• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,112 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 12

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 12:

“You remember me? I’m so touched.” Lightning Dust put on a false show of flattery.

“You know this mare?” Spitfire pointed and looked towards Dash.

“Spitfire, this was the mare that caused all the trouble at flight camp! Remember when i attended?” Dash explained. Spitfire glanced back to Dust and took a good long look. Her eyes widened

“Wait, the sassy upstart? Now I remember!”

“That went downhill fast.” Dust scoffed as she pushed her goggles down. Dash set her hooves and growled at her.

“Hey! That means you’re the one who harassed Soarin at the ball! Keep you dirty hooves off my stallion!” She barked. Dust lifted an eyebrow and burst out laughing.

“Wait, rewind,” she pointed at Dash, “You were the mare he was all depressed over? Pardon me while I laugh at his low standards!”

“Oh that’s it! I’m gonna—!”

“Dash!” Soarin placed his wing over her back. “She’s baiting you!”

“You haven’t changed little Dashie. Still always one step behind.” Dust sneered

“Enough crap.” They all looked to Spitfire. “I hope you don’t think we’re just gonna let you take Rapidfire. I don’t care how much I dislike him. I will not lend recruitment to you lowlifes!” She gritted her teeth. Dust shrugged.

“Does anyone around here listen? I didn’t do anything. I merely showed him the door—,” a small pink crystal hovered beside her, “he was the one that walked through it.” She glanced over as he continued to struggle with the overflowing energy within him, “well, more like stumbled. But it was his choice.”

“I don't care.” Spitfire shook her head. “You make any moves to take him or get away and we'll take you down!”

“So serious.” Dust smirked. “Who said I was gonna run?” Her eyes glowed pink and a small wave of energy shot out from her body. It wasn’t very strong, barely moving any of them, but it was clearly meant for intimidation.

“Four on one? You must be joking.” Fleetfoot jeered.

“Four on two actually, I’m sure he will try to fight regardless.” Dust made a head motion towards Rapidfire. “But you bring up a very good point.” A devilish grin appeared on her face and the crystal still hovering beside her. “How about I explain something to you.” She began while pacing casually back and forth. Dash and the others all stood ready in case of a sneak attack. “Everypony is naturally weak on the inside. This weakness is bred from negative emotions that build over time. When I say negative I mean that they have a bad effect on the pony, not those around them.” She stopped and glanced at Rapidfire. “Pride and jealousy mixed together is an explosive combination. I didn’t even have to wave my little magic rock at him. He came right to me all by himself. However—” She turned back to them, “If I needed to I could have easily amplified it and he would have come along like a lost puppy."

“Start making sense or I’ll start flying hooves in your general direction.” Soarin stomped.

“Oh it’ll make perfect sense, let me have a look inside all of you.” She held the crystal towards them. They all flinched as she was surrounded by a swirling pink aura. She held the crystal towards Fleetfoot first. “Hm, how boring. You are too happy for your own good.”

“Huh?” Fleetfoot lifted an eyebrow as Dust moved it to Soarin.

“Lots of pride, you’re a real lion eh? Too bad you’re a goody two shoes.”

“Rgh…” Soarin was at the end of his patience.

“I’m not even gonna try with you.” She rolled her eyes at Dash, “Little miss loyal.”

“Can I punch her now?” Dash growled.

“Oh?” Dust moved the crystal to Spitfire. “What have we here?” She smirked. Spitfire stiffened uncomfortably. What about her? “My crystal is showing me… Oh dear, how lonely you must be!”

“What?” Spitfire gasped. They all looked to her.

“So much hard work. So much duty. So little time for yourself, and my does it claw at you!”

“Sh—shut up!” Spitfire stuttered while taking a step back.

“Somepony has been watching their best friend fall in love... and it's been killing her inside-out!”

“SHUT UP!” Spitfire was quivering.

“Spitfire—!” Soarin glanced between his friend and Dust.

“You are trapped in your own life, and fear you will never be loved. Wow you couldn’t be a more perfect candidate! Let’s get started shall we?”

SHUT! UP!” Spitfire lost her composure and flung herself towards Dust. Dust sneered and a bright light shone from the crystal. It lashed out, thrusting into and through Spitfire.

“Spitfire!!!!” Dash yelled as they watched.

“AAAAAHHH!!!!!!!” Spitfire cried out as the light enveloped her.

“Turn your negative emotions into power!” Dust laughed as the crystal worked its magic on Spitfire.

“NO!” Soarin leapt forth, but a hoof connected with his cheek and he was sent tumbling away.

“Soarin!” Dash quickly went to his side. Fleetfoot gasped as Rapidfire now stood between them and Dust. He was still a magical mess, but he was up and glaring at them. Spitfire continued to writhe and wail as Dust let the crystal manipulate her. When Dash finally got Soarin to his hooves, Fleetfoot had sped over to keep from being separated. The light had faded, and Spitfire lay on the ground in front of Dust.

“Now,” Dust leaned down and whispered into Spitfire’s ear. “You are jealous of what others have. You are lonely because of what you see and hear right in front of you. Turn it into strength! Into anger! Take it out on those who make you feel so alone!”

“Rrrghh…” Spitfire stirred and slowly stood up. Dash, Soarin, and Fleetfoot all watched in horror as Spitfire turned to them, her eyes glowing pink.

“Make them feel your pain!” Dust pointed.

“RAAH!!” Spitfire yelled out as she charged at them. Dash and Fleetfoot moved aside, but Spitfire kept on a direct course towards…“SOOOAAARRRINNNN!!!!” She shouted his name as she threw a heavy punch towards his face. Soarin, alarmed, crossed his arms to block. The blow knocked him back and he tumbled to the ground.

“Spitfire?!” He called to her as he scrambled to his hooves. “My god, Spitfire what did she do to you?!” He shielded himself again as she threw more punches. Dash made a move to help him, but Dust zipped in front of her.

“Hey now, I believe they are settling a personal matter. Best not to get involved.” Dust taunted as Dash took a few steps back. “Besides, now it’s even.”

“You’re insane!” Dash yelled in her face.

“I prefer the term, ambitious. After all I love to push myself.” She sneered and winked. Rapidfire suddenly snarled beside them and took a swing at Dash. Dash leaned back and flipped backwards before landing on her hooves again.

“Dammit!” Dash looked between Rapidfire and Lightning Dust. She wanted to help Soarin and it was clear that Dust was only going to bar her path. This was fine because Dash figured she’d have to get the crystal away from Dust to stop whatever she did to Spitfire. Now the problem was the guard dog. She couldn’t handle it if Rapidfire kept getting in the way. Fleetfoot suddenly landed beside Dash.

“I’ll keep Rapidfire busy. Get that crystal from her and save Spitfire.” She nodded. Dash blinked.

“Will you be okay? He’s completely lost it!”

“Don’t worry.” Fleetfoot chuckled. “I know him better, just like you know her better.” She pointed at Dust. “I’ll buy you all the time you need. Take her down!” Fleetfoot patted Dash on the back before setting her hooves and aiming for Rapidfire.

“Lightning Dust.” Dash glared at her old cadet buddy. “I don’t care what I have to do. I’m going to pry that crystal right out of your hooves.”

“Oh, now we’re talking.” Dust lifted off slightly into the air. “But I wonder, can you do it? I was always better than you.” She taunted.

“Bring it on!” Dash yelled as Dust fired skyward. Dash didn’t miss a beat and followed right behind.

Rapidfire grunted and tried to chase Dash, but Fleetfoot flew in front and spread her arms out to bar his path.

“Oh no you don’t! I wouldn’t say I’ve always wanted to beat you down—” she paused, blinked, and shrugged, “screw it, I’ve always wanted to beat you down!”

“Out… of my… way…!” Rapidfire suddenly spoke. It seemed like he was gaining control, but it was definitely a struggle.

“Make me.” Fleetfoot glared back. Her eyes widened as Rapidfire instantly leapt at her. “Whoa!”

“Spitfire!” Soarin ducked and dodged as Spitfire unleashed a flurry of attacks at him. Soarin crossed his hooves above his head as she tried to slam him into the ground. He was forced down. Her strength was apparently amplified by crystal, just like with Rapidfire. “Spitfire, STOP!” Soarin yelled as he struggled beneath the force. But this was different from Rapidfire. Rapidfire had gone on a rampage, attacking anything and everything that got in his way. Spitfire was going after him and nothing else.

Lightning Dust had said she amplified negative emotions within Spitfire, whereas Rapidfire did everything on his own free will. Either way how was he supposed to stop her? She was being controlled. She was enslaved by her own emotions turned into strength and anger by an outside force. He refused to fight her. He refused to strike somepony he treated like a sister. But what was he supposed to do?

He forced his arms up and shoved her back while making some distance between them. He contemplated whether or not to take flight. He was much more mobile in the air than he was on the ground, but should something happen in the air, he’d hate to see her fall and get hurt.

“Soooaaarrr…iiinnnn…” She said again, her body completely out of her control. Soarin’s ears twitched and he gasped as he took a closer look. She was in a battle ready stance and her hooves firmly on the ground and her wings flared out to her sides, but there were tears pouring down her cheeks. They were pouring out from behind the pink glow that had overtaken her eyes. Could it be that her body was being controlled, but she could still see and feel everything she was doing?

“Rgh!” Soarin grunted as she leapt at him again. He put up a full guard, using both his arms and wings to block her blows as she continued to throw heavy, wild punched and kicks. The tears flew off her face as she whipped around, the small droplets landing on Soarin. This was the most painful experience of Soarin’s life. He couldn’t bring himself to fight her, he just couldn’t!

Lightning Dust flew through the sky quickly and efficiently. She looked behind her and sneered as Rainbow Dash tried to keep up.

“What’s the matter Dashie? Still can’t keep up?”

“Shut it!” Dash yelled as she pumped her wings harder. Speed wasn’t the issue, as far as Dash could tell, she was actually faster than Lightning Dust. The problem was agility. Lightning Dust was like Soarin, she wasn’t a speed specialist, but she could change directions so quickly. Dust was just toying with her. “You afraid of me or something?! Hold still!” Dash yelled as she just missed catching Dust again.

“Oh please.” Dust was suddenly behind her. Before Dash could fully turn, Dust landed two hooves to Dash’s side and then punched Dash right across the left cheek. Dash tumbled downward and Dust gave chase. “Who would be afraid of a third rate flyer?!” She taunted as she pulled back both her hooves for a double strike. Dash quickly leveled herself out and caught Dust’s hooves in hers.

“What’s happened to you?!” Dash glared at her, “why the Shadowbolts?!” Dash gritted her teeth as she pumped her wings against the force of Dust’s attack.

“Hah! Why not? I got rejected from the Wonderbolts… for what? Trying my hardest and pushing my limits! Why would I ever want to be part of such a stiff band of idiots?” A soft pink glow surrounded her and she began to push Dash back. “The Shadowbolts don’t give a damn! If you’ve got the ambition and the skill, that’s all they need!” She laughed in Dash’s face. “Then there’s this power!” She referred to the crystal, “it can make a mild-mannered pony into a war machine! Just imagine the possibilities if those with talent and ability use them!” She smirked with delight as the power coursed through her. “It feels great. I guarantee you’d like it!”

“No!” Dash pushed and beat her wings even harder. Dust’s eyes widened as Dash stopped them from moving any farther. “Lightning Dust! You. Are. Pitiful! I will never give in and never lose to fake power! NEVER!” Dash began to push her back.

“Huh,” it only seemed to amuse Dust, “not quite the little flower with wings anymore huh? Hmph, I’ll show you what you could have!” Dust pushed off and the two broke apart. Dash took the initiative, charging right at Dust to get a head start as Dust did the same. Their hooves collided, knocking each other back. They flew a few circles around one another before coming together for another shared blow.

“Argh!” Dash yelled as the blows left her slightly disoriented. Dust snickered to herself.

“C’mon, are you all bark and no bite?”

“I’ll show you some bite!” Dash charged again with Dust eagerly waiting.

Unlike Soarin, Fleetfoot was having no trouble throwing punches at Rapidfire. He was stumbling and faltering, but no amount of face beating seemed to have any effect on him.

“This is getting ridiculous.” Fleetfoot jumped back and shook out her hooves. They were starting to hurt. She already thought Rapidfire had a nice and dense hard head, but apparently the light surrounding him was making it even harder.

“Pa…thetic…” Rapidfire forced out as he panted and wheezed and advanced towards her, each step causing the energy around him to undulate, crackle, and pop.

“Means a whole lot coming from you.” She snorted as he leapt at her again. His attacks were slow and clumsy, but apparently had some invisible force behind them. Anything nearby by, be it debris or something left in the plaza, was blown away in the path of his punches. It was clear to Fleetfoot that all it would take was one punch to put her in an excruciating amount of pain. As soon as he missed she went back to punching him left and right across the face three times each before grabbing his head and slamming it down while kicking her leg into it. Rapidfire stumbled back as Fleetfoot clutched her leg painfully. “YOW!” She yelped as Rapidfire stood back straight, not effected in the slightest. “Oh, COME ON!” She yelled in frustration as the process continued.

Soarin had never felt more cornered in his life. Spitfire just wouldn’t stop. Even while he was constantly on the defensive, she had managed to connect a few hits. His arms were beginning to hurt, having blocked so many hooves. A few costly glances towards Rainbow Dash made him confident she was going after Lightning Dust. He was confident she would get the crystal away from Dust. But he wasn’t sure how much longer he would last. If he didn’t fight back in some way, it was going to get ugly. Spitfire was still crying too. The tears never ending as her body lunged at him and threw every sort of wild attack.

Despite his previous worries, Soarin saw no other option and took to the air. Outrunning her now seemed like his best bet. But he didn’t get very far. He cursed himself for not using the Sonic Blast-off as Spitfire followed and caught up before he was even twenty feet off the ground. He turned and shielded himself again as she swiped and kicked at him. He gave her another light push to create some distance before turning and flying as fast as he could upward. He flinched as something yanked at his leg.

“Dammit!” He swore as he turned around and saw Spitfire clutching his leg and trying to pull herself onto him. He pulled back his free leg to kick, but stopped himself halfway through the motion. What was wrong with him? If Spitfire was fighting off a mindless version of him, she would have not hesitated to kick him in the face. He was too nice for his own good. Or he just couldn’t bear to even think of hurting her. Either-or, it was his own damn fault and Lightning Dust probably knew full well this would happen. She had successfully taken the two best Wonderbolt aerial fighters out of the picture by forcing one to attack the other.

“Spitfire!” he tried calling to her again as he tried to shake her off. “Don’t let it control you! You can break out of it!” She pulled herself up and the two were now wrestling for control of their flight. “Don’t succumb! Loneliness? What a load of crap!” He yelled in her face as she growled at him. “You’ve got me! And Fleet! And the rest of the Wonderbolts!" She ripped her hoof free from his grip and clutched his neck. "SHIT!” He cursed as she got leverage on them and turned them towards the ground, picking up speed. He tried to gain the upper hoof, but they were already too close to the ground to pull up. They crashed right through a café window at the edge of the plaza. There were several unicorns taking refuge inside, who all scattered and fled to the back wall as the two came tumbling in. “ARGH! Soarin winced as he felt several stings around his body from shards of broken glass.

He quickly pushed himself up, but Spitfire was still hanging onto him. He grabbed her hooves and ripped them off of him, but she clamped down on his arms. The two struggled to overpower the other in the middle of the café. Several gasps and shrieks came from behind them as the ponies occupying the building were nearly fighting each other for cover.

The last thing Soarin wanted was to get any civilians involved. He forced to his right and made them turn around, but that effort weakened his hold for a brief moment. Spitfire shook one of her hooves free and socked Soarin right in the gut. Soarin cringed, coughing as he felt all the air leave his lungs. He stumbled a step backwrds. Spitfire followed up with a punch right to the neck. Soarin fell slightly, fighting to get air back in his body. Spitfire grabbed him by the hoof, slung him over her back and threw him through the glass door beside the window they had already broken.

As if he didn’t already have enough cuts from the window, Soarin found himself with small pockets of extreme pain riddled all over his body, a few of which drew blood. The stinging didn’t help his focus as he tried to stand. Spitfire was already firing towards him. He put his arms up as she punched at him again. Even blocking was painful now due to multiple glass wounds. He wouldn’t be able to keep this up much longer, but he just couldn’t fight back! What was he supposed to do? Maybe if he could restrain her in some way. It wouldn’t be easy, but it would buy Dash more time to subdue Lightning Dust. The problem was that he was already being forced back by her amplified strength, would he be able to hold her down? He had no time to think about it. She was attacking again.

“RAAHH!!!” She yelled as she pulled back for another wild punch. Soarin dropped his guard and let her punch him in the face. The shock was fierce, but he purposely took it to let her in close. He pushed her arm down, reached forward and pulled her into him, wrapping his arms and wings firmly around her to completely restrict her movement.

“OOF!” Soarin grunted as she quickly began squirming and flailing violently in his grip. Just as he thought, he could barely keep a hold of her. But he had the size advantage and despite her being enhanced through the crystals magic, he was still the strongest Wonderbolt. He would live up to that title. His determination was high, but— “AUGH!” He cried out in pain as Spitfire snarled and bit into his shoulder HARD. Her body was acting like a feral beast. Ponies didn’t have sharp teeth, but that was definitely going to leave a mark.

Loosening his grip only slightly, he turned her around, painfully ripping her teeth from his body. With her back now to him, he clamped down hard again. She began shaking her head around, grunting and yelling his name. Soarin placed one of his arms higher to stop her head from flailing around. He remained completely calm as he struggled to hold her. Her tears were dripping down his arms and wings now. It was terrible. As painful as this had to be for Spitfire, it was just as painful for him. On instinct he leaned his head slightly towards her ear.

“Spitfire. It’s Soarin, your brother. Don’t worry. I won’t let you hurt anyone or anything. I won’t let go until you’re free, I promise.” He spoke caringly into her ear. She was like family to him, and loneliness would never be strong enough against family. Her body kept thrashing and she kept wailing and crying out. “I promise it will be over soon, just please hang in there.” To his surprise, her body slowly stopped thrashing, but the light remained in her eyes.

“Soar…in…” She said his name quietly.

“Spitfire?!” Soarin didn’t think his voice would actually calm her down.

“Kill… me…!” She said out of nowhere, alarming Soarin.


“Please…! Kill… me…!” She choked out, her voice still warped by the magic. “It… hurts… so… much!” She pleaded, the tears still dropping off her face and onto him.

“No!” Soarin tightened his grip on her. “Don’t you DARE say that! EVER!”

“Soar… in… PLEASE!” She continued.

“STOP IT!” Soarin yelled and forced her head to look upward. “Look into the sky!” He ordered, he pointed her head towards Rainbow Dash struggling against Lightning Dust. “How can you say something like that when Dash is fighting so hard to save you?!” He scolded her. “You need to believe in her! She’s saved my life in the past. She is definitely capable of saving you!” he grunted as Spitfire’s body began to retaliate again a little. “And you better believe I’m not giving up on you either!” He stated as she lost all control again and continued her struggle to escape.

“Son of a…!” Dash got blown back again. She was getting frustrated. She couldn’t land a single hit. In her eyes, Lightning Dust was beating the crap out of her. She was just too damn quick. If only Dash could get a punch in. If only she could stun Dust briefly. Sure she was surrounded by the same magic as Rapidfire, but it was clear she wouldn’t be quite as invulnerable in it. Dust herself said something about being careful with the use of the crystals, so the chances of her being totally shielded were low. If Dash could get a few good blows in, the tide would turn. But that was precisely the problem.

“Feeling tired Dashie?” Dust chuckled as she continued to zip around and avoid Dash’s attacks. After each miss, Dust would whisk around and land another hit. It was becoming really annoying. Dash tried to anticipate Dust’s movement, but it led her to miss even harder and Dust crashed her elbow between Dash’s wings on her back. Dash winced and tumbled through the air, but she caught herself and faced Dust again. Then she noticed something.

Was Lightning Dust losing her patience? The smirk had faded and was replaced with an unsatisfied look. It was as if things weren’t going quite as planned. To anypony else, it would have looked like nothing, but Dash had spent enough time with Dust in flight camp to know what really grinded her gears. Specifically: something not going her way. Dash saw an emotional opening. It could possibly be her key to victory.

“Is that all you’ve got?!” Dash jeered as she charged, swung, and missed Lightning Dust again. Dust came around and delivered two more punches to Dash’s side, but Dash only grunted and kept coming at her.

“You. Are. STUBBORN!” Dust grunted in frustration as Dash kept flying at her again and again no matter how much punishment she took. Dash was surprising herself. She barely lasted a few blows the last time she fought back in Ponyville. Dust’s punches and kicks had weight behind them, but Dash found she was shrugging them off and keeping in the fight. So this was what it was like to have a strong body. All her extra training and heavy lifting was paying off. She could fight, and she wouldn’t go down easily. It was awesome.

“Didn’t you hear me before?” Dash said despite missing Dust again and taking another blow to the back. “You can’t beat me with fake power!”

“Oh shut up!” Dust lost her composure and flew in for a hard punch. Dash didn’t try to block or dodge. Instead she hovered in place and tensed her muscles. Dust connected her punch to Dash’s chest. Dash grunted and was pushed back slightly, but smirked at Dust and grabbed her hoof.

“You want to know what real strength is?” Dash clamped her hoof around Dust’s arm hard. Dust struggled to pull back, but Dash was too strong. Dash pulled her head back and head butted Dust right between Dust’s eyes. “Blood!” She moved forward and kneed Dust in the stomach. “Sweat!” She put her in a headlock and plummeted towards the ground. “And tears!” She put her back into Dust and slammed her to the ground wings first.

“AUGH!!!!” Dust cried out as her wings got bent awkwardly below their combined weight. Dash rolled off and picked her up off the ground. “Learning from your mistakes!” She punched Dust across the face, knocking her goggles off. “And your failures!” She punched her in the face again in the other direction. Dust stumbled and collapsed, still conscious, but heavily beaten and disoriented. “Running away from your flaws only brings them out harder.” Dash nodded, satisfied.

She glanced over and saw Soarin struggling to hold Spitfire steady. She was quickly reminded of the situation and looked back to Lightning Dust. The crystal had fallen out of a small pouch on her uniform. Dash leapt over Dust and smashed her hooves to the crystal, crushing it completely. A small explosion sparked from it and blew Dash and Dust away, but the deed had been done.

“HRRRRRRRRrrrhhhhhh… uhhhh….” Spitfire stopped struggling in Soarin’s grip and the pink light disappeared from around her and her eyes. Soarin breathed a sigh of relief and let go, but looked over her with worry. She was shaking. Soarin could hear her whimpering softly as she hugged herself tightly with both her arms and wings. She sharply turned to Soarin. Her eyes full of the tears that had been flowing throughout.

“Spitfire?” He quietly said her name as he reached for her. Before he could touch her she pushed herself into him.

“Oh my god… oh my god…” she said as she shuddered. Soarin quickly put his arms around her.

“It’s okay Spitfire, I’m here. Your brother is here.” He tucked her head into his chest as she began to wail weakly in his arms. Dash made her way over to them quickly and looked her over as well. When she saw the terrified state Spitfire was in, she came up from the other side and hugged her as well so she would be between those who cared. Dash had known nothing about Spitfire’s apparent loneliness. She could only imagine what it would feel like to have such a terrible emotion forcefully amplified and have your body lose control.

“It hurt… so much…” She sniffled and buried her head into Soarin. Dash looked up at him, concern written all over her face. Soarin shook his head.

“Spitfire, you will never be alone. You will always have us and those that look up to you.” He repeated what he had said before while she was still under the magic’s influence. Dash had no words she could find to help, so she continued to just offer her comfort along with Soarin. But then they heard a familiar voice.

“Ow! Dammit!” Fleetfoot cursed.

Dash and Soarin both looked up at each other and said simultaneously,


Fleetfoot hadn’t made much progress. Rapidfire seemed completely immune to any sort of pain or damage. No matter what she did he kept moving towards her. She had thrown all manners of punches, kicks, and other objects at him, but he just would not falter. Dash nodded to Soarin and released her hold on Spitfire to go join Fleetfoot’s side.

“I swear he’s made of stone now or something!” Fleetfoot said as Dash landed beside her.

“Any ideas?” She immediately asked. Fleetfoot shook her head.

“I’ve tried everything! And before you say it, YES, I did throw a kitchen sink at him already!”

Suddenly Rapidfire’s legs buckled and he fell to the ground. Gasping and wheezing.

“I…will not fall…” He rasped. “I am free… I am powerful… I will do as I please…” He forced out. But as he struggled, a pulse of pink energy fired out from him, blowing Dash and Fleetfoot into the air.

“Whoa!” Dash yelped as the two leveled out, only to be blown back again by another wave just as strong as the last. The energy began flowing freely from Rapidfire and his body was slowly being engulfed by the pink light.

“Uh, I hope I’m wrong, but why do I get the feeling he’s about to explode?!” Exclaimed Fleetfoot as she shielded herself from the continuous waves of energy.

“I sure hope you're wrong!” Dash said in panic. The light around Rapidfire grew brighter and brighter.

An enormous blast of energy fired out from Rapidfire. Dash and Fleetfoot could only guard themselves and pray.

But they were just fine. When the two built up the courage to peek out from behind their wings, they saw a large pink dome of energy surrounding Rapidfire. Inside the dome Rapidfire stood upright and still, smoke rising from his body, before collapsing on the ground.

“If you want something done right, I guess you have to do it yourself.” A voice came from above as the dome disappeared. A voice that made Dash completely stiffen. She and Fleetfoot looked up and Fleetfoot’s eyes widened in dread.

“Oh no…” was all she could muster as she caught sight of three VERY familiar pegasi.

Nightshade, Descent, and Starry Skies all slowly descended to the ground and landed in front of Rapidfire. Soarin saw them as well from his spot.

“Oh hell…” he gritted his teeth.

The three Shadowbolts that had nearly destroyed Ponyville with their super tornado. Soarin specifically looked right at Descent, who had multiple new scars visible on his body outside the uniform from being nearly burned alive by lightning last encounter. The very pony who almost took Soarin’s life.

“It was a good show.” Nightshade’s silky sly voice made Dash shiver. “I especially liked the part where Rookie Dust here turned little Spitshit on my favorite stallion.” She sneered towards Soarin and Spitfire. Soarin hugged Spitfire tighter to his body as she shivered even harder. “Too bad you can’t trust rookies with anything important. They always rely too much on the crystals. Oh well, they wore you all down. It’ll make this much easier.”

Descent growled in Soarin’s direction. Starry Skies put a hoof on his back.

“Easy big guy. No reckless jumping in.” She said stoically.

“Just say the word and I’ll rip his wings off... with my teeth.” Descent’s deep voice snarled.

“What the hell do you guys want?!” Soarin barked at them. “Why do you insist on making our lives hell?!” He was the only one of them who’s fighting spirit was not shocked out of his body. Dash could barely feel her legs and Fleetfoot was trying her best to keep her composure.

“Oh, nothing much—” Nightshade shrugged as she began walking towards Soarin and Spitfire. As soon as Dash saw them being threatened, she snapped out of her anxiety and rushed over, placing herself between them.

“You stay the hell away from them!” She growled and thrust her wings out. Nightshade lifted an eyebrow and her creepy sneer returned.

“But aren’t you feeling tired? Sore?” She spoke in a condescending tone and tipped her goggles up. “What can four half broken ponies do against us? Especially when we beat the tar out of you last time from the start?”

“Rgh!” Dash had no comeback. Nightshade was right. They were already semi-beaten and tired.

But then Nightshade perked up and looked above Dash. She quickly put her goggles back down and jumped back. A pegasus slammed down between them. Dash blinked, then recognized both the Wonderbolt uniform, the color, and the mane style of a recent new friend.

“Misty Fly!!!!” Dash exclaimed excitedly as Misty firmly planted her hooves between Nightshade and Dash. Misty obviously couldn’t hear Dash’s excitement, but she didn’t need to. She was right where she wanted to be, between Dash, and somepony that wanted to hurt Dash. She was ready to defend at all costs.

“Sir Soarin!” Fire Streak and Lightning Streak landed on both sides of Soarin, who smiled.

“Boy I’ve never been happier to see you guys!” he exclaimed, “But where’s…”

“Wow, these uniforms are ugly!” Surprise was sitting on Starry Skies’ back and sticking her tongue out in disgust.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Starry Skies flared her wings out and tried to shake her off, but Surprise stuck to her back like velcro. “GET HER OFFA ME!”

“Oh hi! I’m Surprise!” She casually flew over to the others despite being swung at violently by Starry Skies.

The whole third squad was there. Dash, Soarin, and Fleetfoot felt a new wave of confidence rush over them.

Then suddenly Wave Chill of the second squad came screaming in. He landed and skidded to a stop beside Soarin.

“Reporting sir!” He saluted. “Blaze and High Winds took over at the compound! They are going through the last inspections before the whole force is dispatched! Captain Silver Lining flew to the castle to warn the princesses! I estimate both the Wonderbolts and Royal Guard arriving full force in fifteen to twenty minutes!”

“Good.” Soarin nodded to him.

“May I be of assistance sir?” He asked very dutifully. Soarin looked down at Spitfire. Then back at Wave Chill.

“Yes. I have to help the others. Can you protect Spitfire for me?” He requested. Wave Chill glanced at the shivering Spitfire.

“Yes sir!” He saluted again.

“Listen to me.” Soarin pushed Wave’s arm out of the salute and looked at him sternly. “You protect her with your life, you hear me? This isn’t an order, it’s a request.” Wave blinked as Soarin softly handed Spitfire to him.

“Y—yes, I’ll protect her with my life.” He repeated back to Soarin. Spitfire tried to cling to Soarin, but he whispered softly to her.

“Don’t worry. Wave Chill will protect you. I promise.” He assured her. Spitfire moved her eyes from Soarin to Wave. As soon as Soarin let go she reached out and attached herself to Wave instead. “Don’t ask because it’s a long story.” Soarin said to Wave. “Just keep her close, she needs comfort and safety.”

“I—I will do my best.” Wave struggled to keep the formalities out of his speech.

“Okay, now stand back.” He ordered as he turned and walked up beside Dash.

“Well then.” Nightshade sneered at all the Wonderbolts. “Looks like we get to have some fun after all. Twenty minutes? More than enough.”

“We won’t go down so easily.” Soarin spoke for all of them as they took battle stances, except Surprise who bounced in place.

“Hahaha!” Nightshade cackled, slightly disturbing them all. “You are just as desirable as last time.” She licked her lips as Starry Skies and Descent took their places beside her. “Well then... Shall we dance again?”

---To be Continued---

Author's Note:

Spitfire fans, please don't hate me. I'm a big fan of her myself, so believe me when i say that was really hard to write. :'(

But oh man you thought this was gonna be THE showdown?

NOW it's time for a showdown!