• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 6,149 Views, 124 Comments

Phases of Love - AMinorDisChord

A prequel to Bonum Tantibus, Nightmare Moon has revived after being broken down. James has been alone for most of his life.... Pony on Earth, Nightmare Moon x Human

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The First Crescent

Nightmare's Point Of View

My excitement was reaching it's limits.

It had been a few days since I discovered my... Rebirth. I could finally use magic, gallop without tripping, and fly.

Flying was the hardest thing to learn.

It started when I realized I needed to get off of Terra in order to die, which meant either build a ship, teleport to a point far beyond my capabilities... Or open my wings and flap.

My flight training got off to, let's say a 'rocky start'.

I shifted the curtains to reveal the outside world, shadowy, but eerily glowing due to the stars and moon's light. I wondered why the heck the stars were up there if I was not, but I had to hold that thought. I spread my wings, folded them in, walked a good distance away from the opening, and galloped toward the window.

Unfortunately, I tripped before I made it to the outside, giving me another muzzle full of rubble. Blech.

After checking myself for injuries not including my pride, I tried again. This time, I made it out of the room, and felt the cool night air hit my face. It was so wonderful, that chilling breeze running along my fur and feathers.

Wait, feathers! Too late I realized I forgot to open my wings. I crashed into the conveniently soft earth with a muffled thump. No rocks to break my fall, and no bruises, thank the moon. I rose to my hooves and saw where I was. It was the castle within the Everfree, the place I was destroyed! I should have guessed, but I didn't, so I turned my mind to other matters at hoof.

This time, I just flapped my wings, not taking the chance of slipping. I could get off the ground with relative ease, and soon enough I zoomed along the ground. I missed the sensation so much, the night, the flight, the-

Tree. I once again, managed to crash even after the first times I swore I would be more careful. The tree shook from the impact, but nothing fell out, thankfully. I slowly slid down from the accidental kiss I gave the poor plant. I noticed the mark on the bark, so I mentally remarked how my astricted park under cover of dark rekindles a spark to change my arc and avoid those who Hark and lark and lurk nearby.

What? I am a poet. Besides, do you know how many love songs and words use the moon? Trust me, you pick it up after a while.

After a number of attempts to fly, I saw the horizon take a red hue. I had to return to my room. Luckily, after trying for a while, I got the hang of flying, and flew into the opening at the castle side before the sun fully rose above the ground. I rushed to shove the curtains closed and figured it was best to sleep now and wait until tomorrow.

My sister would easily see that I was alive in the light of day. Luna, however, would only see me as another creature of the night and would be too busy helping ponies with their dreams. I closed my eyes, not caring that I didn't have any blankets or pillows to sleep on. My suffering would end soon anyway, and I don't deserve such luxury.

The next day...

I opened my eyes to feel a trickle of water on my face. No, wait, not water, tears. I had cried, probably from the dream I had. I couldn't remember it, but I was not so sure I wanted to. I looked at the windows's outline to see it was nighttime. I removed the silken barrier to see the courtyard I had been using last night. I felt my stomach rumble, and I knew I had to get something to eat.

I am immortal, so I don't really need food to survive. But I need some form of energy to use magic, and food is a strong source.

Also, hunger is very distracting. I looked to the forest, mentally preparing myself to go on my search for sustenance. I decided to get it over with, and floated down at a smooth glide. I landed softly, and set off to go for breakfast.

After walking for about five minutes, I came to an open area, which for some reason felt familiar to me.

I remembered.

I was only a little filly. I wanted to go exploring, despite my parents warnings, demands, and guards. The forest was so beautiful to me, but no one else seemed to think so. I just kept running, nothing was able to end my elation. But then I realized, I didn't know how to get back.

Suddenly, the forest did not seem so friendly. I wanted to go back, but I didn't know my way.

I ran around the forest, trying to find my path, but the trees seemed to move, I couldn't remember how to go back.

I cried, calling for my mommy, my daddy, my sister, any pony to help me. I curled up into a little ball, lying down in this very clearing. I never felt so alone. I was scared.

"Please," I moaned to myself, still crying. "Some pony please help me. I don't want to be alone. Help me, please."

Suddenly, I heard a wheezing sound beside me. It was quite similar to when I ran my shoe along the piano keys to get it off. A clang and thud stopped the wheezing noise, and my eyes beheld something, odd.

A blue box, four times my height, was the epicenter of sound. I was too young to read, so the words at the top of the box meant absolutely nothing to me.

The door creaked open, to reveal a strange creature. I don't even recall what it looked like, but it startled me. I screamed, and tried to get on my hooves, but I constantly kept slipping in fright. The being stepped out, and spoke with a calming tone.

"Sh, sh, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you," the creature's voice calmed me slightly, and I relaxed. "Are you okay? You seem lost."

"I- I don't know where I am-m," I stuttered. "I don't kn-know which w-way my parents are, and-" I broke off into tears again.

I felt something grab me. I wanted to struggle, but I couldn't.

"It's alright, I'll help you get back." It was the creature. The thing was hugging me. "We will find your parents." It spoke with certainty.

"We, we will?" I was hopeful. The thing nodded.

"Yes, we will," it reached into it's fur, which I suddenly realized wasn't fur, it was clothing. It pulled out a stick, but it wasn't like any stick I had seen before. "Stay calm, this won't hurt." It pointed the stick at me, pressed down on it with what looked like tentacles, which made the stick light up, creating a heavy buzz. The buzzing stopped, but started up again. This time, though, the creature was spinning around.

"That way!" The thing lifted a tentacle in a direction. The creature picked me up, and ran. Fast. I could not run this fast if I wanted to, nor could any other pony I knew.

In no time, we reached the castle. The guards were running around, looking for me from what I could guess. My savior put me down, and I ran towards the castle. I looked back to say goodbye, but it was gone.

I walked over to the place on the ground where the blue box had been. After more than a thousand years, the burn marks that the box made were gone. I decided to wipe away the leaves to reveal the ground, and to my surprise, the ashes were still there, as if preserved by the forest.

I started to tear up. The creature, for I never learned it's name or gender, was the closest thing I had to a friend. The guards and maids were paid to be there, and didn't show much interest in me. Celly was my sister, and your sister isn't really your friend, more like outright rival.

Oh, Celly. Celestia.

I cried again. I lied down on the ground, ignoring my hunger, and cried.

I still hadn't forgiven myself.

I heard something. I didn't know what, but I listened. It was like a bee, but nothing like it at all.

It was that stick! I rushed towards the direction of the sound, and found, to my surprise, an Earth Pony. But he was not one I had seen before.

No, wait, I did see him. He was at my sister's sun celebration. And at my twenty sixth birthday party. And at so many other places in time. Once, I though I saw him and a Pegasus on the moon. I just wrote it off as me being insane.

But I never saw his emotions. I didn't know why, but he was the one creature I could not hear.

In his mouth, was a stick, just like the one the creature had.

I wanted to know more, but I was afraid to show myself, so I remained in the shadows.

"Excuse me, where did you get that stick thing?" I called out, raising my pitch so as to not be discovered.

"I made it myself, Nightmare," he answered, looking directly to where I was hiding. He didn't look frightened, more determined.

I was shocked. He knew who I was? And didn't run? Or call for help? I subconsciously stepped out from behind the clearing. He smiled.

"Who are you?" I asked, almost fearfully.

"The one who helped you out of the forest all those years ago, but you can call me the Doctor."

"Doctor who?"

"Close enough," he shrugged.

I recalled the first thing he said. "Wait, you didn't help me out of the forest, a-"

"Two legged creature with tentacles and clothes that stepped out of a blue box? Hello again."

I blacked out.


When I came to, I realized I was back in my hideaway. I had a blanket on top of me, and the aroma of food stole my attention. A breakfast platter of eggs, toast, fruits and vegetables lied on the table. I didn't know how I got here, but I took a guess.

"Thank you, Doctor," I whispered. I didn't get a reply, but I hoped he could hear me.

I knew what I had to do. I had food, my magic, my flight.

It was time to go.

Goodbye, my little ponies. I am so sorry, but I will never hurt you again.

I took off.

I was flying through the night sky, before I took a final flap and forced myself out of the air of Terra. I didn't need to breath, so there was no concern for oxygen. learned that after the first few panic-filled moments on the moon. I levitated myself through the empty space, moving at least one thousand miles per hour. Magic works even better in space, without strong gravity, air resistance, or any other annoying interference. Finally reaching a safe distance from Terra, I began the spell.

Suddenly, an object came into view, moving at an incredible speed. It was the blue box. It was the Doctor. I had to stop my spell, I could not let him, of all ponies, be hurt. I magicked myself close to the blue box, and read the words 'police public call box' and touched it. It sparked at my fur, and I felt a strange tingling in my hoof. The box's door swung open to reveal the creature I was rescued by.

"I couldn't let you die, Nightmare," the Doctor smiled. "But you are not welcomed in this dimension anymore, and would be locked up in an instant. So I'm going to take you somewhere else." He pointed his stick at me, and I felt another tingle as I fell through the void.

On Earth


No way, bro. You are not talking while it's my turn.

"But I'm the narrator."

With a bloody nose.

"I don't have a-" *smack*

Right. Where was I?

Oh yes. I was waking up for my five month anniversary with my job. Imagine my elation. Insert 'sarcastic whoopee' here. I rushed out of my bed, and showered, ran to the kitchen, made a small sandwich, and headed out the door. I don't get that much time in the mornings. I got into my car and drove off.

I was stuck in the intersection, like usual. The light system, sucks. Anyways, I was waiting there, windows down, eyes on the road and feet on the breaks. My mind begins to wander around the events of my life... Which didn't cover much. For the past five months, there is rarely a single change from day to day life. It has gotten redundant, boring, and-

A sound brought me out of focus. A sound from my great grandparent's fairy tales. A sound I had heard once before.

I craned my neck to look at the sidewalk. A telephone box I knew did not belong had groaned into existence. I turned off my car, practically leaping out, locking it, and ran toward the blue box.

Why is he here? Scratch that, I don't want to know. If he is here, then something is bound to go horribly wrong. Thank goodness it isn't Christmas. Or London for that matter. Still...

The door creaked open as a man I did not recognize stepped out. Behind him were two kids, both girls, and a woman I would have had to guess was around thirty. The two girls seemed to be a teenager and a preteen. I had no idea who they were, but I knew who the man was.

"Doctor," I acknowledged.

"Goodness gracious, is that you James?" The Doctor's voice was just as easily different, but the underlying personality was in there.

"Yes," I answered.

"My boy, it has been far too long. How are you?" He started to walk towards me, but tripped. The girls didn't move, although they all looked concerned about his well being.

"You okay dear?" The woman asked.

"Dad?" The teenager called out.

"Daddy?" The preteen sounded worried.

"Don't worry, and don't move if you don't want to fall." The Doctor answered to his companions.

Wait... Daddy? Dear?

I moved over to help the Doctor up, and he gripped me in a rough hug.

"I haven't seen you since my graduation." I told him.

"Good, something we both remember. I was afraid of-"

"Although your new body seems familiar, but I can't remember why," I interrupted. "Oh wait, it was because I saw you at the-"

"No!" The Doctor commanded sharply, cupping his hand over my mouth.

"Relax, I was kidding," I chuckled. "You taught me not to break the rules of time, remember? Or did you lose your sense of humor."

He glared at me for a couple seconds, which worried me, before he broke out in laughter. "Remind me to use that one someday!" He was starting to tear up.

"So, Doctor," I began cautiously. "Since when were you a dad?"

The Doctor suddenly looked confused, but then looked at the girls, smiling sheepishly. "That's right, you haven't met. James, this is my wife Derpy, and my daughters, Sparkler and Dinky." He gestured to the girls.

"How do you do?" I waved my hand nervously.

"Girls, this is my friend, James Knight. He is the great grandson of Amy and Rory Pond."

"Williams," I reminded him.

"Nonsense," he replied.

"So, not to be rude, but, uh, why are you here? Please tell me it isn't going to be some disaster."

The girls giggled while the Doctor held an expression of confusion. "Why would there be a disaster?"

"Remember my birthday? Or my graduation? Or every Christmas in London?" I smiled slyly.

He blushed. "Right... Well, sorry to disappoint, but I don't have any world threatening problems at hand. Actually, I need a favor."

I was worried. As far as I knew, the Doctor's favors were not pleasant. "Do I have to look after an Ood?"

"No, nothing like that at all. Well, okay, a little bit, but not too much, I mean she won't be doing chores or anything," he rambled.

"She?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I need you to look after someone for me," he sounded worried, which is always a good reason to be worried.

"What's the catch?" I sighed.

"Um, she may or may not have wanted to kill herself, and has never had a friend before. Oh, I should also mention she has had the worst life I have ever seen." He was practically begging with his eyes. I looked to the girls, and caught their eyes. They nodded slowly, uncertainly, but nonetheless did so.

"Where is she?"

"At your place, in fifteen minutes."

I stared at him. "Fine. I have a couple of sick days anyways."

"Oh good. Also, you may need to teach her about being human, such as clothes, bathing, walking, that sort of thing."

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed.

He quickly shut the door and the TARDIS was phasing out of existence.

"I fell for that one, didn't I?" I muttered aloud.

I rushed to my car before the light changed to green. Yes, it would take at least seven minutes for the light to change. It's crazy, and a very crappy design. I started up the car, and took the route back to my home.

When I parked the car, I called my boss, telling him I was not feeling well. That may or may not have gone horribly wrong, but I didn't have to work today, so whatever.

I walked inside my house to see a girl sleeping on my couch. Without clothes, to my dismay. I ran to my closet and threw a blanket over her, so I wouldn't see anything, inappropriate.

I do have some morals, despite being a guy. Deal with it.

I had no idea what to do at this point, so I just sat down on my chair and slept.

Author's Note:

Warning: the Doctor will have his own stories, I just need to write them as well.

Also, have I seen you people in my past?