• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Yousa Goin' Through Shoggoth? Bad Bombin'!

A long-stretching structure connected the station to the next large building to the north. It was far too complex a thing to call a “bridge.” Moreover, it was a series of slender metal platforms hanging on top of one another, supported by tall iron stilts that had long been hammered into the craggy black rock below. Rainbow Dash could see such rock. In fact, she could see the ocean's floor, the fringes of Shoggoth, and the entirety of the seas above. This was because the only thing keeping the connecting platforms dry was a long horizontal tube of enchanted not-water holding off the rest of the ocean. Rainbow gawked at the sight, her pace slowing down as she took in the time to observe the schools of fish, sharks, and mollusks casually drifting above and below the rippling magic tunnel.

Threading through the eye of this aquatic spell were two levels of store fronts and trading posts, one floor on top of the other. There was a massive space dividing the “bridges” into two, with multiple adjoining structures, so that the whole thing resembled a double-decker two-lane highway at the bottom of the ocean's floor. Bright gold lanterns and vibrantly colored neon lights illuminated the various establishments that faced the inner trotting paths. Rainbow did double-takes as she found earth ponies casually seated at shallow bars serving all manner of steaming hot sea food and kelp noodles. All the while, the oceans rippled above and below, tinged with the flickering colors of the nearby Shoggothian populace.

“Reckon we should find a safe spot to drop our thangs,” Bard was talking. “Someplace low-key where we could all rendezvous incase the situation goes south.”

“Verlaxion-willing, it shouldn't,” Theanim said.

“Uh huh...” Rainbow looked aside at a sphere of water simply... hovering atop a brass platform. There was a line of ponies queued up, waiting, yawning. As the group passed by, Rainbow watched as a train of sea ponies swam up to the top of the tunnel above and plunged straight down, dragging along several nets full of rare goods. They landed expertly inside the watery sphere with a splash, then casually went about unloading their product. At last, a single sea pony mare drifted up to a lever, yanked it, and switched the trading post's sign from red to green. Then, with a calm smile, she dragged a metal tube with a white bulb at the end of it towards herself, and began flickering with swift, sporadic color patterns. The white bulb pulsed in response, and Rainbow watched as a console attached to it and facing the customers produced several capitalized words, numbers, and phrases, establishing communication. The earth ponies responded verbally and began offering bids on the various objects being presented within the sphere by the sea mare's associates.

Rainbow Dash barely registered Wildcard talon-gesturing something in her peripheral vision.

“Dubya-Cee's right,” Bard remarked. “We really can't be gallopin' all over Shoggoth with these here bags of bars on our backs. Especially not with the Syndicate loomin' so close-like.”

“There are plenty of banks in this city,” Theanim remarked. “Perhaps the two of you could make a temporary depos—”

“Hah! Are ya kiddin'?” Bard grinned wide. “You ain't been in the heistin' business long, have you?” Bard shook his head. “Naw, Bard and I had better find a safe place to stow this metal away, or else risk the Southern Hoof from findin' it!”

“If we play our cards right, we won't even have to be here long,” Theanim said.

“Well, I can agree on the whole lickety-split part,” Bard replied. “If you can time it so that you and Rainbow here can bring the hammer down on the Syndicate right after we shovel the midnighter there way, then perhaps we can all come out as winners.” Bard and Wildcard nodded at one another while Bard continued, “We could make off with our bits, and you can make out... er... make off with yer 'old chap.' Pfft... y'all know what I mean.”

“Hmmmm... it's quite the risky gamble...”

Rainbow Dash heard some giggling sounds. She looked to her right, and her wings shot straight up.

A group of mares in fine silks were flirting with a group of uniformed sailors. They smiled and waved their tails flirtatiously, meanwhile holding a richly emblazoned sign between them reading: “COME TO THE SUNKEN PEARL – BEST GAMBLING AND SEAFOOD IN ALL SHOGGOTH”. Blowing kisses at the group of stallions, they brushed past even more travellers, handing out fliers and batting their painted eyelashes a'plenty. When they passed Rainbow's way, they made eye contact, smiled, and nuzzled one another suggestively before carrying on.

“What do you think, Rainbow?” Bard remarked. “Reckon it's worth the risk?”

“Uhhhhhhh...” Rainbow exhaled, blinking wide.

“I mean, accordin' to the Doc, yer the one getting magical brain farts from the local Princess in charge. You could be the tide turner in all this mess. So, whaddya say?”

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhm...” Rainbow fidgeted in place, eyes wandering.

“Ehm...” Bard's hat, hair, and finally his head drifted into view. “...Rainbow, darlin'?”

“Yes!” Rainbow spun towards him, grinning wide. “We should do them... I-I mean that!” She grinned wider. “That thing... at the pl-place...?!”

“Oh great,” Echo sighed. “She's got the Bends.”

“Old Chap, you very well know that's not poss—”

“Can we not stand in one place, please?” Echo spat. “I'm tired of ponies looking at me like I'm a sack of meat.”

“But it's yer disguise.”

You're a disguise.”

Bard rolled his eyes, then looked at Rainbow again. “Help us out here.”

“Ahem...” Rainbow bit her bottom lip, lowered her wings, then exhaled with a shudder. “Low-key. Right. Let's find a place to crash. Then we can scope out both the Syndicate and this... Auction Place thingy. The rest we can decide from there.”

“Thinkin' on our hooves?” Bard smirked. “How Desperado of ya!” He motioned at the griffon. “C'mon, Dubya-Cee. Time to find ourselves a scumhole to kerplunk in!”

As the group shuffled on, Rainbow followed from a loose distance. All of the sudden, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity phased up through the metal platform below.

“Omigosh, Rainbow!” Twilight cooed. “This place is absolutely amazing!”

“You should see the first floor, darling!” Rarity said, eyes aglow. “They have sea diamonds! Sea diamonds! Squeee!

“And the expert use of aquatic sorcery here is absolutely breath-taking!” Twilight spun in a circle, her eyes wide. “Why... not even Starswirld the Bearded encountered sea cultures this richly talented! I...” She squealed inwardly. “I-I almost wish I could write a letter to the Princess! Oh, we've got to tell her about everything we've seen here!”

“There was a sea mare wearing a gown studded with pearls and seashells!” Rarity stammered. “So very chic and exotic at the same time, but managed so well with casual grace! I absolutely adore it!”

“So... uh...” Rainbow gulped, sweating slightly. “All this time you've been staring at pearls, magic, and dresses, huh?”

“Yes, Rainbow!” Rarity chimed. “Isn't it all so fabulous!”

“Why?” Twilight beamed. “Did you see something we didn't?”

Rainbow exhaled in relief.


“Oh! The group!” Rainbow smiled crookedly. “Darn! We're about to lose them!”

Rarity glanced. “But... but they're just a few trots away, darling—”

Better catch up!” And Rainbow galloped down the platform, joining the stallions as they reached the large brass opening that led to the interior of the next dome of Shoggoth.

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