• Published 11th May 2015
  • 14,126 Views, 3,289 Comments

Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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30. On Edge

The first week of the trip had languished in slow awkwardness. Once the excitement over my engagement was gone, Princess Luna had done a lot of moping in her suite. She had spent only a single evening playing games with us. Which, in turn, meant I couldn’t enjoy them since I knew I was the cause of her sadness.

Inflicting that sadness on a pony so close to me was excruciating. More than I could have imagined previously. I’d gotten accustomed to Princess Luna’s familial affection towards me. In fact, I craved it given how distant my own mother had been with her love. The love the princess gave me was starting to feel distant, too, and that frightened me.

The door to our shared space opened and Princess Luna wandered in looking tired. Her mane was tied back in a ponytail, her coat was mussed, and her eyes were red. It had likely been another double session.

“Good evening, Silent Knight,” she said absently as she walked past.

“Good evening, Princess. Another long session?”

She settled down onto the large pillow. “Yes.”

“Did you eat?” I asked.

“No.” It was short. She was being short?

“Would you like me to go get you some dinner from downstairs? I assume you need to eat if you’re training.”

“That would be fine,” she replied.

“What would you like?”

“Anything is fine.”

“Princess… are you angry with me?” I asked.

Princess Luna’s eyes focused and she looked over at me. “Angry? Why would I be angry?”

I crossed the small room and laid low beside her pillow. “Midnight’s Peak.”

The princess sat a hoof on my head. “I’m not angry at you.”

“I realize I haven’t seen you for nine weeks, but you’re not acting like yourself. I can’t say for sure, but I can only guess it started after I gave you the news,” I pointed out.

She sighed and shook her head. “I’m not angry. I’m sad. I’ve been… avoiding you for fear of saying something hurtful or foolish. What you did was good for our kingdom. I will come to terms with it in my own time.”

“Can I make it up to you somehow?” I asked hopefully.

“Could anypony make up to you the loss of your father?”

I winced and dropped my head.

The princess’s hoof followed me down and she groaned, “I’m so sorry, Silent Knight! This… this is what I meant. That wasn’t fair. They’re not the same at all. I’m going to be fine. It was just a stupid city. Ruins in an old, forgotten cavern.”

“It meant something to you,” I said weakly.

She sighed and nodded. “Yes, yes it did, and always will.” The princess then shifted her hooves to rest under my forelegs. She pulled me up from where I’d pitifully prostrated myself.

“You mean more to me, though,” she continued. “Far more, and I don’t want to let my temporary self-pity lead to more hurt feelings. I can plainly see that you regret doing what you did and the rational side of me knows it was the best choice given the situation. If I’d wanted to weigh in on it, I should have been back in Canterlot ruling. I am angrier with myself for being pulled in two different directions.”

I was surprised at the ease with which Princess Luna had lifted me. Evidently, me being adult-sized made little difference for the alicorn. “You shouldn’t blame yourself. You have to do this training. This is very important.”

“You’re speaking to the rational side of me, Silent Knight. She knows that. It is the emotional side that is struggling. There is no salve for that.”

Probably not, but that wasn’t going to stop me from trying. I sat my forehooves over hers and replied, “Even if you’re not mad, even if it was the right solution, I’m still sorry because it made you sad and that isn’t something I can protect you from.”

The princess softly chuckled. “Your duty is to protect my physical wellbeing. I believe the emotional is beyond the role.”

“As your house guard, sure. As your friend, however, I think there is more to do.”

“And what would you do?” she asked, brow arched in challenge.

What would I do? Yes, what would I do? I didn’t know what to do.

Well… when Winterspear was sad over Caramel Mint, I’d helped her. I’d gone to see her, I’d hugged her, and I’d told her I loved her. In the past, she’d known I loved her, but I’d not said or showed it. Not explicitly.

Princess Luna knew I loved her, though. Right? I knew she loved me. Although I’d never said it to her, either. At least I didn’t think I had. Not explicitly.

I smiled at her and shifted between her forehooves to more properly hug her as tightly as I could. “I love you, and I’d rather risk you saying something hurtful than to have you avoid me.”

The princess’s breath caught. Her hooves enveloped me in an equally tight hug as she whispered, “I love you, too, little stallion. If that is what you wish, then I won’t avoid you.”

“It is. I’m big enough to take it,” I replied.

Princess Luna leaned back to peer down at me. Her smile was soft and she just shook her head. “It is hard to see you that way, but I’ll try.”

That struck me as a little odd, but I dared not ask. Slowly, I drew back and said, “Now, let me go get you an appropriate dinner. I don’t know anything about magic, but I know working out. That requires food.”

“Very well. Find me something sweet for dessert, please.”

I smiled. “Of course, Princess.”

In a city without direct sunlight, it was amazing how time simply slipped through my hooves. Princess Luna spent most of her days in the library studying. I spent most of mine in Moonlit Star’s courtyard doing the same. During the evenings, we’d meet up with the guards and play a few games to keep morale up.

Morale, as far as the squad went, was high. The princess was still sad, and I still felt guilty, but with each passing day, time seemed to ease both of our ailments. It wasn’t long before the two of us were no longer passing ships in the night. We were almost back to normal.

To avoid thinking too much about what I had done, I kept my focus on the Knights of the Moon. It is amazing how much a pony can accomplish in three weeks when left to her own devices.

I’d repeatedly worked through both of the new books I’d borrowed and was still internalizing all of the knowledge. It was fascinating that ancient ponies would spend so much time and effort dedicating themselves to their profession.

Each book was thoroughly detailed and brilliant. High Marshal Moonglaive had been a genius and certainly ages ahead of his time. His training regimen could be followed without an instructor if necessary. It almost put the Royal Guard to shame. He’d ensured that as long as these books existed, so too could his order. They were a priceless treasure for certain.

I’d been so engrossed into the books that I’d been surprised when the princess announced it was time to go. Two more weeks had melted away. On our last day in Haven, I returned the third book, kept the fourth, and picked up the first and fifth. Moonlit Star, if she even noticed, didn’t seem to mind.

Now we were almost to Canterlot, and the princess and I were sitting together in the back of the lead chariot.

She looked over at me and asked, “Are we prepared for the Summer Faire in Ponyville? I’m looking forwards to that. I could use a happy change of pace.”

“Yes, Princess. The rest of the Guard will have been back as of a day or two ago. Once we’re home we’ll be one big family again. Just like normal. I’ve got everything settled out. The only business that is truly left is to promote Iridescence and find a sergeant for alpha squad.”

“Do you have any favorites?” she asked.

I lowered my voice so that the others wouldn’t hear us. “I think it is important she picks or, at least, has most of the input, since she will be the section sergeant. I do have some ponies in mind, yes, but I want to see where she is at.”

Princess Luna chuckled softly. “Shining Armor gave you the same test, did he not?”

“That he did.”

“You are wise to emulate him,” she replied before turning towards me. “I did not see you much during the day these last weeks.”

“I did not want to disturb your studies or hover over Miley. I kept myself busy.” Certainly not a lie.

The alicorn’s brow lifted and she asked, “May I ask with what?”

“Reading mostly. There is a collection of books by a pony named Moonglaive in the library. They’re fascinating.” Also not a lie, though not the whole truth.

Princess Luna’s eyes drifted off and then her brow furrowed. “Moonglaive? That name is familiar. Should I know this Moonglaive?”

That was something I had not considered when I set out to be vague about my activities. For all I knew, Moonglaive was alive when Princess Luna was a young alicorn, or perhaps a unicorn. “It is possible, Princess. It isn’t clear to me when he was alive. He doesn’t write about himself. He was a soldier, like me.”

“I see. Why am I not surprised that you would take interest in the books written by an ancient soldier,” she said with a smile. “No doubt getting all the more prepared for our next wargame.”

“I’m nothing if not predictable, Princess. And I most certainly do look forwards to a game. It has been a while since we’ve played. Most of my tactics have been utilized in Airship Armada against Runic these days. I’m a far better field commander than admiral.”

The princess grinned. “I’ll note that in your file. I should paint up some additional ponies.”

“That would certainly be fitting.”

“You could paint one of me,” came Willowy’s voice from behind us.

I turned to look back at her. “Assistants rarely take to the battlefield.”

“I go where Princess Luna goes,” she replied resolutely.

“I wish you two would be friends,” Princess Luna said. She then added, “I would be happy to paint a figure to look like you, Willowy.”

Willowy stuck her tongue out at me. “Thank you, Princess.”

Softly, I cleared my throat and muttered, “I’ll have to see if they have stats for civilian ponies that wander onto the field.”

“What was that?” Willowy asked with narrowed eyes.

“Nothing, nothing at all,” I replied before poking my head out of the window to watch Equestria go by. We were close to home now.

A few more hours went by before we were over Canterlot and making our landing at the palace.

“Welcome back, sir,” Iridescence said once we touched down in the courtyard and unloaded.

“Thanks, and I suppose welcome back to you, too. How was training?”

“Why don’t we talk about it in your office once we’re done here?” she replied.

That didn’t bode well. “Alright. Is everypony back and reported in?”

She nodded. “Yes, sir, we’re all back and ready for the faire.”

“Good.” I left her a moment to go over to where Miley was supervising alpha squad’s unloading. “Once the chariots are unloaded, you’re all on leave for the next thirty-six hours. Be ready for the faire. After that, a week of leave. Before you go, I want all of your talismans in my office. No taking them home!”

Miley perked up at that and shouted, “You heard the lieutenant. As soon as we finish this, we get time off! So hurry up!”

There was some chuckling but the guards did get back to it with additional vigor.

I let them be and headed towards the palace. “Come along, Sergeant,” I said as I passed Iridescence.

When we got to my office, I was stunned. My desk was covered in files. So was my chair and the floor in front of it. “What in Equestria happened in here?”

“I don’t know! It wasn’t me. Maybe Sunny? She’s been twitchy lately,” Iridescence replied.

Twitchy, that was a good way to put it. I checked out the first file on my desk. It was a Royal Guard record. Some stallion out of Cloudsdale.

I sighed. “Alright, I’ll figure out this mystery later. Close the door.”

Iridescence did so and then took her helmet off. Her magic then removed mine.

With a skeptical look I said, “If you failed, taking my helmet off isn’t going to spare you from my disappointment and stern language.”

The mare stared at me for a moment with a meek look. Then she cracked a smile and started bubbling, “It was amazing, Silent Knight! The whole place was held just miles from the most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen. Every night we went out together and just spent time as a couple.”

She swept closer and held her hooves to her chest as she continued, “No responsibilities, no little sisters, no princesses. Just us. Each day was a chance for us to really get to know each other, and it just clicked.”

“I’m glad,” I replied, still wanting confirmation that they had attended class.

Iridescence hugged me. “Thank you for setting it up. It was a wonderful gift. Silent Knight, it finally happened, she opened up to me. The wall she’d put up after Caramel Mint finally came down some. It was like we were a real couple instead of just… I don’t know, dating.”

“I’m still glad,” I repeated.

“We ate out, we relaxed, we swam, we made love on the beach.”

“What! Why would you tell me that?” I gasped as I pushed her back.

She turned red. “I’m sorry, I got carried away. Totally not appropriate. Still… thank you.”

I rubbed my eyes with my hooves, trying to get that concept out of my head. “You’re welcome. Now, please tell me you two actually went to class.”

“Of course we did! We both passed.”

“Thank goodness for that,” I replied before going to my desk and opening the top drawer. It was full of files. I opened the next one. More files. The bottom drawer I always kept locked, somehow not locked and full of files. “This is a joke,” I mumbled before digging around and finally finding the wooden box I was looking for.

I picked my helmet up, slipped it on, and offered the box to her. “Sergeant Iridescence, in recognition of the fact you successfully completed your Advanced NCO course, your time in service, and on your merits, I hereby issue you the field promotion to first sergeant. Congratulations.”

She smiled and accepted it. “Thank you, sir. I’m surprised you didn’t want to go through the standard process.”

“Who has time for that? I’ll take care of that later.”

Iridescence nodded, pulled her old rank pin off, and replaced it with the new one.

“Now, as your first official duty, I want you to find a new sergeant for alpha squad. Somewhere in this office is a list of names. Which technically means your first duty is to find the list. Then find the sergeant. Then the last duty.”

“What is the last duty?”

“Never, for the rest of my time alive, say the words ‘make love’ to me again in any context related to my sister.”

Iridescence grinned brightly and replied, “Yes, sir! Understood.”

“Good, now find the list in this mess and, while you’re at it, clean this up. I’m going to go fight with Sunny over making it,” I said before trotting around the mess and out the door.

“You’re taking advantage of this situation,” I heard her call after me. Yes, yes, I was. Rank has its privilege.

When I reached Princess Celestia’s wing and headed to the admin hall, I found Sunny’s door wide open but the office was pitch black inside.

“Sunny?” I called into the dark office. The unicorn lanterns were out and the shades had been drawn over the windows. “Hello?”

“No appointment, no commander!” came her voice from the darkness.

I took two steps in and said, “Sunny, it’s me. I’m back and here to help.”

The lamp on her desk flipped on, revealing a tired-looking yellow-and-orange mare. “Oh, Silent Knight. I remember you.”

My eyes rolled and I flipped the light on. She hissed at me. I grumbled, “Yes, you do remember me. I’m the pony that is going to take some of your workload. Assuming you’re not pretending to be so crazy that I relieve you for being unfit.”

“Is it working?” she asked.

“Not really.”

Sunny shrugged. “It was worth a shot. Glad you’re home.”

“Me too. What is the deal with all the files in my office? Is that something you need me to do?”

She blinked and looked confused. “No idea. That wasn’t me. But more importantly, you’re all set for the Summer Faire?”

“Looks like it, yes. Is there anything else?”

She waved a hoof. “There are a few things, but they can keep until after the faire. I started Iridescence’s paperwork for you. She’ll be on the selection list.”

That was a surprise. “Thank you. I went ahead and gave her a field promotion for now, but that will be a lot easier.”

“Yeah, it always is,” she replied.

I started to turn away before I remembered. “Hey, I don’t remember if I mentioned it when I got back, but Crystal Wishes and I got engaged. I was hoping, when it came around to the time to discuss a wedding, you’d lead the Arch of Sabres.”

Sunny’s head tilted and her eyes went wide. “First, let me say I’m flattered. Second, you just casually mention you’re getting married? Like it’s just this normal thing? No, you didn’t mention that!”

I shrugged. “Ponies get married all the time. You find the right pony, fall in love, get married.”

Sunny rubbed her forehead, muttering, “Oh yeah, it’s just that simple.”

That was sarcasm. Sarcasm from Sunny who is usually nothing but sugar and sunbeams. “Is something wrong?”

Quickly, she shook her head. “No, I’m really sorry, Silent Knight. I’m happy for you. I would love to lead the Arch. I’m surprised you’re asking me and not Russet, though.”

“Russet would be good, too, but he may end up in the wedding, and I also wanted to show you that I do actually appreciate you. And if you think she can get the sabre high enough, I’d like Azurite to be part of it too.”

Sunny stared at me and then burst out laughing. Really hard, in a kind of unhinged way. I closed the distance to her desk and peered at her.

The golden mare kept laughing and waved a hoof at me. “High enough…” She gasped. “Cause she’s short.”

Azurite was the littlest adult pony I’d ever seen. She was even smaller than Miley which said a lot. I didn’t want a sabre at eye level. “Yeah… I’m serious, though.”

Sunny kept giggling a while before finding her voice. “She’s a unicorn, Silent Knight. She’ll just levitate it.”

Ah, magic, right. I felt my face flush. “Or she could levitate it.”

That only set Sunny into another fit of laughter. It really hadn’t been that funny.

I waited for her to get some semblance of control before asking, “So you’ll do it?”

“Of course! I’ll need four more names, though.”

“Right, I’ll have to think on that. We have time, though.”

“Okay, well, if you come up short I’m sure we can find somepony that knows you well enough,” she said before grinning wide. “Come up short? Get it!”

She was starting to look looney, so I circled her desk and pulled her helmet off. She swatted at me the whole time.

“Quit it!”

“Just making sure you’re okay!” I said, pressing my hoof against her forehead. It was a normal enough temperature. Honestly, I didn’t do that great during the field medic portion of my training. Bandage a wound, sure. The other stuff, not so much.

Sunny gave me a light push and replied, “I’m fine. Just a bit punchy.”

“Alright, why don’t you call it a day? I’ll take over for you.”

“Yeah… you know what, that sounds good actually. I could use some sleep.”

I nodded and stepped out of her way. “That sounds smart. Maybe come in late tomorrow, too. I’ve got this.”

“Maybe I will,” she replied, heading for the door. When she got there, she stopped and looked back at me. “Silent Knight?”


“Have you ever felt trapped?”

“Trapped? How do you mean?”

Sunny shrugged. “You know, like you make a decision, thinking it was the right one. Then you make another one based on that and then another and another. Eventually, you’ve made so many decisions you’re stuck on that path and there is nowhere to go but forwards. Do you know what I’m saying?”

Our eyes met and I stared at her a moment. Clearly, taking on both House Guards, the palace, and everything else was starting to get to her. Not that I blamed her. Princess Celestia was always busier than Princess Luna.

At the same time, I knew exactly what Sunny was saying. It seemed like that I was on a path with only one conclusion. It was something I was actively trying not to think about.

“Yeah, Sunny. I actually do,” I replied softly.

“It kind of sucks,” she mumbled.

My head bobbed in agreement. “Kind of, yeah. Might be for the best, though.”

“Might be. Might not be.”

Silence fell between us. She didn’t seem ready to leave and I wasn’t sure what to say to her. I finally smiled and offered, “You’re a really strong pony. You’ve been doing this longer than me and, in the face of everything, you’re always positive. If anypony can figure out how to escape the trap, it will be you. Just keep at it a little longer and I’m sure it will work out. Okay?”

“Okay. Thank you, Silent Knight. Really, I mean that.”

“Sure, Sunny. Get some sleep?”

“I will,” she said before letting herself out.

With Sunny gone, I decided to stay late to keep an eye on the palace. That, and if I was going to get any work done the next day, I had to figure out all of the files.

When I got back to my office, they were slightly sorted. A note was sitting on top that read, ‘Found the list, I’m going to delegate this to somepony else. Learning!’

That pony would be me. If I was going to work, I needed some semblance of order in my office. That meant getting these files where they needed to be, so I started to collect them, organize categories, and settle files into them.

From outside my office, I heard hoof falls. They were a little quieter than normal. Recognizing ponies I knew by how they walked was starting to become normal to me, thanks to Tranquil Dusk’s tutoring. These belonged to Steel Wings.

“Oh, sir. You’re back and in your office,” he said without the usual firmness in his gravelly voice.

“Yes, Chief, I’m back,” I said over my shoulder.

“I was hoping to talk to you before you saw this,” he muttered.

That gave me pause. I turned to look at him. “You did this?”

“Yes, sir. You said pull files. I pulled files. Uh… well, Crimson, Tranquil, and I pulled files.”

My ear flicked. “Chief, they can’t pull files. They don’t have any clearance to do so.”

“Yeah… so I sort of thought we didn’t want anypony knowing we were pulling files and looking at these ponies. You know, so they couldn’t track us. So we… well, you see, it was a mission.”

I closed my eyes. “Chief. Please tell me that you didn’t sneak into the archives, steal all of these files, and then hide them in my office.”

“Alright, I won’t tell you that,” he replied.

“Chief, this is a screw up.”

“I know, sir.” For once, his tone was humble. There was no cockiness or arrogance. Just the resignation that this was, in fact, a huge mistake. “We hid them here until you got back. We… well, I made this mistake. I’m not good at this sneaky stuff. I was hoping you’d know what to do.”

“Did you find any good candidates?” I asked as I tried to figure out how I was going to fix this.

“Yes, sir. Several, actually. I figured we could look at the mission plan and weed it down to a smaller group.”

“Alright. Any chance you’ve talked Crimson and Tranquil out of this?”

He shook his head. “No, I’m afraid Crimson’s head is full of fairy tale nonsense and hers is full of misguided loyalty. Talking can’t dissuade them. Those are the kind of ponies that get killed in this sort of thing so I’ve been riding them hard. Safely, but hard.”

“Good, keep that up. Where are the files for the ones you liked?”

He motioned to my filing cabinet. “There.”

I actually chuckled. “Of course. And the rest of these?”

“Hidden in plain sight. Nopony would be stupid enough to steal a ton of records and leave them out for everypony to see, and if anypony found them here you had a rock-solid alibi.”

That was very clever, actually. “Who came up with that?”

“As much as it pains me to say, Crimson. Not that I mind him having ideas. It is just… well, sir, he read it in a comic book. A comic book!”

“Of course he did. Alright, Chief, thank you for letting me know. I’ll sort this out. They’re not so much stolen as incorrectly borrowed. Keep up the training. I’ve got a busy few days and then I’ll join you.”

“Yes, sir. Good luck, sir.”

Good luck, indeed. I was going to need it.

The palace finally settled itself out just before sundown. It was a far longer day than I normally worked but it helped Sunny and I had a lot to do. The whole time, her question about being trapped kept trying to force itself to the forefront of my mind.

That was not what I wanted, so I just kept myself as busy as I could and hoped it would go away. Once all the work was done, it started to worm its way back up, so I had to move on.

On the way home, I stopped by Runic’s shop to see him. He was, not surprisingly, out with Miley, and Rossby wasn’t the kind of pony who liked to talk, so I just casually checked the drop, grabbed the information in it, and let myself out.

In the safety of crowded streets where nopony would pay a random guard any mind, I took a quick look through what Maya had left me. The first thing I saw was a piece of paper with crisp, nondescript typewritten letters on it.

Package is on the boat. Will personally observe it once it arrives and report when the best time to pick it up arises. Be ready.

My hackles rose. This was going to happen. Our mission was no longer the fevered dream of a broken, bitter pony. It was real. Alastair was going to be in Equestria, hiding out and thinking he was safe. After all, who would look for him here?

I shoved the documents into my saddlebags and started to march forwards. I needed to get to Crystal’s condo. She could calm the thoughts swirling in my head.

There was no way he’d surrender. This would be a fight to the death. I was going to have to face him and kill him.

I wasn’t sure that was what I wanted anymore. What right did I have to take these ponies with me and put them at risk? How could I live with myself if I got one of them killed? At least Lavender and the others had known the risks.

What I wanted was irrelevant now since the machine was already in motion. Maya had gone to great lengths to make this happen and Alastair was going to be here. All of the pieces were on the board, and there was a mission that needed to be completed.

How could I explain that to the princess, or Crystal? That this mission was necessary? There would be no way they could understand. Princess Luna would be so disappointed in me. And Crystal… I couldn’t think about what she would say.

By the time I reached the door to her condo, I was wound up tight. Too wound up to think straight. My hooves trembled with a mix of rage and anxiety. Couldn’t I just walk away, get married, and have a quiet life? Why couldn’t I? Hadn’t I earned it?

That wasn’t what Knights did though. That wasn’t what Stratus would have done. Always put the mission first, Son. Never give up until it is complete. On the battlefield only one pony gets to walk away. Alastair doesn’t get to walk away. Not this time. Not again.

Calm down, Silent Knight. I stood outside the condo and tried to take long, deep breaths. They weren’t helping. None of the things the doctors had taught me in the hospital helped. What did they know, anyway? A soldier is tough. A soldier is hard. They don’t survive something like that and then get weak. They get stronger from the experience. Focus on the mission, soldier!

I tried to drive the swirl of emotions deep within me. Bury them for later. It wasn’t working, though; all I could see was the smug look he’d given me when he’d broken my wing. He’d killed my ponies. He murdered them. He murdered Alton and his own kind, for what?


My hoof slammed against the decorative column outside of Crystal’s condo. The plaster shattered under the force. How could I consider backing out? This wasn’t vengeance or revenge. No, not in the least. This was retribution! Righteous retribution and justice!

I stood there panting. All I could see through the haze of pain in my foreleg were the flag-draped coffins. No turning back. No turning around. There was one path. One path left. One pony walks off the battlefield and Alastair was no pony. He was a monster that loomed over me.

To my side, I heard a soft gasp. “Silent Knight. Are you okay?”

Crystal was in her doorway, a look of shock and confusion on her face. And something else. The worst possible thing: fear.

My jaw was clenched tight. I hadn’t realized it. Our eyes met and the anger started to drain out of me. I could never look at her and be angry. “I…”

More of the plaster on the column gave in to gravity and fell to the floor.

I shook my head. “I’m sorry. I was angry. It was a stupid thing to do. I’ll pay for it.”

Crystal held out a hoof to me. It trembled slightly. “Okay. It’s okay. Come inside. You can tell me what’s wrong.”

No, I couldn’t. She’d never understand. Crystal wasn’t a warrior and she was certainly a better pony than this. She deserved a better pony than this.

I took her hoof and let her lead me inside. My head fell. Maybe she wouldn’t notice. Maybe she would never figure it out and we could stay together.

That would certainly be the preferable path but, like Sunny, I was trapped. There was only one way left to go.

Author's Note:

Three of Diamonds begins right around this time: My Trip To The Faire

Crystal's Wishes Companion Chapter: Brought to Light

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