• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 25,544 Views, 617 Comments

Regent - xTSGx

Congratulations, Twilight. With the Princesses on vacation, you're in charge of Equestria. Perhaps it's a bit early to congratulate you. After all, whether it's a jealous nobility or an unhappy military, your reign will be anything but

  • ...


For copyright/disclaimer information, see Chapter One.

Version 1.1

Published 7/10/13

Chapter Three: Diplomacy.

The Canterlot Archives was considered by many to be one of the pinnacles of Equestria's educational system. The Archives had everything, from the seven million books, to the four million scrolls. It exclusively housed the Royal Library, home to not only the Princesses' personal books, but their letters and memoirs as well. There was the Restricted Access section, where all the dangerous Dark Magic materials, evil spells, and Luna's carrot casserole recipe were located. It was the envy of any librarian or bookworm and they'd pay a leg to get in.

“What does she see in all this?”

Dash crinkled her nose as she gazed at the shelves upon shelves of dusty encyclopedias.

Administrator Moot Point looked back.

“Now, Miss Dash, the Canterlot Archives is considered by many to be one of the pinnac—”

“Save your tour speech and just show us where Twilight is.”

Rarity huffed.

“Please, Rainbow. There's no need to be rude to the good Administrator.”

“I'm not being rude, I'm being forward.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow.

“Are you sure you don't mean froward?”

“Forward, froward. Tomato, tomato.”

Rarity, Moot, and Pinkie all giggled at Rainbow's misunderstanding.

“I must say, everypony at the Archives is concerned about the Lady Regent.”

Pinkie looked at him inquisitorially.

“Is it really true she's been here all night, and without any coffee cakes?”

“That it would. Not that it has ever been particularly unusual for her to do this. In the past, while studying for her magic finals, she spent a record fifty-eight hours here researching teleportation.”

Dash shuddered. She wasn't sure whether it was the thought of studying for finals, or of being in a massive library for two and a half days.

“A record, huh?”

“Oh yes. There was an official with a stopwatch and everything. She even got a plaque.”

“That's one record I don't think even I could beat.”

“As you can see, it isn't really that she's been here for fifteen hours, but that, combined with the whole immortality incident from yesterday, that has us concerned.”

Pinkie bounced along.

“Well don't you worry. We'll be sure to cheer Twilight up from the gloomy storm that has decided to big ol' gloomy downer on her.”

The four rounded another corner and entered an open circular area that was surrounded by bookcases. Soft padded chairs with stereotypical gray government upholstery rung the circle while several desks and chairs sat in the middle. At one of these desks were several stacks of books and scrolls. A purple horn could just be made out over the top of them.

Moot pointed to the desk.

“There she is. I'll leave you to it, then.”

With that, he walked away.

The three approached the purple alicorn with Dash leading the way.

“Twilight! What are you doing here?”

Twilight looked up from the twelve hundred page Health Institute of Equestria Medical and Ethical Guidelines, Vol. VII, Fifteenth Edition that lay in front of her.

“Guys? What are you doing here?”

“I asked you first.”

Twilight scooted back from the desk and stretched herself out. Several cringe inducing popping and cracking noises rang out as she twisted her body around.

“After what Magenta said yesterday, I decided to do a little research on alicorns and immortality.”

The three leaned in.


Twilight sighed.

“Nothing.” she pointed to one stack of books, “I looked through a hundred and fifty years’ worth of The Journal of Runes and Rituals.” she looked over to another stack, “Every issue of Arcane Magic Quarterly.” she motioned to two other leather bound books that had strange emblems engraved in a red dye, “I even went to the Restricted Access section and read through the Arcanus E Draconus and the Oksh'egn Nuba'kryygwquo.” At the mention of the Oksh'egn Nuba'kryygwquo, a slimy black tentacle seeped out of it, only to be blasted by a burst of purple magic, causing it to yelp and slink back into the book.

Rarity looked back from the ancient tomes.

“You didn't find anything?”

Twilight put a hoof to her chin in thought.

“Well, if I ever want to turn the Princesses into fillies, or throw off the shackles and bondage of friendship and love that have been holding back my true power and claim my eternal throne so that I may cause my enemies endless suffering and agony, then I can, but as for figuring out immortality...” she blew a few raspberries.

Pinkie walked up next to Twilight, knocking a stack of magazines off the table in the process, and put a hoof around her neck.

“Don't worry, Twilight. You're the smartest po—well, second smarte—well, third smartest pony I know. You'll figure it out.”

“Third smartest? Behind the Princesses?”

Pinkie let go of Twilight and shook her head.

“Oh, no. There was my Great Uncle Play Dough, who mastered the art of almost every kind of bread imaginable—Sourdough, Rye, Wheat, you name it. Then there was my Triple Great Grandmother Rickety Knee who had the yummiest recipes ever. She never wrote them down and they were lost forever.”

“I see. Anyway, I've scheduled a meeting with the Arcane Magic Council next week. Maybe Archmage Morning Star and the other mages can shed some light on this immortality—and why I even became an alicorn for that matter.”

Rarity could hardly believe it.

“You still haven't figured that out?”

“Well, no.”

“But it's been months. I would have thought by now—”

Twilight pointed to her regalia.

“I've been a little busy lately.”

“Yes. I suppose running a country would take up most of your time.”

Twilight yawned loudly before smacking her lips.

“Oh my. I didn't think I was this tired. I'm going to put these books back, and then take a nap before Dusk Court.”

Twilight picked up the magazines Pinkie had dropped and stacked them back on the table. Just as she was about to stand up to leave with them, a fearsome voice rang out.

Uh, Twilight? A little help?

Distracted by her conversation, Twilight had forgotten to blast the black tentacle back. It had wrapped around Rainbow's thigh. Tendrils and wisps of smoke slowly spread throughout her backside. A set of fangs glistened in her mouth and one of her eyes was blood red.

Twilight leapt up, the magazines forgotten.

“I'm sorry, Dash! Hang on a second.”


Twilight put a hoof to her forehead to try and stop the oncoming headache. She looked down at the eager behavioral psychologist.

“So let me get this straight. You want me to ban emergency services for twelve hours a year to allow ponies around Equestria a chance to vent their frustrations?”

The mare nodded.

“Oh yes—and it's called catharsis—the 'venting' as you call it, Lady Regent. There'd be countless benefits. A massively decreased unemployment rate, an extremely low crime rate, Happiness would flourish throughout the country.”

No matter how hard she massaged, the headache refused to abate.

“Equestria already has a four point five percent unemployment rate, and violent crimes are at thirty-four per one hundred thousand. I'm pretty sure everypony's happy.”

The mare's shoulders sagged.

“So, you won't approve our idea?”

“I'm sorry, but even if I did, Chief Justice Docket Number would nullify the Decree faster than it would take for me to sign it. Next petitioner.”

The mare solemnly left the throne room as Solar Flare belted out the next petitioner.

“Presenting: One Percent, Duchess of Vanhoover, Royal Eminence of the House of...”

The headache intensified.


Twilight and company walked down one of Canterlot Castle's many corridors.

“Ugh! I don't know how Celestia could do. Day in and day out, hearing the stupidest ideas possible.”

Rarity, Pinkie, and Dash all nodded from behind her.

“And then listening to those nobles drone on about how big of an ego they have!”


“Fifty bits says Night Court is what drove Luna to become Nightmare Moon. Because I'm starting to wish that Nightmare Night prank was real.” Twilight sighed, “Sorry, guys. I can't let it get to me this early. It's only been three days!”

Rarity looked at her with sympathy.

“It's quite alright. If the other nobles are anything like that airhead Blueblood, then I wouldn't blame you for turning into a nightmare. I probably would myself.”

“Still, I need to keep calm and not give in to the temptation to beat every noble over the head with the scepter the moment they haughtily trot into the throne room. And I know just the thing.” she turned around to face her friends, “Let's go out to eat.”

Rarity and Dash exchanged risen eyebrows.

“Go out to eat? As in a restaurant? Doesn't the castle have good enough grub?”

“The Royal Kitchen's more than adequate, but it's so...formal. Going out would be much more relaxing. Not to mention normal.”

Dash's skepticism remained.

“But don't you have to make arrangements in advance? Have the Royal Guard scout the place out and stuff?”

Twilight stared flatly at the pegasus.

“You're starting to sound like Active Duty. Nopony's going to try to assassinate me.”

'You really shouldn't have said that, considering your track record with tempting fate.'

“I know that. But I'm just advising you that it probably wouldn't be the best idea.”

Before they could continue the discussion, a grey earth pony ran down the hallway toward them, a frantic look in his eyes.

“Minister Worry Wort, to what do we owe the pleasure?”

“It's terrible, Lady Regent! Absolutely dreadful.”

Pinkie eyes gleamed.

“Better or worse than when Twilight grew wings?”

He panted slightly from the long run.

“Greater than or equal to!”


He patted his damp head with a handkerchief.

“Marginally better but still catastrophic.”

“What about Nightmare Moon's return?”

He looked at her flatly.

“Nothing beats planetary extinction.”

“What abou—”

Twilight's headache threatened to return.

“Pinkie! Don't encourage him. Now, Minister. What is it?”

“It's horrible!”

The purple alicorn sighed.

“What's horrible?”

He shakily retrieved a crumpled piece of paper and handed it to Twilight.

“The HES Vengeance has docked at the Canterlot Aerodrome.”

Rarity didn't seem to worried.

“So? Airships land there all the time. Aside from the dreadful architecture there—seriously, a Baroque style terminal, while the rest is neoclassical? What were they thinking—I don't see any reason to be concerned.”

Twilight let the paper drop to the floor, her face mirroring Worry's horror.

“The Vengeance is the flagship of the Griffo-Minotaurian Empire's Royal Winged Air Force.”


Worry Wort gulped.

“Newly crowned Emperor Red Cyclone is on board, and is requesting a meeting with the Lady Regent.”


“Twilight, open this door or so help me, I'll break it down.”

“Go away, Dash. I-I'm fine. I-I-I'm just freshening up. I'll b-be out in no ti-time.”

Rainbow banged on the solid oak door a few times.

“No! I know that tone. That's the 'I'm currently huddled in a fetal position brushing my tail' tone.”

Twilight stopped stroking her tail.

“I c-can assure you, Rainbow. Everything's fine. I mean, why wouldn't it be? I'm only meeting the head of Equestria's largest rival. Someone who's just finished winning a nasty civil war. A country that, thanks to said civil war, has a large supply of weapons and an embittered populace. A country that's had four wars with Equestria. A country that has only gone to those wars with Equestria when a Regent's been in power.” she took a large breath, “Why wouldn't everything be fine?”

Dash favehooved before turning to Pinkie.

“Got any suggestions, Pinkie?”

Pinkie scrunched her face up in thought briefly.

“You could try opening the door.”

Dash's face flashed with annoyance.

“Oh, yeah. 'Open the door.' That's a great idea.” she grabbed the doorknob and started turning it, “Why didn't I—” the door clicked and swung open.

Pinkie hopped through the open door while Dash struggled to close her jaw.

“Alrighty, Twilight. Time to go meet the big scary griffon king.”

Twilight's voice sounded out from the bed.

“Emperor, Pinkie, it's Emperor. The Griffo-Minotaurian Empire hasn't had a king since the Griffo-Canis Wa—” Twilight's head shot out from under the blanket, “How did you two get in here!”

“How do you think we got in here? Dashie opened the door, silly.”

“Opened the...door?”

'Seriously? You're forgetting to lock doors again?'

Dash, having successfully closed her jaw, walked into the room and stared flatly at the bed and the lump of sheets and blankets that lay on it.

“'Freshening up', huh?”

Twilight untangled herself from the linens and stood up.

“Fine. Fine. But if I accidentally start a war, don't yell at me when our vastly unprepared military gets beaten and we have to use guerrilla tactics to hold them off until the princesses come back.”

“I won't. Now hurry up. We still have to get Rarity.”

Twilight grabbed a comb and quickly worked to get her mane and tail neatly arranged.


“Rainbow Dash, I swear if you try and lay one of your filthy hooves on my ensemble one more time, you'll discover what my pincushions feel like.”

“We don't have time for this, Rarity. Pick a hat and let's go.”

Rarity levitated a straw hat with pink flowers woven into it onto her head.

“Uh! That looks dreadful.” She sat the hat back down and picked up and put on a floppy purple one, “Not as bad, but it doesn't match as well as the last one.” She next tried on a pink lace laden one, “Better, but it's missing that 'umph' it really needs.”

Twilight and Pinkie entered the room eight hats and two bonnets later. Dash lay on the ground, seemingly writhing in agony.

“What's wrong?”

Dash looked up.

“Twilight, please. You have to do something! And quickly, before that Emperor arrives.”

“That won't be a problem. I just spoke to Foreign Minister Casus Belli. It appears the Emperor's been tied up in an internal meeting and won't be here for a little while.”

Rarity was thrilled.

“Fantastic! That gives me time to change out of this dress. I threw it on at the last minute and haven't had time to match a thing.”

Dash's eye twitched but before she could snap, Twilight spoke up.

“You do know the griffons are a very pragmatic race, right Rarity?”


“They're not too fond of elaborate elegancies. Why, legend has it when the griffon ambassador first saw Canterlot Castle all those years ago, he was greatly offended and the Empire nearly pulled out of the Baltimare Accords. If the new Emperor sees you in a big poofy dress, he might do more than just pull out of a trade agreement.”

Twilight resisted the temptation to babble on about the Empire declaring war and plunging Equestria into a grim dystopia.

Rarity frowned.

“I suppose I could wear one of my evening gowns instead.”

Twilight gave her a look.

“Okay, a cocktail dress, if I must.”

The look intensified.

“Not a house dress. That would be simply abominable.”

Twilight pointed to the pile of hat boxes that lay several feet away from Rarity.

“Only a hat!? You want me to run around in front of griffon royalty nude?”

Twilight nodded.

“I will be.”

Rarity scoffed.

“You're an alicorn. You're allowed to walk around naked.”

Pinkie decided to interrupt.

“But, Rarity. We're almost always naked.”

“Yes, but not in front of foreign dignitaries.”

Twilight sighed.

“No clothes. You can wear as fancy of a hat as you want, but everypony's going to be naked. Alright?”

Rarity scrunched up her face.


Twilight smiled.

“Great. Red Cyclone and his delegation will be here within an hour so make sure you're down in the throne room before he gets here or the Honor Guard will lock you out.”

Dash looked over from the pile of hat boxes.

“Honor Guard?”

“Yes, the Honor Guard. They're the Royal Guard who wear the fur hats and red armor. They're only around for big events like foreign dignitaries visiting or when there's a state funeral.”


“Now, I'll be in the throne room meeting with our diplomats and trying to make sure that we don't start a war. Don't be late.”

Twilight departed as Rarity beckoned Pinkie and Dash over to help her sort through the hats.


The two guards saluted as Twilight entered the throne room. Several maids were busy sweeping the floor and polishing the marble in one last cleaning frenzy before the arrival of Red Cyclone. In place of Twilight's cutie mark banners was draped a pair of flags, one of Equestria's and one of the Griffo-Minotaurian Empire's. The tables and chairs that hours earlier had sat Twilight's Dusk Court staff were packed away. In their place stood three ponies, Solar Flare at the front.

“Good evening, Lady Regent. Allow me to introduce you to our fellow delegates for this diplomatic meeting. Foreign Minister Casus Belli,” the light-green mare bowed slightly, “and Equestrian Ambassador to the Griffo-Minotaurian Empire Willful Echo.” he too bowed.

Twilight's eyebrows furrowed.

“But, if you're our ambassador to the griffons, why aren't you there?”

The blue stallion looked solemnly at Twilight.

“Sadly, we had to evacuate the embassy four months ago due to their civil war. While the situation wasn't all that severe, the Foreign Ministry didn't want to take any chances. With the situation stabilizing, I look forward to returning soon.”

Twilight smiled.

“That's good.”

Casus Belli handed Twilight a piece of paper with bullet points on it.

“Time is short, so I'll give you a short summary. The Griffo-Minotaurian Empire is a duel monarchy and union of the Griffon Empire and Kingdom of Minotaury. There are pretty much two of everything. Two High Courts. Two Parliaments. Two cabinets. Technically, there are two monarchies, but ever since the griffon takeover of Minotaury in 831, their monarchies have had the same king.”

Twilight read through the bullet points while Belli continued.

“The griffons are a proud and noble race, but they're also understanding, so don't worry about offending them. They're also very well known for their practicality. The minotaurs have a bit of a short fuse, but it takes certain things to light that fuse. Notable triggers include bread, sand, those little fuzzy things that get stuck to clothing, roses, and Canissians or any other member of the dog family.”

Twilight scoured the list.

“That's all well and good, but how aggressive are they?”

“Aggressive? Well, the last war between Equestria and the Empire was three hundred years ago—not counting the minor skirmishes and incidents that have occurred. We've had extremely friendly relations with them, Lady Regent.”

Twilight sighed lightly.

“So they're not here to declare war and invade?”

Belli seemed taken aback by the suggestion.

“Well, I—I don't think so. The Foreign Ministry knows little about Red Cyclone's motives. He was a Field Marshal and, I don't mean to be prejudicial, but his last name is Warhawk, so he could definitely try to push a militaristic agenda, but it's unlikely given the still fragile situation within the Empire.”

Ambassador Echo huffed.

Unlikely? You mean impossible. I've lived in Viennaerie for close to two decades before we had to evacuate the embassy. Despite their depiction in media, the griffons are no more hostile or aggressive than any other species. Trust me, Lady Regent, if the Empire's going to war, it's going to be a very unpopular one back home.”

Twilight bit her lip.

“I hope so.”

The throne room doors grabbed their attention as Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity walked in. Twilight's eyes widened as she saw the massive hat that adorned Rarity's head.

“Rarity, what is that?”

She looked up.

“This, Twilight. This is a Manehatten Style Number Five. These hats are sweeping the eastern seaboard.” she touched one of the many feathers to realign it, “Once I saw it, I knew it was the hat to wear.”

“Fine.” Twilight turned to Flare, “Now, where do you want them to stand?”

He seemed agitated.

“Well, with due respect, Lady Regent, do you really think it would be wise for your Advisers to participate in this diplomatic meeting?”

“I don't see why not. They may not have a degree in diplomacy, but then, neither do I.”

Flare scratched the back of his head.

“I'm simply concerned about possible incidents that may occur and am trying to limit their likelihood.”

“It's not like they're some wild, untamed ponies, Flare. They know how to behave. Besides, what better way to show off our great country then by showing them the very ponies who embody our ideals?”

Dash stepped forward.

“Yeah, we're here for Twilight. Especially if that Emperor starts to act like he's got something to prove and I have to kick him in the teeth.”

If Ambassador Echo's eyes had bulged any further out of his head, they would have popped out.

Twilight grit her teeth.

“Not helping, Dash.”

Flare pretended to ignore Dash's statement.

“I understand, Lady Regent. Shall we prepare for the Emperor's arrival?”

Twilight glared at Dash.

“Yes, let's. Starting with how we're going to act in front of him.”


Two of the Honor Guard finished unfurling a long red carpet as Solar Flare cleared his throat.

“Presenting: Red Cyclone von Warhawk, Emperor of the Griffo-Minotaurian Empire, King of the Griffons, High Councilor of the Diet of Minotaury, Chief of the Armed Forces, and Eminence of the Warhawk family; before Twilight Sparkle—”

Dash leaned into Rarity.

“What are they having, a title war?”

“Regent of Equestria, Crown Princess of the Principality, Bearer of the Element of Magic, Commander of the Armed Forces, Chancellor of the Cities and Territories, and heir to the House of Sparkle.”

The Honor Guard snapped to attention and opened the throne room doors. Two minotaurs, wearing red uniforms and hats that rivaled the Honor Guard's in their color, fuzziness, and length marched in, ceremonial swords drawn. Behind them two griffons and another minotaur walked in. The two minotaur guards stopped and stood at either side of the red carpet. They raised their swords and the three others passed underneath. As the two griffons and minotaur arrived at in front of Twilight, the two guards sheathed their swords, pivoted towards the throne and stood at attention.

Twilight nervously looked at the three. The middle griffon wore a beautiful silver crown filled with an assortment of jewels. It had a golden crest on its front that showed a griffon and minotaur embracing. The minotaur wore a pair of glasses while the other griffon had nothing on whatsoever.

All three bowed lightly. The middle one stood.

“Good evening, Your Highness, as Emperor of the Griffo-Minotaurian Empire, allow me to be the first from our fair country to congratulate you on your crowning as Princess and Regent during the Celestial Diarchs' vacation.”

Twilight blushed.

“Ah, thank you. And—uh—allow me to be the first from Equestria to congratulate you on becoming Emperor.”

Cyclone smiled.

“We are honored by your thanks. Allow me to introduce you to the other delegates in our most fair party.” he gestured to the griffon, “This is Prime Minister Golden Eye of the Griffon Empire,” he then gestured to the minotaur, “and this is Prime Minister Delicate Balance of the Kingdom of Minotaury.”

Twilight shook their hands and paws.

“Prime Ministers.”

Her attention returned to Cyclone.

“My apologies for the sudden arrival. Ever since the civil unrest was peacefully ended, the Empire has made it a top priority to bolster relations with our key allies—especially with the upcoming Cosmic Council session later this summer in Mosclaw.”

Twilight nodded.

“Of course. Maintaining peaceful relations should be very important to any nation.”

“I also felt it was important to reinforce the Empire's current standing with Equestria.” Cyclone looked to Golden Eye, “From my understanding, the Empire's never had the best relations with Equestria while it was under a Regency and we wish to quell any fears that may exist about any malicious intentions on our part.”

Twilight resisted the urge to let out a sigh of relief.

“Griffia-Minotaury has been at peace with Equestria for over a hundred years. While your civil wa—err, unrest, was concerning, we knew that the peaceful intentions that the Griffo-Minotaurian people would persevere.”

All three of the delegates smiled.

“We're glad that Equestria has faith in the Empire. Times have been very trying as of late. Not just because of the unrest. The Canissian Empire has been steadily becoming more aggressive and both the Germane Confederation and Saddle Arabia have struggled to check their growing dominance. Equestria should consider itself lucky that it sits alone on a continent and doesn't face so many potential adversaries.”

Twilight laughed lightly.

“I can assure you, Emperor, that we've had our share of problems lately. Equestria's had a long history, one that seems to have a habit of returning.”

Cyclone smiled.

“Old problems never do seem to leave, do they?”

“No, I guess they don't.”

Delicate Balance cleared his throat, causing Red Cyclone to briefly glance over.

“Ah, yes. Prime Minister Balance has never been a fan of 'small talk'. While the primary purpose of this meeting was to reassure every...pony, is it?” Twilight nodded, “We're here, so we might as well talk about some less than exciting, but no less important, matters—particularly relating to Article Forty-five of the Canterlot-Viennaerie Treaty.”

Twilight looked over to Foreign Minister Belli and Ambassador Willful Echo, who gave reassuring smiles. She ignored the horrified look on Rainbow's face and her mouthing of 'please no'.

“Uh, sure. Let's start.”


The throne room doors closed behind the Emperor and his delegation. Twilight slumped down in the throne and breathed a sigh of relief.

“That went great. I thought for sure they were going to do some saber rattling and be a gigantic headache.”

Foreign Minister Belli began to gather up paperwork.

“It really isn't surprising. It'll take months, maybe even years, to recover from that civil war. Red Cyclone just wanted to make sure that Equestria knew they didn't pose a threat. Considering how often the griffons have attacked during Regencies, I'm not that shocked that he'd want to send that message.”

Twilight took a drink from her chalice.

“It's just good knowing that there's one less headache to deal with.”

'Maybe this Regency isn't going to be so bad after all.'


Two unicorns gazed out a large bay window into the dimly lit sky of Canterlot.

“What's taking her so long? Our meeting was supposed to be an hour ago.”

The male unicorn set down his wine glass onto the Bahia Rosewood table.

“Now, Glass, please settle down.”

Glass House scoffed.

“It's rude and disrespectful, Blueblood. Who schedules a meeting and then shows up an hour late?”

“She can show up as late as she feels like. What she is doing is unprecedented. Now, have some more wine and relax.”

Glass House grumbled something under her breath before telekinetically grabbing the wine and pouring another glass out.

There was a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

A servant entered.

“Your Grace, Admiral Flight Deck has arrived.”

“Please show her in.”

The servant nodded before leaving.

“I still think this is a mistake.”

Blueblood glared at Glass.

“I'm not paying you to think. I'm paying you to run Parliament.”

The door opened once more. And in walked a blue mare and a white stallion. Both wore mess dress naval uniforms. Blueblood and Glass House stood to greet them.

“Good evening, Prince Blueblood.”

“Good evening, Fleet Admiral,” he looked to the stallion, “Commodore.”

The stallion nodded curtly. Flight glanced at the stallion.

“Please forgive Ludicrous Gibs. He's not the most talkative of the Brass.”

Blueblood motioned for the two to sit down on the nearby chairs.

“I see. I must say that I was quite astonished when you first scheduled a meeting. The military has never been one to involve itself in politics or the affairs of the nobility.”

Flight Deck sighed.

“Normally, we don't. Politics isn't a field any within the armed forces are keen on taking up, but we've grown increasingly concerned over the direction Equestria is going.”

Blueblood leaned in.

“While I'll freely admit things aren't going exactly the way I'd like them to, Equestria's in a golden age, Admiral. Our economy is flourishing. The populace is content. We have no enemies.”

Flight Deck interrupted.

“That, Your Grace, is where you are wrong. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis.”

Blueblood furrowed his brow while Glass House's face was the definition of confused.

“Chrysalis? Who's that?”

Flight Deck's eyes widened.

“I—uh—mean the Changeling Queen.” she paused momentarily, “My apologies, I forgot that not everypony was debriefed on her name.”

Blueblood nodded.

“Ah, yes. Those were threats—you could even go as far as to call them enemies—but they were quickly and effortlessly dealt with.”

“True as that may be, those problems weren't dealt with as effectively as the National Defense Council believes they could have been.”

Glass House snorted.

“They were all defeated within days. How more effective could that be?”

Flight Deck resisted the urge to glare at the parliamentarian. She instead politely looked at her.

“And how were those enemies defeated?”

“From what your predecessor at the NDC has said, the Elements of Harmony.”

“Do you know what the Elements are?”

Glass House shrugged.

“Fancy necklaces?”

Flight Deck grit her teeth.

“Ponies, Miss House. They're a group of six ponies. Five of whom will be dead in under two centuries. Do you see where I'm going?””

Neither Blueblood nor Glass House seemed to grasp the implications.

“Not quite.”

“The Princesses have placed all their eggs in one basket. A basket that will be worthless the moment one of those ponies die. I don't know if a thousand years has made them senile or bored, but this Element pet project of theirs is only going to end badly and they don't even realize it. They've invested so much time, effort, and faith in it, that they even thought Discord could be saved by them. Discord. The creature that was only barely contained by those very same Elements only a year ago.”

Glass House once again didn't quite get it.

“I'm sorry, Admiral, but I do not understand the point of this meeting. If it's to voice your displeasure with the Diarchy, then that is already well documented. I fail to see why that concerns us.”

Flight Deck sighed.

“I'll cut to the chase. The NDC has grown concerned in the way the Princesses are running things. Most of these enemies were caused directly from Princess Celestia's decisions. Nightmare Moon was Luna. Discord was the former ruler of the country. Botched foreign diplomacy caused the Changeling Kingdom to grow desperate. Not to mention she told nopony about any of these threats until they happened. How can you expect us to defend the county when we don't know what we're fighting until it's blowing up half of Canterlot!?”

Blueblood narrowed his eyes.

“What, exactly, are you proposing?”

Flight Deck nodded to Gibs, who reached into a saddlebag and pulled out a small stack of papers.

“The Princesses need to retire—forcefully, if necessary. While their rule over the country has been admirable, they've risked Equestria's future far too many times. It's clear that they've failed to properly consider all options and instead rely on a group of ponies to fix everything, a group of ponies that won't be around forever.”

Glass House's jaw had dropped.

“Are you absolutely insane?! Taking down a political opponent or even another country's leader is one thing, but taking on the Princesses?! That's a suicide plan!”

The gears in Blueblood's head were turning.

“Settle down, Glass. It's rude and very uncivil to interrupt a guest. Especially one with such an interesting plan.”

Glass scoffed, loudly.

“You can't be serious, Blueblood. You're actually considering this?”

He looked to her.

“You should know by now to keep all options open, Glass. Never burn a bridge unless you have to.” he looked back at Flight Deck, “Now, please continue.”

Flight Deck chuckled.

“I understand your skepticism, Miss House. While formidable, the Princesses are by no means invincible. Queen Chrysalis showed that much.”

Blueblood nodded.

“While this sounds interesting, if you don't have a plan, then all it is treasonous talk.”

Flight Deck held up the papers with a wing.

“The plan is fairly straightforward but we need to act quickly. First, I'll build support within the armed forces, a process that's already begun. Then, we'll need to cause some unrest before we assassinate the Lady Regent, indirectly. As important as the Elements are, getting rid of one of the alicorns would prove extremely beneficial. Once that's done and panic starts, the NDC will move in to take over. No doubt, the Princesses will return to try and deal with the crisis and that's when we take them out and establish the new government.”

Glass House had grown somewhat skittish.

“Then why bring us into it? Surely the military can handle this?”

“If the coup is to be successful, I need the support of the nobility to help ease any tensions while we reorganize the government. As I mentioned before, we're good at war, not politics. In order to get the ball rolling, we need some sort of unrest to help cast suspicion away from us while I prepare the armed forces.”

“I see.”

Flight Deck looked at Blueblood.

“So what do you say, Your Grace? Would you like to participate in saving Equestria once and for all and assuring that we never have to fight another of the Princesses' foes ill prepared again?”

Blueblood thought for a minute.

“I believe such an arrangement would prove most beneficial.”

Glass House could hardly grasp what she was hearing.

“I can't believe we're actually doing this.”

Flight Deck ignored Glass House and smiled.

“Very good. I had a feeling the nobility would accept. Now, if you have some plan that could help destabilize the Regency, it would greatly aid in the opening stages of the plan.”

Both Blueblood and Glass House began laughing.

“What? What's so funny?”

Blueblood stifled his remaining laughter.

“You have impeccable timing, Admiral. We were already in the midst of planning a 'protest' against the Regency.” he stomped a hoof onto the table, a fire in his eyes, “I should have been Regent, not Aunty's perfect little student who's been handed everything on a silver platter her whole life.”

Flight Deck and Ludicrous Gibs exchanged glances.

“I'm going—well, was going—to show Aunty just how ill equipped her student is at being royalty.”

Glass House nudged Blueblood.

“I believe you mean 'we'? If that little ingrate thinks she can show up the Unicorn Caucus—and, more importantly, the Caucus's leader—then she's sorely mistaken.” she added with a whisper nopony could hear, “As are you for agreeing to this.”

Flight Deck smiled.

“Excellent. What is your plan, then?”

Glass House levitated over a stack of bound papers.

“The National Budget Act of 1003 is due to come before Parliament in a few weeks. If I can assemble a broad enough coalition, we can vote it down.”

Flight Deck's face flashed with confusion.

“And that would be beneficial because...”

Glass huffed in annoyance.

“The National Budget Act is a supply bill. Equestria uses the Westphalianminster system of government. If Parliament fails to approve a supply bill, it acts as a de facto vote of no confidence in the government. Under the constitution, the Lady Regent will have to dissolve Parliament and her Cabinet and declare a new round of elections. It'll cause a government collapse.”

Blueblood smiled deviously.

“Not just a government collapse. The constitution doesn't address what happens if a regent is in charge during such a collapse. It could very well trigger a constitutional crisis.”

Flight Deck also grinned.

“I see. That would definitely do the trick. The question is, can you pull it off?”

Glass shrugged.

“I don't yet know. The Everfree Coalition, being the bunch of crazy 'small government' loons that they are, will vote for anything if it means stopping our 'out of control spending'. The Lunar Party would balk at a government shutdown—especially if it meant all of their precious welfare programs got shut down, but I could convince some of their more radical members to help. The Solar Party's in a similar boat as the Lunar, and with businessponies having the entire party in their back pocket, there's no way they'd go for a shutdown. Again, their more radical members would jump at the opportunely to help.”

Flight Deck looked at Glass House.

“My, my, such caustic words. But I thought you were a member of the Solar Party?”

Glass gave a toothy grin.

“Admiral, I'm a member of whatever party gets me the most votes and the most power. Currently, that happens to be the Solar Party.”

Flight Deck chuckled.

“I never realized just how cut throat politics were. Maybe I was mistaken to believe that coldhearted, brutal soldiers couldn't participate. I do apologize for ending this meeting abruptly, but duty calls. I look forward to working with the nobility.”

Blueblood smiled.

“As do we, Admiral.”

Flight Deck and Ludicrous Gibs stood, exchanged pleasantries with Blueblood and Glass House and departed.

As soon as she could confirm the two were out of earshot, Glass glared at Blueblood.

“I can't believe we're doing this. It's a horrid idea.” she grumbled.

“And that, dear Glass, is why you must constantly come to me for help. You lack the ambition and foresight to accomplish anything of importance. Admiral Flight Deck represents the best opportunely the nobility's had in hundreds of years to reclaim some of our power.”

“I don't see how. Her little coup plan, while cute, is guaranteed to fail when the Princesses return. Changeling Queen, she's not.”

Blueblood eyed his glass of wine.

“And again, you fail to see the whole picture. Of course Aunty will mop up any pitiful attempts she may make, but who will be the ones that can say they were able to infiltrate and help thwart the coup from the inside when neither that precious student or her friends could?”

Glass's eyes lit with realization.

“And when we show what we've done, the nobility will be hailed for its efforts.”

Blueblood returned his gaze to the window, and the nighttime scenery of Canterlot.

“Precisely. My ancestors were far too ambitious with their attempts and it cost them a chamber of Parliament. If we move too quickly, Aunty will merely check our advances as coldly and brutally as she did all those years ago. We must chip away slowly to regain power, not try to grab it all at once. Flight Deck's little coup may fail, but our attempts to reclaim power and prestige most certainly will not.”

Blueblood took one last sip from his wineglass.

End of Chapter Three

Author's Note:

Hey, it updated. Unbelievable, I know. With me being on summer vacation from college, I don't have an excuse. The lack of an update was simply due to a lack of desire to work on the story. Hopefully, that won't happen too often. Strangely, it seems I'm more motivated when in college.

And so, the Griffons make their first appearance after first being referenced in Ascend's very first chapter. You will never know how much of a pain it was to find a bird pun for “Vienna.”

I've never been a fan of the Klingon!Griffon Empire fanon that is constantly invading Equestria and trying to conquer it, so don't expect them to invade any time soon. Even though the Griffo-Minotaurian Empire will be just as crushed by canon as it's Austro-Hungarian counterpart was by the Russians, I still love it to death.

Unfortunately, Regent may be getting the hiatus tag in the near future. This is due to my aunt—who's always been very close to me—having terminal lung cancer and being in a downward spiral, health wise. My mother's mental health could take a beating from her death as well because of how close they were when she was growing up. Needless to say, it's not a great situation.

The hiatus, if there even is one, will probably only be for a month at most (depending on how my mom takes her death). Chapter Four could very well be finished quicker than Three was.

Don't forget about the deleted scenes for the chapter either.

I just know the downfall of this story's going to be trying to blend comedy and drama.

There was a very large hint (well, I think it's big, considering how subtle I've been up until now) dropped as to Regent's big twist. Can you guess what it is?