• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 11,317 Views, 380 Comments

Starving - Foals Errand

Shortly after the wedding Twilight uses a scrying spell to spy on Queen Chrysalis. Now everything is going to hell!

  • ...

Chapter Four

Twilight clung to Celestia’s back, her body feeling like jelly, burying her face into Celestia’s neck as they appeared on the balcony of Canterlot Palace. The sound of galloping hooves caused her ears to perk up as her eyes slid closed. The cries of worried guards became muddled as she sank into the slumber that only relief after a terrifying experience can bring.

Celestia felt Twilight slump against her neck as her personal doctor’s magic wrapped around her still form. “Gently, Doctor Steady Hoof. My precious student has been through more than you or I could ever imagine.”

“Of course, Your Highness. I will be as gentle as I can be. Nurses?” He glanced over to where the two mares were waiting with a litter. “Come as close as you are able to, so we may slowly lower Lady Sparkle onto it. Once she is secure we’ll be headed to Exam Room Three, Your Highness.” He watched as his nurses crept closer to the Princess, but stopped a pony’s length from her. Doctor Steady Hoof had to resist bringing his hoof up to his face.

“I’m afraid the doctor needs you a bit closer, my little ponies.” Celestia smiled as her horn lit up, pulling the two mares closer until they were pressed up against her barrel. So close were they to her that she could feel their hearts pounding in their chests. “Alright, Doctor.” Celestia nodded her head as Twilight was lifted off her back and slowly settled onto the litter. “I’ll follow after in a few moments.” She glanced back at where Spike was sitting, trembling on her back. “Spike, do you want to go to the kitchen and wait for Luna to bring the rest of your friends?”

Spike took hold of his tail, squeezing it. “I... would Twilight be upset with me for leaving her alone?”

Celestia sighed softly before she nuzzled his neck. “No, I think she’d be relieved that you were there to let your friends know that she is getting a checkup, and is in the best hooves Equestria has.”

The smile Spike gave Celestia didn’t quite reach his eyes, but it was enough for now as he slid down her back leg. “Oh Spike, please ask Luna to come find me once she arrives if you would?”

Celestia smiled as Spike appeared to mature before her eyes as he brought his right claw up over his eyes. “You can count on me, Princess! I won’t let you or Twilight down!” With that, he took off, opening the door to the castle proper. Celestia watched the closed door for a few more moments before she closed her eyes and calmed her anger. Chrysalis, if you thought I was angry for what you did to my niece…

Twilight’s eyelids twitched as she slowly regained consciousness, feeling a cool cloth wiping at her forehead. A burble of contentment escaped her lips as her eyelids fluttered open to reveal Princess Celestia sitting on her haunches next to Twilight’s bed. It seemed she was in a hospital bed. She glanced over as Celestia dipped the cloth in the bowl of cool water before wringing it out. “Pr-princess?”

Celestia gasped, the cloth falling into the bowl as she turned to regard her now-awake student. She slowly nuzzled her cheek. “Oh Twilight, you gave me such a scare, my faithful student! The doctors were healing you for over two hours. You must have expelled a liter of that green goo. You’ve been asleep for over five hours.”

Twilight blinked, her muzzle scrunched up. “S-shouldn’t you be at court, Princess? I mean, shouldn’t a nurse be caring for me?”

Celestia chuckled. “Oh, Twilight, there aren’t many reasons I dismiss the Solar Court, but with Luna returning and needing my comfort and love, the wedding of my dear niece Cadance, and now you being injured... Twilight, you, my dear little pony, are far more important than any day at court. Now…” She pulled back, her smile suddenly gone. “Shall we discuss why it is you decided to break into the forbidden archives and “borrow” the scrying spell?”

Twilight swallowed hard as she attempted to look anywhere but into her mentor’s eyes. Unfortunately, much like when she was a small foal and in trouble, Celestia was easily able to capture Twilight’s eyes. “I… I thought I got in without making the alarm sound,” she finally stated, quietly.

“Twilight Sparkle, you have been my student since you were four years old, do you really think I would be so foolish as to only use an alarm which would alert anypony near by? My dear student, do you so easily forget the week you wore a bell around your neck?” Celestia shook her head. “Now, explain exactly what you were thinking.”

“I-I wanted to make sure she was really gone, Princess! I was in the bath after the reception and it j-just hit me that Chrysalis may not be as gone as we thought she was, and after… after messing up so badly and disappointing you...” Twilight didn’t notice Celestia’s ears pin back at the mention of her being disappointed, her eyes squeezed shut. “I couldn’t take it, I had to be sure! B-but something went wrong and she got in my head, and… and it just drove me mad until I couldn’t stand it! I went to her hive I… I went of my free will. I’m so sorry!” Twilight threw herself onto her belly, her hooves wrapping over her head.

Celestia took a deep breath; she couldn’t punish Twilight, she’d already learned her lesson… “Twilight, look at me.”

Twilight slowly moved her hooves and glanced up into Celestia’s eyes to see only love and forgiveness. “I think that we both were silly ponies, and you have certainly learned your lesson about using spells you don’t understand.” Twilight nodded eagerly with a small smile.

“Now though, I am going to ask you to stay here in the palace for a few days so the doctors can keep an eye on you, but I see no reason why you can’t relocate to your old room you had from before you moved to the observatory.” Celestia moved the blankets back with a smile, lifting Twilight onto her back. “I’m afraid I want to keep you close to me while you are here.”

Twilight nuzzled into Celestia’s neck, having fond memories of both being on Celestia’s back and of her old room. “Are my books still there?”

Celestia laughed. “Oh yes, exactly where you left them in your hurry to move to the observatory. Oh, just so you know, your friends are being shown around Canterlot by Spike. They’ll be back after they have dinner at the Galloping Mare. Your dinner will be delivered to you in bed, which is where you will stay until I raise the sun tomorrow morning.”

Twilight slumped with a sigh. “I understand, Princess, um…”

Celestia opened the door next to her own quarters and smiled. “Don’t worry, Twilight, the chef is making your favorite: a daisy sandwich and celery soup. Ah, here we are.” She pulled the star-covered blanket and sheet back, depositing Twilight on her back and tucking her in securely. “Now, you have a stack of books right next to you. If you need me just send out a flare.”

Twilight smiled as she snuggled into her pillow. “Okay, Princess, I will.”

Celestia headed back to the door and paused. “Oh, Twilight? One more thing.” She turned back to face Twilight, staring her in the eyes. “The next time you are worried or in trouble, come to me, no matter what, because I... “ Celestia swallowed hard as her voice trembled. “Twilight, you are so very precious to me, and I can’t bear the idea of losing you.”

“B-but Princess, I’m mortal; you will lose me someday.” Twilight’s ears pinned back. She knew that Princess Celestia was fond of her, but…

“Promise me, Twilight. Promise that you will come to me next time.” Celestia’s own ears were now pinned back and her mane almost seemed to be obeying gravity.

Twilight swallowed and nodded. “Y-yes, of course, Princess. I promise! I’ll come to you no matter what.” Celestia smiled and walked out of the room as Twilight sighed and fell back against her pillow. “...I wonder…” She shook her head, picking up the nearest book from the large stack.

Twilight was feeling pretty good. After being rescued by her best friends she was near Princess Celestia and had just eaten her favorite meal. Now she was curled up with one of her favorite books from her foal hood. She sighed happily. Not even punished, nothing can ruin this. A small burp escaped Twilight’s lips. Her cheeks flushed as she rubbed her belly. “Ugh… maybe my sandwich and soup was too much…” She clasped her hoof to her mouth as her meal fought to escape her belly. Unable to make it to the restroom she, grasped for the waste basket next to her bed expecting to fill it with her lunch, but her eyes widened as a sickly sweet liquid filled her mouth, causing her magic to flicker out in surprise. The waste basket clattered to the ground just as a jade green gel burst from her mouth, landing on the overturned waste basket and hardening almost immediately.

Twilight broke free from the gel and raced for the door, only to be stopped as she threw up more of the gel. This time it landed on the wall, pulling Twilight off her hooves. She whimpered, unable to break loose this time as the green gel began to leak from her nose, ears, and even her “unmentionable” area as she curled into the fetal position praying this was all a dream and Luna would wake her up.

Twilight pried her eyes open to see that her vision was once again covered in a green sheen. She squeezed her eyes shut to keep her tears from escaping. No, please no… it couldn’t have been a dream… I-I know they saved me. This is just a bad dream, I just need to wake up! She kicked her back legs as hard as she could, and to her surprise the green surrounding fell apart, landing on either side of her with a splat.

She slowly got to her shaking hooves, her eyes still tightly closed. It’s not real if I don’t open my eyes…

Twilight’s ear flicked as she heard a knock on the door, opening her eyes to see a young earth pony maid walk in with a smile. “Lady Sparkle, I’m here to...to...” She stopped, her eyes wide as she suddenly ran from the room screaming. “Changeling! A changeling has replaced Lady Sparkle!”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked down to see holed black forelegs before falling down on her haunches. Several guards immediately entered her room with spears pointed at her. “Please, you have to believe me… I’m not a changeling! I’m Twilight Sparkle… Please wait!”

The guards didn’t move a muscle as they stared down at the trembling drone on the floor. After a few moments the sound of more galloping hooves was heard. “Captain Shining Armor has ordered that the drone be taken to the dungeons and placed in a holding cell immediately.”

Twilight moaned as two unicorn guards grabbed her in their magic and carried her from her room and down towards the one part of the palace Twilight had never ever even stepped hoof into. The two guards placed her in the holding cell, locking the cell door behind them as Twilight lay on the floor, trembling. “This isn’t happening, I just need to wake up… just wake up…”

She looked up at the sound of hoof steps to see a unicorn guard glaring down at her.