• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 11,317 Views, 380 Comments

Starving - Foals Errand

Shortly after the wedding Twilight uses a scrying spell to spy on Queen Chrysalis. Now everything is going to hell!

  • ...

Where it all went wrong

Author's Note:

This chapter is going to include many flashbacks. I’ve had some trouble figuring how best to represent that, but I think this will work. Twilight’s present thoughts and feelings will be written in green text. Twilight’s past feelings and emotions will be written in normal text.

Chapter One-five

Twilight stared wide-eyed as Chrysalis walked away. Wait! Please! Come back! The changeling Queen’s steps did not falter. Twilight was alone, and there was no way she was going to be able to talk her way out of this cocoon. Time to take a note out of Applejack’s book! She started struggling vigorously against the green cocoon which was quite literally holding her hostage. She kicked out with her back legs, but she only managed to feel pain; it was like trying to buck a stone wall. Twilight growled and lit up her horn, concentrating every drop of magic she had remaining to break out of the green prison cell. As she prepared to cast the spell, her head felt ready to shatter. Twilight cried in pain, and her magic fizzled out.

Oh for the love of Celestia! Twilight put her right fore hoof to her head and rubbed right under her horn. Twilight’s eyes shot open as she looked around frantically, but she had to stay calm and push her fears aside. Panicking was not going to help. Alright, Twilight, think! You can’t use magic, and you can’t fight your way out; you have to use your brain. Now, let’s think this through like any problem. It began three weeks ago, the night of Shining and Cadance’s wedding.

Twilight smiled as she watched her brother and new sister-in-law leave for their honeymoon. “Now that was a great wedding!”

Spike looked down at Twilight from his perch on Pinkie’s head. “Oh yeah? Just wait until you see what I have planned for the bachelor party!”

The girls couldn’t help but laugh. Twilight cringed at her own thoughts. Someday I’ll tell Spike what a bachelor party is. Later, maybe when he turns one hundred... She snorted as she walked to the guest room that was accommodating her stay for the wedding. Shining Armor was going to explain his reasoning for asking Spike to plan the bachelor party. However, that was a thought for a later time.

Twilight went to the bathroom and began filling the tub with hot water. She sighed as she watched the tub fill up. She dipped a hoof into the water and nodded, satisfied with the temperature. She turned the faucet, ending the flow of water. Deftly handling her magic, she quickly undid her mane and hung her dress. Climbing into the tub, she allowed herself to sink down to her chest in the hot water. Letting out a sigh of exhaustion, she splashed some of the comforting liquid onto her face in an attempt to rejuvenate her energy. Twilight laid her head back and closed her eyes feeling her body loosen and relax.

Shiny and Cadance are now on their honeymoon. Their destination was unknown to everypony but Princess Celestia. Hmm, Princess Celestia had been given a prompt physical after the failed wedding and was given a clean bill of health. She had even been cleared to raise the sun in the morning. Princess Luna had needed to set her sister’s sun and was very irritated about it. Twilight couldn’t help giggle to herself. In fact, a rumor was going around the palace that Luna had told Princess Celestia that she was welcome to retake her giant pain in the flank. Twilight couldn’t contain it; she snorted. The idea of Princess Luna invading the medical bay, standing over her older sister and delivering that statement in the Royal Canterlot voice. It’s just too much! Twilight began to laugh.

After her giggles slowed down, Twilight took a deep calming breath, and then another. She allowed her body to sink entirely under the water. She closed her eyes and began to meditate, pushing all worries from her mind, all emotions. Twilight had realized some time ago that this was a part of her life she would never be able to share with her friends. There was no way she could properly explain how very important her daily meditation was. How it… This train of thought is not helping me to calm down and gather my emotions. Relax, Twilight, just relax. Her horn began to glow as she began the process of taking control of her emotions and body. Everything was fine, everypony was safe. Chrysalis was dead, and everypony… Twilight stopped cold and her horn had stopped glowing; she was no longer gathering oxygen from the water. She emerged suddenly from the water, eyes wide and open water dripping from her mane. “Dead, she had to be dead. Right?” Twilight bit her lower lip. She had to make certain. She had to be sure Chrysalis was dead.

Twilight crossed her forelegs, she had quickly come to the realization that the green goo she was emerged in was oxygen dense. Hence, the reason she hadn’t suffocated yet.Briefly, she compared it to the liquid oxygen she had once experimented with. It was, of course, a little different; her lungs had not fought this green goo as they had the liquid oxygen.

Why did I have to make sure she was dead? That’s what I don’t understand! Something brought that to the front of my mind, and it wasn’t due to my meditation. Maybe I haven’t gone back far enough yet. Maybe to reach the cause I need to go back further? Twilight took a deep breath then cocked her head. Wait! What if...

They left me! They all left! Princess Celestia is ashamed of me! Sh-Shining Armor doesn’t even want to see me. Twilight sobbed silently, tears rolling down her cheeks. She felt even lonelier in that moment then she had in her entire life. Twilight opened her eyes to see a shadow above her. She looked up to see Cadance looking down at her in sympathy. Twilight swallowed back her sobs as Cadance lovingly stroked her hair. “I’m so sorry…”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. Wait a minute! Let’s go back to that. Chrysalis touched me, I thought she was Cadance, and I was too focused on the kindness she was showing me to notice. I was seeking her forgiveness! Think back, Twilight! Focus on Chrysalis, everything you can remember about that moment!

Cadance stroked Twilight’s mane as she cried her apologies out to her. Cadance smiled, her eyes focused on the small unicorn. Then they glowed. They glowed bright green.

Green! Ugh, why didn’t I notice this before? Okay, Twilight, we have a catalyst. When she touched you, her eyes flashed green. Was that a spell? Wait, do changelings need to use their horns to do magic? What about if they were disguised as a pony who wasn’t a unicorn?

Twilight tapped at her forehead right under her horn again. Think, Twilight, think! Okay, let’s hypothesize that, when her eyes glowed, she left an imprint of some kind in my mind. Twilight closed her eyes, wishing she had the air to sigh with. Twilight wasn’t quite sure how conductive sighing in this green goo would be.

I can easily scan my mind now. If I was touched, then the after image should still be there. She lit up her horn. Oh, this is going to hurt! Twilight began to scan her aura for marks, and soon discovered there were several recognizable ones. Spells she had performed and, of course, where Applejack had touched her. Those were welcome upon her aura. So were the touches of her mentor and the love spell that bore the combined touch of Cadance and Shining Armor. But, wait… there! A touch, an unwelcome touch! It glew a sickly green that made her want to retch.

Her horn stopped glowing as the spell ended. Twilight held her throbbing head between her forehooves. Okay... She groaned to herself after a few moments. That hurt! And it was inconclusive! All I know from that aura scan is that Chrysalis performed a spell on me! It didn’t tell me what kind and could easily have been the teleportation spell that sent me down to that crystal cavern! I’m still no better off than before… Twilight rubbed her temples. O-okay, let’s assume that the mark is a remnant of the last spell she used… And that spell is what made me so intent on checking her. I will conclude that this touch was when Chrysalis had given me the idea to make certain of her death… in case of failure. She hung her head, I just wish I knew for sure!

Twilight cracked open her room's door and watched as a guard cantered down the hall. She watched him until he was out of sight. She waited even longer as his hoof falls dropped from her hearing. When she was sure the coast was clear, she slowly opened her door and stepped out into the dark hallway.

She cast an illumination spell and began her walk towards the restricted archives. She stopped after a few feet. Hearing the clip-clopping of her own hooves, Twilight winced and cast a feather hoof spell and continued on, hearing no more sounds except her own pounding heart. She approached the door wearily; she had only been there a few times in the past, and only with Princess Celestia. She hesitated; there was still time! She could go to the Princess, tell her of the fears she was having! They could do this together!

Twilight nodded to herself as she started to turn around and head towards Princess Celestia’s sleeping chambers, when she paused. The memory of Princess Celestia walking away from her, of not believing her. That look in her eyes. Twilight would never see that look in her mentor’s eyes again! She didn’t think that she’d be able to stand it. No, she couldn’t get Princess Celestia. She had to be resolute. She had to do this alone.

What a total idiot I was! Twilight thrashed angrily at the memory. If it were possible to buck her past self in the face, she would!

Once she knew one way or the other then she’d go to the Princess! No freaking out this time. She pushed open the door, confident that Princess Celestia had included her aura in the security spell. The distinct lack of alarms and rushing guards affirmed her conclusion. Now all she had to do was find it.

Twilight tapped her chin. You know, as I’m thinking back on all of this, I realize I found that stupid scroll far too quickly. When I was in the Starswirl the Bearded wing searching for that time spell, it took me over an hour, and even though I was panicked, Pinkie Pie and Spike were not. Heck, I don’t think I would have found it at all if not for Pinkie. Twilight smiled at that memory. It was probably her Pinkie sense.

Twilight stared at the parchment she had unrolled in front of herself on the floor. While it was difficult to remember not to use her magic, it wasn’t, by any stretch of the imagination, impossible. “Th-this is it. This is the scroll I need.”

Twilight allowed it to reroll naturally before gingerly picking it up with her mouth and placing it within the saddle bag she was wearing. Her eyes scanned the shelf she had found the scroll on to make certain everything else was back in perfect order and appeared untouched. Satisfied, she snuck out of the forbidden archives as easily as she had entered them. However, she would not breathe easy again until she was back in her room.

Spike’s gentle snores welcomed Twilight back as she stepped into her room. The baby dragon was sprawled out lazily in his basket next to her bed. A small smile graced her mouth, and she shed a tear as she cast a sound blocking spell over him and his basket. “I don’t want you to see me like this, Spike.”

Twilight took out four large ink bottles. She unscrewed each lid one at a time, glancing at the scroll which was unrolled within her vision. She began to read the spell slowly to herself. After a few calming breaths she took her quill within her magic, looking at the sharp tip with clouded eyes.

“Alright, Twilight, it’s alright. It’s just an ingredient to the spell. Nothing more, don’t think of it as anything else. Just an ingredient, just a simple ingredient.” She kept repeating her mantra as she lifted her left front leg. Her eyes refused to leave the sight of her shaved fetlock. “Just a necessary ingredient!”

Twilight stabbed her fetlock with the sharp tip of the quill and yanked it to the side, creating a shallow slice. Her crimson blood began filling the cut almost immediately and trailed down her leg. She stared at her blood for a moment, then put her hoof over the first ink bottle and watched as the blood dripped into it. One, two, three, four drops. She repeated this with the remaining bottles.

Twilight nodded once she had added the… ingredient. She tied a small bandage around her fetlock before she continued. Twilight took out a small brush and dipped it into the first ink bottle. She levitated the brush over her chest and began painting the runes onto her fur. After about forty minutes, Twilight was covered in the runes she had carefully painted on. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She had to make certain that none of her runes had been smudged or incorrectly copied.

“Good, all appear to be correct. What a mess that would have been if I had to reapply any of them!” Twilight focused her attention to the floor. She had cleared it of everything but her bed and Spike’s basket. Twilight frowned and levitated a broom over and swept the floor of any particles remaining. Once the floor was clean to her satisfaction she began painting the casting circle, slowly, methodically. Time seemed to blur as she worked on making it a perfect circle. “Alright, no smears, no spaces. Now just the incantation.”

Twilight levitated into the middle of the large star landing as to not smudge it . She spoke the words slowly as to not mess up the pronunciation. “Cum praeter oculos meos. Qui videt me latet. Misit tenebras et lucem, cum scire sit conscia.” Her eyes began to glow white and she was lifted a few inches off the ground, the magic rushing over and past her. “Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings!” A bolt of hot white energy exploded from her horn. Had anypony been awake they would have seen a streak of light rush past above their heads headed in the direction the changelings were flung. Twilight wasn’t sure how long she was within her circle. Time simply seemed to have no meaning until the light found that which it searched for.

And that, Twilight hmphed to herself, was when it all went wrong. The spell hadn’t mentioned that a pony experienced in scrying could turn the spell back on its caster! Twilight rubbed her aching head. This was a fact she was now all too aware of. At first she had been able to ignore it. The buzzing was constant after all, so it melded into background noise.

“Come.” That one word that was what had broken her. “Come.” Every forty-five seconds. Twilight knew this to be exact. She had checked numerous clocks to make certain. Every forty-five seconds. “Come.” It was like that ancient water torture she had read about.

“Drip… Drip… Drip…”

Relentless, never stopping, maddening. She had screamed at first. She had cried, even beaten her head against the wall. Nothing had helped, nothing had even paused it. “Come.”

I had no choice! I had to make it stop! Oh, why! Why didn’t I go to Princess Celestia or even Zecora? Why didn’t I trust my friends? Twilight stared through her green prison, tears tried to escape her eyes but were kept in by the goo of her prison. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! Please! I’ll be good! Please! I’ll never lie again! I’m so scared… Please! S-somepony come save me! Seeing no movement outside, she curled into a ball and wept.

Princess Celestia! I’m sorry!