• Member Since 12th Apr, 2024
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Drowned Owl

*underwater hoot*


Anon makes prosthetics, but despite the words of others, he isn't happy with them.

Just a little short story I made while working on another fic. Not sure if I'll do more, but if there's enough interest, I have a few ideas for where to go with it.

Edit: This was initially intended to be a short story where it ended after the first chap, but I've since added more at the request of commenters. I plan to continue adding chaps, but I guarantee nothing. Let me know what you think.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 67 )

DAAWWWWWW :twilightsmile:

This story does a good job of handling the topic...well written and to the point.

Very good if a little sad. Bravo

I for one would be very interested in seeing you give this one a continuation.

Aside from that, seeing Anon's delving into the realm of magic to create the closest thing to a perfect prosthetic to help others as well as himself would be interesting to read about. :twilightsmile:

Hell, just him figuring out how to make a prosthetic for horns would be fascinating to see unfold ... .

Now, regarding this one-shot ... .

It has quite a nice blend of hopefulness--on the filly's end--and melancholia--on Anon's end--that gives this work a different feel compared to most.


It has quite a nice blend of hopefulness--on the filly's end--and melancholia--on Anon's end--that gives this work a different feel compared to most.

Yes, THIS.

wonderful little story, bravo :twilightsmile:

Very very interesting story, I am sure that this could lengthen the story quite a lot with different ideas that some have given, and I am sure that the crown will invest a lot in the projects of Anon, it hurts that he doesn’t realize the good he could do with just the things he has and the potential he can create if he accepted the possible help they would give him

This is very good. More please.

OP #8 · April 20th · · · Visitors ·

Prosthetics mentioned. Instant thumbs up.

Edit: I’m really liking this story. I have a few stupid suggestions if you want to continue it.

One: double down on the tragic and have Anon spiral in his obsession for creating the identical part. Eventually he might realize that mechanical creations won’t cut it and he dabbles in dark magic for tissue sculpting. I’m already imagining a bio horror scenario where his left shoulder has a rapidly growing blastema, sending chaotic, neoplastic tendrils and bulbs out in a tumorous mess.

Two: keep the E rating and have Anon slowly grow to appreciate his work and how he helps those around him, and discovering how to love himself in the process… (yawn).

Three: a better third thing.


I too, would enjoy seeing more of this

It's rare to find authors whose first posted work on this site is magnificent. Even moreso when that first posted work makes it to the top of the featured box.

Congratulations. You've earned it.


"Tanks for the Memories" had a few scenes where Tank's propeller stops and starts by itself, implying that he's controlling it mentally. Build that into a prosthetic limb, and you have all the fun of a brain-machine interface with none of the surgery. So you could either have Anon tear himself apart looking for a means of performing the necessary magic, or mellow out and partner up with a unicorn.


Hell, just him figuring out how to make a prosthetic for horns would be fascinating to see unfold ... .

I'm imagining Tempest trying one out, only for it to explode under her full power.

First story and you knocked it out of the park Nice. Also great job on handling the topic. I had a feeling that Anon also had a prosthetics but not like 4 of them that was a shock.

This got a bit more popular than expected. I guarantee nothing, but I will be attempting to write some more for this, eventually.

I still want to get some work done on the other, bigger story I've been writing however, so I'm not sure when that might be.

For now though, thanks for all the dopamine kind words <3

Four: becomes a world renowned miracle worker (or owner of a business) creating near perfect prosthetics for anyone who is in need. Honestly thatd be awesome. A story about slowly bypassing the restrictions that exist right now with magic and making something that'd be some semblance of a well functioning replacement would be awesome

I loved this beyond words and I was pleased to be the 100th upvote.

This is such a well-thought out short story. Love how you constructed this in a way that delicately shows the contrast between Anon and the filly--they both have different views of prosthetics and it's so... heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. Thanks for writing this. :twilightsmile:

oh shit this is fucking amazing I thought it was just going to be about him making a new hand for himself in ponyville and twilight geeking out about his engineering skills but he's doing this for more than just himself, in the middle of nowhere to work and advance prosthetics undisturbed, a single minded determination to achieve more than just "good enough"

This was really good. Short but sweet. Great work on this one.

Those are a lot of different individual prosthetics.
What happened to this guy? And how did he appear in Equestria?
Good story, very nice work, word-smith.

This is easily the best Anon story that I’ve read.

This was really good Great work on this one


as a person who has a prosthesis themselves, I understand how the man feels

This was really good. Anon deserves to be happy though. Want more if only for that, though honestly prosthetics have always interested me despite my (current) lack of any (thankfully) and I'd love to see what sort of other developments could be made combining modern prosthetic engineering with magic. Maybe he can finally make something that satisfies him so he can feel good when a patient hugs him after returning something once lost.

It has come to my attention that "prosthetic" refers to the field of research (or as an adjective referring to a limb), and "prosthesis" (prostheses for the plural) are the correct terms for the actual object.

So that's mildly embarrassing. Apologies.

That said I... kind of prefer prosthetic? Prostheses and prosthesis is a tad exhausting to say. Maybe I'll change it later, maybe not.

This is what I was wondering. I'd be curious to find out how he gained all of those prosthetics.

This makes me think of a short version of Follows A Spark. Where the guy is constantly striving for perfection not for himself, but for others. Nice short story.

You're the first person to mention that. I wouldn't say it directly inspired me (I wasn't really thinking of that story when I wrote this), but it definitely has a similar vibe. Would highly rec others check it out.

A beautiful story. Like another commenter said, I was expecting Anon to have at least one prosthesis, but I wasn't expecting that. I've worn glasses since the third grade, in 1990, and they feel like a part of me. I literally cannot function without them.

I was definitely reminded of Follows a Little Spark, except this didn't take me days to read, and no awkward, forced "herding" with Celestia. :trollestia: (That's still one of my fave stories.)

Congratulations on your first story blowing up in the Featured box! :pinkiehappy: 👍

The door to his bedroom opened. A wobbly Anon stepped through and closed it behind him. Sitting on his bed, Anon leaned down and pulled up the fabric covering his right leg, before unscrewing the prosthetic limb and letting it fall to the side. He then reached up and tugged the false nose free from his face and the glass eye from his socket, dropping them into a box on his end table. His left arm was slowly unstrapped from around his shoulder and dropped carelessly onto the floor.
:twistnerd: (twist) much?

Anyways, I was a bit turned off by the Anon tag at first. That was a mistake.
A huge mistake.
I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon to Anonymousville anytime soon, but this was wonderful. You could really feel the gratitude the filly had for what Anon did for her. I'll be happy to see what else you might decide to do with this idea.

Oh, please continue this!:applecry:

Ooh I like this, I don't see too many people touching on tempest or her pain.

I love this! Tempest is so underused. I also love the prosthetic story angle you have going on

We're so back. I love the emotions in these chapters, keep up the great writing man.

Now the only question, will you do a proper sequel? Show the trials and tribulations of him trying to figure out how to make a prosthetic unicorn horn? Tempest probably still knows something of magic, maybe she could help him. Hrmm....


The madlad is back.

So, how to fix a horn?

Unlike antlers, which are temporary structures (grown and shed on a regular basis), horns like to stick around. Similar to antlers, though, they have a highly vascular core. After all, them's be bones on the inside. Horns can be thought of as bones with a hardened, keratinized shell. If the unicorn's break occurred within the bony interior, severing the marrow, then things are looking bad. I assume, since it is Tempest, that the injury happened more than a few days ago and she does not have the other end.

As the fast blue mouse says, "that's no good."

Not to mention whatever fictional anatomy our author has cooking in their head. Buuuuut, if the break is only on the outer shell, then maybe our poor unicorn has some hope.

I'm interested to see what Owl has thought up to get around this problem... or maybe Anon doesn't solve it? That would be delightfully tragic >:)


I wasn't expecting an update but you managed to do it in the best way possible.

Most likely. Or at least I want to.

Another awesome, well-written chapter. This story deserves its spot in the Featured box. :yay:

My only little nitpick is "pegasuses." I just googled it, and while a few sites say that's okay, most say that it should be "pegasi." As long as you don't capitalize it, either one is fine by me.

Pegasi sounds better, so I'll go ahead and change it. Thanks for the feedback, and glad to hear you enjoyed the chap!

A promise to try is infinitely move valuable to the one needing aid than telling them it can't be done. Some of the best innovations in the world came from someone refusing that answer. Hopefully Anon can come up with something, even if it is just a more accurate pointer for her wild magic.

This is what got me through my own dark days. As someone who genuinely has been through what Tempest is going through, I understand her emotions at the end. A person trying means they care enough about you, the one who is asking to think about it. That can be the hope that keeps someone alive.



This could shape up to be a interesting story, or it could end right there keeping an open ending.


Perfectly written, as before. Fantastic job, word-smith. Keep going.

I really want to see where this goes. :)
But if it ends here I won't complain.

His false hand burned.

Love this line! So caught up in the moment that he didn't even realize the sensation. Wonderful stuff, can't wait to see more from you. :raritywink:

Ngl, was starting to wonder if anyone picked up on that.

Or why it didn't work at first.

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