• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Occasional FimFic contributor. Also short reviews on request. Blog for silliness, music, writing. STATUS 2024.06.11. Toujours bizarre

  • EWhat I am made of.
    Everpony in Snow Castle thinks Blackberry is part-troll because he is so naughty, and so Clever Clover sends him away forever. After talking to his friends, he finds out what he is made of
    abrony-mouse · 2.4k words · 228 views

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27th April: Random Thoughts, Music and Pony. Writing Bug's egg is hatching today! UPDATE: It's hatching! I can see its beak trying to break through the auto-moderation shell! UPDATE: It hatched! I hope you like my bebe, FimFic folk... · 6:22am April 27th

What I am made of.

Everpony in Snow Castle thinks Blackberry is part-troll because he is so naughty, and so Clever Clover sends him away forever. After talking to his friends, he finds out what he is made of

After munching on me all yesterday, it looks like Writing Bug's egg is about to hatch! New story out today. How the hay did it end up 2K words though... It was meant to be a skit.

Only a true brony both writes in the first person as a male and makes all the other characters female. It's a rite of passage :rainbowwild: (reference to my latest, What am I Made of, here)

Woah, my latest fic is 2K words exactly BY ACCIDENT!? :pinkiegasp: What are the odds!?

Writer Guy and Producer guy from Ryan George live in my head.

Producer Guy particularly...
"Stretching metaphors is tight."

Holy crepe I can be a ditz. I just got my fic's name wrong while trying to promote it...

Grammar are hard. Har har har.


Dozed off vs dosed off.



Through the pink portcullis of Snow Castle, I can just about see Light Heart and the others playing. As usual, her laughter stands out from the cries of everypony else. Occasionally, I see a flash of pink which might be her tail, but might also be Dainty Dove’s. It is probably hers though, since Light Heart bounces higher than anypony on her magical canopy bed, and Dainty is such a softy that she will not jump for fear of falling.

"But I don't have a pink portcullis," said Snow Castle.

It was behind Ivy's huge ass.


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