MLP: Technology is Magic

by Xarmar13

First published

An empowered Sonic Rainboom travels across the stars and draws the attention of intergalactic powers both benevolent and malevolent.

A certain event bound the destinies of several fillies. However, in this reality, it did so much more. An Equestria where the ponies had a fear of great change had caused their civilization to stagnate in some areas. Fearing what would happen if this continued, the Tree of Harmony sought a way to push equinekind forward again. It found its opportunity in a filly named Rainbow Dash. Through her Sonic Rainboom the Tree empowered it to extend beyond Equus.

Sophia Craft, ruler of the Starcraft Federation, picked up on the energy and decided to investigate. It was there that she found a project for her and her family to work on.

However, the energies of the Rainboom would draw more than Sophia as Equus would soon find itself as a battleground for intergalactic powers that they were woefully unprepared to face.

This story will contain elements of Starcraft but is set far into the future from that timeline where only those from that time who have frozen themselves would be in this story while any others would have long died of old age. Also, while Sophia is anthro normally, she will be in a feral state for the majority of the story so I couldn't say if an anthro tag is necessary. Tags may change or be added as the story progresses.

You do not need to know about Starcraft.

Cosmic Wave

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“Captain on the bridge,” an ensign declared.

Strolling onto the bridge of the ship was an anthropomorphic blue rabbit girl wearing a buttoned blue jacket with a white half skirt going down to the back of her knees. She wore white gloves and black skinny pants that would have chaffed with her fur if it weren’t for her abilities. Her boots matched her pants.

She glanced around at the officers on deck before I gave a deadpan look at the ensign, “We’ve been over this, ensign. Just because I step out to use the facilities doesn’t mean you need to announce my presence every time I return.”

The ensign gave a firm salute to her, “Sorry, ma’am!”

She rolled her eyes and returned to the captain’s chair. Though, given her position the crew seemed offended by the chair she sat in. She couldn’t believe the number of times the crew had tried to replace the thing with something more extravagant but she turned it down every time.

The girl’s name was Sophia Archon Craft, heirarch of the Starcraft Federation. She was quite knowledgeable of the original story of the Koprulu Sector. In one variation of that universe, she unified three warring alien races under a single banner through a combination of diplomacy, brute force and guile. The federation was the fruit of her labors; a union of humanity with a technologically advanced race of psychic aliens as well as a race of genetically malleable and brutally ferocious aliens. The latter two were commonly known as the Protoss and the Zerg.

Some may wonder how she could get these races who had fought each other for years to just get along. Overall it was a combination of charisma, power and a sense of honor; traits that were greatly respected among the three races.

She was originally born human, at least, that’s what she thought growing up. It wasn’t until her late teens that she found out that she possessed immense psionic powers which surpassed what humans were capable of. She also learned that she was genetically hybridized with Protoss DNA in an experiment to create a more powerful psychic solder which surpassed the standard human covert ops soldiers known as Ghosts and Spectres. This allowed her to use a myriad of psionic abilities, some of which were highly destructive.

However, her current appearance showed no signs of such hybridization. Part of it was because she was also infused with Zerg DNA which allowed her to adapt her body to a number of conditions. When combined with her Protoss DNA it allowed her the ability to shapeshift to an extent. While she couldn’t turn into other people, she could instantly grow Zerg chitin on her body to use as armor or to attack with. She could also shift into the various strains of Zerg.

The main reason why she didn’t look human was the fact that she had a cousin who was a mad scientist. While she did help her to unleash the full potential of her powers, she also decided to have a bit of fun with Sophia’s DNA so now her base form was that of an anthropomorphic blue rabbit.

She didn’t resent her cousin though. In fact, she actually found it cute and exotic. Plus, she got to play the role of the adversary the enemy always underestimated…up until running in terror screaming bloody murder. She tended to have a bit of a sadistic streak, blaming the predatory instincts she gained from her Zerg genetics.

As for where she was at this time, she was aboard her flagship: The Aquaelie. It wasn’t originally hers since she ended up displacing it from its home universe moments from when it was destined to be destroyed, crew and all. She told the crew back then that she couldn’t return their ship to that universe because of the circumstances. Since they were officially cut off from their original government permanently, the captain and crew decided to serve her for the rest of their days.

That was centuries ago.

Since then she had made her own modifications to the ship and now it was the envy of her entire Starcraft Federation. Even the humans and their Battlecruisers or the Protoss and their capital ships didn’t hold a candle to the vessel.

As for their current mission, they were tracking down a band of pirates who were discovered to be operating in the sector. Rumor had it that the pirate leader was none other than Alan Schezar who was supposed to have died a long time ago to a renegade extremist Protoss. If it really was him then he somehow survived the encounter and probably entered a long sleep in a cryo chamber to preserve himself.

Still, he was no match for her forces so it was only a matter of tracking him down. Even if he did have one of the last few existing Zerg Cerebrates, giant larvae-like creatures with the ability to control an entire brood of Zerg, it wouldn’t be enough.

Her attention was taken from the mission when the ship shook briefly, leading to the officers on the bridge to devote all of their focus on their consoles to investigate what happened. She gave them a few moments to examine their screens. “Report!”

“Ma’am, readings indicate that we encountered an energy wave that crashed into us,” one officer said.

“Why was this not brought to my attention sooner? I thought our sensors were state of the art?”

“They are ma’am! The reason we didn’t get a reading sooner was because the energy wave was nearly completely decayed in potency that it barely registered on our sensors while still having enough force to jar us.”

Sophia nodded, “Alright, let’s get some readings on that energy and find out where it came from. If it’s an enemy attack I want us to be ready.”

After a couple of minutes of scans and data gathering, the officers came to her with their reports. One had reported that there were no enemy vessels nearby. Even if the enemy was using cloaking technology the scanners would have still picked them up. Others went on to scan the energy.

“Ma’am, the energy doesn’t appear to be psionic or void based but it isn’t anything humans could be capable of at this time either,” a Protoss officer reported.

“Does it bear any resemblance to known energy forms, however minor?” Sophia asked.

“It possesses some similarities to psionic energy, but the signature overall appears to be unlike anything we have ever encountered.”

“Hierarch, I have my report ready,” a human officer offered. “I ran some calculations on the energy magnitude and it was rounded up to one point two when it hit us. I suspect we got the tail end of it.”

“One point two is the magnitude of an ion cannon used by Protoss starfighters,” Sophia pointed out. “The range of such energy wouldn’t travel far. What about the radius of the energy wave?”

“Unknown, hierarch, even with our long-range scans we couldn’t pick up the whole thing. It must have traveled a long distance to reach this far. I’d estimate that the point of origin could be in another sector of the Milky Way.”

“What about the arc of the energy wave? Can we make some estimates of its point of origin through that?”

“Just finished the calculations now, ma’am. Rough estimations put the point of origin in the Delta Quadrant.”

“Seriously?!” Sophia loudly stated in shock. Thinking about it, for energy to reach them in the adjacent Beta Quadrant, the energy magnitude would have to be immense.

When comparing other energy sources, Protoss energy weapons ranged from one point two for their starfighters to two for their capital ships which were capable of causing widespread desolation of a planet’s surface over the length of a continent. The energy magnitude system was such that the magnitude from one to two was an exponential difference. Two was the highest for any known starship. Magnitude three was exponentially greater than two and would be the minimum amount of energy required to travel into adjacent quadrants; less if the point of origin was around the border between quadrants. Even then the energy would have to be at least two point eight to reach here.

“This definitely warrants investigation,” Sophia voiced. “Assign the Delta Fleet to continue the hunt for Schezar. Plot the estimated locations on the star map and set course for the general vicinity. I want all non-essential crewmen to take this time off to rest, though be ready at a moment’s notice if we run into trouble.”

Most of the officers stood from their chairs and saluted their leader, “Yes, hierarch!” They filed out the door out of the bridge. The navigational crew members plotted the course then joined the others.

Sophia could have simply opened a rift and been there immediately, but she was aware that the crew had been working hard during this mission and figured that a week of rest would do them good. She could handle most things herself but her officers would get upset with her if she put all of the burdens on herself so she let them do what they wanted.

Since she wasn’t needed on the bridge, Sophia decided to go find something to do while they were en route.

One week ago…

As a certain cyan-coated filly with rainbow mane and tail celebrated her victory against a trio of bullies who often picked on her foalhood friend, whom she didn’t notice that she had knocked out of the clouds and had to be saved by a swarm of butterflies, her actions this day would not only tie her destiny to others, but so much more.

The power of the filly’s Sonic Rainboom didn’t simply travel across the countryside and be observed by half the world. This energy would travel beyond the world of Equus itself and expand throughout a large portion of the galaxy. Of course, the filly’s power alone wouldn’t have nearly been enough to have that effect.

As the rainbow waves surged outward, the Spirit of Harmony itself saw an opportunity to save the land from the thousand years of stagnation that ponykind had wrought upon themselves. Using the rainbow energy, the Tree of Harmony amplified it to extend beyond this world in hopes that someone beyond the stars was listening and will come to restore the balance of order and chaos that will allow ponykind to move forward once more.

While the boost had drained the tree of most of its energy, which it would slowly recover in time while the Elements were dormant, the energy also had the effect of changing the destiny of a certain filly within the town of Sire’s Hollow with a lilac coat and deep purple mane and tail with an aqua stripe.

It was around this time that she and her foalhood friend were playing a game of stacking books when the stack nearly fell on the filly and the colt’s telekinesis saved her, a cutie mark appearing on his flanks afterward.

What changed that day was a tremor that shook the house and overcharged the filly’s horn, sending her into a magic surge that brought the books to life and turned the colt into a book. Thankfully the filly was able to regain her senses once the wave passed. The living books stopped moving once the magic wore off but the magic affecting the colt persisted.

Upon seeing what she did to her foalhood friend, the filly wrapped her hooves around the book that was once the colt and bawled for several minutes until her father rushed into the room to see what happened. When the filly explained what happened, the father was uncertain about what to do until a reddish orange mare with pale green hooves and a mane and tail of three shades of scarlet entered the house to check on her son.

Seeing the state of things, the mare quickly recommended that they take a trip to Canterlot and hope that Princess Celestia could fix her son.

Thankfully, the princess was able to reverse Sunburst’s affliction. Though when Celestia asked the two families about how this came to pass, the explanation left her impressed in the two young ones. However, her attention was more focused on the filly who she could tell possessed tremendous magical potential, just like a certain lavender filly she admitted as her personal student only a few hours ago.

Celestia had a feeling that her protege, Twilight Sparkle, and this filly, Starlight Glimmer, had a great destiny ahead of them.

Data Gathering

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Even with the best technology available it still took about a week to reach the sector where the ship’s crew estimated the energy wave came from. Sophia contemplated asking her engineering genius nephew if he had any upgrades for the ship’s engines later. Regardless, they had arrived and it was time to examine the nearby star systems.

The crew was refreshed after a week of R and R and ready to return to their duties. Sophia watched as everyone returned to their stations and performed their duties with renewed vigor.

The scans of nearby star systems didn’t show anything out of the ordinary and after hours of scans the crew was beginning to wonder if they had miscalculated the general area the energy wave came from.

That was until one last scan for the current crew’s shift caught their attention. “Hierarch, my scan has detected a world with an anomalous configuration,” said a female Protoss officer. “The system is composed of a planet as the centralized celestial body with a small star and a single moon.”

“A planet with its star orbiting it? That is certainly unusual,” Sophia commented. “Is there any sign that the energy wave may have originated from this world?”

“Unsure, however the energy readouts are picking up a reading that doesn’t match the magnitude but the signature is similar in parts to the energy wave. There is a fairly high chance that the energy originated from this planet.”

“Very well, let us investigate this planet then. The anomalous configuration alone deems this world worth a look.”

“Permission to speak freely, ma’am?” one male human officer requested.


“Why are we bothering with this matter? Shouldn’t we be using our resources hunting Schezar?”

“It’s not every day that you get an energy readout that greatly surpasses what a starship is capable of. For all we know it could be some super powerful entity showing off or some civilization developed some kind of super weapon capable of destroying planets.”

“You’re a super powerful entity…” another officer muttered in amusement.

Unfortunately for her, Sophia heard that. “I’ll let that slide once, lieutenant, just because it’s true. Please remember your training.” She turned back to address the previous officer. “Energy like that is going to draw the attention of intergalactic powers such as ourselves and depending on who finds this world, they will either want to mine it of its resources or enslave a species if the energy comes from living beings. That’s why I want to investigate this planet before I make a decision on what to do with it. If this world can produce an energy wave that can travel to another quadrant of the galaxy, we can’t leave this matter alone or it could be a potential threat to us.”

The officer nodded, satisfied with her answer. “Orders, ma’am?”

Sophia smiled as she saw her crew returning their attention to the terminals as they resumed their duties. “First, let’s check the atmosphere. Let’s see if the air is breathable.”

“The atmosphere has a composition similar to most inhabited worlds in the Koprulu Sector,” a male Protoss officer replied. “There is a slightly higher composition of argon though.”

“Alright, I’m not even going to bother asking about the climate. We can’t make any proper estimates because of the celestial configuration.”

“Hierarch, I’m picking up an energy reaction coming from the planet’s surface heading directly for the planet’s star!” one officer loudly reported. “It’s registering at magnitude two point two.”

“Let’s see what happens,” Sophia thought out loud.

The next few minutes were fascinating and shocking as the energy reaction wrapped around the star and moved it around to the other side of the planet. The next thing they saw was the lunar satellite being exposed to a second reaction and moved to where the solar satellite was before.

“Where did that signature originate?” Sophia asked. After a few moments, a holographic display of the planet appeared in the center of the room. A red point flashed on the map.

“The observer drones we deployed around the planet gave us this image,” one officer said before indicating the point as a red dot. “Our sensors place the point of origin at this point.”

“Send some observers down planetside, we need to know what we are dealing with,” Sophia ordered.

This task took the rest of the day for the crew, or night as they soon realized from the location of interest. They spotted what appeared to be equine creatures of a wide variety of colors and symbols on their flanks. Because of the time of night, however, there were very few around since most were in their homes. They would need to wait for another energy reaction to return the celestial bodies back to their original configuration before they could reach any conclusions on the population.

They also examined the settlements around the world and witnessed a wide variety of cultures. Using a system of comparing structures to the chronological development of Earth, Sophia concluded that the equine civilization varied from eighteenth century to twentieth century, the latter showing along the eastern coast cities of the region of interest. However, while motorized vehicles were non-existent there were still train tracks which suggested that they may have developed locomotives.

“I see…” Sophia mused. “This scan alone tells me that this world credits the phrase ‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’ They certainly didn’t develop the way humanity did. No airports, few military bases, and train stations follow a design similar to the American Wild West. Looking at other countries, some might have better military than the equine lands but not by much. One country in the far south seems to have the best military and could potentially conquer the world one day.”

“What now, hierarch?” a Protoss officer asked.

“We wait for the next shift in the celestial bodies.”

A couple of hours passed and Sophia had the crew end their shifts while the next set, rested and ready to go, entered the bridge and took their stations. Sophia briefed the new staff on what they had discovered so far.

It wasn’t long before the same energy reaction that moved the star and moon was detected and just as Sophia figured, the celestial orbs moved back to their original position.

“Time for another scan, I want to know if these equine creatures are the civilized species on that part of the continent.”

A few hours passed and the crew found that the equine creatures were going about their days like civilized people. Other countries also had their share of civilized creatures, all of them were of mythological creatures from human legends. She spotted griffons, dragons, hippogryphs, cat people, zebras (not mythical but Sophia noted that their behavior mirrored ancient African tribes), and minotaurs. They also spotted a species of insect-like equines in a region northwest of the equine lands.

Focusing on the lands the energy reaction came from, the crew examined the equines in more detail. They noted that they came in four types: those with horns on their foreheads, those with feathered wings, those with bat wings (Sophia noted that they didn’t mingle with the other types and seemed to keep to themselves), and those without.

One important thing that Sophia noted was that every species in the world radiated energy in subtle amounts, leading to the conclusion that there was something about the planet itself that appeared to guide their evolution.

One observer scanned what appeared to be a garden around the castle in a city built into a mountain. It spotted what appeared to be a fairly large specimen of the equines, taller than any of the others. The equine appeared to have a light fuchsia coat that could be mistaken for white along with a mane that emulated an aurora of cerulean, turquoise, heliotrope and cobalt, that appeared to billow in a non-existent breeze. A mark of a sun flaring in eight directions was on her flank. A crown on her head indicated that she may be a leader. It also gave the crew the impression that the equines lived under a monarchist government.

Other things of note were the large wings and long horn, a combination not found from any other equines. This gave the impression that the combination could be a status symbol, given the adornments and the uniqueness of the creature. More importantly, the crew measured her energy emissions and found that the magnitude exceeded anything else they found on this world. While there were a handful of readings that were well above what could be established as an average, this one gave off the most energy by far.

“I think we found the source of the energy that’s been moving the star and moon,” Sophia noted.

“Orders, ma’am? I think we have learned all we can from remote observations.”

“Indeed,” Sophia agreed. “The energies emitted from this world could have attracted others besides us. I don’t know when, but I am certain that those with ill intent will visit this world. Since we can’t go on protecting this world forever, we will need to implement a permanent solution: destroy the planet or uplift the people so they can protect themselves.”

“Are you sure we can accomplish that?” one officer asked, knowing that the former option was not actually on the table, given how Sophia was. “Those creatures are still technologically medieval and militarily primitive. They seem to still be using swords and spears. Even if they were infused with energy it wouldn’t make them very effective when facing gauss guns and combat walkers.”

“Which is why I am going to be performing a field study before I start drafting plans to uplift them. I have no doubt that it will be a long term project though.”

“You are bringing some bodyguards with you, right?” another officer asked, a tone that allowed no negotiation.”

Sophia chuckled awkwardly while rubbing the back of her head. “Ehehe…right.” As much as she was their leader, the other officers were still allowed to make sure Sophia had protection even if she wouldn’t need it. The last time she went off and did things on her own, her adjutants dumped a literal mountain of paperwork on her desk and had her deal with it without using illusionary clones like she usually did. She was lucky her Zerg biology prevented her from getting carpal tunnel.

Sophia cleared her throat and voiced her decision, “Since these creatures are not ready for extraterrestrial interaction, this will have to be a stealth observation. Me and the two bodyguards of my choice will be going incognito for this. Therefore I have decided on the two to come with me. It’s about time I let those two out of the freezer anyway.”

“‘Those two?’ Hierarch, you don’t mean…”

Sophia nodded, “Yep, they’ve been very useful to me over the centuries but I think it’s time for them to begin acclimating to civilian life before I have them retire. And who knows, maybe they might find someone down there who they are willing to pass down their skills.”

One officer looked at the info on the creatures and looked at her as if she just ordered the whole universe to be compressed into a marble. “With all due respect, ma’am, I can’t imagine these creatures having that kind of potential.”

Sophia chuckled at the officer’s comment, “Look past the biology and see what they have done for themselves. Despite being quadrupeds without grasping limbs, these creatures built an entire civilization with impressive structures. They even built skyscrapers! There is more to them than meets the eye and I want to see where this potential takes them.”

Nova and Tosh

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Sophia strolled into the cryo storage chamber aboard the Aquaelie where anything that was to be cryogenically preserved was stored.

It was a dimly lit chamber with a number of cells that were large enough to fit people and that was what most of the cells contained. While some were frozen as a form of punishment for some past crime, there were also some cells where Sophia kept those who have served her well preserved until a later time when she would need their skills again. These people volunteered, of course. Though she was also disappointed that some of the crew used some of the cells like they were freezers to store their food until they felt like eating it later. She would need to talk to them about that at some point.

Regardless, her attention was drawn to two individuals who had served her well in the past, though one of them also made a nuisance of himself a few times.

Accessing a terminal, Sophia activated the two cells that she wanted and peered inside the windows. One was a human female with blonde hair done in a ponytail and, from what she remembered since her eyes were closed, green eyes. She wore a sleek gray suit with thin armor plating. The other was a human male with dark skin and black hair done in dreadlocks and milky white eyes. He wore a black suit with slightly thicker armor plating than the other.

Satisfied with her selection, Sophia began the process of activating the two cells to release the two occupants from their stasis. The process of thawing the two took a few minutes plus a few more for the two to regain cognizance after being frozen for so long.

The female was the first to speak, “W-where are we? How long have I been frozen?”

“Hello Nova Terra and Gabriel Tosh,” Sophia greeted. “You are currently aboard the SFS Aquaelie holding orbit over a planet that we will be investigating once you two have recovered from your cryo hibernation.”

Sophia led Nova and Tosh to a cabin and let them recover, offering cryo-stim supplements to speed their recovery. The drugs shortened their recovery time to a couple of hours before they were mentally ready for their briefing.

The briefing took a few minutes where Sophia went over the information they had gained from the planet they were orbiting. “I am also informing you that this mission may be a long term one and will be the last one before I hand you two your retirement papers.”

“With all due respect, hierarch, I still have plenty of years in me to serve,” Nova protested.

“Heh, a workaholic as ever, woman,” Tosh pointed out.

“At least I didn’t waste most of my career being a scummy pirate!” Nova snapped.

“Don’t start, you two,” Sophia admonished. “My word on this is final, so I suggest you get used to the idea. Who knows, maybe you will find something to catch your interest there. Anyways, I am not expecting significant hostilities yet, especially from the natives. Though we might have others show up at some point.”

“I doubt we have anything to fear from something out of a little girl’s fantasy,” Tosh remarked.

“Regardless, I want to see what we have to work with before I formulate my plans to uplift these creatures. We are going incognito using the genetic morpher. The observers have already scanned the DNA of the various species of the world and I have chosen templates for both of you.”

“Wait, we are going in looking like the natives?” Nova questioned. “You mentioned that they were quadrupeds, but I’ve never fought with an altered center of gravity before and I doubt Tosh has either.”

Tosh shrugged, “It’s true, but I have been known to adapt. I wonder if you are even capable of doing the same given how inflexible you tend to be.”

“Let’s get going,” Sophia interrupted, heading off another argument.

The two agents remained quiet as they made the trip to another room where they figured that they would be transformed into the natives for the mission. Sophia explained that the morpher would transform them and send them down to the surface as long as there was a warp conduit there. Thankfully, one of the observers planted a crystal shard at the intended transport location.

Sophia’s transport system relied on her special crystals which she would plant in strategic locations. By putting a little of her psionic power into a shard, she would be able to nearly instantaneously travel to another shard. These crystals acted as her warp conduits and took her centuries to master it to the extent that she would only need a tiny shard at point A and point B. Until then, it took her an entire crystal formation to properly travel.

Once the three of them were ready for the process, they entered a small chamber as the process started up. A minute of wait was all that was needed for the three of them to be exposed to a blinding light. They closed their eyes and used their arms to block as much of the light as they could. Sophia held up one of her shards as the system reacted to it.

Everything happened within a few seconds. When they lowered their arms, or rather their forelegs, they soon found themselves in a meadow just outside of a dark forest.

As soon as her vision recovered, Nova took the time to gaze upon her hooves, sky blue in color. She found that she could twist her body enough that she could look upon her flank. The image of a familiar skull-shaped mask, like the ones Ghost agents were known to wear, was engraved onto her flank. Her tail looked platinum blonde.

She also noticed something that was missing which immediately made her feel self-conscious. “Wait, where is my suit? Why am I naked?!”

“Relax Nova, from what I could tell from investigating the natives, clothing is optional. You will fit in without your suit. As for where it is, I had your suit placed in a dimensional storage until it’s needed.”

Nova looked around to find Sophia which took her a few seconds until she looked down. Her already large eyes widened while her pupils shrank as she looked at her leader.

She was looking at a rabbit in her feral state. The only unusual thing that would set her apart from other known species of rabbits was the fact that her fur was blue. She also had a white nose and her eyes were amber. Sophia was now half Nova’s size which did make her slightly larger than the average rabbit.

“So how come I was allowed to keep my suit?” Tosh asked. Nova looked at her counterpart and spotted a male equine who had a light gray coat with dark gray stripes around his head. The rest of his body was covered by the equine version of his armor. His dreadlocks were now draped down to the base of his neck. “And why are you a small animal?”

“First, since I didn’t want to complicate things, I turned Nova into one of the wingless and hornless variants. As your bodies acclimate to the environment, I’d like a report on what changes you experience. I turned Tosh into a zebra because I don’t have a lot of data on their kind and I’d like to know what they can do. Second, I wanted the rabbit look because I love selling the adorable but deadly look. It tricks my prey into thinking I’m prey up until they find out I’m higher up on the food chain than they are. Third, I want Tosh to remain in stealth until further notice. Since he’s a zebra and their kind hasn't been seen on this continent, I don’t want to take chances until I can understand why that’s the case.”

“So what’s our mission?” Nova asked.

“We’re still investigating the natives so I want you two to investigate the culture around here. See what you can learn about the characteristics of the various types of natives and how they use the energy of this world. Tosh will be studying remotely while Nova will be trying to mingle with the natives. The nearby town should work for this.”

“And what about you, little rabbit?” Tosh asked, a bit of teasing in his voice.

Sophia didn’t rise to the bait, “I need to explore the lands and set up conduits in places that might be necessary to visit later. After that I plan to learn what I can about the high energy source.”

Sophia lingered to watch in amusement as she saw Nova try to walk away only to trip and fall on her face. “Ow! How do these creatures walk like this?”

“I can’t really help you there, that’s something you will have to learn for yourself. Though I’d advise you to learn before you two are discovered by the natives. I’d rather not let on that we are not from around here too soon.”

Sophia stayed to watch Nova and Tosh struggle to learn how to walk on four legs. The rabbit had no problems moving normally since she had spent time in quadruped forms, including the zergling which kind of moved like a rabbit. Of course, she found that she could give the two some advice on how to move which helped to speed up the learning process.

The three were at it for several hours as Nova and Tosh worked to build muscle memory that would aid them in learning how to walk. However, learning how to trot, canter and gallop would require more practice and they needed to get the mission underway.

Once they were able to walk around without making fools of themselves Sophia bid the two farewell before she raced off at a speed just below what was needed to break the sound barrier since she didn’t want to be causing damage through sonic booms.

Nova and Tosh glanced at one another before the latter gave an amused smirk that made the earth pony glare at him in annoyance. The zebra activated his suit’s personal cloaking while Nova figured that he was moving toward the town.

Sighing in resignation, Nova began walking toward the nearby town as she tried to prepare herself for something her ghost training had never prepared her for…



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Nova arrived in the nearby town an hour after her mission started. During that time she became more confident in her walking that she had started to trot her way there.

She spotted a number of the equines wandering around with the highest density being in what she figured was a marketplace where they set up stalls to sell their wares. She probably shouldn’t have been surprised that the food items appeared just like what humans grew. In fact, the general behavior of these creatures mirrored humanity in the nineteenth century.

The townsfolk didn’t seem to pay much attention to Nova at first which meant that her appearance was convincing. Of course, there were a few who gave her odd looks. She glanced at one stallion who quickly looked away and continued walking.

She received more strange looks over the next few minutes until one of them finally worked up the nerve to talk to her. “Excuse me, I’m sorry for staring. It’s just that you have such an exotic cutie mark.” The voice sounded like she was one of the females, a mare if she remembered her biology classes.

“Cutie mark?” Nova questioned. She looked at where the mare was staring and realized that she was looking at the mask icon on her flank. “What about it?”

“Does this mean that you have a talent for making masks?”

Nova really didn’t want to be placed into a role she was ill equipped to back up since there was a chance that she might make the natives suspicious. Instead, she tried to create a profile for herself that was a little closer to the truth without giving anything away. “Actually, I am talented at concealing myself. It doesn’t make me good at making masks though.”

Thankfully the mare seemed to buy the explanation as she nodded. “I see, so what brings you to Ponyville? I’ve never seen your face before.”

“Uhh, actually I just travel a lot.”

“Really? Where are your saddlebags? Surely you don’t travel without any supplies.”

“I umm…lost them in the nearby forest,” Nova lied. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the mare’s prodding questions. “I’m hoping to find a replacement here.”

“I can point you in the direction of a store where you can buy a replacement,” the mare offered.

“I can’t afford it I’m afraid; everything I owned was in those saddlebags.”

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry dear. I wish that I could help you retrieve your saddlebags but if they were lost in the Everfree Forest then they may be gone forever.” Nova did her best to look sad at the mare’s comment, realizing that she could lower her ears which the natives took as an expression of distress. “If you are looking to earn some bits I’ve heard that the Apple family at Sweet Apple Acres is looking for part-time help. The Apple family over there is stretched thin because of the coming harvest season and Pear Butter is still recovering from delivering her third foal. I’m sure a well-traveled earth pony like you would be a big help there.”

“Thanks for the advice, I’ll consider it an option. For now I need to get moving,” Nova offered, trying to get away from the mare.

“The farm is on the other end of town if you’re interested.” The mare then walked away.

Despite the discomfort she was feeling trying to talk with that mare, she did pick up on a number of terms that expanded her knowledge of these creatures. She learned that the currency of this country was called the bit and she learned that she was known as an earth pony. What that meant though she would have to learn as she went. They also used equine terms for their kind, such as foal when they likely referred to babies.

Nova was beginning to wonder if it was safe to assume that these creatures reflected horses, or rather ponies, from Earth, given their sizes. She had to wonder how many commonalities these ponies had with Earth equines.

With the exception of the colors and the marks on their flanks she considered that they also had a mainly vegetarian diet while requiring a minimal amount of meat for protein. She did notice one pony eating a sandwich with flowers inside.

That was when another thought occurred to her, Sophia had likely not only altered her form but she had likely also altered her dietary requirements. This meant that there was a good chance that her body was going to reject excessive consumption of meat and will find plants that her old body would have rejected to be appetizing to her new body. That was one thing she was not looking forward to.

Nova continued going over her thoughts as she explored the town.

Tosh was doing his own exploring of the town to pick up on the things that his partner missed. While his cloaking device was active he was confident about not being found. He was also glad that his personal suit carried its own generator so he didn’t have to maintain his invisible state with his psionic power.

Looking up, Tosh noticed the winged variants of the creatures, which he came to the same conclusion as Nova that they were ponies, flying around and physically touching clouds, even moving them around. He even spotted two of them actually standing on one and having a conversation.

He came to the conclusion that this was what the winged variants were capable of, yet for Sophia to take an interest in these creatures there had to be more to it than mere cloud manipulation.

Tosh made sure to study the other two types in town. However, he was unable to make any discoveries about the capabilities of the ones without wings or horns. Since his partner had become one of them he would leave the matter of their study to her.

The horned variants were much easier to study. After watching a young light gray filly with a deep purple mane and tail for a time he noticed that her horn glowed and objects that appeared to be in her focus also glowed the same color. He concluded that the horned variants used a basic form of telekinesis which indicated the possibility that they were naturally psychically gifted, though he would need to observe more of them before he could draw conclusions. However, like with the winged variants he couldn’t help but feel that they should be capable of more than telekinesis.

He continued looking at the scene with the filly for a little longer and saw that her parents watched as their daughter was fixing up a broken appliance for one of the townsponies. For one so young to be fixing machines like that, he could tell that she had a future in electrical engineering. It would be a useful skill to have for the future that Sophia envisioned.

Unfortunately the town seemed to be mainly inhabited by the non-appendaged variants while the winged ones had the second highest density here while the horned ones he could count with one hand, if he still had them. He would need to explore another town to find a better sample size.

For now, Tosh would have to be content with gathering what little information he could while he waited for further orders from Sophia.

Sophia continued racing tirelessly from town to town while planting shards for her future transit system. Sure, she could just use rifts to get around but that carried its own risks such as creating spatial distortions that she would have to repair and that would be a pain to do. Because of that she mainly used them for interplanetary or interdimensional travel. Equus, as the name of the planet she casually picked up from reading the mind of one of the ponies, was just one world and she was focused on a part of it so a warp network of crystal shards would work.

She made sure to leave the shards in places that the ponies would seldom, if ever, visit. If no safe place existed in that settlement then she would have to make the shard invisible with her power.

During her travels, Sophia’s mind drifted to Nova and Tosh. She didn’t tell them that there was another reason why she chose them for this mission.

Nova was twenty-eight years old now, not counting the centuries she spent in cryo stasis. She had spent five years in active service outside of a cryo cell after the End War against the Fallen One. She was one of the most talented and skilled ghosts in Sophia’s organization. The problem was that Nova refused to train new recruits after each mission so her unique skills were left to herself. Sophia refused to allow Nova’s skills to falter by age until she trained at least one apprentice. Given the psionic nature of some of these ponies, she had her hopes that Nova would show interest in one of them.

Sophia’s concerns for the ghost, despite her young age, also stemmed from the sadness she felt for her. The Ghost Program was a cruel one back then. Children such as Nova were forced against their will to participate in the program once the government found out that the child was gifted with psychic powers. Such people were rare so their participation was made mandatory.

Those children were robbed of their childhood and trained as deadly assassins while having implants surgically placed into them to control their powers. Some even had their eyes replaced with mechanical ones to improve their sight and receive mission data.

Nova’s soldier life left her disinterested and unable to have a normal life, not to mention the memory wipes she subjected herself to after each mission, which Sophia discontinued after the End War.

Sophia wanted Nova to experience what it’s like to live a normal life, away from the missions and the political intrigue and maybe try to make some real friends who weren’t coworkers who limited their interactions to professionalism.

On a side note, Sophia was glad that she was able to somehow curb Nova’s aggressive behavior toward spectres like Tosh. She once viewed their kind as psychotic time bombs who needed to be put down but Sophia made the two work together long enough for Nova to soften her opinion of them. The acrimony between the two had been worn down to a passive aggressive relationship at worst. She hoped that this would improve over their time here and the two would form an actual friendship.

Tosh wasn’t much better though he avoided the government longer than Nova did. He was raised on the streets by his grandmother on a world that didn’t have a training facility to hone his powers. The doll around his neck was a final gift from his grandmother. He was only a few years older than Nova. His problem was that he spent most of his life either serving the government or rebelling against it. He at least once had comrades once which he did call his friends though.

Sophia shook herself from her thoughts and continued her race all over the Equestria, which was what she learned was the name of the pony lands from overhearing a conversation. By the time the day turned to evening she had nearly finished setting up. All that remained was the city built into the mountain where the being with the high energy signature resided.


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From the appearance of the sun and assuming that the one who moved it kept its cycle to a strict schedule, Sophia had spent the rest of the day planting her crystal shards for her future use. She had just arrived at the foot of the mountain where a city was built upon it.

She didn’t want to be spotted on the roads because she wasn’t sure if a blue rabbit would be seen as odd and didn’t want to test that out. Instead, she levitated herself up the mountain and landed at the outer edge of the city.

She took a few moments to admire the city. The architecture was certainly unlike anything she had seen outside of a fairy tale book. The gold, white and purple colorings gave an extravagant appearance to the city though the fact that it was hanging off the side of the mountain made her wonder how strong the supports were to hold up such a city. Many ivory towers were built into the city while a number of rivers and waterfalls ran through it, giving the city a magical vibe to it.

That was when Sophia realized the nature of the energy these ponies used. She wouldn’t be surprised if they called it magic. Magic was a highly versatile form of energy that could be used to alter the fabric of reality in any number of ways. It was definitely more versatile than psionics which carried many similarities to magic, such as telekinesis, illusions and energy discharge. Magic could also be used to tamper with a mind like psionics could. About the only thing that separated psionics and magic was the source of where the two energies were generated from. For magic users, they had a wellspring of mana to draw that power from while psychics got their power from their minds.

Filing that thought away for later, Sophia hopped into the city and began her exploration, taking note of the interesting architecture.

With the sun beginning to set, Sophia saw the streets were becoming less dense with ponies. She observed the streets from a rooftop, taking in the variety of colors for pony coats and the marks on their flanks that appear to be nearly as unique as individual snowflakes.

Of course, she didn’t expect to go unnoticed forever as a winged pony, or pegasus as they were known in Earth mythology, with gold armor spotted her. It was rather medieval-looking but she guessed that it was enchanted to offer some protection. How it compared to the unenchanted marine corps suits her rank and file human soldiers wore she would have to test at some point.

“How did you get up here?” the guard wondered out loud as he flew in to try and grab Sophia.

However, Sophia wasn’t going to make this easy for him as she jumped over his grab and off his helm and landed on the street before rushing off. It was getting darker but she decided to give the local guard some sport before night fell.

The guard began to give chase from the air while Sophia stayed on the street, doing her best to act like a typical rabbit evading capture. She knew the guard intended to relocate her to the palace gardens since she read his mind a little but she was going to make him work for it.

While the guard was doing well in keeping up with her while she wasn’t using her powers, he became increasingly frustrated when she repeatedly evaded his attempts to grab her in his hooves. “Motherbucker!” he mumbled after the fifth attempt to grab her.

His eighth attempt was met with him crashing into a unicorn guard. Sophia turned into an alleyway and overheard a heated conversation between the two. “Private Shining Armor, did you see where the animal went?”

“Sir! What animal, sergeant, sir?” the private asked while quickly standing at attention.

“The blue rabbit that should have been in front of you just before I crashed into you. Grrr! At ease, private. Help me find this critter, they have to be around here somewhere.”

Sophia decided the short break was over and resumed the chase as she left the alley and blew a raspberry at the two of them, prompting them to resume the chase.

However, just as she was about to run off again, she found herself being lifted telekinetically by the new player in their game, Shining Armor if she heard right. She quickly discovered the source of the field when she saw the unicorn’s horn lighting up. Well, she wasn’t about to be caught so easily, even if she had to cheat a little. Using a tiny amount of her psionic power, she emitted a pulse that caught Shining off guard and disrupted his spell, causing him to raise a hoof to his head as a brief sharp pain made itself known in his horn.

“Private, are you alright?” the sergeant asked.

“I’m fine, sir. Let’s keep going.”

The next fifteen minutes were much more interesting as more guards joined in on the chase. Still, she kept the chase going for a while. At one point she spotted a unicorn mare in an alley getting mugged by an earth pony (based on the info that Nova telepathically sent to her) stallion. She had a few seconds to spare so she bicycle kicked the stallion in the chin, sending him flipping on his back. She was glad to see that Shining Armor was not so incompetent that he ignored the mugging scene and he made sure to check on the victim. Though it did disappoint her that he was the only one who focused on the scene and was forced to handle the suspect on his own while everyone else was focused on her.

She saw the sun quickly dip below the horizon and the moon quickly rose into the sky, giving the bunny a glimpse of a silhouette of a unicorn’s head on the lunar surface. She would have to think about that later.

For now, with the night begun it was time to bring her little game to an end as she raced back to where she felt Shining Armor’s mind. She saw the stallion walk out of the guard post, likely after placing the mugger in a cell. She stood in front of him long enough for him to spot her and wrap his hoof around her. “Gotcha!” he cried. Sophia didn’t struggle and waited for the other guards to arrive.

The sergeant from before glared at the bunny for a moment before he gave a nod to Shining. “Good work, private. See that it gets back to the gardens and make sure it doesn’t try to escape again.”

“Yes, sir!” Shining saluted. He then headed for the castle grounds in a three-legged gait as he didn’t want to risk using his magic to hold the creature and getting another headache for his efforts.

After some time the two entered the gardens where she noticed the hedge mazes in the area. As Shining entered the animal sanctuary of the garden a thought suddenly popped into his head. “Wait, you let me catch you, didn’t you?” Sophia smirked at him in approval of his deduction though she still had to take points away for the slow realization. Still, the stallion showed some promise, unlike the others who chased her earlier. Overall she gave him a passing grade. “What are you thinking?” he wondered. Sophia shrugged which prompted an exasperated sigh from the unicorn.

“Anyway, please don’t leave the garden, the citizens don’t like seeing animals in the streets.” He then turned away and left to return to his duties.

Sophia felt like this was probably a good time to call it a night. There wasn’t much information to be gained from the night scene at this time so she found a place that was not likely to be hit by the morning sun rays and curled up to go to sleep. Despite how she normally slept in a bed on a ship, Sophia was no stranger to roughing it. It kept her instincts sharp.

Sophia awoke an hour before sunrise, about when ponies began to get up and prepare to go about their day. Of course, this was going by Earth time so there was no telling what schedule the sun raiser kept when performing her daily task.

She found herself being stared at by a couple of squirrels and a few birds. It didn’t take a mind reader to know that she appeared odd to them. She owed them no explanation though and decided to leave the critters to their devices.

Today she decided on a little stealth to investigate the palace that served as this country’s seat of power. She needed to get a better look at the one who could use magic powerful enough to move the celestial bodies.

Weaving the shadows around herself, Sophia created a cloak that allowed her to avoid detection by the palace guards. She couldn’t blame them for their lack of means of passively detecting hidden intruders since she figured that such enemies were probably rare around here.

Not long after she entered the palace the rays of sunlight filled the alabaster halls. This didn’t deter her from continuing her exploration.

During her exploration she spotted an amber unicorn with a mane and tail with streaks of crimson and bright yellow racing down the hall with her eyes closed. She had a mark of a flaring star with a balanced mix of red and yellow that matched her mane. She noticed the tears flying onto the carpet. Curious about where the unicorn was going Sophia followed her up until she found a room that contained a mirror. The unicorn looked around as she stood before the mirror before she jumped into it as if the glass was actually water, much to Sophia’s surprise. Huh, must be a magic portal or something, I guess.

With that detour concluded Sophia proceeded to continue her exploration. There wasn’t much else of interest, short of a pair of fillies, one lavender and one lilac, walking around like they belonged here. The lavender one had a navy blue mane and tail with a purple and raspberry stripe and was walking around with her muzzle in a book. She had a magenta six-pointed star over a smaller white six-pointed star with five even smaller white stars around it on her flank. The lilac one had a royal purple mane and tail with an aqua stripe and she appeared to be trying to memorize the layout of the palace like a tourist. On her flank was a purple four-pointed star over an equal-sized white four-pointed star with a pair of vapor trails in two shades of turquoise.

She followed the two fillies until they met with the one she was looking for. Sophia noticed right away that the large mare, who was nearly twice the size of the average pony, appeared distraught.

“I am sorry, my beloved students, but I am afraid that our lesson today will have to be postponed. Recent matters have occurred that require my utmost attention.”

“Princess Celestia? What happened?” the lavender filly asked. “This was supposed to be our first lesson with you.”

“I am sorry for this, Twilight. I will make sure to have time for your lesson tomorrow. I ask that you and Starlight study together and review your knowledge of telekinesis until then.”

The two fillies, Twilight and Starlight, left the chamber, the former with a disappointed look on her face and the latter indifferent as it gave her more time to look around.

The larger mare, Celestia, was left alone in her study. Feeling that she was alone, she gave an exasperated sigh. “Where did I go wrong with Sunset? All I wanted to do was steer her away from dark magic and its corrupting properties. I couldn’t risk another Sombra rising up to torment my little ponies.”

Sophia took a small glimpse into Celestia’s mind and the image of the amber mare from earlier appeared at the forefront. This made her suspect that Celestia had a falling out with that Sunset pony from earlier.

Regardless, it seemed about as good of a time as any for first contact.

Informal Meeting

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After the two fillies left the study, Celestia let out a sorrowful sigh as she worried about her other student, Sunset Shimmer, who had fled from her after she threatened to revoke her status as a student if she continued her studies into dark magic. She didn’t want to use such a heavy hoofed tactic but she couldn’t afford to allow the mare to fall into the same pitfalls that Sombra did. Even in the off chance that she could have surprised her, it wasn’t worth the risk. She only hoped that the guards would bring her back safely.

Her thoughts drifted toward her other two students, Twilight and Starlight, both had shown great promise as mages. Twilight’s magic surge caused a lot of chaos and turned a number of ponies, including her own parents, into potted plants while hatching the dragon egg which should have been impossible and made her suspect that somepony or someponies conspired against the filly; a matter that she would have to investigate later.

Starlight, based on what she had heard from her father, the victim and the victim’s mother, had shown a similar degree of potential. From what she heard, the filly had a surge of her own and brought an entire bookcase worth of tomes to life and turned her foalhood friend into a book. Funny enough, the book contained a detailed biography of the colt’s life from birth to present.

Though what really caught her interest was the effect the surge had on the filly herself. Celestia examined the filly to see if the surge had any lasting side effects. She did the same with Twilight after her episode and was thankful that there was no lasting harm or changes to her. What she found in Starlight, however, was that her intrathaumatic resistance matrix had been altered slightly. The matrix existed in all ponies that allowed their bodies to resist the effects of their own magic to their bodies which prevented them from receiving any significant harm to themselves. The matrix in Starlight was not broken or damaged, only altered. If she was right, then she might be capable of self-levitation now; a feat that was impossible for any unicorn because of the matrix. Of course, Celestia couldn’t teach this to Starlight because it was impossible for anypony but the filly.

Celestia was pulled from her thoughts when her senses picked up on a presence that seemed to be in the room with her. Her ears perked as her head turned in every direction she could as she attempted to locate the source of this presence. “Twilight? Starlight?” No response, so it wasn’t them. She began to suspect an assailant. “Whoever is there, show yourself!”

As if accepting an invitation, the source of the presence dropped onto the floor in front of Celestia, though not before lifting her cloak of shadows before hopping down. To her surprise it was a rabbit, though the color of its fur was unusual. Her attention was drawn to the fact that she was able to sense a significant amount of power coming from the creature but it didn’t feel like magic exactly. It was easy to conclude that this was no ordinary bunny.

The alicorn slowly moved toward the bunny with a scrutinizing gaze, trying to figure out what it was without scaring it off though she sensed no fear from the creature for some reason and it was making Celestia nervous. “What are you…?” she mused.

“Cute and adorable, I would hope.” Sophia replied jokingly. This was followed by an amusing reaction of Celestia backing up into a bookshelf in surprise, the impact dropping an avalanche of books on herself. The rabbit giggled at the mare’s antics before her eyes glowed blue as she grabbed the pile of books in a telekinetic hold and returned them to the shelf, doing her best to remember the order the books were in before they fell.

Celestia sat on her plot with her eyes widened in shock and her jaw hanging open which Sophia closed with a little telekinesis. With no further surprises, Celestia managed to regain her wits enough to speak with her, “You can talk? And perform magic?”

Sophia tilted her head and placed a paw under her muzzle as she considered how to respond to that. “Yes to the talking part but no to the magic. Well…more like a yes and no to the latter. What I used was psychic power which isn’t something that comes from a magical source but comes from my mind. It doesn’t have the versatility that magic has but it still has plenty of uses.”

“What can you do with it?”

“For the basic stuff I can levitate objects or myself.” Sophia demonstrated this by lifting herself into the air before lowering herself back to the floor. “And there’s telepathy; mind reading. While it’s easy to read your surface thoughts, I can see the small part of you who is lamenting eating an entire…germane chocolate cake with a rich vanilla center in one sitting a few days ago?” Sophia gave a deadpan expression, “Really?” Not that she could judge her given the many strange things she had devoured over her life.

The pink in Celestia’s coat became much more pronounced in that moment as she looked away in shame. Sophia sighed and continued, “Look, it’s still pretty tame compared to the things I have eaten.”

“Like what?”

“You don’t want to know, not unless you enjoy having your coat going from that rosy shade of pink to a deep green in record time.”

Celestia nodded in agreement to let that matter slide as she cleared her throat and rolled the conversation back. “You mentioned what you called the basics of psychic power, what are the more advanced things you can do with it?”

“I can create illusions of myself or others and with a lot of training I can increase the range of their capabilities in the physical plane.” Celestia suddenly found another bunny that looked just like Sophia standing next to her hooves and staring at her.

“May I?” the copy asked. Celestia nodded numbly with uncertainty before the rabbit nuzzled her foreleg, getting a smile from the mare. Though just as quickly as the image appeared it vanished in a puff of smoke.

Sophia continued, “There are also more destructive uses for psychic powers but I won’t demonstrate them here. I can create localized lightning storms over small areas or use the shadows to wrap myself in them to make myself invisible and other uses that I’d rather not say because I want us to have a friendly relationship. But just to help you feel better, I am one of the most powerful psychics out there and your average psychic isn’t nearly as powerful as me.”

“While I do appreciate the gesture, I would like to know about those uses that you do not wish to tell me about. It’s nothing personal, I simply do not wish for one of your secrets to lead my little ponies to harm.”

Sophia hesitated for a moment and sighed, “If you insist…” She then went on to tell the princess about the darker aspects of her psionic powers where she sometimes used them for assassination purposes and then the variant that she figured would terrify the alicorn. She informed her about the corrupting power of the void and how it was used to unleash destruction or to directly steal the life force of others.

“I see…” Celestia mused. “It sounds like void energy runs in circles similar to dark magic. You haven’t been influenced by it, have you?”

“Can’t really say, I have spent centuries strengthening my discipline to help insulate myself from its dark influence so I can use it in controlled amounts when necessary. Thankfully, my other abilities have proven sufficient in regular scenarios.”

“‘Centuries?’ You claim to be older than you look?”

“I’ve been around a few millennia,” Sophia casually stated.

“Same, perhaps we are close to the same age,” Celestia giggled. She then gave her a diplomatic smile as she decided that the time for small talk was over. “So, perhaps now you can tell me your name and why you snuck into my palace?”

“As if your guards would ever give someone who looks like a small woodland critter the time of day for a formal appointment,” Sophia shrugged. “My friends and family call me Sophia. In a much more formal setting I go by Sophia ‘Archon’ Craft. I came from a place that is uncharted by your people. As for why I came here, that strange shockwave of energy from before had far-reaching effects that impacted far away places. Your kingdom may be visited by other foreign powers someday, possibly with ill intentions. Power on the scale of what we felt would be coveted by others; others with powerful and advanced technology and weaponry the likes that have probably not been imagined by your greatest minds.”

Celestia knew about the shockwave that happened weeks ago that sent poor Twilight into a magic surge. While she knew that it would have been seen by all of Equestria, she didn’t realize that it was that powerful. No pony should have been able to unleash the level of magic that was felt then, not even herself. She suspected that somepony or something may have amplified the effect.

Then there was the threat, what force in this world would have the power to defeat her nation with advanced technology when she had never heard a thing about them. Certainly news about them would have spread around the world if that were the case. Something about the rabbit’s story didn’t add up.

Sophia didn’t need psychic powers to know that Celestia was skeptical of her. Honestly, if she were in her position she would too. “I don’t need you to believe me right now, but I do wish to provide assistance to your ponies. The fact is that your magic will be a highly coveted resource in the years to come and if you don’t want to become enslaved and used as batteries for your slavers you will need to develop your military quickly to stand a chance against such threats. Honestly, I have no idea why your civilization isn’t as advanced as it should be by now.”

“We have only developed as the need arose, is it not the same as your lands?”

“No it’s the same way for us, we have simply developed as per our needs. Domestic and external issues have pushed us to improve our technology in many areas, including the military. I would hazard a guess that you have brokered peaceful relations with those who could potentially threaten your kingdom. However, a long era of peace could lead to complacency and stagnation which would leave your kingdom unprepared for the next big threat.”

“I am aware of this, it’s just…” Celestia trailed off. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure how to improve upon military technology, that was her sister’s area of expertise. Her sister was the innovative one between them and a brilliant commander. Unfortunately all research and development into military technology slowly ground to a halt over the centuries when she was banished to the moon and her commanders and officers went into self-imposed exile. Because of this Celestia was left with a succession of incompetent military advisors. After a few generations of this she simply left the position vacant.

Before Celestia could say anything else, Sophia’s communicator was chirping in her ear, indicating that the ship’s crew was wanting to tell her something. Celestia looked like she was about to form her response but the bunny cut her off, “We’ll continue this conversation later, I need to attend to something.”

Pulling out a crystal shard, Sophia channeled a little power into it which caused it to activate and pull her body into it, much to Celestia’s shock. The shard shattered into dust when it landed on the floor.

Sophia appeared at the Canterlot relay point which was the most secure place she could find in the city. Putting the prior conversation out of her mind, she swiped her paw and a screen appeared, showing the officer who was trying to talk to her. “This is Sophia.”

“Hierarch, I am so sorry for interrupting your investigation but I wanted to inform you that new information has come up. We did a geological scan of the planet to see if there were any valuable materials that could be helpful for your mission.”

“What did you find?”

“You may not believe this ma’am but the scans found a huge abundance of mineral crystals on the continent you are on. That continent alone is richer than planet Moria, the richest mining node in the Koprulu sector. The rest of the planet doesn’t have quite as much but it’s still more than we have ever seen on one planet before.”

“Are you serious?!” Sophia nearly yelled. “Ugh, nevermind! What about Vespene? Do the scanners detect any pockets under the surface?”

“No ma’am, we can’t detect any geysers on the scanners. If there is any Vespene Gas in the planet somewhere it would be too deep for the scanners to pick up.”

Sophia facepawed, “Wonderful, we found what may be the richest mineral node in the galaxy and no gas. They have the materials to build starships but not the fuel to power them. Well, I’m sure the ponies will be able to find an alternative to universal fuel. One thing is for certain, this planet and these ponies have targets on their backs.”

Life in Ponyville

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Taking the mare’s advice, Nova decided to take that job at the apple orchard. She was going to need the local currency if she and Tosh were going to be staying on this world for an extended period of time.

Nova acquainted herself with the Apple family who seemed too numerous for their small household of six so there was no way they were going to be able to offer her shelter. There was the oldest generation, Granny Smith, a lime green earth pony mare who appeared to be in her autumn years, then there was the middle generation composed of Bright Macintosh and his wife, Buttercup, who also went by Pear Butter. The former had a pale olive goat and a bright amaranth mane and tail while the latter had a bright gamboge coat and a darker gamboge mane and tail. The youngest generation was composed of a colt and two fillies with the youngest of them being born a few days ago.

The colt looked scrawny but his father believed that he looked like the way his son did at his age so he was sure he would have the same build as him when he grew up. He was also a bit taller for his age which was why the colt was named Big Macintosh. The colt’s coat had a similar color to Bright Mac’s mane while his mane had a similar color to his mother.

The older filly was named Applejack. She had a coat that looked the same color as her mother’s mane and her mane was the same color as her father’s coat. She had recently received her cutie mark which looked like three apples lined up and wrapped around a conveyor belt. Nova had a strange feeling that the mark wasn’t a conveyor belt though. Her suspicions were reinforced when she learned that Applejack was a natural at driving a tractor.

The youngest filly had the same coat, mane and tail color as her father while her eyes had an eye color resembling her mother’s mane. She was named Apple Bloom. Even someone as hardened as Nova couldn’t resist the heart-melting cuteness of the newborn filly. She was wearing a large pink bow in her mane which was a present her parents gave her for her birthday.

While Nova was happy to see such a close family, which made her feel a little envious when she thought about it, she had her own problems to deal with. The large household only had so much room which meant that they didn’t have room for her. She went into town where she asked around for the location of the town hall. The friendly townsponies led her to the circular building in the middle of town.

Inside the town hall, Nova requested a meeting with the mayor to the aide who informed her that she was in her office. The operative went inside and spotted a mare with a pale amber coat with a graying pink mane and wearing a pair of half moon glasses. Nova spotted the name plate of Mayor Mare on her desk. Not a very original name, but maybe it’s just something the ponies of this planet do I guess. Nova thought.

“May I help you?” Mayor Mare asked, putting on a friendly smile.

“I’d like to ask about finding a place to rent,” Nova responded. “I’m afraid that I’m lacking in bits right now after losing my saddlebags to the Everfree Forest.”

“Oh! So you’re the one I heard about; the wanderer who came into town after losing her possessions. I can help you find a place to rent and we can hold off on any rent fees until you can start earning some bits. You are planning on staying in Ponyville for a while, aren’t you?”

Nova nodded, “I will be in town for the foreseeable future.”

Mayor Mare nodded in response as she looked through her cabinets until she pulled out the appropriate paperwork while muttering to herself. “Ah, here we are!” She then laid the papers on her desk before Nova before moving a quill and inkwell toward her. “This residence is owned by an earth pony and pegasus couple who are looking for somepony to look after the house while they are away.” Although given how often they are away from the place you would think they would just sell the house, she thought to herself. “Sign on the line and I will arrange a letter to the owners.”

The next few moments were probably the most awkward ones of Nova’s life since she had no experience whatsoever writing with her hoof and her signature agreed with that sentiment. What was worse was that the written language was unlike anything she had seen before. This was going to cause her and her comrades trouble later on if they didn’t learn the ponies’ written language.

Regardless of how embarrassing that matter was, she now had a place to rent. Though that also likely meant that she would have to share a house with Tosh and that was not going to be fun.

Speaking of fun, that night turned out to be an exciting one as Nova heard the sound of wolves howling from the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. Her instincts told her that she should look into it. It was a good thing that Sophia left her with her psi blade.

Heading to the farm, Nova didn’t see any wolves though when she checked the residents, she found that Bright Mac and Pear Butter were missing. Using her psionic implants, she released a wave of psychic energy to locate the missing couple. To her shock, her senses pointed them toward the Everfree Forest.

Rushing into the forest as quickly as she could, she soon found the pair under attack by a large creature made of many pieces of wood in the shape of a wolf. Nova was not amused by this literal representation of a timberwolf nor would she be later when she discovered that it was actually called that.

Thankfully for the couple Nova was able to reach them in time to deliver a slash at the beast’s muzzle with her energy blade, slicing it off. The timberwolf backed away and glared at its new prey. Nova slowly moved around the wolf to get it to turn away from the wounded couple which worked for a moment until it caught on to what she was doing. However, as it turned back to the others Nova was quick to capitalize on the timberwolf’s decision to go after the easier prey by rushing in and slicing off its right hind leg, leaving the beast off balance for a time.

Much to Nova’s frustration, the timberwolf reassembled itself to continue the fight. Even worse was that the beast decided to ignore her for later while it focused on the couple. The ghost had to be careful but she also had to be quick to save them.

Suddenly the beast yelped as a powerful invisible blast struck it and caused its body to fall apart. Nova had an idea how this happened so she wasted no time reaching the couple and placed Pear Butter on her back while she telepathically dominated Bright Mac to get him to follow her out of danger. She didn’t want the stallion to waste time asking questions right now.

As she was heading back to the farm, the timberwolf recovered from the stunning blast and began reassembling itself. However, a certain zebra spectre noticed what was likely the core of the beast. Before the timberwolf reassembled its protective wood around it, Tosh pulled out his rifle, thankful that Sophia gave him a model that was friendly for hooves, and fired a few rounds into the core, shattering it. As a result, the timberwolf collapsed again while being rendered as nothing more than a pile of wood in the forest.

Chuckling to himself, Tosh reengaged his cloaking device.

Bright Mac and Pear Butter were both admitted to Ponyville General Hospital to be treated for their wounds while Nova returned home to get some sleep.

The next day offered a new surprise, though unlike last night this was a pleasant one. After finishing her day with the Apple family and getting tired from doing extra work while Bright Mac and Pear Butter were in the hospital, she decided to take a walk around town to see what other things she could see or do. If she was going to be living on a peaceful pony planet for an undetermined amount of time, she might as well see what was available since her combat skills were not going to be useful at this time.

While she was wandering the market, Nova discovered a family with the parents being led around by one of their daughters. The father was a light gray unicorn with a brown mane and tail as well as a moustache which looked odd on a pony in Nova’s mind. His cutie mark was three American footballs. The mother had a fuschia coat and two tones of purple for her mane and tail. She wore earrings and a yellow scarf and her cutie mark was three cookies, two of which were bitten into. She was also wearing a harness holding a foal with a light gray coat and a mane that was both fuschia and purple colors and looked like it was curling. All of them were unicorns.

The parents were being led by a light gray filly with a deep purple mane tied into a ponytail and her tail had slight curls. Her cutie mark looked like three crystalline gears interlocking.

Nova overheard their conversation as she walked near them, “Rarity dear, I know you have chosen this path and all, but are you really sure you really want to do something so labor intensive?” the mother asked.

“Maybe she wants to build up a physique and join a hoofball team someday?” the father offered.

The mother glared at her husband, “Really dear, must you bring up hoofball at every opportunity? Your daughter wants to deal in oil and machinery as her chosen career path!”

“It could help her build her muscles.”

“Really Mama, Papa, I’ll be fine,” the older filly said. “I am aware that working with machines can be a filthy task at times, but it can also be rewarding if I am able to build something amazing and file a patent on it. In fact, one idea I had came to me in a dream recently. First I need to build a smelter and since that is quite expensive I need to try and find the parts I need and hope that I can find them at the best prices.”

“And where do you expect to build such a thing, young lady?” the mother asked warily. “Certainly not in our house I hope.”

“No Mama, I will keep the parts in storage until I am old enough to own my own workshop and build it there. I know you wouldn’t want the thing in the house.”

“So, what do you plan to do with a smelter?” the father asked.

“I’m not certain, but I have this feeling that I might be able to do something with gemstones, though the dream did include some things that didn’t make sense; like it was saying that I could create some sort of metal by smelting gemstones.”

Nova stopped listening to the conversation after that. Metal out of gemstones? It seemed crazy but if the gems carried similar properties to mineral crystals, the abundant resource of the Koprulu Sector that the Terrans used to construct their armor, vehicles and star vessels, then this might be a movement in the right direction for Sophia’s plan to uplift the ponies. Of course, this was provided that this Rarity filly was inspired to construct a primitive equivalent to a mineral refinery.

Nova decided to make a note of it and inform Sophia later.

The Meeting Resumes

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Sophia spent the next few weeks exploring the planet to learn more about the other races. From what she found out from the zebras, they didn’t have an issue with the ponies though they mentioned that the ponies of Equestria were often wary of outside races. Of course, they were still initially surprised to see a talking rabbit.

The same was said from the bipedal cat people of Abyssinia. They did occasionally trade with Equestria but they couldn’t help but feel a slightly tense atmosphere from the citizens. The same was said from other races such as the griffons, hippogryphs and minotaurs. Of course, Sophia couldn’t help but feel disappointed in the former as they appeared to be consumed by their greed and paranoia and couldn’t see them as a good example in regard to Equestria’s apparent xenophobia since they didn’t seem trustworthy to begin with. She had to give a few dragons a beatdown before they respected her enough to talk about anything.

Returning to Equestria, Sophia decided to continue her impromptu meeting with the solar monarch that was interrupted by her crew members. She spotted Celestia having tea in a garden room. She placed herself where her imminent conversation partner could easily spot her. In response, Celestia summoned a couple of cushions and placed them in a chair opposite her to which Sophia levitated herself onto the seat. Celestia then poured a cup of tea for her before shrinking the cup to better accommodate Sophia and her small size. Sophia thanked the mare before she began her conversation.

“I have been around the world and I have seen that they seem a little apprehensive about trading with Equestria, why is that?”

Celestia sighed, she knew the reason and she wished that her little ponies didn’t behave that way. “My little ponies have grown used to centuries of an undisturbed status quo and feel that introducing new elements, such as other races to this land, could potentially incite chaos. While we still trade with other countries, the parliamentary council continues to act against my attempts to push for an immigration policy.”

“I suppose that will have to be on the list of things to address eventually. What about the military? For as long as your nation has stood, I would have thought it would have moved away from swords and spears by now. Certainly you must have anticipated the possibility of some warmonger coming to claim your lands from you?”

Celestia said nothing for a few moments as a brief memory surfaced. “My ponies are peaceful, though sadly none of them have distinguished themselves among the Royal Guard. They have been trained the same way for centuries without ever considering coming up with ways to improve their training. If my sister were here things would have been different.”

Sophia tilted her head, “I did find another like yourself; one with wings and a horn. She isn’t your sister I take it?”

“You are referring to Mi Amore Cadenza. She is an alicorn like myself but she was born a pegasus, having ascended a few years ago. She is still untrained in using her magic. She isn’t my sister. My sister, Luna, is…far away right now.” Sophia gave Celestia a deadpan look while pointing at her own head, reminding the solar monarch of what the bunny could do. Celestia sighed, “I will explain what happened. Please don’t let knowledge of her existence leave this room. I don’t want to risk anypony learning about her return and trying to find a way to get rid of her. I’ve waited nearly a thousand years for her return.”

Sophia closed her eyes in contemplation as she considered what she said. “I see, though perhaps we can make things fair for both of us. I believe an exchange of information would be beneficial?”

Celestia considered this for a moment, moving a hoof to her chin before nodding to the rabbit. “Since I have already given some information, I believe that it is your turn.”

Sophia took a sip of her tea. “That’s fair. If you are willing to indulge me, I can tell you the truth, or at least enough that I won’t end up overwhelming you.” Celestia considered for a moment and nodded for her to continue. “The fact is that I do come from a highly advanced civilization, though not from this world. That rainbow shockwave traveled much farther than you most likely believed; it traveled beyond this world and into the depths of the void of outer space. The energy was nearly completely decayed by the time it reached us but for something to extend that far would have taken a vast amount of energy which prompted me to investigate.”

Sophia continued her explanation while omitting unnecessary details involving advanced technology since that would still be too much for the ancient mare. She also mentioned that the energy, or magic, could be harnessed with the right equipment which would draw others to this world and Equestria may find themselves at war against people, fueled by greed, with technology advanced enough to counter their magic.

“Which brings me to my intentions. I am actually impressed by your ponies and their ability to construct an entire civilization with hooves which makes me wonder what they could contribute if they became a spacefaring race. This is why I am here, I want to uplift your ponies technologically to help them reach the stars.”

“Hmm…” Celestia took a sip of her tea. “And what would you get out of all this? I can’t imagine you being so generous as to do this for nothing.”

A grin formed on the bunny’s face, “Why the ultimate fusion of magic and machine, of course! I have a nephew who lives for inventing machines and seeking ways to improve it with magic but he has been unable to locate a source to conduct his research. He will, of course, be assisting with this project later.”

Celestia continued to ponder on Sophia’s words before a resigned sigh escaped her lips. “If only it were that simple. Like you have noticed, my ponies have stagnated as a culture and have become xenophobic over the centuries. I fear that it may require something drastic to motivate them into moving forward again and I can’t put my ponies through something like that.”

Sounds like I will have to wait until something threatens their utopia before I can enact the plan. “Perhaps I should take the time to get to know your ponies more,” Sophia considered.

“What about your duties to your people?”

“I have psionic clones for that. Sure, they aren’t very durable but they still carry my intellect and are capable of inspecting and signing papers on my behalf as well as giving speeches. Plus, if there is a situation that requires my physical presence I am a rift tear away. My people know this, which is why I am allowed to have my adventures…even though they still want me to be accompanied by bodyguards.”

“And where are your bodyguards now?” Celestia asked with a raised brow.

“Getting acquainted with ponies in some small town. It was the nearest we could find to our point of arrival. They are gathering information for me about your ponies and what they can do with magic. Bodyguards are a formality for me and if I were to visit you in an official way then they would accompany me.

“As for the information gathering, I need all the info I can get before I can formulate a more long term plan on accomplishing my goal of getting your ponies to explore the worlds beyond this one.”

Celestia giggled as a thought appeared in her mind, “You remind me of one of my students. She loves learning everything she can. So, how do you plan to get around my little ponies’ paranoid mentality?”

“Nothing I can do about that for the time being and this is the biggest hurdle at this time. I don’t have much choice but to wait for something to turn up that will motivate your citizens into action. In the meantime, I should look for something to do while I am in between missions.”

“I wish I could take you on as a military advisor but as you mentioned, nopony would take you seriously.”

Sophia shrugged, “I don’t mind offering my ideas in private. As for my bodyguards, I’ve been hoping that continued exposure to civilian life would help them to acclimate better. One of them didn’t get to have a childhood before she was raised as an assassin while the other was raised on the streets to avoid the same fate, even though he still faced the same training.”

The two discussed more topics until Celestia decided to entrust the bunny with the secret of her sister. She mentioned that her sister, Luna, was in charge of Equestria’s military and was a progressive-minded mare who sought new ways to improve the lives of the ponies and the military. However, the paranoia of the ponies took its toll on Luna where they began to outright reject her ideas no matter how beneficial they could have been and pleaded with Celestia to revoke some of her rights as a princess, sometimes under the threat of rebellion. The solar monarch, however, refused to give in to their demands and threatened to have Luna restructure the government however she deemed fit. The protestors backed down and didn’t bring the matter up again. Celestia had hoped that this was the end of the matter.

However, it wasn’t the end as a clandestine group of ponies had stolen a series of artifacts called the Elements of Harmony and found a way to bend their powers to their will. Acting behind Celestia’s back, this group infiltrated Luna’s bedroom and used the artifacts against her while her guard was down. The group had intended to use them to kill her but they banished her to the moon instead, not realizing that the Elements were not capable of taking lives. When Celestia found out what happened she had the group executed for treason while her own network of spies rooted out the other members of the group. The stolen Elements were relocated and placed behind many protective wards that would prevent anypony short of an alicorn from detecting them until the time came when they were needed to protect Equestria again.

However, the damage was done and Celestia found that the spell was going to last for a thousand years before the seal would weaken for her sister to return home. However, she had a sinking feeling that her sister was going to be on the warpath when she got back and it would be up to her to try to calm her down.

Sophia sighed with exasperation once the tale reached its end, “Great, so I’ll be dealing with a civilization of technophobes who let their fears dictate their actions.”

“Unfortunately, my ponies haven’t changed that much since then so there is still a chance she may be assaulted by assassins after she returns. The banishment spell on my sister won’t weaken for another ten years so I will have to plan for what comes after in the meantime.”

Sophia nodded sagely before she looked toward the sky in contemplation. “If your sister is going to be an issue upon her return, then if necessary, I know someone who can help suppress her if she proves hostile. I also have other members of my family who are willing to assist if I call on them. There is one I would rather not call upon, given her nature.”

“Is she that dangerous?” Celestia asked.

“Only when she isn’t on duty. She knows better than to meddle against the affairs of family members, it’s just that her methods are…well…it’s better that you don’t know for the sake of your sanity.”

“I’ll take your word for it. So what are you going to do now?”

“I’m going to live in Ponyville for a while. One of my bodyguards let me know that one of your ponies could be very close to devising a way to convert gems into metal and I want to make sure this filly is supported in her endeavors. This filly may be an important part of my plans.”

“In that case, may I ask a favor?” Celestia asked. “I have heard reports from Ponyville about a number of incidents that have occurred there, most of them involve creatures leaving the Everfree Forest and causing problems for the residents. The guards at the post set up there have done their best to keep the creatures at bay. Though that’s not what I want to ask of you. I have a feeling that town will be at the center of my future plans as well as yours. May I ask for a weekly report on what goes on there? I suspect that the greatest changes that will happen to Equestria will come from that town in the future.”

“I can do that. I hope that our collaboration will bear fruit one day.” With that Sophia left the garden and raced off to Ponyville.

As she was leaving, Sophia smirked as her gaze briefly turned toward one of the garden pillars where she had sensed one of Celestia’s students hiding. She had felt her presence during the entire meeting. If her memory of the filly’s psychic signature was correct, it was none other than Starlight Glimmer. Sophia didn’t care that the filly overheard, what did matter was what the filly was going to do with that information.

Feeling a bit lazy she decided to ride atop a train heading there. She couldn’t purchase a ticket since ponies still viewed her as a mere animal. Once the train came to a halt in Ponyville, Sophia sought Nova’s psionic signature and found that she was in a house with Tosh, likely the residence that Nova had procured for the mission. Once she reached the residence, she was greeted by her two bodyguards.

“How was your exploration?” Nova asked.

Sophia shrugged, “Sort of a good news, bad news deal. I did contact this country’s ruler and she doesn’t seem to be against us. Plus this planet is officially the richest planet in minerals that we have found so far. Your report on the filly who might be trying to invent a mineral refinery is also a plus.”

“And now the bad news…” Tosh lamented.

Sophia rolled her eyes, “Turns out that the ponies of this country are limited to primitive weapons and spellcasting as their primary means of combat and appear to be hesitant to move beyond that. Apparently this time of peace has left the ponies complacent and lacking in any real military talent, something Celestia is hoping to alleviate when her sister returns from her banishment. I will need someone to work with her when she gets back. A thousand years of isolation is a lot to recover from, though I think Umbra is up to the task. She may be the youngest of the family but her intellect and cunning make her a force to be reckoned with. Her magic is the stuff of legends, even by my standards, and I believe that she may be able to befriend Celestia’s sister.”

“What are our orders?” Nova asked.

“We remain on standby. This will most likely be the longest assignment you have ever been on so I suggest getting friendly with the locals. There’s no telling when Schezar will get here. He was the only other one I know who could have picked up on that energy wave since this part of the galaxy is unexplored. There is no way he will ignore the allure of Equestria’s magic since he will likely believe that he can get an edge over me with the resources of this world.

“We also need to help Tosh establish a relationship with the locals. We can’t have him sneaking around the place for years; someone would eventually find him. You will help with that.” The ghost looked like she was about to protest but was met with a glare that gave no room for discussion. “I will be sending the Aquaelie away tomorrow since I wouldn’t want them to hang around here for years while being away from their families. Also, there will be missions on other worlds to be conducted during our stay here so your skills don’t get rusty. Now, any questions?” Silence was her answer. “Then let’s do our best to get through this.”

A Tragic Filly

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True to her word, Sophia composed letters of her inspections of the goings on in Ponyville. Since she lacked a means of quick delivery and she didn’t trust the postal system to deliver a letter without it getting lost in the system, she personally delivered her letters to Celestia. As fast as she was she could deliver the letter and be back at the house within a minute.

As time passed in the town, there were plenty of things to note. Nova had found that the ponies were very friendly to her and helped her to understand their customs without her letting on that she wasn’t originally a pony. It would later help her to avoid any social faux pas that would have gotten her into various kinds of trouble such as that one time she accidentally bumped another mare’s flank with her own which told the mare that Nova was interested in her. Nova ended up apologizing repeatedly when she made that mistake.

There was the occasional incursion from the Everfree Forest that involved hungry beasts which were repelled when the bunny unleashed a loud beastly roar that frightened the creatures back into the forest. She may have been small but she could still roar like a colossal Ultralisk and that struck fear into the hearts of many predators. The townsponies never figured out where the roar was coming from. The bunny figured that it was better to scare the predators off since the ponies would freak out if they saw dead bodies.

In time more residents moved into the small town. One of them was a young yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail with a cutie mark of three butterflies. She seemed shy and reserved and a look into her mind revealed that she had been the victim of bullying from her peers which left her with little to no confidence. However, she was completely comfortable around creatures who lacked the means to properly communicate but the filly seemed to have a talent for communicating with them.

Sophia could see potential within the filly named Fluttershy who had a knack for patching up wounded animals. If she could apply those skills to ponies she would make for a good medic on the battlefield. However before that could happen Sophia needed to consider ways to boost her confidence.

Another filly moved into town not long after Fluttershy did. Sophia had a feeling that this one followed her friend here out of a sense of guilt. This one was a pegasus with a cyan coat and a multi-colored mane and tail in the colors of the rainbow with a mark of a cloud unleashing a bolt of tri-colored lightning. This one had ambition and a desire to show off her greatness to everypony which gave rise to an uncontrolled ego. However, further analysis of her psyche told Sophia that this behavior was a means to conceal how insecure she was about herself.

With proper discipline and military training, this pony, Rainbow Dash, could become a fine soldier and with the amount of power she noticed being released by her flying, perhaps an ace in a starfighter one day.

A third arrival was a truly strange one and one she would need to be careful–

“Hi there!”

Sophia could believe that she jumped over the pink pony’s head when she was startled by her sudden appearance. Sophia, the rabbit who could sense any mind coming from a mile away, didn’t sense the presence of the pink one.

This was why she needed to be careful of this one. Pinkie Pie had a very uncanny power that Sophia equated to Toon Force, a powerful and dangerous ability that manipulated the laws of the universe for comedic effect. This earth pony could use this power all she wanted as long as it was meant to be funny. Sophia had seen cartoons before and this pony behaved just like a cartoon character.

If Pinkie could utilize the darker form of comedy on her enemies she could devastate entire armies with her power.

In response to her surprise greeting, Sophia went into a series of angry squeaks and other rabbit sounds to show how upset she was. She wasn’t going to show the ponies she could talk just yet.

“So, whatcha thinkin’ about? Are you planning on attending Gummy’s adoption party tomorrow at six PM?” Sophia thought about Pinkie’s question and decided it was better for her to attend than get the filly upset. With a nod, Sophia received a tiny invitation card before the pink pony pronked off.

The bunny had a feeling that Pinkie knew that she could talk but seemed intent on keeping her secret. She decided to put that out of her mind and focus on other matters.

While the ponies lacked vehicles that were not powered by themselves, the Apples had a tractor that didn’t have a motor but it appeared to be powered by their own magic. The middle of the three siblings, Applejack, appeared to move the vehicle by planting her rear hooves on a floor plate that appeared to conduct the magic in the mare’s hooves while her front hooves were operating the steering wheel. She had seen the other family members try their hooves at driving the tractor but were either unable to power it properly or couldn’t steer it properly. Sophia concluded that the filly had a talent for driving vehicles; a skill that she.hoped could be baseline for ponykind someday.

Sophia’s thoughts turned to the light gray filly with a purple mane. She had heard rumors that Rarity was the one who built the tractor for Applejack. It was clear that this filly had a knack for mechanical engineering and building machinery. With enough investment, this filly could be the key to her plans. She considered getting her nephew out of his workshop; a feat that takes an effort short of miraculous to pull off sometimes since he pretty much ate and slept in there as well. He may consider taking on an apprentice.

One other pony that caught Sophia’s attention was an orange pegasus filly with a magenta mane and tail. She appeared to be living with her aunts since her parents were always busy with their work and were seldom ever in Ponyville. The filly appeared to be about the same age as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Though what really caught her attention was something she discovered from the minds of her aunts.

Apparently, the doctors had diagnosed the filly, Scootaloo, with having undeveloped mana channels in her wings which screamed ‘birth defect’ in Sophia’s mind. It was a particularly harsh one as well for a pegasus as it meant that flight may not be possible for her as it was likely that she would have to live with stunted wings her whole life.

Still, the filly had spirit and a determination to make do with what she had. Sophia decided to keep an eye on Scootaloo as well in case she had potential as well.

Sophia continued her observations to see if there were other ponies with potential.

A few months later Sophia paid her weekly visit to Canterlot. This time she stayed to observe Celestia’s two apprentices. The lavender one, going by Twilight Sparkle, was an inquisitive one who desired to learn all she could from books though she also spent time playing with her baby dragon, Spike, and her best friend, Starlight Glimmer.

It was easy to tell that the two fillies knew a great deal of spells though Twilight appeared to be a jack-of-all-trades type when it came to the various forms of magic. Celestia appeared to be steering the filly away from the darker arts of magic though. That would have worked if Starlight hadn’t found out where the ruler kept the books.

Speaking of the lilac filly, Sophia noticed that Starlight took an interest in watching military training drills. A look into the filly’s mind made the bunny’s eyes glisten with pride as she noticed that Starlight was noting the lack of efficiency in the soldier’s movements and considered ideas to improve on that. Many of them were bad ones but if these thoughts could be properly nurtured there might be hope for this country’s train wreck of a military.

As for her magical studies, Starlight did learn many spells but she appeared to lean toward combat spells. The bunny templar mentally applauded the filly taking initiative.

Time marched on as the months soon turned into years with the three visitors getting acclimated to the world.

Every now and then Sophia had to leave Equus to take care of matters such as stamping out an evil galactic empire that threatened her federation but she was never gone for more than a week. She would often bring Nova and Tosh along to make sure their skills don’t rust.

Nova eventually introduced the ponies to Tosh, who had his armor and weapons taken by Sophia at the time. Naturally the ponies were nervous around the zebra and prepared to hide in their homes but Nova mentioned that Tosh was the one who defeated the timberwolf that nearly killed Bright Mac and Pear Butter. One pony got it into their head that Nova and Tosh were special someponies and that led to some rumors spreading and ponies eventually warming up to the Spectre Zebra. For the sake of Tosh’s relationship with the community, they decided not to dispel the rumors. Plus, Sophia agreed to let the rumors spread.

The years in Equestria had their ups and downs and one tragedy did occur during their time there. A hydra attacked Ponyville one day and caused a lot of damage. This was during a time Sophia was away on business. The hydra caused a lot of property damage before Nova and Tosh were able to drive it off with the Spectre frightening the creature with a painful Psionic Lash that left it greatly wounded.

Unfortunately, while there were no fatalities, there was one casualty during this incident where one filly was trampled by the hydra. With her body so badly mangled the doctors gave little hope that she would ever be able to walk again. Even worse, the attack also left her with a broken horn. She was currently on life support after suffering numerous fractures to her ribs and legs along with heavy internal bleeding and a severely damaged spine. She was lucky to even be alive right now.

That filly’s name was Sweetie Belle.

When Sophia heard about this it made her frustrated that her duties drew her away at the worst time. Even more so was the fact that while she did have a method to restore the filly’s body, it wouldn’t have worked in this case. Her body was so badly damaged that using regenerative Zerg cells would run the risk of infesting the poor filly, leaving her in an even worse state.

While Sweetie was staying in the hospital, Sophia decided to check on Rarity who had opened up a workshop in the carousel-like building and had constructed her refinery.

While the filly was overjoyed when her theory finally bore fruit when she used a few sapphires for her experiment and was shocked when the refinery produced liquid metal that poured into the prepared crucible, Sophia could tell that Rarity was also using work to mask her pain after the incident. She appeared to blame herself for leaving her sister alone during a time when she needed her most.

Quickly searching through her shop for an ingot mold, she found one and poured the liquid metal inside. Rarity went to her bedroom to rest while the ingot was cooling.

Sophia snuck into the workshop to examine the ingot that was still sitting where Rarity left it. Once it was cool enough she touched it to feel its texture and durability. She was also able to get a read on its molecular composition with her power which left the bunny shocked when she realized what she was looking at.

“What’s the verdict?” Nova asked telepathically.

“It’s definitely the kind of stuff you could forge a starship from but the quality is much better than anything found in the Koprulu sector. She forged this from a couple of sapphires. If this stuff can be mass produced, Equestria could one day become a powerful ally or a dangerous foe on the intergalactic stage.”

“Then we better make sure it’s the former when the time comes,” Tosh commented.

Agreed, now that I have a better glimpse at this filly’s potential, I think it’s time to give her something more challenging.”

Opening a rift, Sophia went through and appeared in her headquarters, a space colony vessel that housed an autonomous civilization under her rule. Using her Zerg morphing ability, she altered her form back to her anthro rabbit state with her uniform reforming around her.

Back in her normal state, she proceeded to her nephew’s workshop which was nearby. She knocked on the workshop door which was met with no response. A second knock hit the door harder and threatened destruction to the resident if he didn’t open soon.

The door opened a few seconds later to reveal a disheveled human with a look that gave the impression that he disregarded the concept of a sleep schedule. Despite that he wore his victorian era suit and coat while wearing a monocle over his left eye and a top hat.

Sophia gave her nephew a deadpan look, “Still haven’t let go of your obsession with steampunk, Ingram? You know the things you make would put such things to shame.”

Ingram met Sophia’s look with a glare of his own, “Really love? You threaten to smash my door down and then you critique my fashion sense? Bloody, is this another ploy to get me out of my workshop, or are you just in that foul of a mood that you would choose me to vent your frustrations upon? Besides, cyberpunk never agreed with me.”

Sophia rolled her eyes. It did irk her a little that her nephew had such a wonderful British accent and he was still a loner. “As much as I really want you to get out and get some fresh air, maybe meet someone to spend their lifetime with, I am here on another matter.”

“You are here for the schematic, aren’t you? If you are, then my precognition device has had a successful test.” Ingram smirked when his aunt nodded. He then tossed the rolled up schematics into her hands. “If that filly you have taken an interest in can improve upon this schematic then I may consider taking her on as an apprentice. For now, good day, Auntie Sophia.” He then closed his door.

Sophia sighed as she turned away from the door. She opened a rift back to Equestria but gave one last glance at the door. “You better keep your word this time.”

The Sun was nearly out of sight when Sophia returned. Returning to her feral form then heading to Rarity’s workshop, Sophia planted the schematics where she would find them. It was a few minutes later that Rarity came down from her room to continue her work on the strange metal.

Rarity picked up the metal ingot and stared at it for a time. “Hmm, what shall I do with you?” As she put the ingot away she went to her desk where she spotted a rolled up scroll. “What’s this? I never put this here.” She unrolled the scroll before her eyes became so wide that they nearly flew out of their sockets. “By Celestia’s horn, where did this blueprint come from?” As she looked it over a faint sense of hope rose from within her as her thoughts drifted toward her sister.

That was when an idea came to her. It was risky and never been done before but she was willing to give it a try since her sister’s life was at stake and even if she recovered she wouldn’t have much of a future if she were unable to use her hooves or her horn. A number of worries flooded her mind about how she was going to handle the key issues that would arise from such a procedure.

Rarity was drawn from her musings by a knock at the door. Strangely, the knock sounded lower to the ground than usual. Even stranger was that her shop was supposed to be closed so there shouldn’t be any customers tonight. These strange occurrences put the near adult filly on edge as she suspected an unwanted guest at the other end of the door.

More knocking was heard as Rarity walked toward the door. “Who could be out there at this time of night?” she wondered out loud.

“Open up Miss Rarity, we need to discuss a few things about your inventions,” called out the voice from outside.

Rarity finally decided to open the door to see who could be outside at this time, expecting some filly or a customer whom she forgot to return an appliance to.

She was not expecting to see a blue rabbit looking up at her with an impatient look in her posture.

Rise of The Cyber Filly

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Rarity stared dumbfounded at the blue rabbit standing at her hooves while trying to make sense of what was going on. The rabbit had her arms crossed while tapping her foot waiting for something.

“Let me know when you’re done processing all this so we can get down to business,” Sophia said. “And to try and move this along, yes, I am talking and yes, I am blue, and no this is not a product of your overly stressed mind which has come about because of Sweetie Belle’s predicament.”

Rarity finally shook herself out of her entranced state as something the rabbit just said caught her attention. “You know about Sweetie?”

“Yes, and if there is any chance of saving her then we will need to work together on this project. I left those schematics on your desk for you to find. Don’t worry about how they got there, that’s not important right now. I will provide what assistance I can and I know some others who can help with other aspects of this project. If everything goes well you will have a bright future ahead of you.”

Rarity looked at Sophia in surprise, “You?! But…but how? You’re just a–.”

“Don’t judge by appearances Miss Rarity, by logical accounts that hunk of metal you just made should not have come from sapphires, but it did.”

“Fair point. So how are you planning on helping me?”

“Let’s go inside and discuss this first.” Rarity narrowed her eyes at the rabbit for a few moments before she moved aside to allow her entry. Once the filly closed the door the two sat at table, Rarity giving a cushion to Sophia to use as a booster seat. Sophia continued, “First of all, that ingot, do you know what it is?”

“Afraid not, all I know is that the idea came to me in a dream; the concept of turning gems to metal and the means to do so. I didn’t think it would actually work.”

“Then you need to file some patents tomorrow. Make sure to claim ownership rights to the invention of your refinery and the process of turning gems to metal. Last thing you need is somepony stealing your idea and profiting off of it. You will need those bits to improve upon the design of your refinery and to make improvements to your workshop.”

“Yes, this dreary place could use some touching up and I do need the bits..”

Sophia nodded, “Second, submit that ingot to whatever place you ponies count as a research institute.”

“Well…that may be a problem…umm…” Sophia quickly introduced herself with an apology for the late introduction. “Sophia, there isn’t really a research institute. I mean there is one in Canterlot but I’ve heard that it’s heavily underfunded because the nobles felt that there were better things for the bits to flow toward. I would be better off bringing this metal to Princess Celestia herself.”

Sophia’s paw met her face before she let it slide down. “Right, I almost forgot how you ponies are averse to progress…”

“Not all of us!” Rarity defended with a scandalized look on her face. “Ponyville is far less restrictive to innovators like myself. It’s one of the reasons I moved here.”

Sophia paused for a moment before she decided that it was time to get back to the main topic. “We can worry about presenting the metal to the Princess later. For now, let’s go over the schematics that I want you to see.”

Rarity led Sophia to her drafting table where she unrolled the schematics which revealed a blueprint to designing a robotic filly. The engineer looked over the plans while a pencil was being held in her telekinetic grip. Using the writing utensil, she wrote down a few notes while erasing a few areas she deemed unimportant. She didn’t realize that Sophia was levitating herself over the filly to look over her shoulder.

After a couple of hours of looking over everything as well as pulling out another schematic from a nearby drawer, Rarity got out of her seat and placed the plans in her drawer. She appeared ready to drop from exhaustion but she still had enough energy to explain her changes.

She didn’t want to risk losing parts of the subject’s mentality by trying something like converting neural information into an electronic form so it was better to take the whole brain and wire it up to the systems in the machine. Sophia pointed out that the brain needed constant nutrition to keep the cells from dying out.

Then there was the issue of the subject’s magic. Even if the brain could be maintained and become able to use the mechanical body, Rarity wanted to use the body as a means of giving her sister a second chance at life and since she was a unicorn she wanted to find a way to have Sweetie use magic in her new body.

There were also the medical and ethical aspects of this procedure since this was something completely unheard of and it was going to involve transferring a pony’s brain into a robot body.

However, that would have to wait for tomorrow since Rarity was now at her limit and was proceeding up the stairs to her bedroom. She offered the couch to Sophia for the night which she accepted.

The next morning with Rarity rested up, Sophia went over her own suggestions to the plans. For one, she knew the formula to create a compound designed to preserve brain tissue. Of course, Rarity was an engineer, not a chemist so she simply accepted her suggestion. As far as the procedure would go, Sophia offered the services of one of her cousins to perform it, assuring her that she was top notch for this. Sophia gave every assurance to the young mare that she had everything covered and that all she had to do was get to work constructing the body.

The construction took several months which was due to the fact that Rarity had never done this before though Sophia was certain that the engineer could make it better as her skills and confidence improved. The process also involved numerous visits to nearby gem deposits for the material and the refining process.

Rarity did file the patents for the refinery and the processing of gems to metal and she did show the metal to Princess Celestia who was intrigued by the material. Of course, it would be a while before any bits could come of this venture since ponies were generally slow to adapt to new things. In the meantime, she still got her bits from appliance repairs or building replacement appliances.

After several months of hard work she was finished with the construction of the robotic filly. Sophia put her own modifications to it which included a Jorium crystal encased in the horn. She told Rarity that the crystal was known for its resonance with brain waves so it might be a good conductor for magic channeling. Though Sophia didn’t tell her that the crystal would also be part of a fallback plan in case it wasn’t possible for Sweetie to use magic in her new body.

The next step involved summoning the doctor who would perform the operation. Sophia had contacted her prior so it was only a matter of drawing the summoning circle and placing a few ritual items before activating it.

The doctor who appeared was a pale white mare with a snow white mane and tail wearing dark armor with numerous skull motifs. Most notable was the tip of a sword with runes on it poking out of her forehead where a unicorn’s horn would be. A quick illusion spell made the blade look like a unicorn horn. Knowing what she was going to be doing she also turned her armor into a lab coat.

“Hey Thanatas,” Sophia greeted, giving a wide, fanged smile. “Ready to perform some brain surgery?”

The mare looked down at her cousin with a raised eyebrow, “I didn’t think you could get any deadlier, now you give me the impression of a meat grinder that lures her victims in with cuteness.”

“Exactly what I am going for!” Sophia cheekily replied.

Thanatas chuckled as she shook her head. “If we are going to be doing this legally then you will need to get her parents to sign the consent forms. I am confident in my ability to perform the procedure but I have to know if it will only be the brain?”

Sophia thought about that for a moment before she considered something. “I have some knowledge of magic but I have heard that ponies have something called wellsprings that seem to be a sort of natural storage and possibly a means of producing their magical energy. Is there a way to transfer that as well?”

“It shouldn’t be a problem but we should make sure we know exactly what a wellspring is so that I can prepare accordingly. However, I am concerned that the organ might be underdeveloped, given the age of the subject. Unless that engineer filly has a solution to that problem, the subject may have to live the rest of her days with weak magic.”

Sophia had considered that possibility. It was unfortunate that the seven year old filly didn’t have a few more years for her wellspring to properly develop but this was the hand that had been dealt to her. However, she did have a workaround if that scenario came to pass, but she would have to wait a few more years before she could consider that plan of action.

Once the two finished their discussion Sophia had a brief discussion with Rarity about what a wellspring was which she relayed to her cousin who was preparing for the surgery. The medical staff at Ponyville General Hospital were surprised by her arrival and her application to work there, presenting all of the necessary degrees to the staff.

Thanatas had to use the cover story of being a doctor from a foreign land to make the doctors and nurses less skeptical of her while informing them that she intended on performing a procedure on Sweetie Belle that could give her a chance at living a life, even if it would take an artificial body to do so. Naturally, the staff gave questioning looks to Thanatas.

The parents were contacted the next day and quickly headed to the hospital where Thanatas gave her intentions on transferring their daughter’s mind to an artificial body that their other daughter had built.

“Do you honestly think we would trust some stranger like you with our daughter? If you do that then she will be seen as an abomination to society!” Hondo Flanks, the father, shouted.

“So you believe that it would be preferable to have your daughter being pushed around in a wheelchair all her life while having to have everything done for her while the only things that she would be able to do would be to feel and speak?” Thanatas countered. “Her damaged spine has made her tetraplegic and a broken horn will make things worse for her going forward. Not to mention the psychological issues that will eventually spring up, especially severe depression.”

“B-but…” Cookie Crumbles, the mother, stammered. “This just doesn’t seem natural. And what if the doctors could repair her spine?” She knew that she was grasping at straws, but she held onto that tiny hope for some way to save their daughter without something that seemed insane.

“Maybe if medical technology was centuries ahead than it is right now, but I have studied a number of medical journals from renowned doctors and found that none of them had proven that Equestria was capable of such a feat. How long are you willing to wait for a doctor to appear who could repair severe spinal damage?”

The parents remained silent while their heads lowered in defeat while Thanatas pressed on, “This procedure can give your daughter a chance of living a foalhood. It will not be a normal one, but it’s better than living like somepony’s dress-up doll for the rest of her life.”

The three continued to argue over this until a high-pitched voice called out to them, “Mommy? Daddy?” The three turned around to find Sweetie Belle in a wheelchair being pushed by a white mare with a pink mane and tail wearing a nurse’s cap with a cutie mark of a red cross with four small hearts at four corners. “What’s going on?”

After the parents made a doting display on their daughter in front of the whole lobby, Thanatas went on to explain what she intended to do with her, which pretty much amounted to telling her that she intended on putting her brain in a robot body without going into technical terms that she wasn’t certain the filly would understand.

“Me in a robot body? Sounds kinda cool, actually,” Sweetie responded.

“Sweetie, this wouldn’t be something you would experience for a time. If you go through with this, you will live in that body for the rest of your life,” Cookie warned.

“Fine by me, I don’t want to live like this. I want to be able to go out and make friends and do neat stuff with them without them looking at me with pity.”

With those final words, Hondo and Cookie finally gave up their resistance while Thanatas levitated the two a clipboard holding the consent papers. The two quietly signed the papers and found their seats in the lobby where they began to hold each other trying to console the other.

The next twelve hours were the longest for the parents. The hours felt like days as they worried themselves to exhaustion. About halfway through that time Rarity was called to the hospital where the doctors allowed her into the surgical ward. Hondo and Cookie were uncertain what this meant so they did their best to remain optimistic that their daughter’s presence was a good sign.

By the end of the twelve hours it was well into the night. The couple fell asleep in the waiting room so the nurses provided them with blankets. They were stirred from their restless slumber when a nurse called for them. “Mr. Flanks, Mrs. Crumbles, she is ready to accept visitors.”

“Tell me nurse, is Sweetie Belle alright?” Cookie asked, desperation in her tone.

Nurse Redheart hesitated for a moment as she considered her words carefully. “I am not sure how this procedure actually worked, but it did. Right now Ms. Rarity is working on the final calibrations to make sure the nerves are connected to the correct wires. Other than that she seems to be functioning properly, I think.”

Redheart led the parents to their daughter’s room where they spotted Rarity instructing her to use different parts of her body from raising her hooves to walking around. Sweetie was growing impatient.

“Are we done yet? I wanna show mom and dad my new look.” Sweetie complained.

“In a moment, just a few more things. Can you move your tail?” Sweetie did as asked.

Rarity was in awe of the pink and purple fibers that made up her mane and tail. They almost looked like real pony hair. There were some areas that she would have to address with the next model such as the joints being very apparent and her casing was all metal and no fur. She wanted her sister to look as much like her old self as possible. For a first attempt it wasn’t bad but her mind was flooded with ideas on how to improve the design.

For this model Rarity had to settle on making sure Sweetie’s brain could be properly maintained without her constant input. Thanks to the formula proposed by Thanatas, the brain would be preserved and receive nutrition needed for proper growth. An invention of Rarity’s, called an alchemical converter, would make it so any water and food consumed would be transmuted into formula to replace what had been consumed while the waste was disposed of in a way ponies normally disposed of waste in their bodies to give Sweetie some illusion of still being an organic being.

“Sweetie? Is that you?” Hondo asked.

Sweetie looked in her parents’ direction, smiling and waving a hoof. “Hi mom, dad. What do you think?”

At that moment the couple had reached the limits of how much stress they could take and passed out. Sweetie looked at the two in confusion, “Was it something I said?”

Moondancer's Party

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Following Sweetie Belle’s surgery, the days became less eventful as Ponyville gradually got used to the fact that they had a robotic filly living among them.

Sophia was glad that the citizens of Ponyville were more adaptable than other towns and cities in Equestria. She suspected that the threat of the nearby forest had contributed to their need to adapt to protect themselves. Because of that she made sure Tosh and Nova only got involved if things got out of control while the town took measures to protect themselves.

The idea of a zebra like Tosh living among them was starting to grow on the citizens as they learned more about him. They found that he was a spiritualistic zebra who could communicate with ponies beyond the mortal plane. To that end, Tosh ended up making a living as a medium.

Nova, being the soldier that she was, quit her job at the farm and worked as a bodyguard for the mayor who sometimes received visits from belligerent ponies complaining about her policies only for Nova to throw them out of Town Hall on their faces.

Back to Sweetie, there were some obvious issues to overcome for the cyborg filly, such as learning how her body worked and the social aspects of being a machine. Fillies and colts her age were either nervous around her or fascinated by her. There were those who became envious of her newfound popularity, such as a certain pink filly with a pale purple and white mane and tail wearing a small tiara.

There were times when Diamond Tiara made fun of her for being a blank flank and likely to be forever a blank flank. This did leave her sad for a time but Rarity assured her that there will come a time when she will have her cutie mark which she promised would come in a future model upgrade.

It was a year after the operation that Sweetie had her first transfer to a new and upgraded body. Rarity installed receptors throughout Sweetie’s body to send external information to her brain and simulate a pony’s basic senses. It meant that her sister could feel pain, but it also helped her sister to feel like she was still alive.

Over the next few years Rarity had been building new models of Sweetie where she altered the shape somewhat according to where Sweetie should be based on the average filly’s size for her age. She worked with Thanatas to make sure her brain was growing properly and the engineer mare made sure to have larger sizes of Sweetie’s head ready in case the brain became too large for the container. She would save any nuances in the body’s shape for when Sweetie was in her teens.

Life in Ponyville continued.

As the day that Celestia foretold of her sister’s return drew near, Sophia received more letters from the monarch. She could sense the growing anxiety in the letters. The latest one mentioned sending Twilight and Starlight to oversee the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. Apparently while the two were pretty close, Starlight and Twilight’s dragon assistant, Spike, had to work together to make sure the bookworm interacted with more ponies aside from her.

Meanwhile, Twilight was looking over a book of ancient stories and found one about the two sisters.

Twilight read the text, “Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled the land together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for the kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies. But as time went on, fear and paranoia rose among the subjects as the younger sister strengthened the kingdom’s military with her radical ideas. Fearing that she may attempt to overthrow the elder, a group of six ponies infiltrated her tower and harnessed the most powerful magic in all of ponydom: the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, they banished the younger sister permanently in the moon. The elder sister was forced to take on the responsibility for both the sun and moon and harmony had been maintained in Equestria for generations since.”

Twilight looked at the book in confusion, “Huh? That’s strange, shouldn’t those ponies be referred to as heroes if they stopped an attempted coup? Though the tone at the end sounded like the elder sister wasn’t happy about what happened. Then there was mention of the Elements of Harmony. They sound familiar, where have I heard about them before…?”

As the young mare left her spot under a tree she ran down the road toward her tower residence. She was stopped partway when three of her friends from school appeared in her path. One was a cornflower blue mare with a dark blue and gray mane and tail with an hourglass cutie mark, one was a yellow mare with a curly cerulean mane and tail and three cerulean hearts, one more faded than the others, for a cutie mark. The third was a cream colored mare with a curly pink mane and tail with three stars on her flank. They were known as Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine respectively.

Twinkleshine greeted their lavender friend, “There you are, Twilight! Moondancer is having a little get-together in the west castle courtyard. Starlight said you’d be there and she brought Spike there as well.”

That halted Twilight in her tracks. When her friend mentioned Starlight and the way she worded it she knew she had to pay attention. Vivid memories were dredged up from the last time she made a liar out of Starlight. She shuddered when she remembered her friend hitting her with a dyslexia spell that made her unable to read anything for a whole day. Since then she vowed to never do anything that would set her off like that again.

This meant that she had to attend this party no matter what.

“Sure, lead the way,” Twilight responded.

Twilight met up with Moondancer, Starlight and Spike, a baby dragon with purple scales and green underbelly and fins, at the party where the latter was about to present Moondancer, a young mare with a yellowish gray coat and a mane and tail of amaranth with two tones of purple stripes, her presents from him and Twilight. Twilight’s gift was one of Starswirl the Bearded’s manuscripts which the mare adored. Spike gave her a sci-fi novel which didn’t interest her very much though they did make her wonder if there was any truth to them or if they were just made up. Sadly, she had nopony to confirm this with. Starlight’s gift was a copy of Predictions and Prophecies from the castle library.

Moondancer raised an eyebrow when she noticed a bookmark in the book which she opened to that page which mentioned the Mare in the Moon. “Why was this old mare’s tale marked?” Moondancer asked.

“I suspect that it might not be just a tale,” Starlight responded. “I overheard a conversation Celestia had a few years ago about a sister she had but the records do not show her anywhere. When I read the Tale of the Two Sisters it described the elder sister as having the power to move the sun and then the moon at the end of the tale, just like Celestia.”

“So you think that Celestia might have a younger sister who was banished to the moon by a group of ponies?”

“Actually, I just read that tale myself,” Twilight said. “I was on my way to my tower to look for a book like the one in your hooves. Though I was more curious about the Elements of Harmony.”

Moondancer looked at the marked page and read what it said about the Mare in the Moon. “It says that she was a powerful pony who once co-ruled Equestria with Princess Celestia and wanted to bring about a renaissance period for ponykind. However, paranoia and fear gripped the hearts of their subjects and they accused her of attempting to overthrow her sister to rule Equestria solely so they had a group of ponies use the Elements of Harmony to banish her in the moon. It also says that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will return to seek vengeance against the descendents of the ponies who wronged her.”

“We need to warn the Princess!” Twilight loudly stated. “Spike, take a letter.” The dragon pulled out a sheet of paper and a ready quill from his backpack that he often carried around whenever Twilight was out and about. Once ready, Twilight began to voice the contents of her letter, “My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster!”

“Preci…preci…” Spike tried to figure out the word but he had no idea what half the words Twilight said meant.

Starlight rolled her eyes, “We need to work on your vocabulary, Spike. Though I still wish we could have him attend school, even if it wouldn’t be in Canterlot.” Of course, she knew that the schools of Canterlot would have rejected him outright because he was a dragon. In fact, most schools in Equestria would have either rejected him or accepted him while subjecting him to toxic conditions. She blamed such unfair treatment on the outdated rules and guidelines written by the Equestrian Education Association. Because of this, she and Twilight were forced to homeschool him.

After finding a synonym for ‘precipice’, Twilight continued with the letter, “For you see, I suspect that the Mare in the Moon might be your younger sister who will soon return to seek vengeance upon us all. Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”

Once the dictation was complete, the lavender mare had him send it to Celestia. After doing so, Spike voiced his doubts, “I dunno Twilight, Princess Celestia will be pretty busy with the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration and it’s, like, the day after tomorrow.”

“That’s just it, Spike. The day after tomorrow is the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration! It’s imperative that the Princess is told right away!”


Twilight sighed, “Important. Other than this whole business of Princess Celestia’s sister, I really wish something could be done about the E.E.A.”

A few moments later, Spike had a familiar sensation in his belly that told him that he was about to belch up a letter from the Princess. It was never a pleasant sensation but he lived with it. He caught the resulting scroll and unrolled it, reading the contents, “My dearest, most faithful student Twilight. You know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely.” Twilight nodded proudly... “...but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books.” The mare’s expression quickly turned to shock. “I am glad that Starlight is around to make sure you don’t stay cooped up in your room and has helped you make some friends here, but I think it is time for you to make more friends from different walks of life than your own. This is why I am sending you and Starlight to Ponyville to supervise the preparations for this year’s Summer Sun Celebration. While you are there, I have one more essential task for you: make some friends from among the locals.”

Twilight was completely shocked that her claims had been outright dismissed by the teacher she had placed all of her faith in and she had no idea what to think right now. She already had friends in Moondancer, Starlight, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine and Lyra Heartstrings, why would she need more? Sure, they were all unicorns and the Princess probably wanted her to befriend some earth ponies and pegasi too, but why would she need to do so?

While Twilight was having her issues, Starlight had a feeling that this was all part of Celestia’s plan. If she hadn’t been privy to that meeting between the Princess and that strange blue rabbit she might have been thinking the same thing as her friend. There was no way Celestia would dismiss the thought of her sister’s return so this had to be her setting whatever plan she had in mind in motion. She could only hope that they could emerge from the next couple of days unscathed.

Twilight, Starlight and Spike stayed at Moondancer’s party for a half hour longer before they were picked up by the guards to escort them to a chariot that would carry the three to the small town.

Summer Sun Celebration

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Twilight leaned over the side of the chariot that was flying toward Ponyville. Though Starlight and Spike couldn’t see her face it was obvious that she was moping about the letter from Celestia.

“Look on the bright side, Twilight,” Spike assuaged. “Princess Celestia arranged for you to stay in a library. Doesn’t that make you happy?”

Twilight turned around to face her friend and assistant with a growing look of determination on her face, “Yes, yes it does. You know why? Because I’m right! We will check on the preparations as fast as possible, then get to the library so we can do more research on the return of the Princess’s sister.”

“I don’t think we are supposed to stop her return, Twilight, nor do I think Princess Celestia wants her return to be prevented,” Starlight said.

“Why? If she returns then she will exact her revenge on all of Equestria!”

“Have you ever thought about how you would behave if Shining Armor was wrongfully banished from Equestria because ponies were afraid of his ideas toward improving the military?”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something but no sound came out as she gave her friend’s words some consideration. She opened and closed her mouth several times before a sigh came out. “I guess I would be looking for revenge against them too. He’s my brother and he has done nothing wrong.”

Starlight nodded, “Which is why I think that Princess Celestia doesn’t want us to stop her but to make sure her return isn’t followed up by a vengeful alicorn. To that end, I believe she wants us to make friends with the locals since they are likely more virtuous than the ponies of Canterlot.”

“What makes you say that?” Spike asked.

“Because Canterlot is full of snooty ponies who can’t think beyond their own self interests. Mind you, I don’t think of Moondancer and the others that way but they are in the minority over there.”

“True.” Spike nodded sagely. “Though Twilight doesn’t know the first thing about making friends. The reason she’s friends with Moondancer and the others is because you made her hang out with them.”

“Hey!” Twilight cried out, offended. “I can make friends if I want.”

“Which is why I am going to let you take the lead on this so you can figure out how to make friends yourself,” Starlight offered.

The rest of the ride was spent with Twilight overthinking about how to make friends while drawing up a number of plans and making charts and writing up a number of flash cards. Starlight quickly set those on fire before her friend filled the chariot with those, much to Twilight’s annoyance.

Once the chariot landed the trio disembarked while Twilight continued to mope about her incinerated charts and plans.

“Come on Twilight, you don’t need to make a plan to make friends, just talk to somepony,” Spike offered.

“Fine…” Taking the dragon’s advice, Twilight walked up to a pink pony with a curly hot pink mane and tail and greeted her. The pink mare gave a prolonged gasp in response and ran off.

“That was unexpected…” Spike mused. Even Starlight found that behavior strange.

“Let’s just get on with the inspection so we can get to the library,” Twilight grumbled.

Spike pulled out the checklist and unrolled it. “First up, banquet preparations at Sweet Apple Acres.”

While the trio was headed toward the farm, they didn’t realize that they were being watched by a certain blue rabbit. She had received a letter from Celestia yesterday requesting that she look after Twilight, Starlight and Spike and make sure they didn’t come to serious harm in case Luna proved hostile.

The trio soon reached the large apple orchard where they spotted two mares, two stallions and a filly preparing a large variety of apple-based dishes.

One of the mares, the one with a gamboge coat with an olive mane and tail, was driving a tractor giving a hay ride to other ponies. She cut the engine upon spotting the newcomers, and prompting the passengers to disembark, before leaving the tractor to approach them. “Howdy there, ah ain’t seen you three around town. Ya new?”

Twilight stepped forward to greet the mare, “Greetings, my name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Starlight Glimmer and our assistant Spike.” She pointed to each pony and dragon respectively. “We are here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebrations. I take it that you are in charge of the food?”

“Sure as sugar,” she replied. “Name’s Applejack, nice to meet ya!” She then vigorously shook Twilight’s hoof which left her shaking even after the earth pony let her go. Twilight was reminded that earth ponies were naturally strong. “So, while y’all’re here, why not sample our products.”

“As long as it doesn’t take too long…”

Applejack then called on the rest of her family to join her before she introduced her extended family to them. It became apparent that this event coincided with the Apple family’s reunion.

“Well, I can see that you have the food situation handled so we should be on our way,” Twilight nervously stated. Starlight and Spike looked at the scene with amused expressions.

However, the three of them were startled when they heard a voice from behind them, “Aren’t y’all gonna stay for brunch?” They had no idea that someone had snuck up behind them until they made themselves known. Turning around, they noticed a filly with the same coat color as Applejack’s mane though this filly had a mane of brilliant amaranth and a pink bow in her mane. She had a sad look in her eyes.

“When did you get behind us?” Spike asked.

“Since y’all got here,” the filly replied.

Still, Twilight and Starlight couldn’t resist the charms of the filly and ended up staying for brunch. The three agreed to share the offered samples between them so as not to overeat.

Sophia observed the trio leaving the farm looking like they just had an entire meal though not so much that they became sluggish. She noticed Spike pulling out his checklist and mentioned the weather which was supposed to be monitored by Rainbow Dash.

It disappointed the rabbit that the mare was lacking in diligence to her duties which was a clear sign that the mare lacked discipline. She would need to come down hard on her to mold her into a true soldier. She had much more power within her than most pegasi but such power had led her to be cocky. Of course, Sophia was no stranger to talented and cocky recruits.

The mare in question ended up losing control of her flight from performing one of her stunts and barreled toward a nearby mud puddle that Twilight, Starlight and Spike were near. Starlight reacted quickly and put up a shield while Spike placed himself behind the shield. Twilight was not so lucky and the cyan mare’s impact left the lavender mare caked in mud.

Sophia couldn’t help but facepaw as the rainbow-maned mare made things worse by drenching Twilight in rainwater and used her wings to blow dry her, leaving the lavender mare a frizzy mess. Thankfully Starlight had a refresh spell to get her friend’s fur and mane back in order.

“Thank you Starlight. Now…” Twilight’s grateful expression turned to annoyance when she turned back to Rainbow Dash. “You’re Rainbow Dash, correct?”

“The one and only,” Rainbow cocksurely stated. “Why, you heard of me?”

“I heard that you were supposed to be keeping the sky clear. I’m Twilight Sparkle and the Princess sent me to check on the weather.”

Sophia watched the conversation continue as Rainbow practically admitted to shirking her duties for the sake of practicing her stunt flying because she wanted the Wonderbolts to notice her. It took Twilight baiting the mare into doing her job to see the sky cleared. The bunny was going to enjoy breaking that mare when the time came.

For now she followed the three after Rainbow flew off. Spike listed that the decorations were handled by Pinkie Pie. However, they noticed that the decorations were already in working order though they never found the mare in question so they decided to move on to town hall.

“Next is stage preparations which are being handled by…so cool…” Spike said, right as he spotted a mechanical filly with a light gray shell with a mane of pink and lavender being accompanied by a light gray mare with her violet mane done in a bun. The three noticed the three crystalline gears on her flank.

“I wouldn’t call stage props cool, Spike,” Twilight said. “Though they would bring out the Princess’s best features.”

“Not that, her…” He pointed at Sweetie Belle.

Rarity had just finished installing the lighting for the stage in the town hall while she had Sweetie Belle adjusting the angles of the lights for optimum lighting. A pair of extendable grappling arms from her back were being used for the task. “Another eight degrees to the right and that should do it,” Rarity instructed.

“You got it!” The arms retracted once the task was complete. With everything finished, the sisters prepared to leave town hall before they spotted the trio.

“Is that a mechanical filly?” Twilight asked.

“Sort of, Sweetie is, what has come to my attention, a cyborg filly. While nearly her entire body is mechanical her brain is completely organic which is the brain of my little sister, Sweetie Belle.”

“A mechanical filly with organic parts?! Amazing! Where did you get the idea for such a fascinating invention? How is the brain still functional after being removed from the body? How is–?”

Seeing that this conversation could distract Twilight for a while, Starlight decided to temporarily freeze her friend in a block of magic crystal and take control of the conversation. “Sorry about that, as you saw my friend can get a little too excited when it comes to machines. She has been interested in them for years but Canterlot leaves no opportunity to see mechanical marvels.”

“Understandable, darling,” Rarity nodded. “It’s one reason I moved to Ponyville since the ponies here are much more accepting of mechanical engineers like myself. I’m Rarity, by the way, and this is my sister, Sweetie Belle.” The cyborg filly waved her hoof at them which left the dragon starstruck. Rarity looked at the dragon in concern, “Is something the matter with him?”

“Spike? He likes machines like Twilight does, except for different reasons,” Starlight explained.

“Well yeah, she has a metallic exterior, which is so awesome! I’ve read comics about robot ponies from the future coming to take over Equestria but I always thought it was more propaganda since Equestria in general hates machines. I never thought I would get to meet a robot pony though, let alone a cyborg filly.” Spike continued to gush over Sweetie Belle which made her react as if she were blushing. Thankfully he stopped a few moments before Starlight considered freezing him too.

“Anywho, my name is Starlight Glimmer and this is Spike and my frozen friend is Twilight Sparkle. We were sent here to check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Oh, then don’t let me keep you three. Sweetie and I have another engagement to attend so we shall see you later.” Rarity then left as the spell holding Twilight wore off, the latter giving her friend an irritated glare.

After an apology and a promise to teach her that spell later, the three were off again to check on the music which was handled by Fluttershy who lived in a cottage at the edge of the Everfree Forest.

Fluttershy was one of the ponies Sophia had her eye on for the future though she also never expected to see a mare short of an alicorn who could grow their mane and tail out as long as she had. Nevertheless, her skills as a veterinarian were impressive, even though she never studied at a university or went for a proper license due to her social anxiety. However, that didn’t mean she never studied at all since Sophia often snuck textbooks into Fluttershy’s cottage, bought of course.

There was one annoyance of being around the mare though and that had everything to do with her pet rabbit. Angel Bunny was often a fussy one who Fluttershy had often spoiled to where he often behaved like a brat. Even worse was the fact that he often attempted to woo Sophia only to get shot down each time. The critter was quite the persistent one and Sophia was extremely adamant about her rejections.

Fluttershy was also one of the few ponies in Ponyville that Sophia talked to with words but that was because Fluttershy believed that her ability to communicate with animals was the reason. Sophia felt a little guilty about deceiving the poor mare that way but it wasn’t time for her to publicly come out as a talking animal just yet.

Fluttershy was currently tending to a chorus of birds that were supposed to sing for the upcoming festivities. She had to call out one of them for being a little off on the timing just before Twilight made herself known which caused the shy mare to yelp and jump into a 180 to see them before curling up into a ball. Twilight apologized for the intrusion and introduced herself to which Fluttershy responded with an extremely quiet introduction which had to be repeated several times.

Starlight watched the scene unfold and felt sorry for the shy pegasus since her friend wasn’t reading the room. Though she was surprised when the pegasus suddenly came out of her ball and rushed over to lift spike into the air with her forelegs. After that she began asking the baby dragon a bunch of questions about his kind and completely forgot the other two existed.

Twilight carried Spike on her back while Starlight and Fluttershy followed. She led the two mares to the Golden Oaks Library where Celestia arranged for Starlight, Spike and herself to stay in Ponyville. While Twilight tried to get the pegasus to leave, she went inside where it was completely dark due to the lights being off and that the sun had set. It was when she turned the lights on that the purple trio received a scare that made them almost believe that their hearts stopped briefly.

“SURPRISE!!!” yelled a large number of ponies inside the library, followed by confetti, streamers and the sound of kazoos going off at the same time.

Once the three recovered a familiar pink pony came up to them to tell them that this was their “Welcome to Ponyville” party.

At first Twilight wanted to get every pony out of the library so she could learn more about the Elements of Harmony in case she needed to find them to stop Celestia’s sister from enacting her revenge. However, when she saw Starlight and Spike heading into the crowd to enjoy the festivities, she sighed in defeat and joined them, remembering that Starlight’s interpretation of Celestia’s instructions involved making friends and as much as she hated to admit it, her friend had hardly ever steered her wrong.

It was nearly time for Celestia to raise the sun as part of the festivities so the party moved over to town hall where they were supposed to meet the Princess. Everypony was excited to see their ruler in the flesh.

Sophia looked at everything from the rafters of the town hall while cloaked in shadows. Nova and Tosh were in attendance in case things took a very bad turn, especially since Sophia also had a very bad feeling about what was about to happen.

Perched next to Sophia was a crow. The bird was able to see her through her cloak and gave her a knowing look. Sophia gave a nod in return.

The mayor stepped onto the stage to begin the big announcement while everypony else was waiting with bated breath. “Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration! In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise! And now, it is my great honor to introduce you to the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all Equestria…”

Fluttershy prepared the chorus.

“Princess Celestia!”

When the curtain opened, nothing appeared, to the shock of every pony in the room.

Sophia was shocked as well but for a different reason. “Prepare for battle, you two!” she telepathically warned Nova and Tosh.

Moments later, a large mare appeared on the stage, except something was very wrong. Sophia heard the description of Luna from Celestia but this mare looked almost nothing like her. She had a raven black coat and bluish silver shoes, peytral and helm, but that wasn’t what the rabbit was paying attention to. Her mane looked like the night sky…if they were in the void where the universe creators called Xel’naga went when they were killed. It was a transparent crimson with scarlet stars. Her wings appeared to end in solid, blood red, razor sharp feathers and her eyes glowed crimson. Spider web cracks of the same color covered much of her body. Her crimson, sharp teeth completed her nightmarish visage.

As she gazed upon this horrifying form, Sophia had one thought racing through her mind: How in the name of the Xel’naga did she contract Void Corruption!?

Trusting in Friendship

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Everypony in the town hall, Sophia included, looked at the terrifying figure in shock as the black and red alicorn stared at them with an expression full of malice and savagery. Sophia couldn’t detect a conscious mind within the nightmarish figure which told her that the alicorn was in a berserk state.

Further proving this fact, Luna let out an otherworldly roar that sounded a bit distorted before a sinister red glow was seen on her horn. Realizing what was about to happen, Sophia’s eyes widened in horror and knew that this was not the time for subtlety anymore.

Of course, she had planned on Luna being aggressive, even if not to this level. Sophia decided to put that plan into action as she looked at the crow that was perched next to her. “Umbra, protect the ponies!”

Just as Luna fired a powerful beam of corrupted magic at the innocent ponies, the beam was met with a magical barrier from Twilight and Starlight. However, the sheer power commanded by the corrupted alicorn slowly overpowered the two and the barrier began to crack.

Suddenly, six black feathers appeared in a hexagonal pattern around the unicorns’ shield to reinforce the barrier. Try as she might, Luna’ beam was now being completely absorbed by the shield.

Once she was no longer able to channel the beam, another black quill was launched and stuck onto Luna’s flank. The alicorn roared in pain as electricity coursed through her body for a few moments before the magic imbued into the quill ran out.

Luna had no idea where the assailant was coming from and was acting on pure instinct. Since she had no idea who she was fighting her mind switched from fight to flight as she turned into a crimson vapor and flew out a nearby window, shattering it.

It took a few moments for the ponies to calm down before Sophia took control of the situation. She first had Umbra go after Luna. The crow flew out the window after the mad alicorn. Sophia then jumped to the railing of the stage over the ponies who were discussing what happened among themselves.

“Your attention, please!” Sophia shouted loudly. Thankfully that got everypony’s attention since she really didn’t want to scare them to attention with an Ultralisk roar. “All citizens please return to your homes until we have sorted this situation out.”

“A talking rabbit?” one of the ponies questioned.

“This is not the time to be discussing my ability to talk,” Sophia shot back. “There is a mad creature on the loose and your loved ones could be in danger right now so everypony calmly get back to your homes and wait for the situation to be resolved.”

The ponies knew she had a point. Most of them had foals who could be in danger right now so they needed to get back home as soon as possible. Of course, Sophia also noticed that Twilight, Spike and Starlight were the first to rush out the door who were followed by Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Thankfully, the mayor started taking charge and ushering the ponies out of the town hall so they could return to their homes. This left Sophia to follow the ponies of interest to the town library. She peered into the window and saw Rainbow making accusations to the two unicorns that they led the creature into town but was lassoed into submission by Applejack so they could receive a rational explanation.

“I learned this from a copy of Predictions and Prophecies about a mare who was banished to the moon by six ponies wielding the Elements of Harmony,” Twilight explained. “It was said that the stars would aid in her escape and she would seek vengeance upon the ponies who wronged her. I think that mare might be Princess Celestia’s sister.”

“The Princess has a sister?” Applejack questioned. “Why had she never told us about her?”

“Because Celestia feared that ponies would try to eliminate her this time.”

The ponies turned to the window to see Sophia standing on the windowsill. “Sophia? Other ponies understand you too?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sorry for the deception, but I didn’t want the secret to get out until the time was right. Anyway, that mare was Princess Luna, though I didn’t expect her to be contaminated by Void Corruption.”

“What’s that?” Starlight asked.

“Void energies from the realm beyond the universe. They usually aren’t dangerous unless a host with a lot of malice is found and then the energies enter their body to exponentially amplify those feelings to the point that the bindings of reason are undone, driving the host into a berserk state. The black and scarlet form is a symptom of Void Corruption. Of course, these energies don’t just enter this universe whenever it wants. I suspect that Luna may have opened a small rift into the Void and received an amount of the energy for her efforts.”

“Is there a way to eliminate the corruption?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not sure you can, it looked like the corruption had completely taken over. If she isn’t dealt with, he could cause untold havoc across Equestria.”

“Maybe the Elements of Harmony could help,” Pinkie offered.

“Pinkie, I don’t even know what the Elements are or where to find them. I don’t even know what they do.” The pink mare tossed a book in Twilight’s direction which Starlight caught in her magic since the lavender mare wasn’t ready for that toss. Twilight took the book and looked at it, “‘Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide’? Where did you find this?”

“It was under ‘E’!”

Not having time to question the mare’s antics, Twilight opened the book and quickly looked through the contents like the speed reader she was. “It says here that there are five known Elements: Kindness, Loyalty, Generosity, Honesty and Laughter. A sixth remains in complete mystery. However, in the most obscure of legends, it is said that a seventh exists but that one would only manifest when the world needs it the most. The last known location of five of these Elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters located in…the Everfree Forest…”

With Luna on the loose Twilight and Starlight only gathered a minimal amount of supplies before they ventured toward the forest with the other mares in tow. Starlight made sure her friend understood that they needed all the help they could get so Twilight didn’t protest the others accompanying them. Spike ended up falling asleep during the explanation so Twilight tucked him into bed before setting out.

While the girls were entering the Everfree Forest, they were unaware of the battle taking place above their heads as the void-tainted alicorn engaged in battle against a tall crow-like creature that could stand upright like a minotaur. Luna fired beam after beam of void energy that was blocked by Umbra’s magical shields. The battle persisted for a while.

However, the battle had also caused some collateral damage in the forest. One of Luna’s beams was deflected and struck a cliffside causing the trail to crumble and send Twilight and the others falling toward the forest below. Rainbow and Fluttershy managed to rescue Rarity and Pinkie while Starlight used her self-levitation to take to the air with the pegasi. Twilight, who was desperately clinging to Applejack’s hoof for dear life, ended up having to trust the farm mare’s words that everything would be alright if she let go. Twilight was glad that Rainbow was there to catch her when she fell. Starlight levitated Applejack to the rest of the group at the bottom of the cliff.

The next incident occurred when a stray beam left a lone manticore badly wounded. The creature began to thrash around and by the time the group saw him, they thought it was an attack. As the girls were preparing for a fight, Fluttershy stopped them and moved toward the manticore while avoiding his attacks. Using her skills with animals, she was able to get the creature to calm down. The kind mare was glad she returned to her house briefly to collect her first aid kit before the journey started. Using the medical supplies, she was able to provide some relief to the creature but wouldn’t be able to provide a better treatment until later. She didn’t like leaving a wounded creature to wander on their own but she had no choice. She pointed the manticore in the direction of her house and instructed him to stay there until she could properly treat him later.

Another stray shot infected the woods around the girls with void energy. However, since the forest carried no malice it only turned the trees into terrifying visages, visages that didn’t scare Pinkie at all even though the others were terrified of the evil-looking faces. Pinkie’s optimism and a singing number helped assure the girls that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Once the mares reached a river that was raging, they saw that the source was a sad sea serpent with half of a long moustache. It was quickly discovered through Rarity’s conversation with the creature that he had a very flamboyant personality, Apparently a beam of red magic had burned off half of his moustache. Thankfully Rarity had an invention she wanted to try out where she took a pair of scissors and cut off a significant part of her mane while requesting one of the serpent’s loose follicles before placing them into her new invention. Like magic, the machine soon converted the materials into what was needed to fix the serpent’s moustache where she had him bend down and let the machine do the work. Within seconds the machine had recreated the missing half of his facial hair.

“Oh, what an absolutely darling little device you have!” the serpent praised. “How ever am I going to repay you for this?”

“None of that, sir!” Rarity admonished. “Just the fact that you were a willing tester for my new Mane Restorer is enough for me.”

“In that case, may I ask why you are all here? Oh, How dreadful of me! I have not introduced myself! My name is Steven Magnet.”

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Steven Magnet. We were actually planning on crossing the river actually…” Though as she said that she noticed the broken bridge that seemed to be the only one around.

Steven looked in her direction and gasped. “Oh, please forgive my atrocious behavior earlier, I simply must make it up to you. Here, use my back to get across.” With that, Steven extended his body to both shores so that the ponies could cross.

As they walked away from the river, Twilight had a question for Rarity, “How did that device grow hair? Also, are you going to be alright with your mane cut short?”

“My Mane Restorer? It uses a device that Sophia helped me create called an Alchemical Converter that transforms organic material into other forms of organic material. Using a base, such as the hair, the Converter could turn any organic matter into the base material. I have one installed in Sweetie Belle to convert the food she eats into nutrients for her brain.

“As for my mane, there’s no need to worry about that darling, it’ll grow back. Besides, I won’t have to tie it back for a while when I work.”

Before Twilight could go into nerd mode and ask Rarity for more information, Starlight placed a hoof over her mouth to stem the coming tide of questions. “You can ask your questions at her leisure when we aren’t trying to save Equestria.”

Twilight begrudgingly accepted those conditions and the group continued toward the castle ruins.

The ponies were nearly at the castle, though the way forward was across a huge chasm and the rope bridge was down. Rainbow volunteered to fix the bridge, carrying one end to the other side where she began to tie it up. However, a crimson beam struck the ground nearby and a rift opened, releasing a trio of shadowy constructs before the rift closed. The shadows took the forms of ponies wearing a dark version of the Wonderbolts uniform.

The shadows made Rainbow a tempting offer of becoming part of an organization that would make the Wonderbolts look like a joke. Rainbow was tempted but wanted to get the bridge fixed first. The shadows made her choose between her friends or them. Rainbow chose her friends.

Angered, the shadows tried to lash out at her but a trio of black quills stuck the three in the flanks. The shadows vanished, cast back to the Void they came from.

Once the ponies were across, they entered the castle and began to explore. It wasn’t long before they found the pedestal holding five stone spheres. “Are these them?” Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded, “I think so, they seem to be the Elements.”

“One, two, three, four…there’s only five!” Pinkie counted.

“The book says that a spark will cause the sixth element to be revealed when the other five are together.”

“What the hay is that supposed to mean?” Rainbow questioned.

“I’m not sure. I know that the last ones who handled the Elements was a group of ponies who used them to banish Princess Luna to the moon. Though the strange thing is that these ponies were never particularly mentioned in the history books.”

“What about the seventh?” Fluttershy asked.

“I know even less about that one, the book only said that it would appear in a time when it was needed the most. For now, let’s try figuring out how to activate the ones we have.”

While Twilight and the others were trying to solve the mystery of the Elements, a tall bipedal avian creature appeared in the room with them. The girls turned to look at her with shock. “What the hay is that?!” Applejack asked.

“I have no idea!” Rainbow replied.

“I think I’ve read about them in a book,” Twilight said. “At least, I think she is what I think she is. I know that the harpies don’t leave their lands usually.”

Umbra wasn’t sure what Twilight was talking about but since she was under Sophia’s orders to avoid giving away information of their origins, she decided to go along with it. “Uhh, yes, I am a harpy. Just a very rare one who can use magic. I was banished from my homeland because crow type harpies are considered a bad omen over there.” It was a lie but it appeared that the ponies didn’t have much information on their kind to begin with. She noticed Applejack giving her a look that told her that she saw through the lie but she ignored her. “Anyway, Luna is coming and I need to set up a trap for her fast.”

Umbra spun around and launched eight quills on the floor to form a circle around herself before hopping out of the circle and channeling magic into it. “For this to work I need Luna in the circle to set it off but I need one of you to be the bait.”

Her request was met by a lot of protests. Rainbow and Applejack were the most vocal about their distrust of the avian stranger. Fluttershy shied away while Pinkie looked uncertain. Rarity shamefully lowered her head, unwilling to go along with the plan. “How can you ask this of us? How can we be sure that they would not get attacked by Luna? How do we know that this isn’t a trap made for us?” Twilight asked.

“Would you rather face a void-addled alicorn with enough power to obliterate this castle and a chunk of the forest in one blast?” Umbra replied.

While most of the ponies looked at each other wondering who would make that sacrifice, one of them spoke up, “I’ll do it.”

“Starlight, no! We don’t even know if this will work!” Twilight pleaded.

“You girls figure out how to get the elements working, we will buy you time,” Starlight added. Umbra then directed the unicorn to the center of the magic circle and was instructed to stay there no matter what.

Moments after Starlight was in position, the alicorn barged into the room through one of the windows, roaring like a feral beast. Her gaze locked onto Twilight’s group and fired a blast from her horn. Twilight had to use a lot of her magical reserves for one teleport to get herself and the girls out of the line of fire. However, she didn’t have enough magic to move the stones as well and they were shattered.

“No!” Twilight cried out.

As Luna prepared to fire another blast at where the group ended up but was struck in the flank by a beam from behind her, coming from Starlight. “That’s right, come and get me!” she taunted.

Roaring at the challenger, Luna prepared to fire a beam at her. However, Starlight had been paying attention in her magical combat lessons and used a shield made to deflect beam attacks which she used to send it through the roof and beyond the atmosphere.

Undeterred, Luna prepared to charge at Starlight with her horn pointed at her. Starlight was growing nervous because she wasn’t sure she could repel a charge like that while standing still. However, she trusted that the harpy knew what she was doing.

It was when Luna’s horn was a foot away from Starlight’s face that she felt herself spatially displaced, as if she had been teleported. To Starlight’s surprise, she found herself outside Umbra’s magic circle. Turning back, she saw Luna standing in the circle that glowed furiously as the alicorn’s body was bound in powerful magical chains. “Uh, girls, if you plan on doing something now, this would be the best time,” Starlight called out.

“How? The Elements were destroyed in the first attack.” Rainbow replied.

“Wait, I think I understand,” Twilight realized. “The Elements aren’t just a bunch of artifacts, it’s the spirits that the Elements that matter.”

“What are you talkin’ about, Twi?” Applejack asked.

“Applejack, you reassured me when I was in doubt so you must represent Honesty.” Twilight then turned her head to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, your compassion toward the manticore shows me that you represent Kindness.” Next was Pinkie, “Pinkie, you banished fear by giggling in the face of danger so you represent Laughter.” Then came Rarity’s turn, “Rarity, you calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift so you represent Generosity.” Finally it was Rainbow’s turn. “Rainbow, who could not abandon her friends for her heart’s desire, represents Loyalty.”

The shards of the Elements gathered around the five mares and transformed into golden necklaces, each with a gem embedded in them.

“But what about the other two?” Fluttershy asked.

“It took me some time to realize that I really could not get this far without all of you. The elation and relief that each of you gave me made me realize that you were all my friends. The Elements are ignited by the spark that exists in us all and that creates the sixth Element…Magic.”

The sixth Element manifested in the form of a golden tiara with a magenta gem in the shape of Twilight’s cutie mark which planted itself atop the mare’s head.

The six ponies, minus Starlight who was staring at the whole thing, rose into the air and began glowing with a strong light. A rainbow of light erupted from the ponies and struck the rabid mare. However, to the six’s surprise, Luna was resisting the power with the energies of the void. The power was so strong that the void began pushing back the power of the Elements.

“It’s…not working!” Rainbow cried out.

As the battle continued, Starlight wondered what she could do. She ran a number of scenarios in her mind but came up with nothing. She then thought back to the story of Luna’s banishment and the reason why the ponies involved were never mentioned in detail. She then remembered the meeting and then it all clicked together.

Starlight gasped, “The six ponies who banished Luna were assailants! They were fearful of Luna’s ideas and tried to use the Elements to eliminate her. Fear and distrust runs rampant in our society today and those same feelings are coursing through Luna because of it. Trust is missing from society and Trust in the future of Equinity is needed now, more than ever!”

Upon that revelation, a seventh Element manifested as a tiara atop Starlight’s head with an aqua-colored four-pointed star embedded in it.

Thinking quickly, Starlight added her power to the others while putting her strong beliefs in the future to the forefront of her thoughts. With this boost, the Elements overpowered Luna’s attack and overwhelmed her defenses.

“Is this the place?”

“I believe so, sir. Do you believe that this world’s resources might give us an edge against the Starcraft Federation?”

Alan Schezar was silent for a few moments. The sensors on his ship picked up on the energy signature from ten years ago. However, at the time he couldn’t pursue it while the Federation was investigating each world with surgical precision and forced him to relocate his forces many times over the years. His pirate forces had suffered many defeats and claimed a few victories. He knew that the Federation would pick off his forces little by little and had to replenish his forces from places of ill repute when he had the chance. He held on to hope that wherever the energy came from, it would lead him to something that would turn the tide against his enemies.

Ten years of dogged pursuit of his ambitions, ten years of being hunted relentlessly, would all come to an end now that he had found a world where his ambitions would be made manifest.

A beam of void energy had nearly taken them out then and there but some quick thinking only resulted in the loss of one engine.

After assessing the damage, Schezar left the damages to the engineering crew while he returned his focus toward the planet. “Take us into high orbit and let us examine what this world has in store for us,” Alan ordered.


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As the swirling multi-colored light faded from the place where the void-tainted alicorn of the night stood, Twilight and her friends, as well as Umbra, stared in the area in anticipation as they awaited the results of their use of the Elements of Harmony.

Once the light faded, a small midnight blue alicorn with a light blue mane and tail emerged, collapsed on the floor.

As the seven slowly approached the small mare, she groaned as if she had woken up from a long sleep. “Ugh, where am I?”

“Princess Luna?” Twilight asked.

Luna nodded, “Indeed. Now, we need to remember that spell that dulls the pain of a headache.”

“Allow me,” Starlight offered as she walked over to her and lit her horn. The next thing the alicorn realized was that the fog within her mind began to clear up. “Better?”

“Much. Now, can somepony tell me where we are? We know we were locked away in the moon by a group of assailants who subverted the Elements of Harmony.”

“You were locked away for a thousand years, Princess Luna,” Twilight offered. “These are the ruins of your former castle.”

Luna looked around and snorted, “A thousand years? Surely thou jest. We would have hoped that Equestria had advanced enough to turn this ruin into a museum at least. Have we finally made use of black powder yet?”

The mares looked at the princess in confusion before Rainbow responded, “What the hay is black powder?”

“Allow me to explain,” spoke a familiar voice. The mares turned around to see Sophia entering the chamber with Princess Celestia. “Apologies for the late arrival, apparently Celestia was late to the Summer Sun Celebration because she was waylaid by a group of protesters in Canterlot who didn’t like the idea of the event being hosted in a town of ‘chaos bringers’.

“Figures…” Starlight grumbled.

“It would appear that ponykind truly has not changed over these thousand years,” Luna commented. “It surprises us that Equestria is still standing despite such rampant technophobia.”

“Actually, there is one town who seems to be embracing change,” Sophia corrected. “A town was founded nearly a century ago by progressive-minded ponies who wanted to get away from the rest of the country. They named it Ponyville.”

“You really can talk…” Luna shook her head and returned to the important topic. “You do not jest? Tell us, what has Ponyville done to set itself apart from the rest of this stagnant nation?”

“I can tell you that Rarity here devised a way to convert gemstones into starship metal, and a highly durable type at that.”

“Starship metal?” the unicorns asked, including Rarity.

Sophia nodded, “Yes, it’s a type of metal that can be used to create powerful armor that can survive the intense heat of atmospheric reentry or withstand high intensity energy attacks. The armor of the Royal Guards is nothing but stage costumes compared to the armor that could be made from that metal.”

“Truly?” Luna asked in awe. “Perhaps there may yet be hope for our ponies after all.”

“We can discuss my long-term plan of turning your medieval ponies to spacefaring ponies in detail later. For now, you must be exhausted and you will want to become acquainted with your new advisor and bodyguard in the meantime.” Sophia pointed a paw at Umbra.

Luna looked at the ‘harpy’ in confusion while Umbra deadpanned at Sophia. “So this is the role you want me to play while I’m here?”

“It shouldn’t be hard to do, you will be my liaison to the Princesses while I am observing events in Ponyville,” Sophia telepathically informed. “Your crows make for an efficient messaging system that beats having to use Twilight’s baby dragon every time I want to send a message to them. Plus you can teach the Princesses a spell or two if you’re interested.”

If there was one thing Sophia knew about Umbra it was her magical prowess. The raven girl had been taught by their great uncle who knew a vast multitude of spells. The way Umbra used her magic was often through either directly casting or by imbuing spells into her quills. Whenever she wanted to make a magic circle she imbued parts of the spell into a number of quills and stuck them into a circular pattern on a surface where the quills dumped their contents into the surface in a preprogrammed pattern. The feathers grew back quickly.

Luna looked at the harpy with suspicion, wondering how she would be of any use to her. Though Sophia headed her off with a little more advertising. “She is a powerful spellcaster who knows more than enough warding spells to ensure that you can always sleep peacefully without assailants bothering you. Plus, she will help you to see what goes on in Ponyville which may give you ideas. Not to mention that she is quite skilled at information gathering.”

Luna looked at Celestia who had been silent the whole time as she watched the conversation unfold. “What do you think, sister?”

“I believe that it might be a good idea for you to have some protection from now on, at least until we can help our little ponies to find the courage to move forward. Sophia says that she has a plan for this but she is also expecting enemies to arrive from beyond the stars at some point, though after ten years I am starting to wonder about that.”

“Frankly, I was expecting them to be here sooner as well,” Sophia agreed. “Unless my people have been hounding them for all this time. I’m relying on our enemies’ tenacity to find a way here. I haven’t received any reports of their capture so they are still out there.”

Luna was perplexed by Sophia’s plan. It seemed like madness to invite her enemies to attack them as part of some crazy plan to make her ponies embrace technology. Though Twilight was the one who voiced Luna’s concerns. “That’s crazy! How can you consider having enemies attack Equestria as part of a plan to help us?”

“Necessity is the mother of invention, Twilight,” Sophia replied. “This long period of peace is becoming a problem for this country and has left the ponies complacent. If an actual war breaks out this nation will be defeated if the enemy has a means to counter your magic. Ponies have grown too reliant on their magic that it has become their only weapon in an age where the sword falls to the cannon.

“In my travels, I discovered a nation that uses weaponized airships to conquer other nations and the soldiers may even be using magic-proof armor. If such a nation came knocking, Equestria may find themselves a conquered nation in days. The thing is, this nation isn’t anywhere near as advanced as the enemy from beyond the stars so you can imagine why Equestria needs to shape up, fast. Your world has resources that will be highly coveted by intergalactic powers in the future and you ponies need to be ready to protect yourselves.”

“But…but there has to be another way than this! Lives could be lost with this plan!” Twilight protested.

“If you have a better way of motivating a culture of technophobic ponies into acting against their fears, I’m all ears. The facts are that ponies acted against Luna and subverted the Elements you now wear to do it because of that fear. Ponies are likely to do so again once they remember who Luna is, except they will use a more surefire way of getting rid of her, permanently. Celestia tried to get the ponies to not act on that fear for a thousand years and failed. The gentle diplomatic method isn’t working so the extreme method, it is.”

“Do we at least know when they’re going to attack?”

“Nope. I do know that his forces are beginning to gather in high orbit around this world but it will take him some time before his forces will be ready to try anything. I would suggest not worrying about this until it happens or you will just end up a nervous wreck. When he takes action that will warrant your attention I will let you know. If it’s any reassurance I am keeping tabs on him so I will know when he tries something. Until then, have some fun with your new friends and spend some time with your old ones as well to take your mind off this.”

While Sophia and Twilight were discussing the morality of the former’s plan, Celestia walked up to her sister with a worried look in her eyes. “Are you alright, sister? I heard what happened from Sophia.”

“I honestly don’t know what happened, Tia,” Luna replied. “After I was banished into the moon, I tried coming up with a number of ways to try and escape from my captivity. The last one I remember trying was opening a portal to Equestria but it opened to a strange place that made me shudder just looking at it. The last thing I remember was a red fog and the bitter memories of our little ponies acting me at every turn. The memory of that treacherous attack in my bedroom was the strongest. I was filled with anger which turned to hatred toward those ponies and then…nothing. Next thing I remember is being here with you and these ponies and creatures.”

“You must have been corrupted by void energies for a long time, Princess,” Sophia explained. “It latched onto your malice toward your betrayers and disabled the reasoning part of your mind until you were akin to a savage beast ready to murder anything in sight. Thankfully you didn’t hurt anypony. Void energy is usually harmless unless you have a lot of pent up malice.”

“That is true. Tia, what happened to my assailants?”

“I had them executed for treason, theft of a national treasure and illegal use of said national treasure. I also rooted out those who conspired with them and exiled them from Equestria, sending them as far east as possible.”

“Personally I would have had them all executed but I also understand that it would present a bad image for ourselves if we were too quick to resort to hanging. At any rate. that just leaves the matter of what happens now.”

Celestia smiled and sat next to her sister. It felt awkward that her sister was now half her size instead of being nearly as tall as she was but that would change over time once Luna recovered. “For now we need to let Equestria know of your return while you work with Ponyville in secret. We can’t have the country catching on to our true intentions until Sophia’s plan is ready to be executed. I will be reintroducing you to the nobles during the Grand Galloping Gala next spring.”

Luna groaned, “I hate such formal arrangements. I doubt they have changed much from a thousand years ago.”

“We will get through it together, Lulu.”

Once everyone was ready to leave, Umbra offered to show off some of her magical prowess by having Sophia and the ponies gather near for before she teleported everyone to Ponyville. From there the townsponies were gathered again where Celestia raised the sun as per the tradition of the Summer Sun Celebration. She then made her announcement about the return of her sister and co-ruler before she called on a few guards to arrange a chariot for the two of them to return to Canterlot.

Twilight had grown to enjoy the company of her new friends and decided to stay with them while Celestia wanted her to write weekly reports on what she learned about friendship. Starlight decided to stay with Twilight in order to make sure she didn’t forget her other friends while also wanting to learn more about the potential of the town Celestia had her eye on.

The girls returned to their homes to rest after the eventful night they had. However, as Starlight followed her friend back to their new home, she was stopped when Sophia appeared in front of her looking like she wanted to tell her something. “I’d like this conversation to be private.”

Starlight nodded, lighting her horn before a teal bubble formed around the two of them. The mare’s concentration lasted a few more seconds before she turned her attention to the bunny. “So, what did you want to say?”

“I want your opinion on the state of the Royal Guards and whatever else passes as military in this country. Keep in mind that I knew you were there during that conversation I had with Celestia ten years ago.”

Starlight fell on her rump as she stared wide-eyed at the rabbit in shock. “Y-you knew?!”

“I could sense your mind from far away. I was curious as to how you would react to that information so I let you listen in. I want to know what you think.”

Starlight took a few moments to regain herself while using some breathing exercises Twilight’s foalsitter taught them. “It’s pretty bad. I looked over a guard training manual that one of them let me borrow, which could be dangerous in itself if they had given it to one of their enemies. I looked into older manuals and each one was worded slightly differently but still the same. How can it be possible that the Guard hasn’t learned any new procedures for centuries?”

“A peace that lasts too long gives one the impression that there is no more need to change. It eventually leaves them weak so that they fall easily to a future enemy.”

Starlight snorted. “I could probably kick their flanks with a little combat training.”

A smirk grew on Sophia’s face, “Oh really, how about you put your bits where your mouth is? I can schedule some training sessions with me and my bodyguards and arrange a date with Celestia to show her and Luna how effective our training methods are. What do you say?”

Starlight narrowed her eyes at Sophia, “This is part of your plan, isn’t it?”

“Not at first, but I can see the defiant spark in your eyes and I can sense your determination. A demonstration could help, but I leave it up to you to decide if you want to be a part of the plan.”

It took a few moments for Starlight to think it over. While some part of her was a little annoyed at the thought of being used as a pawn, there were benefits as well. Plus, some small part of her relished the thought of exerting her dominance over the pitiful Royal Guard. She locked that part away under a heavy security door in her mind.

“Alright, I think we can arrange something in a few days once everypony’s rested and Twilight and I are acclimated to Ponyville.”

Sophia smiled, “Excellent! With you helping it betters the chances of reforming the Guard into an actual fighting force.”

Starlight dismissed the bubble and headed for the library while Sophia headed back to her house.

The Ticket Master

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“Ow…” Starlight groaned as she fell on her face for the seventh time today. Bruises were forming all over her body.

The lilac unicorn began training to fight under Sophia’s tutelage a few days after the Void Luna incident after she decided that she wanted to train how to fight in order to show the Royal Guard how their current training regimen was woefully lacking.

When the first day of their training began, Sophia had Starlight sparring with Nova to see what she had to work with. Needless to say, Starlight had no hoof to hoof combat training whatsoever. Her magical prowess was still very impressive but Nova quickly discovered the weakness of unicorns and was able to counter that. Whenever Starlight tried attacking from a distance Nova closed the gap with her psionic abilities through the use of illusions and physical enhancements, much to the amazement of the unicorn.

“I’ve never seen an earth pony use that kind of magic before,” Starlight remarked as she shakily got back on her hooves.

“Any pony can do what I did if their psychic abilities were awakened,” Nova replied. “Psychic power doesn’t come from a pony’s magical wellspring but from their very minds. I’ve been training my abilities since I was a chi…foal. Tosh is similar to me except his own powers were enhanced by drugs.”

“Drugs?” Starlight questioned. “Like with zebra alchemy?”

“Not quite, it’s more like a substance extracted from another world made into a hallucinogenic drug made to enhance psychic abilities. It’s an illegal substance since it has a tendency to cause psychosis with highly aggressive behavior, making them a danger to themselves and everycreature around them; a psychotic timebomb.”

“But if Tosh uses that stuff why isn’t he going crazy?”

“Because he claims that he disciplines his mind to keep himself in control during the hallucinations. He instills strict discipline in others like him to keep them from going off the rails. Personally, I think he’s just a rare case since those like him have been known for being very eccentric.”

“Does that mean he outmatches you?”

Nova snorted, “He wishes. He may be a psychic powerhouse but my ways are more surgical and have better utility. Though he still finds a way to outwit me sometimes. I begrudgingly admit that Tosh and I are about evenly matched as our sparring records show. Two hundred thirty two wins, two hundred thirty losses and fifty draws from whenever our attacks knock both of us out or we collapse from exhaustion.”

“Wow, that’s quite the rivalry you two have going,” Starlight noted before she took up a combative stance. “I think this will be the last one for today, I’m already going to be sore in the morning so one more round isn’t going to change anything.”

Nova responded in kind to Starlight’s stance though both agreed to have this round be hooves only.

Two weeks after the Void Luna incident, Twilight was assisting Applejack with harvesting part of the orchard while Spike was on Twilight’s back examining apples. While the dragon helped himself to one of Applejack’s apples, he ended up belching out a letter from Celestia. Spike read the letter dramatically to announce the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala next spring. The letter also came with three golden tickets.

Applejack stared in awe at the three tickets. “Whoa, three? You and Spike, but who else are ya bringin’?”

“Probably Starlight since she’s my fellow student,” Twilight replied.

“Aww, but why do I have to go to such a frou-frou event?” Spike complained.

“Because you know you want to, no need to be all macho about it,” whispered a familiar voice an inch from the right side of Spike’s head, causing the dragon to scream and jump, nearly hitting his head on a tree branch. Sophia giggled at his reaction.

Applejack ignored the antics and sighed in disappointment, “So it’s gonna be you two and Starlight, huh? Darn shame, ah wanted to set up an apple stand there so ponies could be chowin’ our tasty vittles. Ah could drum up a lotta business for the farm that way.”

“Hate to burst your bubble Applejack, but I can’t imagine you would be able to sell much of anything at an event like that,” Sophia explained. “A formal event like the Gala is most likely to be catered by the high class chefs of Canterlot and funded by the crown. That means free food for the guests. Ponies will be drawn to the free food more than the food they have to buy, no matter the quality. Not to mention the nobility hate almost everything made by low class ponies. You would be lucky to sell anything.”

Applejack scowled at the rabbit. She knew Sophia was being honest about what she said, but it was still painful to hear. “And how would you know about how formal event’s work?”

“Because where I came from I’ve hosted my fair share of formal events and each one I paid a catering company to provide food for each one. You don’t draw in guests without the promise of free food.”

Applejack sighed in defeat, “Guess ah wouldn’t need the ticket after all.”

“I didn’t say that you couldn’t profit off of the event, I only pointed out the flaw in your delivery. If Twilight is willing, she can make a request to the Princess to add Sweet Apple Acres to the list of caterers where the crown will pay for the food you provide and the farm gets a hefty sum for the effort. It doesn’t guarantee that ponies will eat the apple products but you still get paid in the end.”

Applejack’s ears perked up as she heard Sophia’s idea. It intrigued her to say the least. “Ah didn’t think of it that way.” She looked at Twilight with a pleading expression. “Please Twi, mah farm needs this.”

Twilight gently smiled, “Of course I’ll help, Applejack.” She was then squeezed tight enough by the farm mare that she could hear her bones popping. “Painful…need air!”

She was quickly released with an apology from Applejack.

“What’s going on? Why is Applejack suddenly getting all huggy?” asked a scratchy voice from above. Rainbow had a confused look on her face as she asked that.

“Twi is gonna get the Princess to allow mah family to provide food for the Gala.” Applejack then frowned. “And quit nappin’ in mah trees!”

“The Gala? The Grand Galloping Gala?! The Wonderbolts perform at the Gala every year! This is the perfect chance for me to show my stuff to them.” Rainbow went on to voice her fantasy about the moves she would show off to impress her idols.

“Actually Rainbow, I’d recommend against causing a scene at the Gala,” Sophia warned. “The event is not the place to show off. Doing so will only make you look like an attention-seeking foal to them. Besides, I’ve met the Wonderbolts and they know me. Spitfire respects my ability and military acumen. I’ve dropped your name among others on her desk and given her my analysis of your strengths and weaknesses.”

“Psh! I have no weaknesses!” Rainbow scoffed.

“Because you blind yourself with your ego that you can’t recognize the areas where you need work,” Sophia countered. “A Wonderbolt is more than just a bunch of ponies who know fancy stunts, Rainbow. A Wonderbolt works to improve themselves every day and understands their limits. They are a team for a reason because they work together and use their strengths to make up for the weaknesses of their teammates. They are a unit that works with each other instead of trying to hold the spotlight. Before you can hope to be a Wonderbolt, you need to know yourself first.”

“Tch! Whatever.” Rainbow then flew off. Sophia rolled her eyes as she saw the pegasus leave. She would get the mare to listen to her soon enough.

Twilight sighed before turning to Applejack, “So are we finished here? The chores I mean.”

“Ah, yeah, ah can handle the rest from here. Go and get yourself somethin’ to eat.”

With a small smile, Twilight made sure Spike was on her back before leaving the farm. On her way to a nearby restaurant, she was stopped by Pinkie. “Hey Twilight, I heard Dashie say that you’re going to the Gala with Starlight?”

“Yeah, I take it that you have thoughts about it too?”

A vigorous nod answered that. This was followed by a song and dance number that featured her idea of what the Gala was: the biggest party of all with everything that Pinkie used for her parties and then some.

“I’m gonna have to stop you there, Pinkie.” Sophia interrupted. “The Gala is not that kind of party.”

“It’s not? Then what kind of party is it?”

“It’s a formal event that is intentionally stuffy because that’s how nobles like their parties. It’s no place for foals to play around and it’s also a place where the nobles get together to talk politics.”

Pinkie had a disturbed look on her face when she heard that, “That doesn’t sound fun at all. Maybe I could help jazz it up?”

“And wind up getting the nobles angry at you while treating you with contempt and condescension. The nobility don’t think like the ponies you’re used to catering to. They like their parties to be calm and stuffy because it makes them feel like they are flaunting their superiority over others.”

“That’s because they don’t know what a good party is.”

“Maybe, but with the way they were raised they aren’t about to show you any gratitude for causing chaos at one of their parties.” Sophia paused as she thought about something. “But then again, I don’t have a single ounce of respect for such ponies who are content to stick to their outdated traditions and the status quo they would fight hard to maintain is detrimental to my plans. My advice would be to attend the Gala and give them the shake up they desperately need.”

Pinkie gave a cartoonishly serious face as she considered the bunny’s words before an idea popped into her head and a broad smile on her face. “I’ve got it! I’m gonna do my best to make those boring, stuffy nobles smile. I have a lotta planning to do! Bye!” With that the crazy pink mare raced off and left a temporary dust cloud in the shape of herself in its place.

Twilight gave Sophia a confused look, “Did you just encourage Pinkie to cause chaos at the Gala?”

Sophia shrugged, “Part of bringing about change is to break apart the stagnation and Pinkie is good at that.”

Twilight would have thought more about that but was too hungry to do so at this time. Instead she continued her path toward the local restaurant. There she ordered a daisy and daffodil sandwich and Spike ordered hay fries, complaining that there needed to be a place that served gemstones to dragons.

“Mind if we sit with you?” Rarity and Fluttershy joined Twilight and Spike at the table, with the lavender mare’s permission, where the two newcomers quickly ordered what they usually ordered.

“So I heard from the grapevine that you and Starlight are going to the Gala next spring?” Rarity asked. Twilight nodded in affirmation. “I hope you make the most of your time there. I, personally, cannot stand Canterlot and their stubborn ways. Inventors like myself are seen as pariahs there.”

Twilight felt sorry for Rarity, partly because there weren’t any schools in Equestria that could have helped her to hone her skills and because she was right in how ponies in other cities in Equestria would treat somepony like her. Twilight was a forward-thinking pony herself but the only reason she could pursue her own scientific exploits was because she was protected by Princess Celestia. However, despite not having the same protections, Twilight couldn’t help but be awestruck by what her friend had accomplished. Between the refining process of turning gemstones to metal and creating a mechanical body for her sister, Twilight couldn’t help but be a bit jealous.

However, when Spike found out about the refining process and the fact that the product was inedible by dragons, he didn’t have a very good opinion of Rarity, who had created something that would turn his favorite food into an inedible material.

“By the way Spike, would you mind testing something for me?” Rarity asked.

“Huh? What is it?” Spike was then given a crucible that the mare held in her magic because it was too hot for her hooves to touch. Inside the container was what appeared to be a glittering blue substance that looked thick. Given his dragon nature, Spike could hold the crucible in his claws without worrying about the heat.

“It’s a byproduct of the gem refining process; something that was extracted when the gems were refined into metal. I want to know if it could be used for something.”

“Rarity, don’t give Spike waste material!” Twilight admonished. However, Spike was surprised when he smelled the appetizing aroma coming from it. He dipped a claw in it then stuck it in his mouth.

The moment the substance reached his tongue his eyes widened in shock. “What the hay!? This is amazing!” That was about the time when the food arrived. Spike quickly got the idea to dip the hay fries into the substance and tuned out the world while the mares stared at him. The substance made the fries taste much better like it was a condiment that was made just for him. “It tastes like gemstones but the flavor is ten times better than any gem I’ve ever tasted.”

“Really?” Twilight questioned. “Hmm…perhaps the process separated the ‘starship metal’, as Sophia called it, from the part dragons like, as if removing impurities.” As Spike considered chugging down the rest of the substance, Twilight took the crucible away from him with her magic. “I think we should be careful about how much you consume. It seems to be a liquid concentrated form of gemstones and could lead to excessive weight gain if you consume too much of it.”

“Aww…” Spike pouted.

Twilight gave a motherly smile in response. “Don’t worry Spike, I’ll work on a way to make this stuff healthier for you so you can put it on all of your food in the future.”

“Well, alright Twilight. If anypony can do it, I know you can.”

With that out of the way, Twilight turned her attention to the mare who hasn’t said anything the whole time. “So what are your thoughts on the Gala, Fluttershy?”

The mare in question was not paying attention to the conversation so she was startled when her name was called. “Uh um, me? W-well, I…I don’t really care about the Gala, though I would like to see the gated garden that surrounds the dance.” She then went on to talk about the flora that bloomed only on that night and fauna of the garden.

“I see, though if you could go, would you?”

“I…I don’t know. As nice as the gardens are, I don’t want to go there if any of my friends miss out.”

“Fluttershy, you shouldn’t deprive yourself of the experience simply because I’d rather not be there,” Rarity chided.

“I’m sorry Rarity, but the answer is no.”

Despite Fluttershy’s unwillingness to go to the Gala if given the opportunity Twilight had a feeling that she might change her mind some time between now and the Gala. Now that she had food in her belly she could see that her friends have their own desires to see the Gala.

After leaving the restaurant, Twilight had Spike send her latest friendship report and a request for more tickets for her friends and for the Apple family to provide some of the catering. Though she decided to hold on to the tickets until her friends were certain about going, locking them in her desk drawer while making Spike promise not to tell anypony about them.

After that she wrote a letter to Moondancer and the others about Starlight, Spike and herself going to the Gala along with an offer to ask the Princess to send them each a ticket if they wish to attend too.

Just as Twilight sent the last of her letters, Starlight came into the library looking like she just came back from a brawl. Numerous bruises could be seen through her fur and her lip was bleeding. “Starlight, what happened?”

“Sparring…with…Nova…is…painful!” she gasped. Right now it hurt to talk so she said no more as she limped over to the sofa and passed out once her body landed on it.

Twilight quickly ran a medical scan on her friend and was glad she didn’t get a concussion. Thankfully Nova was precise enough with her strikes that she spared Starlight of that issue. However it was still going to be a few days before she recovered from this.

Twilight could only hope that this wasn’t going to be a recurring theme for her.

New Potential

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Life in Ponyville continued its usual routine of ponies wandering the town, performing their jobs and earning their bits before heading back home with their loved ones.

The week after Twilight received the tickets, there was a slight development at Sweet Apple Acres. The orchard had experienced a huge bumper crop and right around the time Big Mac had received an injury and was unable to work for a while.

With the enormity of the task Bright Mac decided that they needed to ask for help from the townsponies to harvest this crop. Applejack protested that they would be able to handle it themselves but parental authority overruled her opinion so she had no choice but to accept defeat.

As Applejack was heading to town to request help from her friends she spotted a herd of cows stampeding toward Ponyville. Reacting quickly, she called on her dog, Winona, and the two proceeded to divert the bovine herd back to their pen.

After that incident Applejack then asked her friends to meet her at her farm to help her with the harvest. Twilight and Starlight used their magic to levitate the apples from the trees while Rainbow swiftly collected them from the air. Fluttershy had her animals search the ground for any apples that might have missed Rainbow’s sweep. Rarity made a few upgrades to Applejack’s tractor so that it could pull a trailer holding many buckets of apples that Pinkie seemed intent on stacking as high as she could put them. Sophia helped out by keeping Pinkie’s stack stable with her telekinesis.

Surprising to the group of friends, the Ponyville weather team and other Ponyville residents came to the orchard to help out once they heard that the Apples had a bumper crop that was too large for them to handle. Sophia couldn’t help but smile as she found that Ponyville fostered a sense of community. Within hours the entire orchard was harvested.

In Twilight’s friendship report, she not only mentioned how it was okay to ask for help and to give help in return, she also mentioned that a sense of community was as good as having an entire town’s worth of friends.

Weeks after the harvest, Sophia noticed a change in the dynamic between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. At first the pegasus seemed to be avoiding her for some reason until she realized that the pink mare wanted her help with a prank on Spike.

Rainbow ended up scaring the dragon into getting the hiccups while he was carrying scrolls which caused him to breathe fire on all of them. Sophia giggled at the thought of Celestia having scrolls raining down on her head.

The two started pulling more pranks on their friends while Pinkie forbade Rainbow from planning anything on Fluttershy since she was too sensitive for pranks.

The pranking duo even tried pulling some pranks on Sophia which ended up with the two of them playing the metaphorical role of villains in a classic cartoon where the villain would end up outsmarted and often humiliated at the same time.

Sophia had to wonder why they thought a classic rabbit trap set up as a carrot under a small box with a stick and rope holding it up would work. Instead she flipped the script by quickly replacing the carrot with a delicious cupcake which tricked the pink mare into going for it. She ended up caught in her own trap. When the mare struggled to get out, Sophia sat on the box while increasing her own weight to make it hard for her to escape without crushing the crate.

Rainbow bellowed in laughter as she saw her friend falling for her own prank to which the bunny looked at the pegasus with a wicked smirk. “Lightning rod says ‘what’?”

“What?” came the mare’s words on instinct. That was when she was struck in the flank by a bolt of psionic lightning. She only used a tiny amount of power so that the bolt would only sting a little. “Ow…:” She rubbed the afflicted area with a hoof.

“If you two are going to go around pranking others, you better be prepared to get pranked in return,” Sophia warned.

It was then that Pinkie emerged from the ground outside of the box. Sophia figured that she tunneled her way out. She was an earth pony after all. The pink mare was in a fit of giggles, “That was a good one. I’d better up my game with you.”

“I look forward to seeing you try,” Sophia challenged with a smirk.

The rest of the day was uneventful. It was the next day where things became a little rowdy with the arrival of one of Rainbow’s old friends from flight camp.

Despite her initial opinion of them, Sophia was curious about the ways of griffons, though she found this griffon’s behavior to be deplorable. Although this griffon who Rainbow introduced as Gilda did seem to have some respect for her friend, that courtesy didn’t extend to any other creature in this town.

Sophia frowned as she observed Gilda trying to drive a wedge between Rainbow and Pinkie by threatening the pink mare and causing her primitive helicopter that she used to reach her friend to crash.

The griffon’s behavior only worsened from there as she scared off Applejack’s elderly grandmother to steal one of the apples she was selling. This was followed up by her disrespecting Fluttershy who was trying to protect a family of ducks crossing the street.

Having enough, Sophia decided to intervene. She could see in the griffon’s mind that she believed herself a superior species to them so she could do as she pleased. Just as the griffon was about to roar in the shy mare’s face, Gilda suddenly felt a weight on her back. She turned her head back to see the blue rabbit giving her an innocent smile and a wave of her paw. “What in Maar’s hell is this thing?” Gilda asked.

“Sophia? What are you doing here?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m just making sure there isn’t any trouble around here. You should probably make sure those ducks make it to their destination.”

“Oh, right!” Fluttershy then began to go after the ducks. However, she looked back with a concerned expression on her face. “Will you be alright?”

“Don’t worry about me, Fluttershy. I’m just going to straighten out a misunderstanding,” Sophia assured. Fluttershy nodded and raced off after the duck family.

Gilda turned her head to look at Sophia again only to find she wasn’t on her back anymore but the sound of a clearing throat made her look straight downward to find Sophia standing in front of her. “And what are you supposed to be? Her protector?”

“In a sense. Are all griffons this petty?”

“You tryin’ to start something, dweeb?” Gilda growled.

“I could ask you the same thing, what with you being disrespectful to every pony you come across.”

“And what are you gonna do about it?”

“I have some advice for you: don’t push your luck or you are likely to end up biting off more than you can chew. I have ways of humbling insubordinate cubs…or chicks…like you, whatever you call your young.”

“Oh that’s it! You are my prey now!”

Gilda tried to reach for Sophia with her claws only for her to grab air before she felt a pull on her tail which resulted in her being lifted into the air and slammed onto the ground on her back. “Wha?! How are you strong enough to throw me?!”

Gilda felt a surprisingly heavy weight on her barrel as she stared at Sophia in shock. That shock was further intensified when the bunny grinned at her, revealing sets of razor-sharp teeth. The griffon then saw her eyes and sensed something primal in them that made her feel like she was the prey and it terrified her.

“Now that I have your attention, I believe you have a few ponies to apologize to. It’s apparent that flight camp didn’t teach you discipline, an oversight that I intend to rectify before I allow you to leave Ponyville. Meet me on the outskirts this evening. I’ll shine a light to lead you to me.”

“And why should I?” Gilda stated defiantly, though that came out weak as her mind reeled from Sophia’s display of dominance.

Sophia put on an innocent smile that belied her sadistic thoughts. “You seem to believe that you have a choice. Well…I suppose you do have a choice. You will be going through my boot camp, it’s just a matter of whether you go through it with broken legs or not.”

That statement took the last bit of defiance from the griffon. Reluctantly, Gilda acquiesced to Sophia’s orders though she still had to get one thing out, “Just what kind of monster are you?”

With an innocent smile Sophia replied, “The kind that you really don’t want to make an enemy of if you value not being their chicken dinner.”

Gilda gulped and nodded numbly before flying off. The rest of the week was spent with Gilda hanging out with Rainbow and her friends while being subjected to a torturous boot camp in the evening by Drill Instructor Sophia with the intention of instilling a soldier’s mentality into the griffon. She also subjected her to a series of obstacle courses that she ran with the griffon without using her powers. Gilda was surprised that Sophia performed the training exercises with her and did them better than she could which made the griffon feel her competitive urges take over.

Gilda also apologized to Pinkie for coming between her and Rainbow Dash, then to Granny Smith for scaring her and stealing an apple. The elderly mare had her pay for the apple. Finally she apologized to Fluttershy for being rude to her earlier.

Sophia showed that she could levitate herself and move at fast speeds which had them competing in flight races. However, Sophia beat her every time. Though this frustrated Gilda, Sophia encouraged her to use this as an opportunity to push herself further.

By the end of the week Gilda was too tired to cause trouble. Though Gilda didn’t complete the training, since a week was hardly enough time for a proper training regimen, she had learned a hard lesson about where her behavior would lead her. However she was also inspired to better herself as a result of Sophia’s words and actions.

Unfortunately she couldn’t stay in Ponyville any longer since she had other places to be. She said her farewells to Rainbow and her friends before flying off.

In the end Sophia got the information she needed about the griffons. She found them to be a proud race, though too much so for their own good. When something shattered that pride it left them wearing their insecurity on their proverbial sleeves. Fixing this issue would not be an easy one since they wouldn’t accept help from any non-griffon. Though with Gilda, it was possible that Sophia may have given their species a nudge in the right direction.

Only time would tell if that was enough.