• Published 14th Mar 2024
  • 234 Views, 11 Comments

The War - SpikeisBest

Dragons declared war on Equestria. Spike is their only hope

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Chapter 5

Spike woke up to the sound of an explosion. 'Well that seems ironic.' was all that he had time to think before a pony was thrown through his wall. Upon closer inspection the pony proved to be Big Mac. "Are you alright?" Spike asked whilst jumping out of his bed.

"Enope" came his reply.

Spike ran over to the Wounded pony and was debating whether or not he should move Big Mac to the infirmary, but then out of the corner of his eye Spike saw a fireball coming. Having his decision made for him, Spike gently but quickly picked Big Mac up and moved him out of the way. After the fireball collided with his quarters, Spike ran back inside and grabbed his journal, a stack of letters, and a picture of himself and Rainbow Dash.

He ran back outside to where Big Mac was lying on the ground and shouted "Medic!" Thankfully, somepony heard him and rushed over. "Take care of him. I will go aide in the defence." before he even got a reply, Spike ran to the training field to grab a weapon. He cursed himself for not grabbing a weapon to replace his broken sword.

While on the way there Spike encountered a squad of dragons all welding lances. 'They must have just flown over the wall. We really need better anti-air defences.' thought Spike. All of the dragons, minus one, had blue scales and wore heavy armor. The one, most likely the leader, had red scales and wore nothing but leg guards. "Well I don't suppose one of you could hand over your weapon and make this fair?" Spike asked. He only received a mixture of roars and growls as a reply. "No, I thought not. Worth a try though."

"Know the name of the one who shall finally end you, so called savior of the ponies. I am Redwing, your doom." the previously established leader said.

"Bwahaha. Sorry. I'm sorry. it's just funny that you think that. If you knew the amount of times somecreature has said that to me you would be laughing too. Also, I'm not sure who calls me "savior of the ponies," but I like that title. It has a nice ring to it." Spike said.

"Attack!" Redwing commanded, and attack they did. All ten dragons under his command leveled their lances and charged. Spike sidestepped the first one and, using his claws, sliced his throat. Spike then grabbed the falling lance before it hit the ground and flew above the dragons. Before most of the dragons could follow him, Spike released a torrent of scorching hot flames that roasted all of the dragons still on the ground. There were only three dragons that had the reaction speed to lift off before Spike scorched them, so the fight was more even now. Spike landed back on the ground to catch his breath. At least, that's what the dragons thought. Spike gave off the impression of being winded, but he was wasn't really. The dragons shared a look and then they split up and flanked him on three sides. One was on his rear-left side, one was on his rear-right side, and one was in front of him.

The one on his rear-left side tried to stab him, but Spike swindled around and intercepted the blade with his own into the ground where it got stuck. The dragon looked up with a face full of fear which quickly switched to resignation. Spike couldn't tell if it was resignation of defeat, death, or both. He got an answer when the dragon extended its claws and charged him. Not hesitating for a second Spike jabbed his lance straight through the dragon's heart.

Whilst Spike was fighting the dragon one of the others stabbed Spike in the thigh. Spike let out a roar. Not a roar of pain, rather a roar of anger. Spike had long ago mastered his pain, so now it was just a minor annoyance. He whipped around and when the third dragon tried to stab him, Spike dodged to the side, leapt forwards, and bit the dragon's throat. When the second one tried to attack again, Spike grabbed his lance and pulled it (and the dragon) towards him. As the dragon stumbled Spike kneed it in the jaw causing it to recoil backwards. Without giving it a moment to recover, Spike pounced on it and slashed its throat.

"Bravo, good show," Redwing said from the sidelines "I must admit, I am surprised that they managed to hit you."

"Why don't you get over here so I can kill you too." Spike calmly replied in a low voice, almost like a growl.

"As you wish." Redwing said. He then proceeded to fly up into the air, putting himself between the sun and Spike, so Spike would be blinded if he were to look at him. Redwing then flew straight at Spike and impaled him in the chest with his lance, or so he thought. What really happened was Spike knew what was about to happen, so he picked up one of the dragons that he had killed and used it as a shield.

When Redwing stabbed the dragon, Spike grabbed Redwing by the throat and said "I'm going to give you ten seconds to answer my question. Who are you working for?"

"Why should I tell you? We both know you are going to kill me anyway." Redwing choked out.

"Well I can't deny that, but I can choose to give you a quick death," Spike paused "or I can give you a slow death" Spike finished while choking Redwing out.

Spike knew that Redwing worked for the people he was after because he had the tattoo of his enemies on his wrist; Blacktalon also had this tattoo on him. The tattoo featured a dragon with its wings unfurled that was breathing fire.

"Very well, I've never seen him directly. We always communicate via messenger. His name is Whitefang. Go on now, just make it quick." Redwing said.

"Hold on, does everybody in your little gang name's consist of a color then a bodypart? Are you all like family... or is it just a coincidence?" Spike questioned.

"Can we just get this over with?" Redwing asked. Spike promptly snapped his neck.

It was then that his squad, minus Big Mac, found Spike standing over five bodies and a large pile of ashes. "Guess you don't need any help." Shining Armor said.

"I could have used it about three minutes ago," Spike said "Big Mac is in the infirmary if you were wondering."

"Enope" Spike turned around to see Big Mac standing there sword in hoof.

"It's going to take more than a few broken ribs to keep him down," Shining Armor said "Fluttershy patched him right up."

"Speaking of Fluttershy, how are the girls doing?" Spike asked.

Rarity was repairing armor inside of her shop, Pinkie Pie was in the infirmary with Fluttershy helping to cheer up the wounded, Applejack was in the mess hall handing out food, and Princess err General Twilight was in the command center." Spitfire replied.

"Well I guess we need to pay the general a visit." Spike said.

Author's Note:

For recap, Rarity is now a blacksmith, Fluttershy is a nurse, Pinkie Pie is whatever you would call somebody who cheers up the wounded, Applejack works in the mess hall (cafeteria), and Twilight is a general.