Pokemon Turquoise Advanced Generation

by foxmaster

First published

the third installment of my pokemon series.

after conquring the johto league and johto grand festival Turquoise was sure she was ready to become champion but she stills has a ways to go. per bruno's suggestion she decides to take on the hoenn region for her next journey. will things be different or will it end the same as last time, join us for the exciting adventures of Turquoise and her new traveling companion.

A Maiden's Voyage

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The ferry heading for Hoenn left with Turquoise and Espeon standing at the bow of the ship. As soon as the ship made it halfway through kantonian waters the wind picked up and blew past them.

“Feel that Espeon, that is the winds of adventure,” Turquoise said before noticing a sweet aroma coming from behind her. She turned around and was quite surprised to see Sprigatito on the ship. “Sprigatito? You followed us here?” Sprigatito nodded yes to her question. Since they were halfway out at sea and Sprigatito’s pokeball was back at the lab it looked like Turquoise had no choice but to bring her along on the journey. The three of them looked at the horizon eagerly awaiting the adventure to come.

Meanwhile inside a house in Petalburg City a girl with short blonde hair wearing a white lace top with ice blue shorts and brown boots was packing her bag as if she was going somewhere. As soon as she packed the last of her stuff she swung her bag onto her back. Suddenly a voice shouted from downstairs.

“Aqua dear, are you ready to go yet?” The voice asked.

“Coming mom,” Aqua said before going downstairs where a woman with curled blonde hair was waiting.

“Ready to go see Professor Birch and start your journey?” Mom asked.

“Sure am,” Aqua said.

“Good now let's go outside because I have a surprise for you,” mom said before blindfolding aqua. Aqua’s mom guided her outside and when she took the blindfold off aqua was now looking at a new light blue bicycle with built in headlight and two gears.

“You got me a new bike?” Aqua asked.

“Figured it would be faster than walking all the way to Littleroot Town,” Mom said.

“I love it mom thank you thank you thank you,” Aqua said while hugging her.

“You're quite welcome dear now I believe you remember the way,” Mom said.

“I do,” Aqua said before getting on and taking off. Before Aqua’s mom knew it her daughter was off to begin her own journey.

Back with Turquoise the ferry was now entering Hoenn waters and the sea had a different feel to it from Kanto or Johto.

“Feel that ladies, that's the winds of a new land blowing,” Turquoise said. Suddenly a city was coming into view which meant the ship was almost at Little Root Town. Waiting by the port was a big man in a lab coat. This man was none other than professor Birch who was informed by Professor Oak of Turquoise’s arrival and was tasked with helping her by showing him his lab and pointing her in the right direction. A half hour later the ship arrives and Turquoise disembarks.

“By any chance are you Turquoise?” Professor Birch asked.

“I am,” Turquoise said.

“Nice to finally meet you. I’m Professor Birch and Professor Oak asked me to take you to my lab and help get you started on your journey,"Professor Birch said while showing Turquoise to his car. Once turquoise buckled up the two of them hit the road.

Back with Aqua she was pedaling as fast as she could which caused her to jump the hill she was going up. She saw the lab on the horizon and kicked it into high gear. Five minutes later she was now at the lab but when she went inside professor Birch was not there.

“You must be the new trainer,” One of the lab assistants said.

“I am,” Aqua said.

“I’m sorry to say but the professor had to go out for a bit to go pick someone up,” Another assistant said. “But you're more than welcome to wait. He should be back any minute now.

“I will,” Aqua said before taking a seat on the couch.

Back with Professor Birch and Turquoise the two were driving through the countryside while chatting.

“So tell me Turquoise what are your goals for this journey?” Professor Birch said.

“Aside from the Hoenn League and Grand Festival I want to get strong enough to win the champion league back home,” Turquoise said.

“I assume you already won the Indigo league,” professor birch said, making sure Turquoise already filled that criteria.

“I have and Bruno recommended coming here for my next journey,” Turquoise said.

“I’m sure you will discover a lot here in Hoenn,” Professor Birch said. They soon arrived at the lab and as soon as they went inside one of the lab assistants approached the Professor.

“Sir the new trainer is here and waiting,” The Assistant said.

“What good timing, Turquoise, how would you like to see the starters for the Hoenn Region?” Professor Birch asked.

“Sure,” Turquoise said before following the professor to the other room where Aqua was waiting. Once they entered the room Aqua was surprised to see them.

“Are you the new trainer we've been expecting?” Professor Birch asked.

“Sure am. The name is Aqua,” Aqua said.

“Well I'm Professor Birch, the lead researcher here in Hoenn,” Professor Birch said.

“And i’m guessing the girl next to you is a new trainer as well?” Aqua asked.

“I’m Turquoise and I am quite a skilled trainer already,” Turquoise said.

“Moving on, now that I'm here, let's get started by having you choose your first pokemon,” Professor Birch said before pulling out three pokeballs. He threw the first one and out of it came a green gecko with two tails. “First up is the grass-type Treecko. Turquoise decided to try out her new Pokedex with Treecko.

“Treecko, The Wood gecko Pokemon, The small hooks on the soles of its feet latch on to walls and ceilings, so it will never fall even while hanging upside down,” The pokedex said in a female computer voice. The Professor tossed another pokeball and this time an orange chick-like creature came out.

“Next up is the Fire-type Torchic,” professor Birch said before Torchic ran around playfully making it almost hard for Turquoise to get a lock on it. As soon as it stopped running the pokedex was able to lock on to it.

“Torchic, the Chick pokemon, In its belly, it has a sac filled with burning fire, meaning that Torchic feels as warm as a hot-water bottle if you hug it,” the pokedex said before professor birch unleashed the third pokemon which was a blue fish-like creature with orange growths on its cheeks.

“And finally the water-type mudkip,” professor Birch said as Mudkip looked neutral compared to the other two. Turquoise used her Pokedex which would complete her lesson on the starters of Hoenn.

“Mudkip, The mud fish pokemon, When it uses its large tail fin, it picks up speed rapidly in the water. It is strong in spite of its small size,” The pokedex said. Aqua took a couple minutes to think and then made her choice.

“I’ll take Mudkip, “Aqua said to the dismay of the other two who looked rejected but understood since this was Aqua's choice.

“Good choice, now here is mudkip’s pokeball,” professor Birch said while giving aqua said pokeball along with a pokedex and some more Pokeballs.

“Speaking of pokeballs, mind if I call Professor Oak real quick?” Turquoise asked.

“Go right ahead, the phone is in the other room,” Professor Birch said. Turquoise went to the phone and after a minute professor Oak appeared on screen but with a somewhat remorseful look on his face.

“Turquoise we have some bad news, “Professor Oak said before breathing lightly as if he was about to confess to something bad. “Your Sprigatito has gone missing and we can’t find her anywhere.

“Don’t worry I found her on the boat coming here and she is with me right now,” Turquoise said to the professor’s relief. “But this does bring me to the reason I'm calling. Turquoise decided to bring Sprigatito with her on this journey and asked if it was possible to send her pokeball over.

“Of course,” Professor Oak said before doing so. After it arrived through the transporter she used it to recall Sprigatito which now left turquoise with the question of where to go from here. Just then professor Birch came in with Aqua.

“How was your chat with professor oak?” Birch asked.

“It went well,” Turquoise said.

“Good now I have a request to make of you,” Birch said before continuing. “Would you mind traveling with Aqua for a bit? She is new and having an expert to help her get started would be really good.

“Sure I could use a guide since I'm not familiar with the region,” Turquoise said.

“Great, Now the first stop you want to head to is Oldale Town where you register to enter the Hoenn league,” Birch said.

“Oldale town got it,” Turquoise said before realizing she had no idea where it was. “Where is Oldale town?”

“Not far it's on the way to Petalburg City which is where I'm heading since I need to see my mom before we begin our journey,” Aqua said.

“Sure no problem,” Turquoise said. The girls set off and since Turquoise did not own a bike aqua moved at a slow pace while Turquoise followed behind her.

Meanwhile in the forest outside of Oldale Town a certain trio of villains were waiting for Turquoise. These villains were Isabelle, Chris, and Meowth who were more driven then ever to steal Turquoise’s pokemon.

“The Dorkette has to come through here sooner or later,” Isabelle said.

“And when she does she will be in deep trouble,” Meowth said referring to the hole they dug while he and Isabelle laughed.

“Quiet you two I hear movement, “Chris said. And sure enough aqua and Turquoise were passing through. Unfortunately aqua had the misfortune of falling into the hole as indicated by her loud scream. Turquoise recognized this kind of trap and immediately knew who was responsible.

“All right Isabelle and Chris I know this is your handiwork so just come out so we can get this over with,” Turquoise said in an annoyed tone which stung Isabelle and Chris real hard.

“Really Dorkette, are we really that boring to you,” Isabelle said.

“More like, annoying,” Turquoise said.

“Wait, how are you up here when you should be down there?” Chris asked before they checked the trap and saw Aqua inside on top of her now broken bicycle.

“Somebody get me out of here,” Aqua shouted.

“Hang on Aqua, I will get you out once I deal with these annoying creeps,” Turquoise said as she called out Espeon.

“Like you can beat us single handedly, we are new and improved,” Isabelle said as she and Chris called out all of their pokemon.

“So am I,” Turquoise said as she had Espeon use Swift in a massive cluster of star which simulated a meteor shower which was powerful enough to knock most of them out except for Metagross who managed to endure it.

“Nice try Dorkette but my metagross is still standing and now its my turn to attack, metagross use Meteor Mash. metagross came charging at Espeon with one of its front legs ready to strike with a white glow. Turquoise was ready for it.

“Dodge and use Psybeam max power. Espeon leaped high then unleashed psybeam with all she had which resulted in enough power to beat metagross which caused Team Supernova to retreat before Turquoise could send them flying. “Now that they are gone, time to save Aqua. Turquoise had Espeon levitate Aqua out of the pit trap along with her wrecked bike before levitating all the dirt Team Supernova dug up to fill it again.

“Those creeps owe me a new bike,” Aqua said.

“I’ll be sure to let them know the next time we run into them, but for now we must keep going before nightfall,” Turquoise said.

“What should we do about my bike?” Aqua asked, referring to her wrecked ride.

“Bring it, maybe we will find a mechanic in Oldale Town,” Turquoise said. The girls kept going and soon arrived in Oldale Town. while turquoise went to the pokemon center aqua looked around for a bike shop to see about fixing her bike. As soon as turquoise entered nurse Joy greeted her.

“Welcome miss what can I do for you?” Nurse Joy asked.

“I need a room for the night and by any chance is this where registration for the hoenn League is?” Turquoise asked.

“Indeed it is just place your pokedex on the scanner,” Nurse joy said while pointing to the scanner in question. Turquoise placed her pokedex on the scanner and a few seconds later she was all set. “You are all set and here is your badge case. Nurse joy handed Turquoise a small pink case which is where her gym badges would go.

“Thanks nurse joy,” Turquoise said.

With aqua she found a bike shop and asked the worker if they did repairs.

“Indeed we do,” the worker said before Aqua showed her her bike. The worker was quite surprised by the state of it. “Did you ride this in a demolition derby or something?

“I fell down a deep hole and it got banged up upon impact with the bottom of the hole,” Aqua said.

“Well luckily we can bang out these dents but the wheels and headlight will need to be replaced,” The worker said.

“How much will that cost?” Aqua asked.

“Normally about 1000 poke but for you kid i will do it for 500,” The worker said.

“Deal,” Aqua said before paying him. He took her bike and said to come back in about an hour.

Once the repairs were done and Aqua got her bike back it was time to rest for the night. What will the next day hold in store for Turquoise and aqua. Stay tuned as the journey continues.


The Journey Begins Again

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Continuing on the road the girls soon arrived in Petalburg City. Turquoise remembered that Max was the active gym leader for the Petalburg City gym and wanted to challenge him right away.

“We can see Max later, right now we need to head to my house,” Aqua said. Turquoise followed Aqua and soon they were in front of her house. Luckily the door was unlocked and Aqua went inside along with Turquoise. “Hey mom, I'm back. Suddenly Aqua’s mom entered the living room.

“Aqua dear, so good to see you, and who is this with you?” Aqua’s Mom asked.

“This is my new friend Turquoise, we are traveling together,” Aqua said.

“Hello,” Turquoise said in a sing-song voice.

“You got good taste in fashion,” Aqua’s mom said referring to Turquoise’s outfit.

“Thanks I’m used to dressing sharp since I'm a coordinator,” Turquoise said.

“You're into contests too, what a coincidence so was I back in my youth,” Aqua's mom said before showing Turquoise the festival cup from the Hoenn Grand festival along with a photo of Aqua's mom when she was Aqua's age along with a well dressed boy. “That boy with me was my greatest rival and also Aqua’s dad.

“Mom, don't embarrass me like that,” Aqua said in a somewhat annoyed tone.

“Sorry,” Aqua's mom said. “Now back to you two, aqua may i see which starter you chose.

“Of course mom,” Aqua said before calling Mudkip out. Aqua’s mom looked at it before speaking again.

“Tell me aqua, what made you choose Mudkip?” Aqua’s mom asked.

“I sensed a bond and went with it,” Aqua said.

“Fascinating and what do you plan to do on your journey?” Aqua’s mom asked.

“To be honest I have no specific goal, I'm just traveling to find it for now,” Aqua said.

“I’m sure you will find it but right now let's go to the gym,” Turquoise said.

“Oh you plan to challenge Max already?” Aqua’s mom asked.

“Yes, why?” Turquoise asked.

“Just going at him right off the bat is a pretty ballsy move considering how strong he is,” Aqua’s mom said.

“I think I can manage,” Turquoise said before she and Aqua left. The two of them were now in front of a japanese-style house that was connected to a greenhouse. The girls went inside and noticed the place was empty. “Hello Max, are you here?

“Maybe he is in the greenhouse,” Aqua said. Aqua showed her the way and as soon as they entered the greenhouse they saw a very lush garden with many Beautifly and various other pokemon including a big ape-like pokemon who was napping on its side. Turquoise pulled out her pokedex to learn more.

“Slaking, The Lazy Pokemon, This Pokémon lives lying on its side. It only rolls over and moves when there is no more grass to eat,” The Pokedex said which woke Slaking up in a grumpy rage. The girls were now running for their lives from slaking who despite its entry is not moving so slow.

“You just had to use that thing to anger it didn't you,” Aqua shouted.

“Well excuse me for being inquisitive,” Turquoise shouted back. As they were running they noticed max up ahead tending to the flowers. He noticed them and saw his slaking chasing them and approached it.

“Calm down Slaking, " Max said before soothing it and causing it to go back to its spot to resume its nap. “Sorry about my slaking. He does not take kindly to being disturbed by strangers.

“It's ok,” Turquoise said.

“But anyway, What brings you to the Hoenn Region Turquoise?” Max asked.

“I’m here to challenge the Hoenn league and grand festival,” Turquoise said.

“Is that so and I’m assuming you two came for a gym battle?” Max asked.

“Not me, just Turquoise, I have no idea what I'm doing yet,” Aqua said.

“I’m sure you will discover it on your own like my sister did,” Max said before continuing. “But as for your challenge, I must decline since you're obviously not ready to challenge my gym.

“What do you mean not ready?” Turquoise asked.

“Tell me how many pokemon do you have on you right now?” Max asked.

“Two, my Espeon and Sprigatito,” Turquoise said.

“And that’s the first reason i must decline, my gym does three on three so you don’t have enough pokemon,” Max said before moving on to question number two. “How many gym badges do you have?

“None so far since I just got here,” Turquoise said.

“And that's the second reason, trainers need at least four gym badges to challenge my gym to prove their strength,” Max said.

“So in other words I need to find another gym to challenge,” Turquoise said.

“Correct, but I do have a suggestion,” Max said before continuing. “You should challenge the Rustboro City Gym,” Turquoise tried to use the map on her pokegear but it was not showing anything.

“Why is this thing not working?” Turquoise said in frustration.

“Because poke gears don't have the Hoenn region registered in their map settings,” Max said

“Well that sucks,” Aqua said.

“However if you visit the Devon corporation in Rustboro City you should be able to get a pokenav which should have a map of Hoenn,” Max said.

“All right, point us in the right direction and we will be on our way,” Aqua said.

“Woah slow down you two, What’s the rush?” Max asked.

“Since I can’t battle you yet we pretty much no longer have a reason to stay here,” Turquoise said.

“Plus the longer we stay the more likely those supernova creeps will find us,” Aqua said.

“Wait, did you say Team Supernova?” Max asked. “I thought they were long gone after lance blew up their headquarters in Kanto.

“Apparently they have more than one base and right now they lost two of them,” Turquoise said.

“Two?” Max asked.

“Lance and I ruined their latest plot to capture Ho-oh back in Johto and by the time the police found their Johto branch it was abandoned,” Turquoise said.

“Supernova aside, we should get going,” Aqua said.

“Wait, do you even know where you're going?” Max asked.

“Good point, which way is Rustboro city?” Turquoise asked.

“Keep going through the city and you should reach Route 104 and then go through Petalburg Woods,” Max said.

“And that’s all?” Aqua asked.

“There is more, I'm sure someone will point you girls in the right direction if you keep going,” Max said.

“Ok thanks for the directions,” Turquoise said before she and Aqua left.

“I look forward to challenging you once you're ready,” Max shouted as the girls left. The girls followed the path leading to the city limits and were now on route 104. As they were walking they ran across a brown racoon-like creature.

“What pokemon is that?” Aqua asked.

“Why don’t you use your pokedex to find out,” Turquoise said. Aqua pulled it out and pointed it at the creature.

“Zigzagoon, The Tiny Racoon Pokemon, It walks in zigzag fashion. It's good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground,” Aqua’s Pokedex said in a female computer voice.

“It's so cute I want it, “Aqua siad.

“Then go ahead and battle it,” Turquoise said while standing by to give instructions when needed.

“Right, so do I just send out Mudkip?” Aqua asked before doing so.

“That’s the first step, the next step is to give commands,” Turquoise said before recommending Aqua use her pokedex to see what moves Mudkip has. Aqua did so and saw Mudkip’s current moves were tackle, growl, and water gun.

“All right, Mudkip use tackle,” Mudkip charged at Zigzagoon while Zigzagoon turned around and kicked sand at Mudkip which caused her to miss. “What just happened?”

“That was a sand attack which lowers the opponent’s accuracy,” Turquoise said.

“Ok then let's try this, Mudkip use water gun. Mudkip fired a stream of water which managed to hit Zigzagoon and sent it flying into a tree.

“Now is your chance to try and capture it, quick get a pokeball ready,” Turquoise said as aqua did so. Aqua made it bigger and then got ready to throw it.

“Go Pokeball, “Aqua said as she threw it with a spin which hit Zigzagoon and absorbed it. After a couple shakes the ball clicked which indicated the catch was successful. “Did it work?”

“It sure did,” Turquoise said as aqua picked the pokeball up.

“All right I just caught a Zigzagoon, “Aqua said while holding the pokeball in the air. The girls kept walking and as they were they decided to chat.

“How do you know all of this?” Aqua asked.

“All of what?” Turquoise asked.

“The thing with the battling and catching,” Aqua said.

“Well this is my third journey so far so naturally I would have experience,” Turquoise said.

“Do you think I will have that?” Aqua asked.

“Only time will tell,” Turquoise said as they reached a dock next to a shack. The girls decided to stop there and have lunch. After calling their pokemon out Turquoise set up a table then pulled out some basic ingredients. A few minutes later Turquoise had some sandwiches ready. Aqua took a bite and told turquoise her thoughts.

“It's not bad but it's a little bland,” Aqua said.

“I know but it's the best I can do with little to work with,” Turquoise said. “I just wish Fluttershy was here.

“Who?” Aqua asked.

“A friend of mine who is training to become a pokemon breeder, and a master of cooking and medicine,” Turquoise said.

“Sounds like someone handy to have around,” Aqua said.

“Yeah she sure is,” Turquoise said while thinking about her.

Meanwhile on the other side of the forest Fluttershy sneezed suddenly for no reason.

“Someone must be thinking about me,” Fluttershy said while picking some berries. Cinderace and Ursaring were also helping out since she was expecting this to be a long journey. Once they were done they went back inside the forest.

Back with the girls they finished eating and were about to pack up when team Supernova appeared with a net launcher at the ready.

“Not you creeps again, don’t you have something better to do than annoy us?” Turquoise said.

“Now Dorkette, don’t be like that we have history,” Isabelle said.

“Plus you owe us two headquarters so we won’t rest until you are out of our way for good,” Chris said.

“Oh yeah well let's see you beat this, Mudkip use water gun. Mudkip unleashed water gun with all she had but it was not doing anything against the net.

“Nice try but our nets can’t be damaged by special attacks like that,” Isabelle said. Mudkip kept at it until the fin on her head began to glow orange which Turquoise recognized as a new move. Mudkip then used that move to break the net causing everyone to escape.

“What move was that?” Aqua asked.

“It’s Rock smash,” Turquoise said.

“Sweet my Mudkip learned Rock smash,” Aqua said.

“Don’t get too excited Dorkette because your still too weak to beat us,” Isabelle said as she called out Mightyena.

“Exactly ,” Chris said while calling out Houndoom.

“Well it's a good thing we are here,” Turquoise said while having Espeon at the ready.

“You won’t make a difference, Mightyena use Crunch,” Isabelle said.

“Fire Fang Houndoom. Both of team Supernova’s pokemon charged at Mudkip and Espeon with their mouths wide open and ready to bite into them until a mysterious blast of energy came at them and damaged them.

Wait, that move, could it be?” Turquoise asked before Fluttershy and Ursaring revealed themselves.

“Looks like we arrived just in the nick of time,” Fluttershy said.

“Fluttershy so good to see you again,” Turquoise said excitedly.

“Hi Turquoise,” Fluttershy said.

“Where did you come from?” Isabelle asked in shock.

“Nevermind that we are here to stop you,” Fluttershy said. Mightyena and Houndoom attacked again but this time Fluttershy was ready. “Ursaring use another Focus Blast. Ursaring fired another Focus blast that knocked both canine pokemon out and sent team Supernova blasting off.

“That was amazing,” Aqua said as Fluttershy recalled Ursaring.

“Fluttershy meet my new friend Aqua,” Turquoise said.

“Nice to meet you Aqua,” Fluttershy said. “By the way do you have room for one more companion?”

“We would love to have you travel with us,” Turquoise said. And so with Fluttershy added to the group things will start to become lively. What kind of adventure awaits our heroes next. Stay tuned as the journey continues.


Rumble In the Forest

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Today our heroes are still on the road to Rustboro City for Turquoise’s upcoming gym battle, but their travels bring them to a fork in the road.

“Which way do we go?” April asked.

“I say we go left,” Turquoise said.

“I say we go right,” Aqua said.

“No left,” Turquoise said.

“Right,” Aqua shouted.

“Left,” Turquoise shouted. This went on for a good minute until Fluttershy broke it up.

“Girls enough,” Fluttershy said in a somewhat aggravated tone which took Turquoise by surprise since she has known Fluttershy for a year and a half now and that was the second time she saw her act this way. “The more you two argue the longer it's going to take to reach Rustboro City. Before the three of them could decide which path to take, a group of wild Treecko attacked them and stole their belongings. They then ran down the left path which decided which way the girls would go.

“After them,” Turquoise shouted while chasing them with Aqua and Fluttershy desperately trying to keep up.

“Where does Turquoise get this much energy from?” Aqua asked Fluttershy.

“Beats me,” Fluttershy said. Turquoise soon lost sight of the thieving Treecko and stopped in time for Aqua and Fluttershy to catch up.

“Dang it, I lost them,” Turquoise said.

“Relax Turquoise, we will find them,” Fluttershy said assuringly.

Inside a hollowed-out room beneath a tree stump by an extremely big tree the group of Treecko were looking through the bags that belong to the girls. They also poked around with their stuff. Some of it amazed them.

Back with the girls they kept following the path until they ran into officer Jenny who soon noticed them.

“Where are you girls off to?” Officer Jenny asked.

“We were on our way to Rustboro City but a group of Treecko stole our stuff,” Aqua said.

“You must mean the Treecko Thieves,” Officer Jenny said.

“Treecko Thieves?” Turquoise asked.

“They are a group of troublemakers who tend to ambush travelers and take their stuff. I was in the middle of posting some warning signs along the path,” Officer Jenny said.

“Well, is it possible to get our stuff back?” Turquoise asked.

“If you can find their den then it might be,” Officer Jenny said.

Meanwhile further ahead of the path was team supernova enjoying a lunch break.

“How can you two sit around drinking tea at a time like this?” Meowth asked in an annoyed tone.

“Oh, chill out Meowth, The Dorkettes are bound to come this way, we just need to be patient,” Isabelle said.

“She is right. So, for now just have a rice cracker and relax,” Chris said. Unfortunately, the relaxation was rudely interrupted when the Treecko thieves struck again and stole all of their food. One of the Treecko went so far as to use its twig to carve a T into one of the nearby trees in a swift motion like an expert swordsman.

“We will get those thieves,” Isabelle said in an angry tone.

Back with Turquoise and her group they were following the path looking for anything that could tell where the Treecko were hiding. As they walked, they soon saw a giant tree in the distance.

“Hey what is that tree over there?” Turquoise asked.

“That’s the great tree,” Officer Jenny said before going into details. “Many years ago, a group of Treecko lived in that area where there was a dead tree. What you're looking at now was the sprout that was planted to replace it sixteen years ago.

“Do you think we will find the thieves near there?” Aqua asked.

“It's worth a try,” Officer Jenny said. Turquoise ran ahead and soon saw the great tree up close along with a bunch of Treecko living in it. Unfortunately, those Treecko were not the ones she was looking for. Just when she was about to turn back, she noticed something sticking out of a hole near a stump. After pulling it out it was her backpack which was nearly empty. Before Turquoise could rejoice a small twig was flying towards her and her instincts kicked in which allowed her to dodge it. It was one of the Treecko thieves who fired it.

“If it's a battle you want then bring it,” Turquoise said before grabbing one of the poke balls on her belt. “Go Espeon. Espeon came out and was ready. Treecko was also ready and even started the battle with a pound attack which despite being lower leveled than Espeon packed quite a wallop. Espeon use swift. Espeon unleashed her swift, but Treecko remained calm and unleashed a bunch of leaves which collided with the swift and caused both moves to cancel each other out. Treecko then followed it up with Quick Attack which also packed quite a wallop as indicated by Espeon being sent flying towards the big tree and hitting it. Turquoise could tell that Treecko was powerful and wanted it. The girls and officer Jenny caught up to Turquoise and saw she got her backpack back and was in the middle of a battle.

“Looks like Turquoise found their den,” Aqua said.

“And it looks like she is battling one of the Treecko, “Fluttershy said. Just as the battle was getting good a suped-up bulldozer with the team Supernova insignia on it rammed the tree and captured all of the Treecko except for the rogue ones. The Treecko that Turquoise was battling was next.

“We will take that, Dorkette,” Chris said while cueing the net.

“Espeon use Psybeam. Espeon fired her psybeam which broke the net. “You freaks interrupted our battle and now you're going to pay for that.

“As if you can stop us with just your useless Espeon, “Isabelle said, rubbing the fact they had the type advantage in Turquoise’s face.

“Then how about adding my team into the mix,” Fluttershy shouted as she sent Cinderace and Ursaring out.

“And mine,” Aqua said before calling out Mudkip and Zigzagoon. The Treecko thieve decided to help out too since their leader wanted to punish Team Supernova for interrupting his fight.

“Like all of you can make a difference, Go Mightyena, Sandaconda, and Dustox,” Isabelle said while sending all three of her Pokémon out.

“Houndoom, Metagross, and Dustox you come out as well,” Chris said as he called out his Pokémon making it an even six. The girls looked overwhelmed with how powerful all of their Pokémon were.

“Come on out Sprigatito,” Turquoise said as she called out Sprigatito who looked raring to go.

“Metagross use meteor mash. Metagross came charging at Espeon with its meteor mash until Fluttershy butted in.

“Cinderace use Pyro ball. Cinderace put everything he had into his Pyra ball which resulted in a critical hit and sending Metagross flying and faint.

“You may have defeated one of our Pokémon but let's see how you handle another. Sandaconda use,” Isabelle was about to say until a bunch of leaves which Turquoise recognized as the move leafage hit Sandaconda from out of nowhere in multiple directions which caused it to faint. Soon the Treecko thieves made themselves known.

“You guys came to help?” Turquoise asked surprisingly. The Treecko nodded in agreement before focusing on trying to save the others.

“Big deal we won’t lose that easily,” Chris said before having Houndoom at the ready. “Houndoom use fire fang on the Dorkette’s Sprigatito. Houndoom came charging at Sprigatito with fangs covered in fire until Aqua butted in.

“Mudkip use water gun on Houndoom. Mudkip unleashed water gun and managed to nail Houndoom with a critical hit and while it was not enough to finish it Turquoise could handle the rest.

“Espeon use Swift Tornado. Espeon spun while using swift which caused a tornado of stars that not only hit Houndoom but the other three remaining Pokémon on Team Supernova’s side. The collision caused all four of them to faint. Team Supernova recalled their Pokémon and decided to make off with their catch.

“Oh no you don’t. Ursaring use Focus Blast. Ursaring unleashed Focus blast which managed to nail the bulldozer and cause it to explode thus freeing the Treecko and sending Team Supernova flying. The Treecko were all happy and the thieves decided to give the girls their stuff back as an apology for attacking them.

“Thank you,” Turquoise said. Before the good feeling could continue the Treecko Turquoise was battling earlier got her attention by shooting its twig at her. “What was that for? Treecko looked determined and Fluttershy could tell why.

“I think Treecko wants to finish that battle you two started,” Fluttershy said.

“Very well but we won’t be caught off guard this time,” Turquoise said as she and Espeon stood at the ready with all the other Treecko observing from a safe distance. Treecko started the battle off with a powerful pound like last time, but this time Turquoise was ready. “Espeon use psychic. Espeon successfully caught Treecko with her psychic before levitating it off the ground. Treecko decided to use Leafage to throw off Espeon’s concentration which worked.

“Why did Espeon stop her attack?” Aqua asked.

“Because that leafage was meant to throw off Espeon’s concentration which is extremely important for the move psychic,” Fluttershy explained.

“Then let's try something else, Espeon use swift while spinning. Espeon unleashed the swift Tornado which managed to entrap Treecko who tried to use Leafage to escape but failed as he took damage. Once the tornado subsided, Treecko was down which was turquoise’s chance to act. “Go pokeball. The pokeball made contact and contained Treecko. It shook a bunch and then clicked shut which meant the capture was successful. Turquoise grabbed the pokeball before raising it over her head in triumph. The Treecko went back to their normal lives as Officer Jenny was showing them the way back.

“If you take the right path, it will lead you straight to Rustboro City,” Officer Jenny said.

“Looks right you were correct Aqua,” Turquoise said as the three of them went down the path. As they kept walking, Aqua decided to ask Turquoise something.

“Hey Turquoise, how much further do you think Rustboro city is?” Aqua asked.

“Hopefully not too far now,” Turquoise said, feeling tired of being lost.

“By the way, what are you girls planning to do in Rustboro City?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m challenging the gym per Max’s suggestion,” Turquoise said.

“And I’m just tagging along since I have no clue what it is i want to do just yet,” Aqua said.

“Well, I'm sure you will find it, “Fluttershy said. Suddenly the girls saw the end of the path which led out of the forest. The girls were now in front of a beautiful lake.

“Wow look at the lake, it's so sparkly, “Aqua said.

“I agree,” Turquoise said.

“Well girls, what say we set up camp here for the day?” Fluttershy said.

“Sure why not,” Turquoise said.

“Ok,” Aqua said.

“Great while I set the cooking stuff up you girls set up the tents,” Fluttershy said. Turquoise got to work setting hers up and in no time flat she had her eevee-shaped tent all set while aqua was stuck on step one since this was her first-time setting camp.

“Need some help?” Turquoise asked.

“Big time,” Aqua said. Turquoise demonstrated how to set the rods up inside before getting to the stakes which kept the tent from falling or being blown away by a strong gust of wind. “I think I get it now.

“Happy to help,” Turquoise said before she and aqua brought out their Pokémon. A few minutes later Fluttershy’s table and cooking supplies were all set.

“Can you girls go find some firewood so I can get started on dinner?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sure, no problem,” Turquoise said before she and Aqua went back inside the woods to go get some. It took them about fifteen minutes to find some and bring it back to camp. While Fluttershy was preparing dinner Turquoise and Aqua decided to have a battle between Mudkip and Sprigatito.

“Mudkip use Tackle. Mudkip charged at Sprigatito which Turquoise was expecting.

“Dodge and use leafage. Sprigatito side stepped out of the way before unleashing leafage which was heading for Mudkip.

“Use Rock Smash to deflect it. Mudkip’s fin glowed orange as she used it to deflect the leaves. Both sides were giving it their all until Fluttershy chimed in.

“Ok girls' dinner is ready, “Fluttershy said which put the battle on hold.

“Good job on your dodging Sprigatito,” Turquoise said which made Sprigatito happy.

“You were good as well, Mudkip,” Aqua said which made Mudkip happy. The girls all sat together and ate. Soon nighttime came and tonight the girls saw a whole bunch of lights dancing over the light and reflecting in it.

“What are those lanterns?” Aqua asked.

“I think they are Pokémon?” Fluttershy said.

“Only one way to find out?” Turquoise said with aqua catching on to what Turquoise was suggesting. The two of them pulled out their Pokedexs and pointed them at the flickering and dancing lights.

“Volbeat, The Firefly Pokémon, It lives around clean ponds. At night, its rear lights up. It converses with others by flashing its light,” Turquoise’s pokedex said.

“Illumise, The Firefly Pokémon, Illumise uses its sweet scent to guide Volbeat, having them form over 200 patterns in the night sky,” Aqua’s Pokedex said.

“How can this be? How did we both get different results? “Aqua asked.

“That’s because it's both Pokémon that were described to you,” Fluttershy said before iterating. “You see Volbeat are all male and Illumise are all female and the two tend to dance in the night sky just like what we are watching now. The two looked at fluttershy for a moment. “I may have spent some time with Twilight before coming here.

“Another friend of yours?” Aqua asked them.

“Yep, and a smart one too,” Turquoise said. After the dancing was over the girls called it a night. What awaits our heroes next? Stay tuned as the journey continues.


Introduction To Pokeblock and Contests

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Today our heroes arrived in a small town where they were walking about. As they were walking Turquoise noticed a flier for a pokemon contest that was tomorrow.

“All right, my first contest in Hoenn,” Turquoise said.

“I’m sorry but what’s a pokemon contest? “Aqua asked.

“It’s a competition where you demonstrate the skill and love of a pokemon in a flashy and entertaining way,” Turquoise explained.

“And you're entering with what you have so far?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course since I have a feeling the rules here are different from Kanto and Johto,” Turquoise said.

“I don’t get it,” Aqua said.

“I think you will if you just watch me and Espeon in action,” Turquoise said.

“What about Sprigatito and that promise you made to it back on Candina Island?” Fluttershy asked.

“I will keep my promise, I plan to enter her in the next one,” Turquoise said. Soon the three of them approached the contest hall.

Inside the hall was a woman who obviously looked like Isabelle but in a fancy dress with her hair styled differently.

“Yes I would like to enter the contest,” Isabelle said.

“Sure miss, just need to see your Contest pass,” The receptionist said.

“Here you go,” Isabelle said before handing her a pass. Unfortunately the pass was no good.

“I’m sorry miss but it seems your pass is no good, if you like i can issue a new one,” The receptionist said.

“Sure do that,” Isabelle said.

“Ok one moment,” the receptionist said. A few seconds later the new pass was printed. “There you go you are all set Belladonna.

“Thank you, “Isabelle said before leaving. Soon the girls arrived and luckily for Turquoise there were some spots left.

“I would like to enter the contest please,” Turquoise said.

“Certainly, just show me your contest pass,” The receptionist said.

“Here's the thing, I have a Johto one. Do I need to renew it?” Turquoise asked.

“You do but luckily I can take care of that right now,” The receptionist said as she did. Once Turquoise had her new pass and entered she was all set. The girls had time before the contest which meant they could break for lunch.

“Tell me Turquoise what is the goal of contests?” Aqua asked quite curious.

“The goal is to win ribbons, when you acquire five of them you qualify for the Grand Festival,” Turquoise explained.

“Seems simple enough,” Aqua said.

“There is more to it than that, my last contest circuit was a bit rocky and I was up against fierce coordinators who had me beat for a while,” Turquoise said. Suddenly a passerby stopped the moment Turquoise mentioned contests.

“You girls in the contest too?” he asked.

“Just me,” Turquoise said.

“Starting out or seasoned?” He asked.

“Very seasoned, I won both the Kanto and Johto Grand Festivals,” Turquoise said.

“Impressive,” he said before introducing himself. “I’m Maxwell.

“Nice to meet you Maxwell, I'm Turquoise,” Turquoise said.

“I’m Fluttershy,” Fluttershy said.

“And I'm Aqua, “Aqua said.

“Anyway here's a little tip on how contests here in Hoenn work, you're only allowed to use one pokemon so make sure they are capable of doing both appeals and battle,” Maxwell said.

“Are you in this contest too?” Turquoise asked.

“My contest days are behind me so I'm not entering,” Maxwell said before speaking again. “Oh one more thing, Are you familiar with Pokeblock?

“I vaguely know about it, i believe it's a treat given to pokemon,” Turquoise said.

“Sure is and it can help improve your pokemon’s stats in contests, " Maxwell said. “I can teach you how to make it if you girls are interested.

“Sure I'm in,” Turquoise said.

“Count me in too,” Fluttershy said.

“Me three,” Aqua said. Maxwell had them follow him to his home and as soon as they entered a little dog-like pokemon that looked like living dough covered in yellow frosting began barking at them happily as if it was welcoming them.

“Aw what kind of pokemon is that?” Aqua asked.

“This is Fidough, He can be quite friendly with everyone, " Maxwell said.

“So that’s a Fidough,” Turquoise said while pulling out her pokedex.

“Fidough, The Puppy Pokemon. This Pokémon is smooth and moist to the touch. Yeast in Fidough's breath induces fermentation in the Pokémon's vicinity,” The Pokedex said. Aqua began playing with Fidough like the puppy it was. Turquoise noticed a lot of ribbons and photos on the wall.

“I see you were a coordinator as well,” Turquoise said.

“I was,” Maxwell said before bringing out a device that looked like a blender of some kind. “Now let’s get to making pokeblock. What you want to do is select the berries you want to use and blend them. Maxwell demonstrated by putting some oran berries in the berry blender and started it. A few seconds later some blue cubes came out the dispenser at the bottom.

“That’s impressive,” Fluttershy said.

“Now before you try it, let me show you my garden,” Maxwell said before showing the girls the back of his house which had a huge field of berry trees.

“You grew all of these?” Fluttershy said quite impressed.

“I have lots of time on my hands so berry growing is my second passion,” Maxwell said. The girls went to it picking their berries. Fluttershy picked some Pecha berries, Aqua picked some Rawst berries, and Turquoise very eagerly picked a good assortment of different ones. “Whoa Turquoise, that is a lot of different berries you picked.

“More to experiment with to see what my Sprigatito and Treecko like,” Turquoise said.

“I see you are catching on, different pokemon do have different tastes, " Maxwell said. Before they began blending Turquoise called out her pokemon and Aqua and Fluttershy did the same. Fidough looked very excited that it ended up fermenting them. “Calm down Fidough.

“Right let's do this,” Aqua said before putting her berries in the blender and starting it. A few seconds later aqua now had some green cubes. Maxwell judged it and was impressed.

“It has a good feel to it and a nice bitter taste,” Maxwell said.

“Thanks, “Aqua said. Fluttershy took her turn and a few seconds later she had some pink cubes that were also judged by Maxwell.

“Perfect feel and sweetness,” Maxwell said.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said.

“Ok my turn,” Turquoise said before putting four different berries in the blender. A few seconds later some blue cubes with green, red, and yellow chunks in them came out. Maxwell tried one and the look on his face was one of distaste.

“The flavors are too strong and not to mention clash with each other, " Maxwell said.

“Sorry about that,” Turquoise said.

“Not to worry that was only your first try, I do suggest focusing on a single flavor. Some berries do have multiple flavors, but the key is to focus on a single one,” Maxwell said. Turquoise tried again with different berries and this time made some blue cubes with pink chunks poking out. Maxwell tried it and gave his critique.

“Now this is what I call Pokeblock, the dry and sweet flavors complement each other nicely, “Maxwell said. Turquoise’s pokemon were also in agreement on that. With the course on making Pokeblock now concluded it was time for the girls to head to the pokemon center for the night. “Before you go Turquoise here is a little gift for you. Maxwell gave her a medium-sized kit of some kind. “That is a pokeblock kit, it's for storing and making Pokeblock. The girls returned to the pokemon center for the night.

The next day Turquoise was now in the back with the other coordinators wearing a dress with a white bodice, black suspender skirt with blue frills and matching bows and gloves. Turquoise noticed that the other coordinators were not dressed up for this contest.

“Am I overdressed for this contest?” Turquoise asked.

“I’m guessing this is your first contest here in Hoenn?” One of the other coordinators asked.

“It is,” Turquoise said.

“Well, here is your first lesson, contests here in Hoenn don’t have a flashy dress code so you don’t need to dress like some idol,” The coordinator said.

“Darn, still it would be a waste not to wear this after how hard my mom worked to make it for me,” Turquoise said.

“Suit yourself but it won't score you any extra points with the judges,” The Coordinator said before everyone focused on the monitor. Suddenly a woman with the same curly orange hair as the other three MCs Turquoise met but wearing a fuschia dress appeared and spoke.

“Welcome everyone to the first contest of the season here in the ever so quiet Ironvale Town, for those of you who don’t know me, I am Vivian, the MC for contests here in Hoenn and now let's introduce the panel of judges, first up from the Pokemon activities Committee Mr.Contesta,” Vivian said before shifting everyone's focus to the man in question.

“A pleasure to be here,” Mr. Contesta said.

“Next up is the head of the Pokemon Fan Club Mr. Sukizo,” Julian said.

“Remarkable as always,” Sukizo said.

“And Finally, Ironvale Town’s own Nurse Joy,” Julian said while pointing at Nurse Joy.

“Always great to be here,” Nurse Joy said.

“And now let the contest begin,” Vivian said. Aqua and Fluttershy were watching and up first was Turquoise “our first coordinator all the way from Pallet Town in Kanto, Give it up for Turquoise. Turquoise walked onto the stage like she would any other contest and took her position.

“Espeon, Let’s dazzle them,” Turquoise said as she threw her pokeball which popped open and unleashed a bunch of multicolored stars with Espeon in the center of them. The crowd loved the entrance and so did Aqua.

“How did she do that?” Aqua asked Fluttershy.

“With a ball capsule, it’s best to let Turquoise explain,” Fluttershy said.

“Espeon let’s start things off with Swift. Espeon unleashed a vortex of swift going upwards. With Espeon in the center of it. “Now jump. Espeon leaped high through the vortex before soon being above it. “Now finish it with Psybeam. Espeon fired her psybeam through the vortex which caused the stars to explode with Espeon's coat absorbing the sparkles and as soon as she landed, she looked quite shiny. The judges gave their scores which were 9.6, 9.5 and 10. Soon the point total appeared on the jumbotron. “And Turquoise just set the bar with a total of 29.1. Vivian approached Nurse Joy who gave Turquoise a perfect 10 and asked for comments.

“The way Turquoise and Espeon were in perfect sync was incredible especially with how Espeon knew exactly what Turquoise wanted without her specifying it,” Nurse Joy said. The other coordinators went on one by one but none of them came close to Turquoise’s score, that is until the last one stepped up.

“And now for our last coordinator, all the way from Celadon City is Belladonna,” Vivian said as Isabelle walked onto the stage.

“Dustox, Let’s go,” Isabelle said as she threw her pokeball which unleashed some pink hearts with Dustox in the middle of them. “Use poison sting on those hearts. Dustox demonstrated her sharp shooting by firing her poison needles at the hearts and causing all of them to burst. Now use Quiver Dance. Dustox spun around in place which caused all the smaller hearts to form a cyclone with Dustox in the center. “Now wrap this up with Bug Buzz. Dustox vibrated her wings which caused all the hearts around her to burst and create a shower of sparkles. The judges gave their scores which were all 9’8. The total score appeared on the jumbotron, and the amount took Turquoise by surprise.

“29.4, Belladonna takes the lead,” Vivian said as the crowd got excited. As for Turquoise this had her quite excited because she found some real competition. Isabelle returned backstage and noticed how awestruck Turquoise was.

“Well don’t get too excited kid, because I will destroy you in the second round,” Isabelle said.

“Not if I beat you first,” Turquoise said. Suddenly Vivian appeared on screen.

“And now here are the eight coordinators advancing to the next round,” Vivian said as Turquoise and Isabelle’s pictures appeared in the top two spots along with six random coordinators. After shuffling the profiles, the battle stage was about to begin. Turquoise and Isabelle thought through the battles one by one until it was down to just the two of them. “And now we are down to our final two coordinators, on my left is belladonna and on my right is Turquoise, five minutes on the clock, go.

“Espeon, Let’s dazzle them,” Turquoise said as she called out Espeon.

“Dustox, let’s go, “Isabelle said as she called out Dustox. Isabelle made the first move. “Dustox use Bug Buzz. Dustox began vibrating her wings which created a sound wave throughout the hall.

“Espeon jump and use Psybeam. Espeon leaped into the air and unleashed a powerful Psybeam from above which sent Dustox crashing to the ground and stay down which caused the judges to hit their buzzers.

“And it looks like Dustox is down, “Vivian said.

“Wait, we are not finished yet, “Isabelle objected only for nurse Joy to speak up.

“Yes you are, Part of a coordinator’s job is caring for their pokemon, and if you don’t get that, then you have no right to call yourself a pokemon trainer, let alone a coordinator,” Nurse Joy said in a somewhat angry tone. This had Isabelle storm out after recalling Dustox. Sometime later all the coordinators minus Isabelle gathered to see turquoise accept her ribbon.

“And now Mr. Contesta will award the Ironvale Ribbon to Turquoise,” Vivian said as contesta did so.

“A splendid battle, Turquoise,” Contesta said as he presented the ribbon to Turquoise.

“Thank you,” Turquoise said as she accepted the ribbon. Sometime later Turquoise was back in her regular clothes and the girls were back at the pokemon center. “So Aqua what do you think of contests?

“I will admit they look flashy and cool and i am leaning towards doing them, but let’s wait until we reach Rustboro City for me to make my decision,” Aqua said.

“That’s fair enough,” Turquoise said. The girls decided to call it a night. What awaits our heroes next? Stay tuned as the journey continues.


A Lesson In Rock Hard Courage

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Today our heroes finally arrived in Rustboro City and Aqua was quite excited to be in a big city.

“Look at all the tall buildings, the bustling crowds, all of it is amazing, “Aqua said.

“Is this your first time here?” Fluttershy asked.

“This is my first time going beyond Petalburg City so of course I'm excited to see someplace new,” Aqua said.

“Well in any case let’s look for the gym,” Turquoise said.

“Slow down Turquoise, do you know what type the gym leader specializes in?” Fluttershy asked.

“You are right, we must find out,” Turquoise said. Suddenly a group of kids along with a a woman who was dressed as a schoolteacher walked by them. Suddenly one of the Pokémon that was with them ran towards Turquoise and began sniffing her which took turquoise by surprise. Suddenly the woman approached them.

“Now Eevee you know better than to approach strangers like that, “The woman scolded which made Eevee look slightly saddened. “Sorry about that, one of my students was supposed to look after her.

“Yeah Stephanie, wasn’t Eevee supposed to be your buddy on this trip?” A girl who looked no older than eight said to another girl of the same age who looked down.

“Come on Blair, you know Steph is shy around Pokémon,” A boy said.

“You stay out of this Willie,” Blair said.

“Buddy?” Aqua asked. Suddenly Turquoise noticed the tag on Eevee’s tail.

“First introduction, I’m Roxanne, the gym leader of the Rustboro Gym and a teacher at the school next to it,” Roxanne said.

“Teacher? So that tag on Eevee’s tail?” Aqua asked.

“Is what all students and Pokémon are required to wear while on field trips, it’s to ensure we don’t get separated,” Roxanne said.

“Guess now it’s our turn for introductions, I’m Turquoise, “Turquoise said.

“And I'm Aqua, “Aqua said.

“I’m Fluttershy,” Fluttershy said.

“Now that introductions are out of the way, you said you were the gym leader, right?” Turquoise asked.

“I did,” Roxxane said.

“It just so happens I came here to challenge the Rustboro gym,” Turquoise said.

“I would be more than happy to challenge you but first allow me to show you around the school,” Roxanne said.

“Sure, I guess we have time,” Turquoise said.

“Don’t worry, the school, is located right next to the gym,” Roxanne said before having the girls follow her and the students. Sometime later the girls were now inside the trainer school with Roxanne leading the way. “We teach many classes here involving Pokémon. The first stop was a classroom with trainers working with their Pokémon on contest stuff. “Here trainers learn how to be Pokémon coordinators.

“Impressive,” Turquoise said.

“I’ll say,” Aqua said. The girls moved on, and Roxanne showed them various classes including one where kids were doing mock battles with the Pokémon that belonged to the school. Turquoise noticed Steph and Eevee were challenging Blair and her Skitty. She also noticed that Steph was not giving any commands while Blair was practically barking orders with confidence which resulted in Eevee taking big damage.

“Ok that’s enough, Blair and Skitty win,” The teacher who was serving as the ref said which cued Blair and Skitty to stop.

“Why did he stop the match? Don’t battles ends when one side is unable to continue?” Aqua asked.

“Because these are mock battles, designed to teach the students what a battle is like, we don’t go for the kill since this is meant for learning and there is nothing to gain from these battles other than experience,” Roxanne explained.

“I think that’s brilliant, “Fluttershy said. Turquoise noticed how down Steph looked and approached her.

“You ok? I noticed you were not giving commands to Eevee,” Turquoise asked.

“I’m not ok, if anything I should not even be here like Blair said,” Steph said.

“Why would you think you don’t belong here?” Turquoise asked.

“Because I'm no good with Pokémon and they are scary,” Steph said.

“Sure, some Pokémon can be quite intimidating, but they are also quite friendly once you bond with them, Take Eevee for example. They love affection and companionship, I can tell you two have a connection,” Turquoise said.

“You do? “Steph asked.

“I do, and you two can be almost unbeatable if you work together,” Turquoise said.

“What is Turquoise doing?” Aqua asked Fluttershy.

“Helping someone who needs it, she tends to be quite observant and wants to help, if possible,” Fluttershy said. Suddenly Eevee rubbed up against Steph affectionately which showed she liked Steph.

“Good, now the next time you battle Blair Don’t act so nervous, Eevee wants to help you win and to do that you must give commands confidently and without fear,” Turquoise said.

“She is right, Pokémon can sense your feelings and if you feel you can’t do it then they will feel the same way,” The teacher said.

“Not like that will make a difference, Stupid Steph will lose again,” Blair said while laughing like some entitled rich brat.

“That is quite enough Blair, one more word and your Pokémon privileges will be revoked,” The Teacher said making it clear he will take Skitty away should she say one more word.

“Can he do that?” Aqua asked.

“Of course he can, battling here is a privilege not a right,” Roxanne said. “Now I believe you wanted to challenge my gym.

“I do but I have a request,” Turquoise said.

“What is it?” Roxanne asked.

“Can Steph watch our battle? I think this might be helpful for her,” Turquoise said.

“I see, you are hoping that seeing you in action will show her the confidence she needs, very well I will allow it,” Roxanne said. Sometime later the girls were now inside the gym which had a rock battlefield full of big boulders. “Care to guess what type I use?

“Based on the battlefield I would say you're a Rock-type specialist,” Turquoise said.

“Correct, I hope you're ready, “Roxanne said before taking her side of the battlefield.

“You better believe I'm ready,” Turquoise said as she stood on her end. The girls took their seats in the stands while one of the older students took his position on the ref’s spot.

“The battle between Roxanne the gym leader and turquoise the challenger will now begin. Both sides will use two Pokémon and the battle will be over when both of one side’s Pokémon are unable to battle, furthermore, only the challenger will be permitted to substitute Pokémon, “The ref said with both sides in agreement. “Let the battle start.

“Geodude I chose you, “Roxanne said as she called out her Geodude. Aqua pulled out her pokedex to learn about it.

“Geodude, The Rock Pokémon, at rest, it looks just like a rock. Carelessly stepping on it will make it swing its fists angrily.

“Go Sprigatito,” Turquoise said as she called out her Sprigatito. Sprigatito use leafage. Sprigatito unleashed a bunch of leaves which were heading for Geodude.

“Geodude use Defense Curl. geodude curled up and managed to raise its defense thus reducing the damage from leafage. “Now use Rock Polish. Geodude began spinning vertically while rotating which resulted in its body becoming lighter which increased its speed stat. Now use Rollout. Geodude began rolling around the field at high speed before focusing its aim on Sprigatito.

“Dodge and use Hone claws. Sprigatito did a backflip out of the way while sharpening her claws which increased her attack and accuracy. “Now use Scratch. Sprigatito came at geodude who stopped rolling and managed to land a decent scratch on it which resulted in small damage.

“Not bad but we have one last surprise. Geodude use Mega Punch. Geodude came at Sprigatito fast and delivered a strong punch that sent her flying towards one of the boulders and to hit the ground. Fortunately, Sprigatito could keep going but was down to low health which caused her body to be covered in a green aura that Turquoise recognized.

“What is happening with Sprigatito?” Aqua asked.

“That would be her ability, Overgrow, when a grass-type like Sprigatito is down to low health this ability kicks in and increases the strength of their grass-type moves,” Fluttershy explained.

“But will it be enough?” Aqua asked.

“Let’s watch and find out,” fluttershy said.

“All right Sprigatito let’s do this, Use leafage. Sprigatito prepared to do her leafage and when she unleashed it the leaves looked different which meant it was a completely different move.

“What is that?” Aqua asked.

“That’s magical leaf,” Fluttershy said. The magical leaf kept going and managed to land a powerful hit on Geodude which resulted in geodude fainting.

“Geodude is unable to battle, Sprigatito is the winner,” The ref said while pointing his right flag at Turquoise.

“Nice work Sprigatito,” Turquoise said.

“Return Geodude,” Roxanne said as she recalled Geodude. You were great, now rest. I must say your Sprigatito is quite tenacious. Most opponents don’t get back up after a single mega punch.

“Thanks,” Turquoise said.

“But now your true test begins, Nosepass, I chose you,” Roxanne said as she called out a blue creature that looked to be made of metal with a big red triangle shaped nose that looked like the needle of a compass. Turquoise pulled out her pokedex since this was a new Pokémon she was seeing.

“Nosepass, the compass Pokémon, the magnet in Nosepass's nose provides an unerring compass, making this Pokémon an excellent partner for Trainers going on a journey,” The pokedex said.

“Return Sprigatito,” Turquoise said as she recalled Sprigatito.

“Why is she recalling Sprigatito now after she learned that new move? “Aqua asked.

“Because Sprigatito took a lot of damage from that mega punch and most likely won’t survive another battle at less than a third strength,” Fluttershy said. Turquoise pulled out another pokeball.

“Go Espeon, “Turquoise said as She sent out Espeon who landed on the battlefield elegantly.

“Espeon? Wouldn’t Treecko be a better matchup?” Aqua asked.

“He would but Turquoise has faith in her partner, “Fluttershy said. Steph took those words to heart.

“Battle resume,” The ref said.

“Nosepass use Rock Tomb. nosepass leaped up before coming down hard which resulted in some jagged rocks poking out and trapping Espeon.

“Espeon use Swift. Espeon unleashed her strongest swift which managed to break the rocks. “Now use psybeam. Espeon unleashed her Psybeam which was heading for Nosepass but Roxanne was not worried.

“Nosepass use Sandstorm. Nosepass unleashed a powerful sandstorm that covered the field and obstructed espeon’s vision which caused psybeam to miss. “Now use Power gem. Nosepass unleashed a blast of red energy from its nose which was heading straight for Espeon. With her vision obscured by sandstorm Turquoise needed to figure out another way to dodge the attack which luckily, she did.

“Espeon use your ears and listen for the sound of nosepass’s attack. Espeon closed her eyes and focused. She suddenly picked up on the sounds of the Power gem cutting through the sand and managed to dodge it by leaping upwards.

“Your Espeon is fast but that won’t work here. Nosepass use Thunder Wave. Nosepass discharged some blue electricity and sent it towards Espeon as soon as she landed. Once the sandstorm cleared up it was revealed that Nosepass was the one paralyzed instead of Espeon. “How can this be? Your Espeon should be the one paralyzed not my Nosepass.

“My Espeon’s hidden ability is called Magic Bounce, it sends all non-damaging attacks back to the Pokémon who launched them,” Turquoise explained.

“Nosepass use Power gem. Nosepass tried to move but the paralysis prevented that.

“Espeon use psychic. Espeon lifted Nosepass off the ground with Psychic before slamming it hard on the ground which resulted in a lot of damage but unfortunately Nosepass survived thanks to its sturdy ability.

“You're not the only ones with abilities, nosepass’s ability is sturdy which allows it to survive a one kit ko, “Roxanne explained.

“I know that which is why I’m about to win this with one last attack. Espeon use swift. Espeon unleashed swift but Roxxane refused to give up.

“Dodge it Nosepass. Nosepass tried to move but the paralysis was still preventing it and soon it got nailed for the final blow which caused it to faint.

“Nosepass is unable to battle, Espeon is the winner which means the winner is Turquoise the challenger, “The ref said while pointing his right flag at Turquoise.

“We did it, we won,” Turquoise said with excitement. Roxanne recalled her Nosepass and approached Turquoise.

“That was a splendid battle and I see Steph learned a valuable lesson from watching,” Roxanne said before pulling out a gold badge with a unique design. “As proof of your victory I present you with the stone badge. Turquoise accepted it and placed it in her badge case. “So where are you girls going next?

“To the next gym I guess and hopefully another contest along the way,” Turquoise said.

“Then might I recommend the Dewford Town gym,” Roxanne said.

“Sounds good, but first we need to find a map of this region,” Fluttershy said.

“You should check out Devon Corp, they might have what you are looking for, “Roxanne said.

“We will do that first thing tomorrow,” Turquoise said as they left for the Pokémon center for the day. And so Turquoise walks away with her first gym badge of the region, what adventures await our heroes next? Stay tuned as the journey continues.


Enter Team Ozone

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Today the girls were exploring Rustboro City and Aqua was already in love with the place.

“There is so much to do here, “Aqua said.

“It feels good but remember we have to be at the harbor in a few hours to reach Dewford Island,” Turquoise said.

“We know and I know you need a pokenav so we can get a good map of Hoenn,” Fluttershy said. Soon the girls arrived at Devon Corp and unfortunately, they could not get in on account of the building being blocked off by the police.

“What’s going on here?” Turquoise asked before Officer Jenny approached them.

“What’s going on is you kids should not be here, this is police business, “Officer Jenny said before showing them away. The girls left and as they were walking, they ran into a well-dressed man with metal on his suit.

“So sorry sir,” Turquoise apologized.

“It’s ok, “the man said. “Say, were you kids visiting Devon Corp?

“We planned to, but Officer jenny has the place blocked off,” Aqua said.

“Darn it, those thugs must have stolen it, “The man said feeling slightly upset.

“Stolen what?” Fluttershy asked.

“Come to think of it, you look familiar,” Turquoise said before it hit her. “Your Steven Stone, the current Hoenn Champion.

“I am and as to what was stolen, you mind if we go somewhere more private to speak, it would be bad if my dad’s new invention was leaked to the public before it’s ready,” Steven said.

“Sure,” Turquoise said. Steven had the girls follow him through the back entrance of Devon Corp since being the CEO’s son gave him special access.

“What was stolen was my father’s latest invention which would allow us to control and manipulate weather patterns,” Steven said.

“So basically, it's a weather machine,” Turquoise said.

“Exactly, this invention could save many lives by bringing rain to areas suffering from droughts, bringing snow to places with blistering heat, and much more,” Steven said.

“This is definitely not good,” Turquoise said.

“How so, what kind of harm could someone do with a weather machine?” Aqua asked clearly ignorant to the destructive power of certain weather.

“Whoever these thieves are, they could create violent winds that create tornadoes, cause severe heat waves that could set the ground on fire, or worse, create firestorms,” Turquoise said, listing off a few examples.

“Let’s not forget about hurricanes and thunderstorms,” Fluttershy said.

“Exactly, but this project has been kept under wraps since just as your friend described, it also has the potential to cause great harm,” Steven said. Soon the girls were inside the lab where the machine was.

“Good news Steven sir, the thieves did not make off with everything,” One of the scientists said.

“Meaning?” Steven asked.

“They only took the machine, they failed to snatch the power supply,” The Scientist said while showing everyone a device that looked like a supe up battery.

“Do we know what the thief looks like?” Steven asked.

“Unfortunately, no,” the scientist said.

“Well, that’s a shame,” Steven said. “I might as well show you girls around since you're here. Steven showed the girls around devon Corp and what they saw really blew their minds. Meanwhile one of the scientists entered the lab and approached the battery. They then took it and exited the lab nonchalantly. Little did he know Steven and the girls saw him and tailed him.

“Any reason we are following him?” Aqua asked quietly.

“I know all the faces of our employees and that guy is not one of them, he could be the thief we are looking for,” Steven said. Soon aqua tripped which got his attention and caused him to book it. Steven and the girls chased him to the roof where he had nowhere to go. “All right you, the jig is up, return the battery. Suddenly the thief shed his disguise and was wearing a skin tight jumpsuit with a green O logo on it. The man then pulled a poke ball off his belt.

“Go Skarmory,” the man said as he called out a Skarmory. Aqua pulled out her Pokedex for info on it.

“Skarmory, The Armor Bird Pokémon, its sturdy, heavy-looking iron body is actually thin and light, so it can fly at speeds over 180 mph,” The Pokedex said.

“Skarmory use whirlwind. Skarmory flapped its steel wings and whipped up a whirlwind powerful enough to push the girls back but not Steven, who pulled out his own poke ball.

“Go Aggron, " Steven said as he called out his Aggron who shook the floor upon landing and was unaffected by the whirlwind. “Aggron use Hyper Beam. Aggron blasted Skarmory with a powerful hyper beam and while it did not ko the armor bird it did stall them enough for Officer Jenny to arrive.

“Surrender team Ozone, you have nowhere to run, “Officer Jenny said.

“You're wrong about that copper,” the guy from Team Ozone said before activating his jetpack and blasting off. Unfortunately, Aggron could not use any more moves since he needed to recharge after using hyper beam. Suddenly Officer Jenny pulled out a walkie talkie.

“All units, I want a perimeter around the whole city, the suspect is a member of Team Ozone, “Officer Jenny said.

“Whose Team Ozone?” Turquoise asked.

“An evil syndicate that popped up after the disbandment of Team Aqua and Team Magma who used to be two other evil syndicates that terrorized the Hoenn region. After their plots to awaken and control Groudon and Kyogre failed the leaders Maxie and Archie willingly surrendered and disbanded their teams. They are currently still serving their sentence,” Officer Jenny said.

“And what does this Team Ozone plan to do?” Turquoise asked.

“Currently their main objective is unknown, in fact they only began acting a few months ago as if someone drew them out of hiding,” Officer Jenny said. Turquoise had a pretty good hunch who that someone was and the thought really made her cringe.

“Are you alright Turquoise?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m ok, just the thought of who this someone might be makes me cringe considering how awful they are,” Turquoise said.

“Who are they?” Officer Jenny asked.

“I can’t be a hundred percent certain it’s them, but my hunch is Team Supernova,” Turquoise said.

“You mean that evil organization masterminded by ex-team rocket members jessie and James?” Steven asked.

“The very same,” Turquoise said.

“Let’s worry about them later, right now we have a crook to capture, “Officer Jenny said as she took off with the others following her.

Meanwhile on the outskirts of the city, the Ozone grunt managed to rendezvous with one of his team members with the battery.

“Excellent work, now time to return to base,” the other grunt said as the two called out their Skarmory and took off. Before the grunts left, the one that stole the battery set off some explosives which caused a giant pothole to form on the outskirts of the city thus preventing anyone from following them.

“Just a little insurance policy in case the cops try to continue the pursuit,” The grunt said as they flew into the distance. By the time the officers arrived it was too late. They reported the crater to Officer Jenny, and she called off the pursuit since the grunt was now far beyond her department’s jurisdiction.

“All units return to the station, the perp got away,” Officer Jenny said.

“Sorry we could not be of more help,” Turquoise said.

“Hey, you kids tried and for that I am grateful,” Officer Jenny said. Officer Jenny left, and Steven decided now was a good time to chat as they walked back inside the building.

“I meant to ask, what were you girls doing at Devon Corp?” Steven asked.

“We are on a journey, “Aqua said.

“We came to see about getting a Pokenav since we need a map of the region,” Turquoise said.

“I see, well you girls came at a perfect time, “Steven said. “That weather machine was not our only focus, we also completed development on the Pokenav Delta which not only features a map of Hoenn but all the other regions too, it can even recommend hot spots, fun things to do, and many other things about the places you visit or want to visit.

“Sounds awesome,” Aqua said. Steven then gave Turquoise a white device with the devon Corp logo.

“Consider it a gift for helping to try and get our invention back,” Steven said.

“Thank you,” Turquoise said before trying it out and looking up Dewford Island. The Pokenav mentioned who the gym leader was, and it took Turquoise by surprise.

“You look excited,” Aqua said.

“The next gym leader is someone I've been waiting to battle since we first met,” Turquoise said.

“You know them already?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sure, do but let’s save the introductions for when we meet him, “Turquoise said before the girls decided to head to the harbor. As soon as they left, Steven spoke to himself.

“Something tells me that grunt was just the beginning and whatever Team Ozone is plotting will be massive and catastrophic,” Steven said.

Meanwhile in a completely different area the two grunts were standing before a man dressed in a trench coat.

“We got the device and the battery for it,” The first grunt said.

“And the authorities?” The man asked.

“Already took care of it,” The second grunt said.

“Good, mistress Sky will be pleased, “the man said before dismissing them.

Back with Turquoise and her friends, they arrived just in time to catch the ferry to Dewford Island. Turquoise was standing on the bow of the ship looking at the open sea.

“Is Turquoise always like that?” Aqua asked Fluttershy.

“She likes to do that, it’s like she is looking at the sea of a new adventure,” Fluttershy said.

“By the way, how did the two of you meet?” Aqua asked.

“That is quite an interesting story,” Fluttershy said before getting into it. “My partner and I were gathering berries when a Vulpix suddenly came running towards us and collapsed from exhaustion. We brought her to our cabin and nursed it back to full health.

“Sorry to interrupt but How does this relate to Turquoise?” Aqua asked.

“I was about to get to that,” Fluttershy said before continuing. “A few minutes later a hear a knock on the door and outside was turquoise who was looking for her Vulpix.

“She had a Vulpix?” Aqua asked.

“Among other Pokémon back in her hometown but let me finish my story,” Fluttershy said.

“Sorry,” Aqua said.

“Anyway, she explained to me that an obnoxious trainer was pressuring her into giving her Vulpix to them which caused Vulpix to run away since she did not want to be their Pokémon since she grew to love Turquoise and Turquoise grew to love her,” Fluttershy said. After winning their rematch Vulpix chose to evolve into Ninetails before Turquoise continued on her way to her Vermillion City. I eventually caught up to her in Vermillion City before joining her and a few of my other friends and during the time we traveled together. I witnessed her do many things.

“Wow You two must have had a lot of adventures together, “Aqua said. Suddenly Turquoise decided to join them.

“What are you girls talking about?” Turquoise asked.

“Just the story of how we met,” Fluttershy said.

“I remember that, and I am very glad to have met you and all of your friends,” Turquoise said.

“Friends aside, how many Pokémon do you have back home?” Aqua asked.

“Let’s see,” Turquoise said before doing the math in her head. “I caught ten different Pokémon in Kanto and six in Johto but Sprigatito is currently with me. Soon Turquoise had her answer. “I have fifteen Pokémon back home.

“Cool, but why do you not have them with you? You could blow right through your gym battles in no time,” Aqua asked.

“I could, but where is the fun in that? Plus, the reason I chose Hoenn as the region for my next journey was to challenge myself per the request of someone who pointed me in this direction when I had no clue where to go next,” Turquoise said.

“Challenge yourself?” Aqua asked.

“You see, while I could use my other Pokémon as you pointed out I would not grow as a trainer, Even Ash Ketchum was not born a champion, he had to go on many journeys and started from square one on most of them,” Turquoise said.

“Meaning?” Aqua asked.

“When he would start a new adventure, he would always leave his other Pokémon at the lab and bring only his partner Pikachu, and every time he would learn new techniques and stuff, and eventually he put all of it to use to win the World Coordination series,” Turquoise said.

“Wow I did not know that” Aqua said.

“I tend to read up on famous trainers when I can,” Turquoise said. The ferry kept sailing as the girls kept talking. What awaits our heroes on Dewford Island? Stay tuned. As the journey Continues.


Water Sharpens Grass

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The girls arrived on Dewford Island and Aqua was already amazed by the sandy beaches and surfers.

“Good thing I bought that swimsuit back in Rustburo City, “Aqua said, clearly excited to check out the beach.

“We can visit the beach later, Remember why we came here,” Turquoise said.

“We know but can’t your gym battle wait a day or two?” Aqua asked. Suddenly a surfer and his Hariyama landed on the beach and instantly Turquoise recognized him. He soon saw them and approached.

“Yo Turquoise, long time no see,” The man who was revealed to be brawly said.

“Good to see you Brawly, we were just about to go look for you,” Turquoise said.

“You know him?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sure do, we met in Saffron City,” Turquoise said.

“And man, that was one of the most gnarly fighting tournaments I ever competed in, especially with how you won against Bea in the end, “Brawly said.

“Fighting tournament?” Aqua asked while imagining Turquoise as some kind of wrestler.

“It was a big battle tournament consisting of the world’s best masters of fighting-type pokemon along with some normal trainers mixed in,” Turquoise said.

“But anyway, I'm going to guess you decided to enter the Hoenn league,” Brawly said.

“Sure am and I came to challenge your gym next,” Turquoise said.

“Before we discuss that, we should take shelter, “Brawly said before explaining. “The waves are getting rough and humidity is down, and based on those cumulonimbus clouds forming above, we got some rough weather incoming. As soon as he said that, it began to rain which caused all four of them to take shelter inside the Pokemon Center before it grew into a major downpour.

“How did you know that would happen?” Aqua asked.

“As a pro surfer I can tell when a storm is coming by how rough the waves get,” Brawly said before getting to Turquoise’s question. “First off, how many pokemon do you have right now?

“Three,” Turquoise said before calling them out. Brawly looked at them and then made a decision.

“I would love to accept your challenge but i do recommend doing some training first since my pokemon are at a higher level than Roxanne’s are,” Brawly said sincerely.

“I know Treecko and Sprigatito need some work but my Espeon should be more than enough,” Turquoise said.

“And I can see that, but it’s also important to train up your other pokemon too,” Brawly said.

“Ok you convinced me, Where can I begin?” Turquoise said.

“All of Dewford Island is perfect, let nature train you,” Brawly said.

“Ok but where do you suggest we start?” Turquoise asked.

“Go explore the island and I'm sure nature will tell you,” Brawly said.

“Very well,” Turquoise said. Sometime later the rain stopped, and the sunny weather returned. The girls left the town and walked along a mountain path. Soon the girls decided to stop and noticed a good spot for some fishing. Fluttershy began setting up her cooking supplies while aqua began setting up her tent. As for Turquoise she was setting up her fishing rod which soon got Aqua’s attention.

“Don’t you want to do some training like brawly said to?” Aqua asked.

“That’s the plan,” Turquoise said.

“Then why are you fishing instead of doing that?” Aqua asked.

“You’ll see,” Turquoise said. As soon as she said that she got a bite. She pulled on the line with all she had and suddenly pulled up what looked like a crustacean with an aggressive look on its face. Turquoise pulled out her pokedex for information on it.

“Corphish, The Ruffian Pokemon, It can live in impure water, where it doesn't need to compete with other water Pokémon for food, so its numbers have steadily increased,” The pokedex said.

“I can this one is raring to go so first up, Treecko I chose you,” Turquoise said as she sent Treecko in to battle Corphish. The rogue crab started off with a water gun from its left claw which Turquoise was expecting. “Dodge that and use pound. Treecko leaped out of the way before somersaulting towards Corphish ready to slam his tails on it. Suddenly Corphish began to give off a shine which was the move Harden which lessened the damage from pound. “Now use Leafage. Treecko unleashed his leafage from up close which dealt some damage but also made Corphish even angrier. Treecko retreated back to Turquosie’s side feeling cautious of what this crab would do next. Suddenly both of Corphish's claws were covered in a dark energy as it charged at Treecko.

“What’s Corphish doing now?” Aqua asked Fluttershy.

“It’s using Double Hit,” Fluttershy said.

“Dodge that Treecko. Treecko dodged Corphish’s attacks before retaliation by unleashing what looked like an energy rope from its mouth that suddenly stuck to corphish and began draining energy from it.

“What moves is that?” Turquoise asked.

“That’s Mega drain,” Fluttershy said as corphish got weaker. Once the rope retracted Corphish used this chance to flee back into the ocean to recover.

“Why did you not catch it? “Aqua asked.

“Because the point was not to catch that Corphish, it was to draw out an opponent for Treecko and Sprigatito to train with and it looks like my plan worked,” Turquoise as she checked Treecko's stats to see what other moves he learned. Turquoise was also glad he learned Detect which meant he could defend as well as attack.

“So are you planning on just fishing for opponents or do you intend to capture something?” Aqua asked.

“I might if the pokemon in question is useful,” Turquoise said.

“That Corphish was not useful?” Fluttershy asked.

“While it is indeed strong it looked like the kind of pokemon who would be hard to keep under control when things get tough and a wildcard like that would be too big of a risk in battle,” Turquoise said.

“I know what you mean, if it attacked the other trainer or worse the ref, you would be disqualified from the challenge,” Fluttershy said. The girls decided to take a break for lunch.

Meanwhile on the forest path Isabelle, Chris, and Meowth were walking slowly as their stomachs growled.

“No food anywhere,” Chris whined.

“It’s your fault for wasting our money,” Meowth said to isabelle.

“Well sorry if a girl like me needs the bare essentials for camping,” Isabelle said.

“Since when do expensive dresses count as bare essentials?” Chris asked. Suddenly they picked up the scent of Fluttershy’s cooking.

“Do you smell that?” Meowth asked.

“We sure do,” Isabelle and Chris said in unison with their mouths drooling. They followed the smell and once they saw where it was coming from they stopped and hid.

“What are the Dorkettes doing out here?” Isabelle asked.

Who cares, let's just take their food,” Chris said.

“Cool it you two, we need a plan, “Meowth said before he noticed that his two cohorts were not next to him.

“Hand over the food,” Isabelle and Chris shouted before Turquoise had Espeon use psychic to stop them in their tracks.

“You know i’m getting really fed up with you freaks constantly harassing my friends and I so give me one good reason why I should not have my Espeon send you three flying all the way to mars?” Turquoise said in a somewhat aggravated tone which really spooked them.

“Come on Dorkette, we are starving,” Chris pleaded.

“Yeah, have a heart,” Isabelle said. Turquoise considered it and decided to let them off just this once.

“Fine, but try anything and it’s blastoff time, got it?” Turquoise said.

“We promise,” All three of them said.

“Luckily for you three I made plenty so eat up and go before we change our minds,” Fluttershy said, also not too thrilled to see team Supernova. The three of them ate like it was their last meal which was obvious by how long they went with no food until now. As promised team Supernova had their fill and left since they had no nefarious schemes this time.

“I think we should totally hit the beach next,” Aqua said, wanting to show off her new swimsuit.

“Sounds good, let’s do that tomorrow,” Turquoise said.

“Really? How long are we staying on dewford island?” Fluttershy asked.

“Let’s see, I want to make sure my team is ready for Brawly, i saw how strong he was back in Saffron City and right now the rest of my team is not strong enough to face him, so i would say, a week, that’s how long are training will be,” Turquoise said.

“And that will be enough?” Aqua asked.

“Treecko made good progress with that Corphish alone but if we want to win against brawly it may be time for evolution,” Turquoise said.

“Evolution?” Aqua asked.

“It’s where a pokemon grows stronger and changes,” Turquoise explained.

“I wonder what Mudkip will look like once it evolves?” Aqua asked herself while imagining Mudkip as a giant muscled version of itself which made her uncomfortable.

“You could check the Pokedex and find out,” Turquoise suggested. Aqua did so and soon found her answer.

“Marchtomp, The Mud Fish pokemon and the evolved form of Mudkip, Living on muddy ground that provides poor footing has served to train its lower body and caused it to develop sturdy legs,” Aqua’s pokedex said.

“In any case I'm gonna return to fishing,” Turquoise said.

Meanwhile on the beach a cocky blue sea otter was fighting a bunch of Staryu and Starmie. Despite taking a lot of damage the sea otter won. Suddenly the sea Otter was able to manifest a blade of water from it’s shell which was exactly what it was aiming for.

The next day the girls were at the beach enjoying the sunny weather in their swimsuits. Aqua was especially happy about it as indicated by her and her pokemon running by the tides of the waves. As for Turquoise, she and her two pokemon were busy looking for opponents to train against.

“I know Brawly told her to train but does she ever just take time to relax?” Aqua asked Fluttershy.

“She does but when it comes to contests or gym battles she is very focused because she has a bigger goal she wants to reach,” Fluttershy said.

“And what goal is that?” Aqua asked.

“Tell me, have you ever heard of the Elite Four?” Fluttershy asked.

“You mean those four trainers that consist of some rich dude, a dancer, an ice lady, and an old sea captain?” Aqua asked clearly not familiar with their names.

“I am talking about Kanto’s Elite four,” Fluttershy said. “ And I believe the names you were looking for are Sidney, Phoebe, Glacia, and Drake. Before Fluttershy could say more the same sea otter from yesterday rushed by and was preparing to strike at Turquoise until Sprigatito stopped it.

“What kind of pokemon are you?” Turquoise asked before pulling out her pokedex.

“Oshawott, The Sea Otter pokemon, It wields the scalchop on its stomach like a knife, blocking the moves of its enemies before slashing back at them in swift retaliation,” the pokedex said.

“I was hoping an opponent would show up,” Turquoise said. Osawott took that as a challenge which he accepted. “Sprigatito I chose you. Sprigatito stood ready to go. “Use magical leaf. Sprigatito unleashed her magical leaf which did not faze Oshawott in the least. Oshawott countered with water gun which pushed agianst the leaves for a moment before they changed direction and were heading for Oshawott. Just when it looked like they would hit Oshawott’s eyes glowed before he expertly avoided the leaves which was the move detect in action. It was clear to Oshawott that turquoise was not someone to take lightly and decided to try his new move to finish this. Oshawott grabbed his scalchop and created a blade of water which he used to slice Sprigatito with enough power to knock her out.

“What kind of move was that?” Aqua asked.

“That was Razor shell and a powerful one too,” Fluttershy said.

“Return Sprigatito,” Turquoise said as she recalled Sprigatito. “You did well, now rest. Turquoise was now determined to catch Oshawott after seeing his power in action. “Ok Treecko, it's your turn to battle. This next battle was an exchange between two warriors with both sides taking damage. Treecko was doing good but now it was time to see how good when faced with Oshawott’s Razor Shell Treecko closed his eyes and then used detect to dodge which left Oshawott open. “Now Treecko use leafage while Oshawott is open. Treecko unleashed his leafage which landed and caused Oshawott to fall face down. “Go Pokeball. Turquoise threw her Pokeball and after a few shakes it clicked shut which meant Oshawott now belonged to Turquoise. Suddenly Treecko began to glow with a white glow which Turquoise and fluttershy recognized but Aqua did not.

“What is happening to Treecko?” Aqua asked.

“He is evolving?” Fluttershy said as Treecko’s shape began to change. Sometime later a bigger gecko-like creature with a thin long leaf on his head and long leaf-like bumps under his arms stood where Treecko did. Turquoise pulled out her pokedex once again to learn more.

“Grovyle, The wood gecko pokemon and the evolved form of Treecko, Its strongly developed thigh muscles give it astounding agility and jumping performance,” The pokedex said.

“Awesome, we are now two steps closer to being ready for brawly,” Turquoise said.

“Two steps?” Aqua asked.

“Yep, with Grovyle and Oshawott, I now have more power in my corner,” Turquoise said.

“That’s great, now hand Sprigatito over so i can heal it,” Fluttershy said.

“Almost forgot,” Turquoise said as she called her out with Fluttershy ready with her potions. And so the day ends with Turquoise acquiring two new pokemon for her upcoming gym battle with Brawly. What kind of adventures await our girls next. Stay tuned. As the journey continues.


All Out Brawly

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After a whole week of training Turquoise was now ready for her gym battle with Brawly. Currently Our heroes are at the pokemon center having breakfast.

“So what is your strategy for dealing with Brawly?” Fluttershy asked.

“I can’t say I have one but that does not mean I won’t win,” Turquoise said.

“Well then let's get going,” Aqua said ready to go.

“Slow down Aqua, we have not finished eating yet,” Turquoise said. Once the girls finished eating they left for the gym. Soon they were in front of what looked like a simple building and once they went inside they were surprised to see a fitness center.

“I think we have the wrong place,” Aqua said. Suddenly brawly approached them.

“No you girls are in the right place, this is my gym,” Brawly said.

“Are you sure? this looks like a regular gym,” Aqua asked.

“The battlefield is in the back,” Brawly said before guiding them there. “So Turquoise did you heed my advice?

“I sure did, we spent a week in the wild training,” Turquoise said.

“Can’t wait to see the results of that training,” Brawly said before they stopped in front of a girl with blue hair.

“The battlefield is ready,” The girl said.

“Thanks Shuanna,” Brawly said before he took his side of the battlefield. Turquoise stood in her spot then shaunna took the ref’s spot.

“The battle between Brawly the gym Leader and Turquoise the challenger will now begin, each trainer will use two pokemon and only the challenger may substitute pokemon,” Shuanna said with both sides in agreement to the terms. “Let the battle begin.

“Machop, I chose you,” brawly said as he sent out his Machop. Aqua pulled out her pokedex to learn more.

“Machop, The Superpower Pokemon, Its whole body is composed of muscles. Even though it's the size of a human child, it can hurl 100 grown-ups,” The Pokedex said.

“Go Oshawott,” Turquoise said as she called out Oshawott who looked raring to go.

“I see you added a new pokemon to your team, I can’t wait to see how it rolls with the punches, “Brawly said.

“Well you're about to see,” Turquoise said.

“Let’s get started, Machop use Bullet Punch. Machop rushed at Oshawott with a flurry of punches.

“Use Detect. Oshawott skillfully dodged all of Machop’s punches which impressed Brawly since she dodged instead of rushing in. “Now use Focus Energy. Osawott closed his eyes while channeling his power.

“Machop use Bulk Up. machop flexed its muscles which caused its attack and defense to rise.

“Oshawott use Razor Shell. Oshawott grabbed his scalchop and suddenly formed his blade of water before rushing at Machop.

“We won’t go down that easily, machop use Low sweep. Machop attempted to sweep Oshawott with a low sweep which turquoise was expecting.

“Jump Oshawott. Oshawott leaped quite high which impressed Brawly.

“Your Oshawott can fly?” Brawly asked.

“No jump real good,” Turquoise said as Oshawott managed to land a powerful hit which caused Machop to fall onto one knee before falling backward and fainting.

“Machop is unable to battle, Oshawott is the winner,” Shuana said while pointing her right flag at Turquoise.

“Amazing Oshawott,” Turquoise said while Oshawott remained stoic.

“Return Machop,” brawly said as he recalled Machop. “You did good now, rest, I must say Turquoise. I'm impressed you did not charge recklessly like most of my challengers do.

“That’s just how I am, you know,” Turquoise said.

“But now let's see how you handle my partner, Hariyama, I chose you, “Brawly said before calling out Hariyama who managed to shake the battlefield upon landing and shook Oshawott off balance. Aqua pulled out her Pokedex again to learn more.

“Hariyama, The Arm Thrust pokemon, It loves to match power with big-bodied Pokémon. It can send a truck flying with its arm thrusts,” The pokedex said.

“Does Turquoise even stand a chance against a powerhouse like that?” Aqua asked.

“Well she is not intimidated, look,” Fluttershy said while directing Aqua’s attention back to the battle and noticed that Turquoise remained focused.

“You're right, she looks like she is still ready to rock despite the giant obstacle she faces,” Aqua said.

“Return Oshawott,” Turquoise said as she recalled Oshawott.

“Good thinking since a small fry like Oshawott would get crushed so easily,” Aqua said.

“No, I think she wants to save Oshawott for later and tends to weaken Hariyama with another pokemon,” Fluttershy said.

“But what does she have that can match such a massive pokemon?” Aqua asked.

“Let’s keep watching and see,” Fluttershy said.

“Go Grovyle,” Turquoise said as she called out Grovyle who looked ready to go.

“Battle resume,” Shuana said.

“Grovyle use Quick attack. Grovyle charged at Hariyama with lightning speed which Brawly was expecting.

“Hariyama use Bulk Up. Hariyama crunched its muscles which caused its attack and defense to rise which caused Grovyle to bounce off it. “Charging head on against a bigger opponent won’t work which means it's our turn now. Hariyama use Force Palm. Hariyama placed its big hand on Grovyle before using a powerful force to repel him and cause damage. Fortunately, Grovyle was able to get back up while covered in green energy which was overgrow being activated.

“Your right charging in was reckless but worth it for this moment, Grovyle use Mega Drain. The leaves under Grovyle’s arms suddenly extended before turning into energy vines that wrapped around Hariyama before absorbing its energy which allowed Grovyle to heal a little. “Now use Leafage. Grovyle unleashed a powerful leafage which managed to cause a lot of damage to Hariyama. Unfortunately, it was not nearly enough to beat it.

“I must admit that was good, but your Grovyle is still too weak to beat my Hariyama,” Brawly said as Hariyama awaited its next command. “Hariyama use Arm Thrust. Hariyama began thrusting its arms and kept hitting Grovyle with each hit until he fainted.

“Grovyle is unable to battle, Hariyama is the winner,” Shuana said while pointing her left flag at Brawly.

“Return Grovyle,” Turquoise said while recalling Grovyle. “You did your best, now rest.

“I knew she would lose that one,” Aqua said.

“I would not count Turquoise out yet, because Grovyle’s attacks did quite a number on Hariyama,” Fluttershy said.

“Are you saying she planned on losing that round? Aqua asked.

“Not exactly, she just wanted to chip away at Hariyama’s endurance so Oshawott would have a fair fight going back in,” Fluttershy said.

“Fair fight? Oshawott is so small that Hariyama’s big hands would crush it without even trying,” Aqua said.

“Don’t ever underestimate Turquoise because she can be quite tenacious when at a disadvantage,” Fluttershy said. Turquoise was ready to call Oshawott back out.

“Oshawott come back out,” Turquoise said as Oshawott came back out. When he saw Hariyama towering over him he looked quite determined to beat it.

“Hariyama use Arm Thrust. Hariyama thrusted its arms like before, but this time Turquoise was ready.

“Oshawatt use Detect. Oshawott dodged each thrust and managed to get behind Hariyama. “Now use water gun. Oshawott fired his Water gun from behind and dealt some decent damage.

“Not bad but we are far from done, Hariyama use Force palm. Hariyama was preparing to use the same move that damaged Grovyle but Turquoise was ready this time.

“Dodge and use Razor shell on the legs. Oshawott managed to dodge and unleash a razor shell on Hariyama’s legs thus dealing damage to Hariyama's balance which caused it to fall onto its knees.

“What just happened?” Aqua asked.

“Turquoise is using Hariyama’s weight against it, “Fluttershy said before explaining. “You see Aqua, a big pokemon like Hariyama, is quite heavy and by weakening its legs Turquoise was able to weaken its stance.

“Not bad you were able to use Oshawott’s small size to your advantage, “Brawly said.

“Thanks,” Turquoise said.

“But we are not out yet, Hariyama use Force palm again. Hariyama tried to get up but it was having a hard time which meant it was now Turquosie’s time to strike.

“Oshawott use Razor shell with all you got. Oshawott readies his Razor shell before rushing at Hariyama like the samurai he acted like. After slashing Hariyama Oshawoot appeared behind it and held its blade out in a dramatic way. Once the blade faded, Hariyama fell forward and fainted.

“Hariyama is unable to battle, Oshawott is the winner which means the winner is Turquoise,” Shuana said.

“We did it, “Turquoise said as Oshawott placed his scalchop back on its belly. Brawly recalled hariyama and approached Turquoise.

“Turquoise that was one gnarly battle, you really surprised me with the way use were able to use Oshawott’s size to your advantage, As proof of your victory here at the Dewford island gym I present you with the knuckle badge,” brawly said before giving Turquoise a badge that looked like a blue boxing glove with a amber orb embedded in it. Turquoise placed the badge in her badge case before putting it away. “So, any idea where you girls are heading next?

“To find the next gym or contest,” Turquoise said.

“Then I recommend the Gym in Mauville City,” Brawly said.

“Let me see,” Turquoise said before using the pokenav to find it. “It's back on the mainland and quite a distance.

“In order to get there you must first go through Slateport City, the next ferry leaves tomorrow,” Brawly said.

“Thanks brawly,” Turquoise said before the girls left.

“Good luck on the rest of your journey,” Brawly and Shuana said in unison.

Sometime later the girls were at the Pokémon Center waiting for Turquoise’s team to heal after a well thought battle.

“So girls, are you excited for our next stop?” Aqua asked.

“I am but I wish there was another contest to enter, battling gyms alone is not as exciting,” Turquoise said.

“Funny you should mention that because I hear there's a contest coming up in Slateport City real soon,” A guy wearing an outfit similar to a black and purple flame knight-like creature he was standing next to said.

“And you are?” Turquoise asked.

“Oh how rude of me, I’m Rolland and this is my partner Cerulege,” Rolland said.

“Ceruledge huh lets see,” Turquoise said before pulling out her pokedex.

“Ceruledge, The Fire blade Pokemon, An old set of armor steeped in grudges caused this Pokémon's evolution. Ceruledge cuts its enemies to pieces without mercy,” The pokedex said.

“I take it this is your first time seeing a pokemon as mighty and noble as this?” Rolland asked.

“It is my first time seeing a Ceruledge,” Turquoise said.

“Well be warned we both don’t show mercy on the battlefield rather it's a contest battle or a normal one, “Rolland said.

“That aside, are you also a coordinator?” Turquoise asked.

“Sure am, I am the proud owner of two ribbons so far,” Rolland said.

“Cool, I have one so far,” Turquoise said.

“Well you better not hope to win another because when next we meet we are rivals,” Rolland said before taking his leave.

“Well he certainly is a ball of sunshine, “Aqua said, not feeling a good vibe from him.

“No matter, at least I have something to look forward to in Slateport City,” Turquoise said. Just as they said that Nurse Joy got their attention.

“Your Grovyle and Oshawott are back to full health,” Nurse Joy said before Turquoise recalled them.

“Thank you,” Turquoise said. The girls decided to call it a day and turned in for the night.

The next day the girls were now on the ferry to Slateport City.

“Just you wait Rolland, I will beat you, “Turquoise said, quite driven to take down Rolland and his condescending attitude. And so the girls are off to their next destination. What awaits our heroes next? Stay tuned as the journey continues.


Trial By Sword

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The boat arrived in Slateport City and Aqua made a run for the beach.

“I love these beachside towns,” Aqua said.

“Whoa slow down aqua, remember why we came here,” Turquoise said.

“We know but that is not today, is it?” Aqua asked.

“It’s tomorrow but I still need to register,” Turquoise said.

“Any idea who you're entering with?” Fluttershy asked

“Well since Rolland will most likely be using his Ceruledge I need something that can stand a fair chance,” Turquoise said.

“Meaning? “Aqua asked.

“Ceruledge is a fire and ghost type so most of my team does not stand a chance especially since we don’t know what moves it knows,” Turquoise said.

“Why not use some of the Pokémon you caught on your previous journeys?” Aqua asked.

“Because that will go against the rules I set for myself for this journey,” Turquoise said.

“You see aqua, Turquoise is trying to get stronger using only what she catches here in Hoenn and other than Espeon and Sprigatito she can’t use any other Pokémon from home, this was a challenge suggested by Bruno of the elite Four,” Fluttershy explained.

“I don’t get it but I'm not going to argue,” Aqua said.

“Anyway, my best option is Oshawott,” Turquoise said.

“Are you sure Oshawott can do this?” Fluttershy asked.

“That’s why we are training first,” Turquoise said before calling out Oshawott. “Ok Oshawott its time for some contest training, are you ready? Oshawott nodded in agreement. Turquoise decided to try doing something simple since Oshawott’s moves were not good enough for anything flashy when it comes to appeals. They trained for a good hour and then went to the contest hall to register for the contest. Sometime later Turquoise was all set. Suddenly Rolland walked in and noticed them.

“Well, well, well, looks like you made it here after all,” Rolland said.

“Of course I would, “Turquoise said in a tsundere kind of way.

“Well, I hope you're ready to lose,” Rolland said.

“Nothing is decided yet,” Turquoise said. After Rolland registered the two of them decided to save the rest of the smack talk for the contest and just left. The girls decided to spend the rest of the day exploring the city and were currently at the museum.

“That’s quite the nautical collection,” Turquoise said, referring to the ocean exhibit. The day continued and soon it ended.

The next day Turquoise was now backstage waiting for the contest to begin along with the other coordinators. Soon Vivian appeared on the tv in the waiting area which meant it was almost time to start.

“Welcome everyone to today’s contest held here in the always beautiful Slateport City. I am your host Vivian and now let's introduce the panel of judges, first up from the Pokemon activities Committee Mr.Contesta,” Vivian said before shifting everyone's focus to the man in question.

“It's a pleasure to be here,” Mr. Contesta said.

“Next up is the head of the Pokemon Fan Club Mr. Sukizo,” Vivian said.

“Remarkable as always,” Sukizo said.

“And finally, Slateport City’s own Nurse Joy,” Vivian said while pointing to Nurse Joy.

“Can’t wait to see what our coordinators have in store for us today,” Nurse Joy said.

“And now let the contest begin,” Vivian said. Each coordinator went up one by one scoring decent points until it was Rolland’s turn. “And now for our next contestant, all the way from Hammerlocke in the Galar Region give it up for Rolland. Rolland walked into the arena looking composed before pulling out his Pokeball.

“Ceruledge, cometh forth,” Rolland said as he threw his Pokeball which popped open and unleashed a bunch of blue flames that were then sliced by Ceruledge as it made its entrance and landed on the stage perfectly. “Ceruledge, start us off with Will-O-Wisp. Ceruledge created some blue fireballs that were now floating around it. “Now use Flame Charge and jump. Ceruledge was now cloaked in Blue fire as it leaped high and came back down in the center of its own Will-O-Wisp which created a wave of blue flames that surrounded Ceruledge. The judges gave their scores which were 9.8, 9.7, and 9.8.

“And Rolland landed a score of 29.3 thus putting him in the lead,” Vivian said since the average was around 24.3. Some more coordinators went up until it was Turquoise’s turn. “And now for our next coordinator, give it up for Turquoise. Turquoise walked in ready to go like always.

“Oshawott let’s dazzle them,” Turquoise said as she threw her pokeball which popped open and unleashed a bunch of blue bubbles with Oshawott in the center of them.

“I wonder what Turquoise has planned for this one?” Aqua asked. Suddenly Turquoise pulled out some pink frisbees and tossed them one by one.

“Oshawott use water gun. Oshawott unleashed his water gun and managed to nail each frisbee before lining them up for the next part. “Now use razor shell. Oshawott formed his razor shell before boomeranging it and having it slice through the frisbees that were in a perfect line. Once Oshawott caught his scalchop the judges gave their scores which were 9.1, 9,9, and 8.7.

“And that amazing performance scores Turquoise a 27.7,” Vivian said. As soon as Turquoise returned backstage Rolland was not so impressed with what he saw.

“You really think that humdrum performance will get you to the next round?” Rolland asked, not impressed.

“I know that is not my best but we shall see what the judges say,” Turquoise said. Soon Vivian appeared on screen.

“And now after careful deliberation, here are the eight coordinators moving on to the next round,” Vivian said before the eight profiles were revealed with Rolland in first and Turquoise in third. The pics were shuffled, and the battle round began. Rolland and Turquoise were dominating their matches until it was down to just the two of them. “And now we made it to the final match, on my left is Rolland and on my right is Turquoise, five minutes on the clock, go.

“Cerluedge, cometh forth,” Rolland said as he sent out Ceruledge who looked ready to slice things up.

“Oshawott, let’s dazzle them,” Turquoise said as she called out Oshawott who looked quite poised.

“Cerluedge use flame charge. Cerluedge charged at Oshawott cloaked in fire which did not faze him or Turquoise.

“Jump and use water gun from above. Oshawott leaped high which impressed the audience before unleashing water gun from above which nailed Cerluedge for a lot of damage but not enough to beat it.

“And that just cost Rolland some points,” Vivian said as Rolland’s points went down.

Rolland: 80%

“Cerluedge use Night Shade. Cerluedge fired beams of dark energy at Oshawott while he was still airborne which resulted in some damage that sent him plummeting back down.

“And now Turquoise is the one losing points,” Vivian said as Turquoise’s points went down.

Turquoise: 75%

“Oshawott use razor shell. Oshawott formed his water blade which Rolland was expecting.

“Cerluedge use Shadow Claw. Cerluedge formed his own blade by not only extending one of its sword-like arms but also covering it in shadowy energy. This next exchange of moves looked like a sword fight that caused both moves to cancel each other out and end with both sides losing points at the four-minute mark.

Rolland: 65%

Turquoise: 60%

Oshawott was feeling tired, and Rolland was ready to take advantage of that opening.

“Cerluedge use shadow claw again. Cerluedge charged at Oshawott with the same shadow sword as before.

“Oshawott use detect. Oshawott was able to dodge the attack which cost Rolland some points.

Rolland: 55%

“I need to end this soon before Oshawott runs out of steam, but how?” Turquoise asked herself before she remembered something that might save her. “That’s it.

“Well kid I will admit you put up a good fight but now it looks like your Oshawott is tired so why don’t you yield, “Rolland said as the clock reached the three-minute mark.

“Not yet, we won’t give up until the end,” Turquoise said.

“Suit yourself, Cerluedge use Shadow Claw and end this. Cerluedge charged at Oshawott with it’s shadow claw.

“Ok Oshawott let’s bet everyone on one last move, use water gun while spinning. Oshawott caught on to what Turquoise was thinking and did just that. The water began to form moving waves that sent Cerluedge bouncing off of them and causing damage with each hit.

“What is that? “Aqua asked.

“It’s a counter shield,” Fluttershy said before explaining it. “It’s a contest move that uses the energy from the attack as both defense and offense and in this case it’s Turquoise’s ace in the hole.

“And that barrage of blows just cost Rolland a truckload of points,” Vivian said as Rolland’s points went down dramatically.

Rolland: 20%

Once the water died down Cerluedge was still standing for a few moments but then its flames went out and it fell forward which was a clear indication of fainting. The judges hit their buzzers which meant Cerluedge was unable to battle. As for Oshawott he was still standing but was breathing heavily.

“And with that the winner of the Slateport Ribbon is Turquoise,” Vivian said as Turquoise’s picture appeared on the Jumbotron.

“We did it, Oshawott, “Turquoise said while hugging Oshawott happily. Rolland approached Cerluedge before helping it up.

“You thought valiantly today my friend, now rest,” Rolland said as he recalled Cerluedge. “Turquoise, keep sharpening that sword of yours because when next we cross swords, I will triumph. Soon everyone gathered for the award ceremony.

“And now Mr. contesta will award turquoise with the Slateport Ribbon,” Vivian said as Mr. contesta approached Turquoise.

“Keep coming up with ways to impress us, “Contesta said as he handed turquoise the ribbon.

“Ty and I will,” Turquoise said. Soon the girls were back at the Pokemon Center waiting for Oshawott to heal. While they were waiting, Aqua had something she wanted to ask Turquoise.

“Hey Turquoise, about that move you used to beat Rolland, think you can teach it to me and Mudkip?” Aqua asked.

“You mean the counter shield? Sure, I don’t see why not,” Turquoise said.

“You don’t mind teaching me your technique?” Aqua asked.

“It’s not really my technique, it was something invented by a famous trainer back home in Kanto,” Turquoise said.

“And it’s widely used by many coordinators, “Fluttershy added.

“So, let’s go out back and get started, “Turquoise said. They were now on the battlefield behind the pokemon center.

“Don’t we need to wait for Oshawott first?” Aqua asked.

“The counter shield is not a water-type move, it can be done with any kind of attack, for example,” Turquoise said before calling out Sprigatito. “Sprigatito use Magical Leaf while Spinning. Sprigatito did just that which created a counter shield made of many leaves dancing around like cherry blossoms on a spring breeze. “And the best part is how this technique packs quite a punch if the opponent is weak against whatever type the move is.

“Ok now it’s our turn, Mudkip use water gun while spinning. Mudkip tried to copy what Sprigatito did but was not pulling it off right.

“Its ok practice is an important part of learning new moves and techniques, you’re not going to always land it on the first try,” Turquoise said.

“Then we will not give up,” Aqua said. Aqua and Mudkip kept at it until it was time for dinner.

The next day the girls were all packed and ready to continue on the road to their next stop.

“Next stop, Mauville City,” Turquoise said.

“I can’t wait to see what kind of pokemon and places we see next,” Aqua said.

“Me too,” Fluttershy said.

“Come on, let's get going already,” Turquoise said, feeling quite excited.

“We’re coming Turquoise,” Fluttershy said as she and Aqua ran after her.

Meanwhile on the beach of Slateport City, Isabelle and Chris were sunbathing and not giving a darn about the mission.

“Come on yose twos, the twerpettes are leaving,” Meowth said.

“Five more minutes,” Isabelle said before Meowth used his fury swipes on the two of them which hurt more than usual as indicated by their now red skin.

“Owch, that really hurt you know, “Chris said before he noticed that he and Isabelle were sunburnt.

“No wonder those fury swipes hurt more than usual,” Isabelle said.

“Get some aloe and let's get moving before the Twerpettes get too far,” Meowth said as all three of them ran. What awaits are heroes next. Stay tuned. As the journey continues.