• Published 3rd May 2013
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Moving Day - Timothy48

Moving is hard, especially when it's to another country, and it becomes doubly difficult when you move there unexpectedly and against your will.

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Chapter 54 (Night Dreams and Meetings Part 1)

Chapter 54

A terrified scream echoed through the dark and foggy night as a young mare ran along a misty lake shore, her heart beating in her chest like a jackhammer and tears flowing from her terrified eyes.

Behind her, a hulking blue earth pony wearing a white and red accented hockey goalie mask lumbered after her, a machete gripped in his rotten teeth, his red glowing eyes laser focused on the fleeing teenager with murderous intent.

Jumping over a fallen log, the frightened teenager spotted a cabin to her right, and in blind panic veered off the path and ran for the apparent safety of the lone building. Stumbling through the front door, she quickly slammed it behind her and dropped an oak beam across it, locking it from the inside.

Frantically looking around, she spotted a few pieces of furniture scattered throughout the cabin and quickly began piling them up in front of the door and windows in a vain attempt to keep the monster out. However, her efforts were in vain as with a few heavy bucks, the front door exploded from its frame and flew across the cabin, exploding into matchsticks against the far wall.

Terrified eyes looked upon their impending doom as the monster pony slowly advanced upon the frightened teenager, his machete raised in preparation to hack and slash the poor filly to pieces.

“N-no, p-please, d-don’t k-kill me!” she begged as the monster slowly backed her into a corner, unmoved by her tears.

Feeling her flank bump into a solid wall, the teenager gasped and looked back in horror at the wall that now prevented her from escaping her grisly fate. Hot, fetid breath ruffled her yellow mane as she slowly turned to face her fate, tears now liberally streaming down her face as she came nose to nose with the Monster of Pleasant Lake.

Her mouth opened in a silent scream as the monster reared back in preparation to cut off her head. However, a sudden spear of light burst through the monster’s chest and caused him to let out a cry of pained rage as cracks of light slowly crept up his form before with a bright flash, he disappeared in a cloud of sparkles.

“Please, calm thyself, young one,” came a comforting voice from seemingly nowhere, yet everywhere.

“W-who’s t-there?” stuttered the frightened filly.

A small ball of light suddenly appeared in the middle of the room and gently floated closer to her.

Flinching away from the small light, the young teenager shut her eyes and prepared for the worst. However, she was surprised when she felt a gentle, and warm hoof touch her cheek and a soft voice whisper, “Shh, tis fine. Thy nightmare hath been vanquished and thy dream is safe once again.”

Slowly opening her eyes, she was greeted by a pair of warm teal eyes gazing back into her own pink ones, and a dark blue hoof gently brushing away the tears staining her light pink coat.

“W-what’s going o-on? W-where are m-my friends?” she stammered, still scared after her run-in with the monster.

“They art safe, the same as thee. We art in thy dream, and there is no monster,” came the reply.

“W-who are y-you?”

“We art Princess Luna, Princess of the Night and Guardian of Dreams. We saw that thy dream was especially disturbed this evening and We banished the nightmare that wast plaguing thee,” replied the mare in front of her.

Pulling her head back, she noticed that the mare in front of her had both a horn and wings, and recognition flashed across her face as she realized just who was in front of her.

Her fear temporarily forgotten, the young mare quickly prostrated herself in a bow before Princess Luna.

“Please, rise. There is no need for that here,” replied Luna as she gently pulled the young mare into a standing position. “Let Us go somewhere more pleasant than here,” and with a flash, both she and the young mare were transported to a small clearing where laughter could be heard drifting through the trees, and the pleasant smell of wood smoke and smores tickled one's nose.

“I-I don’t understand, this is... a dream?” she muttered as she watched her friends laugh and joke with each other around the fire. “It all feels so... real.”

“Tis because We art here stabilizing thy dream,” replied Luna quietly.

“But what about before? That also felt real.”

“Night terrors can fool the mind into believing things are real when they are not. We have placed a calming spell upon thy mind, thou shouldst have pleasant dreams for some time. Now go, be with thine friends, and perhaps thou shouldst skip the scary stories right before bed next time,” said Luna with a smile as she pushed the young mare forward with her magic.

Turning around, the young filly said, “T-thank you,” before her eyes lost their focus and she blinked in confusion for a moment, wondering what she was looking at in the dark woods.

“Hey, Strawberry! You better get over here before Pinecone eats all the smores again!” yelled one of her friends.

Strawberry gave a shake of her head and yelled back, “I’m coming!” all memories of her terrifying encounter earlier were long forgotten, along with any memory of Princess Luna.

Said princess smiled happily at seeing one of her ponies enjoying themselves before with a swish of her horn and a flash of spell light, she exited the dream.

Stepping out through the now shimmering portal, she gave it one last look and said, “Sweet dreams Strawberry Lemonade,” before then turning and trotting away down an ethereal forest path.

Hmm... tis calm this night, mused Luna to herself as she trotted along. Other than just now, We have yet to find other signs of distressed dreaming.

Taking a right turn at a fork in the path, Luna soon found herself exiting the dream forest and entering a sweeping grass field that stretched on for miles.

Opening up her wings, she gave them a powerful beat and leaped into the air. Quickly gaining altitude, she oriented herself toward the nearest cluster of dreamers and set off.

Looking down at the dreamscape below, Luna smiled. Tis good to return to the Dream Realm after so long away. We art pleased that it hast been able to weather Our thousand year absence without serious damage.

Humming a soft lullaby under her breath, Luna silently winged her way over the moonlit fields of softly swaying ethereal grasses in search of additional ponies to help. However, every shimmering dream portal that she came across was a calm blue, and thus unneeding of her help. Though occasionally she would spot one whose aura was a vibrant pink, with small hearts floating from its edges.

She made sure to stay far away from those types of dreams, she was no voyeur, and unlike Cadence held little interest in the love lives of her ponies.

Banking slightly, she caught sight of a group of portals in the near distance. A town most likely, judging by the layout of the portals and their density.

Hmm, if mine understanding is correct, then that should be the village of Ponyville over there, mused Luna as she came in for a landing in the center of the town.

Folding her wings as she touched down, she cast her gaze around but found every portal to be a placid blue, and thus unneeding of her help.

Feeling equal parts glad and disappointed, Luna idly wondered if she should return to the waking world when she suddenly felt something odd caress her senses.

That feeling, she thought as she looked around before jumping up into the air for a better look, tis the same as that of the odd dream portal from earlier. Where is... ah ha! There it is. She exclaimed in excitement as she angled herself towards a distant building on the outskirts of town.

Entering through the front doors she quickly navigated her way to the room where the mystery dreamer slept. Much as in the real world, in the dream world, walls and objects blocked Luna’s ability to pass through unless there was an opening. In the case of Strawberry Lemonade’s dream, her dream portal was placed over the entrance to her tent, and until Luna passed through it, she was unable to enter the inside of the tent. Though, unlike in the real world, entering through the dream portal would transport Luna into the dreamscape of the individual, rather than where they were sleeping.

In the case of the portal in front of her, if she were to step through, she would not find a hospital room, as she guessed that this is what this building's function was in the real world, but the unknown dreamers, dreamscape.

Of course, that assumed that she could pass through. Which given the many tens of times that she had attempted to enter it in the recent weeks since she had first encountered it, and failed, was unlikely. It was to the point in fact, that she’d long since given up trying, and instead merely contented herself with checking in on it every so often to see if anything had changed. Much like a botanist would with a unique plant they had just discovered. However, tonight, something felt... different with the portal, as unlike the last time she was here, this time she could feel the energies of the dreamer leaking into the dream world.

Interesting, she mused to herself as she cautiously stepped forward, We wonder what hath caused this portal to change since Our last visit? Perhaps its owner has finally acclimated themselves to Equestria and its magic?

While she couldn’t prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, Luna had grown increasingly confident over the past several months since she had discovered this odd portal, that it belonged to Equestria’s recent human arrival. Thus, unlocking its mysteries had fallen down on her steadily growing list of things to do in recent weeks, to the point where she’d nearly forgotten about it until she felt its presence this night.

Hmm, curious. Before it was nearly undetectable to my senses, but now, We can feel the faint tug of the dreamer beyond. Reaching out a hoof, she gently pushed against the portal, fully expecting her hoof to merely pass through, as it had done countless times before. However, to her surprise, her hoof met with resistance.

Strange, thought Luna as she pushed on the elastic dream portal. Dream portals do not normally behave in such a manner. Continuing her inspection, Luna pushed on the rubbery portal several more times, before lighting up her horn and casting a simple scanning spell.

Hmm, it is as if the portal is both here, and not here at the same time, she thought to herself as her scan returned the strange results to her. We wonder what would happen if We tried something different...

Charging up another spell, Luna prepared to release it at the portal. This spell was normally meant to stabilize dream portals that were suffering from some sort of magical or psychic attack that prevented her from entering to help the dreamer.

Thankfully, knowledge of those spells and techniques were very rare, and it was even rarer that someone had the ability to use them on another individual, but it had occasionally happened. Thankfully, in the few times that Luna had encountered those types of attacks on dreamers, she was able to step in and save them with minimal damage to their psyche, and more importantly, she was able to track down and stop the cause of their peril before it could attack anyone else.

However, in this case, Luna felt confused, as this portal did not give off the same symptoms of a dreamer under attack from malevolent forces, but it still resisted her attempts to enter.

Perhaps tis the dreamer themselves that art preventing Us from entering? If so, the question is, why?

Feeling her spell was finally ready to cast, Luna banished her questions from her mind and released the spell. Upon impact with the rubbery and stubborn portal, the spell went to work and attempted to stabilize it, and for a few moments, it appeared that it had done so, as the portal stabilized and took on the familiar appearance of a healthy dream portal for a few seconds. However, as Luna put her hoof to the portal to pass through, she felt it quickly stiffen up and return to its rubbery texture, much to her increasing frustration.

Vexing thing, she grumbled to herself as she found herself denied entrance again, Why wilt though not allow Us to pass through thee? Charging up her horn again, she poured more power into her spell and released it again. Once more, the portal stabilized and she waited a few seconds before trying again, this time she felt herself partially enter the dream before the portal stiffened up and launched her back into the dream hospital’s corridor like a cannonball.

Holding her head with one hoof, Luna waited for the corridor to stop spinning and the stars in her vision to go away. As she felt her equilibrium start to return she shakily got to her hooves and with a determined look on her face, she made ready to hit this irritating portal with another spell when she felt somepony attempting to wake her in the real world.

Sighing in annoyance, she shot the portal a final glare and declared, “This is not over, We will return.”

Lighting her horn, she disappeared in a shower of sparkles as she returned to the waking world.

Back in her room, Luna’s eyes fluttered open, and she groggily looked over to her bedside clock to see that it was nearly two o’clock in the morning. Turning her head to the right, she saw that the one to wake her up was a nervous-looking Solar Guard.

“Why hast thou awoken me?” asked Luna, her tone indicating that the poor pony in front of her had better have a good reason for interrupting her dream-walking duties.

Clearing his throat nervously, the guard stuttered, “A-apologies Y-Your Highness, b-but Prince B-Blueblood wishes t-to speak w-with you.”

Feeling one of her eyebrows rise, Luna asked, “And why pray tell is he bothering Us and not mine sister?”

“Because Auntie is sleeping right now and I did not wish to wake her,” came the tired voice of Blueblood as he entered Luna’s room, two cups of coffee, a large thermos, and a white cardboard box floating around him in his magical aura.

“And thou thought it was fine to bother Us?” declared Luna angrily as she pushed the covers of her bed back and stood up.

Floating one of the coffee mugs over to the angry princess, Blueblood gave her a small smile and said, “Of course not, which is why I brought a peace offering.”

Taking the cup from his magical aura in her own, Luna carefully floated the fragrant elixir to her muzzle and took a deep breath. Instantly, she felt her irritation lessen, and taking a breath, she blew gently on the hot liquid before taking a delicate sip.

“Ahhh, We accept thine peace offering, though, thou shouldst not make a habit of interrupting Our nightly duties,” sighed Luna as she took another, longer, sip.

Nodding, Blueblood opened the box, revealing a dozen donuts inside, and set them on the nearby table. “Apologies Princess,” he replied as he selected an apple fritter and took a bite. He waved for her to have some before pulling a pair of chairs from the wall, setting them around the small table, and after placing his saddlebags on the floor, he took a seat.

Now fully awake, Luna set her cup down on the table and selected an eclair for herself as she sat down across from Blueblood. Turning to the guard, she said, “Thou mayest go now.”

The guard gave a quick salute and beat a hasty retreat, shutting the door a tad too quickly behind him as he left.

Chuckling, Blueblood remarked, “Must be new. Everypony always acts twitchy around Auntie for the first few months before they get used to her.”

Luna paused, the eclair part way to her mouth. “Truly? We had thought they disliked Our presence.”

Blueblood chuckled. “No, I am afraid Aunt Celestia gets the same treatment. They’re so worried about disappointing her that they end up making foals of themselves for a while. Eventually, they get that nonsense out of their system and shape up, but it takes a little bit. Doesn’t help that the old timers tend to fill their heads with silly nonsense about her sending tardy guards to the dungeons or the moon. Though, in your case, they may be worried you’ll turn into Nightmare Moon again and gobble them up or something if they displease you.”

Luna’s mood quickly soured at the mention of her alter-ego. “Yes, well, We are not surprised that they act that way around Us. Tia told Us it would take time for them to get used to Our presence,” she sighed, “Though, We suppose it is an improvement over how ponies viewed Us a thousand years ago.”

She fell silent as she moodily munched on her eclair, the sweet treat now tasting like ash in her mouth.

Sensing he was straying too far into dangerous territory, Blueblood quickly changed the subject. “How is the coffee and eclair? I picked them up from Donut Joe’s downtown. Aunt Celestia really likes his food, and I must admit, it is quite good. I wasn’t sure what kind of coffee you liked-”

“Tis fine,” she interrupted as she took another sip, “To be truthful, We are not sure what type of coffee We like either. So We are pleased to try many different combinations. Pray tell, what is this one?”

“I believe that one is just creme and two scoops of sugar,” replied Blueblood.

Taking another sip, Luna swished it around her mouth, savoring the flavors before swallowing and declaring, “We find this acceptable, We will have another.”

Nodding, Blueblood floated the insulated thermos over and topped up her coffee.

Taking another sip, Luna enjoyed the invigorating feeling of fresh caffeine rushing through her system for a moment before she regretfully set her cup down on the table and turned her full attention to Blueblood.

“Now that thine peace offering has been accepted, wilt thou tell me why thou hast decided to interrupt Our nightly watch over the dreams of the realm?” asked Luna directly.

Blueblood smiled and set his own cup down. Leaning back in his chair slightly, he replied, “I have a report to give on an incident in Ponyville, and since Auntie is still asleep, you are the only princess that I can give the report to.”

Luna frowned. “Thou knowest that We art still learning the ways of the modern world and that as such, We can not yet make decisions without Our sister's final approval.”

Blueblood nodded in agreement. “That is true, however, you are still a princess, and as such, that title carries with it a certain... gravitas, as it were. Besides, even if you are a thousand years out of time, there are certain things that do not really change all that much.”

Luna rolled her eyes in exasperation and curtly replied, “Get to the point, what is it that thou requires of Us at this hour of the the night?”

Sensing that Princess Luna was quickly losing her patience, Blueblood got to the point, “Ponyville was attacked...” he paused and glanced at the clock on the nearby fireplace, and seeing that it was after midnight, amended his dates accordingly, “two days ago.”

Seeing her ears perk up and move to stand up, he quickly held up a hoof and continued, “The situation is under control, damage and injuries were kept to a minimum, and nopony has died as a result of the incident.”

“We see why thou hast hastily come to us, considering Ponyville is within thy domain and the ponies who live there. Very well, tell Us what happened,” commanded Luna as she relaxed back into her chair.

Glad that he wasn’t about to have to chase after the night princess, Blueblood quickly recounted the events that had transpired over the last few days in Ponyville. By the time he finished, Luna’s face had become thoughtful, though Blueblood could tell that she wasn’t happy.

“We see what thou meant by certain things ‘not changing’ over the years,” she finally admitted with a sigh. “Though We had hoped that Tia had managed to improve things in our absence. Twould seem We were mistaken.”

“Quite,” remarked Blueblood softly as he took a sip of his cooling coffee. Setting the cup aside, he adjusted his mane with a hoof and continued, “Regardless, something will need to be done, and unfortunately, while I am quite influential in many circles, the Royal Guard is not one of them. If I were to go and berate those pompous West Hoof twits, they would laugh me out of their cushy offices.”

Luna cocked an eyebrow and asked, “We thought that thou had also attended a military school and held a commission of thine own?”

“I did, and do, though it’s for a different branch of the military,” replied Blueblood simply, “Father thought it best that I attend the Sunset Naval Academy in New Mareland instead of the more traditional Canterlot West Hoof Military Academy, and unlike many of his previous decisions, I believe this was one of his better ones.”

“We did not take thee for a sailor,” remarked Luna.

Blueblood shrugged. “Most ponies don’t, but I must confess I do have a soft spot for the sea. She can be a cruel and unforgiving mare, but on her good days, she is the most beautiful and kind creature you could ever encounter. Besides, unlike the army, I won’t have to worry about getting mud in my coat as much, and I will have a hot meal every night along with a soft bunk.”

“And thus the true reason comes out,” teased Luna playfully.

“The curse of having a lustrous white coat and flowing blonde mane, I am afraid,” sighed Blueblood in an overly dramatic fashion. “Dirt and it doth not mix well.”

Giggling, Luna finished off another eclair. “True, so very true,” however, her expression turned serious once more and she said, “Getting back to the matter at hoof. If they wilt not listen to thee, then why doth thou think that they shall listen to Us?”

“You’re a princess,” stated Blueblood as if the answer were obvious.

Luna rolled her eyes and retorted, “Yes, We are a princess. A princess who hast no support from anypony in government other than Our sister. A princess who has no guard of her own at present, nor any staff. Who is so far out of date on all matters of the modern era that even a newborn foal better understands how the world works than said princess. A princess who is still feared and reviled by many who think that she will turn back into Nightmare Moon at the drop of the proverbial hat. Thou art referring to that princess?”

“Yes,” nodded Blueblood as he casually sipped his coffee, “that is precisely why you would be perfect for my upcoming little scheme.”

Luna blinked in confusion. “What?”

Blueblood smiled. “As much as I love my aunt, she is bound down by tradition, red tape, and politics. Furthermore, she prefers to not ‘rock the boat’ as it were by upsetting her ‘little ponies’. You on the other hoof, are not. Nor do you care as much as her about upsetting certain ponies. In fact, you may just be the breath of fresh air that this country needs in order for things to change in a positive manner.”

“We do not follow,” replied Luna slowly, an unsure expression on her face.

His smile widening, Blueblood threw his hooves out wide, as if he were about to hug the room. “Princess Luna, you are a blank slate! You have no ties to any party or institution! Thus nopony can accuse you of playing politics or favorites. Furthermore, nopony knows what to expect from you, as you have no history! Therefore they can’t easily guess what your next move will be. Finally, you cannot be bound down by tradition, and nopony can easily use their influence on you to undermine your wishes by calling in favors or blackmail. You, Princess Luna, are the wild card. You can do whatever you feel is needed, and nopony can easily stop you, as they have no leverage over you!”

“We feel that thou art getting ahead of thyself,” remarked Luna drolly. “Tis true, We have no strings tying us down. However, We also have no strings binding Us to anyone or thing either. We doubt We would have much pull with those ‘West Hoof twits’ as thou called them earlier.”

Blueblood’s smirk turned predatory and waggling a hoof at her, he replied, “Ah ah ah, that is where you are wrong. You see princess, you actually have more authority than you think you do. For instance, did you know that you can summarily dismiss ponies within the guard for failure to properly follow lawful orders and procedures? Regardless of whether or not maliciousness was involved?”

Luna blinked in confusion. “We... believe We remember something regarding that. Yet any action We take must be approved by mine sister.”

“Not so,” replied Blueblood with another waggle of his hoof. “Let me show you something,” he said as he pulled a book from his saddlebags and opened it to a bookmarked page.

Turning the book around, he slid it across the table and using the bookmark held aloft in his magic, he pointed to a spot and said, “Would you read that paragraph there for me please?”

Doing as instructed, Luna leaned in and quietly read the indicated passage of text. As she read, she felt one of her eyebrows begin to rise, followed quickly by another. Once she finished reading, she went back over it again and found her lips twitching upwards in a smile.

Finishing her second read-through, she looked up at Blueblood and remarked dryly, “Well, twould seem that We were wrong in Our initial assumption. Doth, thou have any more surprises for Us or shall we go and put these ‘twits’ in their places?”

“I believe we shall. It will take a bit for the appropriate ponies to be gathered anyways, and I can fill you in on my full plan, and give you some background on them before we meet with them,” replied Blueblood as he retrieved the book and placed it back in his saddlebags.

“Very well then, We shall entrust thee with sending forth Our wishes to meet with them post haste.”

Giving a shallow bow of his head, Blueblood turned and opened the door. Sticking his head out into the hallway, he relayed his instructions to the guards and sent them on their way.

Once the guards were gone, he shut the door and returned to his seat. Refilling both of his and Princess Luna’s coffee cups with fresh coffee from his thermos, he said, “While we wait for our guests to arrive, I have a few ponies that I believe would make excellent replacements for our soon-to-be departing West Hoof twits.”

“We look forward to seeing them,” replied Luna with a smile.

Author's Note:

Oh hey everyone, it's been a bit since the last chapter. I've been a bit preoccupied with things around the farm lately getting everything ready for winter, and my GERD has been flaring up again, so I've been working on that. But I finally sat down and finished this chapter. I was planning on including the interaction with the 'West Hoof Twits' as Blueblood put it, in this chapter, but you guys have been waiting long enough so I figured I would split it in two. Anyway, let me know if you guys find any grammar errors or misspellings.

Hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween!

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