• Published 11th Feb 2013
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Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen - vren55

Thanks to the love bomb at the Royal Wedding, Princess Celestia is revealed to be a Changeling Queen. How will Equestria, deal with this? And why is Celestia a Changeling Queen in the first place?

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Chapter 28: An Offer

“It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well.”

―Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I opened my eyes, and quickly shut them. It was too bright, but as I squinted through the cracks in the darkness, I could see the white ceiling of what appeared to be a hospital room, with golden rays of sunlight dancing across it. So bright… it must be noon.

Wait, why am I in a hospital bed at noon? And why do I not quite remember getting in it? Just… just what had I been doing?

That was when the memories hit.

In a second, it all came back to me. Chrysalis flying in front of Belladonna. My teleport. The agony! I had fallen from the sky and hit something. I lost consciousness.

I bolted upright, my forelegs throwing the blanket away. I pressed my hooves to my body, trying to see if I was still there, and blinked. Bringing up my legs, I stared at my hooves, my real, black, holed, changeling hooves, only one thought pounding in my head.

Was I dead?

As much as I hated to even think about it, I could recall the excruciating pain as the dark spell had ripped me apart. I should be dead.

But as I looked down at myself, I gasped.

The glossy carapace toward the left side of my front had a hole about three hoof-lengths in diameter. In its place was a patch of overlapping, burnished steel scales looking like that of a reptile; scale mail. This patch was attached to a metal frame that fitted around what was definitely a hole in my chest. Peeking out from just underneath the scale mail appeared to be some sort of leather-rubber skin that was also attached to the frame. I had no doubt that underneath this patch were my fleshy, changeling insides.

I tapped the scale mail, running my hoof over the artificial barrier in half horror, half amazement.

Horror, because I could see how close I had come to death.

Amazement, because I had survived. After all, if I was dead, why would I have an armored patch over my carapace?

But how in the name of Great Hive Mothers had I survived that?

I needed answers. Brushing my mane out of my face, I moved to pull myself off my bed, wincing as my tired limbs protested.

That was when my door opened, and the last pony I had ever expected to see trotted in, escorted by two silent guards.

For a moment, I simply stared, not quite believing my eyes. The last time we had faced each other she was bleeding, missing an eye, wounded beyond all recognition. Yet, I recognized her radiance, her shimmering tri-color mane, her alabaster coat, her long pointed horn and her great wings.

After all, for a thousand years, this pony had been my reflection.

“Celestia?” I rasped, and broke into a series of hacking coughs. My throat was sandpaper dry! Just how long had I been asleep?

The alicorn trotted toward me, a small smile stretching her lips, and for the first time I noticed she was levitating a tray with a glass of water, which she proffered to me.

“It is us, Queen Alternia. How dost thou fare?” she asked, her deep, regal voice somehow the same as it had been a thousand years ago.

Too tired to levitate, I took the glass in my hoof and took a small sip, just to wet my tongue and get rid of the stickiness in my mouth.

“I’m alive. I don’t know how, but I’m alive. What happened?” I asked. The last I remembered was screaming as the flames engulfed me.

Celestia, still smiling, sat her rump on the ground. “Thy sisters and friends saved thy life, Queen Alternia. While my Luna kept thee breathing for as long as it was in her power, thy sisters used my crown as a guide in order to locate my resting place. They then brought me to thy bedside. Thine student and her fellow Bearers then used the power of the Elements to restore me to wakefulness.”

I nodded, though I could scarcely comprehend what had transpired. That they had found Celestia and woken her up all while I was on my deathbed was astounding.

Celestia’s smile faded. “Thou very nearly succumbed in spite of our efforts, and despite our power and skill in healing, we could not heal the wound in thy chest. However, we have succeeded in healing the burns on thy carapace, and breathing new life into thy bosom. Then thy spellcasters and engineers fashioned thee the armor that thou now wearest. We hope thou art satisfied by our joint efforts.”

I nodded, blinking as my eyes moistened, and my throat became choked again.

“Celestia… thank you.”

“It is we who should be thanking thee, Alternia,” replied Celestia.

I raised my head, my brow furrowed, only for my eyes to widen.

The alicorn was crying, again, but where a thousand years ago she had been beset by despair, this time her smile beamed as bright as the sun, even as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Equestria is” —Celestia closed her eyes, shaking as she gulped in deep breaths of air— “beautiful, Alternia.”

Tired as I was, my lips lifted into a smile. “I’m glad you think so.”

To my puzzlement, Celestia shook her head, briefly rubbing the tears off of her cheek. “No, thou dost not comprehend the magnitude of what thou hast done. Thou art not even a pony. Thou art a foreigner, and a stranger to the Elements of Harmony, yet the Equestria thou hast built surpasses all I could have possibly dreamed.”

Then Celestia raised her head so that her magenta eyes met mine. At the same time, I felt her emotions, and needed no further explanation.

For how does one describe such thankfulness, such gratitude? The alicorn of the sun was beholden to me, and I had a good idea as to why.

“Then, thou saved our sister, our Luna. In spite of all that we have forced upon thee, thou didst so much good in our name, and for our behalf. How can we ever repay thee?” asked Celestia.

Pride stirred within my breast, and it took quite a bit of self-control for me to rein it in and shake my head.

“You don’t have to. She is now also my sister, one of the ponies I hold dear to my heart. Her friendship is all that I desire.” I took another sip from my glass to wet my tongue, before frowning. “Did you get to talk to Luna, by the way?”

I was surprised when Celestia blushed and averted her eyes like a filly caught stealing from a cookie jar. “We have shared many words, and rest assured, though our sister has been most preoccupied with affairs of state for the past month— especially with the revelation of our deception — we have been greatly chastised.”

Chuckling, I did not fully process the last part of Celestia’s confession until a few seconds later.

When I did, I found myself fixed in place. Slowly, the right side of my lip twitching, I turned to Celestia.



“What did you mean when you said ‘especially with the revelation of our deception’?” I asked, every word carefully enunciated.

Celestia frowned at me, one elegant eyebrow raised. “Dost thou not remember? Thy disguise was dispelled in front of the multitude when thou wert struck by the curse.”

My whole world began to tilt sideways as I listened to Celestia’s explanation. No, I was not dreaming. My ears were working. I heard that very clearly, and my mind was replaying those words again, and again.

Thy disguise was dispelled in front of the multitude when thou wert struck by the curse.

Thy disguise was dispelled in front of the multitude...

Disguise was dispelled in front of the multitude...

“Oh crap.”

“Thou shouldst watch what thou sayest, Alternia,” said Celestia in a disapproving tone.

I whirled on Celestia. “Watch what I say? There’s no time to worry about what I say! This is a disaster!” I screamed.

Celestia seemed taken aback and she rose hurriedly to her hooves.

“Alternia, there is nothing to be alarmed about.”

I shook my head, running my hooves over my scalp as I tried desperately to collect myself, to think of my options. “Celestia, every single pony in Equestria now knows that their ruler for the last thousand years was actually a changeling queen feeding on their love! I’m surprised Luna has managed to keep the castle standing for so long! There must be riots all over Equestria!”

I expected Celestia’s eyes to widen, and they did, but instead of confirming my fears, she burst out into laughter. Her hooves wrapped around her own chest, decidedly unregal guffaws pealing from the usually serene alicorn’s lips. I gawked, mirroring the reactions of the guards in the room.

“Oh Alternia, thou shouldst have more faith in thine abilities, and in the loyalty of thy subjects,” Celestia managed to say, as she brushed tears from her eyes.

I blinked. “What do you mean?”

Celestia, now chuckling, grinned at me. “Equestria hath eagerly awaited thy waking for the past week, Alternia.”

I shook my head. “That’s impossible.” But it was also the only explanation for Celestia’s behaviour. No wonder she seemed so relaxed, but could it really be? My ponies… were they really waiting for me to recover, even knowing who I really was?

Celestia trotted to the door, her guards moving to follow her. “Thou mayest not believe what we say, but thou hast only just awoken, and there is much for you to take in. Furthermore, we believe that thou art due to have the doctors in to look thee over.”

With that, Celestia opened the door to let in a team of hospital staff that quickly started to fuss over me. I wanted to speak with her more, but the doctors were too busy asking me polite and concise questions about how I felt, as well as checking if my prosthetic chest armor worked or not. I answered them quickly, my eye searching for Celestia, but she was already leaving my room.

Sighing, I submitted myself to the questioning of my ponies, and their ministrations. All the while, my eyelids dropped lower and lower, until I fell asleep.

I stayed in hospital for another month, a month where I had only Celestia’s visits to keep me updated on what was happening outside of my room. It was through her that I learnt of how Blueblood, Shining Armor, and Cadance had pacified and explained the situation to my generals and the populace, and that their continuing efforts to lay out the events of a thousand years ago was the chief reason why they hadn’t been able to visit. When Celestia told me of this, I inwardly swore to give them all a big hug the moment my chest fully recovered.

The waiting grated on me heavily as I wanted to see Twilight and the others. They couldn’t visit though. As the doctors had explained to me, in order to make sure I recovered completely, and that my injuries wouldn’t become infected, it was safer to keep visits at a minimum. Apparently, every time someone had to enter my room, every inch of them had been sanitized. Despite my loneliness, I could hardly disagree with the doctors as I had never felt so weak. The healing had saved my life and sealed the wounds, but my body had yet to fully recover from the trauma of the flame spell.

Luckily, I had lots of books and newspapers to read, and luckily, thanks to edicts I had personally issued, the hospital food I was given was excellent. The doctors and various medical staff did act rather wary around me for a while, but I suppose they didn’t know what to think of me, and as the days passed, they started to open up to me. I even got their names.

To this day, I am not sure how Luna, my loved ones, and Celestia managed to keep Equestria waiting quietly until I could personally explain to the public what had happened. The newspapers were full of speculation, despite testimonies from Luna, Celestia, Blueblood, and Cadance that gave the same story to the public.

I suspect that one of the measures that helped restore some confidence, was the fact that the returned Celestia was on a probationary period, where her authority was restricted, and her activities were observed by several ponies at all times. This coverage of Celestia, who clearly didn’t act like I did, but was definitely benevolent in nature, helped to bolster public confidence and assure the ponies that the story we were telling them was true. Additionally, Cadance, Blueblood and Luna’s constant public appearances also assisted to ease worries.

In addition, it also appeared that my sisters were encouraging pony-changeling relations on their own initiative. Together with Luna, Blueblood, and Cadance, they were arranging exchange programs with Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns and Cloudsdale’s Summer Flight Camp, as well as coming up with a design for the visa that would soon be issued to itinerant changelings.

So in spite of my fears, it seemed Equestria managed to hold itself together until today: the day when I could finally exit the hospital.

The doctor in charge of my case, Doctor Home, gave me a clean bill of health, along with written instructions for the maintenance of my prosthetic chestpiece. I was then escorted to the lobby of the hospital.

The foyer was surprisingly empty as I trotted in, but for two figures that were sitting in adjacent chairs. One was reading a book, the other was waiting silently, her black frame slightly hunched over as she twiddled her hooves.

“Twilight? Chrysalis—”

As soon as I spoke, my student threw her book away, galloped up to me, and hugged my forelegs. As for Chrysalis, she jumped up, scooted around Twilight, then wrapped her legs around my neck and buried her face in my shoulder.

“Twilight,” I said in a gentle voice, my hoof stroking her mane. “It’s all right. Thank you for waking Celestia up for me.” As Twilight beamed, I turned to my elder sister.

To think that not too long ago I had been so terrified at the mere sight of my sister, and so angry for what she had done. Now that I looked at Chrysalis, at her wide, joyous smile, I felt nothing but happiness.

“Don’t ever do something as stupid as that again, Alternia!” cried Chrysalis, her tears moistening my shoulder.

Twilight nodded in agreement with Chrysalis, but said nothing. She was too busy hugging me. She did remember not to squeeze me too tightly, though.

“I’ll make a great effort not to.” I swallowed. “And thank you, Chrysalis, for forgiving me my deception, and for saving my life.”

Chrysalis blinked and wiped a tear from her eye. Sniffling, she met my eyes again and grinned. “You’re welcome, Alternia.”

“We had a hoof in it as well!” said Simulacris’s wry voice.

I turned to the hospital doors and gasped.

All the ponies and changelings that I loved were standing there, waiting for me. Luna, Belladonna, Simulacris, Lamia, Cyndra, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Blueblood. I also spied Celestia lurking in the rear near Luna. They must have been waiting for Twilight and Chrysalis to greet me first.

Now, though, they rushed into the hospital foyer and crowded around me, relieved smiles on their faces and surrounded me, chattering furiously, asking if I was well, until Belladonna and Simulacris pushed through the gaggle.

“I think Twilight and Chrysalis have warned you, but we would like to repeat the warning,” said Belladonna.

Simulacris nodded and looked me in the eye. “Don’t do something so idiotic ever again!”

I had to resist the temptation to roll my eyes. “Of course not.”

Simulacris didn’t seem quite convinced, so I grabbed her and Belladonna with my hooves and dragged them into a big hug with Chrysalis. Belladonna protested half-heartedly, but didn’t resist as I squeezed her tighter. She even chuckled as she knocked heads with Chrysalis.

Ah yes, everything was going to be just fine.

When my sisters and I had finally extricated ourselves from the hug, I turned to Luna, who was watching us, standing so close to her sister that it almost looked as if they were one pony. The two of them had even folded wings over each other.

“Luna, thank you for keeping me alive. I know it must not have been easy,” I said from the bottom of my heart.

Luna dipped her head gracefully. “I’m just glad my efforts paid off, Alternia. But there are three more ponies whom you should really give thanks to.” She turned to Shining Armor, Cadance and Blueblood, who had been waiting quietly by the wall.

Walking up to my niece, I immediately nuzzled her forehead, like I had done when I was taking care of her, and stroked Blueblood’s mane.

“Thank you for reassuring my ponies while I was injured. You’ve done a fantastic job, both of you.”

My adopted nephew grinned. “Think nothing of it, Auntie,” he said as he took hold of my hoof in his. Cadance was less composed, and I saw a tear running down her cheeks as she returned my nuzzle.

“I’m just glad that you’re back,” said Cadance, her voice choked.

I smiled. “As am I.” I turned to Shining Armor, who was standing slightly awkwardly at the side of his wife.

“Captain Armor, your loyalty and actions during this crisis do your predecessors proud. I expect great things from you in the future, especially in your continued service to Celestia,” I said.

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Alternia? You’re not going to be princess anymore?”

I shook my head. “With my disguise gone and Celestia returned, I can hardly keep ruling Equestria anymore.” I sighed, my smile fading slightly. “I didn’t want to have to leave like this, but it has been a long time since I’ve had a break.”

That was when Luna called out, “Speaking of the rulership of Equestria, my sister and I have a proposition for you, Alternia.”

My brow creased a bit, but I nodded. “Go ahead.”

Luna nodded, and seemed to grow in stature, as her Royal Canterlot voice, though far softer than usual, echoed around the room. “In the time since our return, my sister and I have been discussing how we shall rule Equestria together. During these discussions, we realized that one of the problems of our previous joint rulership was that there was nopony to mediate our responsibilities and decisions. If we disagreed, there was nopony to give a fair ruling over whose decision was correct.”

Celestia spoke up. “We believe that part of the reason we drifted apart was due in large part to the frequency of these impasses, culminating in the situation both of us have suffered in for the past thousand years.” A frustrated grimace made its way onto Celestia’s serene features. “We —that is to say, I— currently have my royal authority restricteddue to my extended absence, and in light of the recent revelation of thine identity. Hence, when my sister and I spoke on this subject, we realized that there was only one solution.”

Her grimace giving way to a smile, Celestia turned to me, her eyes shining. “We would need to appoint a third ruling princess.”

In an instant, I understood what they were asking, and yet, I couldn’t believe what they were asking.

“You’re not suggesting…”

Luna grinned. “Yes, Alternia, we would like thee to become the third ruling Princess of Equestria.”

The pronouncement was greeted by gasps from around the room even as I shook my head, my jaw agape.

“But Cadance—”

“Has refused our offer. She told us that it is not her place to sit on Equestria’s throne,” said Celestia. I blinked, and noticed Cadance was one of the few who didn’t seem surprised at the offer. She actually winked at me rather impudently.

I turned to my nephew. “Blueblood—”

“Has also refused, and also mentioned that there would be a better changeling for the job.”

I frowned reprovingly as Blueblood gave me his practiced, nonchalant shrug.

Still, despite the hopeful looks on Celestia and Luna’s features, I shook my head. My task had never meant to be for all time, and Celestia deserved her place. Moreover, how could Equestria accept me, a changeling, as their princess?

“I cannot—”

“Do not be so hasty, Alternia,” said Celestia, cutting me off gently. Trotting towards me, she looked me in the eye, like she had on that night a thousand years ago.

“Thou hast ruled Equestria for a thousand years, longer than we have. Thou understandest thine subjects, and how to bring harmony to the land. Thou art the ideal changeling for this great task.” Celestia paused and her eyes shot to the ground. “On the other hoof, knowing how thou hast been forced to rule Equestria for a thousand years already, we would understand if thou dost not wish to continue shouldering the burdens of the throne. We are aware that thou wouldst like to start a hive.”

I nodded. Celestia was right. I did deserve a break, and it had always been my long-held dream to start a hive of my own, something I had been deprived of so long ago.

But still… I wanted what she offered. Equestria was my home, my country, my hive. Not ruling, not protecting my little ponies on Equestria’s throne… was unthinkable.

“Take as long as you wish to think on this, Alternia,” said Luna, her smile understanding.

“But if thou desirest to accept this new responsibility, we would be filled with great joy,” said Celestia.

I swallowed and bowed my head. Whatever my answer, this would be the greatest decision of my life, including the one I made a thousand years ago. If I did accept, I could ruin Equestria. But if I did not… then would Equestria continue to shine as brightly as it had under my care?

I dearly wished the decision had not been left in my hooves, for there was but one answer I could give. One that I was not sure was right, but one that I dearly wanted. Selfish my choice may have been, but I could not lie to my very heart.

I raised my head, stiffened my back and looked Celestia and Luna in the eyes.

“I accept, your highnesses.”

Author's Note:

Final chapters will be up on Tuesday (Edit).