• Published 26th Feb 2014
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Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight - SuperPinkBrony12

Applejack learns the truth of her parents demise. This discovery inspires her to teach the world of crime a lesson, and strike fear into the hearts of all criminals. As she does so however, she creates her greatest enemy, The Joker.

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The Dark Knight's First Night

It was a seemingly peaceful night in the city of Canterlot. The moon shone brightly, the stars twinkled in the twilight, not a single cloud dotted the sky. Street lights and city lights illuminated the stone roads and sidewalks, as carriages full of ponies rich and poor sped past. Ponies of all species and sizes walked about, the occassional griffon, donkey, mule, or minotaur mixed in with the crowds.

But not all was bright and friendly in the city. There were several rooftops and narrow alleyways where no light at all shined down. It was places like these that housed one of Equestria's most dangerous secrets, the world of crime and corruption. Where shady and sleazy ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and even donkies and mules, dwelled.

Some of them were petty low level thugs, who broke into houses under cover of darkness, snatched what they could, and fled before the police could arrive. They then blew their newly obtained riches in various street games, all the while smoking, drinking, and partaking in all sorts of illegal activities.

Then, there were those who were fortunate enough to obtain firearms. Muggers, as they were called. They would hide in the alleyways, wait for some unlucky soul to pass by, and ambush them at gun point. They would lure their prey into the alleyways, where they then robbed the target of any and valueables. All the while threatening them with a pistol, or sometimes even a shotgun. And if the victim attempted to call for help, or fought back, they'd be shot. These muggers were the ones who often ran the street games that the common thieves were lured to, likes insects to bright lights.

But there was one thing that all the criminals could agree on, as far as they were concerned no one could stand up to them. Not the citizens of Equestria, not the police, not even the royal guards of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

That was all about to change however. For little did the criminal world know that it was finally about to face its greatest opponent. One that would use the criminal world's greatest weapon against it. The element of fear.

Perched on a rooftop, a mysterious cloaked figure looked down on a rag tag group of two thugs, and a mugger, chating it up about their lives of crime.

"Man, I tell ya. Those police are so easy to fool. As long as you never leave any clues behind they never catch you." one of the thugs said. He was an earth pony stallion with a blood red coat, a dusty gray mane and tail that looked like they had gone weeks without being trimmed, and a cutie mark depicting a small jewel. As his cutie mark implied, this thug was a jewel thief.

He was currently betting a recently obtained fire ruby on a dice game. The rules were simple, at least two players were required. Each player put up something as an offer, and then they rolled to see who got to keep the pile of stolen goods. The highest roller won, but could decide to chance it on a double or nothing gamble. Often times it was this "second chance" that doomed the thugs, whose greed always got the best of them.

"Heh, that's nothing. I've manged to evade the royal guards of Princess Luna, and those guys just never know when to give up," a second thug chimed in. He was a unicorn stallion with a coat as black as night, his midnight blue mane and tail were sharp and spikey to make him look intimidating, and his cutie mark was a black mask, reflecting his hiding skills.

He had just bet a check for 50 bits on the dice game, and was currently trying to his magic to light a cigarette. But his magic seemed unwilling to cooperate with him, as he tried and failed to produce a flame. He leaned over to a griffon with brown feathers and razor sharp talons. "Hey man, can you light me up here? Be a pal?" he asked.

The griffon said nothing, and mearly pulled out a lighter, which he promptly flicked open. The unicorn stallion used his magic to levitate the cigarette over the open flame. Within seconds it had been lit, and the stallion inserted it into his mouth, puffing out clouds of smoke. "Thanks." he said as he briefly pulled the cigarette out.

The griffon turned to the gamble pile, and placed a bag filled with jewelery on top of the other wagered goods. This griffon was the mugger running the game, and the jewels inside the bag were from all of the victims he had robbed just this night.

"Whoa! Are you sure you wanna bet all of those jewels?" the earth pony thug asked.

The griffon nodded, a faint smile appearing on his face.

"Okay then. Everyone's placed their wager. Time to find out who's gonna make it big!" the unicorn stallion said. The game had begun.

"I'll go first if you don't mind." the earth pony thug said "I've got a feeling that tonight's my lucky night." He threw his dice out towards the light provided by the girffon's lighter. In only a few seconds they had stopped. But the earth pony thug wasn't pleased with the results. "Damn it, I got snake eyes!" he said crossly "Looks like I screwed myself out of another treasure."

"Better luck next time." the unicorn thug said "Now it's my turn." his dice roll turned out to be much better. "Six and Five, I've pretty much got this one in the bag!" he boasted.

The griffon mugger wasn't worried even the slightest however. Unknown to the thugs, the game was rigged. He brought out his own dice, and rolled them. Then, when no one was looking, he pulled out a device that would stop both dice on the number six, giving him the victory.

Before he could trigger it however the device was knocked out of his talon by a sudden bat shaped boomerang. "What the?!" he said.

At that moment, a shadowy figure leaped down from a nearby rooftop. Gliding gracefully through the air, almost like a bat. The thugs and the mugger quickly saw how the black rubbery costume, complete with a black silk cape, looked almost exactly like a bat. Except, it was pony like in design. In the center rested a small yellow circle, with a black bat symbol emblazoned upon it. A little further down there was a dark yellow utility belt that housed all sorts of tools and gadgets that the criminals hoped wouldn't be used on them. The figure retrieved the bat shaped boomerang in mid flight, and landed in front of the criminals a moment later. A black pointy mask obscured the face of the figure, making it impossible to tell who it was.

The two lowely thugs panicked, dropped all of their stolen goods, and ran off. They didn't care who saw them, all they cared about was getting as far away from that masked pony as they possibly could.

The griffon mugger was not as easily intimidated, even as the costumed figure cast a glare at him. Without hesitation he pulled out his pistol, and pointed it at the figure's chest area. "I'm warning you!" he said sternly "Come any closer and I'll shoot! So if I were you I'd back up real slow and put my hooves up as high they can reach. And I'd do it fast, cause I don't like to repeat myself." The figure seemed to ignore this "request" and continued moving forward. "Oh well" the griffon mugger said with a smirk "I did warn you." and he fired the pistol. A loud "Bang!" echoed through the alleyway, frightening everyone who heard it. The griffon was surprised when he saw that the bullet had bounced harmlessly off of the ruber suit. He soon began to panic, firing off five more shots. Each one giving off a loud "Bang!". But every single one of them failed to kill, or even wound the costumed figure.

Suddenly, the figure lunged forward and grabbed the griffon muger with what appeared to be a hoof. The figure then pushed the griffon up against the wall. The griffon was completly terrified, and did the only thing he could think of. Plead for his life. "Don't kill me! Please! I'll do anything, just don't kill me! I'm too young to die!"

"Relax." the costumed figure said, the voice sounding both mysterious and intimidating at the same time "I'm not gonna kill you. Even someone as horrible as you doesn't deserve death."

"Oh thank you." the griffon said.

"But, there is a catch." the figure said, tightening its grip on the griffon "If you want me to spare your life then you're gonna need to do something for me."

"Whatever it is I'll glady do it, just please let me go!" the griffon pleaded.

"Very well then. Listen and listen good. I want you to tell all your friends about me. Tell them to give up their lives of crime, unless they want to meet me face to face." the figure instructed "Make sure they know my name, and make sure they remember me."

"Who are you?" the griffon asked.

"Well I'm glad you asked." the figure said. The griffon could've sworn he saw a smile breaking out acorss the figure's face. "I am the Dark Knight, defender of truth and justice. Your worst nightmare. But if that's too much for you to take in, just tell them" the figure paused for a moment, and then said "I'm Batmare!" And with that Batmare dropped the griffon. The royal guards would later find him alone and frightened on a sidewalk, muttering something about a caped figure called Batmare. The story soon spread among the criminal world, and rumors began to circulate that Batmare was more then just some crime fighter. Some said that she was an actual batpony, hungry for the blood of criminals.

"That should teach him!" Batmare thought to herself, as she drove out of Canterlot in a suped up motorized carriage called The Batmobile. It was completly black, but had the design of a futuristic race car. It even had a rear booster that looked like something out of a foal's book about space craft. "No one attacks the Apple family and gets away with it." She then pressed a button from a row of buttons off to her right.

In an instant the image of an elderly earth pony mare with a green coat and a white mane and tail that showed obvious signs of age appeared on a small screen. "About time you called Applejack, I was beginning to worry about you. Thought maybe that griffon had gotten to you too." the mare said

"Relax Granny Smith." Batmare said "As you can see, he didn't even lay a talon on me. I'm fit as a fiddle."

"You didn't kill him did ya?" Granny Smith asked sternly.

"I was tempted to, but I didn't." Batmare said "Though he would've deserved it after what he did to my parents."

"Applejack, you know that's not what your folks would want. Ma and Pa didn't raise you to be a killer." Granny Smith said with concern.

"I know Granny, I know. Luckily that guy's finally gonna get what he deserves. And from what I hear the princesses don't take kindly to murderers and muggers. Luna especially." Batmare said with a grin.

"Good, good. Remember Applejack, the only reason why I allow you to do this is because you're helping the royal guards. Not taking their place. So don't go trying to play judge, jurry. and executioner now, ya hear?" Granny Smith asked.

"I hear ya loud and clear Granny." Batmare said "I'm heading back to the Batcave as we speak."

"I'll see ya when you get there. Remember to drive safely now." Granny Smith said.

"Will do Granny Smith. Over and out." Batmare said, and shut off the screen.

The Batmobile drove all the way from Canterlot to Ponyville through a series of tunnels, and underground passageways. Eventually it approached what looked like a dead end. But as it drew closer, the dead end turned out to be a painted door that parted to let the Batmobile into the Batcave. The Batcave was a secret underground base that allowed for Batmare to keep tabs on all of Equestria, as well as house her suit, and the Batmobile. Batmare parked the Batmobile and hopped out. Granny Smith was there to greet her.

"Welcome back Applejack. Glad to see you're still in one piece." Granny Smith said with a smile.

"See, I told you I could handle it." Batmare said, slipping out of her costume to reveal her secret identity as Applejack.

"All the same I'm not sure if this was such a good idea. What if something happens to you the next time you go out?" Granny Smith asked with concern "How would I explain it to Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom? How would I be able to tell them why I didn't stop you?"

"No offense Granny Smith but you're getting saddlesore over nothing. As long as I'm careful, and as long as I have the element of fear on my side, nothing can hurt me." Applejack said.

"I don't know about that." Granny Smith said "But this is a discussion for another time. You need to get to bed pronto! I'll take care of the suit."

"Thanks Granny, I owe you one." Applejack said, and left the Batcave. The entrance to the Batcave turned out to be hidden beneath a pile of hay in the barn of Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack lived and worked. Applejack quickly but quietly made her way up to her bedroom, being careful not to wake up her brother or her sister.

Granny Smith sighed as she hung up the Batsuit. If she'd known it would come to this she never would've told Applejack the whole truth about the death of her parents. "All I can do now is hope they'll watch over their little apple." she thought to herself.