• Published 11th Feb 2013
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Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen - vren55

Thanks to the love bomb at the Royal Wedding, Princess Celestia is revealed to be a Changeling Queen. How will Equestria, deal with this? And why is Celestia a Changeling Queen in the first place?

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Chapter 11: New Developments

Chapter 11:New Developments

“It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.”

― Voltaire

Twilight and Alternia blinked into Alternia’s private chambers, giggling to themselves. Their reverie was quickly interrupted though as they found a unicorn stallion with a ridiculous amount of tacky military badges and golden bars pinned to his dress uniform.

“Princess Celestia, I have—”

“Major Golden Star, how and why did you enter my chambers? You know that not even the Royal Guard are allowed in my chambers on penalty of court-martial!” reminded Alternia, an icy edge to her voice. Inwardly, she let out a sigh of relief that she had donned her disguise before teleporting to her chambers.

Golden Star flinched, jingling some of his gaudy ornaments. “Princess, I overruled your guards because it’s urgent. We’ve captured several changelings and are trying to interrogate them, but they refuse to cooperate.”

Alternia and Twilight’s interest was caught and they raised their eyebrows. Golden Star beamed at the pair’s reaction and completely missed the worried look that passed from Twilight to the impassive Princess.

“Thank you, Major, for informing us, but I warn you, do not enter my chambers without my express permission ever again.” Alternia then pursed her lips thoughtfully and added, “Major, please fetch Princess Luna and Prince Blueblood and take them to the cells. Twilight, go inform Shining Armour, and help him with the wedding. I don’t think this is something you’ll be comfortable doing.”

The Canterlot Dungeons had not seen this much activity in years. Two Royal Guards admitted Alternia, Luna, and Blueblood into the dungeons. There, they were met with more guards that had their backs turned to them, focused on what was within five steel-barred cells.

The chained changelings sat tensely on the floors of their prisons. The moment the trio stepped into the dungeon, they hissed in unison and their light blue eyes narrowed. The guards started and spun around, their eyes widening as they saw Celestia’s form.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and... Prince Blueblood?” said the guards, confusion replacing the reverence in their voices.

“Eh hem?” remarked Blueblood officiously, a discerning eyebrow raised. Immediately, the guard snapped to attention.

Shaking her head at her nephew’s antics, Alternia drew a solemn mask over her features. “I will speak with the prisoners; one at a time in the interrogation room with Luna and Blueblood.” Before the guards could get another word out, Alternia raised her hoof. “There will be no need for any escorts. I will be fine with my sister and nephew.”

“But Princess, how are you going to get these savages to talk?” asked Golden Star. Luna stared disbelievingly at Golden Star, who seemed almost eager for Alternia to answer the question, while Blueblood nervously glanced at his aunt. Alternia herself blinked uncomprehendingly, then her magenta eyes seemed to burn with barely-concealed disdain.

“I merely said I wished to speak with the prisoners, major. If these changelings do not wish to talk to me, then that would be their choice, however foolish it may be,” remarked Alternia. Raising her hoof, Alternia pointed to the first cell.

“Let’s start with her,” said Alternia. The Royal Guards stared at their princess in confusion

“Wait, Princess, that’s a she?” gasped a guard. Alternia inwardly cursed herself as she realized she had slipped up. Of course, she knew how to differentiate between changeling sexes, but none of the guards knew.

“We alicorns know far more than the common pony and have had interactions with changelings in the distant past,” said Luna cryptically. Alternia breathed an inward sigh of relief, and as the three walked into the interrogation room she smiled gratefully at Luna.

The room was bare, a single wooden table with some four old creaky chairs being the only furnishings.

“Luna, I would prefer if you ask the questions. Blueblood, observe them and I’ll try to glean what I can from what I know of changelings,” whispered Alternia to her friends.

The Princess of the Night raised an azure eyebrow, “Shalt thou not ask the questions, Alternia?” inquired Luna.

“With all due respect, Aunt Luna, you’re scarier. I believe Aunt Celes—Alternia wishes to introduce a level of intimidation into the interrogation,” piped up Blueblood. Alternia nodded, a mischievous grin on her lips, to which Luna snorted. Still, the alicorn took the centre chair and composed herself as Alternia told the guards to bring the changeling in.

The changeling was young, with a strong gleaming carapace and thick legs. The chair creaked noticeably as she was seated upon it. As the door slowly closed shut, Luna leant forward.

“What is thy name and title?” bellowed Luna in full on Royal Canterlot deafening the confines of the interrogation room. The changeling shook like she was weathering a blizard, her lips pressed so closely together they paled and her gaze averted, but she didn’t answer.

And then, things went in a rather unexpected direction.

“Oh, we are sorry, we spoke too loud. What is thy name and title,” asked the princess demurely.

Alternia’s eyes widened, while Blueblood almost fell out of his chair in shock.

“I-I-I- won’t tell you anything!” stammered the changeling.

Luna shrugged nonchalantly, “But thou just told us thee will not tell us anything.” The changeling winced and covered her mouth with her hooves.

“I… I… L-L-Long live Queen Chrysalis!” whimpered the changeling.

“Indeed, long live Queen Chrysalis,” echoed Luna most enthusiastically, while raising her hoof to the ceiling. Everybody in the room was staring at Luna in disbelief. The changeling in particular was shivering at the alicorn’s wide smile.

“W-What are you playing at pony?” demanded the changeling, mouth agape in confusion.

“Truly I tell thee changeling, we do not wish to fight with thy kind. Ponies are not great warriors. We would not be so easily beaten today if we were,” said Luna as casually as if she was discussing the weather.

“I guess so…” said the changeling, uncertainly.

“Why, our own sister was defeated by thy queen this very day!” Alternia groaned dramatically, making sure to grimace at the same time. “And the Elements of Harmony were detained, within your Queen’s grasp!” Silently thanking her mother for her instruction, Alternia swooned gracefully onto her chair, making sure to do it just like the operas she so hated, but had to attend anyway for appearances.

“Surely, the changelings must be a grand race. It makes us wonder how the changeling hive is constructed, it must be a glorious structure. A monument that would dwarf Canterlot!” speculated Luna, hoof on her chin.

“Well yes, our hive is carved into the Badlands Canyons after all,” remarked the changeling. It took Alternia all her willpower to stop herself from doing a ‘yes’ dance, but she managed. Given the momentary hesitation by Luna, it seemed she also had trouble suppressing her own joy. Oddly enough, it was Blueblood of all ponies, who kept a straight face.

“Quite so, it was nice talking to you changeling. Guards, please return her to the cell.” Luna glanced at Alternia, grinning, as the guards entered and took the changeling back to her cell. The moment the door shut, Alternia wrapped her arms around Luna, catching the alicorn by surprise.

“Luna, you’re a genius! How did you ever think of that?” inquired Alternia eagerly. Luna extracted herself from Alternia’s grip and coughed.

“Well, fear only comes with uncertainty. As the first of her kind to be interrogated, the changeling would have been mentally prepared to be tortured, beaten and threatened. It was better to use an unexpected approach to scare this changeling. Then, with fear, comes confusion. Only then, can information be obtained from the interrogated,” explained Luna. The princess frowned. “However, this technique will only work when the subject is untrained, such as this one.”

“Still, it was an impressive performance and I think I have something you might be interested in,” said Alternia with a smile. “You see, that first changeling was a drone, the worker class of the changeling hive.” At Alternia’s statement, Luna’s brow was raised in interest. Blueblood scratched his mane, mystified at his aunt’s reaction.

“But auntie, what does that have to do with any of this?” inquired the prince innocently.

Shaking her head and mumbling something about the education of Equestrian Nobility, Luna glanced at Blueblood. “Nephew, ask yourself this question. What is a worker doing on the front lines of a major changeling offensive, which is exclusively a job for soldiers?” Blueblood blinked, and his lips curled in a silent ‘oh’.

“So, Queen Chrysalis was desperate enough to order untrained changelings into battle. But why?” wondered Blueblood, tapping the table. Luna remained silent, biting her lip in frustration.

“I have a hunch, but I need to confirm it,” said Alternia contemplatively. She turned to Luna. “Why don’t we let Blueblood take over this time and continue this type of interrogation?” Blueblood nodded, and the three resumed their seats, but Luna leaned over to Alternia, her eyes narrowed.

“Are you sure letting a soft prince lead the interrogation is a good idea?” whispered Luna into her ear.

“Trust me on this. Blueblood is... picky, but if anything he’s good at making conversation, one way or another,” replied Alternia. It was then Luna noticed the wicked glint in the changeling’s eye and decided to abandon her line of questioning.

The second changeling was a male and smaller than the first one. Despite the rough handling by the guards, his gaunt face, remained emotionless, not unlike a stone.. Blueblood sat on his chair, leaning back, shoulders completely relaxed.

“So changeling, tell me a little about yourself. Perhaps your name?” suggested the prince. Luna groaned inwardly at her nephew’s all too genial tone. There was no way he was going to get anything out of this changeling, who was far more contained than the first.

Sure enough, he didn’t. The changeling was silent. To that, Blueblood simply shrugged, produced a silk hoofkerchief from his jacket, and coughed daintily into it. After doing so, he pocketed the hoofkerchief and shifted around on his chair. Luna glanced at Alternia, who had the tiniest hint of a smile on her lips.

Trust him, was what that smile said but Luna was beginning to find it increasingly difficult to quell her frustration.

Finally, Blueblood stopped wiggling around and sighed happily.

“Alright, if you won’t tell me anything about yourself, then I shall. I am Prince Blueblood the Fifteenth, Royal Prince of Equestria, Duke of Canterlot, Lord of the — “

A long, long, long, long, long, long, long, while later...

“And that’s how the Blueblood family is related to the line of Princess Platinum.”

A single hair in Luna’s ethereal mane twanged out of place as the alicorn stared at the prince. Her pupils had shrunk to pinpricks, and her eyes were as wide as frisbees. Now she realized the meaning of the Prince’s earlier antics. He was getting himself comfortable so he could go on the most boring history lecture given. Perhaps Twilight Sparkle, and even Starswirl the Bearded himself, would have grown stiff enough from that extremely tangential oration to be felled like petrified trees.

“My, you really sat through all of that. Normally ponies scream for me to stop after the first five minutes,” remarked Blueblood happily. The prisoner croaked, and seemed to sway slightly, forwards and backwards. If Luna wasn’t so frazzled, she would have sworn his tail was twitching. “In that case, we’ll continue with the history of Equestria. According to—”

“Nephew, I believe… you have done your best,” rasped Alternia. Luna strained her stiff muscles to see Alternia’s harrowed visage. Her right eyelid was twitching erratically, her mane had stopped flowing, and it no long sparkled.

“I have to say that I am surprised by your constant attention, young hatchling. Not every changeling would have sat through my nephew’s lecture without at least trying to tune it out,” said Alternia. She shook her head to clear it and then asked her final question.

“Do you have any family you worry about?”

Somehow, the changeling seemed to wilt at the question. Yet, it was only for a moment, before his stoic expression returned. With a sigh, Alternia called for the guards to take the changeling away before turning to her friends.

“I believe nephew, that while your tactic was… effective, it was perhaps too effective,” rasped Luna, still in a daze. Blueblood ‘hrmphed’ indignantly, but was quelled by Alternia’s groan.

“I concur,” added the changeling. Blueblood sighed, only for Alternia to place a comforting hoof on his shoulder. “Still, thanks to Blueblood wearing down the infiltrator, I was able to get a reaction out of him.”

“Infiltrator?” questioned Luna.

Alternia gently tapped her forehead with her hoof. “The changeling was an infiltrator, or as we sometimes call them, a ‘love-collector’. Normally, his job is to collect love from pony settlements he has embedded himself in.”

“Yet he was part of a purely offensive attack where his skills became meaningless,” continued Luna, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

The changeling nodded sagely. “Precisely. What’s more, his reaction when I asked him the last question was most curious. I think I know what is ailing Chrysalis’s hive, but I don’t know why.”

“Perhaps the next one will give us an answer,” said Blueblood optimistically.

“Maybe… I shall interrogate him,” said Alternia.

The third changeling was also a male. Unlike the infiltrator though, he had a very thick, heavy looking carapace that was heavily notched and scratched. Some of these wounds were new, Alternia could tell he had been in the thick of the fighting in Canterlot. That, and the hardened look in his eyes identified him to Alternia as one of the soldier caste. However, it was the older wounds that intrigued the changeling, particularly four tiny pockmarks on his neck. It looked as if he had been bitten.

By another changeling.

“What is your name?” inquired Alternia. Her voice regal, yet sincerely kind. It had been too long since Alternia had talked to her own kind and even if they were across opposing sides, she still wished contact.

This time, she was rewarded.

“It is none of your business,” grunted the changeling. If Alternia hadn’t been playing the part of the princess, she would have been doing a jig on her seat in glee.

“Then I shall not demand you of it, Shieldling,” said Alternia. The changeling started, and Alternia grinned inwardly. It seems that some past changeling customs and titles had survived in Chrysalis’s hive.

“How… do you know that pony!” demanded the changeling, his buzzing lisp charged with disbelief.

“Your carapace is littered with wounds, both new and old. It is obvious as to what your profession is, Shieldling. Not to mention I am wise beyond your years,”said Alternia.

The changeling frowned. “That title, is one that has not been used since bygone days to describe the protectors of our hive.” The soldier turned his head down to the bare table. “It is a title I do not deserve.”

Alternia leaned forward a bit, her voice gentle. “And why not? Your conduct is admirable, and if I am not mistaken, you are well educated too.”

For a moment, the changeling relaxed, but just as he did, he flinched and tightened up. “You’re just being nice in order to make me lower my guard! You will get nothing from me!”

“I would be deceiving you if I said that all I wanted to do was talk, but it has been a while since I have conversed with your kind,” said Alternia truthfully. She calmly met the changeling’s wary gaze with her own. “We ponies do not wish harm upon your people. It is not too late for the changeling race to make peace.”

The soldier sighed, “Perhaps, for other hives, but even before we attacked Canterlot, it was too late for our hive.”

Alternia blinked, “What do you mean?”

His gaze hardening, the soldier met Alternia’s eyes. “She Who Raises the Sun. You are indeed wise and cunning as the legends say. Yet, be warned, our hive will not leave this world quietly. Your kind are not the first who have tried to remove us. I will say no more on this matter.”

Alternia nodded in understanding and called for the guards to take the changeling away.

“That was enlightening, but at the same time, of great concern,” said Luna. The lunar princess appeared unworried, except for the telltale sign of her tail, which swung slowly from side to side.

Alternia’s eyes were narrowed, and her hoof was absent mindedly drawing a circle on the table. “I agree. I think I can confidently tell you my findings.” The changeling stood on her hooves and faced her fellow interrogators.

“We know that the chief reason the changelings attacked was for love, their food source. However, what I didn’t realize until today was that to a great degree, their attack was made out of desperation,” announced Alternia. The changeling focused on the alicorn. “Luna, you fought the changelings at the Royal Wedding. Can you tell us how well they fought?”

Luna coughed, recalling how she and her Lunar guards had been ambushed as she had been preparing for the wedding’s reception. “Not very well at all. They tried to overwhelm myself and my entourage with their numbers. Needless to say, they did not succeed.”

“I talked to my student earlier. She and her friends had managed to fight off an entire platoon of changelings. While I do not doubt the capabilities of my students and her friends, the fact they did so without any significant injuries amazed me. Blueblood, you have an eye for detail, did you noticed anything particular about the prisoners?”

Blueblood stopped running a hoof through his immaculate mane, and slowly raised his hoof to his chin. “They looked a little on the thin side, Auntie. In particular, the holes on their legs were gapingly wide. I mean, you have holes in your legs, but theirs were rather large.”

“Now put together the guarded reactions of the changelings to my questions about their hive or family’s well-being, and the soldier’s statement that ‘it was too late for our hive’.” Even before Alternia finished, Luna’s eyes had widened in realization. Blueblood had to listen to the rest of what his aunt had to say, and then ponder for a moment longer. Yet, as the prince came to the same conclusion as Luna had, he gasped.

“Auntie, are you saying that the changelings attacked Canterlot because they were starving?” demanded Blueblood.

“Yes. However, as to what forced Chrysalis’s hive into such a sorry state, I am not so certain of. It may appear… that they have been in conflict with another hive,” said Alternia haltingly.

“That would make the most sense. Who else could have been the other enemy that had tried to remove the changelings? If our neighbours had a confrontation on a scale in which it would have forced Chrysalis to such actions, we would have surely heard of it,” pointed out Luna. Alternia nodded her approval.

“I also suspect that the bite mark on the soldier’s neck was from another changeling,” added Blueblood. To Alternia and Luna’s surprised glances, he snorted. “I mean it didn’t look like it came from any other animal in the Royal Menageries or from any species we know of.” Alternia grinned and rubbed the top of Blueblood’s head affectionately, despite his protests.

"You’re right, Blueblood. Let us focus on finding out whom could have forced Chrysalis’s hoof. The mere existence of this mysterious hive or hives, will make it far more difficult to predict Chrysalis’s actions and will create complications if we wish to mount an effective defense of Equestria,” said Alternia. Luna and Blueblood agreed and took their seats.

The fourth changeling struggled as she was brought into the room. As she was roughly deposited into the chair, where she sat still, facing the looks of two alicorns and an abnormally serious prince.

“Hello, what is thy name?” asked Luna.

The changeling sneered at the princess, her fangs gleaming in the dim light of the shadows. “Cut to the chase, princess. Don’t you want to blast me with your magic? Or perhaps you would like to hit me with your slippered hooves and scare me, Nightmare Moon?”

Luna almost knocked her chair over as she lunged at the prisoner, but Blueblood quickly grabbed the Princess’s leg, restraining her. Firmly pulling his aunt down to her chair, Blueblood gave his most winning smile at the changeling. The gleaming grin that would have caused any mare in Equestria to faint didn’t even illicit a snort from it’s target. Undaunted, the prince employed his silkiest, most boyish tone.

“There’s no need for that, miss. We ponies are civilized creatures. Surely we can come to a compromise?” proposed Blueblood.

Most females would faint at this amount of charm, but Blueblood’s lack of experience in courting changelings doomed him to failure. For his efforts, the prince was met with green spit to his face. With a high pitched squeak, Blueblood fell off his chair, his hooves pawing for his hoofkerchiefs as he tried to wipe every drop of the offending liquid off his face.

“You ponies are so soft. All you know is peace and happiness. I knew you couldn’t get anything useful from my comrades. They all were dragged out with not even a scratch on their shells. It’s like you don’t want to interrogate us. Come on ponies, scare me!” bellowed the changeling, her challenge echoing through the confines of the chamber.

With a coarse, ear-grating, hell-screech, Alternia moved her chair away from the table and stood on her hooves, trotting slowly, methodically, to the changeling’s side. Her flowing tail trickled slowly, uncoiling like a dragon’s.

“Perhaps the darkest part of my heart wishes to do so, but there are other ways to inspire fear in one’s heart. Isn’t that right, chevalier?” asked Alternia. Her voice was soft, too soft. It sent shivers up Blueblood’s and even Luna’s spines.

The changeling raised an eyebrow, “You’re going to have to do better than that, Sun butt.”

The insult didn’t even make Alternia flinch.

“I can do much better. I know what forced your Queen to attack Canterlot,” said the princess, her voice oddly calm.

As dismayed dread spread across the changeling’s face, Alternia continued, each word striking like an arrow into its target. “You are hungry, desperate for love, and yet there is none to be had. Your hive’s forces are great in number, but the majority of them are enlisted workers, infiltrators and soldiers that have seen far too many battles. It’s not an army, it’s an untrained, weaponless militia, fielded against the greatest city of Ponydom in a desperate bid to take it and enslave the love of its inhabitants. Even if your plan had succeeded, the love would have only been enough to feed you for a few months, but that’s how desperate your Queen was.”

The chevalier threw herself forward, in a vain attempt to sink her fangs into Alternia’s neck, but she danced out of her reach.

“You know nothing, you pampered prissy princess! You have everything you could ever want. Those who love you, minions to serve you! You’ve never been pushed to the brink of despair and death!”

In her memories, Alternia saw her sister’s spear arching towards her, felt the pain as it pierced her stomach. The vast, emptiness as her eyes had begun to close. Her immeasurable sorrow at being unable to avenge her mother’s death. A thousand years had only tinged the grief she felt from that one day.

“You are right, hatchling, I do not know your despair, but I am not alien to it. What’s more I have also been to the brink of death,” said Alternia, her voice tightened with restraint. All of a sudden, her face warped into a snarl so horrifying, it would not look out of place on Nightmare Moon’s features.

“But I did not lock a loving bride into a cavern for her to starve. I did not deceive her loving groom to betray the country he loved. I did not did not launch a cowardly attack on a race without trying to negotiate, without any formal declaration of war, and on a day of celebration!“ roared Alternia her roar breaking like the roar of thunder in the distance. It blasted the breath and bravado out of the chevalier and bound her to the wooden chair as effectively as ropes. Whereas a few moments ago the changeling was trying to attack Alternia, now she was squirming in her seat in a hopeless effort to escape.

“It fills me with pity to see that Chrysalis’s chevaliers have fallen so far. Have you faced any worthy opponents in your life?” sighed Alternia, her mocking edge cutting through the air like a whip.

Recoiling as if she had been slapped, the changeling snarled, but her body shivered. “I’ve fought Manticores, Giant Scorpions, and The Shadow Empire! More than anything your Royal Guard has ever seen!”

This time, it was Luna’s turn to snort derisively. The alicorn reclined on her chair, nonchalantly turning away from the chevalier, a mocking grin on her fair features. “Manticores and Giant Scorpions? They are but twisted monsters, easy for any trained squad to handle, and in all my long years, I’ve never even heard of this… ‘Shadow Empire’.”

“Of course you wouldn’t! Those changelings stalk in the darkness, hiding amongst ponies, ready to strike at our hivemates at any moment. When they are done, they blend back into the crowd like ghosts! They’re not normal changelings!”

Alternia twisted her head slightly to look at the chevalier. “Not normal changelings? What made them so abnormal?”

“They don’t run! They fight like dragons protecting their hoards! They...” The chevalier stopped, her jaw agape. “You… tricked me, you cunning…” Alternia and Luna winced as they realized the act was up and the changeling began to blaze away at the trio with obscenities. Most of it were in the half-intelligible buzzes and hisses that made the changeling language. Luna and Blueblood cringed as the guards that Alternia had summoned dragged the snapping changeling away from the table in the interrogation room. The poor wooden table groaned in protest as it was battered by the flailing changeling, but held. With a flash of his horn, Blueblood shut the door behind the door behind the departing guards with his magic and shook his head.

“This is bad,” said Blueblood.

“For once we do not disagree with thy pronouncement, nephew. We are dealing with an unusually powerful third hive, who was most likely responsible for pushing Chrysalis’s hive to launch an attack on our ponies. Not to mention their fighting prowess worries us considerably,” said Luna, her teeth grinding together. The alicorn was no long able to hide her nervousness.

“Luna, we will have to call ‘that’, this is far more serious than I could ever have thought,” groaned Alternia, sitting so heavily into her chair that it nearly fell apart.

Luna glared at Alternia, “I thought we were going to call ‘that’ regardless!”

“I hoped it could be avoided, but it was naive of me. Send in the last prisoner.” While Blueblood was mystifed at the mysterious ‘that’ in which his aunts were speaking of, he nodded and magically opened the door to call for the guards. A moment later, they had unlocked the last cell and brought the last captured changeling in.

The changeling was sat down slowly in the iron interrogation chair by the guards, who quickly exited the room. Meanwhile, Alternia examined the changeling through impassive eyes, although she was secretly surprised.

“Female, with a light and sleek build, large wings, large ears and a small horn... a scout? And why are her eyes light green?” pondered Alternia.

Luna leant forward, but not too close to the changeling. “What is thy name?” demanded the princess. The changeling squirmed in her seat, her chains clinking as she shifted. Then to everyone’s surprise, the changeling looked up and spoke.

“Has this room been warded for sound?” whispered the changeling, her raspy voice emptying into the silent room. Alternia nodded, confused by the changeling’s question. Like she had been released from silence, the changeling scrambled to the floor, knocking the chair out of the way in the process. Luna and Blueblood jumped to their hooves but froze in disbelief as the changeling prostrated herself at Alternia’s hooves.

“Forgive me, Princesses! I’m Cyndra, a maid at Canterlot Castle! Please, Princess Celestia, you have to believe me. I wanted no part in attacking Canterlot!” pleaded the changeling. Luna was gawking, Alternia’s eyes were wide with unsuppressed surprise and Blueblood looked as if he was going to faint.

“But you are a changeling, are you not?” protested Luna.

The changeling was crying, her pupilless eyes moist. “Yes I am, but you have to believe me, I knew nothing of what Queen Chrysalis was planning! I haven’t been back at her hive in years! I left the hive a long time ago and have lived happily in Canterlot as a pony ever since.” Luna’s eyes travelled over to Alternia, who had raised herself from her chair, and now stood at her full height, looking down on the trembling changeling.

“Why would a changeling separate from her own hive?” asked Alternia, her voice low. She knew it could be possible, but it happened rarely. The Everfree Hive had changelings who went ‘rogue’, but they were very few and far between. At the question, Cyndra’s rather large ears drooped down and she sighed.

“I was exiled, Princess. I... was sent on a scouting mission to the Dragon Lands, but I failed and put my fellow scouts in danger. I was to be sentenced to death, but my life was spared and I was exiled instead,” whimpered Cyndra.

Alternia’s paused for a moment in thought, and then her heart began to pound wildly in her chest. Changelings never exiled changelings. It was too dangerous. Every changeling knew too many secrets of the hive and even one slip-up by an exile could cause disaster. Someone must have intervened for Cyndra, but whom? Who would be powerful enough in a hive to interfere with the sentencing of a changeling.

And then it clicked for Alternia. There was only one changeling in a hive with the position to alter the laws of a hive. And there would only be one reason why that changeling would intervene on behalf of this scout.

“Your mother, who is she?” asked Alternia, the ivory mask on her face paler than ever and her mane flow simply halting, as if frozen, its colors darkening. Cold fury wrapped around the muscles in her legs and neck, tightening and twisting them.

“Queen Chrysalis, Princess,” whimpered Cyndra.

Before Alternia could seize her sister’s spawn in her magic, she felt Luna’s hoof on her shoulder. Whipping her head to glare at the princess, Alternia followed Luna’s silent hoof back to Cyndra and stopped.

The changeling was curled up in the corner, preforated hooves trying to hid her head and tears streaming down her face and her chitinous body shaking in fear. The long shadow of an alicorn was cast on her like the limb of some great, monstrous beast. All of Alternia’s anger was dowsed, like a torrent of water had been splashed onto her head, while guilt, a bitter and stinging slap to the face took its place.

“Cyndra?” asked Alternia quietly. The changeling stole a peek through the apertures in her holes.

“Y-Y-Yes, Princess?” stuttered Cyndra.

“I’m sorry for frightening you.” Alternia slid down to the floor, tucking her face closer to the shivering changeling. “Its been a horrible day for all of Canterlot and especially for you. You didn’t mean any harm to anypony, right?”

Cyndra shook her head, hooves uselessly trying to wipe away her tears. “I saw the changelings swarming into the castle, so I hid in the kitchen pantry. But then that wave of love slammed me against the wall and tore out my disguise. The next thing I know, I was surrounded by spearpoints and put in chains. I know I’m clumsy and I have,“ - Cyndra blushed - “had some fun with the odd Royal Guard, but I never hurt anypony!”

Alternia chuckled, “And I know you didn’t, Cyndra. It was wrong of me to get so angry. However, things have changed, little one.” Alternia bit her lip, her expression remaining pensive for several long seconds, until she suddenly brightened. “Cyndra, I know of a way to release you, but I need you to do exactly what I say.”

She did what?!” demanded Golden Star in shock.

Blueblood wailed into his hoofkerchief, tears flowing freely from his eyes. “She tried to cast a portal out of the interrogation room, but the spells preventing such an action activated and she… she…” Blueblood swooned dramatically, causing literally all the guards to rush forward to support him. None of them noticed a rather small Royal Guardsmare leaving the dungeon.

Seeing this out of the corner of her eye, Luna nodded to Alternia, whom after a pause, spoke over the clamoring guards.

“He’s fine, gentlestallions. Besides, we have more pressing matters to be concerned with,” said Alternia, her brow furrowing, the changeling’s lungs swelled and she seemed to grow in stature.

“I am convening an Emergency Meeting of the Equestrian Chiefs of Staff.”

While Blueblood had been taken away to his quarters by the guards, Luna and Alternia trotted cautiously to the doors of the Royal Chambers, where the latter had asked Cyndra to meet them.

“Alternia, art thou sure about this? We do not know if we completely trust Cyndra. It could be an act,” whispered Luna.

Alternia glanced at the alicorn, her, eyes narrowed, “I thought you trusted her story?”

At the question, Luna flinched, “Well... what we did was done more out of pity than of trust,” admitted the alicorn. The changeling’s frown faded, a soft smile replacing, it and her mane seemed to twinkle just a little brighter.

“Whatever Cyndra decides to do, Luna, I am glad that you were there to stop me.” With that, Alternia opened the door and the two stepped in to find a hovering pegasus mare with an olive-black mane and smokey-white fur, busily dusting a chandelier. No changeling, or no waiting mare or stallion, just a maid.

Luna groaned and Alternia sighed. “Well, it looks like we were deceived,” muttered the changeling. Raising her voice, Alternia addressed the maid, “Cinder Hooves, I need to talk to my sister in private. Would you mind leaving for a moment?”

At Alternia’s voice, Cinder Hooves fell out of the air and crashed into the ground. Both Alternia and Luna started and rushed forward, concern written on their faces, which swiftly vanished as Cinder Hooves’s white fur burned away to reveal onyx chitin.

“It’s me, Princess,” said the changeling, bowing low.

Alternia’s jaw dropped slightly open in surprise. “Cyndra? You were Cinder Hooves?”

“Thou knowest her?” exclaimed Luna, her own mouth ajar.

“Cinder’s worked as my personal maid ever since you returned,” explained Alternia, making a visible effort to smooth the features of her disguise. The fact that the diligent yet occasionally clumsy pegasus that dusted her chambers every day was a changeling had taken Alternia by shock and reawakened old suspicions. Although, the name had been rather obvious. “Cyndra, tell me honestly. Was everything you said in the prison true?”

Cyndra nodded fervently, her head bobbing up and down so fast that her ears flipped back and forth. “Yes. I haven’t seen my mother ever since I had been exiled.” The changeling stopped nodding, her ears hanging down. “I... have wanted to see her for so long, and when I did, she was attacking Canterlot.”

A pang struck Alternia’s heart, and she smiled sympathetically. “In that case, what do you feel about ponies?”

Cyndra smiled, from the way the corners of her mouth twitched, it was as if it was a foreign expression. Alternia guessed it had been a while since she had been able to smile so freely. “I like them. In my hive, I had comrades, but in Equestria, I have friends, and while I can never tell them my secret, I still care for them.” Cyndra crossed her front hooves. “I wouldn’t want to see my pony friends come to any harm, but I love my mother!”

Alternia bit her lip for a moment. She really pitied Cyndra, but she knew she had to protect her ponies, and currently, the conflicted changeling in front of her may be Equestria’s salvation.

“Cyndra, let me be honest with you. Equestria will have to respond to the threat your mother and her hive pose. If you wish to keep serving me and living a life among ponies, I need your word that I can trust you, despite what I may be forced to do to your mother.” Alternia waited patiently, her face expressionless, while Luna did her best to keep stay impassive as Cyndra trembled. Finally, Cyndra turned to Alternia, a resigned look in her eyes.

“I.. understand Princess. I don’t know why my mother did this. I mean, I know she doesn’t like ponies, but the changelings need the love of ponies. To attack Canterlot seems suicide. But then again, mother would do anything for her hive.” Alternia sighed, for she knew what she would say next was not going to go well.

“That’s very honorable of your mother. Unfortunately Cyndra, I have a more difficult request for you. Every changeling hive has different infiltration procedures or strategies. I need you to tell me how your mother’s hive infiltrates Equestrian towns,” said Alternia, her tone low and her brow slightly pinched together.

At this, Cyndra’s eyes widened, and she scuttled backward away from Alternia and Luna, until she reached the chamber’s wall. The changeling had begun to quiver, barely able to stand on her legs.

“How... how do you know that?” stammered the changeling.

“I know more about changelings than you may realize, Cyndra. Please, I have to know,” pleaded Alternia, softly.

But Cyndra only pressed herself closer to the wall, her voice more panicked than ever. “No! I won’t tell you. Please don’t ask this of me Princess! I can’t betray my hive!”

“But they hive exiled thee! Why should thou remain loyal to them?” asked Luna.

Cyndra turned away from Luna’s questioning gaze. “They exiled me because I failed them and my mother. I deserved my punishment, and I cannot fail them once again!”

Luna sighed, but Alternia shot the alicorn a warning glance. Quietly she approached the changeling. Cyndra drew her hooves closer to herself, but Alternia merely sat down in front of her.

“Cyndra, I know you love your mother, but she has not only threatened my ponies, but has jeopardised the survival of the entire changeling species. She has revealed the changelings to the world of ponies as a hostile race ready to conquer them. Unless Chrysalis is stopped, ponies will grow in fear of the changelings and I cannot guarantee I will be able to protect you or your race.” Cyndra looked up into the depths of the princess’s magenta eyes. Eyes that did not judge her, but reflected steely determination, as well as compassion and sympathy. And... Cyndra blinked in confusion, was there a twinkle of turquoise-green light in those eyes?

“I... will tell you,” whispered Cyndra quietly.

A long hour later, Cyndra finished, her throat hoarse, and her jaws aching. Celestia was smiling, while Luna seemed concerned, but Cyndra barely noticed. All she could do was look down, her gaze unfocused. Slowly, the changeling dragged a hoof across the carpet. She knew what she had to do, but she felt like she had driven a sword into herself.

Without warning, the Princess smiled and embraced her. The changeling stiffened in surprise at the action, yet couldn’t help but relax into Celestia’s comforting, well-groomed fur.

“You did very well, young hatchling,” said Celestia. The princess’s horn glowed, and Cyndra suddenly felt a warm feeling seep into her carapace. The changeling’s eyes widened just as she was released from the embrace.

“I will see you tonight, Cinder Hooves. For now though, I have a meeting to attend,” spoke Celestia. With a nod to Luna, the pair exited the chambers, leaving Cyndra staring at closed doors. Only one question remained on the changeling’s mind, and it distracted her from everything, even from what she had to do to save her race.

“Was that… Love energy?” Cyndra whispered.

“Alternia, what type of ‘fun’ did Cyndra mean when she said ‘I had some fun with the odd Royal Guard’? We do not understand her choice of language,” asked Luna.

Alternia merely stared at the alicorn for a few seconds before bursting into uncontrollable fits of laughter, while Luna continued to stare curiously at the changeling-in-disguise,

“Why art thou laughing?” asked Luna, bemused. Alternia, a cheeky grin on her face, leaned down to Luna’s and whispered into it. The Princess blinked several times, and to her credit, didn’t blush, merely inclined her head in acceptance.

“Ah… we see. How does thy own species mate anyway?” inquired Luna, without even batting an eyelid.

Much to her own chagrin, Alternia was unable to stop the flush that crept over her cheeks.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for being late with the updating. Writer’s block is a horrible thing. Luckily, this chapter is way longer than the others… and I have started on the next. EEYUP it’s a military council. Guess who is attending (am I using historical and fictional references? yes I am so using historical fictional references so go ahead and see if you can guess right :D)