• Published 24th Mar 2015
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Mind and Magic - Fictional Fanatic

Escaping a mental asylum, should get harder with every time right? Wrong. These morons never think. So naturally, as a Solid class human I'm put in a Solid class confinement. Same mistake every time. Now to get my stuff and get my revenge on Twilight

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Mind and Magic.
Chapter 2.

I was sitting behind a white cafe table on a matching white chair. This setup was situated upon a grassy hill, letting me overlook the plains of green grass that seemed to stretch on forever, only obstructed by a tree every now and again. I was holding a simple cup full of a brand-less tea tasting of cupcakes. It was a wonderful moment, making me sigh as I knew it couldn't last.

"Princess Luna, tell me. Are you going to be hiding in here all night?" I said out loud to make sure she could hear me where ever she was hiding. "I know you are there, there is no use in hiding," I added after noticing the lack of a Princess appearing.

"Please Princess, won't you join me for tea?" I gestured towards the second chair and cup of tea that had suddenly appeared next to me. "We could even have cake," I said as I took a bite of the cake that was placed on a delicate little plate in my right hand with the spoon in my left.

Still no response. I knew she was here, just where? How could I make her come out and talk to me? I continued to look around the beautiful landscape, taking occasional sips from my tea and bites from the cake. I was looking for any kind of abnormal signs that could signify the changes occurring when one intrudes upon one's mind. One year of training with Pinkie had made me a master.

To change the scenery a little I choose to open up the parasol that was stuck in the middle of the table to give me a nice shade. Unfortunately, the shadow didn't reach me as the sun was in the wrong angle. One. I thought as I recognized the sign of abnormality.

The sun wouldn't be a problem for long as it had moved to a more suitable position before I had finished my latest sip of tea, now with the taste of blueberry frosting. As I once again looked up from my cup to look at the horizon I put down my cup to free my hands. Two. I stated. Looking around the only new development was that the sun was now at such an angle that I was cooling in a pleasant shade of a parasol. Something the Princess was missing out on.

I decided to stretch my legs. Three. I now thought to myself noticing the third abnormality and picked up the cup I had earlier placed on the table. Now with the steaming hot liquid in my hands, I quickly spun around and threw the tea in front of me, while keeping my eyes closed. A scream of pain was my reward.

Opening my eyes I saw the Princess, wearing an expression of someone caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "Would you like a towel?" I asked as I offered her one. She hesitantly took it and started to wipe herself off. I waited patiently.

"So, once again, Why were you hiding?" I asked, seeing the Princess nearly done with wiping herself of.

"We have come to speak with you. However decided not to approach you to suddenly, We had also earlier avoided such for fear of what dreams a lunatic like you could dream." Luna replied. I had to restrain myself from lashing out at her for openly accusing me of being crazy.

"Dear Princess, may I ask why one would believe me to not possess a sane enough mind to have normal dreams?" I said in a voice as calm as I could muster. Wanting to know what she knew about me.

"We've been told that you attempted to take the life of our friend Twilight Sparkle, unprovoked. As well as being behind the unstable mind of the element of Laughter known as Pinkie Pie." Luna said, making my fury almost explode at that moment, thankfully I was able to stop myself.

"You are only half right Princess," I said, my previous smile gone. "I did indeed try and claim Princess Twilight's life, but not without cause. I do have my reasons as to hating her. Secondly, you have been misinformed. I am not the one responsible for my -" I stopped myself from saying sister at the last moment as no one else knew about her harboring me in secret. "- Pinkie's suffering. I wouldn't benefit from it. Neither do I enjoy hurting others. But I am still able to do what I believe is right, even if I don't enjoy it." I finished up my explanation.

"And what proof do you have of this? I will not simply believe one of questionable motives. I would also have very little reason to believe that a fellow Princess, especially Twilight Sparkle would lie to us." Luna replied, not believing a word of what I had said.

Sighing over the fact of how stupid this was I continued. "You claim I have no proof? Then can you present any of your own? Whatever the ones at the scene believe they saw or understood, there's a high probability they didn't understand what they saw and therefore made assumptions. Later relaying it as what they thought happened. Now, Out of curiosity. What did Twilight tell you happened and when?" I now asked my question, after giving Luna something to think about.

Luna stared at me for the longest time before answering. "She told us of how she believed her friend Pinkie Pie was suffering from a split personality. How she had decided to use a spell to cure her. But after said spell Pinkie changed and was not herself. A year later another Pinkie Pie appeared, as soon as she saw Twilight she attempted murder. Twilight was able to get away safely and the other Pinkie Pie was put in confinement for questioning. But she escaped and once again tried to attack her. After being caught once again she was sent to a mental asylum as she was deemed crazy after her questioning. They also found out she had existed as another personality inside Pinkie's mind and saw the connection to Pinkie's suffering. That and the fact that you somehow kept escaping is all I know." Luna finished, for some reason looking very confident.

"I guess I should shed some light on the whole thing, but first. Did anyone mention that Twilight's spell first failed?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the Princess.

The Princess gave me a questioning look, answering my question. "Seem's she didn't. Well, what happened was that Twilight assumed that Pinkie had two personalities and that it would be best to seal one away as it seemed to be causing Pinkie harm. The keyword is assumed. She was wrong in her assumption. It was-"

"And yet, here you stand. Explain that!" Luna rudely interrupted me.

"I was getting to that part," I replied with a slight hiss in my voice to show how little I appreciated her input. "Where was I? Oh right."

"As Twilight first cast her spell flawlessly. Yet, from the simple part included in the spell that it would fail if the targets mind did not contain more than one personality, made the spell fail. Twilight was unable to comprehend what had happened. Not for a single second did she consider that the spell had done everything just like it was supposed to. Instead, she thought the spell might be incomplete, she quickly made a new version of the spell. I would call it impressive, if not for the fact that she forgot one very important detail, the safety mechanics that stopped the first spell."

"As she cast her new spell, the spell encountered the same problem as the first one did. There was only one personality. But where the first spell would stop and die out, Twilight's version continued to try and find a solution. And it did, only one not so elegant. Would you like to guess what such magic would do in a situation like this, Princess?"

Luna was staring at me for a moment while her brain was trying to figure out what would happen. As she was thinking her eyes slowly started to grow larger and she seemed to realize what would happen. As she opened her mouth to answer I interrupted. "Exactly, the spell decided to add another step to the process so it could complete the other two set by the caster. The new step? Rip the targeted mind to shreds, and re-assimilate them into two separate ones." I looked at the Princess who was standing speechless with her mouth hung open. "Yes, Princess, that's the moment I was born. The point in time where some of the pieces of Pinkie came together to make me, Pinkamena Diane Pie. But do you know what the worst part was? I was immediately sealed away. And Pinkie? Well, she was now even worse off as she was now even less herself than ever. Yet Twilight was proud over herself and thought she had succeeded. Not even bothering to check how Pinkie's mental state was handling things. And later when they realized Pinkie was no longer herself and I made my first appearance they all blamed it on me." I said pointing at myself.

"Well, what did you expect? You attacked a Princess for no reason." Luna said, having recovered from her earlier daze. "No sane person would do that out of the blue," Luna said accusingly while pointing at me. The tone she used signifying how angry she was over the fact that I had not only tried to murder a Princess but also a friend of hers.

"Really? You still don't see it? Fine, I'll explain why I did such a thing. That day, when she separated me and Pinkie I was sealed into Pinkie's mind. I still had access to the five senses, but I could not control the body. The body I saw as my own. I hadn't realized what had happened at the time and thought I had been paralyzed. That is until my body started moving on its own, talking, eating and living my life. I was scared, so scared. I thought that Twilight had for some reason not seen me fit as a friend and had created another me to take my place. I was heartbroken, how could she do something like that? Later on, I realized that was not the case. As the new inhibitor of my body was just as confused. She was not like I used to be and it confused her, it was about that time I caught myself having done things differently. I was no longer myself. Sometime later, I figured out exactly what happened. And that's when I realized that Twilight was to blame."

"First of all, I was worried, but this soon all turned into rage. How could she do such a thing? Did she not trust me? Why didn't she talk to me about her suspicions, why did she have to do it like that? I also realized that both me and the other me had retained different parts of ourselves. And one of the bigger parts I retained was our anger, our rage. Something that grew and made me hate Twilight even more. As time went on, I saw more and more things Twilight could have done to prevent this and help Pinkie in another way, and not make stupid assumptions. My hate grew, but so did also another part, my love. I had kept my ability to love, something that my other part now could not. I hated to see her like that and only hated Twilight even more for it."

"Even, later on, I realized something. The magic keeping me inside Pinkie's head was improvised. So I tried to break it down, as I did I gained some great understanding of magic and within a year of my birth I was able to break down the spell. The released energies were enough to give me my own body and that is how I appeared. Pinkie was very surprised to see me, but as I explained who I was she did something I can never thank her enough for. She called me sister."

"For a few days, we bonded and had fun together, me getting used to having my own body. I even told her how I felt for Twilight and why. She said she could understand my reasons but that she couldn't hate Twilight as she was a friend. Of course, I understood that It was for the fact that she couldn't feel hate. Sometime during those days, I did something I would regret as much as I would do all over again. I gave a part of myself to Pinkie, I gave up my ability to love so that she could feel it once again."

"Now Luna, what do you say about that?" I said with evident anger in my voice. "Can you now understand my hate for Twilight? Not only did she do this to me and Pinkie, but she didn't even realize what she did. She thought everything was fine and dandy. While I and Pinkie suffered for a whole year until we could meet. So the day I saw her, I only saw red. I was so full of anger towards her, and with none of that love I used to have for her, I lost control."

"Now, Luna. Who is right in this situation?" I asked, looking at the Lunar Princess who was sitting on the grass stunned by my explanation and outburst.

As the Princess did nothing, I decided I had had enough. "Goodbye, Princess. I'm leaving." I said as I decided I no longer wanted to dream and woke up.

Author's Note:

Look at this mess, Look at it!

This chapter turned out different from how I pictured it. But at least it follows the story as I wanted it to.

Now, you guys may ask why I'm uploading a chapter I'm not quite satisfied with? I have been editing and rewriting this chapter for quite a while. Many writers strive for perfection, but in truth there isn't anything that can be perfect. I believe this chapter has turned out as good as it can be. And trying to change it any more would mean rewriting it entirely or just make it worse. So this is it.