• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 24 [Week 7]

October 24

Meghan was petting my mane when I woke up, and I was still mostly across her chest, 'cause I guess I couldn't have rolled off last night with Aric right up next to us.

Someone had pushed the blankets down off my back, but Meghan had pulled them up across her where I wasn't covering, 'cause I must have pulled my wings in while I was sleeping, and she'd gotten cold.

I nuzzled her cheek, and she asked if I knew what time it was.

Aric didn't have a clock in his room where I could see it, and I thought that I might wake him up if I got his portable telephone, but I did anyway and I gave it to Meghan so that she could look at it because I was still sleepy enough that I would probably drop it if I tried to turn it on.

And getting it cost me my space on the bed; Aric had moved over to hug Meghan and I was kind of mad at that but not really.

She looked at the time and said that if I wanted to fly we'd better be leaving before too long. And I did, but I also didn't want to leave, so I got in bed and leaned up against Aric's side which wasn't all that comfortable but I wasn't planning on going back to sleep, so it was all right, and it let me look at both him and Meghan, which was nice.

Meghan reached up and started rubbing my muzzle with her hand, and I gently stroked her belly with my hoof, and brushed up against Aric's chin with my fetlock and he wrinkled his nose which was kind of cute so I did it again and he sneezed, and then he opened his eyes.

Meghan gave him his portable telephone back and he looked at it and then put it beside the bed, and he started stroking his hand down her stomach and I did the same with my wing and kissed his cheek, and for just a moment I thought that if we went any further I wasn't going to have time to go flying this morning, but then I decided that I didn't care.

Since I'd already missed flying, me and Meghan decided that we'd both take a shower with Aric, too, because even though it was crowded it was fun, and this time I made sure that they both got washed first before the hot water ran out, so the shower was getting kind of chilly by the time that I was finishing and I had to tell them to get out because I didn't want them to be uncomfortable.

Both of them stayed in the bathroom until I was done, though, and then Aric asked Meghan if she wanted to see if David and Angela were home, and she said that at this point she didn't really care, but she kinda opened the bathroom door slowly and I think she would have pulled it right back shut if she'd seen either of them outside in the hallway.

They got dressed in his room and I pulled the blanket back up over the bed and preened my wings. The feather that I'd bit off still hadn't decided to fall out, which was starting to annoy me. It would eventually but it was going to bother me until it did.

Meghan brushed my mane for me and Aric used his fingers to go through my tail, since we only had one brush. And he also teased me a little bit just because his hand was right there, and I was stretched out on the bed with my legs tucked under me so I couldn't do anything about it even if I'd wanted to.

When Meghan figured out what he was doing, she threw the brush at him, and he claimed that it had happened by accident and I'd had a knot in my tail just under my dock. And he said that he hadn't meant anything by it, and I told him that he'd better have meant something by it.

He said the problem with having two girlfriends was that we ganged up on him. And Meghan said that she was going to gang up on somebody, and got on the bed behind him and reached around and said that she was going to help groom my tail, too, but that wasn't what she did.

We finally said our goodbyes to Aric and we both kissed him and then when we were walking back, Meghan asked me how I'd feel if she decided to have sex with Aric by herself some time that I wasn't free to come over, like this weekend when I was gone. And I said that that would be really nice, because that way neither of them would be lonely, and the two of them were really cute together, too. And she thought about that while we were walking, and finally when we were getting close to campus she asked me if I really meant that, and I said that I did. I thought I'd probably be a little bit upset if they wouldn't let me come over because they wanted to have sex without me, but if I was somewhere else, I didn't think it would be fair to make the two of them stay apart, and I also thought that the more comfortable they were together the more fun we'd have when we were all together.

Meghan asked what had happened to the me that had been at Waldo's and not sure if she wanted to try a threesome, and I said that I'd changed my mind and maybe it had been unfair to ask me when both her and Aric were fondling me because they both knew that right at the base of my wings was one of my weak spots, and she laughed and said that she shouldn't have told Aric about that, but I wasn't sorry that she had.

We got to breakfast late, and a lot of the food was already gone when we arrived. The waffle-maker was on its table with a bowl of batter next to it, but it wasn't working and I thought that if I'd gotten there sooner maybe I could have had a waffle, but morning sex was better than waffles anyway.

Peggy and Christine and Sean were gone, too, but Anna and Reese were still there, although they were done with their food. And we didn't have a whole lot of time to eat ourselves, 'cause I still had to get my books for thermodynamics class, so I kind of bolted down my food and then flew back to my room to get my saddlebags and then flew over to the Dow building.

We learned more about alchemy and reactions in class today, and this time he told us about pressure and put the equation for a reaction out on the markerboard and he said that it was a common reaction in places which had smog. And he wrote the alchemical equation and then the moles for it under that, so we could figure out the ratio of change.

There was a principle called Le Chatelier's Principle, and it said that the system wanted to stay like it was before, and it didn't like change, and it applied to pressure and temperature.

And when he was done showing us the heat equations, he told us that if we were designing an alchemical factory, we needed to use the equation he had worked through to at the very end, and it might make the difference between our factory running smoothly or exploding.

Me and Lisa met in the lounge again, and we both went through the lab notes to make sure that there weren't any mistakes, and then I went back to my room to do homework.

Peggy was there, and I hugged her and said that I'd missed her all weekend, and she said that she hoped I'd had a good weekend. And I told her that the three of us had finally all had sex together and she asked how that had gone, and I didn't understand exactly what she was asking until she said that she didn't really need to know the technical details of who was where, but she wanted to know how we'd felt about it.

I said that I thought that everyone had liked it, and I hoped that that was true. It was a little bit strange being there especially when Aric and Meghan were more focusing on each other instead of me, and some things hadn't quite worked out like we'd hoped they would, but mostly it had gone pretty well and after the first time it got a lot easier for all of us.

I didn't get my thermodynamics homework done but I figured I could do it later in the day, and I switched my books and notebook so I would be ready for math class after lunch.

Me and Peggy walked to lunch together, and I got a decent salad and so did she. And she said it felt weird to be back in class again because the whole weekend had seemed kind of long but had also gone by really quick if that made any sense and I said that it did.

It felt like it had been a really long time since I'd been to class or to lunch with everyone, even though the weekend had only been one day longer than normal. And I'd thought that maybe it was because me and Aric and Meghan had spent so much time together, and done so many things, but maybe everyone was feeling the same.

I'd missed finding out how everyone else's weekend had been since I'd missed them at breakfast, and the lunch conversation was kind of subdued anyway because I think a lot of people had spent most of the weekend having fun and playing and less of it resting than they should have. Which was something I was guilty of, too. Meghan looked tired but happy, and I probably looked the same.

When we were done eating, me and Sean carried our dishes back to the rollers and I got up on my hind hooves and watched as a hand pulled the trays along. I wondered what it would be like to work back there—maybe the same person had taken my tray every time, but I didn't know who she was, and she probably didn't know any of us, either.

We went to math together and Professor Pampena reminded us about double integrals and then said that we could use polar coordinates instead, and I wasn't really sure what those were, but it made me think of the frozen north where the Crystal Empire was and Yakyakistan, too. But it was actually about using rays to cut into arcs like you'd cut a pie.

It used radians to work which I didn't really like all that much, but it made a neater equation when he was done, and I trusted him when he said that it was simpler than what he'd taught us last Wednesday. I think if I knew radians better it would have been simpler.

Then he said that since he'd showed double integrals to us he had to tell us what they were good for, and we could find the area with it or density and we could also find center of mass or the moment of inertia which was about how things resisted changing direction, and so I thought that if I wanted to, I could figure out how hard it was for me to turn when I was flying.

His first example was an arc around the origin of the graph, and that was pretty easy, but it got more complicated when the circle wasn't centered on the origin, because we had to figure out what the bounds of the equation were, and if we went off the wrong side of the graph, our rays would never touch our circle.

After class was over, we went back to his room to do homework, and we listened to Lisa Gerrard while we did. And after we'd gone over our answers together, I wrote out an equation in Equestrian for Professor Pampena.

I didn't go right back to my room after leaving his—I went down to the basement instead and went by Sean's old room and poked my nose in the bathroom even though I probably shouldn't have. It had been on my mind since the three of us had showered together because it was a lot roomier here than it was in Aric's shower and I really wanted to do some social bathing again.

It looked just the same as it had before, and I thought that we could maybe get together after finals or something because it would be a great way for people to relax.

I flew around campus a little bit to work my wings, because it felt like forever since I'd gotten a decent flight in. And since I didn't have any of my flight gear, I didn't want to go too far off-campus, even though I probably could have flown around as long as I stayed low, but I didn't. I still had my thermodynamics homework to do, and I didn't want to wait until tomorrow to finish it.

So after I'd stretched my wings for a while, I landed back on the boardwalk and went inside the dorm and up to my room, and I got out my physics homework. I hadn't gotten too far along when Peggy arrived and she sat at her desk and started doing her own homework.

She had her ear-speakers in, but I could still faintly hear her music, which was a nice accompaniment while I worked.

I got pretty focused on it, and when I was done, I saw that Peggy was looking at me and she said it was really weird how my ears were always moving around, and asked if it was something that I noticed because she thought it would bother her.

I said that I kind of did sometimes but usually it was like breathing or walking or flying and I didn't really have to pay any attention to my ears, and they just did what they wanted to and heard what they needed to.

There wasn't enough time to read Romans, so I just relaxed on the bed until Peggy was done with her work and ready for dinner.

They had scrod fillets which were pretty good, and they also had put out spinach at the salad buffet, and they also had clam chowder for soup, so I thought it was a pretty good dinner, even though almost everyone else at the table complained about it.

Christine said that the next weekend was parent's weekend and they'd probably have something good for dinner on Friday night, so that was something to look forward to.

I asked Meghan if she wanted to come with me to Durak tonight and she said she didn't know how to play, but I said that I could explain it to her on the way over. And she hadn't gotten all of her homework done, so I went to her room and stretched out on her bed and she sat down next to me, and I put my head on her lap while she read her homework and scratched behind my ears sometimes.

Then the two of us walked to Fourth Coast together, and I told her how the game was played, and she lost the first time 'cause she didn't really understand, and then after that she was a little bit better and she didn't lose her second hand.

Aric took the two of us back to his house in Winston and let me steer and choose the gears for the last part, and we'd both decided that we were going to leave kind of early tomorrow morning so that we would be ready for class.

So we went upstairs and while Meghan was in the bathroom I asked Aric how he felt about me and her having sex without him sometimes, and he said that I'd been doing it before, so it wouldn't be that different if we kept on doing it like that. And I said that I had hoped he'd think that way, 'cause Meghan had also asked me if it was okay for her to have sex with him when I wasn't around, and he said he hadn't expected her to ask that.

When she came back to the room, she said she was kind of surprised that Aric was still wearing his clothes, and he said that he'd kind of been waiting for her to come back and undress him and I said that I wanted to this time.

I got up on the bed so I could take their shirts off, 'cause that was the easiest way, and then I got Meghan's bra off, too, and then got out of bed to take their pants and underwear off, and then the three of us got in bed together, and Meghan thought that since it was usually Aric's night he ought to be in the middle first.

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