• Published 19th Apr 2024
  • 329 Views, 68 Comments

MLP: Technology is Magic - Xarmar13

An empowered Sonic Rainboom travels across the stars and draws the attention of intergalactic powers both benevolent and malevolent.

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Cosmic Wave

“Captain on the bridge,” an ensign declared.

Strolling onto the bridge of the ship was an anthropomorphic blue rabbit girl wearing a buttoned blue jacket with a white half skirt going down to the back of her knees. She wore white gloves and black skinny pants that would have chaffed with her fur if it weren’t for her abilities. Her boots matched her pants.

She glanced around at the officers on deck before I gave a deadpan look at the ensign, “We’ve been over this, ensign. Just because I step out to use the facilities doesn’t mean you need to announce my presence every time I return.”

The ensign gave a firm salute to her, “Sorry, ma’am!”

She rolled her eyes and returned to the captain’s chair. Though, given her position the crew seemed offended by the chair she sat in. She couldn’t believe the number of times the crew had tried to replace the thing with something more extravagant but she turned it down every time.

The girl’s name was Sophia Archon Craft, heirarch of the Starcraft Federation. She was quite knowledgeable of the original story of the Koprulu Sector. In one variation of that universe, she unified three warring alien races under a single banner through a combination of diplomacy, brute force and guile. The federation was the fruit of her labors; a union of humanity with a technologically advanced race of psychic aliens as well as a race of genetically malleable and brutally ferocious aliens. The latter two were commonly known as the Protoss and the Zerg.

Some may wonder how she could get these races who had fought each other for years to just get along. Overall it was a combination of charisma, power and a sense of honor; traits that were greatly respected among the three races.

She was originally born human, at least, that’s what she thought growing up. It wasn’t until her late teens that she found out that she possessed immense psionic powers which surpassed what humans were capable of. She also learned that she was genetically hybridized with Protoss DNA in an experiment to create a more powerful psychic solder which surpassed the standard human covert ops soldiers known as Ghosts and Spectres. This allowed her to use a myriad of psionic abilities, some of which were highly destructive.

However, her current appearance showed no signs of such hybridization. Part of it was because she was also infused with Zerg DNA which allowed her to adapt her body to a number of conditions. When combined with her Protoss DNA it allowed her the ability to shapeshift to an extent. While she couldn’t turn into other people, she could instantly grow Zerg chitin on her body to use as armor or to attack with. She could also shift into the various strains of Zerg.

The main reason why she didn’t look human was the fact that she had a cousin who was a mad scientist. While she did help her to unleash the full potential of her powers, she also decided to have a bit of fun with Sophia’s DNA so now her base form was that of an anthropomorphic blue rabbit.

She didn’t resent her cousin though. In fact, she actually found it cute and exotic. Plus, she got to play the role of the adversary the enemy always underestimated…up until running in terror screaming bloody murder. She tended to have a bit of a sadistic streak, blaming the predatory instincts she gained from her Zerg genetics.

As for where she was at this time, she was aboard her flagship: The Aquaelie. It wasn’t originally hers since she ended up displacing it from its home universe moments from when it was destined to be destroyed, crew and all. She told the crew back then that she couldn’t return their ship to that universe because of the circumstances. Since they were officially cut off from their original government permanently, the captain and crew decided to serve her for the rest of their days.

That was centuries ago.

Since then she had made her own modifications to the ship and now it was the envy of her entire Starcraft Federation. Even the humans and their Battlecruisers or the Protoss and their capital ships didn’t hold a candle to the vessel.

As for their current mission, they were tracking down a band of pirates who were discovered to be operating in the sector. Rumor had it that the pirate leader was none other than Alan Schezar who was supposed to have died a long time ago to a renegade extremist Protoss. If it really was him then he somehow survived the encounter and probably entered a long sleep in a cryo chamber to preserve himself.

Still, he was no match for her forces so it was only a matter of tracking him down. Even if he did have one of the last few existing Zerg Cerebrates, giant larvae-like creatures with the ability to control an entire brood of Zerg, it wouldn’t be enough.

Her attention was taken from the mission when the ship shook briefly, leading to the officers on the bridge to devote all of their focus on their consoles to investigate what happened. She gave them a few moments to examine their screens. “Report!”

“Ma’am, readings indicate that we encountered an energy wave that crashed into us,” one officer said.

“Why was this not brought to my attention sooner? I thought our sensors were state of the art?”

“They are ma’am! The reason we didn’t get a reading sooner was because the energy wave was nearly completely decayed in potency that it barely registered on our sensors while still having enough force to jar us.”

Sophia nodded, “Alright, let’s get some readings on that energy and find out where it came from. If it’s an enemy attack I want us to be ready.”

After a couple of minutes of scans and data gathering, the officers came to her with their reports. One had reported that there were no enemy vessels nearby. Even if the enemy was using cloaking technology the scanners would have still picked them up. Others went on to scan the energy.

“Ma’am, the energy doesn’t appear to be psionic or void based but it isn’t anything humans could be capable of at this time either,” a Protoss officer reported.

“Does it bear any resemblance to known energy forms, however minor?” Sophia asked.

“It possesses some similarities to psionic energy, but the signature overall appears to be unlike anything we have ever encountered.”

“Hierarch, I have my report ready,” a human officer offered. “I ran some calculations on the energy magnitude and it was rounded up to one point two when it hit us. I suspect we got the tail end of it.”

“One point two is the magnitude of an ion cannon used by Protoss starfighters,” Sophia pointed out. “The range of such energy wouldn’t travel far. What about the radius of the energy wave?”

“Unknown, hierarch, even with our long-range scans we couldn’t pick up the whole thing. It must have traveled a long distance to reach this far. I’d estimate that the point of origin could be in another sector of the Milky Way.”

“What about the arc of the energy wave? Can we make some estimates of its point of origin through that?”

“Just finished the calculations now, ma’am. Rough estimations put the point of origin in the Delta Quadrant.”

“Seriously?!” Sophia loudly stated in shock. Thinking about it, for energy to reach them in the adjacent Beta Quadrant, the energy magnitude would have to be immense.

When comparing other energy sources, Protoss energy weapons ranged from one point two for their starfighters to two for their capital ships which were capable of causing widespread desolation of a planet’s surface over the length of a continent. The energy magnitude system was such that the magnitude from one to two was an exponential difference. Two was the highest for any known starship. Magnitude three was exponentially greater than two and would be the minimum amount of energy required to travel into adjacent quadrants; less if the point of origin was around the border between quadrants. Even then the energy would have to be at least two point eight to reach here.

“This definitely warrants investigation,” Sophia voiced. “Assign the Delta Fleet to continue the hunt for Schezar. Plot the estimated locations on the star map and set course for the general vicinity. I want all non-essential crewmen to take this time off to rest, though be ready at a moment’s notice if we run into trouble.”

Most of the officers stood from their chairs and saluted their leader, “Yes, hierarch!” They filed out the door out of the bridge. The navigational crew members plotted the course then joined the others.

Sophia could have simply opened a rift and been there immediately, but she was aware that the crew had been working hard during this mission and figured that a week of rest would do them good. She could handle most things herself but her officers would get upset with her if she put all of the burdens on herself so she let them do what they wanted.

Since she wasn’t needed on the bridge, Sophia decided to go find something to do while they were en route.

One week ago…

As a certain cyan-coated filly with rainbow mane and tail celebrated her victory against a trio of bullies who often picked on her foalhood friend, whom she didn’t notice that she had knocked out of the clouds and had to be saved by a swarm of butterflies, her actions this day would not only tie her destiny to others, but so much more.

The power of the filly’s Sonic Rainboom didn’t simply travel across the countryside and be observed by half the world. This energy would travel beyond the world of Equus itself and expand throughout a large portion of the galaxy. Of course, the filly’s power alone wouldn’t have nearly been enough to have that effect.

As the rainbow waves surged outward, the Spirit of Harmony itself saw an opportunity to save the land from the thousand years of stagnation that ponykind had wrought upon themselves. Using the rainbow energy, the Tree of Harmony amplified it to extend beyond this world in hopes that someone beyond the stars was listening and will come to restore the balance of order and chaos that will allow ponykind to move forward once more.

While the boost had drained the tree of most of its energy, which it would slowly recover in time while the Elements were dormant, the energy also had the effect of changing the destiny of a certain filly within the town of Sire’s Hollow with a lilac coat and deep purple mane and tail with an aqua stripe.

It was around this time that she and her foalhood friend were playing a game of stacking books when the stack nearly fell on the filly and the colt’s telekinesis saved her, a cutie mark appearing on his flanks afterward.

What changed that day was a tremor that shook the house and overcharged the filly’s horn, sending her into a magic surge that brought the books to life and turned the colt into a book. Thankfully the filly was able to regain her senses once the wave passed. The living books stopped moving once the magic wore off but the magic affecting the colt persisted.

Upon seeing what she did to her foalhood friend, the filly wrapped her hooves around the book that was once the colt and bawled for several minutes until her father rushed into the room to see what happened. When the filly explained what happened, the father was uncertain about what to do until a reddish orange mare with pale green hooves and a mane and tail of three shades of scarlet entered the house to check on her son.

Seeing the state of things, the mare quickly recommended that they take a trip to Canterlot and hope that Princess Celestia could fix her son.

Thankfully, the princess was able to reverse Sunburst’s affliction. Though when Celestia asked the two families about how this came to pass, the explanation left her impressed in the two young ones. However, her attention was more focused on the filly who she could tell possessed tremendous magical potential, just like a certain lavender filly she admitted as her personal student only a few hours ago.

Celestia had a feeling that her protege, Twilight Sparkle, and this filly, Starlight Glimmer, had a great destiny ahead of them.

Author's Note:

First of all, welcome to my latest fic. Secondly, while this fic is going to involve my OCs that I introduced in my Seekers series, that has no bearing on this story. This one is completely stand alone. Thirdly, while this story will loosely follow the FiM timeline, there will be major changes. First sign of this is that Starlight does not go to create Our Town. There will be something else for that.

Finally, at least 2 members of the Mane 6 will have slightly different cutie marks which will give one of them a slightly altered behavior while the other will have a complete career change in order to fit my future plans. Care to guess which ones they would be?

Until next time!:twilightsmile: