• Published 26th Feb 2014
  • 1,962 Views, 49 Comments

Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight - SuperPinkBrony12

Applejack learns the truth of her parents demise. This discovery inspires her to teach the world of crime a lesson, and strike fear into the hearts of all criminals. As she does so however, she creates her greatest enemy, The Joker.

  • ...

The Clown Prince Rises

"Almost finished, finally." the doctor said. Work on his latest client had been extremly difficult. The patient, a unicorn stallion in the prime of his youth, had suffered second and third degree burns over much of his body. This was due to his patient supposedly falling into a vat of chemicals. It had taken a lot of time, effort, and sweat, to fix the damage. The end result was anything but pretty, but there was only so much that could be done.

Blueblood awoke in the recovery room of the plastic surgery clinic he had visited. He had barely managed to make through the front door before he collapsed. He could only hope that his precious face hadn't been ruined too much.

"Ah, you're finally awake." the doctor said "The surgery was a success. You'll be happy to know that all signs of your little 'accident' have been removed. In fact, you look like a brand new you. Do you have any requests?"

"Mirror." Blueblood said frantically.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" the doctor asked.

"Mirror!" Blueblood shouted "Now!"

"Alright, alright! Don't make such a fuss!" the doctor said, and retrieved a mirror. Blueblood used his magic to hold it up, and at that moment he finally got a good look at his new face. And he didn't like what he saw.

Blueblood screamed at the sight that stared back at him. His snow white coat now looked more ghostly white, his lips looked even redder then usual, and his blonde mane and tail were now completly green. In short, he looked some sort of freak from the circus. Angry, he took his frustration out on the nearest object, the doctor. He smashed the mirror over the doctor's face, breaking the mirror, and showering the doctor with glass.

By the time the doctor had recovered Blueblood had escaped. A warning was sent out to the Manehattan Police Department, who promised to keep an eye out for Blueblood. Once that was done the doctor was rushed into surgery to remove the glass shards that had gotten stuck in his face.

There is no denying what he had seen. His beautiful face had been ruined, thanks to Batmare, and that double crossing boss. Blueblood soon decided that he would make it his life's goal to kill the two figures most responsible for putting him in this sorry state. But he had no clue about the whereabouts of Batmare. So he decided that his first course of action would be take out the boss of AXIS Chemicals.

"We're sorry sir, but the factory was a total loss from the moment we arrived on scene." the chief of the Manehattan Fire Department said to the boss of AXIS Chemicals.

The boss sighed. "Well I'm sure you boys did everything you could. At least the good news is those no good thieves burned along with the factory. They should've thought twice about robbing my company!" he said.

"About that sir. We managed to recover the bodies of the two thugs, but eye witness reports confirm that there was a third thief present at the factory during the break-in." the fire chief said "And that thief's fate and whereabouts remain unknown."

"If he was smart, which I doubt he was. He probably bailed out of there before the fire broke out." the boss said.

"Speaking of which sir, do you wish to press charges against the Manehattan Police Department for unintentionally starting the fire with their guns?" the fire chief asked.

"Nah. It was an honest mistake." the boss said "That old factory was due to be demolished in a few months anyway. I'll just have to invest in sturdier pipes next time." And with that he retreated to his office. At this point all he cared about was getting rid of the unwanted publicty that had been attracted with the destruction of the AXIS Chemicals Manehattan factory. He knew it had been a mistake to entrust the job to Blueblood. The guy had probably panicked and started the fire fight that led to the explosion.

Upon arriving at his office however, the boss was greated by a very unusual sight. He could make out the figure of a stallion sitting in his chair, but he couldn't make out who it was. The stallion was obscured by darkness.

"So, you decided to set me up to take the fall for your little 'insurance scandal'." the stallion said, obvious hints of discontent in his voice.

The boss recognized at once who it was, but decided to play along in an attempt to defuse the situation. "I don't know what you're talking about." he lied "I don't know who tipped off the police but it certainly wasn't me."

"Hmph, save your petty excuses. They'll do you no good." the stallion said "You ruined my life, and now you're gonna pay!"

"Oh please. Your life was a mess long before I met you." the boss said, signs of nervousness starting to take hold.

"Even so, you did the impossible. And turned what was already a difficult life into a living hell!" the stallion said, and pointed what looked a painted revolver of some sort at the boss.

The boss began to worry. "Listen, Blueblood." he stutered, finally having the courage to identify his unexpected guest. "Whatever it is that happend that night, I'm sure we can put it all behind us. Just name your price and we'll work something out. Jewels, money, stocks, power, heck even that promotion you wanted so badly. You name it, I can give it to you. I have that kind of ability, and as they say 'every stallion has his price'.

"Blueblood?" the stallion said, a tense silence followed "Blueblood is no more my good stallion. He died that night in the factory! And I took his place!"

The boss was confused "If you're not Blueblood then who are you?" he asked nervously.

"Blueblood" chuckled with a laugh that sounded rather cruel. "I was hoping you'd ask me that." he said, stepping out of the shadows. The boos gasped as he observed "Blueblood's" face. The face that greated him was pale white, with red lips, yellow teeth, and a green mane. He was clad in a purple suit, complete with white gloves of some sort, and a matching purple bowler hat. "You can call me... The Joker! The Clown Prince of Crime, and your worst nightmare!"

The Joker then fired his revolver. The boos flinched as he heard the familiar "Bang!". But to his surprise, a bullet did not shoot out of the revolver. Instead a red flag on a pole with the word "Bang!" written on it emerged. The boss sighed with relief, and started to laugh. The Joker did the same, and fired the revolver again. This time the pole shot out, impaling the boss on the forehead, as well as sending him flying backwards.

The Joker cackled fiendishly at the sight of his victim. "Oops! Guess I wasn't joking around. Oh well, it's not like anyone's gonna mess you anyway, you sorry sack of scum. Still, this is my mess, and I'd best clean it up." he said, laughing as he did so. He then trotted over to the desk, and pressed a button.

"Yes?" a female voice asked.

"Could you please a maid up to the office. There's been a rather nasty 'accident' that needs to be taken care of." The Joker said.

"Okay, we'll send someone as soon as possible." the female voice said.

"Take your time sweetheart." The Joker said "There's no hurry, though I do hope the maid you send has an iron stomach." He then switched off the intercom, and picked up a copy of the Manehattan Times.

Printed on the front cover was a picture of Batmare with the headline Winged Freak Terrorizes Criminal World. The Joker's face broke out into a very creepy grin upon reading this headline. "Winged Freak Terrorizes?" he said to himself "Well, just wait til they get a load of me! I'll give them something to Really write about."

Author's Note:

Blueblood's introduction as The Joker is similar to his introduction in Tim Burton's Batman. Sorry if you were expecting a ponyfication of "Why So Serious?" or "We Uh Kill, The Batman".