• Published 11th May 2015
  • 14,091 Views, 3,289 Comments

Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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23. All That Glimmers - Part 1

“Crystal are you read—” Two suitcases and a hat box landed right in front of me and Velvet.

“Yes, yes I am!” she replied before hurrying into the bathroom.

Velvet looked at me and shrugged. “I’d invite you in, but that seems silly. She’s been running around like a crazy pony for two days. All out of sorts. I told her to take one bag. This was the best she could do.”

“I can hear you!” Crystal called through the doorway.

“Not trying to be subtle here!” Velvet yelled back.

I chuckled and looked down at Velvet. “Are you going to be okay with me taking her away for almost a week?”

The earth pony threw one of her hooves to her heart. “Alas, I shall wait on the widow’s walk, staring out into the ocean, and praying for the return of my beloved mare!”

My ear flicked. “So… that is a yes?”

Velvet poked me in the nose. “Yes, you big brute. I’ll be fine. I’ve got my little brother to entertain me. Plus, I have other friends.”

Crystal swept out of the bathroom in a hurry. “And she never introduces us.”

The mare was really moving this morning, evidently full of nervous energy. With her eyes on the bags and her magic lighting up to lift them, she hugged me tightly and said, “Don’t burn the place down. If you get lonely go visit Horsey.” She then let me go, kissed Velvet on the cheek and said, “Let’s go, honey. We’re late already!”

Velvet snorted and started laughing. “Careful, Crystal. He already thought we were together once.”

I looped a hoof around Crystal and started to guide her to the door. “It’s alright, Velvet. We can share her.”

After a bit of embarrassment, a dash through Canterlot, and a brief wait at the train station, we on our way to the Crystal Empire. Crystal was uncharacteristically quiet, but I assumed she was just tired for having to leave so early.

It probably didn’t help that I was also the kind of pony who was happy to sit in silence and watch the world go by the window. That didn’t seem like a great idea for the whole day, however, so just before noon, I looked up at her.

“Would you like to have lunch?” I asked.

Crystal was sitting in her seat, back straight, head up, and looking out the window. Her posture was perfect. She turned to me and tilted her head. “On the train? Isn’t the dining car expensive?”

I shrugged. “Not too bad, really. Especially when we’re on vacation.” I eyed her and asked, “Are you alright? You look upset.”

Her head quickly shook. “No! I’m not upset. I just… we’re going on a vacation. Together. Alone.”

“Yes, those are the facts. You know, we’ve been alone before.”

Crystal gave me a sly look before she giggled. “Yes, Silent Knight, I know. This is a vacation, though! This is a big step. Ponies in serious relationships go on vacations together.”

My ear flicked. “Aren’t we in a serious relationship?”

“One never knows. Now I know! You’re serious enough to take me on a vacation. Either that, or you had no idea how big of a deal this is.”

It was the latter, of course, but I was still under the impression that we were very serious. Things were going to be very awkward later on if we weren't. “Is that going to make it more difficult for you to have fun?”

She shook her head. “No, I’m just being silly. Come on, lunch will do me good.”

I stood and then motioned. “After you, madam.”

“Well, thank you,” she said teasingly before standing and heading towards the dining car.

When we arrived, it was quiet. This particular train boasted a fine dining experience for ponies traveling to the Crystal Empire. That meant subdued tones and other things of that nature. High society ponies hated loud noises.

I pulled out a chair for Crystal, which she accepted with a smile. A serving pony came over immediately as soon as my rump hit my own chair.

“Ah, Madam and Lieutenant Knight, welcome to the dining car. We’re thrilled to have you. May I start you off with a beverage?”

Crystal replied, “Tea please. The house brew will be fine.”

“Very good. And for the lieutenant?”

“Water…” I eyed him suspiciously. “How do you know who we are?”

“Sir, when you book the Luxury Express, we make it our business to at least know you well enough to address you appropriately. The Commander of Princess Luna’s Guard is certainly a pony of note.”

I blinked and replied, “I understand. Thank you.”

Once he was gone, Crystal started giggling. I was grateful for the quiet of the car, because I loved the sound of her laughter.

“A pony of note?” I asked with a raise of one brow.

“Oh, come on, you are! You’re a royal officer and you spend every day with the princesses. Surely you realize that is important.”

“That’s my job. Anypony can do it. That doesn’t make me noteworthy. Now you… if they knew who you were, that would be noteworthy.”

Crystal smiled sweetly. “Flattery, Lieutenant Knight? How wonderful.” She then giggled again.

“Please don’t call—” I stopped talking as the server returned.

He set our drinks down in front of us and asked, “Have we had a chance to view the menu? May I recommend the brunch portion? Our chef’s specialty is Prench Toast. He makes it with applesauce, honey, and vanilla extract. We then top it with a light berry compote.”

Crystal’s eyes lit up and she replied, “I’ll have that!”

“Make it two, thank you,” I said.

The server nodded. “Very good, madam. Lieutenant.”

As he headed off again, I muttered, “I wish he wouldn’t call me that.”


“We’re on vacation. I left the silver bar back at the palace. For the next week, I’m just Silent Knight: stallion about town and exceptional stallionfriend.”

Crystal started to giggle. “And so modest, too!”

That gave me cause to grin. “Madam disagrees?”

“Madam most certainly does not. So, when we get to the Crystal Empire, what are we going to do first?”

“I thought we’d check into the resort, take advantage of some of the great amenities, and get really well rested. After all, tomorrow we’re going to be spending the day in Glimmer World.”

“I can’t wait!” She quietly clapped her hooves together. “I’ve heard about these special earrings they sell. They’re made from crystals you can only find in the Crystal Empire.”

Softly, I cleared my throat. “You don’t say. Funny you should mention that. I think first thing tomorrow, we should go and get you a pair.”

Her ears perked before she gave me a concerned look. “Really? Are you sure? I hear it can be a hassle. In fact, I read that sometimes ponies have to wait in line for up to two hours. Mares seem to be going crazy for them.”

“You don’t say,” I repeated, my enthusiasm wavering.

“Silent Knight? What’s up?”

I smiled at her. “So, funny story…”

The stories of the Crystal Empire’s beauty had not been an exaggeration. Not in the least.

The city was settled in the heart of a vibrant green valley. The winter had long since passed and spring was giving way to summer. Brilliant buildings made of hewn crystal rose to the heavens as far as the eye could see.

Canterlot had its charm and old-world style, but this was entirely different. I’d once heard Princess Celestia say that the Crystal Empire reflected the hearts of the ponies that lived there. If they were kind, loving, and hopeful, then all of Equestria would know.

Crystal and I stood on the train platform just staring at the splendor. Nothing had prepared us for this. Pictures simply did not do it justice.

“Lieutenant Knight?” came a voice from behind me.

It took effort to break my stare. I turned to find a Royal Guard sergeant looking at me. He was a pegasus, like me, with a blue mane tucked under his helmet and an orange coat. His armor was that of the local Palace Guard, made from a silvery metal so pure it almost looked like glass. A crystalline turquoise heart stood out on the breastplate.

He spoke again. “Sir, you are Lieutenant Knight, are you not?”

Much to my displeasure, I shifted from tourist to officer. “Yes, Sergeant. What can I do for you?”

The orange pony shook his head. “Nothing, sir. Lady Cadence sent us to pick you up and convey you to the resort.”

Crystal stepped close to me and asked, “Us?”

“Yes, ma’am, with Lady Cadence’s compliments,” he said, stepping aside and motioning to a chariot with two other guards hitched to it.

Crystal and I exchanged glances before I gave an accepting shrug. “Thank you, Sergeant. I’m sorry to pull you off normal duties to play host to tourists.”

“Not at all, sir. It's quiet here. The crystal ponies are the least rowdy bunch I’ve ever seen.”

I collected my saddlebag and our luggage before helping Crystal into the chariot. “I hope they stay that way for our visit."

“The weather ponies haven’t scheduled anything but blue skies and sunshine for two weeks,” he reported before looking at his peers. “Alright, fellas, let’s move.”

“This was awfully nice of Lady Cadence,” Crystal whispered to me as the chariot lurched forwards.

“Kind of embarrassing,” I whispered back.

As we were wheeled through town, several ponies stopped to look our way. “I feel like a princess,” Crystal replied, her tone still quiet.

That made me smile. “Good, I hope you feel that way all week.”

She nestled up against me and, for the rest of the ride, I tried to focus on her and not being the center of attention.

It wasn’t long before we pulled up to the Fluorite Ferrier Resort. It was a huge building shaped like an upside-down solitaire gemstone. The sun seemed to catch the point perfectly and shot light down the sides.

“Here we are, sir,” the sergeant said. “May we help you with your bags?”

Help with my bags? What kind of stallion did he take me for! I protectively set a hoof on them. “No!” I cleared my throat. “No, thank you, Sergeant. You’ve been kind enough. I can manage with the bags. Please give my deepest appreciation to Lady Cadence.”

He nodded. “Yes, sir. Have a wonderful stay.”

Once they’d pulled away, I loaded the bags on my back where they belonged. I was a big, strong stallion. I didn't need help with luggage. Proudly, I walked with Crystal into the lobby.

“Oh, wow!” she gasped, looking up.

My eyes followed her gaze and found that the building was largely hollow down the middle. It went all the way to the point and the sun did, in fact, radiate down and illuminate the whole area.

“This is amazing…” Crystal trailed.

“It really is. I’ve never seen anything like it,” I replied.

From off to the side, a warm, polite voice chimed in, “Our resort boasts the tallest lobby in the Crystal Empire.”

We turned and found a crystal earth pony looking our way from behind the front desk. She smiled at us and continued, “The peak is set in a way to catch the sun’s rays and focus them into usable, golden light. There are natural veins running throughout the entire resort so that every room gets at least one point of light from this peak. We want our guests to feel connected, warm, and welcome.”

She gave a playful wink. “Most of our guests from down south are struck by the beauty of our lobby.”

“I’m not surprised,” Crystal replied, looking around again.

I walked to the desk and produced the reservation from my bag. “Suite for Silent Knight.”

She took the paper and nodded. “Ah yes, I remember your correspondence. How did you hear about our resort?”

That gave me cause to shift uncomfortably. “A friend told me about it.”

“Oh, how lovely. Anypony I’d recognize so that I can thank them?”

Crystal had told me little white lies were okay, but I still wasn’t good at them. “You might? Shining Armor.”

The mare blinked and looked at me. “You mean Lady Cadence’s husband?”

“Yes?” I replied. “We served in the Guard together.”

“Really! Well, let me get you a special suite.”

I shook my head. “No, ma’am, thank you, but what I paid for is fine. We don’t want any special treatment.”

She looked at me in confusion. “But… you’re a friend of Lady Cadence’s husband.”

“I understand and I’ll be sure to tell him you were super nice and very accommodating. We’re modest ponies, though, and what we’ve paid for is more than enough for us.”

“Very well…” she trailed, turning the book in front of her around. “Sign here please.” Once I had done so, she gave me a key and a bright smile. “Enjoy your stay!”

“Thank you,” I replied before turning to Crystal and smiling at her. She led the way while I carried our bags up the stairs and to the door that promised relaxation on the other side. I slipped the key into the lock and then pushed it open.

Crystal squealed in delight as she trotted past me and into the suite. I followed after her.

“Modest ponies, huh?” Crystal asked me as we stood in the center of our palatial suite.

I’d booked the Single Diamond Suite for our vacation. The brochure had pictures, of course, but they had not quite prepared me for the scale of it. We had a bedroom, a large sitting room, a full bathroom, a half bathroom, a dining area, and a walk-in closet. It was a lot for just two ponies.

“Believe it or not, there were two sizes larger. This may have been overdoing it a bit, though.”

Crystal turned in a circle, still taking it all in. “I’m not complaining at all.” She stopped turning to look at me shyly. “Also, and I hope we’re far enough in our relationship where this won’t be inappropriate to ask, but can you afford all this?”

“I’m very good with my money. Remember, until recently I didn’t have to pay for any expenses. I lived in the barracks and ate in the chow hall. And, well…” I trailed and cleared my throat.

It was morbid but being in a coma meant income with no expenses. That wasn't something I wanted to rely on for money, though. It also wasn't an appropriate thing to say aloud.

“Obviously we can’t do this often, but I wanted it to be special,” I finished.

Crystal hugged me and nuzzled her cheek to mine. “Well, this is beyond special, Silent Knight! It is so above and beyond I can’t even begin to tell you.”

I chuckled and looped a hoof around her. “Well, sweetheart, it is all downhill from here.”

She laughed at that and hugged me tighter. “So, on the train, you promised amenities?”

“Oh, yes. There is a spa, a golf course, tennis, an indoor pool, a bar, and a restaurant. What would you like to do first?”

“After sitting on a train all morning, a massage would be nice. Plus, I imagine your leg is a bit stiff.”

She was right about that. The cast had come off in record time, thanks to Runic’s potion, no doubt. Plus it was just a stress fracture, not a full-on break.

“Massages it is,” I replied.

Crystal slept peacefully in the bed next to me. After her morning jitters, the train ride, the massages, and dinner she was worn out. We had a big day tomorrow. Glimmer World was unlikely to disappoint if the resort was any indication.

As quietly as I could I slipped out of the bed and into the living room. I grabbed my saddlebag, opened the balcony door, and hopped over the railing and spread my wings.

I caught an air current and flew high above the city. It was beautifully lit during the night. I compared my view to the map Ley Lines had given me. It wasn’t hard to spot the library since it was a massive building that wasn’t too far from the palace that dominated the center of the city.

Once inside I was impressed by the crystalline, two-story open layout. It was every bit as impressive as the rest of the city. The Haven library, of course, would be its only rival when it came to scale and beauty.

“May I help you, sir?” a crystal unicorn asked from where he sat behind a small desk.

I tapped the piece of parchment in my hoof. “I’ve got a list here. I’m interested in learning some history.”

He smiled and nodded. “History seems to be a popular subject with southern ponies. You know you’re not even the second to come for that reason?”

My brow arched. “No?”

“No. There was a young mare from the Canterlot University Library, several students from the Academy for Gifted Unicorns, and then a unicorn temple guard most recently.”

“A temple guard? From the local temple?”

He looked at me curiously. “Local temple? We don’t have one. At least I don’t think we do. This one was from the south, just like you. She… well, it is rude to speak ill words about somepony that is not present.”

I waved a hoof. “Blonde mane, blue eyes, kind of weird?”

He blinked. “Yes! Exactly. You know her?”

“We seem to share the same curiosity.”

“Please forgive me, then. I hope you don’t think poorly of me for agreeing she is weird.”

I shook my head. “Not at all. She’s weird, and she’ll be the first to say it.” I put my list away and then smiled. “Say, could you show me what she was looking at? We seem to be in a friendly competition and it looks like she is ahead of me.”

“Of course, sir! Right this way.”

My inquiry took me to the recent history section. Ley Lines had created an excellent briefing for me. She’d summarized a lot but had listed her sources in the hoofnotes. There were some things I wanted to expand on, but after my discussion with Princess Celestia I wasn’t about to send the librarian back. Plus, now I wanted to know what the Exemplar was up to.

The unicorn set the last book on the table and said, “This is all of it, save one.”

“Where is that one?”

“She checked it out for a project. Typically, we don’t do that but if a pony makes a deposit, we allow it. She had the bits and everything was in order.”

I smiled up at him and nodded. “Smart pony. I’ll have to see if she will share when I get home.”

“Indeed. If you need me, I’ll be up front.”

“Thank you,” I replied before turning to the books. I figured she’d remove one if there was something in it she didn’t want others to see. That couldn’t be helped, however. It was time to do a little research myself.

As I flipped through the first book on my list a twinge of guilt started to work its way into my mind. Guilt for leaving Crystal alone and guilt for investigating when I’d told Princess Celestia I’d drop it.

It wasn’t that I didn’t trust the princess. I had decided that I did. At the time I also had not intended to lie, nor was this trip about the library. It was just a bonus. It took effort but I pushed the guilt away. My reason for being here was sound.

I just needed to know more about what Princess Luna might face so that I’d be prepared. Yes, she needed to be stronger but so did I. Magical or not. Insanely powerful or not. Strong enough to kill four alicorns or not. When the time came and Princess Luna had to go into battle against whatever it was Princess Celestia knew was coming I was going to be at my princess’s side and I was going to be ready.

Author's Note:

And so begins SoaRG's second major arc! Silent Knight and Crystal Wishes head off for the Crystal Empire.

I would also like to take a moment to thank all of our wonderful patron's! We've had a huge response to our work and that is truly humbling. Thank you again.

Crystal's Wishes Companion Chapter: A Glimmering Start

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