
by King Sombra11

First published

Sombra returns and this time he shall not fall.

Long ago Princess Luna managed to contain King Sombra in the icy tundra of the north. But he is awake and seeking vengeance. Princess Celestia wants him destroyed, Twilight thinks he can be redeemed and Luna is torn between what used to be her lover now transformed into a corrupted Tyrant hell bent on dominating the land.


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Luna paused. She was sat in the vast chamber that was her bedroom. Despite being the princess of the night and therefore having a higher tolerance of the cold than most ponies she could not help but shiver at the sensation washing over her. "Luuuuuunaaaa" crooned a voice in her head, the deep thunderous tone echoing ever so slightly. She froze. "I'm baaaaaack" crooned the voice once more. Luna started to shake, the voice was that of a fearsome individual she had not seen much less heard from in over a millennia. "Have you misssssed me Luuuuuuna?" the voice questioned. That was it. Terror took hold and began to grow forming a cold shroud over her body.

"n-n-noooo" she moaned "get out of our HEAD" she screamed the last word and continued to scream in fear. All the while the voice in her head had begun to laugh with glee, the sound bouncing around inside her skull. Slowly Luna began to calm down. The voice had retreated and left her relatively in peace.

"Luna?" inquired a voice gently, it was her sister Princess Celestia. "Luna? what is the matter?..." the rest of the sentence was cut off as Celestia took in her the sight of her younger sister shivering terrified form.

"He is back" she sobbed "he is back".

Celestia sat in the main hall on her throne looking troubled. She could simply not get the image of her sisters tears streaming down her muzzle, leaving behind salty, wet trails. Worse still was the return of the individual who caused this. Celestia had almost never seen her sister in such a state of terror not since the... Celestia winced. That particular memory was painful indeed. "Many a good pony died that day, if he should return..." she trailed off. The crystal wars had nearly vanquished the power of harmony permanently. "Perhaps I should call the twilight and her friends, the elements of harmony worked on him once after all" Celestia murmured, seemingly to nopony. Just then a chill came over her. Black crystals burst forth violently from the palace walls! A great looming shadow rose up on the wall.

"I AM AWAKEEEEE!" roared the shadow. Celestia stood up shakily, even she could not withhold the frightful memories and fear of this dark creature,

"state your name, confirm my suspicions!" she commanded.

"I AM SOMBRA" the shadow roared once more. "BRINGER OF SHADOWS, DESTROYER OF LOVE, HARVESTER OF HARMONY! I HAVE RETURNED AND YOU SHALL pay!!!!" the last word was said in a whisper, a whisper containing a millennia's worth of hatred and insanity. The last thing Celestia heard was a dark laughter and a whisper "I may have a soft spot for Luna, But you Celestia shall receive no mercy."

The two celestial sisters sat conferring. "he cannot have physically manifested yet, it is too soon we must prepare defences and an offensive plan" Celestia was saying. Luna just dumbly nodded her head in agreement. "Luna" Celestia stated sharply. "Gather your wits! Innocent ponies will die if you do not pull it together". shaking her head, Luna replied with more vigour than before.

"forgive me sister" she murmured, "it is just..." she trailed off and looked away. Her mane shone black as the night sky with the twinkling stars, shimmering and shining giving an almost transfixing effect to herself. "It has been so long since our encounter with him, yet the wounds seem so fresh, the scars of torn open". Celestia trotted over and laid a comforting hoof on Luna's shoulder.

"Do not worry sister, perhaps just perhaps we may restore him to his former self" Celestia regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. She had just given Luna what she was sure was false hope. Shard was Sombras former self and she doubted that sombra could turn himself back into the pony that had once loved Luna. Luna looked up at her sister.

"we could?!?" she exclaimed the hope filling up inside her.

"She was already thinking of the things she could try to do to reform the twisted monster" Celestia thought. "Perhaps sister, if fate permits it". as Luna laid her head against Celestia's side, she sighed, a sigh of weariness filled with purpose.

But as she looked on Luna thought sadly "if fate permits it."

Deep in the tundra of the frozen north a strange occurrence was taking place. The ground began to shake and tremble, Cracks appeared in ice that were seemingly being displaced. The first building to rise was a solid black spire. Black as obsidian, reflecting the light cast from the torches positioned on its side. Quickly the other constructions followed, more spires, gleaming black with jagged spikes on the crests. A gigantic palace rose and loomed over the now appearing crystal Empire. Then it started the terrible, ear piercing shrieks of the crystal ponies as they returned to their former fate. Though the sun shone big and bright, it was a cold dark day for equestrian. Even in Canterlot, the inhabitants heard the triumphant voice of the tyrannical overlord roar "THE SHADOWS HAVE RETURNED, HEAR MY NAME AND TREMBLE FOR I AM SOMBRAAAA!!!!". The world itself trembled as if it had heard his cry and had responded. The screams of the crystal ponies filled the air, along with the evil laughter that was tinged with just a hint of insanity.

Back in Canterlot both Princess's twitched as a pure wave of utter insidious malice crept over them. Silently and solemnly they both trotted outside onto the balcony. Staring into the distance Luna asked

"does this mean it has started dear sister?"

"yes" Celestia whispered in a quivery voice. She could already see a looming shadow in the far distance, could hear the screams of the crystal ponies and the insane laughter of King Sombra. Celestia suddenly turned to face her sister "gather the royal guard and the commanders while I send for twilight and her friends".

"Does this mean what we think it means sister ours?" Luna asked.

"Yes sister it does. At tomorrows first light we go to war" Celestia replied. Turning back around while Luna trotted off she could almost hear King Sombra's voice gently whispering

"At tomorrows first light you die."

Shaking off the sombre thought she turned around and trotted off to make prepartions for tomorrows battle.


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In the midst of the now shadowed crystal empire King Sombra stood on a dark jagged looking crystal spire, gazing down with glee as the crystal ponies solemnly made their way to his mines shackled and chained.

"Excellent, soon all of Equestria shall be mine!" he said smugly.

But a minor nuisance had to be dealt with first. Princess Celestia and Luna had foolishly declared war upon his nation of misery and pain. While formidable themselves he truly worried about the elements of harmony. The only offensive Equestrian weapon truly capable of subduing him for good. Perhaps it could even destroy him! The very thought made Sombra tremble with anger, He roared at the sky in pure rage while the ponies below trembled in fear. They themselves had long learned to fear his wrath. Now when they dared to look up all they could see was an inky mass of writhing darkness. Emerald eyes with blood red irises stared out at them while the concentration of pure evil poured out of the eyes.

"Somepony will pay!" Sombra exclaimed as the inky darkness reached forward, enveloping a young foal. All the crystal ponies heard as they shut their eyes and cowered where the long and dreadful screams of King Sombra's new plaything.

Far away in Ponyville spike lay on the floor groaning as he continually received the princess's messages.

"spike" shouted twilight as she came through the door "where are..." her sentence never ended as she took in spikes prone form and the pile of scrolls around him. "spike what happened?" she gasped as yet another scroll was sent into the pile.

"so many messages" spike groaned clutching his small little dragon stomach. Finally the messages stopped. levitating one up and unfurling it with her magic, Twilight began to read soon she dropped the scroll with a horrified gasp.

"what is it twilight? what is it?" spike moaned still feeling the after effects of the princess's constant messaging.

"Spike send the princess a letter that I have received her warning and will return to Canterlot immediately" twilight said.

"what is it twilight?!?" spike questioned once more.

"King Sombra has returned to Equestria and only the elements of harmony may be able to stop him." twilight replied although she didn't mention the part aabout the possible reforming of King Sombra as she didn't want to worry spike further.

Soon twilight was standing at ponyville's train station. With her stood all of her best friends. Also together they made the bearers of the elements of harmony. Applejack was honesty, Rainbow dash represented loyalty, Rarity represented generosity while fluttershy represented kindness. Pinkie pie represented laughter and finally twilight represented the most powerful of all elements magic. They all paid the standard fee of ten bits and clambered onto the train. All ponies where talking at once.

"we are going to kick some serious butt!" rainbow dash was saying while rarity complained about the minimum space area for her luggage.

"I mean really twilight couldn't we have gotten a bigger carriage?" she asked.

"oh shove a hoof in it rarity" said applejack while she pulled her hat down over her eyes. "its gunna be a looong trip, and I don't wanna hear you complaining through it"

"Oh pish posh darling I wouldn't dream of disturbing your beauty sleep" replied rarity with a devious glint in her eyes.

"Girls please keep our goal in mind" twilight interrupted. At once the rest of the group fell silent except from pinkie pie who was humming a tune to herself. "we are to make our way to Canterlot and prepare an offensive strike against King Sombra, However" she continued as her friends ears perked up with newfound interest. "we have been told to investigate the possibility of reforming him and..." twilight got no further as rainbow dash burst out
"WHAT?!?" she cried.

"what in tarnation?!?" exclaimed applejack.

"what would ever entertain that train of thought twilight?" asked rarity

"QUEIT" shouted twilight only pinkie pie had said nothing just carried on humming her tune to herself. "this is the personal request from princess Celestisa" the other ponies fell silent. "Any thing is capable of being reformed and turning to the light, ANYTHING!" the last word was said with more force almost as if she was trying to convince herself of her own philosophy. As the train began to pull out all the ponies settled down for the long ride to Canterlot.

In the Crystal empire King Sombra had decided to assemble his forces. Standing on his balcony overlooking his army he smugly thought of his excelling ability to turn even the most pure hearted pony into a depraved creature of darkness, that would fight to the death for his lord and master.

"My lord" Sombra turned at the voice of his trusted second in command. Akula. A fearsome crystal pony who had earned his respect through his inability to kneel before his master. Eventually Sombra offered the hardened pony a place at his side, of course Akula had accepted.

"what is it?" Sombra growled.

"The legion is ready for you sire" Akula's gaze was steely and unflinching.

"very well" Sombra said "let it commence".

Turning to face his legion of darkness, Sombra began to address them.

"My faithful subjects" he began "long have I realised you from the idealism of happiness and love, long have you stood by my side in battle and waged war upon our enemies. LONG HAVE YOU AND YOUR PREDECESSORS STOOD BY ME AND HAVE REMAINED LOYAL" this last part was roared at his army so he could be heard over the frenzied battle tinged cheers of the soldiers! "GO NOW MY WARRIORS, PREPARE FOR SOON YOU SHALL BATHE IN THEIR BLOOD AND LISTEN TO THEIR DYING SCREAMS!" Sombra paused as he drank in the delicious scent of hatred, it practically oozed out of his soldiers. He watched as the ponies all clad in crystal armour the colour of obsidian marched off to prepare for battle.

"oh what a glorious day" He crowed as the army began to disappear in the distance.

Under the midnight moon

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Luna sat alone in the Nocturnal Garden. It was here that the flowers and creatures of the night could bloom and grow peacefully without being disturbed. Luna always came here after something had troubled her, and today was quite troubling indeed. She let out a small sob as the days events refreshed themselves in her mind. She looked up towards her beautiful moon for comfort as the horror of what had taken place raced through her mind.

First all had gone well, Twilight and her friends had arrived on time at Canterlot. They were soon escorted to the war council meeting chambers, which is when all hell broke loose. The commanders had instantly started to bicker. One of them a huge male Pegasus by the name of One eye proposed a quick immediate assault on Sombra's kingdom. The other commander a small unicorn called Quickstrike wanted to hold back and scope out the enemy forces to determine the threat Sombra was.

"But we shall lose the advantage!" shouted One eye, his face a mask of fury. He was about to continue when a loud knock on the chambers vast gold gilded doors resonated through the room. As a guard opened the door, a pony ran inside quickly bowing to the two princesses.

"Your majesty I have found a scout... one of ours... but he is injured" breathed out the pony almost collapsing.

"Say no more, you have done us a great duty today. Strong arm! Quicksilver! escort our friend to the guest rooms. ensure he is comfortable and gets some rest." Commanded princess Celestia.

"See" exclaimed Quickstrike. "it must be one of my scouts as soon as he is here and healed, he shall give us a full report and we shall have the intelligence we need to formulate a real plan!" They didn't have to wait long. Soon the scout still dressed in his lightweight armour was brought into the chambers. Twilight and her friends, along with Celestia and Luna and the two commanders crowded around the scout. Then it happened the scout opened one eye drowsily... and then started to scream. Luna recoiled in horror with the other ponies. The sound was something that nopony should make. EVER. but make it the scout did, he twisted and roiled about on the stretcher as the guards tried to restrain him. All the while screaming loudly, his eyes rolled up in his sockets as his body began to contort. Then a great spiked black crystal erupted from the pony's body bursting out form his chest. Twilight screamed in horror as tears rolled down Luna's face. Celestia cast a spell that simultaneously destroyed the crystal and put the scout out of his misery.

twilight had stopped screaming now and instead silently started sobbing, Celestia's face had a look of horror on it as she realised the ingenuity of Sombra's plan. He had planted a shard of crystal within the scouts body and had forced it to grow within him. Then with the crystal present in the presence of the ponies King Sombra appeared.

"We are waiting. We stand upon the ground of the valley of blood. The sacred field where all battles for Equestria have taken place. Come face me or we march into your territory and raze it into the ground" The image of Sombra disappeared.

A small bat flying overhead brought Luna back into the present, today had not been the most pleasant of days she reflected. Now plans where being made on both sides on how to stop the other. Little did Luna know that soon, very soon she would be getting a visit from an old friend, a visit that like so many years ago would again take place under the midnight moon.

Far away in the central command tent King Sombra was pacing up and down the length of the tent. The tent -the largest one there of course- was black with red lace crisscrossing throughout the fabric. Inside Sombra was still pacing, he was in a truly foul mood already three mutilated bodies of guardsmen who had dared to disturb him. Wherever his steel clad hooves landed black crystal spouted violently from the ground. He trotted outside and stared at the moon.

"It truly is beautiful, but dim she must be upset, perhaps I should not have subjected her to my little surprise" King Sombra muttered. He pause fighting the ridiculous sentiment to find her, comfort her. By the gods! he was King Sombra overlord of all, not some ridiculous lovesick foal. But he could not help remember a different time, a different place. \where shard had ruled his mind and the Princess of the night his heart.

"DAMN THEM ALL!" he snarled angry with himself. He hesitated, looked up and inhaled deeply, the sudden memory hit him...

"Luna? Luna where are you!" shouted a young unicorn with a grey coat and pure white horn and a glossy black mane. he yelled out in a surprise when Luna suddenly appeared out of nowhere and jumped on him.

"Luna! you know I hate it when you do that!" The young unicorn shouted with a playful tone while the Princess of the night just giggled.

Another memory. This time the unicorn was older and as he turned nervously towards Princess Luna. They where both sat in the Nocturnal side of the royal gardens.

"so Luna... I was wondering whether or not you would be my special somepony..." The unicorn trailed off as Luna turned around and kissed him! actually kissed him!

"of course you fool!" Luna yelled with glee as they both embraced.

The embracing ponies faded away as a final memory took place. The unicorn was growing larger, his coat had turned into glossy black colour like his mane. His horn began to elongate and become curved The top became a crimson red which then melded into a obsidian black base. His Irises turned blood red, the whites turned green and purple smoke began to leak out of his eyes. The cold wind of the artic tundra howled angrily around him.

"Please! Shard don't do this!" Luna cried tears running down her muzzle. The former Shard turned around and glared at her.

"I AM NOT SHARD! I AM SOMBRAAAA!" He roared. he started towards her, with a grin on his face. Two fangs had now erupted into existence giving him a carnivorous look.

"I'm sorry" whispered Luna, tears still running down her face. She turned away as the ice began to swallow Shard or rather Sombra. The screams of the new tyrant rang throughout the tundra slowly fading away.

Sombra shook himself, even after all these years he secretly forgave Luna. Sombra quickly quelled that feeling of... of love! yes that was the name of the horrid emotion weakening him! But... looking up at the moon he decided to pay her a visit. just like all those years ago, under the midnight moon.

Final sacrifice

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Luna turned around sharply. she knew that voice. Knew it all to well, even as deep and distorted as it was she would recognize it instantly. King Sombra stepped out the shadows. But something was off, the look on Sombra's face... it was almost as if he deeply remorseful or in pain. Her wonder and surprise grew as a single tear ran down his face.

"Luna" he moaned again a low pitiful sound. "Luna, what have I done? what have I done?!?"

"He must be delirious" she thought, but she thought she glimpsed his coat turning a lighter shade. But before her very eyes saw it turn back to its the glossy black colour. Sombra shook his head and looked up grinning.

"So sorry about that dear. A bit of momentary confusion and weakness." he snarled the last word.

"Sombra" Luna said "why have you come?"

That remorseful look returned.

"in truth I don't really know" he replied, with a frown. his voice was no longer a snarl or growl but held a rather sullen tone to it. Luna frowned this was the behaviour of Sombra's former self. Could it be? Could he be reverting to his old self. the thought filled her with glee until Sombra went and smashed it.

"Do not think me soft princess" he spat "I see that look on your face, I came here to do naught but try and convince you to change teams so to speak. But obviously that cannot happen I shall see you tomorrow princess... on the battlefield" With that he stepped back into the shadows and disappeared.

"No wait!" Luna cried, but upon realising he was gone she collapsed, and started to cry.

Sombra stood, he heard the thumping of hooves in the distance, the distant sound of war drums and the fanfare of the trumpets. Next came the sound of his own troops assembling, taking position and his general bellowing orders. As he trotted outside, he saw the form of the celestial sisters, behind them the royal guard and the rest of the army. He grinned, it was a sadistic smile the one of a predator that was going to play with is prey.

"OUR TIME IS NOW!!!! GO FORTH AND DESTROY ALL THOSE WHO OPPOSE OUR RULE!!!" Sombra roared, at once the legion rushed forward screaming and shouting furiously.

Celestia turned to face her forces.

"The time has come to defend your homeland my brave ponies, may you be strong of heart and arm go forth and protect us all" Celestia yelled.

The battle had been raging for hours. The barbaric forces of Sombra's legion had descended on the equestrian defenders with ferocity and without mercy. Ponies screamed as Sombra's troops stabbed and hacked with their crystal blades. Celestia used her magic to turn the legions troops into ash, but even she was getting overwhelmed. Sweat beaded her muzzle. Luna was faring no better but her problem was of a different nature, the raging battle, the corruption, all the hatred was flowing through her awakening the one thing she feared the most.

Meanwhile Sombra was in paradise, Fear, Hatred, Pain, Suffering. This was HIS domain, the power literally hummed through him, black shadow oozed out of him so much was he overcharged. A royal guard managed to slice his flank with a sword, a thin bead of blood leaked out. Laughing Sombra reared up on his hind legs and stamped down...HARD. Crystals erupted out of the ground in a ten mile radius. The tips where razor sharp as they pierced the flesh of the ponies, screams filled the air, the battle was finally pushing in Sombra's favour!

Meanwhile Twilight and her friends had snuck around the edge of the battlefield, upon seeing Sombra though they rushed into the fray and immediately charged up the elements of harmony.

"Now girls!" shouted Twilight. Perfect shot.

Sombra screamed while the magic of the Elements surrounded him. IT BURNT SO MUCH. His coat blistered and the shadows began to burn. Soon there was just a smoking crater where Sombra once stood. Around the battle stopped, with Sombra gone the legion as one screamed and dissolved into nothingness. Soon the whole of the Equestrian forces where cheering, they had won! But no one had noticed Luna struggling with her inner demons everyone except form Shard. Out of the smoking crater a small unicorn had rose out and rushed over to Luna. Twilight noticed the small unicorn and rushed over with glee.

"I did it, I reformed you!" Twilight shouted. But trailed off when she saw Shard trying to help Luna, But it was too late>

"I HAVE RETURNED!!!" The sun was ripped out of the sky violently and replaced with a moon so big ponies could see the detail on it even from the earth. Stars shone brighter than they ever did, almost burning with unholy light. Nightmare moon had returned.

"Shard save her!" Celestia cried. Muttering to himself Shard reached down and pulled up all his hatred all of his anger all of his corruption. with a roar Sombra had returned. But something had changed within the evil stallions heart.


"Fool!" she cried "Your love has made you weak, now I shall rule".

Sombra snarled, suddenly leathery wings that ended in sharpened talons whooshed out from his back with a long creeeak. He flew up to nightmare moon. He suddenly grabbed her. Roaring in fury Nightmare Moon impaled him with her horn, all the while channelling dark magic into him.

"give me your hatred, my love" Sombra whispered. Suddenly Nightmare Moon began to shrink. Soon Luna lay in the weak grip of King Sombra. her eyes slowly opened to see just in time Sombra smile one last time.

"what?!? Shard?" she questioned. Sombra too began to slowly shrink in size, until and small unicorn was in his place.

"Luna, never forget I always loved you" Whispered Shard.

"what? I don't understand?" Luna said. But then Shard fell to one side, in his chest was a gaping wound. Surely nopony could survive anything last night. Celestia and Twilight and her friends trotted over.

"No!" Luna cried "no, no, no!" she continued hysterically. Celestia and the rest just stared on in silence.

"shhhh Luna, there is nothing you can do" Shard said weakly. Craning his head he looked at Celestia, the intensity of his stare made her shiver.

"He is coming you know, the one who turned me. He is older than time itself and is merciless, worst of all Celestia he is awake and coming for equestrian next" Shard said. he then turned to Luna.

"It was the greatest honour I could ever obtain, that my last action in this world was to save the one I love" he whispered and with that the light left his eyes and his body went limp. Luna looked up at the sky and screamed.

Luna sat in the royal garden, a tear ran down her muzzle. A large wing draped itself around her. It had been almost seven years since the rise of the crystal empire. The events where still fresh in her mind and so was the pain. A statue stood in front of her a large one, it was one of the most detailed in the gardens, upon the pedestal stood a unicorn flanked by an alicorn. One was Shard, the other was Luna. Both were shadowed by their other selves Nightmare moon and King Sombra. But the statues did not look vicious or evil but rather at peace with themselves. As Luna turned away from the statue of her lover she remembered his warning, and his final sacrifice. She would never forget him.