• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,092 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 13

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 13:

Descent roared a loud, beast-like battle cry as he fired from his spot straight at Soarin. Soarin expected it, ground his back hooves firmly into the concrete and put up his arms. Descent collided head on with Soarin, pushing him back as he charged. Soarin’s hooves screeched against the concrete of the plaza as they slowly came to a stop.

“Soarin!” Dash called out his name, ready to assist, but she saw him holding steady and glaring headlong into the eyes of Descent. Soarin had a score to settle. Dash steeled herself and believed in her stallion. Soarin was a pony who learned from past mistakes, he wouldn’t lose twice. Besides, the Streak twins were with him. They stood by Wave Chill until he got Spitfire a safe distance away, then turned and readied to assist Soarin if need be. They had his back.

Surprise had already begun harassing Starry Skies again, and Fleetfoot backed her up.

That left Dash and Misty Fly to face off against possibly the most dangerous one of all: Nightshade.

Soarin and Descent glared and growled into each other’s faces.

“Never thought I’d have to kill somepony twice!” Descent snarled as he roughly head-butted Soarin in the face. Soarin grunted in pain and a small trickle of blood slid from his nose. He glared right back at Descent, put a wing to his non-bloody nostril and blew hard. A hunk of blood shot out of his nose to the ground.

“Don’t get cocky burnface!” Soarin head-butted him right back, hitting a lightning burn scar between Descent’s eyes. Descent roared in pain and Soarin pushed him a few steps back. Descent quickly replanted his hooves and sneered at Soarin,

“Good! Tough opponents are hard to come by!” He chuckled while they continued to try and overpower the other. Soarin smirked. Did Descent just acknowledged his strength? All he did last time they fought was refer to him as “colt”. Soarin’s eyes widened as he suddenly felt his back hooves leave the ground.

“Whoa!” he yelped as Descent hoisted him up. He tried to pump his wings, but Descent's grip was firm.

“Don’t disappoint me, Soarin of the Wonderbolts!” Descent flung him into the air. Soarin rounded out and spread his wings to stabilize himself. Descent leapt after him.

“Huh.” Soarin wondered out loud as he dove and the two collided again. Something was different about Descent. He was still coming at Soarin with the force and intention to kill, but his air had changed. It was as if Descent was looking forward to fighting him again, looking for a challenge worthy of his strength. They pushed off one another, but Descent quickly gave chase. He thrust his hooves at Soarin, but Soarin twisted and folded his wings. He fell past Descent's back and swung an elbow into the back of Descent’s neck as he passed. Descent grunted, doing a full turn and propelling himself back at Soarin. Soarin flared his wings out and stopped himself completely while sticking his hooves out. He grabbed Descent's incoming punch and used his momentum to toss him towards the ground. Descent was too close to straighten himself out, and crashed to the concrete with a few hard bounces. Soarin landed nearby, still in a ready stance.

“Not bad at all!” Descent stood and cracked his neck back and forth. “You’ve learned a thing or two.” He looked like he was enjoying himself. Soarin wasn’t sure how to take this situation. Descent's attitude was having a strange effect on him. He had wanted to fight Descent again someday. Mostly for almost killing him. Yet, was he enjoying it too?

“Having fun?” Soarin asked with a slight grin.

“Are you not?” Descent caught him off guard. “A true warrior seeks the strongest opponents. As the strongest of the Wonderbolts, surely you think the same way?” He questioned. Soarin actually gave it some thought. The anger caused by the appearance of the Shadowbolts had all but faded when he started fighting Descent. The big lug also had a point. Soarin always got a kick out of combat training, but amongst the Wonderbolts there weren’t any who could match him blow for blow. Descent was right, he was enjoying this.

“Just because you’re right doesn’t mean I like you.” Soarin glared, but with a sporty grin.

“Heh…heheheh…” Descent could keep it down.

“Hahaha…” Soarin joined in as the two quietly chuckled at their situation.

Off to the side, Fire Streak and Lightning Streak stood near Wave Chill, who was still comforting Spitfire. They watched as Soarin and Descent charged one another again.

“Do you think we should, like, help him or something?” Lightning streak asked while using a wing feather to pick his nose. Fire Streak shook his head.

“I dare not step in between those two. If you wish to be pulverized, by all means.” He motioned a hoof towards them. Lightning shrugged.

“I’m cool just sittin’ here.” He plopped down on his flank.

“I didn’t mean relax, dear brother.” Fire grunted.

“Too late, relaxin’.” Lightning reclined. Fire shook his head.

“If Commander Soarin starts to lose ground, I’m going in.” Said Fire.

“Relaxin’.” Lightning repeated while rolling onto his back.

“SHUT IT!” Fire leaned over Lightning’s face, nearly spitting.

“I think you need some relaxin’ bro.”

Anyway.” Fire cleared his throat. “Should commander Soarin begin to falter, I’m cutting in. You better be right behind me unless you want to explain to our dear mother how you were sleeping while I got maimed.”

“Sheesh fine, I’ll be right behind ya.” Lightning waved his hoof casually in the air.

Behind them, Spitfire sat with Wave Chill. She was still hugging herself and had firmly nestled her body into him. Wave Chill wasn’t quite sure what to do. He was the dutiful type, the soldier type. He followed orders and did so with pride. Now here he was hugging the lead captain? Commander Soarin “requested” he keep an eye on Captain Spitfire. He didn't know how to respond. Spitfire sniffled and he looked down at her. He hadn’t budged since he moved her, and his arms were sort of locked in a “hover-hug” position, not quite touching her.

“Are they all okay?” Spitfire suddenly spoke, startling him.

“Uh… yes ma’am! The Wonderbolts are fighting well!” He relayed to her rather robotically.

“They’re gonna be fine, right?” She asked right after. Wave Chill blinked. How was he supposed to respond to that? “They’re all gonna be alright?” She repeated. He didn’t know the details, but something traumatizing must’ve happened to the captain. She was clearly not herself. Wave Chill had only ever seen her stoic and serious, quick and efficient, giving orders and enforcing the squads. What had happened? It’s like something had almost completely broken her spirit. Wave Chill found his perspective on the situation changing.

“They’ll be fine ma’— Spitfire.” He dropped the formality. He hesitated slightly, but let his arms rest against her. Soarin said she needed comfort and safety. It was against his line of duty, but this was clearly a special case. “They’ll be fine.” He repeated. She dug her head into his shoulder and continued to shiver.

WHY,” Starry Skies punched Surprise square in the face, but she burst into particles of cloud. “DO I,” she turned as Surprise came from below her. She kicked her in the jaw, but she exploded into clouds again, “ALWAYS,” Surprise appeared directly in her face upside down. Starry Skies head butted her, but this one ALSO was just a cloud, “GET,” she turned and swiped at Surprise sleeping on her back. Just a cloud, “THE LOONIES?!” Starry Skies glanced around as multiple Surprises kept appearing but continued to be fakes.

“I’m Surprise!” She appeared next to Starry. Starry stuck her wing out and Surprise burst into clouds. “There are lots of different kinds of me!” She was on the other side now.

STOP IT!” Starry yelled while sticking her other wing out. Again, clouds.

“I’m a pleasant surprise!” Surprise appeared in front and gave Starry a hug. Starry shook her off, but she turned into clouds. “I’m an unpleasent surprise!” Surprise appeared behind Starry and blew an air horn in her ear.

“ARGH!” Starry covered her ears and bucked at Surprise. Clouds.

“I’m a surprise party!” Surprise flew upside down past Starry, putting a party hat on her head and a noise maker in her mouth. Starry ripped off the hat and spat out the noise maker, throwing the hat at Surprise. What a surprise, she was also just a fake made of clouds.

“Sometimes I’m just a little surprised.” A very tiny Surprise landed on Starry’s nose. She growled and clapped her hooves together over the little pony. A tiny *poof* sounded. Just clouds.

OH WHAT A BIG SURPRISE!” Starry turned around and a massive Surprise was looking down at her.

“AHHHHH!!!!!!” Starry shielded herself but the giant Surprise exploded into clouds and confetti, raining it down on Starry. Starry opened her eyes, growled deeply, and gritted her teeth.


All the way down on the ground, Fleetfoot sat and watched Starry struggle with all the fake cloud doubles of Surprise. She glanced to her left as Surprise cheerfully hummed while casually molding clouds together before kicking them up into the sky.

“How long do you think till she figures it out?” Fleetfoot chuckled.

“Nopony ever does! Hehehe!”

Dash waited for Nightshade to make the first move, knowing that plain leaping at her was never a good idea. Nightshade was unpredictable. Dash was also worried about Misty Fly. Misty was older than most of them, not too old, but definitely past her prime. Dash had no idea what squad three’s battle capabilities were, but she had to guess that Misty was probably not as swift and nimble as she once was. She wanted to warn Misty about who they were dealing with too, but Dash didn’t have the means of fully communicating it.

“Well?” Nightshade spoke up, making Dash flinch. “We don’t have much time to have fun, don’t keep me waiting.” She was doing her thing. Nightshade knew Dash was afraid of her. Dash refused to let her have her way.

“Heh.” Dash scoffed while trying to hide the fact that she was shivering under Nightshade’s gaze. “I didn’t think you’d be so eager to have your arm dislocated again.” Dash flinched again has Nightshade glared and set her hooves at the ready.

“Oh believe me I haven’t forgotten about that.” Nightshade narrowed her eyes further. Dash coached herself to show no weakness. Show no weakness. Show no weakness. Show no weakness. Show no weakness. Nightshade would eat her alive if she did.

“Uhhhh…” Lightning Dust suddenly stirred from her spot a few feet from Nightshade.

“You still alive rookie?” Nightshade spoke down to her.

“Captain… Nightshade…?” She said groggily and tried to push herself up.

“Just stay down, you’ve already screwed up enough.” Nightshade shook her head as Lightning Dust shakily propped herself up. “You relied too much on the crystal. Its power made you soft.”

Dash blinked as she listened to the conversation. After all the high and mighty talking Lightning Dust did before they fought, she was just as lost and overconfident as Rapidfire. Dash wondered why none of the Shadowbolts used crystals during the tornado incident. The only crystal she saw then was the one Starry Skies used to escape. There were definitely downsides to this so-called power, and the veterans were more wary of it than the rest it seemed. In the end Lightning Dust was still a rookie making rookie mistakes.

“But! But I—,” Dust tried to validate her actions. Nightshade shook her head and stepped towards Dust.

“We’ll have a nice long talk later. Just sit tight,” she gave Dust a hard kick to the face and sent her flying towards Rapidfire. She landed on top of his unconscious body, knocked out. Dash yelped slightly as the scene played out and shuddered when Nightshade slowly turned back to her. “She has potential,” Nightshade advanced towards them, “but she’s just a scared little foal, crying endlessly for a mother that will never come.” She shrugged, “pathetic really, but she begged to join us, and you know I love watching somepony squirm.” Nightshade turned to Misty Fly. “So what’s your story?”

Misty just kept glaring. Nightshade lifted an eyebrow.

“Hello? Anypony home?” She chuckled. Dash was not about to tell Nightshade that Misty was deaf. Who knows what Nightshade would do to exploit it? “I know your type,” Nightshade sighed, “so determined, not gracing the enemy with a single word. Fine, it’s quicker that way!” Nightshade instantly burst from her spot towards Misty. Dash reacted quickly, aiming to put herself between them, but Nightshade was incredibly fast.

Misty’s eyes widened slightly and she leapt into the air, pumping her wings to speed up as she went skyward. Nighshade slammed her hooves to the ground and looked towards Misty. Dash was right beside her, and threw a punch directly into Nightshade’s face. Nightshade lurched slightly, but barely moved from her spot. She glanced and Dash and sneered even with Dash’s hoof squishing her cheek into the rest of her face.

“Give me a minute, I’ll get to you.” She taunted before thrusting her wings out. Her left wing jabbed Dash hard in the gut, knocking the wind out of her while sending her tumbling along the ground. Nightshade rocketed towards Misty Fly. Misty kept her eyes glued to her approaching opponent and took a deep breath. She looked straight forward, and then closed her eyes. Dash sat up quickly, alarmed upon seeing Misty's eyes shut.

“NO!” Dash forced herself up and took after Nightshade, but again she was too far behind. Then to her surprise, Misty shifted left the instant before Nightshade hit her.

“Hm?” Nightshade paid no mind and made an impossibly sharp loop back down behind Misty. She still had her eyes closed and was now facing away from Nightshade.

Dash beat her wings harder than she ever had in her life. She had to help Misty!

Nightshade sneered and spun, aiming a hard roundhouse kick right for Misty’s neck. But again, right before the blow connected, Misty lifted her arms up beside her head, completely blocking the kick.

“What?!” Nightshade blinked. Dash halted in her path, staring in disbelief. She couldn’t figure it out either. Misty had her eyes closed! And she was deaf! How in Equestria was she anticipating and defending against Nightshade’s attacks? Misty’s wings twitched and she pulled down on Nightshade’s leg. Misty thrust her elbow out, planting it right into Nightshade’s forehead as she was pulled. Nightshade grunted and tumbled downward for a moment before leveling out and smirking as Misty opened her eyes and turned to her. “My, my, my, you are interesting! Just how do you do that?”

Dash glanced between the two. She wasn’t sure what to do. She was afraid to attack Nightshade head on, but what was this amazing secret fighting style Misty pulled out of her sleeve?

“Show me more!” Nightshade yelled, firing at Misty Fly again. Misty quickly closed her eye and her wings twitched slightly. She pulled her hoof back to punch, but Nightshade pulled up and went over her. Misty’s wings twitched again and she halted the punch before firing up and throwing both hooves towards Nightshade’s stomach. Nightshade blocked, but was pushed slightly higher. “Oh?” She said with interest, “I think I see it…” She shoved off and tipped downward moving below Misty Fly. Misty’s wings twitched and she turned downward, thrusting a hoof towards Nightshade. Nightshade moved aside, but Misty’s wings twitched and she reached out, grabbing Nightshade’s hoof. “I see! That’s VERY interesting!” Nightshade laughed as Misty slung her around once before throwing her to the ground. Nightshade easily turned herself and landed roughly on her hooves, sneering at Misty Fly as she landed and opened her eyes. “You are very unique indeed!”

Dash quickly landed as well and stood beside Misty Fly. It was clear Misty was not quite as rusty as Dash anticipated. Misty had just scrapped briefly with Nightshade, the captain of the Shadowbolts, and didn’t receive a single blow.

“I’ve figured you out,” Nightshade bounced one eyebrow, “you don’t fight with your eyes or ears. You fight with the sense of touch! I’ve never seen anything like it!” Nightshade flared her wings out and licked her lips. “You use your wing feathers to detect small changes in the air around you, and use them to follow your opponent, their position, and their motion… Then you counter!”

Dash, again, let Nightshade talk. In fact Dash envied Misty in this situation. Half of what made Nightshade so intimidating was her sly voice that slithered around your ears like a poisonous snake waiting for the right moment to strike. Misty was free of that. Nightshade laughed maniacally for a moment before re-fixing her eyes on Misty.

“Ah I love to hear myself talk don’t I? You can’t even hear me!” She suddenly pointed out. Dash flinched. Nightshade knew?! “It all makes sense. Not replying, not faltering at a single word I say, and using a fighting style that cuts off other senses? You’re deaf, right?” She winked at Misty. Misty, of course, gave no response. “Bingo.”

“Then quit wasting time with your creepy ass monologues!” Dash set her hooves, ready to fight. She was afraid of Nightshade, but she would not let her harass Misty.

“A fighting style like that take years to fully master…” Nightshade completely ignored Dash. “You are definitely a keeper!” A pink crystal hovered out beside her. “I MUST have you!”

“You don’t seriously think Misty Fly would join you!?” Dash spoke for Misty, who remained steady. There was only one thing on her mind: protect Rainbow Dash.

“God, you are annoying.” Nightshade rolled her eyes. “Not everypony is the super loyal, happy-go-lucky stooge you are Rainbow Dash. Ponies are drawn to what they do not have. The desire to be complete is one of the strongest forces in our minds.” The crystal began to glow slightly. “Persuasion can be stronger than any punch or kick. And believe me, I can be very persuasive.” The crystal gleamed brightly and Nightshade’s eyes were overtaken by the pink light. The light fired from her eyes and towards the two of them. Dash yelped and ducked, but the blast ignored her and struck Misty Fly. There wasn’t much force behind it. Misty only stumbled a few steps backwards, but the pink light had concentrated around her ears and around her throat.

Misty’s ears suddenly shot up and she blinked with wide eyes. She began glancing around her. She looked up towards Soarin and Descent locked in combat, then back down over to where Surprise and Fleetfoot were engaged with Starry Skies.

“Misty Fly?” Dash said her name in concern. Misty’s head snapped around and she stared at Dash.

“It’s nice isn’t it? Being able to hear?” Nightshade’s sly voice slid its way into Misty’s ears.

“Ah… Ahhaaaahhh…” Misty Fly suddenly made a noise that struggled to find a clear pitch.

“Oh, and a voice! You do have one!” Nightshade slowly approached. “Not only that, but without any practice or time with a nose lodged in a boring book, you know our language! Go on, try it!” Nightshade seemed to be shivering with delight. Dash’s mouth hung agape as she watched Misty. Had the crystal power really given her hearing and speech? That was impossible!

“Ahhhhyyyeee… I… khhh... caaaan… t—t—taaaaaaalk?” Misty’s voice was very broken and scattered, like a two year old foal trying to put words together for the first time. As she spoke, small tears formed in the corners of her eyes. Dash didn’t know what to do. Her body had frozen on her. Nightshade was now right in front of Misty.

“Not bad for your first words!” She slowly began to walk a circle around Misty. “With a little work you could use one of our crystals to hear and speak just like everypony else!” She stopped on Misty’s other side. “It feels good doesn’t it? All your life you’ve struggled, and now the solution is right here.” She held a hoof in front of Misty, the small crystal hovering in it. She used her other hoof to slowly remove the goggles from Misty's face. Misty gave no resistance. “Forget the Wonderbolts, half of them never even try to understand you. They have nothing for you.” Misty’s eyes darted back and forth and Nightshade ran the tip of her wing from the base of Misty’s tail all the way up her back to her head. “You’d be welcomed by all.”

“I… I…” Misty stuttered. Nightshade leaned towards Misty’s ear.

“Come with us, and you can be the pony you’ve always wanted to be.” She whispered.

“Misty… No…” Dash could barely watch. This was far and away the most evil thing she had ever witnessed. Nightshade was so cruel, offering fake solutions to real, serious problems. Drawing ponies in, turning their weaknesses against them, and taunting them with what they could never truly have.

Misty looked all around her again. To Soarin and the Streak twins, to Surprise and Fleetfoot, to Wave Chill comforting Spitfire, then back at Rainbow Dash. Misty slowly reached up and took the crystal from Nightshade.

“Yes! Embrace it! Never be silent again!” Nightshade stepped around in front of her.

Misty stared at the crystal. She could see her distorted reflection in the smooth jagged edges of it as it slowly rotated in her hoof. Her arm began to shake. Then her whole body quivered. She made another glance at the Streak twins, specifically Fire. Her eyes locked on him as he kept watch on the battle between Soarin and Descent. She bit her lower lip and shut her eyes tight. The tears began to fall, streaking down her face. Dash watched in despair as the droplets fell from Misty’s chin and stained the ground beneath her. Misty opened her eyes slowly, looking at the crystal again.

“N…nnnn…no.” She glared at the crystal.

“Excuse me?” Nightshade tipped her goggles up.

“Wuhh…wuuuuhhnnnd…Wonderbolts… fr… friends…” She glared at Nightshade, “Rrrraain…Raaainbow D-Daaash… ffrriend!” She shook her head back and forth roughly, scattering her tears all around. “I…I’ll nnnever… t—turn…mmmy b—back… ON… THEM!!!!!!!” She took the crystal and smashed it between her hooves. She looked away as the crystal released a small explosion of energy, forcing both her and Dash to stumble back. Nightshade didn’t budge as the wave of energy flew past her, and looked towards the two of them with frustration.

“So much resistance. I wish more ponies like you knew how to let go.” A sly grin slowly crept onto her face as she pushed her goggles back down. “But then again, the ones with the most resistance,” she slowly ran her tongue over her bottom lip, “are also my favorite ones to break… slowly.” She shivered slightly with a sharp inhale and low sigh.

Dash got to her hooves fast and quickly turned to help Misty stand up. The glow had disappeared around her ears and throat.

“Misty…” Dash accidentally said her name, forgetting that she could no longer hear. Misty’s face was stained with tears. She looked up at Dash, eyes mixed with sorrow and rage. Dash couldn’t even begin to imagine it. It must've been incredibly difficult to resist such a strong tempation. Her whole life Misty struggled with the inability to hear or speak. She had a chance to change it all right there, and willingly crushed the chance right between her hooves in favor of those who truly cared about her.

Dash quickly smiled and used her wing to make the “thank you” gesture. Misty mustered a smile and made the sign right back. Then her head snapped towards Nightshade, the sorrow in her eyes completely fading, and the rage growing fierce. Misty was angry, as she should be. Nightshade just plunged a dagger into her heart, exploiting her desire to love and be loved in return despite her disability. If Misty could still speak, she would surely have unleashed a fearsome battle cry. She fired towards Nightshade. Dash picked up on her fury and following close behind.

Dash knew what Misty wanted right now. No sign language was needed to tell her. Misty wanted to tear Nightshade apart for what she had just done to her. Dash was more than willing to help her do just that.

---To be Continued---

Author's Note:

Writing for Nightshade makes me feel like such a heartless bastard.

(A tad shorter than usual, but this was my entire outline for the chapter. MORE FIGHTING INCOMING.)