• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 22,507 Views, 13,305 Comments

Three More Things! - Tatsurou

Uncle Chan tries to balance running an antique shop, fighting demons, and being a Chi Wizard with being a loving Uncle to his nephew, his somewhat removed niece...and three little ponies who drive him straight up the wall.

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The Consequences

Jade slowly felt herself return to consciousness, becoming aware of the world around her. She was lying on something soft and warm, spread out so that every inch of her body was comfortably supported. There was light, enough to see her surroundings once she could clearly but not so much as to pierce her eyelids unpleasantly. She could hear noise, but it was very distant...the exact distance where she knew she could hear clearly without being loud enough to disturb rest. The room felt spacious yet enclosed, big enough to have plenty of room but small enough to feel safely protected.

There's only one thing missing to make this the perfect recovery room... she thought to herself as her eyes slowly opened. Seeing Hsi leaned over her worriedly in his demon form, she smiled. And there it is...

Hsi smiled down at her. "Sleep well?" he asked warmly.

"Hey..." she managed to say, shocked at just how weak she felt, and how hard it was to even shape words...and was everything slower? "W..."

"Adapting to the communication stretched your mind further than it was really meant to go," Hsi explained quickly. "When the contact was broken, your mind snapped back, like an overstretched rubber band. You're currently dealing with the mental whiplash, which is why time may seem to be flowing oddly around you, and why your thoughts might not be acting properly on your body."

"...ah..." she managed to say, letting that turn over in her mind. That explained quite a bit. It wasn't a pleasant explanation, but one she could accept. She tried to move her eyes, but found that sluggish too. Frustrated, she decided to take advantage of her mind being out-of-sync with her body, and thought back to how it felt to Astral Project with the Sheep Talisman-

Hsi smirked as he watched her float up out of her body. "I was going to say, if you're uncomfortable your body will recover quicker without you in it," he offered teasingly.

Jade chuckled at that. "So where are we, anyway?" she asked, glancing around at the...completely nondescript room. "Kinda dull..."

"It's a recovery chamber specifically designed to help someone recover from mental whiplash like what you underwent," Hsi explained calmly. "One of the options in First Class Medical, though it's mostly used by insanely rich people who don't want jet lag, or for sedentary species that don't travel well."

"I see," Jade murmured as she floated around. "Is that why it's so...plain?"

"It's specifically designed to stimulate all physical senses just enough so that you're aware of them without being enough to disturb rest," Hsi pointed out logically. "It's not supposed to be interesting to look at."

Sighing, Jade lay back in the air. "So how are we going to pass the time, then?" she asked ruefully. "Eye Spy is out..."

Hsi simply smirked. "Person, Place, or Thing?"

Blinking, Jade smiled. "Person."

"Is it me?"

"You wish..."

Valmont floated calmly in the mental space. While the contact with the alien mental force had been unexpected, he'd adapted quickly by shifting to his demonic form. With his mind freed of physical limitations, he was better equipped to speak to the ones who'd made contact with him. Words weren't used in the communication, and he didn't truly need them to make sense of the communication like this. However, he did need to mentally summarize it as it went in a form that he'd be able to explain it to various people in his company. After all, they'd need to know why they were getting certain orders.

The Other Mind had been impressed at his abilities to adapt to their level of communication. They'd apparently been directed to him on recommendation from Jade Chan, and were curious if his resources and abilities matched what she had presented. They'd been surprised to find that they did. They had explored the theory behind some of his developments with him, extrapolating aspects of it he hadn't considered.

They had commissioned a set of Elder Traps, altered somewhat to their specifications.

They had explained their connection to the Elder Gods as he - and the Jade Council - understood them.

...that part he wasn't going to touch on when it came to explaining it to others. The simple side would be confusing, and the more complex side could only be communicated through direct mental contact...and he didn't trust many people enough to pass it on that way, and those he did weren't ready for it. Frankly, he wasn't ready for it and he knew it now.

As contact had ended, he decided he needed to clear his head before focusing on all that, and cast his mind in search of something amusing. To his surprise, he found his mind focusing on Hak Foo, of all people, somewhere in a ruin...

Hak Foo calmly walked into the Temple of Shiva. As he had expected, there were neither guards nor worshipers. Shiva was not a goddess known for being...tolerant of human eccentricities, and so those places dedicated to her were generally left respectfully empty. While the structure was grand and soaring, he had no interest in architecture.

No, what he was here for was far more important than mere columns. Enshrined within this Temple was an ancient artifact of power, the Bands of Shiva. Legend said that a mortal who wore them would become the living channel of Shiva's power on the physical plane. He was determined to take that power for his own, and thus push his limits beyond what was physically possible for a mere human. His power would be without limits!

And there it was, the statue of Shiva. She sat in repose, legs crossed and arms raised in the air in the traditional pose. On the wrists raised towards the sky, the golden bands stood out against the stone. Grinning to himself, he reached for the bands-

An echoing snore rang from the statue's face.

Hak Foo froze. He hadn't considered the possibility that Shiva might be inhabiting the statue at the moment. If she awoke to his looting her Temple, she would not be pleased. He likely would not escape intact. Perhaps it would be best if he came back another day, when Shiva was busy elsewhere. It shouldn't be that hard to find out when Shiva would be at a meeting with the Jade Council.

As he watched Hak Foo leave, Valmont chuckled to himself. He hoped Shiva wouldn't hold his 'sacrilege' against him, but that was just too funny to resist.

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