie is throwing a huge party to celebrate the CMC finally getting their marks.         > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 ___________________________________________________________ “Twilight… this just feels weird,” I deadpan. We’re walking towards Rarity’s to join the rest of the girls. It’s been three weeks since the CMC got their Cutie Marks and now we’re celebrating Nightmare Night… which is pretty much just Halloween with a different name and origin. Unlike Halloween, which celebrates everything spooky, Nightmare Night is about celebrating… the being Luna was transformed into that resulted in her imprisonment on the moon for a thousand years. … Yeah, it took a long time to wrap my head around the idea that ponies celebrate this day by enjoying the idea of something that very likely scarred their rulers for a millennia. I dunno if ponies are weird, oblivious or heartless. Anyway, Twilight is dressed as a Royal Guard and I’m, against my wishes, dressed like Princess Celestia. I’ve a sticker of Celestia’s Cutie Mark tapped over my own, am wearing fake golden vestiges similar to hers and have a wig held by a spell over both my head and tail. I did suggest that, since we’re sisters, we could dress as both princesses, but Twilight insisted on my being Celestia and her my Royal Guard. I am so getting her back for this humiliation. “I dunno. I think you look alright as Celestia, Ken,” Spike shrugs. He’s dressed as a two-headed purple dragon. As the Carousel Boutique comes into view, so do the rest of the girls and I find myself both impressed and a little confused by their costumes. Pinkie is dressed in a tank top, sports shorts, a sweatband on her head and some purple face paint in the shape of a lightning bolt over one eye, her mane tied back in two ponytails and has roller-skates on her hooves. Rainbow is dressed like an astronaut… despite space travel very much not being a thing here in Equestria and Applejack… is dressed like a lion? I shake my head and shrug and we all go inside. Rarity is waiting for us, dressed it what it takes me a moment to figure out is a mermaid costume. Or… would that be mermare? Seapony? Gah! Whatever. “Oh, my! Look at all of you!” said unicorn cheers, looking us all over. “My costumes fit you to a T!” I deadpan. She blushes, looking away. “Hoo-wee, we’re gonna have the best time!” Applejack cheers, before a door opening calls our attention to Fluttershy as she walks out of said door, wearing a black dress. She came by when the girls and I were hanging at the castle earlier this evening and decided to join us all… which apparently is suprising. Twilight and Spike explained to me that Fluttershy normally hates Nightmare Night, staying home and not coming out til the next day, so her wanting to join in is not normal. Rainbow cocks an eyebrow at the yellow Pegasus. “Hey, Fluttershy, where’s your costume?” Fluttershy indicates to her dress. “I’m wearing it.” There’s a pause. That’s her costume? Is she meant to be Morticia from The Addams Family? Wait. Is there even a pony version of The Addams Family? Pinkie gasps, skating over to and past Fluttershy. “I get it! You’re a robber escaping into the night!” Fluttershy shakes her head. “You’re a ninja escaping into the night!” Pinkie skates past again, this time on one leg. She’s met with another shake of the head. Pinkie stops, face to face with Fluttershy. “You’re black licorice escaping into the night!” I just blink, before looking to the others, who shake their heads. I… that last one doesn’t even begin to make any sense as a guess— and NO, “It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it” is NOT a viable excuse this time, dammit! Fluttershy shakes her head. “Close. I’m going to a masquerade ball. Without the mask.” There’s a pause as we all just stare. How, in any way, is that even close to black licorice escaping into the night? “Oh, that’s great!” Twilight says, her forced enthusiasm way too obvious for me to not notice. She looks around at the rest of us. “Isn’t it great?” Everypony gives their agreements, though it seems Fluttershy is oblivious to how forced they are. “Why not just say you’re Morticia from The Addams Family?” I ask bluntly. Everypony looks to me with confusion. “It was a TV show back on Earth,” I say, before facehoofing. “There’s no Equestrian version of it, is there?” “First I’ve ever heard of it,” Pinkie shrugs, though looks away, her eyes darting back and forth. I narrow mine slightly. Maybe there is a version, but it’s in the world behind the mirror. We eventually move passed it, heading over to Sugar Cube Corner, Spike departing to join the CMC for some trick or treating and start the group activities. We begin with a pretty simple game, Pin the Horn on the Pony, with the pony in question being Nightmare Moon drawn sticking her tongue out and we need to put the horn as close to her forehead as we can. Twilight and I are so far the closest, pinning a feather on the edge of either side of her neck. Pinkie smiles around at us. “I figured I’d save the really scary games for next year when Fluttershy’s more used to it.” Fluttershy blushes slightly, looking away. Dash’s turn comes up and she manages to get the horn on Nightmare Moon’s mouth, beating Twilight and myself. “Good luck beating that, Fluttershy!” Fluttershy looks uncertain, before digging a hoof at the floor. “Well, um, it’s just that if I’m blindfolded and somepony were to leap out in front of me, I’d never have the chance to defend myself.” “But, there’s nopony here but us. Why would you think you’d need to defend yourself around us?” I cock my head to the side. “If anything, we’d defend you before anypony could get to you and they’d have to get in first.” “That’s fine, darling,” Rarity says, pushing Pinkie, sending her rolling away and crashing into a pile of ponequins “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” Twilight nods. “We’re just glad you’re here.” I look around at everypony. True, it’s nice have Fluttershy here, but her reasoning is still very bizarre and nopony else’s going to address it? Or even acknowledge I addressed it? Pinkie skates back and forth in front of us. “We don’t have to finish that game. I have another one I know you’ll love!” On her third pass she comes by, holding a barrel of apples in water and plunks into another far larger barrel. “Bobbing for apples!” Fluttershy gulps. Twilight looks to her. “Fluttershy, what’s wrong?” Fluttershy moves over to the barrel, looking deeply at the water. “It’s just that, um... What happens if, when my head is deep down in the water, some kind of scary monster appears? How would I even hear to know I was under attack?” There’s silence. I feel like saying something, but I’d literally just be repeating myself from her problem with the blindfold thing. “Time for candy!” Pinkie calls, zipping behind the counter. Fluttershy looks surprised. “It is?” “I made candy bags,” Pinkie says as she dumps six different bags with each of our faces on one onto the counter. “Each bag has been made with each of you in mind, complete with each of your favourite candies!” Um… how exactly does Pinkie Pie know my favourite candy? I still haven’t been around that long. Certainly not long enough, I think, for my favourite candy of this world to be decided. “Take it! What are you waiting for?” I’m pulled from my train of thought and look to see Fluttershy is hesitating to take her own bag. “Well, it’s just...” She looks into the bag. “What if when I’m eating one of these chewy taffies, my mouth becomes glued shut and I can’t scream for help?” This time, I know everypony is staring at her like I am. I… how…? Fluttershy ears fall back. “Oh, goodness. We’ve only just started to celebrate Nightmare Night together, and I’m already taking all the fun out of it, aren’t I?” “You’re not taking out all of the fun,” Pinkie tries as Fluttershy starts walking towards the door. “Just, like, ninety per—” Dash’s voice is cut off by a clanging sound and I glance to see Twilight giving her the stink eye. “...Some of it.” ___________________________________________________________ Twilight ends up coming up with the idea of Fluttershy hosting our Nightmare Night festivities. I admire her willingness to help our shy friend join in the fun of the night in a way that works for her… but it doesn’t turn out so well. The main problem is that, Fluttershy’s ideas of the most terrifying things… aren’t all that terffiying unless you’re someone with serious anxiety issues and severe lack of confidence in themselves. Her plan was a tea party where there’s no sugar, so it makes whomever is asked for it a terrible host, nopony complimenting somepony on their costume, somepony not caring to show up for the tea party, unplanned guests showing up (who were all drawings of ponfications of at least several anime characters I recognize from Earth), and a far too obvious toy mechanical kitten that needs a home, but we’re appreantly over-scheduled right now and don’t have time to help it. I mean, since she’s never been involved in Nightmare Night before, I find myself agreeing with Rarity that it was a really good try. We offer to let her try again, maybe with a few pointers, this time, but Fluttershy just tells as to go and enjoy Nightmare Night without her, saying we’ll have more fun if she’s not with us. So, even though it makes me feel like a real jerk, we all leave her cottage and head out to enjoy the town’s festivies, meeting back up with Spike before eventually heading towards Applejack’s farm for her family’s corn maze. “Oh, yeah! I can’t believe we’re finally doin’ this!” Spike says as we reach the entrance. We’re stopped by a pony in a hood, who lowers it to reveal… a real world horse mask? The others all scream from the shock, before laughing… but I’m just staring with a raised eyebrow in utter confusion. We make our way into the maze, the sounds of ponies distant screaming in fright occasionally breaking the silence. Suddenly, as we round a corner, a loud thumping sound causes the girls to gasps as we to whirl around… too see Applejack’s big brother, Big McIntosh dressed I’m guessing like a mummy. “Boooo... Eeyup,” he says, the latter part coming out almost unintentionally and the others all laugh. Seeing his dejected expression, I give him a reassuring smile. Sorry, big guy. Guess they just know you too well for you to make yourself seem scary to them. We move on, myself wondering what could happen that actually would be scary for me. I mean, I was once human. I lived in the human world. Compared to the horrors that world could hold, I’m not really sure what could give me a proper scare in this one. I mean, it’s not like we’re gonna find the bones of a dead pony in this maze. I’m suddenly pulled from my thoughts as a cracking sound starts up. I turn my head this way and that, trying to find the source. “What. Is. That. Sound?” the fashion mare asks. Pinkie pauses and I look to her as she turns her head down to the ground… where we’re surrounded by many long white objects. “It looks like... bones!” The others all scream, while I’m taken a bit aback. Okay. Those can’t be real, but that isn’t something I was expecting. Rainbow just scoffs. “Looks like a bunch of dried sticks painted white to me.” “Hey, try to keep up the illusion, would ya?” Applejack hisses. “Gah!” Rarity and Spike’s cries come from around the corner and we hurry to find what look like tones of eyeballs hanging from strings. Now, that in itself is a creepy idea, though I notice a fruity scent in the air and, getting a bit closer to them, can tell it’s coming from the eyeballs. They’re just grapes, peeled and made to look like eyes. Well, points for effort. It’s still a creepy image. “Agh! What was that?” Spike and I look back to see Applejack looking behind us with… actual concern? “Don’t you know?” the drake asks. “Uh, o-of course Ah do,” Applejack says, though I can definitely hear worry in her tone and as we all gather closer to her, it’s clear the others do as well. Being the Element of Honesty, she is clearly not a good liar. “It was, uh...” Suddenly, what sound like ghostly moans start and we turn to see three stereotypical white sheet ghosts blocking our path… but there’s clearly no pony under the sheets and they’re floating. There’s a glowing yellow aura around them, so one could think they were being levitated by a unicorn… but I don’t sense or hear any magic aura and they can’t be pegasi pretending to ghosts because we’d notice the flapping motions of their wings under the sheets as they moved them to stay airborne. We all hightail it, the others screaming as we run down one path, only to turn the other way when we run into even more of the ghosts. A grunting sound from behind makes me look back to see Rarity laying face first on the ground. I make an about face and hurry back, Spike right beside me and we help her up. “Fluttershy had a point with the layers on the dress,” she says as we move to catch up with the others. “What do you mean?” I ask, trying to keep my mind distracted so it doesn’t go down the path of what this all could actually mean. I watched a lot of horror movies and ghost adventure videos back home. Applying anything from them to our possible scenario is not a comforting idea, so better to keep my thoughts away from that. “She mentioned how many layers in a costume could slow you down or make you trip when you have to run for your life!” she answers. “I can’t believe such a paranoid idea is actually applicable right now!” Spike cries, glancing over my shoulder to see the ghosts are still after us as we catch up with the others. As we round a corner, we start heading towards a tree design to look like it has glowing green eyes and mouth, but suddenly Applejack vanishes, us all realizing too late she fell through a hole, which we all fall down in turn. We all groan, lying in a pile in a surprisingly deep hole with what look like tunnels around us. “What is this? Is it a tunnel?” Rarity looks to Applejack. “Where does it lead?” Before the farm mare can answer, a grinding sound draws our attention upwards, where we can see something is being moved over the hole we fell down. Somepony or something is trying to seal us down here. “Nice try, whoever you are!” I cry, lighting my horn, grabbing the rock in my magic and pushing back… only for my eyes to widen at the force pushing back. Whoever, or whatever is trying to seal us in here must be really physically strong to… wait a second. I release my grip, to which Twilight and the other look at me with shock, but keep my horn lit as I turn to look with a stern expression to Applejack. Twilight catches on to what I’m thinking and looks to Applejack too. “Which way are we supposed to go now?!” Applejack, despite being really bad at lying earlier, seems to be putting on a pretty good act as she looks around in worry. “Uh, Ah don’t know! Ah don’t know what’s goin’ on!” Dash grunts as she tries to push the boulder blocking the hole out of the way, but pauses and looks at the orange mare in worry. “What do you mean? Didn’t you help plan this?” Suddenly, something that sounds like the creaking of a wooden chair causes us all to look down the nearest tunnel, where we see a pony with a familiar mane style seems to be sitting there, as if waiting for us. “Whew. There’s Granny Smith,” Applejack says, sounding genuinely relieved as she walks over to the elderly mare. “Not that Ah was ever scared, ‘cause Ah wasn’t. Ah’m a pretty good actress when Ah wanna be.” No kidding. “Granny?” She taps her grandmother… only for my heart to leap into my throat when her head drops over and rolls towards us, revealing a skull with her mane atop it! The others, especially Applejack, all scream, while I’m just frozen in horror. What the fuck?! Somepony murdered Granny Smith, stripped her flesh right off her bones and then left them in a rocking chair down here, with her mane still attached?! That… Oh, Celestia. I think I’m gonna be sick. “Applejack, didn’t you know about any of this?!” Spike asks. I stare at him in shock, barely registering that apparently we’re now somewhere else. Somepony or dragon must have dragged me along while they all ran. Anyway, how in the world was she supposed to know somepony murdered her grandmother and…? My eyes widen in horror. Fuck! There’s an actual murderer out there and they must be nearby. They must’ve had something to do with those ghosts that were chasing us. We’re their next targets! But, without even thinking of that, the CMC and countless other ponies are wandering around in the maze above. They’re all in danger from this sick fuck and are all completely unaware! “Alright, Ah got to admit Ah didn’t know about any of this,” Applejack says, before trying to remain calm, “but maybe they’re just tryin’ to make it interestin’ fer me, too! Ah’m sure Granny Smith or Big Mac is behind this.” I stare at her with pity. I guess the idea her grandmother was murdered and stripe clean of her flesh, only her hair and skeleton remaining is too much and she’s denying… Wait a minute. Dark tunnel? A living creature who’s entire flesh and blood are gone, leaving only a clean skeleton behind? “No!” I shudder, backing up in fear, making my horn flare so the entire tunnel is so bright our shadows are the only ones aside from beyond where the light stops. “No! No-no-no-no, NO! I know this world is so vastly different from Earth and has creatures of myth there that are real life here, but Vashta Nerada cannot be real! They can’t be!” The others all look to me in confused fear, but my obvious horror is clearly telling them how serious this is. “Vashta what now?!” Dash asks, though it’s clear she’d rather not get an answer. “Wh-what’re Vasta Nerada?” Spike quivers, holding onto Twilight’s leg. I dart my eyes to each of our shadows, scanning them with the attention of a master painter, looking for any sign of something not right. The smallest flicker could be our only warning! “Ken?!” Twilight yells, causing me to look straight at her and making her back up from the absolute panic in my eyes. “Wh...” She gulps. “What are Vashta Nerada?” “The piranhas of the air,” I whisper, my eyes returning to scanning each of our shadows, praying against all hope I won’t see anything I should not. “The shadows that melt the flesh.” All their eyes widen, fear entering them that says they understand just how bad this could be. They start moving to gather together. “NO!” I scream in panic, causing them all to freeze. “They could be hiding in any one of our own shadows! And if that’s the case, if any of us that could be infected touch our shadow to anypony else’s, we’ll be dooming the others!” “H-how come we’ve never heard of this Vashta whatever before now?!” Dash asks anxiously, looking to Twilight. “I don’t know!” she replies, her voice filled with fear. “There’s no records of such a being ever recorded in history.” “There wouldn’t be!” I shake my head. “Vashta Nerada live in swarms, hiding in the darkest places of forests. Ever wondered what happened to those who went missing in dark tunnels, never to be heard from again! They’re why! Those lost souls didn’t go missing; they were eaten clean in the darkness, where none will ever find them!” “You… you mean they got to…?” Applejack looking with horror down the tunnel I’m guessing we came down. “If… if it is them,” I shudder, looking to the farm mare. “I’m… I’m sorry, Applejack. I’m so so—” “Are those peeled grapes,” a muffled voice from above cuts me off and we all slowly raise our eyes to the ceiling, ”or eyeballs starin’ at ya from beyond the grave?” The voice cackles, before we hear Big Mac’s voice saying, “Eeyup,”, followed by the playful screams of the CMC. Applejack clearly wants to be relieved, as do we all, but her teeth are chattering. “That’s what we were supposed to do! Ah don’t know why we’re down here! This is really scarin’ me now!” “But… but if those bones aren’t Granny Smith’s…” I look down the tunnel, “who’s are they?!” “And just because she wasn’t eaten, does that mean those Vas things are here or not and got that pony instead?!” Dash is trembling with terror. Suddenly, loud stomping footsteps come from around the corner and we watch as some kind of fish-like creature that reminds me of the old horror movies comes around the corner and growls at us. “How did that get down here?!” Pinkie cries. The monster roars. “RUUUUUUUUUN!” Dash screams and we don’t need telling twice. We sprint down the corner, Spike hurrying back and grabbing Pinkie, who was stuck in place because her skates weren’t giving her hooves any traction. “What about keeping our shadows from touching?!” Twilight yells as we barrel down the tunnel, the monster hot on our hooves. “If it’s either risking one of us being infected and passing it onto the others for a quick and painless death or being painfully ripped to pieces and eaten alive by whatever that thing is, I’d say we’re better off taking our chances with the Vashta Nerada!” I yell back, surprised how at ease you can become about being eaten by darkness when a ferocious beast is chasing you. Suddenly, we’re all halted by something large and sticky. “I can’t see!” Pinkie cries. “I can barely move!” Dash yells. Moving my head as best I can, I realize we’re all caught in what looks like a giant spider web. I feel a vein on my forehead twitch. Seriously? First Vashta Nerada, then a monster from The Black Lagoon and now Shelob from Lord of the Rings?! Are you fucking kidding me?! I flare my horn, teleporting us all out of the webbing, my eyes narrowed. “First I’m at risk of getting my flesh melted off, then a bog monster that wants to rip me to pieces and now a giant fucking spider wants to suck my blood?! I’ve had it!” I whirl around, horn shining brightly, ready to attack both the monster chasing us and the one that was waiting for us… but find myself quickly being dragged along the ground by Twilight’s magic. About a minute later, we get outside, finding ourselves on a small cliff looking out over the corn maze. A deep cackling from behind causes us all to turn around and scan the area, before my eyes fix on a silhouette hanging upside down from a tree, the moon behind it. What look like batwings unfurl from their side and they fly up and launching down at us, flying overhead. They turn around, revealing… “Fluttershy?!” I cry, my eyes wide. But, it’s not her, either. Her ears are pointed, she has fangs and her eyes are bright red. Not to mention the bat wings. What…? What the flying fuck?! Since when did she turn into a bat…? “Vampires, now?!” I snarl. “Vashta Nerada, a monster from The Black Lagoon, Shelob and now vampires?! And they dared turn Fluttershy into one of them?! I’m gonna kill them!” Flutter… bat, I guess, snarls, launches down at us again. We all try and avoid her, her narrowly missing Spike, tearing off the fake head of his costume instead. She rights in the air, spitting out the fake head and looms over us. The others all huddle together, whimpering, while I stand before them all, my horn blazing. This may be Fluttershy, but if I have to subdo her in order for us to figure this all out so we can save her from whoever did this to her, I will. Flutterbat looks over us, her expression suddenly changing as she looks from myself to my friends and family huddled behind me in fear. “Oh, my!” she says… sounding far more like Fluttershy than a snarling vampire as she lowers herself to the ground... revealing her wings and ears are fake? “I’m so, so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?” I relax a little, more out of confusion than relief, if anything else as my brain struggles to put everything together. “Fluttershy?” Applejack asks, sounding just as stunned as I feel. “It was you the whole time?!” Twilight just stares. “I can’t believe it!” “That... was...” Rarity murmurs. “THE BEST THING EVER!” Pinkie cheers. “It was way more terrifying than the most terrifying thing I could have thought of!” Dash says as she flies over to the other Pegasus. “You out-nightmared the scariest part of the corn maze!” Applejack says, sounding proud. “How did you do all this?!” Twilight asks, amazed. Fluttershy paws at the ground. “After you left, I realized that I wasn’t ready to give up on Nightmare Night. So I asked Granny Smith if I could try to make the maze even scarier for my friends.” “You came up with all of this?” “But what about that skeleton in the tunnel?!” my yell causes them all to jump and look to me. I’m breathing heavily. The others all become worried again. “Yeah, Ken thought that pony got eaten by these things called Vashta Nerada!” Dash cries. “Shadows that melt the flesh!” Fluttershy goes pale for a second, before seeming to calm down. “Oh, that was just a prop from the school’s drama closest. And I had some help with the rest. Angel was the scary figure that kept scurrying after you in the maze.” Said bunny hops atop her head, wearing a vampire cape, which he flourishes, before bowing. “Fuzzy Legs made the sticky wall that made it difficult for you to see and move.” A small spider crawls from behind her neck and sit against her mane. “And, of course, Harry was the especially scary monster.” The monster that was chasing us comes out and takes off it’s head, revealing a bear, which growls happily. “Wow!” Twilight smiles. “That was inspired!” “You have to do this every year!” Pinkie cheers. “Uh-huh!” Applejack agrees. Rarity nods. “Absolutely!” Twilight nods too. “Every year!” Rainbow Dash holds a hoof high in the air. “Yeah!” Fluttershy looks down, smiling sadly. “We could celebrate Nightmare Night together every year. But,” she takes off the fake ears and takes out her fake fangs, “the truth is I really don’t want to.” “You don’t?!” Pinkie asks in surprise as she bounces on her tail. “But you’ve done it,” Rarity steps forward. “You found a way that we can all have a fabulous time together.” Fluttershy nods, taking off her fake bat wings. “Yes, but I’ve also realized something. You all may love Nightmare Night and I may be good at being a part of it, but it’s no fun for me to see my friends feel like they’re in danger, even if I know they’re not. I really don’t like it. It’s just not my cup of tea.” Pinkie Pie zips in front of her, holding a flashlight under her face. “Spoooooooooky tea?” Fluttershy shakes her head, pushing the flashlight down, the motion sending Pinkie rolling back into the group. “No. Just regular tea. We do lots of fun things together, but I’m afraid this just isn’t gonna be one of them. Actually, I’m not afraid. I’m perfectly fine with it.” “Then we are, too,” Twilight says as she and the others gather around Fluttershy for a group hug, which her animals join in too. “Wait!” They all look to me, their expression turning from happiness to concern as they look at me. “So… just to be clear, we were never in any danger at all and the Vashta Nerada don’t exist in this world?” Fluttershy looks to me and shakes her head. “Not that I’m aware off.” “Okay,” I say exhaustedly, feeling my body shutting down as the fear that was coursing through me stops, taking all my energy with it. “I’ll just take a rest then…” The world goes dark as I hear everyponies’ voices calling out my name in alarm. > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15 ___________________________________________________________ “I wonder what Pinkie’s family are like,” I ask as Twilight, Spike and myself ride the train towards Canterlot. We’re on our way to the castle to meet up with our parents and the princesses. The princesses invited us all to Canterlot Castle to spend the holiday together, so it’ll be nice to have an excuse to talk with Mum and Dad face to face again without dropping in suddenly. What holiday is it we are celebrating, you may ask? It’s called Hearth’s Warming… but is pretty much just the pony version of Christmas, though with a few extra important meanings. Twilight informed me about it as we were decorating our castle, having originally planned to just celebrate it as the three of us at home, that it’s a very important day in history, connected to the day Equestria was founded. Well, that’s definitely different from Christmas. Along with everything you’d normally associate with Christmas, i.e. presents, holiday food and being with family, Hearth’s Warming also celebrates when ponies literally first came to Equestria. That’s definitely one heck of a history point. The start of such a momentous holiday and the founding of an entire kingdom in just one day. Talk about a major historical event. Twilight and Spike do feel a bit guilty though, as we’d already celebrated their personal little holiday tradition just before the invite had arrived. As we’d finished decorating, we each opened our presents to each other. Why before the holiday day itself? Well, it turns out, the first year after Spike was brought into the family after Twilight hatched his egg, on the night before Hearth’s Warming, little freshly hatched Spike got so excited about his gifts that he opened them right then and there. So, Twilight and the rest of the family started a personal family tradition of opening presents the night before Hearth’s Warming. It is quite nice, when you stop and think about it. A personal touch to the holiday, something unique to our family that nopony else has. “This is so cool!” Spike cheers as he sits between the two of us. “Ken’s first ever Hearth’s Warming as a part of our family and we get to celebrate it in Canterlot Castle!” I blink, before my body sags, my ears dropping back as a few tears well in my eyes. Twilight picks it up right away, looking to me with concern. “Ken? Is everything alright?” “Hmm?” I ask, before noticing my tears and quickly wipe them away with a foreleg, sniffing. “Y-yeah. I’m okay. It’s just… what Spike just said? It… it reminded me of my human family and… and how…” Their expressions sadden and they both hug me. “I’m so sorry, Ken,” Twilight says. “I can’t imagine how it feels. I wish I could do more to help but…” I sniff, giving a sad smile. “It’s okay, Twi. I’m glad I at least have you guys.” We hold each other for the rest of the ride. Once we arrive at Canterlot Station, we’re driven by carriage to the castle. I can’t help smiling sadly as I watch all the families milling around, happily talking with friends, the filly and colts running around, playing. It’s just so peaceful. And after the terrors I was put through during Nightmare Night, a peaceful holiday is just what I need. I chuckle, remembering how many times I had to assure Fluttershy it was my own fault for letting my imagination get the better of me that night, causing me and the girls to be far more scared than she’d actually intended. It’s not like she could’ve known I’d think a fictional monster from a sci-fi TV show back on Earth was real when she placed that fake skeleton in the tunnel and dressed it like Granny Smith. Complete and utter coincidence. “We’re here, Your Highnesses,” one of the guards voices says from outside the carriage as it stops. The door opens and we get out, being escorted inside, towards the throne room. Upon entering, we see a quartet of familiar ponies. “Twilight! Ken!” Mum and Dad call out happily, coming over and hugging the both of us. “Hi, Mum,” I say softly, sinking into the motherly hug. “And how’s my favourite dragon grandson doing?” Mum asks after letter me go, pulling Spike into a hug. “Uh, great… grandma,” the little guy replies, before looking to me over her shoulder. “I still dunno if I’m ever going to get used to her calling me that or me calling her that.” “Well, it only makes sense to me,” I say as Celestia and Luna come over, giving Twilight their greetings. “Twilight did hatch you and, when it comes to hatching, the one who hatches the egg is the mother, making her your mother, and Mum your grandmother by default.” “Well, yeah, but we never really thought that heavily about it,” he says as he’s let go. “It is wonderful to see you again, Ken,” I turn at the sound of Luna’s voice and nod to her. “I’m glad I could come,” I smile. “Thanks for the invite.” I look to Celestia, only to pause. “Celestia, is something wrong?” Everypony looks to the white Alicorn, who has a sad expression as she looks at me, but it vanishes the moment everypony else is looking at her. “No, Ken,” she smiles warmly. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is as it should be.” I cock an eyebrow. O….kay. That was an… odd way of wording her answer. Twilight looks around, before her expression saddens. “Aren’t Cadance and Shining Armour joining us too? It isn’t really a full family celebration without them.” Luna shakes her head and I can swear I see a deep sadness in her eyes as she glances at me, before speaking directly to Twilight. “Sadly, they are too held up with the celebrations in the Empire to come. Though they have suggested they might be able to join in future family celebrations once the Empire is completely settled and don’t worry about Cadance leaving on such an important day.” “Well, let’s all move to somewhere cosier, shall we?” Mum suggests and we head for a large room that has been decorated and set up for multiple ponies to sleep in. “You… really went out of your way for this, huh?” I ask, looking around at the baubles, tinsel and lights all around the room. I notice both Royal Sisters glance at each other, sharing a sad look, before nodding, clearly thinking I missed it. “It is the least we can do, Ken,” Luna says, while Celestia looks away in… shame? “We… we wanted your first Hearth’s Warming with your family to be special. Something you can hold in your heart for many, many years to come.” I cock an eyebrow slightly. Something’s… off here. The others don’t seem to have notice it yet, but for a day of such celebration, Celestia and Luna seem deeply sad, as if something about this day weighs heavily in their hearts. We spend the night with everypony talking and exchanging stories from over the year. Mum starts fussing over me like crazy when Spike mentions how I fainted on Nightmare Night and was out for the next two days. It takes a lot of reassuring from Twilight and myself and a bit of help from Dad, before we finally get her to stop worrying about me and just enjoy the holiday. Throughout it all, I feel an equal mix of happiness and sadness. I’m celebrating with my new family. We’re all together, minus Cadance and Shining, and we’re all just happy being together. It makes me happy, but it’s bittersweet, as it does make me feel sad and honestly a bit guilty, whenever thoughts of my human family creep up suddenly. They’re spending their first December holidays without them, thinking I’m dead, with no idea I’m alive and here. But, as I watch Dad teasing Twilight by sharing a story from her foalhood with Luna, I can’t help but smile. ___________________________________________________________ As the evening draws to a close and everypony is preparing for bed, I notice Celestia and Luna aren’t around. I frown. All throughout the evening, though they acted happy, whenever nopony else was looking, or they thought nopony else was looking, I caught them looking at me with such sadness, more so than I think I felt about my other family. At first, I’d assumed they were sad about the fact I can’t celebrate the holiday with my family back on Earth… but, after a while, it became clear to me this was something else. Something far more personal for the both of them. But, every time I tried to gently ask them about it, they’d quickly change the subject or bring somepony else into the conversation. Now, though, maybe I can find them alone in the castle and ask them about it. I want to know what’s wrong, why they’re hurting so much. “Ken?” I glance to my right to see Twilight next to me. “What’s wrong?” “Something’s up with Celestia and Luna,” I frown, shaking my head. “I dunno what, but something’s weighing heavily on their hearts and I wanna find out what.” “Are you sure we should?” she asks nervously. “If it’s personal, maybe we shouldn’t pry.” “I know, but I just…” I pause, looking to her. “We?” She gives a wry smile. “You’re not doing this alone, Ken. We’re sticking together. If you’re worried about the princesses, then so am I.” I smile. “Thanks, Twilight. Come on. Spike, Mum and Dad will be busy for a bit. We can find the princesses, learn what’s going on and get back before anypony notices we’re gone.” We nod to each other and head out into the castle halls. We ask a few guards and they direct us towards the princesses’ personal studies. We agree to split up, Twilight to search Celestia’s, while I check on Luna’s. As I walk on my own through the hall, I suddenly notice the air feels… sad. I try to ignore it, but the air feels like somepony has been grieving for a long time around here and the air has become thick with it. I reach Luna’s personal study, finding myself raising an eyebrow at the fact there are no guards anywhere in the hallway or standing outside it. I step towards the deep blue door emblazoned with Luna’s Cutie Mark and knock… only for the door to swing inwards. It was unlocked and open. “Luna?” I call out, pocking my head inside. It’s dark, with no light save for a single lit candle next to an open book on a desk. Frowning, I walk in, looking around. “Luna, are you in here?” Reaching the desk, I look over the pages the book is open on, my eyes pausing at a single sentence. I frown at it, trying to read it. Whomever wrote it, they’re writing is really bad. Like, really bad. Even my hand writing isn’t as bad as this. “For myself… to be seen… who I am, I… leave this behind, to… serve the plan?” At once, I feel like a wave of... I can’t explain it, understanding or something just washes over me and I see white, while my horn burns hot with my magic. I think I can faintly hear something, maybe it’s Twilight’s voice? I don’t pay it any attention; I can’t, even if I wanted to. I see formulas and shapes passing over my eyes, not able to understand them, yet can at the same time. I feel emotions surging through, powerful feelings I can’t explain. My body is burning, as if magic is surging through the very core of my being. Do it now, Gusty! Girls, be careful now. Tia, don’t be so mean to your sister. Lulu, that’s brilliant. Farewell, dear friend. I only wish we had more time. You fool, Discord! What have you done?! I’m sorry, my daughters. So, come on, then. Take mine. Take my memories. But I hope you’ve got a big appetite, because I have lived a long life and I have seen a few things. I walked away from the great Monster War. I marked the passing of the old era. I was shown the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I walked in a universe where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man. I’ve watched countries freeze and cities burn. I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. I have lost things you will never understand. Futures that never got lived. Days that should have been that never were. Passed on to me. Whole futures that never happened. There are billions and millions of unlived days for every day I’ve lived. An infinity. All the days that never came. And I know things. Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasites like you blaze. So come on, then. Hmm? Well, come on then. Eat up. What? You're full? *chuckle* I’d expect so, because there’s quite a difference, isn’t there, between what was and what should have been? There’s an awful lot of one, but there’s an infinity of the other. And infinity’s too much, even for your appetite. And I’ve two of them! Now, it’s time to take your fill and finish your meal! You started this, so now, let’s end it. Take it! Take it all, you monster! Have it! You. Have it. ALL! Rage and sadness, triumph and joy. It’s all surging through me. What’s going on?! Suddenly, as quickly as it began, it suddenly stops and I collapse to the floor, so tired I can’t even move. What…? What was all that? Who were those voices? Why does that last one sound like Twilight or me? And… why do I feel so happy and sad, as if my world has been ripped from me? I… It feels like when they first told me I could go back to Earth, only a billion times over? Why do I feel this way? What just happened? “Ken? Ken? Ken!” Twilight’s voice sounds so far away, as if she’s on the other side of the country. I suddenly notice the feeling of being lifted and glance to my left to see Twilight standing there, her horn glowing. I feel the softness of her coat as she lays me on her back and I’m again struck with that feeling of joy and relief that I cannot explain. If I weren't so tired, I’d wrap my forelegs around Twilight and never let go. I don’t want to lose her again. Wait… Again? What…? What am I even thinking about? “I was so worried,” I hear her saying. “I sensed an enormous surge of magic, bigger than anything I’ve ever felt and it was coming from Luna’s study. There you were, laying on the floor, unmoving! What happened?!” “I… dunno,” I murmur, enjoying being so close to her. I watch, too exhausted to even shift a fraction, as she takes us back to where our family were. She slams the door open, screaming, “Something’s wrong with Ken!” Mum, Dad and Spike hurry over, gently taking me off Twilight’s back and moving me over to and gently laying me down on a large bunch of the pillows we’d all been sitting on throughout the night. “Ken, honey, are you alright?” Mum asks, holding my face and looking at me with deep concern. “Just… tired,” I say, closing my eyes, but unable to keep the smile from my face or the tears from falling. “And… happy. So, so happy and… I don’t know why.” “Princesses? What…? What’s wrong?” The others turn their heads, while I move my eyes to look at the two Royal Sisters, who are standing away… both looking like they’ve just seen a ghost. “It… but… how…” Celestia is staring at me, her eyes wide. “We… we must go!” Luna almost slips into the Royal Canterlot Voice, before she lights her horn and the two Alicorns are gone. “Well… that was weird,” Spike says, before returning to looking at me, his face filled with worry. “Ken, are you sure you’re alright?!” I give him a small smile. “Yes, Spike. Happier than I can ever remember. I don’t know why, but I am… and tired. So very, very tired.” ___________________________________________________________ The Canterlot Royal Gardens were silent and peaceful, just as they always were on such a night, the non-hibernating animals enjoying the stillness, snug and warm in their barrows and nests. The peace was suddenly shattered, however, as a blinding flash of light illuminated the area, causing all present to start. The two Alicorns who appeared in the flash ran through the snow, melting their way with their horns, stopping and scanning any statues they came across, before finally stopping at one in particular. “I… I don’t understand!” Celestia looked to her younger sister. “You said she entered you’re study. The tome was there, was it not?” Luna nodded, just as anxious and confused as her sister. “Indeed, it was. And we know the spell was cast, that magical aura could likely be felt by every unicorn all the way to Appleloosa!” “But… her statue is still here,” Celestia looked to the stone before them. “If… if she is still here, how is it still here.” “There’s more going on than either of you two know.” The two mares startled, turning around to find Discord floating in the air above them. “Discord?” Luna asks, frowning in confusion, glancing back at the statue, then him. “Do you know what is going on? What has happened?” He shook his head, holding up has claw and paw. “Not my place to tell you, honestly. All I can say is there was more to your mother than meets the eye, even to her own understandings.” The sisters looked to each other in concerned confusion, before the three of them all turned to look at the statue again. It was of an Alicorn mare, tall and strong, with her hair lank and her head turned to her left, a warm, sad smile on her face. Her flank bore no Cutie Mark. Underneath her was an inscription. The First Princess of Equestria. > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16 ___________________________________________________________ Twilight paces back and forth as she remembers all the places we’d just visited around Ponyville. We’re currently in Sugar Cube Corner, where Cadance and Shining Armour have a big surprise for us all. Well, it is meant to be a surprise, but I can tell Pinkie clearly already knows, especially judging by how she keeps showing Twilight baby related things, even holding up Pound and Pumpkin Cake up, causing the two to giggle and it was pretty easy for me to figure out anyway. It’s been two months since Hearth’s Warming. I’d been in the hospital for three weeks after that night, too exhausted to even do anything myself. We still don’t know what spell I’d apparently cast that took so much out of me. The princesses had had to quell a lot of fears, as it was so powerful; almost every unicorn across Equestria had felt it. The doctors say it’s a good thing I’m an Alicorn or else I very likely would’ve burned out my magic permanently, something that apparently did happen to unicorns in ancient times and that’s a scary thought. Twilight had wondered if the spell had something to do with that book I’d read from in Luna’s study, but I don’t see how those words could’ve caused me to unintentionally cast such a powerful spell that it leaves me bedridden for so long. It had honestly just sounded like ramblings written down. Once I’d regained enough strength, I returned to Ponyville. It’ll still be a day or two before I should try casting spells again, doctor’s orders, but I’m doing fine now. Twilight pauses in her pacing, rubbing her chin. “Hmmm... School... foal... birth certificate... and crib...” She gasps, turning to the couple, her eyes wide with excitement. “Can it be? Are you two...?! Cadance and Shining Armor split apart, revealing a white cake with baby item patterns, topped with a frosting pram. “We’re having a baby!” Pinkie Pie leaps into the air… explosions coming from behind her from nowhere. You’d think I’d stop questioning the pink mare, but things like that do still make me pause. Pinkie zooms around the room, bouncing off the walls like she’s made of rubber. “A baby, Twilight! It’s a baby! Woo-hoo!” Twilight holds a hoof to her head, before looking to the couple. “You mean... I’m going to be an aunt?!” They indicate to the pram atop the cake and her eyes light up. “This is the best prize ever!” Cadance and Shining Armor laugh happily at Twilight’s joy, which I find myself smiling to as well. Twilight runs forward and gives them both a big hug. “Oh, I love you guys! And I can’t wait to meet your little foal!” Shining Armor is glowing with pride. “Neither can we.” “I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it!” Pinkie cheers, before freezing in place and LITERALLY FALLING TO PIECES?! She holds a hoof in the air. “Go, Pinkie.” I find my brain fighting between abject horror at seeing one of my friends in pieces and confusion as to how the flaming firehydrants she’s still ALIVE after such a thing. Dash grabs me by the shoulder and pats my back reassuringly, just saying, “It’s Pinkie, Ken. Don’t question it.” I… but… WAH?! The Cakes come out as Pinkie somehow starts putting herself back together and we all have a celebration regarding the soon to come newest member to our family, myself using the celebration as a good way of keeping my brain from shutting down as my previous sense of reality has been shattered by Pinkie Pie’s latest defiance’s of logic. I’m chatting with Rainbow Dash at one of the tables, the Pegasus wondering why I didn’t join in with the big family hug upon the revelation. I sigh, shaking my head. “Shining and I still aren’t there yet, Dash. He’s made it quite clear he doesn’t want me as part of the family.” “Um… about that.” The Pegasus and I turn to see the stallion standing there, looking sheepish. He looks to Rainbow. “Hey, Rainbow, mind if I talk with her alone for a moment?” Rainbow looks from him to me, before getting a firm expression and nods, shrugs and walks off to talk with Applejack. “So…” Shining says after she’s left, scratching behind his neck. “Um…” I say, fiddling with my hooves on the table. Shining sighs. “Mind if I take a seat?” I shrug, not meeting his gaze. He sits down where Dash had been, before we lapse into silence for a few moments, after which he sighs and looks to me. “Ken… I wanna say I’m sorry.” I blink, glancing at him. “Huh?” He looks down, sighing again. “I realize I’ve been a real jerk to you. I just felt like you’d waltzed into my family, as if you’d already been in it, when you hadn’t. But, not being able to be with my family during Hearth’s Warming… it gave me some perspective.” I turn to look more fully at him. “Hmm?” He looks to me. “As I felt bad for not being able to be with Twily or my parents, it made me realize how you must’ve been feeling at the time, only far worse because… well…” I look down at the table. “Yeah.” “And… well, after talking it over with Cadance, I realized just how much you needed to become part of our family,” he reaches a hoof out, putting it over mine. “We’re all you have. Refusing you that would be just downright cruel.” “So, what does this mean?” I ask, looking back to him. He gives me a warm smile. “It means I’m proud to call you my sister and that my foal is going to have two amazing aunts to help raise her.” I blink, before that thought actually clicks, followed by the relief of knowing Shining accepts me as part of the family and we hug. Man, I’m going to be an aunt?! I’m actually gonna have a niece or nephew? That’s insane. Giggles make us both look around to see Twilight and Cadance smiling at us. We separate, giving firm playful smiles to them. The four of us laugh, before I blink, noticing Cadance’s midsection. “Wait a minute,” I point to her belly. “I had five siblings back in the human world, so I know the progrecion of pregnancies. Ponies may be different from other mammals when it comes to how long a pregnancy last, but that is clearly a fair way into the pregnancy, Cadance. How long ago did you guys find out?” The two suddenly blush. “In all honesty?” Shining rubs the back of his next, smiling sheepishly. “Only a month ago,” Cadance finishes, looking just as embarrassed. Now Twilight is joining me in the confused scepticism. “Only last month? But, look at you, Cadance! I mean, I was confused why you’d have put on weight myself and chalk up my not being able to figure it out because I was so worried for Ken over the last couple months, but how could you not have known you were pregnant for all that time, especially as you were getting bigger due to being a month into the pregnancy?” The two somehow blush harder. “Actually… she’s farther than that,” Shining tries not to meet our eyes. I cock an eyebrow. “Just how far, big brother?” He mumbles. “Say again?” I tilt my head. “Didn’t quite catch that?” “Four… months,” he finally manages. “Cadance is four months into her pregnancy.” Twilight and I just stare, before looking to Cadance, who tries not to meet our eyes out of embarrassment. We look to each other, before facehoofing. Good grief, I hope they’re not this clueless when the baby actually arrives. ___________________________________________________________ “Congratulations,” Sunset says as the two of as sit in the food court of the local Canterlot mall. “I’m sure you’ll both be great aunts.” It’s been a few days since Cadance and Shining Armour told us the news about their baby. Twilight and Fluttershy are off on a Friendship Mission that The Map sent them on, so I didn’t really have much else to do today after doing some apple bucking at AJ’s farm, so I came here to Sunset’s world to hang out and tell her the news. “Thanks,” I smile, sipping my strawberry smoothie. “Anything exciting happen in this world since we last visited?” Sunset waves a hand. “The Rainboom’s have done a few performances, but nothing major’s happened.” She then gets a more serious look. “So, have you figured out why Celestia and Luna seemed so happy to be around you?” I frown, putting my smoothie down, folding my arms. “The opposite, actually.” She cocks an eyebrow and I explain to her what happened on Hearth’s Warming. “That is pretty odd,” she nods once I’ve finished. I sigh. “Something must be really bothering them. I mean, when they saw me after I cast that unknown spell, they’re faces were ghostly white. It was as if the sight of me had terrified them to their core… and I still don’t understand why. They haven’t answered any of our letters.” “You’re sure you’ve tried everything?” she asks, leaning against the table. I hold my arms in the air. “We even tried sending them Formal Royal Requests. You can’t turn those down without a good reason and it still didn’t work.” We remain silent for a few moments. “What about those dreams you said you’ve been having?” Sunset asks, trying to change the subject. I pout, flopping my head on the table. “Still no clearer on that matter, either.” Ever since that night I cast the spell, I’ve been having some pretty vivid dreams since every couple nights or so, though they’re also hazy. They fade away almost as soon as I’ve woken up. Only thing I can remember is two fillies. The youngest is blue, with a slightly lighter blue mane and tail. The older white with a pink mane and tail. Fat lot of good those few details are gonna do. “It’s just so frustrating!” I run my hands through my hair. “I have this nagging feeling Celestia and Luna might be able to explain something about these dreams, but, despite how much they wanted to spend time around me before, since Hearth’s Warming, it’s like they’ve been doing everything they can to avoid me! Heck, there was even one time I can vaguely remember Luna was watching me in one of those dreams, but when I called out to her, she just left and it’s not like I can follow her in the Dream Realm!” “It is odd, that’s for sure,” Sunset says, tapping her chin. “On a lighter note, what’s this about a Music Festival in Ponyville.” I smile. “It’s a charity event called The Helping Hooves Music Festival, where the Ponypalooza Rock Concert is going to finish the event. Pinkie and Applejack are doing most of the work. It’s pretty interesting.” I smirk. “May I ask if The Rainbooms might attend?” Sunset smirks. “Yeah, because a band comprised of doubles of the Element Bearers won’t be suspicious at all.” I snicker. “yeah. Everypony would probably assume it was a band comprised of Changelings or something.” We both have a good laugh at that idea, as well as the mental image of the Changelings pretending to be a band just to steal some extra love. ___________________________________________________________ “Excuse me, sir,” I say firmly. The stallion turns away from Pinkie Pie, a glare on his face, but it melts away into nervousness upon seeing me. “Oh, uh, Princess Ken. What an honour to meet you?” he bows, before standing back up, turning to glare at Pinkie. “Well, what’re you waiting for? Bow to her!” “My friend does not to do that, sir,” I say sternly, my tone clearly indicating to him he is walking on thin ice and he gulps. “H-how-how may I be of assistance, Your Highness?” he asks, visibly sweating. I cock an eyebrow at him. “You can start by explaining to me exactly why you were just downright demanding things from my personal friend as if she’s your indentured servant.” It’s been about a month since Cadance and Shining informed us that Twilight and I will soon be aunts and I made up with Shining Armour. Today, we’re finishing preparations for The Helping Hooves Music Festival. One of the singers for the concert, it turns out, was an old friend of Applejack’s from when they were fillies… though when I first saw her, I honestly thought I was seeing the pony version of Lady Gaga. Despite being so bombastic on the stage, Countess Coloratura, or Rara, as AJ had nicknamed her years ago, she was a kind mare, who was so excited to speak with the foals, whom she was holding a contest, the winners of whom, would get to sing a song with her on stage during the concert. Her manager, however, I noticed, was not so kind. He never complimented Coloratura’s practice performance itself, only the things he added to them, none of which were really needed, if you asked me, so long as Coloratura was singing from her heart. Not only that, he was very curt around everypony and just now, I’d witnessed him demanding things from Pinkie Pie as if her only purpose in life was to give him whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. “Oh, uh, just a joke, you know?” he says, giving a very unconvincing grin. “I-I do it all the time.” My eyebrow does not change its position. “And what about those demands for apples from Applejack’s orchard? Did you even ask permission for so many apples to be taken?” my eyes narrow. “I find that highly unlikely.” “Um, well, you see, I…” he stutters, backing away slightly. A crowd has no started forming. Ponies who were working on finishes a few things in preparation for the concert have taken notice, and it’s clear Svengallop has realized this and want to end this before I say anything else and he know what I’m going to say next. “And I want an answer as to why you threatened to take Coloratura out of the festival simply because Pinkie was saying it was impossible to fulfil your outrageous demands?!” I finish, stomping a hoof. “I mean five hundred pre-peeled, pre-cored apples in twenty four hours?! How in Celestia’s name do you expect her to pull that off?! And where do you get off demanding she bring you oats from all the way in Appleloosa when we’re here in Ponyville?!” “What?” Svengallop’s eyes widen and he looks to my left. I look over my shoulder and see Applejack and Coloratura nearby, the latter looking stunned and confused. “Svengallop,” she says, stepping forward, “is this true? Are you honestly demanding impossible things from Miss Pinkie Pie under the threat of pulling me out of the concert?” “I… um… she doesn’t understand, Countess,” he says, indicating to me, doing a bad job at hiding his frustrations in his tone. “I actually asked for those things before we arrived. Miss Pinkie Pie had plenty of time to get everything I asked for.” “Ya literally demanded she give ya five hundred o’ mah apples just a minute ago!” Applejack corrects him sternly. “Ya didn’t even ask me, let alone give her the time t’ prep an’ ask me herself. And five hundred? Are ya’ll insane?!” Coloratura steps forward, her face stern. “So that’s how you’ve been managing things?” Svengallop looks from her to everypony, before shrugging. “Yeah, so? What’s the problem?” Coloratura glares. “The problem is, is you’ve been using my name to intimidate ponies to get what you want!” Svengallop glares back at her. “But I work incredibly hard for you! I deserve everything I get!” Coloratura shakes her head firmly. “But not because you scare ponies into thinking I won’t perform for their charities otherwise! I would never do that to my fans! That’s just wrong and makes me seem like a horrible pony by proxy!” Svengallop huffs. “All this charity and schoolpony contest nonsense is just remnants of that boring little Rara I met back in Manehattan!” Coloratura snorts. “You clearly don’t understand the real me!” Svengallop gives a cold laugh, pointing at her. “That’s a joke! I made you somepony! What can you even do without me? Good luck, Countess Coloratura! Good luck.” He walks off, pushing past other ponies, even knocking Derpy right out of the way. I glare after him as I hurry over and help the Pegasus up. “I can’t believe he would do such cruel things while using Countess Coloratura as his cover,” Twilight says, coming next to me. “He and Spoiled Rich would be perfect for each other,” I nod, scowling. “Both are heartless beings who only like using others to get what they want, with no care to the harm that befalls others in their way.” “Should we do something about it?” she asks, looking to me. I shake my head. “I may have used my being a princess to call him out on it in a way he couldn’t just shoot me down, as he likely would’ve if somepony else had tried, but we can’t just go around slandering others. Even if they deserve it.” “You don’t have to worry about that,” we both turn to see Coloratura with her dark veil covering her face. “I’ll be spreading the word myself, so no other upcoming ponies looking for fame fall into his hooves again.” “Will you still be okay to perform tonight, though, without his help?” I ask earnestly. She nods firmly, a slightly nervous smile on her face. “Of course. After all, the show must go on!” And so it does. Rara truly has an amazing singing voice and, like Applejack told us, at one point, Rara’s Cutie Mark literally shines as she’s singing. Her voice is so strong and the words of her songs so full of emotion, I’m glad we could truly bring this version of her back out. I can tell she’s going to go very far. As I listen to her though, I can’t help wondering about Celestia and Luna. They really have been very distant since Hearth’s Warming. I really want to know why. Do they think they can’t confide in us? We’re all just ponies, we need to look out for one another and we can’t do that if we distance ourselves from each other. I sigh, deciding to put it out of my mind for now. I should just enjoy the concert. It’s not like any catastrophic event is going to happen any time soon. > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17 ___________________________________________________________ I heave a sigh as the castle comes within view. I just spent my morning helping Applejack on the farm. I still marvel at the fact I was such a couch potato back home, who didn’t like exercising unless I had to, yet now I love being active and working up a sweat. Rainbow herself has even mentioned that if we compared my physical prowess to Twilight’s I’d win in by a landslide regarding who is the more physically strong. I chuckle, thinking about how demure her legs are compared to my own. Though twig by comparison legs. So slim and gentle. So soft and— oh, no you don’t! I stop, shaking my head violently. “No, Ken! Twilight’s your sister! Sisters don’t think of their sister like that!” Ever since Hearth’s Warming Eve, I’ve been feeling a desire to be near Twilight, as if I desperately never want to lose her. It hasn’t made any sense. I spoke with Rarity about it a couple days ago, the confusion nagging too much to ignore or keep silent about anymore, feeling too embarrassed to ask Twilight about it hoping Rarity could give me some clarity… and honestly wishing I hadn’t asked. I had told her these strange feelings I’d been having, while making sure not to allude to the fact Twilight was the subject matter… and what Rarity explained is deeply concerning. According to Rarity, what I’ve been feeling is like what one feels towards their special somepony. But, Twilight’s my sister! I can’t be falling in love with my own sister! I’m so distracted by my thoughts, I don’t pay attention to the fact the front door is slightly open, just pushing it further with my head, assuming Twilight and Spike are back from that lecture she was supposed to be giving about Cutie Marks at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Oh, and on the matter of Celestia and Luna? Yeah, they’re still avoiding me. If I’m lucky, Twilight will be able to ask Celestia about the way she and Luna have been acting since Hearth’s Warming and actually get us some answers. I walk into the library and pull down a book to read. I need to distract myself from these thoughts. I asked Applejack to get the others over so we could all welcome Twilight back and ask how things went, but until they get here, I may as well do some reading. I scroll through the books on the shelf, before my attention is grabbed by a bright pink book I don’t recognize from before sitting among the Family Guides sections. Yeah, Twilight has one of those. She actually has a ridiculous number of sections, to the point it can get really damn confusing. She even has one shelf marked as Discontinued But Potentially Useful Ancient Texts and another marked as Hopeful With A Slight Chance Of Applications. Why? I have no clue! But she does! Anyway, I don’t recognize this book belonging in this section. In fact, it looks like it was only recently shoved back in there. That’s not normal for Twilight. Usually she’s far more orderly with her books. Why’s this here? I take it in my magic and levitate, sit down and open the book... before I blanch and snarl as I start reading though, as I didn’t look at the title until just now. Incest: A Herd Norm When Done Sparsely. Why does Twilight have a book about that?! Shaking my head, I quickly return the book to the shelf, grabbing a random one and trying to read it to take my mind off things as I wait. I try for a few minutes, before giving up, the contents of the book not interesting me, putting it back on the shelf. “Maybe I was just more stressed about that speech than I thought,” Twilight’s voice says from the hallway, followed by the sound of the front door closing. I pause. Wait. Why does it sound like she’s just come home? If she was already home, why was the door open? “Yeah. That sounds better than Starlight Glimmer coming back with an evil plot for revenge,” Spike’s voice says in a joking tone as I step out, looking for the pair. I blink, before my eyes widen. Starlight? That unicorn who tried to steal my Cutie Mark when we met in that cave after I first arrived in Equestria? Oh no. I think I know exactly why the door was open! I gallop down the hall, catching a glimpse of Twilight and Spike as they head into the Map Room. “Well, when you say it like that, it does sound kinda silly,” Twilight’s saying. “Or it’s totally true!” Spike’s voice cries in alarm, making me run faster, before I freeze in place upon sensing a powerful spell being cast. It feels… vaguely familiar, but different and I have no idea why. Shaking it off, I hurry and as I reach the room, I catch a glimpse of a tail disappearing through some odd shape dome above the Map, which is now active, before the dome vanishes and the magic is gone. “Where’d she go?” Spike asks, moving over to the Map. “I don’t know, Spike, but I think we better find out!” Twilight says, putting a hoof on the Map. “So she was here?” Twilight turns as I stop next to her. “Starlight Glimmer? She was here?” Twilight nods, frowning at the Map. “I don’t know what she has planned, but we need to figure it out before something goes wrong.” “I guess we could start with this.” With both turn to see Spike reaching for some crumpled up piece of parchment. Twilight’s eyes widen in fear. “Spike, no! Don’t touch that!” But she’s too late. The little drake grabs hold of the ball of parchment and the dome opens up above the Map again, winds sucking into it, pulling Spike with towards it. Without thinking, Twilight and I both grab him as he passes us, but it doesn’t do anything. Instead of us grabbing him and stopping whatever that dome is from pulling Spike in, it just pulls us in too. We’re surrounded by swirling blue energy as we tumble through seemingly nothing, holding onto Spike as wind rushes against us, making it hard to hold onto him. Struggling to keep my eyes open from the wind blowing into the them, I blink, thinking for a second I saw some kind of blue box pass us by, but a blind white light pulls me from those thoughts. When it clears, there’s now empty sky below us. At once, I flare my wings and look for Spike, diving down and catching him on my back. Turning in mid-air, I see Twilight has a sheepish expression as we both hover down to a road like something on top of clouds. I cock an eyebrow. “I… forgot I have wings,” she says, scratching behind her neck, blushing. I roll my eyes. Seriously? I’ve had my wings for way less time than her yet I’m better at the whole having them thing? “Cloudsdale?” Spike hops off my back, looking around, bringing my attention to the fact we were indeed in that location. “Starlight doesn’t even have wings! Why would she come here?” Twilight shakes her head. “I don’t know, Spike—” My attention is drawn by something whizzing through the sky behind her. It was cyan and blurred, but… wait. Why would Dash be in Cloudsdale? Wasn’t she over at Sugar Cube Corner helping Pinkie with something this morning? I turn to Twilight to ask about it, having missed whatever she was talking about, but am interrupted by something flashing between the three of us. “Isn’t that Rainbow Dash?” Spike asks, though my mind is caught on something. As she was passing me, her mass felt way smaller than it should. We’ve raced a few times in the sky and whenever she passed me, the air movement felt way heavier than it did just then. “Did Rainbow Dash look really young to you?” Wait, what? “And I didn’t see a Cutie Mark. You don’t think...” Spike puts down the binoculars he’d just taken out of his backpack and had been looking through. “We travelled back in time to when Rainbow Dash raced the bullies who made fun of Fluttershy and performed her first Sonic Rainboom?” Wait, WHAT?! Time Travel is a thing is this world too?! Twilight shakes her head. “Spike, only Star Swirl the Bearded could do something like that, and even his spell just went back a week! How could Starlight do more than the greatest wizard in Equestria?” Though he was really bad a missing social cues, the bearded idiot, I shake my head. No wonder the girls struggled at times with his lessons. I pause, blinking. What? Where the heck did that come from? A paper rustling sound draws my attention to Spike, who holds up the parchment from earlier. “With this.” My eyes widen upon seeing it. I… I know this scroll. I’ve seen it before, but… where? I don’t ever remember going to look for such a scroll. I had no idea Time Travel was even a thing is this world til now. I’d thought Pinkie was just joking around that one time. I do still question how she knows about Back to the Future enough to cosplay as Marty McFly. “Come on, let’s go!” Spile’s voice pulls me from my thouhts and I see he’s walking away. “Go where?” Twilight asks what I’m thinking. Spike keeps walking, holding up a claw. “To watch the race. I don’t wanna miss the Rainboom! Whoa!” he adds, falling through the clouds. Twilight lights her horn, bringing him back up. I really need to find out why Spike doesn’t have wings like other dragons. We go over to where a bunch of Pegasus fillies and colts have gathered, Rainbow Dash and two colts standing at what I’m guessing is the starting line. I blink, noticing a little filly holding a flag who looks an awful lot like… Oh, sweet Celestia, it is! That’s Fluttershy! I have to use all my willpower to resist the urge to leap over and hug her. She’s so freaking adorable as a filly! The race starts, before my eyes widen in horror as Fluttershy is knocked off the cloud she was on by the backdraft from the three racing pegasi. I flare my wings to fly down and catch her, only to feel my left wing yanked back, causing me to stumble. Looking back in anger, I see Spike shaking his head, his other claw holding Twilight’s right wing. When I give him a look that asks why in Celestia’s name I shouldn’t save a future friend, he says, “Nopony saved her. Butterflies do. She told us herself. If we try to save her, we’ll change the past and she might not get her Cutie Mark.” I blink, before looking to Twilight, who’s nodding in understanding. “Um, what in the blue blazes is he talking about? And why aren’t we saving Fluttershy?!” Twilight quickly explains to me that Fluttershy got her Cutie Mark this day, but only because she was down on the ground after falling. If she doesn’t fall, she won’t be down on the ground to reassure the animals they’re safe after Dash’s Sonic Rainboom startles them and ends up getting her Cutie Mark. Thinking it over, I nod, deciding to look back at the race, before my eyes widen in horror as I see a beam of cyan magic fly from a pink dot floating above a cloud, the beam hitting what is clearly Rainbow about to do the Rainboom, freezing her in mid-air. I look to Twilight, who’s eyes are just as wide in horror and we both flare our wings, flying down to confront the pink dot, whose identity we easily know. “What did you do?!” Twilight demands as we stop in front of the mare. She blinks, looking confused at the sight of me, before smirking. “You are about to find out.” Next thing I know, the dome from the Map has opened above us and pulls Spike, Twilight and myself back in. After tumbling through blue nothingness for several seconds, we’re dumped out again, thumping hard against something. “Ow,” I say through gritted teeth, pushing myself up and opening my eyes… only for them to widen in shock. “Ugh...” Twilight’s voice says from behind me. “I don’t know what Starlight’s up to yet, but we’d better figure it out before it’s too late.” “Um, Twilight? I think it already is,” Spike says, followed by her gasping as she see what we’re seeing. The castle is gone. It’s just… gone. The only thing left is the Map and the thrones, most of which are severely damaged. What in the world happened? “Uh, Twilight?” Spike asks as she looks around. “Where’s your castle?” Twilight looks to the Map. “The Map pulled us back, but whatever Starlight did in the past changed things here!” Spike frowns. “But why? And how did we get here? Where’s here?” Twilight levitates the scroll out of Spike’s bag, pointing to it before reading it over. “More like when.” Spike cocks his head. “What do you mean?” “If I had to guess,” I look over Twilight’s shoulder and the spell and nod, my theory confirmed, “Starlight altered Star Swirl’s spell, then somehow used it on the Map to travel into the past and change something! Once she did, the map pulled us back to the present!” Though I’m still confused how I know the spell didn’t look the way it does now without ever having seen the spell myself before. Spike folds his arms, scratching his chin. “So we’re back where— I mean, when we started?” Twilight shakes her head, before indicating to the Map… which it now occurs to me is covered in a red hue it was not before. “Not exactly. Everything’s different. Look. The map doesn’t even make sense anymore! The Crystal Empire takes up half of Equestria!” Spike points up. “Plus there’s the whole missing castle thing.” Twilight looks back to the Map, before stomping a hoof firmly on it. “Right! This is too big to handle on our own.” Spike gives her a deadpan stare. “You think?” “Yeah, Twi, I don’t think either of us has ever really had any proper experience with time being altered around us before,” I nod, just as deadpanned. Twilight nods, somehow oblivious to what we’ve said. “We need to find our friends and get help!” “Provided they’re even around anymore,” I murmur. They both look to me in confusion. “Huh?” I frown at the both of them. “Guys, we’re in an altered timeline. Every TV show and movie I watched back on Earth made it clear that if something is altered in the past, the present you return to will be either slightly or very different. There’s a chance altering the past might have stopped several of our friends from ever even moving to Ponyville. The only ones likely living there at the time were Rarity and Applejack, correct?” Spike looks worried. “Well, actually, back then, Applejack was living with her Aunt and Uncle Orange in Manehatten.” I blink. Huh? AJ never told me about that. “I’m sure whatever changes to the past Starlight made, it wouldn’t have stopped our friends from coming to Ponyville,” Twilight says, though I can hear the uncertainty in her voice. “Come on.” ___________________________________________________________ “I’m gettin’ a bad feeling about this, guys,” Spike says as we walk through what should be Ponyville. I say should be because I honestly feel more like we’re walking through a version of Ponyville if it were set in one of those post-apocalyptic movies, like I Am Legend. Houses are empty and boarded up. Other houses are ragged or falling apart. The one time we see a pony, Carrot Top, she’s looking at us from an upstairs window of a house that wasn’t hers in the original timeline and she shuts the blinds the moment she sees Spike and I look at her, the former waving. What happened here? “I know it seems bad, Spike, but this is Ponyville. How bad could things be?” Twilight asks. I give her a deadpan she can’t see, before our eyes widen as we come across what should be Sugar Cube Corner, but its colours are brown, less happy and instead of a cupcake on the top, there’s a simple loaf of bread. “Is that Sugarcube Corner?” Spike asks. Twilight stares in shock. “I don’t understand.” I frown at her. “Didn’t I already explain this, Twilight? Time has been altered. Things aren’t going to be exactly as we remember them.” Spike gasps, running off. We both look to each other and hurry after him to find he’s running to Carousel Boutique, which looks in better condition than the rest of the town, even still has its colours, but is boarded up. “Rarity?” he calls, banging of the door, before trying to yank it open. “Rarity?!” Twilight sighs. “I don’t think she’s here, Spike. I’m not sure anything we know is the same.” I nod. “Like I said, Starlight changed the past and the ripple effect seems a lot worse than we could’ve hoped.” “I’m a little confused how you’re adapting to this so easily, Ken,” Twilight looks to me, an eyebrow raised. “You acted before like the idea of Time Travel being a thing was mind blowing, but now you’re talking matter-of-factly about altered timelines.” I look to her, before shrugging. “Like I said, I’ve seen enough TV shows and movies involving time travel to know what’s going on and once you get over the idea time travel is possible, it’s easy to think with that in mind.” I frown, looking from the abandoned clothing store to the rest of the town around us. “But the way everything is… Just what happened here?” We stand in silence for a moment, before Twilight brightens up. “But I know one place that could never change!” She leads us towards Sweet Apple Acres… but it is not anything like we remember. There are massive pipes all around the barn, black smoke billowing out. I find myself looking to my double with a deadpan. “Do you ever get tired of being wrong?” Twilight puffs her cheeks in a pout. “You don’t have to be so mean, Ken. And aren’t you worried?” “Fucking petrified,” I say with no emotion. “But this is kind of a coping mechanism I developed back on Earth. When I knew I wasn’t totally fucked, but was still extremely worried, deadpanning humour was the only thing keeping me from freaking the fuck out. The same applies here. I’m scared out of my mind about what could be going on, but I know I at least have you two here. That’s keeping me grounded.” We walk over to a window and, after rubbing the soot from it to see inside, I see a large number of machines that remind me of those old Looney Tunes factory cartoons. Only thing missing is the music… and my being able to enjoy it without the looming fear that the very history I’ve come to know has change. A rolling sound draws our attention to a nearby door, where a mare steps out, rolling a barrel of the mushed apples from within. I frown. She looks familiar. “Applejack?!” Twilight cries, rushing forward and hugging the mare, my eyes widening as I realize she’s right. “Huh,” Spike says, looking up at me. “Guess she came back after all, even without the Rainboom.” “What can I do for you?” Applejack pushes Twilight back, seeming uninterested. I blink. Something’s off about her voice. Her accent sounds… less Applejacky, I guess? Twilight is smiling and I realize she sadly seems to have forgotten we’re in a different timeline. “It’s so good to see you! We couldn’t find Pinkie or Rarity or Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash, but I just knew you’d still be here!” Applejack pushes the barrel up onto a cart. “Of course I am. This is my home.” She frowns, before looking to the Alicorn. “But who in tarnation is Pinkie Bow and Flutterdash?” She then gets down, walking past us. “Or you for that matter?” Twilight’s face falls and I find myself hugging her with a wing, trying to comfort her. I don’t want her to be that sad. “You... don’t know who I am?” I rub my face against hers, whispering, “Different timeline, Twilight. Chances are she hasn’t even met the you of this time.” Applejack confirms this with a simple, “Nope”, before moving another barrel past us. “Honestly, the only name I recognize is Rarity, but she left for Manehattan years ago.” Spike smiles at us. “Probably to become a world-famous fashion designer, I bet.” “Not that I know of,” Applejack says, her voicing sounding duller somehow. “Last I heard, she went to help with the cause like everypony else.” Twilight pulls away from my, an eyebrow raised in confusion. “The cause?” “The war against King Sombra and the Crystal Empire?” the farm mare replies flatly. “What?!” the three of us yell, startling her. Applejack frowns. “Where have you three been?” Spike smirks. “Actually, it’s when.” Twilight glances at him, before looking to the orange mare. “I know this is hard to believe, but you and I and those other ponies I mentioned are friends!” Applejack cocks an annoyed eyebrow. “Did you bump your head on a crate of cider or somethin’?” Twilight stands firm. “I’m telling you the truth! And if you come with me, I’ll prove it.” “Plus,” I frown, “I think that’s a question we should be asking you.” Applejack looks to me with an unamused expression. I flare my wings, Twilight taking the hint a second later and doing the same. Applejack looks between the two of us, before her eyes widen. “What? New Alicorns?! Since when? And, why do you both look…?” her eyes narrow and she gets into a defensive stances. “Oh, nice try! You ain’t taking me and my family!” Before I can question it, she lunges at us. However, with reflexes I didn’t even know I had, I light my horn, catching her in mid-air. Spike and Twilight stare at me in surprise and I’m pretty sure I look just as shocked as they are. Since when were my magic reflexes that good? “Let me go!” Applejack yells, struggling against my magic. “You rotten love-sucking parasites ain’t gettin’ me!” “Love-sucking…?” Twilight frowns, before narrowing her eyes. “How dare you? We’re not Changelings! Applejack, how could you think such a thing?!” I blink, before giving a slightly nervous smile. “Uh, actually, Twilight, her reaction makes a lot of sense.” She and Spike look at me in confusion. “We’re in a different timeline than our own where AJ literally doesn’t know us and now she sees two Alicorns she’s never heard of and” I point to myself, then Twilight. There’s a pause, before understanding enters the Alicorn and dragon’s eyes as they say, “Oh,” before smiling sheepishly. I look to Applejack, my expression firm. “I swear to you, Applejack, that none of us are Changelings. We truly are Alicorns.” “Then how come you both look exactly alike, even down to your Cutie Marks?!” she demands, pointing at my flank. I sigh. “That’s a long story. But I also feel you have a story we need to hear too. Promise to come quietly and we’ll show you something important and explain everything.” “And why should I trust you, exactly?” she asks, eyebrow raised. I shake my head. “I can’t give you a reason. Not one you’d believe anyway. All I can do is ask you to trust us a little.” There’s silence for a few moments as she studies me, before finally sighing and nodding firmly. “Fine, I’ll follow you. But either of you try anything funny and I’ll buck you into the next century.” I nod, lowering her and dropping my spell. We walk off, leading her to the Map. “Well, I’ll admit,” she says, looking it over, “I’ve lived in these parts my whole life and I’ve never seen this before.” Spike sits on one of the broken throne. “There’s also supposed to be a castle that goes with it.” Applejack frowns at the Map, before looking between myself and Twilight. “But I still don’t see what this has to do with you and I bein’ friends.” Twilight sighs. “Another pony named Starlight Glimmer used this map to travel through time and change things in the past. For some reason, the map’s here but everything else is different!” Applejack’s eyes narrow. “Different how?” “Well, for one thing, where we came from, there’s no war with King Sombra,” I facehoof at how bluntly Twilight says that, causing Applejack’s expression to sadden heavily. I put a hoof on her shoulder and briefly explain what I can about our time and why Twilight and I look exactly alike aside from our mane styles. “Maybe you could tell us how the war started, then we can figure out when everything changed!” Applejack looks to me. “That’s easy enough.” She sighs. “When the Crystal Empire returned, it brought King Sombra back with it.” I know somewhat about King Sombra. After Shining and I made up, I visited the two of them at the Crystal Empire at got the full explanation… which is why what Applejack tells me is so worrying. Cadance never was able to stop him in this timeline. She and Shining not only failed, but it took extreme efforts from the Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts to infiltrate the Empire and get them out and it wasn’t without cost. Many ponies lost their lives, or worse, were taken as prisoner by Sombra’s brainwashed forces. And Shining lost a leg. Not long after, Sombra started his war with Equestria. As she talks about those fighting the war, their descriptions catch my attention, Maud, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash being among those fighting on the front lines. It’s a painful war, both because of the lives lost on Equestria’s side, but also because Equestria doesn’t want to harm the Crystal Ponies. They’re fighting against their will. “And even with Princess Celestia leadin’ the charge, it still takes every last pony in Equestria doin’ their part, workin’ day and night, to keep up the fight,” Applejack finishes, her expression beyond depressed. Twilight stares at her in shock, before grabbing Applejack by the shoulders. “I just can’t believe it! We stopped King Sombra! You and me and all of our friends!” Applejack calmly takes the Alicorn’s hooves off of her. “But we aren’t friends. At least not here.” Twilight looks down dejectedly. “Right.” Applejack looks between the three of us, before sighing. “Look. I hope all this helped, but I really need to get back to cannin’ those apples.” Twilight looks to her as she starts walking back in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. “Thank you. We’re going to set things right.” Applejack pauses and sighs. “I hope you do.” We watch her go until she’s beyond our field of vision. “So... how are we gonna set things right?” Spike asks. “I don’t know!” Twilight flops her head on the Map. “The only thing we know for sure is that Starlight stopped the Rainboom.” “And that the map’s still here,” Spike points out. Twilight frowns in thought, before gasping and shouting, “Spike, that’s it!” startling the poor guy, causing him to loosen his grip and flop to the ground. “The map is connected to the Tree of Harmony! It must sense that something isn’t right! That’s why it’s still here!” I frown, thinking. That does kind of make sense. The Tree of Harmony is a power source of magic. The idea it could reach across the timelines is a bit of a stretch, but not too big. After all, the Map is connected to the Tree and Starlight used the Map to cast her spell. The Tree is connected to the spell; therefore it has been given a way to give us a window of return. “I’ll just use Starlight’s version of the spell and go back a little earlier and stop her before she even knows we’re there!” At once alarm bells go off in my head and I see Twilight levitating the scroll out of Spike’s magic. Flaring my own, I teleport the scroll over to myself. “Ken?” Twilight asks, looking confused. Sighing with relief, I glare, my blood boiling, stomping up to her and prodding her in the chest with a hoof. “Twilight Sparkle, you did not just say we are going to abandon these ponies after you essentially just promised Applejack we’d fix this!” Twilight looks to me in confusion. “But… we are. If we go back in time, we can stop Starlight from making this timeline.” “Wrong!” I snort, levitating the scroll back into Spike’s bag without even looking. “Are you forgetting I’m from another universe, Twilight?” Her confusion seems to deepen. “No, Ken. But what does that have to do with—?” “In the timeline of my world, Celestia and Luna aren’t even a thing!” I prod her chest. “In my timeline, things were drastically different, because it wasn’t Equestria’s timeline! For all we know, my world would have been like Equestria, but something differed in our timeline just enough for drastic differences!” She still doesn’t seem to get it. “Ken, what does that have to do with us going back in time again to stop Starlight?” I’m pretty sure a vein is showing somewhere on my head. “Multiverse theory, Twilight! Even if we go back in time and stop Starlight, this timeline will still exist! A timeline where Equestria is at war and Applejack has clearly lost all hope that the war will end anytime soon. Hope you just restored to her! If we just up and leave now, this timeline won’t change in the slightest and Applejack’s hopes will be destroyed and you’ll be responsible for it! War is horrible, Twilight! It feels like it never ends and even if it does, you’re left feeling hollow and struggle to figure out how to move on after all the death and destruction! Is that what you want? Is that what you would honestly feel comfortable doing, Princess of Friendship? Because I don’t think you deserve that title if you’re fully willing to leave a version of one of our best friends to suffer through this nightmare after giving her hope!” Twilight stares, her eyes wide. Spike walks up to me, his hands held up. “Whoa, whoa, Ken. Take it easy.” I blink, looking from him to a horrified Twilight, before shaking my head and taking a step back. I… whoa. What was that? Sure, I know how horrible war can be, I did used to be human, after all, but… where did that come from. I felt… justifiably angry. As if I’d been in war myself and knew the pain of it… but I’ve never fought in a war. What the heck is wrong with me? We all stand in silence for some time, the only sound the wind. “I… Twilight, I…” I try to say after what feels like hours, but stop. I don’t know what to say. “Maybe… maybe we can try to find Cadance or Celestia?” Spike suggests. “I mean, we’ve got two Alicorn’s whose special talent is magic. I’m pretty sure that could help in the war, right?” “It’s possible,” I say, thankful for something to talk about. “Problem is, we don’t know where Celestia is. I mean, we didn’t exactly ask Applejack for all the details, plus, she probably wouldn’t even know. I doubt military operations are something discussed with apple farmers.” Good grief. Using the phrase “military operations” is something I never thought I would be applying to anything in Equestria. This is fucked up. “We… we can ask around town,” Twilight suggests. “Surely there’s somepony from the Royal Guard here, to keep the peace, right?” We nod, before making our way back towards town. ___________________________________________________________ “No answer?” Spike asks as I return to the two of them. We’ve just spent the last ten minutes going from door to door, trying to find somepony who might have an idea what to do, but either nopony has lived in the houses we went to, or they’re too scared to answer their doors. “This is hopeless,” Twilight slumps, tears welling in her eyes. “Ponyville. I… I failed it. Because of me, everypony’s suffering.” My eyes widen and I go over, wrapping a wing around her. “Hey, hey, hey. That’s not true, Twilight. We couldn’t have known what Starlight was going to do.” Spike nods. “Yeah. How were we supposed to know she was so insane she’d think ruining history was a good idea. If anypony’s to blame, it’s Starlight for messing with time travel.” I nod. “Yeah. There’s a reason I told Star Swirl to hide that thing.” There’s a long pause, before the two look to me, eyebrows raised. “What?’ I say, shaking my head. “I… I don’t know why I just said that.” Spike chuckles, folding his arm. “Yeah. Star Swirl lived a thousand years ago. I doubt you were around back then, Ken.” We nod, though I’m still wondering why I said that. “Halt!” We all start, looking up to see three pegasi walking towards us. Two are white stallions with light-blue manes and tails. The other is a mare the same colours. They’re all wearing Royal Guard armour. “Finally,” Spike mutters as we all stand. “I was starting to think there weren’t any guards here.” The three pause upon the sight of Twilight and myself. The stallions look confused, while the mare is suspicious and confused. “Admiral Sparkle?” one of the stallions asks. “What’re you doing here? Weren’t you at the battle of Ghastly Gorge?” “And what happened to your eye?” the other asks, before his eyes widen. “And since did you become an Alicorn?” The mare steps forward. “Who are you three? There aren’t two Admiral Sparkles and there was no word of her ever finding a way to become an Alicorn. State your intent!” Twilight becomes worried. It’s clear she’s never dealt with sternness from the Royal Guard like this before. I, on the other hoof? Well, maybe not Royal Guards, but authority figures, for sure. “We request an audience with Princesses Celestia and Luna,” I say, keeping my voice strong. “We have vital information they will wish to hear.” The first stallion suddenly gets very defensive. “How dare you? Princess Luna is in no condition to travel, and you have to gale to demand she come to you?!” I look to him with cool firmness. “As I recall, I said we request, not demand.” The other two guards look to each other, before the mare gives me a firm look. “And your names? We are suspicious what a dragon is doing with a pair of ponies when Dragon Lord Torch made it very clear that he will not be taking part in this war.” I have no idea who this Dragon Lord Torch is, but I’ll roll with it. “He is unaware of our son. Spike’s egg was lost here long ago and he was raised as part of our family.” “Unaware?” the first stallion snarls. “You would risk us going to war with the dragons too by stealing a dragon egg?” Twilight steps forward, her expression firm. “Excuse me? I did not steal Spike’s egg! I accidentally hatched it and he imprinted on me!” “That’s right!” Spike growls, stepping in front of Twilight, looking ready to brawl. “Twilight is my mother and you can’t change that!” “Hmm.” The mare rubs her chin. “It’s true. If that dragon imprinted on you as it’s mother, by Dragon Law, he is your child and no one, not even the Dragon Lord, can chance that.” I look to the first stallion, scowling, with an eyebrow raised. “By the way, why exactly did you assume we’d stolen Spike? I said nothing to indicate as such and yet you somehow jumped to that conclusion.” The other two guards look to the first, who glances at them in surprise and I notice a flicker of something in his eye. It wasn’t emotion, it was something else. Something… magical. “Listen,” he says, pointing at us. “The fact is, these three are strangers and in war, strangers are a threat until proven otherwise. Plus, what are the chances of that? A dragon being hatched by a pony? And how come they both look so much alike? Even their Cutie Marks are the same.” He looks firmly at us. “More likely the three of them are all Changelings and pretty dumb ones at that, taking on the same form of a pony twice and screwing up their race.” “That’s a good point,” the mare guard says, slowly moving to stand between myself and the guard, facing him. “In times like these, it would be very dumb for a trio of Changelings to try hiding as a dragon and two ponies, especially two identical ponies, and especially when said pony is Admiral Sparkle.” I blink, before it clicks. Of course, it’s so stupid an idea that Changelings would do that, to suggest it sounds even crazier than the idea of two ponies happening to be physically exactly alike. “Apple Turnovers?” the mare suddenly asks. Is that the guard’s name? He frowns in confusion. “Um… no. Apple Turnover is fighting on the front lines, remember? And his name doesn’t end in an “s”. Are you okay, Silver Line?” Silver Line hunches over, snarling and leaps forward. Her sudden actions catch the three of us off guard, but the other stallion doesn’t miss a beat, leaping too. The two pin down the first guard. “I should’ve known something was up!” Silver Line snarls at him. “Break Away! Tell us where he is!” I blink, before it clicks. That stallion is a Changeling! He was hiding and was going to use us as scapegoats. The stallion snarls, flaring with green magic, revealing something that looks like a pony mixed with an insect, with holes in its legs and bug wings. It lights its horn, sending the two guards flying off it. “Twilight, come on!” I yell, flaring my own horn and charging at the bug pony. It flies up, swerving past me, only to get bucked in the face by my back legs, followed by a sickening crunching sound. It topples through the air, skidding on the ground. It gets up, its mouth foaming in rage. It opens its mouth and some kind of green gunk flies out, aimed right for Twilight. “Twilight!” Spike yells, pushing her out of the way, the gunk hitting him instead. “SPIKE!” we both yell, before turning to the bug creature in unison, our horns flaring. It falters at the sight of us, before being slammed into the ground from above by the two guards. We all watch it. It twitches for a few moments, before going limp. Silver Line puts a hoof to its side. “Still breathing. Stone Wall, get the magical dampener braces. We’ll have somepony come to take this one to HQ for questioning.” “Spike!” Twilight’s cry reminds me why I’m so angry and I turn, only for my eyes to widen in horror. Spike is frozen in place, encased in some kind of green crystal-like substance. I look to the guards. “Is he alright?” Silver Line moves forward, looking his frozen form over and nods. “I’ve seen this before. Don’t worry, he’s just frozen in suspended animation. It’s what they do so they can feed on you.” “Can you get him out?!” Twilight begs. Silver Line nods. “There are mages at HQ. They should be able to restore him in time. You have to be careful with these. After the war started, the Changelings changed the way they hold their captives. If it’s not taken slow, it could be bad.” “Then how long will it take to free him?” I ask firmly. She frowns, rubbing her chin. “Well, I’m no mage, but if I had to guess, at least three months.” “Three months?!” Twilight stares in horror. Silver Line shakes her head. “No. My apologies. I didn’t explain. Freeing him should take a week at the least, three at the most. His recovery, however, will take at least three months.” She gives Twilight a sympatric look. “I’m sorry. I know he means a lot to you. Best thing to do is let our mages do their thing and let him recover at the right pace.” “Plus, he could really help us out,” Stone Wall says, looking to us. “If anything, we should thank you both.” I frown. “Why?” Silver Line blinks, before her eyes widen. “Of course! If a dragon has imprinted on a pony, making her his mother and fights in the war with us, it means the dragons officially are part of the war. Dragon Lord Torch will have to fight alongside us now! With the dragons, we could win!” “What about the hippogriffs?” I ask. The three look to me in confusion… which I share in. What? Since when did I know anything about hippogriffs? Are they even a thing in this world? “We’ll see about that,” Stone Wall says, looking from us to Spike and then the captive Changeling. “For now, I think we should report this all so you both can get in touch with the higher ups. Something tells me things are about to get interesting.” > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18 ___________________________________________________________ “Very well. You are dismissed, Cornell,” Celestia nodded. The brown armour clad stallion before her nodded back, saluting, before walking out of the tent, leaving the Alicorn alone. The white pony heaved a heavy sigh, looking over the reports. Sombra’s forces had been pushed back from the eastern border, but it come with heavy casualties. When will this pointless war end? she thought gloomily, glancing to a portrait of herself and Luna. It was from the Summer Sun Celebration last year, the day Luna had returned to Equestria. Nightmare Moon had tried, but she was inexperienced with the new world and it had given Celestia enough time to corner her in magical runic circles, freeing her sister. That day felt like eons ego now. This war had barely gone a year and it already felt like it had gone longer than she had been separated from her sister. “Your Highness?” Celestia looked up to see one of the soldiers. “Admiral Sparkle to see you, Ma’am. Along with some… odd guests.” Celestia arched an eyebrow. Why would Admiral Sparkle come to their base? And why no prior message? And who could these guests be? “Send her in,” she replied, putting away the reports and composing herself. A few moments later, a lavender unicorn walked in. her left eye was white, a large scar going in a diagonal line across it. Patches of her fur were permanently black and she walked with a slight limp to her left hind legs. The unicorn saluted. “Princess.” Celestia nodded. “Admiral. To what do I owe this sudden visit?” The Admiral frowned. “A very perplexing situation, Your Highness. Just yesterday I received word from Ponyville of a trio whom aided in the capture of a Changeling who was posing as Break Away of the fifteenth battalion.” Celestia stood a little more attentive at that. A Changeling? They had been quiet for quite some time. They had tried infiltrating the army? “However, it is the trio that aided in the Changeling’s capture who are more of interest, Princess,” Admiral Sparkle continued. “They… well, it might honestly be easier if you meet them yourself. They’re in tent twenty-two. We thought it better not to have them walking through camp yet until we can clear some things up. Sargent Shimmer is currently with them.” Celestia’s eyes narrowed slightly. This sounded odd. She got up and followed Admiral Sparkle out of her tent, nodding to each of her soldiers as she passed them by. Arriving at the tent, she entered to see a curtain between the entrance and the main interior. Behind the curtain she could see the silhouettes of two ponies. She moved to walk forward, but Admiral Sparkle held out a foreleg, a puzzled look on her face. “You’ll want to brace yourself, Princess. It’s… odd, to put it lightly.” The Alicorn cocked an eyebrow, but nodded, taking a deep breath and bracing herself… but even with the warning, there was no way in Equestria she was the least bit prepared for what she saw. Passing through the curtain, loud voices reached her ears, indicating a silencing spell had been placed over the curtain to prevent the ponies from within being heard. “I don’t care, Ken! You know I have more magical prowess than any of those unicorns. Spike’s chances are far better if I go with the mages!” said a voice she had just heard next to her. “Twilight, I understand your frustrations, believe me! But we need to speak with Celestia before we do anything else. Until then, we have to trust that the mages will take good care of him. From the sounds of this Sunburst, his magical skills may be lacking, but his knowledge is invaluable,” an identical voice argued back. It was what her eyes saw, however, that held the Alicorn in place, her heart leaping into her chest. Before her stood two lavender mares, identical to the Admiral… save several key differences. Neither sported the injures of the Admiral… and both were Alicorns. Not only that, one had a mane styled in a very far too familiar to the ruler of the sun. The two mares argued a few moments more, before the one on the left seemed to take notice of her and gasped, “Princess Celestia?!” The other turned and Celestia’s eyes widened as their eyes met. “Celestia,” the second said, standing up. “We have much we need to speak of. If you would please —” She cut herself off as Celestia cast a quick spell, before the taller mare’s eyes watered and she ran to the other, holding her in a close embrace. “I… um… Okay,” the second mare sounded very taken aback, if also with a confused quiver in her voice as she did her best to wrap her own forelegs around the larger pony. “Not… quite the reaction I was expecting.” ___________________________________________________________ “And that’s our tale, Princess,” Twilight finishes our tale. It’s several minutes after our… surprising introduction to the Celestia of this timeline. What’s odd is, when she hugged me like that, as shocking as it was, I was left beyond confused as I not only felt odd being hugged by her like that, I also felt an overwhelming warmth in my heart, as if an ache had been there for a long time and it had suddenly vanished. What in the world has Starlight’s meddling with the timeline does to my emotions? They’re all over the place now! Celestia oddly seemed a bit depressed as we told our tale, as if something she’d been hoping for had been denied to her, though she didn’t say what. She didn’t even acknowledge when questioned about it by Twilight’s unicorn double. “So, in your timeline, Cadance did not lose to King Sombra, but won?” said double asks, looking stunned. I nod, before frowning. “And, honestly, I think I know why. There’s a key thing that was missing from the Empire in this timeline that ours had that yours did not.” “My son, Spike,” Twilight says, causing her other self to looked stunned. “I’m a mother in your time?” she asks, looking flabbergasted. “Who’s the stallion I ended up with?” I shake my head. “My sister has not settled down with anypony. She hatched Spike all on her own.” That causes an eyebrow to raise on the lavender unicorn. “Hatched? Since when do foals “hatch”?” Twilight shakes her head. “Spike isn’t a pony. He’s a dragon. He was the dragon in the egg from the test for Celestia’s school.” There’s a pause, before the unicorn’s eyes widen. “That egg was actually ALIVE?!” I nod. “However, that is neither here nor there at the moment.” I look to the white pony. “Celestia, while this is not our own timeline, we cannot leave you fighting this war when there’s a chance to stop it.” At this, the other unicorn scoffs. To think the Sunset of this timeline returned and joined the fight to save the land she’d originally intended to conquer. “Stop it? You two? You may very be Alicorn versions of the Admiral, but I hardly see how we can just end this war like that,” she makes a snapping sound with her hoof… I still do not understand pony biology, even after all this time. Twilight frowns. “We’re not saying we can end it all at once. We’re saying we can help. As stated, Ken and I are both Alicorns and both with a talent for magic. I may not have much experience with actual fighting beyond my battle with Tirek, but my magical skills can be put to use and Ken comes from a world far more acquainted with war. I’m pretty sure she’d know more about than you do, Admiral.” “Besides, we have to stay for three months and a few weeks so Spike can be thawed out of the Changeling sap and recover. Til then, we’re at Equestria’s service.” Sunset Shimmer snorts. “Unless you can help us figure out a way to restrain Sombra or lead us to the Crystal Heart, there’s no way you could help.” Twilight smirks. “As a matter of fact, regarding the latter, we can.” “And the restraining?” the Admiral asks, cocking an eyebrow. “Well, that one I’m not so sure of,” I admit, frowning. “Wait a moment,” Celestia blinks, looking to me. “This Starlight Glimmer, has she come to our timeline as well?” I pause, before shrugging. “It’s honestly hard to say. It would make sense, but I don’t know for sure. For all we know, she could still be in the past, unaware of what she’s caused.” “And you said you first encountered this Starlight Glimmer was in a village, yes?” the taller pony asked. I nod. “Yes.” “How exactly could she have managed to seal all those Cutie Marks in a simple vault?” she inquires. “Surely it was more than just something carved into stone.” “Well, I guess the stones in that cave might’ve had some magical properties,” Twilight says, scratching her chin. “But, I fail to see how this has any reference to now, Princess.” “Wait.” Sunset’s eyes are wide. “She used the stones to hold Cutie Marks?” The yellow unicorn looks to the lavender one, who’s eyes also widen with understanding. “Um, care to fill those of us who don’t speak “not speaking” on what you’re getting at here?” I ask, waving a hoof in the air. “How is Starlight using the stones to hold Cutie Marks in any way supposed to help stop a mad tyrant like King Sombra?” “Is it possible this Starlight Glimmer could still be in that village in this timeline?” Sunset asks unicorn Twilight. “It’s possible,” she nods, rubbing her chin with a hoof. “If she did indeed come out of the time vortex upon the alteration to the timeline, it is possible she did so back in her village. If our Alicorn counterpart didn’t exist in this timeline to go stop her there, there’s a chance the village hasn’t changed. She could still be there…” “And so could the stones,” Celestia nods, before looking to Twilight. “Princess Twilight, I must ask you to relay all the details of the location of this Starlight Glimmer’s village to Sergeant Shimmer. You may very well have given us the edge we may need to turn the tide of this war.” “WOULD SOMEPONY START MAKING SENSE ALREADY?!” I boom in the RCV, breathing heavily. The taller Alicorn and two unicorns look to me, puzzled. “What do you mean?” Twilight’s double asks. “What do I mean?” I feel my eye twitch. “What do you mean? None of you have actually explained anything to us! What does Starlight’s village have to do with this? How can stones from the cave she held the Cutie Marks in be of any importance? How could it in any way turn the tide of the war? Start making sense, ponies!” There’s silence for several moments, before Celestia blinks, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks. “Oh… uh, yes. We… didn’t explain to you, did we?” She shakes her head, giving a sheepish smile. “My apologies. Many of us have gotten used to thinking on the same wavelength and we forget for a moment you have not.” “Decidedly not,” Twilight backs me up. “I’m just as confused as Ken. Just what do you need Starlight’s village for? We don’t need her to cast the spell for myself, Ken and Spike to send us back to the past again to stop her from causing this timeline again. We have the scroll and either Ken or myself can easily cast it, no problem. So, why do we need Starlight?” “Aside from the fact that any powerful unicorn would aid in the war,” Sunset says firmly, “we can use those cave against Sombra.” Twilight and I look to each other, then back at the yellow mare, eyebrows raised. “I’m failing to get your meaning, Sunset,” I say bluntly. “Sombra has no Cutie Mark,” Admiral Sparkle says triumphantly. There’s a pause. “Come again?” Twilight says flatly. “Through our spies and several rescued Crystal Ponies, we learned of a journal Sombra kept in the castle,” the Admiral says in a matter-of-fact tone, very reminiscent of a Twilight Lecture. “Though it cost him his life, a unicorn was able to sneak inside the castle and found the room where Sombra kept the journal. He got the information he learned from the journal to us.” “Until now, we’d assumed it was a failed mission,” Sunset continues, a grin spreading across her lips. “Now, though? The information he gave us, plus what you have provided, may very have given us just what we need to get one over on that bastard!” “Still clueless as to what you’re getting at over here,” I say in an annoyed tone. “In the journal, Sombra wrote how he has no actual Cutie Mark,” Celestia says, looking firmly, yet gratefully at me. “His Cutie Mark is the darkness itself. In a sense, he is his Cutie Mark.” “I still don’t understand why stones that could hold Cutie Marks back would be of any use against…” Twilight trails off, her eyes widening, “a pony who IS his Cutie Mark.” I blink, frowning as I try going over everything they’ve been saying… before it clicks and I gasp. “No way! You don’t mean to say…” “If we can lure Sombra into that cave, we can trap him in there, just as Starlight Glimmer held all her town’s Cutie Marks prisoner,” the Admiral nods. “If the stone was strong enough to hold the entire town and Princess Twilight’s own Cutie Mark, provided it’s empty of any others, it should hold Sombra back, no problem.” “By Celestia… that’s insane!” I look to Twilight, who looks equally stunned. “Starlight herself was the key to fixing the problem she caused all along? That’s just… just…” “Ironic,” Sunset smirks. “Now, all we need is you to give us the coordinates of her village and we can come up with a plan to lure Sombra there.” ___________________________________________________________ “Good thing I convinced Twilight to remain back with the mages helping Spike,” I say, looking over the ridge before me. “I don’t think she’d able to handle this.” I am currently clad in armour like the rest of the soldiers, only mine has been given a more purple tint to differ it. Behind me is a mass of ponies, at least two hundred of them. Below the ridge is a large barracks of Sombra’s forces. “If what you and my sister’s Alicorn double have told us about this Starlight Glimmer are anything to go by, she is the reason Sombra’s forces have yet to advance beyond this point,” the white unicorn stallion standing next to me says, shifting his weight on his metal leg. I nod, looking over the army below us, then to the sky, my eyes narrowed. A few moments later, a cyan mare with a short-cut rainbow mane, a scar over her right eye, a chunk missing from her right ear and her right wing replaced with a metal one comes down from very high up and lands before us. “Aerial recognisance complete, Ma’am,” she says, saluting. “About fifty soldiers. Sombra mustn’t care too much about this area.” “He must not realize just how important it is yet,” Captain Shining Armour looks to me. I nod. “Considering the reports I’ve read of the fights up til now, fighting all of Equestria is taking up a lot of his focus. He’s been relying on information from what he remembers of the past to get as far as he has. Likely he’s only heard of this place as an area that refuses to surrender. He has no idea how powerful Starlight Glimmer is, nor the treasure which she unknowingly possesses.” “So, how will we attack, Your Highness?” Sergeant Dash looks to me. I frown, rubbing my chin. “They likely won’t expect a daylight assault. Sombra is all about darkness, so his soldiers likely have means of seeing in the dark. We’d be at more of a disadvantage if we attack them at night.” I look to Shining. “Tell the troops we’ll be attacking in half an hour. Non lethal. I want no more lives being lost because of this war and want to minimize as much as we can.” The stallion nods. “Understood.” He turns and heads over to tell them all. “From what I hear, you come from a timeline where war isn’t a thing anymore,” Rainbow Dash looks to me with a cocked eyebrow. “How’re you so at ease about planning an attack?” I remain silent, before looking to her. “To be perfectly honest with you, Rainbow Dash? I haven’t a clue.” I frown down at the ridge. “I know I’ve never fought in a war before, yet this feels familiar to me. As if I have done something similar before. The reason I feel at ease? I somehow know this is not as bad as it could be.” Though, considering how bad human wars get, that latter idea makes sense. No way could this war against Sombra get as bad as the ones humans have had with each other over the years. There’s no such thing as a magical nuclear bomb. Then again, if this war rages on too long, that could very well become a possibility. “I just hope you know what you’re talking about, ponies,” I murmur, looking in the direction of Starlight’s village, a place I have not been since I first arrived in the Equestria of the original timeline. > Chapter 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19 ___________________________________________________________ “Starlight!” The unicorn mare looked up from the plans she’d been going over with Double Diamond in case the town needed to hide in the tunnels. Night Glider landed, closing the door behind her. “What’s happening out there?” Starlight asked, worrying for the worst. “Have the attacks started again? The other unicorns need time to recover before we can properly cast the shielding and warding spells again.” Night Glider shook her head. “It seems the princesses were finally able to send help. The Royal Guard are currently battling those armoured ponies while being led by some new princess.” “I just wish we knew who those ponies were working for,” Starlight bit her lip in anger, before what else Night Glider said finally clicked. “Wait. New princess?” Night Glider nodded. “She’s purple and has both wings and a horn.” Starlight’s eyes widened. “Another Alicorn princess? Where’s she been all these years? Weren’t Princess Celestia and Mi Amore Cadenza the only Alicorns? Where’s this one been hiding all these years?!” Night Glider shrugged. “I’ve no clue, but she’s one hay of a fighter. She’s even got dragons fighting alongside her!” Starlight blinked, before cocking an eyebrow. “How do ya know?” Dragons fighting alongside ponies? Since when? SEVERAL MINUTES AGO Night Glider flew as high as she could, keeping her eyes fixed on the large group of armoured ponies. They’d stopped their most recent attempt to get to the village, but it was clear they’d be trying again soon. That wasn’t good. They’d barely been keeping them back all these years and that was with Starlight’s help. But Starlight couldn’t fight these ponies off on their own. How could…? Wait, what was that? She frowned, narrowing her eyes as the sun glinted off of golden armour, before the sounds of battle cries came up from below. Her eyes widened as she saw a large battalion of the Royal Guard charging down the ridge towards the other armoured ponies, who turned around, seeming surprised. Leading the Equestrian side was a purple pony Night Glider didn’t recognize, who she assumed was a unicorn… until the mare spread large purple wings and shot into the air, before dive bombing a group of the other ponies. Night Glider stared, still trying to process the wings and horn as she watched the mare seemingly rip into the army before her. She was staying the slightest bit airborne, allowing her use of her forelimbs, which had large fields of lavender magic surrounding them, switching between shapes like scythes, axes, swords and shields. However, the magic aura weapons never cut the armour ponies in half. No blood was drawn whenever they made contact. Instead, anypony struck by the weapons dropped to the ground, she was hoping unconscious. As if that in and of itself wasn’t enough to stun the Pegasus, there were two... No, it couldn’t be. Were those dragons fighting alongside the Alicorn? They were! There were two dragons fighting next to the Alicorn, backing her up. Both were small, around the size of a pony themselves. One was red with a yellow underbelly, a deep orange frill on his head with similar spikes along his back and at end of his tail and was male if the jawline was anything to go by. He was punching and tossing the black armoured ponies, smiling a little too fondly, as far as she was concerned. The other was smaller than the male and possibly female. She had the same underbelly, suggesting they were siblings, but her scales were orange, not red. She had not spikes down her back, just a purple frill at the end of it, purple, the same as the frill on her head. She was fighting with a more determined look on her face than that of her fellow dragon. Both were using just their fists and tails to fight, their scales working as their own inbuilt armour. Looking around, she saw it wasn’t just the unknown Alicorn with those weapons, nor was she the only one fighting alongside dragons. All the Royal Guard who were unicorns were using the same weapons. The pegasi and Earth Ponies were using hoof to hoof combat and defensive weapons, some even intentionally being distractions for the unicorns to deliver surprise attacks. All were fighting alongside at least one dragon, each of varying shapes and sizes. NOW “Soon as I realized the Equestrian and dragon forces were fighting for us, I came here to inform you,” Night Glider finished. Starlight was staring, her mouth open in shock. Whoever this new princess was, she sounded like a badass. A badass who was against killing, maybe, but a badass, all the same. Forming magic weapons on her forelimbs? Starlight never had even considered the idea. For a pony who could afford to do it, the dexterity and less need to focus magic was a brilliant idea. By focusing the magic in her limbs, the mare was likely expending less energy and was able to split her focus better, not needing as much to maintain her weapons because she didn’t have to also move the weapons with her magic too. And since when were the dragons fighting alongside ponies? Last Starlight had heard, while the Dragon Lord had made a truce with Equestria centuries ago, most dragons still acted up, showing a dislike towards the ponies of Equestria. So for them to be fighting with ponies? It… Starlight couldn’t understand how that was even possible. “How long ago did the battle start?” Starlight asked, moving to the door and stepping outside. The moment she did, the Sound Dampening Spell on the room she’d been in no longer prevent the sounds of the not too far off battle. It didn’t sound too tense now. Only every thirty seconds did she hear the clang of metal, instead of every couple seconds. “Not too long ago,” Night Glider joined her outside. “Though the Equestrian forces did seem at least twice as big as the other, so it would make sense if the fight ended quickly. Strength in numbers, ya know?” “Not to mention having an unknown Alicorn leading the fight,” Starlight murmured. “Strangers approaching!” a voice called over a magical speaker Starlight had installed shortly after the attacks started. “Strangers approaching!” Starlight lit her horn, teleporting to the wall they’d constructed in front of the town to hold back the invaders. “Are they the Equestrian soldiers or the enemy?” she asked the Earth Pony mare she’d teleported next to. She looked to her, putting down her binoculars. “The dust is making it a bit hard to see.” Starlight looked down, frowning and teleported, reappearing outside the wall. She stood in front of it as five figures approached her through the dust the battle had whipped up and the wind had blown towards the village. Three were ponies, but two were bipedal. “Whoever you are, identify yourselves!” She lit her horn menacingly. “This village is protected. We’ve not surrendered before and we’re not planning to now!” “Good,” a firm voice answered, the pony in the middle of the five, whom Starlight had assumed was a unicorn from her outline, spreading wings from either side of her. Starlight’s eyes widened as they fell on the mare Night Glider had talked about upon stepping out of the dust. She was shorter than the stallion walking next to her on her right, but her aura demanded respect, regardless of size. Her fur was a deep lavender hue. Her mane was ragged and puffed out, like punk ponies would style theirs in. she was clad in a purple-tinted golden armour. On her flank was a symbol Starlight recognized from an old book she’d found in her travels to her village. The symbol of the legendary Tree of Harmony, to which the location was unknown. “I am Princess Ken,” the Alicorn said, pulling Starlight from her observations to focus on the mare herself. “Starlight Glimmer, you have something Equestria needs.” Starlight blinked. “Huh?” TWO MONTHS AGO “Why do you ponies come to my land?!” the large dragon bellows down at us from atop his perch. I honestly find myself staring in awe for a few moments at the hulking mass of lizard. He’s HUGE. I don’t think any dragon has ever been that big. He’s ridiculously big. Yikes. I hope Spike doesn’t get that big. Inwardly shaking myself from my thoughts, I step forward, clearing my throat. “Dragon Lord Torch, I am Ken, Princess of Equestria.” He cocks an eyebrow. “I was unaware Equestria had more than three Alicorn princesses.” He glances between Twilight and myself. “And why do you both look the same? If you are Changelings come to trick us, your choice of disguise is poor in quality.” I shake my head. “We are twins. As to whether we are Changelings or not, they cannot hide their scent when they transform and dragons are capable of smelling them out when they know what they’re looking for. Does any dragon here smell the scent of a Changeling?” I glance around confidently. The mass of dragons gathered look around at each other, some murmuring in annoyance that they do not smell Changeling at all, only ponies and dragons. “Very well,” Dragon Lord Torch says, inclining his head slightly in respectful acknowledgement of my royalty. “However, I ask again, why are you here?” “We come to ask for your aid in the war against King Sombra,” Twilight steps forward. At once, all the dragons bristle, Dragon Lord Torch narrowing his eyes. “I have made it clear to your fellow princesses, when they came asking the same, your war with that unicorn has nothing to do with us dragons,” Dragon Lord Torch states matter-of-factly. “We will not involve ourselves in a war that has no connection to us.” “But if Sombra does win the war, what’s to stop him from turning his attention to the Dragon Lands?” I stomp a hoof. “I know dragons are strong, but by then he would have all of Equestria and numbers would eventually overwhelm. Dragons are not immune to all magic, after all.” “We’ll be fine on our own, ponies!” a red dragon I recognize from stories Spike’s told me calls jeeringly. “Zip it, Gar Gar,” the smaller orange dragon next to him hisses, putting a claw on his arm. “The Dragon Lord is going to hear you!” “Indeed, I did, little one,” Dragon Lord Torch says, causing the two to freeze and wilt, before backing up, trying to blend into the crowd. He looks to us. “Though he is not wrong. We dragons have repelled what few feeble forces this Sombra has thrown our way. We do not fear him, which I hear is his power source, so gains nothing from us. Now, again, why should we fight in your war, when we have no claim in it?” “But you do,” I state firmly, glancing to Twilight and nudging her. She looks at me with worry, though the imposing form of the Dragon Lord makes that understandable. I give her an encouraging smile and lean against her for a moment. We look at each other for a few moments, before she steps forward and clears her throat. “We are bound, D-Dragon Lord Torch.” He stares at her for a few moments, as if expecting her to go on, before cocking an eyebrow. “And just how exactly do you think that, Princess of Equestria?” Twilight turns her head back and nudges the purple mass curled up on between her shoulder blades. It stirs, unfurling to reveal a very drained looking Spike. The dragons around us make murmurs of confusion as the little guy slowly sits up and gingerly climbs down, Twilight aiding him with a wing, before he’s on the ground and steps up until he’s standing in front of her. The Dragon Lord looks us over, his eyes narrowed. “Why are you with these ponies, puny one?” I frown. Does he have to bring up Spike’s height? He’s a self-conscious little guy as it is. Besides, every dragon would be considered puny compared to this behemoth, but not every dragon will likely use that logic right away, especially one as young and inexperienced with other dragons as Spike. Spike remains silent for a few moments, before taking a deep breath and looking up at the dragon multiple times his size, his voice weak due to not having fully recovered yet, but he tries to make it sound as strong as possible. “I’m here because my mother needs me to be.” That causes confusion to enter the Dragon Lord’s expression. “And just how does that apply to your being with these ponies?” Spike steps back and wraps his arms around Twilight’s leg. “Because this pony is my mother.” At once, every dragon erupts into roars of anger. “The joke ain’t funny, kid!” “Impossible! Dragons can’t be the offspring of ponies! They wouldn’t be dragons then!” “Since when could that be a possibility?!” “QUIET!” the Dragon Lord’s voice booms in a similar way to the Royal Canterlot Voice, but I sense some magic behind it that isn’t in the RCV. At once, all the dragons hush; even Spike goes silent, for some reason. Maybe whatever I sensed is some kind of command that affects dragons specifically on some level? The Dragon Lord looks down with inspective eyes at Twilight, clearly looking for any sign of doubt. “Is this true, pony? Are you indeed this hatchling’s mother?” Twilight is trembling a little, but, upon glancing down at Spike and meeting his eyes, she takes a deep breath and looks up, her expression firm. “Yes. I hatched his egg. He imprinted on me and I’ve raised him.” A snort comes from a voice who was silenced earlier. “Yeah, right. And I’m a prissy piny unicorn.” “Hmm,” the Dragon Lord murmurs, lifting what looks like a sceptre with a great big red ruby on the end. It’s way too small for him, he can barely hold it between two claws. The ruby glows, a light moving from it down to Twilight and Spike. It moves over them for several seconds, before they both glow with a pale green light. All the dragons are now staring at us in shock, the vocal read dragon in particular with his mouth hanging wide open, his eyes wide. “You speak the truth, pony,” he says, before blinking and clearing his throat. “My apologies. Princess.” He looks over all the gathered dragons, raising his voice. “This changes many things. This dragon and pony are bound by the sacred bound of dragon parenthood. As such, she and any of her kind are to be treated as one of our own. If someone brings harm or threatens them, they threaten us all.” “Does this mean what I think it means?” a dragon from somewhere in the crowd calls out. The Dragon Lord nods. “Indeed. This means Sombra’s declaration of war against Equestria is now also a declaration against the dragons.” He raises a clenched fist into the air. “We fight alongside our fellow kind! Sombra will rue the day he challenge the might of Equestria and the Dragon Lands!” The other dragons all roar in approval, raising their fists, while others belch flames into the air. I look to Twilight, who smiles back at me, before hugging Spike. NOW “Well…” Starlight looks from myself to my companions, Rainbow Dash, Shining Armour, Garble and Smoulder. “That… definitely isn’t how I would’ve seen things going.” Garble nods, looking a little annoyed. “Yeah. I hate to admit it, but ponies aren’t as pathetic as I always thought they were.” He looks to Dash and nods. “They’re actually pretty good fighters. They earned my respect over the last couple weeks.” He then looks to me and wilts slightly. “And your princesses are nowhere near as namby pamby as I thought before.” “So, why exactly are you here?” Night Glider asks, looking us over. “If you were looking for recruits, we don’t have a lot of ponies to offer. Honestly, without Starlight, our village would’ve been overrun by Sombra’s forces years ago.” Starlight looks like she wants to blush, but shudders instead. “To think, Sombra has returned. We had no idea it was his forces we’ve been repelling all this time.” “And you’re lucky you did keep repelling them,” Smoulder says bluntly, her arms folded. “If you hadn’t, he’d have taken you all and brainwashed you to fight in his war, just like he has those under him already. And with her in mind,” she nods to Starlight, “I get the feeling that wouldn’t go well for our side.” “Ponies and dragons fighting on the same side,” Party Favour shakes his head. “I’ve seen it and yet I still can’t believe it.” “Believe it,” I say firmly, before looking to Starlight. “Getting back to the matter at hoof though, we’re here because you have something that could turn the tide of this war in Equestria’s favour, Starlight Glimmer.” Starlight frowns. “Yeah, how do you figure that, exactly? I love this town we’ve built, but it’s hardly anything special to anypony else.” Garble snorts. “She seriously has no idea?” I frown, putting my forehooves together atop the table. “It would seem not. Starlight Glimmer, we are well aware of the original purpose you had for this town.” At once, Starlight goes pale and the other three ponies stand closer to her, their expressions firm. “Look, Starlight didn’t realize how much we needed our Cutie Marks!” Double Diamond states, his eyes narrowed. “Soon as we started getting attacked, she realized how helpless we were without them and gave them back to us,” Night Glider shifts her eyes between each member of my party, clearly trying to determine who will strike first. “We’ve been living in harmony with each other and our Cutie Marks ever since,” Party Favour is holding a balloon sword he quickly fashions in his forehooves. “You can’t punish her for that. We won’t let you!” I eye the balloon sword for a moment, fully aware Party Favour’s talent makes it far more dangerous than one would think just looking at it without the foreknowledge of his talent. “The princess didn’t come here to arrest anypony,” Shining Armour says, himself eyeing the balloon sword. I had informed him of Party Favour’s talent, so he knows to be wary. “Then why did you come here?” Starlight asks, clearly trying to hide her nervousness behind bravado, but I notice a small quiver she couldn’t hide. I close my eyes, before looking firmly into hers. “We need your Cutie Mark Vault.” The four ponies bodies ease slightly as confusion plays across their faces. “The Vault?” Night Glider looks to her fellow ponies, before back to me, an eyebrow raised. “Why? Nopony’s used it in years. What point would there be in a vault meant to store Cutie Marks?” “Much as I hate to say it, I guess I can’t blame them for not realizing the gold mine they’re sitting on,” Garble shrugs. To the confused looks directed at him, I answer, “Thanks to information gathered by spies, we have learned Sombra has no Cutie Mark because his essence is his own Cutie Mark. You took Cutie Marks from ponies and left the marks in the vault. We intend to do the same to Sombra.” “But, you just said he doesn’t have one,” Double Diamond looks very confused. “If you tried, wouldn’t that put all of him…?” He trails off as all their eyes widen. I nod. “You unknowingly picked the one place in Equestria that has something Sombra would be vulnerable to that isn’t the Empire while the Crystal Heart is active.” “Our plan is simple,” Shining Armour says, nodding. “We are going to lure Sombra here, trapping him inside the vault. Once he’s trapped, his army will be less organized and we will move in on the Crystal Empire, retaking it.” “But, even if such a crazy idea were to work, you said he’s already taken over half of Equestria!” Starlight says, looking worried. “You realize just how big his army must be? It could take months just to get past the front lines!” Smoulder and Garble snicker. “If you ponies were going at it alone, sure,” Smoulder says nonchalantly. “But you’re not.” Starlight frowns at the siblings. “A few younger dragons fighting alongside us isn’t exactly going to do much.” I shake my head. “No, Starlight. All the dragons are fighting alongside us.” “And it’s not just the dragons,” Rainbow Dash smirks. “You think Princess Ken’s been sitting on her flank this whole time? She knew of allies we could call on and they’ve answer the call.” “All we need now is the final incentive to lure Sombra here,” I nod, smiling. Night Glider frowns. “And just how could you interest Sombra here? You said it yourself, he has no clue about the vault; so what reason would he have to come to our tiny corner of Equestria?” Garble chuckles, folding his arms. “Let’s just say a small truce with a select few has given us an interesting hand to play.” ___________________________________________________________ Sombra frowned over the reports he’d been sent. Why couldn’t his slaves just do all this themselves? Why should he need to be bothered by them? Looking them over, he noticed a report that had apparently been sent a month ago, but had only just gotten to him. Looking it over, he guessed it made sense. A very small battalion of his soldiers had been trying for years to get into a small village that had somehow been putting up a good defence. The area had no real importance, so he’d never paid it much mind, but the report was saying the trope hadn’t reported in for a while. He cocked an eyebrow. Did that mean the ponies there had somehow managed to stop his soldiers? He rolled his eyes. Typical. Never send slaves to do a King’s job… not that a king should have to waste his time on something so small. “My King,” he glanced up at the monotone voice to see one of his brainwashed soldiers before him, bowing, then saluting. He looked to them, bored. “Yes. What is it?” The soldier reached into a bag he was carrying on his side and lifted out a scroll. “A recent report, sire. News on Princess Celestia.” Curious, Sombra took the scroll in his magic, opening it and started reading. As he did, his lips broke into a snide grin. Princess Celestia had been spotted making arrangements for a new base, to which she would personally be overseeing. Interestingly enough, it was in the same small area that had been resisting him in that month old report he’d just read. Oh, this was too perfect. Celestia assumed such a remote area would be unnoticed and that she could prepare it without worry. She was wrong. Oh, she was dead wrong. “Ready my chariot and ensemble the thirtieth to thirty-first battalions,” he told the slave before him. “Celestia will fall and this war will be mine!” ___________________________________________________________ Under the cover of night, Sombra’s forces, led by the king himself, marched towards the location of Celestia’s new base of operations. It was interesting. Far as he could tell, it seemed to look like an ordinary village. Having sent a soldier down, unarmoured to look like a normal citizen, but wearing glasses to hide the green of his brainwashing spell, looking through their eyes, he was able to see nothing that would suggest this was a base of operations. However, within ten minutes of the slave having snuck inside, he’d caught sight of Celestia. She was speaking with a pink unicorn. Listening in, the slave overheard them talking about some kind of underground base. Sombra couldn’t help be congratulate the Alicorn. It was a smart move. Such an unassuming village above, hiding the base of operations bellow. It was simple, but genius. Or, it would be, if he wasn’t hearing every word. Cutting his link to the slave, Sombra looked to his army. “March!” he called and the army moved forward. Several pegasi were flying above the wall in front of the village and they dived down behind the wall once he spotted them. He smirked. Warn your princess. It will do you no good. You are rats caught in a maze. There will be no escape. Within minutes they’d reached the walls and it was but a trifle to break it down with his magic. His army waltzed into the empty village. No doubt they had all ran for the base to hide. Glancing around, he spotted a mare with a dark-pink coat peaking down from a ridge. She ducked, clearly running away. He followed, his army walking behind him. Though the mare was too far ahead to reach her, her pathway was clear. Up the path was the entrance to a cave. “Wait out here,” Sombra ordered his forces. “I shall enter and then you will storm in on my signal.” “Yes, Great King Sombra,” the soldiers answered in monotone unison. Grinning menacingly, the king stepped into the cave, looking around. At once his eyes fell on the white Alicorn. She was standing in a defensive manor. Behind her was a large tarp that went from the roof to the floor. Sombra gave her a mocking smile. “Really, Celestia? A tarp? You think that will stop me from walking into your base and conquering it?” “You may try, Sombra,” she growled, her teeth bared. “I promise you though, you take one more step forward, you will regret it!” He just sneered. “Really, now? Let’s put that to the test.” His horn flared and he fired a blast of magic at her. It hit her dead on, sending her flying back, smashing into what was behind the tarp and falling to the ground. He gave a small sigh, looking at her in disappointment as he stepped towards her. “And here I thought you would put up more of a challenge. Was this really all you had planned?” Celestia grunted in pain, before lifting her head and looking to him, smirking, a flash of magic shimmering across her eyes. “No.” she flared her horn. “This is.” The tarp fell down, revealing a large blank stone with a field of magic before it. The field opened like a door. At once, Sombra felt a strain, before, to his horror, he began being being pulled towards the stone, his form turning into smoke. He tried to fight back, using all his strength to pull away, but the force was too strong. He roared in fear and rage as he was pulled towards the stone, the field of magic sealing itself. He screamed, his smoky form slamming into the field over and over again. “What is this?!” he yelled, looking to Celestia. She merely smirked. She flared with a green light, her body shrinking down, her fur going from white to black, revealing a creature that looked more like an insect than a pony, with, fangs, purple eyes, dark-purple insect wings and a red frill at the top of its head. “Welcome to your new home, Your Highness,” it said in a deep, male voice. THREE WEEKS AGO “Princess Ken!” I look up as a young griffon with feather colours that remind me of the Wonderbolts uniforms steps into the tent. He salutes. “There’s a pair of Changelings here. They wish to see you.” I frown, sitting up a bit straighter the desk where I’ve been going over the final plans for the Sombra Entrapment Plan. I’ve been trying to find a way to have Celestia be there, but not put her at risk… but I’ve been coming up empty. “Are you sure they wish to see me?” I ask. “Last I checked, the Changelings are not our allies, so why come to us to request an audience than just attack?” “They wish to barter for their comrade, ma’am,” he replies, looking confused as he says it and nodding when I raise an eyebrow. “I know. I didn’t believe it either, but they seem genuine in their plea.” Curious, I get up and walk out, letting the griffon lead me to a tent where several hippogriff and unicorn guards are standing at attention, clearly making sure the bugponies don’t try to pull anything. Turning, I walk into the tent to see two Changelings are standing in the middle. One looks like every other Changeling I’ve seen. The other has purple and read colours. They both turn around at the sound of my entrance. “You’re Princess Ken?” the purple and red one says, cocking an eyebrow. “I thought you’d be taller?” “You both did not come here to talk about my height,” I state firmly, looking them both over. “Why should we return your comrade to you? He impersonated one of our soldiers. We need every able body we can and he very well risked that.” “In the town of Ponyville?” the Changeling replied. “Doubt it.” I give him a look that has made others wilt, but he just stares back with a look to match. “I’ll repeat myself,” I look them both over, noticing the other one seems far more anxious. “Why should we return you the Changeling we have in custody?” The first Changeling snorts. “My name is Pharynx. This is my younger brother, Thorax.” “Hi,” Thorax says quietly, giving a weak wave. “We know our kind and yours haven’t gotten along, ever,” Pharynx conitues, “but this war has been hard on our hive. Our Queen, as much as we respect her, is too stubborn for her own good. We’ve been able to gain less and less love, leaving the hive starving and less effective.” “Wh-whenever anyling suggests making a truce with the ponies, she attacks them, driving them to flee the hive,” Thorax stutters. “We-we couldn’t take it anymore.” “We all love the hive, but we couldn’t live like that anymore,” Pharynx takes over. “True, we were safe in our kingdom, but we were going without food for longer and longer. The Hive split. Those willing to stay with the queen and those willing to try other means of survival. That’s why we’re here. We want to make an alliance with Equestria.” I frown. “And I’m supposed to take this at face value?” The two look to each other. They’re expressions say they knew this question was coming, but clearly didn’t know how to respond to it. I think for a moment, before giving a smile I can tell makes them suspicious. “I’ll take your word for it, if you Pinkie Promise.” They both cock an eyebrow… or whatever it is they have, in confusion. “Pinkie Promise?” I show them the motions, noticing the annoyed look Pharynx sends me way. “Now, say you Pinkie Promise you’ve split off from your queen and truly wish to work alongside Equestria in a truce.” Pharynx deadpans. “Seriously?” I narrow my eyes. “Seriously.” He groans, before both he and Thorax do the motions while saying, “We Pinkie Promise we are part of a group of Changelings who have split from the queen and wish to help Equestria in a truce.” Once finished, Pharynx glares at me. “Happy?” I nod, smirking. “Now and know you’ll keep your word.” Pharynx smirks back. “And just how do you know that?” “No one breaks a Pinkie Promise!” The two yelp, suddenly aware of the pink mare who just seems to have appeared between them, a blade held with either hoof, each pressed against the neck of the two, whose faces have now gone pale. I nod. “That’ll be all. Thank you, Miss Pie.” Pinkie looks to me for several moments, before nodding, withdrawing her blades and putting them in the hilts on her suit. She walks to the exit, before glancing back at the two Changelings, causing them to wince, before making the “I’ve got my eyes on you” motion with a hoof, then walks out. The two bugponies look very shaken. “I… I didn’t even sense her emotions coming,” Pharynx shudders, looking at the door and me. “She… she was just there.” “Now I assume I don’t need to explain what should happen if you decide to betray us to your, as you said, former queen or simply try to double cross us?” I ask in a falsely naïve tone. The two nod. “Yep. Understood.” “Good. I’ve have General Sea Spray guide you back to…” I pause, before looking back, smirking. “Actually, I just thought of a way to prove yourselves. Up for the mission?” The two nod quickly. > Chapter 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20 ___________________________________________________________ Twilight smiled as Spike hopped from side to side, before looking to her, grinning. “Looks like I’m all good.” The Alicorn giggled, before levitating the dragon onto her back and started out the recovery tent. Spike looked around at all the creatures walking among the barracks. He still couldn’t believe how many allies Ken had managed to gather for Equestria. Some of these creatures he hadn’t even ever heard of before. “So, where’s Ken?” he asked, waving to a purple dragon that was walking past, talking with a Pegasus, who waved back before continuing his talk with the winged pony. Twilight glanced back at him. “She’s with Celestia, Luna and the leaders/representatives of the other races, discussing the final plans for our assault on the Crystal Empire.” “That still sounds really weird to hear,” the dragon shook his head, frowning. “We’re assaulting the Empire… but to free it.” “Life’s strange sometimes, Spike,” she replied before hiding a small giggle. “In more ways than one.” Spike frowned, before folding his arms, pouting. It had been a full five months since the three of them had arrived in this alternate timeline and he’d been frozen by that Changeling. Twilight had been informing him of what she could while he’d been stuck in recovery. They’d held him back a little while longer because they weren’t sure of the side effects on dragons and wanted to be a hundred percent sure he was safe to leave. As they neared a seemingly unassuming tent, Spike heard a voice he hadn’t in a long while. “It is a good plan, Your Highness,” the booming voice of Dragon Lord Torch said from within. “My dragons will indeed be the beginning assault. Our size alone will make breaking through their ranks easy.” Spike found his brain struggling to understand how such a hulking form as Dragon Lord Torch could possibly have fitted inside such a small tent. His question was answered once Twilight stepped inside, revealing a Dimensional Extension Spell had been cast on the inside of the tent, making it far larger on the inside than the outside would lead one to believe. “We will then move forward, following the paths left behind by the dragons until we reach the Empire itself,” Ken was saying, pointing to a large map spread out between herself, the Royal Sisters, the Dragon Lord, a blue hippogriff, a strong black feathered Griffon and a pair of Changelings, the map being topped with figures representing Sombra’s army and the Equestrian Alliance’s Forces. “After that, Smoulder, Garble, Rainbow Dash and Sargent Shimmer will infiltrate the castle and make their way to the tower where Sombra is holding the Crystal Heart.” “Is it really wise to send Sargent Shimmer in?” the hippogriff asked quizzically. “Would it not be better to have her on the battle field with the rest of us, where her magical talent will be far better utilized?” “You make a good point, General Sea Spray,” Dragon Lord Torch nodded, before shaking his head. “However, Princess Twilight’s information from her own timeline makes it clear that tower has an illusion cast upon it. She will be needed to perform the Gravity Spell that will allow them to get to the top.” “I still don’t understand why you want that little dragon on the mission though,” the Changeling with purple wings and red frill stated, looking to Ken with confusion. “He’s even smaller than Smoulder and clearly has no fighting experience. Why must he go on the mission?” “Sombra is no idiot, Pharynx, that’s why,” Ken retorted, looking firmly at the Changeling. “Back when Twilight tried to get the Heart in our timeline, she triggered a protective spell Sombra had set there that would active the moment any creature got close to the Heart, causing his signature black crystals to form around it.” “And, as we’ve all seen throughout this war, his crystals can repel spells, so any creature would be trapped within the black crystal prison, regardless of whether they had magic or not or anyone with magic tried to free them,” Luna stated grimly. “However, due to how he was hatched, Spike’s dragon fire has a unique magical signature to it that is resistant to the crystal Sombra can create,” Ken nodded thanks to Luna. “Nopony really paid much thought back when it happened in our timeline, but thinking it over these months, I understand now that Spike is a very unique dragon and the key to freeing the Heart.” “Once the Heart has been retrieved, it will be given to Cadance and placed back in the centre of the Empire,” Celestia finished. “As soon as it’s in place, the Crystal Ponies we’ve freed from Sombra’s grasp will combine their love and Cadnace will use the Heart to finish this, once and for all and the war will finally be over.” “And Princess Luna still hasn’t managed to break through the rest of the brainwashed ponies?” the griffon looked to the Night Princess. Luna shook her head. “My skills may be in the Dream Realm, but Sombra’s spell, even with the tyrant locked away in Starlight Glimmer’s Cutie Mark Vault, makes it impossible to break through to their dreams. It is a miracle we were able to break through to the small number of them that we have.” “Uh, did I just hear that right?” All turned at Spike’s nervous tone. “I just got out of recovery and now you’re sending me into battle?!” “It’s not that straight forward, Spike,” Ken said calmly, moving away from the table and to the two of them, smiling assuringly. “As we said, Sunset, Garble, Smoulder and Rainbow will be with you. They’ll keep you safe until you guys get to the Heart. All you have to do is breathe fire on the crystal and then get the Heart to Cadance.” “Oh, yeah,” Spike said in a deadpan. “Totally easy. Nothing to worry about at all with that plan.” Twilight and Ken looked to each other and giggled, before nuzzling one another. This was enough to pull Spike out of his thoughts, his eyes widening. That… that wasn’t any ordinary nuzzling. It wasn’t sisterly nuzzling, he’d seen Celestia and Luna, Applejack and Apple Bloom and Rarity and Sweetie Belle do that enough times to recognize it. This was different though. He’d seen this kind of nuzzling. Twilight’s parents did it, Cadance and Shining Armour did it and Mr. and Mrs Cake did it. “Wait are… are you two?” he looked from one Alicorn to the other, certain he was misreading things. “Um…” Twilight trailed off, grinning and blushing. “Well…” Ken trailed off too, blushing just as hard. The little drake sat atop his mother for several moments, before hopping down, his expression firm. “Okay, just when did this happen?” THREE MONTHS AGO “Fall back!” I yell, flaring my wings and shooting into the air, before dive bombing a squad of Sombra’s soldiers, knocking them away from the other lavender mare. “We’ve got the info we need.” I look back over my shoulder. “Everybody, we’re pulling back, now!” Yells of acknowledgement ring out and the groups of griffons, hippogriffs and dragons start pulling back. “Back, you brainless oafs!” Gallus yells, pushing a soldier down and pinning him with his spear. “RAH!” Gallus looks over his shoulder as another soldier charges at him, sword drawn. The red griffon stares in horror, unable to break away due to needing to keep the writhing mass of rock reptile beneath him as the chimaera bears down on him. I snarl, lunging forward, a magic blade forming around my hoof. With an animalistic scream, I slash through the beast, causing its three heads to roar in pain, before collapsing to the ground. “Princess, watch out!” I suddenly see Gallus in front of me instead and whirl around as a griffon with white head feathers dashed with bits of purple comes into view, swiping her claws to knock aside a soldier from Sombra’s army that had snuck up behind me as I was helping Twilight up. “My thanks, Gilda,” I nod as Twilight stands up straight. “Now, let’s get out of here before things backfire. Last thing we want is Sombra getting wise.” Twilight nods, smiling at me, before her eyes widen in horror and she leaps at me, her horn blazing. She pushes me down, the sound of a Concussion Spell going off over my head and the sound of it impacting something. However, our momentum keeps things moving and her head ends up colliding with mine, our lips making contact. We both stare at each other, wide-eyed, trying to process what’s going on, before Gilda’s griffon screech pulls us back to reality and we scramble off each other and spread our wings, taking flight. NOW “Once we got back to base, neither of us could stop thinking about our accidental kiss on the battle field,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck. “To be honest, ever since that Hearth’s Warming in our timeline, I’d been struggling with feelings I was developing for Twilight, but incest is extremely taboo for humans, so I’d been raised to feel that way and didn’t say anything about it.” “What Ken didn’t know is that, to be perfectly honest myself, I’d been developing feelings for Ken not long after she started living with us,” Twilight admits. We’re now in our own personal tent. We’d finished the meeting with the heads of the other races and had just spent the last couple minutes explaining how exactly Twilight and I have become a couple while Spike was still in recovery. “It did clue me in as to why Twilight had a copy of Incest: A Herd Norm When Done Sparsely shelved in the castle library,” I give the mare a smirk and she blushes. “Well, it’s true,” she retorts, going into Lecture Mode. “Statistically speaking, back in ancient times, during the mid-settling of Equestria, it was not uncommon for siblings in herds to get together. When done sparingly and with long extensions of time between each coupling, it actually did the opposite regular incest would cause in ponies, instead improving their strength and immunities.” “And suddenly Celestia and Grandma’s words back when she and Grandpa were first introduced to Ken make more sense,” Spike murmurs, lost in thought for a moment. Twilight and I both look at each other, blinking, before I frown, but smile, stomping a hoof. “Those cheeking shippers! That was their plan the whole time.” “Do you think they knew we’d feel this way about each other?” Twilight looks over at the tent entrance, her expression stunned. “Was this planned the whole time?” “I wouldn’t put it past that mare,” I say, rubbing my chin. “Tia was always sneaky, ever since she was young.” That causes me to get confused looks from the other two. I blink, noticing their stares, before I sigh. “I did it again, didn’t I?” Twilight nods. “How could you know what Celestia was like when she was young?” “Haven’t you asked this timeline’s Celestia?” Spike asks, looking between the two of us. “Maybe she can shed some let on this.” I shake my head. “She says she’ll give me the information to get our timeline’s Celestia and Luna to open up once the war ends. Something about a statue in the Royal Canterlot Garden.” “Speaking of…” Spike looks a little nervous. “What about the Discord of this timeline?” I sigh, shaking my head again. “We’ll cross that bridge when and if we come to it, Spike. Thankfully, the war has prevented anyone from being near his statue in a moment when a lack of harmony could free him.” “Plus, in this timeline, technically, Celestia and Luna are still bound to the Elements, so the spell hasn’t weakened like it did in our timeline,” Twilight points out. “So there’s a good chance he’ll never break free.” “Either way,” I yawn, settling down next to Twilight, draping a wing over her. “We’ve got a final battle two days from now. We’d better get our rest. It’s going to be a long one.” ___________________________________________________________ The air is still as we all stand before the large blockade that is Sombra’s army. “Just how far out does it go?” Smoulder asks from next to me, a claw over her eyes, trying to see the end of the army. “Sombra’s taken over half of Equestria,” Garble says, his arms folded. “Makes sense half of Equestria stands in our way.” I nod, before stepping forward and turning around to face the mass of creatures behind me. “Inhabitants of Equestria, today is the day we fight for the freedom of our comrades. For the freedom of our lands. For the freedom of our homes! Sombra assumed we would all fall to his might within seconds. We’ve proved him wrong over and over again. “We all come from different races, different cultures and backgrounds, which he assumed would keep us all apart, making it easier for him to pick us off. But, in doing so, we all have a common goal. We are united in one ideal and it cannot be broken. “Today, we show him once and for all that Equestria is and never will be his domain. With this battle, this war ends and we will claim victory for what is rightfully ours! Are you with me?!” Roars of approval ring out from the army, hands, claws, hooves and whatever else held in the air. “Then…. Begin the first wave!” I yell, sweeping around and pointing to the fields of black armoured ponies standing in our way. Louder yells ring out as the sky becomes filled with the massive forms of numerous of dragons, the smallest ranging from about as big as a truck back in the human world to sizes I don’t think I can even compare with. Arrows and spells start flying from Sombra’s armies, along with rocks hurled by catapults. It does nothing, however, as the spells and rocks are either easily avoided by the dragons, or just bounce off of their scaly hides. The dragons encircle the army for several minutes, before diving down and smashing into the ground, the shockwave from their impactings along sending armoured soldiers flying, before swiping their tails and arms around, knocking soldiers back as if they were flies. We all watch, waiting for there to be a large enough line through the army for us to move. “That speech was amazing, Ken,” Twilight whispers, taking my hoof. I look to her and smile, before looking down. “Odd thing is… I feel like I’ve said almost the exact same thing once before. And been through this before.” After several minutes, a break big enough for our army is finally opened up. “Equestrian Alliance!” I yell, forming a magical sword on my right forelegs, looking back over the mass of creatures behind me. “CHARGE!” We all surge forward, those with wings taking to the skies, while those without charge along the ground, weapons drawn and expressions set. What few of Sombra’s forces that avoided the dragons in the first wave are not ready for us as we trample through them, weapons and swords and fists and claws flying every which way. I block and parry several blows from soldiers, before leaping into the air, smashing my hooves together, sending out massive magical shockwaves through the air, knocking soldier after soldier back, too stunned to understand what’s going on. The battle rages for several hours, with Sombra’s forces doing their best to put up a fight, but we continue, though at a modest pace, to break our way through their ranks. As the afternoon sun begins to turn the sky red, signalling early evening to be on its way, the Empire comes into view. “NOW!” I look to Twilight, who nods, sending a flare of magic into the sky, it exploding in a lavender light. From behind as, a large contingent of hippogriffs and griffons that had remained in a group this whole time break away, revealing the Empire Infiltration Team. With Spike sitting atop Rainbow Dash’s back, the team flies into the air, Sunset using a Levitation Spell upon herself and their shoot through the sky, making a beeline for the Empire, a hint of sparkling smoke disappearing in the opposite direction. I glance for a second at Twilight, who nods and we rush forward, spells flaring for her, magical scythes being wielded by myself. We must also reach the Empire before Cadance gets there. We can’t afford any unforeseen complications. ___________________________________________________________ Cadance paced back and forth in the main room of Starlight Glimmer’s house. “Your Highness, please, stop pacing,” the svelte white unicorn stallion said, looking to her from the desk he was sitting at. “The Princesses will send word the moment your time arrives.” “But I can’t help it, Neighsay!” she said firmly, whirling around as best she could. Her pregnancy was well into the later months, leaving her belly much larger and it harder to move around. “I should be out there! It’s my Empire, but I’m not helping reclaim it!” Neighsay merely shook his head. “In your condition you would not be of any help on the battle field, Your Highness, and you know it. And you are going to help reclaim your Empire. Princess Ken and Princess Twilight worked very meticulously on the plan to ensure your part would go to plan. You are the only one who can activate the Crystal Heart. You are the trump card.” Cadance bit her lip in anger, before huffing and moved to stand by the window. She didn’t like this. In fact, she hated it. Others were fighting her battles for her, all because she was pregnant. She had been overjoyed upon learning she was going to be a mother, though had always feared her foal would be born into this world of war. With the sudden arrival of Princess Ken and Princess Twilight from an alternate timeline, she had been looking forward again to the birth of her foal because it likely would be born after the war had finally ended. However, being pregnant, she could not risk her unborn child’s life, meaning she’d been sitting on the sidelines for so long now, letting others fight her battles for her Empire. Putting a hoof to her slightly swollen belly, she closed her eyes. Ken, Twilight, please be safe. Please bring this war to its end soon. ___________________________________________________________ “That Illusion Spell was trippy as hay, right?” Smoulder called as the group was speeding up the underside of the tower stairs. “Tell me about it!” Garble called. “If Sunset weren’t here, I don’t think we’d have ever escaped it.” “Coming up to the end of the stairs, guys!” Spike called, easily remembering when he and Twilight were close to the end in their own timeline. Seconds later, they all flew off the edge of the stairs, Sunset catching them in her magic’s red aura quickly and recasting the Gravity Spell. The six look around the top of the tower, before seeing the Crystal Heart floating above a circle in the centre, looking completely innocent. “Be careful now,” Dash said, glaring at the circle. “Remember our information.” “I can back it up,” Spike nodded. “Saw it happen. I know what to do. Smoulder?” The orange dragon looked to him and nodded, picking him up in her arms and carrying him as best she could. Getting to the Heart, Spike grabbed it. However, the added weight was too much and Smoulder lost her balance in the air, dropping and hitting the circle, which at once lit with a black light, blaring sounds ringing all around. ___________________________________________________________ Cadance stood a bit straighter as a sparkling smoke headed towards the window she was standing at, coming from outside the town. It went in through a crack in the door and came together, bursting into green flames, revealing a scroll. She levitated it over, quickly reading it, before looking to Neighsay and nodding. “It’s time!” The stallion nodded back, standing up and tapping the medallion on his chest. It lit with orange magic, which then went to his horn. Frowning at the nearest wall, he lowered his head, a beam shooting from it, hitting the wall and opening a blue flaming portal. “We must hurry, Princess,” he said, looking back to her. “We don’t know how long the Alliance will be able to keep Sombra’s forces at bay before they—” Suddenly, the whole ground shook. “What in Equestria was that?” Neighsay asked, stunned. The ground shook again, a booming sound being heard. The two ponies ran outside, looking around. A third boom came, this one accompanied by the faint sound of something crumbling. “Princess, run!” the two turned to look behind them, Night Glider rushing from the direction of the cave where Sombra was being held. “Get to the Empire! Sombra’s—” Before she could finish, a thunderous boom rang out, the rocky base that was the roof of the cave exploding outward, black smoke billowing out like ragging storm clouds. Cadance felt her heart leap into her throat as a pair of green eyes formed in the smoke. “Now, Princess!” Neighsay yelled, motioning back inside. The two hurried in, running for the portal, only for the two to be thrown aside, heads smashing into the wall. Cadance stared through bleary eyes in fear as smoke quickly coalesced, forming into the tyrant king. He smirked at her. “Princess Cadance. How nice to meet again after all this time.” He frowned, glancing at the portal, before noticing the scroll that had been sent laying where it had fallen after he had made a grand entrance. No! Cadance’s eyes widened as he levitated it over and read it aloud, before leering. “Cadance, we have breached the Empire. Spike and his team are going for the Heart. Have Neighsay open a portal to the centre of the Empire and we’ll await Spike’s arrival with the Heart. An impress plan,” he said, looking to her, chuckling. “Too bad that prison just wasn’t strong enough to last a little longer, hmm?” As she and Neighsay struggled to get up, Sombra turned into smoke and shot through the portal. ___________________________________________________________ “Glad we at least have a moment to catch our breath,” I say as Twilight and I lean against one of the poll of the room surrounding where the Heart would normally sit. “Yeah,” my marefriend agrees, slightly more winded than myself. “Not used to fighting for so long. Or at all, really. Been a fair few months since Tirek, ya know?” There’s a blue flash and we turn to see Neighsay’s portal opening. “Good,” Twilight says, stepping towards the portal. “Cadance’ we’re ready to—” There’s barely a second to react. I suddenly notice a magical signature coming that is not Cadance and yank Twilight back with my magic, just as a storm of black smoke surges out of the portal, shooting past us and out of the room. “What in Equestria?” Twilight cries as I let go of my magical hold on her. Seconds later, Cadance and Neighsay stumble through the portal, their faces filled with worry. “Sombra broke out!” Cadance says, before having to catch her breath. “He knows the plan!” Neighsay follows up, holding the pregnant mare up. Our eyes widen in horror. No! If Sombra knows the plan, he knows Spike is the key and will go after him. The others may be strong and skilled fighters, but against Sombra himself, they’d be powerless and Spike… Spike would be… “Open a portal to wherever Sombra is now, immediately!” I yell at Neighsay. He nods, taking a second, before opening another portal. Twilight and I nod our thanks to him, before nodding to each other and charge into the portal. Upon exiting it, we both flare our horn, releasing an intense burst of magic. A shout of surprise is followed by the figure of King Sombra hitting a nearby wall. He shakes his head, looking confused, before standing up and sees the two of us, the portal closing behind us. He blinks, before snickering. “Well, isn’t the an interesting development?” He stands, looking us over, before his eyes linger of me, confusion entering them. “What? But how?” “You’re not touching my son, Sombra!” Twilight growls, her horn flared. “This end, now, tyrant!” I agree, flaring my own horn. His still looks confused, but smirks. “Very well. I shall get my answers either way. Bring it!” Twilight and I flare our wings and shoot into the air, before dive-bombing him. He lights his own horn, causes a spear of crystal to form, quickly rising into the air. We easily avoid it, having trained enough with Dash to move quickly through the air. Using the momentum of my turn, I swing around, forming magical axes at the ends of my hooves and swinging my forelegs. This catches Sombra off guard, causing him to back away after the first axe cuts through him, causing him to cry out in pain, but being given no time to counter as he’s slammed down by a spell from Twilight. He yells in anger, several large spikes of crystal flying from around him, giving us barely enough time to dodge them. He takes advantage of this, however, catching Twilight off guard. I watch in horror as he grabs her by the throat and slams her to the ground. “RAH!” I scream, my eyes glowing white. My body surges with magical energy and I charge forward, knocking him aside, his body slamming to the nearest wall. Leaning over Twilight, I sigh with relief when she opens her eyes and sits up, giving me a small grin, before her eyes widen and she snarls, pushing me aside, her horn flaring. A shout of surprised anger causes me to look to see Sombra skidding along the ground all the way to the wall, his shoulder bleeding. Glancing to Twilight, my eyes widen at the sight of her. She’s glowing. Her small versions of her Cutie Mark are all over her hooves, her wings are several different colours and her mane is not only longer, but has a new cream stripe through it. Not to mention the fact her mane is moving on its own, like Celestia and Luna’s do. She looks to me, before smirking. “What? You did it first.” Cocking my head in confusion, I give myself a quick once over and notice the same has happened to me. What the…? “Enough!” we both look back as the wall eplodes away, revealing a very irritated looking Sombra. “Why won’t you just surrender already?!” He then smirks. “Do so now, promise to be my brides and serve my every whim, and I will not only spare your own lives, but the lives of your friends. And your little dragon too.” He finishes with a laugh. Twilight and I quickly glance at each other, our expressions firms, before nodding. “Not happening, Sombra!” she declares, firing a magical blast he avoids and we all start manoeuvring around each other, flying back and forth around the room, striking and backing away. “We will never surrender to the likes of you!” “Threatening Spike’s life too? Big mistake!” I charge at him, horn flared. He whirls around, smirking, his eyes glowing green before my vision is filled with the same colour. Suddenly, I’m somehow in the Canterlot throne room, where there are crystals all around. Sombra sits atop Celestia’s throne, leering down at me. My eyes widen as, at his hooves, I see a beaten, broken, bloody and battered Twilight, her wings torn apart, her horn shattered, her body… unmoving. ___________________________________________________________ Twilight tried to stand from where Sombra’s magic shockwave had knocked her back, her eyes widening in horror as she saw Sombra merely standing before Ken, the latter of who’s eyes were glowing green. Sombra had caught her in his Worst Fear Spell. “No,” she whispered. Sombra glanced back at her, smirking. “Yes. Now her deepest fears will consume her, making her my puppet.” “D… D…” Ken murmurs, her expression showing absolute horror. “Yes?” Sombra looked back to the mare, sneering. “D-what, my helpless slave?” “D… D…” Suddenly, though her eyes remained green, Ken snarled. “DIE, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” Sombra didn’t even have time to react. Ken rose up, her forelegs being covered by magic scythes and she started slashing at him like a mad mare! The stallion was now suddenly on the backhoof, struggling to try getting away from the mare that looked like she was now out for blood. “YOU’LL PAY FOR MURDERING HER, YOU SICK SON OF BITCH!” Ken screamed with pure malice in her voice, the now frightened stallion barely avoiding her manic strikes. “I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!” Twilight just watched, her mouth agape. How…? What was going on? Nopony or any creature caught in Sombra’s Worst Fear Spell had ever managed to fight back while still under its influence. The only possible way that could happen would be if… Twilight’s eyes widened. Whatever Ken’s worst fear was, her feelings about it were far stronger than her actual fear and it was helping her fight back… though from what she was saying, Twilight had a strong hunch what Ken was seeing and while fighting back, Ken thought it was still really happening. Sombra was backed against a wall. He wouldn’t be able to use a spell to escape. He stared, eyes wide as the crazed mare before he lunged forward, the magical axe she was swinging his way turning into a spear and he knew what she clearly intended to do with it. “Alright, enough!” Sombra cried in fear, releasing his spell. At once, Ken’s eyes returned to normal and she looked confused. Sombra took that as his chance, turning into smoke and slipping past her, leaving Ken to collide with the wall. ___________________________________________________________ “Ken!” I groggily open my eyes to see Twilight by my side, she lifts me up. Wait. Twilight’s alive?! I pull her into a hug, never feeling so relieved in my entire life. “What…? What are you?” We pull apart to see Sombra standing on the other side of the room, panting heavily, looking at me in absolute bewilderment. “Just what did you see that could possibly cause you to fight me while still under the spell? You were a mad mare!” “Says the tyrant king?” Twilight asks, shooting forward. Sombra leaps past her and aims for me, curiosity in his eyes. “You don’t need to know. Also,” I duck to avoid a blast of his magic, giving a taunting smirk. “That voice? So not intimidating in the least.” At once, his eyes widen and he snarls, firing several more blasts at me, which I avoid with ease. “How dare you?!” he yells, focusing on me… just like we want him to. Good. Gotta keep his focus off Twilight. I am not letting that happen in real life! “I am Sombra! King of the Crystal Empire! Masterof the shadows! Living beings tremble at the very mention of my name!” I toss my head back, blocking one of his spells with my own. “Name, sure? Voice? Ha! You sound like a flamboyant stereo type cartoon villain from the eighties!” That causes him to pause in confusion. “NOW!” Sombra’s hit from behind by a blast of magic, causing him to slam sideways into the crystal wall. I rush forward through the air, forming a magical spear on my right foreleg and slam it through him, pinning him to the wall. He winces, before glaring at me. “Do you honestly think you can defeat me?” he asks, staring right into my eyes. I glare into his own eyes, before smirking. “Maybe. But that wasn’t the plan. We just needed to keep you distracted.” He blinks. “What?” ___________________________________________________________ “Come on!” Spike yelled to his group as the blue portal opens. They charged through, coming out next to Cadance and Neighsay. Cadance took the Heart and placed it in its place, before looking to Neighsay and nodding. He nodded back, opening another portal, through which over a hundred Crystal Ponies came through. “Citizens of the Crystal Empire,” Cadance looked out at the all, her Cutie Mark glowing in tandem with the Heart’s light, “the Crystal Heart has returned. Use the light and love within you free the Empire and end this war, once and for all!” The Crystal Ponies nodded, their coats shining and bowed, light spreading across the Empire, before all surging into the Heart, which began spinning, before releasing a field of love and light outward, spreading it across the Empire and out across Equestria. ___________________________________________________________ Sombra’s eyes widen in horror as I feel something strong, powerful and warm surging towards us. “No!” he yelled, his eyes wide with panic and his voice filled with it. “You can’t defeat me! I’m the King!” “Then consider this a coup, Your Highness!” Twilight smirks, the light spreading past us, causing us to shine with its energy, myself yanking my hoof back, knowing he cannot escape. Sombra screams as he is literally turned to dust, obliterated right before our very eyes. There’s silence for several moments as Twilight and I try to catch our breath, before screams of joy erupt outside, the sound echoing so far that it clearly stretches for miles. I look to Twilight and give her an exhausted smile. She returns it. “We did it.” I chuckle. “Yeah. We did. Now… how about we get some rest.” I flop to the ground, my eyes drooping. “I’m completely wiped.” Twilight chuckles, doing the same. “Yeah. Some rest would be really good after all that.” ONE MONTH LATER “It was truly an honour to fight alongside you, Dragon Lord Torch,” I say, hoof bumping him. He nods. “The honour was all mine, Your Highness.” “I wish you could stay,” Cadance says, hugging Twilight. “I know,” she replies, pulling back from the hug. “But we have to return to our own timeline and save it.” “Don’t let your me push you around, Spike,” Garble gives the smaller drake a fist bump. “And if he tries, just remember Smoulder’s nickname for me. He’ll shut up right away.” Spike nods, smirking. “You got it.” He shrugged. “Though, I doubt I ever will see him again. Haven’t seen him the first time I met him, anyway.” “And remember your Molt will come about six months sooner than it originally would have in your time, now,” Smoulder says firmly. “Be ready for when it happens.” “We will,” Twilight chuckles. We’re all gathered by the Map. Having spent so long helping try settle things down after the war ended, it’s time for us to go back. We have our own villains to fight. “Ken?” I look to Celestia and Luna, before of whom are standing a bit away, looking crestfallen. “We know you cannot stay,” Luna says, looking solemnly at me. “But, regarding the us from your timeline… just… tell them you know about it. Even the title of the statue will make them talk.” “But you still won’t tell yourselves because…?” Spike asks, but Twilight shoves him lightly. Celestia shakes her head. “Much as we desperately want to, it is not our place to. Your dau— Your Celestia and Luna should tell you. To do so ourselves would be unfair to them.” My eyebrow is raised. She clearly meant to say something else, but stopped herself. I close my eyes, shaking my head. Whatever it is, if they’re right and I tell our Luna and Celestia I know about the statue this timeline’s versison of them showed me not long after we started trying to settle this timeline as best we could, they should finally explain their odd behaviour since Hearth’s Warming. “Now, if I’m reading your timeline’s me’s alterations to the spell correctly, the moment you arrive in the past, so will she,” Starlight says, levitating Twilight the scroll with Star Swirl’s spell on it. “She specifically alteted Star Swirl’s spell to send her back in time, meaning even if somepony else casts the spell…” “She’ll be brought back too,” I finish for her, nodding as the three of us walk up to The Map. “I wonder if Starlight ended up in this kind of timeline or was stuck in the past this whole time,” Spike ponders. “Either way, thanks to Starlight’s help, Starlight won’t get the jump on us,” Twilight says, before pausing, a very perplex look on her face. “That was a weird thing to say.” “Yeah, let’s just go stop her instead of focusing on that,” I say, rubbing my temples. “I get the feeling if we think too hard on it, all we’ll achieve is gaining a massive headache.” The two nod and Twilight readies to cast the spell. I take one final look over the crowd of different creatures surrounding us, all here to bid us farewell. “Good luck to you all,” I say as Twilight starts casting the spell. “I wish you all the best. Remember that the bonds of friendship we formed during the war are not just for the war. They are forever. You’re all like a family, remember that.” Every creature cheers, waving and calling their farewells, many with tears in their eyes, all wishing us luck for our own time. As the portal pulls us in, I look to Spike and Twilight, who both nod, their expressions firm as my own. We will defeat Starlight. We will not let this timeline be created again. > Chapter 21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21 ___________________________________________________________ The portal opens, dropping us back in Cloudsdale, Twilight grabbing Spike in her magic as we all hover in the air. “All we have to do now is find Starlight and—” I quickly raise a shield, blocking the spell that was fired at us. The moment we’d dropped out of the portal, I scanned the area and noticed the faintest hint of a magical aura glow at the edge of a nearby cloud, cluing me in that Starlight was hiding. “Well, finding her will be easy!” the unicorn in question says, floating up from her hiding spot. “But stopping her’s gonna be harder than… you… think?” She stares at us in surprise, specifically the barrier around us and the glare I’m aiming her way. “What? How were you able to prep a shield in time? You couldn’t have possibly known I was here.” I sneer. “Sorry to disappoint you, but we know you created that spell to send yourself back in time. So even when we cast it, you still got sent back here. You can thank yourself for informing us about that.” Starlight cocks her head in bewilderment. “Huh?” I take advantage of her confusion, shooting forward and pinning her to the clouds. “Now, why did you do all this?!” She stares stunned for moment, before smirking up at me. “It wasn’t difficult to change Star Swirl’s spell. He’d already done the hard part.” She teleports, now floating above us and fires another spell, which I block with a shield. “But figuring out I could use the map to go to any time or place and pull you along with me?” She gives a short laugh. “I even impressed myself with that.” I nod to Twilight, who teleports out from the shield and dive bombs Starlight, but she moves out of the way and then kicks Twilight back, causing her to slam into my shield. “I knew you’d try to stop me,” Starlight smirks, before deadpanning. “You’re so predictable.” She smirks again. “Why else would I leave the scroll behind? Touching it triggered The Map to whisk you here and watch me erase the one thing that linked you with your friends!” “Did you not even see what your last altering of the past did?” I snarl up at her, helping Twilight up. She looks annoyed, folding her forelegs. “No. The one thing I didn’t realize is that I can’t use the spell without the scroll. After I sent you three back to the present, I was stuck in the past for seven months. SEVEN! Do you know how hard it was to not interfere with time any further for a full seven months?” Twilight and I both shoot into the air, manoeuvring around to try getting her from both sides, but she manages to weave passed us both. “Then why are you doing this?!” Twilight demands, pain and anger in her voice. She’s no doubt remembering what happened in the other timeline and wondering just why Starlight would want that to happen. “What’s the point of all this in the first place?” Starlight fires ten consecutive blasts at us and we do our best to maneuverer around them. “My village was a sanctuary of equality, where nopony’s Cutie Mark allowed them to feel superior! It was a special place, and you and your friends took it away!” I glare down at her. “Nopony felt superior? Says the mare who dictated every action of those living there, forced any who visited to join regardless of whether they wanted to our not, not evening considering if they had friends and family outside the village they’d miss and then forced any who didn’t follow exactly how you wanted them to act into a room for possibly days at a time until they were compliant with your orders.” Starlight lands on a nearby cloud, Twilight and myself landing on one adjacent. She shakes her head. “You’re just trying to defend your actions because you know what you did was wrong! But now it’s my turn to take something special from you! Without the Rainboom, you and your friends will never form your special Cutie Mark bonds!” She fires a blast, which I block with another shield. “Cutie Marks for Cutie Marks! Sounds like a fair trade to me!” I just glare at her. “How, in any rational sense of logic, is that the least bit fair? You think dooming Equestria is a fair trade for us stopping you from being Pony Hitler?” Starlight cocks her head in confusion. “Pony who?” “Whoa!” We all look behind Twilight and myself, only for my eyes to widen with worry. Rainbow Dash and the bullies she was racing, not to mention a large number of Pegasus fillies and colts, have all stopped the race and are now watching us, Rainbow currently chewing on what I’m guessing is popcorn from the box she’s holding. Twilight Sparkle rushes towards her. “What are you doing? You have to finish your race!” Young Rainbow Dash just waves a hoof. “No way! This is way more exciting!” No. Not good. “See?” I look back over my shoulder as Starlight walks towards us, looking slightly dishevelled. “You can’t stop me no matter what you do.” Her horn glows and I realize she’s casting the spell again. I rush to Spike, grabbing him, before blinking and smirk as we’re quickly yanked. “Good luck without the scroll!” Regardless of the fact we’re going back to that horrible war timeline, the look of shock and frustration on Starlight’s face as the portal closes gives me some semblance of joy. ___________________________________________________________ We all drop out of the portal, landing and bouncing off The Map with heavy thuds, groaning. “That’s strange,” Spike remarks as I help Twilight back up. “Well, you obviously don’t mean us falling, because that’s becoming pretty routine,” Twilight grumbles with a fair bit of snark. “This is only the second time, Twilight,” I say, before sighing, my heart heavy. “But… we have to go through all that again? After just escaping that war, we’re right back into it.” “Well, I just meant that the last time we came back, it was day!” Spike says, drawing our attention to him, before he points up. “But look!” Twilight and I follow his direction and… huh. It’s night-time? Twilight cocks her head, looking to me. “Why would the map bring us back to a different time of day than when we left?” I cock an eyebrow at her. “You’re asking me? Twilight, until Starlight broke into our house and used that spell, I wasn’t even aware Time Travel was even possible for us ponies. And it’s not like the other Starlight told us anything specific that would clue me in.” I hear branches cracking, but pay it no mind, frowning up at the sky suddenly. For a second I thought… I thought I felt like something had reached out to me. It was brief, lasting less than a second, but I felt it. “Um, maybe we should figure it out later!” Spike cries in fear. Looking to him and noticing he’s looking behind us, I turn to see two large Timberwolves growling near The Map, one leaping atop it, both sniffing around. Suddenly, they turn to us, their eyes glowing and they howl loudly, before lunging at us. Glaring, I rise up, forming a magical axe over my right foreleg and slice through the first one, causing the other to skid to a halt, stopping within hooveslengh of me. I slice several times through the wooden mass I’d already hit, until it’s nothing but splinters on the ground. We wait a few moments in silence. It doesn’t reform. The other Timberwolf looks to me and whimpers like a scared puppy as I glare coldly at it, lifting my axe to my face. “Leave. Now.” It yelps, hightailing it away from us, whimpering loudly as it can, likely warning any nearby to not come this way. I let my axe dissipate and return to the ground, Twilight and Spike looking at me in both shock and a little nervously. “Wow, Ken,” Spike says, grinning anxiously. “You can be really scary, ya know that?” I blink, before sighing and shake my head. “Let’s just get out of here. We’ll find Celestia and Luna so we can get started on ending this timeline’s war too.” Twilight looks sadly at me, hearing the exhaustion in my voice and wraps a wing around me. “Well, maybe we can do this quicker this time, since we know how and what we need to do more so this time around.” I give her a weak smile. She’s trying. I can’t ask for anything more than that. ___________________________________________________________ “Okay, I know the Everfree was not this dense the last time we came to this timeline,” Spike grumbles as he fire breathes away another mass of foliage. We’ve been walking for at least half an hour, but we’re not really sure where we are in the Everfree, which is indeed where The Map brought us when the portal dropped us back in this timeline. “I don’t get it either, Spike,” Twilight shakes her head, looking around. “Back when we had to stop those impatient griffons who went against the others to get the Elements, thinking we could stop them with them, the Everfree was nowhere near this thick.” “Why exactly couldn’t you have used them, by the way?” Spike asks, glancing to me in particular. “Wouldn’t the Elements have made things all the easier?” I shake my head. “It’s not that simple, Spike. The Elements were only in the Tree because it was from our timeline. It needed the Elements to maintain its link to our own timeline. Had we removed the Elements, either the Tree could’ve died or our link to the original timeline would’ve vanished and we’d have been stuck in that timeline forever.” “Besides which, the me from that timeline never became friends with that timeline’s versions of our friends,” Twilight says, looking briefly like she confused herself for a second, before continuing on. “We didn’t have a connection to the Elements like we do in our timeline. Ken and I somehow managed to access the Rainbow Power form, as Pinkie likes to call it, but I don’t think we had the same connection as before to it while there. Celestia and Luna were likely the ones still connected to them, if anypony was connected to them at all.” “Either way, we couldn’t risk anything happening to… Twilight, what’s wrong?” I ask. Twilight has stopped as we exit through some brush and gasps. “What the…? The Castle of the Two Sisters?” Spike and I follow her gaze, both becoming very confused. It… it is where the Castle of the Two Sisters should be, I’d visited it enough times to know this location… but the castle isn’t run down anymore. In fact, it looks… pristine, as if somepony had it rebuilt… with a night motif, for some reason. “That’s… not how it looked last time, did it?” Spike asks, looking to us. I shake my head. “It wasn’t perfect, but it was still way more rundown than this. What in Equestria is going on around here?” “How did Starlight stopping the Rainboom again result in the castle looking, well, like ponies are still using it?” Spike asks, scratching his head. I blink, before facehoofing. “Ken, for a former human who watched so many TV shows and movies where time travel was a thing and explained in great detail, you are so stupid!” The other two look to me in confusion. I sigh, looking to them. “Okay, the theory of time travel is any small changes you make in the past can drastically change the future. In this case, before we ended up in that timeline with the war going on, Starlight zapped Rainbow Dash just a second before the Rainboom would’ve happened, holding her in place mid-air. Whatever events followed that led to the war. But in the past we just left…” “That never happened,” Twilight follows, putting a hoof to her chin. “So this timeline didn’t follow things the same. In this one, Dash didn’t get stopped from doing the Rainboom, she just didn’t do it because she chose to stop the race... because she thought watching us fighting Starlight out in the open was more exciting,” she finishes with a sheepish grin. I pace back and forth. “Somehow, Rainbow forcefully being stopped from doing the Rainboom led to Cadance and Shining being stopped by Sombra and thus leading into the war. This time round, Dash giving up on the race and therefore not even getting close to doing the Rainboom resulted in that not happening. There’s a chance the war never happened in this timeline at all.” “So… what’s so bad about this timeline then?” Spike shrugs. “If the war didn’t happen, things must be fine, right?” I shake my head. “I don’t know, Spike.” I turn, looking firmly at the castle. “But I think we’ll get some answers in that castle.” We walk across the bridge, which is now made of stone instead of wood, which I guess makes sense if ponies are living here. We get to the castle and I open the doors with my magic, Twilight and Spike following me in before I close them quietly. I don’t know what’s going on, but we might not want to be noticed too suddenly. As we walk through the foyer, I look around, noticing a night theme is present throughout each hall we walk through… and something in the back of my mind is telling me this isn’t a good thing, but I can’t remember why. “This place looks a lot cleaner than I remember,” Spike remarks as we ascent a flight of stairs, before our path is briefly blocked by a tapestry laying on the ground that I thought was a carpet being lifted up by a magical aura as our view is occupied by a white mare… who looks very familiar. “Rarity?” Twilight cries in joy. The mare turns around… and I frown, looking Rarity over. Yeesh. Did the changes to the timeline ruin her sense of fashion? That black suit or whatever it is really doesn’t look all that good on her. Though, that could just be because it’s combined with her having put her tail and mane in a bun. That is not a very good look for her. “The castle isn’t open for viewings today,” she says in a very brisk tone that reminds me of some of the Canterlot Elites… which is not a good start to this timeline. “The tapestries all need changing.” She looks very annoyed. “Again.” Spike runs up and stands in front of her, his arms wide. “Rarity, it’s me!” Rarity looks at him, before her face scrunches like… like somepony disgusted. “I don’t socialize with dragons. I don’t know anypony who would.” At once, Spike’s face falls and he whimpers, tears in his eyes. I wrap a wing around him comfortingly, while Twilight runs in front of the mare. “Rarity, you have to listen to me! The future of Equestria’s at stake!” Twilight says anxiously. Rarity gives her an indifferent look, before turning around. “I don’t know how you know my name, but I am far too busy to entertain some tourist’s ridiculous fantasies.” I glare at her. “Okay, first, you insulted our son, so fuck you! Second, has your somehow losing your fashion skills left you blind?” I punctuate my last words by opening my wings. Rarity looks aghast at my swearing at her (likely about her fashion), but her face blanks the moment I open my wings. A few seconds pass, before horror enters her face and she practically throws herself and my hooves. “I’m sorry, Princess! I-I was unaware Her Majesty had any other Alicorn relatives, let alone that you’d be visiting tonight!” She flops her face forward, wailing in a way more familiar to the Rarity I know, her voice muffled by the carpet. “Please forgive me-hee-hee-hee!” I glance down at Spike, then to Twilight, both whom share my uncertain expression. “Um… right,” I say, before clearing my throat and trying to sound more like I’m of authority. Come on, mare, you were a freaking boss when you were leading during the war last timeline, mare up already. This shouldn’t be so hard. “Just… don’t let it happen again. Oh, and apologize to Spike.” Rarity looks up, confused, before I use my eyes to nod to the little drake held against me. “Oh, um, yes. I… I apologize… Master Spike?” she says and I see a look pass over Spike’s face that shows he’s not sure how to react to being referred to as “Master Spike”. “I was unaware any dragon was on good terms with the royal family.” “Well, now you do,” I say, looking to Twilight, begging her to do something. This is so bloody awkward. Twilight clears her throat and Rarity turns around to look at her, confusion passing over her face and looking back between the two of us, clearly only just no noticing we look near identical. “I have to get back to The Map so I can stop Starlight from changing the past, because every present I come to is worse than the last!” I frown. I would ask if there’s anything wrong with this timeline first, but I guess Twi just wants to leave now she knows the war with the Crystal Empire didn’t happen in this timeline. “Time travel, you say?” Another voice says, making us jump. We all turn to see we were so focused on Rarity we never realized we’re in the throne room, decorated in a night time aesthetic like the rest of the castle… and sitting atop the throne, which reminds me heavily of those from vampire games and movies, is a black mare with a billowing star-filled mane. She leans forward, revealing herself completely. leering. “Now that’s something I would like to see.” “Nightmare Moon?” Spike gasps, clutching onto my leg tighter… but I can’t focus on that. The sight of that black mare, the moment I saw her, something has rooted me in place. I feel something. It’s billowing up inside me. Hot, angry. I have no idea what it is, but it’s keeping me from reacting. It’s like I’m literally frozen in place. The mare atop the throne laughs sinisterly, as a group of guards dressed in armour, some bat ponies, others pegasi with clear illusion charms on their armour to merely make their wings looked batlike. They all move forward, surrounding us. Rarity is walking off, looking uncertain, but clearly doesn’t want to question anything, so instead is just leaving us. The mare on the throne leaps down, landing before Twilight, her expression firm. “Tell me how you came by this magic to travel through time.” A second passes, before a raspy voice that sounds familiar speaks from next to me. “The princess asked you a question!” Glancing as best I can behind me, I see the pony who spoke remove their helmet to reveal… Rainbow Dash?! “And unless you wanna end up in the dungeon, you’ll tell her what she wants to know!” Our attention is returned to the taller mare. “Nopony in my kingdom but me should possess a magic powerful enough to change time.” Spike peeks out from around my leg. “Your kingdom?” The mare gives him a cold look. “Who else?” Spike gulps. “Um... Celestia, of course!” There’s a beat of silence, where the idea of mentioning the other princess’s name is clearly implied to be dangerous, the guards all looking fearful, before the taller mare starts laughing. “My sister has been imprisoned in the moon for years!” she points behind us and I do my best to glance behind me and see an image like the Mare in the Moon from that book I read a few months after first arriving in Equestria. “But it is no less a fate than she’d sentence me to!” What is this feeling? I’m struggling to even move, let alone trying holding back this unexplained maelstrom of emotions running through me at lightning speed. Anger, disappointment, sadness, regret, disappear, blind fury. All are waring inside me for top billing and I have no bloody idea why. “I am the ruler of all of Equestria,” Nightmare Moon’s saying. Did I miss part of the conversation? “Do you really think I cannot handle Timberwolves?” Twilight stands firm next to me, seeming oblivious to what’s going on with me. “No. I know you can.” Nightmare Moon frowns. “And if you were thinking of trying to escape…” she lights her horn, levitating Spike to her and forms magical chains around, him and locking them tight, “it would be very unfortunate for you friend.” She gives a sinister sneer. Something snaps. ___________________________________________________________ “MOON DREAM, PUT YOUR LITTLE BROTHER DOWN RIGHT THIS SECOND!” Twilight flinched, her ears ringing. Shaking her head, she turned to Ken, only for her eyes to widen. Ken’s irises were pinpricks and her face was filled with rage. The guards had all backed up, looking both stunned and uncomfortable to have been in such close proximity to the Royal Canterlot Voice. Nightmare Moon’s reaction, however, was the more interesting. Her eyes had widened in shock, causing her to lose focus on Spike and dropping him, the magic chains dissolving, allowing the little guy to run to Twilight. “None… none alive but my sister know that name,” she said, stunned, before her expression became a scowl. “You assume that just because you somehow know that name and have clearly used dyes and changed your mane style to look like her, you can speak to your princess in such a manner?” she said, taking a step forward. “Oh, don’t you try that “high and mighty” act with me, little missy!” Ken retorted back, causing the dark Alicorn to pause in surprise. Ken started walking forward. “I give up everything for you and your sister and this is what you do with the chance I gave you?!” Spike looked to Twilight, confused and worried. “Twilight, what’s Ken talking about? If she keeps egging Nightmare Moon on like that, there’s no telling what that mare will do to her!” Twilight just stared, open mouthed. The look in Ken’s eyes, there was both anger and hurt. What was going on? Nightmare looked like she was about to speak, but then Ken stepped forward and instead, the taller Alicorn took a step back. “I’m not using any dyes and this has been my mane style for longer than you’ve been raising the moon, missy!” Ken snapped, her expression one of extreme disapproval. Almost like… Twilight blinked. Wait. That didn’t make any sense. Ken was yelling at Nightmare Moon, not Spike. Why would she…? Nightmare Moon’s expression soured before she stood up straight, looming over the smaller Alicorn. “You dare to use your similarities to my mother to try intimidating me?” She snorted. “Not likely.” Twilight’s eyes widened. What did Nightmare just say?! Instead of backing down, Ken’s eyes narrowed. Nightmare glared back at her for several moments, the two never breaking eye contact… before something happened that nopony or dragon in the room would have ever expected. Nightmare faltered. Ken didn’t flinch at bit under the taller Alicorn’s gaze, but, within moments of staring into Ken’s eyes, Nightmare glanced the tiniest fraction away, her expression slipping that small bit. “You… No,” she shook her head, glaring back at Ken. “You cannot be her. I watched her perish myself!” She faltered again as Ken didn’t move, didn’t even blink. “You… you can’t be.” “And yet, here I am!” Ken shot back, her voice dripping with cold anger that made all in the room shiver. “I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I am, Luna! Now,” she stepped forward and Nightmare actually took a step backwards, causing the eyes of all those onlooking to widen, before Ken pointed out the window, “release your sister from the moon at once!” For several long moments, Ken just kept her gaze with Nightmare Moon’s, the latter finding herself unable to look away. The expression in those eyes, the anger and disappointment, they were awakening something within her. “I… n-no!” the dark mare managed to stuttered out, her eyes flickering. “I-I am the ruler of all Equestria. My sister—” “Your sister is at no more fault than you!” Ken shot back, lighting her horn. The magic surrounded Nightmare Moon’s right ear, yanking it down, hard, Nightmare Moon being unable to stop herself from whimpering, “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!” “I’ll be speaking with her, make no mistake about that. Now, do as you are told, little miss moonshine!” Ken snarled at the taller me. “Just because you’re over eleven hundred years old does not mean you’re too old to be put over my knee, little filly! Now, do it!” There were several moments of silence, where all eyes were on Nightmare Moon, who was looking at the smaller Alicorn with… fear? After what felt like an eternity, Nightmare Moon bit her lip, before nodding slowly, closing her eyes, making whimpering sounds like a foal that just got spanked by their mother. Nightmare Moon lit her horn, and all turned to look at the image on the moon, which flashed, before disappearing. Less than a second later, the room was filled with a blazing white light. When it faded, standing by the window was a taller white mare within a flowing pink mane and tail, wings and a horn and a sun for a Cutie Mark. The mare sighed. “Oh, thank goodness. I was struggling to hold on and…” she blinked, confusion evident on her face, before her eyes widened at the sight of the small lavender mare standing before Nightmare Moon. “M… M…” she stammered, tears welling in her eyes. The lavender mare glared at her, causing the newcomer to wilt. “Oh, I’ll be speaking with you as well, little filly. Don’t think you’re getting off scot free in all this.” She sighed, still looking frustrated, before she released her hold on Nightmare Moon’s ear and looked between the two of them, a small warm smile on her face. “Hello, Tia. Lulu. It’s been a…while…” She collapsed to the floor, unconscious. “KEN!” Twilight and Spike cried out. “MOTHER!” Nightmare Moon and Celestia cried at the exact same moment, the latter’s eyes changing from turquoise with dragonic slitted eyes to those Twilight was more familiar with. The conscious lavender mare and dragon paused, before snapping their heads to the other two Alicorns, their eyes wide. “Wait, WHAT?!” ___________________________________________________________ I’m wandering through a thick white fog. Where…? Where am I? I frown, trying to remember what happened… but I’, drawing a blank. I can’t remember what I was doing last. I need to remember or my name isn’t… isn’t… I stop, blinking. Who am I again? Somepony who finally is remembering what she can. I turn to see a tall being before me, her form faded and see through, as if she’s a ghost, flickering in and out of focus every couple seconds. Quickly looking myself over, I see she’s like a taller version of myself, though her mane and tail have an ethereal glow to them that flow slightly. Who…? Who are you? I ask. Who am I? She looks sadly at me. It will come to you. I stare at her for several moments, before it clicks, everything rushing back to me in an instant. Twilight! Spike! They’re both facing off against Nightmare Moon and… and Nightmare Moon has Spike! I have to save them! The other mare puts a hoof on me, stopping me. They are fine. Everything is fine now. You are ready to remember. I look to her, angry. Fine? How in the wide world of Equestria can they be fine? We’re stuck in a timeline where Nightmare Moon took over Equestria and she’s kidnapped my son! Wait, since he’s a dragon would that be dragonnapped. I shake my head. Whatever, doesn’t matter. I need to go save him! She just smiles warmly at me. You already have… as have you saved many lives. I snarl at her. Are you going to try making any sense?! She closing her eyes, that smile never failing. You gave up everything. I am all that remains. I am but fragments. I have done my best to gather what remains. I am sorry it isn’t more. She starts moving towards me. Hey, wait. What’re you doing? I say in worry, taking a step back. She steps in front of me, then through me, disappearing. At once, my eyes widen. No… no way. ___________________________________________________________ “Ken? Ken! Please, wake up, Ken! Please!” “Mom, come on! This isn’t funny anymore. Open your eyes, please.” “This is all your fault!” “My fault! I’m not the one who locked my own sister in the moon!” “You literally did! Sure, it wasn’t for a thousand years, but you did!” I stir, slowly opening my eyes and lifting my head, my sight bleary. I can just make out Twilight and Spike in front of me. They both gasp, before hugging me tightly. I give a small smile, before turning to the other pair of Alicorns in the room… both of who are bickering with each other, clearly just avoiding going RCV. I push myself up, grunting as I do so. The sound causes the two mares to quit bickering, both turning to look at me, their eyes wide. Before I can do anything, the two run at me and pull me into a strong, warm hug. I return it, letting myself melt into their warm fur. “Um… okay, would somepony mind explaining just what the hay is going on around here?” a raspy voice says. At once, I’m brought out of the moment and glare, lighting my horn. “Ow, ow, ow, ow-ow!” the two Alicorns cry out, backing away, revealing both their right ears being held painfully in my magic. I look sternly between the two of them. “You both have some serious explaining to do.” I look to the black mare. “Eternal night and overthrowing your sister to take the throne for yourself? Is that the mare you’ve grown into? Seriously?” “But I—” “No buts!” I cut her off, before turning my attention to the pink maned mare, who also wilts. “And you, Celetstial Light, ignoring your sister to the point she feels her night is completely unappreciated and forcing her to take such drastic action just to get your attention? You’re supposed to be the big sister, fucking act like it!” The pink maned mare lowers her head in shame. “Now,” I look to the black mare, “you’re going to undo the obvious mind suggestions you put into the ponies of Equestria this minute, young filly. Am I clear? That is not what your powers are meant for. Now, clean up this mess, or else!” She nods meekly, her horn glowing, before a wave of magic burst from her like a shockwave, flowing outwards beyond our sight, going all across Equestria. I nod, before growling, causing the two of them to whimper. “I gave up everything for the two of you. Everything. I expected you to rule Equestria in peace after I left and this is how things went?” My eyes sadden and I let go of their ears. “Were my final wishes really so meaningless to the both of you?” Both of them stand up, their eyes wide. “Never!” Celestia shakes her head furiously. “After I had to banish Luna, I did my best to rule Equestria as you taught us to, with kindness and compassion.” “More kindness and compassion than you certainly showed your own flesh and blood,” her sister snorts. “How was I supposed to realize you couldn’t see that—?” “ENOUGH!” the two go silent as I glare between the two of them. I sigh, rubbing my forehead. “Why can’t I have everything back? It would make this so much easier.” The black mare cocks an eyebrow. “All of what back?” I look to her, before sighing. “My memories.” Celestia blinks, before taking a tentative step forward. “What…? What do you mean?” I look to them both sadly. “I do not remember why, but I know I had to give them up to save you both all those centuries ago. What I have left are fragments. Tiny echoes of what once was.” “Is somepony going to actually start making sense around here?!” The three of us turn to see Twilight, Spike and the guards all looking to us in bewilderment, Spike standing in front, his arms folded. “Wait. You said he was…” Celestia’s sister looks to her, me, then back to Spike, before her head sags. “You aren’t of this timeline. Your are not ours, are you?” I sigh, rubbing my cheek against hers. “No, honey. I’m sorry. She is truly gone. I cannot change that. Nopony can.” “Seriously, I’m with the little dragon here,” Rainbow Dash steps forward, glaring at the mare I’m comforting. “We just got all our memories back. What is going on?” I sigh, looking to Twilight. “Seems that spell did more than just drain my magic to the point I couldn’t move.” I step forward, before indicating to the two mares behind me. “Twilight, meet my daughters. Spike, meet your big sisters.” There’s a long silence. “Wait. But, you… WHAT?” Twilight’s eyes widen and she’s staring at me like I’m a madmare. “Daughters? Ken, those are Princess Celestia and… do I say Nightmare Moon or Luna here?” She glances at the mare in question. She looks down, her face filled with shame. “Luna will do fine… um, who is she?” she murmurs to me. I nod, putting a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Yeah, they’re the princesses… but they’re also my daughters. And, if you being Spike’s mother make me his mother as well, Celestia and Luna being my daughters…” Twilight stares, before her irises slowly turn to pinpricks. “I’m… their mother… too? I’m the mother of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” She just stands still for several seconds, before her eyes roll into the back of her head and she collapses. ___________________________________________________________ “This… is really going to take some getting used to,” Spike says as we push through the brush to the clearing where The Map is. Five guards are standing around it… though instead of stoic expressions, they just look thoroughly uncertain. “Can’t we convince you to stay?” Luna begs as I hug her and Celestia. I pull away, giving her a firm look. “Luna, you know I cannot do that. I am not your version of me. She left this world a long time ago. Honour her memory and heed her wishes.” I look to Celestia. “Both of you.” “It’s only been three weeks,” Celestia says, looking desperate. “Can’t you stay longer?” I shake my head. “We cannot. Every second we spend is this timeline, Starlight Glimmer is in the past, having to do everything she can to avoid altering the timeline more than she already has. We have to finish what we started.” “But…” I put a hoof over Luna’s black mouth. Her form is still that off Nightmare Moon, only her eyes are back to my Luna’s. I shake my head. “Keep each other safe. Watch out for each other. Remember that you will always both love each other. Never forget that.” I frown. “Or I swear, I’ll get our timeline’s Discord to bring me back so I can tan both those backsides. Understood?” Both mares go stiff, before nodding meekly. I sigh, before looking to Rainbow Dash, whom volunteered to escort us to The Map herself. “Be sure to not be too hard on your world’s Starlight. If what she says is true about her past, ours is the same.” She nods, saluting. “You can count on me, First Princess of Equestria.” “This is still so hard to believe,” Spike says, looking between us four Alicorns. “Til Ken arrived, I wasn’t sure if I had a parent or not in Twilight. Then I got two mothers and then days later I end up having two older sisters, too.” He grins, putting his hands behind his head. “And my sisters are the princesses.” “How are you taking this so casually?” Twilight asks weakly, seeming dazed. It seems even three weeks wasn’t enough time for her to fully grasp the scope of our family’s situation. “I’m the mother of my mentor,” she says, seeming out of it as she says it. “And I’m the mother of Luna… whom if not for turning into Nightmare Moon, I never would’ve met my friends and…” “I think we’d better go before you mother’s brain goes into shutdown,” I chuckle, moving over and putting a wing over her. “We do still have to take care of Starlight and stop her from creating more altered timelines, after all.” Twilight blinks, before shaking her head furious, her expression firm. “Right. Right. Stopping Starlight. I’m going to focus on that.” She hesitates for a moment. “I’ll have my mental breakdown at the realization I’m the mother of the two oldest living ponies and rulers of the land who were both my mentor and enemy after that.” Spike and I look to each other, blinking, before chuckling and lead Twilight onto The Map. I look to Celestia and Luna, giving them warm smiles. “I’m glad I got to be with you both. Please, be well.” The two look to each other with a little uncertainty, before sighing and wrapping a wing around each other and looking to me, nodding. “We are happy to have been with you again, even if only for a short while,” Celestia says, tears in her eyes. Luna nods, sniffling. “Take care, Mother. Be good to your Celestia and Luna.” I close my eyes, before opening them again and nodding, my smile warm as can be. Twilight casts the spell, the portal opening above us and my expression firms. No more, Starlight Glimmer. This ends now. > Chapter 22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 22 ___________________________________________________________ The portal opens, dropping us back in Cloudsdale and I shoot forward, magical scythe forming around my right foreleg and slash it forward. It passing through the unsuspecting Starlight, who wears a look of shock for a moment, before her eyes roll into the back of her head and her magic stops, her body no longer glowing and she plummets down. Nodding to Twilight, we zip down, myself lighting my horn for a mass teleport the moment we’re close to the prone form of Starlight that’s flapping through the air like a rag-doll. When the light of magic fades from around us, we’re in a frozen wasteland. Starlight flops to the ground, still. We wait for several moments, the winds of the north howling around us being the only sound. Eventually, she slowly opens her eyes and looks up at us blearily. After a few seconds, she jumps up and glares, before her eyes widen in horror and she looks up at her horn. “M-my magic! It’s not working!” she looks to me in both anger and fear. “What did you do to my magic?!” “It’ll come back,” I say coolly. “I merely severed your horn’s link to your magic for a short while. It should return to normal in an hour or so.” She just stares at me. “How and when would you have learned to do a spell like that?” I glare at her. “I remembered it thanks to you, Starlight Glimmer.” She cocks her head, before noticing where we are and looks around, before returning to looking at us. “Where are we?!” “We are where the Crystal Empire will return in several years’ time,” I say, pointing to the wooden train platform about a mile away that has a few ponies inside it, but whom are unaware of us. Starlight blinks, very confused, before glaring at me. “And just why did you bring me here, of all the places in Equestria?” I continue to look at her with a neutral expression. “Here you risk the least about of damage to the timeline. I refuse to let you create more.” She cocks her head again. “More? More what?” “We know why you made your village, Starlight,” Twilight steps forward, her face softening, if only a little. “We know about Sunburst.” Starlight’s eyes widen, before she snarls. “You don’t know anything!” “Actually, we know more than you do,” I say flatly. “You created your village because you lost contact with Sunburst and you blamed it on the fact he got his Cutie Mark, which was also why you never made any other friends in Sire’s Hollow.” Her mouth drops at the mention of the name. “However, it was not Sunburst’s Cutie Mark that made it impossible to contact him,” I continue, taking a step forward, causing the unicorn to back away. “He intentionally did not return to Sire’s Hollow and refused to make contact with it again, not because of you, but his own mother.” Starlight’s face goes blank. “What?” she asks, her voice deadpanned. “Sunburst flunked out of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns,” Twilight comes to my side. “He got so depressed about it, he couldn’t figure out where to go in life after that. His mother thought she was helping him by trying to plan out the rest of his life for him, but he didn’t like her unintentionally dictating every single thing in his life.” “So, he left Canterlot but didn’t return to Sire’s Hollow, making sure never to let anypony know where he was going to ensure his mother couldn’t find him,” I say, sighing. “Thus, he unintentionally isolated you without realizing it.” Starlight just stares at us, before glaring. “No! You don’t know what I went through! It had to be his Cutie Mark! It…” She trails off, her face blanking, it obvious her brain is catching up to whatever she was planning to say and making her realize it would sound ridiculous. Twilight looks kindly to her. “Starlight, you’re right! I don’t know what you went through! But I do know you can’t do this! I’ve seen where this leads, and so have you!” Starlight just glares. “No, I haven’t! Both times I was stuck in the past because you took the scroll with you! Who knows what’ll really happen?” I step towards her. She tries to back away, but I hold Starlight in my magic. She looks into my eyes with fear. “Wh-what are you going to do to me!” I look firmly at her, keeping eye contact for several seconds. “I’m showing you what I saw. What happened when you first messed with the timeline!” I place my horn to her head. At once, Starlight’s eyes go white as I show her very brief glimpses of the war timeline. I let her watch for about a minute, before ending the spell and letting her drop to the ground. Spike looks to me in surprise. “Where’d you learn how t’ do that?” “A little trick Luna taught me before we came back from the last timeline,” I answer, before looking to Starlight. She’s laying on the ground, her eyes wide. “But… But, I don’t understand!” She looks to me, tears of frustration in her eyes. “Why did that happen?! Why would stopping the Rainboom cause that?” Twilight sighs. “We’ve seen it a several times! Things don’t turn out well in Equestria without my friends!” Starlight snarls. “Ugh! What’s so special about your friends?! How can a group of ponies that are so different be so important?!” “Have you seriously not paid attention to the events of the last year?” I ask, honestly curious. “You do realize it was Twilight and her friends that stopped Nightmare Moon, thus freeing Luna, stopped Discord, helped stop the Changelings’ invasion of Canterlot, helped save the Crystal Empire, reformed Discord, saved Equestria from the Plundervines and stopped Tirek from draining every living creature of their magic, don’t you?” Starlight just stares at me, before deadpanning. “You’re kidding, right?” Spike shakes his head. “Nope. Without my mom making her special Cutie Mark bond with her friends, Equestria would pretty much have been doomed.” Starlight blink, before cocking an eyebrow. “Wait, “Mom”?” Twilight nods, leaning down and nuzzling Spike. “The day of the Rainboom is when I hatched Spike with my magic. Without the Rainboom… he never would’ve hatched.” “Meaning you would essentially be stopping someone from being born,” I say through gritted teeth, before taking a breath to calm myself. “Does that seem fair to you, Starlight? Taking a mother from her child seems fair to you?” “I… no, I never would want…” She looks between us again, before glaring. “But why them? Why does being so different make their friendship so important?!” Twilight smiles. “The differences between me and my friends are the very things that make our friendship strong!” Starlight looks down forlornly, tears streaming down her face. “I thought Sunburst and I were the same. But we turned out different, and it tore our friendship apart!” Twilight steps closer. “So try again! Make new friends! And if something that you can’t control happens that changes things, work through it together! That’s what friendship is! Besides, it’s not just my friendships that are important to Equestria!” She nods to me and I teleport us back to Cloudsdale, myself keeping Starlight aloft with my magic and indicate to a group of Pegasus foals playing together. “Everypony’s are! When yours ended, it led us here. But just imagine all the others that are out there waiting for you if you just give them a chance!” Starlight looks down, before looking to us with pleading eyes. “How do I know they won’t all end the same way?” Twilight looks to me and I look to Starlight. “I guess it’s up to you to make sure they don’t.” Twilight holds out a hoof. Starlight looks hesitantly at it, the sound of whooshing causing her to glance around and see the race happening. Starlight stares for a few moments, before closing her eyes and taking the offered hoof. Seconds later, a loud boom goes off and the Rainboom fills the sky. Almost at once, the portal opens and starts pulling us in. We all hold each other as we’re whisked from the past, never to return there. ___________________________________________________________ We all fly out of the portal, smashing into the hard crystal floor of the castle. Shaking my head, I look up to see Star Swirl’s spell lifted into the air by the portal. Magical seeps out from The Map, though nothing seems to have changed and the scroll is lifted into the portal, which closes with a flash, magical energy flowing past us and out into the world. Spike quickly bends down, kissing the floor. “One Castle of Friendship – check!” The door opens, revealing our friends. “What in Equestria was that?!” Rarity asks, clearly meaning the magical energy that just dispersed. “Is everypony okay?” Fluttershy asks. Pinkie Pie squeals. “Can you do it again?” Spike looks to us. “One group of amazing friends – check!” Twilight smiles down at him. “Yeah, Spike. It looks like we’re home!” “Uh...” We look to Applejack, who has her eyes focused on the fourth member of our team, “what’s she doin’ here?” Twilight and I look to each other, myself deciding to answer. “Actually, it’s kind of a long story.” We all spend the next couple minutes discussing what we’re going to do with Starlight… as well as myself making a mental not to make sure Dash’s ego doesn’t get any bigger now she knows the fate of Equestria depended on her Rainboom all those years ago. Applejack brings up a valid point that, if Starlight is so powerful, can we really just send her on her way? However, this is something Twilight and I had somewhat gone over before leaving the last altered timeline, we just needed to get the others input to see if it was the best idea. From what we’ve heard… Twilight looks to me and I nod, her nodding back, before looking to the rest of our friends. “Actually, I kind of have something else in mind.” Spike nods, hopping down from his throne and opens the door, beckoning Starlight in. She walks in and stands before us all, bowing. “I know there’s no excuse for what I did, but I want you all to know that I’m ready for whatever punishment you think is fair.” Twilight looks to me, getting a nod, before looking to Starlight. “I’ve been thinking a lot about how badly Equestria fared without just one group of friends. Because even when one friendship dies, the results can be disastrous.” Starlight sighs, eye downcast. “I know first-hoof how true that can be.” Twilight gets up, walks over and lifts Starlight’s chin. “And that’s why I’ve asked you here. If you’re willing to learn, I’m willing to teach you what I know.” I nod, indicating to the others, all of whom are looking on with approval. “You’ll have the power to make Equestria an even better place.” Starlight looks down uncertainly, before asking in a hushed tone, “ How do I start?” Twilight just smiles. “Starting is easy! All you have to do is make a friend!” She indicates to us all as we gather around them. “And you’ve got eight of them right here.” We all come together for a group hug. Starlight melts into it, but after a few moments, makes us pull apart. She looks around at all of us, before casting her eyes down again. “After everything I put you all through, you’re really willing to be my friends?” She looks to me in particular. “You, especially?” I close my eyes, before giving a small warm smile. “Your actions led to horrible things, Starlight, but Twilight, Spike and I were able to help those timelines. Besides,” I look to her with gratitude, “if not for putting us through all that, I may never have learned the truth.” That causes Starlight and the others to look at me in confusion. They look to Twilight for answers, but her expression has become anxious. “Ken?” she asks, her voice suddenly very strained. “Can I… not have to focus on this for a while?” I give a light chuckle. “Okay, Twilight. I’ll leave you and the others to help Starlight get settled in and started. You can handle our family situation later.” Applejack cocks an eyebrow. “Family situation?” I giggle, before winking at her. “You’ll all find out soon enough.” With that, I teleport away, leaving Spike to try keeping Twilight calm and focused on Starlight again. ___________________________________________________________ “Sister?” Luna asks, looking to her older sister in surprise as the two meet up within the Canterlot Royal Gardens. “Why did you call me here?” Celestia blinks. “I didn’t call you here. You called me… didn’t you?” “No,” they both whirl around as I step out from behind the hedges, my expression neutral. “I called you both here.” At once, the two’s faces pale. “You know, I think I have some dignitaries to discuss some trade routes with!” Celestia says hurriedly. “And I need to prepare the evenings’ lavender for tonight!” Luna says just as fast. They move to leave, but slam, somewhat comically, into the magic wall I’d just erected in front of the path leading out. They both get up, shaking their heads and lighting their horns for a quick teleport getaway. “The first princess of Equestria.” They both freeze, their horns' magic dissipating. Slowly, the two taller ponies turn around, their faces mixed between horrified and confused. I meet their gazes with a sad, but warm smile. “I’m sorry I didn’t know. My memories are far more broken than you could’ve guessed.” The two both stare at me for several long minutes, not sure how to react. I close my eyes and walk into the garden, the two hurrying after me. I stop in front of the tall statue with the title “The first princess of Equestria” underneath it. We stand in front of it in silence, myself looking over the Alicorn mare, tall and strong, with her hair lank and her head turned to her left, a warm, sad smile on her face, her flank barren of any Cutie Mark. She looks near identical to the one I saw in that foggy place before I gained my few memories back. “How…?” Luna pauses, gulping loudly and taking a deep breath. “How are you… here? You are still here, but then the statue should not be. How has this happened?” I stare up at the stone eyes of my past self, filled with sad happiness, before lowering my head. “I do not know, Lulu.” “Well, I do!” There’s a flash following the cheery voice and a familiar mismatched being appears, sitting on the back of the statue. He leans forward, resting his chin on his hands. “And I’d be more than happy to finally show you, now that the pony’s out of the bag.” Celestia frowns. “Isn’t the saying “now that the cat’s out of the bag”?” Discord waves his hand, dismissing her words. “Oh, semantics, semantics.” He folds her arms. “Do you want to know the truth or not?” The three of us look to each other for several long moments, before nodding, looking to Discord and nodding again. At once, his expression softens. “Very well. As a certain Ghost of Hearth’s Warming Past said, let’s take a trip down memory lane and see just what the past has to say.” He snaps his talons and the world goes white. ___________________________________________________________ There’s a flash of light and a lavender mare falls from the sky, screaming as she lands with a flop in a bush. “Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!” she cries out, pulling herself from the bush, covered in Sting Bush Seed Pods. She spends several minutes using her magic to pull them off, saying a small “Ow” every time. Once she’s free of all the Sting Bush Seed Pods, she looks around, before seeming very confused. “What in Equestria am I doing here?” she asks, cocking her head and scanning the area. “Wasn’t I just in Princess Luna’s study? How’d I get out here? And where’s all the snow? Wasn’t it winter a few seconds ago? I didn’t use a Teleporting Spell.” She cocks her head to the side. “Did I?” She takes in her surrounding more. It’s an open field, not too many trees. A fair few shrubs, but nothing else. She scratches her head. “Where in Equestria am I? Twilight? Spike? Mom? Dad? Anypony? Hello?” She walks off, calling out for anypony. The four of us watch, three of us stunned. “That’s… that’s me?” I ask, looking to Discord, who nods. “How come she didn’t see us?” He just rolls his eyes… no, he literally takes out his eyes and rolls them on the ground, them rolling up a rock and landing back in his head. “Surely Twilight told you about the time she and I first fought, back when I was still a villain? It’s the same as when I showed her the past. We are observers, nothing more.” Luna looks to the now fading form of my past self, before looking to Discord. “But… that didn’t happen. Her dialogue implies she just cast the spell I left for her in my room, but we know that she did not go back in time, for Twilight found her shortly after the spell was cast.” Discord sighs. “This is what happens when Star Swirl helps write a unique spell only Princess Ken could cast.” He looks to the both of them. “I’m guessing you had a hard time deciphering the spell?” The two sisters look to each other, then back to the Lord of Chaos, Celestia answering. “Well, yes. His horn writing never was very clear.” “I’ll admit, while I recognized the words as Old Ponish, it was hard to read them.” I say, blushing. Discord nods. “Well, Ken can be excused as she’d only read the spell itself, not the explanations for what it does.” He teleports a black board with diagrams I can’t understand all jumbled together. “And this is helpful how, exactly?” I ask. “I’m not Twilight. This all looks like gobbledygook to me.” Discord nods. “Allow me to explain. Celestia and Luna and the readers” he winks at you, “have been under the impression, despite all the hints, that the spell was meant to send Ken back in time.” I look to the other Alicorns, both of who seem as confused as I am, though I’m more wondering what he means by “readers” and why he turned his head to the side and winked at nothing in particular. “And that’s… not what happened?” “Oh, no, it is,” Discord says, spinning the board, causing it to vanish. “Though it is only half true. Ken did not physically go back in time. Allow me to demonstrate.” He snaps his talons and the scenery has changed to Luna’s study, myself standing in front of the tome from that night, my eyes squinted as the past me tries to read the words. “For myself… to be seen… who I am, I… leave this behind, to… serve the plan?” As soon as my past self says it, her eyes shine white, her horn flaring with magic, a portal much like the one created whenever Starlight’s altered version of Star Swirl’s Time Travel Spell was used appearing above her head. We all watch as a massive surge of magic explodes from her horn, flying into the portal. For at least half a minute this goes on, my past self’s white eyes wide, her mouth open in what seems like a silent scream, before it all suddenly stops, the portal closes and she flops to the floor, unmoving. Discord snaps his fingers and we’re back in the clearing. “That’s what happened?” Celestia asks, stunned. “But… But we thought the spell would send her right to the past, not a surge of her magic,” Luna looks at Discord sceptically. “How could sending magic into a time portal for a mere thirty seconds have been long enough for Mo…?” She glances at me and I give her a warm smile, nodding. Luna takes a deep breath, before returning her gaze to Discord, her voice firm. “How could a mere thirty seconds have been enough to sustain Mother in the past for over a hundred years?” Discord shakes his head, tutting. “Honestly, Luna. With you visiting the Dream Realm every night, I thought you of all ponies would understand, at least.” I frown, rubbing my chin with a hoof. “Wait. Do we need to be thinking in fifth dimensions?” Party horns blare and confetti explodes around us, Discord putting a flower sash around my neck. “She’s got it! Give the princess a prize!” Celestia and Luna look to each other, then back to us, the former speaking, “We still don’t get it.” Discord sighs, before teleporting a Twilight Mane Wig onto his head and holding up his finger in a lecturing manor. “You see, time is a fickle thing, my dear KK. It does not conform around us as much as we must conform to it. Time bends in many different directions. So, what was merely thirty seconds in one point in time was well over a hundred sometime else.” Celestia looks from Discord to me, then back again. “I still don’t get it.” Discord pouts, folding his arms. “Well, I didn’t bring you with me just to constantly explain the ins and outs of time travel mechanics. Now, let’s continue with the history lesson.” ___________________________________________________________ We see the other version of me huddled among a group of unicorns, a ragged brown coat around her, hiding her wings. They’re all sitting outside a wooden hut of some kind, a fire burning in the circle they’d all formed. “This new land of Equestria is amazing,” a white unicorn mare says, sounding tired, but happy. “I still don’t see why we need to share the land with those blasted Earth Ponies and pegasi,” a brown stallion says, snorting. “Or why we have to sleep in wooden huts.” “From what we’ve heard, we’re better off that way,” a red mare says, glaring at the stallion. “It was only by working together, unicorns, Earth Ponies and pegasi, that our leaders were able to dispel the Windigoes.” “I agree with Bright Sight,” the other me says, nodding. “Working together is a far better idea than bickering among each other. And we’re not the only ones living in huts. Everypony’s in the same boat here. Cities take a long time to build. They don’t just spring up overnight.” I look to Discord. “Did nopony ask about my wings?” He smirks. “None yet knew. But…” A suddenly roar from not too far off cuts through the ease of the night. Everypony leaps up, their heads looking left and right. A stomping sound rings out, before something comes out from the darkness, into the fire’s light. It’s a hydra, and it looks damn hungry. Everypony scrambles, trying to avoid the massive beast. “MAMA!” My past self skids to a stop and looks behind her. A young black coated filly is running as fast as her little legs will take her, but the beast is closing in extremely fast. My past self narrows her eyes and throws off her cloak and flaring her wings. She ignores the stunned looks of those who were passing her and launches herself into the air, aiming for the filly. She reaches her and scoops up the filly, just missing the snapping jaws by seconds. The filly hugs onto her, before looking to her wings in bewilderment. My past self looks back, glaring at the hydra, firing a rapid number of spells at its four sets of eyes. Its four heads scream in pain, thumping around, no clue where it’s going anymore. “Everypony, move it!” she yells, shooting through air, scanning for the filly’s mother. We watch until the unicorns and other me are out of sight, before all turning back to Discord. “Equestria’s settlement wasn’t nearly as simple as those Hearth’s Warming Eve plays suggest,” he says, looking with disapproval at the still flailing hydra. “There was another who wished to claim the land for his own. Thus, began the Monster Wars.” He snaps his talons and suddenly we’re on a battle field. Looking around, I’m uncomfortably reminded of the first altered timeline Twilight, Spike and I ended up in. There are creatures of all the races, Diamond Dogs, griffons, hippogriffs, dragons and ponies alike, wagging war against, for lack of a better term, monsters. I see hydras, Cocktrices, Chimeras and other things, some so horrifically terrifying that they honestly defy description. “Rah!” We turn to see my past self, blood covering her right leg and wings, lunging forward, magical blades on her forelimbs. She slices into a chimera, saving a red griffon who stares wide eyed, almost losing his grip on the writhing mass of rock reptile beneath him. Past me snarls, slashing through the beast, causing its three heads to roar in pain, before collapsing to the ground. “Enough, pony!” Past me whirls around as a figured shrouded in black lunges at her, what look like ram horns glowing with a dark magic. She glares at he, blocking the magical blasts it fires from its horns by using her weapons. “Now, Gusty!” she yells. At once, a black shadow of a pony with a curved unicorn horn and a wispy tail shoots between the two, grabbing something from around the thing with ram horns, pulling it off his neck. “NO!” he yells, but the pony turns to face him, followed by a flash of yellow light. “RAH!” past me yells, her horn flaring, blasting the creature with everything she had towards the light. ___________________________________________________________ We’re in a throne room that looks… very familiar, if still not finished. “Canterlot Castle?” Luna looks to Discord. “Why are we here?” He merely points. We follow the direction to see the past version of me. She’s sitting atop the throne, draped in a purple and gold cloak. Standing before her are many ponies and other creatures. At the head of the group are three ponies I recognize from the books on Hearth’s Warming Twilight read to me while I was so weak from the spell I’d cast that night. A mare with an attire that looks styled after pudding whom shares Pinkie Pie’s colours, a strong black Pegasus stallion wearing golden armour and a unicorn mare with a blueish-purple coat, wearing a crown and a purple and silver cloak. Chancellor Pudding Head, Commander Hurricane and Princess Platinum. They and every creature bows before the past version of me. “In these trying times, you were the light that kept all going,” Hurricane says, his head low in respect. “You fought with honour and courage.” “In these new times, where all ponies are united as one tribe and all creatures are bound by the fights they joined in, it is only fitting a pony who holds traits of all three tribes and united all creatures to battle should rule,” the chancellor says. Princess Platinum gets up and turns around, looking at all those gathered. “All hail, Princess Ken, the first Princess of Equestria!” “Hail, Princess Ken! Hail Princess Ken!” all those present cheer. As the cheers continue, we look to Discord. He smiles. “Now, here’s something I know you two will remember,” he looks pointedly at Celestia and Luna as he says this, snapping his fingers. ___________________________________________________________ My past self is walking through a field, watching the three tribes working together to harvest what I’m guessing is the year’s crops. Joining them are a handful of others, some Diamond Dogs here, a griffon or two there. She sighs sadly and I notice how none of the unicorns are using their magic. “This cannot go on,” she murmurs, bitting her lip. “At this rate, there will be no unicorns able to cast magic within a month.” I blink, looking to Discord with confusion. “What is she talking about?” Discord doesn’t get to answer as the cries of two young voices rings out. The past me looks around, before her eyes fall on a trio of unicorn stallions who seem to have cornered two fillies against the bottom side of a cliff. She heads down quickly, landing between them and the fillies. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” she demands. They all falter at the sight of her, but the leader, a tall brown stallion with a bucket for a Cutie Mark, steps forward. “We’re taking these brats to Canterlot so they can be used for the sun and moon!” My past self cocks an eyebrow, before glaring. “Why? You know we only have young adults and fully grown ponies do that. And they volunteer. We do not force other unicorns to give up their magic.” “Those two are worthless!” another of them, a grey one says, glaring at the fillies behind her. “They lost their parents because they were stupid enough to go wandering around in the areas the monsters are suspected to hide away and now they’re just common thieves. Let them lose their magic. It would serve them right!” Past me glares daggers at the trio and they back away. “Leave, now, or I’ll make sure all three of you give up yours tonight! Now, get out of my sight!” The three blanch and hightail it out of there. Past me takes several moments to calm down, before she turns around, smiling at the two fillies. They were unicorns, the slightly older one with a white coat, pink mane and the younger a blue mane slightly darker in colour than her coat. The two look to her in worry, but she smiles warmly at them. “What are your names, little ones?” The young sister hides behind her big sister, who looks at the taller mare both with fear and determination. “Ce-Celestial Light, Your Majesty.” She indicates to the other filly. “This is my little sister, Moon Dream.” The area phases and now we’re looking as the past me is leading the two fillies through Canterlot Castle, both looking around, mouths open in wonder. “Is… is it weally alwight that we’we hewe?” Moon Dream asks as Past Ken stops in front of a door and knocks. She looks to the filly and smiles. “Of course. I couldn’t bear if those mean stallions did something to you that you didn’t want after I left.” She pauses, frowning at the door. “Oh, for goodness sake. Star Swirl?” She opens the door, only for the sound of an explosion to go off, smoking pouring out. She puts her wings over the fillies, the three of them coughing as the smoke slowly moves away. “Girls, be careful now,” she says, pushing the door open further. “Star Swirl?” “Confound it all,” a deep male voice says from within. “Still no result.” The grey bearded stallion waves a hoof in front of him, revealing several destroyed vials of some kind. He continues to wave his hoof, before noticing myself. “Ah, Princess. My apologies, I didn’t hear you… knock…” He catches sight of the two fillies. “And who are these little ones?” “Moon Dream and her big sister Celestial Light,” past me says, nudging the two. “I’m going to be looking after them for a while.” She scowls. “Some stallions were trying to abduct them so they would be forced to raise and lower the sun and moon.” He scowls too, nodding. “Heartless welts. It takes skill to do so, and they wanted to force foals to do it?” “Speaking of,” she asks, looking anxiously at him, “do you think you’ll be able to raise the moon tonight?” He sighs, but nods. “It is indeed taxing, Your Highness, but I can do it.” “I wish you’d let me help,” past me says, seeming earnestly annoyed and worried in equal measure. “I’m certain, as an Alicorn, I have more than enough magic.” He shakes his head. “You are the ruler of Equestria. We cannot risk you losing your magic permanently. For now, we work with what we have.” “And what we have will run out soon,” she states firmly. “Star Swirl, we have maybe a month before you will be the only adult unicorn able to cast spells at all and we both know that.” He shakes his head. “It is late, Your Highness. We’ll discuss this further in the morning. For now, I have to get back to work.” The past me sighs, seeming to realize this stubborn old stallion won’t change his mind. The scene suddenly changes again, this time becoming a bedroom. Laying atop a large four poster bed is my past self, the little fillies snuggled against her. I can’t help smiling. They remind me so much of… wait a minute. Their names. I’ve heard them before. I said them before. I look to Discord, wide eyed and he nods. “This is when it happens,” I look to Celestia, who’s eyes are wide. “When what happens?” I cock my head. She doesn’t answer, just keeps watching. I follow her gaze. Celestial Light… or, whom I now realize is a young Celestia, stirs, sitting up and yawning. She looks around at the dimly lit room, looking confused. She then turns her eyes to the open window, where it is clear the sun hasn’t risen yet. She frowns, getting out of the bed, hopping down to the floor and walking to the balcony. She looks out over the horizon, her eyes narrowed. “Why isn’t the sun up, yet?” She pouts. “Lazy unicorns, not raising the sun when they’re supposed to. If the princess finds out, they’ll be in big trouble.” I look to Celestia, an eyebrow raised. She blushes furiously. “In my defence, I was a little filly with no idea how the method of raising the sun and moon was so taxes on the unicorns.” I roll my eyes, smiling, before returning my attention to her younger self as she closes her eyes, her horn lighting with its golden aura. We watch as the sun slowly rising above the horizon, before it’s sitting in the sky, the day officially having begun. “Hmm? Who rose the sun early?” my past self sits up in bed, rubbing her eyes, little Moon Dream, aka, Luna, sitting up too, yawning in the most adorable way. “They were being lazy, so I did it for them,” little Celestia says firmly, huffing. Past me opens her eyes, frowning in confusion and looks to the filly. “What do you mean you did it… for them? Celestial Light, your flank!” “Huh?” the little filly cocks her head in confusion, before looking to her flank, her eyes widening at the sun emblazoned on it. She squeals with joy so loud my ears splay back. “IT GOT MY CUTIE MARK! I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!” “Yay!” little Luna hops down and the two fillies dance around excitedly. “Big sis got hew Cootie Mawk! Big sis got hew Cootie Mawk!” Past me is just staring at the fillies, mouth agape. I can see she’s connecting the dots. Celestia’s Cutie Mark on a filly who’s name contains the word Celestia and who raised the sun all on her own with no backlash, a little sister name Moon Dream, when Luna is another word for moon and Luna watches over others' dreams? I look to Discord, who just smiles at me. “Yep. This was the day you became Celestia and Luna’s mother. It’s also the day they both got their Cutie Marks.” He snaps his fingers and the scene changes to very late afternoon. The sun is just heading down the horizon, little Celestia’s horn glowing, her chest puffed out in pride. “I still cannot believe it,” Star Swirl says, standing behind past me and the two sisters, looking from the lowering sun to the white unicorn, every creature behind seeming just as stunned. “A filly able to raise and lower the sun all on her own, with no backlash to her magic whatsoever. Extraordinary.” “I have a feeling she’s not the only one with a gift,” past me says, leaning down and nuzzling little Luna. “You… you weally tink I can do it?” she asks, looking in my past self’s eyes with uncertainty. “I doubt it,” little Celestia says smugly. “I bet she messes up and — OW!” she puts her hooves over her head, having just received a whap upside the head from past me’s wing. I look to Celestia again, an eyebrow raised and she wilts a little. “That smugness was never a good thing, Tia. I do hope you’ve grown out of it since the last eleven hundred years.” Luna scoffs, nudging her sister playfully. “Hardly. I would not have ended up on the moon for a thousand of those years if she had.” Celestia looks down in shame, but Luna hugs her with a wing. “Tia, don’t be so mean to your sister,” past me says sternly to little Celestia, drawing out attention again, before looking to little Luna with a warm, encouraging smile. “Don’t worry, Lulu. I know you can do it.” The blue filly giggles at the name, before her anxious expression returns. She steps forward, lighting her little horn. She grunts, gritting her teeth. After a few minutes, the moon slowly rising over the horizon, before settling in the sky. “Lulu, that’s brilliant,” past me says, pulling the filly into a hug. Little Luna laughs excitedly, looking down at the crescent moon Cutie Mark on her flank, before hugging my past self again. Little Celestia pouts, annoyed, before she’s pulled into the hug too, the three laughing and cheering. “You two are going to do amazing things for Equestria! I just know it,” past me says, smiling warmly down at the two. I wipe a few tears from my eyes as I watch the exchange, before movement from the right catches my attention and I look. Star Swirl is rubbing his chin, frowning. He then walks off, muttering something I can’t distinguish. I cock an eyebrow. What was that all about? ___________________________________________________________ Star Swirl is in his study, grinning as he lowers a scroll on his desk… before frowning at another. “What are you doing, Star Swirl?” He jumps, before turning around to see the other me, who’s giving him quite the questioning, if annoyed look. And why’s her mane seem frazzled? “Oh, Princess,” he says, sounding relieved. “It’s just you.” “What are you working on?” she asks, her eyes narrowed. “Might it explain why you aren’t helping me handle Luna and Celestia? Alicorn fillies are not exactly easy to handle on one’s own, you know?” He pauses, before sighing and showing me a scroll that looks burned. “Apologies, Your Highness. After I saw you daughters transform into Alicorns amist all the cheers from your subjects, I wanted to try and figure out if it is possible for one to transform without some great deed of magic. You have not revealed what turned you into an Alicorn all those centuries ago.” She cocks an eyebrow. “Centuries?” He gives her a slight frown. “Please, do not pretend, Princess. I am fully aware you had already been living secretly among us unicorns before I was even born. I am well into my forties and you have barely aged a day, growing taller, if nothing else. Other Alicorns are likely the same, so I wished to make it possible should another pony arise whom our world cannot do without. Celestia and Luna are primes examples. They are rare, ponies who can raise and lower the sun and moon without issue. We cannot afford to lose them. I feel we were lucky they turned into Alicorns when they did. We may not be so lucky, the next time.” She gives him a disapproving frown. “Still, those two are rambunctious. The guard cannot handle them on their own. As they're magic instructor, you intimidate, possibly more so than myself when they misbehave and I catch them in the act.” He nods, looking down. I notice two more scrolls. I frown, one seeming a little familiar. “What’s this scroll?” my past self asks as I’m looking. “Hmm?” he looks at it, before waving a hoof. “Oh, that was just my first attempt at Alicorn tranformation. But, no matter what I tried, I couldn’t get it right.” “Have you cast it yet?” she asks. He shakes his head. “It would be too dangerous. There are things about it I just have not been able to get right. If it were cast now, I don’t know what would happen.” She looks to the other scroll and blinks, before nodding. “I see you were able to finish this spell. He nods, before shaking his head again. “My personal attempts at time travel spells was inconclusive. Only a week back and only for a minute at best. Hardly an accomplishment. This one, however,” he looks it over, impressed, “once the you of your past casts it, they will be sent back to our time.” He looks to her. “Are you sure you want this?” She nods. “I have to go back to the past. After Luna and Celestia, it is clear I needed to be here for them to become the rulers of Equestria’s future.” Her face saddens. “I miss my sister and family very deeply, but if I do not do this, Equestria’s fate could be ended before it even began and I would rather live centuries without them than them never get the chance to live at all.” She sighs heavily. “Even if it is without me.” He cocks an eyebrow, glancing at the scroll, but shrugs and nods, putting the parchment in a book. “I hear you joined a group of ponies to fight Sirens several days ago?” past me asks as the two leave the study. He nods, rubbing his beard. “Indeed. Quite the formidable foes. However, they are now trapped in a world without magic. They will be powerless there.” I can’t help rolling my eyes. Yeah. Harmless. That’s the word. ___________________________________________________________ The Castle of the Two Sisters. A group of ponies are standing before my past self, who is looking most upset. One is massive cyan Earth Pony stallion who’s size eclipses even Big Mac, his hair and clothing reminding me of Vikings, oddly enough, who… is holding a shovel for some reason. Another is a wizened greyish-blue unicorn mare wearing what kinda reminds me of the top half of the outfits from Sailor Moon. Her horn is curved, but it’s her mane and tail, coloured a mangy greyish-green, that grabs my attention. It’s wavy, like Celestia and Luna’s. Who is this mare? Next is a pinkish Pegasus mare wearing… are those Egyptian clothing? Huh? Since when does Equestria have an Egypt? Beside her is another Pegasus, this one wearing grey armour of those I’d seen throughout these flashback, the Royal Legion, essentially what the Royal Guards were back in those times. … Okay, remembering this stuff vaguely is really weird with the titbits that crop up clearly with just the right nudges. The last of the unknown group is a blue Earth Pony mare with some kind of mask… that reminds me a bit of those worn by plague doctors. Okay, that’s not exactly encouraging without some clarification and I get the feeling Discord is intentionally not going to give me that just to screw with me. “Is there truly no other way?” she asks Star Swirl, her voice almost pleading as she looks among the six gathered ponies. He sighs, shaking his head. “I am afraid not, Your Majesty. You saw him for yourself. That beast is too powerful and must be stopped. Taking him into exile with us is the best course of action we have.” “The girls will be devastated,” she closes her eyes forlornly. “Princess, I ask that you not tell them,” he says firmly. “Rambunctious as they have become in their youth, they would no doubt try to find a while to save us, but you cannot do so without releasing our enemy as well.” He puts a hoof over his chest. “My fellow Pillars and I are willing to make the sacrifice.” My past self looks at him, her eyes pleading, before she closes them again, sighing heavily. “I understand.” She looks to him with worry. “But, with you all gone, who will keep the Everfree Forest from going out of control?” He smiles. “Fear not, Princess. We have left behind a seed, imbued with a piece of each of us. It will grow and keep the Everfree under control.” She blinks, before frowning in curiosity. “Where did you plant it?” He chuckles. “Why, at the back of that cave underneath the castle. A perfect hiding place, would you not agree?” My eyes widen at the same time as my past self’s, both of us murmuring, “The Tree of Harmony.” “Hmm?” Star Swirl asks, leaning a little closer. “Pardon me, Your Highness, but I didn’t catch that.” She blinks, taken aback, before shaking her head and sighing. “It’s nothing. Farewell, dear friend. I only wish we had more time.” He nods, bows, then hurries out of the room, joining the others as they leave the castle and head through the Everfree. “That was the day Star Swirl vanished,” Celestia says, her eyes wide. “We always wondered what happened and why you never sent search parties out for him,” Luna looks to me accusingly. “It’s because you knew he was going off with the rest of the Pillars to fight… whatever it is that had to deal with.” “Hey, you two are hardly in the right to lecture me, right now, are you?” I cock an eyebrow at Luna, making her wilt a little. “You just saw it, he asked me to keep you in the dark so you would not try to save him, unintentionally releasing whatever it is they were going to find, too.” “Mother… is right, Luna,” Celestia sighs, looking forelornly as the scnery starts changing again. “We have held information from Twilight for her own good. We cannot blame our own mother for doing the same for us.” Luna looks like she wants to argue, but pauses, thinks it over, before she sighs, nodding gloomily. ___________________________________________________________ “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” an Earth Pony guard yells, chasing after a grey unicorn stallion with a tornado for a Cutie Mark. Discord pauses, before chuckling nervously. “Oh… right. This is my part. I’m…” he rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not exactly proud of this part.” “Huh?” the three of us look to him, then each other and shrug, before returning to watching the past play out. The unicorn runs down a hall, before lighting his horn and pullking down a suit of armour, tripping the guard. “Ha ha!” he jeers back… in a very familiar voice. “Can’t catch me, you old mud slinger! Now, I’ll— oof!” He topples backwards. Rubbing his head, he looks up, his eyes widening. Standing before him is my past self, slightly taller than when Star Swirl and the rest of the Pillars of Light left… and she looks pissed as fuck. “I am only going to give you one final warning, Discord,” she says coldly. “WHAT?” the three of us look to Discord, then back to the pony, then him. He rubs his neck again. “Yeah. It might just be easier to watch than try explaining it.” We look back as the unicorn gets up, glaring at my past self. “Clover is a fool not to take me on as his apprentice!” he snarls. “With Star Swirl still missing after all this time, he is the top wizard in Equestria now! I am more than worthy of his teachings!” Past me just continues to give him the cold stare. “And you think that gives you right to steal from my daughters' castle? I had it built here in Everfree so they could avoid traitorous welts like yourself.” “I’ll show you!” he yells, pulling a scroll the sack over his bag. “I’ll show you all! Once I cast this spell Star Swirl didn’t have the guts for, you’ll all see how great I am.” The past me looks at the scroll, her eyes widening. “No! That spell is unfinished!” He lights his horn, casting the spell. At once, the scroll glows, before a light shoots from it, slamming into him. He screams in agnoy, his body starting to contort and twist, a portal opening up behind him and sucking the both of them in. “You fool, Discord!” My past selfs screams as she’s pulled in. “What have you done?!” The portal closes with a pop. The guard from earlier comes around the corner and pauses, looking around in confusion. “Didn’t I hear the princess’ voice?” A sound light an explosion is followed by my past self appearing in a flash of light, slamming into the nearby wall, going right through it. The guard hurries over, his eyes widening at the sight of her, as do my own. She’s much taller now. She’s got to be at least as tall as Celestia is now and her mane and tail are ethereal. “I’m… home at last,” she says, sounding close to sobbing, her voice beyond weak and she passes out. ___________________________________________________________ We all turn to Discord as the world fades away, all three of us giving disapproving stares. “Okay, yes, I realize now how bad it was to try Star Swirl’s first Alicorn spell without knowing I needed to actually have an understanding of friendship for it to work,” he says, before putting his hands on his hips. “But how was I supposed to know it would cause me to literally become an embodiment of chaos? Besides,” he folds his arm, “I’m pretty sure we can all agree it was for the best in the end.” We all roll our eyes. “Anything else you want us to see?” I ask, trying to get us back on topic. He opens his eyes, blinking, before his expression sags slightly. “Only one, Ken. Your last one.” I blink, before he snaps his fingers. The scenery around as forms… and my mouth opens wide with horror. We’re standing just outside Canterlot… and it is in ruins. Buildings are broken and crumbling, fires are burning and ponies and many other creatures’ bodies are scattered all over the place, many of them looking as if they’ve been mummified. “Wha… what is this?!” I yell, looking to the other three… but feel my gut fall at their expressions. Luna and Celestia have tears in their eyes, while Discord is not meeting my eyes, looking mournful. “I’m sorry, my daughters.” My voice draws my attention and I turn to see my other self standing, armour like she’d worn during the Monster Wars cast aside, near a cliff, stepping away from the prone forms of a Luna and Celestia that look more like their current selves, unconscious. She quickly casts a spell, creating a shield around the two, before turning. She’s facing off against… what the heck even is that… thing? Best I can describe is a giant ball of flames with a sneering face. “Okay then,” my past self says, taking a deep breath. “I think I know what to do.” She looks to the flaming thing before her, her wings spread, her expression… wistful? “Let me ask you a question.” “Hmm?” I glance away back to the prone forms of my daughters to see past Luna is awake. She looks around, before noticing the shield. She turns and sees my past self facing off against that… whatever it is. She cries out, her words unheard through the barrel. She starts banging on the shield and blasting it with spells, but it doesn’t falter. Sobbing from my right makes me look to see Celestia holding Luna, who is crying into her sister’s chest. “It… isn’t the best memory for her,” Discord says, being sure not to meet anypony’s eyes. “Do you know what it’s like to be a god?” I turn my attention back to my past self, who’s staring back at that thing with no fear at all. “To be feared. To have generations devote themselves to you? To have the very ground you walk on to be praised? To feel the love and hope of an entire nation placed upon your shoulders?” She lifts a helmet, before casting it aside to join the rest of her discarded armour. “My little ponies like to think I’m a god,” she closing her eyes, gritting her teeth, “but I’m not. I’m just a mare, trying her hardest to keep them all safe. But you…” She opens her eyes, glaring, sweeping a foreleg around at all the devastation and death spread out everywhere. “You’re just a parasite eating out of jealousy and envy and longing for the lives of others!” Tears well in her eyes. “I love my ponies dearly, but you feed on them! On the memory of love and loss. And birth and death! And joy and sorrow!” She squares up, her body glowing with a brighter light. “So, come on, then. Take mine. Take my memories,” she growls. “But I hope you’ve got a big appetite, because I have lived a long life and I have seen a few things. “I walked away from the great Monster War. I marked the passing of the old era.” She closes her eyes, pain in her face. “I was shown the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me.” Her eyes are still closed as tendrils of magic start seeping out of her and into the maw of the thing before her, surging in, it greedily taking what she offered. “I walked in a universe where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man. I’ve watched countries freeze and cities burn. I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe.” She closes her eyes. “I have lost things you will never understand. Futures that never got lived. Days that should have been that never were. Passed on to me. Whole futures that never happened. There are billions and millions of unlived days for every day I’ve lived. An infinity. All the days that never came.” She opens her eyes, a fierce determination in then. “And I know things. Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasites like you blaze. So come on, then.” Suddenly, the beast slows down. It keeps eating but… it seems like it’s trying to stop. My past self raises an eyebrow. “Hmm? Well, come on then. Eat up.” She tilts her head as it moans. “Are you full? She chuckles, smirking. “I’d expect so, because there’s quite a difference, isn’t there, between what was and what should have been. There’s an awful lot of one, but there’s an infinity of the other. And infinity’s too much, even for your appetite. And I’ve two of them!” I stare, wide eyed. Wait, that was her plan. This beast feeds… oh, my word, that’s brilliant! Horrifying, but brilliant. “Now,” my past self grins, “it’s time to take your fill and finish your meal! You started this, so now, let’s end it. Take it! Take it all, you monster! Have it! You. Have it. ALL!” Her last scream is punctured by a storm of magic exploding from her, surging up towards the beast and forcing its way into its mouth. Its expression shows it doesn’t want more, but it just keeps coming and coming. As the torrent continues to enter it, the beast starts turning black. It starts as small splotches dotted here and there, but they quickly start spreading, until its whole body is nothing but a black mass. A few minutes later, the energy stops flowing from my past self. The beasty hovers in the air for several moments, before it blows, scattering like ashes to the wind. My past self is breathing heavily. As I watch, I notice her body is… it’s turning to stone! “Mother!” she turns as the past Luna runs towards her, the magical barrier having faded. My past self just smiles sadly at her as her face is covered in rock, her expression frozen forever. “No!” past Luna yells, reaching her just as the last bit of flesh is covered in stone. She looks at the statue in horror, tears pouring down her face, before she bends down, slamming her hooves into the ground. “No! Mother! Mother, please, no! No, no, no-ooo-ho-ho-hoooo! Mama!” She looks to the heavens, her face etched with pain. “MAMA!” ___________________________________________________________ The world fades away, until the four of us are standing in the Canterlot Gardens once again, standing before my past self’s…. my statue. Luna is practically bawling, Celestia trying to comfort her sister. Stepping forward, I pull the two of them into a strong hug, them both returning it in kind. “I… I b-blamed Celestia for your death!” my little Moon Dream sobs, her tears soaking my coat as she hugs my smaller frame. “I-I convinced myself that… that she had to have known a way. I… After we defeated Discord, I started seeing everything she did as trying to hinder me because you were gone!” “And I was no better!” Celestia quietly sobs. “I tried to ignore what had happened. Pretend you had just gone away or something… and, in doing so, ignored Luna, making her feel worthless, leading to Nightmare Moon.” We all remain silent for a time, just holding each other. After what feels like hours, I look over to Discord. “Would you mind giving Twilight a message for me, Discord?” I ask, sniffling. He looks down in shame. “After everything, it’s the least I can do, Your Highness.” I sniffle again. “Tell Twilight, I plan on spending the next couple days and nights with my daughters. We… we need time to catch up, ya know?” He nods, snapping his talons and disappearing, leaving me holding my daughters, letting them release over a thousand years’ worth of sorrow. Sorrow only the three of us can ever understand. > Chapter 23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23 ___________________________________________________________ Light, gentle laughter fills the air as a fire crackles in the hearth. Luna, Celestia and I are seated on cushions in Celestia’s personal study. We are all seated in the centre on a rug, the fire keeping us warm in the early morning. Gather around us are several books an items. To a random observer, this items are nothing, random objects that hold no value or purpose. To the three of us, however? Priceless heirlooms of a past long since gone. “Oh, I remember this,” I smile as I lift up a small clay circle. In it are three different hoof indentations of three sizes. Under each one, going from smallest to biggest are the words Mama, Tia and Me. “You made this three days after I adopted you both.” I rub my cheek against my younger daughter, who leans gratefully into the sing of affection We have been spending the last 3 days reminiscing, rekindling the bond we all had long thought lost so many centuries ago. Sadly, it seemed I had fewer of my memories back than I had originally assumed. Granted, I had a good number, but the biggest moments, the ones that were clearly the strongest ones, at best, were in pieces. It was like my memory had been Swiss cheesed. When Discord showed us the past, it was more of a highlight reel, to get me up to speed to fully grasp the significance of my time in Equestria’s past. The looks of sadness that passed over my daughters’ faces whenever it was clear a memory that meant so much to them was so vague to me it could never fully return broke my heart every time. Thankfully, not all was lost. Of those memories I still retained, they were able to fill in the gaps, allowing us to put at least some of our most special moments back together. Most useful were the diaries I had kept over my years in the past. While the ink had faded in some places, a good portion had remained. I must admit, it is a bit surreal, reading your own thoughts put to paper, knowing, when you wrote them, you’d been under the assumption you would not return to the time I have lived through here in the present. Kinda cool. Kinda weird. “It is so good to have you home, Mother,” my Tia says, nuzzling me, while wrapping her wing around myself and Luna. “Though, I will admit… I think the fact we are now taller than you is going to take some time to get used to,” she adds with a chuckle. Luna and myself laugh along with her. “Indeed,” my youngest daughter says, shaking her head. “Twas surprising enough to be around you before. To be taller now that you are back as our mother again is… vexing.” I nod, smirking. “You both feel weird? Imagine how it feels from my end. My little girls now tower over me. I’m pretty sure a mother shouldn’t be experiencing that til she’s aged like Granny Smith.” I can’t very well say as old as Granny Smith, since I’m technically older than her, despite the fact I look like I could be her granddaughter. “Much has changed in Equestria since you left, Mother,” Celestia smiles, before blinking, glancing up in a confused frown. “Or… has it? I mean, you experienced Equestria as it is now before you experienced it in the past so…” She goes wall-eyed, before shaking her head. “I probably shouldn’t try to focus too hard on that, should I?” I laugh, shaking my head. “No, Tia. I do not believe it wise to try and think too hard on that. Even a mind as long lived as yours would likely not do well if it tried to align my confusing lifeline to a linear perspective.” Luna nods, giving an agreeing snort. “Indeed. Even in the Dream Realm it is difficult to comprehend. Tis best to not dwell on that aspect of Mother.” I levitate up a cup of mango tea and sip. “So, while I got to know you before my time in the past, whathave you both been up to since our last meeting in those ancient times?” Celestia smiles, before looking away. “Well, as you know, I found Cadance after she became an Alicorn and brought her into the family…” “She means your hobbies, Tia,” Luna rolls her eyes. “Honestly, I am the one who was locked on the moon for a thousand years and yet, despite that, ignoring the difficulties during my first Nightmare Night, I am the one with more hobbies than you.” I shake my head, smiling as Celestia puffs out her cheeks angrily at her sister. “Well then, while your sister tries to recover from that burn and think of her own hobbies,” I tease the largest in the room, “what of your hobbies, my dear Luna?” Luna blushes a little, rubbing the back of her neck. “Well, I’ll be honest, Mother, during my first months, I was unclear what would interest me. Many things can change over a thousand years. Most of my past times from before my… stint on the moon were no longer really a thing in the modern Equestria I returned to.” She lights her horn, a chest appearing next to her. She opens it, rummaging around, before pulling out a book with a Pegasus with a three-tone black, white and grey mane and tail and brown coat. “Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle did, however, get me interested in this book series,” she says excitedly, passing it to me so I can hold it in my magic. “Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny,” I read the title, before frowning at the cover. “Wait a minute. Is that… Rainbow Dash on the cover?” Luna nods, before shrugging. “It turns out that Daring Do is a real pony and A.K. Yearling is merely the penname she uses for her books. Rainbow Dash got to be on the cover because she, Twilight Sparkle and their friends aided her in this adventure. Obviously she used different names and descriptions for them in the book,” she waves a hoof, “but we know Twilight Sparkle and her friends too well not to notice the similarities between the characters and them.” I shrug, opening the book and flicking through a few pages, skimming them as I take a sip of my tea. “Wait until you get to the part where Daring Do and Rainbow Dash thwart the evil Ahuizotl from using the Ring of Destiny to—” I spit out my tea, coughing as some of it goes down my windpipe. Celestia pats me on the back as I try to clear my airways. Once I can finally breathe again, I look to Luna, wide eyed. “WHAT?! Ahuizotl? Ahuizota's descendant turned his back on the ways of the Guardian Creatures?!” “I… urm… huh?” is all Luna can respond with, giving me a very puzzled look. I quickly skim through the book and, sure enough, the creature described as trying to put the forests under eight hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat indeed matches an male sounding version of the being I vaguely remember, even going by a similar same name. At once, I start rummaging in the truck of my possessions Celestia had held onto after my believed death. “Um… Mother?” Celestia glances at her sister, uncertain. “What are you…?” “Ah-ha! You did hold onto it!” I exclaim, pulling out a metal medallion with my Cutie Mark upon it, held by a deep purple ribbon. I put the amulet around my neck and lift my hoof to touch it, before I pause, blinking and shake my head. “Come, daughters,” I say, turning around, lighting my horn, “we have urgent business to attend to.” “Mother, wait!” Celestia says loudly, causing me to pause and I look to them, only to now realize their bewildered expressions. “What was that about Guardian Creatures?” Luna asks, looking both interested and very confused. I blink, before frowning in confused annoyance. “Do neither of you remember the tales I told you of the Guardian Creatures, the ones who guard over the most dangerous relics of magic?” Luna pauses, rubbing her chin in thought. “I… do remember something.” I sigh, facehoofing. “Of course you don’t. You were both still so young back then, you likely never even noticed.” However, any further explanation is halted as my horn aches, sensing a massive wave of magical energy passing over us. Groaning tells me Luna and Celestia sensed it too. “What…? What in Equestria was that?” Celestia asks, rubbing her head. I shake my head, before narrowing my eyes. “Explanations will have to wait. For now, we must speak with that traitor!” I quickly levitate over a piece of parchment, scribbling down a message and coordinates, before levitating the scroll over to Celestia. “Um…” she glances from the scroll to me. “Send this to Twilight. It has instructions to have Spike use his dragon flame to send it to this Daring Do, letting her know where to meet us.” Celestia nods slowly, sending the message, after which I light my horn. “Wait, Mother what do you—?” Luna begins, but is cut off as my teleport activates. ___________________________________________________________ Celestia and Luna stumble, glancing around in confusion at our changed destination. We are now standing in a swampy area. “Wh-where are we?” Luna asks, shaking her head to clear it. I do no answer, instead, putting my hoof to the amulet and lighting my horn. At once, the amulet glows, a sparkle of magic flying up and splitting into two, before shooting off, one into the sky, the other… somewhere off in the trees? “Mother, what… did you just do?” Luna asks, glancing around. I turn back to them, indicating to the amulet. “This amulet was designed in case I ever needed to call on the Guardian Creatures. All I ever need do is picture the one I wish to see and either they or their replacement would come to my location. Not sure why two summons just happened though.” “I’m… not really sure that answers our questions,” Luna looks to Celestia and back to me. “Mother, what do you mean Ahuizotl is a traitor? Doesn’t one need to have been on the side of good to be a traitor if they’re evil?” I blink, glancing between the two of them, before sighing and indicating for them to sit down. “You both were too young, but, long ago, as best I can remember it, I one day learned of beings called the Guardian Creatures. A society of beings with long lifespans, just as we Alicorns have, though still limited. They have existed since even before we ponies. They are tasked with guarding the most sacred of relics, items of such unimaginable power, to mess with them is risking destruction the likes of which is on a scale one cannot even begin to comprehend. Your connection to the sun and moon are even bond by two of these relics.” They both glance each other, before looking to me. I sigh. “Long before unicorns began raising and lowering the sun and moon, they moved on their own. However, without warning, one day, they stopped. While many feared it, there were ancient sorcerers who did not fear it.” “How could they not fear the sun and moon forever remaining in place?” Luna gasps, looking to her sister. “An ancient toad sage had long ago told them of a prophecy,” I explain. “In this prediction, he foresaw two sisters whom would be bound to the sun and moon, able to wield them as if extensions of themselves. With his instructions, using spells long lost to time now, they infused two crowns with energies that would keep the power of the sun and moon from growing beyond control until those two sisters from the prophecy would come to guide the sun and moon. Crowns that were appropriately named The Sister Crown Relics.” “Though, the unicorns started first,” Celestia points out. I nod. “Keep in mind, daughter, unicorns were more… self-concerned, shall we say, back then. They were well aware of the prophecy, but were not willing to wait, so took up the role of raising and lowering the sun and moon themselves. And we all know where that led eventually.” They both nod, their expressions honestly adorable, reminding me of back when they were younger and I was telling them facts of the kingdom that fascinated their young little minds. Luna blinks, frowning in confusion. “But, how is it you learned of such a prophecy, Mother?” I chuckle. “The Guardian Creatures themselves told me… during what I now realize was the first step towards Nightmare Moon’s awakening,” I finish, my voice quiet from shock. Celestia and Luna look to each other, confused and worried. “What do you mean?” Celestia asks, leaning forward. I sigh, shaking my head. “Foolish old mare. One important fact about the Sister Crown Relics is that, should they ever be separated, the land in which they reside will be doomed to a great catastrophe. In this case, with the sun crown no longer in balance with its sister, the moon crown gained too much power and, if the sun crown was not returned, the land would be doomed to eternal night. Sound familiar?” Both of their faces pale. “The Sun Crown was stolen by thieves one day and, it was during that time, before you two came into my life, that I was approached by one of the Guardians. He was an aged Sphinx, soon to retire from his post, his granddaughter to take over. We found the thieves and retrieved the crown… but it seems, while the crown was returned, it was not soon enough to prevent a power swell. That is likely what caused you to fall to your negative emotions and become Nightmare Moon, Luna.” The two stare, horrified by the idea that their suffering due to Nightmare was because of events they never even knew of. “And… Ahuizotl is one of these Guardian Creatures?” Luna asks after some time. I nod, scowling. “He is clearly not the one from back when I was in the past. More likely, he is a descendent and named after his predecessor. That is why I asked for you to summon this Daring Do, Celestia. If she has been dealing with Ahuizotl for so long, she may be able to shed some light on why he strayed from his ancestor’s noble path.” “How long do you think it will take for her to get here?” Celestia asks, uncertain. I blink, frowning. I hadn’t thought of that. Suddenly, a teleport from behind me makes me turn around to see the mare from the front cover of that book. Her eyes widen at the sight of the three of us. “Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!” Her eyes fall on me and she bows deeply. “Princess Ken! I… um… I’m going to be honest, I… don’t know why you wanted to see me. Princess Twilight didn’t really explain.” Luna is silently sqeeing, it clear only Celestia’s magical hold is keeping her from going all fangirl. Now is not the time though. “Daring Do,” I say, standing up and turning around to face her. “You have dealt with the treacherous Ahuizotl. Can you tell me when he fell from his path?” Daring just blinks, before cocking an eyebrow in confusion. “Treacherous? I’m sorry, princess, but how can somebody who’s always been evil be treacherous? Don’t you need to have been good first?” I open my mouth to answer, but am cut off by a loud yell. “KENNY!” Before I even know what’s going on, I’m tackled by something massive and fuzzy. It takes several moments before I realize whatever is holding me, a whatever with a voice I find shockingly familiar, is nuzzling me as it presses me against its cheeks. I pull back slightly after a few moments, my eyes wide. “Fwinxie?!” She gives an big innocent smile and nods, saying, “Yep!” “Is… is that a baby sphinx?!” Daring’s voice shouts in shock. With a little coaxing, I manage to get the sphinx to let me down and I hop down, nodding. “Indeed, Miss Daring. This is Fwinxie, the Guardian Creature of the deserts around Somnambula…” I frown, glancing up at said guardian, “though, last I checked, she should be an adult by now. Elderly at best. She was a baby when she took over for her grandfather.” “Wait. They put a baby in charge of guarding dangerous magical relics?” Celestia looks shocked. I shake my head. “No. Until she was old enough, the Guardian Beasts would take it in turns to help her watch over her territory. Though…” I look up at the apparently over a thousand year old baby, “why she has barely aged a day since I last saw her over a thousand years ago, I couldn’t begin to explain. Or why she’s even here.” At this, the baby’s eyes water and she sits down, her shoulders sagging. “Wooking fow Som-Mama.” I blink, before my heart breaks and I lean in against her, rubbing my cheek against hers. “I’m so sorry, sweetie.” She sniffles, before gently leaning into my nuzzling. “Um, who is this Som-Mama?” Celestia asks, an eyebrow raised. I spend the next couple hours explaining what I can as best as possible from my fractured memories and what I can fill in thanks to what my diaries contained and my daughters had done for me over the week. Somnambula was Fwinxie’s mother after this little one had adopted her as her mother (yes, I know that’s not how it works, but it’s how it happened) and was one of the Pillar of Light along with Star Swirl. Fwinxie had apparently gone looking for her mother a few days after she’d left with Star Swirl and the other Pillars… but then found herself in this swamp, confused as to how she’d gotten there. She explains as best an infant that can barely talk can, that she got sick, though some of the things that had happened to her, though I don’t recognize as symptoms of any disease I’ve heard of. “Wait,” Daring holds up a hoof, a look of recognition, confusion and fear in her eyes. “Fwinxie, you say you started growing tree leafs and were coughing bubbles?” The baby nods, her expression uncomfortable. “Not wike. Bad bubbles. Feew bad.” “Miss Do, what do you know?” I ask, my tone stern. Daring gulps. “Well, from the symptoms she’s describing… I think Fwinxie here had Swamp Fever!” Celestia gasps, while Luna and I glance at each other, perplexed. “But, how?” Celestia looks to the baby sphinx, who just seems confused. “If she was that far into the sickness… how is she fine now? It is still incurable!” “Well…” Daring says, rubbing her chin, clearly trying to think of an answer. “DARING DO!” a loud voice yells, causing us all to jump. We whirl around as a huge figure comes into view. He shoves a tree aside, his face filled with rage. “Now you dare to steal the Summoning Amulet of the First Princess of… of…” He trails of as his eyes fall upon our little group. In particular, he’s looking between myself and the baby sphinx. “P-Princess Ken? Fwinxie? But…” he puts a paw to his head. “But… how?” “Ahui?” Fwinxie cheers, before charging towards him. “Ahui!” She slams into him, pinning him to the ground in a massive hug. “I— but— how did— WHAT?!” is all I hear as he struggles to get out from the massive baby. I walk around so I’m look directly down at him, my expression stern. “Ahuizotl,” he finches at the coldness in my tone. “How dare you turn you back on the path of the Guardian Creatures. Is this really what the descendant of such a great guardian as his ancestor has become, a being who would betray his very purpose for greed?!” “Wait, what?!” his eyes are wide. “No, no, no, Princess. I swear on my life, I would never dream of turning my back on my fellow Guardian Creatures or my great grandmother's legacy!” “Then explain why Miss Do over here has spent so long stopping you from doing just that?!” I demand, pointing to the mare in question. At once, his fear is replaced by rage. “What? That thief? I have been doing nothing these last years but trying to stop her and her accomplices from stealing the ancient artefacts I am bound to guard!” “Wait a minute,” Daring blinks. “Ahuizotl, you’re a Guardian Creature, just like that sphinx?” “Of course I am!” he looks over at her menacingly. Well, as menacing as one can look when they’re being pinned down by a giant baby sphinx that’s nuzzling them. “You and your allies have been nothing but a thorn in my side, especially since it became my turn to watch over Fwinxie lands… Though how is she still a baby? My mother said she was still a baby when great great grandfather had my job.” “Wait. Allies?” Daring cocks an eyebrow. “Oh, please,” Ahuizotl rolls his eyes. “That Caballeron, that weirdo who started calling himself Stalwart Stallion and those blasted Wild Bunch Gang, among others. You think I do not know you are all working together?!” “Now, wait just a minute!” Luna pipes up angrily. “Those are not Daring Do’s allies! They are her arch enemies. Well, aside from you, anyway.” Ahuizotl stops struggling as he turns to Luna, before his eyes widen, even more so when he sees Celestia. “The Sisters of the Sun and Moon?” “I— Oh, yes, that,” Luna coughs. “Stop,” I hold up a hoof. “Everyone just stop for a moment.” We finally get everyone just talking instead of throwing confusing accusations at each other and things finally get cleared up. Due to a clear misunderstanding, Daring Do had always been under the assumption Ahuizotl was a thief after the treasures at every temple she encountered him at and him vice versa… though I do find myself facehoofing at the fact it never seemed to come to Daring’s notice that, if he were indeed just another thief, the tribes of the temples wouldn’t have ever worked with him, nor would he have so easily been able to activate the magical defences of those temples in which he did. “Well… I’m certainly embarrassed,” Daring says after all the explanations are finally said and done, rubbing her leg, blushing heavily. “Yes, well… I must admit, I could have done a better job clearing things up myself,” the Guardian Creature says, rubbing his neck, just as embarrassed. “And I promise I’ll return all the artefacts I’ve taken from yours and the other Guardian Creatures’ temples as soon as possible,” Daring says, before looking uncertain. “Though… you might have to help me figure out which is which. I have unintentionally taken a lot of them.” Ahuizotl nods, before frowning and folding his arms. “Now, if I could just find out how to stop those others from stealing them.” Daring blinks, before smiling. “Hey. I could help you with that. I’m usually hunting the relics to stop them from being stolen by those I find on their trail. I could help you protect the artefacts, especially since you could probably use the help until Fwinxie here is old enough to protect her land on her own. I’ll even write that in my next book.” I hear a muffled squee from Luna and glance back to see Celestia holding her mouth shut with magic. Ahuizotl blinks, before sighing. “That would help a lot, Daring Do. Now that I shall be caring for Fwinxie herself as well, the help would be much appreciated.” He rubs his temple. “Mother will never believe me when I tell her that she is still an infant.” “Kenny no come wiff?” I look to Fwinxie, who’s giving me the cuteness puppy dog eyes. I give her a warm smile and nuzzle her. “I promise I’ll visit, little one.” With that, the three of us bid the three of them farewell and I teleport us back to Celestia’s study in Canterlot. “Well, that was… not quite what I was expecting when you said you’d be staying with us for a while, Mother,” Celestia says, shaking her head. “I got Daring Do to sign my copy of her book! I got Daring Do to sign my copy of her book!” Luna sqeees, dancing around in a cute trot, her copy of the Ring of Destiny floating in her magic. I giggle, nodding. “Neither did I, Tia. Neither did I.” > Chapter 24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 24 ___________________________________________________________ “I’m never going to figure out where I’m going in this castle!” Starlight Glimmer groaned as Twilight led her back out into the hallway. Starlight had been trying, for what felt like the umpteenth time, to find the dining area for lunch, but had somehow found herself in the bathroom… twelve times today alone. Twilight gave a light laugh. “You’ll get the layout in time, Starlight. No need to worry. Even I had trouble getting used to this place after moving in.” “Avoiding the castle for over a week didn’t help,” Spike snickered, earning him a whap up the head by a wing. Starlight just rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but it’s been three weeks now and I’m still getting lost, Twilight. I’m honestly amazed I found the map room when I came here. If I hadn’t clearly fluked into finding that room, I’m pretty sure I’d have been wandering around this place for days before you or Spike even knew I was here!” “Ken was the same,” Spike nodded, folding his arms. “Took her a bit to get to used the castle, but she spent a good amount of time exploring once she’d settled in. I honestly think she knows her way around the castle better than Twilight.” “I’ve been meaning to ask about that?” Starlight cocked an eyebrow at the lavender mare. “Why hasn’t Ken been back since we returned to our time? Where’s she been these last three weeks?” Twilight’s face paled slightly and she gave a loud cough. “I… um… well…” The universe apparently hated Twilight at this moment, as she was interrupted by a flash of lavender light appearing in front of them. When the light faded, Ken was there, but she wasn’t the only Alicorn. The double of Twilight was flanked on either side by the two Alicorn sisters, with Luna on her left and Celestia on the right. Twilight froze in place. “Hi, Mom!” Princess Celestia smiled, waving. “Can I have a raise on my allowance?” There was a long silence, in which Twilight just stared at the white mare, her eyes pin pricks… before they rolled into the back of her head and Twilight collapsed to the floor, unconscious. “Tia!” Ken said angrily, followed by Celestia yipping as she was smacked across the flank by a magical hand. “I told you not to play that joke!” “What?” Celestia gave a pleading, innocent look, wilting from the smaller mare’s glare. “How could I resist?” Starlight just stared, her brain not fully able to process the image of Princess Celestia cowering next to a pony less than half her size before her. The sight did not compute and was confusing the hay out of her. “Indeed,” Princess Luna said disapprovingly, before pouting and muttering under her breath, “I didn’t get my chance to join in before she fainted.” Starlight’s brain was threatening to shut down as she watched Ken do the same to Princess Luna as she had Princess Celestia, getting the exact same response. What in the wide world of Equestria was going on here?! Ken sighed, rubbing her forehead with a wing. “I had hoped three weeks had been long enough for her to acclimatize. I see she still needed more time. I’m going to have my hooves full when she wakes.” “Can somepony or dragon please explain what in the hay just happened?!” Starlight yelled, waving a hoof in the direction of the unconscious princess. Ken gave her an odd look. “Wait. In three weeks, neither Twilight or Spike told you?” “Hey, in my defence, it never really came up whenever Twilight wasn’t around,” the dragon said, holding his claws up defensively. “I tried to explain, but the chance never really appeared.” “Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that was planned by her?” Ken sighed, shaking her head, before turning around to face the two taller Alicorns. “See you two, later, okay?” The two mares nodded eagerly, before nearly causing Starlight’s brain to really shut down as the three shared a tender nuzzle as if they were mother and daughters. There was a pair of flashes and the two Alicorns were gone. Ken sighed, before turning around, lighting her horn. Twilight was encased in the glow and lifted upwards, before being rested on Ken’s back. “Let’s get her to bed, then Spike and I can fill you in on everything, Starlight. Though,” Ken gave a sheepish smile, “you’ll probably wanna sit down for it.” ___________________________________________________________ “Going somewhere, Mom?” I start, turning around to see Spike standing by the door. I’m standing on the balcony of the castle. It’s night now, Luna’s moon high in the sky. “Well…” I say, looking from my son to the night sky. “I just wanted to go for a flight around town. It’s such a nice evening and I don’t feel like going to bed yet.” “I’m coming with,” he says confidently, arms folded. I frown. “No, you’re going to bed, mister.” He shrugs. “I’m not tired. Plus,” he sighs, looking back, “I kinda wanna get out of the castle. Ya know, get a feel for flying before my molt kicks in.” I open my mouth to argue, but blink, frown as I think it over, before sighing. “Fine, but you’re going to do as you’re told, got it?” “Yes, Ma’am,” he salutes, before cringing as I wince. “Oh, right. Sorry.” I sigh. “It’s alright, Spike. I’m still adjusting to my memories and everything else we’ve been through. It’s not your fault.” He jogs over, hopping up onto my back and I take off. We soar over the peaceful town, myself having to wipe tears from my eyes. “I’d never thought I’d see this place so peaceful again.” “Yeah,” Spike says quietly, leaning a little to look down too. “It is a bit odd, huh, after everything we went through in that Sombraverse?” I blink, glancing back at him, an eyebrow raised. “Sombraverse?” He shrugs. “Dash and I agreed it was the best way to quickly explain it. I mean it’s a lot faster and easier to explain by saying Sombraverse than that altered timeline with the war against King Sombra.” I think for a moment, before nodding. “I guess you have a point. What do you call the one where my Luna took over Equestria as Nightmare Moon?” He shrugs. “Nightmareverse.” I deadpan. “Really creative.” He rolls his eyes. “At least I didn’t drop the whole “You’re Celestia and Luna’s Mom and Twilight’s marefriend/wife-to-be all at once.” “That… probably could’ve gone better,” I blush, trying to look anywhere but at him, a thankfully easy task when you’re flying and have to keep facing ahead. “So, when’re you both going to be officially married?” he asks, no doubt chuckling at the obvious blush I’m wearing. I cough. “Well… all things considered, we still need to inform Equestria about it first. I’d say we’ll try… maybe a month or two before Cadance has her baby?” “Hmm. Makes sense,” Spike muses. “You both may have had time to get romantic with each other in those altered timelines, but it’s not even been a month since we— WHOA!” Spike yells, cutting himself off as I frantically try to backpedal my flight path as what I can best describe as a portal has suddenly opened up right in front of us. I’m too close to stop, however and we fall right through, myself barely getting a glance of a bunch of multi coloured humans before my body feels like it’s all pins and needles, my wings barely working probably. Spike and I both cry out as I can’t get my bearings and we fly, head first into something hard, sliding down and slumping to the ground. “KEN!” six familiar voices yell in worry, the sound of running footsteps coming our way. ___________________________________________________________ The girls all stared, wide eyed at the hole in the sky, through which, despite it being the middle of the day, they could see the night sky with a full moon. “It also causes these corresponding rifts to appear!” Their universe’s Twilight said frantically. “I don’t know how that works either.” Sunset Shimmer had been struggling to keep her cool, and her grip on her anger was waning fast. “Is there anything you do know?! Like how to get our magic back?! Or how to fix the portal to Equestria?!” The glasses wearing girl’s expression of anxiety mixed with confusion. “Equestria?” “You’re supposed to be so smart,” Sunset snarled, pointing at the purple girl, “but did you ever think you shouldn’t be messing with things you don’t understand?” She punctured her words by grabbing the pendant and slamming it shut angrily. However, before anyone could say anything else something shot out of the portal right before it closed, two very familiar cries coming from it. The group watched, shocked as Ken flew out the portal, Spike riding on her back. Or, at least, it looked like it. Somehow, the girl was already Ponied Up, though it looked like she was struggling to move her wings properly at all, so whether it actually was Spike on her back or not was hard to tell with how much she was flailing around. The girl tumbled through the sky, careening through the air and slamming into the wall of the school. “KEN!” the girls all cried, hurrying over where the girl lay slumped against the wall, Spike lying next to her, looking very dazed. “Uh…” the girl groaned and Rarity and Sunset leaned down to help her sit up, resting her back against the wall, Fluttershy picking up the prone purple dog. “Ken, are you alright?” Sunset asked anxiously. “Hmm,” she groaned, rubbing her head. “That was not a fun evening flight at all.” She looked up at them, blinking, her expression weary. “What happened? Last thing I remember is a portal opening up and falling through it, then everything went nuts.” “Our world’s Twilight somehow opened a portal to Equestria and you must’ve been right where it was,” Dash said, pointing behind her with a thumb. The lavender girl blinked, frowning slightly. “Your world’s Twilight?” “How is there another version of me and my dog?!” a frantic voiced called from behind. The girls all turned to see the glasses wearing girl staring, wide eyed, pointing frantically at the girl lying prone against the wall. There was a pause as Ken just stared blankly at the double of her sister. “What?” ___________________________________________________________ I just stare blankly at the girl who looks so much like myself and my marefriend. My head is pounding and I don’t understand what’s going on at all. The girl starts anxiously walking towards us, before Applejack hurries forward, putting her hands on the girl’s shoulders, stopping her. “Whoa, there, Sugarcube. Let’s wait a minute.” “I… but… what?” this world’s Twilight says, looking like she’s about to shut down from an overload. “That there gizmo absorbed magic whenever we were Ponied Up,” the farmer says, her words confusing me. “Let’s just wait til she returns t’ normal afore you get too close.” This world’s Twilight looks from Applejack to me, her expression worried and hurt, before a sad look of resignation comes over her and she slowly nods. Sunset and Rarity help me stand up, my head starting to clear a little. I blink, looking around at them, then their world’s Twilight. She’s staring at me, her eyes filled with so many questions, probably more than I could even answer. “You can’t possibly call that a fair race,” an angry voice says. I look past the girls to see a woman who looks kinda familiar talking to Celestia, Luna and someone who remains me of Cadance standing behind her. “Principal Cinch, we all saw what happened. You can’t think CHS had some kind of advantage,” the white woman says. Wait. Cinch? If my brain weren’t still realigning itself, I’d probably know why that name seems familiar to me. Geez, sudden dimensional travel without warning really is hard on the noggin. “Can’t I?” this Cinch woman says firmly. “Even without your trained attack plants, your students have wings!” Attack plants? What? “Well, the race certainly had some...” Celestia looks a little uncertain, “extenuating circumstances. Perhaps we should end the games now and declare a tie.” The other woman apparently really doesn’t like that. “A tie? Was this your strategy all along? To force us into accepting you as equals? I think not. The games will continue and Crystal Prep will prevail despite your antics and whatever performance-enhancing regimen your students are on.” She then turns around, her expression firm. “Come, Twilight.” At the girl’s anxious expression, I feel a need to defend rising up. Cinch keeps looking to this world’s Twilight, before scowling. “I said come along!” This world’s Twilight gives a scared squeak. That snaps me out of it. Altered universe version or not, no one speaks like that to Twilight, or a child. Not while I’m around. I shake my head, before glaring and step in front of the girl. “She’s not going anywhere!” Cinch blinks, her eyes darting between Twilight and myself, the confusion evident. The others seem to catch on and gathered around their Twilight. That seems to make Cinch decide to put the fact Twilight and I look alike aside, her eyes narrowing. “And why you do think that, child? She is my student. She will do as her principal tells her!” “Yes, she’s your student,” I say, pointing at the woman, “but that does not give you the right to tell her what to do outside of anything to do with school.” She gives me a slightly confused look, before it turns condescending. “Since Crystal Prep is taking part in the Friendship Games and Twilight is competing, it does fall under anything to do with school, as you put it.” Wait. The Friendship Games? But, by my estimate, shouldn’t those have finished before I returned to Ponyville? Never mind, I’ll worry about that later. I cock an eyebrow. “Is she competing at this exact moment?” Cinch blinks, before cocking an eyebrow, looking bored. “No. Your point?” “Last I checked, it is not the principal’s decision how a student lives her social life!” I step forward, my eyes narrowing. “Until the next round is about to start, Twilight is free to do as she wishes.” Cinch blinks, before she scowls. “What am I supposed to care about her social life? What Twilight does in her free time is of little interest to me. While here, I —” she folds her arms, “all of Crystal Prep require her complete focus.” I fold my arms. “So, even if she needs the bathroom, she has to forgo that to focus on the games?” Cinch looks confused for a moment, before scoffing. “Of course not. Her free time is hers to use as she sees fit —” “Then we’re done here,” I interrupt her, waving a hand. “Now, shoo. Buzz off and let the kids talk amongst themselves.” That seems to touch a nerve as she snarls, stomping towards me. “You insolent child! You dare to —” She reaches out to grab me and my hand shoots up, I whirl around and pin her to the ground, her arm behind her back. There’s a stunned silence as I remain holding her down, my eyes narrowed in a harsh glare. “You dare try to assault a child?!” I snarl, breathing heavily. “You dare to insult the Cinch of my universe by trying to bring harm to someone younger than you?! How the two of you are the same being I cannot understand. If she were here, she’d flay the flesh from you bones for daring to lay even a finger on a child!” “Ken!” I blink, glancing up to see Spike looking at me from Fluttershy’s arms, his expression worried. Blinking again, I growl, releasing the woman forcefully. She quickly gets up, her expression saying she’s about to scold me, when her face falls upon seeing my own. “Leave!” I hiss. “Twilight does not belong to you. If she wants to hang around with students of CHS for any reason, you can’t stop her. Now go!” I think I somehow managed to slip a little of the Royal Canterlot Voice in there, because, while she continues to glare, something in her expression tells me she realizes she can’t win her. She stomps off in a huff as the three other woman hurry over to us. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stop all this from happening,” Sunset says as the three reach us. Celestia shakes her head. “It’s not your fault, Sunset.” Sunset’s expression becomes pained. “Isn’t it? I should know how to control the magic I brought here. But I don’t. I let everyone down. And now Principal Cinch thinks we’re cheating.” Celestia shakes her head again. “It doesn’t matter what Principal Cinch thinks.” Sunset clenches her fists. “But it does. The students here at CHS don’t just wanna win. They wanna beat Crystal Prep. It isn’t gonna count if the other side doesn’t really think they lost. Crystal Prep is never gonna believe we won fair and square if there’s magic around. And that magic is only around... because of me.” “We can worry about the magic later,” Luna says, looking to me. “Princess Ken, are you sure that was the wisest decision?” I scowl, folding my arms. “I was acting in self-defence. Plus, if she tries to claim I assaulted her, who’s she gonna be able to put that claim to? I live in another world. I highly doubt the courts would accept “A double of my student from a parallel world assaulted me, arrest this girl who does not exist in any school record” as a viable defence.” There’s a long pause as what I said sinks in, before everyone looks around at each other, unsure how to react. “Anyway,” I say, looking to Twilight, “the more pressing matter is why a portal to Equestria opened up in the middle of the sky, being the whole reason my son and I ended up here in the first place.” “Son?” I blink, glancing around at all of them, before blinking and facepalm. “Right. You all wouldn’t know it. I’ll explain later, but, first, can someone explain how that portal opened to begin with? And what was that about absorbing magic?” “Okay, but, well, no biggie, but CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY THERE’S ANOTHER ME AND MY DOG?!” this universe’s Twilight yells, warning signs of a Twilighting coming. I sigh, shaking my head, before clearing my throat. This is going to take a while. ___________________________________________________________ “Well… wow,” is all Rainbow Dash can say as we all sit by the Wondercolts statue. We have all been spending the last half hour or so exchanging information. Unfortunately, it has been bad news more so than good. The portal that Spike, currently resting on my lap, and I fell through was caused by this world’s Twilight somehow accidently stole the portal’s magic and, not quite knowing how to control it yet, when the device holding it had remained open after stealing Dash’s magic, had opened the portal. Along with explaining the alternate timelines and why I see Spike as my son now, we’ve been trying to theorize how to get the magic out of Twilight’s device and back into both the portal and the girls. So far… we’ve come up with nothing. “This is so weird,” Twilight says as her Spike sniffs me and my son. “You… you really do look and sound like me.” “She gets that a lot,” my Spike smirks. “So, your world’s Spike talks because he accidentally got exposed to Fluttershy’s magic as Twilight was draining it?” I ask, looking around the group. The glasses wearing girl nods, looking down in shame. “I didn’t mean to steal it, it just…” I shake my head, smiling as Sunset puts a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Twilight, it isn’t your fault. I mean, once you realized what it was doing, it is kinda your fault for not putting it away or locking it or something, or even asking for help, but, having met this world’s Cinch, I can understand why.” “I’m glad I don’t go to Crystal Prep,” Fluttershy says, looking away. “Why do you even stay there, Twilight?” Sunset asks, looking to her. “If that’s really what being at Crystal Prep is like, you’ll never be able to enjoy yourself.” “She could come to CHS?” Pinkie Pie suggests, hugging the purple girl from behind. I frown, folding my arms. “Transferring schools isn’t that easy, but, Cinch wouldn’t legally be allowed to stop you either. If you want to transfer schools, it’s your right as a student. Not that we should pressure you, or anything,” I add, holding up my hands. “Us making you come to CHS would be no different than Cinch forcing you to. It has to be your choice, Twilight.” The glasses wearing girl takes her compact in her hands, looking down at it for several long moments, before sighing. “I… I honestly never really looked at it that way, but… I’ve never been happy at Crystal Prep. I just don’t fit in there.” “Not t’ mention how messed up it is Cinch threatened yer future education to force ya ta compete in the games,” Applejack scowls. I snarl, digging my nails into my arms. “She doesn’t deserve she share the name of Equestria’s Cinch. What she did is illegal!” “I wish I didn’t have to keep competing against you all in the next round,” Twilight looks to us all. “I never really wanted to be in these games and now I want to even less. I just want them to end.” We all sit quietly for a bit. “So… I guess you should thank me then,’ Dash says suddenly, smirking, putting her hands behind her head. “Huh?” we all look to her, confused. She looks at me, a sly grin on her face. “If not for my dare at the sleepover, you and Twilight might never have hooked up.” I blush heavily, Twilight joining me, even if she’s not the Twilight to whom Dash is referring. “At least your Twilight isn’t going to be freaking out about learning she’s gonna be the mother to Celestia and Luna,” my Spike chuckles. There’s a pause. “Um… come again?” Applejack cocks an eyebrow. He nods, grinning. “With Ken being Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s mother, when she and Twilight get married, Twilight will be their mom too.” He cocks an eyebrow, glancing back at me. “Though, I can’t help wondering why she hasn’t figured out you both technically need to get married, first before she’s their mother too.” There’s another pause. “Married?!” the girls all shout. “Twilight!” a firm voice I don’t recognize says and we all turn to see a group of five students walking towards us, their uniforms indicating they’re from Crystal Prep, just like Twilight. A quick look to each lets me recognize them as Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet, the expression on the last one definitely making that a fitting name and all intentions to talk about my relationship with my world’s Twilight are halted. At once, the named girl wilts, both Spikes hopping over to stand in front of her defensively, growling. The Crystal Prep girls all pause, though whether it’s because of the two angry dogs or the fact they’ve just spotted me is hard to say. “What do you want?” Dash demands, getting up, fists clenched. “Principal Cinch said we should come and get you,” Sour Sweet says sweetly, before she scowls. “Not that we wanted to.” “Why’re you hanging with these Canterlot kids, anyway?” Indigo Zap asks, her eyes coming back to me. “And since when did you have a twin sister who went to their school?” “Last I checked, being a student of Crystal Prep doesn’t come with a rule that you can’t be friends with students from other schools,” Sunset stands up, a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Friends?” Sugarcoat asks, cocking an eyebrow. “Why would you wanna be friends with CHS students?” “At least CHS students treat her like a friend!” I snap, walking to the front of our group. They all look confused. I glare to each girl in turn. “Tell me, when was the last time any of you did something nice for Twilight? A compliment? Lend a hand when she needed help? From what I hear, friendship is a foreign concept to you Crystal Prep brats, Twilight’s only friends in that school being her Sister In Law and her dog! Have any of you ever even thought of Twilight without thinking negatively about her without her even doing anything to warrant it?!” Their expressions turn firm, before confused, then anxious, then shocked. I snort. “I thought so.” I turn around to re-join my friends, before scowling over my shoulder. “You can tell that bitch of a principal of yours that if she can’t accept the fact Twilight isn’t her puppet to do with as she wishes, she can go fucked herself!” The stunned looks on the Crystal Prep girls is only slightly mirrored by my friends as I return to the group. ___________________________________________________________ “Since the score’s tied, the final event will determine the winner of the Friendship Games,” Dean Cadance calls over the mic as everyone is gathered outside the front of the school. Vice Principal Luna takes the mic and holds up two small flags, each with either the Crystal Prep or CHS logo and in their respective colours. “Somewhere on campus, a pennant from each school has been hidden. The first team to find their school’s flag and bring it back wins. “And as soon as our teams are ready, we’ll begin,” Dean Cadance follows up. “Why are you here?!” Cinch snarls as I stand next to Twilight. Said girl backs behind me, while both Spikes stand in front, growling at the woman. “Because I’m making sure you don’t abuse your student,” I snap back. “I’m not a member of CHS and there’s no rule stating I can’t stay with Twilight.” “Yes, there is!” Cinch says, her voice rising. “My rule. I demand you leave, at once!” “So you can blackmail Twilight into using magic she doesn’t know how to control?” I ask, waving a hand at the compact, before pointing firmly at Cinch. “Not on your life, your heartless cow!” Cinch seems to calm down, a smirk forming on her lips. “Since our opponents have already used it to stay competitive, I see no reason why we shouldn’t do the same.” She looks pointedly at the girl behind me. “Unless, of course, you have no interest in Everton—” “Shut your fucking mouth right this second!” I yell, the whole area going silent. I’m clenching my fists, breathing heavily. “I’ve spoken with both Twilight and many others who witnessed the second round! In case you missed it, when Rainbow sprouted her wings, she stopped being in the race. Sunset is the one who crossed the finish line, not Dash. Why? Because she was saving your students! Hell, it was one of your students who unleashed those plants on the field, if accidentally, not ours! If anyone had the unfair advantage, it was your school, Cinch!” There’s silence as my words sink in, the members of Twilight’s team seeming to only now realize this and don’t meet her eyes, their expressions full of guilt… while Cinch is just giving me a cold stare. “How does that mean they did not cheat?” she asks. I feel my right eye twitch. “Uh, Mom?” Spike asks anxiously. “Mom?” several Crystal Prep students asks, looking confused. I feel something welling up in me. My magic is manifesting. “You treat your students like they’re tools for you to use however you wish! You act like they only exist to serve you, and, when they don’t do as you order, you blackmail them!” “I… I would never do something so illegal!” Cinch says, it seeming to hit her that everyone is watching and listening. “You literally just did!” My wings flare out, my hair extends back and my ears turn into pony ears. “You just told Twilight she’d better use the magic she’s accidentally stolen to cheat unless she has no interest in going to an educational program outside of your school! You threatened her future education for your own desires! I will never let someone like you bring harm to a member of my family! Not in this world or any oth—Ah!” I’m cut off as my magic feels like it’s being drained out of me, I slump to the ground, feeling similar to back when I cast that spell back on Hearth’s Warming, my wings and ears disappearing. “Mom!” Spike cries, putting his paws on my arm as I try to push myself up. “Oh no!” Twilight cries from behind me. “No, no-no-no!” I hear some kind of snapping sound. Struggling to push myself up, I look behind me to see Twilight backing away from… my eyes widen in horror. No. No, please, don’t tell me it’s that! The ball of magic pulsates over and over, before a shockwave rings out, forcing everyone either back or to the ground. Sparks of magic shoot from the orb, flying randomly. One hits the Wondercolts statue, causing it to explode… revealing a tear that leads into Equestria. “Ken!” I look up as the rest of the girl hurry over, Sunset helping me to stand up. “I… I couldn’t control it!” Twilight cries, holding the now empty compact. “The moment Ken Ponied Up, I didn’t have time to get away and it took her magic. It must’ve been too much to hold!” “And now the magic’s destroying this world to get back to Equestria!” Sunset looks around. “In our bodies, our magic adapted to fit in this world, but Ken’s from Equestria and lives there. No longer inside her body, her magic is trying to get back, but the rest of our magic and the portal’s is confusing it, causing it to attack the fabric of reality to get back!” “But, if its Ken’s magic, why isn’t it just going back into her?” their Spike asks, looking to me. “She’s right there. If her magic wants to come back to her, why isn’t it?” “Like I said, it’s become confused because of all our magic being mixed with it,” Sunset says, bitting her lip. “Way to go, you moron!” Indigo Zap’s voice yells and we glance to see her and the rest of the Shadowbolts team glaring at Cinch. “What do we do?” Twilight yells, the winds howling around us more cracks appear. “First, help everyone out!” Sunset yells, points to a group of students as a large gaping hole opens up and students fall, struggling to hold onto the edges. We all hurry over and start helping everyone out, myself glancing down and realizing the hole leads to the skies above Ponyville, though it’s clear we can’t do it on our own. Thankfully, Crystal Prep students are also helping. “How do we stop that thing?!” Dash yells once we’ve gotten everyone up safely out of the hole. “I don’t know!” Twilight yells, hands on her head. “I already stole all your magic. You can’t fight your magic without your magic!” I notice Sunset keeps looking to Twilight and it takes me a second to realize why. She’s still holding the compact in her hand. “Twilight, let me see that!” she says, taking it before said girl can actually say anything. At once, it lights up, the rest of the girls shining their Element’s colour. Her eyes widen and she turns to face the writhing ball of magic. “I know you want to return to Ken, but this isn’t the way.” “Is she… talking to the magic?” their Spike asks mine. “I have no idea,” he replies, deadpan. Sunset holds up the compact. “True magic comes from honesty!” Applejack glows with orange light, “Loyalty!” Dash with cyan, “Laughter!” Pinkie with pink, “Generosity!” Rarity with purple, “Kindness!” Fluttershy with yellow energy. “They make most important magic of all...” “And while I’ve only known these girls for a short time, I’m not letting you hurt my friends,” Twilight steps forward, herself glowing with lavender light. This seems to catch her off guard and she looks at herself frantically, before it starts being sucked into the compact too… though, it doesn’t seem to be draining from her. It’s more like she’s lending her magic unintentionally. Sunset slams the compact to the ground, becoming encased in a similar ball of magic. When it fades, she’s wearing some kind of white, angelic-looking outfit, with flaming wings and a large white horn in the middle of her forehead. The girls all look to each other, nod and shout in unison, “The Magic of Friendship!” Sunset thrusts her hands to either side of her, white light flying out and going to every tear, closing them up, before she looks to the orb. She aims her hand at it and a beam shoots forth, slamming into it. The orb shudders, magic lashing out at Sunset, which she blocks with a shield generated from her other hand. She focuses, the beam increasing in strength. The orb flashes and there’s a moment of stillness, before the orb outright explodes, eight beams of magic flying everywhere, hitting the area where the portal comes out, the other girls and myself. Oddly, when my magic returns, Twilight glows stronger, before her ears turns into Pony Ears, her bun breaks as her hair grows longer and wings sprout from her back. Sunset slowly comes down, a red orb that is clearly her own magic held in her hands. She flashes with light, returning to normal, before the orb sinks into her body. She Ponies Up like the rest of us, sighing. “That was… insane,” Applejack looks around. “Did that all really just happen?” “Yeah, I think it did,” Dash points to Twilight, who’s still frantically looking at the new limbs she’s grown. “Principal Celestia,” and angry voice calls out and I turn to see Cinch stomping up towards the Canterlot High heads. “On behalf of Crystal Prep, I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games!” She indicates towards myself and Sunset. “Clearly, CHS has had unfair advantage for quite some time! And it’s certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit!” I just stare in disbelief. “Is she serious?” Dash asks, looking around at us and the Shadowbolts. The human version of my eldest daughter gives Cinch a very smug look, though I can tell there’s anger hidden underneath it. “I’d like to think that saving the world benefits us all.” “At least they didn’t manipulate Twilight into accidentally stealing Ken’s magic, causing the device holding said magic to no longer be able to contain it, creating a massive ball of unstable magic that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game,” Sugarcoat says, folding her arms. There’s silence for a moment. “Wow!” Pinkie says, looking shocked. “That’s a lot to take in when you say it all at once.” And coming from any version of Pinkie, that’s saying something. Cinch just glares. “That’s ridiculous!” Their Spike deapans. “Nope, that’s pretty much what happened.” Sour Sweet looks down in shame. “Actually, we’re all to blame.” Her expression immediately turns into a scowl. “Mostly it was her.” Cinch’s right eye twitches, before she turns her glare back to Celestia. “Obviously my students have been infected with your magic, but I plan on taking all of this up with the school board!” Celestia just smirks. “Good. I’m sure they would be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings who cheat by saving the lives of their opponents.” Vice Principal Luna grins. “Oh, and the portals to different dimensions.” Dean Cadance points towards us. "And don’t forget to tell them about the two identical talking dogs and girl who looks just like your own student but isn’t because she’s from another dimension too." Spike smirks from Sci-Twi’s arms “Because that would never ruin your reputation.” Cinch looks around angrily, seeing that no one, not even any one of her own students, is going to back her up, before giving a very posh huffing and walks off. Principal Celestia looks around at all gathered “Well, I know these Friendship Games haven’t been what any of us expected, but—” “Pardon the intrusion, Principal Celestia,” a voice I did not expect to hear says, Discord’s mismatched self appearing in flash of light, startling everyone, “but I’m afraid I must retrieve our princesses and prince.” “Uh, what?” is the woman’s only response. Before any of us can even do more than try to process the fact Discord is standing here in front of CHS, he snaps his talons and Spike and I are suddenly standing outside Sweet Apple Acres, pony and dragon again. “Discord, what…? Why did you just…?” my head is spinning a little, more mind trying to process the sudden change. Discord doesn’t answer. Instead, he pulls out a cuckoo-clock, which goes off seconds later. “Ah, good. Perfect timing. Now your time clocks are back in sync.” “Huh?” is our only response. “Whelp, my work here is done,” he says, ignoring our question. “Toodles.” And with that… he’s gone. “I… but… what just happened?” Spike asks, looking from where the draconequus had been to me. “I don’t… I have no clue,” I sigh, facehoofing and glancing around, frowning. “Wait. Is it almost morning?” Spike glances around, now looking just as confused. “I… think so?” I groan, shaking my head and levitate him onto my back. “Come on. We’d better write in the journal to let Sunset and the others know everything is fine. If she’s anything like our Twilight, their Twilight's gonna be flipping out, thinking something terrible’s happened to us.” > Chapter 25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 25 ___________________________________________________________ “Oh, that explains why she was panicked when I went through the portal,” Twilight says, a look of recognition in her eyes. Spike and I glance at each other, not expecting that response. After arriving back at the castle, and helping Starlight navigate her way to the bathroom as she’d apparently gotten lost again, Spike and I had made our way to the library, where we’d found Twilight going over several record books of some kind. There, we’d briefly explained what happened with that random portal opening in the sky last night and ended up in Sunset’s world and how she should let her know that Spike and I are fine after Discord just yeeted us out of there onto Applejack’s farm. Her reaction… has left us both very confused. “Twilight, what’re you talking about?” Spike asks the question we both are thinking. Twilight blinks, before smiling and shakes her head. “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just that, after Ken went to spend time in Canterlot with… the princesses,” her eyes waver for a moment, looking like she’s about to start Twilighting, but seems to avoid it, if barely, “the very next day I noticed Sunset had left several messages in the journal I missed because of the whole Time Travel Loop with Starlight, so I rushed through to assist and… did you know there was another version of me over there?” I give her a raised eyebrow, reminding her we literally just told her about her other self and how we’d helped her. Twilight blushes, coughs and continues. “Well, after my being quite surprised by my double, Sunset grabbed me by the shoulders and was shaking me violently, asking what had happened to the two of you after Discord just showed up out of nowhere in their world and whisked you away without another word.” “What’d you tell her?” Spike asks, before frowning and scratching his chin. “Actually, didn’t you mention Sunset asking about me when you came back?” She nods, before frowning. “Weren’t you paying attention?” “Was a little preoccupied with getting Starlight settled and thinking about my new big sisters?” Spike waves a claw. We witness another near Twilighting, before Twilight continues, clearing her throat. “Yes, well, I simply told them Ken was in Canterlot with… with the princesses and you were here in the castle with Starlight. Does this mean… you both went through time again?” “I… I guess so,” I murmur, rubbing a hoof on my chin in thought. “Discord did say something about our clocks being back in sync, but I wasn’t sure what he’d meant by that.” “We did go through that portal last night and found ourselves in Sunset’s world around midday,” Spike says, brow furrowed in thought. “And you said Discord brought you back this morning,” Twilight nods, rubbing her chin. “So, he was making sure our bodies’ time clocks with Equestria weren’t off?” I frown. “That’s a bit weird.” “Eh, that’s Discord for you,” Spike shrugs. “So… what now?” Twilight asks, looking at me in particular. “You still wanna talk to Sunset about it? I’m pretty sure she’s not worried anymore, given the times she’s communicated since. Her world’s me is doing fine at CHS, by the way.” “That’s good to hear,” Spike folds his arms, nodding, a slight scowl forming. “Her Crystal Prep principal was a horrible person. She deserves a better place with real friends.” “To think that world’s version of Cinch is like the exact opposite of ours,” I shake my head. “I think I’d best not tell her. I wasn’t joking when I said she’d be so angry she’d likely flay that other Cinch’s skin.” “Well, that morbid thought aside,” Twilight says, it obvious she’s trying to change the subject, “Spike, can you help Starlight out today? There’s something I want to discuss with Ken. It’s about something I realized regarding our time in the world where Sombra was at war with Equestria.” Spike nods, before getting a mischievous smirk. “Oh, I get it. You wanna chat” he does air quotes with his claws, “with Ken, huh?” Twilight’s face immediately flushes red. “N-n-no! It’s nothing like that!” “Sure, Twilight,” Spike says in a teasing tone as he leaves the library. “Sure.” I can’t help giggling as I watch my marefriend fume for a moment, her face bright red. After giving her some time, I nuzzle her, pulling her from her thoughts she blushes again, shaking her head. “So… about the Sombraverse?” I ask, my tone firming. Twilight pauses. “Sombra… verse?” I shake my head. “Spike says it’s what he and Dash came up with to explain those other timelines quicker. The Nightmare Moon timeline is the Nightmareverse.” Twilight looks like she’s going to say something, then shakes her head. “I’ll worry about that later. Ken… do you remember Sargent Shimmer?” I nod firmly. “She was a strong soldier. She worked well with those she was assigned and was a brilliant tactician. Though, she always got weird whenever I talked about her time as Celestia’s student before the war,” I add, frowning in thought. “She never talked about her time in that human world either.” “With the way your memories were messing with you back then, I guess I can’t blame you for not finding out,” Twilight shakes her head. To my raised eyebrow, she continues. “Ken, that Sunset wasn’t our Sunset.” I nod, confused now. “Um, yeah, Twilight, I get that. I know our Sunset wasn’t in that timeline. The war gave her a totally different path to follow.” Twilight shakes her head. “No, Ken. The changes to the timeline’s always happened after Sunset left Equestria after abandoning her studies under Celestia. And the mirror was destroyed in that timeline, so she’d never have been able to return during the war.” I frown, confused. “Wait, what? But, then, how was Sunset there? If she couldn’t return, how was she able to return to fight in the war? That makes no sense, Twilight.” The other Alicorn nods. “That’s right. The pony Sunset Shimmer couldn’t be there… but there was another Sunset who could.” I indicate for her to continue. “Ken, Sargent Shimmer was the Sunset from Sunset’s world. The human world!” I stare at her for several moments, before my eyes widen and she nods. “She didn’t remember all the details, the war went on for so long she put her life as a human aside and just embraced her family in that version of Equestria, but she somehow found her way to Equestria through a portal that left her in a cave.” “Wait, so, if you’re saying the Sombraverse Sunset was Sunset’s human counterpart, if we go by timelines…” I frown. Twilight nods. “Our Sunset’s human counterpart is somewhere in our Equestria right now! And, while we weren’t able to help that Sunset return to her human family…” “We could this one,” I smile, before frowning again. “Wait. What about our Sunset?” Twilight cocks an eyebrow. “Huh?” “Well, what if she’s been living with her human counterpart’s family all this time?” I point out. “Making it so she has to switch with the other her…” “Would be a big problem,” Twilight wilts, looking uncertain. We stand in silence for a few minutes, trying to figure out where to go from here. “Well, at the very least, we should try contacting Sunset’s family and let them know what we do,” I say, frowning. “I remember she mentioned her brother at one point during the war, his name also started with Sun… but I can’t remember the rest.” “Me neither, now that you mention it,” Twilight frowns in annoyance. “I completely forgot thanks to the whole… princesses… thing,” she trails off. I sigh, shaking my head and nuzzle her cheek again. “It’s alright, Twi. Take your time. I wouldn’t be a very good wife-to-be if I didn’t give my wife-to-be time to adjust to the new family dynamic we’ll have once married.” She sighs, giving me a small smile and a peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Ken.” I chuckle, then cough, deciding to bring us back on topic. “So, Sunset’s family?” Twilight blinks, then her eyes light up. “Oh, yes. Well, while I don’t remember her brother’s name, I do remember her mother.” “Now that’s promising,” I nod. “Stellar Flare,” Twilight says eagerly. “And, before the war, so very likely still now for our world, she lived in a place called Sire’s Hollow!” I blink, frowning. “Wait. Isn’t Sire’s Hollow where Starlight used to live?” “I… Oh, you’re right,” Twilight looks very surprised. “How did I not make that connection?” I shake my head. “It’s fine, Twilight. For now, let’s just work with what we have. We’ll worry about Starlight’s connection to that place later.” She nods. “Right. So, should we speak with our Sunset first?” I nod. “I think that’s for the best.” ___________________________________________________________ “I… I’m not sure how it would go if I went there, if I’m honest,” Sunset says as we’re sitting in the library. We’d sent Sunset a message through the journal that we needed to talk about something very important regarding her world and she came within an hour. We’ve just finished explaining how we intend to look for her counterpart from that world and asked whether or not she wants to meet with her mother after all these years. She’s… less than thrilled at the latter idea, it seems. “May I ask why?” I ask, before frowning. “Sunset, regardless of anything that may have happened between you in the past, your mother has had no idea where you’ve been since Twilight was a filly. Speaking as a mother, not knowing what’s happened to your child after they’ve gone missing… it tears you up inside. For all we know, she thinks you’re dead.” “I… she deserves a better daughter than I was,” Sunset looks away, her face full of shame. “I just abandoned them. Worse, the one time my brother came through the portal to reason with me… I just dismissed him, like he was nothing.” She puts her head in her hooves. “How’d I fall so far? We used to be so close before I became Celestia’s student and I just…” Twilight leans forward, resting a hoof on Sunset’s foreleg. “Sunset… it’s okay.” “No,” Sunset murmurs softly, lowering her hooves and staring at us with shame. “No, it’s not. I’ve stolen that other Sunset’s family.” Twilight and I both blink. “What?” Sunset looks down at the table, tears in her eyes. “I… I never told you about this, Twilight, but… after the Battle of the Bands, something happened at CHS. Something really bad and… and I got blamed for it. It got so bad, I felt like I had no one to turn to, even the girls.” “They abandoned you?!” my eyes widen, before I snarl. Sunset’s head shoots up and she waves her hooves frantically. “N-not exactly. It just became harder and harder for them to defend me… especially when it seemed like all the evidence pointed to me. They still tried, but, I could tell they were having trouble ignoring the evidence, so I… I just left.” “Left?” Twilight asks softly. Sunset nods as tears fall down her face. “I just left, catching the first bus out of the city. I was so out of it, I didn’t even pay attention to where I was going and… and found myself in Sire’s Hollow. I was so desperate for someone to not look at me with uncertainty, when my mom hugged me, I didn’t fight back. I just cried into her and didn’t point out I wasn’t her Sunset… until the girls came for me.” “To apologize, I hope,” I fold my forelegs. She nods. “That, and to tell me the real culprits had been found and punished. After that, I eventually came clean about who I really am, but they accepted me all the same, since they were sure their Sunset was dead by then.” “So, if you could give them back their original Sunset… would you?” Twilight asks, making sure to use the question worded how we’d agreed on. Just saying “their Sunset” would imply our Sunset doesn’t belong with them and, being told you don’t belong with your family… that would be too cruel. Sunset looks down in dejection. “If… if that’s what they’d want.” I get up and hug her, it clear she’s thinking the worst of the scenario. Glancing at Twilight, I can tell from her expression she doesn’t like doing this anymore they I do. We’re putting Sunset through some truly painful stuff… but, if there’s a chance her human self is here in Equestria, we can’t just ignore her and leave her to fend for herself. We need to find her and give her a home. “Sunset, I want you to talk with your…” I take a deep breath and firm my expression, “with your family. Ask them how they’d feel about this. We have a vague plan, but all parties must be in agreement of it. Forcing this on either side without asking would be cruel and inhumane.” There’s a long pause, before Sunset looks up at me and nods, then a small smirk forms on her lips. “Since when were you so good at being like a mother?” I smirk. “With all the time traveling that’s been going on around me, that’s not an easy question to give linear timeline answer.” We have a small laugh together, before Sunset gets herself organized and heads through the portal. Apparently, she and the others are doing something about raising money to go on a camping trip… in a forest called Everfree. Thankfully, it’s in that world, so shouldn’t be as huge a problem as our Everfree is. After all, there’s nothing at all magical in their Everfree. Just a normal forest. I hope she’ll let us know about it once they get back from that. I sigh, looking firmly at Twilight, who nods. For now, we’ve another goal in mind. We need to find the other Sunset Shimmer and contact our Sunset’s family here in Equestria and we’ll start tomorrow. So, our first stop: Sire’s Hollow. ___________________________________________________________ “A thousand apologies, Your Majesties!” the train conductor basically prostrating himself on the ground in front of us. After having breakfast and letting Spike know what we’re planning on doing, Twilight and I boarded the train headed for Sire’s Hollow. However, we got maybe a quarter of the way there before the train had to make an emergency stop at the Hayseed Swamp station. Apparently, there’s a problem with the engine that will take a few hours to fix. Once he learned two of the princesses were on the train, the conductor came to us looking like he was about to face a manticore. Twilight and I glance at each other, before sighing in unison, her speaking. “It’s not a problem, Conductor. We understand this isn’t your fault. Problems happen.” “We’re more than willing to wait until the engine is repaired,” I add, smirking. “Trust me, we’re in no rush.” After several minutes of more prostrating and us assuring him over and over that it’s fine, the conductor heads back into the train to help with getting the engine fixed as soon as possible, promising to not leave until we return… despite our insisting he doesn’t have to worry about that. “Since we’re here, we may as well look around,” Twilight says foal-like glee and I nod. “With my memories so fractured, I don’t fully remember this place from when I was ruling Equestria in the past,” I say, glancing around. “But, I do have a strange feeling this place is more important for us than meets the eye. I’d be interested to know if any of Mage Meadowbrook’s family still live here after all these years.” “I am still so jealous of you for that,” Twilight half-whines, pouting as we make our way along the wooden ladder pathways, passing the rustic shacks. “You met Meadowbrook all those years ago, in person… and you barely even remember it.” “It was a long time ago, Twilight,” I nudge her playfully. “I still don’t even know how I figured out enough about Time Travel magic back then to help create the spell that sent me back there in the first place. Clearly among the countless memories I had to give up that day to save Equestria before winding up back in the present that Hearth’s Warming Eve.” Twilight groans, wincing slightly. “My head hurts just thinking about it.” “Wait. That tree!” I point to a tree a little further away, just over the swamp. “I think that was Meadowbrook’s home.” Twilight’s face lights up and she claps her hooves together excitedly like a filly. “Ooh! Let’s go! Come on! Come on! Come on!” She zips into the air towards the tree. I roll my eyes, but smile, following after her. Twilight’s already knocking on the door as I land next to her. “Can you get that, Sunny?” a male voice calls from inside. “Sure thing, Cat Tail,” a familiar voice calls from inside that makes us both turn to each other in shock. “That isn’t…?” Twilight asks. “It couldn’t possibly be…?” I murmur. The door opens and we’re staring back at the one who opened the door with as much shock as she is us. Standing there is a very familiar yellow unicorn with a red and yellow mane and tail, with green eyes and a setting sun for a Cutie Mark. However, that is where the familiarities between the pony in front of us and Sunset Shimmer we know ends. This pony looks younger, at least four years younger, her legs stockier than the Sunset we know, her mane tied back in a ponytail and she’s wearing glasses that remind me of Twilight’s human counterpart. It’s Sunset Shimmer! The very Sunset Shimmer we were planning on looking for after going to Sire’s Hollow! “Sunset Shimmer?!” Twilight asks, stunned. The shock on the unicorn’s face turns into concerned confusion. “I… um… yes? Um, pardon my asking, but why are two identical princesses aware of who I am?” “I’d like to know why you’re here, of all places, in Equestria?” I ask, before frowning in confusion. “And how did you know that we’re princesses?” “Ca-Cat Tail has somewhat informed me how this world’s government works… Your Highnesses!” she adds that last part in a frightened tone, bowing quickly. “Highnesses?” the male voice, Cat Tail, I presume, says from inside, followed not long after by a rather rotund yellow Earth Pony, with a long two-toned blonde beard tied at the end like his tail and mane, a small pale red headband on his forehead. His Cutie Mark is a pair of the flowers he shares his name with and a sun designed similar to native artworks. His purple eyes widen at the sight of us. “Oh, my goodness. Two… identical princesses? That’s a new one. Never heard of you two before. Oh, um, Your Majesties,” he gives a quick bow. Twilight waves a hoof. “No need for formalities, good sir. Sunset!” The unicorn eeps as she’s addressed, Twilight’s wide smile probably not helping. “This is amazing! What a coincidence we’d find you here, in Hayseed Swamp, of all places! We thought we were going to have to spend months scouring Equestria for any signs of you. I was planning on trying scrying spells and location spells, asking witnesses for any info, expecting the barest hints of trails to follow that were bound to wind up dead ends that would leave us to start all over and repeating the process over and over for months, if not years and yet, here you are, just here, no effort needed to find you and —” I put a hoof over her mouth. “Twilight, honey, that’s enough. You’re scaring the poor girl.” Twilight, my hoof still over her mouth, glances at me, then Sunset, who indeed is hunched over, her eyes wide with worry. Twilight’s body sags and I pull my hoof away, wrapping a wing over my fellow Alicorn. “Sorry about that, Sunset,” I say, looking to the unicorn, who gives me a slightly less concerned look. “My fiancé tends to get a little over excited whenever studying of any kind is involved.” Sunset’s eyes widen at the word “fiancé,”, before they narrow slightly as a hopeful look comes into her eyes. “Wait. You… you called me a girl, didn’t you?” I nod. “Not a filly?” the hopeful look grows stronger, “You… you know about humans?!” I can’t help snorting. “Considering, over a thousand years ago, I was one? Yeah, a bit.” The hope is momentarily replaced with confusion. “A thousand years? How?” I laugh. “That’s a long story, Sunset. Too long for now. For the moment, why don’t you tell us how you came to our world and how you came to end up here in Hayseed Swamp?” ___________________________________________________________ “That’s… wow,” Sunset murmurs quietly. We’ve just spent the last hour or so chatting with Sunset and Cat Tail, bringing them both up to speed on events on our end and them theirs… and BOY, is Sunset’s side of this a doozy. Years ago, though for Sunset it was barely more than a few weeks, she’d been part of an ocean exploration group to get admittance into Everton, the very education program Twilight’s other self had originally been planning to attend before she moved to CHS. At one point, a random storm came out of nowhere and Sunset got separated from the group and blacked out. She’d come to on a remote island and, while exploring, had nearly been eaten by a giant Venus flytrap. The only thing that had saved her was tripping into what she’d thought was quicksand, only to find herself in a dark cave and as a pony. From there, her story sounds a bit similar to how Twilight explained Sargent Shimmer’s backstory in the Sombraverse happened. She’d wandered through the cave until she’d found an exit, gotten out into some woods, found herself randomly sick of a disease she didn’t recognize, but the symptoms immediately reminding me of what Fwinxie had said she’d experienced, then found herself standing in the middle of Hayseed Swamp. “I took her in about two weeks ago and she’s been helping me with chores while the poor thing gets her bearings,” Cat Tail says, looking at the now dejected seeming teenager. “From what she described… she had Swamp Fever.” “And, somehow, she was miraculously cured,” I nod, frowning. “Just like Fwinxie.” There’s a slight pause. “Who?” Twilight glances at me, very confused. “Hmm. Oh, a baby Sphinx that guards the temples of Somnambula,” I wave it away, ignoring Twilight’s jaw falling open. “Anyway, Sunset… returning home… won’t be easy for you. We can take you… but you haven’t aged in four years. Even after everything that’s recently happened in your world… that’s not something that’ll easily be overlooked.” Sunset just stares down at the table. “So… I’ve no home?” “Not entirely,” I say slowly, closing Twilight’s mouth, snapping her out of it, though the sideways glance she gives me let’s me know she will be expecting an explanation later. “You see, this world also has a Sunset Shimmer. However, she’s been living in your world these last four years. She’s built a life there. Asking her to leave it would be honestly cruel. However, it’s also cruel to keep you from your family. So, we have a compromise. Whether all parties involved will agree to it, we still need to see, but, in the long run, I do think it will benefit all involved. Would you be willing to hear us out?” Sunset looks between the two of us, before heaving a heavy sigh and nods. “Don’t think I have much choice here, do I?” “Oh no, you do!” Twilight says quickly, before adding sheepishly, “well, and you kinda don’t. It’s… complicated.” “We’ll do our best to explain on the way,” I say, getting up and nodding to the stallion. “Cat Tail, thank you for looking after her all this time.” “Oh, it was my pleasure, Your Highness.” “And thank you for honouring your ancestor’s legacy,” I look wistfully at Meadowbrook’s mask. “Wait. On the way?” Sunset becomes both anxious and confused. “On the way to where?” “Truthfully, some of our plan was intended for far down the line, since we had no idea how long it might take to find you,” Twilight says, moving to stand beside me. “Our main goal was to gather information and inform all present parties of the future plan… but finding you as expedited those plans a lot farther than we ever could’ve expected.” “We’re heading to Sire’s Hollow, Sunset,” I say gently, the unicorn’s mouth falling open at the name. “We’re going to speak with Stellar Flare. Your mother.”