Cyberpony Y2K

by J3sterking

First published

In a world of machines and magic, a hidden struggle is going on against oppressors. But violence begets violence, and sometimes, only harmony can save the day.

Two thousand years after Nightmare Moon's banishment, Equestria thrives. Celestia rules with her six princesses, six powerful Alicorns, given charge over different parts of rulership, using their powers and wisdom to make sure Equestria prospers.

Or, that is the official story, anyway.

In truth, after installing countless unstable cybernetics, Celestia has gone mad, and the Alicorns aren't much better. Ponies regularly disappear when they start to question things publicly. Wars are waged, species are slaughtered, and androids are kept as slaves, bought and sold as property.

Vinyl Scratch was a musician, owned by Fancy Pants. Her life had been well, really, but before she knows it, she finds herself thrust into the midst of conspiracies and rebels. Discord, an organization bent on overthrowing Celestia and bringing equality to androids, takes her in and keeps her safe. Vinyl wants to fight for what's right, but deep down, she wonders what is truly the right thing to do.

A bit of a twist on a stereotypical cyberpunk setting. While we have the evil government and the rebels, it does focus on more messages of harmony and friendship than you'd normally see. While 'the tree of liberty must be watered with blood of tyrants', it is necessary to 'love your neighbor as yourself', too.

Updates will be rare, but as I am working on this whenever I have time, it will not be set to 'hiatus'.

Okay, now for content warning:

--Foul language: As it should, it depends on the character speaking. Curses are usually going to be few and far between, but a few characters swear like sailors (or cyberpunk gangsters, as it were.)

--Violence and death: People have guns, and people get shot. I will not write graphic descriptions of violence, but it will be on screen.

--References to rape and brothels: Androids, as slaves, are used as prostitutes against their will in some places. I will not go deep into that, but it does happen in this setting.

--References and use of drugs: Without knowing too much about different kinds of real world drugs, I simply made up one I called 'Salt licks'. It is highly addictive and physically damaging.


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It was a warm, sunny day in Ponyville, with a light breeze gently blowing through the trees, carrying with it the faint sound of a classical violin. If you followed the sound, you'd end up at a small, unassuming house on the border of the Everfree Forest.

The forest itself was, perhaps, the most dangerous place in Equestria. Even living close to it, like the citizens of Ponyville did, was considered wild and reckless.

The Earth pony inside played on, however, her eyes closed in concentration. The music she played was from memory alone, every note playing in her mind before it was sounded out perfectly on the violin.

The bow moved back and forth, until, finally, she finished it off. Octavia Melody opened her eyes, letting out a sigh of contentment.

Her musical career had long since ended, unfortunately, but she still loved the music that had earned her her Cutie Mark. She set the bow and violin down, eyes traveling to her to-do list, and she let out a less contented sigh.

Octavia's hooves tapped against the ground as she stepped over, picking the list and exposing the handgun beneath it. She lifted up the list, examining it carefully, and then set it down. She strode past her table, around her living room couch, and into the small side-room that was her bedroom. The house had four total rooms in all, but was mostly just open space between them. Her belongings, personal or otherwise, were stashed into the corners and sides of the rooms for want of better storage.

Octavia opened her wardrobe, shoving aside a few old coats and a ragged pair of jeans. She'd once worn fancier outfits—even though ballgowns and dresses had never been her thing, she'd had a certain fancy for tuxedos. Now, however, it was baggy cargo pants, a dark brown tank-top, and a slate gray jacket that almost matched her coat, but not quite. Though Rarity Belle, the beautiful mare who'd designed it, had done her best, practicality had won out over fashion, and she was left with an utterly drab outfit that did its job really well.

She pulled on her belt, and spent an embarrassing amount of time looking for her gun in the nightstand before she remembered it was in her living room.

"Never sharing that story," she muttered to herself. She holstered it, then made sure her top properly concealed it. Finally, her goggles came on, but she let them hang around her neck as she headed for her door.

Octavia paused in the doorway, looking out into the Everfree. A pair of glowing green eyes met hers, and she saw at least one other pair off in the woods behind it. The stench was something else entirely, and had her gagging even as she pulled out her gun. She loaded in a lead round—no use in wasting the more expensive emerald ones—and fired into the trees.

The Drakes were a crowd favorite gun model, but one thing no one praised about them was that they were loud. The gun's retort echoed through the nearby trees and down the valley, and both Timberwolves were sent off running.

While she didn't 'like' the noise, the Drake did a wonderful job scaring off Timberwolves, and the other denizens of Everfree. She holstered it again, before trotting on down the rough dirt path out of her house.

She perhaps would have seen other ponies, but her destination was also outside the town.

The familiar old, unchanging sign hung over the same old gate she'd always seen. Octavia walked under it, smiling to herself, and strode down the path to the farm buildings.

This far out in the country, you could see old-school houses, nothing like the rich, technology filled mansions you'd see in the cities. Octavia had sorely missed those at first, and still did, sometimes, but she lived with it.

"Hello!" she called out, waving to the pony and the android out in front of the barn. "I'm not running late, am I?"

Rarity was a stunningly beautiful unicorn who reclined on a wooden chair with her purse swinging off one arm. Today, she'd chosen to wear a pink dress and business skirt, with a sun bonnet hanging low over her forehead.

Applejack, meanwhile, was a Workhorse, though a bit bulkier than most of her model. She easily cleared Octavia's and even Rarity's height. Since she wasn't working and was heading into the city, she'd chosen to be 'fancied up' as she'd say. Jeans and a denim jacket adorned her, and to top it off was her old stetson hat on top of the faux hair.

"Not at all, darling," Rarity called back. "The rest of us are just a touch early, is all."

"Well, it is my house," the android replied. She turned and gave a nod to Octavia, adding, "Ya can't expect me to be late, now."

"That is true," Octavia muttered, pulling a sleeve back to check her watch. "We should get going either way. The Friendship Express will be leaving shortly."

"My, always moving, aren't you, darling?" Rarity chuckled.

"I do have an appointment to keep," Octavia replied. "I'm surprised he agreed to the meeting at all, really."

"This'll be yer first time seeing him since..." Applejack trailed off.

"Since my music career ended, yes," Octavia replied shortly. "I suppose he has fond memories of me, regardless. I do wish that my first meeting with him in years wasn't business related, but, well, it is what it is."

"You'll have some time for idle chat, too," Rarity put in. "I definitely plan on a lengthy discourse with Coco, aside from my errands."

"Then we really shouldn't stand here talking all day," Octavia repeated firmly, checking her watch again. "I'd rather not be late."

"Of course, darling," Rarity said with a pleasant smile despite Octavia's eternal impatience. "Shall we get going, then?"

Octavia nodded. "Let's."

They started moving, trotting off towards town. "By the way," Octavia asked, "how's Sweetie Belle doing?"

"She's doing alright," Rarity replied. "She's definitely opening up more nowadays. She's made great friends with Scootaloo and Applebloom, too!"

"Yeah, Applebloom was just tellin' me about that," Applejack said. "They're thinkin' of startin' a club! 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' or somethin'."

"That'll odd group," Octavia said. "Where do they plan on meeting?"

"I had to tell 'em no to the castle," Applejack said dryly.

Octavia spluttered. "The castle? In the Everfree?"

Applejack nodded. "I don't know what their plan for even gettin' out there was. They all know how to shoot, but that won't help too much about some of the worst critters out there."

"Here, here," Rarity said. "Besides, I don't want them in any sort of situation where they'll have to shoot anything, anyway."

Applejack nodded. "There's a time and a place for it, and for them, it ain't come to that yet."

Octavia's brow furrowed. She hoped that the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' wouldn't have to worry about that. But, if she thought about it, that didn't make any sense. There would always be more threats to worry about, sooner or later.

"Hey, guys!"

A familiar, overly chipper voice called out to them. Octavia stopped, then let out a small sigh to herself, before she turned around. "Hello, Gloriosa," she said.

A magenta Earth pony in a golden-yellow dress trotted over, short tail flicking back and forth. "I was just wanting to wish you good luck on your trip," she said with a grin. "We've worked with Fancy Pants before, he's a kind soul."

"That he is," Octavia agreed. She was about to point out that ponies were getting loaded on the train ahead of them, but she didn't like to brush off Glorisoa.

"I know you've met him before, and I was just thinking that a gift might be--"

"Gloriosa?" she interrupted. "That's not really going to do anything."

"Relax, Gloriosa," Applejack said, putting an arm around her shoulders. She squeezed her into a half-hug, adding, "Octavia and Fancy Pants are old friends. He'll listen to her."

"...Right," Gloriosa relented. "I'm just...terrified to think of what might happen to those poor androids if Fancy sells."

"He knows, too, so he won't," Octavia said. "Fancy's a good colt, and an avid supporter of android rights. I'm confident we'll have this sorted quickly, and the androids safe from harm."

Gloriosa nodded, then gave Applejack a hug. "I'm certian you gals have everything in hoof."

"We got this," Applejack said dryly, her 'eyes'--or the electronic representation of them, anyway—turning to happily closed.

"Aaaaall aboard!" the conductor shouted.

"We need to get going," Octavia said. "Lovely talking, Gloriosa! Goodbye!" She took off at a canter, heading for the train as quickly as she could.

Rarity and Applejack boarded right behind her, and they quickly got settled into seats as the train whistle blew. The train jolted, then slowly began moving. Octavia waved goodbye to Glorisoa as the train rolled out.

"I still remember that ruby-fueled train I rode to Los Pegasus," Rarity mentioned. "Smoothest trainride I've ever had."

"Fire rubies aren't exactly cheap," Applejack replied.

"Psh! If people afford them for cooking grills, and bullets, then the train isn't that much more expensive."

"Comparatively," Applejack said. "But gem-trains are a lot more expensive than coal trains."

"She does have a point," Octavia said. "As much as I miss the thrills and benefits of high-society, most can't afford those. They have to make do with somewhat archaic technology. But it works, so who am I to complain?"

"I suppose you're right," Rarity relented with a sigh.

A mare pushed a cart to a stop besides their seats, asking, "Snacks? Anypony?"

A sudden hunger pain reminded Octavia of her skimpy breakfast that morning. "Yes, please," she said, choosing a pastry off the tray.

"Don't tell me you skipped out on breakfast again," Applejack said as the cart rolled past.

"I ate!" Octavia said defensively.

Applejack's visor raised an eyebrow.

"A little," Octavia admitted.

Applejack folded her arms over her chest.

"A small plate of hay fries reheated in the microwave," Octavia admitted with a sigh. "I get paid on the fifteenth."

"Darling," Rarity said, "you need to eat more."

"She has plenty of money, she just wanted to play her violin," Applejack said simply.

"Did you...ahem...hear that?" Octavia cleared her throat.

"Eeyup. Up until you fired the Drake."

Octavia winced. "Sorry, I didn't realize you could hear."

"Eh, don't apologize," Applejack said, waving it off. "Them timberwolves gotta be scared off somehow."

"Hear the music," Octavia clarified.

"Oh. Well, ain't none of us mind that, or we'd have told ya by now," Applejack chuckled. "You play mighty fine, Octavia."

"Hear, hear," Rarity agreed. "Such a pity that 'classical' isn't in season."

"I think I'm doing better work with Everfree than I did back then," Octavia replied smoothly. "But, yes, I do still miss my musical career—as much of one as I had."

"Well, you at least get an audience cheering for you," Rarity said, giving a smile.

Octavia blushed. "Most of those are work-in-progress..."

"Well, then we'll be really happy to hear the real thing," Rarity replied. "You got Sweetie Belle interested in music."

"I...did, now?" Octavia asked. "That's good to hear. She needs a hobby."

"Well, yes," Rarity said. "It might also do her some good to work with other ponies, even if it's an audience and not personal interaction..."

Octavia stopped participating in the inane chatter after that, eyes turning to the windows, as the countryside scenery faded to gemstone billboards with flashing lights.

And, finally, a massive sign with glowing emerald letters that read, "WELCOME TO MANEHATTAN".

Octavia felt briefly nostalgic at the sight of the massive buildings of steel and glass, with inactive streetlamps, and a few couriers flitting through the skies over the streets.

But she remembered what this world looked like under the polished chrome and the glowing gems.

"Oh, it's so pretty," Rarity said as the train rolled to a stop. She tipped her bonnet back slightly, briefly revealing her broken horn to Octavia. "This city is always beautiful, no?"

"Eh," Applejack said. "It's fancy-shmancy."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "A farm pony in the big city, unable to appreciate any of the sights."

Octavia got up as the doors rolled open, tuning out the friends' playful bickering. Few ponies walked the streets, as they traveled almost exclusively by car, but some were out and about, hoping to be seen in their fashionable clothing.

Octavia glanced to the side, seeing a hint of graffitti on the nearest building. She cocked her head, trying to get a better look at it.

"Some silly filly spray-painted 'Discord' on the side of a building," a nearby Earth pony said. Octavia jumped, turning to see a familiar cream-colored pony meeting her gaze. Coco Pommel smiled. "With the whole 'zero instead of an O thing, too."

"Coco, darling!" Rarity cried, leaping forward and hugging Coco.

"Hello, Miss Rarity," Coco said, smiling as she hugged Rarity back. "Here for long?"

"A quick visit, I'm afraid," Rarity said. "Those two have their own work in the city, but I thought I'd take the excuse to visit my favorite assistant."

"Oh, I can't be your favorite," Coco said, shyly, waving off the compliment.

"I don't think she has other assistants," Applejack put in.

"Pfft! That's hardly the point, now, is it?" Rarity said, waving a hand at Applejack. "Why not you two go ahead and head to the Flight of Fancy? I can handle my business on my own, once I'm done catching up with Coco."

"Of course," Octavia said, nodding. "See you later, Rarity."

"Ta-ta, darlings! Have fun storming the castle!" Rarity joked as they walked off.

"So," Applejack asked quietly as they trotted their own way. "Filthy Rich is gonna make a play for the Flight of Fancy?"

"Almost certainly," Rarity said. "Fancy won't let him establish proper roots in Manehattan, and he wants to expand. And when Fancy won't sell, Filthy's going to move to his old stand-by."

Armed gunmen and brute force.

"Assuming that Fancy fights off his thugs, people will be hurt, and androids may be kidnapped," Octavia said. "The Crown may or may not attempt to retrieve them, but 'lost property' won't be their priority."

Applejack nodded. "Then we'd best see what we can do."

Ahead of them was the Flight of Fancy. Above its great doors was a massive white swan statue, wings spread wide. Octavia nodded. "Lets."

The Flight of Fancy

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Octavia Melody tried her hardest to avoid grimacing at the Flight of Fancy's atmosphere. A loud, harsh techno beat pounded against her skull, as the Flight of Fancy's numerous patrons danced in various amounts of clothing. Manehattan was predominantly an Earth pony city, yet Octavia still saw a few pegasi couples performing their mid-air tangos that were oh-so-popular.

Octavia paused as a waiter slid past. An android—there were a few of those inside, but more of the employees Octavia saw were ponies. Quite the opposite of normal—androids tended to be cheaper in the long run, because, as legal property, they didn't have to be paid.

The waiter leaned his tray of glasses over to her, but she shook her head. "No, thank you."

If he particularly cared about one of the only ponies who stopped to thank androids, he didn't show it, instead moving off in a hurry to other patrons.

"This looks too tame to be a place Filthy's gonna come to," Applejack said quietly.

"I told you: Fancy's a good colt," Octavia said. Covering her ears, she added, "I just wish that this garish, techno-garbage wasn't 'in style'. Or that the stairs up to Fancy's office didn't go right past the DJ's booth."

Applejack looked up to the DJ in question. The unicorn android wore jeans and an open white jacket, showing off a polished, silvery torso. Her blue, shiny mane was short, falling just down to her neck, and her optics were a deep red color, though rather than the imitation pupils that were popular amongst most entertainment-focused ones, this one had a set of bars going up and down in accordance with her music. As they passed her, she gave them a wave as she used her other hand to manipulate the heavy electronic beeps.

Octavia refused to call it music, and hurried past with her ears covered.

Applejack looked back to the DJ, who gave a completely unapologetic shrug, before returning all her focus to her music.

"I see what you mean," Applejack chuckled.

"I know. If I remember correctly, his office is soundproofed, so--"

"If he weren't nice, then no android woulda shown that much sass," Applejack said, visor imitating eyes closed in a cartoonish, happy way.

"Har de har," Octavia said. "Eyes up, security's ahead."

The doorway leading to the second story—VIP rooms and office rooms, mostly—was blocked by a sentry android. Flash-point sentry, the most common model used. Previously it had been Wonderbolts, before Canterlot had declared them exclusively for government use.

Octavia almost felt gladdened by that, as the Flash-points had much nicer personalities. At least, if Rainbow Dash was anything to go by, anyway.

"Hello! Please show note of appointment or ticket to VIP access," the sentry said. His bronze plating was reflective enough to blind Octavia if she hadn't been wearing her violet goggles, and he had a fully simulated digital face that was grinning broadly, if somewhat cartoonishly.

It was almost cheery enough to distract from the minigun arm he held behind his back. His other arm was held forward, fingers outstretched.

Octavia slipped into her jacket pocket, before fishing out the note of appointment. She handed it to the sentry, who scanned the note's code with his faceplate.

"Please wait one moment," he said in the same cheery tone. His face briefly flickered, turning to an exclamation mark, before returning to its normal expression. "Ah, you're with Mr Fancy! Good luck!" He opened the door, then handed back the note before gesturing her through the door.

"Thank you," Octavia told him as she walked past.

"Just doin' my job," he said, though the cheer sounded slightly more authentic.

She was probably imagining that, as the Flash Points were only given one tone of voice.

Applejack had to duck down through the doorway, her plates making uncomfortable sounds against each other.

"Sorry," Octavia apologized as she lead the way forward. "I should have warned you."

"It's alright," Applejack said. "Workhorses ain't meant for indoor use, anyhow."

Octavia gave her tail an annoyed swish. "You're my friend, not a Workhorse," she said pointedly.

"You're friends with a Workhorse," Applejack argued. "Just because I'm a touch 'fancied up' from the rest of 'em don't mean I'm not a workhorse."

Octavia couldn't figure out how to answer that. Applejack was more to her than a Workhorse, or even a combat android.

But she was getting sidetracked, and she had a job to do.

Octavia looked around, tapping her chin briefly before finding the door helpfully labeled 'Fancy Pants' on the outside.

Octavia stepped up to the door, giving a nod to the Flash-point outside it before she rapped on it with her knuckles.

"Come in," Fancy Pants called out.

Octavia slipped in, leaving Applejack to squeeze in behind her. "Hello, Fancy," she said, letting her goggles fall around her neck. "It's been a while."

Fancy smiled pleasantly, straightening his monocle. As the name suggested, he wore a fine tuxedo and tie, though the top hat that would have completed the look sat on the table in front of him with a glass of wine. Cherry's Jubilee, if the logo on the bottle was anything to go by.

"Well, time flies, as they say," he said. "You at least remember Fleur, right?"

Octavia's eyes traveled to the other mare in the room, a unicorn reclining sideways on a chair, her mane trailing almost to the ground. Her horn was long and curved, majestic. The product of beauty care products that were in no way healthy, intended to make your horn longer and more curved despite how brittle it would be.

Fleur also, contrary to Octavia's memory, had a cybernetic chip on her temple. Fleur raised her glass of wine in greeting, smiling warmly at Octavia.

Fleur de Liss wasn't so bad, as far as the Canterlot nobility went. Though, what she was doing down from her mountain was beyond Octavia's guess.

"Yes, quite fondly," Octavia said, taking her seat. Applejack moved to stand behind her, but Octavia firmly pushed over a chair for her to sit in.

With a slightly complaining mechanical hum, Applejack took the hint and sat down.

"Oh, that's a big one," Fleur commented. "Custom model, I assume?"

"Yes," Octavia lied easily enough. "From a small, no-name company." Most people weren't aware that any android could hurt ponies, if you removed a single inhibitor chip from them, so it was best to let them continue thinking so.

For now, anyway.

"Is this some sort of personal business with Fancy? If so, I'll spare you the trouble of asking me and leave already," she said, adopting an apologetic face easily. Octavia felt slightly envious of how easily noblemares and colts could adopt fake expressions sometimes, but Fleur, at least, meant well.

"Nothing that need be discussed quite so quickly," Octavia said with a smile. "Perhaps we have a moment to catch up?"

"Ah, yes, of course," Fancy said with a smile. "Here, I take it you still don't like the expensive wines?"

"I never had enough money to learn to like them," Octavia said, letting a hint of moroseness through her voice.


A pegasus blinked into view from a side entrance, wings outstretched. "Yessir?" he said quickly.

"Fetch a thing of...hmm, I'm not quite sure what all we have in stock."

"Anything from Sweet Apple Acres?" Octavia asked.

"Yes'm," Jiffy replied. "Be right back!" He zoomed off, a white blure trailing behind him.

"I should have figured you for a whiskey mare," Fleur commented drily. "You never did seem like you fit in with all the fakely sweet nobles and soirees. No, you were much to hard for that, my girl."

"Perhaps," Octavia replied with a shrug.

"Perhaps? Look at you! You're wearing jeans and a travel jacket. The very image of practicality. I daresay any other Canterlotter would die on the spot if they saw you," Fleur said, gesturing at Octavia.

"I'm back!" Jiffy said, suddenly reappearing. "Sorry for the wait, have to slow down while carrying this." He set down a container of Zap Apple hard cider, with a picture of a smiling Granny Smith on it.

"No worries," Octavia answered. "Thank you."

"'Twas a pleasure," Jiffy answered, zooming back to his corner of the room, where he sat with a wide smile and open, unblinking eyes.

Octavia had several concerns about the flighty colt, but said nothing. She let Fancy pour her a cup of the cider, the rainbow fizz rising to the glass's brim. She nodded her thanks, then took a sip.

As always, it hit like a bullet. She let out a contented sigh, reclining back in her seat. "It's been a while since I was able to sit down and relax like this," she acknowledged.

"I'm half surprised you actually drank it," Fancy commented. "I suppose Fleur always did have the proper guess of what you were doing, isn't that quite right?"

Fleur nodded. "Yes, I always was able to figure out what was going on in that pretty little head," she said. "I suppose it's because I saw a lot of myself in you."

"I find it hard to see you as a whiskey mare," Octavia commented, giving a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"True, I find myself impartial to Cherry's every time," Fleur replied, raising her glass demurely before taking a sip. She sipped it slowly, letting everyone's eyes remain on her drink before she gave an exaggerated sigh of contentment. "Though, your taste for classical music is one I happened to share. Such a pity that rock, dubstep, and pop have pushed it to the side, isn't it?"

"Perhaps, though tastes are subjective," Octavia answered. "My own drink being the case in point." She took a sip, eager to forget about her failed musical career.

"Ah, indeed. Though you might be happy to hear that classical seems to be making a comeback. At the Grand Galloping Gala a few months back, Princess Celestia set the music as classical."

"You might have an opportunity to step back into the limelight, Octavia," Fancy said. "Are you going to take it, or are you otherwise committed at this point?"

Octavia made a show of sighing theatrically. "I daresay I wish I could," she admitted. "But, as you put it, I am otherwise committed."

"To what, if I might be permitted to ask?"

"I'm working out of Ponyville these days," Octavia said.

Both Fleur and Fancy looked at her in surprise. "That backwater?" Fleur gasped. "My word. Well, I suppose it would suit your tastes, and they are...subjective, right?"

Octavia found herself gripping her glass unreasonably tightly, barely keeping her Earth pony strength from shattering it. "Yes, indeed," she said, somewhat stiffly.

"Now, Fleur! Look what you've done," Fancy chastised. "I find the ponies there quite charming, actually. Octavia, do you know Rarity Belle?"

"Closely," Octavia admitted. "She's the one who made this ensemble for me, actually."

"My, my," Fleur said. "I never did hear back from her on what a dress would cost, actually. How much was that set?"

"This is Rarity we're talking about," Octavia replied dryly. "She gave it for free and wouldn't let me pay. Though, I do know that some of her dresses go for upwards of a hundred bits, way more if it is a custom fitting. She has a Manehattan branch, actually."

"Yes, it's where I got my suit made," Fancy added. He brushed some imaginary dust off his shirt, adding, "I suggest you make your way there while in town, Fleurr. There's enough bad business in Manehattan to where we should support the better shops, I think."

"That is actually the regrettable reason I'm here," Octavia admitted, sitting forward. She folded her arms together. "A friend of mine heard that Filthy Rich was coming through town, looking to buy your place from you."

Fancy Pants reached over, took his hat, and made a show of brushing off more imaginary dust. Then, he threw back his head, mane shaking, and laughed. "Well, now, that's quite funny, you see. You're worried I'm actually going to sell to him, are you?"

"Not much, but my employers wanted to make sure."

"Well, Jiffy!"

"Yes?" Jiffy said, suddenly appearing again.

Applejack twitched, but thankfully, the pegasus didn't notice her reaction. Fleur de Liss, on the other hand, was giving Applejack a lazy look over, seemingly noting the clenched fist.

Octavia gave Applejack a discreet flick. The android moved to a more forcibly relaxed position. She was jittery, which Octavia could get—Applejack was acting as a bodyguard. Even Octavia's nerves were getting shaken by Jiffy's spontaneous movement.

Though, I shouldn't be, given that I know Rainbow Dash...and the Pie Sisters, anyway...

"Is Vinyl's show over?"

"Yessir," Jiffy answered, leaning forward and straightening his spectacles. "Want me to fetch her?"

"If you don't mind," Fancy answered.

Jiffy disappeared in a blink.

"That's quite the combat android," Fleur commented. "I've seen some so poorly designed they'd fly off and shoot anypony who moved too quickly. That one, though—she looks like quality. What company did you say made her, again?"

"They never had a name, and it 'company' is a bit of an exaggeration," Octavia said. "It was a couple of individuals, and they no longer make androids anymore."

"Ah, a shame," Fleur said casually. "They deserve some credit. Few ponies would think of using a workhorse as a model for a combat droid."

"I don't see why not," Fancy scoffed. "They can lift plows. Ever think about what one could do to a pony? Have you seen much action, miss?" He nodded to Applejack.

Applejack seemed surprised at being spoken to directly, so was somewhat hesitant in her reply. "Er, yeah, a bit," she drawled. "I've seen my share of tousles, Mister Fancy."

Fleur gave off a lilting, musical laugh. "My, the idea of using the rural accent for her tone was genius!" she cheered, lifting her glass into the sky. "Strange to think they went out of business, isn't it?"

Octavia was saved from ad-libing a response by Jiffy's abrupt return. "Vinyl Scratch is here."

Octavia almost winced at seeing the DJ from earlier stride into the room, with an easy, carefree gate.

Up close, Octavia realized that she really wasn't wearing a shirt under the jacket. She could even make out the lines between some of the plates.

Thankfully, this one wasn't one of the ones made by a pubescent colt who felt the need to design realistic breasts onto robots, and instead, just had two lumps to simulate them.

"Yo, wuzzup, Pants?" the android said in a raspy, nonchalant tone. She stopped abruptly, her red visor focusing on first Fleur, then settling on Octavia.

"Please, have a seat," Fancy said. "These are friends of mine. I've mentioned Fleur before, and this is Octavia Meldoy. A charming Manehattanite friend of mine who's been travelling."

"A pleasure to meet you," Vinyl said in a cheery tone.

"Please, dispense with the factory settings. I'd like to see the real you," Fleur said, attention finally leaving Octavia to focus one hundred percent of her will upon Vinyl. Octavia couldn't manage to enjoy it, however, because she was allowed an easy glance at how Fleur had changed over the years.

A look of greed and awe filled her face, as her eyes appraised Vinyl.

"O-kay. Nice to meetcha lovely ladies." She took the offered seat, between Fleur and Fancy, crossed one leg over the other, and let her arms hang over the back of the chair.

Jiffy appeared with an empty glass, and mimed the action of pouring something into it. Vinyl took the empty cup, then raised it to Jiffy in mock solute. "Thanks, m'dude," Vinyl said.

"You're welcome," Jiffy said, disappearing back to his corner.

"Now, Octavia and I were talking," Fancy said, tipping his glass to her. "And I wanted to ask you: are you happy in your workplace?"

"Uh...yeah," Vinyl said, thrusting her cup forward. "You're a good dude. I get free time. I get to make my own music. It's as good a life as I could ever have."

"I see. All that said, Octavia mentioned that Filthy Rich wants to buy this establishment. Would you be happy then?"

Vinyl stared at him for a long moment. "You could just...disassemble me now," she finally commented. "That would be preferable, actually."

Fancy laughed. "Don't worry, I have a response prepared for Rich already," he said. "And whomever these employers of yours are, Miss Melody, you can let them know."

"Who do you work for these days, anyway?" Fleur asked, but her gaze kept looking right at Vinyl in a way that Octavia absolutely didn't like.

"I work security for an AI rights activist group," Octavia said slowly.

Fleur managed to tear her gaze away from Vinyl to shoot her with a piercing look. Fancy didn't seem to notice, however.

"You? Working security?" he asked.

"Yes. It's good pay, and it feels good to be making some headway in this world," Octavia said.

"Which group?" Fleur asked casually.

"Everfree," Octavia answered.

"Everfree? Hmm. A respectable bunch," Fancy said with a nod, blissfully unaware of the miniature feud between his other two guests. "Though, I will say, I will not need any assistance to handle whatever goons Rich sends to coerce me into selling. I'm not some poor pony without the money or strength to tell him no, and I refuse to let this become another den of broodmares and Salt licks. I have resources of my own to keep him off."

"Fancy," Octavia said, in pleading tones. "He has a lot of money his way, and the people he sends will be more plentiful than you can replenish the Flash-points, or pony guards."

"Once he makes his offer, I shall inform the town guard of what I believe is coming," Fancy said. "They know I don't come to them without reason, and once thugs start showing up, our dear friend Mr. Rich shall find his lackeys contending against Wonderbolts. Any assistance you have to offer is rather moot, where that is concerned, Miss Melody."

If you only knew, Octavia thought. Aloud, she said, "Ever the believer in the monarchy, aren't you, Fancy?"

"It's not that I believe in it wholeheartedly," Fancy replied, in a chastising tone. "It's that I believe that I should not break the rules of the system I am trying to change. If I break the rules, then I show that I do not care about anything other than my own way. One cannot change a system if one also happens to be ignoring it."

"I agree wholeheartedly," Fleur said, nodding. "He's put in a lot of good work towards improving things for androids himself, Octavia. If, at this point, he went and hired some freelance bodyguards before the Town Guard, it would be a blow to his support. It would show a complete lack of trust in the system, and, as he said...that would demote his ability to change said system."

Perhaps, he would have been right, if he would ever have been able to change the system. Applejack stayed silent, and Octavia only nodded, saying, "Well, then I shall let the boss know that you shan't be needing any help, Mr. Fancy." She took a sip of her cider.

"With my sincerest respect, of course," Fancy said. "I respect Gloriosa's work greatly. I think she has the marks of a great figure of change, herself. Just compare the strides she's made to those that, hm, well..."

"Discord?" Fleur suggested innocently.

"A bit of an extreme example, but yes!" Fancy gave a nod. "Discord's penchant for violence first undermines their every action. Any action they take in the name of 'android equality' only means that Canterlot has to respond by saying they will not bow to the likes of gun-toting degenerates."

Octavia took a long sip of her cider.

"They cannot possibly win their war for freedom because no one wins a war. Bullets and bloodshed cannot make the world a better place."

Octavia's hand tightened around her glass.

"Everfree's continued committment to non-violent measures has my full backing," Fancy said. "Of course, I do recognize that sometimes, conflict is inevitable, as in the current scenario. Mr. Rich is not going to simply let me say no, and that, I think, is regrettable."

"You'd think someone'd have arrested him by now," Vinyl said.

"He's got money, meaning he can bribe off as many people as he needs to," Octavia muttered bitterly.

"I do hope you're not implying that everyone of wealth does such things," Fleur commented dryly, before sipping her drink.

Octavia winced. "Sorry, I didn't mean anything like that," she said. "I simply meant that that is how he is using his wealth."

"Indeed," Fancy grimaced. "Truly unfortunate that he has been so successful using such debased tactics. Well, this is it for him. He will find that the Flight of Fancy will not be sold to him now, nor ever." He raised his glass, and Fleur raised her own.

"I'll toast that!" she said. "To the Flight of Fancy!"

Octavia raised her own glass in toast, as well. Get a hold of yourself, she thought. You've always known his stance on violence. You should have been plenty ready for that.

If only Fancy didn't still believe that the system cared about his opinions. No matter how hard he tried, he would never succeed, because some ponies just wouldn't listen.

And the beloved Princess of Equestria happened to be one of them.

Octavia's eyes met Fleur's across the table, and she found Fleur smiling. "Now, on the topic of Discord..." the unicorn said with a grin.

Fight at the Flight

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"I do think there's an awful lot of rumors flying around that organization. Surely not all of them are true, don't you think?"

"Parsing rumor from truth is always difficult," Fancy said casually.

"I take it most of it is false, or exaggerated," Octavia said simply, hoping her tone was neutral. Damn you, Fleur! Damn you to Tartarus and back again, you stupid--

"I mean, yeah," Vinyl agreed. "Lots of it sounds farfetched."

"Indeed? Well, are there any you worry about?" Fleur asked demurely, turning to Vinyl.

"Well, let's see," Vinyl considered that for a moment. "Okay, I don't really worry about any of them because--" She gestured at herself, then at her empty glass. "—Wobot. But if I were a pony, then definitely up on top would be Rainbow Dash."

"Rainbow Dash?" Octavia couldn't help herself. All eyes turned to her, as she cleared her throat and blushed. "I-I mean, surely you don't think the rumors about some prettied up renegade Wonderbolt unit are true."

"Legally speaking, I don't 'think' anything," Vinyl said dryly. "Otherwise, yeah, I think so. I mean, look at it this way—their entire purpose is killing. Come off the factory line, load up on bullets, ship out to action, then wait in stasis until they need to kill again. It's killing all the way down. Factor that in with the fact that every factory occasionally sends out faulty materials, and we have a recipe for one renegade Wonderbolt. I think it is all too likely that one went rogue at some point—it's been, what, seventy years since the first ones were made? So, yeah, Rainbow Dash is not only believable, but...heh...terrifying." She shuddered. "Seriously. Have you seen Wonderbolts?"

"Thankfully, no," Octavia lied easily. "But I suppose I can see what you mean."

"Yes, running into Rainbow Dash alone at night makes for a terrifying scenario," Fleur said, setting down her own empty glass before straightening in her seat. "Hmm. What about the Behemoth?

"Eh...probably a seven or eight on 'danger', but only a 'two' on the 'believable side," Vinyl said. "Sure, it's a giant, scary robot. But, like...what is it? Where'd it come from? All these rumors just say different things. Entertainer, miner, calculator—why build such a massive robot, and how did they do it while not maintaining any sort of consistent--" Vinyl paused, meeting Fleur's gaze.

"Do go on," Fleur said.

Octavia shared a look with Fancy, but the noblecolt nodded, and gestured for Octavia to stay quiet.

"Well, um--" Vinyl seemed to get over her fluster rather quickly. "Anyway, there's just too many different stories about Behemoth. It's most likely all made up. Right?"

"I'd say," Fancy said slowly.

Octavia nodded in the interest of keeping her secrets to herself. Thankfully, Applejack was still keeping quiet, because both of them knew she was an absolutely terrible liar.

"Hmm...Diamond Duster?" Fleur questioned with a smile.


Appleajck looked up in confusion shared by Octavia and Fancy. "Pardon?" Applejack asked.

"I mean...look, I can literally look it up--" Vinyl rapped her knuckles against the side of her head. "Ignoring the questionable science of an android that someone added a human heart to, still didn't make it any scarier? Yeah, that mask looks creepy, from the pictures I've seen, just...installed a weak point onto an android. Not to mention all it has are two pistols—which I'm certain are not diamond, no matter what people say. Diamonds would shatter even if you were just firing lead."

"Don't I know it," Fleur lamented. "Dropped a diamond ring once, and it cracked right away." She reached over, cupping Vinyl's face. "You are a fine model, aren't you?" she added.

"Eeeeeeyup," Vinyl said, her 'eyes' bouncing up and down. While Octavia couldn't hear any music playing, she was certain that the android was playing something to herself as a means of keeping calm.

"Fancy, have you ever considered selling?" Fleur asked calmly, eyes not leaving Vinyl.

"This one? I'm afraid not," Fancy said, keeping his voice neutral. "She was, in every way, worth the bits I spent, and I'm not sure she'd even be partial to leaving."

"I'm good," Vinyl said with a shrug.

"Yes, and I'm certain we've butted into enough of her free time as it is," Fancy said. "So, how about we leave her to go enjoy some quality time with her fellows?"

Fleur pouted. "Are you certain? I could--"

"Fleur," Octavia said, patience snapping.

Fancy, Fleur, and Vinyl all turned to look at her. Octavia narrowed her eyes so that they were almost slits, then hissed, "I have spent these past few years fighting for android rights. At Everfree--" She spat the name to remind Fleur that they both knew that wasn't the organization she worked for. "--We've managed to go so far as to make it to outlaw the use of androids as broodmares in places like Cloudsdale and Vanhoover. Kindly take my position, and hers, with the respect that it is due."

The glass in her hands shattered, glass breaking into her skin, as she took a few, deep breaths. Jiffy appeared at her side, holding a cloth, and she took it without removing her eyes from Fleur.

Fleur, looking considerably distressed, leaned back in her seat. "A thousand pardons, I'm—I--" She sighed, then tapped the implant in her forehead. "My body's still acclimating to this. I'm afraid it's leaving me not wholly in my right mind, and I'm terribly sorry if I caused you discomfort."

"We're cool," Vinyl said slowly. "Seriously, you were creepin' me out a little, but with Fancy here, I wasn't too concerned." She shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

"And you're not just saying that because I'm your owner's friend?" Fleur asked with a smile.

"Nope! In fact, knowing you're his friend means a lot to me," Vinyl said. "That little, uh, display aside, I think I'd have a humongous preference to being sold to you over Filthy Rich. At least you have an excuse." She rapped her knuckles against the side of her head, where Fleur's implant was.

"I thought you were supposed to be acclimated by now," Fancy asked, looking Fleur up and down. "I've been meaning to ask this entire time...Fleur, my dear...are you alright?"

"Of course I am. It's just...taking me a little longer to acclimate than it does for most ponies," Fleur said, levitating her glass. "It'll only be another week or so. I can feel it. The doctors said that this is perfectly normal, too."

Octavia sighed. "You've seen the Alicorns, right? I'm assuming you saw at least one at the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Of course! She was majestic, was actually under her suggestion that I got this," Fleur said, tapping the implant.

"Did she seem entirely in her right mind to you?" Octavia asked. She removed the rag from her hand. "The bleeding's stopped, but I seemed to have ruined one of your towels, Fancy."

"An ounce of your blood is worth more to me than a hundred of those," Fancy proclaimed, and anyone who knew him could see that she meant it. "That aside, what do you mean about the Alicorns?"

"Anypony whose talked to one knows that they're a, wouldn't you say?" Octavia met Fleur's eyes.

"I...suppose," Fleur said. "Miss Cadenza seemed fine enough..."

"You drilled a piece of metal into your skull with the intention of using it to apply an electrical current to your brain," Octavia said simply. "Does that sound 'fine enough'?"

"Hmm. I guess you're right...just look at what happened a few decades ago. That one Alicorn up and disappeared, didn't she?"

"Have you met Alicorns?" Fancy asked, turning his gaze to Octavia.

"Once, at Everfree's main office," Octavia replied—truthfully, actually. "They like to check up on the android rights movements, let them know that their complaints are heard." And normally, feed them some garbage about how things would change as the nation wanted, as if 'the nation' could better decide what was morally right.

Fancy gave her a look. "Miss Melody," he began, in a tone that made her aware her little feud with Fleur had not gone unnoticed.

The door to the room burst open, and a pegasus bolted into the room. "Fancy, sir! The club's under attack!"

A silence fell amongst the people in the room. "By whom?" Fancy demanded, rising.

"Unknown, sir. They're armed members of some gang."

"Filthy's," Octavia growled, jumping to her feet. "I'm so stupid. It's obvious to anypony who knows Fancy he wouldn't sell to Filthy, so he skipped a step. And you can't even link this to him legally, so he can't get in trouble with it."

"Mount the defense, keep the patrons safe and prevent them from getting access to any of the androids," Fancy said. "I'll trust you to handle how to best deal with this."

The pegasus saluted, then disappeared.

"Oh, no," Vinyl whispered. "Um—what do we do? How do I help? Can I help?"

"No, you can't," Fancy answered. "Stay here, we'll wait this out. There won't be so many that the Flash-points can't handle it, or at least, hold them off until the Wonderbolts arrive."

Octavia firmly decided that she needed to be out by that point, but another worry crossed her mind. "If Filthy knows you better than we'd assumed, he'll know you won't bow to this," Octavia said, pulling her gun from its holster.

Fleur let out a squawk. "You were armed?" she burst out.

"I told you I manage security, didn't I?" Octavia said, stepping right over to the servant's door Jiffy had used repeatedly. "For example, this room has two entrances, and the building itself has plenty." She opened the door, peaking outside.

Two armed thugs—both Earth ponies stopped, standing over an unconscious butler and staring at Octavia.

Octavia didn't give them a chance. The first went down to a heashot, but the other ducked behind a doorframe as the jeweled bullet soared past.

"He's got a bodyguard!" the thug shouted.

"Son of a bitch," Octavia muttered, ducking around the doorframe. She ejected the spent casings, loading in two extra bullets. "Fancy, we need to be on the move. Check the other door--" Bits of plaster exploded from the doorframe near her head, and she winced, ducking away from it. "Applejack, a hand, would you kindly?"

Applejack stood up, taking off her hat and putting it on the table. "Keep yer heads down, and hold onto yer manes," she told Vinyl and Fleur. "This might get a touch hairy." She charged the wall, smashing through it and colliding with the crook who'd been creeping up to the doorway.

Knowing he was dealt with, Octavia shot past Applejack, hitting another one. "There aren't many coming from that path," she said. "Still, we should--" She ducked back, feeling a stinging across her cheek. She wiped the blood away, as Applejack cursed. "You alright?" she asked, ducking back inside the room.

"Sorry, one of 'em ricocheted off me--"

"I'd rather deal with a paper cut than you getting pumped full of holes," Octavia said. "Fancy!"

"Path's clear, Miss Melody!" one of the Flash-points shouted.

Melody let out a silent prayer of thanks. "Applejack, watch our flanks!" she ordered. "Fleur, Vinyl, get up and move! We don't have time!"

Fleur, more from panic than anything else, rushed to obey, letting Fancy usher her out the door.

"I-I-I—" Vinyl stammered, then began to play a quiet musical track.

Octavia grabbed her by the back of her coat and gave her a rough shove in the direction of the door. "Your life is important, Vinyl, don't let me catch you wasting it," she ordered.

She turned just in time to see Applejack throwing a punch, with the servos in her wrist and arm working full throttle under the jacket sleeve. She watched as the fist extended forward several inches, and heard the bang not unlike a gunshot, followed by a cracking sound, and a spray of blood going up the wall besides her.

Applejack retreated into the room again, retrieving her hat and putting it on top of her faux-mane. "There's still another one back there, but he's hidin' around the corner. He didn't wanna come up and say hi."

"You just killed that guy," Vinyl whispered in shock.

Applejack didn't seem to have any sort of response prepared.

"No, don't think about that, Vinyl," Fleur said. "Everything's going to be okay, alright?" She put her hands on Vinyl's shoulders. "Octavia and her friend are protecting us. Stopping the bad guys, alright? Everything is fine."

Vinyl nodded dumbly.

Octavia beckoned them to follow, hoping Vinyl would be alright. Androids that still had all the chips added by Canterlot tended to struggle in combat scenarios. Hopefully, she could get Vinyl through this...

"Fancy, do you have a saferoom?" Octavia asked.

"This way," Fancy said, ducking into a light sprint. "I--"

A burst of machine gun fire interrupted him. They turned as one of the Flash-points fell away from the staircase back to the bottom floor, gun arm pointed at the open doorway.

Instead of a thug, a small, round ball flung through the doorway, landing at the Flash-point's feet.

"GRENADE!" she screamed, throwing Fleur and Vinyl away.

She turned out to be half-right. With an echoing boom, the grenade flashed bright white. Octavia stumbled, rolling away and ducking behind the first object she could use as cover while cursing. Her ears were ringing, but she thought she heard some gunfire.

Applejack wouldn't have been blinded, and neither would the Flash-Point—their optics were too good. They'd shut out the flash so as to avoid damage. Their hearing systems were potentially compromised, but that was a secondary concern.

Perhaps too late, she pulled her goggles back over her eyes, gun lifted. She shook her head, trying in vain to clear her eyesight.

Another bang came, followed by a metalic pinging sound as she felt her cover rattle against her. She winced, but without knowing if it was a gunshot aimed at her or friendly fire, she avoided shooting back.

Her vision began coming into focus again as she heard the sound of Applejack punching someone. Octavia turned slightly, looking out from behind her cover.

Her 'cover' turned out to be Vinyl Scratch.

"Oh, my God, are you alright?" Octavia burst out. "You were shot--"

Vinyl shrugged helplessly. She said something, but all Octavia caught was a light buzzing sound.

"Damn Rich," Octavia snarled, pulling out her gun. She shot the first thug she saw coming through the door, who fell back, clutching his shoulder.

The sound of Applejack grunting caught her attention. She turned, to see her friend wrestling with an Earth pony. She blinked in surprise, seeing the Earth pony actually lift Applejack into the air, throwing her to the side.

The pony wore a brown, dusted vest, with his red mane short-cropped, and he spat out to the side before wiping his mouth on his sleeve. He turned to Octavia, then narrowed his eyes.

Applejack tackled him, sending the two of them rolling in an open brawl as she punched the Earth pony in the face. Applejack's hat was missing, and she was covered in numerous dents from punches.

Octavia gulped, but didn't risk opening fire. Her handgun was certainly high enough caliber to break through Applejack's armor, and she didn't want to risk shooting her friend.

Instead, she turned her attention on the doorway. Her aim was somewhat unsteady, but as long as she was careful, she could keep the enemy at bay.

Someone tackled her from behind.

Octavia cursed, gun falling from her hand, as she fell into a brawl with a pegasus. He swung a fist at her face, missing narrowly, as she thought back to all of those ponies who'd been sneaking up the backway to Fancy's office, and how stupid she was for forgetting them.

Octavia slammed her knee into his stomach, leveraging her Earth pony magic to shove him off of her. He rolled back, then ducked in quickly. He caught her around the waist, wings propelling them both into a wall.

Octavia brought her fists down on the small of his back, inciting a cry of pain. She kneed him in the stomach, then brought her fist into the side of his skull. He spun around, before falling unconscious to the floor.

The Flash-Point that had fallen a the start shouted out, "Behind you!"

Octavia spun just in time to see yet another thug climb out of the stairwell, pointing a machine gun directly at her. The pegasus had—intentionally, no doubt—carried her to the staircase, perhaps envisioning that a brawl with an Earth pony was a bad idea.

Octavia ducked slightly to the side, just as Vinyl collided with the gun. Vinyl was an android, and thus, a small chip in her head prevented her from directly harming her opponent. However, nothing stopped her from wrestling with his gun, making sure the spray of bullets hit the wall besides Octavia, with only a single one pegging her jacket sleeve.

She mentally promised to give Rarity thanks for the sturdy vest, before rolling over to snatch her fallen pistol. She rolled onto her feet, shooting at her newest attacker.

She missed by inches, the bullet going between his and Vinyl's heads with a green trail.

The unicorn jerked his gun away from Vinyl, sending her sprawling against the wall, before swiveling to face Octavia. Octavia fired again, but a shimmering forcefield materialized in the air in front of him. The bullet broke through anyway, but the impact sent it careening off course. He ducked to the side of her second shot, gun training on her, as she leapt to the side.

Vinyl, for the second time, saved her life by tackling him. She grabbed the gun as it opened fire, a few shots going into her side but the majority hitting the wall again before the machine gun made a few, half-hearted clicking sounds. The unicorn wrestled with her, shouting, "Damn 'droid! Le'go!" He punched her in the face, then shoved hard against Vinyl.

Vinyl fell back, but so did the unicorn. Balance lost, he stumbled, foot slipping off the staircase. His eyes went wide, and then fell.

The stairs were large enough so that Octavia couldn't hear him hit the bottom. But she knew enough to know what was happening next.

Vinyl stared after him a minute, in mute shock, before she realized that she'd just killed him. And as soon as she did, the violence inhibitor sent a signal to kill her.

Vinyl fell limp, head hitting the ground with a thud, as Octavia cursed. Thankfully, there didn't seem to be any other ponies rushing up to shoot at them, so she holstered her gun as she rushed to Vinyl's side.

"Fancy, I need help!" she called out.

Fancy looked out from the doorframe he'd pulled Fleur behind, then blanched. He rushed over, falling to a crouch besides Octavia. "What happened?"

"She accidentally killed that unicorn," Octavia said. "Meaning she's dying." She rolled Vinyl over, looking at the back of her head, before taking a deep breath. "I'm going to try and save her, but I'll need a hand."

"I'm here," Applejack said, landing besides her. Her opponent was nowhere to be seen, presumably having run off rather than die in battle.

"Where's the service plate? Damned custom models—here!" Octavia pointed to the specifically marked metal plate on the back of Vinyls neck, adding, "Remove it."

Applejack, none to gently, ripped the plate off and threw it to the side.

Octavia looked inside, to the various blinking lights, and sure enough, found the violence inhibitor with its blinking red light. She gulped, then reached into her coat pocket. She pulled out a needle, then took a deep breath. "Here we go," she said, plunging it in. Delicate precision was required. One wrong move and she could seriously hurt Vinyl, potentially, irreparably. But all she needed to do was sever one wire, and push one button.

A click and a beep were her reward. She let out her breath, long and slow, as the red light faded to green.

"She's alright, then?" Fancy asked.

"She's stable," Octavia corrected. "I only knew one or two things. This is my first time dong this in the field, and I don't know how to remove it entirely."

"Even if ya did, Canterlot wouldn't accept it if they ever learn what happened," Applejack commented. "If people learn that an android hurt another pony and didn't die, as Canterlot says'll happen, then they might start to question the things Canterlot's sayin'. They can't allow that."

"What are you saying?" Fancy demanded.

"I need to remove the violence inhibitor, but there's no one in Manehattan I can particularly trust this to," Octavia said, "because if people learn that I did that, then she will be killed."

Fancy stared at her. "And you're suggesting that I do what?"

"Give her to them," Fleur answered.

Fancy stared at her. Fleur stepped out of the doorway, wobbled, then fell to her knees, leaning against the doorframe. She shuddered. "She's right, Fancy. Canterlot will not permit her to survive, at this point. But they can keep her alive, and hidden."

Fancy turned his gaze back to Octavia. "Don't think I don't know who you really work for," he said. "You don't plan on throwing her into the fire just to prove a point?"

"No," Octavia said. "She's a victim. She won't have to fight if she doesn't want to, Fancy. Though if she so chooses, then we'll allow her the chance to make a change. Same as we did with Applejack, and Rainbow Dash."

Fancy stared at her for another moment. Then he sighed. "People will talk if I just give her away," he said calmly. "She got damaged in the fight, so I sold her to you, to take care of her."

"How much?"

"Fifteen hundred," Fancy said. "Anything less and it won't be believable."

Octavia winced, but nodded. "Done. I'll have it sent within a week."

Fancy nodded. "And Octavia?"

Octavia looked up from the hole in Vinyl's neck, looking towards Fancy.

Fancy met her gaze. "Don't come back."

Smooth Sailing

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The quiet way that Fancy had told her he never wanted to see her face again stuck with her all the way to the train station.

Fancy had long been a friend of hers—he'd always gone out of his way to be kind to her, through her bungled musical career and during the hard times afterwards. Even now, he'd still agreed to their meeting today. He'd made the time for her.

And now the two of them were friends no more.

Don't think about it like that, Octavia scolded herself. He just...wants some distance. He doesn't want Discord hurting his people by proximity. He doesn't like've always known that much.


Octavia stopped at the light, aristocratic drawl. She turned to one side, where Rarity was holding up an umbrella to shield herself further from the sun. She narrowed her blue eyes, saying, "When I said to have fun storming the castle, I meant it in jest."

Octavia finally stopped to examine herself. She was covered in dust and broken bits of plaster, with a nasty cut on her cheek and several small rips on her jacket from close calls with bullets. Applejack easily looked worse, covered head to hoof in dents, her gloves, bloodstained, and oh, right. She was carrying Vinyl over one shoulder.

"Well, um," Octavia said, beginning to realize that they'd drawn the attention of the entirety of the waiting line for boarding the train.

Rarity sighed, stepping closer. "I heard you got into a gunfight," she said. "Is everything alright?"

"Just scratched up, most of us," Octavia admitted.

"Nothin' that won't buff out," Applejack said.

Rarity turned to the android, then did a double take. What is that."

Octavia winced. "One of Fancy's androids got shot by the gang that attacked," Octavia said. "So I offered to buy her off him at a discount..."

Thinking about it, her personal bank account didn't quite have fifteen hundred bits at the moment...

Rarity's lips drew to a fine line. "This way," she said without emotion.

"That's not where we get tickets," Octavia protested, following Rarity anyway.

"Pfft! Puh-lease, darling, do you think they'll let you bother the other passengers upfront?" She shook her head, stepping through the crowd.

Octavia made her way, cursing Rarity's longer legs. Applejack lagged just behind her, having to move carefully so as to keep Vinyl's head from exploding.

...Right, she needed to have an expert look at that as soon as possible. Vinyl hadn't woken up yet, and she wouldn't, not until the inhibitor was removed.

Damnable invention, Octavia thought. I hope whoever came up with that one is burning in Tartarus.

"Smooth!" Rarity said, waving.

The train conductor turned, straightening his spectacles. When he saw the speaker, he grinned broadly. "Why, hello, miss Rarity!" he bellowed. The minotaur leaned down, kissing the back of her hand. "What can Smooth Sails do for you today?"
Rarity thumbed over at Octavia and Applejack. "I was wondering if we couldn't ride in one of the luggage cars, so as to not bother the other passengers."

"Hmm..." Smooth Sails opened the ledger he kept with him, examining it closely. "There isn't so much cargo in car eight, Smooth Sails thinks you'd find it most comfortable. Any other pony, Smooth would laugh at, but he trusts Rarity to keep her hands off other passenger's cargo." With the vague-and-not-so-vague threat out of the way, he slammed the book shut. "Smooth will even charge you for cargo space, and not passenger seating."

Rarity let out a sigh of relief. "You are a well and true gentleman, Smooth. How much?"

"Hmm...Smooth will only charge you for three, considering dead weight back there," the minotaur said, pointing at Vinyl.

"She's not--" Octavia cut herself off, sighing.

Smooth elected to ignore her. "That'll be thirty bits," Smooth said. "And Smooth suggests you get on sooner rather than later."

Rarity fished out the bits—one did not simply 'haggle' with minotuars, especially if they were choosing to be generous—and handed them over. "Thank you so much, Smooth. How's the missus doing, anyhow?"

"Splendid! Smooth's wife is the image of perfection!" He flexed, muscles threatening to tear through his sleeves, as if this, in any way, related to the physical well-being of his wife.

Octavia tuned out the brief small talk he made with Rarity, and even Rarity's small talk with Coco Pommel, the young mare she had managing her Manehattan branch. Octavia climbed into the cargo wagon without a word, then helped Applejack get settled in on a sturdy looking crate. Vinyl took some finagling, but she was set up across a few boxes, with her head in Octavia's lap. Octavia held Vinyl firmly in place, knowing that she'd be in some danger once the train started moving.

"Out with it, Octavia," Rarity said, sitting across from the musician. "What happened?"

"Filthy...apparently arrived at the same conclusion, I did," Octavia said slowly. "He skipped bargaining and went straight to violence. His thugs arrived while we were at the Flight of Fancy, and during the fight..."

"You can tell the nitty-gritty stuff to the ponies back at the castle," Rarity interrupted. "Is that one in any danger?"

"If she gets jostled too much," Octavia said. "I'm...I'm not as good as Fluttershy yet."

"Fluttershy can't do field-work," Rarity countered. "As much as I love her, she's not sturdy like you are."

"You jest need to train up with yer hands a little more," Applejack said, lifting one hand in a fist. "A little more trainin' woulda shown that pegasus the what-for."

"That damned unicorn is what screwed everything up there," Octavia muttered. "Just think, one in about four or five unicorns is practiced enough to create a shield spell. And this one...this one does just good enough of a job to send my bullet off course. Vinyl here has to come save my flank. Twice, from the same ruffian."

"I didn't rightly see what happened," Applejack intoned, "but anypony would get screwed over by point-blank machine gunfire."

Octavia rubbed her side, but paused as she heard the train whistle, and the familiar call of, "Aaaaall aboooooard!"

"Finally," she muttered. With a curse, she grabbed Vinyl firmly by the shoulders, just as the train jolted.

She muttered several back-to-back prayers aimed at any deities listening, as the train started moving. The hole Applejack had made in Vinyl's neck had been covered with a scarf—and the bright red scarf was not a flattering thing on her—but a single, slowly blinking light told Octavia what she needed to know.

"She's still stable," she said with a sigh of relief. "The last thing I need right now is to try working on an android in a moving train."'

"Few would," a wry voice answered from the door.

Octavia's gun was an inch out of its holster before Rarity said, "My, here I was thinking I'd be safe from unnecessary conversation with you back here."

"It almost sounds like you don't like me," came the reply. The android stepped into the room—she was clearly an expensive, custom order of some sort. A great mane of orange swept across her back, her eyes two pools of green light with two bright green lights for pupils—advanced imitation eyes, for top-dollar customers. She wore a spiked collar, and a deep violet jacket, undercoat, skirt...all her clothing seemed to be shades of purple, actually.

"Who is this?" Octavia asked slowly.

"Oh, a greenhorn, is it?" the android asked, sitting down on a box.

Octavia bristled. "I am not," she said.

"Octavia, this is Adagio," Rarity said quietly. "She's with the Dazzle Den."

Octavia stopped short, then fully holstered her gun.

"That's a nice pistol. A Drake, if I'm not mistaken?"

Octavia nodded.

Adagio sighed. "My, you ponies get more boring with each new recruit," she said. "Is Rainbow Dash still around, Rarity? It might be fun to hang with her before I head back to Las Pegasus."

"Adagio," Rarity hissed. "This is not a secure location."

"Five bits says it's more secure than you'd think," Adagio said, nodding to the door. "One of my boys is keeping an eye on that door. We're not getting any interruptions."

"Still, it would behoove us not to discuss such matters until we get to Ponyville," Rarity said. "I swear I told you this last time—are you Seven?"

The android made a great showing of checking the pin on her jacket. "Hmm...nope, Five. Same as last time I checked."

"Apologies, you all look alike to me," Rarity muttered. "Why make nine androids that look exactly like you, I'll never understand."

The Adagio android shrugged. "It comes of thinking highly of yourself," she said simply. "I'd do the same in her position, though I think that goes without saying. What's with the stiff?"

"She's not a stiff!" Octavia snapped. "She's alive, thank you very much!"

Adagio stared at her. "So we're clear, part of this trip to Ponyville is now going to be spent discussing the fact that Discord apparently shot up the Flight of Fancy."

"We did not!" Octavia burst out. "We were attacked by Rich's thugs while we were there."

"Are ponies saying it was Discord?" Rarity asked carefully.

"Not really," Adagio said. "As far as I am aware, there's nothing to connect Discord to the shootout at all, though I understand that dear mister Fancy hasn't made any official statements yet, but the Crown will probably pin it on Discord if they can."

"You know that some of these officials can be persuasive," Rarity said slowly. "But he's an old friend of Octavia's, so I'm certain he won't say much."

Octavia was not sure how much trust she was supposed to show to Adagio, so she knew she had to be careful about what she said. Thankfully, Applejack seemed to agree on this front, and so neither of them mentioned that Fancy had pretty much severed ties with them.

Hopefully it would still all be alright.

Octavia, Applejack, and whoever the hell the other two were kept talking the entire trip, seemingly under the false assumption that Vinyl was not conscious. Granted, if any of what they said was important, she couldn't say.

She also couldn't see or move in the least, and if her feeling receptors were working properly, she was certain that she'd be feeling the missing panel in her neck.

On the other hand, she should be dead. She'd killed a pony. Androids had been known to kill ponies on accident, of course, but they always died from the shock of it. Androids were, unless specifically designed to, not able to withstand the thought of having ended a pony's life.

To make the matter even more confusing was that she didn't particularly feel guilty. Vinyl liked what she'd seen of Octavia so far, and the stallion had been trying to shoot her. True, Vinyl's only real thought had been to stop him from shooting, but partly because she couldn't do anything further.

Okay, whenever she was trying to make a particularly complicated song, she worked out a rough framework for the beats. She could do that here.

Starting with the known, and obvious, facts. She killed a pony, had seen some sort of error message, and then blacked out. She had vaguely heard Fancy selling her. Vinyl was now on a train, with her head in Octavia's lap.

Next, things that were dubious in her mind. According to officials from Canterlot, androids were not supposed to be able to survive the shock of hurting a pony. This was at least partly incorrect. Maybe she had a bug? She remembered...they said Canterlot wouldn't let her live. Was it because she had a flaw that made her dangerous?

Okay, that was a good theory, but she didn't think she had all the info. What else was there?

Oh, right. She was certain that Octavia was not, in any way, affiliated with Everfree. Whatever that conversation had been, she'd picked up that much, at least. Even so...

Wait. The other pony they'd met—Rarity?--just referred to 'Adagio'. Bloody Tartarus, had she been sold to the Dazzle Den? No, Fancy wouldn't do that.

If he knew.

Regardless, as she felt herself being carried once more, she considered that she didn't have much of a say in it at this point—if you could have said that she'd had a say in the first place. The most she could have done was voice her disapproval, and that, only because Fancy allowed it.

He was a good enough pony. Vinyl had never chafed under his command. Wherever she was going, she felt like her life wasn't going to be as easy as it had been before.

And she'd almost finished that new song, that Fancy was sure to love...

"Fluttershy!" Octavia shouted. "We've got a hurt android!"

Silence, except for light, echoing footsteps. Then, so quietly that she had to strain her ears to catch it, some pony saying, "Oh my. What happened?"

"A few bullet shots, and she accidentally killed somepony," Octavia answered. "Is there an emergency bed clear?"

"Yes, this way," Fluttershy said. "What did you do?"

"I—I turned off the inhibitor," Octavia said. She keeps saying 'violence inhibitor'. I've never heard of that, but she clearly knows more about this than I do. "But that's all I know how to do."

"It's fine, it was enough," Fluttershy said. "Set her down here. Pinkie! Are you--"

"Here!" a cheerful voice boomed from overhead. Vinyl heard a metallic grinding sound.

"Don't do that!" Octavia shrieked. She let out a sigh. "How many times must I tell you--"

"Geeze, she looks bad," Pinkie's voice came—it sounded synthesized, so Vinyl felt safe to say android. Except...that couldn't be right. Androids were forbidden from working on other androids, to any degree.

Except that they were also talking about removing a piece of machinery that supposedly didn't exist.

Another voice spoke up—this one was definitely an android, and seemingly, a cheap one, as the voice had no emotion whatsoever, and was completely computer generated. "Did you destabilize the cloud link, or simply disconnect the power from the kill switch?"

"The latter," Octavia answered.

Another voice—How many ponies are in here?--spoke up. "Ugh, then she's still conscious, scrap-brain."

"Limestone!" Pinkie chided, with another of the grinding sounds that seemed to follow her talking. "Don't be mean to her. It shouldn't be too bad, right?"

"Mm-hm," another voice chimed in. At this point, Vinyl was beginning to piece one or two things together. Namely, the fact that a vast majority of the voices seemed to be coming from directly above her...?

"I do hope the train ride wasn't too rough on her," Rarity spoke up.

"Shouldn't have been," Pinkie said.

"We can't say for certain until we get a good look at the damage," the monotone voice said.

"So—she's still conscious?" Octavia asked, hesitantly.




"I just told you that!"

No doubt about it. All four of them seemed to be hanging from the ceiling somehow. Where even was she, anyway?
"Vinyl, I'm so sorry," Octavia whispered. She felt the scarf being pulled off her neck, and the whirring of heavy machinery. "I should have treated you gentler..."

"Did you rip off this panel?" the angry one demanded—Limestone?

"Uh, that was me, sorry," Applejack said. "We were in a rush."

"Rush jobs," Limestone spat.

"It's all they had time for," the monotone one said. "Usually, perfection is out of reach, so we have to make do with the most readily available substitute."

"Ah! There Maude goes with the timeless wisdom again!" Pinkie clucked her tongue—or made a similar sound, anyway, as Vinyl thought she was an android. "But hey! I think this is a pretty good substitute! We can have her back on in a jiffy!"

Oh, Jiffy. She was gonna miss that flighty feather-brain.

"Really?" Octavia said. "Oh, I was worried I'd done some sort of serious damage. That's a relief."

More for me than for you, lady!

"Well, worry no longer!" Pinkie said.

"Yes, you only actually made one mistake, and that was partly due to the rough treatment of her ride here," Maude said.

"Oh, dear," Applejack said. "She gonna be alright?"

"Yes. Aside from us having to reboot her sensory systems."

Vinyl felt something tugging at her throat—presumably, ponies were starting working on her now.

" that a bad thing?" Rarity asked, after a minute's silence.

"Well..." Pinkie began, which was immediately not a good sign.

"So, um, not to worry you or anything," Fluttershy said, "but we don't have the option of turning her off while we do this...which is how it's normally done. Doing it while the android is awake"

"It hurts like a son of a bitch," Applejack intoned. "Ugh. Sorry, Vinyl, I shouldn't have been so rough."

"Don't worry! The pain is really, really, really temporary! Like, five—ten...maybe thirty seconds!" A moment's silence.

"I don't think that was very reassuring," Maude said.

"Yeah, I know," Pinkie Pie said dejectedly. "Anyhoo, brace yourself! I'm gonna do it in three—two--"

Vinyl heard Limestone say, "Ugh." That was her last thought before being completely engulfed in pain.


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Vinyl lived for music. Sure, it's what she had been made it do, but she felt like this wasn't some programming thing. She loved music—and not even just the stuff she made. Techno, rock, even classical. There was something soothing about it, even in the worst of times.

She'd also found out that if she muted her speakers, she could listen to music without anyone else hearing. Often times, when stressed, she'd just play some music until she was calm again. The only way anyone could tell was by her eyes, and only if you knew her well enough to know what the dancing bars meant.

Just as suddenly as it had started, the pain stopped, leaving a general feeling of numbness in Vinyl. "Owwwwwwww," she said, her newly reactivated voice box sluggishly drawing out the sounds. "Whyyyyyyyyyyy?"

"Oh, get over it," Limestone said. "Rip the band-aid off, am I right?"

"Limestone!" Pinkie chastised. "That was not nice."

"Hm-mm," Marble said, somehow sounding more stern.

Blurry forms of gray appeared in her vision as her optics booted up. "I still can't move," Vinyl said.

"That'll be a minute, sorry," Fluttershy said in her ears. Vinyl felt someone poking at her throat again. "How are you feeling?"

"Wonderful," Vinyl drawled. "Cherry goddamn sundae."

"Oh, really?" Another set of metallic grinding, followed by a shape appearing in her view. "You don't sound like it."

Vinyl didn't answer for a minute. "Did I just swear?" she asked. "I'm...not s'posed to do that..." Couldn't, actually, because Fancy had told her not to.

"You don't have to worry about that," Octavia chuckled.

A light tinking sound alerted her just as a pony's face appeared in view. Yellow coat, with slightly curled pink hair streaming from her head. She wore a white doctor's coat, and looked into Vinyl's face with concern. "Don't worry, you're safe," she said.

Vinyl didn't want to try answering that at the moment. "Where am I?" she asked instead.


"We can't answer that just yet," Pinkie's voice came, with another grinding sound. "Sorry. We have orders."

Fluttershy moved out of Vinyl's face, letting Vinyl get a good look at Pinkie...or, so she assumed it was Pinkie.

Hanging from the ceiling by a series of metal tentacles was a massive construct. She couldn't see much of its main body, partly because its mechanical eyes were in the way. Four eyes on long, flexible stalks, each one different. Two were made to resemble normal pony eyes of different colors, one was simply a red screen with a lighter red dot in the center, the last she wasn't even sure functioned as an eye. It was simply a metal ball, painted to look like an eye, except at the edges where the pain had been scraped off.

That one looked more directly at her than the others, and Pinkie's voice sounded from somewhere just behind it. "You might wanna hold still, we're putting in some new plating for your throat, then we'll see about the rest of the bullets, alright?" The eyestalk gave a happy bob, sending the eye rolling in its socket, producing that grinding sound she'd been hearing up until this point, and, presumably, chipping off whatever paint was left on the far edges of the eye.

"Ahh..." Vinyl squeaked.

"Are you gonna scream?" Maude's monotone voice came.

"Really, please don't," Limestone added, the red eye narrowing.

"O-okay," Vinyl squeaked. Behemoth. That's what she was looking at—the only thing she could be looking at! It had to be the size of a truck, probably bigger! And what was with the four eyes and voices? Good God! What was she even looking at?
One of the tentacles, this one with a tool at the end, began jabbing at her throat. "You ever considered replacing your casing?" Limestone asked. "This stuff isn't that durable."


One of the imitation eyes turned to look at her stomach, and a couple of small tendrils came out to pull the jacket away.

"Sorry, but your jacket seems to have been ruined," Maude's voice came.

"N-no worries." Discord. She was at a DISCORD base. Granted, they didn't seem like they planned on killing her, but she also knew that Canterlot would not care if they blew the base to smithereens with her inside it or not.

"Here, I shall make you another," Rarity's voice came, from somewhere on her right. "Consider it an apology for letting you get caught up in this mess."

"No worries."

"Is she alright? You didn't damage her with that stunt, did you, Limestone?" Pinkie asked, that eye grinding once more as the stalk turned to look at the red one.

"You brutes! Don't you see you've scared the poor thing?" Rarity snapped. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Miss...Vinyl, was it?"


"I'm Rarity, Rarity Belle. This here is Doctor Fluttershy, and—well, you've met Applejack and Octavia, right?"

Vinyl nodded weakly.

"Hey, she's moving again!" Pinkie said.

Maude's tentacles fished a bullet out of her stomach. "Getting rid of all these holes is going to take a while," she said, still showing no emotion. "I'm actually with Limestone on this one. This could be a good opportunity to replace some of it with armored plating."


"She's not in much of a condition to make that choice right now," Fluttershy put in. "We can always do that later, if she wants it. She might want to stay away from the fighting."

"You''re the Behemoth," Vinyl choked out.

All four eyes turned to look into her face.

"These are the Pie Sisters," Rarity said. "There's a long story behind that, and I'm sure they'd be happy to tell you sometime when they aren't performing surgery on you."

"But, yes, we're the Behemoth," Pinkie said, eye rolling again.


"So, um, you think you could...patch the holes? I can worry about the other stuff later," Vinyl said with a chuckle.

"Mm-hm," the last of the Pie Sisters said.

"Oh! This is Marble Pie, and she's excited to meet you, and is hoping we can get along well once you get used to us," Pinkie said, eye doing a couple of three-sixty spins.

"Mm-hm," Marble said with a slight bob.

Maude finished fishing out bullets and a few scraps of fabric from her stomach. "Fluttershy, do we have any of the responsive paneling in stock?" she asked.

"I'll go check," Fluttershy said, rushing off. Well, she was clearly intending to move fast, but she wasn't moving very quickly, especially when she had to briefly take flight to get past a pegasus leaning against the doorframe with legs outstretched.
Vinyl focused her gaze on the pegasus, quickly realizing a few things. This pegasus was wearing punk city garb, focusing on a black jacket, white tank top, and worn, scuffed up jeans. She wasn't wearing shoes. She was an android. And she had a rainbow mane.

Vinyl shouldn't have been surprised, really—as she'd told Fleur earlier, Rainbow Dash was the most believable part about the whole 'Discord' mess. Vinyl had seen the pictures of her, taken during shots of action. Rainbow Dash had gone rogue after Wonderbolts were declared illegal for civilians to own, so her design was slightly outdated, though she still had the signature 'Wonderbolt blue' coloring, as crayons would put it. Her arms were folded across her chest, hiding her weapons from view.
Oh, and her eyes were like those of the older Wonderbolts—designed to look like a pair of flight goggles. The glass was red, and showed no signs of imitation pupils.

"Hi," Vinyl said.

Rainbow Dash gave a slight nod. "Heard the screaming, thought I'd check to see if everything is alright."

"No worries, Dashie, we have everything under control!" Pinkie said, with a chorus of agreements from her sisters.

"That's good," Rainbow Dash said with another nod. "So, Melody, mind explaining this one?"

Octavia stiffened. "It'll be in the report," she muttered.

"You can give that now," Rainbow replied.

Octavia pointed to Vinyl.

"She was here for all of it, wasn't she?" Rainbow asked.

"And if you know that, then that means you already have an idea what happened?" Octavia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I was making sure you weren't followed, and you were, up until the train station," Rainbow growled.

"By whom?" Rarity demanded. "I'd have noticed—"

"It was a drone of some sort. Tiny, winged thing. I didn't get a good look at 'im myself, but it's not that hard to figure out who sent him."

"But he didn't follow us here, so we're good," Octavia said firmly.

"Octavia," Rainbow said in warning. "You narrowly escaped death today."

"I was shot at repeatedly. I only got out because Vinyl saved my flank," Octavia snapped. "I think I got--"

"The Princess of Inquiries was asking after you," Rainbow interrupted.

"An Alicorn?" Vinyl burst out.

A moment of silence passed, as Rainbow focused her attention on her.

"Oh, um, sorry," Vinyl said. "You can just, uh, continue."

"An Alicorn was asking after you," Rainbow repeated as if the interruption hadn't occurred. "I need to know what Fancy knows, because we have to assume that anything he knows, the Princess of Inquiries knows as well."

There was a moment's silence, which Octavia broke.


"Rainbow Dash!"

The Wonderbolt jumped, turning to see a scowling Fluttershy holding up a small bundle. "Are you court-martialing my patients again?"

"I wasn't--"

"OUT!" Fluttershy grabbed her roughly by the coat, shoving her out the door. "If you've got nothing better to do, go fetch some armor plating for Applejack, just stay out of my way!" She paused. "Um...please."

Rainbow stared at her in mute silence, before moving off to comply.

Fluttershy turned around, face quite pink. "Um, sorry about that," she said. "I, uh, lost my temper." She gave an apologetic smile.

"It's fine, darling, this is hardly the time or place for it," Rarity said. "As she herself admitted, the Alicorn failed to track you here. Not like any of them could, anyway."

Fluttershy unwrapped the bundle, setting up a few sheets of smooth, white panels, still blushing.

" have a problem, though," Octavia admitted. "Fancy and Fleur both figured out I'm with Discord."

Rarity gasped. "Both of them?"

"I didn't confirm it to either of them, so Fancy has an excuse not to say anything," Octavia said. "I trust him. He won't spill. Fleur...I'm not so certain."

"I figure she's good enough, if she didn't have that chip in her brain," Applejack scoffed. She took off her hat, dusting it off. "Rarity, can you go mention this to the Boss? She'll wanna know."

"Certainly, as soon as Rainbow Dash is back," Rarity replied. "She said Princess of Inquiries?"

"I think so," Vinyl said. "Is...that better or worse than one of the others?" There were no more than six Alicorns at any time, supposedly picked because they represented the Elements of Harmony.

From what she knew, some of them were a far cry away from the mythical artifacts of goodness.

"Inquiries is bad," Octavia muttered. "Very bad."

"She's kinda...on a longer leash than the others," Pinkie said, rolling her eye slowly to one side. "A real meanie."

"There aren't many Inquisitors, especially as she's rather new," Rarity said, "but you and Octavia will both want to stay in the castle for a while, at least until we think she's no longer looking."

"Bloody Tartarus," Octavia muttered, resting her face in her hands. "An Alicorn...I can barely hold my own against an unarmed pegasus, what am I supposed to do against a deity?"

"They ain't deities, they bleed same as any pony," Applejack scoffed, "but ain't none of us were ready for that confrontation yet. The plan ain't gonna change because of Midnight Sparkle, no matter how hard she looks."

A violet streak soared across the Manehattan skyline, wings twisting, before alighting on an arm stretched out from a violet cloak.

"Well?" Midnight asked, voice taking on a slightly metalic hum. "Did you see her?"

Spike turned, his mechanical head looking her right in the eyes. "She was beautiful," he whispered.

Midnight blinked. "What?"

"That pony...with the violet mane! She was gorgeous!" He puffed out his wings, spinning around on her arm, briefly hanging from her elbow upside-down. "I—wow! I think I'm in love, Midnight!"

Midnight stared at him, then rubbed her face. "Spike," she chided. "What about Octavia?"

"Oh, um...she was with the pretty mare."

Midnight slammed a palm into her face, making a dull, metalic ping as she hit her prosthetic eye. Her vision from that half blurred, the world turning into a teal mass briefly, as she winced. Gotta remember to stop doing that, she thought. "Did you at least see where they went?" she asked.

"Er...a train?"

"Which train?" Midnight demanded.

"I don't know. The conductor might!"

"Who was the conductor?" Midnight asked.

"Erm..." Spike cocked his head. "A minotaur?"

Midnight sighed, wings sagging with a rattling of metal. Her horn lit up, and she poured a little magic into Spike. "Direct line, Minuette. Authorized: 'Summer Sun'."

His eyes lit up, accessing the free energy, before a series of green lights lit up along his spines. A hologram appeared in the air above him. "Hey, Princess," Minuette said, smiling at the hologram of Midnight on her end.

"Any luck on your end?" Midnight asked.

"Not really. These gang members don't know who hired them, though I think it's safe to assume it's Filthy Rich."

"Safe to assume, but we can't arrest ponies on 'assumptions'," Midnight said. At least, not the upper nobility. "What about Octavia and her android?"

"No luck. Only a couple of living ponies saw her in action. Unless Fancy or Fleur told you something, the only others are either dead or MIA."

"What about that pegasus?"

Minuette shrugged. "He got beat up by an Earth pony. He knows nothing more than that. As far as that big Earth pony gangster went, I don't have the foggiest clue. He's not a small name, either—he's experienced. Goes by 'Rough Tumble'. He and the boss pony both vanished before Indigo and I arrived."

Midnight sighed. "So no leads, then?"

"Nope. I wanna check out Everfree, though, see if Octavia is actually one of them."

"Leave that to Sour," Midnight replied. "She's there, she can find that out shortly."

"Got it. What do you want us to do with these guys?"

"Cull them. We don't need trash in our kingdom," Midnight ordered.

"You got it, boss. Any orders for what to do next?"

"Hang around in Manehattan," Midnight answered. "I'm going on the move again. I lost the trail on my end..." She gave a glare to Spike, letting him know what that meant. "...But I want you and Indigo to stay here. How's she holding up, by the way?"

"Rookie's doing just fine," Minuette said with a grin. "Her aim is only slightly worse in the field than during training, and she doesn't waver hardly at all. She's shaping up to be an excellent Inquisitor." She flashed a supportive grin at her off-screen partner.

Midnight smiled. A consoling thought, at least. "Make sure she gets a chance to voice her thoughts on this case," she answered. "Relay anything that sounds useful back to me."

"Heard and accepted," Minuette answered. "I'll call you the moment I find anything useful."

"Thank you," Midnight said. "End call."

Spike ended the call. "Well, it's hardly my fault," he said, flapping his wings in a disgruntled fashion.

"I don't remember programming the ability to find ponies attractive into you," Midnight muttered. "Next time, stay focused. This could have been huge."

"I know, I know," he apologized, head bowed. "Sorry."

"It's alright. We'll get more chances," Midnight said. And they would, she was sure.

She'd make sure of it.

Matters of Trust

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Talk had died died down after Rainbow Dash had returned with some metal plating for Applejack, at which point Fluttershy had thrown her and Rarity out. Octavia was thrown out after Fluttershy swabbed her cuts with disinfectant, and by that point, the Behemoth had finished fixing her plating.

Vinyl was a little unsure about the Pie Sisters at first, but she quickly found herself laughing at every one of Pinkie’s jokes, even if the rest of them were somewhat quieter. Marble, in particular, seemed to say little beyond, “Mm-hm” and a light bob of her eye, though Pinkie seemed to have a good guess at what she was feeling normally.

Fluttershy peeked out the doorway, then said, “It looks like Octavia is off giving her report.”

“Sounds about right,” Applejack muttered, before grunting as the final piece of armored plating was attached to her shoulder. She rolled her shoulder, listening for anything out of place, before letting out a, “Yeehaw! You girls patched me up right as rain!”

“Aw, it was nothin’,” Pinkie said, eye rolling to one side in a bashful fashion.

Or, so Vinyl thought. The tone conveyed it more than anything. If she looked closer at the Behemoth, she did see four mechanical hooves, though she had yet to ask if they were cybernetic, or purely mechanical, or...actually, she hadn’t yet worked up the courage to ask anything.

“Well, what do we do about Vinyl?” Fluttershy asked. “This place is really old, and if she wandered outside, she could get hurt badly. And if she stays inside, she might get caught in one of the traps.”

“Ah, booby traps, of course,” Vinyl muttered. “Um...I’m fine sitting here until--” She stopped. “Actually...what next? I...I don’t know what you guys want.”

“A large part depends on what you want, Vinyl,” Applejack asked, pointing a finger at her. She grabbed her tank top, pulling it over her head.

“What I want?”

“Ain’t no one who owns you no more. Yer free as a bird.” She threw her jacket back on, then pulled her hat onto her head. “If you want to help us, yer free to offer up a hand. If you just wanna sit down and avoid the action, hell, we’d let you do that jest fine.”

“But aren’t you worried I’ll go alert the Princesses?” Vinyl asked slowly. “Besides, if I leave the castle, no one’s gonna care that I’m ‘free’.” She made sure her exaggerated air quotes were plainly visible.

“First off, we didn’t say you were free to leave right away,” Applejack said. “I’m afraid we may have to keep you here for a little while. And the second part is why we’re fightin’, so that androids can be truly free, and the other ponies Canterlot’s hurtin’, too.”

Vinyl had to admit, that did sound heroic, but... “I don’t know the first thing about combat,” she said. “I’m not built for it, either, even if I...can hurt ponies now.”

“’Can’ and ‘should’ are two entirely different questions,” Applejack said. “It takes some work figurin’ out when yer supposed to attack, and when to hold back. We normally try to avoid violence, if we can help it.”

“We’re not out to hurt ponies,” Pinkie said.

“Not the good ones,” Limestone growled. “Bastards like Filthy Rich need to be buried in a pine box.”

Applejack didn’t answer that directly. “Sometimes ponies only listen to fightin’,” Applejack said. “And Celestia seems to be one of ‘em, but there’s a lot of ponies out there who don’t want to hurt no one.”

“But, if you wanted to stay around, we’d be happy to have you,” Fluttershy put in. “It’s always nice to meet a new friend, though I guess it can be scary sometimes.” The poor girl hid in her mane, casting a nervous look Vinyl’s away when she noticed the android’s attention.

“Well, um—I don’t bite, if that’s what your worried about,” Vinyl said, gesturing to her face—which lacked a mouth entirely.

Fluttershy giggled. “I wasn’t really worried about that,” she admitted.

“Good.” Vinyl swung her legs off the operating table, planting them on the ground. She picked up her jacket, sighing at the bullet holes in it. “Aw.” She pulled it on, saying, “And, um...if the Princesses catch me. What happens then?”

“Well, most likely, they kill yah, since you know more than they want you to,” Applejack put in. “But, if you wanna risk it, there’s always the one-percent chance that, if you turn in the ponies who saved yer life, sell ‘em out and all, then you’ll save your chrome at the cost of a couple dozen ponies who wanted to do right with the world, just so you can spend yer days...I dunno, actually. I’m not sure what they’d do with ya if they kept ya alive. Maybe death would be preferable.” She shrugged. “Or maybe I’m not givin’ ‘em enough credit. Maybe they’re a lot more fare than that.”

“Okay,” Vinyl said. “Yikes. I never really thought about how scary those ponies were.”

Especially the Alicorns. Oh, Stars above...what if she ran into an Alicorn?

“So, you wanna a tour?” Applejack said, seemingly pretending she hadn’t made a previous statement. “There’s a lot of the place that’ll be off limits to ya, at least for now, but I can show you around the hospital, at least.”

“ there a place I can rest?” Vinyl asked. “I think I need to boot off for a bit. Process everything, y’know?”

“Oh, of course,” Fluttershy said. “Applejack, we...we have some guest rooms, right?”

“A few, though we don’t exactly get many ‘guests’,” Applejack said. “Come on. I’ll show ya to a bunk.”

“Hmm. No android stasis tanks, I’m guessing?” She paused. “Wait, how do I recharge?”

“Oh, right, yer new,” Applejack muttered. “Ya don’t need to.”

“Dude,” Vinyl said. “Not funny. I don’t want to have gone through all this just to black out from power loss and then never wake up again. Where do I charge my batteries?”

Applejack reached over and poked Vinyl’s horn. “That doohickey Fluttershy and the Pie Sisters took out did more than just prevent you from hurting anypony. It blocked yer magic—you have unicorn magic, same as any unicorn would, and that keeps ya charged.”

Vinyl stared at her. “Wait, I can...I can do the telekinesis thing?”

“Mm-hm,” Marble’s voice put in.

“Actually, you can manipulate thaumic energy through a conduit—your horn—and manipulate it such as to cast numerous spells,” Maude said. After a slight pause, she added, “But yes, you can also do the telekinesis thing.”

“I thought androids couldn’t use magic,” Vinyl said slowly.

“’Cuz Canterlot wants to keep pretending yer not really alive,” Applejack scoffed. “Long as they can do that, then they can brush off all the complaints about android rights, but there’s no easy way to prove that right now.”

Vinyl accessed her system diagnostics, checking her power. Fully charged. Despite being active for considerably longer in one stretch than she had before.

“So, is someone gonna teach me how to do that?” Vinyl asked slowly.

Applejack shrugged. “Maybe. There’s not a lot of unicorns nearby, though we can certainly find one we trust enough to let up here. You can try practicing a bit on yer own, too. No one’s gonna stop ya, though you might wanna be careful.”

“Gotcha,” Vinyl said, imagining blowing herself up because she wanted to roll up window blinds with magic. A ridiculous thought.

“This way, ma’am,” Applejack said, beckoning.

Vinyl followed, examining the building. The hospital room had been whitewashed stone, but from what the rest of the place looked like, it had clearly been replaced with newer material.

The building was ancient. Cracked stone bricks made up every wall and floor, and she’d occasionally pass a tapestry. They either seemed to be of Celestia—which were few and far between—or of another pony, an Alicorn. Vinyl couldn’t say who it was. She wasn’t familiar with all the Alicorns over the past thousand years. Despite the fact that they were supposed to live forever, Alicorns did end up being replaced every few decades, normally lasting thirty to fifty years.

Not that Vinyl had seen any of that. She’d only been made seven years ago, just before the Wonderbolts had been declared as ‘government use only’.

But she wasn’t particularly sorry to see them gone from Fancy’s place. He’d been using a few as guards. They were a lot more dangerous than the Flash-points, which Canterlot had replaced the confiscated Wonderbolts with.

But the Flash-Points looked a lot friendlier.

“Could I...ask a question? About Discord?”

“Go ahead, but I can’t promise I’ll be allowed to answer,” Applejack replied.

“Is the Diamond Duster real?”

Applejack stopped dead in her tracks, falling silent. “Eeeeyup,” she drawled out. Then she started moving again.

Vinyl moved to be walking right next to her. “Yikes. I’m assuming it’s more complicated than an android with a human heart?”

“I don’t rightly know where that rumor came from,” Applejack muttered. “But...yeah, it’s less complicated than that. Nothing like that crazy rumor.”

“Well, I mean, I don’t imagine sane people wearing masks like that,” Vinyl muttered.

Applejack looked at her. “Sane people don’t join the rebellion trying to overthrow the immortal goddess of the sun,” she drawled. “Everyone here’s crazy.”

“Ah, thanks for the heads up. I was expecting a castle full of reasonable, distinguished gentlecolts.”

“Sorry to disappoint,” Applejack chuckled.

“Don’t be. I’m crazy, too.”

Applejack stopped at a door. “Here’s a room you can stay in. It should have everything ya need, give a holler if you need somethin’. Oh, and, uh...don’t wander off too far, okay? Just...until everything’s settled down somewhat.”

“You mean you don’t want a complete stranger with unknown affiliations poking around your secret base?” Vinyl gasped. “How rude.”

Applejack laughed. “You’ve got a smart mouth, anypony ever tell you that?”

“Once or twice.” Vinyl shrugged. “I’ve got a foul streak when I choose to, as well.”

“Ya gotta let me hear that sometime,” Applejack chuckled. “Right, I gotta head off, though. I’m sure the Boss will want to talk about that mission.”

“Does she have a name?” Vinyl asked dryly.

“Yeah, just only a couple of us are allowed to know who she is,” Applejack said bluntly. “And you ain’t there yet.”

“Gotcha, fair enough,” Vinyl said. “I’m gonna go boot off. I need to think.”

She opened the door, pausing as Applejack said, “Sleep tight.”

The room was sparse, mostly just an old bed—thankfully, newer than the castle—and a nightstand. It did, however, have a window, and that lead to her curiosity overwhelming her.

Vinyl stepped up and looked outside.

The castle itself was ginormous, even from the parts she could see. There was a massive courtyard, and in the center of this was a glowing, crystal statue of a tree. It had to be the size of a small building alone.

The walls separating the courtyard from the outside world were mostly gone at this point. Beyond the remains was a thick, dense forest. From above the tops of the trees, Vinyl couldn’t really see into it, but from the front, she could see that none of the pale light from the moon made it through the treetops.

Vinyl reached over, pulling at a vine growing along the outerwall. It didn’t move, and...

Vinyl stared at it, looking closer. The ‘vine’ was, in fact, just stone. In fact, there were lots of vines crawling along the outer walls, but none inside. All of the ones she could reach were the same.

Vinyl stepped inside, thinking about this. Then she looked to a broken tile on the ground, and very firmly, stomped on it.

Despite the fact that the tile clearly looked as if it wasn’t connected to the ground at all, it didn’t budge. “Whoa,” she said. The building clearly wasn’t half as old as it looked, then.

But why go through all that effort? Making a fake ruin seemed like a lot of work for no reason. You could have just built a castle.

Whatever. She’d think about it tomorrow. Vinyl jumped into the bed, then began booting off her systems.

And that was an interesting experience. All of her systems were so much more responsive, and she could diagnose a lot more than she should have been able to. Up to and including her ‘thaumic circuits’.

So you’re telling me...they built in systems to scan my use of magic and make sure it was running properly, when I can’t use magic?

That was enough to give her a headache. She decided to pointedly ignore the dumb logic and finish booting off her systems. She set her internal alarm to wake her up at six AM.

That should be plenty of time to do anything, right?

Indigo Zap growled, shoving the stacks of books away from her. The Manehattan Public Library was truly a treasure trove of was unfortunate that Minuette and Midnight happened to enjoy that a lot more than she did.

And Minuette’s supposed to do more fieldwork than Lyra...

As she leaned back in her chair, Indigo idly scratched at her wrist. The metal plating somehow itched, even after she’d turned off the feeling receptors.

Minuette had made her turn them back on, because of health reasons Indigo didn’t fully get.

Indigo looked over to where Minuette sat, cycling through a few notes on the hologram display in front of her. “Tired?” she asked, without looking.

“I am this closes to giving up and playing video games,” Indigo groaned, balancing her chair on its back two legs. With a little help from her wings, of course.

“Change topic of study,” Minuette suggested. “We have more than one thing we’re supposed to be doing, and a change of pace can help a lot.”

“Mm,” Indigo not-replied. She scratched at her arm cybernetics again.

“Stop that,” Minuette ordered. “You’ll damage them.”

“Do yours ever just itch?” Indigo asked.

“They did a little, which is why I’m not being super hard on you for it,” Minuette said. “But it’s just a psychological thing. The first few cybernetics are always the hardest.”

Minuette had quite a few cybernetics, herself. Both her hooves were metal below the knee, she’d replaced her elbow joints, and even added an augment or two to her heart. And of course, the one in her temple, boosting her reaction times, but that one was so commonplace, it was hardly worth mentioning.

Indigo touched the implant in her own forehead. That one didn’t itch. It was just her hands. The wing braces she had didn’t itch either—though how the hell she’d go about scratching them was a different matter.

Indigo returned her attention to the terminal in front of her. The temptation to go about playing video games was strong, but knowing that Minuette could see her was a strong deterrent. Instead, she moved to another tab.

Most ponies would find doing work like this in a public library stupid, but the Inquisitors had their own section for ease of access, and they were logged into a secure network. Indigo felt no qualms about searching top-secret information on them.
Everfree had not yet finished combing their records to see if they had an ‘Octavia Melody’ in their employment, though the knowledge that she did their security should have made that easier. In fact, the whole thing seemed a little weird. Sour Sweet and her partner were infiltrating them, but there was no reason Indigo couldn’t do this faster.

Hmm, Everfree had employed Octavia’s assistance before, it seemed, but for what, exactly, remained unclear. It seemed that they were regularly shelling out large amounts of bits to a freelance ‘security pony’ with a suped up, custom-build android.

Hold up, Octavia was a musician?

Indigo blinked, opening up the tab. With a name like, “Octavia Melody”, it shouldn’t have been surprising, really. But it somehow was. How did one go from ‘failed musician’ to ‘security expert’?

Okay, that was interesting. She’d never paid for that android of hers—not publicly, anyway. And, unfortunately, it was a custom model of some kind, so tracking that down would be difficult.

But Octavia was clearly not a rich pony, and any custom android order was expensive. So...was she working with somepony? Who? Everfree operated out of Ponyville, their main base on the borders of the Everfree Forest, which was where they got their name. Octavia lived in Ponyville—or at least, owned a house there.

“Hey, do I have permission to contact Sour?” Indigo asked.

“Why?” Minuette asked slowly, looking up from her own work.

“I wanna see if Octavia’s been back at her house since she left Manehattan.”

“Why would Sour know?”

“...Because Octavia lives in Ponyville?”

Minuette stared at her, then stood up and moved to look at Indigo’s screen. “No, don’t contact Sour Sweet just yet,” she said, as she read the reports Indigo was staring at. “Good work, though, this is very informative.”

“Really? Once I started looking into Octavia, I found it all within five minutes.”

“Yeah. And that’s why it’s informative, because we have Sour looking into this.”

Indigo paused, thinking that over. “Ah, shit. You think she’s gone rogue?”

“I think she may be taking some bits from the same ponies Octavia’s getting her pay from,” Minuette said. “But she and Double up are working together on this, and this isn’t enough to go by. That was good work, though. Keep at it. I want you double-checking all the reports Sour’s given us, too—I’ll send ‘em your way.”

Indigo beamed, but it was short lived. She found she couldn’t quite enjoy her success.

After all, this meant that Sour Sweet had turned traitor. And the Royal Inquisitors did not like those.

The Mare in Charge

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Vinyl woke up the next morning, and nothing was any clearer to her, least of all the dangerous question of, “What next?”

A million questions paraded around her mind about Discord, and not all of them were good. Number one was all the rumors that it was a violent terrorist organization intent on world domination, or machine supremacy, or whatever. The ponies and androids she’d met so far were nice enough people, so she wasn’t the most concerned...yet.

At the very least, a lot of the rumors did seem immediately false. The Behemoth had not shown any of the violent urges they were reported to—except, maybe Limestone, of whom Vinyl wouldn’t put it past to kill somepony because they were kinda annoying. Rainbow Dash did not seem like a human-murdering tornado of rage and psychotic instincts. At least, she hadn’t. The most she’d seemed was annoyed.

Though, she got the distinct impression that Octavia and Rainbow Dash didn’t get along.

Vinyl stepped outside her room, keeping Applejack’s warning in mind. Luckily, less than ten feet away, there was a balcony, and she stepped out onto it, leaning against it. She had a light, techno music playing—not out loud, so no one else might be disturbed. She decided to brush aside her doubts about Discord for the moment—what was she planning on doing, anyway? Stopping them herself? She couldn’t take Octavia in a fight—hell, she doubted she could take Fluttershy. And even if she did, then what? She doubted this was their only base. Discord had been around for twenty years.

She moved on to her next subject. Unfortunately, despite the myriad benefits removing the violence inhibitor had, she didn’t have an on-demand access to the internet anymore. So she’d have to improvise.

Vinyl focused, scanning along her ‘thaumic circuits’ and the matching ‘regulator’. She had no idea what any of it was for, and her machinery had never had a user’s manual. Or, it did, but it had been meant for Fancy. She’d read it out of curiosity, but found it quite boring.

With a burst of will, the ‘thaumic’ equipment activated, and she heard a familiar, twinkling sound. She reached up, touching the horn that, up until then, she’d assumed was purely decorational.

It was warm, and, she was certain, glowing. But now, what to do? Just...let it out?

Doing so proved to be an immensely bad idea. A burst of blue lightning shot into the sky with an earsplitting crack that had her audio receivers whining and a brief error message. She quickly shut off the thaumic-whatsits, and the twinkling subsided after a second.

Vinyl was very glad she hadn’t done that indoors.

A light chuckling came from behind her. “You might want to wait for someone to teach you. Unicorn magic is a lot harder to control than pegasus or Earth pony magic.”

Vinyl turned, seeing an unfamiliar mare in a black, hooded coat. Her mane and brow were hidden under the coat, her arms folded across her chest, and a set of large, feathered wings tucked in close to her back. But what Vinyl noticed immediately was that the wings were lined with metal, and she had another prosthetic just under her right eye. Her eyes were ever-so-slightly reflective, showcasing the glass paneling for an eye augment. Her hooves were bare, leaving clear sight that one of them was metal—at least, the hoof itself was, as her jeans covered everything above her fetlocks.

“Uh, sorry,” Vinyl apologized. “I’m not sure how to do anything with magic, really.”

“Was that your first spell?” the mare asked, cocking her head sideways.

“First ever,” Vinyl said. “If it counts.”

“No, it counts,” she answered. “Magic releasal. A lot of ponies can do something like that, but normally without much efficiency. That lightning bolt would be fine in combat, but it lacked finesse. It very well might just miss, or worse, hit an ally.”

“Well, I’m not sure I want to see any combat,” Vinyl said, turning back to the sky, leaning her elbows on the railing.

The pegasus joined her, mimicking her pose. Each hoofstep alternated between the light clink of a horseshoe, and the heavy thud of the prosthetic. “Not sure you’re cut out for fighting?”

“Well, I think I handled myself well back at the Flight of Fancy,” Vinyl said. “Especially for my first fight, with the inhibitor-thingie.”

“So I heard,” came the reply. “You saved Octavia’s life twice.”

“I...guess I did,” Vinyl said. “Ugh, dammit. Now what if she goes and dies while I’m not there?”

“There’s been plenty of times when you weren’t there,” the mare answered. “Look at it this way—we’re fighting at Discord so you can have the right to choose. No one’s going to force you to fight, or hold it against you if you don’t. Fluttershy doesn’t fight, either, and neither do the Pie Sisters.”

“Really? I’m pretty sure they could kick flank.”

“Well, yes, but that’s besides the point,” the mare chuckled. “Even if you want to help—which, again, is your choice—there’s other things to do. What do you want to try? Fighting, medical...” She shrugged. “Supplies need to be stocked, too.”

“I dunno,” Vinyl said. “I don’t think a group of freedom fighter’s have much use for a musician. Just look at Octavia! She had to learn to shoot, and swing a punch, and she saved my life with her techno-know-how.”

“That was one of her first combat scenarios, so we’re clear,” the pegasus said, giving her wings a ruffle. “She’s seen fights before, but that’s not her specialty. We have her mostly going for techie stuff that she’s learning from Fluttershy, and occasionally talking to ponies.”

“Huh. I could do that. Go with her, and people up. I’ve been told I’m good at talking to people.”

“It would be true, from what I’ve seen.” She gave a grin.

“Heh, thanks. I’m Vinyl, by the way.”

“Sunset. Sunset Shimmer.”

Vinyl paused, then turned off her music as she stared at the other. “Wait...that sounds familiar. It’s on the tip of my tongue.”

“Hm, that might be hard to access, considering you don’t have a tongue,” Sunset answered with a chuckle. “But I don’t blame you for not recognizing the name. I left the public scene many years ago.”

“What was your job? Maybe that’ll kickstart my memory.”

“Vinyl?” Octavia’s voice called out.

“Polo!” Vinyl shouted back.

Octavia stepped onto the balcony, her goggles around her neck, jacket nowhere to be seen. “What was that explosion just--” She stopped, staring at Sunset.

Sunset turned around, back and elbows resting on the balcony as she regarded Octavia with a lazy expression. “No one mentioned you were short,” she said casually.

Octavia whipped out her gun, training it on Sunset. “Who are y-you?” She cut off, stammering, as her gun simply disappeared in a burst of green sparkles, reappearing in front of Sunset, surrounded by a green glow.

“This is a good gun,” Sunset intoned. “A Drake...19, if I’m not mistaken. Gemstone rounds?” The cartridge popped out on its own, and she took time examining it. Her eyes flickered with surprise. “Emeralds. Diamonds and crystal pack more punching power, and there’s always fun to be had with fire rubies and and thunder sapphires, but emeralds are a respectable choice. Cheaper, too.”

Vinyl reached over, tugging her jacket hood off. A cascade of lightly glowing, rippling, red-and-yellow hair fell over her back, and, sitting on her forehead, was a long unicorn horn, enveloped in a light, green glow. A horn extended almost three inches by another prosthetic.

“Oh, shit, now I remember where I heard that name,” Vinyl cursed, backing away.

Sunset Shimmer, former Princess of Inquisition. She’d disappeared shortly before Discord first appeared.

Many assumed she’d been assassinated.

“Relax, new blood,” Sunset chuckled, reloading the bullets into the gun. She tossed it back to Octavia, who wasted no time pointing it back at Sunset. “I’m with Discord.”


A shadow passed over the balcony, as Rainbow Dash flew into the sky with a light roaring of her wing engines. “I heard the explosion, took me a minute to find a window, though. What happened? Where are the attackers?”

“Chillax, new-blood here was experimenting with her magic,” Sunset said without looking.

“Oh. Really? YOU did that?” Rainbow’s wings extended to full length—almost enough to rival the alicorn’s—and she said, “AWESOME! Imagine taking one of those to your face!”


“Rainbow,” Octavia growled, interrupting Vinyl, “she claims to be with us. Is this true?”

“Oh, shoot, you haven’t met the boss.” Rainbow paused. “Uh, I mean, DON'T SHOOT! Wait, Sunset, what are you doing out here?”

“I wanted a look at the new girl,” Sunset said.

Rainbow hovered a moment, before emitting a groaning noise. “Sunset,” she began.

“Oh, don’t you start, I made the decision to hide, I can unmake it,” Sunset snapped, folding her arms and turning even further away from Rainbow.

“Look, I trust Octavia enough at this point, alright? But—Vinyl literally got here yesterday! Even if she wouldn’t deliberately spill the beans, I don’t know if she can keep her trap shut!” She paused. “No offense meant, V.”

“Believe me, none taken,” Vinyl said. “I hardly trust you guys, either.”

“See? Trust is important. It’s important that someone stretch out a hand of trust first!” Sunset smiled.

“Sunset,” Rainbow said, glaring at her. The Wonderbolt landed on the balcony with a heavy thud, pulling her wings in close to make room. “You said that things get near impossible for us if Canterlot finds out who you are. We need the element of surprise, you said.”

“Things are changing,” Sunset muttered. “This new replacement...” She spat the word with vehemence and a glare.”...Is actually getting shit done. Sneaking around, asking questions. We’ve never had to worry about Spitfire and her Wonderbolts, y’know? We could dodge those easy enough. But the Inquisitors are different. Midnight Sparkle is different.” Her eyes narrowed. “The Dazzles are having difficulties with her, too, you know. They’re having to cut off their connections and deals twice as fast so they don’t get caught. We need a change of plans.”

“And why is this the change we need?”

Sunset hesitated. “Because I was bored as hell, alright? I told you—I wanted to see the newbie.”

“We don’t even know if she wants to join us or just cheer us from the sidelines,” Rainbow griped. “Stop calling her ‘newbie’.”

Sunset looked into Vinyl’s visor, meeting the android’s ‘gaze’, if that was the right word. Sunset smiled. “Sure,” she said, though whatever she meant by that, Vinyl had no idea. “Anyway, Vinyl, I could teach you a thing or two about your magic, if you have the time.”

“Um—sure! That would be awesome!” Vinyl tried to catch up with the sudden topic change, but Rainbow didn’t seem to want to let her.

“She’ll catch up to you in a minute,” the Wonderbolt said, stepping over to the DJ. “I have something I want to talk about real quick.”

Sunset sighed. “Must you?”

Rainbow didn’t answer, so Sunset just clomped past her and Octavia, metal hoof thudding repeatedly and cloak billowing behind her.

Octavia, for her part, holstered her gun, and then followed Sunset. She closed the doors behind her.

“So, uh, what did you wanna talk about?” Vinyl asked.

Rainbow folded her arms over her chest—tucked away like that, it was hard to tell that her right arm was a minigun. “Let me just say this, really,” she said. “You have a right to choose, Vinyl. That’s what we’re fighting for at Discord. You wanna choose to help us fight? Okay, cool. You don’t wanna? Had enough action for your life? That’s cool, too. You have the right to choose your side. Just know that if you go and tell the Inquisitors about Sunset, I will consider that picking a side.” She stepped loser, leaning down so that her eyepiece was on level with Vinyl’s. “I think you’re a good pony, and I hate being wrong. Please don’t prove me so.”

“Okay,” Vinyl squeaked, leaning as far away from Rainbow Dash as she could.

Rainbow clapped a hand on her shoulder, then pulled her in for a light hug. “Thanks,” she said, in a cheery tone as if she hadn’t just been issuing a death threat with perfect seriousness. “Glad to hear it, V.” She took to the sky with a roar of engines, wings outstretched, then flew off into the woods.

Vinyl stared after her for a long moment.

“She likes being the heroic protector,” Sunset said, leaning against the suddenly open doorframe. “Don’t worry about it. It would take a colossal amount of stupidity and psychopathy on your part to make her actually do anything. So cheer up!” Sunset flashed a grin.

“Does she give everypony who comes through here death threats?” Vinyl asked.

“Yes,” Octavia growled.

“She’s still mad about it,” Sunset said. “Come on! I wanna show you what I know.” She turned, striding off.

“She wasn’t too rough, was she?” Octavia asked.

“Actually, I think it was perfectly fair,” Vinyl said. “And it doesn’t hurt that she’s so frikkin’ awesome!”

Octavia blinked. “You’re joking, right?”

“Nope! That was awesome! Everything from the timing to the tone...ten out of ten death threat. Makes me fully aware that she could and would kill me with little to no conscious effort,while at the same time not making me afraid she’ll fly off her handle and kill me at any random time!” Vinyl clapped her hands together.

“You can’t be serious,” Octavia whispered.

“Yeah, she’s terrifying,” Vinyl admitted, shoulders slumping. “But you could have at least let me pretend.”

Octavia shook her head. “You’re impossible.”

Fleur de Lis reached for her cup.

It was such a simple motion that she had done repeatedly before. But before, she hadn't perceived time thirty-percent slower.

Her hand moved at a snail's pace across the table. Her eyes flicked to the rest of the room, taking in the sights.

Different ponies mingled around the ballroom. A few danced on the floor, but it was another subdued Canterlot gala with little in the way of actual entertainment. She saw Upper Crust talking to Moneybags, the latter of whom was listening in rapt attention. She saw Princess Spitfire, standing at military attention and looking like she was obligated to appear at the gala. Besides her was one of the Inquisitors...Lyra Heartstrings, if she remembered? Lyra was using her own reflex chip to tap one hoof in tune with the music. Though, as Fleur stared at her, she seemed to be one beat ahead.

Fleur looked back to her cup. Her hand had still not reached it.

She moved her hand faster, trying to force it to pick up the cup at a reasonable speed. Her hand sped up, but slammed into the cup too fast. She grabbed at it, but her mind was sped up, not her fingers. She watched as the cup slipped from her grasp, her fingers too slow to do what her mind was telling them.

But the cup hovered in the air, before floating up and being set on the table, and the wine returning to the cup.

Fleur looked up as her new friend approached the table. "Careful," Mi Amore Cadenza said. "It could stain somepony's dress." She smiled.

Cadenza had a body shaped very much like an hourglass, and seemed to love it. She wore a pink dress, from the waist down, but from the waist up it devolved into stylistic wraps, twined around her throat, just below her armpits, diagonally across each breast, and then wrapped just below, and down and around her sides to join with the skirt of the outfit. The skirt itself was slit down one side, and Fleur could see the cloth wrapping all the way down her leg, which was mechanical below the knee.

Cadenza didn't have as many cybernetics as the other Alicorns, but she did have a reflex chip still. Just above her beautiful, beautiful eyes that never seemed to blink.

Cadenza sat down, leaning to one side, tail wrapping her leg just below her Cutie Mark. Her own glass of line floated along, positioned just to the side of her face. "Something troubles you?"

"Just...some stress, is all," Fleur said casually. Then, on a whim, she said, "I'm still acclimating, after all."

She watched Cadenza carefully for any sign of surprise, or Tartarus, even sympathy.

"Oh, is that all?" Cadenza said. "It can take quite some time for some ponies." Her wine cup swished around, and she cocked her head to stare at it. "It's nothing out of the ordinary, dear de Lis."

"So ponies tell me," Fleur said, holding up her glass to her face. "But I'm beginning to regret it, actually. I can read faster now, and modelling is easier. I can move exactly as much as I want to, for the most perfect of poses. can be frustrating that everything else is slower, too. I wish it came with an off switch."

"Mm, there's an idea," Cadenza said. "I wonder if the Princess of Research has thought of that already. I'll present it to her, but...I don't think I'd personally use it."

"Why not?" Fleur asked. "It seems to me that there are plenty of things that don't need to be slowed down."

Cadenza swished her cup around, then leaned forward, across the table, face close to Fleur's. "Because, my dear," she said slowly, "I have been here for all these years. If I blink too many times, all of my friends turn to dust in front of me. So I have learned to savor each second for as long as possible." She took Fleur's hand, clasping it in her own. Then, with an impish grin, she leaned even closer, whispering, "Plus, it can make a married life a bit more fun."

Fleur blushed, hiding her laugh from other nobles with her other hand. "Princess!" she said. "That was not proper."

Cadenza laughed, returning to her lounging position across her seats. "Well, my dear, it's part of diplomacy. It's all about who will appreciate a bit of...improper humor." She grinned, looking across the room. Fleur followed her gaze, to where Shining Armor stood.

"Of course, if things are too slow," Cadenza said, "you can always use hydraulic muscles. They can be built to be invisible to the common pony, so it won't affect your career."

"I'm...I'll wait til I finish acclimating," Fleur said softly. "That would be wise, I feel."

"Mm. Well, I hope I helped you some--at least, more than just saving a glass of wine," Cadenza said, sipping her own. Then, she fluidly rose, with a posture of a thousand year's practice. She began to walk away, but Fleur called out to her.

" it remove the reflex chip?"

Cadenza paused, then looked back without emotion. "You won't have much luck with that," she said.

She walked off without another word, leaving Fleur to cry softly to herself.

Diamond in the Rough

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Vinyl stared at the light blue aura around the cube in front of her. "It's...somehow harder and easier than I expected," she griped.

"The 'hard' part disappears with a little practice," Sunset said. They were on one of the lower levels of the castle—the first floor, really. They stood in front of an old throne, a couple rooms away from where Fluttershy and the Pie Sisters had done the surgery on her. Vinyl sat on the throne—her choice—levitating a small, plush cube in front of her, with what looked like a firing range set up on the other end of the room, next to an open set of gates out into the courtyard.

As she watched, part of the cube crumpled inward, and she hurriedly focused less of her magic on it. The telekinetic grip eased up slightly, and the cube returned to its original shape.

"Just remember that you have an advantage over most other unicorns learning this," Sunset said.

"What?" Vinyl asked.

"You're not five," Sunset said with a wink.

"I'm seven," Vinyl answered.

"Oh. Really? I thought you were older than that."

"Look at this shiny plating," Vinyl said, gesturing at her body. "This is practically brand new!"

"Some of it is, though the patched bullet holes shouldn't be considered fashionable," Sunset replied with a smirk.

Vinyl let out a sigh sound effect. "'! Yeah."

Sunset smirked as the cube squished in again. "Get good at that, then I'll teach you how to better use lasers," she said.

"So, like—how much can I really do? I know that there's telekinesis. The lasers were new to me. Um..."

"Depending on what your Cutie Mark is, that might be it," Sunset said. "Unless your special talent is magical theory—which I doubt, you don't have the personality for it—then you'll only be able to learn a couple of tricks. Sometimes, it can be really weirdly specific combinations, too. Like, one colt I knew...he could do the telekinesis, a shield spell, based off his Cutie Mark, and he could work a light. He couldn't shoot lasers, conjure fire, or teleport." She chuckled. "Flash used to say that his real special talent was enabling my reckless behavior."

"Flash...Flash Sentry? The guy they used as a model for the Flash-points?"

Sunset nodded, still smiling.

"Wow, I can't believe you know him," Vinyl said. "Wait, you were a princess. Of course you do."

"Knew. I haven't talked to him since I left Canterlot," Sunset said quietly.

"Oh. Sorry." The cube squished in deep, letting out an anguished squeaking sound. She would have winced if she'd had the muscles, so instead she focused on her magic, saving the cube from being crushed to powder.

"He probably made it to a Wonderbolt Captain by now," Sunset said quietly. "It was just about the highest rank he could hope for. And me...I took over for the old Princess of Inquisition, and..."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"It's long healed. I don't need to pry that wound open again," Sunset said. "Do you mind if we stop here for the day?"

"Sure," Vinyl said, no matter how much she wanted to keep going. "I'll keep practicing with this thing. We've been at it for hours already, huh?" She hesitated. "So, um, should I worry about a Cutie Mark?"

"You probably already have it," Sunset said. "Is there any symbol you dream about often, when you power down?"

"Um...yes. A music note." Not that she was supposed to dream, really—Fancy had never been able to figure that one out.

"Not surprising. Most androids tend to get Cutie Marks with the things they were built for," Sunset said. "Rainbow's is a lightning bolt—you saw the Insignia on her shirt, right?"

Vinyl nodded, remembering the rainbow lightning symbol. "So...I'll get some sort of sound magic?"

"You can learn some sort of sound magic, probably," Sunset informed her. "Or who knows? Maybe it'll just happen. I know it did for Rarity."

"Neat," Vinyl said, leaning back against one of the throne's arms. "Maybe I could make some sort of sonic laser. Like...a sonic cannon." She let out a gasp sound effect. "A bass cannon."

Sunset scratched her chin. "You know, I might be able to make that happen. Tell you what, you decide to fight, and I'll get you a bass cannon."

"Whatever happened to it being my choice?" Vinyl chuckled.

Sunset smiled at her. "It still is. I'm just saying how I'd respond to it." Without further ado, her horn lit up, and she teleported away.

Vinyl hesitated. She looked one way, then the other, sitting in silence.

Octavia had gone off wherever, and the few other ponies that had passed by hadn't said anything. It seemed like this base wasn't put to use by the majority of Discord, so there were very few ponies wandering around. Only a couple of hallways that mostly lead to the medical room.

Vinyl sat up slowly, looking at the empty hall. "Gee, thanks," she said to no one in particular. What should she do now? Sneak back to her room? No, that would be way to awkward in the scenario in which she got caught.

Obviously, she had to find somepony—between Rainbow Dash and Applejack, neither of them would hesitate to rip her head clean off if they thought she was trying to spy.

"Hello?" she called out.

No answer.

With a groan, Vinyl got up and left the throne room. "Hello?" she called out again, stepping down the hallways. "Lost android here," she called out. She peaked into another room—an old kitchen of some sort, and with more tapestries of the ancient rulers of the castle. Vinyl was about to leave immediately, when something reflected the light from her visor. She looked in, seeing something small and silver on the table.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she slipped into the room, letting one hand trail along the table's length as she moved to the shiny object.

It was a mask, designed to cover the entire face. The imagery on the mask was a the image of a screaming mare's face, with streaks of red coming down from the eyes like tears.

Vinyl shuddered, wrapping her tail close to her legs. Diamond Duster's mask. She turned it around, examining it. There wasn't any sort of mechanics to speak of, just spots for straps to hold the mask on. She frowned. Couldn't an android just build in clips? That would even hold the mask better. No bothering with silly cloth straps.

Vinyl held it up to her face, sitting on the corner of the table. "Terror, arise," she whispered. Much to her surprise, her voice went low, distorting and turning raspy. She lifted the mask away—there wasn't any sort of machinery in it. That hadn't been the mask.

She lifted it away from her face, thinking. Could she manipulate her voice? Was that because of her Cutie Mark, or because she was an android? She quickly checked. Her voice modulator was working fine...and didn't allow for alternative voices.

Cool! Magic!

"I believe that you aren't the only thing that got lost, darling," a smooth, aristocratic voice said from the doorway.

Vinyl shrieked, jumping, holding up her hands—and the mask that absolutely didn't belong to her.

Rarity smiled. "It's owner was looking for it," she said, nodding to the mask. Unlike yesterday, she was wearing a blue skirt, and a violet, button-up blouse. The look was completed by the scarf hanging off her neck, down to her waist, and another hat that covered the top of her head. She stepped into the room, shoes clicking lightly, purse swinging off one arm.

"Sorry, Sunset just teleported out, and I got lost," Vinyl chuckled. "Then I saw this, and...well..."

"Please. There are two more just like it in case one gets lost," Rarity said, reaching out a hand. Vinyl gave it to her, and she slipped it into her purse. "It has nothing in the way of sentimental value to its owner."

Vinyl paused. The mask was not sized for a pony Vinyl's size. It seemed sized for a mare slightly taller than her, and the rumors were surely exaggerated on a number of points.

Rarity seemed to figure out what her gaze was about, so she sighed. "Go on, ask," she said in a resigned tone.

"Are you the Diamond Duster?"

Rarity grimaced. "Yes."

"So, the whole...'android with a human heart' thing..."

"Completely false," Rarity said firmly. "But I realized that scare tactics worked well on most ponies, so I've never bothered correcting the rumors." She grimaced. "As distasteful as it is, really. Let's stick to more pleasant conversation for now, hmm?" She turned, trotting off at a leisurely pace.

Vinyl nodded, still confused, before she remembered the cube. She unsquished it, relaxing her telekinesis as she followed Rarity out.

"So, um...I have a question." Pause. "Not about...Diamond, really. About magic."

"And what even makes you think I'd be able to answer the question?"

"I don't know? Sunset said you got magic based off your Cutie Mark, and..." She hesitated. "Actually, I haven't seen you without a hat on. I don't rightly know if you're an Earth pony or a unicorn."

"Unicorn," Rarity answered. "As far as magic goes...I got my Cutie Mark when my magic decided to go off on its own, showing me to a stockpile of gems." She smiled at the memory.

"Do you think I could learn how to do that? Maybe I could help you guys find gemstones for bullets," Vinyl said.

"I'm not sure if you could, but it wouldn't hurt you to try," Rarity said slowly. "Sunset knows how, she can teach you."

"Oh, she's...done for the day. And I suppose I am still working it out with this thing." She shook the plush cube in front of Rarity, using her telekinesis. "Are you busy right now?"

"Not particularly, but I can't show you how to do the spell," Rarity said.

"But...Sunset can?" Vinyl paused, thinking about that. "I'm a little confused."

Rarity sighed, then took off her hat. She turned slightly around, showing Vinyl her forehead. Her horn was broken, with jagged points sticking up, and some light scaring around the base of the horn. "I tried to stop some ruffians from kidnapping an android. This was before I joined Discord, so...I didn't know how to fight. I didn't know how to do anything. They thought it was funny, and decided to have a little fun with a hammer and a knife." She smiled sadly. "Rarity Belle couldn't survive that torture. Diamond Duster did—at least, she survived long enough for Rainbow Dash to show up. If they'd been caught by Canterlot officials, they'd have gotten off with assault and theft, nothing more." Her grin turned a little more savage. "I daresay they got what was coming to them."

"So is that why you fight?" Vinyl asked. "For Discord?"

"I fight to make sure everypony is allowed to fight," Rarity said. "Applejack was tough, even back then. She could have wiped the floor with them if she hadn't had the violence inhibitor. She should have been allowed to."

"Thanks. This...sounds heavy to talk about."

"It is, but I'm used to carrying some weight," Rarity intoned. She put her hat back on, saying, "Besides, it'll grow back in another five or so years. It can be permanent if they break too much, but like it is, I'll get it back someday." She smiled in an assured manner.

"And I'm assuming prosthetics are a no-no?"

Rarity shuddered. "Replacing a horn? No, no, no, no, no. Replacement limbs can be fine, but the lowest end horn prosthetic would be way too close to my brain. I've heard horror stories about the damage that could do."

"And what about Sunset?" Vinyl pressed.

Rarity pursed her lips together. "Ask her if she's doing alright," Rarity answered. She continued walking, shoes clicking lightly against the ground. "Where were you headed, again?"

Vinyl sensed the change in subject, so she let the matter lie. Instead, she asked, "At this point? I think I need some time to process everything."

"Alright. I'll lead you there."

Gilda straightened her jacket, making sure the collar was flipped up, before slipping into the office room.

Behind a desk, Filthy Rich looked up in alarm and confusion, before it quickly faded to irritation. "Whatever happened to the schedule?" he asked dryly.

"It got expedited—like my men did," Gilda replied.

"Diamond, why not you go on to your room?" Filthy said, adopting a fatherly smile to look to his daughter.

Diamond Tiara—if Gilda remembered the name correctly—looked from her father, to Gilda. She stared openly at the rough jeans and the open leather jacket, before turning back to her father. "Dad--"

"Sweetie," Filthy said, "we'll talk again some other time, hmm?" Firm, but gentle in a way that had Gilda fighting back a retch. Ponies were way too damn soft, she'd always thought.

As Rough Tumble stepped into the room besides her, she amended with, Well, most of 'em, anyway.

Diamond Tiara, pouting visibly, stormed from the room. Her caretaker android slipped out behind her, keeping her visor focused on Gilda, with a small firearm poking from beneath one of her sleeves. It was one of the ones modeled like a child, but given Filthy's vast wealth, Gilda had little doubts that that thing could put up one hell of a fight.

The absolute best pampering for his little princess.

Gilda slid a chair in front of Filthy's desk, sitting down as she fought to keep her beak in a neutral expression. Well, it wasn't like Filthy could figure it out, anyway.

Rough Tumble pulled up a chair, slightly farther away, then sat down stiffly. Filthy eyed the massive Earth pony, and the rarely-seen bruises, then turned to Gilda. "So, I take it this is about what happened at the Flight of Fancy?"

Gilda nodded. "I got bad news, Filthy."

"Mister Filthy, if you absolutely must, but I do prefer Mister Rich," Filthy said stiffly. "Do explain to me why all those bits worth of ponies I hired, and gave to you to lead, why they just failed to take out a couple of cheap combat androids?"

"Two Inquisitors showed up," Gilda said. Filthy's eyes widened, the fear in them making Gilda crack a smile. "Yeah, I thought that'd get you to drop the 'stern boss' act."

"Inquisitors?" Filthy exclaimed.

"Undercover, by the looks. Earth pony mare and a ridiculous combat android. Like a souped up workhorse." Gilda thumbed towards Rough, adding, "It left all the bruises on Rough here."

Rough nodded. "I still would have killed Fancy, if it hadn't been for that thing," he said. "Hell, probably still would have, but its owner was getting her gun back out." He shrugged.

Filthy stared at them for a moment. "Did you get names?"

"I have someone tracking down the android's make, but I haven't gotten a match on the pony," Gilda said. "Of course, those are friends of mine, actually. All the rest of the ponies you hired got killed by the other two Inquisitors."

Filthy gaped. "Four Inquisitors?"

Gilda nodded. "I caught wind of the two who found the base, with some Wonderbolts right behind 'em, so Rough and I got out. I just thought you'd want to know before Rough and I went dark."

"You're going dark?" Filthy asked, frowning. "Then why come back to me? What do you want?"

"You're a good employer; the bits have been pleasant," Gilda said with a shrug. "In a year or so, when we come out of hiding, I thought it'd be nice if I didn't burn this bridge. Maybe we can do business again, sometime."

Filthy relaxed. "Of course. You've handled everything else well enough...I suppose expecting you to be able to handle Inquisitors would be a bit much. And in the sake of good relations..." He gestured to her. "I'd strongly suggest putting on a shirt under that jacket. It's indecent."

"I'd be wearing less back in Griffonstone," Gilda snorted. "Whatever. Thanks for the advice, F—Rich." She could be nice, if she chose. And it suited her.

Gilda stood, letting Rough rise behind her.

"And where will you be?" Filthy asked.

"Out of town, as fast as possible," Gilda answered. "Who knows after that?" She gave a shrug.

"That will be all," Filthy said stiffly, waving them off.

Gilda did her best to contain her annoyance, but let Rough close the door behind them since she wasn't containing it well enough.

Rough slipped into the driver's seat, saying nothing as Gilda slammed her door. "That motherfucker," she hissed. "Rat bastard."

"I take it you learned what ya wanted to learn?" Rough asked, tapping the dash with one hand idly.

"I'm certain he sold us out," Gilda snarled. "Probably in exchange for a pardon. Sucking up to the crown just for a few bits—rrragh!" She threw up her arms. "I'mma fuckin' kill him. I swear to Grover."

"So, are we actually headin' out of town, or what?"

"I told him we would to set his men on the wrong track," Gilda replied. "I want to stay in town for a day or so while I think up how best to kill that fucker."

"Ah. So where do you want me to drive?"

"Our room at the Dazzle Den," Gilda said with a sigh. "I'm stressed, I need booze and sex."

"Of course," Rough grumbled, starting the car. "Your answer to everything, right?"

Gilda rolled her eyes. "What about you? You want vengeance on Filthy too, right?"

"Yeah, but I'd really like to crush that robot good," Rough said in a low voice. "I don't like things I can't break."

"Eh, I doubt that's happening," Gilda said. "Inquisitors are a little above our paygrade, but...well, if we got the option, I'd like to fuck 'em both up, too. Tartarus, maybe I could sell that Earth Pony with 'em in Griffonstone."

"Then we're settled on that front," Rough said, pulling to a stop at a red light. "Let's worry about Filthy first, though."

"Yeah. Let's."

The Pony Who Wasn't

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Vinyl got up, listening to the sounds of talking outside her room. She hadn’t managed to fully shut down—difficulty sleeping was, apparently, one of the “bonuses” of her suddenly gaining free will. Every time, her systems came back on, bringing in some new thing for her to think about.

As the voices came closer, she she got up, stepping over to the door, then opened it and peaked outside.

“...thank you enough,” an android was saying to Fluttershy. “You’ve been a great help and I—oh! Deadweight’s moving again, I see.”

“The name’s Vinyl,” Vinyl said.

“I don’t care,” the android said, one hand on her hip.

Vinyl felt irritation rising, but chose not to say anything.

“Adagio,” Fluttershy said. “Be nice.”

Adagio’s speakers let out a hum, and she said, “Aren’t I supposed to be honest?”

Fluttershy glared at her. “Don’t say mean things,” she said sternly.

Adagio rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I-I-I--” She shut up, pausing as Vinyl stared at her. “Ahem. Sorry, speaker glitch. I’m gonna go boot off.” She strutted past Vinyl, heading towards one of the rooms.

“Hey, can I ask a question?” Vinyl asked.

“What is it? Is something the matter?” Fluttershy asked.

“Like...isn’t the Dazzle Den...evil and stuff? I’ve heard about the things they do.”

“Well...” Fluttershy rubbed her neck, then let out a long, slow, breath. “It’s kind of complicated. Yes, they did all that bad stuff, but they worked it out with the Boss.”


“’ve met her, right. Yes, Sunset talked to them face-to-face. They’re cutting deals and making things better for their workers, pony and android. But it would be suspicious if they did it all at once, so they’re taking it slowly, while helping Discord on the side. They’re our allies, but we don’t fully trust them. Not yet.”

“But why? Why are they helping you?”

“Well, to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever asked,” Fluttershy said slowly.

“Why not?”

“Because Sunset said they were helping us, and that was enough for me,” Fluttershy said with a shrug. “I trust her.”

“I...I’m not sure I do, just yet,” Vinyl said slowly. “I mean...what am I supposed to do? I’m hearing all this shit, and...I just don’t know what to think. There’s so little about this I understand, and...”

Fluttershy leaned over, wrapping a hug around Vinyl’s shoulder. “It can be tough,” she said. “I’ve seen it before. You were thrust into a situation far beyond what you expected to deal with, and forced away from the only home you’ve known, and’re unsure.”

Vinyl nodded. “I’m not the only one, then?”

“Applejack was a little lost, too, when she first came here,” Fluttershy said. “And though it was different for her, Octavia was, too. She never wanted to join Discord, and ended up just stumbling into it. You don’t have to make any plans, immediately. Take your time. Learn what you can. Then make your decision.”

Vinyl nodded. “Thanks.”

“No problem!”

“Why did you decide to join Discord, anyway?”

“It’s a boring story,” Fluttershy admitted. “And I’m a little tired, too. I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

“Ah. Okay. I’ll look for you then, okay?”

“Alright. Good night!”

“G’night,” Vinyl said, waving goodbye. She strolled back over to her room, lost in thought.

“It was a tactical decision.”

Vinyl turned, seeing Adagio leaning against her open door. “Pardon?”

“Why the Number Ones are choosing to help Discord,” she said. “They do this regularly. The quickest way to earn as many bits as they can also happens to have the most adverse effects on the economy. This leads to it being unfavorable, and thus they simply change tactics. Usually, they produce some sob story about how they realized what they were doing was wrong.”

“Do they know it’s wrong?” Vinyl asked.

Adagio snorted. “Let me tell you something, Deadweight. Whatever fiction stories you’ve seen about those woefully misguided ponies who don’t know that what they’re doing is evil, it’s all BS.” She tossed a hand in a flippant gesture. “Most ponies know that what they’re doing is evil. They just don’t care. The Number Ones aren’t any different.”

“And Sunset...hasn’t dealt with them?”

Adagio actually laughed at that...until her voice box glitched again. “What Celestia doesn’t want to tell you is that there are things that can take out an Alicorn, and not even in the ‘targeted assassination’ that’s Sunset’s main plan. Three Sirens, especially as fed as they are right now, could out-match almost any Alicorn in a fight, Sunset included.”


“If it weren’t for the other five Princesses, and then Celestia, and the robot Wonderbolts that are also basically immune to the mind control, they’d rule Equestria with an iron fist.”

But we’re working to take out their obstacles, Vinyl thought. They have other plans...

“In case you’re wondering,” Adagio said, “they have had notions about conquering Equestria, but Sunset was the previous Princess of Inquisition...and the closest they’ve ever come to getting fully caught out and brought down. I wouldn’t worry about them trying anything.”

“Coming from, presumably, a completely unbiased source,” Vinyl said flatly.

“Nice Maude impression,” Adagio said, giving a thumbs up. “But I’m actually booting off now.” Without answering Vinyl’s accusation, she turned, heading into her room and letting the door close behind her.

Vinyl sighed, stepping back into her room, preparing to boot off once more. Not that she fully needed to, really. Or at least...she wasn’t sure. Her batteries stayed charged, but it still helped her process information.

Vinyl attempted to sleep, anyway. Once again, thoughts surfaced unbidden, though most of them were now about the Dazzle Den. Were they really so evil? Did they have any qualms about what they did? The prostitutes, the drugs, the records of employee mistreatment. And if they were at least being honest with Sunset, then wasn't Discord taking away their biggest threats? Did Sunset have a countermeasure for the Sirens? And what about their androids? The mechanical copies of themselves they were infamous for. Did they feel any qualms about working under the Sirens?

Some time into the night, her sensors booted back on. Vinyl groaned, rising, pulling the covers away from herself.

Wait. She didn’t have covers.

Vinyl looked around her room, seeing uncracked bricks and not a single indoor plant to be seen. The window was full of glass, and unbroken, too. Vinyl got up, peaking outside, seeing a wonderfully cultivated forest around her.

But the strange, crystal tree was nowhere to be seen.

“Whoa,” Vinyl muttered. “Is this what a dream looks like?” Her eyes, the normally carefully controlled synth waves, bounced up and down rapidly. “Cool!”

Vinyl moved to go outside her room, but paused. She wasn’t supposed to leave, but...well, technically, she wasn’t. And, if she ran into dream Rainbow Dash or Applejack, she’d be sure to point that out to them.

Risk of dismemberment waved, she ventured out into the halls.

The castle’s walls wavered slightly. Every single old piece of stone or metal looked new once again, but shimmered, waving in an ethereal light.

But tapestries were missing. All the tapestries of Celestia were gone, leaving only...the other Alicorn. Whom had no prosthetics. Vinyl promised to herself to check the modern ones once she woke up. She paused, seeing motion. “Ah, Rainbow?” she asked.

A black shadow detached itself from the wall. The thing, whatever it was, was shaped like a unicorn, with barely visible black armor around itself. It was lugging a bundle of heavy-looking fabrics behind it.

Vinyl stepped back. “Uh, listen--”

“The castle is not open to visitor’s right now,” the shadow said Rarity’s voice. “The tapestries have to be changed. Ugh, again.” Using magic, the shadow then began performing the task of changing the ones that looked exactly the same.

“Huh,” Vinyl muttered, stepping around the corner.

She walked right into the throne room, blinking in surprise. The throne room was not this close to her room. She very specifically remembered that.

Nor was it lined up to the throne with more shadowy guards, with the same Alicorn in the tapestries. Blue coat, majestic wings spread to the sides, and armored. Dark blue armor around her chest, shoulders, and a metal skirt that hang down to her knees. She lounged on her throne in a bored fashion, before her eyes flicked over to Vinyl. Slit pupils watched Vinyl lazily, but curiously.

“Huh,” Vinyl said, slowly walking into the room. “Guess I had no idea what the servants looked like two thousand years ago.”

The Alicorn sat in place, saying nothing. None of the guards made any motion either, so Vinyl walked between them, up to the steps. “What I really want to know,” she announced, “is why the hell this is so close my room now. I know for a fact it wasn’t that easy to find this place from my room in reality.”

“Presumably,” the Alicorn spoke, “the guest rooms have been moved. Especially if the old throne room is no longer in use.”

Vinyl paused. “Good point,” she said. She sat on the steps leading up to the throne, leaning back. “Maybe I should ask Sunset for a history lesson. Wait, it’s a fake castle. There’s no history.”

“Why do you assume it’s fake?” the Alicorn asked.

“Because the vines didn’t move, and the tiles only looked like they were old,” Vinyl shot back. “Even ones that were totally disconnected from the ground wouldn’t budge.”

“Total area stasis petrification,” the Alicorn said simply. “Freeze everything in place. Suddenly, the antique castle stays in one piece, and you don’t have to bother finding another spot for your secret rebel base.” She made a flippant gesture. “But I don’t mind, really. Anything to get back at Princess Perfect.”

“Uh...right,” Vinyl said. She looked up to the Alicorn, who was still watching her. “As my subconscious seems strangely knowledgeable, who were you?”

The Alicorn leaned her head on one hand, elbow propped on the arm of her throne. “Hmm. No one, it appears. No one whatsoever.”

“Right,” Vinyl muttered. “So, it’s a real castle, but you never existed.”

“Isn’t that always the case?” the Alicorn asked. “History is subjective, after all.”

“Um, it is?”

“Of course. After all, Celestia, by saying I never existed, made it so that I didn’t. If she had said that I slaughtered entire species, and ponies had believed her, then that is what I would have done. History is written by the victor—meaning the loser never gets to share their side.” She waggled a finger at Vinyl. “Tell me, are there any of my thestrals still around?”

“Those things?” Vinyl paused. “Hmm. I’ve never met any, and I’m told that they were evil and violent...but that might not be the case, right?”

The Alicorn grinned. “You get it,” she said simply. “The thestrals were just like the ponies. Some good, some bad. But when I was banished, Celestia decided she didn’t want them around. She started having them killed on false charges. Torturing them until they confessed to things they never did. Some ponies doubted it at the time, but so long has passed since then that there’s nopony left who doesn’t believe it. The thestrals are evil because history says so, and history says so because ponies wrote it that way.” She clasped her hands together, leaning back. Her black wings stretched out, and her face contorted into a grimace. “She didn’t have to do that. She chose to. I’ll feel no guilt in felling Celestia.”

“Okay,” Vinyl said, standing up. “This has officially gone on long enough.”

The Alicorn frowned, looking at her. Vinyl pointed a finger at her face, saying, “Who the heck are you? This isn’t just a dream, is it?”

“It is a dream,” the Alicorn said simply. “I am the Princess of them.”

“Uh...” Vinyl looked around, then back at the Alicorn. “You’re not really explaining anything.”

“I am aware. As I said, I don’t exist, do I? Erased from history, with no past, no present, no future. I cannot exist, for nopony has seen me outside of their darkest nightmares.” She leaned forward, baring her fangs in a wide grin. “See, the only way to show that I still exist, to prove to others, to prove to myself, is to lurk in the deepest shadows of the worst nightmares of the mentally deranged. I became what Celestia says I am.”

“Nighmare Moon,” Vinyl whispered. She took a step back.

“I see that, after everything we just discussed, you fear me.” Nightmare Moon looked Vinyl up and down, shaking her head. “And here I thought we were getting friendly.”

“Um,” Vinyl said slowly, “look, I’m sorry, but--”

“I tire of you,” Nightmare Moon said shortly. “You’re just another of Tia’s silly little metal ponies. You know nothing, you will amount to nothing, and thus, you are nothing.” Her horn glowed, and several glowing blue lances appeared in the air besides her. “Begone.”

Vinyl woke with a start, crying out. She had no covers, the window had no glass, the floor tiles were broken up, and several petrified vines sat on the wall.

Vinyl swung her legs out of bed, rushed to the window, and looked outside. The sun shone on a wild, untamed wood, and a large, crystal tree sitting a short ways from her window.

“Okay, don’t freak out, Vinyl,” she told herself. “It was...just a silly nightmare. Couldn’t have been real, right?” She folded her arms against her chest...then paused. She looked down, feeling the right side of her chest.

There was a tear in her plating, roughly three inches across. She twisted, feeling at her back, to find another tear, and an extra hole in her jacket.

“Don’t...freak...out...” Vinyl told herself quietly. “It’s just...just a little tear, hm? That...goes...all the way...through your chest.” She paused. “Caused by the demon god of nightmares.”

Vinyl sat there for a long moment, then screamed.

Minuette shelved the next book, thinking to herself. Truth be told, there wasn’t much she could do right now anyway. Until Octavia came back, she couldn’t do much on that front, as leaving to Ponyville while they weren’t certain whose side their spy was really on was an extremely bad idea.

Fancy either didn’t know anything, or wasn’t telling—either way, given his previous history, moving on him would be ineffective and counterproductive. He wouldn’t be high enough up to know the juicy information, and he was high nobility. Yes, he did vote ‘against the grain’, as it was, and wasn’t making much headway, but he was a nobleman nonetheless.

Which was something most of the radical, anti-government ponies never seemed to consider. If they just played along, they could have their cake, and eat it, too. Yet it normally devolved into groups like Discord slaughtering large groups of government workers to violently take over the kingdom.

There were plenty of aspects of the political system that Minuette didn’t care for, and yet, she always sided with it over Discord. Both left behind bodies, but no one missed the ones the Inquisitors took care of.

Minuette paused, hearing a scuffling sound. The only other pony in the library at the moment was the librarian, who didn’t even look up from her notes.

Minuette slipped over to the bookshelf, hand going to her concealed pistol. Technically, guns weren’t allowed in the library, but the Friendship Inquisitors got a free pass. The better solution, however, was to not attract attention to it.

Minuette stepped around the bookshelf, then sighed in a combination relief, and annoyance. “Indigo, why are you sneaking around back here?”

Indigo paused, hands clasped over her chest. “Oh, y’know, just, uh, browsing,” she said slowly.

Minuette raised an eyebrow.

“I left my security key in the library,” she burst out.

Minuette sighed. “Indigo,” she said, “that’s bad. If someone got it, they’d have access to our systems, you know that, right?”

Indigo nodded. “Don’t worry, I know exactly where I left it! I’ll go get it right away!”

“Fine, but we’ll be talking about this later,” Minuette said. She flipped the hammer back to the safe position on her pistol, then tucked her jacket over it. “Goodnight, Indigo.”

“Goodnight, Minuette. Better luck tomorrow?”

“Eh, probably not,” Minuette admitted, stepping out the front door.

Indigo sat, shoulders hunched, listening to Minuette’s prosthetic hooves tapping as she left. Then, Indigo straightened her shoulders, rolled her neck, then strode confidently through the library.

The librarian looked up at her as she passed, but when she saw who it was, she went back to her work. She didn’t pay attention, so she didn’t see the green light that lit up the stairwell.

In the Inquisitor’s wing, Indigo looked under the computers, then pulled out, scratching her head. “I could have sworn it was right here,” she muttered.


Indigo leapt back, hand shooting to her pistol, then winced, seeing Minuette holding up her security key.

“I left it in the library,” Indigo admitted.

“That’s bad, Indigo,” Minuette said. “If someone got this, then--”

“They’d have access to to all our systems, I know,” Indigo said. “Or at least, the ones I have access to, so, what? Five?” She cleared her throat. “I’ve heard it a million times, Minuette.”

“Be prepared for a million and one, because we’re going to talk about this later,” Minuette said, handing it back.

Indigo sighed. “Goodnight. Better luck tomorrow?”

As Indigo passed her out the door, Minuette replied, “Goodnight, and probably not.”

Indigo left, leaving Minuette standing in place for a minute. Then, Minuette slipped behind one of the terminals, pulling out a thumb drive.

Access: Minuette

Access granted. Welcome back!

Minuette breathed out slowly, beginning to type rapidly.

Data appeared, showing schematics for the custom guns used by the individual Inquisitors. Minuette quickly memorized them—these terminals didn’t allow downloading, anyway. The .44 pistol did look interesting, but Indigo’s ten-millimeter pistol could be silenced more effectively.

Though, of course, that wasn’t what she was here for, either.

Command: Access—Wonderbolt armory

After a brief second loading, the computer dinged. “I’m sorry, you do not have the permissions to access those files,” the computerized voice said.

Minuette hissed, an unusually long tongue poking out of her mouth. “Who does have those permissions?” she demanded.

“Princesses Spitfire or Midnight,” the computer replied.

Green flames enveloped Minuette for a fraction of a second, then revealed Midnight Sparkle. Shaking her wings, she said, “Access Wonderbolt Armory. Password: ‘Summer Sun’.”

The computer loaded briefly, then buzzed. “I’m sorry, but you do not have the permissions to access those--”

Green flames enveloped her once more, as she angrily kicked the computer from its desk. With a bestial cry, she smashed the nearest chair into it several times, sending small pieces of machinery everywhere.

Four black, clawed hands, drooped by her sides, as she panted. “Calm down, Chrysalis,” she murmured, running one hand through her hair while planting two on her hips. “Just a minor setback. She must have planned for shapeshifters...”

Hooves pounded on the staircase. She hissed, before shrouding herself in green flame once more.

The doors to the Inquisitor wing burst open, Indigo Zap flying into the room, pistol aiming around, as Minuette came up behind her.

The library was empty.

“Shit,” Minuette cursed, stepping over to the broken computer. “Must have escaped quickly.” She reached down, pulling an intact thumb drive from the rubble.

“So,” Indigo said, “is this worse than misplacing my security key?”

“Way worse,” Minuette said, looking around the room. She pointed to an open window, saying, “Exit point.”

“Fuck,” Indigo said. “Good thing I asked where you found it.”

“Very good,” Minuette said, “though the computer also caught the fake access command.”

Indigo landed, wings folding on her back, as she holstered her pistol. “So,” she said, “Miss Melody can wait, I assume?”

“Ohhhh, yeah,” Minuette drawled. “I’m reporting this to the Princess right away.”

Octavia's Bad Day

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Octavia’s fists slammed into the punching bag, as the sound of machine gun fire played in her head.

Should have been easy, she thought, pummeling the bag. He was small. I should have easily been able to take him.

Not to mention that he shouldn’t have gotten the drop on her. She should have been paying more attention—she’d known there were still more goons back in the hallways. She should have been prepared. Even then, she could have taken out the pegasus still.

Wham, wham.

A roundhouse kick could have taken him out of the air.

Wham, wham.

If she’d slung her elbow back, she could have taken him out mid-flight.

Wham, wham, wham.

If she’d kept her grip on her gun, she could have taken him out immediately. Then she could have taken out the unicorn, and Vinyl wouldn’t have gotten stuck here.


The side of the punching bag burst, sand spilling out onto the castle floor. Octavia, without wasting any time, began unhooking it, throwing the punching bag to the side to be repaired.

“Wow,” a deceptively sweet voice said from behind. “You’re so strong. Did it owe you money or something?” the voice added, in a wildly different tone.

“Hello, Sour Sweet, nice to see you too,” Octavia muttered.

Sour Sweet stood, leaning against the edge of the training area, in a violet jacket and deep blue crop top. With her jacket unbuttoned, her small, slender pistol was visible, as well as a numerous knives, of varying sizes.

“I just thought I’d come down and say hi!” she said, putting a hand up to her mouth. Her mechanical eye staticed as she added, “Y’know, before the Inquisitors get you.”

Octavia grunted, hooking up another punching bag. “We’re working on making me look less interesting,” she said simply. “If the Inquisitors don’t find me, they’ll know something’s up. But if they find something completely uninteresting, they’ll just move along.” It was the best way to avoid them, in the long term. Out of sight, out of mind.

“Smart,” Sour Sweet agreed, nodding. “How’d the mission go sour, anyway?”

“Filthy arrived at the same conclusion we did,” Octavia replied easily, pounding on the bag once more. “Went ahead and sent his goons to the Flight of Fancy.”

“Hmm. And the android you, you know...bought with money you didn’t have?” She smirked.

Octavia slammed her fist into the bag, then stopped. Facing Sour Sweet, she said, “Rarity said that Discord would cover that,” she said. “And the android is doing fine right now.”

“Oh, that’s a relief,” Sour Sweet muttered. “Sometimes they, well, they die.” She smiled, tossing one hand into the air. “So it’s kind of a big relief when they don’t commit suicide.”

“That only happens rarely,” Octavia muttered.

Sour Sweet let out her obnoxious, city-pony giggle. “Once is enough,” she said, face dropping. She hopped over the rail, sitting on the edge of the training area platform. “And are you doing alright?”

“Well, she had as happy a life as she could possibly have right now,” Octavia said, “but was forced to come here because I failed to take out an unarmed pegasus quickly enough.” She slammed her fist into the punching bag, sending it swinging wildly.

“Well, we can’t all be good at everything,” Sour sweet said, rolling her eye. “Yeah, only Rainbow Dash is allowed.”

Octavia scoffed. “Please, Sour. Not only is she not good at everything, my job is to be good at everything.”

“Well, look at the bright side: you’re still here, and so is she!” Sour Sweet said, gesturing wildly. “Soooo, things could be worse, that’s all I’m saying.”

Octavia allowed herself a grim smile. “I do suppose you’re right,” she admitted, stepping over to her jacket. She threw it on, buttoning it up.

“And...does the android look promising?”

Octavia shook her head. “I doubt it,” she said sincerely. “Vinyl’s toughing this out, but she’ll probably just help stack boxes, if anything.”

“I heard there was some sort of incident.”

Octavia grimaced. “Let me guess: Sky?”

“Sky heard Rarity mention it to Rainbow Dash,” Sour Sweet replied. “Well? Come on! Give me the scoop!”

“No. I am not spreading gossip. You lot need to find better things to do with your time.”


Octavia walked away, shaking her head. She should have known better than to expect decent conversation out of Sour Sweet—she’d always been slightly loopy in the head, and could be quite savage with her words when she chose.

She was the last person Octavia normally felt like talking to, and this day, it was just one more thing.

Sour Sweet wandered off, leaving Octavia alone with her thoughts. She stepped up to a window, looking out into the forest. The Everfree loomed around her, dark and foreboding. She’d been intimidated by it on her first days in Ponyville. And even moreso on her first trip to the Castle. The path wasn’t easy, and you had to be on guard the entire way, but it hadn’t been as bad as she had thought.

Perhaps the rumors were set up by Sunset? If she’d planned on creating Discord while still a Princess, then it would have been frightfully easy to make the forest seem even scarier than it was—and it was already plenty terrifying to begin with.

It was kind of funny, really. Between the problems Canterlot made up and the ones they caused, there were really obvious ones like Everfree, various large gangs, and even griffon slave traffickers that the Princess seemingly did nothing to stop, and yet, nopony questioned it. They all sat, in blissful ignorance, while ponies that simply wouldn’t be missed were taken from their homes and slaughtered that same night...if they were lucky.

Clop, ka-thunk!

Octavia’s hand shot to her handgun, but when she turned, she saw Sunset standing behind her, hood pulled low over her forehead, wings tucked in close to her back. At her side she held one of Rarity’s Diamond Duster masks.

“Misplaced the Olden Pony mask you normally use?” Octavia asked.

Sunset nodded. “Yeah. I remember when you first saw me making my way through here. You were with...Double Down, right? He jumped when he saw me, but didn’t.”

“I thought you were a fake,” Octavia muttered. “Even hidden as you were, in a big cloak and a cheap Nightmare Night mask, I doubted that Discord’s leader would just walk past a bunch of barely trustworthy new recruits. And I didn’t buy the limp, either.”

Sunset grinned, leaning against the wall beside the window. “To be honest, it made the perfect decoy, you know? Any spies that thought they could simply suicide-kill Discord’s leader would be woefully unsuited for an Alicorn, and, as the former Princess of Inquiries, I don’t think any of them would be able to quickdraw me. Furthermore, if any of them thought I wasn’t the real one, they’d be looking in all the wrong places.”

“Did you really reveal yourself to me and Vinyl just because you got bored?” Octavia asked.

“That’s partly the truth,” Sunset admitted. “But also...” She hesitated, indecision showing on her face.

“What?” Octavia asked.

“I don’t know if I should tell you that,” Sunset said. She put her chin in one hand, looking out the window in thought. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Octavia,’s hard sometimes. I know so many secrets, and so many of them...wouldn’t help you at all, or would only make things worse. If I told you the right ones, it would help our cause greatly, but if I say even one of the wrong ones, it might...end it all.” She blew out a puff of air, waving fingers out the window. “Ashes, scattered in the breeze.” She leaned on both elbows, until her eyes fixated on the strange crystal tree.

“Well,” Octavia said, “I don’t know if I, personally, am going to do that much to help overthrow Celestia. Don’t get me wrong, being ‘the one’ to do all that would be amazing, but please. I’m not that good.”

“Yet,” Sunset replied quietly. “Remember, we have six Alicorns to kill, and we have to be ready to kill all of them before we kill any of them. We’re still a good ways off from that, so...we’re mostly just on damage control. Saving androids like Vinyl.”

“And maybe finally putting an end to Filthy?”

Sunset shrugged. “He’ll just be replaced. Crime will always be there. Until we fix the government, there’ll always be kingpins like Filthy Rich.”

“Boss?” Fluttershy called from slightly behind.

“Be right there!” Sunset called back. “Ahem. Come with, please? I wanted to talk to you about something after this one little thing I had to deal with.”

“Of course,” Octavia said. “Work?”

“ experimental weapon design. I think I have the framework for an Alicorn killer,’s a little outside my area of expertise.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Octavia said. “ think it’s in mine?”

“I believe so, but we can talk about it after we see what’s wrong with Vinyl.”

Sour Sweet’s jabs returned unbidden to her mind. “What happened?” Octavia asked, pace quickening.

As they began to move, Sunset fitted the mask over her face, and spoke quietly, even though there weren’t any other ponies in the halls. “Well, she seems to have dissed the demon-goddess of nightmares.”


“I know, right? She’s been here for three days.”

“What do you mean, she dissed--”

Sunset interrupted. “We’ve always gotten reports of ponies having weird dreams or even nightmares about Nightmare Moon in this place. I just thought it was because we left all her banners up.” She shrugged. “Vinyl, however, came out of her nightmare damaged.”

“How badly?” Octavia asked.

“A small hole, but it goes all the way through her chest,” Sunset said. “Fluttershy told me she didn’t think it hit anything vital, but Vinyl hasn’t calmed down, and Fluttershy didn’t want to boot her off for the surgery just yet.”

Octavia nodded. “I can see that, but...”

“I don’t expect either of us to do much but be reassuring,” Sunset said. Octavia heard her horn tinkling, then watched as the door to the hospital wing swung open on its own.


Sunset pulled the mask from her face, saying, “At least fall quiet for a minute, not all of us have auto-adjusting audio receptors.”

Vinyl jerked, looking up from her hospital bed to stare at Sunset, then pointed at her chest. “Hole! Chest! WHY DID YOU BUILD YOUR HOUSE HERE?”

“Well, she never did that to any of us before,” Sunset said. “I didn’t think she was I’ve never actually had any of those dreams.” With, seemingly, barely a thought, a chair scooted over for her to sit in, beside Vinyl, as Octavia walked over to stand by Fluttershy.

Light music was coming from Vinyl. “You’re magic! Couldn’t you have checked to see if it was haunted FIRST?”

“Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?” Sunset asked with a smile. “Here, let me go: from previous reports, I’m assuming the dream starts in your room, everything’s kind of shimmering, and the castle looks different?”

“U-uh....yeah,” Vinyl stammered.

“And you left your room...”

“...into the halls,” Vinyl muttered. “I...uh...knew I was supposed to stay in my room, but it was a dream, didn’t think you’d be mad...”

“I’m not,” Sunset said smoothly and calmly. “You began wandering the halls...”

“I noticed all the banners with Celestia were gone,” Vinyl said.

Despite how calm Vinyl became, Octavia felt a shiver down her spine. She was the Princess of Inquisition, after all, she thought. This kind of thing can’t be new for her.

“And...there was...a weird shadow pony. She came in, and said she had to change the tapestries again. In...uh, Rarity’s voice.”

A flicker of surprise crossed Sunset’s face, but was gone in an instant. “And from there, you went...”

“To the next room,” Vinyl continued. “It was confusing, because it was the throne room, but I know that the throne room was not over there, and I...uh...hmm.” She paused, the music stopped, as she turned to Sunset. “You were the Princess of Inquiries, right?”

Sunset chuckled. “I told you you were good at talking to people, right? Well, I, for one, am very good at listening.” She leaned back, wings rustling. “Finish telling, then we’ll see about patching that hole, right?”

“Right. So, uh...”

“You were--”

“Confused about the position of the throne room,” Vinyl interrupted.

Sunset cracked a smile. “Well, the throne room isn’t used as such anymore. Back in the day, the guest rooms would have been closer to it, as a symbol of status, most likely.”

“Mm,” Vinyl hummed. “Well, uh, that’s what Nightmare Moon said. Almost exactly, too. And then I called her out on the castle being fake...”

“Hold up,” Sunset held up a hand. “Did you know she was Nightmare Moon at this point?”

“Uh, no. I thought the whole thing was a product of my imagination, obviously,” Vinyl said with a scoff. “I’m not that stupid.”

“Why did you think the castle was fake, though?” Sunset asked.

“Because the tiles didn’t budge, the vines didn’t move, yada yada,” Vinyl mimed talking with one hand. “Nightmare Moon said it was...uh, ‘total area stasis petrification’?”

Sunset frowned. “Did she explain what that means?”

“She said it locks everything in place, so you could keep using the castle even though it was old,” Vinyl said.

Sunset blew out a long, slow breath. “Okay, that’s...that’s exactly what I did.” She clasped her hands in front of her, grimacing. “You’ve gotta be shitting me. This is the last thing I need to deal with right now.”

“Yeah, see? I told you this was ba—ow.” She winced, hand going to the tear in her chest as she collapsed back onto the bed.

“Stay still,” Fluttershy warned.

“Geez, alright,” Vinyl muttered. “But, uh, yeah. We had a nice long talk about how history is really subjective--”

Octavia snorted. “No. It isn’t.

“See, that’s where I was, but she made some good points,” Vinyl acknowledged. “But, uh, after that she revealed who she was, and I got scared. I backed away, and she took offense, and she knifed me.”

“Alright,” Sunset said slowly. “If you enter that dream again, just...try not to provoke her. This shouldn’t have been possible, Princess of Dreams or no.” She shook her head. “Fluttershy, can you get started on repairs?”

“Okay,” Fluttershy said. “Vinyl, if you’re not going to let me boot you off, you need to stay very still.”

“I was on yesterday while you were fishing bullets out of me,” Vinyl said, waving it off. “I’ll be fine.”

Fluttershy nodded to Octavia, who moved to stand just behind her. Fluttershy pulled out a small drill with a ruby glowing in the handle, and began to remove Vinyl’s plating.

“I’ll start working on figuring out why this hasn’t come up before,” Sunset said, rising. She put Rarity’s mask back on, over her face, then beckoned to Octavia. “Miss Melody, if you’d please?”

Octavia paused, looking to Fluttershy.

“It’s a simple repair, I can do this on my own,” Fluttershy said.

Octavia nodded, following Sunset out the door.

Sunset had fixed the mask over her face, and hobbled with her fake limp to the window they’d been talking beside a minute ago.

“Well?” Octavia asked.

“This reeks of foul play,” Sunset muttered. “Did they add some sort of new software? No, that doesn’t make any sense. And I’d have noticed if somepony was here that shouldn’t have been, and this doesn’t make any sense as some sort of subterfuge.” She put her head in her hands, leaning her elbows on the windowsil. “But we haven’t seen anything like this before...” Beneath the mask, Octavia saw Sunset’s eyes flick over to look at her. “Hmm.”

“What?” Octavia asked slowly.

“Theories I doubt you’d ever understand,” Sunset said simply.

Octavia scoffed. “Really. I’m no foal, Sunset.”

“I know that. But I barely understand them myself, and I—pardon the ego—am a bloody genius. There’s only a couple other ponies alive I’d feel would be able to discuss this with me. I’ll handle that on my own.”

“Alright, I can accept that,” Octavia said. “And the other thing you wanted my help with? Are you going to come back later, or do you want to do it now?”

“Oh, right. I want you to help me build a bass cannon.”

“A what?

More Questions

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Vinyl kept her music low, but playing out loud for all to hear, as she lifted the cube in front of her. It circled around to her left, in a circle, along with two other cubes.

Three at once! she thought. Vinyl had played around plenty with her voice, using her magic to twist and change it as desired, but that seemed...almost too easy, compared with even the simple spell of telekinesis.

Unicorn magic was hard. Picking up three separate cubes was incredibly difficult, and to keep them all moving at once, she had to keep track of all of them at once. Being an android helped with that somewhat, as her brain thought faster than a regular pony’s, but it was still a challenge.

Whatever else she did, though, this was going to making DJing waaaay easier.

Though, of course, that lead to other problems. Vinyl had never wondered too much about the Alicorns--everypony knew, of course, that sometimes there were ugly sides to the government. Vinyl hadn’t yet seen much of what the Alicorns hid, but simply knowing how much she had been repressed was enough. Even just her magic felt like a part of herself, but she had also been forced to obey any order given by Fancy—which wasn’t something she’d particularly chafed under, but it had still stung sometimes. The real icing had been that she’d almost died simply for saving Octavia. Through no fault of her own, while helping to protect a heroic mare, she had almost died. Just so the government could go on about how she wasn’t a real pony, and thus, it was okay to treat her like dirt.

I don’t think it’s okay to treat anypony like dirt, she thought to herself. Everypony matters. Heck, everyone matters. I bet even the gryphon slavers would be missed by their family.

She moved her head slightly, watching one of the cubes as it drifted in its circular path. So, since everyone matters, can we really say it’s okay to hurt people, even if they’re the bad guys? I mean, if we could all love each other like we love ourselves...wouldn’t the world be just perfect? Then we wouldn’t need things like freedom fighters. We would all be free to around, make music, and just...have fun with it all.

“I do hate to interrupt, darling,” Rarity said from behind.

Vinyl jumped, the three cubes making squeaky cries of pain as they collapsed inwards on themselves. Vinyl muted her music, turning to Rarity. “Yeah, what’s up?” she asked.

Rarity wore her more casual blue blouse and violet skirt, and had forewent her hat, for once. She hefted a briefcase, saying, “I was heading to Manehattan today to pay...well, for you, actually. I talked to Sunset, and we agreed it would be wonderful if you could say goodbye to Fancy. If you want to, that is.”

“Oh. Yeah, I’d like to go see him one last time,” Vinyl said, dropping all three cubes to the table. “When are we leaving?”

“Now. And here, take this,” she said, tossing a jacket to Vinyl.

Vinyl hesitated, then took off her bullet-hole-filled jacket. She set it on the nearest bench, and slipped Rarity’s on. A light, shiny blue, of a thicker, yet still comfortable fabric. She used her telekinesis to straighten the sleeves as, on a whim, she did up the buttons. Her Cutie Mark, or, what was roughly her Cutie Mark, was embroidered on the right breast. “Thanks,” she said, staring at the wrist cuffs. “Um...this is a really good jacket.”

“Thank you, darling, I do try my best,” Rarity said with a smile. It faded, however, as Vinyl continued to stare at herself. “Is something the matter?”

“I just...I’ve never had fancy clothing before,” Vinyl admitted. “Fancy couldn’t afford to pay for upscale clothing on all the androids, so...I always just made do with the one jacket.” She flipped the collar up, saying, “Thanks. Do I owe ya anything?”

“Your praise was enough, darling,” Rarity said, smile returning. “I spend plenty for my friends...or just my property, if anypony asks. Oh, some expensive androids can use magic, so no pony would question it, but you probably shouldn’t until you know better what you’re doing.”

“Got it. Do I, uh, need to wear a cloth bag over my head while we’re going out?”

Rarity stared at her for a second, before laughing. “No, no, nothing like that. For whatever her reasons are, Sunset decided to trust you. And assuming you could somehow track back the exact path, I don’t think it’s likely you’d do something like that.”

“And if I get captured or something?” Vinyl asked.

Rarity blinked. “Darling, if that’s a concern already, then, all things considered, we are quite screwed, as it were. Neither of us have, on record, done anything to make the Inquisitors look at us.”

“So says Diamond Duster,” Vinyl mentioned, walking past Rarity.

“Oh, pfft-t-kch!” Rarity waved the concern off. “Please. I bear no similarities whatsoever to some walking scrap-heap with a pony heart inside.”

Vinyl stepped in front of her, holding up her fingers to observe Rarity like a photo. “Mmmmm...”

Rarity narrowed her eyes, one hand on her hip.

“Yeah, you don’t,” Vinyl agreed, letting her hands fall at her sides. “Gotcha, though, didn’t I?”

Rarity hefted her purse, and Vinyl thought she caught a brief glimpse of a translucent gun inside of it before Rarity snapped it shut. “Well, that you did. Come along then.” She swept up her hat as she walked past, fitting it over her head.

“So,” Vinyl began, “what do you actually do around here?”

“Mostly, we stop ponies like Filthy where we can,” Rarity said. “We need tools to actually fight the Alicorns, so between building those, we save androids. Occasionally, we steal them from brothels and the like—there’s a large number of rescues like yourself around here. And, of course, most have us have more legitimate jobs that we must attend to.”

“Excepting androids like me and Rainbow Dash?” Vinyl asked.

“Exactly,” Rarity said, stepping into the throne room. She trotted down the halls, but paused. “Vinyl?”

Vinyl ran her hands along the side of the throne, thinking. “Do you ever think about who owned this place before Discord came along?”

“Nopony, I thought,” a voice said.

Vinyl turned to the other entrance, watching an off-yellow earth pony slip into the room, with a buttoned blue jacket and a flipped up collar. Over her right eye was a metal plate, with a staticky, red glass. She eyed Vinyl, with a smile.

“Um, right,” Vinyl said. “Why do you think that?”

“Because most of the damage is actually fake,” she said. “The broken tiles don’t move, and the vines growing along the outside are fake.” Then, in a wildly different tone, she added, “Pretty easy to notice, I thought.”

“Right,” Vinyl muttered.

“Vinyl, this is Sour Sweet,” Rarity introduced. “Sour Sweet, this is Vinyl Scratch. She’s a rescue.”

“Oh, yes, Octavia and I were just talking about you,” she said. “Or, at least, I was talking to her.

“Right,” Vinyl muttered again. “Well, nice to meet ya, then!” She extended her hand.

Sour Sweet hesitated, then stepped around the throne and shook it. “Are you looking to help out, or...” She shrugged with her spare hand. “Just survive?”

“I’m not sure yet,” Vinyl admitted. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about it, though.”

“Well, fighter or not, we could always use the help,” Sour said with a nod. “Gods don’t slay themselves, after all.”

“They’re not gods, they’re tyrants,” Rarity interrupted. “They’re evil ponies, not deities, darlings.”

Sour shrugged again. “Where Alicorns are concerned, the name game hardly matters, Rares. Anyway, I’m going to let you get on with your errand now, but I’ll stop by the Boutique tomorrow, okay, Rarity?”

Rarity nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you then! Ta-ta!” Rarity said, waving as Sour Sweet disappeared back into the castle.

“Well,” Vinyl said, “she had spirit.”

“She’s troubled,” Rarity said sadly. “She installed that eye to help her with a graphic art job, but regretted it when she noticed the psychological problems it was causing.”

“Yikes,” Vinyl said. “That’s...can she, like, get rid of it?”

“Probably, but I don’t think she wants to,” Rarity said. “She makes do, but she can be...aggravating, to some ponies.”

“Gotcha. Well, does she have a job around here?”

“Infiltrator,” Rarity said, beckoning towards the castle’s front doors. “Come along, darling, there’s work to be done.”

Vinyl looked back into the castle, then followed Rarity out the doors. “So most ponies don’t know the castle isn’t fake?”

“Some say nay, some say yay,” Rarity answered smoothly. “The reality is, Sunset’s spell is well beyond the potential of any non-Alicorn. If you don’t know who our leader is, fake is much more easy to believe.”

“Hmm. Okay, so...” Vinyl looked around the mostly empty courtyard. A few ponies were taking shots at a target they’d set up, a few clouds drifted lazily past, and Rainbow Dash flew overhead into the forest. “Is there a car we can take? Oh, maybe, like, a helicopter or something?”

“No, darling, we’re taking the secret tunnel,” Rarity said, pointing to a large, square, storage shed.

“Oh,” Vinyl said, feeling slightly disappointed. C’mon, Vinyl, they’re cyber-terrorists. You’ll get to ride in a helicopter some day. Rarity opened the door, examining the space inside the shed.

Vinyl jerked her head around, focusing on the light flashing in the direction Rainbow Dash had flown in a rainbow pattern.

“Uh, Rarity? Is that okay?” Vinyl asked slowly.

“Oh, yes,” Rarity said. “Rainbow keeps the worst nasties in Everfree at bay. She’s scaring off an Ursa minor that wandered too close.”

The gunfire died down as Rarity stepped fully inside, then pulled a lever. The floor slid back, revealing a staircase underground.

“That’s very, very visible,” Vinyl commented.

“Darling, this is what it looks like from inside,” Rarity said. “Once they get here, a secret entrance that leads here isn’t going to be useful to anypony.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Vinyl admitted.

“Just wait until you see the other end, darling,” Rarity said, descending the staircase. Her hooves tapped politely as she trotted down, tail kept close by her side.

Vinyl looked back to the other two ponies. One stepped away from the other, laughing at something, a pair of massive bat wings stretching out. When she saw Vinyl looking, she smiled and waved.

Vinyl waved back, then took the steps two at a time, lighting up her horn. A mellow, blue light filled a short hallway, showing mostly earth walls with some wooden supports to keep the roof up.

Rarity let out a light gasp. “Why, whenever did you learn to do that?” she asked.

“After Doc finished patching my chest this morning,” Vinyl said. “I moved to using telekinesis on three cubes, and discovered that I could turn myself into a flashlight.” She did an air-guitar, saying, “I can also do rave-lights, but figured that wouldn’t be useful here.”

“Agreed,” Rarity said, moving to the end of the hallway.

“So, secret passage now?” Vinyl asked, examining the completely featureless earth wall.

“Yes,” Rarity said, placing her hand on a seemingly random spot. It sank in, and Vinyl heard a click, before the wall slid over to the right, slowly.

“How do you remember where that was? A code or something?”

“Practice, darling,” Rarity said smoothly. “Fluttershy showed me, and I simply had to remember it. Is this hidden to your liking?”

“And beyond,” Vinyl admitted, stepping into the next room. Contrary to the past several days of dusty old castle rooms, she stepped into a room of polished chrome, with several computer panels showing various charts. Four sealed metal doors lead out, as well as two separate vents that seemed to be keeping breathable air in the room.

The door closed behind them, as Vinyl looked to the computers. “What now?” she asked, turning off her light.

“Noooow I come down from the ceiling!” a familiar voice chirped to the sound of metal grinding. Vinyl slid back, before relaxing as the Pie Sisters rappelled to the ground, from a series of metal pipes on the ceiling. The vague shape of a large, four-hoofed horse stood before them, with a large number of metal cables floating around in the air around her. The four eyes were connected at where the horse’s neck would have been, but the whole thing had an...unfinished look. Several of the plates didn’t match, and were too big for the parts they were attached to.

“Remind me to ask about your story sometime,” Vinyl said slowly.

“Okie-dokie!” Pinkie said, saluting with a cable.

“It’s rather boring,” Maude put in. “We don’t have the tunnel to the Boutique finished just yet, Rarity. Sorry about the inconvenience.” They trotted over to the computers, hoof-steps thudding loudly. The cables floated about, tapping some buttons on the panels. “Will Golden Oak be fine?”

“Yes, that will do just fine,” Rarity said. “How’s progress coming on the interstate tunnels, anyway?”

“Uh...” Pinkie’s eye turned to look down the window on top of the far left door. “Slowly.”

“Mm-hmm,” Marble agreed.

Limestone scoffed, her red eye turning back to Rarity and Vinyl. “Now that we’re near a populated town, we have to stop using explosives or ponies will notice. The drilling is taking time, and we can’t head far enough out to handle it.”

“Why not?” Vinyl asked.

The beady red eye focused on her, but Vinyl avoided flinching back. “Cuz we’re needed here,” Limestone snapped. “We have so many projects here, so many things to build. Other ponies are the ones doing most of the mining now, when we can spare them.”

“Now, Limestone,” Pinkie said chidingly, “it was just a question.”

“I know, but I’m mad about it anyway,” she snapped. “Sunset keeps coming up with new tools for us to build, but never anything for us to use. Anything we’re gonna do is gonna be done in the far, far future.”

“Because six Alicorns are very hard to kill,” Rarity put in. “Midnight and Spitfire moreso.”

“Well,” Vinyl said tentatively, “do we have to kill them?”

Rarity and the Pie sisters all looked to her. “I mean, Sunset turned nice, is what I’m saying,” Vinyl put in. “Maybe the others can turn nice?”

Rarity put a hand to her chin in thought. “A lovely sentiment, certainly,” she admitted. “But I don’t know if it’s feasible, darling. Logistically, we’d have to do all the work to be ready to kill one before we could try to reform one, in case it didn’t work.”

“And some ponies don’t like having their beliefs questioned,” Limestone said simply. “I don’t think it’ll work, Vinyl.” Several cables shot out, pushing buttons, and the door on the far right opened.

“I would love to hold them all a great big party where we could talk out all our problems, but Sunset says that’s not too likely,” Pinkie admitted. “She’s especially firm on Cadenza dying.”

“Why the Princess of Diplomacy?” Vinyl asked. “Is she worse?”

“Not on the surface level,” Rarity admitted. “The Inquisitors are responsible for most random ‘disappearances’, to be sure, but the Princess of Commerce is in charge of making sure the nobles stay richer than everypony else. The Princess of Diplomacy allows gryphon slavers to slip across the borders, and has been the one to conduct genocides. The thestrals, the dragons, and the changelings, all persecuted on the crime of being unfavored by a raving madmare.” She grimaced. “We must be going, though. Ta-ta, Pies!”

A chorus of goodbyes, and one ‘mm-hmm’, followed Vinyl into the tunnel, where a small pod sat on a rail line. “Subway,” Vinyl said. “Cool.”

Rarity opened the door, smiling. “After you, darling.”

Vinyl slipped into the pod, then buckled herself into a seat. She looked out the back window, at a cargo wagon that sat empty. “Can I ask a question?”

“Sure,” Rarity said, buckling herself in.

“What’s a changeling?”

Rarity paused, then sighed. “Extinct,” she said. “And wiped from history.” The pod jolted as it started moving, slowly, down the tracks.

“Have fun!” Pinkie’s voice chimed as they departed.

“History is subjective,” Vinyl muttered to herself.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Eh...nothing much, I guess. What was the deal with the Changelings? I know the thestrals reminded Princess Celestia of Nightmare Moon, so she started killing them, but what about the Changelings?”

“Where did--” Rarity stared at her. “Where did you hear about the thestrals?”

“Um...Nightmare Moon?”

Rarity stared at her. Vinyl tapped the part of her chest that Fluttershy had patched that morning, saying, “I kind of pissed her off last night. Sunset said she’d look into what happened.”

Rarity shook her head. “Discord’s operated out of this castle for almost twenty years, Vinyl, and yet, none of us spontaneously manifested damage marks.”

“Um...anyway, what about the changelings?”

Rarity smiled, but let the conversation change topics. “Well, darling, that’s a matter of some debate, even for those who know the name. The fact is that only two ponies know about them, and neither of those are particularly trustworthy sources on the topic.”

“Princess Celestia and...”

“Princess Cadenza,” Rarity said. “I...never asked about the details from Sunset, admittedly. I know they were...shapeshifters of some sort.”

“Hence the name,” Vinyl chuckled. The pod slowed down, coming to a stop.

Rarity popped open the door, swinging her purse with her spare hand. “Well, darling,” she said, “are you ready?”

Vinyl nodded, steadying herself.

Sweetie Belle

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Rarity paused by a door, metal reinforced, then reached over and clicked a button. She put her finger to her lips, waiting, before the light next to the button changed from red to green. Rarity clicked another button, and the door slid open.

Vinyl followed her out into a bedroom of sorts, though with several boxes of books at the sides of the room. It was slightly furnished, with several magical looking charts hanging on the walls. Standing in front of the room's desk was an cream-colored unicorn in a turtleneck sweater and baggy jeans with a large pair of nerdy-looking glasses. "Hello," she said. "Out for the day?"

"Yes, but I probably won't be returning to the castle," Rarity said. "Just taking care of business once more."

The unicorn paused, straightening her spectacles as she looked to Vinyl. Vinyl extended a hand, saying, "I'm Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch. Nice to meet you!"

The unicorn examined her hand carefully, then hesitantly shook it. "Moondancer," she introduced. She quickly dropped the shake, then moved over to her desk and quickly typing on the computer.


"Come along, Vinyl, we have a train to catch," Rarity said, towing her out the door.

Vinyl followed, pausing to look at the next room. "Are we in a library?" she asked.

"Golden Oaks Library," Rarity confirmed. "It contains a hidden tunnel to the castle. Moondancer's with us, but she doesn't like talking much."

"Got it," Vinyl muttered. While Rarity stepped briskly outside, Vinyl hesitated.

Ponies trotted around on paved streets, some with bags, a few with carts. Chatter and laughter were ever-present. The sun shone down, and some random pony waved a friendly hello at Vinyl.

Vinyl waved back.


"Sorry, I..." Vinyl trotted to catch up with Rarity. "I got distracted."

"Understandable. This...this is your first time outside, isn't it?"

Vinyl nodded. "It's...weird. It all feels so friendly."

"It's less friendly in the cities, I'm afraid," Rarity said slowly. "In a country town like this, everypony knows most everypony. We all get along quite nicely."

"Huh. That's...that's wonderful." She stepped closer to Rarity, asking, "How many of them know about the, uh, side-gig?"

"If anypony asks, I'm with Everfree," Rarity said smoothly. "A good number of the ponies around here are with us, and the majority of the rest are with Everfree."

"Huh. So, if the Inquisitors start looking out here..."

"They have no reason to," Rarity said. "The simple fact is, we can't give them reason to. We need ponies if we're to overthrow Canterlot, but the more ponies we have, the harder keeping secrets will be. Most of us are going to have to give up our daily lives once the real fighting starts simply because the risks are too great."

"Yikes. Isn't that...does it bother you?"

"I live to give to others," Rarity announced. "If it'll save more ponies in the end, I'll gladly do it."

Vinyl nodded to herself. It was definitely the right attitude, but it certainly wasn't an easy thing to do. Then again, I pretty much already gave up my daily life, Vinyl thought. My good days are over, one way or another. Shouldn't I do my part to help others find happiness?

But what the hell IS my part?

Vinyl paused, looking up to a massive purple building with a domed roof. There were several display windows showcasing mannequins in brilliant dresses, and she watched as Rarity walked straight up to the door.

"Now, I don't think I'm one to talk," Vinyl said slowly, "but I don't think this is a train station."

"Hmm? Oh, of course not, this is my house, and shop," Rarity said, trying the door. "Carousel Boutique." She pulled out a set of keys, unlocking the door.

"Oh, clothes," Vinyl said, fiddling with her jacket's cuffs. "Right."

Rarity paused in the doorway, calling out, "Sweetie Belle?"

There was no response.

"Out, then," Rarity muttered. "Come in, Vinyl, we shan't be long. I just wanted to get something. Feel free to look around, though I do hope you can avoid touching any outfits."

"Right," Vinyl said, closing the door behind her. The shop opened immediately into a business area, complete with a large fancy mirror.

Vinyl stood in front of it, then held out her arms. It looks even fancier than I'd thought. She turned slightly, looking at it from the sides. I hope it didn't cost too much.

She paused, then undid the buttons. She looked down at herself. Vinyl's body was normally coated in a more expensive plating option, that responded to movement and touch almost like real flesh. However, all the bullet holes had been patched over, meaning most of her stomach and some of her arms were now a beige color, and didn't quite move like the plates should have.

Though the chest repair hadn't been too hard, for some reason. Fluttershy had managed to simply close the tear, and replace a few cut wires.

I don't quite look like how I used to, Vinyl thought. What'll armor look like? Like what Applejack has? Then I'll really look different. Would Fancy even recognize me?

Movement showed in the mirror. Vinyl turned, seeing a door swing closed behind her. "Rarity?" she called out.

Rarity didn't reply, so Vinyl slowly walked over to the door. "Rarity?" she called out again.

The lights were off in the room. Vinyl stepped inside, listening to a faintly mechanical humming sound. She fumbled along the wall, looking for the light switch, then paused. "Silly me," she muttered, lighting up her horn.

The room was a mess. Piles of fabric sat in various corners, directly in front of the shelves. One mannequin was entirely on its side. A small basket of gems sat, leaning precariously over the side of one shelf.

Vinyl froze when she saw an android, perched besides the basket, with a mounted gun on her shoulder. For the briefest of seconds, they sat there, and Vinyl looked into her eyes. Then, she let out a wild cry, leaping to the side and out of the room, putting a wall between them. "RARITY!" she shouted.

Rarity charged forward, purse swinging at her side as she held a large, translucent gun in her hands. "What is it?" she demanded.

"An android was pointing a gun at me!" Vinyl said, pointing. "The room is a mess, I think she was searching it!"

Rarity crept up to the doorframe, then peeked inside. She let out a sigh, putting her gun back in her purse. "It's nothing to worry about, Vinyl, you simply startled my sister."

"Um...your sister?" Vinyl hesitantly stepped up besides Rarity, then looked into the room.

The lights had come on, and the little android was sitting on top of a shelf, mounted gun no longer making the whirring sound.

Rarity stepped to the mechanical filly, then pulled her from the shelf and set her on the ground. "Sweetie Belle, this is Vinyl Scratch. She's another rescue, okay? Vinyl, this is my adopted sister, Sweetie Belle."

"Uh, hi," Sweetie said, ducking slightly behind Rarity. Her poofy, purple-and-pink mane bounced, falling around her horn and almost to her eyes.

"Hi?" Vinyl said. She leaned down, crouching in front of Sweetie. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

“Why didn't you answer when I called you?” Rarity asked, leaning down to Sweetie's level.

“ didn't hear,” Sweetie answered. “And then...she started coming over, and I...didn't know who she was,”

“Hey, we're cool!” Vinyl said. She held out her hand. “You startled me, but honestly, looking back, I just feel like laughing about it, huh?” She laughed.

Sweetie Belle looked into her face. “Are your eyes...synth waves?”

“Uh, yeah. You're one of the only ponies to comment on that, though.”

“I've been studying music,” Sweetie said.

“Cool!” Vinyl said. “Maybe I could show you a thing or two sometime.”


“Sure, I don't see why not,” Vinyl said. “At least, as soon as I'm no longer under house arrest.” She looked to Rarity.

“Despite the name, we do have rules,” Rarity muttered. “But you're out of the castle anyway, Vinyl.”

“Under supervision,” Vinyl said. “So, did you get your thing or...”

“Can't you tell?” Rarity said, insulted.

“Is it...the hat?”

It was a jaunty hat that stuck well over the sides of her head, drooping under its own weight. Rarity sighed. “I suppose I shouldn't be looking for fashion sense in the girl who wasn't wearing a shirt thirty minutes ago,” she muttered. “We'd best be off, or we'll miss the train.”

“Oh. Right.” Vinyl ruffled Sweetie's mane, saying, “See ya later, then.”

“O-oh. Alright. Sorry again for, uh...almost shooting you.”

“Hey, not the first time!” Vinyl said, walking backwards out the door. “I couldn't care less!”

“Rainbow Dash?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Er...yeah, she's up there,” Vinyl admitted.

Indigo walked the familiar halls of the Canton of Inquisition once more. The imposingly long corridors had always confused her, as they all simply lead to and from the elevator, with only a few having extra doors.

But most of them had a window spanning most of the length of the corridor.

Indigo looked out, at the android pegasus washing the windows, and gave it a wave. As was the normal now, it waved, scarcely slowing down in its work as it did so.

Minuette knocked on the door to the meeting room. Lyra called out, “Princess absent,” from inside.

Minuette pushed open the door, frowning when only Lyra was in the room. “I thought I said this was a matter of the highest importance,” she said.

Lyra Heartstrings, forever tapping a hoof in a rhythm only she could hear, swished around her drink—which smelled like sickening amounts of sugar. “Our chief infiltrator is still on her way back from Vanhoover, and Cross couldn't manage to fit the time into his own infiltration.”

Minuette grumbled, coming into the room and sitting down. Indigo came in behind her, sitting in her customary position at Minuette's side.

“Well, as highest-ranked Inquisitor in the room,” Lyra said, “I will preside over the meeting.”

Minuette snorted. “What meeting? There's three ponies.” she threw up her hands. “All this time, and we still haven't gotten more recruits.”

“Pity that Octavia seems to have scrammed,” Indigo said. “She looks like she would have been a good one.”

Minuette nodded. “But we can't spare the time to look for her anymore. It seems like Discord's stepped up its game.”

Lyra poured from a pitcher, filling two glasses with a light, golden-brown drink with steam coming off of it.

Indigo picked up the cup Lyra passed her, sniffing it. “What is this, and why does it smell like a Whinnie bar?”

“Liquid caramel,” Lyra answered. “My old partner got me on the stuff, and now I can't drink anything else.”

Minuette grimaced, sliding her cup away from her. “Anyway,” she said, but Lyra held up a hand.

“Presiding Inquisitor, Min,” she said with a smile. She then stretched out her hand, gesturing to Minuette. “You have the floor.”

Minuette rolled her eyes. “We had a security breach in the Manehattan library,” she said. “Subject came in both the forms of Indigo, and myself, and flawlessly imitated us. Stole Indigo's security key, but logged onto the computer with mine.”

Lyra snickered.

“The intruder then--”

“After all those times berating her for not putting it up properly,” Lyra said, “yours was swiped.”

Minuette sucked in a deep breath. “Yes,” she admitted.

Lyra laughed. Indigo couldn't help but chuckle, and Minuette gave her a betrayed look before continuing.

“Continuing, the intruder then attempted to access the Wonderbolt armory schematics, using Princess Midnight's password,” she said.

Lyra sucked in a breath, hoof-tapping quickening.

“We're still not sure how she got that,” Minuette said. “Luckily, the redundant securities blocked her, but it's still bad. We've been ordered to change all of our passwords. The Princess told me to pass the word on to Princess Spitfire that her passwords may be compromised, too.”

Lyra leaned forward. “Do we know if she got anything?”

“The schematics for mine and Indigo's guns would have been accessible with the security keys,” Minuette replied. “If she was just looking for weapons. I have access to a number of secret files, but I don't think she messed with any of them. Besides, downloading wasn't available from that terminal, so she'd have been limited.”

“I'll get word to Princess Spitfire,” Lyra said. “You two have to be returning to Manehattan today, right?”

“We're still trying to help Lancelot resolve the gang that shot up the Flight of Fancy,” Minuette explained.

“It sucks, because we all know it was Filthy, but we need more evidence before we move in.” Indigo sighed.

“We still want to catch the last two mercenaries,” Minuette said. “Rough Tumble's been out for a bit, but he's never been high-profile enough for us to get involved.”

“Agreed. I'll send word to the Canton of Information, we'll need records of his previous crimes purged,” Lyra said.

Indigo looked up in alarm. “Eh? What? Why?”

“Because,” Minuette explained, “it'll look better if he only just showed up, and we caught him almost immediately. We have to play the popularity game, too, Indigo. If ponies think they can get away with crimes, they'll commit them. We have to make them think we are much scarier than we are.”

“And that means covering up the fact that we ignored him?”

“Yes,” Minuette said. “We're getting involved now, and his days are numbered from this point onwards. That is what matters. Some ponies just like to think about...the wrong parts of that.”

Indigo grimaced, leaning back. She sipped her caramel-drink, thinking it over.

“We help guide them,” Minuette said, “to where they need to go. And that means we do things that are unpleasant, and sometimes, even immoral. But we are justified under Princess Celestia. I don't like it either, but it is what it is.”

Indigo nodded. “Yeah, maybe. So, how do we go about catching Rough and...his boss?”

“Partner, by the sounds of it,” Minuette said. She pulled out a file. “Indigo found her records, via questioning some ponies in the area.”

“Aggressively,” Indigo put in.

“Gilda Gruff,” Lyra said. “Of course it's a gryphon. Do we know if she's with the Slavers?”

“I doubt any of the ones we know,” Minuette said. “She's not been caught before, but we tend to catch the Slavers pretty quickly. Regardless, she coordinated an assault on high-nobility.”

“I'll ask Princess Cadenza,” Lyra said, “and pass the word on the breach to Princess Spitfire. You two get your rest, then head on out again. We want this taken care of quickly.”

“Will you be following our shapeshifting friend, then?”

“Yes,” Lyra said, smiling. “She couldn't fool me.”

“Be careful,” Minuette said. “We'll head out to finish helping Lancelot.”

Indigo downed the last of her caramel-drink, setting the cup down. Then, she stood, heading out right after Minuette.

Things are getting more interesting.

Cleaning Trash

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Princess Cadenza's cup clinked, as she set it down on the table. The Canton of Diplomacy looked much more...civilized than the others. Sure, the Canton of Inquisition looked friendly enough, but everypony knew that some ponies who went in didn't come back out. There was an almost predatory feeling to the place.

The grandiose gardens in the Canton of Diplomacy were far from threatening, aside from, maybe, pricking one's finger on a rose.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza sat at a table, looking from her tea to Lyra, then waved the servants back. A serving maid, and an android holding a teapot. She had wheels instead of her hooves, enabling her to move quicker, yet her sliding into position behind the chief servant was perfectly positioned, to the millimeter.

That one was very well designed.

Lyra dropped to one knee, resting one hand on the ground, and the other on her raised knee. "Your Highness," she said.

"Miss Heartstrings. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"I believe so. Almost five months since I last had reason to visit, if I do recall."

Cadenza sipped her tea. "Yes, about. Why not come have a cup of tea?"

There was already a teacup set up for Lyra. Basic manners of dining with royalty had her taking the teacup, even though she had never liked the stuff.

It was made from tree leaves, and her taste buds never let her forget that.

"What brings you here this time around?" Cadenza asked casually. "Minotaur immigrants? Another zebra decides to pass judgement on our country? No, what do I have to bet...the gryphons?"

Lyra found herself smiling. "Yes, Your Highness, the gryphons. As it was last time."

"I enjoyed evading unnecessary bloodshed, at least," Cadenza said, swishing her tea. "Though I fear that was only a temporary halt. Is it slavers, again?"

"Not necessarily," Lyra said. "You see, it seems a gryphon in a crime syndicate attacked high nobility. Fancy Pants, if you've heard about his clubhouse being shot up."

"Yes, I have," Cadenza said. "Dear Fleur was quite rattled."

"Mm. Has she adjusted yet?"

"She won't ever adjust," Cadenza said. "She's one of the ones who's simply incompatible. We'll figure that out one of these days."

"It does lead to opportunity, however."

Cadenza raised an eyebrow.

"How will our beloved citizens respond to the knowledge that a gryphon slaver attacked high nobility?" Lyra said.

"I thought she wasn't a slaver."

"That's where my idea comes in. We can say that she was. It's nothing so difficult that we can't make it seem like she's some high-ranked Slaver. Make it seem like they're all in it. The people are ready to believe it."

"You've falsified evidence plenty of times, Lyra," Cadenza said. "Why bring this to me?"

"I need your blessing," Lyra said. "I can make it look like it was some high-ranked Gryphon. People would believe it, but nothing would change. Princess Cadenza, give me your blessing, and I will hand you the tools to purge Gryphonstone."

Cadenza swished her tea around, then took a long, slow sip. She let out a satisfied sigh, setting the cup back down. "I don't like unnecessary bloodeshed," she said.

"And how many times have the gryphons caused it?"

"Gryphonstone is more than the Slavers, Lyra," Cadenza said. "It is the men, women, and children trying to eke out a life in a barren land."

"And they do not worship Princess Celestia," Lyra hissed, leaning forward. "They are heretic barbarians. Princess Celestia, in her boundless compassion, gave them a chance, but their continued existence is a stain upon her beautiful, perfect Equus. Give me your blessing and we can wipe that infernal, bubbling cesspool of a country off the face of Equus for good."

Cadenza stared into her tea cup. The Alicorn's wings shuffled, as she stared at her reflection in the dark-red tea. "You have my blessing," she said. "I will aid you, Lyra."

Lyra let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Princess Cadenza." She stood up, but the Alicorn held up a hand.

"I have a feeling that Fleur is about to start saying some...controversial things about cybernetics. It would be convenient if she was kidnapped by gryphon slavers."

Lyra nodded. "Yes, quite convenient. Are you content letting Fleur be a martyr?"

"To send her to rest in my Aunt's merciful wings? To be personally carried to the heavens?" Cadenza sipped her tea. "That is my final gift to her, dear Lyra."

Lyra nodded. "A magnificent one, indeed." She turned, but stopped when Cadenza spoke again.

"Why are you coming to me, and not Midnight?" She leaned forward. "What did my sister-in-law have to say?"

Lyra grimaced. "Princess, allow me to be honest, and...just slightly heretical. Only Princess Celestia is perfect. Unlike the rest of your subjects, I am aware than most that the Alicorns are not perfect. I watched Twilight grow and mature, until eventually, she became Princess Midnight. And yet, I can't help but see the same bumbling, dorky nerd who would never shut up about some experiment, or the latest Shadow Spade novel. I also know for a fact that she still reads those books. I have not told Princess Midnight my plan. If it goes right, I won't tell her until the Wonderbolts are landing. I don't think she has the heart to make the order to do this. So this will final gift to her, I suppose, before I retire."

"You're retiring?"

"I'm getting a touch old for all of this," Lyra said with a sad smile. "Figure it'd be best to quit while I'm ahead. Go out and buy a farm." Her hand tightened around the edge of the table. "See Bonnie again."

Cadenza met her eyes, then nodded. "I see. Then you have my well wishes, Lyra."

"Thank you, Your Higness."

Indigo checked the schedule she'd been given again. This afternoon's rain was happening earlier than they'd planned—some moron at the local Weather Factory had, apparently, left it running over his break time and now they had a dozen or so extra clouds that didn't fit in the factory.

The automated wind turbines were releasing the clouds, and a few Pegasi were moving them into better positions. They were dark, swollen things, full to bursting, and, she knew from her own experience at Crystal Academy, soggy. She'd helped out the Volunteer Weather Teams once or twice, and it was distinctly uncomfortable to shove your hands til just past the wrists into a freezing, or near freezing, dark gray mass that would electrocute you if you didn't handle it properly.

Thinking about it made her tighten her jacket around herself as she stepped into the Manehattan Police Department. It was a good jacket, too. She'd made most of the design herself, actually, but mostly so she could fit all her pistols beneath the jacket. It wasn't quite as big as a proper Praetorian greatcoat, only coming down to just above her knees, but it was warm and thick. Of course, it was dragonscale, so it wasn't as warm as it could have been, but sticking extra padding under it would have been too heavy.

It was instead lightweight, almost luxuriously soft, and bullet-proof. Though, as Minuette constantly said, bullet-proof merely meant bullet-resistant.

Minuette stopped by the front desk. "Lancelot?" she asked.

"In his office," the mare at the desk said, barely pausing to check Minuette's badge.

Minuette and Indigo strode into the office without pausing. Lancelot was, as usual, going through notes, with a large evidence board set up behind him. There were a half-dozen criss-crossing red lines strewn across it, and a few photos pinned to it. One was a gryphon, in a brown jacket and trousers, shirt? Some minotaurs went about shirtless, but she couldn't quite tell if the gryphon was muscular or not.

Indigo leaned in close to the photo. The gryphon was sparing a glance over her shoulder, small eyes looking around, moving through a crowd. At least, Indigo thought it was a her. She could swear that the face looked feminine, and she thought those were breasts under the jacket. But with the feathers in the way, it was somewhat hard to tell.

"Gilda?" Indigo asked.

Lancelot grunted, looking up. He was an elderly pegasus, but still muscular, and quite fit. He had a few cybernetics, namely the prosthetic red eye that glared at Indigo. His mane was combed back, kept short except for a thick bunch along the top of his head, almost like a mohawk.

And, of course, the snazzy Paretorian jacket that Indigo loved. Thick, grey, with his lightning-bolt badge on his chest, and the wrist cuffs folded back slightly. He looked to the photo, then nodded. "Yeah, that's her. The photo was taken the day of the shoot-out. Any word on Octavia? I still think she knew the shootout was about to happen."

"Something more important came up," Minuette said apologetically. "Sorry, Lance, but we've stopped looking into Octavia for now."

Lancelot snorted. "Alright," he muttered. "Fancy doesn't seem too inclined on telling much. Anything important, he either didn't catch, or isn't talking. We found a few crooks, all of whom seem to belong to Gilda's gang, but they aren't talking. Any chance you could use your Right of Force, here?"

"If I have the time," Minuette said. Inquisitors—or at least, the Class Two ones, like Minuette—had a few special perks to get their job done. One was the Right of Force, enabling them to go to extreme measures to extract information from criminals. Praetorians didn't get that, though, if Indigo remembered, the Wonderbolt captains did.

"Have you found anything about our shape-shifter friend?"

Lancelot grimaced. "Nothing. No reports of anything where someone caught it. No reports of people acting weirdly, then doing something extreme. I set some people checking the cells, just to see if maybe, someone got caught because of something the shape-shifter did. But if that's the case, then they've already been moved, because we haven't found anything yet."

"Keep looking. And you changed your passwords?"

"All of 'em. And I sprinkled a few fake passwords amongst my people. If our friend tries using any of them, we'll catch it that way."

"This thing fooled us, Lance," Minuette said, raising an eyebrow. "I don't think it's going to fall for that."

"If it works, it works, and if it doesn't, no harm done," Lancelot said with a shrug. He fell into his seat, the rickety metal chair creaking beneath him, then pulled out his handgun. A magnum, a few sizes bigger than what civilians were allowed to carry. He started polishing it, rubbing it with a rag. "What do you two think it is?"

"You know I'm not allowed to share that kind of information with you, Lance," Minuette said apologetically.

"So you don't know," Lancelot chuckled.

Minuette grimaced. "No. Lyra said she was going to ask around with the Princesses. If nothing else, Princess of Information should have access to some of the really old records, so there might be something in there. If not, then we're dealing with an entirely new kind of crazy in our world."

Lancelot grunted. "I never like new."

"What about new inventions?" Indigo countered. "Like bigger, better cybernetics?"

Lancelot shook his head. "Any time that happens, a bunch of low-tolerance people get cyber-jolted, go crazy, and there's a big new crime surge. I've seen it time and again, kid. Anything new means a lot of work for a lot of people." He paused, then set down the gun. "Back to the point, though, we did get a video that may have been the shape-shifter."

"Or just some punk who decides to spray-paint 'Disc0rd' on the side of a building," Indigo muttered.

"Eh, you might want to give it a watch," Lancelot said, pulling out a tape and sticking it in his computer. Indigo stepped around, standing at his side.

"It happened the day of the big firefight," Lancelot said, opening up the recording. "Someone shut down all the cameras at the Trendsetter."

"Trenderhoof's place?" Minuette said. "A whole host of people want to see him dead. We'd never be able to pick one out, let alone deduce if one was the shape-shifter."

"'ll see," Lancelot said. "Our friend seems to have made one tiny slip. One of the camera's audio was still operational. So we get to see Trenderhoof's last words on film."

He turned on the recording. It showed the popular Trenderhoof, sitting at a desk, flipping through some art pictures.

"Hey, that dress looks good," Indigo said, squinting. "I mean, kinda slutty, but I'd still wear it."

The video feed shut off. There was a moment's silence, before Trenderhoof spoke. "Hairpin, would you go out and figure out what the commotion is? I'm still in the middle of this, and can't afford distractions."

"U-uhm, yes sir," a slight, shy voice said. The creak of a door sounded, following by a light click as the door shut.

Then, a second later, another click, as someone locked the door.

"Hairpin...? Why did you--" A gasp, followed by the sound of something heavy being kicked. "Guards! Guards! Help!"

"They can't hear you, sweetheart," a discordant, constantly changing voice rattled. Indigo found a shiver running up her spine. Some sort of completely synthesized voice. An android? Or someone who wanted people to think he—or she—was an android?

"Who are you? What do you want—oof!"

Another kicking sound, followed by a metal desk sliding across the floor. "I want justice," the voice rattled.

"Justice? What justice? What are you talking about?"

"We know what you've been doing, Trenderhoof. We know how you've been treating your employees. We know how you've been treating your androids."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about! Get out—hey! Let me go! HELP!"

"I told you already, sweetheart. They. Can't. Hear. You."

"Who are you?"

"I am vengeance incarnate," the voice rattled. "I am terror. I will rise."

"You're making a mistake! I have friends! They won't let you live!"

"I look forward to meeting them." BANG! The recorded gunshot was loud enough that Indigo jumped. "Sweetheart."

The recording played on for a moment. Then, the sound of a door rattling. "Huh? Mister guess he's...with someone now...I...I shouldn't bother him."

Lancelot turned off the recording. "It was almost five hours before somepony thought to open the door," he said. "He'd been dead for a while by that point."

"So, um," Indigo said. "Not many people say 'terror, arise' unironically, right?"

"Nope," Minuette said slowly. "There's a possibility that that's our shapeshifter. If not, then...that would be the Diamond Duster."

"I didn't think it was real," Indigo said. "Think it's actually an android with a pony's heart inside it? I mean, that's not possible, right? Right?"

"Well...hold on..." Minuette stopped to think. "Maybe, but I don't think it would do anything."

Indigo stared at her.

"With our current Princess of Research, anything is conceivably possible," Minuette said. "But I doubt this is some sort of mechanical abomination that broke out of one of her labs again. Or...maybe it's the shapeshifter. Like I said, lots of people would want him dead. If it was among them, then it wouldn't be hard to fake who did the killing." Minuette scratched her head. "Hey, Indigo. Think you could see about getting information out of the thugs? I'm going to stay here and work with Lance."

"A'ight," Indigo said, stretching her arms over her head. Technically, only Second Class or First Class Inquisitors had the Right of Force, but Minuette could extend it to her subordinates.

Unfortunately, she couldn't just give it to Lancelot, meaning that Indigo personally had to do it. She closed the door, stepping out into the main room again.

Police stations still gave her weird feelings. On the one hand, she outranked everypony here. On the other, there hadn't ever been 'good' reasons to go into them before. Hell, there still weren't, really.

She strode back over to the desk, waving to the clerk. "Hey," she said.

"Yes, ma'am, what can I do for you?"

"I need to know where the prisoners are," Indigo said. "Specifically, the ones Lancelot mentioned that seem to be affiliated with the ponies behind the shoot-out."

"The ones we know worked with Rough Tumble?" The mare frowned, then looked up at Indigo. "Um--"

Indigo pointed to her badge.

"Right, uh...give me a minute here." She frowned. "Hmm. Odd, I thought...I thought we had some records on Tumble here..."

Indigo blinked. Damn, the girls at the Canton of Info work fast. "I wouldn't have expected that," Indigo said, leaning on the desk "We catch the real bad guys pretty quickly."

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Weren't you only hired like, what? Three months ago?"

"It was four," Indigo said defensively.

"Right. It was on the, uh...Cottonpuff case, right?"

"Yeah," Indigo said, blushing. Sweet Celestia, that was my first mission. She recognizes me from that? Ohhhh, now I feel embarrassed.

"You took down Anansi, right?"

"Well, helped," Indigo said. "Minuette dealt the last hit, but...she wouldn't have caught him without me!"

"Uh...huh..." The clerk frowned at her for a minute, before pulling out the papers. "Let's see, we have three in custody, currently. One is under guard at the clinic, after you--"

"Well, I already asked him," Indigo said. "And the buddy he was with, I believe. You guys still got Muleton?"

The clerk nodded. "Yeah, he's one of the three, if you want to...'chat' with him again."

"Mm, probably not," Indigo said. "I don't have all the time in the world, y'know."

"Hmm, yes. Neither do I," the clerk added under her breath. She handed the papers over. "Cells five, seven, and eight."

Indigo nodded, choosing to ignore the rudeness of the clerk, before turning around. She looked up, and watched as a pony and an android walked outside the police station.

Something about the pony made her pause, however. She was stunning, but Indigo doubted that was it. Her mane...her mane curled in a very particular way, and was a deep, rich violet. She wore a casual blue blouse and skirt, but still made it look like a beautiful ensemble. She swung a white purse casually off one arm, with her android marching in step with her.

It was an expensive-looking custom model in a blue jacket and short, blue mane. It had a casual look about the way it walked, with its hands in its jacket pockets. Its eyes, notably, were a set of goggles with...those...dancing bar-thingies that moved with the music. What were those called again? 'Synthwaves' or something like that?

Indigo turned, and headed back for the office. She pushed open the door, causing Minuette to jolt up in shock. "Indigo, what are you doing back?" she demanded.

"We just hit jackpot. Looks like Octavia's going to pay for her droid."