• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,950 Views, 5,039 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 50: Compassionate Soul

Episode 50: Compassionate Soul

Rainbow Dash all but bounced off one wall in an utter panic, and sped towards another wall, little more than a frantic blur as she searched for a door out of the chamber she’d found herself in as she babbled. “Gotta save Flutters! Where’s the way out! She’s still back there! Way out! Way out! Where’s the damn door!?”

In the center of the room, right where the portal had cut itself off just seconds ago, Rarity stared at Rainbow Dash, her own mind in a momentary stunned state as her winged friend tore about the chamber. Rarity had been recovering her strength in this place for most the evening, having found it just as Ditzy Doo had instructed her to. As far as hideouts went it was roomy and decently appointed, with a series of beds along one wall, a number of supply crates and shelves along another, and even a simple but effective bath and lavatory built into a stone alcove off to the side with a thick curtain to provide privacy.

However what it didn’t have were obvious doors in or out. The entrance Rarity had used was on the side with the supply crates, and it was seamlessly hidden in the stone wall itself, which when opened would lead to a small tunnel that in turn led to an opening in the side of the plateau amid some thick forested area on the southwestern portion of the Soul Reaper fortress.

Rainbow Dash obviously couldn’t find the hidden exit, and Rarity was hesitant to just let her friend out without fully understanding what was happening. Well, she had seen enough to know that Fluttershy was in danger. That alone would be reason to consider letting Rainbow Dash go, if not for the fact that Dash was clearly injured by the bloody, bandaged state of her arm. Rarity could see her friend’s left limb was hanging nearly limp, with fresh blood dropping down it, despite the bandage formed from Rainbow Dash’s own outfit mantle.

“Rainbow Dash,” Rarity began in a loud but calm voice, “Slow down! You’ll hurt yourself. More so than you clearly already are.”

“I have to go Rares! Fluttershy needs me! Needs us! C’mon!” Rainbow Dash shouted, barley slowing down at all as she started kicking at the wall, and turning desperate eyes towards Rarity. “Where’s the way out already!?”

“Look, Rainbow, you’re bleeding. I want to go help Fluttershy as well, but if you let yourself bleed out-”

“To hell with my freakin’ arm!” Rainbow snarled, eyes wild, “That crazy Posey girl’s attacking Fluttershy as we speak, and she’s a damn monster with her sword released like that! She’ll kill Fluttershy! We have to go help her, NOW!”

Rainbow Dash’s breaths were ragged now, and the blood pouring down her arm dripped into a growing crimson pool beneath her. Rarity could see how pale Dash was becoming. All of that movement had likely opened up the wound wider than it had been originally and made the bleeding worse than if Rainbow Dash had stayed still. Now Dash was losing blood quickly, and energized by her Fullbring or not, she was clearly in no condition to go anywhere or save anyone.

Fear for Fluttershy was coldly crawling through her veins, but Rarity was equally fearful for Rainbow Dash, and she was the friend immediately in front of Rarity that she could help.

Steeling herself, and her voice, Rarity said, “You’re not in any condition to help, Rainbow, darling. I need you to stay here so I can deal with that wound.”

“L-like hell you will!” Rainbow Dash said, teetering a bit as she faced Rarity, “Lemme outta here and I’ll kick that Posey’s butt... all... over...”

Rainbow Dash blinked, glancing at her arm. “How’d it get so... red?”

As Rainbow Dash fell back against the wall, barely keeping her feet under her, Rarity rushed to her side and checked the wound. The makeshift bandage was already soaked through, and the deep puncture wound beneath, one that went clear through Rainbow Dash’s arm, was seeping blood. Rarity hissed under her breath as she summoned her own Fullbring, her pony ears twitching as she brought out blood of her own to provide a fresh crystalline patch to the wound.

“Rainbow! How were you even moving around with a wound like this!? Did you not feel the pain?”

“Mmph, don’t have time for pain...” Rainbow Dash muttered, grimacing, “Everyone’s countin’ on me.”

“We can’t count on you if you’re dead for goodness sake!” Rarity said tersely, her voice raised with equal parts fear and anger as she slung Rainbow Dash’s good arm over her shoulder and led her towards one of the hideout beds. “I have to stop the bleeding, and hopefully there’s some proper medical supplies here. Sit, now! Stop fighting me.”

Rainbow Dash’s struggles lessened, but her eyes still looked fierce as she sat down on the bed. “But Fluttershy-”

“Will have to fend for herself!” snapped Rarity, hating having to say the words, but meaning them. “Right now I won’t watch you bleed out. Losing one friend to go help another is not something I’m prepared to do! Now stay still while I deal with this!”

She put both hands on Rainbow Dash’s shoulders, forcing the girl to lay down. It was surprisingly easy, much of Dash’s strength seeming to have seeped out of her. Seeming to realize she wasn’t going anywhere, Rainbow Dash let her Fullbring deactivate, which only seemed to clue her in further to the damage her arm had taken. She’d clearly underestimated the wound due to adrenaline the way her active Fullbring boosted her pain tolerance. It still hadn’t hit an artery, otherwise she’d never have survived this long, but her blood loss was much more severe than she’d thought and her head felt light and dizzy.

She stopped fighting Rarity altogether, laying down to let the other girl tend to her. Rarity summoned a tendril of blood that turned into a crystalline arm, which in turn grabbed several of the crates from along the wall and started sifting through them, pulling out thick gauze wrapping, a bottle of what Rarity hoped was disinfectant, and some thread. With a wave of her wrist Rarity created a set of thin, red crystal needles, and wove the thread through them. Dash gulped. She’d never liked needles.

“W-what are you doing?”

“I’m going to stitch this closed properly, then give it a real bandage. That should stop the bleeding.”

"When did you learn how to play nurse?"

Rarity smirked, "Please, Rainbow. I'm a woman of many talents."

Rainbow Dash grimaced, “I, uh, hate needles...”

Rarity, despite the worry in her eyes and the sweat now beading her brow, said, “Too bad, darling. Consider this revenge for pushing me into that dreadful sewer.”

As Rarity went to worth both girls became silent. From the look of deep rooted fear and concern on their faces it was clear they were both thinking of Fluttershy, and if she was going to be alright by herself against a foe like Lieutenant Posey.


The high pitched whine of Kyoki’s saw blade, loud as the unrelenting howl of a banshee, was only matched by the violence hungry laughter of the woman who wielded the deadly Zanpaktou.

“That’s right! Run! Run! Run! Hahahah!”

Posey swung her screeching sword in one vicious arc after another, and Fluttershy continued to take swift, precise back-steps away from its dangerous edge. Every time the spinning, serrated edge of the Zanpaktou came within scant inches of Fluttershy’s flesh she twisted, bent, and pivoted her body out of harm’s way, all the while backing away from Posey’s relentless advance.

Sparks and chunks of stone flew as near misses cut deep furrows in the courtyard, Kyoki devouring the ground and slicing through it as if it were cardboard under an exacto-knife. Not a one of Posey’s swings had managed to strike Fluttershy’s swiftly dodging form, yet every strike carried with it deadly intent. Fluttershy didn’t doubt that a single slip up on her part would be lethal.

Yet her Fullbring was keeping her alive as surely as if she’d been wielding a blade herself to deflect Posey’s blows. Just as she could direct her spirit energy to encourage her body to heal, she could enhance herself the same way she did with her friends. Much of her Fullbring’s nature still felt mysterious to her, but she knew it largely operated on the principle that her own soul could be used to create states of being in herself or others, whether that be commands she willed others to obey, or for their bodies to work in ways she willed to be.

It was all limited by the extent of her spirit energy and willpower, but ever since it had evolved, her Fullbring’s effects had grown stronger, especially if she could gain physical contact with her target.

So far Posey’s aggressive assault had not left any openings for Fluttershy to get a strike of her own in. She had to dedicate herself almost entirely to defense just to stay one step ahead of the violent Soul Reaper woman. On some level Fluttershy was terrified beyond belief. It was only through her Fullbring willing herself to calm that she kept herself focused as she concentrated on dodging Posey’s horrific blade. But she knew she couldn’t keep this up forever. The pain in her shoulder was worsening by the second, and she could feel her spirit energy draining with every moment.

She’d have to try commands without the boost of physical contact. Fluttershy narrowed her eyes and hardened her voice, pushing as much command into it as she could as her third eye flashed and she sent her spirit energy out in a burst, focused it upon Posey.

“Stop attacking me, now!”

For a moment Posey stopped in her tracks, her face going through the most unpleasantly looking of spasms as one moment she looked like a terrified girl, and the next the mad berserk snarl was back, only to twist back into horrified girl once again.

“I-I don't to- Gehahah! Rip your lungs out! No, I-Grrr!”

Fluttershy was taken aback by the seeming war of emotions and personality clashing across Posey’s face, but she didn’t hesitate long and jumped in at Posey. She thrust out with her good left arm, palm out, aimed for Posey’s stomach. One good hit was all she’d need to send in a double-dose of spirit energy to force Posey to surrender!

“Ha! Too late!” Posey’s voice growled as the berserker mentality took over once again, Posey’s form flickering out of sight in a swift Flash Step, Fluttershy’s palm hitting only empty air.

Fluttershy reacted much as she had when she’d thrown Dash through the portal, on pure instinct. She spun left, throwing herself into a upwards, tucked in flip, assisted by a flap of her pegasus wings. She felt rather than saw Kyoki’s buzzing blade pass so close she could feel the vibrations of it in the air. There was a burning pain across her cheek as she came out of her flip, and and even more intense pain in her wounded shoulder. She cried out but didn’t slow down, jumping back to put more distance between herself and Posey.

Posey didn’t immediately pursue, her crazed eyes turning towards Fluttershy as she licked her lips. “Blood looks good seeping out of you, Ryoka. Your cries of pain make me feel so... mmm... good. What kind of sounds are you going to make when I cut into your belly?”

Fluttershy suppressed a shudder, running her left hand across her right cheek where Kyoki had opened up a small, but profusely bleeding wound. She took a deep breath and centered herself, her third eye blazing luminous blue and the halo behind her matching its light as she spread her wings.

“I won’t let you hurt anyone. Me, or my friends.” Fluttershy said, resolute as she took up a fresh fighting stance, “Or yourself.”

“Myself! Ha! I’m not hurting myself. I’ve never felt better!” Posey shouted, then laughed as she pointed Kyoki at Fluttershy, “Killing my father’s enemies is all I exist to do! What could make a daughter happier, huh!?”

“Are you sure you’re not feeling a tad bit sleepy, instead?” asked Fluttershy sweetly, sending out a focused wave of her spirit energy, slamming its invisible tendrils into Posey’s body. Posey blinked, shaking her head as she gained a drowsy look, but it was clear she wasn’t going to fall asleep with Fluttershy’s command. Still, her renewed attack was slower, less precise, and as Posey leaped in to strike Fluttershy found she had an easier time evading.

“Cheap trick. Won’t keep me from gutting you forever!” spat Posey, eyes raging as she gripped Kyoki with both hands, her swings getting wider, harsher, more wild.

Fluttershy still had to focus on evasion, but had more breathing room with Posey struggling to stay awake. Fluttershy kept pressing in with her power, trying to slow Posey down. Her concerns weren’t just for herself. She could sense the reiatsu of the wounded and unconscious Soul Reapers that Firefly had hurt. Many of them were in critical condition and needed healing, and soon. She had to stop Posey, and go help them!

She already knew, fundamentally, that she wasn’t going to escape capture. That wasn’t Fluttershy’s goal now. It was only to prevent people from dying, with every scrap of power she had to save them with.

But that meant beating Posey first!

Fluttershy glanced behind her at one of the walls bordering the courtyard. She wasn’t far from it. Thinking fast, she turned and fled towards it, knowing Posey wouldn’t miss an opportunity to strike at Fluttershy’s back. As she’d predicted, Posey came after her at a dead run, and as Fluttershy reached the wall Posey held Kyoki above her head in a huge overhand swing. Fluttershy, gritting her teeth against the horrible pain in her shoulder, jumped up onto the wall and flipped over Posey just as Posey’s strike smashed into the wall.

Kyoki’s spinning blade tore the wall apart in a shower of dust, but at the same time Fluttershy gestured and the shroud that was part of her Fullbring sprung to life at her mental command. The shroud's white, silken form wrapped around Posey’s waist, and before the Soul Reaper could react Fluttershy gripped the shroud and yanked with one arm, shifting her Fullbring’s power from making Posey feel sleepy, to instead enhancing her own physical strength.

Thus boosted, Fluttershy sent Posey up and over, flying into a rough body slam. The attack was meant to stun Posey, and Fluttershy could see it seemed to work, leaving the Soul Reaper groaning on the ground for a moment. A moment long enough for Fluttershy to rush her and place her hand on Posey’s shoulder.

“Sleep, now!” Fluttershy commanded. She felt her power tear down her arm, through her palm, and lance into the core of Posey’s soul.

Her physical contact magnified her power so much that Fluttershy was somewhat scared of it. She’d been very careful with the Soul Reapers she’d fought back at the Thirteenth Division because she feared stripping people of their free will, or doing some kind of permanent harm to their minds. In this case she wasn’t sure how much she could afford to hold back. Posey seemed pretty willful herself. But as much as she wanted to go all out, Fluttershy still instinctively held back, not wanting to damage Posey’s mental state. The girl seemed traumatized enough and mentally unstable already.

She saw Posey stiffen, felt the girl tremble for a moment, then start to sag. Posey’s eyes slowly started to close even as her grip on Kyoki remained tight. The Zanpaktou’s blade was still spinning like a chain saw, digging into the ground even as its wielder started to fall into slumber. When Posey appeared to go limp, Fluttershy started to relax, standing and backing away from the sleeping Soul Reaper.

She glanced towards the only remaining Soul Reaper who was conscious, Strongheart, who while injured and barely standing still had her Zanpaktou out and looked ready to fight, despite the way her hands shook.

“S-stay back Ryoka!” Strongheart said, “I won’t fall prey to your strange powers!”

“I don’t want to hurt anyone.” said Fluttershy, taking a few tentative steps towards Strongheart, “If you’ll let me, I need to heal your friends who are badly hurt.”

Strongheart looked dubious at that prospect at best, but before she could say anything, or Fluttershy was able to take another step, a terrible surge of reiatsu blanketed the area. Thick and filled with chilling taste of violence, Kyoki’s power pressed down on Fluttershy’s soul, its spiritual pressure suddenly stronger than ever.

She turned and her eyes went wide with fear as she saw Posey rising, but not naturally, but rather like a puppet on strings, her body jerking this way and that, limp save for the hand that held Kyoki. Kyoki itself was drenched in a blood red aura of spirit energy, coils of smokey red power flowing around it in time with its spinning, serrated edge.

Posey’s head, hanging limp one moment, now jerked upwards, her eyes bloodshot and glowing with red energy as she spoke.

“Aw, did you think it was over, putting little Posey to beddy bye? Hahahah! Oh no, girl, that was a mistake. Posey was still holding me back, but now that she’s napping, its just you, and me, and your pretty red guts!”

When Posey, or rather Kyoki attacked, it was in a unnatural, macabre dance of motion. The Zanpaktou controlled Posey with strange, difficult to follow motions that made the girls body look like a spasming cadaver, twisting at odd and seemingly impossible angles as Kyoki thrust forward with her, slashing at Fluttershy in a renewed frenzy.

Fluttershy swung her shroud, the white cloth spinning around to try to deflect the glowing Zanpaktou. Sparks flew from the cloth where it met the blade, the supernaturally hard cloth resisting the chewing teeth of Kyoki for a moment or two. But Fluttershy could see her shroud taking damage, with chunks torn through even as she kept swinging it as she struggled to also evade the Zanpaktou controlling the unconscious Posey.

“H-how are you doing this!? I thought Zanpaktou were supposed to be partners with their Soul Reapers, and didn’t act on their own!”

To be fair, she didn’t actually know much about Soul Reapers or their weapons, besides what she’d gathered by watching Clover and Sunset, but it had seemed to her the weapons needed their wielders as much as the wielders needed them. Kyoki seemed to be quite a bit different from other Zanpaktou, but perhaps Fluttershy just hadn’t seen enough of them to know.

Either way, Kyoki spoke with Posey’s mouth, laughing uproariously. “Whoahahahah! Partners!? You don't get it at all! If I had my way I’d be the one in charge all the time! All my wielder does is follow around her ‘daddy’ like a lost little kitten, never doing anything for herself! It sickens me! I’m doing her a favor when I take over like this! She can just rest easy and let me take care of her.”

Kyoki sent Posey’s body into a twisting leap, bending over backwards in a painful contortion as she sliced viciously with its spinning blade. Fluttershy tracked the erratic attack, just barely getting her shroud in the way to block. There was a terrible, high pitched whine as the serrated blade sawed into the spiritually hardened cloth, bathing the area in shining sparks. Then Kyoki tore hard through the shroud, splitting it in two. Fluttershy dodged back from the descending blade, seeing the deadly tip pass within a finger nail’s width from her face.

Still controlling the two halves of her shroud, Fluttershy took a gamble and sent them out to wrap around Kyoki, trying to halt the blade by overlapping the two pieces of the shroud together. Like with the commands of her third eye, the shroud was enhanced by her spirit energy, and by pouring more into it she could reinforce it further.

Sparks flew as the two shroud halves wrapped the Zanapktou like living snakes made of metal. For a moment the spinning blade teeth chewed at the shrouds, but in a few seconds the shrouds glowed a fierce, powerful light blue as Fluttershy concentrated her spirit energy into them. Then Kyoki’s blade stopped entirely, although Fluttershy could still feel them struggle against the cloth of her shroud.

“Okay, that’s enough!” she said, gulping as she put as much strength as she could into her voice, “You need to stop being so mean to your wielder. She’s not a toy for you to play with!”

Posey’s face, showing Kyoki’s own rage, screwed up in a mad snarl. “You don’t know a damned thing, meatsack! I’m doing this for her own good!”

Kyoki drove Posey’s still slumbering body forward, faster than Fluttershy imagined she could move, and kicked out at Fluttershy’s head. She side-stepped the blow, but had to still keep a grip on both halves of her shroud to keep Kyoki’s blade wrapped up tightly, limiting her range of movement. Kyoki took advantage of this, following up with a elbow strike that Fluttershy struggled to raise a knee to block, unable to channel any command energy into Posey as most of her power was tied up reinforcing her shroud. Not that she was certain it would help if she had, as Posey was unconscious. It was Kyoki she had to deal with.

Could I command the Zanpaktou itself? Fluttershy wondered, but before she could complete the thought Posey’s body, jerking about wildly under Kyoki’s puppet control, slammed her head forward and caught Fluttershy right under the chin.

Stars exploded in Fluttershy’s vision as the world spun. Her head rang again as she hit the ground, bumping her skull off the hard stone floor of the courtyard. Blinking in a daze, Fluttershy rolled to her back, but only in time for Posey’s heel to slam down hard on her chest.

“Arrogant blood bag!” Kyoki roared through Posey’s voice, “Telling me how to look after Posey like you know either of us! Bleed for me!”

Again and again Posey’s foot smashed down on Fluttershy, who cried out at the painful slams on her chest and stomach. She tried to roll away, but Posey just kicked her back into place with a harsh blow. Fluttershy lost her breath for a moment, her eyes having trouble focusing as Kyoki forced Posey to continue kicking her.

Still, Fluttershy accepted the pain. She knew what her friends could end up going through if they failed to rescue Celestia and Luna would be so much worse. The thought of losing any of them was a sickening barb that surpassed any pain from a mere physical blow.

And beyond that, there were people right here who needed her help! Injured Soul Reapers suffering from grievous wounds. Posey, who was trapped by her mad Zanpaktou. Fluttershy had to help them! No matter how much she had to endure to do so!

Focusing as much strength as she could, she abandoned her shroud, letting Kyoki’s blade go, to instead turn her spirit energy inward to enhancing her own speed and strength. She caught Posey’s foot just as it was descending towards her face, and with a fierce look in her eyes she raised one of her legs to draw it back and kicked Posey square in the stomach. The blow forced Posey to stumble back, teetering left and right as Kyoki struggled to keep the Soul Reaper’s balance.

Meanwhile Fluttershy rolled to her feet, standing up despite the painful protests her body was giving her.

She was about to rush in and try and tackle Kyoki out of Posey’s grip, but suddenly Strongheart appeared between them.

But rather than facing Fluttershy, Strongheart faced Posey and Kyoki.

“Enough! Lieutenant Posey, our orders are to take the Ryoka in alive! Have you lost your mind!? You were near kicking her to death!”

Kyoki snarled through Posey’s mouth, “Out of my way!”

Suddenly Kyoki Flashed Stepped, coming straight at Strongheart. The two Lieutenants clashed, Strongheart’s unreleased Zapankaktou being quickly pushed back by Kyoki’s potent, sawing edge. Strongheart grunted, planting her heels stubbornly and trying to push back.

“Posey, wake up dammit! I don’t want to hurt-”

Suddenly Kyoki growled like a rabid animal, and pushed up hard on Storngheart’s blade, forcing the other girl’s guard up. Then Kyoki slashed down in a bloody red line.

Blood splattered from Strongheart, painting the ground. She staggered back, a deep, horrendous gouge cut all the way down her chest. Blood spurting in a slow crimson arc as Strongheart fell.

“No...” Fluttershy breathed.

“Gwhahaaha! Oh that’s the stuff I’m talking about. That blood tastes so good!” Kyoki howled, making Posey dance about as she laughed. Strongheart, still alive, twitched on the ground, staring at her own wound with wide eyes. It was obvious to Fluttershy that the young woman had minutes to live, with a fatal injury like that. She wasn’t certain she could do anything to help even if she was at full strength...

But she was going to damn well try!

“NO!” She shouted, all three of her eyes now glowing luminous blue. “You do not get to laugh at that!”

She charged. Her two tattered shroud halves wrapped around her left hand, tighter and tighter. Kyoki saw her coming and gave a contemptuous thrust of her spinning blade.

Fluttershy caught the blade with her hand, which now wrapped in her shroud was able to withstand the serrated blade for just a few seconds. Fortunately seconds were all Fluttershy needed to force her injured right hand to move, despite the terrible pain of her wounded shoulder, to grip Kyoki’s hilt.

Fluttershy’s eyes met Posey’s, and she said, “Let. Her. Go!”

She shoved as much of her remaining power as she could into the command, touching Kyoki itself.

As she did so she felt her mind being forcibly dragged somewhere, like the whole world was vanishing into darkness save for the transformed Zanpaktou.

Then, abruptly, she found herself standing in a strangely gray place. The sky was gray, filled with dull white clouds. She stood on a seemingly endless plane of reflective red liquid... blood? It was like an ocean of blood beneath an ashen sky, yet she could walk on the blood as if it was solid.

She took a step forward tentatively, finding the blood ripped with her steps.

Then ahead of her she saw a single tree rising from the blood, its own bark charcoal black as if it had been burned. Yet the tree bore leaves, crimson as the blood it rose from. Sitting beneath the tree, curled up in a tight little ball, was Posey. Her eyes were closed and she didn't stir, clearly asleep.

Looming beside Posey was a black dog, a huge bloodhound the size of a grizzly bear. The hound saw Fluttershy approaching and immediately set itself between her and Posey. Its voice barked out across the Zanpaktou’s Inner World, because Fluttershy was pretty sure that’s where this was.

“Get away from us! I’ll rip your throat out and piss on the corpse if you take another step!”

Fluttershy wasn’t certain what was happening. Had her own power drawn her here? Was her spirit and that of Kyoki communicating directly now? Whatever the case was, she hardened her resolve and took another step forward. Kyoki howled, a baying hunting cry and charged, but Fluttershy just held a palm out.


Her voice carried her command, and inside this space, with her soul connected to Kyoki’s spirit, that will carried even stronger weight. The whole ocean of blood ripped around her from that one word, and the huge, black hunting hound stopped in his tracks. His large, bushy tail thrashed in annoyance behind him. Lips pulled back in a saliva dripping growl of pearly white teeth, and red eyes glared at Fluttershy... but Kyoki heeled.

“Gonna... rip you apart...” the dog promised.

“No, you’re going to be a good boy and sit.” Flutteshy said, and Kyoki sat, growling the whole time.

Fluttershy sucked in a breath. The clock was ticking, with Strongheart bleeding out. She had to make this quick.

“Good. Now, tell me, why are you being so mean to Posey?”

Kyoki’s growl became a deep rumble that echoed through the entire Inner World. “She needs me. She hates thinking for herself. Always doing what her father commands without a care for what she wants. I’ll fix that. I know what she really wants.”

“What’s that?” Fluttershy asked.

“To be free.” Kyoki said, “To be free to do whatever she pleases, when she pleases. I’ll give that to her. Even if she doesn’t know she wants it yet.”

“By turning her into a bloodthirsty crazy person?” Fluttershy said with a frown and raised eyebrow.

“You have no idea how much rage she’s got inside her.” Kyoki said with a little, snarling laugh, “I’m just letting it vent. Once I’m in charge, she’ll be happy. Happier than she is being her father’s puppet. Its better than letting her simper and cower all the time! I can be strong enough for both of us! She doesn’t need to make decisions anymore as long as she listens to me! And I’ll rip to shreds anyone who tries to control her!”

“Including yourself?” Fluttershy said as she stepped closer to Kyoki, hands on her hips, “All you’re doing is being a big, mean bully for your own sake! Are you actually doing this for her, or because your mad at her!?”

“Shut up! What do you know!?” Kyoki barked, and struggled to leap towards Fluttershy, but lines of blue energy coiled out from her third eye like rope, lashing around Kyoki’s neck in the shape of a leash.

“I know animals.” Fluttershy said, “Zanpaktou spirit or not, if you’re like any dog I’ve known then you’re supposed to be loyal to your master, not bite the hand that cares for you! You say you’re doing this to protect her, but I think you’re being just as big a bully as her father is! Treating her like a puppet, making her do awful things, do you honestly think any of that is going to make Posey happy!?”

Kyoki growled once more, but there was less force behind it, and something almost akin to a whimper as Fluttershy got closer to him. Despite Kyoki’s spirit form being larger than Fluttershy by a good few feet, she somehow managed to loom dangerously as she glared at him, tugging on the spectral leash she had around his neck to pull him down to eye level with her.

“You may be big, mean, and don’t care about hurting people, but that doesn’t give you the right to do whatever you please! Nobody has that right! We’re all stuck living together in this world, and if you want to try and make it a ‘dog eat dog’ world then you’re gonna find there’s plenty of dogs around bigger and meaner than you, buster! If you really care about Posey, then you’re gonna stop pushing her around this instant and be a good and loyal dog for her. Otherwise I’m going to have to teach you a very harsh lesson you don’t want to experience.”

She eyeballed him from inches away, starring relentlessly. “Have I made myself clear?”

The seconds stretched out between them like the sands dripping from an hourglass, Kyoki’s blood red eyes locked onto Fluttershy’s teal orbs as they stared each other down. She could feel the bloodhound’s will, the Zanpaktou spirit bristling, but also slowly yielding ground against her own unrelenting force of will.

Slowly Kyoki grudgingly bowed his head, taking on a submissive pose.

“Grr, fine, I’ll back off, for now. Posey’s just too damned beta for her own good.”

“Then help her get stronger.” Fluttershy said with simple, pointed words, “And you can’t do that by controlling her life, you do it by showing her how to decide things for herself and supporting the path she takes. If you are her Zanpaktou, isn’t that what you should be doing?”

Kyoki barked out a laugh, “Easier said than done. Have you seen her when I’m not in control? She can barley speak above a whisper, and the second her father snaps his fingers, she’s off to do his bidding like a lost puppy. Grr, pisses me off so much!”

“There, there.” she said, reaching out a hand and scratching behind Kyoki’s ear. Her skill with animals seemed to translate to the realm of Zanpaktou spirits, because for all his surly growling, Kyoki’s ears perked up and one of his legs began to twitch in a rhythmic thump. “You’re really a good boy beneath all that silly growling and bloodlust, aren’t you? You just need to treat your partner better and I bet she’ll become stronger than you think she can.”

Kyoki shook his head and backed away from her, muttering, “Oughta bite your face off... stupid magic hands, not playing fair. Just go already! I’m seriously two seconds from just cutting you in half.”

“I need to wake Posey up first.” Fluttershy said, “Then I’ll go.”

With a large huff the black hound turned and went to Posey’s curled up, sleeping form, and laid down beside her, eyeing Fluttershy as she also went up to the sleeping girl. She knelt down on her knees next to Posey and very gently brushed some strands of pink hair from the other girl’s face.

“Wake up now Posey. It’s okay to wake up.” Fluttershy said, putting a small thread of commanding spirit energy into the words.

Posey slowly stirred, huddling up against Fluttershy and fearfully murmuring, “I’m scared... Kyoki’s angry... going to hurt people... too much blood.”

“Shh, it’s alright.” Fluttershy stroked Posey’s head comfortingly and continued to speak in a calming tone, “Kyoki’s very sorry for being mean to you. It’s okay to wake up now. Everything is going to be just fine. I’m here.”

Posey turned her head towards Fluttershy, her eyes slowly opening and looking up at Fluttershy’s face. Strangely, there was a moment of recognition that snapped Posey’s eyes wider, and the girl’s face turned confused and shocked.

“Mother...is that...?”

It was at that moment that Posey’s waking mind broke Fluttershy’s connection to Kyoki, and in a single eye blink Fluttershy found herself standing back in the courtyard in front of the main stair entrance to the massive Soul Reaper fortress plateau.

Posey stood before her, Kyoki still in hand. Fluttershy also still had the blade clutched in her own hands, one wrapped in her remaining shroud upon the blade itself, the other on the hilt. Only now Kyoki was back in his re-sealed katana form, and Posey’s eyes no longer shone with madness and violent lust, but rather looked as baffled and confused as Flutteshy herself felt.

Looking at Fluttershy, Posey whispered again, “Mother?”

Fluttershy, coughing politely as she let go of Kyoki and took a few steps back, self-consciously hid a bit of her face with her own hair. “Um, s-sorry, no, my name is Fluttershy. I’m just, uh, here to help my friends.”

Then, remembering someone else who needed help, Fluttershy’s own eyes went wide as she whirled towards the fallen Strongheart and immediately rushed to the wounded Soul Reaper’s side.

“Ohmygosh! Please hold on! I’m here!” Fluttershy said in a swift panic, dropping down next to the bleeding Strongheart. She immediately set her power to trying to help the Soul Reaper heal, her halo and third eye lighting up in a soft blue luminescence that bathed the whole courtyard as she started shoving every last remaining scrap of her spirit energy into Strongheart.

Strongheart gasped, writhing on the ground. The cut across her chest was deep, but had stopped at the rib-cage, not fully penetrating to the organs beneath. But still, the wound cut all the way down to Strongheart’s abdomen, and blood soaked the girl and the ground beneath her. Fluttershy felt cold, sweat trickling down her face as she focused solely upon keeping Strongheart alive.

Posey remained in a state of shock, eyes blinking as she took in the scene, both Fluttershy and Storngheart along with all the other wounded Soul Reapers laying around the courtyard. Posey shook with a shivering tremor, and slowly sheathed Kyoki before she went over to Strongheart’s other side and knelt down opposite Fluttershy.

“L-let me help...” Posey said, raising her hands and beginning to perform a healing Kido, green light flowing into her hands.

Even between the both of them Fluttershy wasn’t certain what Strongheart’s chances were. Her pulse was far from steady, and the blood loss she’d already suffered was horrific.

But Fluttershy pressed on, and not just for Strongheart. She sensed other Soul Reapers among the unconscious injured also barely clinging on, and with sheer will she extended her power to them as well, until her third eye looked like a living star of blue radiance. She could feel her spirit flagging, the power of her Fullbring draining out like water pouring from a drying river. She kept going, unwilling to spare an iota of power to do anything less than save whoever she could.

She hoped the other girls would understand. Rainbow Dash would probably yell at her later for being stupid. Kind of like Kyoki with Posey, Rainbow Dash wanted to protect Fluttershy, and could sometimes be a bit mean when trying too hard to do that. Fluttershy accepted that she’d be getting an earful later about being foolish and trying to help others when she should’ve been focusing on protecting herself instead.

Assuming the Soul Reapers didn’t kill her or something, but that worry was far from her mind as she poured out the last of her power into healing the very same people who were supposed to be the enemy at the moment.

When she used up the last of her power, her Fullbring dissipated away along with her pony features. It wasn’t burned out or anything, she could still sense it inside her, but her Fullbring was going to need awhile to recover from being drained dry. Fluttershy swayed, dizziness overcoming her, but a pair of strong and gentle hands grabbed her before she fell, Posey looking at her with deep worry and a strange mix of awe and bewilderment on her face.

“Mother, are you alright? You shouldn’t push yourself so hard.”

Fluttershy, still conscious but incredibly tired, frowned at the other girl. “W-why are you calling me that? I’m not your, um... mother, you know that right?”

Posey gulped, looking unsure of herself, but her voice held a strange conviction to it. “No, I’m certain. I felt you within Kyoki’s Inner World. Its you. It has to be. This... this will sound like a strange question, but how old are you?”

“E-eighteen.” Fluttersy said, not very comfortable with the direction this conversation was heading. Didn’t Clover say something once about how souls that died in Soul Society got reborn in the human world?

Posey took a deep, shaking breath, before saying, “That’s how long ago my mother, Lieutenant Pansy, died. I’m sure of it. You’re her. You’re her, reborn as a human.”

Before Fluttershy could react, Posey wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug, nearly choking her as Posey sobbed into her shoulder.

“I’ve missed you so much.”

“Um...uh...” Fluttershy gulped, slowly putting a hand on the other girl’s back and patting it gingerly. “I...oh my, this is... very awkward.”

“I’ll say. Especially for someone stuck between it.” said Strongheart, her voice more steady and her breathing easier. She still lay between Posey and Fluttershy, looking up at the pair with a rather uncomfortable expression and a small blush. “I don’t suppose you two could, you know, do this somewhere else?”

“Oh my goodness! Your wound!” Fluttershy saw that the massive cut had mostly closed. It was still a jagged thing of red scar tissue. Chances were Strongheart was going to be sporting a terrible scar there for the rest of her life, but it looked as if she’d live.

“Yeah, still not feeling up to standing, but I’m breathing still, so I’m going to just call it a draw, Ryoka.” said Stongheart, glancing away in embarrassment, “Thanks for healing me, it’s really, uh... sporting of you. But seriously, you’re like, every level of under arrest right now.”

“Strongheart, how can you say that!?” Posey shouted, suddenly standing up and waving her arms around, “She just saved your life! And she’s not a Ryoka, she’s my mother!”

“No, she’s a human who just happens to have your mom’s reborn soul, maybe. By every standard of Soul Society law that still means Lieutenant Pansy is legally deceased, and this girl ain’t her.” Strongheart said, leaning up on her elbows, wincing in pain but her voice getting stronger as she turned an apologetic look towards Fluttershy. “No offense intended, but even if you are Pansy’s soul reborn, doesn’t change that you’re part of an invading group of criminal Ryoka. I suggest, for you own sake, you just stay put here until my grandfather returns.”

This was all a bit much for Fluttershy to take in, and she remained sitting where she was, too tired and exhausted to even think about running away. Her head was still trying to wrap around the seemingly crazy idea that her soul had once been someone else entirely. It made a certain logical sense, if she thought about it. Of course everyone in the world was once a soul dwelling in the Spirit Realm. Just as they died and went to Soul Society, or became Hollows, those who died here got reincarnated into living human bodies.

So it was completely plausible that Fluttershy had, at some point in the past, been a soul here in Soul Society. Then she’d “died” there and been reborn into the person she was now, a simple, kind hearted eighteen year old girl who just happened to have a very atypical high school life involving magic and spirit beings.

And apparently Posey was convinced Fluttershy had once been her mother, Pansy. Whether that was true or not Fluttershy couldn't say, but it was possible.

“Oh my...” was all Fluttershy could think to say, eyes staring in bafflement at Posey.

Just then an incredibly potent wave of reiatsu blanketed the area, the spiritual pressure thick enough to make Fluttershy gulp for air as a massive form slammed into the ground behind her. Fearfully she glanced behind her, just enough for one eye to see the gigantic hulk of Captain Thunderhooves’ standing not more than a couple of steps from her, looming like a large, dark mountain.

His eyes looked down at her with uncompromising hardness, then slowly turned to take in the scene of the courtyard as he spoke in a deep rumble.

“Would someone care to explain to me what has happened here?”


Applejack was near to panicking, and Clover’s insistence that they all remain calm while not sounding all that calm herself weren’t helping.

“We just need to remain cool headed and focused,” Clover was saying as Nocturn led them down the small, winding tunnels that criss-crossed the depths of the Gotei 13’s fortress. Lit only by a lantern that Nocturn had taken from one of the many unlit ones set up along the ceiling, the procession moved about a literal maze of old, dusty storerooms and side passages that didn’t look like they’d been used regularly for decades or more.

“Yes, everything will be just fine. We can regroup at a safe location, then send out a scouting team to locate Miss Fluttershy and Miss Dash, assuming they’re both not captured or dead, then we can mount a rescue. A rescue from the clutches of a Captain. Or more than one Captain. While also fighting through their entire Divisions. No problem. We’re stealthy. No one is as stealthy as us, especially as long as we remain calm. Very clam.”

Applejack sucked in a breath and put a hand on Clover’s shoulder. “Clover, breathe. Yer babllin’.”

“I am? Oh, right, of course I am. I always babel when nervous. Heheh, yes, I’ll stop now. Babbling that is.” Clover started to say, until Applejack gripped her shoulder more tightly and she gulped, taking a deep breath and nodding her head of dark green hair.

“Sorry...” Clover said.

“No need ta apologize none.” Applejack said, casting her own worried look at the floor. “I’m worried somethin’ fierce myself. Wish ta high heaven that varmint that bushwhacked us hadn’t taken out the tunnel entrance. Still think I should’ve blasted us a way out.”

Nocturn spoke without looking back at them, “If you had, you likely would have brought the rest of the tunnel down on our heads. I’m rather happy you listened to reason, as a part of me was sure you’d try it anyway, despite my warnings.”

Applejack sighed through her nose, gritting her teeth. “Ain’t gonna lie, I dang near did. Only reason I didn’t was ‘cause even I could see how unstable that there ceiling was an’ knew myself that it’d come crashin’ down if I tried brute forcin’ us a path back out.”

So instead the three of them had pressed on, hoping that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy would be able to handle themselves until Nocturn found them a way out. He was leading them to one of the Second Division’s hideouts. Not the one he’d originally planned to take them to, but one nearer to the exit of the plateau where they could go scout out the courtyard again and see if they could help their friends.

It ate at Applejack how poorly things seemed to be going. One by one she’d gotten separated from most of her friends. She was battered and bruised, and thus far the only good news was that her mother was out there somewhere, hopefully doing her own part to help. Applejack just wished she didn’t feel so useless right now.

Soon enough Nocturn led them to a small storeroom, where he once again demonstrated the Second Division’s remarkable skill at hiding secret doors by revealing one in the corner that looked entirely seamless to the naked eye. Once it was open they moved through, emerging into a wide, rectangular room... and finding about a dozen poised, red crystal blades all floating in the air and pointed at their throats.

“Oh! Oh dear! I’m so sorry, I thought you might be Soul Reapers! Well, the wrong kind of Soul Reapers at any rate.”

Applejack recognized that voice instantly, and saw Rarity standing by a bed along one side of the room where there were several other beds, all empty save for the one at the far end that had a pale, squeamish looking Rainbow Dash laying on it. Both of them were looking with tense surprise at Applejack, Clover, and Nocturn, who all stood stock still with the crystalline blades poised at their necks.

“Howdy Rarity, do ya mind takin’ yer pigsickers away from our gobs?” Applejack asked with a twitching eyebrow.

“Oh, of course dear, my apologies.” Rarity said, waving her hand and drawing back all twelve blades away from them, the weapon constructs floating back to her bracelet and then transmuting into small streams of blood red liquid that flowed into the bracelet without spilling a drop on the floor or Rarity herself.

Clover was looking at Rarity and Rainbow Dash with disbelief, “How did either of you get here!? We lost track of you Miss Rarity, and Miss Dash, you were still back near the fortress’ main entrance, weren’t you?”

“Sure was.” said Rainbow Dash with a pained voice, her expression looking sallow and haunted, “I don’t quite get what happened either. Fluttershy, she was by this portal looking thing, and then that nutty chick Posey showed up and... and Fluttershy pushed me through the portal, which led right here to Rarity. And she said something about my mom being around...”

Applejack’s eyebrow might have crawled its way right off here head if it could, and she quickly walked forward to join her friends while Nocturn headed for the lines of supply shelves and crates long one wall. Clover remained by the entrance, face bearing a puzzled frown.

“A portal? To here? But that shouldn’t be possible. These Second Division hideouts are known only to members of that Division.”

“Yes, well, we’d like to think so.” said Nocturn, “But if I’m being truthful, over the years its very likely a few other Divisions might have caught wind of some of these hideouts and passages. Especially your Twelfth Division, Clover. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few people might know of these hidden places, albeit not many.”

He rummaged around the shelves until he found a clay bottle with a bit of kanji writing on it and grinned. He popped open the cap and took a long drink, and Applejack smelled the distinct aroma of alcohol.

“Ahhh, that’s just the spot I needed hit right now.” said Nocturn, then glanced at everyone starring at him. “What? Nothing better for desperate situations than a good hit of sake. Perhaps you girls would like a taste?”

“We’ll pass.” said Applejack, turning back to her friends. “Right, I don’t much care how ya’ll got here, but Rarity, could ya bring us up ta speed a bit? Ya got any idea where Sunset, Pinkie Pie, or Miss Doo’s gotten off to?”

Rarity nodded, “I was with Sunset and Ditzy Doo up until a certain point.” A worried crease appeared on her brow. “I’m afraid we didn’t see Pinkie Pie anywhere. Not before we ran into trouble of our own...”

She gave a brief recounting of events leading up to and through her battle with Captain Blueblood. Applejack was impressed, never imagining that Rarity could pull off such a tough fight by herself. She and Rarity got along well enough, despite some obvious rough patches due to having rather opposite views on certain things, and while she knew the sometimes prissy fashionista was a lot tougher than her glitzy, froo-froo exterior would indicate, she still had a hard time visualizing Rarity taking down an opponent with the same rank as Hurricane, a guy who’d taken on all of the together.

But while Applejack just stared at Rarity, Clover outright blurted out, “I can’t believe you defeated Blueblood! I mean, he may be the youngest and least experienced of the Captains, but he was still a Captain! You’re incredible, Miss Rarity!”

Rarity coughed politely, blushing, but also beaming under the praise. “Yes, well, it was all a matter of fighting smarter, rather than harder.”

Rainbow Dash, grumbling, said, “I probably could’ve taken him too. And hey, I beat Lieutenant Fancy Pants! If I get another Lieutenant that’s like, the same as beating a Captain, right?”

Applejack slammed her palm to her forehead, “We ain’t keepin’ score, Dash.”

“Maybe you’re not.” Rainbow Dash said, then winced, “But you’re right, we got more important stuff to worry about. Fluttershy needs our help.”

Clover nodded, “Yes, we need to confirm if she’s alright or not. As long as Miss Doo is with Sunset then I don’t think we have to worry about either of them. Its hard to believe that Sunset is intending to achieve Bankai of all things, but if anyone can do it in so short a time, it’s her. As for Fluttershy, I suggest you all allow me to go.”

“Hey! She’s my friend, and she just saved my butt! I should be going!” snapped Rainbow Dash, while Applejack spoke at nearly the same instant.

“I oughta be the one goin’, ‘cause I ain’t badly hurt an’ can still fly.”

Clover looked between them, but shook her head calmly, “You’ve both taken injuries and used up a great deal of spirit energy in our battles. Even you, Miss Rarity, have likely drained yourself more than you think in facing Blueblood. On the other hand, I’ve only briefly fought Lieutenant Posey, and took no notable injury doing so. I’m still mostly fresh, and while I can’t access Chishiki’s full power for a time due to a technique I used, I’m not going out to fight, but ot gather information.”

She eyed the three human girls with an honest and firm look, “I know you fear for Fluttershy, but the reality is that in all likelihood her battle with Posey is already over, for better or worse. Right now what is needed is someone who can blend in and learn of Miss Fluttershy’s fate, and hopefully also learn where Miss Pinkie Pie has gone. Not to mention we still don’t know what happened to Lord Pipsqueak. There’s too much we don’t know, and I’m the only one who can likely learn anything without starting another battle. While some Soul Reapers will know my face, many other’s won’t, so I can move more freely to learn what I can. And if I am discovered, I have the best chance of escape with my Flash Step and use of Kido. I’m the best choice to go.”

Applejack crossed her arms, looking like she was ready to spit. “And what are we supposed to do in the meantime? Sit on our butts?”

“Yes, Miss Applejack. You all need to recover your strength. One way or another, there are still going to be battles fought when we try to break Celestia and Luna free, and we’ll need you all to be at full power for that eventuality.” Clover said, and Applejack, as much as she wanted to, couldn't really argue with her logic.

With a heavy sigh she sat down on one of the beds, “Alright, I hear what yer sayin’. You’d best git to it, Clover, an’ don’t ya dare let yerself be caught. Got ‘nough friends in trouble already.”

Clover smiled, letting go a breath she’d been holding. She was glad she wasn’t going to have to tie any of these girls down. Even Rainbow Dash looked mollified enough to settle down.

“Dang it, I hate this...” Rainbow Dash muttered, and Rarity sat on the bed beside her.

“I know, darling, but we must endure. Clover is quite right, unless we rest and regain as much strength as we can we won’t do anyone much good when the next round of unpleasantness begins.”

Nocturn took another drink from his bottle of sake, “And that next round is likely going to be for all the chips on the table, ladies. Do or die, soon enough this is all going to be over.”

It was a sobering thought, coming from a man who looked eager to get plastered. Clover gave him a hard look. “Do try to remain sober, Nocturn. I’m counting on you to look after these girls until I get back with news, good or bad.”

He nodded, setting the bottle back on the shelf, “Just needed something to take the edge off, Clover. Its going to be a long night. Don’t fret, one armed or not I won’t let anything happen to them. We’ll still be here when you get back.”

She didn’t miss his clear emphasis on “when”, and gave him a grateful nod. “I’ll be careful.”

With a final nod of farewell, Clover let Nocturn show her the exit to the hideout, opposite where the entrance they came in from the underground storage tunnels were. She went down a short passage that led out of the cliff side into the small forested area on the plateaus southwestern side. She could look up and see the long, jutting overhang of stone that was the Sokyoku Hill.

Clover frowned. She saw a glow of white and blue light from the tip of Sokyoku Hill. Feeling out with her spiritual senses, she got the faint ping of large amounts of gathering reiatsu. She couldn’t make out any details, but she thought there were at least ten or so Soul Reapers up there, one of them quite likely of Captain level, all channeling their spirit energies.

There could only be one reason a gathering of Soul Reapers would be performing any kind of ritual up there involving that much spirit energy, and Clover’s eyes became fearful as they gleamed under the moonlight.

They’re preparing the Sokyoku! But, the execution shouldn’t be for days yet! Why are they preparing it now!?

The only answer she could think of was that Central 46 had ordered the execution date moved forward. Which meant that Captain Celestia and Luna would be executed tomorrow! Sunset didn’t have three days to learn Bankai, she had less than one!

The enormity of the sudden, crushing time limit nearly froze Clover in place, but she shook her head fiercely and balled her hands into fists. She had to find a way to warn Sunset and Ditzy Doo of the new time limit, while also finding out about Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

She could get to the main entrance courtyard in a few minutes, and see what there was to see. Then, depending on circumstances there, she’d make her way to the Twelfth Division. While she didn’t know where this secret training area Ditzy Doo had taken Sunset to was going to be, specifically, she knew the Twelfth Division intimately. She’d find them, and warn them...

She just hoped there would be enough time.

Author's Note:

Posey has issues. I think that's about all I can say on that front. And now Fluttershy is neck deep in those issues.

Any any rate, thanks for reading guys, and hope you're all having a good summer so far. As always feel free to let me know what you think through comments, questions, or any critiques you wish. I appreciate them all. 'Till next time...

Oh, wait, one thing I do wish to do here. Feather Book, the awesome fellow who did Friendship Soul's new cover art, has started up a new story of his own. Equestria Girls: Fallen Canterlot. Its a pretty neat idea involving Twilight dealing with the Equestria Girls world undergoing a magical cataclysm that puts it into a post-apocalyptic state. Go check it out if you can't get enough of the EQG gang being put into dangerous and intriguing situations. Its worth a look in my opinion.

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