• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 25,547 Views, 617 Comments

Regent - xTSGx

Congratulations, Twilight. With the Princesses on vacation, you're in charge of Equestria. Perhaps it's a bit early to congratulate you. After all, whether it's a jealous nobility or an unhappy military, your reign will be anything but

  • ...


Copyright © 2013. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. The cover image is owned by Mixipony.

Version 1.0

Published 3/23/12

Chapter One: Vacation.

“Sister, what do you think of this shirt?”

Luna held up a Hawaiian shirt with bright, green palm leaves and yellow pineapples printed on it.

Celestia crinkled her nose.

“Are you sure you want to bring that? It seems awfully touristy.”

Luna scoffed.

“Says the mare who's going to be wearing a fanny pack.”

Celestia glanced to her leopard print fanny pack.

“Its practicality outweighs any tackiness. We don't have pockets sewn into our fur so it's the next best thing.”

“And what of the sunglasses?”

The Solar Diarch glanced up at the pair of gaudy, oversized sunglasses on her forehead.

“At my age, cataracts are a real danger, Luna.”

“But you control the sun!”

“I push it around the sky. Where the idea that I can shoot solar flares at will came from I'll never know.”

“Well what of—”

Celestia put a hoof to her temple to relieve the pressure.

“Luna, how many of these vacations have you been on?”

Luna scrunched her face up in thought.

“I believe there was that one we took to the Golden Horde—such a lovely place that dragon prefecture was—prior to my, err, extended leave of absence.”

“Then trust me, a veteran of ten vacations since, when I say that that shirt wouldn't work.”

“Fine. I'll choose something else.”

Luna walked over and put the shirt back on a rack of other Hawaiian shirts before she began scanning through them to find one she liked. Celestia turned her attention to an already full, flower print suitcase and the stack of shorts that lay folded next to it. With all the grace of a thousand years of being princess, she started cramming them in.

The Lunar Diarch looked over from admiring a shirt with lime green with pink flowers on it to see Celestia struggling with the suitcase.

“Would you like some help, sister?”

“No, Luna, it's fine. I got it.”

“Are you sure?”

Celestia stuffed the last pair of shorts into the suitcase and attempted to telekinetically shut it.

“Yes. I've almost got it.”

“Why don't you simply use another suitcase?”

“The Central Equestrian Railroad charges an absurd amount of money for extra luggage. I am not spending fifty bits for a checked suitcase.”

She was successful at closing the suitcase and now moved on to the difficult step of closing the latches.

“But doesn't the Royal Treasury have millions of bits in its coffers?”

“And how do you think it got those millions of bits? Not from spending it on baggage fees.”

Finally, the latches were secured and Celestia triumphantly lifted the bulging suitcase above her head. At that moment, the brass latches snapped like twigs and the suitcase jettisoned its contents, showering the room and Celestia in clothing, sun tan lotion, and several cake magazines.

The door opened and Twilight walked in to see her teacher covered in shorts, socks, and even a pair of underwear.

“Uh, good morning, Princess. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

Celestia sighed in defeat before she telekinetically lifted the contents of the suitcase onto a nearby table.

“Not at all, Twilight. Just packing. I see Rainbow Dash was able to halt your panic attack.”

“How did you know?”

“You've been handling things so well over the last few months, I knew it was only a matter of time.”

Twilight looked down.


Celestia lifted up Twilight's head.

“Now don't be like that, Twilight. Everypony panics. Even me.”

“You don't panic.”

Celestia gave Twilight a look.

“Oh? The changelings invasion, Discord's return, but especially Luna's fall all caused me a great deal of panic—and heartbreak. It's natural to feel uneasy and even terrified. What's important is conquering those feelings and showing leadership and courage.”

Twilight smiled.

“See, Twilight? Sometimes you're too self-critical. Learn to have some faith in yourself, like you have faith in your friends.”

“But I don't know. What if this whole Regency business implodes on me? It's happened plenty of times before. There was Hill Burrow's attempted regicide during the eleventh Regency, the Griffo-Minotaurian invasion during the sixth Regency, the Cutie Pox Pandemic during the—”

“Twilight. You'll do just fine. While it's true that most of the Regencies didn't go so well, it's also true that Equestria was always strengthened by them. Equestria, and indeed, you, are like iron. You're both strong, but brittle. Add a little fire—some trials and challenges—and you'll come out of it stronger than ever.”

“But, princess, iron requires carbon to—”

Celestia laughed.

“It's a metaphor, Twilight. What I'm saying is you'll face adversities, but you'll always come away from it stronger.”

Twilight's smile grew.

“Thanks. But, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Just wanted to give you a little encouragement and ask you a very important question.”


Celestia held up a pair of shorts.

“Do these make me look big?”


The Outer Ballroom—home to Twilight's coronation and the wedding—once again was called upon for an important function. As with before, numerous important ponies filled the hall. Standing on the platform were Equestria's three princesses, Chief Justice Docket Number, and a red unicorn stallion known as Archmage Morning Star, head the of the Arcane Magic Council.

Docket Number spoke.

“We are all gathered here today, to take part in this once a century tradition. In order to absolve the Princesses Celestia and Luna of the great burden that ruling our fair country imposes, we will grant them a yearlong respite from their duties as a reward for their services and sacrifices in order for them to rest and rejuvenate themselves for the long and weary road ahead. To that end, a Regent is required to fulfill the royal duties and a council of honored and trustworthy mages is needed to control the sun and moon.

“After a long search, the Day and Night Courts have selected Her Majesty, Princess Sparkle as their candidate for Regent. The United Parliament of the Principality of Equestria and Its Territories, after a rousing and earnest debate, has agreed with Their Majesties' choice and approved Princess Sparkle as Regent. Twilight Sparkle, please step forward.”

She did so.

“Twilight Sparkle. Do you swear to uphold the Constitution of Equestria, the virtues and ideals that it entails, and the laws and regulations of the country?”

“I do.”

“Do you swear to maintain peace and harmony throughout the land, and protect everypony and species from the dangers that threaten them?”

“I do.”

Docket looked to Celestia.

“Princess Celestia, do you yield your authority, your power, and your rights as Princess to Twilight Sparkle?”

Celestia bowed to Twilight.

“I yield.”

Docket turned to Luna.

“Princess Luna, do you yield your authority, your power, and your rights as Princess to Twilight Sparkle?”

Luna bowed as well.

“I yield.”

He looked back to Twilight.

“Then by the power authorized to me under Article 22 of the constitution, I, Chief Justice Docket Number, do authorize and affirm Twilight Sparkle as the thirteenth Regent of Equestria. Let it be known to every pony, every race, every species through the country, that the reign of Princesses Celestia and Luna had ended, and the Regency of Twilight Sparkle has begun.”

Twilight looked out into the cheering crowd and saw her friends waving and celebrating with the rest of Equestria.

Celestia and Luna stood as the cheering went on for several minutes before it finally abated.

The Solar Diarch then turned to Morning Star.

“Archmage Morning Star. Are you and your council ready to bear the burden that the sun holds?”

Luna was next.

“And are you prepared for the challenges of the moon?”

He nodded to the princesses.

“We are, Your Majesties.”

“Then, as Diarch of the Sun, I hereby pass on the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of controlling that life giving sphere on to you.”

She tapped horns with Morning Star causing a bright, but brief, shine of golden light to erupt.

“And We, as Diarch of the Moon, pass on the mysteries, wonder, and power that controlling the night's light giver has to offer to you.”

Luna tapped her horn to Morning Star's which caused a brief explosion of dark blue and purple fog that quickly dissipated.

The unicorn stood tall.

“The Arcane Magic Council is once again proud to fulfill our ancestral duty of controlling the sun and moon. We hope that we can perform even a tenth as well as you both and continue to bring honor and pride to the Bearers of the Sun and Moon.”

The crowd erupted in cheers yet again. Docket Number looked to the Princesses.

“Celestia, Luna. Let your twelfth centennial vacation officially begin!”


Out in one of the hallways, Twilight was hugging her friends.

“Are you sure you can't stay longer?”

Applejack looked slightly sad.

“Ah'm sorry, Twilight, but with winter bearing down and with Granny catchin' pneumonia—I told her not to go and check on the pigs but did that stubborn old mare listen—I simply can't. Maybe once she recovers I can come visit or you can visit us. The 'Lady Regent' payin' old Ponyville a visit sure would drum up some business.”

“I'll think about it.”

Fluttershy also seemed somewhat melancholy.

“I wish I could stay, but I have to make sure that the comfy burrows the little woodland creatures are spending the winter in don't get buried under snow. It would be wonderful if you could come visit. We could have tea and relax.”

“That sounds great, Fluttershy.”

The two bid their farewells and left for the train back to Ponyville.

Twilight turned to the eager pegasus and unicorn who were giggling excitedly at each other. Rarity looked to Twilight.

“Oh, Twilight. How can I ever thank you. 'Adviser to the Regent'. It's so elegant. So posh. So royal.”

Dash was next.

“Yeah, with this on my resume, I'll be a shoe-in for the Wonderbolts.”

“Don't think that me appointing you two as Advisers is just gonna be a walk in the park. It may have been your guys' idea but I'm going to count on you to...advise me.”

The two nodded, excitement still shining in their eyes.

'I'm going to regret this, aren't I?'


Celestia impatiently looked at Twilight.

“Is that everything?”

“I have just one more question.”

Twilight. We're going to miss the train.”

Celestia saw the pleading curiosity on Twilight's face. She sighed.

“Make it quick.”

Twilight looked over the two alicorns.

“How do you expect to relax? Everypony's going to be falling over themselves to look after their Princesses.”

Celestia and Luna glanced at each other.

“Oh, that's easy.”

Their horns lit up with a green glow and a green fire soon enveloped them. After the magic had subsided, a golden unicorn and dark blue pegasus were standing where the Princesses had been. Twilight's jaw was wide open.

The unicorn wearing Celestia's regalia spoke.

“I'm going to be Sunset Shimmer. Princess Celestia's former student.”

The pegasus was next.

“And I will take up the mantle of Moonshine. A modest painter. As you can see, I choose a much more humble profession.”

“I didn't realize this was a contest, Luna.”

“You only say that because you have lost.”

Celestia grunted before her gaze fell onto the still shocked alicorn.


She waved a hoof in front of Twilight's face.


“I believe you have broken her.”

Celestia frowned.

“Maybe we shouldn't have used changeling aura. Now she's going to think we're secretly changeling queens that have been ruling Equestria for generations or something.”

Luna sat down next to Twilight.

“You're the one who wanted to 'give it a twist' if I recall correctly.”

"Yes, but I didn't think she'd lock up.”

“Why is it always your plans that backfire horribly.”

“My plans don't backfire.” she pointed to the still frozen Twilight, “Case in point. Twilight, I'm giving you an F.”

Twilight leapt into the air.

Nooooo! I'm sorry, Princess. Please, let me try again. I promise I'll do better.”


Luna rolled her eyes.

“And we wonder why she's always a nervous wreck.”

Celestia stuck her tongue out.

After realizing that she hadn't been given a failing grade, Twilight was able to compose herself.

“But, Princesses, how are you regular ponies?”

Celestia smiled.

“What? You're not the only one who knows changeling magic.”

The shrill sound of a train whistle rang out.

“We're going to be late!”

Celestia and Lu—err Sunset and Moonshine hastily grabbed their carry on luggage and made a beeline for the exit.

“Goodbye, Twilight. Please don't plunge Equestria into civil war while we're gone. If the griffins invade again, just hold the fort until we get back. And don't, under any circumstance, look into the Great Pit of Azerbaijan or your mind will be fractured into a thousand pieces and cast into such horrifying torment that you'll beg for the sweet release of death. There's a reason we have that 'Caution' sign hanging next to it. I really don't want to have to go and talk to Tirek again to get you back. He can be such a pain. Bye!”

“Farewell, Twilight Sparkle! We shall see you in a year's time.”


The two ponies waved at Twilight before leaving. Twilight waved back. After they had left, she started walking toward the throne room to meet with High Overseer Solar Flare.

“Wait, what was that about a pit?”


Equestria's regent walked into the throne room. Upon entering, her gaze fell upon the purple banners with her cutie mark on them that were prominently displayed behind the throne. She frowned and approached the pink unicorn known as High Overseer Solar Flare, who was talking with one of the Day Court secretaries.


He turned around.

“Yes, Lady Regent?”

Twilight winced slightly at the title before speaking.

“What's with the banners?”

He glanced at the banners.

“They're there to show your ascension to the throne.”

“But doesn't it seem a little...dictator-y?”

He raised an eyebrow.


“Yeah, it's something I'd do if I'd just committed regicide and declared myself 'High Chancellor' or 'Empress' or something.”

“I don't really see the connection. It's not like—wait.” his eyes lit up, “You mean you've actually thought about what you'd do in the event you assassinated the princesses?”

“Uh—N-No! Of course not. D-Don't be ridiculous.”

Her eyes wandered around, refusing to look at Flare.

“I see. In any event, you must choose a name for your court.”

Now assured that an awkward conversation about power fantasies had been avoided, Twilight returned her eyes to the Overseer.

“My what?”

“Your court. As sole ruler during the Regency, Article Ten of the constitution requires you to 'from time to time, hold a public meeting with which the citizens may air their grievances'. While the constitution doesn't specify how often, it's been tradition since before Parliament that it was held daily. Over the years, the Day Court—consisting of the royal officers, servants, and administrators—and those public meetings slowly merged together into what we have today.”

“Aren't you the master of exposition.”

He smirked.

“Would you rather I not say anything and watch as the nobility and the press slowly eat you alive until there's nothing but a dead husk?”

Twilight shuddered.

“They're not that bad, are they?”

“The nobility? For the most part, they're harmless. After their rebellion a few hundred years back cost them the House of Nobility in Parliament, their direct political influences has waned. That being said, they spend more bits during election season then anypony else and so have a loyal following in the Unicorn Caucus in Parliament. Do expect some headache from them.”


“As for the press. I have no doubts that they've already dug through your entire history and will begin publishing an editorial series on why Celestia's insane and you're a horrible choice as regent.”

Twilight's mind wandered to a certain incident involving a stuffed animal and mind control. It then moved on to the parasprites, and then to her near failure in the Crystal Empire.

She looked down.

“Maybe they're right. Maybe I am a horrible choice.”

Flare frowned.

“Don't let it get to you, Twilight. If there's one thing the press is great at it's negativity. It wouldn't have mattered who Celestia chose, they'd still think they were a bad choice. The Princesses know what they're doing. They chose you carefully. You're not going to doubt the decision of a couple thousand year old pair of alicorns, are you? They have a lot of wisdom, after all.”


Sister! Cease! Why did you think that was a good idea?”

Celestia pulled again, to no avail.

“I'm sorry, Moonshine. How was I to know that the bubble gum would pop like that.”

The train conductor looked at the two mares and their heads that were stuck together with wads of bubble gum.

“Is there anything I can help you two ladies with, today?”

“Yes, thank you. Could you happen to find something that can get us unstuck, please?”

“I'll see if we have any peanut butter.”

The conductor departed.

Luna pouted.

“This is a horrible start to our vacation.”

“Oh, shush.”


Twilight smiled.

“You're right.”

“But of course. Now, back to the matter of your court. You need to pick a name, location, and time to hold it.”

He levitated a clipboard up from behind his back while Twilight thought.

“What about just leaving it as 'Day Court'?”

“I'm sorry, but that's exclusively reserved for Princess Celestia.” Twilight opened her mouth, “The same goes for 'Night Court'.”

“Might I make a suggestion?”


“Try to think of something thematically. Princess Celestia has the sun, Princess Luna the moon. There's the theme of time of day going on.”

“I don't know. Afternoon Court sounds like a horrible name.”

Twilight's mind flashed back to the events of the Nightmare Night Ball.

'I've got it!'


Solar Flare walked out onto the balcony. Below, a group of ponies made up of the press and some of the Diarchy Fan Club's members sat.

“Let it be proclaimed throughout the land that the first session of the Dusk Court of Lady Regent Twilight Sparkle will be held tomorrow at five o'clock in the afternoon sharp in the Throne Room.”

The group of Diarchy fans cheered while the press ponies were busy jotting down the information.


“From NPR News in Canterlot, I'm Lol She Sings. With the twelfth Centennial Vacation of the Princesses underway, Twilight Sparkle has begun her reign as Equestria's thirteenth Regent. NPR's Royal Bureau Chief Crystal Spire has more from Canterlot Cast—”

Bleary eyed, Twilight poked a hoof out from under the hoof woven Saddle Arabian silk sheets and casually slapped the HD Radio alarm clock to turn it off.

'Just five more minutes.'

She rolled over and tried to get comfortable once more.

'Oh, who am I kidding?'

Twilight unwrapped herself from the silk cocoon she was lying in and hopped off of the Princess sized bed. She looked out of one of the windows and saw the sun poking it's way over the horizon.

'At least the Arcane Magic Council's doing their job.'

She shuddered at the thought of having to wake up and raise the sun. After that horrifying thought had passed, she slipped on a pair of slippers and opened the door to her room.

The two Royal Guards that stood on either side snapped to attention.

“Good morning, Lady Regent.”

She smiled weakly.

“It won't be a good morning until I have some caffeine.”

The purple alicorn made her way to the Grooming Room that was located just down the hallway. The two guards flanked her and followed.

“You guys don't have to follow me. It's literally right next to my room.”

“We're sorry, Lady Regent, but Captain Maneuver has given us strict orders. The risk of assassination is greatest during the first days of the Regency.”

“Assassination? This is Equestria! Who would want to assassinate me?”

The two guards looked at each other.

“The Canissians, Griffons, cultists, Diamond Dog terrorists, embittered former friends who are jealous, Discord, the Changeling Queen, Sombra, some up and coming politician.”

Twilight looked back at the two.

“The Canissian Empire has been at peace with Equestria since the five hundreds. The Griffons are still recovering from their civil war and take over by that Field Marshal. Both the Nightmare Moon Cult and the Cult of the Broken Circle have been crushed by the Night Guard. The Diamond Dogs couldn't screw a light bulb on, let alone organize an assassination. I don't have any embittered friends. Discord's a permanent feature of the statue garden and there are nine different runes in place to prevent him from pulling any dream manipulation or reality warping. The Changeling Kingdom has collapsed due to their invasion last year. Sombra's scattered in a thousand pieces. And I'm sure that any politician's more concerned with their wallet than with killing me. Anything I missed?”

Both guards shook their heads.

“See? There's nothing to worry about. Now, you two guard the door while I try desperately to groom myself while being coddled like a newborn foal.”

“Yes, Lady Regent.”

The two guards stood on either side of the door as Twilight made her way in. Sitting on some chairs a short distance away were a group of mares reading some gossip and style magazines, completely oblivious to the alicorn that was tiptoeing her way in.

'Alright, now just keep quiet. That Noise Dampening Spell should ensure those servants don't catch you. All you have to do is grab a hairbrush and soap and you can bolt for one of the empty shower rooms and—'

At that moment, the floor decided to commit high treason by letting out a loud groan as Twilight stepped on it. Her eyes widened as she heard the mares stir.

“The Lady Regent is here!”

'Oh no.'

There was nothing Twilight could do as she was consumed in a pile of hooves, hairbrushes, and the lavender scent of a five hundred bit bottle of shampoo.


Now squeaky clean, nicely groomed, and with the faint scent of lavender sticking to her fur, Twilight made her way to the dining room. Her golden shoe clad hooves clopped against the marble floor and her new regalia sparkled in the morning light. Two more guards saluted and opened the door, allowing Twilight to walk in and sit down at the carved maple table with matching upholstered chairs.

A chef walked in from the kitchen and stood next to Twilight.

“What can the castle cooks get you this fine morning, Lady Regent?”

Twilight thought for a moment.

“Can I get some Earl Grey tea with honey and some pancakes and eggs.”

“How would you like your eggs?”


“Right away, Lady Regent.”

The chef bowed, causing Twilight to wince, before he made his way back into the kitchen.

After a few minutes of waiting for her food, Solar Flare hastily made his way and sat down next to her.

She noticed he was trying to catch his breath.

“Is something wrong?”

“My apologies, Lady Regent.”

Before Twilight could inquire further, a servant walked out of the kitchen with her food. She eyed the tea greedily and quickly took a sip of the caffeine enriched beverage.

“Ah, that's better. Now, why are you so out of breath today, Flare? You're not panicked over it being my first day, are you?”

Twilight looked over the stack of pancakes and eggs that awaited her. Solar Flare levitated over a newspaper.

“Remember what I said about the press, Lady Regent?”

She paused a moment before shoving a forkful of pancake into her mouth.

“Uh, yes. You told me to ignore them.”

He levitated the paper onto the table.

“I would advise you to momentarily disregard that advice.”

Twilight peered down at it before an angry expression crossed her face.

Rarity! Rainbow Dash!

End of Chapter One.

Author's Note:

AKA "The Unnecessary Sequel Story". After a few weeks break, the first chapter of the sequel is finally ready. Here's to hoping you'll enjoy it just as much as Ascend, especially because it's going to be somewhat more serious, although the seriousness won't start to come into play until the middle of the story, so enjoy the comedy while you can.

Ascend poked fun at stories like Expectations, On Wings of Change, and even a little Sharing the Night. That's only half the Twilicorn iceberg, though. There's still the "princess" stories like Cry For Eternity and Rites of Ascension that I can shamelessly rip-off.

Enjoy the deleted scene that canon forced me to torpedo. While it wouldn't have been in this chapter, I see no reason why I can't toss it up now.

Also, if you're reading this and wondering what the hell is going on, you should probably go and read Ascend. That, or just say "screw it" and move on to another story. I'd prefer the first option, though.