• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 19,949 Views, 5,039 Comments

Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls - thatguyvex

When dangerous supernatural creatures start to stalk the streets of Canterlot City, Sunset Shimmer and the gang become involved in events that will irrevocably change their lives. A crossover series with the Bleach anime/manga

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Episode 25: Not All as it Seems

Episode 25: Not All as it Seems

Sunset Shimmer felt the chill down to her blood, her breath fogging before her as Captain Platinum spoke with those clear ringing words.

”Plummet, Fuyukogo.” (Winter Empress)

A freezing eruption of icy mist billowed from the hilt of Platinum’s Zanpaktou, for a moment obscuring both her and the blade in a swirling cloud of white. The temperature in the air fell even further, until Sunset was reminded of the coldest of wintery nights in Canterlot. She saw frost forming on the park grass and trees. Beside her Rarity sucked in a breath and Applejack continued to struggle against the Kido spell that was binding her. It wasn’t just the temperature drop that unnerved them, it was the thick spiritual pressure washing over them. Clearly Soul Reaper Captains gained their rank for good reason.

A wave of cutting pressure sliced through the veil of swirling mist, clearing it away to reveal Captain Platinum holding her newly transformed blade. The Shikai of Fuyukogo had turned the blade from a thin katana into a thick and curved tulwar with a downward curving hilt that Platinum held easily in one hand despite the blade itself now being almost twice as long as her arm. The blade was covered in a gleaming, thin sheen of ice that almost made it look like diamond. However, the ice did not stop at the blade, but extended up Platinum’s hand and arm, forming what looked like a glittering blue gauntlet.

Platinum pointed her blade at Celestia, a coy smile on her lips, “Well? I’ve shown you mine, now you show me yours. Or do you intend to fight me handicapped, Celestia?”

Sunset saw that Celestia’s face was a marble mask now, holding her own Zanpaktou loosely at her side. However Sunset could see the tension coiled in Celestia’s body, belying her readiness to strike at any given instant. Yet for all that her voice was calm, even, and unwavering. “I’m afraid I’ll have to accept the handicap, Captain Platinum, for I cannot risk releasing my power in a populated area. Consider yourself fortunate in that regard, but I still ask you to reconsider this headstrong course of action, before it's too late.”

“If I’d intended to stand down,” said Platinum as she cocked back her arm in a striking stance, “I wouldn’t have released my blade.”

She swung in a sure swift motion, without even moving towards Celestia, and in that instant Sunset saw a flash of intense cobalt light and in an eyeblink an arc of solid, jagged ice had consumed the space where Celestia had been standing. The ice broke apart almost in the same moment and rained down on the park like a hail of spears, forcing her to move quickly, grabbing Applejack and leaping away from the destructive fall of sharp ice chunks. Rarity followed, sweeping her rapier upward and summoning a blanketing shield of red crystals to keep the plummeting ice from skewering her. The ice shards now littered the clearing like grave markers, some of them having torn right through the surrounding trees, causing several to break and fall.

Sunset looked around for any sign of Celestia, and managed to spot the woman about another hundred feet up from where she’d been, having dodged that opening attack for the most part, but Sunset could see a few ice crystals marring Celestia’s robes around the fringes. Celestia’s face was changed to something unsettling, hardened and with eyes narrowing with uncompromising yet controlled fury. Sunset had never seen that kind of look on Celestia’s face before, neither the one of this world or the one of Equestria, yet somehow the expression reminded her of the alicorn Princess of the sun.

“I’ve given you every chance, Platinum, to end this peacefully. Now you’ve left me no choice.”

Celestia simply vanished, a Flash Step that Sunset couldn’t follow, as if the woman had simply stopped existing for a fraction of a second. There was a clash like thunder and Sunset jerked her head to look at Platinum, who’d spun around, her Zanpaktou intercepting one of Celestia’s blades in a concussive clash of force. Celestia didn’t miss a beat, spinning in with her other blade, forcing Platinum back a sliding step in the air as she parried once more, though the force of the blow sent her skidding backwards with waves of pressure from her feet on the thin air. Both Captains eyed each other, then disappeared in another split second, and Sunset could only look on, eyes flicking about to try and keep up as Celestia and Platinum went into a dizzying array of blazingly fast sword strikes on each other. To Sunset it was like watching two dark, flickering blurs. Sparks rained down from each clash and it was difficult to tell who was striking and who was parrying. She could still managed to catch glimpses of Celestia or Platinum as one slowed down a bit to execute a more complex maneuver, or had their blades clash together for an instant before moving apart, but mostly her eyes were always an instant behind the two Captain’s’ movements.

“Sunset, not to interrupt the show, but perhaps it’d be wise to use this chance to be elsewhere?” said Rarity, winding her way around the field of ice spikes to join Sunset and Applejack, while Applejack continued to wiggle against the six sheets of light blinding her. Sunset looked at Applejack, biting her lip.

“AJ, can you move at all?”

“Nngggh! Grr! Can’t seem ta git my limbs ta budge wit this dang spell on me!” Applejack growled.

“Seems we can still carry you, however,” Rarity said, “Which I think we should do, post haste, and get out of here. Not to downplay the aid principal.. Captain Celestia is giving us, but I doubt we can do much to aid her at this point.”

Sunset shook her head, her mind flashing painfully back to her last sight of Adagio’s face before the Garganta portal had closed. “I’m not going anywhere. There’s been enough running away lately. If we start now, where will it end? Will we skip town? Go hide in the countryside? Flee the country entirely? If we start fleeing, it won’t ever stop, and they’ll hunt us anyway. No, I’m facing this. I’m stopping this. Now.”

Warmth burned through her, and felt Hokori’s eagerness flaring in her hand as she held up her Zanpaktou. ”Ignite, Hokori!” Flames burst forth, swirling and forming into her broadsword and shield, and the hot power of it all pushed back on the freezing chill of the air. The resonating power of her spiritual pressure alongside her Zanpaktou’s fortified her against the crushing spirit energies coming off of Platinum and Celestia, and she found she could much more easily follow their movements now.

Celestia spun in and deflected Fuyukogo upwards, while thrusting forward with her her other blade, catching a bit of Platinum’s robes in a shallow cut as the other Captain backed up a step, holding the icy tulwar in front of her and running a hand along the back of the blade like a gentle caress. A pillar of frost formed next to her, twice the size of a person, then from the surface of that pillar dozens upon dozens of swords of ice broke free and then started flashing at Celestia in a continuous torrent. Celestia moved with swift grace, blades flashing before her to deflect the thick barrage of arctic projectiles. The distraction was enough to allow Platinum to Flash Step above Celestia, raising Fuyukogo above her head and then slamming it down like she was stabbing the ground. From the tip of the sword a torrential blizzard of swirling ice fell towards Celestia, who was still being forced to block the ice blades flying towards her... until Sunset appeared in the path of those blades, shield raised to catch the incoming sword shaped shards of ice.

The impacts hurt, as the blades were flying with remarkable force, but Sunset held firm, freeing up Celestia to raise a hand towards the oncoming rush of blizzard-like ice from above and say, “Hado Number Fifty Four: Haien!”

A oblong wave of bright fire exploded from Celestia’s upraised hand and impacted the falling ice in a steaming burst. A moment later hot rain fell to the ground and Celestia cast a quick glance at Sunset as her shield caught the last of the incoming ice blades. “You should have fled, Sunset. I wanted to buy you time.”

“Forget it,” Sunset said, “I’m through running, least of all from Soul Society, which has a lot of explaining to do to me and my friends. Soon as we defeat this arrogant woman, we’re going to get this sorted out.”

“Sorted out? If you’d simply agreed to come with me from the start then all would have been well,” Platinum said. Above her dark clouds began to form, like a localized storm, and if anything the temperature plummeted even further. “You would have had your answers. Instead you wanted to do this the hard way.”

Sunset managed a devilish grin at Platinum, “You’ll find out that’s how I prefer it.”

“Have it your way, then,” Platinum said and in an eyeblink Flash Stepped to appear crouched in front of Sunset, right inside her guard. Sunset spun, Flash Stepping as well, putting distance between herself and Platinum, but the Captain had anticipated that move and instead of attacking with her blade, she unleashed a blast of ice. Sunset slashed hard with Hokori’s blade, unleashing the fire stored within. Cold and heat clashed, and Sunset saw shards of ice break through her flames and spear towards her. She raised her shield to block, feeling the hard impacts on the thick kite of metal.

So her ice is strong enough to get through my basic fire. I need to charge up even more, then, she realized. It wasn’t simply a matter of the fire being hot enough to melt the ice. Sunset could feel Platinum’s spiritual energy infusing every piece of ice she created with her Zanapktou, so Sunset needed not only hot enough fire to melt the ice, but enough of her spirit energy in the fire to counter Platinum’s. Which given how potent Platinum’s spirit energy was, Sunset wasn’t sure she could pull that off.

But she didn’t have to. She just had to press Platinum hard enough, for just as moment or two, to give Celestia an opening.

The moment the last piece of ice shattered against her shield Sunset burst forward, charging Platinum with a heavy horizontal slash. Platinum’s freezing tulwar intercepted Hokori, and there was a flash of steam as the heated, flame shrouded broadsword pressed against the ice coated curved tulwar, and Sunset could feel the spirits of both Zanpaktou roaring at one another, as if the flame based Zanpaktou and ice based Zanpaktou couldn’t help but want to clash.

‘Ho ho! Not entirely shabby, Sunset Shimmer. My Fuyukogo seems to like your little blade. What was her name again?”

“Hokori!” Sunset snarled, trying to bash forward with her shield at Platinum’s smugly smiling face, but Platinum was simply too fast, zipping out of the way of the shield. Celestia moved in now, trying to catch Platinum off balance, but to the credit of the Sixth Division’s Captain, she was no easy target. Celestia came in like a whirling dervish, spinning with both blades slashing, and Sunset came in from Platinum’s other side, thrusting with Hokori, but Platinum moved with fluid speed. Her Zanpaktou was a blue, cold haze as it swept right, left, and right again, parrying the attacks coming her way, and each parry let out a blast of icy shards from Fuyukogo’s edge, forcing Sunset and Celestia back.

“This is almost unfair, really. Celestia can’t use her true abilities, and my other opponent is a half-trained human.” Platinum scoffed and began to advance, only to have to dodge aside as a spike of red crystal, thin as a lamp post, shot up past her from the ground. Down below Rarity stood from having stabbed her rapier into the ground to summon the tall, then spike of crystal.

“I would much appreciate it if you didn’t act as if I wasn’t here. If Sunset is fighting you, then I too am one of your opponent's, madame.”

Platinum raised an eyebrow, then held her sword up in a brief salute, “Quite right. How rude of me to dismiss you, Miss Rarity. Allow me to fix that.”

Then, displaying speed that Sunset hadn’t yet witnessed and made her realized Platinum had largely been holding back up until that point, the Soul Reaper instantaneously vanished from above her and Celestia and appeared in a sonic burst of force right behind Rarity, blade poised to strike. Sunset didn’t even have time to shout out a warning, and Celestia, while Flash Stepping to try and intercept the blow, was just a sliver of a step too slow.

Platinum’s tulwar rammed through the back of Rarity’s shoulder, blood splashing across the frosted park grass.

Next to them, Applejack’s eyes went wide with fear and outrage. “Rarity!”

Celestia appeared next to Platinum, her own twin swords moving to strike, but Platinum simply said, “Move and she dies.” Those words stopped Celestia in her tracks, blades held at the ready, but not moving. Rarity, for her part, was standing stock still, staring at the sword puncturing her shoulder in shock. The blade had gone right through her dress, which she knew was hard as steel armor, but Fuyukogo had cut through it like paper. The pain only hit her through the shock a moment later, causing Rarity to grit her teeth in agony.

Sunset landed on the ground just a few paces away, eyes fixed on Platinum with glowing fury. “Let her go.”

“Certainly, but only after you surrender to my custody,” said Platinum, “And before any of you more ignorant of my Zanpaktou’s abilities decide to try anything, my beautiful Fuyukogo can flash freeze anything she’s penetrated,” she raised two slim fingers and snapped them, “Just like that. So if you don’t wish Miss Rarity here to have an even more pale complexion than she already has, I suggest putting away your weapons.”

Celestia’s face was stone still, her voice disturbingly calm, “You wouldn’t dare kill any of these girls. To kill a living human is against everything we stand for as Soul Reapers. Even you can’t be that delusional, Platinum.”

“Oh, and what have we been doing with the Quincy all these years, playing parcheesi?” Platinum quipped with a small, scoffing laugh, “We crossed that line a long time ago Celestia, and it’s long past time we stop tip-toeing around what must be done to bring the war with Quincy and Hollow alike to a final and victorious end. Do I want to kill any of these fine young ladies? No, of course not. Will I do so if I deem it necessary to serve Soul Society? Most assuredly. Now, drop your weapons,” A trail of frost began to form at the base of the wound where Fuyukogo pierced Rarity’s shoulder, “Before it's too late.”


In the tense standoff between Fancy Pants and the girls who’d gone to Canterlot High, it was Fluttershy who actually made the first move. She stepped towards the rigid looking Soul Reaper, holding up one of her hands as all three of her eyes focused upon him. Her voice carried a steady strength to it, though her faint trembling hand belied how nervous she was.

“Let us pass, please.”

Fancy Pants immediately reacted by taking a staggering step backwards, feeling the tendrils of the girl’s reiatsu pressing against his own spiritual energy, burrowing into it like worms. Though disoriented, and feeling a sudden compulsion to just let the girls go as Fluttershy asked, Fancy Pants was a Soul Reaper with centuries of experience and honed spiritual energy, not a young unstable Hollow. He recognized the command as an unnatural compulsion, and fortified his mind and soul against it, pointed his blade at her.

“My apologies, Miss Fluttershy, but I shant be controlled so easily. Instead let me ask you, please, do not force my hand. I don’t have any wish to harm any of you.”

Fluttershy gulped, but held her stance firmly, “And we have no wish to hurt you either, but we must go help our friends if they're in trouble. Now. Move.”

The power flowing from her redoubled, and Fancy Pants felt it like a hammerblow on his soul. He’d been briefed on what to expect from these girls’ Fullbring powers, yet he was surprised by just how much strength was pouring off of all three of them. It took all of his willpower and pushing back with his own not inconsiderable spiritual pressure to keep Fluttershy’s command from forcing his obedience right then and there. Perhaps Captain Platinum was right, that these girls were too dangerous to allow to do as they pleased. He’d be lying if he said he fully supported the idea of interfering with the lives of living humans. It seemed to him an act of dubious honor. Yet it couldn’t be denied these young women had power, and were not old enough or experienced enough to be fully trusted to use those powers without causing harm.

The Quincy had needed to be dealt with for essentially the same reasons. Still, it left a foul taste in Fancy Pants’ mouth to point his sword at humans, and children at that. Yet what choice did he have? His Captain was already engaged in battle, if his senses were telling him anything about the clashing reiatsu deeper in the city. He was duty bound to his orders and his Captain. A Soul Reaper without duty was hardly a Soul Reaper.

“I am sorry, Miss Fluttershy,” he said past clenched teeth, still having trouble keeping his will his own under the assault of Fluttershy’s mental powers. He needed to deal with her first. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s abilities were solely physical and simple enough to deal with, but if he let Fluttershy continue to assault his mind then things would turn dire quickly. He pushed with his spirit energy, enacting a swift Flash Step to appear behind Fluttershy. For all the impressive nature of her power to control another’s will, her reaction speed was still very much human. All he had to do was a quick pommel strike to the back of the head, precisely controlled, to knock her uncon-

A flash of lightning force him to dodge aside, Rainbow Dash’s fist passing so closely by his face that he felt the static electrical charge singing him as she went by. Unlike Fluttershy it seemed Rainbow Dash’s Fullbring did fully enhance her reflexes and speed, for she turned on a dime, wings flaring, and came right at Fancy Pants again, fists lashing out with bursts of lightning with each punch. He ducked and bobbed aside, reminded of his many practice bouts in unarmed techniques with Captain Luna before she’d been sent to the human world on this assignment to observe the portal at Canterlot High.

Diving beneath one lashing fist from Rainbow Dash, he turned his Zanpaktou so that he could strike with the flat end of the blade and aimed a swing at her exposed midriff. She wheeled away, swinging down with one of her wings, using it like a weapon to parry his blade, and he had to admire the swift, graceful movements of the prismatic haired girl. He didn’t have long to admire her, however, for a pink colored demon came in from behind him, all weirdly and grotesquely extended limbs covered in serrated, horrific teeth.

Pinkamena attacked like a wild, ravenous animal, the unnatural looking doppelganger whipping her arms like the tentacles of a beast from some aquatic horror. Fancy Pants rapidly side stepped the first few blows, swinging with his blade to cut aside another tentacle that nearly got close enough to his face that he could see the teeth snapping in front of his eyes. And still Fluttershy’s power continued to attack him on a spiritual level, the girls eyes never leaving him.

“Surrender. Surrender. Surrender.” Fluttershy kept repeating, each word feeling like a physical hit on his soul, filling his mind with thoughts of simply lowering his sword and giving up. Fancy Pants breathed deep and focused all his willpower and batting aside these internal attacks, which unfortunately slowed his physical reflexes and he winced in pain as one of Pinkamena’s sweeping arm tendrils took a bite out of his forearm, the wretched teeth tearing a bloody wound.

“Heheheheeeee!” Pinkamena cackled, pressing her attack, “Yummy yummy Soul Reaper blood in my tummy! Give me more! More!”

“Mena, chill! We only wanna stop him, not tear him apart like a pinata!”

“But that’s how you get the nummy candies inside!”

Fancy Pants knew he needed to shut down Fluttershy quickly, and Flash Stepped away from Pinkamena, heading straight up into the air. These girls hadn’t yet demonstrated knowing how to use their Fullbring to step on the air like a Soul Reaper did with their reiatsu, though Dash had wings and could fly. It seemed going up might at least keep Pinkamena off him for a moment, and when he appeared about fifty feet in the air above the street he turned his attention to Fluttershy and raised his free hand towards her, index finger pointed.

There was a small flash of pale blue light, a small yet precisely controlled bit of spirit energy that then flew out in a relatively weak yet tightly controlled burst of physical force that struck Fluttershy right in the chest, knocking the breath out of her and sending her flying back a few paces to hit hard on the ground. Fancy Pants frowned, not enjoying using any amount of force against such a young lady, but he’d needed to break her focus on him, and Sho, the lowest level of Hado Kido spell was ideal for the purpose. It was so simple he hadn’t even needed to chant the Hado’s name to use it. Few Soul Reapers ever bothered as it was such a basic, weak spell that it was useless for most situations outside of basic Kido practice, but Fluttershy lacked the toughness or speed of her companions, so such a low level spell was ideal for shutting her down briefly without doing any real damage.

She wasn’t unconscious or out of the fight, but the hit had broken her concentration on him, allowing Fancy Pants to refocus his full attention on the only opponent that could take him in the air; Rainbow Dash.

As he expected Rainbow Dash had followed him up, flying high on electrically charged wings, and was already in his face by the time he’d finished hitting Fluttershy with Sho. Rainbow Dash opened up with a spinning kick, quickly followed by a slashing dive with one of her sharp wings. Fancy Pants rolled aside from the kick but had to use his Zanpaktou to block the wing, which turned out to be problematic given a powerful shock of lightning hit him through the contact with his blade on the wing, sending arcs of pain through his body. Still, he was a veteran of countless battles and the pain didn’t dull his focus, and he pressed in on Rainbow Dash, slashing a shallow cut along her shoulder that caused the girl to grit her own teeth in pain. He pressed his attack, slashing again and again, now forcing Rainbow Dash to go on the defensive as she darted around through the air to avoid his swift attacks. He was impressed. If anything he’d expected Sunset Shimmer to be the only one to develop speed to match a Lieutenant like himself, but Rainbow Dash was keeping pace with him.

It made him consider that she might be worthy of him releasing his Zanpaktou, but... no, not yet. His only task was to keep the girls here, and that didn’t require serious measures yet. He increased the tempo of his attacks, weaving through Rainbow Dash’s guard and anticipating her frantic dodges, catching another shadow cut on the girl’s arm. Then she caught him completely off guard by recklessly reversing her attempts to dodge and bursting forward, ramming him with her shoulder with enough force to knock him to the ground.

“And stay down!” Rainbow Dash shouted, raising her hands and pooling a swirling orb of lighting there that she then fastballed like she was a star pitcher at the big game, sending the orb hurtling down at Fancy Pants, who just barely flipped to his feet and Flash Stepped away from the blast of electricity that singed the ground he’d been laying on a second ago.

Pinkamena, a frustrated growl on her lips, sprung towards him like a pouncing lion, now that he was back on ground level. She opened her mouth like some vast, predatory whale as she dove towards him. Fancy Pants side stepped, slashing, catching Pinkamena with a cut along the jawline that hardly slowed her down as she chomped down on the street right next to him, chewing out a huge chunk of dirt and concrete that she then proceeded to spit at him like a vomitous projectile.

He raised a finger, chanting, “Hado Number Four: Byakurai!”

Golden lightning blasted out from his finger, shattering the spat out chunk of street, but Pinkamena had ducked the Kido spell and now attacked viciously with her morphed arms, biting mouths gnashing at Fancy Pants. He cut the tip off of one morphed arm, causing Pinkamena to growl in pain, and he quickly dodged the other, only to have to twirl about to meet the charge of Rainbow Dash as she rocketed down upon him. Her fists, charged with lighting, clashed with his blade and the electricity coursed through him, lighting his whole body up.

“Ugh, just give up already old dude!” said Rainbow Dash, pushing against his blade, “We got bigger fish to fry!”

Fancy Pants, jaw clenched against the pain, pushed off from Rainbow Dash and Flash Stepped quickly to gain some distance, landing in the middle of the street about twenty paces away from the girls. He took a deep breath, using one hand to dust himself off as he composed himself.

“I shall admit to finding myself in the wrong. I had assumed your victories up until now to be a combination of fluke and Sunset Shimmer doing most of the work. I can see now your abilities are not to be underestimated. I shall now correct this oversight and give you the respect you deserve.”

He inverted his grip on his Zanpaktou and held it before him, blade pointed downward. ”Keep thy promise, Seiyaku.” (Oath Bound)

However, before he could finish speaking the release command he heard another voice shout out, “Bakudo Number NIne, Horin!”

An intense rope of flaming orange and yellow spiraling energy snapped around him, binding Fancy Pants arms to his sides. Then another rope came in and bound his legs, holding him as tightly as a giant, crushing hand. He turned outraged eyes towards the entrance to the school, where he saw to his ire that the energy ropes were held in the left hand of a familiar individual.

“Lieutenant Cheerilee, what do you think you’re doing?” he asked with a glare.

He had not seen the Lieutenant of the Second Division for quite some time, yet she looked much as he remembered. Deep magenta skin, a rosy two toned head of well curled hair, and intense green eyes. She was clearly out of her gigai, her spirit body clad in the same black Soul Reaper robes he wore, with her squad officer’s badge of wood and white sash tied to her left arm. Her Zanpaktou was still sheathed at her side, but her hands held the ends of the glowing chains of the binding Kido spell she’d cast on him, and her face was one of stern displeasure.

“Lieutenant Fancy Pants, I understand it might have been awhile since you came to the world of the living, but I’m fairly certain you can’t have forgotten the laws against attacking innocent humans.”

“Laws that become void when one is attacked first and must act in self defense,” Fancy Pants replied simply, “Not to mention these young ladies are not exactly normal, by human standards.”

“Doesn’t mean you or your Captain have the right to come here and try pushing them around by force,” said another voice, Flash Sentry’s, as he appeared next to Cheerilee, also in his spirit body now, bearing the badge for the Thirteenth Division on his arm.

By now Rainbow Dash was standing by, tense and poised to strike, but not ready to pummel an opponent who was currently unable to fight back. Fluttershy had caught her breath and gotten back to her feet and was now looking around in faint confusion. Pinkamena looked ready to just start taking bites out of Fancy Pants, but Pinkie Pie put a hand on the doppelganger's shoulder and shook her head, much to Pinkamena’s snorting dismay.

As for Twilight Sparkle, the whole affair had transpired so quickly she’d been left standing there in total bafflement, until now where she blinked away her confusion and said, “Okay, what just happened? Are there Hollows or Soul Reapers around? I can’t see what you girls are fighting?”

Rainbow Dash blinked, “Oh, right, guess you don’t got that freaky spirit sight we’ve got. Huh, I wonder why not? You’re a magical horse just like Sunset. You sure you can’t sense anything?”

Twilight just shook her head, “I have no idea who you’re fighting. Um, is the fight over? You’re not punching anything anymore. And where did Flash go? He was just here!”

Flash looked at Rainbow Dash and quickly waved his hand under his chin with a rapid shake of his head, “Exnay on the revealay!”

Rainbow Dash just gave him a look and Flash broke out in a sweat, “Please? Seriously Dash, I know it's gotta be weird seeing me and Cheerilee like this, but we don’t need additional complications right now. I’ll, uh, I’ll tell her everything later, when things’ve calmed down.”

With a ragged sigh Rainbow Dash put a hand to her face and said, “Fine, but you’d better do it soon. She’s not dumb. She’ll figure it out.”

“Figure what out?” Twilight asked suspiciously, and Flash looked like he was close to having a conniption. Cheerilee rolled her eyes and put a steadying hand on his shoulder.

“Relax, Lieutenant. We have bigger concerns on our plate at the moment,” she said, eyes narrowing at Fancy Pants and tightening the grip her other hand had on the Kido chains, “I know you can break this Kido, Fancy, if you really want to. The question is; will you?”

Fancy Pants turned his head to slowly regard those around him, the three humans with extraordinary powers they were only just starting to come into yet had pressed him hard enough to actually decide to release his Zanpaktou, his two fellow Soul Reapers who looked ready and willing to draw their own blades against him if he continued, and one very confused looking girl who was in actuality a pony princess from another dimension. He could still feel his Captain’s spiritual pressure in the distance, clashing with the spirit pressures of others. In his heart he had to admit he suspected Captain Platinum might resort to force to bring the Substitute Soul Reaper and her five Fullbringer friends into Soul Society, if they refused the offer. He had hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but the writing had been on the wall ever since news of Clover’s encounter with these girls had reached Soul Society weeks ago.

Gossip had turned to more serious talks, and the Soul Reapers had been split into two general camps; those that thought the girls should be left alone, and those that thought they should be brought to heel, one way or another. Fancy Pants tried to avoid such jabber-jawing, considering himself too much of a gentleman to waste time on gossip. His only concern was fulfilling his duty, to his Captain and to Soul Society as a whole. Unfortunately the situation had become muddled and he was no longer certain fulfilling one duty also coincided with fulfilling the other. Was his Captain out of line? He didn’t know. He was unaware of the circumstances that had led her to release her Zanpaktou and fight with Celestia. For all he knew Captain Platinum’s actions were completely justified. Only she knew the exact content of her orders. He’d only been told they were to give the girls an offer, nothing more.

His standing orders were to keep the girls here at the school, but he was also no fool. Five on one was terrible odds, even for a man of his talents. Cheerilee was correct, her Kido had taken him off guard and interrupted his Zanpaktou release, but he had the strength to break free. Not all Lieutenants were created equal, and he knew that compared to Flash or Cheerilee he was stronger, but perhaps not so much to take both of them at the same time. Certainly not while dealing with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie’s aggressive doppelganger.

“It would seem,” he said at last, with as much dignity as he could muster, “That I shall be taking discretion as the better part of valor this day, Lieutenant Cheerilee. I yield.”

“Awww man!” Rainbow Dash kicked the ground, “And I was totally getting into it, too. I could’ve taken you.”

Fancy Pants managed a polite smile, even inclining his head in a small bow, “Perhaps, perhaps not. You will have to wait for another day to find out for sure, Miss Dash.”

“Okay could somepony please tell me what’s going on!?” Twilight asked in a burst of exasperation.

“No time, Twi,” said Rainbow Dash, already taking to the air, “The rest of the girls are in trouble and we gotta go help them.”

Pinkie Pie shuddered a bit, one ear twitching, “Yeah, and I’ve got a nasty bad vibe that Rarity’s in a real bad way right now! We need to hurry!”

Twilight took a deep breath and nodded, “Okay, count me in. Let’s go. Uhh... where are we going?”

Fancy Pants saw Rainbow Dash look off to the north, as did the other girls. He wasn’t surprised to see their spiritual senses could pick up on the high spirit pressures of two Captains battling it out. They’d have to be practically blind, spiritual speaking, to not sense where the fight was taking place.

“This way. I’m flying ahead. You guys can catch up.”

With that she zipped off, cutting a blue streak across the skyline. Fancy Pants had to wonder just how many humans were going to witness her flying over the suburbs, but at this point with his Captain fighting inside the limits of a human population zone there was going to be a large stir to quell in the human media already. The cleanup was going to be a mess. He could just imagine the issues it’d cause back in Soul Society. It sparked a thought of suspicion in his mind, as it almost seemed like his Captain’s assignment here had been meant to stir up trouble.

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle hesitated a moment before following Rainbow Dash, as Cheerilee and Flash Sentry approached Fancy Pants. Cheerilee looked to the girls with an apologetic look on her face.

“I imagine seeing me and Flash like this comes as a surprise,” she said, “But your friend is right, there isn’t time for explanations. You should follow her, and let us worry about keeping Lieutenant Fancy Pants here tied up.”

Pinkie Pie gave a quick salute, “Okie Dokie Loki, we’ll let you guys play bondage with Mr. Monocle, oh and we’ll totally not tell Twilight that Flash-”

Flash Sentry took full advantage of his Soul Reaper speed with a Flash Step in front of Pinkie Pie to put a hand over her mouth, “Shhh! C’mon Pinkie! I know you know better than that!”

“Mmmph?” Pinkie Pie batted her eyes innocently.

Twilight just blinked “Wait... not tell me what about Flash?”


Seconds dripped by like bits of cold water from an icicle. Rarity was feeling the pain in her shoulder like a roar of equal parts fire and ice. She’d never known such raw agony, and it stole her breath, which at least meant she wasn’t screaming like she wanted to. It was nauseating to see the foot long length of blade sticking from the front of her shoulder, coated red with blood, her blood.

Behind her, that despicable woman coughed politely, “I’m not seeing any Zanpaktou hitting the ground, so I can only assume you’re willing to forfeit Miss Rarity’s life?”

Celestia looked like she was chewing steel, her eyes reflecting a light of pure outrage as she took a step back, held her hands out to her sides, and dropped her swords. Her voice was colder than the blade piercing Rarity. “You have crossed a line, Platinum. I swear to you that upon our return to Soul Society I will see you answer for this.”

“Strange, I was thinking similar thoughts of you, my dear Celestia.” Platinum’s eyes flicked over to Sunset. “Now you. Sword and shield on the ground.”

“Don’t, Sunset,” Rarity said past a scream that wanted to boil past her throat, “You don’t know what she’ll do once you’re disarmed!”

“True,” Platinum admitted, “But is your friend willing to take that bet with your life?”

“Ya conniving, ugh, wretched, gah, little harlot!” Applejack was shouting. Her boots burst with energy, trying to push against the Kido spell binding her in place, but still couldn’t get her body to move an inch.

Rarity grimaced, feeling close to passing out, “Applejack, darling, not helping, but the sentiments are indeed shared.”

Sunset had remained silent, her eyes locked on Platinum's the entire time, her body rigid and tense as a wound up spring. She hadn’t dropped her weapon or shield. If anything her hands clenched tighter around them. Rarity felt a chill washing through her, a bit of ice growing further from around the wound in her shoulder.

“Well?” said Platinum, “What will it be?”

Sunset’s eyes narrowed, “You’re bluffing.”

Platinum’s tone dropped an octave past sub-zero, “Am I now?”

“If you wanted any of us dead you would have killed her the second Celestia dropped her Zanpaktou. Celestia is the only one here that can beat you in a stand up fight,” Sunset said with a slow, reasoning voice, “So the only reason you wouldn’t have immediately frozen Rarity and attacked Celestia is because you’re buffing. You either won’t, or can’t, kill us. It goes too far past your orders, doesn't it?”

Platinum’s eyes flickered with a hint of... approval? She then chuckled lightly, “Talented and intelligent. You’ll be a great asset to Soul Society once you’ve learned your place.”

In an instant the sword pulled free of Rarity’s shoulder and she found herself slumping to the ground. In that same moment Platinum vanished with a high speed Flash Step, right towards Celestia, who’d moved to scoop up her dropped swords. On even footing the two Captains were well matched, as Rarity had seen, but with Celestia in an awkward position, having to kneel down to grab her swords, she was just off balance enough for it to make a deadly difference. In a blinding blur of movement both women struck, but when Platinum appeared a dozen yards behind Celestia, slowly turning around, it was Celestia’s body that suddenly gained a deep, ragged cut of crimson across the chest, blood spraying through the air.

Celestia grunted in pain, face screwing up, but even as blood started to soak her robes she kept her feet, turning to face Platinum on unsteady legs. She threw herself forward, still moving with the speed of a Flash Step despite her fresh wound, but when her blades came in at Platinum from opposite sides the other Captain had an easy time just moving out of the way with speed the wounded Celestia now couldn’t match. Platinum would have scored another hit upon Celestia had Rarity, even on the ground and wounded, not acted in tandem with Sunset, who was rushing at Platinum’s back.

The moment Rarity had hit the ground, she’d focused all her effort and power on her blood, coating the ground. She’d sent spikes of crystal summoned from her blood into the frozen ground, drilled towards Platinum like burrowed snakes, and then sent them bursting upwards in a burst of crimson crystal spears right at Platinum’s feet. The Soul Reaper Captain’s reaction time was as extraordinary as ever, aborting her attack on Celestia to throw herself backwards from the crystal spears, but that just put her right in line for Sunset’s attack, who thrust her sword at Platinum at point blank range and unleashed a blast of fiery force.

A flash of light and steam billowed forth from the point of impact, and for a second Rarity thought Sunset might have scored a telling blow against Platinum... but she sensed the increase of spiritual pressure from the Captain that crushed down on all present. The steam flowed away to reveal a conical shield of ice that had interposed itself between Platinum and Sunset at the point of impact, and while that shield cracked and fell away, Platinum was left unscathed. Her Zanpaktou flicked out in a blinding motion, and though Sunset swung her shield to try to block the blow, she only partially succeeded, deflecting the icy blade just enough to avoid a deep cut, but still taking a nasty, shallow cut on her brow that started to pour blood into her eyes.

Desperation gnawed at Rarity sharper than any of the pain she was feeling. She couldn’t stand being so unable to lend aid to her friends. Sunset and Celestia were now both wounded, and could be moments from being overpowered by Platinum. Applejack was bound tightly despite her best efforts to break free. And Rarity was badly wounded, could feel herself becoming cold and numb as her lifeblood painted the ground, and it didn’t seem like there was anything more she could give to help those she cared for. Yet she still tried. She could see her rapier laying on the ground next to her, and her blood coated hand, trembling, reached out to grip it. With all of her might, Rarity tried to stand. Using her rapier as a crutch she forced herself to one knee, determined to throw whatever last flicker of strength she had at her foe.

Sunset too wasn’t backing down. Even with blood half blinding her she charged in at Platinum, form flickering with rapid Flash Steps as she sent a dizzying pattern of sword slashes at the Captain. Each time Hokori sliced in towards Platinum the elegant Soul Reaper parried with blinding speed, the flames of Hokori licking at the cold pouring off of Fuyukogo, more steam filling the park from the clash of flame and frost. Yet Platinum looked as if she was no longer trying, a toying smile on her lips.

Now standing on shaking legs, Rarity staggered a step forward, all of her willpower focused past her pain as she raised her rapier and prepared to make one last, desperate lunge to aid her friend.

Only to find a blue hand clamp down on her wrist, not painfully, but somehow both firm and gentle.

“That is enough, Rarity,” said Luna’s voice, filled with equal parts compassion and respect as the woman stood next to her, one hand on Rarity’s wrist, while her other held aloft a great, dark scythe, “Allow me to take over, if you would?”

For a second all activity in the park froze. Sunset and Platinum broke off their clash, and Celestia stood, holding her wound, and managed a small smile at the arrival of her sister.

“You’re late, Lulu...” Celestia said with a tone of mock chiding. Luna rolled her eyes.

“And you’re being sloppy, Tia. Allowing this trollop to injure you? If you’d just released your sword she couldn’t have even scratched you.”

Celestia just shook her head, “You know I couldn’t. Not in a city. Never again...”

Luna nodded with a faint, sad air, “Yes, the cross you insist on bearing. No matter, I went to look over the other girls, and thought I might need to intervene on their behalf against Lieutenant Fancy Pants, but it seems our own Lieutenants had that matter in hand, so I came back here as fast as I could. My apologies for taking so long... now...” she raised her one scythe at Platinum, while letting go of Rarity with her other hand and reaching out, where the other scythe sprung up from her own shadow to land in her waiting palm.

“I, unlike my sister, have no compunctions about using my full power to crush upstart, arrogant individuals who break the peace. Captain Platinum, I do hope you either have the foresight to withdraw immediately from this city, or the courage to face me in battle and give me the excuse I need to vent my wrath...” the shadows around Luna dimmed and it seemed all the light in the park started to get sucked away as Luna’s voice turned into a deadly purr, “For I am in a very bad mood.”

Rarity could barely remain standing, and with Luna’s spiritual pressure being added to everything else it was hard to even breath normally. Still, she felt fairly elated for a girl with a hole in her shoulder. For the moment she got an idea in her head and focused a bit of her remaining power on her dress and the wound, encouraging the red material to repair itself and bind around the wound like a bandage, adding a padding of red crystal like a patch. It actually seemed to work, and Rarity felt the flow of blood cease from the injury. Good, at least she wouldn’t bleed to death, then.

Meanwhile Platinum faced off between Luna on one side, Celestia on the other, and Sunset still in front of her. The woman laughed dryly, running a hand through her long purple locks of hair. “Even on your best day, Captain Luna, you’re an overly dramatic soul. As I already told your sister, all you're doing by resisting me is making your position in Soul Society worse. I am fulfilling lawful orders handed down by Central 46. What justification do you have to obstruct that?”

“You’ve broken several provisions yourself by causing potentially deadly harm to living humans, endangering the citizens of this city by engaging in unauthorized battle with a fellow Captain, and really beyond all that I don’t really care if its an order from Central 46, or if it even came from the Spirit Palace itself... you will not take these girls against their will while Celestia and I still draw breath. Now, what shall it be? Withdrawal? Or battle?” Luna’s voice resonated with resolve and her scythes remained poised. Platinum looked contemplative, and entirely too relaxed to Rarity’s eyes. It was almost as if the woman had expected all this to happen and was just playing out the script she’d intended.

“I see. Well, with my Lieutenant bound up by your own Lieutenants I suppose it’d be recklessly endangering him to continue a battle you and Celestia seem determined to fight until one of you ends up dead. Of course you may end up that way regardless, given obstruction of orders from Central 46 could be very serious charges. If I do withdraw, it will only be on the condition that you and Captain Celestia return with me to Soul Society. It will be up to the law to determine which of us was in the right, this day.”

Luna looked ready to argue, or even attack Platinum right then and there, but Celestia, despite the grievous wound on her chest, stood tall and stepped forward, “We accept your terms, Captain Platinum. You will withdraw, leaving these girls here in the world of the living, and I and Captain Luna shall return with you to Soul Society...” her eyes narrowed, “And there we shall indeed see that justice is done.”

“Ya can’t be serious!?” Applejack shouted, still struggling against the binding Kido on her, “Celestia, are ya darn daft!? If ya got half a brain in yer head ya oughta know ya won’t find no ‘justice’ in yer Soul Society!”

Celestia sighed deeply, smiling sadly at Applejack, “I know you have no reason to have any faith in us Soul Reapers after the horrible things you’ve learned, Applejack, but please, trust me... there are good people there who understand the differences between right and wrong. For all the-” she eyes Platinum, “Misguided souls there, I believe that Soul Society remains a place of harmony.”

Platinum raised a thin eyebrow at Celestia, “Strange sentiments, coming from one who has spent centuries doing nothing but question the wisdom of the governing body duly elected into power. All you’ve done, Celestia, since obtaining your rank as Captain, is cause disharmony among our ranks. I’ll look forward to finally seeing you brought to task for it.”


Clover didn't know what to make of the situation. To say she felt unsure of herself would've been the understatement of the century. She couldn't remember feeling more off balance and less certain of things. Altogether life was usually fairly ordered and predictable, day to day, for a Soul Reaper, and for Clover that had been very much the case. She'd adapted to and rolled with the unexpected events of the past few weeks, encountering Sunset and the girls. She never suspected things could spiral so quickly out of control. The massive battle against the Hollows, quickly followed by this unnerving situation where Captains of the Soul Society had come to blows... it just left Clover feeling stunned and adrift.

It probably didn't help that she was still recovering from having a hole punched in her chest by Quincy arrow.

"You're lucky to be alive," Meadowbrook told her, "I must convey my thanks to that Fluttershy girl for doing such a good job of tending to you." He paused, pursing his lips, "Discord too, I suppose."

He was helping her stay standing as they watched the proceedings taking place in the courtyard outside Discord's hidden, back corner shop. Captains Platinum, Celestia, and Luna were standing across from Lieutenants Fancy Pants, Cheerilee and Flash Sentry in a loose group. Not far away Discord observed them closely, leaning on his walking cane, face set in a deadpan expression of pure neutrality. Behind him the girls Clover had come to know and think of as friends were gathered. Rarity was being looked after by Fluttershy and Screwloose, the former using her unique Fullbring powers while the later used more conventional healing methods. There'd been some talk of actually taking Rarity to a hospital, but Discord assured the worried girls that Rarity's wound, while bad, could be taken care off by the medicines he had in his shop. Given Clover had just experienced the effectiveness of those medicines she could vouch that Rarity would make a full recovery. There were other injuries as well, most notably the nasty cut on Sunset's brow and the painful looking wound Captain Celestia had taken across the chest, both which Captain Luna had applied healing Kido to and bandaged up. The only reason Luna wasn't presently assisting Rarity was because Captain Platinum insisted on departing as soon as a few loose ends were tied up.

"I would prefer to bring all witnesses with us back home," said Platinum, "But I suppose we can't leave the city without a Soul Reaper presence, can we?"

Celestia shook her head, "No, we cannot. My and my sister's Lieutenants will continue to guard the school and its portal, and provide security to the city. Third Seat Clover will also remain here until her wounds recover more, assuming Lieutenant Meadowbrook has no objections?"

"I came to make sure she was okay, and now that I have I don't have any qualms with her remaining here as a liaison between us and Mr. Discord here," Meadowbrook said, "As it stands I believe I can make a thorough enough report for the both of us."

Platinum nodded curtly, "Very well." She gave the human girls a long, measuring look "Then for the moment our business here is done. Regardless of the way our unfortunate encounter turned out keep in mind the offer to cooperate with Soul Society shall remain open, if you happen to come around to a more... rational disposition."

Applejack, who had a look of pure stubborn, mulish anger etched onto her face crossed her arms under her beasts and spat, "Don't git yer hopes up. I'd sooner stick my boot up yer pompous rear than give ya my 'cooperation'."

Rainbow Dash, who hadn't ceased her transformation since the fight with Fancy Pants, spread her wings and let arcs of electricity crackle over them, "What she said. Scram, and feel free to let the door smack you on the way out."

"You haven't exactly made the best first impression on us," said Sunset with heated, glaring eyes, "So if there ever is going to be anything resembling cooperation between us and Soul Society, its not going to come easy. Or at all."

While Clover entirely understood the reasons for their words, she couldn't stop a sense of hurt at them. After all, Soul Society was her home, and she'd always considered herself a loyal member of the Gotei 13. While she knew certain members like Platinum could be... difficult to deal with, there were also good people among the Soul Reaper ranks. Clover, despite learning of some of Soul Society's dirtier secrets like Hitsuyo Aku, still believed the Soul Society was a force for good, with a noble and worthy mission to protect humanity. A part of her had sorely looked forward to the notion that one day she might be able to work with Sunset and the others as full fledged allies of Soul Society, even take them there and show them around. And it hurt to see the kind of mistrust and anger she saw now in their eyes, directed towards Captain Platinum not without just cause, but still... did they think similar things about her?

Captain Platinum, for her part, brushed off the girls words and smiled thinly, "Well, perhaps in due time you'll learn to feel differently. Now, Captain Celestia, Captain Luna, Lieutenant Fancy Pants, let us go."

"Just one moment," Celestia said, turning around to face the girls, and despite the grimace of pain on her face, she bowed nearly to be perpendicular to her waist, head down in humble display to them, "Please, accept my sincere apologies for all that has happened this day, and in the past. I know you all have good reason to bear grudge towards us, but I swear to you on my honor as a Captain of the Gotei 13 and as one who has watched all of you grow into fine young women this past year of trials... I will do all in my power to try to set things right. Please, until then, be patient, and do not forget that you have friends in Soul Society."

Applejack looked like she was chewing on rocks, and blew out a long sigh with the weight of a boulder, but said, "Git yer head up, principal Celestia. I ain't gonna have ya bustin' open yer wounds 'cause yer tryin' ta apologize fer somethin' that ain't yer fault."

Celestia rose, true regret pouring off her features, "Do you wish me to convey any message to your mother? The changes to her memory were only concerning her time in Xcution. I do not know if her transition through death caused loss of memory, as that is often the case, but she may well remember her family. I cannot say for certain because I have never spoken at length with her or inquired as to her memories of life. It is... considered inappropriate, normally. But if you wish, I will find out if she remembers her life and her family, and bring her any message you desire."

Applejack gulped, hands clenching tensely, "Just... just tell her the family's stickin' together. Apples to the core."

Celestia nodded, and then looked to Discord, "You have my thanks for looking after them this long, Discord. Could you continue to do so, while I try to clean things up back home?"

Discord raised a hand and tipped and invisible capt towards her, "I'll do what i can, but they're their mother's daughters, and if some of them want nothing more to do with me, I can't force them. I'll try to keep things from exploding on this end. But..." his eyes narrowed, "Be careful Celestia. Cleaning house in Soul Society may not be as simple as just trusting in the truth."

Celestia frowned, and then sighed, "I suppose not. Farewell, Discord."

"Yes, indeed, farewell," Platinum said, putting a cold emphasis on the last word as she turned to create a Senkaimon gate. Her Zanpaktou seemed to dip into water, even though it was thin air, and with a ripple of energy the gateway appeared, a wide set of sliding paper doors that opened up with a outpouring of brilliant white light. Several black and red tinged butterflies flew out, Clover sighing a bit at the sight of the Hell Butterflies, guides and messengers of the spirit realm Soul Society made its home in.

Meadowbrook squeezed her shoulder, "You alright to stand on your own?"

It seemed to Clover almost like he wasn't asking about her injury. She nodded at him, voice steady, "I'll be alright. Safe journey, and please, let the Captain know I'll do my best to recover quickly and return to my duties."

He smiled, almost conspiratorial, it seemed, "Don't be in too much of a rush. Take your time, really."

Then he too joined the other Soul Reapers returning the Soul Society. Platinum went through first, followed by Celestia and Luna. Fancy Pants and Meadowbrook were the last through, Fancy Pants turning briefly to bow to those gathered, and it seemed to Clover to give Rainbow Dash a somehow meaningful look, to which Rainbow Dash responded with a sparking look of her own. What was that about, Clover wondered? Then a moment later the Senkaimon gate closed.

Flash Sentry let out a huge sigh, "Man, I thought Platinum would never bloody well leave!"

Cheerilee glanced at him sidelong, "We're not out of the woods yet, kid. Our Captains are in serious hot water right now, and we've got to keep an eye on the whole city without them around for a bit."

Discord cleared his throat, "Well consider me at your disposal for any assistance the two of you need in that regard. My shop is always open."

Cheerilee laughed lightly, "Sure, we'll keep you in mind for anything we might need, but for now I think I need me and my lovestruck friend here to get back to the school before that poor pony girl has some kind of episode over learning the truth."

Flash blanched, "That is going to be a long and difficult conversation. Oh geeze, Twilight didn't look happy at all when we left. She's gotta hate me by now."

"Now now, don't be down," Cheerilee said, patting his shoulder, "She'll get over it. Just be honest. And then barrage her with apology flowers."

"Does that work?"

"No, but I'll find it hilarious to watch."

Sunset Shimmer shook her head, "Still having a hard time buying you two are actually Soul Reapers." She winked at Flash, "Had me fooled, at least."

"Ain't sure I find it so funny," said Applejack, narrowing her eyes at Flash and Cheerilee, "Any other of you folk hidden in our school, or 'round the city we oughta know 'bout?"

Cheerilee shook her head, "It was just Flash, the Captains, and myself. Believe it or not it isn't easy to forge identities for Soul Reapers to take up positions in the human world, so we try not to do it in large numbers. Now, I do hope I'll see you girls back in class come Monday, but I'll understand if perhaps you have to... skip some days, too. I can prepare some make up classes for later on, if you all need a break from coming to school."

"We'll think about it," said Sunset, and glanced at Flash, "Uh, tell Twilight we'll catch up with her soon enough, but we've got to rest up here for today, I think."

"I will, you all..." Flash scratched the back of his head, "Well, take care, and sorry about having to hide things. C'mon Cheerilee, let's get this over with before I lose my nerve."

With that those two departed as well, leaving Clover to look towards the girls, wondering what they'd do next. Most of them looked lost and adrift as well, as if they were equally unsure of their next move... until Sunset drew up a determined look on her face and said to Discord, "Hey, I'm going to make a guess, but you noticed just how off all of this was, right?"

Off? What did she mean by that? Clover's mental gears began to turn while Discord returned Sunset's knowing look and nodded solemnly, "Off would be a mild way of putting it. I fear Celestia and Luna may well be walking into a trap."

"Waitwhat!?" Rainbow Dash spun around, and the other girls all equally looked at the shopkeeper with equal surprise and dismay.

"W-what kind of trap?" Fluttershy asked, eyes wide.

"An' why n' tarnation didn't ya warn 'em ya dang bearded goat!?" shouted Applejack.

"If I said anything to overt then it would have tipped off Platinum that I suspected something was up," said Discord with a deep frown, "As it was I tried to hint to Celestia as best I could to be wary, and I know Luna is smart and perhaps more importantly paranoid enough to not need such warning. Besides, it wouldn't have stopped either from going. Not with their sense of honor and duty. On top of that I'm not entirely certain Captain Platinum is the sole one involved in whatever manipulations are occurring. She could just be a patsy. However it is clear to me that you girls were not the real targets of Platinum's expedition here. Celestia and Luna were."

Rarity, wincing in pain, raised her head, "I can't deny that makes sense to me. I wondered myself why it was that Platinum stood down so easily once Celestia offered to return to Soul Society with her."

Discord nodded direly, "Precisely. I know Platinum. She is the sort to never yield unless she already has what she wants. If she'd truly been here to get you girls to go back to Soul Society she would not have stopped fighting until each and every one of you was hog-tied and dragged back there. No, she was here to get Celestia and Luna to return to Soul Society. Perhaps, too, to stir up trouble here, but that would have been a secondary objective."

Clover just stood there, flabbergasted, "But... but why? If Captains Celestia and Luna were desired back home then couldn't the Captain Commander just issue an order to recall them?"

"Obviously whoever wanted Celestia and Luna back wasn't interested in this occurring through proper channels. In fact I suspect the whole point was to cause both Celestia and Luna to return under suspicion of treason," said Discord, and Clover felt her heart grow cold.

"T-treason? That's impossible! Sure they may have broken a few basic protocols by engaging Captain Platinum, but so did Captain Platinum! She'd be under just as much suspicion! And treason is far and above beyond what really happened!" Clover realized, however, that by the draconian laws of Soul Society it wasn't truly impossible for things to be spun in such a manner in a hearing with Central 46. The cold feeling inside her only increased. "Certainly the other Captains would never allow things to get to that point. Celestia and Luna are well respected. Charges of treason... it can't happen. Can it?"

The look she got from Discord was not a comforting one, and Sunset chimed in with, "If it did, it begs another question; why? Who would want Celestia and Luna charged with treason? Wouldn't losing two Captains only weaken Soul Society, in a time where you guys are poised in a precarious balance of power with two other factions that want nothing more than to destroy it?"

"Someone who wants to destroy Soul Society, would be my guess," said Discord, "Or failing that, someone who wants to disrupt the balance of power for all of the spiritual factions in this war."

He stroked his beard, eyes fierce with thought. "There isn't much time. If things are not as they seem and there is someone, or a group of someones, manipulating events behind the scenes, then it won't be long before the situation turns from bad to worse. Celestia and Luna may have been the real targets today, but there's no doubt in my mind you girls are also in the sights of these unknown forces as well. I don't think its coincidence that the Hollows started targeting you girls so swiftly after you gained your abilities..."

Discord turned to Applejack, who stiffened and glared at his look. "Miss Applejack, I know you can't trust or forgive me yet, and I am not asking you to. What I am asking is that you help your friends and yourself by tolerating my presence for the time it will take for me to do all I can to strengthen you girls in the short time we have to do so before the proverbial fertilizer hits the ceiling fan. More so than it already has."

Applejack stared at him for a good long moment, eyes harder than an oak tree. She then stepped up to him, green eyes glaring up into his yellow on red ones. The punch was swift and brutal, and straight to the solar plexus. Discord made a rough 'oof!' and doubled over, coughing. Then Applejack blew out a relieved breath, tipped her hat to him, and said, "Sure, I'll tolerate ya, long as ya deal wit us straight an' no more lies. Just had ta git that outta my system, first."

Discord, still coughing, made a small thumbs-up gesture, "Fair enough... ugh... why don't you girls go rest inside and I'll... gah, I'll catch my breath and then we'll discuss our next move."

"Sounds good ta me," said Applejack, and without another word or glance back at Discord walked inside the shop.

Author's Note:

So, just so you guys don't get too worried, I haven't forgotten Sci-Twi or Adagio, and we'll be checking in with them soon, but I needed to set up things with Soul Society first. Hope you guys continue to enjoy, and as always thanks for reading. As usual leave comments, questions, or any critiques you happen to feel like leaving. 'Till next time.

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