• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 6,149 Views, 124 Comments

Phases of Love - AMinorDisChord

A prequel to Bonum Tantibus, Nightmare Moon has revived after being broken down. James has been alone for most of his life.... Pony on Earth, Nightmare Moon x Human

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(Nightmare's Point Of View)

"James?" I groaned quietly to the comfy creature underneath me. A few moments of absolute silence filled the room, bringing an eerie feeling within my mind. I was about to call out again, when I felt a sudden shiver from underneath me, and within a few seconds, a drowsy voice answered my call.

"Huh?" Came the moan that could have come from the recently woken dead.

"I can't sleep," I muttered. A mirthless gasp, followed by a breath of understanding emanated from my semi-conscious friend. The land which I laid upon shuffled, changing the geography until I fould myself in a seated position, with arms wrapped around my body and my head in the crook of James' neck.

"What's on your mind, Nighty?" Asked he, whose voice reverberated soothingly through my form.

"I'm not sure; I just can't stop thinking about today," I uttered, desperation creeping into my tone. "I mean, this sort of thing has never happened to me before," my voice was beginning to become very fatigued, my thoughts sluggish.

"Which part? Coming to a new world? Getting a job? Being forced into a fake relationship with the guy you are sleeping with?" I could almost hear the smile in those last words, but I could not understand the joke. My head nodded in agreement anyway.

"All of it," I rubbed my arms subconsciously. "Making a friend, ponies, people, not running from me, having an actual choice in what I do with my life without mobs coming after me. This is all new to me."

James' arms slid from around my waist and made their way up to my neck. I was about to inquire what he was doing before I felt pressure where my neck and shoulders met. I gasped at the sharp pain, wondering why he would hurt me, too shocked to ask aloud. He released almost instantly, and the pain was replaced with a much more pleasant feeling. He squeezed again, and I felt less agony than before, but definitely more pleasure as he let go.

He repeated this over and over, changing where his hands were, but never leaving my neck, as he spoke. "I'm not sure this is normal for anyone, going to an alien universe, all that was once known now in a distant world. I need you to stop tensing up," The last sentence came from out of nowhere, but I attempted to do as he asked.

"Everything is happening so fast," I mumbled. "Already, I have done over one-hundred things I never did back in my universe, things I could have never conceived. What if I can't keep up with all of it? What if I lose myself in it? I don't even know the first thing about being like you and already I'm thought to be among your people. What if everything comes crashing down if someone realizes I'm not like you?"

A pregnant pause between the two of us, ignoring my forced breaths that came from James was doing to my neck muscles. He eventually stopped clutching me and rewrapped his arms around me.

"I can't say, but I do know that I won't let something like that happen to you." He promised. "Everything that has happened to you, they not simple things, no matter how you look at the,. But when the dust settles, you are given a second chance at life; that is what matters right now. You may not have much time to adjust, but I guess that is what I'm here for."

"How are you not worried over everything that has happened to you?" I asked with an odd touch of hope.

"If you think I'm not concerned with your problems, I am. I want to help you in any way possible, but I don't know how. On the other hand, if you mean why am I not disturbed by a magical, flying, talking, black furred, tattooed pony that has the ability to enter my dreams and me enter her dreams, then I assure you, I'm freaking out. I'm just trying my hardest to accept what's going on."

"... Oh," I lost the hope that he had some convenient answer to not worrying about this. "How do you accept it?"

"By remembering that crazier things have happened to me," my friend replied vaguely. "By reminding myself that I need to stay strong for you, and I can worry about how strange this is another time because you need me here and now. That you are nothing less than any other living, sentient creature, and that you are my friend. I tell myself how much the world needs me to grow up, how to keep a clear head, how much everything that I am certain of means to me."

"And that actually helps?" Skepticism was quite evident in my words.

A sound which I could only describe as a bark of laughter echoed in the room. "No, not much. But neither does getting yourself worked up over what you don't control. Life is not easy, and while I am willing to admit yours is quite a special case, we all shall find a way to overcome it."

"So, there is no simple way to deal with this?" I felt my shoulders sag, though with less tension thanks to what James did only moments ago.

"It's never easy, Nighty," a soft, deep purring from behind me traveled through me. "Life never is. But if it helps, then just remember that the best spoils are of the best labor. With great work, comes great gifts."

I felt a vacancy behind my back and flattened myself out almost instinctively, finding my head once again resting on James' chest. Something began tugging lightly at my mane as the blanket which had slid down to my waist now recovered all but my head. "I don't know what to tell you. I could say so many things to you but you need to forge your own path. I can't encourage you to do one thing or another, that is for you to decide."

I nickered at the last words. "You sound like my father. Why do I need to find my own way? Why can't I have someone let me share their own?" I almost jumped at the harshness of my tone, my blood running cold as I felt the body below grow rigid. "I'm sorry, that wasn't fair to you."

"We all lose control sometimes," Came the words which could have just as easily been used by a wise man. "Just make sure you can find some way to come back."

I listened to his words, barely able to process what he said. He just, accepted my words. He didn't get angry, he just, he took them.

"No," I whispered, half to myself.

There was a brief pause, before he asked. "I'm sorry?"

"No," I spoke more firmly this time.

"Nightmare, is something wrong?" He spoke more hesitantly.

"Why?" I directed this specifically at him.

"Why... What?" He was slow in his question.

My voice grew timid as I asked him the question. "Why aren't you angry?"

"... At?" His hanging statements were getting on my nerves.

What do you mean 'who at'? My mental yelling was dripping with sarcasm and aggression.

"Me," I answered.

"I really don't-" he tried.

"Stop!" I honestly wanted to scream at him. "Stop this right now!" I felt myself shake uncontrollably. I was keenly aware of the tears that began to roll down my face once more.

"What did I do?" His voice still calm after I yelled at him. I rolled over so I could look directly into his eyes, which still managed to remain unaffected. He continued to look at me with concern, and nothing less.

"Nothing," I whispered harshly. His eyes remained steady, never straying from my face, nor with a light in them other than the utmost desire to help. "And that's the problem."

"I don't understand," he raked my mane delicately with his fingers. I brushed them away half heartedly.

"Why aren't you scared?" I growled lividly at him. "You're holding it back all of it. You want to be scared, but you aren't. You want to be angry, but you can't. Why don't you let go? Feel something for yourself! Stop holding it in! Let me know what you are feeling! I am screaming at you for no reason and yet all you can do is wonder how you can help me!"

"Nightie," he tried to calm me once more, but I had had enough.

"Why aren't you doing anything against me?" Rage at his lack of such thoughts arrived in a spitting sting in my furious rant. "So far, I have not seen you once lose your temper beyond how you reacted towards Max. Isn't that anger welling up? Don't you want to do something?"

He was holding back. Anything and everything that he could have done, and he chose to hold back. I could guess his anger was swelling, he was keeping it inside instead of letting it out. Building up anger, only releasing it when it had become too much to bear, instead of freeing it before it grows. I had seen that before. I, I had been that before. I can help him, I thought with certainty. Just this once, I can help him. I can keep him from becoming me.

But how to do it?

"Do you want to become me?" I let my volume die down, my tone more motherly. "Do you want to become the lost soul that shattered because she let everything be unvoiced until it destroyed her?"

He tried to argue. "You aren't that, Night-"

"Yes, I am," I interrupted sharply. "That was how I was made. That was how I grew. That is who I am. But you aren't. Let your wrath be known and gone before it hurts you."

"No," his hand began to climb up the side of my body towards my shoulders. "I can't."

"Can't, or won't?" I snapped. " If you don't, it will only bring you agony. Just show me how you are feeling, what you are truly feeling. I don't care if you yell at me, I can take it. But I can't stand to see you broken, in so much pain, especially when I could have done something to help. Please, just do something, before you hurt yourself, before you hurt me, before- Omph!" I failed to continue as James pulled me into an embrace, my mouth connected to the pillow which James rested his head on.

"Sh," James hushed me, letting my tears, no surprise, fall onto the cloth casing. "Please be calm, Nightmare."

"Then tell me what you are feeling!" My words were muffled by the pillow.

"I'm tired. I'm scared. I'm angry," came his simple words. "I'm tired of trying to stay strong for you when it feels like my world could shatter at any moment. I'm scared that of I let go for one second then I might not be able to bring you back. I'm angry that, every single time it seems like I'm able to help you with your pain, a new one comes to haunt me. Not only that, but the more recent pains are, at least partially my fault."

After several moments, I noticed a particular wetness on my face that didn't come from my tears. I lifted my head up to see thin lines of water flow from James' eye to the bed.

"Why- why are you crying?" I felt compelled to ask.

"Like I said," James was shaky in his words, but comprehensible. "I was trying to stay strong for you."

"Then don't," I shifted so that I now lay beside him, instead of on top.

He attempted to argue. "But I keep feeling like you need me to-"

"No," I shook my head, grabbed one of his hands, and squeezed it. "I need you, and nothing more. Don't be strong for me, I already know you are. I just need you. Now let me help you, please. Tell me whatever you need to let off of your chest." Where the words were coming from, I had no idea. Maybe it's where James has all of his healing words. But it mattered little.

"Fine," he took a shaky breath, and began. "I, I don't even know how anything happened. That you randomly pop into my life, that what seems like every five hours I have to comfort you, that suddenly I'm in a fake relationship with a girl that I've known for less than four days, most of which at least one of us was unconscious, and yet almost every night you are sleeping on top of me. How much longer until I lose myself? Do I even want to know the answer?"

"I, I don't know," I felt dejected. Every single time I cried, I had James to bring me something that could show me the way back. But the one time he needs me, I'm useless.

"No, you're not Nighty," promised James, answering what I guessed what I was thinking. "Sometimes, listening is as good as any speech."

"And for the rest, a single word would be better than some pitiful lack of things to say." I snarl.

"I'm not sure," he responds. "I would rather have someone listen to my problems then trying to tell me how to fix them."

My face contorts into confusion. "Then why don't you do that to me?"

He snickered at himself. "Yeah, I guess that makes me a hypocrite. To be honest though, it seems more like you prefer to have me try and help. But if that is not the case, I can stop, if you like."

I contemplated his proposition for a few seconds. "I think," I paused momentarily. "I would prefer it if you continued to give advice."

"So long as I'm not a bother," his smile broadened.

"You always seem to know what to say," I mumbled. "Why can't I just do that for you? For once, I want to be the one who is the one who helps. Why can't I just be like you?"

"Then you wouldn't be you, Nighty," he spoke sternly. "If I were to not follow my own path, I would not be me. I have my own life to live, just as you have your own. One and a half thousand years you've lived with another soul, both taking the same road and warring with each other. Now, you don't have that other voice in your mind. You are an individual now, with your own life and world. The question is, where will you take it?"

His caesura was quick, but felt like millennia. "And who says that you aren't helpful? You're letting your ears bleed as I lecture myself hoarse," we both titter at the joke. "But in all seriousness, you are helpful. Heck, if you didn't force me to speak my mind just now, I would likely have blown a couple fuses tomorrow. Now the only thing that will make me explode is if Eric decided to try to 'help' us date."

"Why?" I wondered aloud.

"Sorry?" Once again, I discovered his inability to read minds, and I voiced my opinion.

"Why would you have only become enraged now? You've been stuck with people you didn't like for a while; why, all of a sudden, would you lose your self control?" I left my last fear out. Is it my fault?

"Because of what's going to happen tomorrow," he answered vaguely.

As he finished the last sentence, I could sense that he was about to lose consciousness. I wanted to keep talking to him, but I could tell he was spent. He slipped away, and I heard his last thoughts before he went into my realm.

How much longer?

I didn't understand the question. Without any context, it could have meant anything. I mulled over the different interpretations as I laid unmoving on top of James.

How much longer does he have to deal with me? No, that wouldn't be like him at all. How much longer does he have left to sleep? Maybe, it's a possibility. How much longer is one thing compared to the next? I doubt it. How much longer until something dark and inevitable happens that could possibly foreshadow events that would have a negative impact on the outcome of his and or my life?

... Would he even bother thinking that?

And what was he talking about when he mentioned tomorrow?

As each idea came to mind, I felt myself grow more and more drowsy. I was eventually capable of yawning, until I lost myself to rest.


"Nightmare," James asked carefully, his voice echoing from the dream state.

I found myself on a cold stone floor, not unlike the one from my old castle. I lifted my gaze to see James reaching his arm out, offering assistance for me to stand up. I notice the room was a mimicry of the throne room; the one I tarnished all of those years before. Somehow, it regained its former glory, glistening banners and well-oiled armor outfits standing guard over the two thrones. The ground itself gave a miraculous reflection from polishing, the crystalline chandelier hanging grandly in the oversized court room.

In short, it felt wrong.

It was too perfect. I never let myself remember it this way. I could only allow myself to wallow in pity at the shattered throne room, which represented the rupture of mine and my sister's rule.

I took his hand and steadied myself on two legs.

"It's, it is my old throne room," I told James. "But, it hasn't been this way for so long. It's too, clean."

"I'm guessing that this is your dream we're in, then," my companion gave a quick glance around the room. "It is a beautiful room. I can't wait to see how the rest of the palace looks."

Oh, do not worry, a low, feminine voice reverberated. You will not have to for long.

"Oh... Kay," James spoke tentatively. "That isn't creepy."

A dark chuckle came. Then you, my poor James, the voice spoke mockingly. Are not very attentive.

James' sneer quickly followed. "It's called sarcasm. Now how about you be a good little whatever-you-are, and show yourself."

A sharp intake of breath was delivered from the disembodied speaker. Good? I know of no such good. I am a creature of the-

James waved a hand in the air. "You know, if you're about to go into a monologue, how about we just cut to the chase," he spoke drily.

SUCH INSOLENCE! boomed the unknown. Almost immediately, it began to giggle. I can see why she chose you. But no matter; she will not have you anyway. You shall be long gone by the time-

"If you don't mind, how about you tell us who you are?" I interrupted.

Why should I, Nightmare Moon of the Lunar Reich? asked the voice precisely. When you already know who I am. I am you, Nightmare Moon, and by that right, everything you have shall become mine. Starting with HIM!

A shadow came to life in the center of the room, ten feet off of the ground. A great sphere of red and black swirled until it revealed the outline of an alicorn. Its body was covered with black flame, eyes peircing white, and teeth gleaming like a predator. A snarl like that of a rabid dog escaped its lips, and it began to howl, the head towards the ceiling.

It charged at James. It was getting closer. I needed to do something, but there was no time. It was only meters away.

No! I screamed in my head. But right before the creature made impact, James threw up his hand, blue fire catching the demented alicorn in the jaw, sending it reeling back almost thirty yards. The impact caused the stones to shatter. James took a solid step, slamming his foot on the ground. The broken tiles shot upward, catching the limbs of the would-be assailer in a earthen trap. The shadowy entity growled gutturally.

"Let me get this straight," James gestured as if to lower something. "She is an evil entity of you, an evil entity of Luna? Why does this sound like an M. Night Shamalan movie?"

"A what?" I asked, not catching the reference.

"Never mind." He shook his head. "I'd actually rather not put you through that kind of torture anyways." He walked up to the captured alicorn like creature. "Who are you, really?"

Your worst nightmare, she grunted.

James appeared ready to burst into laughter. "So," he had to stop to release a few snickers. "You're Batman?"

This time, both I and the wraith stared at James blankly. He could not contain himself further and began to roll on the floor with mirth. After a few moments, he calmed down.

What is going on with you? I asked mentally. Of course he did not hear me.

"Sorry, but can we call you something else?" He asked earnestly. "I prefer to only call one person a nightmare at a time, and that spot is being taken up by the other woman in this dream."

The shadowy figure displaced itself from the enclosure, reappearing in the center of the throne room. Very well, she smiled darkly. If you so wish, you can spend the rest of your numbered hours calling for mercy of Phobetor, the goddess of nightmares!

"Wait," James once again called for a pause. "Wasn't Phobetor a male spirit?" Silence hung between the three of us.

Alright, he's going to die, swore Phobetor.

She charged once more. James began to back up, and continued doing so. She was almost upon him, but he vanished in a shroud of white mist. It swiftly took to my side, coalescing into James once more.

Phobetor, on the other hand, was using her hoof to rub her muzzle. She whirled around, and charged up her horn. The chandelier began to groan, until every single glass crystal flew straight at us. I felt an arm around my waist, then the whooshing of air as James forcibly rolled the two of us out of the way, quickly taking stance, with the glass shards revolving around him, melting and shaping themselves into a giant bubble.

A soothing steam enveloped all three of the beings in the room. James and I looked to find ourselves in the place of Phobetor, with the nightmare spirit trapped in the glass as James looked on intently. I felt something hook around my leg, screaming out in surprise as a vine latched onto it, dragging my toward the window. James turned his eyes to me, shock and anger visible in a haggard expression.

Everything happened at once. From what I could gather, James decimated the glass bubble with a flick of his head, and glided at a speed beyond the capacity of the naked eye. The still-falling shards would have cut him, but he moved so quickly that the air friction was so great that it reached the glass' melting point. He swung a fist at the un reactive Phobetor, throwing her through about twenty stone walls. He used what remained of the walls to change direction. The vines snapped from a stone spire which created a hole a tree almost a quarter of a mile away. James ran up the wall, snatching me in mid fall. He turned around as he began to feel the effect of gravity, and ran back down the wall with me in his arms. He decimated the cobble stones that lay under his feet.

He stood back up, and slowly placed me on my feet. His arms wrapped around me, his entire body trembling from the exertion and fear. What could have been twenty seconds, he just stood there, embracing me. The arms eventually undid themselves, and he moved back just enough for me to catch his eye.

They were glowing golden. The light faded within a millisecond, but I was certain that they shimmered.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, dusting me and otherwise obsessing over my wellbeing.

"I'm fine," I answered calmly despite the shock in my head.

"Good," he smiled kindly. He let go of me, and began marching towards Phobetor, who just began to attempt to move. "Try to hurt her again, and I will not hold back. Do you understand?" He began using profanity, something I had not heard from James before. He was clearly scared and angry about me. "If you so much as hurt one cell upon her, I will not hesitate to END. YOU! Am I clear?"

Was he threatening to kill her? I knew he was pissed, but to swear to take a life...

I will have my revenge! the dark, demented mare made an oath.

"If you try," James scowled icily. "Then you better pray to whatever gods you believe in that there is an afterlife, because even they will not stop me from removing you from this life." He turned around, took my hand, and we exited through the giant throne room door.


"Would you really?" I asked carefully to James as we marched though the corridors. He was still fuming about the incident which occurred not twenty minutes ago, and it was starting to worry me.

"Would I really what?" His voice was surprisingly calm and gentle, despite his agitation.

"Would you really kill her?" I finished my question. He stopped for a moment.

He opened his mouth, but closed it right after. He opened it again, but no sound came out. Finally, he hung his head. "I don't know," his tone was on the verge of tears. "I've never felt that much anger before. I've come close, but I wasn't willing to hurt the offenders. But now, I've just promised to kill a sentient being, whether it be to protect, or avenge you. I don't know."

"James, look at me," I commanded. His eyes pierced into my own, as if trying to find some answer to what was going on. "James...." I struggled to find something to say that would help him, but nothing came. Instead, a strange word echoed from in front of us.

"Minute! Minute!

"What is that?" I asked. James only looked on in horror.

"Stir! Nate! More! Eggs!"

"No," I heard James whisper. "No."

"Stir! Egg! Nom! Minster Eggs!"

"What's going on?" I pleaded worriedly. James began to make his way in front of me, forcing me behind himself.

The sounds came from a strange metallic container with a few metal bits sticking out. A blue light from the top moved to look at us.

"Eggs. Stir. Men. Ate." it struggled to say, it's low robotic voice almost pitiful. "Eggster. Minute."

"Stay away from her!" Came the wild cry from James.


"Don't you dare hurt her!" James' eyes began to twitch.

"EXTERMINATE!!! EXTERMINATE!!! EXTERMINATE!!!" the pitch of the screaming rose with each word. "EXTERMINATE!!! EXTERMINATE!!!"

"What is it?" I felt idiotic for asking, but I could not make heads or tails of the overturned-tin can.


Suddenly, it stopped its rant. It stayed silent for what could have been days.

"No. More." It grunted slowly. The last two words came almost forced.

"... What?" James seemed surprised at this.


"What is it doing?" James looked on in amazement. The creature pointed a metal rod at a wall. Light blasted out of it, and behind lay a passage way I had long forgotten.

"Run." It grunted. "Run like the Doctor. Run and do not dare look back. Run."

"Why are you doing this?" James asked skeptically.

"Because. I. Can." It answered firmly. "Run, Guardian of the Moon. Run, Tamer of the Beast. Run, Saviors of the True Dalek Empire." It turned its attention to behind us, and continued at its slow pace, continuing to chant. "EXTERMINATE NO MORE! EXTERMINATE NO MORE! EXTERMINATE NO MORE!"

"Come on," James tugged at my hand. We ran down the hallway, torches lighting our way. We passed many halls on our trek through the corridor. I of course, took the lead, my memory pointing me in the direction of the entrance.

We had eventually escaped the long walkway, to find ourselves in a gargantuan room, but not the one I was expecting. In front of us lay a giant glowing orb, the only prominent feature within the vast hall.

"What is it?" I spoke our shared question.

Suddenly, the cries of a hunting animal sounded from a little ways behind us. Hooves in gallop from the passage we had just left.

"I don't think we have time to find out," James answered worriedly. We rushed over to it, hands outstretched. On instinct, we reached out for it.

Then: nothing.