• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 20,777 Views, 1,702 Comments

Moving Day - Timothy48

Moving is hard, especially when it's to another country, and it becomes doubly difficult when you move there unexpectedly and against your will.

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Chapter 29 (Cupcakes and Classroom Apologies)

Chapter 29

“Sooooo? How does it taste?” asked Pinkie Pie eagerly as Allen thoughtfully chewed on one of her new honey cupcakes.

Slowly nodding his head, Allen gave a thumbs up and swallowed. “Tastes great, not too sweet, not too bland. Just the right level of softness and moisture in it and the honey glaze is a nice touch. It’s a winner in my book.”

Giving an enthusiastic hoof pump of victory, Pinkie jubilantly exclaimed, “Yes! Another win for Pinkie Pie’s baking skills!”

Taking a swig of milk to chase the remains of the cupcake with, Allen chuckled. “You wouldn’t happen to be willing to share the recipe with me by any chance?”

Slapping her hoof down on the counter, a little recipe card poking out from beneath it, Pinkie happily replied, “No problem!”

Sliding it towards him, Allen picked it up and looked it over. The recipe looked pretty simple, for which he was thankful, as while he could follow instructions well enough, he knew that he was no Gordon Ramsey when it came to cooking.

“Thanks, Pinkie, I’ll be sure to tuck this away in my mom’s old rolodex of recipe cards for later,” said Allen as he placed the card carefully in his satchel pocket and grabbed another cupcake to eat.

Giving him a friendly smile, Pinkie lightly bounced in place. “You’re welcome, Allen! I’m glad the recipe turned out as well as it did. So, how was your trip to Canterlot with Twilight yesterday?”

Swallowing, Allen replied, “It went well. We found Chisel and Son’s a lot faster than we expected, and so when we were done there, we had some time to spare before we had to come back. So we decided to see what Canterlot had to offer and Twilight volunteered to be my guide while we were there.”

“Ooh, did you go to Donut Joe’s? His donuts are the best!” asked Pinkie Pie with a wide smile.

Allen nodded. “Sure did, though I couldn’t eat most of what he was selling, due to my diet restrictions, but he had a really good buttery croissant that hit the spot. When Dr. Stable clears me, I fully intend to head back there and get some more.”

“Do you know when those Canterlot ponies are coming?” inquired Pinkie as she idly wiped down the counter with a clean rag.

Finishing off the last of his milk, Allen replied, “Tomorrow around noon. Not sure how long it’ll take for them to look everything over and give me an estimate, but hopefully not too long.”

Wiping a few loose crumbs into a trash can behind the counter, Pinkie idly asked, “So what do you plan to do then?”

“What, you mean with my farm?” When Pinkie nodded, Allen said, “Well most likely I’ll just do hay this year and see where everything stands come winter. Chances are I’m gonna struggle once my fuel runs out unless I can find an alternative in the meantime. That means I’m going to need to make as much money this year as I can and hope I either get sent home or figure something outcome next year.”

“You could always try asking Mr. Rich if he has something you can use as fuel, he’s got all sorts of stuff over at his store, and if he doesn’t have it, he might know somepony else who does.”

“Who’s Mr. Rich?” asked Allen.

“Filthy Rich, he owns Barnyard Bargains, you can buy all kinds of different things from him, and he’s got stores in a bunch of other places too, like Canterlot and Manehatten,” replied Pinkie helpfully.

Allen rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Didn’t know this town had any general stores, I thought you guys bought all your stuff at the market?”

“A lot of ponies do, but sometimes the market doesn’t have what you’re looking for or you don’t want to spend all day looking for it and haggling. That’s where Barnyard Bargains comes in, you can just walk right in, find what you’re looking for, and instantly know the price because Mr. Rich has everything labeled with little price stickers. If he doesn’t have it, you can ask if he can order it for you and have it shipped here. As much as I love shopping in the market, they don’t have everything I need to plan my various parties, Mr. Rich does.”

Nodding, Allen replied, “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind, thanks Pinkie.”

Giving Allen a sharp salute, Pinkie replied happily, “No problemo!”

Glancing at the clock on the wall nearby, Allen saw that it was almost four o’clock and he needed to get home. Levering himself up, he said, “Well, I better get going, thanks for the cupcakes Pinkie, I’ll see you around.”

“No problem, Allen! I’m glad you liked them!” waved Pinkie energetically from behind the counter as Allen left. “See ya later,” she called out as Allen left.

Giving a final wave, Allen exited Sugarcube Corner and grabbed his bike from where he had left it leaning against the side of the bakery, he hadn’t bothered chaining it up, figuring that nopony would be interested in stealing it as they probably couldn’t even successfully get on it let alone pedal it very far before falling off.

Swinging his leg over the seat in a smooth and practiced arc, Allen settled himself and then pushed off, slowly making his way to the edge of town. He was just passing the Ponyville Schoolhouse when a cheerful voice called out to him.

Coming to a stop, he looked past the white picket fence and spotted the local school teacher waving at him from the front door of the school. Giving a wave back to acknowledge he saw her, Allen eased himself off his bike and walked it up to the front door.

Putting the kickstand down, he gave the teacher a friendly smile and said, “Evening ma’am, how can I help you?”

Giggling, the mulberry earth pony stuck out a hoof, which Allen gently shook in return before saying, “Thank you for stopping, Mr. Ross. I’ve been hoping to speak with you since Friday. I would just like to start off by saying how sorry I am about what my students said to you. It was very rude, and I just wanted you to know that I do not tolerate that kind of behavior in my class. Oh, I’m Cheerliee by the way, it’s nice to finally meet you,” she quickly added when she realized she hadn’t introduced herself yet.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you as well, Ms. Cheerilee,” replied Allen, surprised that he was getting an apology from the local school teacher like this. “I must admit, I’m a bit surprised you’re doing this.”

“And why would that be?” she asked, cocking her head to one side in curiosity.

Allen gave a helpless shrug. “I don’t know, I just thought you might not have noticed when it happened or cared.”

“Of course I care!” exclaimed Cheerilee in shock. “My students were very rude to you, if I didn’t do anything about it, then I would be a very poor excuse for a teacher!” she said as she stomped a hoof on the wooden stoop in emphasis. “It is the duty of every teacher to make sure their students learn civility when interacting with others. Most foals do not realize that words have a very powerful effect on others and they can be very painful when used inappropriately.”

“That is true, and I won’t pretend I wasn’t upset, but well... it wouldn’t be the first time someone said something nasty to me, and I doubt it’ll be the last, so no use getting all bent out of shape over it,” replied Allen simply.

“Still, I would be remiss in my duties as an educator if I didn’t take the opportunity to educate wayward foals on why certain behaviors are not okay,” said Cheerilee, a disapproving frown on her face.

Allen gave a thankful nod. “Alright, well thank you for the apology, I appreciate it.”

Cheerilee’s frown quickly disappeared and she gave Allen a soft caring smile. “You are welcome, Mr. Ross. Though if it isn’t too much trouble, would you be willing to come inside real quick? I’d like for the three students to apologize to you personally, I gave them detention when I saw their behavior, and apologizing to you would be the last part of their punishment.”

Leaning slightly to one side to peer past Cheerilee, Allen could see that the three foals who had made fun of him several days ago were sitting morosely at their desks. Turning his attention back to their teacher, he replied, “I suppose I can spare a few minutes, though I hope you didn’t punish them too hard.”

“Just a few days of detention, some remedial lessons, and a note to their parents explaining the situation,” replied Cheerilee with a small smile and shake of her head, as she turned and invited him in.

Stepping through the doorway, Allen felt a wave of nostalgia hit him as the smell of musty books, art supplies, and chalk dust hit him. Giving his head a small shake, he stood aside as Cheerilee closed the door behind him and trotted to the front of the classroom.

Standing in front of her desk, she tapped her hoof against the wooden floor loudly and said, “Alright class, as you know today is your last day of detention, and as such, we have a special guest today,” she pointed at Allen with a hoof. The three foals turned their gaze to Allen, and three pairs of ears wilted to one degree or another in discomfort at having to face their final test. Motioning for Allen to stand by her, Cheerilee said, “Now, I want each one of you to come forward and apologize to Mr. Ross for the things you said to him last Friday,” her tone brooked no argument and she fixed the pink earth pony filly in particular with a firm glare.

Allen guessed that she was probably the class bully or at least the one that had a problem with authority, in either case, he didn’t really care. Sticking his hands in his pockets, he casually leaned against Ms. Cheerilee’s desk and waited for one of them to come forward. However, it looked like none of them were in a hurry to face the music, and Allen could practically feel Ms. Cheerilee’s disappointment in her students, however, all she did was point at the violet-colored unicorn filly and say, “Dinky Doo, how about you start us off?”

The little filly jerked in her seat as if she had been pinched when her name was called, and when she looked up from her desk, her amber-colored eyes were filled with nervous tears and she looked like she was on the verge of breaking down and crying. Looking at Ms. Cheerilee, out of the corner of his eyes, Allen could see that she didn’t want to do this to her students, but she knew that in the long run, it would help them grow into better ponies.

Pushing off from the desk he had been leaning against, Allen calmly strode up to the little filly who shrank down in her seat in an attempt to become as small as possible in order to hide from the approaching human. Not saying anything, Allen loomed over the little filly for a moment before squatting down so that he was eye level with her, and with a calm, reassuring smile gave her a little nod of encouragement.

Looking from Allen to Cheerilee and back again, Dinky slowly sat up and with a trembling voice said, “I-I’m s-sorry I-I called y-you weird.”

“Your apology is accepted,” he replied with a small smile and gently patted her on her head, taking the opportunity to lightly muss up her golden-colored mane at the same time, which earned him a small, relieved sounding giggle from her and her playfully trying to shove his hand away from her mane.

Pulling his hand away, he turned to the nervous-looking pegasus colt to his right and cocking an eyebrow waited for him to say something.

Fluttering his blue wings nervously, he looked everywhere but Allen as he fiddled with his red and white tail before muttering out, “I-I’m sorry too, for saying what I did, Ms. Cheerilee said it was inappropriate to say that you couldn’t do magic like I did.”

Giving the colt a satisfied nod and a gentle pat on his head, Allen replied, “You are also forgiven, and she is right, though you didn’t know any better at the time, but now you do, so take this a learning opportunity, okay?”

Life Flight gave a hesitant nod and a small smile. Returning his smile, Allen gave his head one last pat and turned his attention to the final foal, and waited for the pink-colored filly to say something.

Giving an irritated huff, she grumbled, “I’m sorry too or whatever.”

“Diamond Tiara! That is not how we apologize to ponies!” reprimanded Cheerilee sternly as she moved from her desk to stand next to the petulant little filly.

Crossing her hooves and pouting harder, Diamond Tiara muttered quietly under her breath, “It’s not like it’s even a pony,” though not quietly enough as she thought because both Allen and Cheerilee heard it easily.

Allen for his part felt his temper spike at being called an ‘it’. However it was Ms. Cheerilee that seemed the most offended by her student’s choice of words and by the dark look that crossed her face, Allen was glad that he wasn’t in the little filly’s shoes right then.

“Diamond Tiara, I am very disappointed in you right now,” said Ms. Cheerilee, her words dripping with acidic disappointment and her expression one that promised a strong talking to later. Turning to Allen and the other two foals, Ms. Cheerilee plastered a troubled smile on her face and replied in a too-sweet tone of voice, “Mr. Ross, Dinky, Life Flight, would you three please step outside for a minute? It seems that Diamond Tiara needs an additional lesson on proper manners.”

The two other foals quickly nodded and took off for the door as if someone had lit their tails on fire. Allen for his part glanced down at the bratty filly and decided to give her one last chance to save herself. Taking a deep breath he cleared his throat and said, “If I were you kid, I’d rethink my apology real fast. For what it’s worth, I’ll forgive you, whether you mean it or not, but I don’t think that’ll be enough for your teacher, so unless you like being punished, I’d suggest trying again.”

Diamond’s muzzle scrunched up as if she’d just bitten into a rotten piece of fruit and glared up at the two adults as if they were being mean to her for no particular reason. However, seeing the dark look that Ms. Cheerilee was giving her and the patient one from Allen, she realized that maybe she should just swallow her pride and take the easy out she’d just been given. Screwing up her face in displeasure even further, she spat, “Fine, I’m sorry that I said mean things to you.”

And?” asked Cheerilee with a note of warning in her tone.

Her ears pinning back, Diamond ground out, “And for calling you an it and being disrespectful towards an adult.”

Deciding that that was the best he was going to get, Allen, nodded and said, “Your apology is accepted,” turning to Ms. Cheerilee, he asked, “anything else you need from me?”

Cheerilee gave a single nod. “I do, so would you be willing to wait outside for a minute while I have a quick word with Diamond Tiara here?”

“Sure,” replied Allen as he gave the frazzled teacher a nod and turned to head for the door. Shutting the door behind him, he caught the first few scolding words of what sounded like a long and worn-out lecture beginning before the door cut off the rest. Letting go of the door handle, he let loose a tired sigh, and shaking his head turned around and sat down on the front stoop of the schoolhouse.

Stretching his legs out in front of him, he leaned back with his arms propping him up and looked up at the gathering twilight sky. It was a beautiful sight, with the various fiery reds, dull oranges, and dark violets contrasting with each other across the evening sky, he could even see a couple of stars twinkling in the gathering evening.

“Mr. Ross? Can I ask you a question?” asked a quiet voice from his left.

Looking down, he saw that both Dinky and Life Flight were sitting on the next step down and were looking up at him in quiet curiosity.

“Sure,” he replied easily.

Shifting nervously, Life Flight licked his lips before finally blurting out, “Is it true that you really can’t do magic?”

Allen tilted his head to one side in quiet contemplation, finally, he shrugged and replied, “I honestly have no idea. Before I came here I couldn’t, but Dr. Stable said that once my thaumic pathways are stronger I should be able to use magic. Though, he’s not sure how it will manifest.”

“Is it hard? Not being able to do magic, I mean,” asked Life Flight quietly.

Allen shrugged again, an unconcerned look on his face. “Well considering I’ve lived my entire life up till now thinking that magic wasn’t real, I never really thought I was at a disadvantage.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” mumbled the little colt, his ears falling flat against his scalp and shrinking in on himself slightly.

Sensing that there was something bothering the little guy, Allen leaned forward and gently asked, “Do you have trouble with your pegasus magic? Is that why you wanted to know if I had magic?”

With tears welling up in the corners of his eyes, Life Flight nodded. “I can’t fly really well right now, my dad says that it’s because my thaumic pathways aren’t big enough to let me fly yet, even though they should be.”

“And you wanted to know how someone like me got through life with no magic, to see if I could give you some advice or something,” said Allen as he filled in some of the dots.

Biting his bottom lip, the little colt gave a single nod as tears started falling down his cheeks. “I have to go to physical therapy every weekend, take icky tasting medicine, and do wing exercises every day to make my thaumic pathways bigger and stronger, and I’m scared that it won’t be enough and that...”

“You’ll never get better,” finished Allen for him when Life Flight trailed off. At the colt's nod, Allen rested a hand gently on his head and ruffled his mane, before asking, “So let me ask you a question then, how long have you been doing these treatments for?”

Sniffling, Life Flight rubbed his muzzle with the back of his fetlock and replied, “A couple of months now.”

“And do you feel like it is easier to fly than it was back then?” prodded Allen.

Life Flight gave an apathetic shrug. “I guess, a couple of months ago I couldn’t even glide, but I can now, at least for a minute or two before my wings give out and I crash. But what if that’s as good as it gets? I don’t want to stay grounded for the rest of my life and be made fun of by the other pegasi!” he exclaimed as he stomped a hoof in frustration.

“Hey, chin up kid,” said Allen as he took a handkerchief out of his pocket and gently wiped away the tear tracks on Life’s face, “Rome wasn’t built in a day, and if after two months you went from not being able to even get off the ground to being able to glide, well that’s progress,” tucking the dirty handkerchief in his satchel, Allen fixed the pegasus colt with the most confident look he could and said, “If you think positively and focus on how you’re improving rather than worrying about what might happen or go wrong, then I have a feeling that you’ll find it easier. After all, a lot of people’s problems are simply up here,” he tapped the side of his head with a finger, “and by changing how you look at things, you might be surprised at how things change for the better.”

Sniffing, Life Flight looked up at Allen with a hopeful look in his eyes and quietly asked, “Really? It’s that easy?”

Allen shook his head. “I wouldn’t say it’s ‘easy’, because you have to change how you think about things, about how you react to disappointment in your mind, and sometimes that’s not easy to do. Especially when things aren’t going the way you want them to. But it’s possible, it just takes effort, consistency, and the right attitude on your part to make it happen.”

“It just takes the right attitude,” repeated Life Flight to himself quietly before a look of determination spread across his face, and flaring his wings, he pointed a hoof to the heavens and declared, “Then starting today, I’m going work really hard and do what it takes to become strong enough to fly by myself one day!”

Smiling at the little colt’s determination, Allen clapped his hands together and said, “That’s the spirit!”

Giving Allen a big smile, Life Flight buzzed his wings in excitement before suddenly shooting forward and latching onto Allen’s leg and giving it a tight hug. Looking down at the colt, Allen chuckled and gently pried him loose before sitting him down next to him on the front stoop and giving his head a final pat.

“So what about you... uh, Dinky wasn’t it?” asked Allen as he turned his attention to the little unicorn filly, who nodded in response.

“Yep, that's me!” she proudly proclaimed, puffing out her chest adorably.

“Alright,” chuckled Allen at her adorable display of pride, “so did you want to ask me anything while we wait for Ms. Cheerilee to get done?”

Dinky sat down and scrunching up her face in thought, contemplatively tapped her chin with a hoof that nearly gave Allen diabetes from the sheer cuteness factor. Finally, after a minute, she chirped happily, “Nope, can’t think of a thing!”

“Really? Not a single thing you want to ask me?” asked Allen as he cocked an eyebrow in humorous doubt.

Dinky just shook her head. “Not really, I mean my mommy already read the notice about you that was put out by Mayor Mare the other week to me. Plus, I already asked Ms. Twilight about you when I saw her in the market the other day, and she told me everything that she knew about you, and I literally mean, everything.”

Allen laughed, knowing exactly what she went through. “Oh you poor thing, how long did she talk for?”

“For hours!” exclaimed Dinky as she threw her forelegs up in child-like exaggeration. “I just wanted to know a couple of things about what you were like, you know, like if you were nice or what you liked to eat, but she went on and talked about all kinds of stuff that I didn’t understand, and she used big words that made my brain hurt. Thankfully, Pinkie Pie saved me by randomly popping out of a rain barrel and throwing a cream pie in Ms. Twilight’s face.”

Laughing at the image of Pinkie Pie popping up and throwing a pie in her friend’s face like something out of a cartoon, Allen asked, “And I take it that you took the opportunity to make yourself scarce?”

“I sure did! Though I hope Pinkie Pie didn’t get into too much trouble,” replied Dinky, a worried look on her face at the thought of the lecture that Pinkie Pie probably endured at the hooves of Twilight.

“Somehow I doubt it was that bad for her,” replied Allen with a knowing smirk on his face.

“I sure hope so, normal Twilight lecture mode is bad enough, I’d hate to have to sit through angry Twilight lecture mode,” said Dinky with a fearful shiver.

Allen gave a solemn nod of agreement as he recalled his run-in with the bookish unicorn and her infamous lectures on various topics. He was just about to open his mouth to recount his own Twilight lecture encounter when the door behind them opened and a petulant-looking Diamond Tiara and slightly irritated-looking Cheerilee trotted out. Though upon seeing Allen and the other two foals, her expression morphed into a more happy look, though Allen could still see the strain around the corners of her mouth and eyes.

“Oh! I didn’t expect you three to be sitting on the stoop this whole time waiting for us,” exclaimed Cheerilee in mild surprise as Allen stood up to clear the way for her and Diamond.

“We were just talking about some things while we waited for you two to get done inside,” replied Allen as he stood to one side and waited for Ms. Cheerilee to lock up for the night.

Double checking that the door was properly shut and locked, Ms. Cheerilee replied, “Well I’m glad to see you three getting along, I trust they were on their best behavior?”

“The very best,” replied Allen with a solemn nod.

“Good, I’m glad to hear that,” said Cheerilee with a happy smile, before turning to address the three foals, “Now, it’s getting late you three, so you should run along home now, and I’ll see you all tomorrow morning, alright?”

“Yes, Ms. Cheerilee,” replied the trio before they turned and scampered off, though from how little pep was in her step, Allen surmised that Diamond Tiara wasn’t looking forward to getting home.

Once the three foals were far enough away, Allen casually asked, “I’m assuming from how unhappy she looks, that you sent Diamond home with another note for her parents?”

Cheerilee sighed and with a nod replied, “Yes I did, I’m not sure why she is displaying this kind of antisocial behavior, but I’m determined to get to the root cause of it and correct it before it gets any worse. It’s bad enough that several of the other foals claim that she teases them in class because they haven’t received their cutie marks yet, but this was just completely unacceptable, and I won’t stand for it any longer.”

“Well if you’ve known that she’s been picking on the other kids in the class, why haven’t you done anything about it till now?” asked Allen as he grabbed his bike and put the kickstand back up in preparation to leave.

Cheerilee let loose a frustrated snort and replied, “I’ve tried, but the problem is that it’s only three other students that claim she’s bullying them regularly, and I haven’t been able to actually see her when she does it. So without actually seeing it with my own eyes, it’s a lot harder to dole out a punishment without it coming across as playing favorites among the students. This time, however, I was able to catch her in the act, and so I took action, as you can see.”

“Yep, I saw alright,” said Allen as he watched the filly in question disappear into the gathering dusk of early evening.

Cheerilee sighed, a tired look in her eyes as she gazed into the distance. “I don’t like punishing my students, but I also don’t like it when they hurt each other either. Sometimes I just feel so helpless because of some rule that binds my hooves until a certain requirement or threshold is met, and by then lasting emotional damage might already have been done.”

Allen nodded in sympathetic understanding. “Yeah, but what can you do but just do your best?”

“Nothing I guess,” she replied absently as a contemplative quiet fell over the two.

“So what did you want to talk to me about now that the foals are gone?” prompted Allen when the silence dragged on for too long between them.

Cheerilee gave a little start when she realized that she’d completely forgotten that she’d asked Allen to stay behind so that she could speak with him once they were alone. “Oh forgive me, I entirely forgot,” she replied with a sheepish laugh.

Allen smirked in amusement and waved her apology away. “It’s alright, I’ve done that a time or two myself, so what’s up?”

Clearing her throat, Cheerilee turned to face Allen fully and asked, “Well, I was wondering if you might be willing to come in and do a small question and answer session on humans for the class. We’re just about to start covering early Equestrian history in class, and that portion of the lesson module includes some mythology elements. So I was hoping that you would come in and answer any questions the foals might have on human myths and history.”

Allen scratched his head, an uncertain look on his face. “I thought you guys didn’t really teach that stuff in school? From what I’ve gathered, humans aren’t very well known except in certain academic circles.”

“That is true,” agreed Cheerilee with a nod, “however, we were recently issued with a new history module at the beginning of this year. I think they changed the curriculum because of Princess Luna’s return, and it briefly touches on early Equestrian history and folklore. I’ve just finished looking through it and there is a section that references your species, though not in any great detail, and the author obviously classified humans as myth rather than fact.”

“I guess that makes sense from your standpoint. I mean we humans consider unicorns and pegasi to be myths in my world, seeing as how nobody has ever seen one,” interjected Allen as he and Cheerilee slowly walked through the empty schoolyard. Coming to a stop at the gate marking the edge of the schoolyard and roadway, Allen idly scratched the back of his neck. “I’m not really that great at giving speeches or lectures. But I suppose I could answer some questions, when were you thinking of having me come by?”

Cheerilee gave a happy little dance in excitement and replied, “Oh thank you, Allen! I’m so glad you’re willing to do this, if you are free, how does next Monday at ten o’clock sound? That’s when we’ll get to the mythology section of the lesson module.”

“I can’t think of anything I’ll be doing at that time, so I suppose that’ll work,” he replied.

“Wonderful, I’m sure the class will be thrilled to have you, oh, and feel free to bring some visual aids with you if you want, pictures, books, music, that sort of thing. Some of the foals have a hard time sitting still and listening to someone talk to them for long periods of time, but if you have something for them to focus on, such as a picture, they tend to be less disruptive for the rest of the class.”

Allen gave a nod of understanding. “I think I’ve got a couple of things that’ll be interesting to them.”

Shutting the gate behind her, Cheerilee stuck out her hoof and replied, “Then I look forward to seeing you next Monday then, Mr. Ross.”

Taking her hoof in his hand and shaking it, Allen smiled and said, “Sounds like a plan then. Guess I’ll see you on Monday then, have a good night.”

“And you as well,” she replied with a smile, and giving a final wave goodbye, she turned and trotted back towards town, a happy spring in her step.

Allen watched her go for a minute before turning and swinging his leg over his bike seat, resumed his interrupted journey home. As he sped along the swiftly darkening country lane, he mulled over what he should bring with him next week.

Probably should leave the dark stuff at home, and the weird internet stuff as well while I’m thinking about it, I doubt Ms. Cheerilee would be very happy with me if I accidentally corrupted her students by introducing them to internet memes and leetspeak. I suppose showing them some of my sister’s manga collection wouldn’t hurt... probably.

Author's Note:

Well alright, here's another chapter, though it's shorter than what I usually put out, as I realized it's already been two weeks since the last chapter and so I figured it was best to just push it out now as I felt this was a good place to stop, as I don't really have a lot of time or energy to write during the week, so the majority of my writing is done on Saturday and Sunday, which is why it takes me several weeks to pump out these chapters, but hey, better than several months between chapters, am I right?

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