Sweetie Belle: The Daughter of the Beast

by Big Imagination E

First published

Sweetie Belle is adopted by Belle and finds a family.

When Belle finds a girl in the alley all alone she adopts her. But a big adventure awaits the both of them.

Give my friend ChazMLPFIM for helping out with the story.

Meeting Belle and Gaston

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One day in a village of France we see many people enjoying their daily business like usual. We then see one woman with brown hair and dressed like a maid reading a book. Her name is Belle. She continued on the road doing her daily routine til she heard something getting her attention. She saw a poor girl with white skin and pink and purple hair crying on the streets.

"Oh my. Are you ok?" Belle asked.

The girl stopped crying and answered her but she was still upset. "No. Im all alone out here. Ever since my parents were killed in the fire of my old house I've been alone since." She answered.

Belle gasped hearing that. "Oh my goodness. Im so sorry for your loss. That must have been so hard on you."

"It was. I didn't know who did it but this intruder was pretty strong to break a window and throw a torch in my house." The girl said crying softly. We flashed back when she was only 5 years old and a cloaked figure broke a window with it's fist and lit the house on fire. Her parents screamed while she was the only one who escaped. We cut back to the present and Belle felt sorry for her.

"Oh your poor thing. You don't deserve that. Hey would you like it if I adopted you so you have a family?" Belle offered.

"Y-you do that? For me?" The girl said with hope.

"Of course. I won't let you continue living on the streets. Oh what's your name by the way?" Belle asked.

"Im Sweetie Belle. But you can call me Sweetie." She answered.

"Nice name. Im Belle." She said as she gave her hand to Sweetie. "Come dear. I'll take you to my place with my father. You can stay there."

Like that she opened her heart to the girl and Sweetie hugged her as a thank you for giving her a place to stay and not be on the streets again. Sweetie felt so much better that they walked to her place. On the other side of the village we hear a gunshot killing a duck. A short stubby man with dark brown hair tried to catch it but missed. This was LeFou. He went to a muscular man with black hair holding a gun. He was Gaston.

"Wow Gaston! That duck didn't see that coming! Your probably the greatest hunter ever!" LeFou said with pride.

"I know." Gaston said.

"Ha! No beast stands a chance against you! No girl for that matter." LeFou responded.

"It's true LeFou. But I got my eyes set on that one!" Gaston said pointing to Belle. "She's the lucky girl im gonna marry! That makes her the best! And don't I deserve the best?"

"Well yes you do.." LeFou was about to finish but fell down.

Then he started singing about how he and Belle will spend their lives together.


(Play 3:23 to the end)

He sang as he tried to catch up to Belle but the crowd was blocking his way. Not to mention that the three blonde maids were admiring him but didn't pay attention. Then he had an idea. He climbed onto the house and went on from there. At the end of the song the crowd ended on a perfect note as Belle looked at them til they went on with their daily business. Then Gaston landed in front of her and Sweetie.

"Hello Belle." Gaston introduced.

"Bonjour Gaston." Belle said as he took the book.

"Gaston may I have my book please?" Belle asked.

"How can you read this? There's no pictures." Gaston asked.

"Well some people use their imaginations." Belle answered.

Then he eyed Sweetie. "And who might this be?"

"This is Sweetie. I found her on the streets after her old house was on fire so I decided to adopt her." Belle told Gaston.

"I understand the whole adopting thing but it's not right to adopt her from the streets." Gaston said as Belle frowned. "Belle. It's about time you get your head out of those books and starting paying attention to more important things. For example: me." Gaston said as he threw the book in the mud and the three blonde maids sighed lovestruck. "The whole town's talking about it. It's not right for a lady to read. Soon she starts getting ideas and thinking and uck!" Gaston said with disgust.

"Gaston. You are positively prime evil." Belle said wiping the mud off.

"Why thank you Belle. What do you say we take a walk over to the tavern and have a look at my trophies?" Gaston offered.

"I can't. Maybe some other time. I need to get home to help my father." Belle declined

"Ha! That crazy old hoot? He needs all the help he can get!" LeFou rudely responded as he and Gaston started laughing. Belle did not like that.

"Don't talk about my father that way!" Belle frowned.

"Yeah! Don't talk about her father that way!" Gaston said hitting LeFou but Sweetie knew he was lying.

"He's not crazy. He's a genius." Belle said as she and Sweetie heard an explosion.

"What was that?" Sweetie answered.

"Come on dear. Let's go." Belle said as she and Sweetie headed off for her house.

Maurice, The Castle, The Beast and Rejection

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The two hurried along to the house and they looked in the basement seeing smoke coming out. When it cleared they saw a man stuck in a barrel and he got out trying to fix his machine. This was Belle's father Maurice. The two went in the basement and tried not to breath in the smoke.

"Father? Are you ok Father?" Belle answered.

"Im fine dear. But this blasted machine won't work! I can't figure out how to get this silly contraption to work!" Maurice said with frustration.

"You always said that dad." Belle reminded him.

"I mean it this time! I can't find out why it isn't working!!" Maurice said as he saw Sweetie. "Oh. Belle. Who might this lovely lady be?"

"This is Sweetie. I found her on the streets after her old home was burned to the ground. I thought I would adopt her and she can stay with us." Belle explained.

"Oh goodness. Well she is more then welcome to stay here. Besides I think of her as my granddaughter. So it's decided! She can stay here!" Maurice declared.

"Oh thank you!! And would it be okay if I called you grandpa?" Sweetie asked.

Maurice chuckled at that. "Sure you can Sweetie. But maybe I better start cleaning up since I can't get this silly contraption to work."

"You will papa. Once you figure it out you'll win first prize at the fair. And be number one's best inventor." Belle encouraged him.

"You really think that?" Maurice asked.

"I always have." Belle answered.

"Well then I will give it another try! Hand me my toolbox dear." Maurice said as Belle gave him the toolbox. "So did you have a good time in town today?"

"Well I got a book. Father? Do you think im odd?" Belle answered.

"What? No of course not! Where did you hear an idea like that?" Maurice said in shock.

"Well it's just that I really don't fit in with anyone. Sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to." Belle replied.

"What about that Gaston fella? He's A handsome guy." Maurice told her.

"He's handsome alright. And rude, and constantly annoying. Papa he's not for me." Belle answered back.

"Not to mention he clearly thought that I didn't belong with anyone and only belonged on the streets." Sweetie added.

"Well don't worry honey. Cause this invention will start a new life for us. And Sweetie? Don't listen to what they think. You will always belong in our family and nothing's gonna change that. Now let's give it a go." Maurice reminded her.

He actived the machine and quickly covered his ears just in case it exploded again. But to his surprise the machine was working just fine until he saw the axe chopping the wood and when he stopped it he was shocked.

"It works. It really works!!" Maurice said all happy.

"I knew you could do it!" Belle proudly said.

"It's A miracle girls! Im off to the fair!" Maurice declared.

He got finished packing and hopped on his horse and headed off with both his girls waving goodbye.

"Goodbye papa! Good luck!" Belle said waving her hand.

"I hope you win grandpa!" Sweetie hoped.

"Goodbye girls! And take care while im gone!" Maurice said leaving for the fair.

He headed his way to the fair in hopes of winning. But on his way there he was attacked by timberwolves and they scared his horse away causing him to fall off and ran to try and find him. But in doing so the wolves tried to get him and he panicked. They he made it to a gate and shut it so the wolves can't get in. Then he stared at the castle that was presented to him. When things couldn't get worse it started raining. He went in the castle so he won't get wet.

"Ah. That's better. I'll wait in here til the rain goes away." Maurice said to himself.

He went to the throne room and sat down. To his surprise the furniture talk and gave him company. He was shocked but he loved the company anyways. But what he doesn't know is that a beast lived in here. And then the beast launched at him and growled in anger. Like in the beginning of the movie he was once a prince but due to his selfishness he was cursed turning him into the beast.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!" The beast said angry.

"I-i-i was lost the woods and..." Maurice spoke scared.

"You're not welcome here!!" The beast roared.

"Im sorry please I mean no harm!" Maurice answered worried.

"What are you staring at? You come to stare at the beast now have you?" The beast spoke in rage.

"No! Honestly I just needed a place to stay til the rain goes!" Maurice said scared.

"Oh I'll give you a place to stay. In the dungeon!!" The beast said grabbing him.

"No. Please! I beg you!!" Maurice said. The beast didn't listen and took him to the dungeon.

A few weeks later we see Belle's daughter Sweetie playing with two girls that she befriended. They are Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. She also befriended a boy named Button Mash and started to grow feelings for her but wanted to wait til the right. But then they saw Gaston hiding in the bush planning to marry Belle. She had a disturbed look on her face and knew that is not how love works.

"Why can't he just leave her alone? I really don't want him as my dad." Sweetie said all annoyed.

"What's wrong Sweetie?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's that guy." Sweetie said pointing at Gaston. "I keep having bad vibes when im close to him. Not to mention that he's forcing my mom to marry him."

"Ugh. I can't stand him. He acts all superior to everyone but does he return any respect? No he doesn't. And it's clear that he doesn't know the first thing about love." Button replied.

"Yeah. Even I know that's not how it works. Why can't he be with one of those blonde girls over there? They keep making love eyes at him." Apple Bloom noticed.

"Seriously." Scootaloo said obviously.

They all hid behind another bush and saw Gaston announcing his so called wedding when the girls know it's not gonna happen anytime soon. Then they came out of the bush and hid behind the wall and saw Gaston walk rudely in the house. Inside he tried and tried to convince Belle to marry him but no matter how hard he tried Belle kept saying no. But what Gaston didn't know is that Sweetie snuck in and prepared to get rid of him. Belle secretly smiled at Sweetie knowing what she was doing. Then she kicked him out of the house with Sweetie Belle's help which made him fall in the swamp getting all dirty. Despite all of that Gaston wasn't going to quit til he gets what's his.

"I will have Belle as my wife! Make no mistake of that!!" Gaston said with anger.

Sweetie overheard that worried that he will return and force himself on them. She had to protect her mom from him at any costs. They opened the door seeing if he was gone.

"Is he gone?" Belle asked.

"He's gone. I really don't like that guy." Sweetie replied.

"I know. I don't either. But im glad you made some friends and you were willing to protect your mom. That's sweet of you." Belle said proudly.

"Thanks mom. But I wish that if you were going to marry someone then my dad would be nice. Not rude and irritating like Gaston." Sweetie said to her.

"I know dear. I still can't believe that he tried to marry me." Belle said as she started singing.


(Play 2:28 to the end)

As Belle sang her daughter joined in dancing with her. They sang about how they want someone who will be kind not only to Belle but her daughter too. After the song they saw a horse coming to them. And little did Sweetie know that soon she will meet a beast.

Meeting The Beast

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They saw a horse coming to them all panicky. This was Philippe. He approached the two and they tried to calm him down.

"Philippe. What's wrong? Where's papa?" Belle asked.

"Yeah. Where's grandpa?" Sweetie asked.

"Oh we have to find him. Come dear. We must go." Belle said as Sweetie hopped on and they rode off to find Maurice.

They arrived at the castle and to them screamed spooky. Sweetie was nervous about going inside the place but her mom would be by her side no matter what. They both went inside the castle and looked all around for Maurice. As they were doing this they didn't realize that the furniture was moving and they went to the dungeon. In there they both found him in a cell.

"Papa!" Belle shouted

"Grandpa!!" Sweetie said all worried and relieved.

"Girls! You shouldn't be in here! You have to get out!" Maurice warned them.

"No! Im not leaving you in here! Who did this?" Belle asked.

"There's no time to explain. You need to get out before it's too late!" Maurice said trying to save them..

"No I won't....." Belle said but got caught by a claw and the torch was out. Sweetie was scared as she ran to her mom to help.

"What are you doing here?!" The beast said angry.

Sweetie was now even more scared then ever. "Who are you?"

"Im the master of the castle." The beast answered.

"Please. I've come for my dad. He's sick and could die." Belle responded.

"Then he shouldn't have trespassed in my castle!!" The beast roared.

"Listen please let him go! I'll do anything you want!" Belle said worried.

"There's nothing you can do about it." The beast said walking off.

"Wait! If you let my dad go then you can have me and Sweetie instead. We'll take his place." Belle offered.

The beast stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to face the two.

"You would...take his place?" The beast asked.

"Girls don't!! You can't do this!" Maurice said worried.

"If I did would you let him go?" Belle asked.

He went in the light and looked at them. "If you did then the answer is yes. But you would need to promise to stay here forever."

The girls were left with no choice but to except that.

"You have our word." Belle replied.

"So be it. It's considered done." The beast said.

He walked to the dungeon door and let Maurice out. But then he grabbed him and dragged him to the carriage outside and placed him ordering it to take him to the village. Maurice cried tears to see his girls trapped with him but they couldn't say goodbye since the beast was real stubborn. They cried and wondered if that wasn't the choice she gone with.

"Master." The candle said.

"What?" The beast asked.

"Since the girls are gonna stay with us, maybe you could give them a more comfortable room?" The candle offered.

"Alright fine." The beast said.

The beast walked back to the girls who we see still crying. Then he tried showing some compassion. He then felt a little regret for not letting them say goodbye.

"Come. I will show you two to your room." The beast told them.

"Our room?" Belle asked.

"You wanna stay in the tower?" The beast asked back..

"No sir we don't." Sweetie replied.

"Then follow me." The beast said as the girls followed him.

While they were walking the beast saw the girls let a lone tear come from their eyes. The candle suggested he talk to them.

"I hope you like it here. The castle is your home now so you can go anywhere you like. Except the West Wing." The beast said.

"What's the West Wing?" Belle asked.

"It's forbidden!" The beast said loud but then calmed down. They finally arrived at their room and the beast escorted them in. "Now if you need anything my servants with be there to assist you."

"Also you will join me for dinner. That isn't A request!!" The beast said slamming the door.

The girls was scared having to live with a beast. But then again Belle did for her father so he won't die. She cried on the bed but she knew that she have to get used to it. After a few minutes Sweetie confronted her mom and hugged her hoping to calm down.

"Mom? Since we'll be living here would it be okay if I looked around the castle? I want to get used to this." Sweetie asked.

"Sure honey. But please be careful." Belle said.

"I promise. Ill be back okay?" Sweetie responded as she went to look around.

With Belle she heard a knock from the door and saw the teacup and pot coming in and helping her feel more comfortable. Then they tried to get her ready for dinner but she politely refused. The furniture insisted that she must but didn't work out. With the beast he was getting impatient.

"What's taking so long? I asked them to come down. Why aren't they here yet?!" The beast said losing patience.

Then to his surprise he saw Sweetie Belle come to him with a sad look on her face.

"Oh. Well. At least you were able to come down here." The beast said in a calmer tone.

"Um Sweetie is it?" Mrs Potts asked.

"Yes that's me." Sweetie said.

"Why are you so sad? Is everything ok?" Mrs Potts wondered.

"No. Since Beast took my grandpa away and never got to say goodbye it brought some upsetting memories to me." Sweetie said crying softly.

The beast saw Sweetie's face and realized what he did was pretty harsh.

"Hey um Sweetie? Look. Im sorry if I acted like that in front of you. Im not used to having company in the castle. I'll try being more nice to you and your mother." The beast said with regret.

"Um Beast? Im actually adopted." Sweetie responded.

Everyone gasped hearing that. "Adopted? Meaning your an orphan?" Mrs Potts asked.

"Yes Mrs Potts. I have a tragic secret." Sweetie said.

"Hey. You can tell us. We promise to help you in any way we can." The teacup Chips encouraged.

Sweetie sighed as she prepared to explain. "Well. It all started years ago when I was a baby. I used to have a loving family that cared for me and I loved them back. But when I was 5 on a fateful night an intruder broke a window and burned my house down. I was lucky enough to get out alive. But my parents didn't survive as they were killed in the flames. That broke my heart and I've been living on the streets since. Til Belle adopted me."

Everyone shedded some tears hearing that. Even the beast couldn't help but shed some tears.

"Oh you poor thing. We're so sorry for your loss. I don't know what monster would do this to you." Mrs Potts said.

"I don't know either but even though I'm happy that Belle adopted me I still feel sad about it." Sweetie said sadly.

"Hey Sweetie. I never knew how much pain you been through. Until now. Now I feel really guilty about not letting you say goodbye to your grandpa. I may be a beast but I wouldn't stoop that low. Do you want a hug?" The beast offered.

"Please?" Sweetie asked.

"Come here." The beast said as he hugged her. The servants smiled seeing their master trying to show some respect and no stubbornness.

"Now how's about we check on your mother?" The beast asked.

"Yes. And thank you for understanding." Sweetie said.

They all went to the room where Belle is and Beast knocked gently.

"Um Belle is it? Look I heard about your daughter's tragic story of her real parents and I feel bad for her." The beast said.

"Well she lost her real parents so I had to make sure she had someone to love on her." Belle told him.

"And I completely understand that. Now will you come down here for dinner please?" The beast asked kindly.

"Can me and my daughter think about it?" Belle asked.

"Yes." The beast said as he escorted Sweetie back in the room. "But just know that you can't stay in here forever. Sooner or later you'll have to eat something."

He closed the door allowing the girls to think. Sweetie hugged her mom in hopes that they we be okay in the castle. Plus they don't need to worry about Gaston. Or that's what they think til he hears about this.

Gaston's Song/ The Truth of the Murder

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Back at the village we see Sweetie's friends Scootaloo and Apple Bloom outside of a tavern since they were too young. But they weren't alone. Accompanied with them are Button Mash and two other boys Tender Taps and Rumble. You see Scootaloo and Apple Bloom met them after they heard that Sweetie was gone for a while. They both felt sorry about that and decided to not leave their side.

"We're sorry about Sweetie Button. We're you two close?" Tender asked.

"You can say that. I actually grew feelings for her." Button answered.

"Aww that's sweet. At least you will treat her with respect unlike Gaston." Rumble said.

"Wait. How do you two know about Gaston?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"It's a long story. We'll tell you later. But I wonder what that creep is up to?" Tender said as they looked through the window.

Inside the tavern filled with many people Gaston had never felt so humiliated in his life as he sat in his chair.

"Who does she think she is huh? That girl tangled with the wrong man! No one says no to Gaston! I fell so humiliated! Rejected!" Gaston said humiliated.

"You? Never! You want more beer?" LeFou asked.

"Why bother? There's nothing that can make me feel better." Gaston said declining.

"Gaston! You got to pull yourself together!" LeFou assured as he started singing along with the rest.


(Play 0:26 to the end)

Soon everyone started singing about how great Gaston is while the kids outside can watch in disbelief. They knew something was off about him. But Tender and Rumble have the answer. After they finished singing the kids had enough and went to somewhere where Gaston can't hear them.

"Ok Tender, Rumble. We've been hanging out since you healed our hearts after they were broken cause Sweetie's missing. But you said you know something about Gaston." Scootaloo said.

"Yes. Please guys. If we are going to find Sweetie please tell us." Button begged.

Tender and Rumble sighed as they prepared to tell him.

"Okay. You girls remember when that house burned years ago?" Rumble asked..

"I remember Sweetie telling us about how her old house burned down and lost her real parents. Wait how do you know about that?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"Cause we saw it happen. Many years ago when we first met each other we got to understand and help each other a lot. But one fateful night when we were camping we saw that same house get burned down. And the intruder that we saw tried to run but we caught him. But when we removed the hood off the cloak we were shocked at who did this." Tender explained.

"Who did it? Who killed Sweetie's real parents?" Button asked..

"The intruder who killed Sweetie's parents was none other than........ Gaston." Rumble said as thunder was heard.

Everyone gasped in shock hearing that. They couldn't believe that Gaston was the one that did this. He caused Sweetie to be homeless and it was no clue why Belle was avoiding him. But she didn't know that he was a heartless killer.

"I can't believe it. Gaston killed Sweetie's parents. That monster!!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"I always knew he was a jerk, and a rude person, but I never thought that he was a heartless killer. Why would he do this?" Button asked.

"Because for a long time he tried to get a wife but failed. And every time he fails to get one and learns that her love is not for him he kills the couple. It's been that way for years and left many children homeless but our parents were lucky to avoid getting killed. But we fear he's going do the same thing to Belle." Rumble explained.

"No! We can't let that happen! How do we stop him?" Button asked.

"We have to head to someone she knows well and tell him or her everything about the murder years ago." Tender told everyone.

"We know one person. Her father Maurice." Scootaloo replied.

"Take us to him. He must know about this." Rumble said.

Meanwhile Maurice was running around all panicky cause of the beast he saw and the kids were lucky to catch up to him. He saw them and calmed down.

"Oh kids! Boy am I glad to see you!" Maurice said.

"You too. Listen we have 2 questions. First: Where's Sweetie and Belle?" Button asked.

"Oh it's horrible. They were in this castle with that beast! I tried to tell them to leave the place but they didn't!" Maurice said.

"Ok there in a castle. So second: are you aware of the house burned down years ago?" Rumble asked Maurice.

"Yes. Belle told me what happened to Sweetie when it burned down. What's wrong?" Maurice wondered.

"Well we know who did this. Gaston killed Sweetie's parents." Scootaloo told him.

Maurice gasped. "He did this?" The others nodded yes.

"Oh my goodness! That is just low! I take back everything I said about him! He's nothing but a cold blooded murderer!" Maurice said with hatred.

"Which is why we need to tell Sweetie about this. How do we get to the castle?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Go down that way! I'll join you later so we can expose Gaston for his crimes!" Maurice said.

"Okay!" The kids said as they ran off to the castle so they can Sweetie the truth of her parents murder. But none of them knew that Gaston was watching them and planned something in his head.

Gaston's Plan and New Friends

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Back at the tavern we see Gaston, LeFou and a new man inside discussing something. The man was from an asylum that he runs. He was Monsieur D'Arque.

"I never usually leave the asylum at midnight. But he said you make it worth my while." D'Arque said to Gaston.

Gaston threw a bag of coins at him and smiled.

"Im listening." D'Arque replied.

"It's like this. I got my heart set on Belle. But she needs a little persuasion. Also I overheard some kids talking about my little secret years ago. So I can't have any witnesses. Plus I know she do anything for her father to not be locked up." Gaston explained.

"So you want me to lock up her father unless she agrees to marry you? Oh that's wicked. I love it!!" D'Arque said wickedly.

Back at the Belle house Maurice finished packing up and headed out to meet up with the kids at the castle entrance. Meanwhile Gaston and LeFou arrived and broke in unannounced. They looked around for them but they weren't home. But Gaston wasn't going to give up. So he told LeFou to stay here til they get home. And Gaston went off to plan a way to blackmail her.

At the castle entrance the kids saw Maurice and they all headed in and knocked on the door. Now usually the beast wouldn't let them him but he didn't want to waste anymore time before the rose drops it's last petal so he answered it.

"Oh. It's you again. Hey. Im sorry for not letting you say goodbye to your daughters earlier. I hope you understand that. I want to try be more nice to you." The beast said with more niceness.

"Im glad to hear that. And would it be okay if I let some friends in here too?" Maurice asked.

"Sure. Who might they be?" The beast said as he looked at them.

"They are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Tender Taps, Button Mash, and Rumble." Maurice introduced. The kids were a little scared but seeing the beast wasn't going to hurt them they calmed down.

"Nice to meet you all. Come in." The beast said as he opened the door.

He escorted them in the castle and to their surprise they saw Belle and Sweetie coming down.

"Sweetie Belle!" Button said happy.

"Button? Oh Button!" Sweetie said as she ran and hugged him.

"Girls! What are you doing here?" Sweetie asked.

"We came to find you. You're our friend. And friends never leave each other." Apple Bloom said as Sweetie cried tears of joy as all of them shared a group hug.

"Papa! Oh im so happy to see you." Belle said as she looked at the beast. "You really do have a good heart."

"Consider this as a way of me saying sorry for not letting you say goodbye to him the first day you came here." The beast replied.

"Apology accepted." Belle smiled.

Then the servants showed up and everyone was surprised by that but knew that their not dangerous. And Button saw Chips and smiled.

"Hey little fella. What's your name? Mine's Button Mash." He asked

"Im Chips! Nice to meet you. You a friend of Sweetie?" Chips said.

"Yes i am. And Chips? I have feelings for her. Since I laid eyes on her I couldn't stop thinking about her. But I don't know how to confess." Button said asking for help.

"Don't worry. I can help you. Once the spell is broken. But I accept the fact that you love her. She and I are good friends anyway." Chips said.

"Thanks buddy. You're a good friend." Button smiled.

Soon everyone got to know the servants. Maurice made friends with the clock Cogsworth, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were friends with Lumière the candelabra, and Rumble and Tender Taps were getting to know the beast much better. But then Maurice remembered something important that he needed to tell his daughters.

"Belle listen. We know who killed Sweetie's parents." Maurice told Belle.

"You do? Who did it?" Belle asked.

"Yeah. If you know then tell us who did." Mrs Potts encouraged.

Button looked at Chips and he nodded yes meaning he needed to tell Sweetie what happened. He called Rumble and Tender Taps to join him as they took a breath and told her.

"Sweetie. This isn't easy for me to say this but we know who killed your parents. It was a man who Belle was avoiding all this time." Button said with worry.

"You don't mean..." Belle said but they finished the answer.

"Yes. The man who killed Sweetie's parents was none other than Gaston." Rumble said as thunder was heard.

The girls, the servants and the beast gasped in horror hearing that. Sweetie was beyond shocked and terrified to finally hear about her parents murder.

"Gaston did this? But why would he do that?" Sweetie said about to cry.

"Because for a long time he tried to get a wife but failed. And every time he fails to get one and learns that her love is not for him he kills the couple. Because of his heartless actions he left many children homeless but our parents were lucky to avoid getting killed. But we fear he's going do the same thing to Belle. So we came here to let you know and we are going to protect you and your mom." Button explained.

Sweetie then broke crying and her mom hugged her daughter trying to calm her down.

"I can't believe that Gaston would do that! All because he wanted a wife. He's gone too far! Im not marrying him ever!" Belle said crying.

"Im glad you're not. Because if you look in the magic mirror things are only getting worse." The beast said as he showed everyone the vision from the mirror. It showed Gaston planning to blackmail Belle into becoming his wife and throw the kids and Maurice in jail. "He won't stop til Belle agrees to marry him. So after dinner we must put an end to his reign of terror for good."

"We agree beast. Cause we can't let that happen." Scootaloo said agreeing with him.

Everyone nodded in agreement and will form a plan to stop Gaston. But they needed something to eat first. The beast smiled and left them to change in the room so they be ready. His servants smiled seeing that their master was willing to try everything right and not be stubborn and do things right with the girls. She then came to the dining room in a yellow dress looking all pretty and lovely. She sat down in her chair and the Beast did the same. Soon everyone else came down all ready for dinner. The boys all wore matching tuxes and the girls wore beautiful dresses. Sweetie's dress was wearing a matching ball gown except the color is cream and gold. She sat on the bed as she admired her ball gown. Then she went down and joined the others at the table. Button blushed when he saw her dress. Then the candelabra begin a show as everyone watched.


They all enjoyed the show and some laughed at the silly acts that Cogsworth did. After the show they all clapped and enjoyed their meal. Then the beast decided to share a little dance. They waltzed and everyone was loving how romantic it was. Button even got the courage to ask Sweetie for a dance. He got up and walked to her.

"Sweetie? May I have this dance?" Button asked.

"Of course Button." Sweetie said as she took his hand and waltzed with him. Soon everyone was dancing. Scootaloo danced with Rumble, and Apple Bloom danced with Tender Taps. It was a nice night to remember for the rest of their lives. Then Belle said that she and her daughter along with everyone wants to stay here with him much to their delight. Everyone was happy hearing that. Even Sweetie because she knew that the beast will treat her like a real father. But back at the tavern Gaston was really losing his patience that the girls weren't back still and when LeFou told him that they weren't coming back those words rang in his head. He got so angry when his plan to blackmail her backfired so he decided to form a mob and kill the beast. That can only mean trouble for our heroes. When Belle uses the Beast's magic mirror to check on the situation she saw worried.

"Oh no. Gaston's coming. He'll have a mob with him. What will we do?" Belle worried.

"Everyone. Keep Belle safe. Maurice take her to the tower and do not let her out of your sight. The rest of us will fight him." The beast answered.

"Ok. Come on Belle. I won't let Gaston get to you." Maurice said he took her to the tower where Gaston can't reach her. And everyone else prepared to fight Gaston. And Sweetie will fight along as her way of getting revenge on him for killing her parents.

The Final Battle.

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Soon enough everyone was ready to take down Gaston and Sweetie would avenge her real parents once he's dealt with. Then the mob arrived at the castle led by Gaston and tried to barge their way in but the furniture gang blocked their way. However he had another idea. He climbed on the tower and made his way to the roof and came face to face with the beast himself. He growled at him and he stared angry. The kids stood by the beast's side and Sweetie stared angry at him.

"Were you in love with her beast?! Did you honestly think that she wanted you when she had someone like me?!" Gaston shouted in rage.

"She never liked you! And she never will you monster!!" Button yelled.

"After you killed my parents, after everything you did, I will never have you as my dad! You are a horrible person!!" Sweetie angrily said.

"How do you even know that?! You know nothing!!" Gaston declined

"Uh yeah we do! We know that you did this cause you never had a wife! But clearly you don't know the first thing about love! So turn yourself in and leave them alone!!" Rumble reasoned.

"Not until Belle is mine!" Gaston yelled.

"Then you leave us no choice. Let's get him!" The beast said as they charged at him.

He growled and charged at him trying to attack but everytime he did the beast dodged. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both grabbed a sword and slashed Gaston's back making him yell in pain. He turned around with an angry look.

"Ok. You think you can stop me?! I won't rest til Belle is mine!!" Gaston growled.

"I don't think so!!" Button Mash said as he hit Gaston on the head with a bat. Gaston was mad and forcefully grabbed Sweetie.

"Listen here you little twerp! You take one more step and I throw her off the castle!" Gaston threatened.

"You wouldn't dare! Let her go!!" Button said with anger.

"Not until you tell me where Belle is so I can marry her! And as for you Sweetie. You will accept me as your father or you will never see Belle again!" Gaston threatened.

"Never! I will not let you be my dad!! You're nothing but a monster!!" Sweetie shouted.

Gaston growled and threw her on the roof getting all hurt. The boys saw that and were not happy. Gaston looked at them with a smirk.

"Hmm! I guess you really don't know what love is. She's nothing but a rat who should stay on the streets!!" Gaston mocked but instantly regret that.

Hearing all that made Button's blood boil and in rage he and the boys attacked Gaston. Their were rips and screams coming from Gaston as the beast joined in helping them. Then after an hour Rumble needed to tell Button something.

"Button! Take Sweetie and get to Belle! We'll hold him off!" Rumble told him.

"Okay." Button said as he went to Sweetie and picked her up. "It's ok Sweetie. Im gonna get you to Belle. She needs to know about this."

Button carried Sweetie as he ran to Belle. Back with the others they were still fighting Gaston. The beast was doing everything he can to keep him from getting to Belle. They continued fighting for about 2 hours and once they were on the edge of the balcony the beast grabbed him by the throat and held him by the deep cliff.

"Please! Lemme go! Don't hurt me!" Gaston begged.

"After all you done?! You don't deserve that kind of mercy!" Tender Taps shouted.

"No please! I'll do anything!" Gaston asked for mercy.

A part of the beast wants to throw him off the roof but he didn't. Instead he pulled Gaston in and stared angry.

"Get out and never come back." The beast said angry.

He released him and walked away but Gaston didn't listen and stabbed him in the back as he yelled in pain. Belle, her daughter and Button ran to him and pushed Gaston off the roof leading him to fall to his demise. When the rain died he held her close as the last petal fell meaning it was too late.

"Beast. Thank you for saving me and my daughter." Belle said sadly.

The beast coughed a little as he spoke weakly. "You're welcome. I would never force someone to be in a relationship or marriage like Gaston did."

"Beast. You protected me and you really cared for me. If anything I would love you to be my dad." Sweetie said about to start crying.

"Aww Sweetie that's kind of you." The beast said weakly.

Then as he took his last breath he laid lifelessly as the girls cried seeing this. Button hugged Sweetie for comfort as the only man is no longer with them. But it isn't just them. Everyone was upset seeing this. Even Maurice was sad. But then a miracle happened as the magic turned the beast back to his true form. He was now a human prince and with one kiss from Belle the magic of the fireworks caused the whole castle to revert back to it's true glory. And all the furniture turned back into people that are servants to her meaning the curse is finally lifted.

"The castle. It's not spooky anymore! It's now beautiful!" Button said happy.

"It sure is! And were back to normal too!" Chips said coming to Button now in human form.

"Chips! Your human again! Oh that's wonderful! The curse of this place is finally gone! But do you think Sweetie will accept my feelings?" Button asked.

"Yes. In fact now seems like the perfect time to confess. Go ahead." Chips said as Button went to Sweetie.

"Hey Sweetie? There's something I need to confess. After everything we've been through and how I tried to protect you and your mom I felt something similar to the way that Belle and the beast were. What im saying is....I love you. So Sweetie will you be my girlfriend?" Button confessed.

"Oh Button yes!!" Sweetie said as she hugged him in tears and kissed him. He returned it and everyone adored the lovefest.

"Well my daughter found her prince." Belle said happy.

"Yes. And you found yours. Me. Prince Adam." He said with love.

"Now that all this is finally over..what do we do now?" Tender Taps asked.

"Well I have a surprise for Sweetie. Belle would you do the honors?" Adam said asking Belle.

"Yes. Sweetie after all we been through I decided to stay here with you and your friends at the castle. After we get married of course." Belle told her.

"Does that mean..." Sweetie said but Adam finished.

"Yes. Im going to be your father. You will finally have a family again. And everyone is invited to the wedding." Adam replied.

They all cheered as Sweetie hugged her mom again and Adam joined in. This will be the best day of everyone's lives in history.

Reunion, The Wedding, and A New Family

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3 months of waiting the wedding was now starting. In the halls we see them in the best wedding clothes ever. Adam wore a tux and a blue jacket with a white dress shirt, while Belle wore an elegant white sparkling wedding dress. Sweetie and all her friends were wearing nice wedding clothes too. Sweetie was wearing a similar dress that Belle was wearing and smiled at her. But before they can start they needed to take care of Gaston and his cronies by arresting them. They were not invited to this because of the chaos he caused. LeFou and his cronies were placed in handcuffs including Tom who called Maurice 'Crazy Old Maurice' and Monsieur D'Arque for supporting Gaston's plans. The police took them away never to be seen again. Once that was dealt with we see more ponies arriving for the wedding like Thunderlane, Rumble's brother, Twilight and her friends arrived as well, including her adopted human brother, Spike. Of course even the bookseller is invited. And who can forget Twilight's students from the School of Friendship: The Human Young Six? Sweetie came downstairs and saw Twilight and her friends. But one pony got her attention. It was a white unicorn with diamonds as her symbol. That was Rarity.

"Sweetie Belle? Is that you?" Rarity said starting to cry.

"Yes. Do I know you?" Sweetie asked.

"Don't you remember? Back at the old house? Im your long loss sister Rarity!!" Rarity answered.

Sweetie gasped as she now remembered back then she did have a sister before all this chaos happened. She cried and hugged Rarity as the two embraced a warm loving moment as sisters.

"But..I thought you died in the fire! I was so upset about you!" Sweetie said all surprised.

"I thought i was too. But I lucky enough to escape through a window that father didn't lock in case of emergencies. But im sad that they died." Rarity explained.

"Me too. But im so happy that you're alive!" Sweetie said with joy.

"And im happy to see my little sister again after all those years." Rarity said hugging her.

"Well now. You must be Sweetie. Rarity told me all about you." A male voice said. They looked and saw a handsome dragon in a tux with a green shirt. This is Spike.

"Oh Sweetie. This is my boyfriend Spike. I met him a long time ago when he and Twilight first moved to Ponyville. And after he heard my pain he came and healed my heart." Rarity introduced.

"Well it's nice to meet you Spike." Sweetie said to Spike.

"You as well." Spike replied back.

"Sweetie. Come meet the rest of my friends. We really need to catch up on everything." Rarity insisted

And so Sweetie met the rest of her friends and reunited with her sister. Sweetie even introduced to Belle and Adam and explained how that they were gonna be her parents now. Sweetie asked them if Rarity can be a part of the family. They couldn't say no to that and Rarity hugged Sweetie for being adopted to a new family. Then after a few hours in was time for the ceremony to start. The gentleman at the organ began playing as everyone rose up and watched the two walk down the aisle. They came up to the podium where his bridesmaids and his best man were waiting. Once they stand there an elderly man came to the stand and everyone sat down. And Adam took the veil off of Belle's face.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of this young man and this young woman in holy grace. The couple have written their vows before we pronounced them. With that said Belle you may go first." The elderly man started.

Belle looked into his eyes and began her vow.

"My dearest Adam. You were the most nicest, and most handsome man I have met in my life. I feared that I wouldn't have found anyone who would spend the rest of my life with. But you came in and answered my prayers. Now not only do I have a friend to talk to but I also have a husband to love on. And I am grateful that it's you." Belle said as everyone was crying happy tears.

Now it's Adam's turn for his vow.

"Belle. From the moment you stepped in my life you showed me what true love is. When we met I thought that no one could ever love me. But you saw the man behind the beast and kept on going. I swear to you on this day I will make you and our daughters happy as much as you made me happy." Adam said with pure of heart.

Everyone broke in tears hearing those vows. Then Chips and Button came with the rings and presented them. The couple each took a ring as the elderly man began to read the final lines.

"Do you Prince Adam take Belle to be your lawful wedded wife? To love and cherish her in good and bad til death do you part?" The elderly man asked.

"I do." Adam answered.

"And do you Belle take Prince Adam to be your lawful wedded husband? To love and cherish him in good and bad til death do you part?" The elderly man asked.

"I do." Belle answered.

"Then by the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife. Spike you may kiss the bride." The elderly man said finishing the lines.

The two sealed their love with a kiss and everyone clapped and cheered for the new wedded couple. Wedding bells were ringing and everyone enjoyed the party. Then Belle has something for Sweetie. Since she is a princess now Belle placed a silver tiara on her head. Rarity's eyes pooled with tears seeing her sister become a princess. And Adam placed a diamond tiara on her head as well.

"I can't believe my little sister is now a beautiful princess." Rarity said with tears

"And we now have a new family dear sister." Sweetie said as she hugged Rarity.

Then a slow song started playing and everyone was waltzing to the music. But Button Mash had a better idea. He went to Sweetie and asked her something.

"Hey Sweetie? Would it be okay if I took you to the garden?" Button asked.

"Sure babe. Let's go." Sweetie said as the two made their way to the garden.

They arrived at the garden and everywhere they looked there was beautiful flowers blooming. Then Sweetie saw Button playing a special tune she remembered when she was little.


"Button. How did you that was my favorite tune hearing?" Sweetie wondered.

"Lucky guess. That and I wanted to share a private waltz with you. So Sweetie? May I have this dance?" Button said.

Sweetie giggled "You may my prince." She said as she took Button's hand.

Then like a fairytale ending both Princess Sweetie Belle and Button Mash doing their private waltz in the garden before she lays her head on Button's neck, while watching behind was Chip, Rumble, Scootaloo, Tender Taps, and Apple Bloom who couldn't stop seeing them so happy together.

"Were happy for you bud. You have your princess." Rumble smiled.

Then they all headed back inside while Button and Sweetie continued waltzing. And thus my friends ends our story of how Sweetie got a new family and couldn't wait to see what the future holds.

The End