• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 4,709 Views, 103 Comments

Mind and Magic - Fictional Fanatic

Escaping a mental asylum, should get harder with every time right? Wrong. These morons never think. So naturally, as a Solid class human I'm put in a Solid class confinement. Same mistake every time. Now to get my stuff and get my revenge on Twilight

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Mind and Magic.
Chapter 1.

I looked down at the grass below my bare feet and admired the lush green colors. Even in the darkness of Princess Luna's night, such a view was breathtaking. Or at least it was for me, I had after all been locked inside a mental asylum for the past 3 months. And right now I was taking a short break from busting myself out of that place.

But as I stood there and felt my sweet freedom take me into its beautiful arms I remembered that I had not fully escaped yet, I was still within the bounds of 'Dark Shard Asylum'. An asylum meant for criminals who were not considered sane or had been under the influence of dark magic. A terrible place for such a young maiden as myself. Not made any better that I had ended up here on false accusations from those I saw as my friends.

As I spent quite some time in this asylum, I had come to realize that most of my friends neither had a choice or were simply too confused to see it all from another perspective, So I had naturally forgiven them all, they are my friends after all. But my heart was still full of hatred as there was one person I could not forgive, the one who did this to me and my sister, the one who led my friends against me, the one I thought I could rely on in any situation. Princess Twilight Sparkle. The one I had sworn I would get back at.

Now, the funny thing is. This is not the first time I have escaped from this asylum. For some reason, the people in charge of me had decided that I was to be held in this particular asylum and not be moved to a new one each time they caught me. I suppose it's a good thing for me as I now know all the security protocols, and boy are they terrible in this place. I mean, Sure, I might be a Solid class human, there's no changing that. But the only security measure to my Solid class cell was that everything was made of far more sturdier material than other cells. But did they ever think about adding anything against the use of magic? No, they didn't. Only because I'm a Solid class. And as a Solid class, I'm not meant to be able to use magic. But I disagree. Any Solid class can use magic, they just can't produce the magic themselves. The one thing I must thank Twilight for is awakening my dormant abilities. Even if it was a whole year of pure torture.

So naturally, escaping comes easy to me, it just takes time to collect enough magical energy to teleport out of that place and not end up in another cell.

But this time I had gone a step further to give myself more of a head start and had left an illusion of me being in my cell, it would probably dissipate after 8 hours, plenty of time to escape. And so I set my sights on the road, this would be a long walk, but it would be worth it. This time I will succeed.

Ignoring the cold, the hunger and the thirst I could only complain about my legs hurting. The dirt roads were not something to be traveling by bare feet. If only I had a carriage. I thought to myself, before realizing that someone would have had to pull it and quickly changed my wish. I wish I had shoes right now. But I was almost at my old home, Ponyville. The only place where I knew someone I could trust. "I'm coming sister, I hope you just don't try to throw me a party like last time." I silently spoke to myself.

As I found Ponyville within sight I saw the horizon turning orange. I had been walking the whole night, but I could not rest just yet. Walking into town I could only see one or two people walking about. Thankfully the distance I kept was enough for me not to attract any attention to myself, even if I was wearing a straight jacket. But I guess distance helped me in that aspect as well.

I was able to easily navigate Ponyville as I had lived here before. I pushed onward, towards Sugar Cube Corner.

As I came up to the bakery I went over to the back door and knocked, I knew Pinkie would be awake at this time, getting the batter ready and pre-heating the ovens. All for a busy day at Sugar Cube Corner. I did not have to worry about the previous owners as they had retired and were now traveling together with their kids. Something I had only found out through the letters I got from Pinkie every now and again at the asylum.

Soon I could hear someone walking around inside, "Coomi~ng" I could hear the voice of my sister. Knowing what was coming I got ready. As the door opened I tackled my unsuspecting sister to the ground and put up a hand against her mouth to keep her from uttering as much as a yelp from the sudden pounce.

"Pinkie. Not. A. Word." I said looking sternly at my dear sister. At first, she showed no signs of having heard me as she kept on talking excitedly into my hand for a solid minute before seeing my gaze upon her making her realize I wanted her to be silent. As she nodded I let go of a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. I got of her, once again letting her speak.

"Sister? What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be here for another twelve hours!" My sister asked, making me snicker at the fact that Pinkie sense wouldn't let her determine at what hour I would appear on her doorstep, only what day.

"I took a risk and escaped a bit earlier this time so I could get here as soon as possible. Also, I need clothes, something to eat and drink. Think you could help me?" I asked as I turned to see her already standing up and looking at me with a smile upon her face.

"Sure thing! I got everything ready for you. Go upstairs to my old room, I'll be up in a minute." She replied to my request, pointing towards the stairs.

I thank her, earning me an even bigger smile from her as I walk up the stairs. Once upstairs I walk to Pinkie's old room and enter to see the current guest room in perfect guest receiving condition. As if she knew she would be having a guest today. Just as I knew she did. After all, that was one of the things we shared. Our Pinkie sense.

I sat down at the bed and looked around the room, taking in the memories. The stain from that one birthday cake that we never could get rid of, the secret compartment under the floorboards where we hid cupcakes to eat at a later date. And that painting We painted all those years ago. Such fond memories, too bad it hurt to remember those, once again the courtesy of Twilight. Something else to hate her for.

Soon Pinkie came up with some cupcakes, a few sandwiches, and some water. I thankfully ate and drank all of it in two seconds flat. Somewhat slow for mine and Pinkie's standards, but I was too tired to do it properly. As I was done I looked back at Pinkie and was surprised to see her holding my old clothes, the ones I used to wear before they took me to that asylum.

"Pinkie, where did you get those? I thought they were taken by the asylum." I stated, I doubted she had stolen them as she would never do such a thing. So my surprise was genuine.

"I made sure to have extras in case you ever required a new pair of clothes. I always wear different kinds of clothes, but you, on the other hand, wore nothing but those clothes, so I made sure to have a pair myself in case they got worn out or something and you needed a replacement when Rarity was out of town." She smiled at me, handing me the clothes. "And it seems it wasn't in vain."

"Thanks, Pinkie, you are the best sister anyone could have," I said as I started to get dressed. "Could you get a mirror? I would like to have a look at myself." I said as I was putting on my jeans.

"No problem!" She said before I heard her running off and reappear together with a full-body mirror from downstairs before I could even look up at her.

As I looked up I saw my reflection right in front of me I saw: A young lady figure with long, flat pink hair flowing along the back. Light blue eyes. Clothed in a pair of blue jeans, a decorative chain hanging from one of the pockets. A black long-armed T-shirt with a pink cupcake on it and a nice pair of black leather boots on her feet. That was me, it felt like me. I looked down at the straight jacket and pants I had worn before changing into my familiar outfit. Hopefully, this would be the last time.

I looked at Pinkie, "So, how do I look?" I asked with a slight smile on my face, finally feeling the restrains of that awful asylum letting go of me.

"You look as good as ever Pinkie." She said, making me frown. "Pinkie," I said in a stern voice. "You know I don't like to be called that, I'm no longer a part of you, remember? I am myself. So please, say my name correctly." I said as I gave her a look of disappointment.

Seeming to remember what we decided so long ago she apologized. "Sorry, I keep forgetting. It won't happen again, Diane." She said with an apologetic look. Of course, I couldn't stay mad at her. "No worries, as long as you remember," I said once again smiling.

I quickly took a look around the room and decided I should sleep rather sooner than later. "Pinkie, is it okay if I retire for today? I kinda walked here during the whole night, so I missed some sleep." I said, nodding towards the clothes I had arrived in to remind her I had walked from a mental asylum, an asylum awfully far away at that.

She nodded, took the straight jacket and pants I had worn and left the room telling me she would be close by if I needed anything. She also warned me that it could sometimes get rather loud during lunchtime, I just smile and told her it would be no problem. Looking back at me first in confusion and then understanding I knew she had caught my drift, so to speak.

As Pinkie left I started with my little ritual, I spoke the spell over and over in my head before I was certain I had it perfected and then bit my right thumb. As I bit through the skin and blood started flowing I started drawing the necessary circle on the wooden floor, preparing my barrier spell. As I was finished with the circle I started chanting the incantation and saw the circle of blood disappear, leaving no traces behind except a dead silence, result of the barrier shutting out sounds. I quickly healed my thumb with a much simpler spell that didn't require a circle and went to bed. Tomorrow would be a hard day for me and everyone involved.

As I was falling asleep I heard Pinkie carefully enter my room and whisper to me. "Sweet dreams, Pinkamena Diane Pie." Before I fell into a hopefully dreamless sleep.

Author's Note:

So, that's quite a start, don't you think?

So to explain the classes, Solid class is equal to Earth Ponies, Spirit Class is unicorns, Angel class Is Pegasi and God class is Alicorn. The rest will be introduced as the story goes on. But other races that have been turned into humans are: Griffins, Zebras, Minotaurs, Dragons, Buffaloes, Crystal Ponies, Changelings, Thestrals (AKA Bat ponies/Lunar ponies). (I might have forgotten one or two.)

Appearance, Solid class look like basic humans, Spirit class have a gem on their forehead instead of a horn and Angel class have big wings on their back that they're able to hide as to not be an inconvenience when on the ground. God class have both the gem and the wings.

Yes, this really is a Displaced fic, only thing is... The Displaced in this world is not the MC. But don't worry, the Displaced will appear and the relation between Diane, Pinkie and Twilight will be explained.